tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 25, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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forward to the next day and his future. he's looking forward to going to college and becoming an occupational therapist and working with children now. >> larry: understood. good luck to all of you. amazing. amazing. >> thank you. >> larry: see you tomorrow night with ryan seacrest and jamie oliver, quite a show. right now anderson cooper and ac 360. anderson? breaking news on democratic security concerns, one of the main reasons democratic lawmakers have been talking to capitol police and the fbi and why they met today to talk about their safety since passing health care reform. we want to be careful reporting all of this tonight, not to raise the temperature, because frankly, it's too hot as it is. in the last few days we've seen racist and bigoted slurs hurdle and windows spat on and broken and death threats made.
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dana bash is here to discuss what happened behind closed doors. >> i'm told that in a democratic meeting today about those safety concerns, check this out on sarah palin's facebook page, it has the top democratic political targets. but they're illustrated with rifle crosshairs, and when a member raised it in a meeting, there was an audible grown, i'm told. and it's just one example of how political rhetoric and discussing health care has crossed the line. they have now become real targets from citizens who are opposing them. >> this motion -- >> reporter: it was anti-abortion democrat bart stupak's 11th hour deal that gave house democrats the ability to pass the health care bill. listen to some messages on his voice mail. >> stupak, you are a lowlife baby killer pile of crap. >> think about this, there are millions of people across the country who wish you ill.
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all of those thoughts projected on you will materialize into something that's not very good for you. >> reporter: he's gotten faxes like these, images of a noose and a nazi ss insignia. stupak is hardly the only one being threatened. the office here and louise slaughter. >> someone hurdle a brick through my district off fins the dark of night. >> reporter: whoever threw that brick is a mystery but one person encouraging it is known. mike vanderbeau wrote a message last week on his blog, if you wish to send a message that pelosi and her party cannot fail to hear, break their windows, break them now. and then run. >> and yet, he urged further
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action. >> i'm advocating broken windows and i suppose, vandalism. >> reporter: house members are so concerned about security, leaders called an emergency meeting with the capitol police and fbi and sergeant-at-arms. >> do you feel your members are at risk in terms of their security? >> yes. we've had very serious incidences that have occurred over the last 48, 72 hours. >> reporter: how are you dealing with that? what actions are you taking? >> the capitol police just briefed members. if they are in any way suspicious or fearful or see actions occurring, to report those immediately and the capitol police will respond and try to determine whether crimes have been committed. >> my wife and kids are at home. they're organizing protests in front of my house. we're getting death threats on the telephone. >> reporter: freshman democrat steve driehaus also voted yes on health care. before he did, the house
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minority leader john boehner warned, he may be a dead man. >> they're engaged in rhetoric that goes well beyond the pale of what's responsible. they're inciting behavior and i think they should be held responsible for that. >> reporter: boehner declined an interview request. and instead issued a statement. "i know many americans are angry over this health care bill, and that washington democrats just aren't listening. but as i said, violence is not acceptable. he went on to say -- go volunteer on a political campaign, make your voice heard but let's do it the right way." still, democrats are blaming republicans for egging protesters on, like this over the weekend when republican steve king held up a poster of house speaker nancy pelosi, gave her a thumbs down and made a slapping motion across her face. we asked king about that. there was a moment that we have seen, you were up there, right
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there on that balcony, with a picture of the house speaker, slapping it. >> that would be an exaggeration. that would be a melodrama. >> reporter: tell me your goal with what you did. >> my goal is to inspire people to stand up for the constitution, stand up for fiscal responsibility and stand up for the rule of law. >> reporter: king walked away before we could get him to fully explain what he meant to do but he did say he condemns any threats of violence. >> joining us, the senior politico writer and author of "wing nuts." talking to steve king, he clearly was slapping, right or wrong, whether justified or not, he was clearly slapping the picture of nancy pelosi. for him to say that's an exaggeration is factually incorrect. >> you can tell, i was a little stunned. he said, i haven't seen the videotape. i started to say, well, you were there and didn't get a chance to finish that. the point he was trying to make, big picture, he believes there were thousands of peaceful
