tv Larry King Live CNN June 29, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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giving it up? >> you know, it seems like he's quit a couple times and decided to come back. i wouldn't put money on it, if i were a betting man. >> all right, joe, thanks very much. we'll be in the gulf tomorrow, thanks for watching. "larry king" starts now. >> larry: tonight, supreme court nominee elena kagan on the hot seat. highly partisan highly political hearings under way. >> i will do my best to consider every case impartially. >> larry: plus a landmark decision from the high court. gun owners win it. then, a 7 year old vanishes from school three weeks and thousands of it tips later his disappearance still a mystery. does the second grader's stepmom know something that could help find him? next on "larry king live."
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good evening. today's confirmation hearings were devoted to opening statements by committee members and nominee elena kagan herself, if confirmed, kagan will succeed justice john paul stevens retiring after 35 years on the court. here to talk about it is james carville, cnn political contributor and democratic strategist and a conservative talk show host and organizer with the tea party coalition and back in l.a., stephanie miller, host of her own program and we go to las vegas with the libertarian talkative half playing at the hotel and casino in vegas. they also have a series on showtime. james, these hearings are pro forma unless someone speaks out on an issue.
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this is going through the motions, isn't it, james? >> pretty much. we do this every time we have one and everybody postures and at one of the hearings then senator biden asked a 24-minute question or something. we're going to have this. she's going to be confirmed and as she well should be and four republicans and one democrat will vote against her. it will be about the way it ends up. >> larry: dana, how do you feel? the previous conservative appointees took the middle road. she hasn't been questioned yet. they weren't definitive on any topic and they were approved. don't you expect this to go the same way? >> probably more than likely i expect it to go through. i'm watching lindsey graham to see what he does because he was one of the republicans who voted to confirm sonia sotomayor. one of the only ones. i just wish we knew a bit more
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about the documents that clinton library is releasing. we only have a quarter of the memos that she authored because she does have razor thin experience. i look at that and put that in context with some of the things that she said and some of the people she's looked up to and people with whom she's sort of organized herself with. i just wish that she had a bit more of a record and that we were able to read a little bit more of more than 160,000 pages of memos and documents and a quarter of which has been released so far. it seems tough to make a decision based on that. >> larry: stephanie, william rehnquist was chief justice and was never a judge and he was a presidential assistant. >> someone just an upper east side liberal as of friday and just moved back to l.a., she's a centrist. for many on the left, she's not
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a liberal justice. she shouldn't replace who she's replacing. this court has skewed very much to the right particularly with the citizens united ruling and i love the fact that it is snooty to have a harvard degree. they all have a harvard degree. of course she has a harvard degree. >> larry: aren't all the democrats going to vote for her? >> i would hope so. >> larry: are you concerned about dana pointing out this non-paper trail. >> i'm thrilled to pieces to agree with james completely. there shouldn't even be confirmation hearings. it's a new thing just created for television. most of the justices we have had never had confirmation hearings. i disagree with her on a lot of stuff. i don't like how weak she is on freedom of speech and has given speeches about how the government can do work around on freedom of speech. i disagree with her on a lot. it doesn't matter what i think. the president appoints them and they should say okay and put
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them on the supreme court. there shouldn't be a confirmation hearing where everybody goes on tv and makes their stupid little speeches. put her in. it's fine. it's his choice. >> larry: do you think they're going to make a big deal, james, of the fact she approved the barring of military recruiters on campus at harvard? >> they'll try to. let me get this straight. she's not qualified and she's the dean of the harvard law school. okay. put those two sentences together and say that makes sense. come on. they'll make a deal out of something. and they made a deal because alito was some man that wanted to keep women out when he was at princeton. they'll make a deal. she'll be confirmed. the president has a right to pick who he wants. would she be my first choice? i didn't. >> larry: dana, in 1995 while a professor at the university of chicago kagan said she thought
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supreme court confirmations were hallow charades. was she right? >> i enjoy this stuff. i want to know what people are saying. i want everything to be drug out into the light. that's how i look at it. >> you enjoy senators making speeches today? >> i liked jeff sessions remarks. i like watching it. you can see it. it's like a soap opera. i really enjoy watching it. i like to see how she reacts with all of this as well. >> dana, i beg to differ. this is kind of a complex legal term. i thought jeff sessions was kind of being an ass hat. >> because he pointed out the obvious? >> he was way over the top. he was reciting her record. if it's over the top, take it up with her. >> she was working in the clinton administration. that doesn't mean those are her views. that was like a jeff sessions strategy.
