tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 13, 2010 10:00pm-12:00am EDT
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"larry king live." >> larry: george lopez. you can catch him tonight on tbs at 11:00 until it moves. the guys from deadliest catch are here tomorrow night. willie nelson on friday. now, anderson cooper and "ac 36 360". anderson. >> thanks very much. tonight, keeping them honest. tea party leaders thinking about a call to arms. they say the federal government is reaching and forming a militia. a state senator says they have the right to get a guard. is this a dangerous move? also tonight, sarah palin may be the most talked about republican these days. in a new poll, she eesz not the top pick. what does it say about her political future? later, the 360 interview.
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the talk show host and best selling awe thor joins me. keeping them honest. tea partiers in oklahoma are experiences a volunteer militia because the federal government is overstepping its powers. the oklahoma constitutional alliance supports the idea. i say, is it scary. it sure is. when did the state stop rolling over for the senate. a republican who happens to be running for governor told the ap he was approached and believes a state guard would be authorized by the second amendment. it says a well regulated ma shi shah, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. critics are asking what would an armed state guard do. how would they fight against the federal government overstepping its powers. it's set off a fire storm today.
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next week is the 15th anniversary of the oklahoma city bombing. a number of politicians in the state criticized the idea of an armed militia. here is what steve russell says. >> i cannot imagine a scenario where the forming of a militia or ideas along these lines would be a good thing. >> he never called for the creation of a militia, but the statements are not clear. >> i'm talking protecting ourselves. as the governor of this state, i will do everything to keep congress within their constitutional authority. they are so far overreaching into state's business rksz it's crippling our economy. the bail outs, the stimulus, obama care. >> does he support forming an armed states guard? state senator randy joins me now. thank you for being with us.
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the government overstepped its powers, a lot of people feel that way. you have made statements that make it sound like you support a volunteer force. do you? >> well, i certainly support our national guard. we certainly have that. on section 44 of the oklahoma constitution, we already have a state guard. it's just unactivated, it's never been organized. i don't have the historical knowledge of that. it's something we have available to us. >> you said the national guard was federalized and not available for some state issues. it sounds like you are saying it exists in the statute. would you support the idea of raising a volunteer state guard? >> anderson, let me frame the debate and make sure your viewers understand what i said. i made a benign statement yesterday picked up reaffirming
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the second amendment rights. we, here in oklahoma appreciate the second amendment rights. without it, our constitution is in dire trouble. it gives us the right to keep and bear arms. it's unquestionable. it's undeniable. most citizens in this state appreciate it. >> you said you were approached by tea party groups about the possibility of the state guard called a militia. some sort of volunteer armed force. your critics say you are trying to have it both ways, saying it's allowed for, but without setting your own position. again, i have to ask you, would you support some sort of volunteer force, call it a state guard if it's on the books? would you support that idea? >> here is my position. i would like to see a quiet revolution. i want to see the restoration of our founding principals.
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i believe in limited government and personal responsibility and expansion of freedom. all of those things are protected in the constitution. that's my goal as governor to protect the citizens of this state standing on constitutional principals and my authority to protect the citizens of this state. that's my position on this issue. >> i have to re-ask the question. do you support one way or the other, yes or no, the idea of some sort of armed state guard? >> i support our state guard that's in the oklahoma constitution. it's unquestionable like i support the military and the national guard. here is the problem. the national guard, when they are deployed, they are federalized. the governor has no authority over the national guard. when we send so many members out of this state to fight a war, the state of oklahoma,
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oftentimes is left vulnerable. we may have ice storms and tornadoes where they are called out to protect the citizens. they are gone. would i support a state guard to help the national guard? of course. >> earlier, you seem to be framing it as something to curtail the powers of the federal government. how would an armed state guard of volunteers, i suppose, prevent federal laws from infringing on state's rights. >> my comments on overreaching, i believe that with all my heart. congress is so out of control now, they are reaching into the state of oklahoma causing economic havoc with the bail outs, stimulus schemes, all of these things caused a devastating effect on the citizens of this state economically. those things can be corrected utilizing the rule of law standing on constitutional
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principals. we have had a lack of leadership in this state. as governor, my sworn duty will be to protect the citizens of this state and hold congress at bay with the constitution. >> so just -- >> the military is used to fight wars. >> just so i'm clear on your position because earlier in the day, there were a lot of concern about comments you made or may have been misinterpreted. just so i am clear, you would not support, if a group of tea party activists wanted to arm and form a state guard, they call it a state guard or whatever they called it with some idea of curtailing the powers of the federal government you would not support that notion. >> if you are talking having a state guard to march on washington, d.c., of course not. this has worked for 234 years. our nation has been secured and blessed with freedom for all of this time. right now, we are in trouble in
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our country because the tenants, values and principals of our constitution is being abused by washington, d.c. i believe in states rights. i believe when the governors around this nation get a clue of what their responsibilities is and stand in the gap between the federal government and the citizens of their state, we can, once again, return civility to the state of oklahoma. we can reclaim what is ours and that's freedom and liberty. >> was the article correct that you were approached about this idea and if so, what did you tell them? did you tell them i do not support an armed group. >> if you read the article, i had one small quote in that. here is the problem. i am running for governor for the state of oklahoma. i'm a constitutional conservative. as a matter of fact, i happen to be the most conservative
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legislature in the state of oklahoma. i have a target on my back because of that. there are a lot of people that do not appreciate my constitutional conservative values. now, the people around this state appreciate that a lot. the politicians don't. >> did you have members of a tea party umbrella group, this gentleman quoted, did he approach you about this idea? if so, what did you tell him? >> did he approach me? it's reported we had meetings on this subject. absolutely not true. i had conversations on a lot of ideas. my goal as governor is to protect the citizens standing on the rule of law. that's my goal. no, i don't have a claimed idea of supporting some wild eyed militia or something like that. my goal is to protect the citizens standing on
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constitutional principals. that will be a solid ground to stand on. >> appreciate your time. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> our political panel weighing in on this. let us know what you think, a piece of raw politics, sarah palin's speaking contract is getting a lot of attention. spelling out what she requires when she shows up for speaking engagements. plus this -- >> you said i knew we had a thing see you tomorrow. pick you up at 7:00. ha, ha, ha. why do you have to put a ha ha ha at the end? >> chelsea handler is the big 360 interview. he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's that lady? ♪ sexy lady ♪ who's that lady? [ female announcer ] swiffer sweeper's electrostatic dry cloths attract and lock dirt, dust, and hair on contact
