tv State of the Union CNN April 25, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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could be northern parts of florence, high alert on florence and get to the lowest level of my home away from doors and windows at this time if you could. we have severe thunderstorm watches in effect in the delmarva region and severe storms across florida. we'll break in if necessary. good evening, don. >> we'll see you at 10:00 p.m. eastern. state of the union with candy crowley begins right now. in election years, april can sound a lot like november, it should did this week as a senate has a test vote, democrats have a change-up scheduling climate change would be set aside for immigration reform. pictures like these testify to the power of the issue. protesters took to the streets of arizona when republican governor jan brewer signed a bill that requires police
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officers to question anyone suspected to be an illegal immigrant. rumor in a border state with huge immigration problems says washington left her no choice. >> decades of federal inaction and misguided policy created a dangerous and unacceptable situation. >> just hours before brewer signed the bill in to law, the president jumped in. >> our failure to act responsible at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others. >> immigration reform is a politically perilous issue for republicans who are divided on what to do. it's politically potent from democrats under pressure from hispanic americans to deal with the issue as the president promised in his campaign. moving immigration up on the legislative calendar gives democrats a chance to placate a part of the base, all of which makes republicans suspicious. jeff sessions of alabama asks, are they raising the idea of
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comprehensive reform now because americans want it or because it serves a specific purpose in a tough election year. every election year, there's a time when legislating is completely overtaken by politicking. are we there yet? we'll sort this out with the head of the democratic gubernatorial campaign committee robert menendez and the senior senator from georgia, saxby chambliss and michigan's governor granholm on the short list for the supreme court. >> i'm from the most challenged state in the country. >> i'm candy crowley. this is "state of the union." a small but significant bit of bipartisanship imploded when word got out that democrats want to front burner immigration. lindsey graham, probably the closest to a republican ally that the president has, had been working with democrats for months on a range of issues including climate change. graham was supposed to be at a bipartisan news conferences
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tomorrow to talk about the proposal. he's not going now. he's furious. moving forward on immigration in this hurry panic manner is nothing more than a cynical ploy. harry reid sniffed at that accusation saying i understand the tremendous prehe's under from members of his own party not to work with us on either measure. senator menendez and saxby chambliss from georgia. let me speak with you. i spoke with democrats last night, a couple of them said to me, we don't want immigration to come out. is it this particular issue that's helpful to me in my district or in my state? are you onboard with this changeover? >> well, first of all, candy, harry reid said we're going to get to both issues in this session. >> is that possible, senator? >> i think it is, and he noted
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more work had been done on climate change than on immigration. which ever is going to come up will likely come up after we get to wall street reform important to this country and to taxpayers. >> if you look and see the pictures out of arizona and listen to the governor, what you do know is it's an urgent issue. why not take it up now. >> it's a peculiar issue to arizona that has not taken place in many other states, border states and unique problems when it comes to immigration. we have an illegal alien problem here in georgia but peals in comparison of what's going on out there. we have the issue called state's rights. this is one situation where the state of arizona has decided to take matters into their own hands and if that's what the people of arizona want to do, they have that right. now we do have --
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>> to the point of -- >> we have a national problem. it's a national issue that needs to be addressed. i hope we can do it in a reasonable and cautious manner not let the emotions of people run away with this. because it is simply stated a very, very serious issue. >> but you want to go at it now rather than put climate change up in the docket? >> well, i'm not sure how you can really justify bringing either one of them up at this point. we've got a budget to deal with. we normally get that done before the 15th of april. that has not been done. we have not done one single appropriation bill in the senate. we've not done a defense authorization bill. we have a lot of work left on our plate between now and the end of the summer. we're starting on financial regulatory reform. i assume that's going to consume an extensive period of time. i'm not sure where you find the time to deal with these other may your issues. >> gentlemen, stand by for me.
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trying to deal with an immigration reform now. candy, from a realistic standpoint and a legislative standpoint, we know because of what we tried to do back in 2007 that trying to deal with the immigration issue, particularly those that are here illegally today is not practical because we still haven't sealed the border. and until you secure the border trying to really have an overall reform package on immigration just simply can't be done. >> senator menendez, there had been suggestions by some democratic members of the house, latinos, who said if the president didn't deal with this, if there wasn't a serious effort by the white house and by congress to deal with immigration reform this year, that some hispanic american voters might be encouraged to stay home. how much of a factor is that in this? >> well, candy, first of all, harry reid simply said, we want to do both. and i believe that.