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>> i take that as a compliment, thanks. >> larry: penn, it's your turn. >> i agree with james. it feels great. i might do that more often. it feels warm and cuddly and comfortable. confirm her. it's the president's choice. he made it. the who cares what i think. who wants to see people read long speeches and grandstand. >> i take it back, larry. after what you said she said in 1995, i would appoint her as president. i'm more for her now than i was before after i realized she said that. the. >> larry: let me get a break. we'll discuss the supreme court decision. today if you live in chicago, despite a 28-year-old law, they threw it out today. you can have a handgun. we'll talk about that after this. [ male announcer ] at toyota, we care about your safety.
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>> larry: all right. a community activist in chicago, which the president used to be, wanted a handgun to protect himself from gangs. he lost at all lower levels but won today in the supreme court which threw out the chicago ordinance. anyone in chicago can have a handgun. the vote was 5-4. what do you think? >> a huge win for second amendment rights but i'm disturbed by the fact it was only 5-4. it should have been 9-0. it's fantastic. the second amendment is quite clear and it's interesting
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unlike the heller case this really shows the fact that, yes, firearms second amendment is for self-defense and individual possession as well. i think that's so often kicked aside in these arguments. in fact, i think a lot of people try to pretend that's really not what one of the focuses of the second amendment is. >> larry: it's been debated for years, stephanie, the second amendment back to the original minutes in the actual congress. >> it seems like there's no reason anymore in these arguments. there are states that it's okay to have guns in bars. it's okay to bring a baby in a bar. it's like, what's next? it's okay to arm babies in bars? is there no common sense? guns and alcohol, that's historically been a great combination. you can bring guns in church in some places. what do you need to make the commune wafer a clay pigeon? they are in the pocket of the gun lobby on the left right now that there's no reason -- >> larry: what did you make of the law that they threw out, penn?
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>> i think it's always good to go in favor of freedom. what we learned from the heller case is they promised that there was going to be huge amounts of gun violence after this went through and we're not seeing that. gun violence is going down. it's not going down because of gun control. we obviously don't have a direct cause and effect there and that's also a pragmatic argument. the moral argument is individuals have to have as many rights as possible and i think it's a great decision. i don't think they should be able to take arms away from individuals. i think freedom is a good thing. it's the way i was brought up. >> should you have freedom to have a rocket launcher if you live next to an airport? should there be any restrictions? >> should there be any restrictions? you're talking to a nut, you know that? >> that's a given. >> i don't believe in prior restraint. i don't think you can stop people ahead of time. now, there's a line drawn somewhere but the line certainly isn't drawn on handguns.
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people being able to have them for self-defense is really important and it's really part of a free society. you cannot keep taking rights away from the individual. i think it's really cool that the supreme court is doing a few things right. >> larry: james, what do you think? >> yeah. all god's children will be packing heat now. i guess we'll have the bazooka rights association and the hand grenade right association. a republican senate candidate talking about a second right amendment. i pack heat myself. i pack heat myself. everybody pack heat. everybody get a bazooka. let's go. >> can we do that? >> it should be allowed on television. >> the government can't decide -- >> larry: there are 275 million
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guns in america. dana, how do you define arms? >> how do i define arms? gosh. i don't think there should be a restriction on firearms. >> larry: you said the second amendment is clear. arms would include a machine gun, right? >> i hate the war and b.s. term on assault weapons and assault rifles and this stuff. we'll put assault in front of it because we don't understand that adding something cosmetic doesn't really make a gun anymore accurate. >> larry: how do you define arms? >> by weapons period. i define weapons by firearms, guns, period. >> larry: guns would be a machine gun? >> yeah. sure. it freaks people out but i don't believe in that restriction. i don't believe the government can act like a nanny. they don't have a better moral code than me.
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>> i think they convinced james and i that cnn should bring back "crossfire." >> seems to me like you are being sarcastic. i think you're being sarcastic. >> very sarcastic. yes. this is how i define arms. right here. >> were you being sarcastic about the confirmation, too? >> i wasn't being sarcastic about that. >> you can say that in the safety of your own box where i can't reach you with my uzi. >> if you had a gun you would kill everybody and there are many people with guns who wouldn't kill anybody. you can be gentle. having a gun does not mean you use it. believe me, if i were in a room with you and i had an uzi, i would not use it.
