tv Campbell Brown CNN March 27, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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more than 600 people had been evacuated just as a precaution. the last time this volcano erupted was back in 1821, 1821. certainly is beautiful but it can be very dangerous and we saw some of those pictures last week. they don't let airplanes fly those to those anymore so you can't get a close-up look there. 10:00 p.m. eastern make sure that you join us on cnn. gunfire, intimidation, murder and fear -- that's the reality of life in any number of gang-ravaged neighborhoods right here in america. i'm anderson cooper. welcome to a cnn 360 special "gangs in hollenbeck." where witnesses are afraid to talk to police and we're just standing on the wrong sidewalk can get you killed.
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five years ago we reported on one of the most gang-infested neighborhoods in los angeles. a city which is the nation's gang capital. well now five years later we've returned to see how life has changed. we want to warn you, we include some graphic images that are not suitable for all young viewers but this is reality. this is "gangs of hollenbeck." >> just about every block here claimed by a gang. >> it's all about money and territory. >> claiming it, defending it and taking more, often through bloodshed. it's a common story in hollenbeck, a violent story told year after year, generation to generation. >> i can think of the other people that have died here, so many. and they were all young. my son was 20 years old. >> you live in that lifestyle,
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it's not if, it's when? there are two ways you will live in that lifestyle, one is in the ground and the other is in prison. >> police say the hollenbeck division has highest concentration of gangs in all of los angeles. no one is immune from the violence. >> closure would just be like -- my son's back. that's the only thing that would happen me and that's not going to happen. >> when we first reported from hollenbeck five years ago, overall crime gang were down but gang violence was on the rise. >> 10 in the morning, a drive-by. and you got shot, and it is like, damn and people are screaming and you are going to be all right. and i am like, damn, man. damn, i'm in the hospital. i got shot in my arm and i'm like what the -- >> five years later the murder rate has fallen here. it's down dramatically. and yet there's still bloodshed on these streets.
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♪ i grew up the wrong side of the tracks and all ♪ >> reporter: did you think you would live to be 32 years old? >> i don't believe i could say that i could live to 18 years of age. >> it's more heat on the streets, say cops. >> i have seen as many people come out of the projects and houses that are success stories as murderous thugs and gangsters so i think it's an individual choice. >> thugs and gangsters there's still an estimated 6,800 gang members in hollenbeck. still too many unsolved murders. >> i knew right then and there he was not going to make it. he just -- i am trying to hold it. i'm sorry. but how you can hold something when you watch your son die you know in your arms? >> this is bad news. >> witness intimidation, fear of retaliation, the code of silence plays loudly here. >> somebody that talks to the police, being labeled as a rat or a snitch, a rat or snitch
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gets you killed out here. >> detectives say it is plain and simple, domestic terrorism. up next, a murder caught on tape. >> i told his friends that were back here, "he got hit. he got hit." and later, life inside a gang. >> feels good. just getting my life back together. i have to take it a day at a time, i guess. >> a long time gang-banger tries to make a new life. a surprise change five years later as cnn's "gangs of hollenbeck" continues. for the worst allergies,
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of today's business world and your career ambitions. 85 locations nationwide and online. discover how to grow the business of you... at on september 9th, 2009, a surveillance camera captures a drive-by shooting in broad daylight. for police, the tape should be a great piece of luck. >> this isn't a case to look for dna. this is a drive-by shooting. i call it the coward shooting
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because it's really easy to drive-by at 15 miles an hour and shoot at somebody. >> where were you? >> i was in the second-floor window looking towards the driveway. >> you heard the shots? >> i heard the shots, and one of them hit the window. >> milton bueno was lucky he wasn't hit. the gunmen shown in the tape obtained exclusively by cnn fires directly into his driveway. when you first heard the shots, what did you think? >> gang. >> you knew? >> knew right away. this is an area surrounded by gangs. >> milton's son steven, however, who's also known as "grinch" was standing in the driveway. he was shot in the head. >> two shots rang. the second one, he dropped. >> so, this is the spot? >> this is the spot where he dropped. >> steven was with several friends when he was hit. >> that's his blood. >> that's his blood. several friends were with him, and he was hit and blood was coming.
