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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  June 17, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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he did not do that. >> reporter: that is why bp's ceo tony hayward makes our list of the culprits of the catastrophe. randi kaye, cnn, new york. so, we add tony hayward to the list and joins the former ceo of bp, lord john browne, and the mineral management service who did not follow its own protocol. lk tonight, president obama and bp execs face-off at the white house and the oil company makes a $20 billion pledge. is that enough? we are live from the disaster zone, and accused killer joiran
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van der sloot, and he is ready to make a deal, and save him from a living hell and possibly dying in a peruvian prison? we have shocking video from the inside. and plus, jennifer lopez, the family crisis that led to her personal crusade next on "larry king live." >> good evening, we begin with news from the gulf. anderson cooper host of "ac360" is in louisiana and jean cousteau joins us, and also, we have a video called the "short film that bp doesn't want you to see." here is what president obama and bp executives discussed today. let's watch. >> this $20 billion fund will not be controlled by either bp or by the government. it will be put in a escrow
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account, administered by an impartial independent third party. so, if you or your business have suffered an economic loss as a result of the spill, you will be eligible to file a claim for part of this $20 billion. >> larry: anderson cooper, is there some optimism down there? >> well, i don't know about optimism, by it is a good development when you talk to people here because they overwhelmingly support the idea of the escrow account. the devil is in the details, larry, how soon will it be set up and how do to payments work and how can people apply for it. there is a criticism of the system in place currently, and a lot of people say they put in claims weeks ago and they are not seeing the claims paid in a timely manner, and bp says they have upped the percentage of claims for big commercial businesses that they paid out, but the state is complaining about the speed and the data that bp has on these smaller
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claims. hopefully, that will get sorted out with this new process, but how long it is going to take is anybody's guess. >> and felipe cousteau, what is your read on this? >> well, i have been hearing the largely the same thing and little bit of optimism from the communities and the individuals down here on the gulf, but i have talked to lawyers and groups like the ocean c conservatory, and this is a fund set up for legitimate claim, and many will be filed and paid in due course, we hope, but however, there is real need on the ground now, both for the communities impacted and the people's lives not just a few weeks from now, but the people who got laid off two weeks ago or earlier. there is also real problems with the environment, and restoration, and damage assessment needs to happen now, and the funds for that are not available now. >> larry: folks you remember the telethon we did for haiti, well, we are going to do another one?
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monday night, from 5:00 to 7:00 pacific, and the subject is to help now. what these gentlemen have been talking about. we are going to go at length with them, and raise as much money as we can to help as many people as we can. joining us here in l.a. is edward james ole momos who is j back from the gulf, and produced this video, and what was it that you saw? >> it was devastation. i was not prepared for the humanistic understanding. i thought there would be anger and lots of energy poured out. >> larry: what gid ydid you see? >> a lot of people with hope. we need to keep the hope alive, and felipe said it well, and anderson, as well, we need to really understand this. this is a human issue now as well as, you know, ecological issue, but can i say one thing
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that we have an opportunity to help over there. i love what you are doing in the two hours, and i hope that you will invite me to be here to help raise funds, and i hope that everyone will give. but i hope that they will spend time this year going to the region along all of the gulf, all of it, and continue to use that hotels, the restaurants, and bring a lot of -- let's make it the best year they have ever had. >> larry: it is also a great place to go. >> yes. >> larry: and he also shot some video called "the video bp doesn't want you to see." >> once i leave here you go what you want with the documentary and three months or six months later, but when y'all leave here, i need to get a job to save my house. my way of life is over. so, i have to go to bp and beg them for a job. so, six months when this becomes public domain, what am i going
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to say to bp? well, rodney, you have been talking bad about us and telling people what we don't want to hear, and we don't need you to work for us anymore, and that is fine and dandy, but somebody has to say something. >> larry: that whole film is on the website are people afraid of bp, anderson? are they? >> well, you know, look, there is a lot of people who work for bp down here, and there is a lot of people who need work and want to work for bp as part of the cleanup operation, and a lot of fishermen who can't find jobs anywhere else, because they can't go for the shrimps anymore or farm for oysters any more and they need the jobs that bp is offering, and bp, you know, now they say, look, anybody can talk, and anybody who works for bp can talk, but that is not the story that has been the case all along. for weeks now, we have gone up, and other reporters have gone up to bp contractors working on the beaches, and they say, look, we can't talk. we signed a contract and bp has told us not to talk. and bp says they are free to