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now to the raw politics of the tea party movement on march 20th, representative john lewis, emanuel cleaver and members of a tea party yelled the "n" word. they insist it never happened. one is offered big money if they can prove it. >> i offered $100,000 to anyone that can show video that the "n" word was said once. >> that was a conservative
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blogger. he's pledged to donate $100,000 to the united negro fund if anyone shows proof it happened. david gergen and candy crowley, john king, republican strategist ed rollins and roland martin. roland, what about that? if that happened, you would think there would be video by now. is it a win for the tea party? >> i think it's dumb to focus on this. if you are trying to create an actual movement, this is the last thing you want to talk about. you want to talk about policy. you want to get folks involved. you don't want to remind people there's a possibility the "n" word was used. it makes no sense if you are trying to create a movement. >> david, i don't know if you were listening into the discuss
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before the break and talking to the state senator. a lot of liberal groups were raising red flags saying they want to raise a militia. the state senator made comments that raised concern. now, he's clearly saying he's not for an armed group of activists. >> well i don't know if he laid it to rest or not, anderson, but he suggested there's more smoke than fire. until there's proof, i take him on his word and move on. i do want to disagree with roland about the point of the tea party and the question of congressman john lewis walking across that street. that was an important moment. the accusation he was called the "n" word and spit upon was a sering moment during the health care debate. we took it as that's what happened. if it didn't happen, i think
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it's important to know that or if somebody was an imposterer. maybe we'll never know. the tea party has a right to say, hey, wait a minute if it didn't happen. let's get that clarified. it did turn off a lot of americans. >> i made the point because we had the previous accusations of the posters being there. i remember debating a tea party leader on anderson's show. he said he wouldn't take a sign down. the point i'm making is if you are trying to get folks elected, don't continue to come back to that kind of story. try to disprove it, but you want people focusing on why you have a movement, issues, not this. if this is the conversation, it's the last thing you want. you are never going to get people involved in your movement. >> this is only going to continue and we have a liberal
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group called crash the party. it's going to send people to the tea party protest to blend in and do things as outrageous as they can to cast a bad light on the tea party activists. >> you see another example of the fracture in politics now. to the point roland and david would agree on, are you a protest or political movement. >> that's right. >> if you have people trying to crash their party, if you will, then you see what's happening. they have insight at the left. it's a good thing if it means political activism. we are going to test this out. we are going to test it out through the primary season and test it out come november. is the tea party movement going to mature? what happens if the preferred candidates lose. republicans and conservatives. not all of it. most of their energy or protest thinking they have the short end of the stick. it's one of the many questions in this year where there are
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tensions on the right and the left. there are tensions on the right and left. how do they come together. candy they said the tea party is having problems. do i think the negative atmosphere goes into the thinking of members? i think it does. you have to point out that it does. how much of a factor do you think they are for democrats in swing districts and conservative districts? >> at the polls, they are going to be a factor. they drive the debate. we have heard a couple of the people that have decided to leave and to retire say that the atmospherics are just so bad that it's not fun anymore. it's particularly not fun for republicans because being a minority is not that much fun. there is a heightened hostile atmosphere here. no doubt it weighs on the minds. if you are a congressman and have been there for 20 years, it
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may not be that much fun or worth it anymore. he's stating the obvious, i think it's also true that a lot of these people have faced tough races before and they certainly have survived. it's in the democrats interest to look at the tea party and continue to frame the tea party and republicans as sort of crazy people. if they can put the republican party on the fringe and say, well, you know, this hostile atmosphere is so terrible we are leaving. if they can do that, it's helpful. there are politics played on both sides of this. >> can they play a spoiler role? there was a poll that showed republicans would come out ahead. in races where there's a tea party candidate in the mix, it might affect things. >> historically, elections are about the incumbent, democrat or republican. if people aren't satisfied they look for an alternative.
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people aren't happy with democrats. if there's a third ballot to go to, this is the strategy of harry reid in nevada, they have been talking about this for months and months. so, anytime you get a group like this and there's no organized leadership here, unlike the perot movement, anything can happen. there's no guarantee they won't be mad at republicans. they can turn on republicans as quickly as they can. they don't like what's going on in washington, d.c. and they are going to do something about it. >> at the end of the day, have to have a centralized movement. you can't have all these parties and people calling themselves tea party activists. the reform party was able to do that. >> a new poll looking ahead to
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2012. which gop has the votes now. we'll let you know in a second. text your answers to ac360. the list of what i don't like is getting longer and longer. that's right. you heard me tofu, bacon and the professional bowling tour. what i will always love and has become the foundation of my career are little people. >> queen of comedy tonight. chelsea handler.
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she may be the most talked about republican candidate, but sarah palin comes in third in a hypothetical horse race for the gop nomination. 24% of republicans say they would support former arkansas governor mike huk key. 20% show mitt romney. sarah palin was in third. let's talk more raw politics in the interesting midterm election race. i'm joined by gaifd gergen and candy crowley. the poll is not far away.
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clearly, there's no single front-runner. >> that's the thing you take away from it. they have no single national leader at the moment. whether this will have an impact on 2012 is way down the road. let's get through the midterms. how successful they are say what is they are looking for heading into the next cycle. george w. bush is gone. dick cheney is gone. you have a handful of republicans in the 20% ballpark. most of them people on the national stage recently. newt gingrich the former speaker, sarah palin, romney and huckabee all involved in the last campaign. nobody thinks it's a good thing. it allows a debate about philosophy and emphasis. >> more than november. mike huckabee was sitting at 1% three years ago. the course of the debates and winning the iowa caucuses
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mattered. obviously, it gave him the front-runner status. >> i remember going out with mike huckabee. he had a driver. like a young guy driving him around. >> he had a driver and young kids. they said what was it like in the olden days. i said before blackberries? they said no, we don't want to go back that far. there's no front-runner. romney is getting organized. he was out there with evangelicals. for mitt, he wasn't there. can he win caucuses and conventions and delegates and states. >> is he running differently this time? >> yes, he's definitely running differently. to a certain extent, he won't flip-flop as much as be more compatible. >> in 2008, he was running as a, you know, consistent conservative. >> he thought he was going to be
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the conservative candidate. >> the guy leading all the polls ruz rudy giuliani. >> it shows you important polls are. >> we talk mike huckabee, i thought he would be further along. after the campaign, huckabee had a strategy where he had the opportunity to be leader of the social conservative movement. that hasn't transpired. >> he's never had money. he moved to florida. he's building a house down there. he's told me he does not want to run in 2012. he's going to wait until 2010. there's no efforts being made for an election. >> we have a text 360 question to put to you. is there room for moderates and moderation in politics anymore. we were talking republicans and tea parties. does a moderate republican candidate stand a chance in the primary? >> it's going to be hard.
