tv John King USA CNN April 12, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." john king starts right now. >> we don't try to tell you what to think, there are other places you go for that. but some issues shouldn't be reflectively political, regardless of who question supported for president or congress or mayor for that matter. nuclear security is the topic of a major summit here in washington. and it's scary stuff. one expert, harvard university's graham allison believes it is more likely than not that a nuclear bomb will detonate in the united states in the next four years.
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55% of americans consider it likely that the united states will be attacked by terrorists with some kind of a fluke clear device in this decade, it's serious stuff with serious conversation, and worth challenging, maybe even suspe suspending your norm political reflexes. something in your polling jumped out at me. one piece of the nuclear security debate is the new nuclear arms debate that the united states negotiated with russia. 70% of americans say they believe the senate should ratify the agreement. but there is a divide when you take a closer look. 87% of democrats favor ratification and 68% of independents. but just 49% of republicans. yes, our politics have been polarized for a long time, so maybe that should been a surprise. national security should been different. eight years ago, for example, when the u.s. negotiateded a similar agreement with russia, 85 percent of democrats, 89% of
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republicans supported it. that was when memories of 9/11 were still fresh and before the iraq war, when the old adage that politics should stop at the water's edge was back in vogue, an oldie was a goodie. a busy hour ahead including new names on the president's list for the supreme court vacancy and a new effort in the senate to get checks in the mail to unemployed americans. let's begin by exploring the players and the challenges at the big nuclear security summit. for that we go to the magic wall for help, there are 47 nations represented at the big nuclear summit. 38 of those nations sent their head of state or governments, mannering kings, prime ministers and governors. it's the biggest two-day summit since 1945 and it's been designated a national security
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event which means the secret service takes charge of all the security. as the summit got underway, vice president biden invited some of the participants to his official residence for lunch and used stark and silver language on the agen agenda. >> many of the countries here and just 50 pounds of high purity uranium, smaller than a soccer ball could destroy the downtown of all our capital cities and kill tens if not hundreds of thousands of individuals so it's very much in our interest to gain control. this is the horrific threat that we all face together and one that we are determined we will defeat together. >> right now president obama and the national leaders are sitting down for a working dinner at the washington, d.c. convention center. what do they need to talk about? what do they need to accomplish?
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wendy sherman is here because she studied ways of keeping terrorists from getting their hands or weapons of mass destruction. >> talk is cheap, but what does this president and this world community need to come out of this meeting with in terms of tangible proof and steps that you think would take this problem down a notch? >> we saw one very important step today when president obama met with president covich of ukraine, they have a very large stockpile of highly enriched uranium which is not the kind of material that you want terrorists to get their hands on and they want to by 2012 to get rid of that stockpile, they have got to figure out where to put it. but already, this is a very important concrete result because as your intro said,
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there are hundreds of thousands of tons of this material that we have to secure. >> the international atomic energy association said this is 100,000 -- 18 of them involving highly enriched uranium which is the most dangerous. is it better now than it was after the fall of the berlin wall or is the problem getting worse? >> unfortunately i think most experts think the problem is getting worse because we have had al qaeda to many years now absolutely committed to getting its hands on some of that nuclear material. there's probably not a one of us who reads that great fiction who hasn't recently read a book where some terrorist got their hands on some nuclear material and a u.s. intelligence officer at the last moment kept them from setting off the bomb. that's not so farfetched. the greatest danger is making sure that material does not fall into the hands of terrorists and that's what the president and
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quite frankly these 47 leaders along with the u.n. and the iaea and others are trying to make sure happens. >> help us understand because you have had over the course of your career access to the intelligence. so i know you can't share classified information, but what don't we know that perhaps would help people understand that maybe somebody at home would say maybe i better care more about this. >> i think we have all read in the newspaper or heard you all reporting about things that came over the border from canada that got stopped, making sure they didn't get transported. a ball of plutonium which is the other kind of fisz sill material. a bomb could be put in a suitcase and carried off the border, and no one would know it's there, you might not even detect the radiation. so one thing that president bush began and that president obama has continued is the security initiative, stopping ships,
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making sure we don't have loose nuclear material that's being transported or the elements that's needed to create a nuclear bomb. >> the overwhelming bulk of this material is in the united states and russia. and the question is where are we now in that process, because the russians say it's none of your business and we say you need to build up your security and a better protocol to make sure you're keeping track of this stuff. >> we have to make sure that many of these situations, we can transfer to low enriched uranium and get the same results. and so i think that the president's s.t.a.r.t. agreement which is on strategic arms reduction to bring down our warheads and also will take us to a strategic dialogue with russia.