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talk, but look, a lot of people are scared about speaking out and scared about talking and getting their names out there, because they need work down the road. >> larry: felipe, edward said that a lot of the people have given up. have you seen that? >> well, there is anger and frustration along the coast and i have been tracking the story from the beginning in mississippi and alabama and i will be in florida next week where it is unfortunately headed, but most of what i have seen, and there is anger and frustration, but there is still a lot of resiliency in the communities and people are ready and willing to fight, but they need help. that is why the telethon we are doing next monday is so important, larry. people need help today, and they need to know that this country is behind them. >> larry: yeah, how do we let them know that, edward, because the bp guy said $20 billion, and he will take care of oeverything. and the bureaucracy. >> well, it will be very difficult. >> larry: do you have a lot of faith in bp?
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>> i have faith that bp will do what is best for bp, and i said that on the show with anderson, but i don't believe they are doing what is best for the humanity and the environment right now. >> larry: what is the worst case scenario for the environment? we will ask the people who are there next. urant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i'm going to work with kids. i want to fix up old houses. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. i want to fall in love again. [ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at [ laughter ] [ slamming ] [ engines revving ] [ tires screech ] [ engine revving ] [ male announcer ] before you take it on your road trip... we take it on ours.
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>> larry: we want to remind you about the two-hour special this monday night "disaster in the gulf" and how you can help. it begins at 8:00 eastern and we have great lineup of celebrity guests to help us raise money for our friends down south. we'd love to have your support, too, because they need your help now. bp chairman apologized today for what is going on. watch. >> i would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the american people on behalf of all
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the employees in bp. many of whom are living on the gulf coast, and i do thank you for the patience that you have in this difficult time. >> larry: we have been in this business a while, anderson, and have you got any way to judge sincerity? >> um, you know, you have to judge based on actions and also past statements. look, bp has made a number of statements about promising transparency, and i think that is the thing that most people down here just do not believe that they have followed through on. early on tony hayward said he would be as transparent as possible, and this is a company that is clearly not used to having the world watching what they are doing, and clearly has not figured out what transparency truly means. i mean, there is a number of things that they have done which they could have easily made far more transparent. their operations currently are not very transparent, and there
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is a number of things that we have never seen, and basic things, so i think that is a lot of the frustration here and they have a remarkable story to tell, and they are working extraordinarily hard. nobody here doubts that, and they have people and engineers working around the clock, but i think that the executives have not done a very good job of letting people see the process, and letting people see what is actually happening, and that is the only way we can know whether or not, you know, they are doing everything they can. >> larry: felipe, t. boone pickens on this show -- and he has been right about this all along -- said this could go into mid september, and do you buy that? >> well, i do. what people are overlooking the fact that the relief well is not always successful on the first try, so it could go beyond september, and what is scary and scaring at lot of to residents down here who lived through katrina, this is predicted to be one of the worst hurricane seasons in the years, and the hurricane comes in to deposit more oil further inland on the
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wetlands and the marshes to cause more environmental and human disaster is a real problem. and people need help and the restoration needs to help now, and the people in the communities who are suffering need help now. in the long run, paying money for legitimate claims won't be helpful. it is a good step in the right direction, but it is not dealing with thele clhallenges and the real pain that is happening today. >> larry: edward, what do you hope to accomplish with this short documentary? >> well, we are hoping to allow people to experience the human outlook of this. the people never would have talked to reporters. >> larry: why not? >> afraid of bp. they own the gulf right now. >> larry: but now you show it to people? >> well, that is the courage that rodney and mark and gina and joe and b.j. and all of the people who actually, you know, gave themselves to this sacrificed. they sacrificed themselves so