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there are some moderate candidates coming along. i'm in massachusetts. charlie baker is running for the governorship. he's very moderate. he eegs the northeastern voice. he's doing well, by the way. i want to come back to the sarah palin point. she's red hot on the speaking circuit. she's got a fierce following. >> made $12 million. >> it's going to go higher. she's probably made over 20 since she left the governorship. what's striking is nationally, 69% of the people in this poll said she was not qualified to be president. only 30% said she was qualified. her ratings and that number are lower than the tea parties. so, i think it's -- i think john and ed are both right. there's no front-runner. it's clear that she's not going to become the front-runner. i'm among those that don't think she's going to run. >> let me get the counter point.
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as long as we start in iowa, new hampshire and iowa. we don't run a national election, we go state by state, she can walk in when people are getting 25 and 50 people. she walks in on day one and has 20,000 in iowa, she attracts a big audience. there's a great fascination. she has two years to do more homework. it's not winning a national election, it's winning a state, a caucus. if she wants to run, she'll have the money. she doesn't have operatives. she doesn't want any. >> i agree with that. yeah. i think you are right about iowa. but, she's well known. a lot of people have made up their minds about her. >> we are worked for a guy named richard nixon who was dead and gone so many times. the poker sit and wait your cards. i don't think palin is nixon,
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obviously. there's a silent majority that loves her. i think she speaks to them. >> candy, do you think she has that fire in the belly? >> you know, i'm kind of with -- look, who knows. it's a long time between now and when they declare. i think she's -- somebody when i was at the southern leadership conference, somebody said to me, i think she wants to be a king maker, not the king. she likes to drive the debate. i think she likes to, you know, she's up there in the face of the president. they love that. she's also making bank. she's making lot of money. >> big money. >> i think she's enjoying the role she's got. >> a speaking contract where the details were fished out of a dumpster. who did that, i have no idea. private jets to speaking engagements and bend l straws. ime not sure what that's about.
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>> john king, do you think she has that desire to be president? >> i can't answer that question unless you send me a bendable straw. look, there were some things about the last campaign she loved. she proved herself a big draw. she brings a big crowd. she loved being on the road. most do. they thrive on the energy of campaigning. she didn't like the media. she didn't like the way she was treated by the mccain campaign staff. she came out with pluses and minuses. if you look at the numbers, at the moment, she's a weak candidate against president obama and not the strongest in the republican field. we are talking six months. if the republicans win, there's dynamic change. she can raise money and have a grass roots organization. romney is already out there running. those are the infrastructure and grass roots can wait the
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>> an earthquake hit china sunday. the u.s. geological survey says it was followed by several aftershocks. at least one person is dead, many others buried under debris. first lady, michelle obama made an unannounced trip to haiti. along her side was jill biden. she then headed to mexico for her first solo trip as first lady. toyota will stop selling the gx 460 after a safety warning. there was a rare don't buy rating. the rest runs revealed a problem that could cause it to roll over during sharp turns. two chinese singers were the first to be fined under laws bank lip synching.
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it was introduced after the beijing olympics after a girl lip synched. >> i didn't realize they passed a law. it would stop all of our artists from performing in this country m. >> there you go. >> viewers to show up our staffers for coming up with a better caption. tonight, president barack obama. we have two staff winners. gabe says,,ch bin haircut. release the kraken. >> not an attractive shot. >> not a great picture. >> whew! as long as it's you and not
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biden talking here. >> we should show the pictures up closer. can't really see them. joining the live shot, let us know what you think about the picture controversy. up next, chelsea handler. >> this is a first census where gays can officially acknowledge their life partners. it's fantastic. what about the sad women who have cats. >> comedian and talk show host joins us, coming up. found alive. the incredible story of a florida girl vanished from her home. today, she was rescued.
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or her life. she's late night star of "chelsea lately." chelsea handler is here for the interview. did you bring your dog chunk with you. >> he's in the car. >> did you at least roll down the windows. >> no. no. but don't tell peta. he's not in the car, but i don't want it to go on national television that he is. >> we'll edit that part out. what do you make of conan o'brien going to tbs. >> it's a surprise. are you? >> i had no idea tbs was in the running. >> it will be a boom to george lopez and his show. conan is a great guy. the more people in the 11:00 time slot the better, i guess.
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>> any hints for cable? >> it doesn't get a lot worse than this. enjoy the road to the middle. >> do you like doing a nightly show? >> i love it. i mean, like i became a comedian because i thought i would only have to work on the weekends. i'm working more than anticipated. i love it. i love coming to work and getting to see a show on the air at night. it's gratifying. i don't watch my show at nilgt, but it's nice to know it's on air at night. >> do you watch yourself? >> i used to when i lived with my boyfriend. he forced me to watch it when i got home. but it ended a couple months ago. >> i'm sorry about that. >> it's okay. it's a good thing. >> why are you the only woman with a show on cable at night? >> i don't know. i mean, i think joan rivers had a show. then she had a bunch of surgeries she needed to get.
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>> it got in the way of her show? >> probably got in the way of her whole day. i don't know. i think a lot more women are getting more attention for comedy at this time now. there are so many people out there doing their thing and getting recognition for it. it was timing. good timing on my part and the networks part. it's a stupid show and we are aware of that. we don't take ourselves seriously. >> do you have a hard time booking people, ever? >> we did, initially. we had a hard time booking people. with a show like ours on e, our audience wants the spectrum of the reality show stars all the way to the big movie stars and tv stars. we are fortunate enough that when it is hard to book, you know, a-list celebrities, our audience is excited about seeing somebody from "dancing with the stars" or "i love" whatever that
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show is. it's fun for me, you know. it's fun to be excited about an interview or to be like oh, no, here we go again with this person. but, i try, no matter what, to have a really good time while doing it. >> are you referring to brett michaels "rock of love"? >> are you a fan? >> i watched a couple. i liked when he would hand out the passes backstage. you could stay on another week. you stuck your tongue down his throat enough to be voted on the next week. >> i know. after he sticks his tongue down your throat, what is the next logical step? it's something i don't want to find out about. >> i don't want to know what's under his bandana that covered the bulk of his head. >> i took it off once.