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protesters and the media are ignoring them. what i was trying to ask him about, was the fact that he is one of the republicans that democrats say, wait a minute, if our leaders are going to do things like that, what do you expect from the people? >> apparently on capitol hill they were talking behind sarah palin's facebook page with the cross hairs on it. she also tweeted something i guess in which she said it takes common sense conservatives and lovers of america, don't retreat, instead, reload. please see my facebook page. clearly, the was speaking metaphorically. and those who see this could say, look, this is democrats overreacting, these are crosshairs symbolic on districts. >> that may have been a credible explanation or excuse before today when we've seen 10 democrats say they received death threats in the last day alone. at this point having crosshairs on a political map seems like not only an act of poor judgment
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and i think she should be called on to take those off. if she does not it's a sign of serious insufficient judgment. the politics of invitement are what we're dealing with, and this is evidence of that at the moment. >> you have republicans saying democrats are actually fanning the flames over this. where are they pointing to for that? >> democrats were so blunt today they believe republicans are not doing enough, especially the leadership to try to tamp down on some of this stuff. the house majority whip, jim clyburn actually said on another network, he believes if people aren't condemning these actions, then you're aiding and abetting this kind of terrorism. republicans said, wait a minute, if you're going to yell at us for using a rhetoric that's too hot, why are you calling us terrorists? i talk and to aide to clyburn, said he called the protests over the weekend akin to terrorism and that speaks for itself. it goes to show you things are being ratcheted up.
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there were actually closed door conversations between democratic leaders and republican leaders in the hopes of putting out a joint statement. that didn't happen today. >> more in a moment. we'll continue the conversation after the break. what's happening on the line, join us at also tonight, a legitimate problem we turned up that could leave seniors without their favorite doctors. democrats promised to fix it, it's not in the new health care reform law. the question is why? keeping them honest. and dr. gupta, on the toll obesity can have on a teen's body. a 12-year-old boy more than 250 pounds. ecoboost engine in the taurus sho from ford. that has the thirst of a v6 with the thrust of a v8. the most innovative full- size sedan in america:
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[ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at it was tough news to hear. everything changed. mom. ♪ i didn't know what to do. that's when i asked my doctor about exelon patch. he said it releases medicine continuously for 24 hours. he said it could help with her cognition, which includes things like memory, reasoning, communicating and understanding. [ female announcer ] the most common side effects of exelon patch are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases. patients may experience loss of appetite or weight. patients who weigh less than 110 pounds may experience more side effects. people at risk for stomach ulcers or who take certain other medicine should talk to their doctor because serious stomach problems, such as bleeding, may worsen. [ woman ] mom's diagnosis was hard to hear,
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but there's something i can do. [ female announcer ] visit for free caregiving resources. continuing our breaking news, word a sarah palin facebook posting of a map of congressional districts of rifle scope crosshairs was taken up by the house democratic leadership as one more threat in the wake of health care reform. common sense for lovers of america, don't retreat, reload. it has outraged a lot of
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democrats. back with dana brash and john avalon, author of "wingnuts." you talked to this guy dana mentioned, mike vanderbeau. i want to read some of what he said on his blog, pretty stunning stuff. if we do a proper job, break the windows of thousands of democratic headquarters across this country we might wake enough of them to make defending themselves at the muzzle of a rifle unnecessary. >> subsequently, we've seen four different instances of bricks and broken windows at democratic headquarters. or congressman's district offices. this is clearly encitement. some people have taken up that mantle. he is part of this movement we have seen called hatred movement. it's a rebirth of the militia movement from the 1990s. we have seen 300% increase in the obama administration. >> he was in the militia movement in the 1990s? >> that's right. he's a leader. >> it's an unexpected story, he was a '60s leftist, and militia
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leader. and became a three percenter, and through his blog he appears to be successfully inviting acts of violence. we've only just begun to see him. he has a larger agenda than these broken windows. >> i want to play a clip of him. >> there are a lot of blowhards out there and this guy sounds like a blow hard normally you dismiss as an armchair warrior, but clearly, he seems to be taking credit for some of this violence. these are the things that you must be doing now, because events will overtake you if you do not. >> there are a lot of blowhards out there and this guy sounds like a blow hard normally you dismiss as an armchair warrior, but clearly, he seems to be taking credit for some of this violence.
