tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 12, 2010 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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to, drum roll please, tbs. one of our sister channels. tbs in the turner family. tbs very funny. let me read the rest of it here. conan o'brien is headed to tbs to host a late-night talk show expected to debut in november. let's see. conan's show will air monday through thursday at 11:00 p.m. what's happening to george lopez? lopez tonight will move to midnight. there you go. a little bit of breaking news on conan o'brien. "cnn newsroom" continues right now with tom foreman in for ali velshi. >> i'm tom foreman, i'm in for ali velshi. over the next two hours, we'll go over a tremendous amount of news cutting loose out there. we'll break it down give you all the details to help you figure out what's important for you about your security, your job, your money. let's get started. here's what we've got in the rundown. one of the most terrifying
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scenarios you can imagine, terrorists getting their hands on a nuclear weapon. making sure they don't is the focus of a massive meeting getting under way in washington. the big and troubling question, can we ever ensure the security of nuclear materials anywhere in the world? we'll address that. plus, a little boy sent back to his native russia alone. his adoptive u.s. family calls him psychotic. russia's president calls what they did monstrous. the state department is now stepping in. we'll have the details and ask that troubling question, who is to blame here, if anyone? also, some connecticut lawmakers want to get rid of the statute of limitations on child sex abuse cases. but they're running into some fervent opposition and it's coming from roman catholic church. it was a very hot issue that is heating up by the day. if you need help staying up at nights, though, as we turn to our first story. contemplate this. thousands of nuclear warheads stored in hundreds of depots and
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bunkers all around the world. and contemplate the catastrophe that could follow if one of those warheads or a few pounds of highly enriched uranium wound up in the hands of al qaeda or other terrorist group. that prospect is bringing the leaders of 46 nations to washington, d.c. for the biggest such gathering hosted by u.s. president since the 1945 meeting that gave rise to the united nations. imagine that. just days after signing a new arms reduction treaty with russia, president obama is aiming to lock down the world's supply of nuclear weapons grade materials. but this is a tough, tough job no matter how you look at it. check out this map of participating countries. algeria to vietnam, including china and russia. iran, however, which claims not to be developing nuclear weapons, is not attending. nor is north korea. which claims to already have nukes. india, and pakistan are taking part in this meeting. but each is making weapons-grade plutonium as fast as it can as a
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deterrent against the other. but that's another story. and that is not on the agenda for this week in washington. a group points out 19 countries have eliminated nuclear materials within their borders. not reduce, not secured, but they have actually eliminated it. on the same hand, the same group reports more than 18 known cases of loss or theft of weapons grade nukes around the world, with all of that in mind, i want to bring in jim walsh, researcher with the security studies program at m.i.t. he joins me today from back in my hometown of washington right now. and jim, let me start off with a very basic question here. there really are two different levels of concern when we talk about nukes right now, right? we're concerned about the notion that we have countries out there that have nuclear powers, that they might become the victims of a rogue government. and the question of terrorists getting it. let's start with the first part,
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the question of countries. can you reasonably assess the nuclear threat in the world without talking about pakistan and india? >> no, tom, you're absolutely right. a nuclear weapon anywhere is a danger to everyone. and we have nuclear weapons not only in india and pakistan, but in israel, united states, others as well. as long as those nuclear weapons are out there, and the material is being produced to make those nuclear weapons, not only are the weapons a danger, but the material is a danger, because it may fall into the hands of terrorists. so it really combines two different things together at the same time. henry kissinger and some former dignitaries have argued that in the cold war, nuclear weapons kept us safe. you know, it kept the soviet union from attacking us. but in the post-cold wear era, they nuclear weapons may be more of a danger than a help. that's part of what these discussions will be about in the next two days. >> and it seems like the argument is that they have fallen more and more as technology has advanced into the hands of countries like pakistan, where the government is not that stable, and you have
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really troubling questions. one, would they be pushed enough, or feel pushed enough by a conventional war with india, their longtime rival, to pop off a nuke as a response, or that their government would simply topple such? you've got the taliban operating there, al qaeda operating there. they keep telling us that their nuke supplies are secure. i think it's six different locations around the country and dismantled. yet i think there's a lot of hesitation in this country how much we should trust that. >> i agree, tom. and i think it's right to say, first of all, the first danger is whether they would be used on purpose. that is to say, if india were to attack pakistan with overwhelming conventional force, would pakistan respond with a nuclear weapon. and we have had occurrences where they have gone on nuclear alert. we had in our own country, with the u.s. and soviet union, during the cuban missile crisis, at other times, situations where we came to the brink of using mu clear weapons. you can only roll the dice so
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many times and not have it come up disastrous. i think that is very much a danger. particularly that rivalry between india and pakistan. >> jim, the president said once again this weekend that one of the biggest concerns out there to the stability of the united states is the idea that a terrorist group would get ahold of a nuclear weapon. that said, the technology of nuclear weapons has advanced a lot. but the idea of a suitcase carrying a nuclear weapon still is a bit of mythology, isn't it? >> i think you're absolutely right, tom. there was a lot of reporting about this many years ago, after the fall of the soef yet union. and when you peel away the onion, it doesn't really hold up as a story. i think the focus is not suitcase bombs falling into the hands of terrorists, or even the weapons themselves. because the weapons, at least they're countable. the thing that isn't countable in parts of the world is the material. you only need -- well, you need two materials, one of two materials to make nuclear wems. highly enriched uranium or plutonium. if you don't have those materials, you cannot make a nuclear weapon.
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and terrorists do not have the technicalwhere withal to make that. if we get that material, shrink it, lock it down, and secure it. then we can stop a terrorist from acquiring a usable nuclear weapon. >> hopefully we're just dealing with governments and hopefully we can keep them stable enough to have not a problem with that. jim, thank you for joining us with those insights. an adoption going very wrong. a little boy returned to russia from tennessee. and now the state department is getting involved. you may have heard about this case. but you haven't heard the latest. we'll get that in a moment and break down what this could mean for other adoptive families here. [ female announcer ] breathe right asks... [ woman ] could i ask you to strip on the street?
