tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 1, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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say, go to court and show how happy i am, it never happens. >> larry: thank you. talk show host and outspoken comedian chelsea handler is here tomorrow night. here now is anderson cooper and ac "360." anderson. >> thanks so much. tonight in all this week, special reports on the church of scientology. allegations of former insiders that the church's top leadership condoned and encouraged acts of violence. denials just as vigorous from the church itself, which is blaming the violence on those insiders. two starkly different versions and only one can be the truth. someone is lying. first coming forward last year in the st. petersburg times with allegations of abuse against church leader david misscavige,
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marty rathbun and five former high ranking scientologists have found themselves under vigorous attack of the church they once dedicated their lives to. the former scientologists are accused of working together to destroy the church. >> the church will defend itself for its own sake and for the sake of its parishioners. these violence are out there and lying. >> current and former scientologists sent cnn dozens offers declarations, e-mails and accusations defending the church and its leader. in sworn affidavits, a number make allegations against marty rathbun including a dozen instances of physical violence. >> the affidavits are from people who said the beatings and physical abuse was not perpetuated by david but by you. >> right. outright lies. i did some and i didn't tell you i never did anything wrong, i'm no angel. i will tell you, i was involved
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in this. but for god's sake, to try to make it sound like i perpetuated the whole thing is a complete and utter fabrication. >> you can decide for yourself who to believe but even these competing versions, the public still wants to know what was going on in the church and why were the police never called to investigate? scientology a history of violence, that's tonight and all week. tonight, a nationwide problem terrorizing and killing our kids, talking about bullying, why isn't more done to stop it? that's what the parents of john carmichael want to know. he was 13 years old, small for his age and made him the target for bullies at his middle school in joshua, texas. the staff knew what was happening but nothing was done, this sunday, john went to a barn and took his own life. he hanged himself, 13 years old. we'll talk to his mom and dad in a moment. what makes his death so shocking, we heard of so many others like it, kids taking their own lives after months of harassment and worse.
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earlier this month in northern michigan, 12-year-old kimberly linchesky did something she had never done before, she hit back. the school sent her home and that same day, she died by self-strangulation. 15-year-old phoebe prince we talked about her last night, also allegedly bullied until the day she died, reportedly all the way up to her front door. last night her school in south hadley, massachusetts expelled a number of students, nine others face criminal charges. where are the parents of these bullies? that's what we're wondering? where are the principals, the teachers? why isn't it taken as seriously as it could be? >> reporter: this is the press release some are calling a slap in the face. in the wake of 15-year-old phoebe prince's suicide and immediately following the indictment of nine classmates who allegedly bullied her, south hadley schools announced we have taken disciplinary action with
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an additional group of students and they have been removed from the high school. it looks like a proactive move on the school's part. guess what, the students they're talking about are not the nine students charged in prince's death. that's because the school hasn't taken any disciplinary action against them. is the school now trying to look like it's on top of the problem some say it completely missed? keeping them honest, we went to the school looking for answers. hi, there, sir, my name's alina cho, i'm with cnn. >> we're not allowing any media on the property. >> reporter: you're the principal? >> i am. >> reporter: why multiple faculty members witnessed prince being bullied and did nothing to stop it. this is his first television interview since the indictment against the nine teens were handed down. we asked him about the anti-bullying task force created following prince's death.
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>> we're working through and revising our procedures and policies, yes. >> reporter: are you encouraged by the results so far? do parents seem to be encouraged by the results? >> so far, we are, we're working on that. >> reporter: local talk radio. >> rock 102, hi, who is this? >> caller: my name is al. >> reporter: callers say that is not enough. >> caller: i just want to make a statement, i think the administrator should be held accountable for what's going on. >> reporter: not likely. even though the district attorney called the inaction by school administrators troublesome, failure to act in the prince case did not amount to criminal behavior. don't tell that to parents in this tight-knit new england community. >> they haven't apologized to this family. they haven't apologized to this community. >> reporter: susan smith's son was a close friend of phoebe prince and a pallbearer at the
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funeral. she says they have been complaining for years and they didn't listen and now need a fresh start. >> we have been saying from early on the administration needs to resign. it's despicable. >> reporter: the school district says it is conducting its own investigation, plans to meet with the district attorney, and will take disciplinary action based on any new evidence. back at south hadley high school. what do you say to all the parents who are outraged and calling for your resignation? >> at this point, i'm not going to talk any further. >> reporter: will you resign when your contract is up? >> i have no comment at this point. >> reporter: your contract is up in may, sir? >> i have no comment. >> reporter: i hope you understand we just -- >> if i need to, i'll call the police. because there's no media on the property. >> the nine students who have been charged, different from the ones who were suspended last night, are those nine still in school?