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senator luger began an initiative to make sure that their nuclear material is well secured and we really should take that nun-luger initiative to the rest of the world so that nations can make those commitments and we can make sure that all that nuclear material is secure. >> i want to talk to you for a minute after the break who's not here and why those are important. but of those who are here, obviously the president is talking to the president of china, the president of russia, the prime minister of the ukraine. how do they play in this world. >> we want to make sure that people don't think that the only way to be powerful is to have a nuclear power. if north korea and iran have nuclear weapons, it's going to inspire others to say we better get one too.
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we want to make sure that countries like south america who had a nuclear weapons program and gave them up that they are examples to the rest of the world that you don't have to be a nuclear power to make sure you're prosperous and make sure you have a strong nation. >> while there are 50 leaders here for the summit, as you noticed people are missing. we'll see who didn't come and just why that's important. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to work with kids. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at hey what's going on?
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if you look here, you see some of the challenges for the nuclear summit here in washington. of course the leaders are concerned that terrorists are seeking nuclear weapons. 18 documented cases of theft or loss of plutonium or highly enriched uranium, the list of world leaders and organizations here for the summit is quite impressive. but those who are not here are worth noting too, especially when you consider those most interested in the black market for nuclear materials. listen here to the president's counter terrorism advisor john brennan. >> al qaeda and other terrorist groups know if they were to
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acquire plutonium or highly enriched uranium, they know they could turn it into a bomb to kill and injure many thousands of men, women and children which is al qaeda's sole agenda. >> so you hear the stakes there from the president's counter terrorism advisor. let's go over the magic wall you see the map here already highlighting venezuela, venezuela is not a nuclear power, but it is working with russia to develop new energy sources and it's been the source of many diplomatic sessions around the world. syria has only a very modest amount the united states believes of nuclear material but they are worry because they had a dysfunctional relationship with the united states and they were trying to develop a nuclear program some years back. israel has 100 kilograms of
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highly enriched uranium, 650 kilograms of plutonium and the united states joins relatively friendly relations. azerbaijan enjoys a significant a lot of waste. iran of course on everybody's list, it has some highly enri enriched uranium, it says it's developing a peaceful program, but the united states says it may be close to having a nuclear bomb and let's zoom in on one of the satellite pictures of iran. the united states and other intelligence agencies have tried to figure out exactly what's happening at natanz and other sites, again using new center fudges. and last move over lastly to north korea, again, another country of major concern, not invited to the summit, because it has no good relations to the united states.
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north korea already has 42 kilograms of highly enriched uranium and 35 kilograms of plutonium. let's look at one of the fluke clear sites that's been of such concern for the nuclear community. where north korea is believed to have a nuclear reactor. here you have other facilities that are believed to be online. my guests and i will continue our conversation? just a minute and we'll ask them why these people aren't here and what can be done and how what can be done and how important they are conversations underway here in washington. but i try not to let it hold me back... whether i'm at the batting cages... down by the lake or... fishing at the shore. i'm breathing better... with spiriva. announcer: spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for both forms of copd, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. among president obama's priorities for the nuclear summit here in washington are preventing iran from getting nuclear weapons and putting a stop to north korea's weapons program. ambassador wendy sherman who met kim jong-il when he was part of the clinton administration. and the co-founder of global zero an international organization devoted to eliminating nuclear weapons. let's continue the conversation. in the context of those who are
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not here, what can this group of leaders who are here do to help deal with the north korean problem or the iranian problem, for example? >> we at global zero believable and i personally believe that if we're able to achieve consensus, if we're able to bring the nuclear states and also the nuclear capable states and obviously this meeting is a group of states that have nuclear materials or access to nuclear materials, if we're able to bring as many of those states together as possible, and if we're able to agree, as i hope this summit will, there will be concrete agreements to safeguard nuclear materials, smuggling, nuclear materials crossing borders and nuclear materials within a country's borders. then you're beginning to develop a global consensus, a certain mow men mum that's critical in achieving global zero an to
