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tv   John King USA  CNN  April 22, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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confirmed fast enough. the president's big trip to new york today. mr. obama went there to wall street to tell them it is critical we have no more bailouts. we have a democratic dissenter with us tonight saying the president's plan, as it now stands, won't keep that promise. we will go wall-to-wall this is earth day, plus 40. as we say happy birthday to earth day we will get an assessment way up in space on the state of the health of our planet and also show you some remarkable new images of the sun that keeps us healthy. in one-on-one tonight, you might call congressman kendrick meek the odd man out, he is the primary democrat in a florida senate race that is spicy, fascinating and right now, dominated by all the talk on the republican side. also tonight, on our radar, james carville and mary matlin join me. among our topics, dick cheney's latest political move.
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the big banks and investment firms are making big money again. many of you are not. and that disconnect between wall street and main street was a big part of the president's focus today in a big speech in new york. but if you were expecting red-hot in your face rhetoric, you are disappointed tonight. for starter it isn't the president's style. he would be the first to tell you he is not a natural-born populist. plus, he thinks the political debate is trending his waned the speech was more about gaining momentum, not about making enemies. >> i'm here today specifically when i speak to the titans of industry here, 'cause i want to urge you to join us instead of fighting muus in this effort. i am here because i believe that these reforms are, in the end, not only in the best interest of our country but in the best interest of the financial sector. >> the details are complicated, but the goal is fairly simple, new rules to prevent financial institutions from the risky and reckless shenanigans that led to
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the 2008 collapse and new rules to give consumers more protection. as we spend some time on the poll saint politics tonight we begin with this question, would the president's plan get you out of the bailout business? meaning, does it guarantee if there is another citigroup or goldman sachs teetering on the edge because of your greed, your tax dollars won't be used to prop it in the president says yes. >> the goal is to make certain that tax payers are never again on the hook bus a firm is deemed too big to fail. >> now the top republicans in the house and senate say the president isn't telling the truth and so do the democratic congressman joining us tonight. brad sherman of california, a member of the house financial services committee. also with us, cnn national correspondent jessica yellin and cnn senior congressional correspondent, dana bash. welcome all. and congressman, i want to get straight this-to-this key debating point and i want to again bring the voice of the president into the conversation. as you new york the white house is pushing the senate bill and agrees most of what's in the
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senate bill. the president went up to talk to wall street today and he assured the american people in this speech that they would not be in the bailout business. let's list an little more to the president. >> what's not legitimate is to suggest that some how the legislation being proposed is going to encourage future taxpayer bailouts, as some have claimed. that makes for a good soundbite but it is not factually accurate. >> and again, among those saying it does, especially the senate bill does guarantee endless bailouts, the house republican leader, john boehner, the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell. mitch mcconnell went to the there are today and backed up his rhetoric and continues to pose that big question. >> yes, the bill says taxpayers get the money back later, but that sounds awfully familiar. suspect that exactly what we did with the first bailout fund, a bailout fund americans were promise wobd repaid but which democrats are now trying to raid in order to pay for everything else under the sun.
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>> let me ask you a simple question, congressman who is telling the truth? is mitch mcconnell right when he says it is endless bailouts or the president right when he says it is a good soundbite but it is not the truth? >> regardless of who is right today, tomorrow, the president will be right. i just got off the phone with senator dodd. i have been working with him, my staff has been working with his staff to deal with section 210. more specifically, 210 n-10 of the bill and the senator has agreed to changes that will prevent borrowing by the fdic that is -- that could have been enormous. i don't know whether this is a technical change or a policy change but in any care the fdic will only be able to, when it takes over a de funt entity, they will only be able to borrow 90% of the value of the assets they have taken over so that they have a liquidity to wind that entity up. and that is considerably
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different, just by taking a couple lines out of section 210. now, you had called that bill, and that specific part of the bill, t.a.r.p. on steroids. you believe the senate bill would get us down this path again. you are saying now that senator dodd has given you his assurance that the language will be changed and if a citigroup, a goldman, somebody is teetering on the edge, the fdic steps in, it cannot use more taxpayer's money than that firm is worth. so, if it has to sell the whole thing the day after tomorrow, the tax payers would not lose a dime? >> exactly. now, there will be money collected in advance from wall street, but that's wall street's money. that's not taxpayer money. >> but this doesn't change the criticism of the federal reserve's involvement in giving some taxpayer money to these institutions? >> well there are two other things i would like to change in the bill. one is to deal with a statute that's been on the books since 1935. it's been used by the fed to risk up to $2 trillion of our taxpayer money. now, bernanke has been good in that he has not taken big are
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risks. he has lent an enormous amount of money but only on very secure basis. but some other chairmen of the fed could use section 133 in the future. country blame the existence of that section on this bill, but this is a bill that can cut back the bailout powers of the executive branch. >> let me bring newt conversation, dana. based on your reporting, the change that congressman sherman outlined that coxman dodd agreed to, that would be the sticking points of republicans in the negotiation, mr. president, down the get one of our votes let alone 10, 12, 15 of our votes. is that going to be enough? >> there is a lot of issues. that is a big issue. you heard mitch mcconnell, the republican leader talking about the fact that there still are taxpayer bailouts in this bill this whole issue of the fdic, meaning you and me, the taxpayer being on the hook for creditors was still a big issue. we feel that that was pretty much taken care of.