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secondly, as it relates to latinos in the question of immigration. it's beyond latinos, it's for everybody in this country. it's a problem in the latino community. they see it as the civil rights issue of their time. when u.s. citizens and legal permanent residents in the yooits are getting captured in raids simply because of where they are, detained up lawfully against their constitutional rights, there are a couple hundred casesf this across the country, it's fundamentally wrong to be a second class citizen because you look a certain way. that's what arizona is doing. that's why we need comprehensive immigration reform to secure our borders. the efforts we've seen by senator schumer and graham are pretty tough on the whole question of border enforcement and how you find a pathway to earned permanent residency in the united states. but i'd rather know who's here to pursue the american dream
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versus who might be here to harm it. i would rather them pay taxes to our country. i want them to learn english, go through a criminal background check so we know who overall is obeying the law. those things cannot happen unless we have a comprehensive immigration reform. i don't want to see wages depressed by all american workers by have a sub class that can be exploited. this is about security interests. this can come from reform. you can never have the tax passers reach into their pockets because big business on wall street reached their councils. >> i want to turn you both to politics though first, senator chambliss, i want to turn your attention to a statement by dick
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cheney following the florida race, marco rubio in a primary for republicans. in backing marco rubio said this, charlie crist showed time and again he cannot be trupsed in washington to take on the obama agenda. issue after issue, he supports that agenda. lately, the vice president said, it seems charlie crist cannot be trulsed even to remain a republican. check the figures before coming on air. 28% of americans self-identify themselves as republicans. as this a sort of an attack on a registered republican sitting governor as he's not really a real republican. is that helpful to the kind of outreach republicans need to do? >> probably not. and obviously in politics, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. i know charlie crist very well. i live close to the florida line, follow florida politics. i encourage governor crist to run for the senate when senator martinez decided he was not
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going to run again. he's involve in a very heated primary with a very good man in marco rubio. and, you know, you jump on one side or the other occasionally in these races, that's obviously what has happened. it's stepped up the rhetoric a little bit. >> what do you expect the governor to do? do you think you'll run as an independent? >> i don't know. it's an interesting question. i have not talked to governor crist in a month. the last time i talked to him, i brought the issue up. he told me then that he intended to pursue the republican primary. >> doesn't look like it now does it? >> a lot of conversation about it, certainly. >> senator menendez, i want to play for you -- the president was out in california helping raise money for senator boxer's campaign this year. and he said something that caught my ear. i want to play it for you. >> these mid year races are the ones where historically it's
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always been hardest to get folks activated. particularly the party in power. you remember, in 2008, that was fun, right? >> this sound to me about a president worried that his base isn't excited enough to get out there in the numbers that you need. how much do you worry about that? >> certainly the midterm election history, the president's party is always challenging. i think the president recognizes that. we recognize that. we see our base increasingly enthused when we passed landmark health care reform legislation under law so that no citizen goes to sleep at night worried they don't have health care. no one gets denied. >> your base has not been all that excited, has it? >> it has. i can see it in the senate of the democratic campaign committee. i saw it on the direct line fundraising where impact people
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said, good, it did something incredibly important. i think wall street reform is going to engender our base. and the average taxpayer and the independents in this country who felt they got ripped off. democrats are leading the way on this. we hope our republican friends will join us. there'll be a vote tomorrow. i hope they'll go ahead and let us debate on it. >> move up to wall street reform after this next break. on in,e other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh... boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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[ woman ] mom was diagnosed with moderate alzheimer's. it was tough news to hear. everything changed. mom. ♪ i didn't know what to do. that's when i asked my doctor about exelon patch. he said it releases medicine continuously for 24 hours. he said it could help with her cognition, which includes things like memory, reasoning, communicating and understanding. [ female announcer ] the most common side effects of exelon patch are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases. patients may experience loss of appetite or weight. patients who weigh less than 110 pounds may experience more side effects. people at risk for stomach ulcers or who take certain other medicine should talk to their doctor because serious stomach problems, such as bleeding, may worsen. [ woman ] mom's diagnosis was hard to hear,
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but there's something i can do. [ female announcer ] visit for free caregiving resources. >> the stalemate on financial reform may be traced to this. both parties see their arguments validated in recent polls. success in november arguing more government may not be the answer. the number of people who say they may not trust the government to do the right thing has fallen from 4,000 to 22% today. when people were asked if they should have more government control over the economy, 51% said bad idea. but democrats argue that wall