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>> that's right. when blowhards meet with paramilitary organizations which is what these hatred groups are, all of a sudden you have real problems. that's the language of a survivalist school. he's been talking to folks on his blog for some time to get ready for the big die off, we're going to be heading toward a real conflict with the government. these are folks that have been predicting martial law, they see themselves as patriots resisting the federal government. they have been predicting a violent opportunity against the government since the obama administration and sees himself as a patriot trying to stop a civil war and these groups want to defend the constitution by doing violence to it. >> we were talking earlier about security on capitol hill. not just concern there, members of congress going home for spring recess and that's where we've been seeing a lot of these incidents. >> steve driehaus, a freshman from ohio and said not only are there protests at his house in ohio, there is a protest planned
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specifically at his house, he's not alone in this, somebody published on a blog the home address. he said to his wife and kids, look, you have to stay inside. he said he's a little worried about it. i asked steny hoyer, the house majority leader about this today. what are you telling these members to do? what specifically did they hear from the security folks? do the best you can to protect your families, to protect your kids. and obviously, if there are real incidents, you have you to report it so we can come out and help you. >> dana bash, appreciate the report. and john avalon as well. next, why seniors might not be able to see the doctor they want to. they might have fixed the reform law but whether they broke a promise by taking it out of the bill. we're keeping them honest. later, he might have the most dangerous job in mexico. he got a warning he would be dead in two weeks unless he quit. two weeks later, he is still
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to find a medicare doctor. we'll show you why it was left out of the bill president obama signed yesterday. today a signed executive order reaffirming existing limits on abortion. that was congressman bart stupak's support and today, republicans took aim at them on the well of the senate. >> you can put lipstick on a pig, mr. president, this is still a pig. >> senator john mccain trying to block the fixes to the main bill. i want to take you over the wall tonight, because there's new polling information. it gives you a real sense on where people stand on the health care changes. take a look at these numbers. we showed you this usa gallup poll yesterday. 49% say passing the bill was a good idea versus 40% say it was a bad idea. let's look closer at the numbers, how they break down. by age and income. you get a different picture. for people earning less than $24,000 a year, there's a lot in this bill for them. not surprisingly, they like it. 65% to 23%, a 42 point margin. then the same goes for people with no coverage now, they like
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it, 58% to 29%. that makes sense. also young people, ages 18 to 34, many of whom can now stay on their parents' insurance, they also like the new law by a 27 point margin, but this is where it gets is inning, seniors 65 and up, the opinion does a 180, only 36% there call the bill's passage a good thing. 54% say otherwise. they already have government provided medicare, in other words, they have something to lose. keeping them honest, tonight, there is something they could in fact lose and lose it as early as next week. we're talking about access to doctors. doctors are actually going to lose federal money for treating seniors and deciding not to take medicare patients anymore. if congress doesn't do something about it soon, doctors could decide not to see them because they don't get medicare reimbursement. some democrats promised to do something about it. in fairness, democrats and republicans created the problem in the first place, and have been temporarily fixing it,
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kicking the can, so to speak down the road, avoiding accountability for 18 years now. this time around, democrats did have a chance to fix this thing for good in the health care reform bill and critics say they blew it. tom foreman is keeping them honest. >> reporter: doctors who treat medicare patients say they're facing a fiscal emergency decades in the making, a 21% cut in what the government pays them for that care. 21%. by almost all accounts, that could mean fewer doctors taking such patients, and yet democratic supporters of reform allowed that timebomb to keep ticking, although keeping them honest, they could have fixed it in the new health care bill. >> the bill is passed. >> reporter: but they did make a promise. >> it's not in this bill but we will have it soon. >> medicare will become law. >> reporter: back in 1965, when president johnson created medicare for the elderly, doctors were allowed to charge pretty much whatever they thought was fair. over time, the cost ballooned.