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>> i have done my own analysis. i can't speak for mcconnell and the republicans. they may focus on -- >> but did you agree that was an issue that they agreed with you on or you agreed with republicans on? >> i have done my own analysis. >> we are not going to get you to -- >> i understand your point. our democrat, trying to be a good democrat. this is one of the things people don't like about washington f they are right, why can't you say their right? mcconnell, maybe his language, rhetoric might be hyperbolic, but he was right on the point, in your point of view? >> his biggest request to change was to move in the wrong direction. if i read him correctly, he was saying don't collect the money from wall street in advance, but it's okay to -- >> that's separate issue. that's separate issue, specifically on the overtaxpayers -- >> i'm not sure that the change he was focused on the most would have exposed taxpayers to even more risk. right. and i -- the change that senator
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dodd and i have discussed will keep taxpayer money from being put at risk for the failing institution. now, i still need to tuck to senator dodd about this emergency financial stabilization fund, which is not for failing institution bus could also put taxpayer money at risk. >> let me ask you this then, based on this we will continue the conversation in a minute, before we take our first break, based on these changes being made tonight, we have spent all our oxygen this week looking at the senate bill which, of course, like health care works have to be married up to the house bill f the senate bill changes in the direction you say it will tonight, will we have to appoint where there is a compromise in sight or will we have, like health care a senate bill, a house bill and then lord knows what in between trying to find a compromise? >> well, the health bill was an extraordinary circumstance, wrud 60 democratic senators were it passed but only 59 democratic senators when it was time to go to conference so we didn't go to conference. this bill, i think, should be handled in regular order.
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the speaker has been very clear, we go to a conference, we iron out differences, there are aspects of the house bill that i think are much better than the senate draft, especially in dealing with that 1935 statute that concerns me that has been the biggest risk of taxpayer money, albeit, it has been treated conservatively by chairman bernanke. >> we will continue the conversation in a minute, more on the policy of this, the politics of this as well, first, our look behind the numbers. wall street gained 30 points during the president's speech but the vinnesters' reaction was ho hum. the dow ended 9 points higher and seeing the trickle down effects of the big profit. they set aside $39 billion for their employees' paychecks, 9% increase from the first quarter of 2009. they also have money to spend on lobbying, $6.6 million in the first quarter. we will dig deep near that number wh -- deeper into that number when we
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let's talk more about this debate and how different it s yes there is a big policy difference, but politically it is very different from the health care debate. you have an example in the senate today where the democratic senators called a press conference and they started playing video of republicans saying things about this bill, essentially trying to call them say these are not true. the republicans would disagree.