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>> reporter: incredibly, anderson, the assistant d.a. says three of those nine students charged are still officially enrolled at south hadley high school. keep in mind none of these nine students have been officially expelled, even as they face criminal charges. it's entirely possible, many parents say some or all of those students have left the school. one highly placed source tells me tonight, anderson, he believes all the students have left voluntarily, ironically, because he believes these students who are charged criminally are afraid of being harassed themselves. >> alina cho, appreciate it. let's dig deeper now how this happens. almost in plain sight and quite frequently the victims and bullies are girls. the author of "queen bees and wannabes," helping your child survive cliques, gossip,
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boyfriends and the new realities of the world. the book was the basis for the movie "mean girls"? >> yes, it was. >> people say, this stuff happens all the time. what's different now is the computer allows the bullying to be not just in schools or on the way home but 24 hours a day. >> it is. there's a big issue, how do we teach children to believe in adults, they are competent and kids can take the risk to talk to adults when they're having problems? what we're dealing is kids will say, this is just what happens everyday, it's normal. adults say, okay, that's what happens. just because it's been happening all the time, this is injustice, this is bigotry. >> you actually worked in the school district in massachusetts? >> i did in 2006. >> on this very issue. >> and trained people there. >> what can actually be done? >> what can be done is we can give teachers really concrete skills that say, this is what
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you do, when you see a kid for example walking down the hallway, and you see somebody being bullied, you don't address the target. if you say, are you okay? the target has no choice but to say, yeah, i'm fine. you address the person who's perpetrating it, and you are trained to know how to handle this. it's a not just the kids in that moment, also the kids all over the hallway that see you. what is absolutely clear to me, if we don't do this, administrators look like they're incompetent and not running the school. the kids who have social power are running the school. >> is that the case? do schools not get this? do they have this training? >> some administrators -- i work all over the place, some administrators get it, there's too many tasks i'm trying to do, they don't get this goes to the absolute core of what a school's sacred responsibility is to do and it is absolutely connected to how kids can function in a classroom. >> if a parent knows their child is being bullied, what should
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that parent do? >> first of all, say, i'm so sorry this is happening to you. thank you for telling me. it registers this is a huge risk the kid is coming and telling you, together, we will do something about it. the kid may say, i don't want you to do anything or say anything, you have to say, i cannot promise this. we will find someone to help you with this, but i can promise you you will never be surprised by the person i bring in. and then they fige nonuseless, adult in the community who can help. because there are counselors that are great, and there are counselors that are incompetent. we have to get to a place where the banner that say "be kind" are taken off when we actually give competent programs to children so they believe what we do matters. otherwise, kids will not take the risk to do something and help themselves and help us solve this problem. >> i appreciate you joining us. >> absolutely. >> good advice. there's additional information online at
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you can read a sample from the book, "queen bees and wannabes." online at "360."com. and you can logon to the live chat at "360."com. up next, the parents of michael carmichael, the 13-year-old boy who hanged himself this sunday. what can be done before another tragedy happens. and former church members speaking out about violence they witnessed and why the police were never called. can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste?
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and that their homeowners insurance... protects them. it doesn't. stop pretending. it can happen to you. protect your home with flood insurance. call the number on your screen... for your free brochure. we're talking tonight about the estimated 160,000 kids in america who say they stay away from school some days because they don't want to endure the terror of bullying and pain that doesn't go away even after the immediate torment stops. kids like john carmichael who took it until he simply could not go on. his parents, tammy and tim join us along with their pastor, the reverend laura whitley. i'm so sorry for your loss and appreciate your strength being with us tonight.
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what happened to john? how long did this bullying go on for? >> since 7th grade. >> what sort of bullying -- what did people say to him? >> i don't have a clue what the sayings were or anything, i just know that he got his books knocked out of his hands and things, pushed up against the walls and the lockers. >> and a dumpster. my wife went to eat lunch with him one day. after she left, they jumped him and forced his face into a toilet. it just needs to be stopped. you need to open your eyes to it. >> teachers need to open it up and look at what's going on, and they do it where the cameras aren't shown.