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diminishing the threats of nuclear terrorism, of those materials that are so many of them in unstable parts of the world reaching the hands of those who would use them to wreak havoc on any of us anywhere in the world. >> is there any risk in doing this in the sense thatter you watch iranian behavior over the years u north korean behaviors over the years, when you're lectured over the united states, they respond by essentially saying if you poke me, i'll poke you back, is there going to be some reaction from them after that. >> we heard president ahmadinejad of iran basically say this was humiliating and that nations shouldn't take these kinds of actions. but in fact, i think that we'll hear the united states talk about the commitments it needs to make as well. we have an enormous amount of nuclear material as we were discussing before, some in our research reactors that we have to make sure are secure and move down to low enriched rather than
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highly enriched uranium so everybody has work to do including the united states. >> in that context, we talk about this terms of north korea and iran and weapons programs, but a lot of the nuclear material in the world is research, medical research, we have issues with the canadians to our north and within the borders of the united states. how much is the technology of this business, the necessary nuclear business changed in the last ten years or so so that you can now go to these people and say you don't need to do it this way anymore because you can get what you need in a safer way? >> i think the ukraine's commitment announced today is an example. here is a country that is now committed to eliminate all of its highly enriched uranium and it's going to move to its low enriched uranium for its nuclear reactors, we hope other states are going to move that direction, that's one of the technologies that's providing us an avenue to try and mobilize the global community to follow
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if you will, to shift gears away from highly enriched uranium and those kinds of materials that present a greater danger. >> those who are -- those in the world, never mind just who's here, those in the world, who has the best safety, security, of the nuclear materials in your view? >> i think we do have excellent systems in the united states. and we have had long running, probably the best nuclear labs in the world. and we heard both secretary clinton and secretary gates talk about that as the nuclear posture review was unveiled last week to really put $5 billion into really upgrading our own nuclear arsenal and make sure that all of our nuclear weapons are safe, secure, reliable, and ready for the future even as we reduce our stockpile as we have just agreed to do with russia. >> and who's the worst? >> i would like to say that wendy is absolutely right about
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the united states and the level of technological and other resources it's been able to bring to it's nuclear arsenal if you will. on the other hand, this film countdown to zero which is produced by participant productions and lawrence bender who produced "inconvenient truth" and a range of other very important documentaries on critical issues today, spells out very clearly the accidents that have -- and the almost catastrophic nuclear accidents that have taken place, even with all of those safeguards, and we look at the rest of the world where there are so many states where there is highly enriched youraniu uranium, probably about ten states that are of enormous concern that have quantities of highly enriched uranium. i do not want to pick out any one of those states. >> what is the temperature in
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the region of the word you have lived in for so long and you still visit so often, there's all this talk if iran goes further, the further they get, that other people in the neighborhood will feel the pressure, that the saudis who certainly have the resources could go out and build a nuclear program, other countries in the region how is that part of the discussion? >> the region t arab states have since the nuclear nonproliferation committee committed to that treaty and to a weapons of mass destruction free zone and they're still calling for the middle east to be a weapons of mass destruction-free zone. we of course at global zero call for the elimination of all nuclear weapons. that means that no country should acquire them such as iran and all countries should eliminate them such as israel. and i think that if we achieved some progress on those two fronts and i don't want to sound polly annish, but on the other
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hand, if we really want to look practically at the region, we would go a long ways toward diminishing a great deal of the tension in the region. israel doesn't need weapons, it needs peace with its neighbors. and that's what iran needs a reengagement on proper terms if you will according to international law and conventions, with the rest of the world. >> thank you both for coming in, it's a fascinating subject, and i hope people at home learn a little bit as well. when we come back, what it's like for somebody who's job it is to protect us from dirty bombs. aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. also available in small, easy-to-swallow petites. citracal.