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i can't tell you what it is? >> i imagine two giant hair plugs coming forward. >> it could have been. i'm not familiar with hair plugs. it was definitely not on the up and up, let's say that. >> these hair plugs. not really. coming up next on 360, we'll talk more with chelsea handler. more on the 360 interview, ahead. more developments on the family that returned a boy from russia. they weren't yesterday. we'll have the latest. [ beeping ]
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politicians, public figures and the paparazzi are fair game for chelsea handler. everyone can become a punch line. we have more of the 360 interview. i want to throw ridiculous questions at you. kind of a lightning round. whatever you want to call it. is that all right? >> go for it. >> how could dr. phil help you? >> by not doing his show anymore and not giving anybody ridiculous advice. if i wanted a therapist who yelled at me, that is the place to go. >> a day without vodka is -- >> not a real day. >> sarah palin 2012. your thoughts?
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>> 2012? seriously? is that what we are talking about? it's not going to be pretty. if she runs for president, i make a promise to the american people i will make a bid for president. >> really? it would be like, i don't know versus nine west against her. >> i'm hoping you are talking about her? referring to nine west? >> i leave it for viewers to decide. i don't think they have manallos in alaska. >> if somebody asked you to spend a weekend for heidi montag and pratt. >> i make a fair amount. i wouldn't do it. >> a million dollars. for a million dollars, maybe. i don't know. >> no, you wouldn't do it.
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no, you can't do that. no. you are a respected journalist. >> you threw me that bone. favorite rapper? >> oh, my god. i have so many. probably snoop dogg. >> kicking it old school, okay. favorite breakfast food? >> oatmeal with protein powder. an egg mcmuffin if i could have anything i wanted. >> did you see when snoop dogg road in the car together? >> no. >> youtube it. >> was just inbieber flirting with you the other night? >> he was flirting but it was forced. it was a forced entry. i think that's his move. he flirts with women. i was subjected to it. luckily, i want to stay out of
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prison, so i didn't act on my hunch. >> was ed doing the same thing? >> he was definitely flirting with me and licked my face. it was very entertaining. it was also uncomfortable. he reminds me so much of my dad. my dad is like a pervert, too. talking to him was like, oh, this is really a bad -- this is early reminiscent of my childhood. >> last thing you do before going to bed at night? >> i set my alarm on my blackberry. >> guiltiest pleasure? >> guiltiest pleasure? um -- oh, gosh. twitter. >> really? you tweet a lot? >> yeah. i tweet. my dog has a tweet, too. chunk handler. he does. he's got a lot of followers. >> i bet he does. jersey shore? >> it's an accurate description.
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it's a boo. you know, people love it. people didn't love new jersey before. if it's going to bring more people. even if it's not quality people, anything is better than nothing. >> tiger woods, family man, oxymoron? >> no. that woman should go running. >> what about them crying saying tiger did horrible things. >> fine. you know what, he probably did. gloria allred does bad things. her and dr. phil and heidi montag should go on an island together. >> thanks for being on. >> thanks, anderson cooper 360.
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>> coming up next, a little girl missing for five days found alive. we'll tell you what happened to her. the face-off in the animal kingdom. dog bites shadow, the shot is ahead. ...yeah, every night it's something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in new blueberry pie and new red velvet cake. yoplait light. it is so good.
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indulge in new blueberry pie and new red velvet cake. boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh... boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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let's get you updated on a number of stories. a tennessee district attorney wants to talk to the adopted family of a 7-year-old russian boy. they claim he's sly lent and psychotic. efforts are underway to make it happen. due to this case, russia threatened to suspend all adoptions by americans. an oregon jury says it boy scouts of america is negligent and must pay for a man abused by a scout master. the scout's organization is liable for punitive damages. the scouts deny the allegations. in florida, good news. a girl who vanished on friday was found alive in a swampy forest a half mile from her home. authorities say the 11-year-old was shoeless, dehydrated and
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covered in bug bites, but otherwise in good condition. michelle had a message of sandra bullock. she says she's story. the apology came on an australia tv show. she said she was sorry, but read all the text messages she got. >> keep it classy. the epic war between dogs -- i'm sorry, i haven't been follow thag story. i don't know what else to say. >> oh. >> the poor dog keeps trying to attack his shadow.
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he's probably still going at it now if it wasn't dosed with pro zach. you'll get it one day. you'll get it one day. it's kind of sad. >> it's like when whitney houston performed and saw her shadow and was like whoa, what was that. does anybody remember that? >> it was something. >> maybe that is the shot tomorrow. more news at the top of the hour, we'll be right back. -- captions by vitac -- i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up,
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i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to work with kids. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at
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a state senator says they have a right to form a state guard in a state that's paid a price for extreme extremism, is this a good move. sarah palin is not the top pick. what's it say about her future? later, chelsea handler. the funny comedian joins me. first up, keeping them onnest. tea party leaders are thinking of having a new militia. according to associated press, a group called the oklahoma constitutional alliance supports the idea saying, i quote, is it scary, it sure is. when did the state start rolling over for the government. he was approached about the idea and believe as state guard would be authorized by the second
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amendment. it says a well regulated militia, the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed. critics of the idea are asking, what would an armed state guard do? how would they fight against the government? this notion set off a fire storm of controversy. next week is the 15th anniversary of the oklahoma city bombing. a number of other politicians in the state. here is what republican state senator steve russell said. >> i cannot imagine a scenario where the forming of a militia or ideas along these lines would be a good thing. >> he never called for the creation of a militia, but the statements are not clear. listen. >> i'm talking protecting ourselves. as the governor of this state, i will do everything to keep congress within their constitutional authority.