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they know where to go, where they can do this to these children and not be seen, and they say if it's not on the camera, an adult doesn't see it, they can't do anything about it. >> so the school was saying they didn't know about it? >> yes. yes. the had no clue, supposedly, when i went up there monday and had a meeting with all his teachers and his counselors. yes, they said they knew nothing. >> you knew about this, but he didn't want you to do anything about it because he was afraid it would get worse, right? >> yes. exactly. >> exactly. >> right. he thought they would retaliate more. >> do you have any idea what the final straw was? what pushed john to take his own life? >> no. no. i have no clue. >> i would ask him everyday how school went. >> yes.
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>> he'd say it was okay, it was okay. even though in his heart, he knew it wasn't. >> reverend whitley, what has this done to the community? a 13-year-old boy, it's unspeakable. >> there's been an incredible community response and outpouring of love and a lot of people asking the question that really is unanswerable, the question of why. a lot of people beginning to really talk about the issue of bullying and how we treat one another. i think that in the midst of the tragedy of jon's death and the recognition of how much pain he was in, people are beginning to realize in this community, at least, that our words and our actions have consequences, consequences that we may not realize in a given moment, but that are far reaching. >> tami, that's your message to parents and teachers out there and kids out there, who may be
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watching, that this has to stop, this has to be taken seriously? >> yes, yes. if the students see it, they need to report it. they need to do something to protect these children. yes, please, yes. >> tami, what was jon like? >> jon was a wonderful child, a straight a student. he loved his family. he spent 90% of his time with his father and i, just doing things around the house, going to the movies and parks and museums. he was our heart and soul. he was my husband's best friend, he no longer has anymore. he's not only our child but our best friend. >> tami, i'm so sorry for your loss.
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i lost a brother to suicide, and i know it's -- it's an inexplicable thing. in this case, just to lose a child at 13, it's unthinkable, and i appreciate your strength in being with us tonight. >> yes. >> i know you want to get the message out to other parents and other kids how important this is. tim and tami, thank you very much. >> yes. thank you. >> i wish you strength in the months and years ahead, thank you. reverend, thank you for being with us as well. >> thank you. coming up next, the hutaree militia in new york and details about it. ! where are you?! arghhh... (announcer) dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles give you outrageous comfort, all-day-guaranteed. woah. it's not too far... (announcer) are you gellin'? dr. scholl's.
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if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, you may also have very high triglycerides -- too much fat in the blood. it's a serious medical condition. lovaza, along with diet, effectively lowers very high triglycerides in adults but has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or strokes. lovaza starts with omega-3 fish oil that's then purified and concentrated. it's the only omega-3 medication that's fda-approved. you can't get it at a health food store. lovaza isn't right for everyone. tell your doctor if you're allergic to fish, have other medical conditions and about any medications you're taking, especially those that may increase risk of bleeding. blood tests are needed before and during treatment. in some, ldl or bad cholesterol may increase. possible side effects include burping, infection, flu-like symptoms, upset stomach, and change in sense of taste. ask your doctor about lovaza, the prescription that starts in the sea.
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in "crime and punishment" tonight, new information, some surprising about the members of the militia group planning to wage war against the government and murder a police officer. eight of the suspects are shown here and their group, they call themselves the hutaree, its members view law enforcement as the enemy and believe armed conflict this is only way to destroy them. this is the leader of the hutaree, his name is david stone. according to court documents, mr. stone voiced bad intentions and had a large enough collection of ammunition to do
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damage. but some of the details in the indictment make them to be not exactly brain surgeons. stone and his followers wanted to create a country carved from four michigan counties and defend it as the one world order. they had gotten information about making bombs off the internet only they made theirs with cardboard tubes. although they had explosive material, they did not have any filled with shrapnel. and prosecutors had audiotapes of the suspects that made clear their plot. one conversation between josh stone and tina stone, his mom, when tina told her son he needed to find work, josh stone allegedly says to her, i can't get a job, i'm preparing for war. to which his mother allegedly replies, i'm preparing for war, but i still have a job. special correspondent, drew griffin joins us. was this group a real threat? >> reporter: anderson, i don't want to minimize what the prosecutors say these guys said.