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>> that's his blood? >> that's his blood. >> milton immediately knew his son was dying. >> when i went to him -- he got shot in the head near the eye. i was talking to him saying, stay, stay, stay with me. and i saw him curl up his hands. i knew right away he was going into shock. >> by the time paramedics arrived, steven was brain-dead and he was 20 years old. >> it is hard for a person to see your son shot in front of you. to see him get shot in front of you and there's nothing that you can do but hold him in your arms while he's dying. somebody out there had to see something. ah. >> it's not an easy case to solve. it's a gang case. >> field detective dewayne fields knows every gang in the sprawling neighborhood.
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when you got to the scene, what is the first thing you did? >> we look on the ground for casings, and then in the air for cameras. >> for cameras? >> absolutely. this is los angeles, there are cameras everywhere in this city. >> the camera was working and recorded this tape. what did it show you? >> it showed me a vehicle, a green honda, drive up the street, a short time later, turn around. you hear shots being fired and you see that same green honda take off. >> and no one's come forward with details about who was in the car? >> i've got a lot of names and i think that they're probably involved but i can't put them behind the wheel. i can't put them behind the gun. >> you need an eyewitness? >> i need an eyewitness. >> yes. detective fields is convinced that his friends know who shot him. his friends saw it? >> well, i am aware of three or four of the friends saw it, and none of them will come forward. >> not a single one? >> no, but i need someone to say, yeah, i saw who was in the car and i saw who pulled the trigger.
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they did because this was broad daylight. >> you are sure they saw it? >> no doubt in my mind. >> steven buenos' best friend or high-tech is as he was known was there when the shooting took place but he insists that he didn't see a thing. >> i walked back to get my cell phone and i didn't see it. i walked in the back playing with the german shepherd, and that's when i heard the shots. but i heard a couple of them, and at least more than five of them, something like that. i got down and i came to the front. i saw stevie bleeding, so. >> he never saw the actual shooter, he says, or the green honda leaving the scene. >> i was in the back, so i didn't really see anything, understand anything, you know? i was in shock, you know? i wasn't trying to think all of that. i was concerned about my friend, my homeboy and -- >> richard moya has been involved with gangs and gang violence much of his life. ♪ he says that he no longer
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associates with a gang but moya says that the code of silence, especially in the gang-related killing is one of the most sacred rules on the streets. if you are in a gang and you talk to the police, that is a violation of the gang code? >> that's beyond a huge violation. that's saying, raise my hand, i'm ready, come and kill me, because i'm a snitch. >> being labeled a snitch is the worst there is. on the streets, it is the worst insult there is, detectives say because nobody wants that label, and some 30% of the gang homicides in hollenbeck go unsolved and that means that 30% of suspected killers get away with murder. why was stephen bueno killed? >> well, a rival gang shot killed him. steven bueno was well known in the neighborhood, and his name was all over the walls. >> they called him grinch? >> grinch. yeah, he grew up in the neighborhood and they caught him slip, they caught him unarmed and not prepared. >> all right put your hands together. >> stephen bueno's father milton finds if hard to believe his son had enemies. >> in jesus' name we pray.
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amen. >> amen. >> he wants someone to come forward, because he wants his son's murder solved. there is a lot of concern about being labeled a snitch. what do you know about that? >> it is a label that here it is very serious because here you get killed for it. >> even witnessing a crime? >> yes, you have to understand that the gangs out here would call you that and would label you that. >> do you worry that some gang is going to want retribution and some of stevie's friends are going to want to get back at who shot him. >> yes, i talked to him. i told him, no retribution. i don't want no more bloodshed it has to stop here. >> do you think it will stop? >> no. i can hold it off for so long, but i can't hold them off forever. >> a spiral of violence, more guns, more suspicions, it can suddenly spin out of control. >> now that the grinch has been
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shot and killed, everybody's head is on a swivel and all of the gangsters are going to be packing because they don't want to be the next one in line. >> milton bueno only wants his son's killer behind bars. why did you want to talk? >> i want justice the right way. to rot in jail for a long time for the rest of their lives, because they took a life. a life that i brought up with my wife, as a baby, and i watched him die in my arms. that's not right for any human being to see. my son is buried right here. >> milton visits his son's grave trying to keep his memory alive. >> me and my wife always come here. >> months after the shooting, milton bueno and his family moved to escape that horrible day. the killer hasn't been found. unless someone talks, it's unlikely justice will be served. his death will remain just another unsolved killing in hollenbeck.
