tv Larry King Live CNN April 14, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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♪ >> we're a little late on the draw there, but that says it all. luckily, officials say no lives or property were in immediate danger. "larry king live" starts right now. >> larry: tonight pam anderson burning up the stage with "dancing with the stars" is here to answer the question everyone is asking. is kate gosselin a diva. is pam stepping out with her handsome partner, and was her barely there outfit and this move too hot for prime time? then drama on the high seas. the guys from deadliest catch are used to threatening
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surprises, but the loss of a fellow captain knocked them for a loop. >> too mean to die. >> larry: they haven't recovered yet. all next on "larry king live." ♪ >> larry: good evening, pamela anderson, actress, animal rights activist and she's on tv's number one show right now, "dancing with the stars." she rumbaed her way into the next round with quite a costume or lack of a costume. a routine ending split that had a few jaws dropping. it's always good to welcome her to "larry king live." how are you doing? >> i'm doing good. >> how did you do the split? >> i was born doing the splits. >> larry: was that hard? >> no. no, it wasn't, actually.
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>> larry: doesn't anything hurt when you do that? >> a little, but it's a good hurt. >> larry: what about the show? why did you take it? >> i love it. i always wanted to learn how to dance. i had this fear of dancing. they asked me to do it for so many years, i thought this was the year. it fit into my kids' schedule. i rehearse when they're in school. i thought it was something positive. >> larry: you had a fear of dancing? >> yeah. everyone around me is so talented. musicians. i thought this would be a good thing for me to do. >> larry: you said you never had a dance less non your life? >> no. >> larry: this is from scratch? >> damian brought me from scratch. >> larry: are you happy with how you're doing? >> i am happy with what i'm doing. >> larry: we hear the rehearsals are really tough. >> they are but i like it. i like structure. i need structure. >> larry: no kidding. >> yeah. >> larry: you finally -- you
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turned it down in the past i'm told. >> yes. >> larry: why did you turn it down? >> it wasn't the right time. i thought i'm not doing "dancing with the stars." they sent me the season eight and i watched it for two days in my room and i thought i have to do this show. >> larry: are you surprised at how well it's doing? >> it's doing great. i'm glad. it's doing great, yeah. >> larry: you received a lot of attention for the seductive moves and the sexy split. let's take a look at pamela anderson in action on "dancing with the stars." ♪ because i can't make you love me if you don't ♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> larry: did you practice that a lot?
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>> i didn't practice the split very much, but the rest of the routine, yeah. >> larry: have you done splits before then, right? >> i was a gymnast when i was little, eight, nine, ten. it kept some flexibility. >> larry: have you had to tone down some of your moves for television. >> what moves? >> larry: come on. you're a sexy person. >> the rom ba is a dance of desire, i thought it was nice to come out morrow man tick and do it very sweet. >> larry: what do you do after the rumba. >> quick step. >> larry: that's like a fast step? >> it's quick. >> larry: to what tune? >> i don't think i'm allowed to say the song. no, i can't say the song, but it's a quick step. it's movie week.
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so we have to -- they give you a movie and that's kind of where we go from there. >> larry: clear up reports that you say "dancing with the stars" producers had to talk to you about wearing underwear when you dance. >> no, they followed me around with little nipple covers. that's it, yes. >> larry: you wear underwear? >> yes, of course. >> larry: did you offer not to wear underwear? >> no that's never been said. nothing has many could up about that. >> larry: have you had a wardrobe malfunction? >> no, not yet. >> larry: could that happen? >> well, they're very -- they're very, you know, they're on top of it. they don't want to happen. i don't want that to happen. >> larry: do you know what you're wearing next? >> kind of. we've just looked through -- they've looked through patterns and dress styles and things like that. that's it. they do it very quickly. and damian has a lot to do it. >> larry: we'll ask about him in a moment. here's what the judges have had
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to say about your performances. watch. >> what's really beautiful about you is you have this certain artistry to all your movements. your body moves so beautifully. >> pamela anderson can do refinement and elegance and still be drop dead sexy. >> pamela, you have been titivating yourself, haven't you. >> you brought marilyn monroe right back to life. >> i can feel the waves of sensuality. >> for me, a little overdressed but well done. >> larry: were they fair? >> i'm overwhelmed because they're being so nice. they are critical too, because i have a lot to learn about the technique and everything, but i was happen to get a good score from len.