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chief boyd protects 43 miles of water front. let me ask you this central question now, we focus so much attention on this issue right after 9/11, are we safer now than then? >> i would say we are safer now than we were then, but we have still got a long way to go. >> when it comes to the issue here in washington, that the idea of somebody with a soccer ball sized amount of a highly enriched uranium or plutonium would come in and wreak havoc can come into a city large or small, considering the training you have, the technology you have, where are you? >> we have got to have better capabilities to protect, better capabilities to respond and we have been working hard now to change the training acumen and to have our folks better prepared so that when we recognize these threats, we can
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mitigate them as soon as possible. >> do you have the resources you need, or has that been an issue, especially as you look around the country during this recession, a lot of states have cut back, and i don't know the level of federal grants you're getting, getting the resources and training you need, has that been cut back at all? >> we have made a tremendous amount of progress since september 11, we have done a number of things that are not traditional for local law enforcement to do, which would include adding additional detection equipment, to cooperate with multiple agencies, all of the stake holders are involved at the local state and federal level. the final piece is to get the training and to have multiple agencies and also the other stake holders which include the private sector all reading from the same playbook and doing the same thing as we look at detection and mitigation. >> you have 5 million uniyuaunie
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through your port on an annual basis, what is it that wakes you up at night? what's the biggest worry? >> first all the off doubling those numbers because we treat the entire port complex which is comprised of los angeles and long beach as the threat or the vulnerable asset. it's making sure that we're looking at our brothers over in the long beach area and making sure that they're consistent with the efforts that we have. and remember, we're the local agency, we're depending upon the state and the feds to make sure that the big net is out there and we're catching the fine points. so it's making sure, are we truly collaborating in the best fashion, do we have the best equipment? are we all trained on the same sheet of music? we're finally starting to work on getting all the state and local law enforcement officers trained in one facility here in los angeles. that's going to be very new and cutting edge for us, so that we make sure that the maritime
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supply chain is the best it's ever been protected. >> on a scale of one to ten, ten being certain you could stop it. where is your level of certainty if somebody, of all those giant containers that come through your ports, if somebody had a briefcase size of nuclear material, how would you stop it? >> i would be afraid to cross that road and say that it would be a ten or a two. after 9/11, it was probably closer to a two, and now with the changes that we have made and the networks that have been developed and collaboration with federal, state and local agencies, we're closer to that eight or nine. >> and i assume there's things that happen in your port or things your colleagues have stopped that we might know not about? >> there's a number of things, but those serve as benchmarks for us to actually gauge where we are as far as preparation and
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they give us something to look at. we have shifted from a very conventional type of thinking to asymmetric thinking which means we're continually having to go back and assess what we're doing and figuring out what we're doing and whether or not those tactics have been captured by a would be attacker and whether or not they have moved on to something new. >> we appreciate the service of yourself and all those who work under you, sir. >> my pleasure. we mentioneded that this is the largest meeting of international leaders that a u.s. president has hosted since 1945 and the guy in charge of keeping everybody safe is today's most important person you don't know. -d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dd
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today the most important person you don't know is coping with the biggest headache you don't have. providing security for the massive nuclear summit here in washington. that lucky person is secret service director mark sullivan, why him? because the department of homeland security officially designated a national special security event which puts the secret service in charge of coordinating with some 50 police and government agencies. it should be old hat for sullivan. since he became service director back in 2006, there's been -- sullivan brings three decades of law enforcement experience to the job. he joined the secret service in
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1983, best of all, he's from arlington, massachusetts, a suburb of boston, a member of red sox nation, dana bash joins me for the conversation. we covered the white house for a long time and these guys are just amazing, whether it's the uniformed officers or whether it is the undercover guys, especially at a big event like this when the president travels overseas, i remember the moment on the trip, what trip was it that president bush had to go grab his guy and they wouldn't let him go one of their meetings? it's a traffic might night mare people in washington. >> they have given up on doing it in places like washington. how many times did we go abroad to far, far away places, we had to get in boats sometimes to get to the site of these big summits for that reason and that reason only because that was the way they kept it secure.
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>> i have spent the day trying to learn more about how the enriched uranium and plutonium and the details about this summit, what have i missed? >> what you are maybe missing is that there's 400 peop,000 peopl there who are missing and that's a job and where their unemployment benefits are. we're talking about $435 which is very important money for people who don't have jobs. what happened tonight is that the senate did vote to at least begin debate on it. everybody agrees that this should be done. the question is from republicans is whether or not it should be paid for, they say yes, it should be, don't add to the debts and deficit, democrats say no. >> let's listen to a little bit of the political argument, first you have dick durbin of illinois who says this is all the republicans' fault.
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>> if we could just get enough compassion from the other side of the isle for unemployed workers as we had for bank bail bailouts, we would have a chance of feeding these people during one of the worst recessions in history. >> and the republicans say we would have done it yesterday if you would just help us find the money to pay for it. >> for my money, if we can't find $9.5 billion somewhere in this government and say that it's a higher priority to extend these unemployment benefits and pay for it, then whatever that money is used for, then we're not doing our job. >> so will the politics of this get in the way of getting the 60 votes necessary to cut off debate and end this and get the checks in the mail by the end of the week? >> i'm told tonight from democratic and republican sources that they are talking about trying to at least move faster on this, both republicans and democrats.