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when we return, two brothers, one in a gang, the other in the marines. both killed by gangs in a hail of bullets. >> thank you, god, for not letting me go, and thank you for always being there for me, jesus. i know you will never let me go. >> and later -- do you still never write anybody off? >> yeah i think this police is soaked with a sense of redechgz. >> it's soaked with a sense of redemption. >> yeah, redemption. >> a father figure devoted to changing lives as cnn's "gangs of hollenbeck" continues. if we don't know how big our community is,
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soledad brock often visits the odd fellows cemetery in hollenbeck. >> give me the serenity, god, to accept the things that i'll never be able to change. >> this is the final resting place for her two young sons. ronald brock a marine. angel a gang member. they looked almost like twins but their lives took two very different paths. both, however, were gunned down in the same year at the same house where they grew up in hollenbeck. >> people tell me you know it's time to move on and to forget, but i don't think that anybody
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understands that your whole life was gone seven years ago. >> seven years after their deaths, five years after we first reported their stories, detectives say they have solved one of the hollenbeck murders, but there is a surprised twist in both cases. the hollenbeck area covers 15 square miles east of downtown los angeles. there are 34 gangs here with some 6,800 members some of the gangs have existed for generations in this area, and the lure of gang life is strong. >> people are out there, and they have a special order. >> former gang member richard moya once considered his gang his family. why be in a gang? what's the appeal? >> it's not the appeal. it's more like the bond. it's more like the friendship, like the comfort, and something that you don't even get within your own household. >> he says for every friend you get in the gang, you create far more enemies. some are able to resist the temptation of joining a gang.
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ronald brock took a very different path than moya and his brother angel. after boot camp after september 11th, ronald wanted to defend his country, though his mother worried he might die overseas. >> i honestly didn't want him to go. >> before his deployment, ronald came home to visit his girlfriend. he was planning to propose to her. but that weekend, ronald arrived at his mothers home, he was confronted by gang members just outside the house. moments later, there were gurn shots. one of those bullets was fatal. ronald brock was just 19 years old. >> and we know that mr. brock -- or we believe that mr. brock was not armed when he was killed. >> right. >> 30-year veteran detective dewayne fields supervises the hollenbeck gang unit. he says ronald's brother angel was the actual target. >> ronald brock was wrong place, wrong time? foo wrong place, wrong time. he was in his brother's neighborhood where his home is. his brother was a gang member. he had his head save because you
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know he's a united states marine corps and united states marine corps shaves their heads and most of the thugs out here, mostly gangsters out here have skinned heads. he's male hispanic, with a shaved head and they thought he was a gang member and there is no evidence whatsoever to lead me to believe he was. wrong place, wrong time, mistaken identity. >> and what's been tough about solving that? >> witnesses, witnesses. >> no one's coming forward. >> no one's coming forward. >> do i think that he was his broth sir. >> think so. >> seven years after brock's death, detectives are still looking for his killer. >> surveil that house see if we can find -- >> detective fields needs another eyewitness or another gang member to find ronald's killer. a small trace of dna
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lifted from a cough drop lifted from ronald's body was not enough to match a profile. some people say that, you know, people in the community, you talk to people and they say, that look, people don't come forward because they are scared to talk to the police for fear of retaliation. is that a valid fear? >> yes, in any community, because anybody who reports a crime worries about that, but in 29 years on this job, i have lost one witness in 29 years and i have dealt with hundreds and hundreds of witnesses, so it is not as common as someone might think. most of these gangsters are cowards, and they are not going to do anything. >> the gangs only need to make a few examples to send a message. take the case of bobby singleton, a homeless man who was murdered to prevent him from testifying against a gang member. singleton's body was found under this l.a. bridge. he'd been shot in the head and in the neck five times. police say it was an overkill, designed to send a message, warning others to never speak to police. soledad brock was still grieving for her son ronald when seven months after her son was killed, her other son, angel, who was in a gang was killed in a barrage of gunfire. >> he was approached by a couple of different gang members, rival