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>> larry: were you surprised from the score? >> yes, we're starting to get better each week. i've never danced before, so you have to remember steps and there's a performance and then there's characterization and all that stuff that goes into it. it's a lot of work. >> larry: what's with kate gosselin? she seems to be having trouble with her dance partner. we'll have pam straighten out that drama right after the break. [ female announcer ] breathe right asks... [ woman ] could i ask you to strip on the street?
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>> larry: willie nelson, friday night. pamela anderson is our guest. kate gosselin has been described as having meltdowns on and off the set and clashing with her partner, tony. let's take a look. >> can you just show me? we don't have enough time. i'm stressed. >> really? why don't you pay attention to my teaching. >> i just want to learn. show me so i can get it. >> i love how you teach, but you're not taking into consideration how i learn. >> i've never been questioned on
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my teaching. >> please don't make arguments where there's none. >> i quit. >> you can't quit. i don't get it. >> larry: okay. she's been called a diva. true? >> we don't have these problems. damian and i have so much fun. >> larry: what do you make of her problems? >> i see her getting her hair and makeup done and we talk about kids. she's been nice. she's been sweet. everybody has been. >> larry: were you surprised about that. >> everyone has been having meltdowns, there's a lot of tears on the show. >> larry: you too? >> i haven't had any yet. >> larry: you and kate are both single working moms do you relate to her at all? >> we talk about our kids. i'm always saying i have to go here, i have to go here. >> larry: do you think she's being treated fairly by the media. >> i don't look at the tabloids.
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i don't know. >> larry: are you close to any of the other contestants? >> i love evan. richie rich has designed costumes for him in the past. everyone is so sweet. you become a little family. >> larry: how did you deal with shannen doherty, because you were both married to the same guy. >> it was a mistake she's sweet. that didn't count. >> larry: they balance each other off. >> yes. >> larry: biggest competitor on the show? >> fear the most? you kind of compete against yourself i guess, but everybody else is so good. evan's good, nicole's good. everyone has their strengths and i'm just -- i can't believe we're doing as well. i'm not used to the good compliments. it makes me more nervous when they say good things. >> larry: in your heart, do you think you might win it? >> i don't know. wouldn't that be fun? i think it would be great. >> larry: great for you.
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>> it would be fantastic. that would be a lot of work though, because again, technically, and the dances get harder and harder. they start to do two dances. my mom is going to come out and help me with the boys, i've been running from rehearsal to lacrosse to water polo. >> larry: you're close to your dance partner, damian whitewood, you said he's the only man in your life. >> only man in in my life. >> larry: elaborate? >> i'm glad i'm not in a relationship right now. i think it would be harder to do the show. damian is my entire focus. it's nice to go dance all day together. i go home to my kids. he goes home to his girlfriend. >> larry: there's no romantic relationship. >> it's a very romantic, sexy relationship. >> larry: just for the camera? >> i feel really connected to him, there's a lot of chemistry. >> larry: when you say stuff like that, don't you think
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his -- >> she's a dancer too. she understands. >> larry: she's not ticked. >> i don't think so. >> larry: do you know her? >> yeah, she was out to dinner with us last night. she spends a lot of time with us in rehearsalle. her name is peta. people for the ethical treatment of animals. >> larry: do you mind the talk that people insinuate that you're having a relationship with your dance partner? do you mind it? >> no, i don't mind it. >> larry: any other romances on the set. erin andrews and max? >> i don't know if there is. >> larry: are you dating anyone? >> no, just the boys, and the show, there's a lot of work. >> larry: aren't you lonely? >> i am lonely, but it's good for the dance. >> larry: don't young eligible guys ask you out? >> not right now, no. >> larry: no one asks you out?