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>> i owned guns all of my life. >> you can't make the laws for psychotics. >> larry: we'll go back to other topics we've been discussing after this. [ tires screech ] [ female announcer ] when business travel leaves you drained, re-charge with free high-speed internet and free hot breakfast. comfort suites. power up. two times with comfort suites or any choice hotel, you can feed a family of four. book now at to start earning your $50 restaurant gift card. it's laughs over a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad. catching up over wood-grilled shrimp and chicken. and with lunches starting at just $6.99... it's an hour you wouldn't trade for anything.
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>> larry: you have until july 7th to bid on great auction items proceeds helping people and wildlife in the gulf. there is terrific stuff. go to and click on charity buzz auction link. back to our panelists discussing senator robert byrd a guest on this show several times. what did you think of him? an early member of the kkk who later changed. how will we think of him? >> he changed. great. wonderful.
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he knew more about the senate. he loved that place. knew every rule. one thing about it, you never saw him at a cocktail party or dinner party. he was never much enamored with the social side of washington. he was the longest serving senator in history. quite a remarkable achievement. i'll never forget the image of him at senator kennedy -- he was on the hill when senator kennedy died. i never seen a man so devastated by the death of another person in my life. it was remarkable. >> larry: dana, what did you think of the senator? >> well, my first thought is to sort of linger on the fact that he was involved with the kkk but if he repented then graces for all. that's fantastic. i hope before his death he was able to reconcile some of the positions he had prior to that i hope he was able to reconcile that before he passed away. i wasn't enamored with his
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voting record. i feel bad for his family. other than that, that's pretty much my reaction. >> larry: he opposed going to iraq by the way. stephanie, the west virginia governor, a democrat, he'll appoint a democrat, but this is interesting. there were two years, six months and five days left in byrd's term when he died. under west virginia law special election must be held if there's more than 2 1/2 years left on the term. the west virginia held its 2010 primary almost two months ago. some think there will be a legal challenge here to whether there should be a senate fight on the ballot in november. >> if anybody would know about senate rules it would be robert byrd unfortunately. i have to say, larry, people on the right literally will say kkk with robert byrd's name as if it was yesterday. 40 years ago. i remember saying to one of my republican friends about my
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dad's friend he was liberal. pro-gay rights. like the second half of his life didn't count because he didn't agree with them specifically on every issue. >> he used an inflammatory slur on air just a couple years ago. >> who? robert byrd? >> yeah. in 2001 he did. >> about what? >> he used the n word on television. >> he used the n word on television on fox news in 2001. with the word white before it. but i'm glad it wasn't me. >> i hadn't seen that. maybe the day he died is not the appropriate time -- >> i don't think so. i was just giving information. >> i think there was -- there
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was context. he had a voting record and everything else. go ahead. >> larry: james, what is west virginia going to do, do you think? >> you know what, larry, i have never tried to figure out what west virginia was going to do about anything and if somebody can figure out winch let me know. i'm having a hard enough time in louisiana. i don't know. as i understand it qualifying his past for primaries and then you have this conflict law. i suspect that they have a supreme court and they'll decide something there. i just don't know. i'm not that familiar with it to be honest with you. >> larry: all right. do you think it will affect the kagan nomination? >> you know, it could. it depends on as you say how much of this is just a show this kagan thing or how much they're really serious. to me she's very centrist. >> we'll go back to kagan and review other issues of the day. the general fired by the president and retired from public life today. we'll talk about that, too. don't go away.
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>> larry: the senate armed services commission hearings open hearings for general petraeus to replace general mcchrystal. will that be pro forma as well, james? >> of course it is. why don't they just send the man over there. >> larry: we love petraeus. >> it's a waste of time. air out afghan policy or lack of it. of course he'll be confirmed. >> larry: the new "usa today" poll shows 53% of america approve firing of mcchrystal. mcchrystal told the army today he's going to retire. what did you make of it all, dana? >> i talked about this at length on air and online as well. he should have, i think, resigned or stepped down. i believe there's protocol that you follow within the military. i also think that if the
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administration had perhaps maybe been stepped into more, he wouldn't have felt the need to fall on his sword in "rolling stone." let's not forget that this is a guy who was so unbelievably well trained he won't forget who he's speaking with when discussing something with a "rolling stone" reporter. it was purposeful. he did what he did to bring greater attention to afghanistan and get more action with it. before that the president hardly met with the guy. he met with them twice and second time was over this. >> larry: stephanie, he and the president were in agreement on afghanistan policy. >> yes. that's why i was tries to pars everything dana just said. that's not how you do it if you disagree with strategy. you don't go drinking with a "rolling stone" reporter in a bar and get chatty. the strategy is the same. they agree on the strategy. this was obviously clearly insubordination. i would have given anything to be a fly on the wall for that meeting. say it with me. awkward. i hope he took his resignation
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and sat there for 20 minutes staring at him. >> larry: penn, what did you make of it? the general could have said anything. >> he could say anything he wanted and then get fired. i'm fine with firing him. you know, i was too young to go into the vietnam war but i did pay attention to it. i would have given anything during the vietnam war for one general to tell the truth about anything. even if it was just trashing people in a bar one little bit of truth would have been nice. what i find disturbing is that mcchrystal and obama agree about the war completely and that is that the war will go on forever and kill a lot of people and cost a lot of money and can't possibly be won. they both seem to agree on that 100%. that's what we're doing. it's a bad thing. of course the president can fire him. of course the president can put anybody he wants and put anybody in the supreme court. he's the president.