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so in 1992, they came up with a formula that almost every one now calls a mess, because while the cost of care has steadily risen, the amount being paid to those doctors has fallen. time and again, congress has approved quick payments to keep physicians from bailing out of the program all together. dr. cecil wilson with the american medical association says that's like paying the interest on a credit card debt, the principle owed to those doctors keeps climbing. >> four years ago, the cuts were 3 to 4%, could have fixed this with $48 billion. now 21%, $221 billion to fix it. each year they postpone it makes it even more difficult. >> the problem is that price tag, $210 billion. if that had been part of the health where he form bill it would have pushed the total tab over a trillion, pushed up the deficit and almost certainly hurt the chances for passage. democrats didn't want any of
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that. now, they're considering a fix before an election, and with the public already nervous over spending. >> thank you all very much. >> the house has passed a measure. the senate, convincing them is one reason dr. wilson was in washington. >> both sides of the aisle, both houses of congress. the administration knows, everybody understands this is a problem that needs to be fixed. and it's -- >> reporter: do they also know it's an expensive problem. how confident are you they will deal with it now? >> they have to. if they don't, this program is going to fall apart. >> reporter: we'll see. for now, the formula says the next big cut is coming at month's end and the doctors are in the waiting room. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> under the new health care reform law, 32 million uninsured people will now be able to get health insurance, right? in theory, 32 million new patients will be able go to a doctor when they get sick. it's not certain all these people will really get to see a doctor. that's because there is a
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serious shortage of primary care doctors across the country. it's no secret why the shortages exist, fewer new doctors are entering primary care. the question is, what is driving them away? 360's md, dr. sanjay gupta has more. >> reporter: they are part of american lore, the country family doctor, primary physician, making house calls, fixing whatever is broken. that version of the primary care doctor has long since faded away. the thing is the modern day version may also be close behind which makes the woman you're about to meet an even more rare breed. >> hi, dr. gupta. nice to meet you. >> reporter: part of the reason i wanted to meet you because you're going into primary care. >> yes. >> i guess there's fewer and fewer of you. why aren't more of your colleagues choosing this as a profession? >> i think there's several reasons. one of the main reason is the prestige, the spotlight is not on family medicine physicians,
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we don't have the same reputation like some of the other doctors do in the subspecialties. >> reporter: which will make finding doctors in rooms like this even harder. it's been 17 years since i finished medical school. over time, the number choosing primary medical school has slipped more than 50%. if you want more of a scale of reference, at the nation's largest medical school, the university of illinois, they graduated 314 medical students last year, only 20 chose primary care. last year, the american academy of family physicians predicted a shortfall of 40,000 primary care doctors. that was before the signing of the health care bill. what will health care reform look like without enough primary care doctors? >> we have nowhere near the number of primary care or family physicians we need to take care of the public. simply having an insurance card may not guarantee there is a physician whose practice will be open to new patients. >> reporter: why is that happening?
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one reason is plain and simple. it's money. the average primary care doctor makes $173,000 a year. compare that to $419,000 for cardiologists. or $335,000 for oncologists treating cancer. >> how much of this is about money? just compensation? >> i think that's a major reason why a lot of medical students aren't choosing family medicine. the potential for financial gain is not the same as those other fields. >> reporter: the health care bill does try to fix that. there's a 10% pay bump to family physicians in the health care bill. and there's an even bigger increase for doctors taking medicaid. and it has other incentives, expands the program to forgive loans to some medical students who go into primary care. even before all that goes into effect, there had been some signs of change. last week, when medical students around the country picked their
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specialties, the number picking primary care was up for the first time in 13 years. >> we've had a huge debate about health care reform. what do we need to do to get this country on a healthy track? the foundation of that is primary care and family medicine. students took notice of that. they became excited, thinking about that primary care was once again a viable career choice for them. >> reporter: a viable career choice, because it may be attitude more than money. that's the real hope for fulfilling the promise of health care reform. >> sanjay gupta reporting and we'll be back in a moment with shocking statistics about kids in this country, many kids are so heavy, they're dying far earlier than they should. sanjay gupta met one of those kids and made it his mission to save his life.