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street is one place the public wants more regulation. when asked about stricter regulation, 61% said good idea. we'll talk about that with senators menendez and chambliss in a moment. to the standard rgb color system, creating a vast array of colors you can't see with your tv's three color technology. but, you can see this. whoa! oh my. [ male announcer ] quattron from sharp. you have to see it, to see it. [ engineer laughs ]
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first, a deal that democrats can't get cloture. they can't get to the magic 60. they haven't found a deal to bring over the republicans. is this ever going to happen? >> first of all, there's not a member of the united states senate that doesn't understand very well that we've got to eliminate this too big to fail. what we saw in the financial collapse in the last couple of years that not just wall street got hurt, main street got hurt. we have to put in tougher regulation on wall street that don't have the same impact. >> the rule now, senator, do you think the republicans run a risk of looking lineback they're the friends of wall street versus main street? >> absolutely not. it's untrue. americans have been clear we want tougher regulations and sanctions against wall street and the type of things that happen. we need to put more regulations
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in place and we need to get our regulators the right kind of tools. but gigger government, candy, does not translate to better government. so we don't need to overreach so we have unintended consequences of costing consumers higher prices for energy products, higher prices for consumer products by what we do in the regulatory process of banks. but make no mistake about it. we've got to have tougher regulations on wall street, we've got to have tougher sapgss. and we hope we can get together in a bipartisan way to do that. it's been difficult of late to have much in the way of substantive bipartisan conversation in this. >> menendez will agree with you on that. let's turn to the different part of financial reform. we heard this week as a result of a government investigation, that we've had members of the sec over 3,000 employees, this involved less than 1% of them. but that they were spending an
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inordinate amount of work time watchi ining porn on their computers. we're talking senior people makes $100,000, $200,000 a year. let me put on your screen some of the things that over time the financial crimes that were missed by government financial regulators. aig, enron, worldcom, bernie madoff, allen sanford. all missed by regulators across the board. we have this new bill that you all are proposing, new regulatory agencies. where is your faith come from where two regulatory agencies are going to do any better than the other regulatory agencies that missed all of this? >> well, candy, first of all, those people should be fire if that's what they were doing, number one. number two, we need a cop who's on the beat, not asleep at the switch. and i said that at banking hearings time and time again for
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the past year and pushed the new chair lady to much more aggressively. and we've seen that aggressive action in the recent goldman case which was bought that which is incredibly, if true, reveals what's going on in the industry. secondly, the consumer financial protection agency, that is basically to empower consumers, to give them plain english language opportunities to understand and be part of the system that protects themselves. at the end of the day, i just think that the abuses of some who maybe were not spending their time doing what they should be doing as regulators doesn't undermine the fact that if we let wall street run wild, they will run wild. so the bottom line is this is about stopping banks and financial institutions from making risky bets that we all have to pay for. this is about making sure they're better collateralized and less debt, taking leverage out of the system, ensuring that we don't have taxpayers pay for them again.
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the wall street crowd will take care of things and we won't have excesses again. >> i have two minutes left. i want to turn to a 180 here and ask you about a story that came up. reverend franklin graham, son of billy graham was disinvited as part of a group that was going to hold a prayer day for the pentagon. he was disinvited because franklin graham has called islam and evil religion. he said he doesn't like the way -- he loves muslims but he doesn't like the way that the religion treats women, he doesn't like the way that it's encouraged violence. right or wrong? quick answers from both of you? right or wrong that he was disinvite? >> i think it's very unfortunate that he was disinvited. there's not a more spiritual family in america than the family of billy graham. and for this incident to happen because of a statement that was made years ago as well as months
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ago, i think it's truly unfortunate. >> senator mendez, he backed away from that. he believes that. was it right? >> we should invite all faiths to be able to join in that prayer. we are one country and ultimately i would hope when they make choices like that, they let choices know that we're all praying collectively to one god and we need his protection. >> senator robert menendez and saxby chambliss, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up next, jennifer granholm is on the short list for the supreme court. >> it's safe to say someone like me would be an unconventional nominee in the recent appointments that have been made. okay, we're going to get going right away. [ announcer ] he's never met an appendix he couldn't fix! the abdomen-ator dr. bob bergowitz! yeah, woo! [ announcer ] she's the queen of clean! the 2009 surgeon of the year, dr. nancy mendelsohn!