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>> no not really. >> larry: the show is going to change? >> either this or that's what i was thinking. >> larry: we'll be back with more of pamela anderson. by the way, if you would like a date, get online. don't go away. when i grow up, i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to work with kids. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at
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>> larry: friday night, you don't want to missi it. pamela anderson is with us from "dancing with the stars." do you think it's hard to date a celebrity. say a stockbroker wants to date you, he has to put up with paparazzi, the press, people looking at you instead of him? don't you think it's difficult to date someone like you? >> that's why i'm single. >> larry: are you a good date when you date. >> i think so. i have my little life with my kids. >> larry: how old are they now? >> 12 and 13 lks boys? >> yeah. >> larry: what do you make of the tiger woods thing. >> i think it's too bad everyone had to get involved in it. i wish him the best. he's great athlete. >> larry: what about sandra bullock? >> that suks, that's terrible. >> larry: do you know him? >> yeah, i do know them. i feel bad for her. >> larry: do you know jesse?
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>> i have met him before, through bob. >> larry: do you have any impressions of him? >> i had no idea. i don't know what's going on with them personally. i haven't talked to them in a long type. it's too bad it's so public, because it's hard enough privately. >> larry: house your health, you've had hepatitis c. >> i still have hepatitis c. >> larry: how does that work? >> you know they say how you feel is a barometer of how you're doing. the liver is a regenerative organ. you can live your whole life with it and not even know you have it. >> larry: what do you take for it. >> i don't take anything, home pathic medicine. i have a ton of energy. i get yearly checkups. >> larry: the father of your boys are tommy lee, a good friend of this show. do you stay in touch with him. >> yes, i do. i have to. i do. i love tommy. >> larry: does he see his boys a lot. >> he sees them whenever he's
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can. he's been helpful lately. >> larry: there are reports that you owe $500,000 in unpaid taxes. >> yes, i do owe some taxes. >> larry: how did you get into that? >> i'm in construction lawsuits and all sorts of things. last year was a tough year. i'm getting that altogether. i'm getting my house together. everything's being resolved. >> larry: the government worked with you. >> yes, of course. >> larry: your a famous animal rights activist. what do you think of the seaworld tragedy. >> i don't think there should be seaworlds, of course not. i think it's terrible. >> larry: they should not be in captivity? >> they should not be. it's bound to happen. it's terrible that it's happened, there shouldn't be seaworlds. >> larry: we have a question came to us through facebook. ask her what she eats to keep in such great shape. >> lots of vegetables. i'm a vegetarian. >> larry: are you a vegen?
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>> imgets close. >> larry: the difference between vegen and vegetarian is. >> just dairy products. no cheese, no milk, no dairy, no animal product at all. >> larry: is there a pamela anderson milk shake? >> there is a vegen milk shake. >> larry: what goes into it. >> rice milk and, you know, coconut, pine apple, all good stuff. >> larry: good, sweet taste? >> yeah, you have to check it out. >> larry: where do you get it. >> millions of shakes. that's what it's called. >> larry: after dancing, what are you going to do. >> i don't know yet. i'm working on my home in canada. i want to spend more time at home. i have perfume, hair care and skin care. >> larry: pam's dance partner is next. he'll join us. don't go away. >> yes.