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gang members, he and another fellow and a major gunfight ensued. the problem with that one, anderson, was that even though we know how many guns were involved we had .9 millimeter rounds. seven rounds and carbine rounds and it was a gunfight. the problem with it is that we know how many guns were there and who was involved, but we don't know who pulled the trigger first. >> is it possible that angel shot first? >> it's possible. it was possible he was hit by friendly fire. he was shot in the head. >> so the only way to solve it is arrest the guys involved in it. >> we arrested the guys who were involved in it. >> did they talk? >> no, we had witnesses in this case come forward. what they did we saw these two individuals rival gang members approach with guns in hand but they didn't actually see the gunfight. >> do you think they saw the actual gunfight, but didn't want to say who pulled the trigger? >> probably, probably. >> letting go in hollenbeck is hard. a gang-related funeral nearby a
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reminder that violence is never far away. soledad brock's sons lay side by side. but nobody has been held accountable for the murders. two days before he was killed, ronald brock learned that his girlfriend was pregnant. >> he would have been a really great father. >> her daughter is now 7. her name is ronnie angelean brock, named after her father and uncle. >> she looks like him the way she smiles and walks and talks -- everything. >> thank you, god, for not letting me go. thank you for always being there for me, jesus. >> each morning soledad brock says a prayer for justice and a prayer for her sons, ronald and angel, and for the little girl who will grow up never knowing either of them.
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five years ago we reported about the unsolved killing of jesus hernandez. a stray bullet killed an innocent bystander a block and a half away. a construction worker struck in the head during a gang-related shootout. in a terrible coincidence, his niece, 10-year-old stephanie was also fatally shot while playing in her front yard. this year there was a break in the hernandez case. a witness finally came forward and a suspected gang member was charged with his murder. stephanie's case remains unsolved. hollenbeck detectives still need an eyewitness. up next -- >> whoever walked up on gabriel walksed up to him. gabriel had a gun in his waist, never pulled it out. that tells me, he knew whoever killed him. >> when the code of silence turns deadly when the "gangs of hollenbeck" continues.
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don lemon lere at the cnn world headquarters here in atlanta. give you a look at your headlines this hour. a major setback for the obama administration. the president's second pick to lead the transportation security administration has withdrawn his name. no one's filed -- filled the role, i should say, in more than a year. retired general harding pulled out weeks after he was nominate. we're moment away from earth
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hour right here on the east coast. look at that, live pictures. is that new york city right there? yes, it is the statue of liberty. live pictures of new york city, and also a live shot of atlanta, georgia, downtown. it's going to happen in any minute. stan hour of darkness meant to enlighten the world about climate change. millions are turning off all of their lights in solidarity 8:30 p.m. local time just in a few minutes. about one minute. landmark new york state's empire state building are set to go last year. organizers said last year 1 million people took part in the sponsor of the world life wildlife fund. there is a live picture. earth blackout moment away. i'm don lemon. "gangs of hollenbeck" a really good series continues right after this. at reducing the look of wrinkles. that's because olay has teamed with a highly specialized group of dermatologists and created a wrinkle protocol that gives you the results
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85 locations nationwide and online. discover how to grow the business of you... at gabriel was in his backyard when someone shot him in the head at close range. ayala was a gang member. this looked like a hit. at the crime steen detective dwayne fields picked up on a detailing detail. >> whoever walked up to gabriel walked right up to him. gabriel had a gun in his waist and never pulled it out. that tells me he knew whoever killed him. >> detective fields knew ayala well. so it wasn't a big surprise to what happened to him? >> it wasn't if, it was when?