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a 7-year-old returned to russia by his adoptive family in tennessee. now we're bringing you up to date with the latest details as we start the week off. the state department is now getting involved. they're planning to send high-level officials to russia to urge that nation not to do what it is threatening to do, which is to put all u.s. adoptions on hold. let's get some of the background here. the boy was escorted from shelbyville, tennessee, to washington, d.c., where he was put on a transatlantic flight all by himself. he was reportedly picked up in moscow by a pre-arranged driver. and with him was a note from his adoptive mother, torii hanson, addressed to the russian department of education. that says, let's take a look at it here, i no longer wish to parent this child. he is violent and has severe psychopathic issues and behaviors. i was lied to and misled by the russian orphanage workers and director regarding his mental stability and other issues. in a phone call with cnn, torry
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hanson's mother said he had a list of people he wanted to hurt, including his american mom. russian authorities are saying this is just not true. this esee no signs of that behavior. listen. >>. >> translator: the examinations show the boy to be healthy, physically and mentally. it's a lie. when i asked how the mother treated him, he burst into tears and say she used to pull his hair. >> you can see how this whole story is unraveling. torry and her mother have not been charged with anything. russian officials are outraged. they're threatening to freeze all adoptions to the u.s. that's why high-level state department officials are heading to moscow sometime this week in hopes of keeping that avenue of adoptions open. a big reason why unicef says there are some 730,000 orphans in russia. close to three-quarters of a million. americans adopted over 1,500
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russian children last year. that places russia third on the list of the most popular places to adopt from. but it's certainly not an easy process. americans looking to adopt from russia must either be married or a single woman over 25. they must be citizens. they must have a clean bill of health and no criminal background. for russian children to be eligible, they need to have been registered for adoption for at least six months before potential american parents are considered. most agencies say adopting infants younger than 9 months old is impossible. meeting the requirements is only part of the battle, of course. the adoption process can be very long and expensive, as any couple who's gone through it can tell you. first, there's a mountain of paperwork to be filled out before russian authorities match potential parents with children. then they must travel to russia to adopt that child. and after that, it's back to the u.s. to apply for adoption eligibility. here you can see all this is steps. it's very complex. even after you clear all of
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those hurdles, it's back to russia again to bring the child home here. the cost, look at this, anywhere from $20,000 to $30,000, on top of months, sometimes years of work with no guarantee of the outcome you're after. cnn, of course, is continuing to cover this story from all the angles. as you can tell, what we're seeing here, it's evolving by the hour. we'll have much more tonight on "ac 360" starting at 10:00 p.m. eastern time. make sure you join anderson and the gang there and they'll bring you up to date on all the latest. turning to more happening at this late hour. the senate votes next hour on extending jobless benefits after letting them expire for thousands of americans. and you can bet those americans, of course, will be watching very closely. our christine romans joins us straight ahead with all the details. breathing better. so i can join the fun at my family barbeque. (announcer) for people with copd, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, great news.
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with unemployment still hovering around 10%, i don't have to tell any of you how important jobless benefits can be to people. the senate is heading toward a vote on extending jobless benefits again. christine romans is joining us with the latest on that. what's going on? >> well, tom, as you know, in washington, it's never simple or a straight line, right? there are some procedural votes that have to happen first, and maybe by the end of the week there can be some action on this. but the senate went home for the easter recess without extending unemployment benefits as many
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consumer advocates wanted. some 212,000 people rolled off their benefits last week, and if nothing is settled, it will be 1 million people this month in april, tom, who will lose their benefits. at issue here is the cost of another extension. some $9 billion. and there are some republicans who are concerned that this so-called emergency spending, first begun underneath the stimulus act, they'd like to see some, as they say in washington parlance, budget offsets. they'd like to say is there going to be a way to pay for this longer term. you're having a big philosophical discussion still how this will work, how long we'll extend these benefits. tom, there are 5.7 million people getting unemployment benefits extensions. that means their first 26 weeks of jobless benefits, which are funded by employers, and administered by the states, that ran out. and now there are these federal extensions. some people can get up to 99 weeks of unemployment benefits.
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it just shows you how deep and severe the long-term unemployment problem is in this country, tom. 44% of the unemployed have been out of work for six months or longer. these checks incredibly important for filling the gaps for hundreds of thousands of families, tom. >> are these people going to automatically face a delay, even if it's voted on now that the deadline has passed? will the check be delayed a week or two or something? >> this has already started for 212,000 people. what they're hoping to do, the democrats are hoping to, the senior democrats are hoping to find a way to go back and retroactively and fill that gap for people. but there are people losing their benefits now because they've rolled off. because there hasn't been an extension. now, what's happening today is a first vote needed to push back the deadline until early may. and then what some democrats are talking about is trying to solve the problem until the end of the year, an extension of the cobra
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subsidy that's helping people pay for their cobra health insurance, which is still very expensive. the stimulus act helps pay for some of the co-insurance from the people who are getting cobra and also the unemployment benefits. so we're not every six weeks talking about this. doesn't it feel like we've been talking about this all year? we've been trying to patch it and patch it and patch it. there will have to be a longer term discussion of what we're going to do if we're going to have unemployment hanging near 9% and 10% for this year and next, you're going to have a lot of people rolling off these benefits extensions. >> and a lot of predictions of that happening. >> they'll have to figure out what they'll do longer term. is it going to be an emergency or budget for this for the people who are unemployed. >> and the people waiting for a check right now, that's a tough thing living paycheck to paycheck. see christine and, of course, ali velshi every weekend on "your money."
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an encore presentation on sunday. if you're worried about your money, and i think we are these days, check it out. checking out top stories. searchers have gone back into a west virginia coal mine where 29 people were killed in an explosion last week. they hope to pull out nine bodies still in the upper big branch mine. efforts yesterday were stalled due to high levels of methane gas. in poland, a nation is mourning the death of president lech kaczynski, his wife and several top military and civilian leaders killed in a plane crash in russia over the weekend. the polish government said the president and first lady will be buried on saturday. russian investigators say human error may have been to blame in the crash when the plane tried to land in heavy fog. you're looking at past incidents to try to get some guidance on that. federal law enforcement sources tell us the alleged ringleader of a plot to blow up
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the new york subway system planned his attack in mid-september of last year. they say na ju zazi and his two alleged co-conspirators planned to board stations at grand central and times square stations during russia hour and blow themselves up after the planes had departed. zazi has pleaded guilty to his charges. his co-defendants have pled not guilty. and finally, if you are missing conan o'brien, i've got a surprise for you. o'brien is heading to cable channel tbs to host a late-night talk show. it's expected to debut in oh november. it will air monday through thursday at 11:00 p.m. eastern, shifting lopez tonight back to midnight. tbs, one of our sister stations here at turner. in 2007, you may recall actor dennis quaid's newborn twins received an overdose of a blood thinner heparin, and it almost killed them. terrible news. now, three years later, has anything been done to prevent
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that is what actor dennis quaid is talking about at this hour in d.c. you might remember in 2007, quaid's newborn twins received a near-fatal hospital overdoes of the blood thinner heparin. since then quaid has testified before congress, and started his own foundation to prevent medical mistakes. >> they recall automobiles, they recall toasters, they even recall dog food. but baxter failed to recall a medication that already killed three infants and severely injured three others just a year earlier. and then a year after that, the indianapolis incident. the very same incident happened to our 12-day-old infants. >> you heard him mention the maker of heparin. baxter. before that incident they changed their labels to help doctors identify the right drug and dose. cedars-sinai medical center where the quaid twins were being treated weren't using the newer
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label at that time. the quaids later settled out of court with the hospital. they put forth a national patient safety goal regarding blood thinners. pay attention to this, because it might affect you. the guidelines include standardizing how the drugs are administered, screening patients beforehand and taking into st any other drug interactions, and one more simple one, not using the letter "u" for units. because that can easily be mistaken by a pharmacist as a zero. in 2009 the food and drug administration set a new standard for how the amount of heparin is determined in u.s. products. turning now to a look at what's going on with the weather, chad. are you missing d.c., sir? >> i'm always missing d.c. >> are you missing the magic wall? >> i'm missing the magic wall. >> nice down here in atlanta. you have the west coast all lit up. >> yes, the west coast is lit up today only because of all the
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severe weather, talking about snow at 4,500 feet. that means if you're on i-80, on the grapevine, you're going to see snow on your drive. because you are above the snow line. and so that's going to make some tricky driving across parts of l.a. and san francisco, sacramento had pictures earlier of the snow there overnight. and l.a., a lot of rain overnight. an inch of rain. that could cause, with more rain coming in, more rain to the west, that could cause some flooding. especially mud slides. they have all those burn areas. >> sure. >> no roots in those areas because all the vegetation is gone, burned away. and then that water, mud can slide downhill. >> and the big arrows coming across the country. >> something to see here, too. i believe this area right through here is going to have a pretty significant fire danger tomorrow. winds are going to be 60 miles per hour. even now, winds are very gusty in san francisco. so sto is an hour delay. >> early in the season, too. could be a tough summer. >> yeah.