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the democrats a very aggressive strategy, as they played these videos, chuck schumer, democrat of new york, wanted to make this point. >> bottom line, on the health care bill, we allowed too many thrice get thought without rebuttal because they were so obviously untrue. but we have learned our lesson and the minute these things come out of the mouths of some of our republican colleagues we rebut them and we rebut them again and again. >> congressman, to you first, since hurt in mild of politics, there is a comparison to the last big debate that is health care. democrats handling this better, more discipline you disagree with some of your democratic friend some of the language? >> i think this is going to be at least a 60-vote bill in the senate so it will probably end up being a 70-vote bill. i expect substantial republican support. the politics of this bill are
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different in two ways. first, we need 60 votes which means we need some republican support and second, we have much broader public support. you can argue -- we'd like to argue that a majority of the americans like the health care bill but there was a strong rebuttal to that. americans want us to control wall street. now, you know, a 1400-page bill and is up to us to talk about the details of the bill. but they want derivatives controlled. they want consumer protection. they want higher capital requirements. >> so you have -- you didn't have in the health care debate? >> exactly there are a lot of republicans who want to vote for a good wall street bill. not sure they wanted to vote for health care. >> did you guys see that in your reporting? a week with ago, republicans were saying no, no, no. all of a sudden, senator shelby was back, senator corker back negotiating. something happened, republicans were negotiating. >> republicans see the train leaving the station. what was so interesting to me about the democrats and their political tactics today, he just
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played that from senator schumer that they are so, so intent on learning the lessons from health care, really how they botched the politics of health care. i was told boy democratic sources the goal is to find or be defined. you heard the harsh rhett risk from the democrats, which belies the partisan talk. >> they approach this differently from the beginning. le administration gave 800 pages of legislative lage badge to capitol hill last summer on wall street reform and has been quietly working with democrats behind-the-scenes. they knew all awhat the white house wanted them guidehood. >> working behind the scenes was the lobbyists for financial institutions that don't like a lot of this i want to put numbers up on the screen. there are new numbers out from the center for responsive politics, a great job tracking the money. the first three months of 2010.
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congressman, you are on the receiving end of this. we could argue this is america, they have every right to lobby their elected representatives but you can also look at that list and say a lot of those people got taxpayers' money. they can say we fade back, but is it unseemly, the process, or is it how it works? >> they haven't been lobbying me all that much bus i was against t.a.r. -- much because i was against t.a.r.p. to begin with. and i think they have paid back the t.a.r.p. money. but the key thing for us to do -- >> when you walk the halls, are you proud to be a member of congress when all this is happening? are we wrong to say, oh, my god, look at all that money being spent to lobby? just the american way? >> it has been the american way. we have a political system we
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are used to. and it certainly has some problems, perhaps public financing would be a good direction to go in. but they have a right to have their voices heard. >> you have been critical of this bill. they getting something for this money, in your view? >> less and less. i would say that i wasn't a real fan of the original wall street -- white house proposal or rather treasury department proposal. right. >> i think we made major changes in the house. we are seeing the senate move in the right direction. and on issues this big that are front page day after day, 50 lobbyists, 50 lobbyists per member are less important. it is on the issues the public isn't focused on lobbyists can be effective. >> i appreciate the conversation. thanks so much. we -- a lot more to learn about this and we will continue as it moves through the senate and then maybe let us in on some of the conference committee
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hearings. for 40 years now, we have been observing earth day and trying to be nicer to our planet. i will go wall-to-wall to show you spectacular images from space and see if we are making any difference. [ baby babbling ]
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wall-to-wall today, we reflect on earth day. as we do we remind you, many of you have seen these images the past couple of days, an oil rig in the gulf of mexico in flames, collapsing. many of the workers on that still missing. a reminder of a tragedy in the gulf today. and also a reminder that earth day came about because of an oil spill, some 40 years ago. so, what is the difference between then and now? let's head over to the magic wall, not only to look at the health of our earth but also some fascinating new images from space. and we start there, because without the sun, we can't have a healthy earth and we are getting fascinating new pictures of the sun because of this new technology. the new solar orbitter up taking pitch ers of this, look at these. out it comes, watch it come out again, all in high definition coming out again and scientists learning so much from this because the quality of these pictures is so much improved from anything they have seen before. you see it play out, show you where it is coming from, here is the satellite where it is coming from.