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the mayor of juarez, mexico under a threat from drug lords. the deadline is up tonight. >> president obama is asking congress for $2.8 billion in emergency funds for u.s. reconstruction efforts in haiti following january's devastating earthquake. he sent congress that formal request today. the supreme court today staying the execution of a texas convict just an hour before his date with death. hank skinner's attorneys say dna evidence could prove he's innocent of killing his girlfriend and two sons in 1983. now he's got more time to argue for an appeal. actor robert culp died today after hitting his head in a los angeles park. he appeared in dozens of tv shows including "i spy" and "everyone loves raymond." he was 79. the colorado man who falsely reported his son had floated away in a balloon last fall is
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now grounded. he's finishing his 90 day sentence with home detention. richard hain heene must stay home at least 12 hours a day, and can only leave home for visits with his lawyer or his doctor. the search is on for a laundry thief in hartford, connecticut. a woman was caught on surveillance videotape grabbing items from clotheslines at an apartment building. the apartment manager says the suspect is very picky and carefully touches the fabric to make sure it's just the right -- >> it's downey soft. i also like the fact she's checking out the video camera. is that a video camera? i will go ahead and do this. the beat "360" winners. daily challenge to viewers, a chance to come up with a caption bert than the one we put on the blog everyday. tonight's photo, actor ben
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stiller appearing at the apple store in new york as part of the meet the actor series. joey has captioned, no, i will not apologize for "night at the museum 2." i didn't see that one. i'm a fan. full name was not given, just kp, cryptic. i wish he would shut up already. kp, beat "360" t-shirt. >> that was a meet the actor series. maybe she's saying "meet the parents" was more funny than meet the actors. still ahead, a 12-year-old with a body of a 50-year-old man, his obesity could be killing him. dr. gupta shows him the damage inside his body. will the wake-up call be enough. in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, the mayor, a marked man. the horrific warning that arrived in a bloody bag. get inside each. and see what you find.
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this week in our series, kids in peril, obesity in america, we're taking a look at a crisis that may be killing our kids. that may seem over the top, it's not soaring use of extreme obesity may be taking decades off the lives of kids. they're eating themselves to death. we wonder, what does that really mean? what is going on inside a child's body. what kind of damage is all that food doing? you're about to see and a 12-year-old boy. "360" md, sanja gupta. >> reporter: as a father of
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three, it's an especially hard for me to hear these stories, children dying earlier than they should, in some cases their lives cut by decades. these are children, worst case scenarios, nearly one third of american kids weigh too much. behind all those stats and numbers are real stories. people are worried what we're describing could happen to them. let's go meet somebody. >> how are you? >> reporter: how y'all doing? >> good. >> reporter: just 12 years old and 250 pounds. tiger green has a story. call it the new american story. >> in our family, when you're happy, we eat. when you're sad, we eat. and when you just are watching tv, you eat. >> reporter: what did you eat? >> lunch, i have like a big 15 ounce steak or something. and like five sprites and stuff like that. >> reporter: five sprite, one meal.
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i'm almost scared to ask about dinner. what was that like? take lunch times five. >> reporter: it's hard not to smile but also important to realize tiger didn't get here by himself. he had help from the people who care the most. >> reporter: i have three kids. i'm the last guy in the world who preaches about anything nowadays because i know the reality. what were you thinking when you saw him eating that much? >> as a parent, you want to see your kids happy. and mistakenly, horribly mistakenly, when we were eating, we were happy. and that was being a good parent. >> reporter: one startling fact, children with an obese parent are 50% more likely to be obese themselves. 50%. we think a lot of people focus on what's happening on the
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outside of your body. have you ever focused what's going on, on the inside of your body? >> not much. >> reporter: that's what i'm going to show you today. we're going to this hospital and show you what's happening to your heart and liver and see what you think. >> okay. >> reporter: it's hard to believe this is a child's liver, all that white filled with fat. fat, not just on the outside of your body. that's happening inside your body. for me as a doctor, this is especially disturbing, because we see this with patients typically decades older. that's the top of your femur that goes into your hip and it is pushing against the bone over here. you should have a nice layer of cartilage in between here, nice cushion. because of so much weight, that bone is pushed back and into that joint. that's going to hurt. your joints hurting is not nearly as frightening as what all that fat is doing to your heart. this heart is having to work so hard, that muscle is getting bigger and bigger, in the heart is a bad thing.