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that the people could honestly understand the humanistic part of this, and i say thank you to you then, because they have put themselves out on the firing line. especially rodney, because he said it clearly, and joe's landing is is a beautiful blas to visit, and i hope you will goo there and also to the fuel dock where b.j. works. those are places that have to be populated and people have to go there to rent the boats. i wanted to ask you one question, have you heard of the east oil spill of june 3rd? well, the same thing that happened here happened there. >> larry: where is that? >> in the gulf of mexico. in 1979. and i have to tell you, that was only 160-feet deep and they ended up going down 11,000 feet more once they broke ground, but the oil when it came out and it blew up and the same exact thing that happened here, and it took them almost ten months to -- and
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they had to, two, had to tap-in with two wells on the side. and nobody even knows about it, and that is the everything that we tried to do here was already tried with that. >> larry: what company? >> pmx. and i have to say there is a real danger for everybody working down there and it has been proved like in the exxon "valdez" oil spill, hundreds of people who worked that spill died after working that spill. we know that. they need res pir rpirators dow there. >> larry: anderson, you have lived down there almost, and how do you explain the resiliency of the people down there? >> well, it is a region who has seen a lot of natural disasters. this is not a area of disasters, but this is manmade disaster, and this is a place where these are tough people, and it sounds cliche to talk about the
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resilience, because we reporters talk about it in disaster zones, but it is true. you see it in, you know, in generations of people who have carved a living out of the marshes. who have carveded a living off of the land here, and that will continue. i mean, new orleans is a remarkable place, and a city of memory and place where it does not erase the past, no matter how painful the past is, and they incorporate the past. it is like walking down the streets, it is you see the past alive in the present, and i think that this city, new orleans will continue. the gulf coast will continue, but lives here are hanging in the balance, and the way of balance is hanging in the balance, and you know, there is no clock on this. there is no telling of when this will end. >> larry: don't forget our big special two hours of all of the participants that you see here and many, many others will be with us on monday night. ryan seacrest will be back to co-host as well. accused killer joran van der
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sloot, and can he help solve the natalee holloway case? some developments in that case. huh? ♪ where do gummy bears hide? under the seat. look! yeah! ♪ [ telephone rings ] [ male announcer ] the all new chevy equinox. [ man ] guess who? dad! [ man ] enjoy the trip! okay, daddy! [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] a consumers digest best buy. with a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. it takes you farther... and brings you closer.
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>> larry: we are back. joran van der sloot arrest in peru is generating all kinds of incredible news. here to talk about it is jean casarez, our correspondent from "in session" our sister network trutv, and she is reporting from lima. what is the latest now? >> reporter: well, the latest, it is official, joran van der sloot goes before a judge next monday. as for the first time a defendant in a murder in a case. and what is going to be happening is that under peruvian law, he has to make a formal statement to a judge, and it is one-on-one and the judge and him, around normally larry done behind me at the palace of justice. this very beautiful building with all of the kourpts here in lima, but in this case, it is so high profile with such high security concerns that the judge is going to go to capital cstro castro, the high security prison
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where joran van der sloot is. >> larry: there is a report, jean, that he fears for his life if he stays in purr eru. is he under special security? >> he is under special security. he is in a place with ten cells and two of them occupied by an alleged colombian hitman. it is amazing the freedoms. he is able to go watch tv and a wait room in there where they have coca-cola bottles in there where they put sand in there with broomsticks and do weight training and the food he is getting, larry, that is the food that the officials at the prison eat, because they are so concerned that somebody would poison his food, so a lot of special concerns to protect him. >> larry: well, we are going to show you in a little while what the prison is like there. what is the latest on his legal team, and his family? who has visited him? >> well, that is the question. you know, the attorney who has been representing him who has
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spoken with him several times here in lima, and he has told us that he wants off of the case. he has had threats to his life, and he is hiding out in lima, and so at this point, he is still the attorney of record. we confirmed that late tonight, but i don't think that he wants on the case. i think that we could see new counsel come forward, but as of yet, no one. >> larry: jean, if he is going to plead guilty, why is -- is he going to go on trial of any kind? >> it is interesting, larry. if he pleads guilty, all right, and he has already confessed allegedly according to the police, and if he pleads guilty, it is a shorter proceeding, maybe six months, and yes, it will still go to trial, but the trial will be shorter, because he has confessed. but under aruban laws, and american law, the confession has to be corroborated. you can confess all day, but if the story does not add up with the evidence, they will not accept it, and you have to go further into the trial.