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watch as we play this out. here is the sun, of course, this satellite up in space, these four lenses here, taking images of the sun, sending them back to earth. imagine downloading a half million songs on your mp 3 player a day. that is what that satellite is sending back down to earth in these images and what you get. now let's come back to the earth, some is quite sad. we will at some of the devastation. here is rain forest area in western brazil. look at this here. this is only the last decade or so watch as this plays out you can the deforestation. you see more and more land exposed. this land here, land mass larger than the state of to west virginia deforested over the past decade, a sad statement there another one here if we look up into the mount everest region of nepal, 1990 here, 2007 here. look at the disappearing of the glaciers up here, one of the huge concerns of environmentalists as they mark earth day. again, just look at those images, then and now and that is only in the last 17 years. not all the news is bleak, pull out a little earth day 2010
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postcard, the yellowstone fires, might remember those back in 1988, look at the devastation there now look at the pictures thriving there. and the bald eagle, once endangered is now off the endangered species list and beginning to thrive in this country. not all the news is bad. in some case, evidence of an environmental bounceback. we will leave the debit to you over whether al gore is right or he's wrong but on earth day today, interesting perspective from up above. now when we come back, we will go one-on-one with the man you might call the odd man out in florida's senate race, the democratic candidate in a race dominated by republicans. but as question go to break, a little musical tribute to earth day. ♪ we need clean energy ♪ 'cause we need
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it's time to go one-on-one. >> florida's u.s. senate race is one of this year's most fascinating contest notice same way a slow motion train wreck can be fascinating. the state's republican party in the midst of splitting apart as republican governor charlie crist loses more and more ground to marco rubio. crist may run as an independent which makes can kendrick meek, a
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democratic nominee, watching from the sidelines wondering whether he will face rubio or crist or both. the congressman is here to go one-on-one. do you have any doubt in your mind you are going to have a three-way race sniffs talking to some sources down in florida today who say the governor next week, they believe will drop out of the republican primary and i numbers on he is going to run as an independent. that is sources saying that the governor, of course, has not made.any announcement. do you have any doubt? >> i can tell you this, i haven't been i guess you should focus a lot of time on the movements of what the governor does and what mr. rubio has done. i can tell that you i do know charlie crist is going to do what is in the best interest of charlie crist f that is running as an independent and staying alive to november that is what he will do. >> how does that affect you i want to show a recent quinnipiac poll. it shows in a three-way matchup a hurricane the democrat, kendrick meek runs third, 324%, rubio, 30%. governor crist, actually in the polls right now leads in that
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race if he runs as an independent. do you feel like the odd machine out in a sense if charlie crist, the moderate republican drops out maybe bring republican votes with him but maybe even tap into your base? >> i think a lot of democratic voters going to get to know me more, a of independent voters, even some republican voters, i think a lot of people are turned off about discourse going on in the primary. the governor makes a decision he is going to run as an independent, automatically i become a factor in this race. there will no longer be debates with just the two of them, i will be invited as another major candidate in the race. to say it will just be a two-way battle it will continue it will turn into a three-way battle. >> what is happening in your state in governor crist popular not all that long ago, on john mccain's list for vice presidential candidate, a national figure not just because he was a republican but a big state governor what is happening in your state? >> well, the governor has been the kind of governor that hasn't stepped out on major issues. he has had a super majority
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legislature. he hasn't gotten in the way of stopping them from doing anything, he hasn't pushed them to do anything, outside of the casino gambling pact, compact that just passed recently, but that was because of hard economic times and not because of the strong arm of the governor. vetoing senate bill six the merit pay bill in florida, was not a good bill, he should have vetoed it and he did and because he vetoed it, folks feel there is some new life there. but i believe as it relates to those that were against the bill, i mean, i chaired a class size amend n florida to bring about smaller class sizes, so i feel that the lack of leadership is the reason why he is in the position where he is now. >> let's look at your challengers, to that point, the bill he just vetoed, some think he might tap into the teachers support, we will leave that for another day if he runs as an independent. how do you feel running as a democrat now in the health care review gets mixed reviews, the president's political standing, even though he carried florida not as eye high in your state now if you look at the
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democratic agenda, go home, a member of congress, unpopular congress, is missing. what would you tell pelosi and president obama, if i'm going to be on the ballot what must we do? >> i'm kendrick meeks running for united states senate. for 13 months went throughout florida, history making, qualifying by petition. floridians appreciate that hard work. i have always been the guy that kind of went out and stood out on behalf of the people and i believe when you look at -- there san anti-democratic tide out there -- >> when you look at health care it is getting better rezeus florida than other states, the approval rating is still over 50 in florida, which is good he won florida. a lot of stimulus dollars placed in florida and there are a lot of people there who feel we have major issues, health care, foreclosures, all of those is e issues -- mr. crist and mr.