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taking on washington. the tea party express is moving closer to d.c. the tea partiers are planning a really big rally on thursday, which is tax day, in case you don't have your paperwork done, and they're rallying troops all along the way. they're wrapping up a 48-stop tour heading to syracuse in a few hours. but a rally is well under way in buffalo, new york, right now, where we find cnn political producer shannon travis. you've been traveling along, shannon, visiting with these folks and blogging about the whole thing. how far is the rally going so far today?
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>> reporter: hey there, tom. we're here in buffalo right now. at the very tail end of this tea party, this tea party express rally, the mood is a little bit solemn right now. a candidate for governor is speaking. the crowd has disbursed a little bit much. it's solemn right now. it was more celebratory a little bit earlier as a lot of the activists basically claiming victory for their moment. which is congressman bart stupak deciding to step aside and not seek re-election. he said he's not running because he wants to spend more time with family and health care was a crowning achievement in his career. but the tea party is counting that up as a success for their cause. the latest stupak announcement as a win for them. >> what other legislators have in their sights? it's not all about going after
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democrats or just republicans, it's about mixing it up. >> reporter: that's right, tom. we actually interviewed mark williams. he's the chairman of the tea party express three tour. i want you to take a listen at some sights that he's putting in the crosshairs of politicians. >> we need to purge both parties. we need to purge the democrats, we need to purge the republicans. and we're on a rhino hunt. we're going to drive them to political extinction of the political party. >> let me ask you about this. one of the questions we have about the tea party is the ability of the party to coalesce about what they're for, as opposed to just what they're against. it's easy to push people out by saying what they're against or for. how much are you seeing this movement focus itself about what it stands for, so that if it starts recruiting its own candidates in a big way, we know what that's all about.
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>> reporter: tom, it's a little hard to hear you, so i'll try to answer that question the best way i can. basically the tea party says that they're for fiscal restraint. they don't like the deficit. they're a against a lot of the democrats and president obama's policies, they view it as being too liberal. as you heard from mark williams in that sound bite, they said they're against republicans that they call rhinos, republicans in name only, that they feel are a little bit too liberal, not quite conservative. so they're going to be going after some of those people. as a matter of fact, an interesting little tidbit from today's rally, on stage is a tea party activist and he said he actually went to massachusetts to help scott brown win that senate race, him and some other activists. and he told him basically he better "behave himself" or he might find himself in their crosshairs also. >> good travels. have a good time. keep us up to date with the tea
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party folks out there. keeping you up to date with your money. is the recession over or not? you can answer that question yourself if you want to. we've been going back and forth on that for quite some time in the news business. now a group of experts have weighed in with their thoughts. the question is, will you agree with them, and does it really matter. matter. we'll tell you in just a moment. different states, different rates. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service,
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you may remember that saying from the old sage himself, yogi berra, it ain't over tl it's over. nobody ever accuse ed yogi of being an economist. but is the recession over or not. some folks say it is, some folks say it isn't. a group of economists is now saying, not so fast. our stephanie elam is in new york with more on this sticky issue. stephanie, tell us about what's going on with these folks. this is the national bureau of economic research. and just what are they saying? >> yeah, tom. this is the only group that can say when the recession is over. and it's really odd to hear them talking about the end, or even coming out and saying anything if they haven't made up their mind. but the group did put out a statement today. and this is what they're sailing. they said they met at the end of last week and took a look to see if the recession is over, and they said they can't make that call. it says, "although most
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indicators have turned up, the committee decided that the determination of the trough date on the basis of current data would be premature. many indicators are quite preliminary at this time and will be revised in coming months." now, of course, they can revise it higher, revise it for the worst. all these factor in. they need to find out when the economy hit the bottom. simply because once you get to the bottom point of all things, there's only one place to go, then they can say we're in recovery mode. they take a look at a whole bunch of economic reports. gross domestic report, they take a look at unemployment numbers, incomes, outputs, a whole bunch of things. the problem is, if they're going to be revised, that can change the picture here, tom. >> it seems like even if they said it's over, that doesn't change the 10% unemployment roughly. it doesn't change the millions of houses facing foreclosure. and that's the problem, isn't it? >> yeah, that's really the thing here. if you take a look at something like this, after you have a recession, it's almost always the situation where you have
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unemployment numbers rising after that. take a look at the last recession in 2001. we saw unemployment not peaking until 2003. that's a year and a half after the recession ended. that's because employers don't start hiring until they feel secure. until they feel sure that the economy has turned around. and basically demand needs to be there. these things all have to factor in. remember, things get better, more folks who stop looking for work altogether previously, they started joining the hunt again. they weren't even factored into the unemployment numbers previously. now they're going to be counted and that will keep the numbers high as well. that's not much of a surprise to see that happening. i know some people think it's counterintuitive, but it's just one of those lagging indicate. >> how do your pals feel on wall street right now? they actually had a pretty good year. >> well, you know, a lot of people are saying they think -- a lot of economists when i'm down at the stock exchange, they say they think the recession did
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probably end some point last summer. that's when the economy started growing again. we saw numbers to support that. but even if that is true, it's still the longest recession since the great depression. the current record would actually be 16 months in the 1970s, and early in the 1980 fs. but it's really not surprising to see that there's really no call on those. it doesn't really matter to us if they make this call or not, it's just interesting to know what is going on out there, what they think and to know when it did end. but it's always a rear-view picture that we're getting from them, tom, always. >> if i'm hungry, it's not going to help that everyone else is having lunch. >> exactly. the hour's top stories start now in washington. not since 1945 have so many world leaders gathered at the invitation of a u.s. president with the subject of nuclear weapons on the table. specific live, the need to protect the world's far-flung supplies of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium. it begins a little more than three hours from now. president obama is busy hosting
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one-on-one sitdowns in the meantime. in southern afghanistan, angry protesters blocked roads and called for death to america after u.s. troops fired on a bus, killing at least four civilians. military officials say it was still dark this morning when troops tried to get the driver of that bus to stop. when he didn't, they started shooting, fearing that that bus was a threat. we'll follow up on that later on. a big move for the vatican. for the first time ever, the catholic church is making it clear that bishops and other clergy should go to the police if they suspect abuse. the vatican insists this has long been part of the church's policy. many people have had doubts about that. but it posted a new guide on its website which is available to everyone, spelling it out specifically. most states have a limit on the amount of time you have to report sex abuse among children. now, however, connecticut lawmakers are fighting to take the statute of limitations off
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here's part of that letter. "the nature of bankruptcy litigation puts all assets at risk, even if your parish has had no past incidents, reports or allegations of child abuse. and this is not simply about bankruptcy or the loss of property. ultimately the legislation would undermine the mission of the catholic church in connecticut, threatening our parishes, our schools, and our catholic charities." let's talk a little bit about these claims of child abuse. more than 13,000 molestation claims have been filed against clergy since 1950. bishops say these claims have cost the church more than $1.5 billion. from what we could find online, only two states have no statutes of limitation on child sex abuse, alaska and maine. those with statutes of limitation vary a great deal. the statutes range from 2 to 30 years, some statutes start when the child reaches 18or 21. it's confusing depending on where you live.