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>> larry: now if he wants to give information about natalee holloway in exchange for whatever, can aruba take part in this? >> well, yes, the peruvian officials are not commenting, but aruba submitted and official press release saying that the peruvian government has helped them facilitate, and that is the word used a meeting between the prosecutors and police for them to come here, and they can go interrogate joran van der sloot, but the peruvian officials are not saying a word about that. >> larry: but in view of the murder, they are not going to extradite him to aruba, are they? >> no, no. this is a peruvian murder case. a 21-year-old peruvian business student was brutally killed, stephany flores, and this prosecution will continue right here. >> larry: thank you, jean casarez, our "in session"
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reporter from our sister network trutv. and coming up is a man who knows the hell inside of a peruvian prison. we will give you a look. don't go away. ountry! [ male announcer ] when stress gives you heartburn with headache... alka-seltzer gives you relief fast. [ low male ] plop, plop. [ high male ] fizz, fizz.
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♪ >> larry: welcome back. michael griffith is an international criminal defense attorney joining us from new york. he has been to prison in peru where he believes joran van der sloot could end up. it is one of those days. he has been in more than two dozen prisons in foreign countries, and he says it is the worst he has ever seen. you represented billy hays, remember, the famous "midnight express case" and he says that makes the turkish prison that hays lived in like a resort. it is chronicled in his show which premiers next wednesday night. >> reporter: this is one of the toughest prisons.
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conditions are appalling. built more 3600, it now houses nearly 10,000. >> in peru, officially, we assume that the criminals had a second chance, and they have to be rehabilitated, but the reality unfortunately is not normally like that, because we don't have enough funds. we don't have enough money and budget. >> reporter: with mass overcrowding, the 21 cell blocks can easily explode into civil war. in 1986, in just one day, 124 prisoners died. with only 100 guards to police 10,000 violent criminals, the peruvian prison service turns power over to the inmates. >> larry: michael griffith, peru is a civilized country, and how
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do they put up with that? >> well, they are one of the poorest countries in south america, and they don't give too much money for the prison system, larry. >> larry: is that the only prison in lima? >> no, there is another prison called the miguel castro castro where the prisoners brought a lawsuit against the international, in the international american court where peru was found guilty where 600 prisoners were abused and 135 women were humiliated and stripped and some of them were killed. their bodies were never returned, and to tell you how bad this prison was, they got a new warden there not long ago and the first day on the job, the warden was murdered. >> larry: oh, geez. is that definitely where joran would go? >> well, joran is there right now, but i suspect after he is sentenced, he is going to go to lurigancho and i have been there and i will tell you that i have
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been in prisons in over two dozen countries, and this is by far the worst. it is entering, larry, the gates of hell. if you want to let me give you a thumbnail sketch of it, i will. >> larry: go, go. >> they have 3,000 prisoners for 3,000 spaces. there were dormitories housing 600 prisoners each on the floors. when i visited my client who was a pilot on a cocaine plane and they caught him, he was in a room 25 by 15 with 35 prisoners. seven had to sleep on the floor. the toilet was a hole in the floor. the sink, the stove was just a concrete slab with a hole. if you want to survive there, you have to have food brought in from the outside. so, he is going to have to make friends with someone and pay for food to be brought in. if you want to try to eat the prison food, they have giant vats the size of hot tubs where hoses come out of the ground
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where there is excrement and insects around the hoses. you cannot eat the prison food. when i went to visit my client, i went through a territory of what is called the sandero luminoso who was a group of guerrillas, and i had to hire guards to take me through there, and the next day i did not want to go there because i got there late to get to the main gate and the guard said that the gates were closed for the night, and i had to stay in. i gave him a couple of cigarettes, and i got out. the following day i asked to see my client in the visiting area, and ten feet away from me, one prisoner stabbed another. >> larry: michael griffith, hold it, let's see more of this peruvian prison from "national geographic's world's toughest priz sonstoughest prisons whi
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prisons" which he is describing. >> each is like a prison. >> it is like a pirate ship, and you run your own. >> announcer: each is selling drugs and prostitution to make money. three times a week, visitors are allowed, and this is when many inmates get their money, and drugs are smuggled into the jail. >> larry: how do they -- michael, this is incomprehensible. incomprehensible even for joran van der sloot, and all that he did, it is inkom pcomprehensibl a human or an animal. >> well, larry, he will be put in a section where there are 600 prisoners in a dormitory and there are six showers for 600 prisoners and the showers worked once a week for 15 minutes. you can get drugs, guns, knives, anything that you want in the prison. i will tell you a quick story.