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up until then, both republicans and democrats think it's harsh that this is not a bad political issue trying to portray republicans as trying to block these benefits. and on the other side, republicans are saying what better political issue than when people are concerned about record deficits, record debt, to say we want to actually act in washington as everybody out there is expected to act. and that is balance your checkbook. if you' ee're going to act, fin something else in the budget to pay for it. >> our reporters will tell us what's in their notebooks, we'll be right back. on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number of pills... compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day.
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and now, cheer presents: next time on "brighten bay"... who's the angel that saved sandy? and more importantly, how does he get his whites so bright? find out with cheer. surprisingly bright at a new lower price. hey what's going on? doing the shipping. man, it would be a lot easier if we didn't have to weigh 'em all. if those boxes are under 70 lbs. you don't have to weigh 'em. with these priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. no weigh? nope. no way. yeah. no weigh? sure. no way! uh-uh.
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no way. yes way, no weigh-ing. priority mail flat rate box shipping starts at $4.95, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. dana bash is still with us, we're also joined by gloria borger and jessica yellin. let's focus on the big event the president is having in town, 47 nations represented, a big chance for him to be on to the world stage while at home, benefit, any down side, gloria. >> i think there's a real benefit to him. this issue of loose nukes as you have been talking about is not new, it's something that's been tried to be dealt with by both republican and democratic administrations, the president here looks like a leader, he's saying we're not just going to have a communique, we're going to come out of this with an action plan.
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loose nukes is something people worry about, it's something they can understand, it's lates terrorist companies so all in all, i think it's a win/win for him. >> and people are trying to get him on other issues, but this particular issue securing nuclear issues around the world has gone all the way back to the fall of the berlin wall has gotten pretty got bipartisan support. >> there is -- the treaty that he signed that he's doing with russia, that if we sort of give up some of our nuclear potential we allow other democratic states to feel more vulnerable, that's what the most conservative republicans will say. but even our poll showed it, democrats and independents are going to be on board with him. we were saying he's taking on too much, he's taking on a lot and he's getting a lot done now so the momentum does seem to be
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shifting right now. it loose like he's in control now. >> we mentioned unemployment benefits, he's involved in that. the president has to make one of these big legacy picks, two in his first two years in office, he may well get another one before his first term is up. we have some new names of some of the people that are on the short or the medium list, diane woods, she's from the president's hometown of chicago, she's one of them. merrick garland also made the list last time, a judge here in d.c. elena kagan who was a front-runner some say, she was a former dean at harvard law school, many conservatives have actually had some good things to say about elena hay began, sidney thomas, martha minow.
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and elizabeth warren, she runs the t.a.r.p. program, which is not a very popular program itself, but elizabeth warren is in charge of keeping track of the money. and of late the government has been saying that money's coming back in, so maybe her story has gotten a little bit more favorable in recent days, on capitol hill, are they gearing up? is this going to be a big fight or are people waiting to see who it is? >> people are waiting, but obviously they're gearing up, as it happens with every single supreme court pick, we have the name, every interest group has the names and they're doing their home work just in case, there's no question. but what's so interesting to me is that from the perspective of democrats, i have not talked to anybody who has not said that there is no stomach among democrats for a big fight to begin up the liberal base. just the opposite. if they have their way, it will be as noncontroversial as possible, it will get through and they can move on to the domestic issues that they really
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want to talk about like jobs. >> the republicans say the same thing or do they want a fight? >> the outside groups want a big fight. but the republicans in the is th that -- senate -- but the question that nobody can really answer yet is that if there is a fight, what kind of questions are going to be asked. we saw the republicans gather last week, sarah palin spoke, newt gingrich spoke, did they talk about the supreme court nominee much? or am i missing something? >> it's striking. >> it is striking, they didn't do that. it's not -- but states rights, states rights, you see someone from montana there, what tease big issue out west? what's the big issue for tea parties? states rights, how influence should the federal government have over your lives, the constitutionality of health care reform. >> as we go, we're determined to bring you into our weekly conversation. so we ask your question, ask you
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scott brown is one of the most fascinating players in town. the new republican senator from massachusetts. he came in and conservatives loved him. if he wants to win re-election, he has to be careful. there's a little boston accent. so, dana, you had a chance to interview him today. he decided to votes with the democrats to move this debate about unemployment benefits along. he didn't promise how it would go in the end. he did offer you a taste of his independence streak. >> when i see a good vote bill, whether it's a good republican or democrat bill, i'm going to vote for it. but i would encourage my
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democratic colleagues to do the same. i haven't seen the resiprocity. >> he hasn't seen the resiprocity. he's trying to figure out what? >> he's trying to stand on that political balance beam which not a lot of people are on right now, frankly. he said sometimes i will be the 41st vote which is what republicans were swinging from the chandeliers about when he was elected. but he also said sometimes i'll be the 60th vote. he walked right in there and the 60th vote for democrats on an issue that is impossible for him to vote against right now. >> it's actually nice as a political reporter to have an unpredictable guy. >> you never know which way he's going to go for now. he's up for re-election soon in the kennedy seat as much as he said he doesn't want it to be called that. you know the constituents better than any of us. do you think he's doing the right thing so far? >> i have a focus group, they're called the six king siblings. they love the guy so far. if they had to vote today, he would get five or six votes right now. long way to go. >> he's trying to visit both ways, honestly. which politician doesn't.