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connecticut, which is the one we're talking about today, has the longest statute of limitations. 30 years. that's 30 years beginning at the age of 18. so basically if you live in connecticut and you were sexually abused, you have until your 48th birthday to file suit. right now, we have one of the supporters of getting rid of even that limitation. connecticut state representative beth buy joins us from hartford. let me start with this if i can. you have an awful lot of years involved here. people can be fairly old before they pursue these charges. why do you think that's not enough? they're almost 50 years old. is that not enough time? >> well, i think that's a great question. in connecticut, i represent a district where numerous of my constituents were abused by a doctor at a hospital. and they had made claims there earlier. but they had no evidence. and then all of a sudden, while someone was reconstructing a home, 50,000 slides of child pornography fell out of the walls and these victims finally
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had the evidence they needed to bring a claim forward. and so they approached me and said, please help us. because in some cases, one brother can make a claim, but the other brother cannot. simply because of their birth date. >> so this is a little bit specific to your area. you're saying that you had a specific concern there. as a general principle, do you think it's a good idea for other states? should other places be considering this? >> well, i think in the case of child sexual abuse, it's such a heinous crime, that it deserves extra time. because of some of the aspects of the crime. my co-sponsor had two sisters who had been abused by a parent. and so if this case was brought to me by constituents who were abused by little league coaches, i'd be moving to have this changed in that case. it's just the evidence that came out was unusual. and we did hear the concerns of the church and the public hearing, and have in fact limited it severely after the age of 48, where we changed the bill to say only if you can get
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to a hearing that shows you have evidence. and only if you can join an open claim filed by someone under the statute of limitations. i felt like over the weekend the church acknowledged those changes that we made in the bills to avoid frivolous lawsuits. it's not about the church, it could be a church, it could be a nonprofit, it could be a business, it could be the state. >> so let me interrupt you. i want to make sure i understand what you're saying here. if someone's 62 years old comes forward and on their own says, i want to report the case of abuse and i want to file a lawsuit back in when i was 9, under your law, they're still told no, the statute of limitations has run out if they came forward at 65 and said, there are 15 people who have a case and they're under the age of 48, and i also was abused by that priest, they can join that lawsuit? >> right. whatever person may have abused them if there's an open case. we've tried to make the bar very high once you get past the age of 48 in connecticut. >> so what do you make of the church's complaint that this is really opening up them to
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tremendous liability here? >> well, i was really disappointed about the announcement from the pope this weekend. because i don't think they accurately reflected the changes we made in the bill. they obviously have concerns about this legislation and are doing their best to work against it. but if you look at the facts and the idea that we've severely limited your access to make a claim, you have to get through a probable cause hearing. i believe we answered their concerns. after we had the public hearing and listened to their concerns. >> we're going to pick up this conversation in a minute with more of the details on this business of actually reporting sex abuse in the roman catholic church. new developments over the weekend related to that. and how that might affect a lot of people out there who are concerned about this issue. we'll continue our conversation in just a second.
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alleged victims of sex abuse by roman catholic priests have long claimed a cover-up conspiracy. what they say is the church really just takes all these matters and wants to hide it from the public, hide it from law, and deal with it themselves, or not deal with it. well, today the vatican responded to those thoughts in a very big way. this is a live picture from the vatican's website, a new guide that spells out their policy on reporting acts of sexual abuse. the vatican says it's been policy for a long time to abide by civil laws. this new posting says, quote, civil law regarding reporting of crimes to appropriate authorities should always be followed. in other words, if a priest or
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bishop has suspicion of something going on, they are supposed to call the police. pope benedict xvi said last month they said cooperate with authorities. but according to the associated press, this is the first time that's been spelled out publicly. and to give perspective, the number of sex abuse claims against roman catholic bishops and priests has dropped over the past few years. there were 714 claims in 2006. you can see that's down from 783 in 2005. and over 1,000 in 2004. nationally, incidents are believed to be reported -- it's a little tricky on the numbers here, 20% of the time. you can see at the top here, cases are reporting. that's what they believe. 25% of those involve females reporting that 17% involve males reporting it. now, let's bring back connecticut state representative beth bye. beth, let me ask you a big question about this. one of the real concerns has always been that very often the allegations of abuse don't emerge for a long time.
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first of all, we know this is a very traumatic for children, but why does it take so, so long for some people, into their 30s, 40s, even 50s? >> i've talked to very many victims, and you realize that what it is, is that they're anxious to come forward with this sort of allegation. they think it reflects on them or somehow it's their fault that they were abused, and so they put it away in a place and it has significant impacts on their lives, where they don't want to face up to it. and they don't want to report it. or they have no evidence. it's their word against an adult. in it my case, i had some victims who described the doctor who abused them as wearing a gun under his lab coat, so they had a lot of fear. people that perpetrate these crimes are very clever, and usually in positions of authority. so there are lots of reasons kids don't report. >> how do we deal with the back side of that also? i know the church has raised concerns about it, and others have too. what do you do if you're someone who worked with children many years ago, and suddenly, 25, 30
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years later, somebody comes up who you may not even remember and says something happened. how does somebody defend against that if they're innocent? >> i think part of that is what we tried to address in our law with the possible cause here. you have to show evidence, and that's what we are working toward is to make it stronger so that couldn't happen. it can happen to anyone that a claim is made. but the person needs to be able to make their case in court. i was so compelled because my victims had photographic and video evidence that wasn't available to them before they were 48 when they first tried to make noise about this happening to them. so now they have evidence, and they can't make a case, simply because of their birth date. if you have one brother who can file suit and the other brother cannot, to me, as a legislator, that said to me, you need to think about this law. and that's why it came forward. >> well, we'll see what happens up there, and we'll keep following it, of course. thanks so much for joining us, connecticut representative, beth bye. >> thank you for having me. after a couple rough months, toyota is trying to get back on
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track. but new problems are popping up like pot holes almost daily. so many of you drive toyotas out there and you want to hear the latest and meet a company whistle blower. that's next. but don't worry. he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's that lady? ♪ sexy lady ♪ who's that lady? [ female announcer ] used mops can grow bacteria. swiffer wetjet starts with a clean pad every time. and its antibacterial cleaner kills bacteria mops can spread around. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. ♪ lovely lady [ male announcer ] competition... it pushes us to work harder. to be better. to win. but sometimes even rivals realize they share a common goal. america's beverage companies have removed full-calorie soft drinks from schools, reducing beverage calories by 88%.