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>> larry: quick. >> i knew a ka ncanadian woman e husband was convicted in a gang, and sentenced to 25 years. after a year in prison, the guards brought him home to the wife's house one night where he went inside, and made love with his wife and left and taken back to the prison. money can get you anything there. >> larry: michael, thanks so much. we will call on you. criminal international defense attorney. >> larry: the woman that police say was murdered by joran van der sloot is next. and your safety.rove oy it's an investment that's helped toyota earn multiple top safety pick awards for 2010 by the insurance institute for highway safety. no other brand has won more. these top safety picks, and all our new safety innovations are available at
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>> larry: joining us now from lima is enrique flores, the brother of the late stephany flores who was murdered in peru last month. joran van der sloot is accused in the case. and also stephany's sister-in-law, and they join us from lima. enrique, how are you coping now dealing with this tragedy?
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>> well, this is still hard for me and for all of the family. the pain, the pain that we are feeling never goes. it will never go away. we just hope that the process that they are taking here in lima of being as quickly as it can. it is very, very hard the feelings. >> larry: carolina, how well did you know your sister-in-law? >> oh, i know her since she was 9 years ode. she was a little girl. and i know the family 12 years ago, and so we were girlfriend/boyfriend since that time, and we were very close. >> larry: what are your
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feelings, enrique, toward joran van der sloot, and what can you think about him? >> i really don't have a feeling for him or something. i just want justice to be made. i know that the -- he, my sister was very -- he hit her, and she wasn't her body and her face and everything was -- you could not even recognize her. so, it is hard. i just hope that justice is made here in peru. >> larry: carolina, have you heard anything from the police about a motive? does anyone know why the accused may have done this? >> no, i don't understand.
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>> the thing is that he keeps telling so many lies, and it is time his tension, his version, and for us, as a family, he just kill her. i mean, i know he rough her, and he took money from her. he took his car, her car. so, to think that has a motive, i mean, he sounds like a serial killer, so, i don't have much to say about that. he's just a killer. i mean, he don't have feelings. he just kills people. >> larry: carolina, do you worry that he might get special attention? >> i am not worried. i trust the justice in peru, so,
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we are just waiting for the judgment. we are praying that this case, and it will end well for us, and end well for natalee's family, too. >> larry: enrique, do you think that he might fry to matry to m sort of deal for natalee holloway in exchange for some leniency in peru? >> he will try to do everything that is in his hands. i know that there are at lot of evidence that they are finding everyday. i mean, they have to talk with the owners of the hotel, the people that work in the hotel, and my sister was dead in there four days.