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paired with her, what did you think. >> oh, my god, pamela anderson. i've been dancing for 22 years. i was dancing on broadway for the last seven months. got in contact with the show, sent in my details. >> larry: the rest is history. what show were you in on broadway? >> burn the fall. >> larry: where are you from? >> australia. >> larry: she says she's never had a dance lesson in her life. how difficult was it to teach her moves? >> that's the best thing possible because she's got no bad habits. she's starting from scratch and listening to everything i say. >> larry: have you had moments like kate gosselin had with her teacher. >> no. we keep saying that. we need to get angry with each other. >> larry: doesn't work. >> no. >> larry: let's take a look at some rehearsal footage. >> pam is responsive to all the
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technique i'm throwing at her. she definitely wants to get it right. wow, you're getting this smooth fox trot thing happening. >> i'm so happy that i'm doing something this fun and actually semi pulling it off. >> that was perfect. >> good, he's smiling. >> larry: damian, we asked her, we'll have to ask you, how close are the twof you. you can elaborate? >> we have a pretty close relationship. we're spending six hours a day with each other, plus time outside as well. i think it's a good working relationship. you need to get along and have fun. as you can see in our packages, we haven't argued yes, sir. >> larry: what's the time outside? >> what's the time outside? it's time getting to know her family, meeting the boys. >> having a barbecue. >> larry: does she know your girlfriend? >> she does. >> larry: is your girl friend at all jealous.
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>> she understands what i'm doing. i've spent the last four or five years dancing with her. it's a bit of a break. >> larry: a girl as beautiful as this, isn't it hard not to say, well, i still love my girlfriend. i'm not attracted to this girl. >> he's girlfriend is pretty gorgeous. >> she's an amazing woman to work with. i'm very grateful. i'm kind of living the dream. i'm dancing with pamela anderson and i get to go home to a beautiful girlfriend as well. >> larry: is your girlfriend in the business. >> she's my professional dance partner. >> larry: so she has no qualms about pam. >> no. she understands each dance entitles different things. with the rumba, we had to be sensual. >> larry: how good is pam? >> she's good. she's good. she's quick at picking things up. >> larry: what kind of teacher is he?
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>> he's great. he's firm, strict, which i like. we do repettive things. i can tell when he gets a certain face that i got to try a little harder and when he's smiling, i can tell he's happy. >> larry: what dance have you liked the most that you performed. >> the rumba. >> larry: because? >> it was just very romantic and sweet and sexy, all the good stuff. >> larry: can anybody learn to dance? >> everyone should learn to dance. anyone can, really. you have to listen to the music and let yourself go. >> larry: what's the joy in dancing. >> there's nothing more sexy than a man and woman dancing around the floor for me. sums it up right there. two people moving as one. >> good stuff. >> larry: kind of like sex standing up. >> with your clothes on, right. >> larry: nothing happens with this attraction? i mean, the audience probably would have a tough time believing this. >> really?
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i think it's very innocent. it's a good lesson in a relationship too. he's very sweet. very gorgeous, fun dancing and i go home to the kids. >> larry: this is hypothetical. if he didn't have a girlfriend, would you date him? >> are you 20? i'm sorry. >> thank you. no, we can't say that. we can't say something like that. >> larry: it's hypothetical. if you didn't have a girlfriend, would you date her. >> i'm too old for you. >> we would have to see how we did with the dancing. >> i would have to be a much better dancer. >> larry: thank you very much. we'll be following these exploits. they have some of the most dangerous jobs on the planet, but they made it here safe and sound. the guys from the deadliest catch are with us. they're next. stick around. the amount of technology in today's cars
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being no concern ♪ ♪ no return >> larry: welcome back. the sixth season of the deadliest catch premiered on the discovery channel last night highlighting the excitement and danger of alaskan crab fishing. the stars of the show are with us, captain sig hansen, captain northwestern, captain johnathan hillstrand captains time bandit and captain keith colburn who captains wizard. we understand last night was the highest rated catch episode ever. >> thank you, that's awesome. >> larry: you deserve it. how long are you gone for when you go out? >> it depends on how much quota
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we're allowed to catch. in our younger years, we were gone for nine to 11 months out of a year. these days five to seven months. >> larry: how long have you been doing it. >> all my life. i was 12 the first time i went to alaska. >> larry: johnathan, how far out do you go? >> a week out, two and a half days past sea. >> larry: are there different seasons. >> king crab, we're a day, day and a half out. dutch harbor has a bar, church and store. >> larry: where are you doing this? >> it's out on the dutch harbor and we go out to bristol bay and bering sea for ophelia. you have the russian line, and bristol bay for king crab. >> larry: is there good money in this? >> yeah, there can be great money in it. this year, we had a little bit