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if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. it's time to take a deep breath... and ask your doctor if viagra is right for you. if toyota thought its troubles were fading away in the rear-view mirror, just the opposite is happening. it's smack in the middle of a multi-problem pileup. and here is the latest. insurance giant state farm says give us our money back. it's demanding that toyota
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reimburse the company for claims paid out in any crashes linked to sudden, unintended acceleration. other insurers are expected to follow suit. the potential cost to toyota is estimated in the tens of millions of dollars. and we could be talking much bigger bucks to settle over 200 lawsuits brought against toyota. so far, the cases have just been consolidated by a federal judge in california. legal analysts say toyota may be on the hook for at least $3 billion, with a "b" dollars. and then there is the government, too. it's already filing a $16 million claim, and now threatening a second separate fine. you really have to wonder what the future is going to be for toyota at this point. and these last few months as we have heard all this news about recalls and congressional hearings, you've also heard which is percent about whistle
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blowers at toyota, people trying to get the word out when they saw a problem there. deb talks to one of them at length. >> reporter: for years, he worked at the assembly line in japan. he took pride in his work, pressing metal to shape the outside of cars. believing it was for the good of society. >> translator: it was a good life i had. >> reporter: but in the last decade, as demand for small fuel efficient cars skyrocketed, he began to fear the company was dangerously cutting corners and compromising safety, so they took a risk. four years ago, the men wrote this letter voicing serious concerns about what they saw as toyota's move to cut costs, outsource critical design work, limit car testing on new models, and hire more workers they believed were less qualified. of . >> translator: workers without skill became in charge of making
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cars. as a result, naturally, the quality had to be compromised. we were very anxious of the danger. >> reporter: from 2000 to 2005, the number of toyota recalls had been rising steadily. the letter warned the company could face a serious crisis if it failed to act. the company's reply? >> translator: we do not reply. that's it. >> reporter: toyota now acknowledges the letter, and says it strictly adheres to all japanese and u.s. labor laws and regulations. this february, company president eye yeeto toyoda said they outpaced quality control. >> i fear the pace at which have grown may have been too quick. >> reporter: toyota set the goal standard for its lean model, minimizing cost, maximizing efficiency. but cliff waldman says the company forget a key goal.
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>> they overemphasized efficiency and rapid growth without the goals of careful new product development, efficient information sharing. >> reporter: that information sharing or lack of it would come to haunt toyota. executives in the u.s. seemingly kept in the dark during toyota's major car recall in more than 30 european countries last september, just before similar rau recalls hit the u.s. >> we're not perfect. and we -- we didn't share the experience that we had in europe. we didn't know about it in north america. >> reporter: in march, steve st. angelo was named chief quality officer in north america. >> so there's the latest from what's going on there. and right now, we're going to millageville, georgia. this is the attorney -- the district attorney there, fred bright, talking about charges or potential charges against pittsburgh steelers' quarterback, ben roethlisberger.
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>> the duty of a district attorney is to always seek justice, not merely to convict. when we have solid evidence of a crime and can prove a defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, we do that. just as important, when we cannot prove a defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, we admit it, and do not prosecute the crime. as you know, for the last month, the georgia bureau of investigation and the millageville police department have been investigating a sexual allegation regarding ben roethlisberger. they have completed their investigation, turned over the reports to my office, which we have reviewed thoroughly. the sexual allegation against mr. roethlisberger cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. therefore, there will be no
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arrest made, nor criminal prosecution of mr. roethlisberger for his actions here on march 5th, 2010. the facts as they appear from the investigation are essentially these. on the evening of thursday, march 4th, and going into after midnight on friday, march 5th, ben roethlisberger was bar-hopping with his bodyguards and friends here in mill edgeville, georgia and attracting a crowd wherever he went. and the victim was bar-hopping with her sorority sisters. both parties had been drinking alcohol prior to meeting each other. they did not know each other before this evening, but did meet at different bars throughout the course of the night. they participated in
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conversations, some of a sexual nature. after midnight, mr. roethlisberger and his entourage were at the capital city club -- >> that's district attorney fred bright saying there will not be prosecution of pittsburgh steeler quarterback, ben roethlisberger of that sex allegation there in that town. this is a huge development, obviously, for mr. roethlisberger and the steelers. sports fans all over will be following very closely. it is worth noting that he is -- this is the second time in a year that he has been accused of sexual misconduct. he faces a lawsuit filed by a woman who says he raped her in 2008 at lake tahoe. he denies that allegation. but nonetheless, the news right now is that in milledgeville, georgia, he will not face charges. let's move to the top news of the day. a major announcement as president obama hosts dozens of world leaders for a nuclear summit.
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we're now learning ukraine that is pledged to get rid of all highly enriched uranium in two years. more details on that in a moment. plus, just a few days to go before tax day. if you have not filed yet, don't panic. the tax lady, roni deutch, is here to answer your most frequently asked questions. also, if there is one group that knows full well when tax day is, it's the tea party. and they are wrapping up a massive road trip to d.c. this week, gathering steam all the way. and is we are on their trail. we'll bring you the latest. turning to the top story of the hour, so many warheads, so many pounds of plutonium, highly enriched uranium, in so many countries. with so many terrorists so eager to get their hands on it. that's more than a nightmare scenario. president obama calls it the single-biggest threat to u.s. security. it's why he has invited dozens of fellow world leaders to washington this week, and it's why they have accepted. they want to find ways to further lock down the global supply of nuclear weapons-grade materials. and just moments ago, we got a
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headline. the white house says ukraine is vowing to get rid of all of its highly enriched uranium in two years. of we'll bring you more on that as we learn more details as the day goes on. this is the biggest such gathering hosted by a u.s. president since the 1945 meeting that gave rise to the united nations and it comes just days after mr. obama signed a new arms reduction treaty with russia. russia is taking part in the d.c. conference, along with 46 other countries from all jeria to vietnam. you can see them here highlighted in yellow. iran, however, which claims not to be developing nuclear weapons is not attending. you can see it there in red. nor is north korea, which claims to already have nukes. india and pakistan are at the table, but each is making weapons-grade plutonium as fast as it can as a deterrent against the other, but that's a different story, one not on the agenda this week in washington, as important as it is. we have a new cnn poll on all of this, about your opinions on this, and i want you to see those numbers.
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they're pretty striking. a majority of americans believe it is likely the u.s. will be attacked by terrorists with nuclear weapons in the coming decade. 45% say it's not likely. fewer than 4 in 10 americans believe the u.s. will be involved in a full-fledged nuclear war. for that reason, an overwhelming majority say it's more important to keep nukes away from terrorists, than to reduce nuclear weapons held by unfriendly countries. look at the numbers there. 77% are worried about this terrorist threat. my next guest is worried about it, too. he says he believes a nuclear attack by terrorists is more likely than not by the year 2014, which is not far off. graham allison is a former assistant secretary of defense who now heads the bellford center for science and international affairs at harvard. let me ask you first, why do you believe this is such a likely thing? >> well, i think if you look at the facts of, while it's psychologically incredible to
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imagine terrorists bringing a nuclear bomb and exploding in one of our cities, analytically, it's hard to see how it has not happened already. take 9/11. we know that on that day, a terrorist group killed 3,000 people, twice as many people as japan killed in the attack at pearl harbor. what's the difference between 9/11 and a nuclear 9/11? just one thing. terrorists getting a nuclear bomb. so if osama bin laden gets a nuclear bomb or the material from which he can make a nuclear bomb, he has stated his intention, he has been working hard at this objective. and he'll bring it to an american city and explode it, god forbid. >> let me challenge you on just the physics of this thing, though, to begin with. even nations like north korea and india and pakistan and iran, most recently, have proven in their own way that this is not an easy thing. you don't just cook this up in your kitchen. so aren't there still daunting
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physical challenges for a terrorist group to actually make this happen? >> well, there are. you're precisely right, and you've noticed that in making highly enriched uranium or making plutonium, the only two things from which you can make a nuclear mushroom cloud, only states have the capacity to do that. and states like north korea had to struggle for a long time to do that. what they have done so successfully. the unfortunate fact, however, is that there are lots of nuclear bombs that states have made, like north korea or pakistan. and there's lots of nuclear material which they have made. and if terrorists were to get a bomb that a state has made or get 100 pounds of highly enriched uranium that a state has made, they can make a primitive nuclear bomb. so the point of this summit is precisely focused on this proposition. if we could lock up all nuclear weapons and all nuclear materials as good as gold in ft.