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after a while, it won't be able to work as well. >> it's scary, i know it could be happening to me right now. >> reporter: what we're talking about isn't theoretical. it's a really happening now. tiger told mae story that stuck with me. when he was in second grade, he started to have chest pains. doctors were concerned enough about his heart he ended up in a place like this, checking his heart and doing procedures and tests to try to figure out what was going on. a second grader, all of this because of overweight and obesity. can you imagine as a child ending up in a room like this, doctors are worried you might not be able to survive. >> you can have an early death of cardiovascular disease. >> when you say early death, are you talking about people in 30s having heart attacks? what do you mean? >> this is unprecedented. we haven't seen 8 year-olds with type 2 diabetes before. sao with so we don't know what's actually going to happen, but it's very concerning.
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we can do something about it. >> reporter: tiger has already started. this is a good look. a lot of fruit. blueberries, strawberries, fresh vegetables. for tiger, it's an a point of immense pride. he's now 30 pounds lighter. he has another 30 to go. all those lost pounds are adding years to his life and changing his body on the outside and inside as well. they were rapidly aging a boy into a sick old man, way before his time. and that smile, well, it means he's peeling off the pounds, and those years. >> it's great he's been able to lose 30 pounds so far. a lot of this has to do with parents and what kind of food they're buying and giving to their kids. in this case, did his folks not realize their son was getting overweight? >> yeah. it will sound sort of silly, half of parents that have an
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overweight or obese child, they simply look beyond it. not that they don't see it, ignore it. in part the culture and see their friends' kids looking the same way and in part think it's baby fat that will disappear. it's also this idea of eating as a comfort. >> yes. >> in anxious teams people tend to eat more and we've been through pretty anxious times. >> hearing of 6 and 7 year-olds going to the emergency room with chest pains and type 2 diabetes, how common is that? >> it's getting increasingly common. i don't want to overstate this. it is becoming increasingly common. you hear about people under the age of 10 having coronary artery disease. we found a study tonight when i was preparing for this story, a child 3 years old with corinona artery disease, type ii diabetes. when i was in medical school, we refer to that as adult onset diabetes.
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it is now often seen in children because of being overweight. >> just that video of the fat inside the liver, i didn't realize livers get that? >> i know. it's remarkable, fat can permeate just about every organ in the body. a lot of places you wouldn't notice it. with the liver, it leads to significant inflammation, stops your ability to clot. statin drugs, we talk about a bit. approved by the american academy of pediatrics for children as young as 8 years old. >> incredible. >> it's unprecedented but we also know we're at this unique time in our history. >> the fact he's been able to lose 30 pounds, he seems highly motivated. >> we'll keep an eye on him. >> thanks. our kids in peril continues tomorrow with our celebrity chef and dad of three, jamie oliver. he's been recognized for his work fighting obesity in england and now in the united states. a quick preview. one of the big things you did in england was encourage and pressure the british government to change the food they serve to kids in schools. in your tv show here, you've gone to schools around the united states. i want to show our viewers what
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you found in talking to kids in schools. >> we will do a little test. all right. who knows what this is? >> potatoes. >> potatoes. you think these are potatoes? not potatoes. >> i don't know. >> do you know what that is? do you know what that is? >> broccoli. >> what about this? good old friend, do you know what this is? >> celery. >> what do you think it is? >> onion. >> onion, no. immediately you get a really clear sense that the kids don't know anything about where food comes from. who knows what that is? >> a pear? >> a pear, no. >> a turnip. >> i will give you the first word. >> egg.
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>> eggshell. >> i'm embarrassed, didn't know what the thing with the stalk was. >> a beetroot. >> to know kids who don't know what a tomato was is pretty scary. >> they didn't know what the potato was but as soon as you say french fries, they're all over it. we're at an important time in american history. governments need to start really investing in some of the damage done over the last 30 years. >> see the full interview with jamie oliver tomorrow at "360." the top politician in mexico, the drug cartel say these leave office tonight. the latest on drug violence. a killer whale deadly attack on a trainer caught on tape, we know that but will a judge let the world see it? [ male announcer ] years ago,
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tonight in an interview with marked man in perhaps the most dangerous place on earth, the mayor of juarez, a town that's been torn apart by drug cartels. drug lords have warned the mayor he may be next. they've given him two weeks to leave office, tonight this is deadline. here's gary tuchman. >> reporter: the mayor of juarez, mexico, hates the drug cartels, that have turned the city into a dangerous and violent place. the city with the highest murder rate in the world. the cartels want him gone permanently. >> the threats are real. they're not just intimidating, they're real.