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the undercover agent infiltrated this group, trained with them, certainly looked really scary, as the details, onion began to get peeled back, there was a lot of unbelievable stuff said today about how dangerous this group might have been, had they had the capability to begin their own country and fight a war with the new world order that would come racing to try to get them. but deep down, i really, after being on the story for like three days, i don't think these people had the capability to do much at all. several details in this case talk about how, you know, they couldn't get the bomb making material, they couldn't get the bombs to work, the undercover agent actually had to assist them in trying to help them to show them how to make these things. all their information and their planning basically came from the internet and they put it all on the internet. so it was all there for anyone who wanted to take a look to see. >> it does seem like a lot of times, there are stories that make a lot of headlines and
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certainly cause a lot of attention, and as the details emerge, it seems like there's an undercover person in there, and as you say, often times we've seen the undercover person has had to help them along in their plans to get them to a place where they may be operational. i don't know if that's the case in this one. other than voices on a tape and what sound like half-baked plans, is the feeling the prosecutors have enough to convict these people? >> it sounded to me there was a lot of hateful and dangerous talk, killing a police officer, burning down a police officer's house. and then shooting the police officer and his family when they came out the door, right? but there was no specific plot, no specific police officer they were going after. it sounded like a bunch of crazy talk. after the court hearing, i asked the prosecutor, when he came out the door, look, the attorneys say this is nothing but a bunch of bad talk.
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here's what he had to say. >> the attorneys are arguing, you really don't have anything other than people expressing their free speech. >> well, we have a public information officer who would probably be the best person to discuss the matter. >> reporter: can i ask a factual question, the 37 guns confiscated, were any of them illegal obtained or illegal? >> as i said, i don't want to try the kinds the courthouse steps. the best place is in the courtroom. i don't want to go into any facts that haven't been presented. the best way if you need information is go see our public information officer. >> reporter: the facts are, anderson, they did confiscate 37 guns, but aren't charged with having illegal possession of guns. they did confiscate some bomb making materials or materials that could be used to make bombs. but again there, are no bomb charges here. it's a conspiracy case. the court appointed attorneys
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say this is a free speech case, and that's what it's going to come down to when it gets into the courtroom. >> we will continue to follow it. a former insider speaks out about the church of scientology. he says he was attacked. the church says he's the attacker and what we'll hear about the charges and why the police were never called. first important stories, joe johns has a "360" news story. >> anderson, a day-long conference at the united nations secured major promises of long term aid for haiti. more than three dozen nations pledged nearly $10 billion it help the quake-battered country to recover. the u.s. promising 1 spnt $5 billion. two bombs in russia's southern republic killed two people, one suicide bomber was involved. a video released online, a chechen rebel leader says he personally ordered monday's deadly bombings on moscow's subway. those attacks killed at least 39 people. stocks fell today but posted
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a strong first quarter, it ended the quarter up 4.1%, it's best fourth quarter since 1999. the s&p 500 is up 4.9% interior quarter, nasdaq, 5.7%. british researchers say they found evidence toads may be able to predict earthquakes. the scientists witness a mass exodus of toads from a breeding colony in italy, days before a magnitude 6.3 quake struck. every single toad left the area. a day after the quake, they started coming back. tells you something about nature, huh? >> amazing. joe, time for our beat "360" winners, daily challenge to viewers to come up with a caption better than the one we come up with for a photo we put on the blog every day. the chicago stock exchange taking offers in the options pit.
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winner tonight, tom foreman, his caption, two burritos, one for me and one for lyle lovett here. >> cute, tom. i get it. live lovette is here. >> i have dick cheney on line 2, who wants a million on halliburton. your beat 360 t-shirt is on the way. president obama ripped his opponents on the campaign saying drill baby drill, so now why is he saying drill? and a scientology spokesman responds. >> the church is going to defend itself. it will defend itself for its own sake and the sake of its parishioners. these violence are out there and these individuals are out there and they're lying. >> are the former members lying or is the church of scientology hiding the facts? we let you be the judge.
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have put their faith in sun life financial. we should be a household name. and we will be. so you're suggesting that we change our name from florida, the sunshine state, to...? florida -- the sun life state. the posters will be so cool. sooner or later, you'll know our name. sun life financial. allergies? chlor-trimeton. hey, one dose of this, six hour relief. chlor-trimeton relieves itchy, watery eyes and sneezing for 12 full hours with less drowsiness than benadryl. it does all that? chlor-trimeton. less drowsy relief that lasts 12 hours.