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knox, then we could deny terrorists the means to achieve their deadliest aspirations and prevent nuclear terrorism. as i say in my book, a nice sillagism from physics. no thistle material, no mushroom cloud, no nuclear terrorism. so the objective needs to be, and has to be, and is the focus of this had summit, preventing terrorists acquiring the nuclear bomb or nuclear material made by a state. they're not going to make it themselves, but unfortunately, they might get it from a state. >> what is your biggest fear about in terms of getting it? is it someone like north korea, who we know has dealt in arms with other people, flat-out selling it to someone, or the failure of a country like pakistan, where they simply can't protect their arms and they're taken by terrorists? or a terrorist organization effectively taking over the government of a pakistan? of those three scenarios, what do you think is the most deadly and most likely? >> well, those are three serious scenarios to think about.
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of i would say the first and the second are more likely than the third. in the case of north korea, while it seems incredible to imagine that somebody like kim jong-il could sell a bomb to somebody like osama bin laden, we should remember that this same fellow in 2007 sold something thousands of times larger than a bomb to syria that is a plutonium producing reactor, plus started fuel from which they would be able to make their own bomb. and in the case of pakistan, while the current physical arrangements for the security of nuclear weapons and materials are satisfactory, as far as we can tell, the government of pakistan and the society is one that's fighting currently two insurgencies against two taliban groups, where al qaeda is an active group and where we know that there are very tight connections between some of these groups and the custodians of the nuclear weapons and materials. so pakistan, if it became an unstable state, which is more
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likely than a terrorist group would take over pakistan, but if it became an unstable state, you could imagine the splintering of control of nuclear weapons and materials, and those might get into the hands of somebody like osama bin laden. >> all right. thanks so much for joining us, graham allison from boston today. over in claim bridge, in fact. we appreciate your time and expertise. some very dark days in poland right now. the country begins a week of official mourning of the president and 95% others killed in a fiery plane crash. and in chicago, a large polish community outside of warsaw. we'll have a live report in a bit.
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intense grief is mingling with at least some relief today over in poland. that country is mourning its president, first lady and dozens of other government and military officials killed in a plane crash saturday in russia. considering the size of poland's loss, you might expect some political chaos to follow. but by all accounts, transfer of how we are has been smooth, and the rules governing have kicked in. what does that mean? the speaker of the lower house of parliament is now the acting polish president, according to the constitution. he has two weeks to announce aua date for a new presidential election. the vote has to be held in two no, sir, so we're talking about mid june. meantime, we're following developments on several other fronts at the crash site in western russia. we're told there are still
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bodies trapped in the wreckage of the presidential plane. there it is there. that plane and its pilot both are under scrutiny today. russian and polish authorities are examining the flight recorders to learn more about the crew's decision to try to land in heavy fog. joining us live from warsaw now, my old friend, cnn's jim clancy. jim, what is the latest with this really unbelievable story? >> well, the nation of poland still grieves, no doubt about that, tom. but i want to get you briefed. as you say, some of these latest developments that we have. word from the crash scene is that maria kaczynski, her remains have been positively identified and will be turned over to authorities in the morning. at some point after that, they will fly back to warsaw, where she will lie in a casket alongside the former president. the public is going to be able to go in there tomorrow at some point to pay their personal
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respects to the president, and his wife. no timing on that yet. but we do know now that the state funeral for both the president and the first lady will come on saturday. but keep in mind, tom, you've got 20 lawmakers, you have military heads, you have so many other people, the funerals could go on for some time here in warsaw. back to you. >> jim, one of the things that has been raised is this question of what investigators might be looking at at this scene, and what might have happened on board that plane. do you have idea of what they are looking at? >> well, not being in -- in russia where the investigation is taking place, they're looking at the black box data recordings, the communications that went on between the aircraft and the tower, and trying to determine just what happened there. now, russian authorities have come out and said today that they believe that the -- these data recorders clearly show the tower warned the airplane that there was heavy fog at the time,
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and urged them to divert to another location, another airport, where they could have landed safely. but for some reason, as yet unexplained, the pilots tried, we are told, on four different occasions to land at that airport with tragic results. >> unbelievable. and how is the government functioning there, especially things like the economy? obviously, if we had something like that happen here, even if we had a successful transfer of power, we would expect some bumps in road. what's happening there? >> you know, you can look at how the nation is copying right here behind me. if you take a look and you see, these are the people in this democracy are coping, grieving, gathering in the streets, lighting candles, leaving bouquets of flowers, while the political process appears to be moving ahead slowly, but surely and steadily. now, on the economic front, we do know a lot of people were watching this morning to see how this was going to play out as the stock market, the warsaw
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stock exchange once again opened here in warsaw, the capital city. what we saw was actually a 1% rise. now, what the former deputy president told me just a couple of hours ago was that this shows the stability of the institutions of democracy. 20 years after solidarity, the ship yards, the overthrow of communism in poland. he says we see that the pillars of democracy in this country are holding firm. and that is why a lot of people went to their jobs today. but tonight, they have come out once again in their tens of thousands to pay homage to those who lost their lives saturday. tom? >> jim, always a terrific job and i know you'll keep us up to date on the situation. tragic story in poland. in a moment or two, we will turn to lighter fare. conan o'brien is coming back to television here in the united states. when and where? we're going to tell you. just stay put. a guy named his own price, wants a room tonight for 65 dollars.