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there are a lot of things that they have to keep looking. my sister won like $10,000 in the casino the day before, and she had it with her. there is so many things that this process is going to take a long time, and we just hope that -- i know that he tried to enlist all of the best lawyers in peru, and nobody will take his case. so, it is going to take a while, and it is going to be a difficult case here in peru. >> larry: enrique, have you heard from the holloway family at all? >> yeah, i talked with her mother, natalee's mother, beth, and also with david. >> larry: what do they say? >> well, they are keeping looking everything that is happening here in peru, and
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while we hope that sometime he can say where natalee's body -- it is very hard that i think that the pain they are feeling, it is very hard, because we have a pain that you can describe it, but we know that we saw the body of our sister. they don't have the body of their daughter, so it is -- >> that is worse. that is even worse. >> larry: no closure. okay. thank you both. we will keep in touch. best of luck to you, enrique and carolina flores, the brother and sister-in-law of the late stephany flores. jennifer lopez is here, and she will tell us about her daughter's health scare and how it led to a much larger crusade. she and her sister lynda are next. guys? the best stuff on earth just got better.
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>> ahead on "360" face-off at the white house. bp executives meet with the president and agree to put $20 billion in the escrow account to cover the claims of those affected beaffect ed by the spill. we are keeping them honest. and also, plans to vacuum up the oil is put on hold by the coast guard. and all of that and the latest efforts to rescue wildlife at the top of the hour, and now back the "larry king live." >> larry: we welcome the founders of the maribel foundations to "larry king live." that are jennifer lopez, and actress, and singer and entrepreneur and if i have to tell you who she is, you have a major problem. and her sister lynda lopez who is the emmy winning journalist and sister of jennifer, and they join me from the sip rcipriani t
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in new york city. so tell me about it. >> it is a foundation that lynda and i have talked about forming for years, and when we both got pregnant, it is something that we decided to do now. obviously, when you become a mom, your perspective and your whole kind of view on life changes. and it did for us. we always wanted to form a foundation that helped women, and children and education and health care, and tonight, we are here like you said at ciprianis doing a big samsung fund-raiser as part of helping our telemedicine program with samsung. >> larry: all right. lynda, why maribel? >> we named the foundation the maribel foundation because it has special meaning for us. maribel is marc's sister, was marc's sister, who passed away when she was 9 years old of a brain tumor and marc was 8 when she was 9 years old.
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when jennifer and i were pregnant at the same time, we thought a lot about the kind of care that mothers want to be able to give their children, the kind of health care and the level and quality of care that you want to have available when it is your baby, and we wanted that for every single mother everywhere in the world. and maribel was a real inspiration for us thinking that and thinking that we wanted to do more from there for children. >> larry: which every mother wants to do. jennifer, what's the foundation's mission? >> the foundation, i mean, we have a lot of mission, but right now what we're focused on along with the children's hospital of los angeles is called the telemedicine program. what that is, it has a very, very big dream, larry. that is to bring the best, most advanced health care to every child in the world, on the planet. and through this technology, what it is, it allows specialists from anywhere in the world so long as they have this technology in a clinic setup, you can go into remote areas of
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the world that they have one of the machines, they can talk to specialists anywhere in the world, and they can confer on something as something like i don't know what this is or what this child has. they can call the children's hospital, and hook up through the telemedicine program and then read the charts and look at x-rays and examine the child and do so many things where they can actually help save a child who wouldn't normally have that type of health care. so, that's what the telemedicine program is. and children's hospital of los angeles has been developing it and talking about it. and when we came to them with the maribel foundation, we said we -- i've been involved with the children's hospital of los angeles for many years. >> larry: i know. >> and helped them raise money and all this kind of stuff. we decided to do our own foundation, we went to them for years, what can we do? what could really make a difference in this world for health care for children, for moms, for everybody? and they were like, well, there's this thing called the telemedicine program we're really excited about and we really need help with to get off the ground. that's what we've been doing and