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gas exploration. but in ways that balance the need to harness domestic energy resources and the need to protect america's natural resources. >> you heard right, mr. obama unveiled plans to open large areas to oil and gas drilling. the plan includes lifting a 20-year ban for drilling off the virginia coastline, and a big expanse in the gulf of mexico and parts of the alaskan ocean. how does that stack up with the promise the president made before he was elected. tom foreman looks back. >> reporter: the presidents plan to open vast new coastal waters for oil and gas exploration in much of the east and south and far north, too, brought immediate fire, even as he insists it fits his strategy to move towards a greener energy supply. >> the only way this transition will succeed is if it strengthens our economy in the short term and the long run, to fail to recognize this reality would be a mistake.
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>> reporter: keeping them honest, that does not sound like the barack obama from the campaign trail. >> we'll drill here and we'll drill now. now, you can chant. drill, baby drill. >> reporter: back then, he ripped his republican opponents over the emphasis they put on new drilling as a key to energy independence. >> we can't simply pretend as senator mccain does, that we can drill our way out of our problem. >> we can't drill our way out of the problem. >> if we started drilling today, the first drop of oil wouldn't come for another seven years. >> reporter: he insisted oil companies had enough unused, unexplored acreage. >> if they don't use it, they should lose it. >> reporter: while the administration has slightly cut back on the length of some oil and gas leases, as a practical matter, nothing has come of that campaign threat. to the contrary, the american petroleum institute is now generally pleased with the president's stance, and environmentalists are howling.
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>> it takes us a step in the wrong direction right at the time the administration is doing so many good things on clean energy. one spill, one tiny spill off the coast of delaware or virginia could easily contaminate much of the entire seaboard. this is not something that i think most of the american public supports but clearly not something our country needs right now. >> but beneath the campaign headlines, there was some fine print in candidate obama's speeches. time and again, he said in the short term, domestic oil production would have to be stepped up and he signaled he might be willing to strike a deal with republicans on drilling to bring them on board for his broader energy plans. will it work? for his part, john mccain tweeted after the announcement, drill, baby drill, good move. >> tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> let's get an insider briefing now from david gergen. is this about politics? >> i don't think so, anderson.
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the national security advisor to the president, jim jones, has studied energy for a long time, is absolutely convinced this is a matter of national security, we have to become more energy independent. others are very worried as economies get back online, grow again, the price of oil and energy stops will go way up and crimp the recovery. >> they're are big strong persuasive reasons. i think it has political repercussions. the overwhelming emphasis of the democratic party was to his and boo when they said drill baby drill at anywhere convention. the president did say, in the fine print, i'm going to do this. what he said in the state of the union just this january, drilling offshore is part of a broader more comprehensive strategy on his part. i don't think there's a big surprise on the substance. i think the surprise to me, anderson, is, he didn't, as he promised, use offshore drilling
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and nuclear power as bargaining chips with republicans to get them to come on board, not only -- >> because the senate has to take up the energy bill, and if the president wants concessions from republicans, you would think he would use that as a bargaining chip? >> exactly. he's already made peremptory concessions with republicans. i'm surprised from that point of view. i thought he would get them to come on board with solar and other renewable, but he might get them to come on board with some modest form of cap and trade in the utility industry, that congressman markey thinks may be more doable in this environment. i have to say, anderson, all of this is -- points to the fact we're on the front edge of a sweeping transformation of energy overall for this country, and that oil and gas, this offshore drilling is a bridge to a very different future.
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just in the last couple of years, the energy expert pointed out we've made major advances in technology. we now have access to vast pools of natural gas, in shale, that was not easily accessible to us before. bill gates has gotten very interested in nuclear energy and safe nuclear energy, new technologies for that. beyond that, anderson, 20% of the faculty at m.i.t. is now engaged in energy research. >> 20%? >> 20%. the president is very proud at >> what does that say? >> all of that says, there will be new discoveries, the likes of which you and i haven't seen before in our lifetimes that will begin to transform, over time, the energy landscape. but for now, what president obama is saying, we need a bridge to that future, and this
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is -- the offshore is a bridge to that future. >> interesting. david gergen, thanks very much. >> we have the maps of the offshore drilling on our website. coming up, scientology, accusing the leaders of violence and who say they themselves were the violent ones, but was the head of the church told about it? the church says it wasn't necessary for them to know. we're asking why. and later, the fatal killer whale attack on a sea world trainer? remember that? we'll tell you the findings still ahead. we didn't think dog food...