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( tires squealing ) to have bad tires. come to meinekand save $20 on two or more tires. at meineke, you're always the driver. let's check out our top stories in washington, d.c. president obama is making some headway at the global nuclear summit. the white house says ukraine has now pledged to get rid of all of its highly enriched uranium in the next two years. that's an element commonly used for nuclear fuel. searchers have gone back into a west virginia coal mine, where 9 people were killed in an explosion last week. they hope to pull out the nine bodies still in the mine. plus, federal investigators are expected to arrive today. and in a rare move, the u.s. attorney in west virginia says he will prosecute if there is any crime that may have led to this blast. that's a surprise out there. of. federal law enforcement
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sources tell us the alleged ring leader of a plot to blow up the new york subway system planned to stage his attack in mid september of last year. they say najibullah zazi and his two alleged co conspirators planned to board trains at grand central and times square stations during rush hour and blow themselves up after the trains departed. imagine how that would have been. zazi has pled guilty, and co defendants pled not guilty. and finally, if you're missing conan o'brien, i've got a surprise for you. o'brien is heading to cable channel tbs to host a late-night talk show, expected to air in november. it is shifting lopez tonight back to midnight. tbs is one of our sister station here at turner. we all remember stacking blocks when we were kids, right? well, they've got nothing on these guys. when we go off the radar with chad, we will show you some fast hands and a new king in the
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don't need it. but they are going to be just probably in the flood zones here across parts of the southern part of the country. also maybe even into the dominican republic, the way this rain is going to be coming in. significant stories, i think probably will have that all over the nice, and, of course, you know, we always get anderson cooper to cover these things so well. >> probably already has -- >> probably knows it's coming, exactly. hey, we're going off the radar. i know -- ali and i do this every day. >> sure. i'll watch. >> it's something random. never know what's off the radar, because it's just kind of -- well, this time denver, colorado. the sport, cup-stacking championship. new world record. kenneth liao from tennessee. three by three, which means you've got to stack three and then three and then three in 1.72 seconds, breaking the old record by .08, 8/100 of a second faster. look at this. it looks like they're literally in fast motion. this does not look like it should be possible. wait until the adults get going
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here. denver, colorado, host there of the cup-stacking championships. >> i think you and i would be working on our first stack. >> see, for me, the cup is upside down. >> that's an entirely different sport. tax week is here, and if you are biting your nails about the big deadline, take a breath. ronny deutsch, the tax lady is going to join us and answer your critical questions now, as fast as stacking a cup.
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here is a date that makes a lot of americans cringe, april 15th, tax day. it means many of us owe uncle sam a lot of paperwork, maybe some cash, by thursday. and a lot of you are rushing out there. so we have enlisted tax expert, roni deutch, to make it as painless as possible. she wrote the book, "the ladies' tax guide to beating the irs and saving big bucks on your taxes." she will be answering your questions. and ronny, let's start with a question about tax returns. when can folks expect their cash? >> it really depends on the method in which you use to file your tax return. for example, if you e filed your tax return with the irs, you're going to get your refund check within ten days. but if you use the united states' postal service, it will generally take up to ten weeks to get your refund check from the irs.
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>> all right. we were showing for a moment there our next question, which i want to get to. do i need to have direct deposit if i'm going e file? because a lot of people are going that way. >> yes, that's a common misconception that taxpayers have. you do not need to have a direct deposit bank account, if you e file your tax return. all you need to know is, e filing is the safest, fastest, most effective way to get your refund check, and again, you'll get it within ten days, with or without a direct deposit account. >> can i track the status of my refund? >> isn't it great to know, tom, that you can absolutely track the status of your refund check? here's what you need to do. you need to go to, and go to the "where's my refund" page at that irs website. and you can track the status of your refund. if you e-filed, it will be available within 72 hours. and if you mailed your tax
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return, that information will be available within three to four months -- three to four weeks, excuse me, after sending your return. >> okay. here's another one that would matter a lot to some people. can the irs intentionally withhold my refund? >> yes. it is so important for taxpayers to know that the irs acts as the biggest collection agency in the united states. if you owe the irs money, or you owe any other governmental agency money, like delinquent student loans or owe money to a state agency, you bet. the irs will absolutely keep all of your refund check. >> you're doing very well so far, roni. here's the next question. what if there is an incorrect amount on the refund check? >> yeah. wouldn't it be great if the irs sent all of us too much money? here's what you need to know. the irs is going to either send you the exact amount of money on your tax return, or a little
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more, or a little less. and if they send you anything different than what was on that tax return, generally they send you a letter of explanation within two weeks. but if you do not receive that letter of explanation within two weeks, please pick up the phone and call 1-800-829-1040, and ask the irs for an explanation as to why your refund check amount differs. >> all right. and last one here. can i change my mailing address, even after i have filed my return? i've suddenly moved to a different state, suddenly got the job i was looking for. what happens? >> yes, certainly millions of taxpayers change their mailing address after they send their federal tax return in. here's what you need to know. your refund check is going to be delayed. meaning the post office will send it back to the irs. so what you must do is go to
2:36 pm, where's my refund, and make sure that you change the address that the irs has for you, or you'll be like millions of taxpayers who have $1.2 billion in unclaimed refunds. very easy to change your address to ensure that your refund check arrives to the right place. >> roni deutch, thanks so much, and her address will be right here, all week long, answering your tax questions. make sure you joan us every day for that. moving on. the plan of attack, well, it was simple enough. board the subways at rush hour and blow them up. cnn will have the details on this alleged plot to attack new york city trains. all the latest. we have been following it all day. we'll bring the latest to you in just a moment. stay put.
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we have been following all day the new chilling details of alleged al qaeda plot to blow up the new york subway system. we want to bring up to date on the latest. this man in the white shirt getting off that chopper, that's najibullah zazi. and they say he along with two allies planned to bomb new york subway trains last september, around the time of the 9/11 anniversary. his likely target dates were september 14th or 15th or 16th. zazi has been cooperating since his arrest last year. according to the feds, the three were planning to target the subway station's busiest stations, grabbed central and times square, and they are unbelievably busy.