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[ male announcer ] doctors and nurses are true heroes. at ge, we're working to give them the innovation, fresh thinking, and advanced technology they need to keep bringing better health to more people. are you ready, mr. randall? let's do this! [ crowd cheering ] ♪ [ crowd cheering ] ♪ (announcer) right now, all over the country, discover card customers are getting five percent cashback bonus at home improvement stores. it pays to get more, it pays to discover.
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problem for the whole nation. in 2000, michigan's jobless rate was lower than the national average. now it's the highest in the country. unemployment in michigan stands at 14.4%, 4 1/2 points higher than the national average. last year, 80,000 manufacturing jobs disappeared in michigan and personal income continued to slide. still, there is encouraging news from the automotive world. a white house report says 45,000 auto industry jobs have been created since gma emerged from bankruptcy. the fallout appears to have given americans renewed confidence in the cars. two years ago, 46% of americans say asian cars were superior to american cars. now american cars are preferred by a 38% to 33% margin. economists at the university of michigan say despite the gains in the auto industry this year, the state will lose 40,000 jobs. that's sadly encouraging news
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because forecasts had michigan braced to lose twice that many jobs. in a moment, governor granholm . [ woman ] mom was diagnosed with moderate alzheimer's. it was tough news to hear. everything changed. mom. ♪ i didn't know what to do. that's when i asked my doctor about exelon patch. he said it releases medicine continuously for 24 hours. he said it could help with her cognition, which includes things like memory, reasoning, communicating and understanding. [ female announcer ] the most common side effects
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of exelon patch are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases. patients may experience loss of appetite or weight. patients who weigh less than 110 pounds may experience more side effects. people at risk for stomach ulcers or who take certain other medicine should talk to their doctor because serious stomach problems, such as bleeding, may worsen. [ woman ] mom's diagnosis was hard to hear, but there's something i can do. [ female announcer ] visit for free caregiving resources. hello, everyone. don lemon here at the cnn world
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headquarters in atlanta. i want to get a look at your headlines. massive tornadoes left piles of splinters and dust across mississippi and alabama. state officials don't know exactly the extent of the damage. one tornado touched down. one woman nearly escaped death when a tree branch crashed through her ceiling when she was sleeping. ten people are dead when cleanup takes days. recovery may take longer. mississippi may file for federal emergency assistance tomorrow making assistance possible. jacqui jeras is tracking weather now. >> the carolinas, no watches here. but two thunderstorms, both of which are producing tornadoes as we speak. we've got confirmation of a tornado on the ground in darlington about maybe 20 minutes ago that did produce some damage. the sheriff's dispatch says the mobile homes have been overturned and maybe other homes
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potentially destroyed. the warning remaining in effect, florence, darlington, dillard, and marlboro county. this is just east of i-95. the second tornado reported on the ground, no report of damage at this time. this is for nash county, north carolina. looks like that warning just expired and still a very intense cell as it moves through the rocky mountains, i-95 in north carolina. back live in cnn. don't go away. you won't miss anything. and a full newscast for you at 10:00 p.m. eastern. i'm don lemon. "state of the union" with candy crowley continues right now. welcome back to state of the union. let's get to my interview with governor jennifer granholm . we sat down earlier in the week in her office in lindsey, michigan. >> i want to talk to you about michigan's economy? >> yeah. >> signs everywhere, across the country. turning the corner. how confident are you in michigan, which still struggles,
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the economy is turned around. >> you've come on a very good week. this is the week that general motors paid back its loan. they announced $120 million investment in their plant in detroit. chrysler had some additional challenges, but their net operating profit was $200 million almost. i announced during the week that we were ten job projects that created 15,000 jobs. i did a ground breaking at one of the battery companies that we are recruited to provide the supply for the electric vehicle. we are just seeing a lot of movement -- you know, we're obviously not there yet. but -- >> it's turned the corner. >> but -- >> you feel like, okay, we're on the upswing. >> we have hit bottom, i know that. we are starting to emerge. it will be an extended climb up, but we've got to keep pushing in to this effort of diversifying our economy and educating our kids.