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of a blip. the recession didn't help us any ear, because our price was down significantly. >> larry: you paid by catch. >> paid by the catch. this year, the price was down a bit. it was a tough year for us. >> larry: sig, is there a lot of competition when these boats go out? are you all competing with each other? >> of course. it's not just about the competition, but you're competing against yourself as well. you know, when we get out there, the gloves are off. you want to catch the crab. you want to provide for your family, make your crew money. at the same time, you get into town and you get your bragging rights if you do well, but then at the end of the day, the guys -- it's a bands of brothers. if they need help or -- >> larry: you're in the same game. >> yeah. >> larry: how do you know exactly where to go? >> you don't. you set your gear out, spread it out. >> larry: educated guess. >> you spread your gear out, see what's in it, but once you think
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you got it figured out, you go. >> larry: was the perfect storm, andy, about what you do. >> the befr storm was about sword fishing on the east coast. >> larry: similar about the dangers of weather. >> exactly, it's some of the roughest waters are in the bering sea. we have been in 120 foot waves before. that's when you think you're going to die. >> larry: did you know each other before the show. >> sig and i worked together before the show. met john and andy. it's a small group. the fishery and the fleet is a small, tight knit group of guys. >> larry: is the team aspect important, the four of you working together? >> no. that's out the window. >> larry: so you can hate each other? >> you lie to each other. >> you lie to them. >> larry: i'll show you about that. things can get tense on the
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boat. fights even occur on land. take a look. >> he set you up with that solid lady. wasn't helping you out? >> whatever. it's not about fishing, it's about -- >> knock it off. trying to be a human being. go kill your brother. >> don't go down on me for that. >> hey, hey. what is that cheap shot? sucker punch. >> larry: keith, are things okay now? >> i'm standing, yeah. >> we're good. we leave that stuff on the beach, basically. once we start fishing, we fish. we all plow into the bering sea to fish, all that stays behind and we fish. >> larry: where do you live? >> seattle. most of the fleet is from seattle. >> larry: you all live in seattle? >> no. alaska and seattle.
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arizona now. >> larry: you got a way to go to get the boat. you ain't doing this in tempe. a death in the deadliest catch family hit these guys hard. we'll talk about it next. there are engines... and then there's the twin-turbocharging, 365-horsepower-generating, ecoboost engine in the taurus sho from ford. that has the thirst of a v6 with the thrust of a v8.
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♪ going to rise up find my direction magnetically ♪ going to rise up throw down my ace in the hole ♪ >> larry: he was quite a guy, captain phil harris, he guested on this show, captain of the cornelia marie, he died during the crab season. you guys all close with him? >> i knew him well before the show. we did a lot of fun things together, other than fishing. >> larry: he was quite a guy. >> he was a good guy. >> larry: he died of a heart attack. >> he had a stroke and then
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ended up having a brain aneurysm ten days later. >> larry: did you ever sail with him. >> no, but we've known him about 25 years. >> larry: what about you, keith? >> never sailed with him, but same thing, i've known him for years and years. tough loss for the entire fleet. >> larry: what made him a great fisherman? >> you know, the thing about phil is what you see is what you get. he never held back, but he would have been a good poker player, because he kept those cards close to his chest. you could try to read through the like lines, he was good at fibbing. >> larry: do you know how the family is doing? >> they're getting through it. the kids, it really hit it hard when we buried him. i could see on the limo ride, he sort of slumped, that was josh. >> larry: do you know how the producers of the show handled the death. >> i was still out fishing when phil died. i think they handled it well from what i've seen on the first
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episode. they tried to be respectful. he was a big character on the show. >> larry: did you ever fish with his brother and kids? >> no, i haven't. >> larry: are there any female captains, deck handses? >> back in the 80s we had a gal that ran a boat. toni. usually, the gals that do work on deck, they're pretty stout. >> larry: phil and his sons were guests on the show last year. we asked him about the art of crab fishing. watch. why do you liesh crab fishing, other than the monetary rewards? >> you don't think about the money. it's something between you and the elements and it gets in your blood. >> larry: what makes a good crab fisherman? >> catching crab. >> larry: i mean of a certain do you need good reflexes, strength? >> you have to know what you're doing.