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i have to take it very seriously >> reporter: mayor jose ferriz was told if he didn't quit his job by today, he would be assassinated. for added emphasis, a bloody animal head came with the note. >> i know i have a lot of people who not only don't like me but would like to do something to me. >> reporter: that's why his driver carries and automatic rifle with him at all times. in public, like at this patriotic celebration, the mayor has elaborate security and he's not backing down. not only does he continue to appear at public events, he talks a lot about how the bad guys have ruined his city. >> translator: juarez is a lover of peace and peace is what we're lacking. >> reporter: during his three year term, the mayor fired hundreds of cops he believed were in bed with the traffickers. the police force is much less
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corrupt, and that angers the cartels, and has led to assassinations of the police, and several threats against the may mayor. including this specific one with the animal head. >> reporter: mayor, how scared are you personally? >> i take all the necessary precautions i can take. >> reporter: i asked the mayor if it's safe to tour the city? so we go to a skateboard and bicycle park. it's not crowded but there are some kids having fun. nevertheless, even in this environment, he doesn't go anywhere without an armed guard although here, the rifle is left in its case. >> it's hard to have a normal life. it's extremely difficult. i love playing tennis. i haven't played in a couple years. i love going to the movies, i haven't gone to the movies in a couple years. >> reporter: he's a family man, a lawyer by trade. the mayor could quit tomorrow and live a less stressful financially lucrative life. as we travel in his armored vehicle, he said he's well aware a killer could target him at any time.
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i asked him about quitting. do you have any thoughts about that possibility? >> i won't step down my position. it's a very important position. what we're doing is extremely important for our city. if we don't do it today, it's going to be very hard to do it tomorrow. it's going to be double hard. >> reporter: the contrast in his life are surreal, the law abiding citizens of juarez want him to succeed, the cartels want him punished, they want him dead. gary tuchman, cnn, juarez, mexico. >> gary and "360" producers give us a behind the scenes look at their harrowing trip through juarez, you can check out the blogs. why nobody will be seeing the deadly video of the sea world attack any time soon. what a court had to say. and then a reporter agreeing to get tasered. rick sanchez, you have you some competition.
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dr. earl bradley is facing a staggering 471 charges in connection with his alleged crimes. the prosecutors say all of bradley's victims were girls except for one boy and they say they have the evidence to prove it. video of a deadly whale attack of the sea world trainer will not be released any time soon. a florida judge today let stand an injunction preventing the footage from being made public. the tape shows the 12,000 pound whale pulling dawn under the water. these pictures were taken just prior to the attacks. a massive baby carrier recall. the cpsc is encouraging people to stop using the sling rider. the slings may have suffocated three infants. this guy is one of the would be robbers who tried to phone in their heist.
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it happened yesterday in connecticut. they allegedly called the bank demanding $100,000 be ready for them when they arrived to pick it up. the money wasn't waiting but the cops were. >> wamp, wamp. >> that's called criminal darwinism, isn't it? >> doesn't make any sense to me. a japanese reporter willingly agrees to be tasered. who would ever agree to such a thing. >> stand by. >> it's all done. just relax. >> we have found this clip on she was shaken up despite she was zapped. speaking of zapped reporters, i give you the man himself. the one, the only. >> i'm about to receive 50,000 volts of electricity. do it. >> agh! oh!
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it hurts. what's worse, i'm about to receive 50,000 volts. >> rick is the taser master. let's see how they both fare in a side by side matchup. >> oh a-ya! >> ah! >> relax. >> it's all over. >> it hurts. >> we didn't save the best line. do we not have the final, the cherry on the cake? the icing. we don't? >> i'm about to receive 50,000 volts of electricity. >> it hurts? what was the line? >> let's do it. >> ag-a-a oh! it hurts. it's painful. >> i never get tired of it. >> but no one's dead. >> there you go, something to think about as you go to bed tonight. it hurts? not actually. see you later. i don't know where this is
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