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>> still at this point, unemployment goes down, take down. it's still down. some of the jobs are not coming back. >> we know that's true. that's a good point for michigan citizens to hear, for all citizens to hear. we know that the traditional repetitive motion kind of manufacturing jobs are not come back. you have to be honest about that. but what you have the opportunity to do, like tom friedman keeps saying is to make the products in advanced manufacturing that move us towards energy independence. that's what we're focused on. advanced manufacturing, cool technology, diversify to that. >> do you need a jobs bill? do you need more help on mortgage home foreclosures? >> we absolutely need both on the jobs bill front, secretary duncan this week was out trumpeting the fact that across the country states are facing still enormous problems because we have to balance our budgets obviously and the economy hasn't completely recovered.
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and that means for teachers across the country, thousands and hundreds of thousands of layoffs. we need to prevent that from happening at a time when our nation has a goal of becoming the most well educate in the world. we can't be having class sizes of 40. so we need a job to prevent layoffs for teachers and cops and firefighters. the president had put that recommendation in to his budget. we hope that congress passes it. many states base their budget on it. >> you had once said famously nafta and cafta gave us the shafta. president obama campaigned on opening up nafta. he has not done that. >> we have had the system where the trade agreements that were negotiated, one, were not enforced and, two, did not require the trading partners to abide by the same rules that we were abiding by. that create add huge trade imbalance. >> still is, isn't it?
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>> a huge trade imbalance, still. all of the jobs here, manufacturing jobs that could go to the low-wage companies and go to the same product much less. they didn't have the language standards or the environmental standards, they were allowing countries like china, etc., to steal intellectual property and copy a design and to sell it. those things have not been addressed. you can adopt great trade agreements. we're not afraid of trade. we can compete anywhere, any time, give us a fair playing field. we would rather be the export nation rather than the import nation. >> you need nafta to reopen. you disappointed that the president hasn't done that. >> he said he's going to do that. he's abiding by almost all of the campaign promises, as he said. i expect and i've had conversations and meetings with his trade representatives on the trade agreements that they're in the process of negotiating, i believe that he's committed to
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fair and robust trade, but fair trade to our businesses to be able to compete on the playing field. i think he's going to hold his trade rep to that. >> let me ask you about bailouts in general, americans hate them. is it difficult to bail out the car companies. >> this is main street. chrysler is going to pay back its loan too. gm has paid back its loan. they completely redesigned the management structure, shaken the blanket, done something new. they're going to come out with the first all electric vehicle. it's going to be extremely successful, the voel. and, in the process, we saved millions of american jobs so that taxpayers will get paid back with interest. they'll make money on it. we will have saved all of these jobs and the manufacturing backbone of the united states. that is a good deal.
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>> in the end, though, americans are going to lose money for the amount that's going to be put in. the car bailout and the financial bailout. 61% of gm and chrysler. >> they have to go public and sell the shares back. i don't think americans will lose money. what's happening with chrysler back in the day, the americans are going to make money on it and the economy will be stabilize. if you carve out and hollow out manufacturing from the american economy, you have made a weaker nation. >> you could make the same argument for financial markets. we could not let them implode. heading up the financial institutions were making millions of dollar, so were car company executives? >> they were. but not the ones that received the bailout. and there was. i don't. you have to have a financial sector and you have to do that to stabilize.
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they plan to do that. stabilize and demonstrated that the economy has turned around. but there is no doubt that these ridiculous bonuses, etc., have slapped the taxpayers in the face even though they've been paid back. it seems like such an affront that all of the people who created the problem end up benefitting enormously from it. that's different from the car companies. the car companies are blue collar american companies, wall street seems to be on a different plain. >> well, you're right. but in effect, we did have an industry that was too big to fail. that was the car industry, was it not. >> too important to fail. >> too important in that it is the backbone of the manufacturing sector. i think people don't realize that the car itself is the last -- you know, it's glass industry, the steel industry, the rubber industry, the electronics industry. technology -- there's more technology in your car than there is in your computer.