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you have five, six, seven guys on the boat, you're telling them when they can eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, you stay up for days and days at a time without sleep. our record is five and a half d days. >> larry: great guy. andy, what makes a good fisherman? >> some say you're born with it. it's your instincts where you think like a crab. phil said, you're in front of it, in between it or doing crappy. you get your instincts and read how the crab are moving. there's only 70 of us in the world. >> larry: only 70? keith, do you ever feel like you're killing something that's living? >> no. the fisheries in alaska are some of the most regulated fisheries in the planet. the crab stocks are healthy. we take just a minute portion of the male biomass off the ground. at the end of the day, we don't kill them, we give them to the
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processers, they kill them. >> larry: they control it well then, the fisheries? >> everybody wants a sustainable fishery. that's what it's about. i want a fishery for the next generation and thereafter. keith is right. politically, the fisher men join in. we're with the feds. it's all regulated. we used to take 45% of the males off the ground. now we're taking 15% of the males off the ground. we're so conservative, it's too much. >> 15% of the four inch males off the ground. >> larry: how do you know the male from the female. >> female snow crab is about that big. male snow crab gets to be about this big. >> female is better looking. >> larry: an interesting development this season involves a personnel switch on two of the boats. back with that drama after this.
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it's called "the deadliest catch" it's on tuesday on the discovery channel. let's check with anderson cooper. he'll host "ac 360" at the top of the hour. >> we start with breaking news. we're just finding out how deadly the 6..9 quake in china has been. many survivors spent the night in freezing cold temperatures. you're looking at a crane, a forklift basically, but they're using ropes, forklifts, shovels, limited machinery, a few bulldozers, we'll have a live report. also tonight wall street greed and washington's promises of reform. republicans attacking democrats. their efforts to regulate the financial sector. democrats attacking republicans for lying about the efforts. who's telling the truth? ending a form of slavery in haiti, demi moore just returned
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from earthquake ravaged haiti. . >> larry: anderson cooper 360, 10:00 eastern. back with our captains. when we will talk about dangerous jobs, how do you rank yours? >> i'd say around the top of the list. i don't think any of us realized it before they started filming and all these statistics came out and next thing you know, you got everybody freaked out. >> larry: now you're scared. >> honestly, the older i get, the more afraid i get. >> it's harder to lie to our which haves. >> larry: johnathan, you told me you get seasick. why then would you do this? >> it pays the bills. i didn't get sick when i was a younger kid. when i was 30 -- if i go out and haven't been on the ocean, and i go out in the 30 or 40 foot seas, about two and a half days
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into it i throw up lunch and i'm good to go. >> larry: andy, did you ever come close to i'm good. >> larry: did you ever come close, you think, to buying it? >> yeah. we were throwing lines out and it went off my hand and started pulling me and i would have been gone like that. a couple times i had a line wrapped around my waist and it about killed me. john saved me cut me out. >> larry: keith, have you ever been scared in dangerous waters? >> even just last year, they captured a pretty immense wave that just about took out my crew. i can honestly say during the moment, i was never scared. everything becomes really clear and you're really focused and you just get through it. after you're out of the situation, whether big water or big whatever, then you have a chance to reflect on it. at that point, you get a little shaky, not during the moment. >> larry: do many people who want to be fishermen not make it? >> absolutely.