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rubio said they won't fight for individual cities to rebound as it relates to ", that is problematic n a statewide race you have cities and counties on an iv, we have to have a return on our federal tax dollar. >> can you run statewide without the democrats bringing up immigration reform this year? would you prefer they do that yes or no? >> i prefer they do it i believe floridians understand the importance of having people come forth and pay taxes and knowing who's in the state of florida. diverse sit not a new word to florida and i believe that dealing with the right immigration reform is going to be important, requiring people to come forth and pay taxes, requiring people to step forward, so, that number of undocumented individuals can get smaller so that law enforcement can eject those sfroimsd country. >> kendrick meek, the often unheard of democrat in what is a
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wild republican primary right now in the state of florida. we will have you back as this race sorts itself out. thank you for coming in. next up, today's most important person you don't know is responsible for giving millions of girls and boys a day off from school today. find out who and why next. at the end of the day in sitka, alaska, everyone awaits the return of the fishing boats. their safe arrival is highly anticipated. as is something else. a shipment of natural sea salt from cargill,
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essential for preserving the catch. we deliver the salt on precise schedules and ship it efficiently all along the alaskan coast. saving the fishermen money and their catch. this is how cargill works with customers.
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today's most important person person you don't know is
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marie wilson who co-founded take our daughters to day. it is today, although today it is take our daughters and sons to work today. wilson, the first woman elected to the des moines city council was president of the ms. foundation in 1993 when it started daughters to work day in new york city it went nationwide a year later. the idea was to focus on girls' abilities rather than their appearances. last year, 18 million sons and daughters participated, although some school districts are telling parents their children really shouldn't miss even one day of school, first lady michelle obama hosted an event today at the white house for the children of executive office employees and house speaker nancy pelosi, you see her right there, did the same on capitol hill. let's bring back into our conversation our senior congressional correspondent dana bash. were you a daughter who went to work? >> she founded it in 1993, you know my age, so no. i will tell you that one of my most vivid memories as a kid was going into work with my father. he just retired from another
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network and because of our crazy business, it was really how i got to spend a lot of time with him and it made such a huge impact on me and i saw the kids walking around capitol hill today following around reporters, following around members of congress and staff and could i see it really is a fabulous experience. we take time in this portion of the program, often i ask you what stories are we missing. maybe i should put it this way. what will members of congress soon be missing? >> money. money in their wallets. very interesting story on capitol hill today. the senate with a bipartisan vote, doesn't really happen very much, actually a voice vote, they voted to get rid of their pay raise next year. and this is something that happens automaticlism let me show you exactly what happens in terms of their money. lawmakers on average make $174,000 a year. next year, as part of a cost of living increase, thank is automatic, they were going to get as 1600 raise. they voted to forego that in the senate. we expect the house to probably do that later. >> the automatic raises put in back late '80s in exchange of an ethics deal, make number on
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speeches and other things. people said that is not right that is tainted. so give up the speech money and we will give you automatic raises. >> right. exactly that is the only reason they have automatic raises but it has certainly become a big political issue for all of these members of congress, especially an election year and it was a bad economy it is very difficult for them to justify giving themselves a pay raise. and russ feingold, the senator from wisconsin, his big issue. he said you can not many americans have the power to give themselves a raise whenever they want no matter how they are performing. congress set up a system that gives ourselves raises automatically it is just mind-boggling to many people out there, a is a no-brainer politically for the senators to get rid of their pay raise. no-brainer politically, no pay prize or the senators next year. dana, thanks for coming up. i compare what is on my radar with james carville and mary matlin, starting with a new political move by former vice president dick cheney. to stay in tune with life after 50,
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even to remain a republican. that's bus, of course, there is talk charlie crist may drop out of the republican primary and run as an independent. mary, you worked closely with the former vice president for a long time, you are still close to him, why does he want to get involved in this race? >> for the same reason all good conservatives get involved in this ray rubio has become the poster child for real conservatism, the kind of conservatism when we lost it we lost control of the congress. that was a good move, good for the canned vdidate and vice president. >> it is good for them to get involved in high-profile primaries. >> mark rubio needs a lawyer, because he is go about to go to jail because irs, spent like $100,000 double-billing the republican party of florida. this had is one of like the great scandals that are going on. >> another -- demeaning the -- >> just saying the man is gonna to -- hook, i have seen mark