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congress is so far overreaching into state's business, it's crippling our economy. the bail outs, the stimulus, obama care. >> so, the question, does he support forming an armed state guard? if so, what would it do? state senator randy brogdon joins me now. thank you for being with us. the government overstepped its powers, a lot of people feel that way. you have made statements that make it sound like you support a volunteer force. do you? >> well, i certainly support our national guard. we currently have that. on section 44 of the oklahoma constitution, we already have a state guard. it's just unactivated, it's never been organized. i don't have the historical knowledge of that. it's something we have available to us. >> earlier, you said the national guard was federalized and not available for some state
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issues. >> yeah. >> it sounds like you are saying the state guard exists in the statute. would you support the idea of raising a volunteer state guard? >> anderson, let me frame the debate and make sure your viewers understand what i said. i made a benign statement yesterday picked up reaffirming the second amendment rights. we, here in oklahoma appreciate the second amendment rights. i understand, without the second amendment, our constitution is in dire trouble. it gives us the right to keep and bear arms. it's unquestionable. it's undeniable. most citizens in this state appreciate it. that's the story i was making. >> in the a.p. article, you said you were approached by the tea party groups about the possibility of the state guard called a militia. i know you don't support a militia. some sort of volunteer armed force. your critics say you are trying to have it both ways, saying it's allowed for, but without
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really setting your own position. again, i have to ask you, would you support some sort of volunteer force, call it a state guard if it's on the books? would you support that idea? >> here is my position. my position is, i would like to see a quiet revolution. i want to see the restoration of our founding principals. i believe in limited government and personal responsibility and expansion of freedom. all of those things are protected in the constitution. that's my goal as governor to protect the citizens of this state standing on constitutional principals and using my authority to prosect the citizens of this state. that's my position on this issue. >> pardon my ignorance. i have to re-ask the question. do you support one way or the other, yes or no, the idea of some sort of armed state guard? >> i support our state guard
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that's in the oklahoma constitution. it's unquestionable like i support the military and the national guard. here is the problem. the national guard, when they are deployed, they are federalized. the governor has no authority over the national guard. when we send so many members out of this state to fight a war, the state of oklahoma, oftentimes is left vulnerable. we may have ice storms and tornadoes where they are called out to protect the citizens. they are gone. would i support a state guard to help the national guard? of course. >> earlier, you seem to be framing it as something to curtail the powers of the federal government. of an overreaching federal government. how would an armed state guard of volunteers, i suppose, prevent federal laws from infringing on state's rights. >> my comments on overreaching, i believe that with all my heart. i believe congress is so out of
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control now, they are reaching into the state of oklahoma causing economic havoc with the bail outs, the stimulus schemes, obama care cap and trade, all of these things caused a devastating effect on the citizens of this state economically. those things can be corrected utilizing the rule of law standing on constitutional principals. the problem is, we have had a lack of leadership in this state. as governor, my sworn duty will be to protect the citizens of this state and hold congress at bay with the constitution. >> so just -- >> the military is used to fight wars. >> just so i'm clear on your position because earlier in the day, there were a lot of concern about comments you made or may have been misinterpreted. that's why we wanted to have you on tonight. just so i am clear, you would not support, if a group of tea party activists wanted to arm and form a state guard, they call it a state guard or whatever they called it with
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some idea of curtailing the powers of the federal government you would not support that notion. >> if you are talking having a state guard to march on washington, d.c., of course not. this has worked for 234 years. our nation has been secured and blessed with freedom for all of this time. right now, we are in trouble in our country because the tenants, values and principals of our constitution is being abused by washington, d.c. i believe in states rights. i believe when the governors around this nation get a clue of what their responsibility is and stand in the gap between the federal government and the citizens of their state, we can, once again, return civility to the state of oklahoma. we can reclaim what is ours and that's freedom and liberty. >> was the article correct that you were approached by tea party
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supporters about this idea and if so, what did you tell them? did you tell them i do not support an armed group. >> no, if you read the article, i had one small quote in that. here is the problem. i am running for governor for the state of oklahoma. i'm a constitutional conservative. as a matter of fact, i happen to be the most conservative legislature in the state of oklahoma. i have a target on my back because of that. there are a lot of people that do not appreciate my constitutional conservative values. now, the people around this state appreciate that a lot. the politicians don't. >> did you have members of a tea party umbrella group, this gentleman quoted, did he approach you about this idea? if so, what did you tell him? >> did he approach me? it's reported we had meetings on this subject. absolutely not true. i had conversations on a lot of items and issues since running
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for governor as you would well expect. my ideas and goal as governor is to prosecute sect the citizens standing on the rule of law. that's my goal. no, i don't have a claimed idea of supporting some wild eyed militia or something like that. my goal is to protect the citizens standing on constitutional principals. that will be a solid ground to stand on. >> appreciate your time. thank you very much. >> you bet, anderson. thank you. >> our political panel weighing in on this. let us know what you think, text your name and questions to ac306 or 22306. a piece of raw politics, sarah palin's speaking contract is getting a lot of attention. spelling out what she requires when she shows up for speaking engagements. plus this -- >> you said i knew we had a thing tomorrow. pick you up at 7:00. ha, ha, ha. why do you have to put a ha ha
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can prove it. >> i offered $100,000 to anyone that can show video that the "n" word was said once. >> that was a conservative blogger who released the video of a.c.o.r.n. workers. he's pledged to donate $100,000 to the united negro fund if anyone shows proof it happened. joining us you, david gergen, candy crowley, john king, republican strategist, ed rollins and roland martin. roland, what about that? if that happened, you would think there would be video by now. is it a win for the tea party? >> i think it's dumb on the tea party's part to focus on this. if you are trying to create an actual movement, this is the last thing you want to talk about. you want to talk about policy. you want to get folks involved. you don't want to remind people there's a possibility the "n" word was used.