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>> it was justice a matter of time? >> yeah, gabriel's time was coming. >> he was too active. he was too well known. he played too hard. trying be too too tough in his gang and it caught up to him. >> ayala had a lengthy criminal record and everyone in hollenbeck seemed to know his name. >> what kind of reputation did gabriel ayala have. >> he's a gaeng member. everyone who works in had division knew the ayala family really well. >> well known to you. >> well known to us. if i did several search warrants at that location, got gun, dope, ammunition, bulletproof vests. >> detective fields believes the events leading up to ayala's execution began long ago. two years before ayala was killed a rival gang member named francisco sanchez was approached by two gunmen outside of this apartment. one suspect shot him multiple times and as he fell to the ground right here, the second suspect shot him again.
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authorities suspect the murder of sanchez was in retaliation for the killing of a rival two days earlier. gabriel ayala was one of the suspected shooters charged with killing sanchez, but the case against him fell apart. >> it was a mistrial. his co-defendant, the guy who he was involved in the murder with him was held on a separate charge, so he was in custody. gabriel got released. >> this man, his co-defendant, member of the same gang was prosecute and convicted of first-degree murder while gabriel ayala walked free. >> so what did his gang think? they thought he had talked -- >> thought he thrown a rat. >> they considered him a snitch? >> he's a form er gang member. >> yes. richard moya is a former gang member who knows the inner
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workings of the gang members. the term snitch, what does that mean on the streets? >> the term snitch is someone who is talking to the cops or law enforcement and anybody who is talking to somebody to give up the information, that's a snitch. >> what happens to snitches on the streets? >> different consequences sometimes they get taken out by their own family members, it's the gang. >> it's a murder book. >> yes, they say that gabriel was a dead man walking. >> i believe that the gang thought he had information, because his homeboy was still in jail and he wasn't. and i believe that they killed him behind that. and the truth be known, gabriel hadn't told us anything. they killed him for nothing. >> he didn't give information. >> he didn't give up information and his cohort was later convicted if that are murder as if he were survived. >> so gabriel was killed by his own gang? >> i believe so. >> in the tug-of-war between gang rivalry and gang loyalteer, gabriel ayala became a victim of both. what does that say about -- all of that talk about gangs being a family. >> dysfunctional family, isn't it? it's as dysfunctional as they come. they don't share. they don't spend money on one
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another, other than to buy beer, maybe some dope once in awhile. >> so it's not a band of brothers. >> it's not a band of brothers. it's not even close. >> what will it take to solve gabriel's murder? >> those are some the toughest ones you're going to deal with. it's an inside hit. there's people inside after this gang who know who did it,a and why they did it but for sfln his gang to tell me that a fellow gang member killed him, that's going to be a tough one. >> unless one of them is arrested for something else and they want to try to lessen their sentence? >> that's what i can hope for. >> detective fields needs someone inside ayala's gang to talk. someone who has a reason to tell everything they been who killed gabriel ayala. >> you'll be here waiting for him? >> i'll be here. i'm not going anywhere.
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after a break, a young man out of prison tries to leave gang life behind. >> feel good. just to get my life back together. you know? i got to take it a day at a time, i guess. >> a surprise change five years later. imagine if it were this easy to spot the good guys. you know, the guys who always do a super job. well, it is. just go to®. and look for a business with the superguarantee® shield. you'll get the job done right, or we'll step in and help to make it right.
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enrique "kiki" fuentes is about to take the biggest step away from the only lifestyle he's known. >> when we first met kiki he was the hardest of the hard core. >> i walk around with a tattoo on my head. >> his bragging, his brash certainty about life in a gang. >> everybody likes to shoot. >> he was deep in it.