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could make that big of a difference, but it really has. we thought, oh, goldie, you're getting older, and she started eating the purina one... and people would say, "what did you do to her?" [ announcer ] purina one for seniors unlocks the brilliance of nature. [ kristen ] it's a great feeling having a beautiful, happy dog. it makes you feel like you've done something good for your pet. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do. now, reformulated with... enhanced botanical oils... that naturally nourish... to help sustain a bright mind. (announcer) we all want to stay active. we don't want anything... slow us down. but even in your 30s... ...your bones can begin to change. overtime, you can begin to have bone loss. calcium and vitamin d work together to help keep your bones strong. and yoplait gives you... ...20% of your daily calcium... ...and is the only leading yogurt with vitamin d in every cup. keep your bones strong every day... ...with yoplait.
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if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, you may also have very high triglycerides -- too much fat in the blood. it's a serious medical condition. lovaza, along with diet, effectively lowers very high triglycerides in adults but has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or strokes. lovaza starts with omega-3 fish oil that's then purified and concentrated. it's the only omega-3 medication that's fda-approved. you can't get it at a health food store. lovaza isn't right for everyone. tell your doctor if you're allergic to fish, have other medical conditions and about any medications you're taking, especially those that may increase risk of bleeding. blood tests are needed before and during treatment. in some, ldl or bad cholesterol may increase.
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possible side effects include burping, infection, flu-like symptoms, upset stomach, and change in sense of taste. ask your doctor about lovaza, the prescription that starts in the sea. over the last two nights, we told you about allegations of physical abuse made by former high ranking members of the church of scientology, david miscavige. the church not only denies all those allegations, but he says they come from people working together to destroy the church. he says they come from people working together to destroy the church and says one of the people making allegation was demoted and removed from his senior position because he was violent. tonight, how even the competing versions of what happened ultimately raise questions the public is entitled to know. what was going on in the church and why were the police never called to investigate? >> in late '03, there was a beating every day. if it wasn't him doing it, it
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was from him inciting others to do it. >> in front of other people. >> in front of other people. >> since coming forward last year to the st. pete times with allegations of abuse against david miscavige. marty rathbun and others have found themselves under attack by the church they once dedicated their lives to. they are accused of working together to destroy the church. tommy davis is the church's spokesperson. >> the church will defend itself for its own sake and for its par identificationers. the fact of the matter is, these individuals are out there, and they're lying. >> they have received acquisitions defending the church and its leaders and attacking the credibility of those who have spoken out. >> thank you very much. >> former construction manager was violent and wasted millions of the churches dollars in the sea organization, the religion order. the spokesman attacked others
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and rallies of an antiscientology movement which protests against the church. most of the church's affidavits specifically name marty rathbun, who they say assaulted members of the sea organization on numerous occasions. >> it says the beatings and physical abuse was not perpetrated by david miscavige but perpetrated by you. >> right. outright lies. i did some and i didn't come in here ever telling you i never did anything wrong. i'm no angel. i will tell you, i was involved in this, but for god's sake, to try to make it sound like i perpetuated the whole thing is a complete and utter fabrication. >> in sworn affidavits, a number of church members make specific allegations against marty rathbun, including more than a dozen instances of physical violence. one person writes she witnessed rathbun hitting a colleague quote about the head and in the
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face, while yelling at him. another writes rathbun walked into the office and appeared upset with me, adding he suddenly punched me in the stomach. and his own ex-wife says marty rathbun lives for war. people, many of them who you know very well, they all say david miscavige is kind, hardworking, a passionate man who has done really nothing but good for the church. >> they will say anything they need to say, anderson. >> current senior members of the sea organization say while their former colleague, marty rathbun was repeatedly violent, for many years, none of them informed the church's leader, david miscavige. >> that guy has a streak of violence. >> on four occasions between 2000 and 2002 to you, mr. starkey as well as five incidents in 2001. nine incidents between 2000 and 2002. >> marty rathbun is gone. when we found out he's out of the church. >> let me finish. >> mr. miscavige was not there. >> he was not there. you have telephones, fax