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a lot of guy goes up there, hear about it. an ego thing or test oster rone that kicks in. you have to want it. money is an incentive but the other side of the coin, we can go for weeks or months and not make a dime. i don't know if a lot of guys are willing to sacrifice that. >> larry: you come back empty? >> we come back and owe the boat money, bait, airplane tickets. >> larry: you're rinting the boat? >> we own the boat but as a crew member, you owe the boat and now you have to fish next season and pay up for what you are behind. it's not all peaches and creme, man. >> larry: have you ever thought of quitting? >> this is my 30th season, we're taking saltwater on our fuel, laid on our side, too deep to dump our gear, i came in to top
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load, i seen that airplane coming in, i said, i'm getting on that plane. i left my brother -- >> in the ice. >> for two trips. >> larry: but then you came back? >> phil harris came 12 hours after me to town and i got to say good-bye to phil. >> larry: simple question. why do you like it? >> it tests -- mother nature tests you and it's like the ultimate man versus nature, unbelievable. >> larry: when you see -- when they forecast bad weather, do you ever not go out? >> if you're in town, you have the option of not going out. we work so far offshore, when you're 200 miles out, there's no running and hiding. you're pretty much out there, you have to batten down the hatches and deal with it. >> larry: how long does it take to get out there? >> depends where you fish. sometimes you're right by the russian border, you could be2 to 300 miles from dutch harbor, out
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in the middle of nowhere. >> larry: take a long time to get where you're going to fish? >> it will take two days if it's that far, a ways. >> larry: i would thi think -- jonathan, i saw the fight. you have to get along because you can throw a guy overboard. >> if we're mad at each other, fight in town and save each other on the water. >> larry: ever have anyone you want to throw overboard? >> quite a few people we want to throw over. use them for crab bait and put them in the pot. >> larry: do you eat crab? >> yeah. i love crab. >> any kind of shellfish. >> it's delicacy. >> any shellfish, i love it. >> larry: you guys like stone crabs? >> yeah. >> larry: they have seasons in florida, stone crab season. >> king crab is still the best. >> larry: how many can you bring in, in a haul, on a great day? >> depends on the size of the
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boat. keith's boat is bigger than mine and i'm a little bigger than their boat. on a good day, 100 average, pull 100 pods. >> 70,000 pounds. >> that's half million dollar in one day. >> larry: how many will you be out for? how many pounds can you bring back? >> i did 100,000 pounds in 80 hours, a half million load in 80 hours. >> our boat only holds 130. his boat holds what, 170? >> larry: you can make a lot of money in two days? >> you can't fill the boat in two days but we're going to give it a shot. there were years not long ago when the crab stocks were down, where we literally made all of our money in 14 fishing days one year. the entire year of our finance, based on 14 days of fishing. >> think about it. all these guys complaining about the economy, they're lucky to have a job. you know, when you're a fisherman, you don't know what's going to happen from one year to
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i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i'm going to work with kids. i want to fix up old houses. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. i want to fall in love again. [ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at
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that's what i'm talking about. >> that's what we're talking about! >> larry: michelle bachmann and coulter tomorrow night. we'll talk tea party. >> switching deck hands, one was phil's son. let's look at the two jakes. >> listening to you and josh, you can't -- you're not his boss for everything. >> i didn't say -- i never told him i was his boss. >> yeah, you did. he's calling up trying to find another boat to get on because he's afraid he's going to kill yo you. >> here's the deal. i need for you to go on the cornel cornelia. >> i just had a little meeting with sig. we've decided to put you on the northwestern and me take jake anderson. >> larry: what was that about, sig? >> i just think the kids -- we needed to take them down a notch, plain and simple.
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>> larry: and you did. >> yeah. that's the deal. the grass isn't always greener. i think it's a good lesson to learn. >> don't you way phil just tells it like it is, goes and tells his kid? >> larry: do you guys see whales? >> thousands. >> larry: what about whales in captivity, do you have an opinion on that? >> killer whales, we were talking with the trainers in san diego, they said they would never swim them. >> it was wild when that killer whale jumped up behind us and they kind of jumped, now, you see. >> larry: thank you, guys. congratulations, best ratings ever. that's the show "deadliest catch," tuesdays on discovery. >> we close on a sad note for the "larry king live" family. >> miriam walker, mother of my senior executive producer, wendy walker, died on easter sunday. she was 94. miriam walker left a remarkable legacy
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