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all you are doing is having a self-fulfilling prophesy. it makes no sense if you are trying to create a movement. >> david, i don't know if you were listening into the discussion before the break and talking to the state senator. a lot of liberal groups were raising red flags saying they want to raise a militia. the state senator made comments that raised concern. now, he's clearly saying he's not for an armed group of activists. >> well i don't know if he laid it to rest or not, anderson, but he suggested there's more smoke than fire. until there's proof, i take him on his word and move on. i do want to disagree with roland about the point of the tea party and the question of congressman john lewis walking across that street. that was an important moment. the accusation he was called the
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"n" word and spit upon was a searing moment during the health care debate. many of us took it as that's what happened. if it didn't happen, i think it's important to know that or if somebody was an imposter. maybe we'll never know. the tea party has a right to say, hey, wait a minute if it didn't happen. let's get that clarified. it did turn off a lot of americans. >> i made the point because we had the previous accusations of the posters being there. i remember debating a tea party leader on anderson's show. i said, if they have a racist sign, would you ask them to take it down? he said no. he doesn't want to infringe on amendment rights. the point i'm making is if you are trying to get folks elected, don't continue to come back to that kind of story. try to disprove it, but you want people focusing on why you have
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a movement, issues, not this. if this is the conversation, it's the last thing you want. you are never going to get people involved in your movement. >> this is only going to continue and we have a liberal group called crash the party. it's going to send people to the tea party protest to blend in and do things as outrageous as they can to cast a bad light on the tea party activists. >> you see another example of the fracture in politics now. to the point roland and david would agree on, the challenge is are you a protest or political movement. >> that's right. >> if you have people trying to crash their party, if you will, then you see what's happening. they have insight at the left. it's a good thing if it means political activism. it's bad if it means political stunts. we are going to test this out. we are going to test it out through the primary season and test it out come november. is the tea party movement going to mature? what happens if the preferred candidates lose. republicans and conservatives.
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not all of it. most of their energy or protest thinking they have the short end of the stick. it's one of the many questions in this year where there are tensions on the right and the left. it's not just on the right. there are tensions on the right and left. how do they come together. candy they said the tea party is having an impact on democratic chances. do i think the negative atmosphere goes into the thinking of members? i think it does. i think you honestly have to point out that it does. how much of a factor do you think they are for democrats in swing districts and conservative districts? >> certainly, at the polls, they are going to be a factor. as they drive the debate so far. we have heard a couple of the people that have decided to leave and to retire say that the atmospherics are just so bad that it's not fun anymore. it's particularly not fun for republicans because being a minority is not that much fun.
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there is a heightened hostile atmosphere here. no doubt it weighs on the minds. if you are a congressman and have been there for 20 years, it may not be that much fun or worth it anymore. he's stating the obvious, i think it's also true that a lot of these people have faced tough races before and they certainly have survived. it's in the democrats interest to look at the tea party and continue to frame the tea party and republicans as sort of crazy people. if they can put the republican party on the fringe and say, well, you know, this hostile atmosphere is so terrible we are leaving. if they can do that, it's helpful. there are politics played on both sides of this. >> can they play a spoiler role? there was a poll that showed republicans would come out ahead. in races where there's a tea party candidate in the mix, it might affect things. >> historically, elections are
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about the incumbent, democrat or republican. if people aren't satisfied they look for an alternative. in this election, people aren't happy with the democrats. they are looking for an alternative. if there's a third ballot to go to, this is the strategy of harry reid in nevada, they have been talking about this for months and months. so, anytime you get a group like this and there's no organized leadership here, unlike the perot movement, anything can happen. there's no guarantee they won't be mad at republicans. there's six months to go until elections. they can turn on republicans as quickly as they can. they don't like what's going on in washington, d.c. and they are going to do something about it. >> the organizing point is critical. at the end of the day, you have to have a centralized movement. you can't have all these parties and people calling themselves
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tea party activists. you have to have a centralized way to deal with it. the reform party was able to do that. >> a new poll looking ahead to 2012. which gop has the votes now. huckabee, romney, sarah palin. we'll let you know in a second. text your answers to ac360. the list of what i don't like is getting longer and longer. that's right. you heard me tofu, bacon and the professional bowling tour. what i will always love and has become the foundation of my career are little people. >> queen of comedy tonight. chelsea handler. c laurel sales event. featuring the all-new srx. ♪ with available glide-up navigation. and ultraview sunroof. ♪ see your cadillac dealer soon. because while there is no expiration date on achievement,
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[ male announcer ] visit i'm george duran and this is the hunt's crash kitchen tour. these tomatoes are not my favorite. this, my friends, is what i am bringing to the table. hunt's flashsteams every tomato to keep that backyard garden fresh taste. isn't it time to take a fresh look at your tomatoes?
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she may be the most talked about republican candidate, but sarah palin comes in third in a hypothetical horse race for the 2012 gop nomination. 24% of republicans say they would support former arkansas governor and 2008 candidate mike huckabee. 20% show mitt romney. sarah palin was in third. followed by newt gingrich and ron paul. let's talk more raw politics in the interesting midterm election race. i'm joined by david gergen, candy crowley. the poll is not far away. it's a silly snapshot. what do you take away from it,
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though? clearly, there's no single front-runner. >> that's the thing you take away from it. the republican party has no single national leader at the moment. whether this will have an impact on 2012 is way down the road. let's get through the midterms. how successful they are in november will say a lot about what they are looking for heading into the next cycle. george w. bush is gone. dick cheney is gone. you have a handful of republicans in the 20% ballpark. most of them people on the national stage recently. newt gingrich the former speaker, sarah palin, romney and huckabee all involved in the last campaign. no singular presence now. many in the party, this is a good question for ed, thinks it's a good thing. it allows a debate about philosophy and emphasis. >> more than november. mike huckabee was sitting at 1% three years ago. obviously, the course of the debates and winning the iowa caucuses mattered. obviously, it gave him the front-runner status.
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>> i remember going out with mike huckabee, right after iowa. he had a driver. like a young guy driving him around. >> he had a driver and young kids asking me what it was like in the old days. i said before blackberries? they said no, we don't want to go back that far. >> yikes. >> we don't have a front-runner. for the first time there is no front-runner. romney is getting organized. he knows how to win straw polls. he was out there with evangelicals. for mitt, he wasn't there. can he win caucuses and conventions and delegates and states. >> is he running differently this time? >> yes, he's definitely running differently. to a certain extent, he won't flip-flop as much as he did lastz time and try to be more compatible. >> in 2008, he was running as a, you know, consistent conservative. >> he thought he was going to be the conservative candidate. the guy leading all the polls
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last time was rudy giuliani. >> it shows you important polls are at this stage of the race. >> we talk mike huckabee, i thought he would be further along. i remember, after the campaign, we were talking how huckabee had a strategy where he had the opportunity to be leader of the social conservative movement. that hasn't transpired. >> mike never had money. he had the opportunity for a tv show. he moved to florida. he's building a house down there. he's told me he does not want to run in 2012. he's going to wait until after 2010. there's no efforts being made to get ready for another election. >> we have a text 360 question to put to you. is there room for moderates and moderation in politics anymore. we were talking republicans and tea parties. does a moderate republican candidate stand a chance in the 2012 primary? >> it's going to be hard. there are some moderate candidates coming along. i'm in massachusetts.