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rubio, he is not going to do well in ray ford, better go to the federal pen ten sharry. big investigation. >> the last thing -- >> hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> a solid constitutional conservative like rubio winning and pushing out of the -- out of the conservative movement people who aren't conservative. cheney right about this? ruby -- giuliani is right about this fred thompson right about this, been a superstar a long time. >> let's stay on this you mentioned the rally around rubio part of this more failout from the race, crist runs as an independent, its republican party making clear, they have a loyalty oath and any of the republicans not elected, allowed to support him, even in this free country we have. cnn on stain a state party memo and cites the loyalty oath in the bylaws and reminds republican leaders they have to revoke their support for crist and demand their contributions back if he runs as an independent. here is one more little nugget. his polling firm is base here in washington, d.c., governor
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crist's polling firm, still working for him right now but i was told today if he runs as an independent that republican polling firm will you are on your own, charlie. >> obviously, he's republican governor who is not going to run as a republican. if he thinks he can win as a republican, that he is conveying constitutional conservative principles, then he should be able to do fine in the primaries. this is a complete political, why should republicans go spout off on the loyalty oath this is a principle oath, not a party oath, above loyalty to principles and the absence of loyalty to those principles was the presence of the diminution of our party. i think it is smart. >> republicans crack me up where was joe lieberman, let the democratic party run as independent. oh, he is a man of principle. again, to win in all this is a good friend of mine, contributor to this campaign, is a fine gentleman, name of kendrick meeks and rubio is in a world of
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trouble. these guys can't control themselves with that party credit card and this's against the law, if you don't pay tax on t maybe rubio paid tacks on his champagne tastes to flow florida ghirns is a federal offense and necessary a world of hurt right now. >> we will watch how that investigation folds out. talk about another investigation that threatens or at least in theory to bring -- rod blagojevich, everybody remembers him, a temporary headache. blagojevich want a judge to subpoena the president for testimony at his upcoming corruption trial. the former illinois governor is accused of other things of trying to sell barack obama's senate seat when he was elected president n a motion filed today, he said the president's public assertion that he had no involvement in any talks about filling the vacancy for that seat will be contradicted by another witness in the case. can the president of the united states be dragged into this? >> probably not. but it is political theater and it will certainly have an impact
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on an already tanking democratic stronghold of my former home state. it is sad. it is really a mess, the democrats -- what has happened to democrats in illinois and that -- we are going to have a republican senate pickup in that state. that is just amazing. >> well, first of all, blagojevich, it is a tank. it is not a good thing. the jim it would be highly -- have to be some heck of a case where the judge we lout president to be subpoenaed and i can't say that it can't happen. clearly, blagojevich is entitled to a defense but he doesn't make a good case. >> lastly this made my radar, not only because it is cute but because you grice coming in today. politics seem to run in certain families, listen to michelle obama today. >> you know, we are big tiger savers because malia, malia's one issue for her father is saving the tigers. so, we talk about the tigers at least once a week.
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and what he is doing to save the tigers. >> the daughters are lobbying the president he needs to do more about the tigers. what -- do your girls say mom and dad, you guys disagree on a lot of things. what do you agree on? >> said, god, accident note kids were lsu fans. i didn't know malia likes -- she loves -- >> four-legged tigers. >> our kids, i can understand that, our kids are very -- they love the pets, we have animals and that is --. we have cats all over the house. the cat in his face he hate cats. >> everywhere. that is a good thing. i think every parent, obama, anybody, your children get in, their interests become your interests. >> need to send them tiger postcards. >> yeah. >> bring your daughters in for bring your daughters to work day. everybody hold on. next in the play by play, we will break down president obama's road trip to take on wall street. [ banker ] mike and brenda found a house that they really wanted.
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it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. ta-da! [ bride ] the wedding was just days away. suddenly i noticed my smile wasn't white enough. now what? [ female announcer ] introducing crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. it's professional-level whitening for a whiter smile.
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here comes the play by play. >> you get the idea of play by play, just like in the sports
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shows, replay some highlights, maybe compare them to past performances, break down the tape. back with us, democratic strategist james carville and republican strategist mary matlin. fascinated by the president's tone today, goes to wall street, this is not a lecture, going to be polite and make his c examples of the president in the past venting his anger at wall street. venting his anger at wall street. >> this time, ceos won't be able to use taxpayer money to pad their paychecks or buy fancy drapes or disappear on a private jet. those days are over. i did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of, you know, fat cat bankers on wall street. >> so there's a more populous tone from the president then. listen to the president now, today. >> some on wall street forgot that behind every dollar traded or leveraged there's a family looking to buy a house or pay for an education or open a business, save for retirement.