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it's a sophisticated product that has tentacles all throughout the american economy. so much is embed in that product that ripples through other sectors that i think was too important to allow that to fail. >> i want to talk about politics, your future, and we've got to take a break. we'll be right back. i think i'll go with the preferred package.
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and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. welcome back. we're talking to the governor of michigan, jennifer granholm , detroit. lots of press about detroit lately, that it's a dying city, no longer the big motor city we talked about before. david simon that's been in the series for hbo on post-katrina new orleans and the battle to come back said something to me in an interview which struck me that great countries don't abandon their great cities. is there a feeling in detroit that a great country has abandoned a great city. >> i think there's a lot more hope in detroit. there's no doubt. the analogies between new orleans and katrina. they had a natural disaster that was immediate. our hurricane has been an
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economic hurricane. but the impact on the citizens has been similar in the loss of population, the loss of jobs. and really the hollowing out of this great city. but it's fantastic and it's not that detroit has to be the same size, they're trying to right size the city. so they're doing unique things, like urban farming -- taking a lot of the vacant land and turning it in to farming, which is sort of an interesting thing when you think about a city -- but abandoning cities is absolutely not the option. michigan and detroit, the only thing that separates detroit from michigan is a comma. >> let me turn to politics -- one of our favorite subjects, just looking at the national scene, how does a democrat win in this environment? >> i think that the president is providing a good road map, even though i know the health care bill law is controversial. i think people don't understand
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the benefits of it fully yet. so there has to be an effort to educate citizens about that. between now and october and november. but the -- wall street reform, it's a very good thing. and the democrats should stand up and trumpet supplying help to main street and not to wall street. and to making sure that it doesn't happen again. i think the -- the stories from the recovery act, we have them every day in michigan. there is a story about a company that's coming or somebody's who diversifying because of what the recovery act provided. those stories need to be amplified. if that happens, then i think democrats can win. but it is a tough time to be an incumbent on the ballot for sure. >> what do you think of the tea party? >> well, i mean, i appreciate free speech and i think everybody has a right to get on the soap box and complain. but there has to be an agenda. it's not just about no and
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anger. and i understand people are angry and everybody is -- >> they're angry about deficits and they're angry about taxes are too high. that's a legitimate problem. but there's a reach of government. >> an outgrowth from the tea party if you look at some of the signs, et, thc., that's so angr that it's unhealthy and dangerous. not all of the tea parties are like that. most people are out there because they legitimately have an expression that they want to vocalize. but there are -- there's an outgrowth of that anger that i think is really unhealthy. i think there's a lot of us who remember where were they when the other party was in charge and deficits were way out of control. and there seemed to be no not to any of that and spending was completely out of control. and there seemed to be votes in favor of more and more spending
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on the party's side. >> the street's a little different than congress. we are where we are. and there are people out there. that's where the passion is in politics, frankly. that's where you look where the passion has come from. the tea party people. i think there's a feeling inside the tea party, i know there is, that they're being sort of -- democrats tend to try to marginalize them by saying, oh, well, it's dangerous. oh, well, they're foepreventing things that might lead to something bad. the movement itself, do you see danger in they that? >> i don't see danger in any legitimate main stream movement. the movement in deficits and the size of government is legitimate. that's in our dna as a nation for over 200 years. but you have to admit there's a fringe element that builds off of that and i think uses the tea party as a way to push into the
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main stream when there have been infringed sentiments. but i think the volume of channels, whether it's blogs or face books or various cable outlets amplifies a voice that would previously have been unacceptable i think in most main stream. that's again not all of the tea party. that's the fringe that uses it tea party as a way to make it sound normal what is very fringe and dangerous. >> the administration about possibly being a supreme court nominee. >> i might be where i was in the last go around. and i'm going to allow the administration to speak on anything on this go round. >> if i could quote a colleague, we won't tell anyone. >> it will be just between you and me. >> we'll leave open the
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possibilities of doing that. what do you think in general about -- obviously there are federal judges that are on the court. what do you think about someone like yourself that doesn't have necessarily the federal court experience but you're a lawyer. not as though the law is foreign to you. >> i think it's a very wise move to consider experience that is not just from the judicial monastery. because -- i mean, not just me, but janet napolitano, people who have applied the laws that congress enacts, that have seen their impact on people, that, you know, i'm from the most challenged state in the country. for somebody to experience and see what everyday people are
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experiencing out there is an important thing to consider. now whether that's something that would trump judicial experience, etc., that's the president's call. safe to say someone like me would be an unconventional nominee in the recent appoi appointments that had been made. >> i won't ask you to accept if there's a nomination. probably no one on the face of the earth that wouldn't accept something like that am i right, wrong? >> oh it's a great honor to be considered on the list. there are a lot of great people who are on the list and leave it at that. >> jennifer granholm , the governor of the state where i was born. up next, a check of today's other top stories. and then, a look at that new fancy $100 bill as you'll see, it's more than just a pretty fail. at sharp, our goal is to reproduce every color in the world on tv. introducing quattron quad pixel technology.