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charlie baker is running for the governorship. he's very moderate. he's the north eastern voice. you see him around the country. he's doing well, by the way. i want to come back to the sarah palin point. she's red hot on the speaking circuit. she's got a fierce following. >> made $12 million. >> it's going to go higher. she's probably made over 20 since she left the governorship. this poll suggested there's a ceiling. what's striking is nationally, 69% of the people in this poll said she was not qualified to be president. only 30% said she was qualified. her ratings and that number are lower than the tea parties. so, i think it's -- i think john and ed are both right. there's no front-runner. it's clear that she's not going to become the front-runner. i'm among those that don't think she's going to run. >> let me get the counter point. as long as we start in iowa, new
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hampshire and iowa. we don't run a national election, we go state by state, she can walk in when people are getting 25 and 50 people. she walks in on day one and has 5,000, or 10,000 people in iowa. she attracts a big audience. there's a great fascination. she has two years to do more homework. it's not winning a national election, it's winning a state, a caucus. if she wants to run, she'll have the money. she doesn't have operatives. she doesn't want any. >> i agree with that. yeah. i think you are right about iowa. but, she's well known. a lot of people have made up their minds about her. >> you and i worked for a guy named richard nixon who was dead and gone so many times. he had the hard ass poker sit there and wait your cards. i don't think palin is nixon, obviously.
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there's a silent majority that loves her. i think she speaks to them. >> candy, do you think she has that fire in the belly? >> you know, i'm kind of with -- look, who knows. it's a long time between now and when they declare. i'm kind of with david. i think she's -- somebody when i was at the southern leadership conference, somebody said to me, i think she wants to be a king maker, not the king. she likes to drive the debate. i think she likes to, you know, she's up there in the face of the president. they love that. she's also making bank. she's making lot of money. >> big money. >> i think she's enjoying the role she's got. >> a speaking contract where the details were fished out of a dumpster. who did that, i have no idea. private jets to speaking engagements, nice hotel rooms and bendable straws. i'm not sure what that's about. >> john king, do you think she
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has that desire to be president? >> i can't answer that question unless you send me a bendable straw. look, there were some things about the last campaign she loved. she proved herself a big draw. she brings a big crowd. she loved being on the road. she loved that energy. most good politicians do. they thrive on the energy of campaigning. she didn't like the media. she didn't like the way she was treated by the mccain campaign staff. she came out with pluses and minuses. at the moment, if you look at the numbers, at the moment, she's a weak candidate against president obama and not the strongest candidate in the republican field. we are talking six months. if the republicans win, there's dynamic change. she can raise money and have a grass roots organization. among all the people considering running, romney is already out there running.
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those with the infrastructure and grass roots can wait the longest. she's one of them. >> thanks very much. you can find a guide to republican candidates on an earthquake hits china. latest developments on that coming up. ♪ (announcer) we all want to stay active. we don't want anything... slow us down. but even in your 30s... ...your bones can begin to change. overtime, you can begin to have bone loss. calcium and vitamin d work together to help keep your bones strong. and yoplait gives you... ...20% of your daily calcium... ...and is the only leading yogurt with vitamin d in every cup.
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all right. let's get the most important stories we are following. randy kay has it. >> an earthquake hit china early wednesday. the u.s. geological survey says the quake hit at 7:49 a.m. local time and was followed by several aftershocks. at least one person is dead, many others buried under debris. first lady, michelle obama made an unannounced trip to haiti. along her side was jill biden. they took a tour of port-au-prince and met with the haitian president and his wife. she then headed to mexico for her first solo trip as first lady. toyota will stop selling the gx 460 after a safety warning. the magazine gave the suv a rare don't buy rating. the rest runs revealed a problem that could cause it to roll over during sharp turns. two chinese singers were the first to be fined under laws
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banning lip synching. the fine was around $7,000. it was introduced after the beijing olympics after a girl lip synched. >> i remember that. yeah. i didn't realize they passed a law against it. it would stop all of our artists from performing in this country >> there you go. >> viewers to show up our staffers for coming up with a better caption for the photo we put on the blog. tonight, president barack obama. the nuclear security summit in washington. we have two staff winners. gabe says ich bin haircut. release the kraken. it's better if you see a close upshot.
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>> not an attractive shot. >> not a great picture. >> whew! as long as it's you and not biden talking here. f bombs and nukes don't mix. >> we should show the pictures up closer. can't really see them. joining the live shot, let us know what you think about the picture controversy. up next, chelsea handler. >> this is a first census where gays can officially acknowledge their life partners. i think it's fantastic. what about the sad women who have cats. >> comedian and talk show host joins us, coming up.
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brutally honest, whether cracking jokes about celebrities or her life. she's late night star of "chelsea lately." tonight she celebrates her 500th episode. congratulations. chelsea handler is here for the interview. did you bring your dog chunk with you. >> my dog chunk is in the car. >> did you at least roll down the windows. >> no. no. but don't tell peta. he's not in the car, but i don't want it to go on national television that he is. >> we'll edit that part out. what do you make of conan o'brien going to tbs. >> it's a surprise. i mean, i'm surprised. are you? >> totally. i had no idea tbs was in the running. >> i guess they made him a sweet deal. it will be a boom to george lopez and his show. conan is a great guy. the more people in the 11:00 time slot the better, i guess.
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>> any hints for working in basic cable? >> it doesn't get a lot worse than this. enjoy the road to the middle. >> do you like doing a nightly show? >> i love it. i mean, like i became a comedian because i thought i would only have to work on the weekends. it turns out, i'm working more than i had anticipated. i love it. i love coming to work and getting to see a show on the air at night. it's gratifying. i mean, i don't really watch my show at night. but it's nice to know it's on air at night. >> do you watch yourself? >> i used to when i lived with my boyfriend. he forced me to watch it when i got home. but it ended a couple months ago. >> i'm sorry about that. >> it's okay. it's a good thing. >> why are you the only woman with a show on cable at night? >> i don't know. i mean, i think joan rivers had a show. then she had a bunch of surgeries she needed to get.