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kiki made a powerful impression. >> i'll be the type, like, beat them up. >> serious? >> and then, he beats me up and shoot him. [ bleep ] like that. >> kiki was 14 when he joined white fence, one of hollenbeck's 34 gangs. his initiation, he says was brutal. he was jumped in. beaten up by fellow gang members. it is a test of loyalty and gives members a taste of what gang life is about. >> i me for me i like pain, so you know, you hit me, bam. i like it i guess. it's like a rush. adrenaline rush for me. that should tell you everything, no? >> for kiki there was always a reason to fight. >> another gang crosses out, flats. >> even the smallest slight, white fence graffiti crossed out
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could lead to violence. >> this just means war. >> five years ag the police said there were some 700 white fence members and gang associates. kiki liked to claim they were guardians of the neighborhood. >> we don't let nobody come in our neighborhood, be messing with the people's cars, breaking in their houses. the little white fence, you see it right there? i mean, we see somebody trying do that yeah, we're going to get them. >> the gang here are not guardians of the neighborhood, they typically live off drug-dealing, assaults and robbery. >> guns, drugs, assault, attempted murder, gang banging, everything. >> some people would say it's wrong to be in a gang, wrong to sell drugs, gang bang, whatever. >> well, selling drugs, if you we don't do it, somebody else is going do it. >> kiki had already been shot three times. >> right there at 10:00 in the morn, drive-by. >> when you get shot, you are like, damn, and people are like screaming, you are going to be
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all right. i'm like, damn, man. and i look. damn i'm in the hospital. i got shot in the arm. i'm like what the -- >> and despite being shot, for kiki the temptations of gang life were all around. what do you think it was that drew you to it in the first place. joining in the white fence was no big deal to kiki. >> all of my friends are all in gangs. >> he says he never ran from it. in the hard world twisted logic of hollenbeck, his gang filled all of his needs -- friends, family, fights. >> i have my last name on my back. >> older veterans schooled him on the logic of gang reality and the rules of engagement. drive-by shootings were okay, as long as they didn't kill innocent kids. >> that's a no-no. i mean, damn, they don't know right from wrong. us, who are holding the gun, do. >>fane a homeboy was killed,
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gang members should take the law into their own hands. >> them cops, they got so many murders on their hand. i mean, i don't know. we would rather take our own actions. >> that was five years ago. today, kiki is 33 and he just got out of prison. he was doing time on a parole violation. he says after 20 years in gang life, he wants out, but he is finding that getting out is harder than it was getting in. >> i feel good. finally getting my life back together. you know, i have to take it a day at a time, i guess. first making the first step. >> enrique. >> many of kiki's friends are still in prison or dead. and he's trying to start over. literally, trying to erase the stains of years with a gang. the tattoos that once told kiki's gangster story are slowly fading. the pain of removing them is at times unbearable.
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>> it's like when you drop hot oil on your skin, that's exactly how it feels. >> kiki wrote father greg boyle from prison and asked for help. father boyle runs homeboy industries, the largest intervention in employment agency for gang members in los angeles. he's known kiki for two decades. you think kiki has woken up to the reality of gang life? >> i will say in terms of the gang issue, yeah. you know? and everybody has that moment where they say, i'm tired of being tired. and i think that's pretty much where he's been. >> in hollenbeck surviving beyond the age of 30 is already a remarkable statistic for a hard-core gang members like kiki. are you hopeful? >> yeah. yeah. i mean, again, i think he's got the right attitude. and maybe sometimes people have to hit bottom. you know, he's struggling still. you i don't think he's struggling with the gang part but not everybody who walks through the door is ready and -- and he hasn't always been ready but i would say that he is now.
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that's why i'm going to hire him. >> so kiki will soon have a job with homeboy industries. father greg boyle is giving him a chance, a chance for a new life in hollenbeck. when we come back -- so you've been shot six times total? >> yes. >> wow. does that make you really lucky or really unlucky? >> i would say for the fact unlucky that i have to deal with the pain, but lucky that i am alive today. >> the long, difficult journey to break away from the gangs of hollenbeck. this is a history of over 50,000 crash-tested cars. this is the world record for longevity... and one of the most technologically advanced automobiles on the planet. this is the 9th generation e-class.
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somehow richard moya has survived the gangs of only beck, but as he'll tell you, it's day by day. where'd you get shot? >> i got shot on the block where i'm at right nowane i took a bullet of a .45 underneath my heart and i was just thankful that -- >> right under your heart? >> yes, sir. >> moya claims he was the victim of a random drive-by shooting. where is the scar? >> that scar was from the first time that i got shot which was five times. >> so you've been shot six times total? >> yes. >> wow. >> so you're 32 years old? >> 32 years old. >> and you've been shot six times? >> six times. >> does that make you really lucky or really unlucky?