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but it's pretty obvious here. we don't know how he's going to vote. >> somebody who's back, i don't want you to get away with this one. tina faye doing what she does best. >> i love it. >> do you hate gotcha journalism? get ready for, hey journalist, i gotcha. i make journalists look like they were the ones that were woefully unprepared. so, katie, what newspapers do you read? it's an easy question, katie. well, better luck next time, gotcha. >> the scary thing is that network would do so well. >> it would. >> i think it would be a ratings bonanza. >> do you know what is going on with the oprah network? >> maybe. >> you never know. you never know. >> i just can't believe the pink jacket is back. >> and the leather. >> and the leather. well, yeah. she had to wear the leather. >> she's got this down pretty
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good. >> but the leather was not paid for about it republican national committee. >> does it help or hurt sarah palin who obviously is keeping a very high profile? >> i think, you know, i think it would hurt -- it only reit rates what they think, the media is out to get sarah palin. it's funny and charming. >> she is a pop culture figure. it's not going to change. and this just propels that image. >> all right. keep watching on saturday nights and any other night out there. thanks. and next, pete on the street with students who ought to have it made but are as worried as everyone else is about you know what, getting and keeping a job. you know, when i grow up, i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i'm going to work with kids. i want to fix up old houses.
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and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business-- the next generation of brink's home security. call now. let's head to new york and check in with campbell brown and see what is coming up at the top of the hour. >> the big news on wall street today, the dow finishing above 11,000 for the first time in 18 months. so why don't we feel better about the economy? also tonight, the continuing furor over that russian adoption gone very wrong. tonight the tennessee sheriff says he is reaching out to the state department. we'll tell you why. we'll see you at the top of the hour. john? >> campbell, thanks. ♪ so you think an ivy league diploma would be a magnet for the job recruiters. these days, that's no guarantee. we want to find out why. so we sent our off beat reporter to find out how the job search
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is going for the soon to be graduates. hey, pete. >> hey, john king. yeah, headed up to my almost alma mater. >> almost? >> reporter: yeah. i ended up somewhere else. i found out that even the most elite among americans are a little worried about their job prospect and even internships. we're trying to find out how people feel about their job prospect. you guys on your way to the job? what are you studying? >> applied math. >> reporter: applied math? if i throw out a equation, you would be able to do it? >> plus oar minus quar root of negative? research what about an internship for the summer? >> they're out. there i feel like i could get one. >> reporter: you're very laid back. you are heavily med waited? >> no, i'm from the west coast. >> reporter: when i come to harva harvard, i feel like the students can look at me and tell what my s.a.t. scores were. look at him, 800 combined. >> my start-up company won the harvard innovation competition.
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>> reporter: so did mine. what is your internship? >> northwestern mutual. >> how do you feel about job prospect? >> reporter: i'm concerned. i have a lot of insomnia. even the squirrels are elite. he won't even go in the grass. i'm feeling hopeless. >> sounds like everyone i know. >> reporter: that guy is filling out a job application right now. >> a lot more older people have a lot more experience. >> reporter: so you're more charismatic. >> i would hope. >> i want to go to medical school. >> reporter: can you take a look at this bump. >> i resisted temptation to sell my soul to the devil. >> reporter: clearly, look at the bike. have you invented any apps for the iphone? >> not yet. >> reporter: but you snl. >> plan on it. >> reporter: then take over the world? >> probably. >> reporter: yeah, so i didn't end up at harvard, john. it was nice to visit. >> pete, you know, i have ins at the kennedy school. should i try to get you in? >> yeah, absolutely. i think you could get men
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