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wearing explosive vests, boarding the trains, lines 1, 2, 3 or 6. for new yorkers, that will make sense. and after the trains departed, would have blown themselves up. that's what the plot was. zazi and his codefendants were buddies at new york's flushing high school, and all allegedly recruited by al qaeda and got training over in pakistan. you may recall the plot began unraveling last year after zazi drove from denver to new york to allegedly scout out the targets. the feds say he admitted in court he called off the plan when he learned that fbi and new york police were on to him. zazi codefendants pleaded not guilty. zazi pleaded guilty. he is scheduled for sentencing in june. really astonishing new revelations about that attack plan. we'll have more all evening long here on cnn. in the meantime, red star riding. we're talking about the people's republic of china. in case you did not notice, it's an economic power on the global stage. and we'll look at whether that is a good thing or a bad thing
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as the u.s. tries to come out of its own recession. and you have a heart attack. that's what happened to me. i'm on an aspirin regimen now. my doctor told me it's the easiest preventative thing you can do. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. see your doctor. simple. [ male announcer ] competition... it pushes us to work harder. to be better. to win. but sometimes even rivals realize they share a common goal. america's beverage companies have removed full-calorie soft drinks from schools, reducing beverage calories by 88%. together with schools, we're helping kids make more balanced choices every day. ♪
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you know, back before we had those big millennium parties, every business person in this country knew you had to be in china. it was considered a no-brainer if you wanted to move forward. well, fast forward ten years, and you can't help but see the huge impact china is having on the u.s. and many different areas. but especially on the economy. our christine romans joins us from new york with more on this very timely issue. christine? >> and tom, especially coming out of a very deep and dark recession here. the question then, nine years after china was admitted to the world trade organization and officially welcomed to the world economy, many people are asking, has china's rise been good or bad for the u.s.? meet steve uden, husband, father of two daughters, and a trade statistic. >> i felt like a baseball player that got traded from a team that
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he loved playing for, and loved the fans. i loved my customers. my co-workers were like second family to me. >> his job as a telecom projects manager went overseas to china when his factory moved there. classified by the u.s. government as a casualty of foreign trade, qualifies him for a stipend and money for retraining. unemployment benefits and cobra health insurance fill the gap. >> we're keeping it level and steady and right now we're okay. >> he's the face of the increasingly strained relations between the u.s. and china. one think tank estimates 2.4 million manufacturing jobs went to china between 2001 and 2008. and with china's explosive rise comes a nation that is now a key player in america's domestic and foreign policy. take its currency. anything made in china is cheaper than made in the usa. why? >> they arbitrarily control the value of their currency, and they do not allow it to float
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like most other currencies in which supply and demand for the currency set the value of it. >> that means $1 is always equal to about 6.83. >> it gives them about a 40% advantage, and puts our experters at an enormous disadvantage. >> the treasury secretary abruptly postponed releasing a report this week that could have listed china as a currency manipulator. opting for back room diplomacy and a closed-door meeting in it by jang. this just before the president, hu jintao, comes to washington for nuclear talks. >> that's good. we're not going to hang him out to dry while he's here, which would be politically disastrous. >> and then there's this. pressuring china is tricky. china is america's banker. the world's factory floor. it's building its military by more of the world's natural resources to fuel its growth. and it doesn't like americans
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telling it what to do. >> the chinese showing a new assertiveness and aggressiveness that took many americans by surprise. i think that it's partly because they're starting to listen to what we say about this being china's century, and they started to internalize it and say, well, if this is our century, then we should determine what goes on. >> at the same time, the u.s. needs china's influence with emerging nuclear threats in north korea and iran. >> thus far, the united states and china have clearly not been of one mind. the chinese and emphasized over and over again, do it didn'tly, let's negotiate, and the americans have gotten more and more impatient and tried to move the world in the direction of difficult sanctions. >> the american people wonder, is china an opportunity or a threat? >> it's going to be both. and the question is on balance, is it better or worse? >> a question unanswered for steve udden. he is still out of work in foxboro, massachusetts. his job is now somewhere in china. his outlook, quintessential america.
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>> i am completely optimistic, and believe in the marrow of my bones that i am going to find something that's good for me, and my wife and children. >> publicly, the chinese dismiss the obama administration's calls to let its currency rise. and chinese officials insist, the u.s. is using beijing as a scapegoat for its own economic troubles. chinese premier recently scolded president obama and called america's attitude today protectionist, and said the u.s. has too many of its own problems to interfere in how china chooses to do its business. privately, tom, though, there are some hopes on the progress of the currency front this week. >> christine, thanks so much. engineering and space and everything they're doing there in china, big, big news. we're going to stay on it. >> sure. you know they're watching in washington these days? the tea party. i'm telling you as somebody who is there all of the time, both
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parties are still not quite sure what to make of these folks. they're going to get a good close-up look in a few days. the tea party express is making its way to washington, d.c. we will have an inside look at that movement on its way to your capital after this break. [ male announcer ] parents magazine and called it "one of the best family cars of 2009." the insurance institute for highway safety calls it a 2010 top safety pick. with automatic crash response from onstar
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tax day. meanwhile, the tea party express continues its 48-stop tour with a couple of stops in upstate new york. cnn political producer shannon travis is in buffalo. shannon, you've been traveling with the express and blogging about your experiences. you've talked about this perceived stereotype of the tea party people. explain more about that. >> reporter: well, let me just say this first, tom. we're here in buffalo, obviously, where a tea party rally just wrapped up. we're actually here at a naval and military mark. behind me there's some u.s. fighter jets. we're also on the erie canal. two interesting back drops for this movement. one, obviously, of america's military might, and another of a at thatnal that helped the country grow commercially. but another interesting tidbit about this area is that buffalo was really key to the underground railroad, obviously a movement that helped free a lot of slaves. unclear if the tea party express knew that would be a backdrop,
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also. you mentioned a thing about stereotypes. they are keen on the stereotype that at least their critics say that they're a bunch of people who don't really like president obama because he's black, or that they have racist -- outrate racism within their ranks. very keen on that. as you said, i've spent a lot of time with them over the past two weeks, observing some diversity in the crowd, some reception i've gotten as an african-american, political producer. i can say that there aren't that many blacks that are actually at these rallies. but the ones who are there are very passionate. we had one person on stage, an act -- named lloyd marcus who at this rally said something about blacks at the media and said something, are we a bunch of race rifts which is odd for a black person to say. i've observed some things and also took a little time to see what it's like for some of these activists behind the scenes, traveling from state to states
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and leaving their family behind. we're in grand rapids, michigan, the latest stop on the national tea party express tour, where that crowd over there is full of angry protesters. but a lot of protesters who are celebrating the fact that congressman bart stupak will not seek re-election. how do you feel about congressman stupak's decision to not run for re-election? >> he could see he was going to get whipped. >> freedom! >> there are a lot of people riled up. and i tell them it's better to turn off cable, unless, of course, we're on cnn and get out and do something about it. and that's what they're doing. >> you're about to see something very few get to see. we're about to get on board one of the tea party buses and see what happens inside. >> thumb's up literally. >> so just one microwave now? >> we had to get a new microwave. >> we do have some bunks back here. >> there you have it.
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>> is it pretty comfortable? >> absolutely not. >> getting some work done. >> getting some work done? i'll leave you alone. >> the mid mead i can't says we do, so we get on the skbus have brainstorming discussions. what kind of racial slurs can we come up with this time? not. just joking, of course. [ honking ] ♪ >> everybody! >> hi, how are you? >> we are going to vote the bums out. and we're going to do that by voting truth. >> we just thank you for the amount of people that have stepped forward in this movement, and we ask that you'll continue to grow it, lord. >> okay, so it's 6:30 in the morning, and i haven't had much sleep. we got to bed about 1:00 last night. the day is starting to blur together. and we feel like -- like you
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can't even remember where you were yesterday. >> had to get it in there somehow. >> we're headed to detroit. for our first rally. and it's drizzling here, so hopefully we have better weather as we go. hurry up and get here. the buses are leaving, honking their horns, you're trying to talk to people. we don't have time. our schedule is so tight. we have to get to the next rally. ♪ stand up >> reporter: door door la and her fellow tea activists are on their way to syracuse now, and wrapping up in washington, d.c. thursday. >> thanks so much, shannon. appreciate your time on this. is the recession over? all sorts of politicians and pundits have been asking that question over and over again.
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reading tea leaves and consulting the stars, they have concluded what almost anyone could have told them. this recession is not over yet. yes, they admit parts of the economy are growing. yes, they concede that if the positive trends continue, they may reassess their position. but not yet. of course, this is the same group that did not declare a recession while stomping across the country like god zil la until most of us already knew it. why is that? because the way the government, economists and businesses measure the health of the economy is different than the way you or i measure it. and what's good for the boss is not always good for the workers. take productivity, for example. we invariable report a rise in productivity as a good thing. if a factory worker makes hundred little red wagons a week, and suddenly makes 120, his productivity has gone up. good for the company, can be good for the boss and government too, if it produces extra tax revenue. but the worker just worked harder for the same wages. see how this works? my p
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