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machines, e-mails, why wasn't he informed. >> you don't immediately pick up the phone and call the leader a world-wide religion. >> you had four years to do it here. no one over the course of four years informed david miscavige a high ranking member of his church was mistreating people. >> there's something you don't understand. >> you can say yes or no. >> marty rathbun was not in a top position when that happened. he was -- you know -- >> he was a member of the sea organization, he was important enough to have an office next to you. nobody informed david miscavige this was going on. >> here's the point. the point is when mr. miscavige was informed, marty was removed, that's what matters. >> there's no physical evidence proving the former scientology charges just as the affidavit supporting miscavidge and attacking his critics cannot be
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verified. although they disagree who was perpetrating it, both sides describe a work environment inside the church where punching, choking, kicking as a means of discipline and intimidation occurred on numerous occasions and no one ever filed criminal charges or even called the police. tommy davis is the church spokesman and monique is an attorney for the church. >> how is it possible that a member of the church could assault a dozen people and nobody come forward about it and nobody file any charges? how come the church didn't file any charges if in fact marty rathbun was beating people up. >> people did come forward about it. there were reports written, as mr. davis pointed out. the reason there were reports written was because it was very untoward many. there may have been some people who decided they didn't want to report it and suffered it in silence. there were indeed reports written. >> why didn't the church proceed with charges? aggravated assault is a felony,
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it's against the law. >> the church treated it as internal matter and he was disciplined internally. >> you said marty rathbun beat people more than a dozen times and mike beat people. that was known at the time, some of it was known at the time. that seemed to be acceptable behavior in the church, and no charges were ever filed against any of these people. it seems remarkable if that really is the truth unless the opposite is true and their charges are true and the head of the church was doing these beatings and it would make sense no charges were filed and they would come forward. >> they were removed. the point is, they were removed. the choice of the individuals attacked whether to file charges or not is completely their choice. >> this is so abhorrent to scientology's beliefs, beatings, it doesn't seem it was taken all that seriously? >> it absolutely was. >> it was taken very very seriously. >> if my boss started to beat me up here and the head of timewarner said we will deal with it as an internal matter,
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i think that would be pretty shocking. >> here's the thing. the point is when it was discovered, he was disciplined and removed. >> david miscavige, the chairman of the board of scientology rarely meets the news media and has not done an interview since 1998. his spokesman declined for him and our invitation is still open. tomorrow night, what hopes to those who leave the church and sneak out? go to to watch parts one and two of the special. coming up next, getting to the truth of climategate, a new development behind the controversy over global warming and involves the scientist whose leaked e-mails triggering the uproar.
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her head and body and drowned. she was pulled under water last month by tilikum, a 12,000 pound whale. jesse james is entering reh rehab. that's what a representative for sandra bullock tells a magazine. he checked into a treatment facility to deal with his personal issues. he moved out of the home after four women said they had affairs with james. and climate gate, scientists caused of data tampering toll heighten the threat of global warming is cleared of all wrongdoing but all research is to be made public. cheated out of a fortune, what one colorado woman says after winning more than $42 million on a penny slot machine, or so she thought. the casino said the jackpot was a mistake, they called it a glitch. gaming authorities are investigating. the woman wants her money.
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so far all she got was a free breakfast. anderson, i would be bitter now. >> can you imagine seeing that, winning that and told it's a mistake. there has to be a gaming law that doesn't allow it. >> surely, a little check, maybe. >> or a couple million her way, pain and suffering. tonight's shot, conquering the claw machine. this game has infuriated me for years, you see it at fairs and amusement parks, you use a crane to try to grab a toy or gadget from the machine. it's some sort of scam. here's a tutorial on how to get the goods. i should look at this myself. i've actually never been able to get anything. there has to be a better way to grab the prize. we think one toddler has come up with the best way. take a look, this is the shot. the kid is crawling into the machine. look, he's inside the machine.
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oh, i better put the drink down and the kid is picking all the toys he wants. i love this. then they pull him out. oh, well. i hope he at least got a couple toys when he left. and mom yanks him out. kids, do not try this at home. could be dangerous. >> hazardous. >> adults, do not try this at home. joe, thanks very much for everything. we'll have more news at the top of the hour. be right back. introducing quattron quad pixel technology. it adds a fourth color, yellow, to the standard rgb color system, creating a vast array of colors you can't see with your tv's three color technology. but, you can see this. whoa! oh my. [ male announcer ] quattron from sharp. you have to see it, to see it. [ engineer laughs ]
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