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>> i would say for the fact, unlucky that i have to deal with the pain. but lucky that i'm alive today. >> moya's alive today thanks in large part to this man -- >> are you on proberation or on parole? >> father greg boyle. we first met father boyle five years ago at homeboy industries, a company he started that helps young men transition out of gang life. i remember something that you said to me five years ago that i have repeated so many people i can't even count. which is that i asked you if you ever felt taken advantage of. do people take advantage of you and you said you give your advantage away. i think that's a great -- i should use that in my own life. >> i think people are always kind of cynical that they don't want to be used and that happens if you're -- if you're kind of stingy about what you have rather than live in a way that's more abundant. and where you're giving your advantage all the time.
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this place wants to give its advantage, wants to give its resources. >> homeboy industries offers troubled young men counseling and job training. they have a host of social programs, even including gang tattoo removal. in the last five years, father boyle has iks panded homeboy industries into a multimillion dollar facility near downtown los angeles. it's allowed him to reach out to more young people at risk. >> okay. all right. >> and do you still never write anybody off? >> yeah. i think this place is soaked with a sense of redemption. because i found myself -- >> it's soaked with a sense of redemption? >> redemption. it's really soaked with them. i have several of them not that you write off but in your head you toy with the idea that i'm not sure he's ever going to be able to steer this thing in another direction. and lo and behold, they do. >> richard moya started heading the wrong direction from the
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time he was young. >> my dad was in a gang. and i witnessed and encountered his murder right in front of me at 5 years old. >> he was shot to death in front of you? >> shot in front of me by a rival gang. >> you remember it? >> i remember it till this day. he was shot exiting our house getting into the car. we were waiting for him to exit the house, another person approached and shot him straight in his forehead. >> seeing his father die didn't stop moya from getting involved with gangs. he joined one when he was 13. when we first met moya five years ago, he'd already been shot and imprisoned. instead of writing moya off, however, father boyle hired him. >> good afternoon. homeboy industries. how can i help you today? >> is his struggle emblematic the difficulty of getting out of gang life? >> i think he's been far out of gang life. he's also somebody who's been deeply traumatized in his own history. and it's difficult for him to make long strides.
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he has to kind of do little short hops. >> those short hops aren't easy. moya has four sons he's not allowed to see. and struggles to earn a living every day washing cars and recycling. last year he barely survived that drive-by shooting. richard moya says he joined a gang for the same reasons so many others do, to earn respect. but now, he says, none of it makes sense anymore. >> people used to go around and get respect because you either boxed somebody or you stabbed that person. bottom line. ten of your homeboys, meet ten of our homeboys. let's go at the park. and that's it. you got your respect. watch out for that bad boy, man. watch out for that cat dog. he'll really stab you. that's the respect. >> seeking that kind of respect, however, led him to prison. >> what made me actually stop ganging, gang banging completely is you have gangsters that were your enemies that you used to shoot or stab or box or fight and those are the people that are your sallies.
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they're are the people that got your back in prison when you're doing a term. if can you become buddies like that in there and forgive and all that, why can't i forgive the person that shot me? >> good morning. good morning. >> forgiveness instead of revenge. that's precisely why father boyle is convinced that long-term treatment at homeboy industries is a worthy investment. a model, he says, that saves thousands of lives. that's what gang life is a result of a lethal absence of home? >> it's about a lethal absence of hope. that is fundamentally where this rests always. >> curtailing gangs means replacing that absence with hope. it's that simple and that complicated, says boyle. do you think you'll make it to 40? >> you know, that's a good question. and i'll tell you right now, i
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see a lot of people that makes me admire them, to see their age at 40. i can't make no promises. but the only thing is i hope my sons see me before 40. i really do. >> stopping the spread of gang violence across the country has been a high priority for federal law enforcement. instead of just targeting individual gang members, federal officials are now working closer with local agencies to try to target entire gangs just as they did with the mafia some 35 years ago. i'm anderson cooper. thanks very much for watching "gangs of hollenbeck." for the worst allergies,
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don lemon here at the cnn world headquarters here in atlanta. now for a look at your headlines. thousands of people turned out in los angeles today for what police say was a peaceful march and rally for immigration reform. organizers say they want the obama administration to make immigration reform its next priority. the president says
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