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we've been doing it one step at a time. one step at a time. it's a big idea and it's a lot to get the clinics out there. we're going to have to raise a lot of money and we're going to have to have great partners like samsung help us. >> larry: i want to ask about that. >> you know, larry -- >> larry: this interview was taped tuesday afternoon, but scheduled to play on tuesday night, but it was delayed because of the president's address, and we're playing it wednesday night. the gala happened last night. the four seasons of hope, give me the background, lynda, of you and samsung getting together on this. >> you know, they actually found out about what we were doing and were excited to help. what we do, and jennifer said, it is demanding a specific kind of technology and specific kind of equipment. we want doctors at children's hospital in los angeles to have videoconferenci videoconferencing, and some type of technological hookup to places like puerto rico where
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we're setting up the tell medicine program, panama, other countries we're going to move into. we need to get all of that equipment to any site that we need to set up so that children can have that care in that remote location. they were very excited, as we were about the possibilities of telemedicine and technology to spread health care. children's hospital of los angeles is one of the top in the country. they have the top pediatric oncologists and hematologists, some of the top pediatricians. that is the level of care that will be available now in puerto rico or san juan, puerto rico, or if we move into panama city or anywhere we go. those doctors can dial up, and they'll see the charts. they'll see different cases of children that they can confer on and examine and diagnose and treat immediately. >> and, again, the idea is to bring that not just to one or two places but to every place and make this system a general primary which, of course, is a few years off. we're going to be working on it. we're getting there. >> larry: children's hospital of los angeles is one of the sister
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hospitals of the larry king cardiac foundation, which your husband, jennifer, marc anthony, is a major supporter of, and we hope to get you involved, too, because we help a lot of kids with cardiac problems. >> absolutely. >> larry: we will be right back with jennifer lopez and lynda lopez in a moment. ♪ [ male announcer ] sit down. it's ok. you've got preparation h with the only cream that gives you maximum strength pain relief. and relieves swelling, burning, and itching. preparation h. doctor recommended -- by name.
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boss: so word's gettin' out that geico can help people save in even more ways - on motorcycle insurance, rv, camper, boat insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too...
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i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. >> larry: we're back with jennifer lopez and lynda lopez. is your mom living, jennifer? >> yes. yes. she is very alive. >> very full of life. >> watching right now, in fact. >> larry: what kind of, lynda, mother was she growing up in relation to all you're doing for mothers now? how were you raised? >> you know what? my mom is a mom that's full of joy. she was always singing. she was always dancing. she was always keeping the happiness level up in our house. it was very energetic. >> she was the most fun, amazing person, you know, who taught us -- when i said alive, that's
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the first thing that comes to my mind. she's the most alive person i know. she's just amazingly inspiring in that way. she's always lived her life that way and taught us to live that way as well. >> an incredibly generous person, too. it is from a natural place. she never taught us to be generous, but i can think back to times when i saw her doing and giving to people that she never made a big deal out of. >> do you have a website, jennifer, on the maribel foundation where people can get more information? >> we do. >> go ahead. >> it's maribel, one r and one l, if that helps. >> larry: speaking of motherhood, jennifer, how are the twins? >> they're great! they're awesome. they are getting big and talking a lot. like i like to say, bossing me around. but i love it! >> larry: what kind of big sister was she, lynda? >> awesome. the kind of big sister who did your hair and makeup and didn't
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get mad if you borrowed her jeans, the good kind. i got lucky. >> that's right. >> larry: jennifer, any truth to the rumor you and tom cruise are going on "dancing with the stars" next year? >> two weeks. >> no. >> larry: got ya. >> no. i think we're both kind of busy to go on "dancing with the stars." he's got, i'm sure, we mourn his untimely passing. >> larry: lynda did you choose to write because your sister went the other route? >> no, it is because i loved. growing up, our heads were in different places and jen loves to sing and dance and perform. >> and her head was always in a book. >> and i never liked to be in front of people and perform too
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much, so -- >> we gravitated to our own. >> and i am very much my dad's personality and she is my mom's. it is great. >> larry: good luck with the partnership with samsung, and much success with the maribel foundation, and >> thank you, thank you, so much, larry. >> larry: thank you both. a sad note in the heartbreaking loss in the larry king family. one of our sons, brian, who was a special boy who had a passion for music and paintball and making people smile. we mourn his untimely passing an unfill


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