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when a large tree branch crashed through her bedroom ceiling when she was asleep. in mississippi, cleanup will take days, recovery, quite sometime. mississippi will file a state of emergency making federal assistance possible. yazoo city was hit the hardest. 100 homes in the town and surrounding county are no longer habitable. we go to west virginia where barack obama attended a funeral service for the 29 coal miners who died earlier this month. ♪ my comfort my shelter ♪ >> the workers were killed in an explosion of the nation's worst mine disaster in decades. today's service feature add photo of each of the men with their families placing miner helmets atop of 29 white crosses. president obama talked about the men who chose to take on such dangerous work. >> all that hard work, all that
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hardship, all the time spent underground was all for the families. it was all for you, for a car in the driveway, a roof overhead, for a chance to give their kids opportunities that they would never know. and enjoy retirement with their spouses. it was all in the hopes of something better. so these miners lived as they died -- in pursuit of the american dream. >> the president also called for a better safety measures for coal miners to prevent future disasters. protesters rally against arizona's new immigration law today. governor january brewer signed the strict new measure two days ago. it requires police to question anyone they believe might be an illegal immigrant. and legal immigrants have to carry their papers on them at all times. police say they'll exercise restraint. but critics call this racial profiling. >> what is reasonable
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suspicious? i mean, are we going to get pulled over for a broken taillight or because of the color of our skin. and if so, is everybody going to get stopped? white people? you know? are they going to be looking for europeans as well? or is it just the brown people. >> what do you have to say to those concerned? >> they're really unfounded. the arizona law enforcement community is made up of many hispanics and the state of arizona has a very high hispanic population. we never had a policy of racial profiling. it's quite the contrary, it's been outlawed. >> the new law takes effect this summer. crews are using a robot submarine to try to stop an oil leak in the gulf of mexico. about 1,000 barrels a day are leaking from a rig that sank following an explosion 30 miles offshore. the cleanup was put on hold because of high seas in the gulf of mexico. i'm don lemon.
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see you back here at 10:00 p.m. eastern. "state of the union" returns in a moment. where malaria has touched their own lives; their own families. we're a part of a pioneering venture to get bed nets hung in every dwelling and medicines to babies and young children, which should save hundreds of thousands of lives. this is not gonna be solved by single doctors, governments or global agencies. it's gonna be solved by all of us working together.
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the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases. patients may experience loss of appetite or weight. patients who weigh less than 110 pounds may experience more side effects. people at risk for stomach ulcers or who take certain other medicine should talk to their doctor because serious stomach problems, such as bleeding, may worsen. [ woman ] mom's diagnosis was hard to hear, but there's something i can do. [ female announcer ] visit for free caregiving resources.
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and now our "american dispatch," this week, the u.s. treasury, the federal reserve, and the secret service unveiled a new $100 bill that's truly high-tech. >> the government must stay ahead of counterfeiters and protect the currency. >> prominent play, but it's hard to show on paper what makes this note such a leap forward. video does it more justice. watch the gold ink well that then holds a liberty bell. that blue ribbon down the middle uses the same 3-d technology used in movies. it costs the government about 12 cents to produce each new $100 bill, 3.5 cents more than the old bill. >> we estimate as many as 2/3 of all of the $100 notes circulate outside of the united states. >> overseas counterfeiters are
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