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what happens on wall street has real consequences across the country. >> so clearly, critical air today but no private jets or not letting you buy the fab sy drapes. why the different tone? >> he is absolutely right. doesn't affect wall street did not bring the american family down. it brought the world down. and had it not been for aggressive government intervention that had to save these people from themselves, the whole world economy would have collapsed and i said this before. they can't be trusted to be on their own. they need to be regulated. people have known this from time immemori immemorial. they can't be trusted with this kind of thing and i think that's the point. they literally, the united states financial markets almost brought the whole world down with them. >> there's something to be said for being pilot. when you're in washington, d.c. don't you need to call them out
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the same in their backyard? >> probably the difference in the articulation is going to the fact that wall street fat cats overwhelmingly supported barack obama to the tones of tens, scores, hundreds of thousands of dollars including goldman sachs. he has this rhetorical ability to be snarky and haughty and demeaning and very unpresidential. there is a course corrective in a free market. there needs to be transparency in these cdos and what he is proposing today the complete bureaucratic takeover. the government gets to determine how much risk, how much is too much risk. >> of course. but we didn't have a course correction. because wall street destroys everything around it. one thing if the dry cleaner goes out of business and you have to redo it but they went -- and by the way, they literally,
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they're like you don't let kindergarten children play unsupervised. >> where is this coming from? >> let's get -- >> from every rational economic thinker in the world now. >> let's change the subject. let's change the subject. another guy, number two in the operation was out today, the vice president joe biden, with the ladies on "the view" and talking about the good assignments he gets with his relationship with the president. >> the president and i are philosophically in sync and handed big chunks of responsibility over to me. everything from iraq to the middle class task force. >> going to israel. >> to our -- things i run on a day-to-day basis so it's good. >> that's a long list there, important list. in some ways, you know, just the optics of that. vice president with the ladies of "the view." it is interesting. is this a tradition on al gore had a lot on his list. does joe biden have a
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significant portfolio here? >> you know, my mother taught me when i was a teenager more boys talk about something the less it's happening. he never fails to talk about how important he is and how much he is doing and -- you know, to me it is unseemly. it does not comport with the way dick cheney behaved. when people have authority and power, they don't have to brag about it. >> yeah, yeah. he's verboten sometimes. i like the guy. >> i like him fine. >> i was in south carolina. realize that joe biden gave the eulogy at strom thurman's funeral? people say the politicians they ought to say what they think. there's one politician that says what he's thinking. >> he does, indeed. we appreciate you two for saying what you think. thanks. we need time for pete on the street. after all, it's earth day and he is next. constipation, gas, bloating. that's me!
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campbell brown a few moments away. let's check in for a preview. >> hey, john. well, the governor of arizona sitting on a political time bomb. she days to track down illegal immigrants. tonight, the pressure is on. plus a highly controversial solution to a serious problem, a program that actually pays drug addicts to get sterilized. the woman behind the crusade is
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here live. we have that and more coming up. john? >> sounds fascinating. we'll see you in a few. in our "pete on the street" standing by in new york because there's a few picks in first. defensive tackle second and third. you still haven't been drafted my friend. >> i have not been drafted but i'm holding out. i'm holding out. we'll see what happens but we wanted to celebrate earth day today, john. it is the 40th anniversary. i went out to get some tips from the people on the street what they're doing. ♪ if you got to recycle you got to reuse and that's why we're singing the birthday blues ♪ >> trying to teach my students about recycling and how important earth day is. that's why we came to central park. >> got a reusable bag. i never would have thought a guy looking like this would have a reusable bag. >> are you doing anything to
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conserve energy? >> we started recycling. >> bought our first recycling containers. >> bought the first container in 2010? >> two weeks ago. >> trying to be honest. >> are you concerned in brazil about global warming? >> oh, we are very worried. >> the whole country? any controversy? >> it is catching -- it is becoming very strong because we have the rainforest so everyone's really worried. >> about the bags? it kills me. the bags and the plastic bottles. >> we are big reusable bag users. >> did you make this? >> yeah. >> you should sell them. >> i should. >> very nice. make your own bags, everybody. make your own bags. ♪ you got to recycle man ♪ ride your bicycle to work now you know what to do ♪ >> so get yourself a reusable bottle and reusable bag and change the world, john king. >> pete dominic in the earth day band. i like that in central


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