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so, i -- >> that got in the way of her show? >> probably got in the way of her whole day. i don't know. i think a lot more women are getting more attention for comedy at this time now. there are so many people out there doing their thing and getting recognition for it. it was timing. good timing on my part and the networks part. it's a fun -- it's a really, really stupid show and we are aware of that. we don't take ourselves seriously. >> do you have a hard time booking people, ever? >> we did, initially. we had a hard time booking people. you know, with a show like ours on e, our audience wants the spectrum of the reality show stars all the way to the big movie stars and tv stars. we are fortunate enough that when it is hard to book, you know, a-list celebrities, our audience is excited about seeing somebody from "dancing with the stars" or "i love" whatever that
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rock of love bust show is. it's good to dabble in both ends of the spectrum. it's fun for me, you know. it's fun to be excited about an interview or to be like oh, no, here we go again with this person. but, i try, no matter what, to have a really good time while doing it. >> are you referring to brett michaels "rock of love"? correct? >> are you a fan? >> i must say, i have watched a couple. i liked when he would hand out the passes backstage. that was his sign you could stay on for another week. you stuck your tongue down his throat enough to be voted on the next week. >> i know. after he sticks his tongue down your throat, what is the next logical step? it's something i don't want to find out about. >> i don't want to know what's under his bandana that covered the bulk of his head. >> i took it off once. he was at my show and i took it
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off once. believe me, you don't -- >> really? >> i can't tell you what it is? >> i imagine two giant hair plugs coming forward. >> it could have been. i'm not familiar with hair plugs. it was definitely not on the up and up, let's say that. >> these hair plugs. not really. coming up next on 360, we'll talk more with chelsea handler. i put her through a lightning round of big questions. more on the 360 interview, ahead. [ tires screech ] ♪ [ sighs ] ♪ that's two for doubting. [ chuckles ] you hit like my sister. really? i'd like to meet her. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen cc. award-winning design starting under $28,000. it's a whole new volkswagen, and a whole new game. i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up,
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yelled at me, that is the place to go. >> a day without vodka is -- >> not a real day.sentence. a day without vodka is? >> not a real day. >> sarah palin, 2012, your thoughts? >> 2012, seriously? about?t what we're talking that's not going to be pretty. that's when my contract expires at e! so if she runs for president i'm going to make a promise to the american people that i will also make a bid for american president. >> really? i was going to say mano y mano. i want say milolo blanco versus nine west. >> i hope you're talking about her when you're talking about nine west. it's up for interpretation. if someone offered you $1 million to spend a week on a desert island with heidi montag
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and pratt, would you do it? >> i make enough money i wouldn't need to do that. >> i've only seen them a little bit on "the soup" but for $1 million, i don't know. >> no you wouldn't. the tax is $500,000. you can't do that. no, you are as quasi respected journalist, and you might want to keep it that way. >> i appreciate the quasi, you threw me that bone. >> favorite rapper? >> oh, my god, i have so many. probably snoop dogg. >> kick it old school. favorite breakfast food? >> i have oatmeal with protein powder, it's not my favorite. an egg mcmuffin is probably my favorite if i could eat whatever i wanted. >> did you see when snoop dogg and larry king rode in that car together? >> i heard about it, though. >> it was quite something.
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was justin bieber flirting with you during your interview the other night? >> he was definitely flirting. but it was a little forced. i don't think that -- i think that's his move. i think he flirts with women. and i was subjected to it, and luckily i want to stay out of prison, so i didn't act on my hunch. >> and was it me or was ed asner doing the same thing? >> ed asner was definitely flirting with me. he licked my face. it was very entertaining but it's also uncomfortable because he reminds me so much of my dad. my dad is a little bit of a pervert, too, so talking to him was like oh, this is really a bad -- this is eerily reminiscent of my childhood. >> last thing you do before going to bed at night? >> i set my alarm on my blackberry. >> okay, guiltiest pleasure? >> guiltiest pleasure. oh, gosh. twitter. >> really?
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you tweet a lot? >> yeah, i tweet. my dog has a tweet, too. chunk handler. he's got a lot of followers. >> probably more than me. "jersey shore" boon or bane for the garden state? >> i mean, it's a pretty accura accurate description. people love it. and people didn't love new jersey before, so if it's going to bring more people, even though -- if it's that quality of people, anything is better than nothing. >> tiger woods, family man oxymoron? >> no, that's ridiculous. that woman should run screaming, take her money and start a whole new life with another man. >> what do you think of all these women, though, who came forward with gloria allred as their attorney saying that, you know, dra krooii icrying saying tiger had done terrible things? >> well, fine then. you know what, he probably did. and gloria allred does terrible things.
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gloria allred, dr. phil and heidi and spencer montag should go live on an island and scream at each other. >> thanks so much for being on. >> thanks anderson cooper 360. up next, building up america one student athlete at a time. a tough new plan that would make sure their athletes perform on the court and in the classroom. ( tires screeching ) there's never been a better time...
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athletic teens. >> if a college fails to graduate 40% of its athletes, the current team should be banned from postseason tourname tournaments. >> if universities can't graduate 2 out of 5 of the student@lees, how serious are they about their core mission? >> the ncaa could have to approve it, but if it's inacted, 12 of the 65 teams in this year's ncaa basketball tournament would have been in that 40% level and therefore not allowed to play in the tournament. but then there are schools like butler university. >> we're going to head inside. we actually had madeleine albright come. >> reporter: the small indianapolis campus was the proud owner of a team that made it all the way to the ncaa championship game before losing to duke, and like duke has a very high graduation rate. >> it confirms for me that it is possible to achieve athletic excellence and academic excellence at the same time.
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dr. bobby fong is the president of butler. >> the men's basketball team practices at 6:30 in the morning. that's when they all have free from class. >> we spoke to one of the stars. >> we've got the whole final four stuff going on, but the coach is more worry about our grades and making sure we're taking care of that stuff while this is going on. >> what does he think about secretary duncan's proposal. will the organization jump through hoops to get this done? doesn't look that way. in a statement, the ncaa declared, we share arnie duncan's concern. however, imposing a ban on teens for the academic performance a probably not the best course of action. basing postseason bands on graduation rates penalizes the wrong students. the ncaa currently uses a complex point system to ban teens from postseason play, it's
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