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i don't agree with him but i don't have a vote in this. >> larry: james, how long does this war -- this war is longer than vietnam now. >> you know, if you asked me about what is west virginia going to do and how long is this war going to go on, that's way beyond my pay grade. i agree with almost everything that you just said, penn. look, the tragedy is in afghanistan is we're nine years into this thing and, man, honestly i hope i'm wrong but i don't see a way out any time soon. it's bad. >> we're just killing people we shouldn't be killing. >> larry: dana, do you see an end game? >> well, i think petraeus is one of the first smart decisions this administration has made when it comes to afghanistan because petraeus was the guy who interestingly enough the petraeus stuff was scrubbed from move on and now people are treating him like he's prom queen. this is a good decision. he'll get the job done and
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minimize casualties and get in and get it done. >> we don't know what the job is. we have no idea what the job is. the no job to get done just killing people and wasting money. >> we're not killing people. >> we're killing people. >> we're not just going over there -- >> larry: one at a time. >> larry, i hate it when i come on this show and get flanked on the left but -- >> stop the war. just stop it. don't kill people. >> i understand your point. >> it's a simple point. stop it. >> when people say he's breaking campaign promises. this is what he campaigned on. >> he's keeping the campaign promises. that's the problem. >> he said iraq was the wrong war. >> he promised it. >> i'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on how we do that and how we get out. if it's above james carville's pay grade it's way above my pay grade. >> i can tell you one thing -- >> my country right or wrong is your point on this.
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>> i'm behind this president. that's my point. >> that's your point. >> i tell you what, this strategy -- we depend on karzai and there's no way. karzai is fundamentally corrupt. something i do know a little bit about. i'm sorry. he might be there but the idea that this guy is going to help us get out of there is ludicrous. >> ludicrous. >> larry: dana, what's the end game as you see it? how will it end? >> i can tell you how i would like for it to end. petraeus will get us in and out. finish the job. get out. make sure they have a stable government. we have people over there voting. women are being freed. you don't have any progress without struggles sometimes. i'm glad that we didn't turn a blind eye to a lot of the travesty over there. as a woman i can say that. i can't tell you what will happen. i can tell what you i would like to see happen. >> here's my plan, as a woman i
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say we air lift anything with a vagina out of afghanistan, larry and leave it at that. >> how about anybody that wants to leave? >> i feel bad for the men. >> do anything to stop killing people. stop killing people. >> larry: okay. we can't do anything about karzai. he was elected, right, james? >> you know, again, i think if there was a dispute and i think some people thought that we could deal with him, i think sometimes you got to go around him. i promise you this guy is fundamentally corrupt and as long as we're stuck with him, we won't do very much with him. not at all. and, look, the president doubled down. he doubled down on a bush strategy. it's not working so far. who knows. maybe general petraeus will think of something. i know i would vote for him. i wish to take general mcchrystal coming to louisiana
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and head up the state coordination of the oil spill. this guy needs to change his view in history. he's a competent guy who talked too much and he has a lot to offer this country and general mcchrystal, come on down here and we'll put you to work and you can help a lot of people. i think you're a talented, brave guy. >> i agree with james on a lot today. >> we'll even let you talk to the press. i'm serious. we should do it. i told the governor's office said you ought to have him and head state coordination. i think this guy -- opposed to going to work for defense contractors around the pentagon like a lot of retired generals, he ought to come down here and people would have a lot of confidence in him. we've all ratted our mouth to the press too much. >> i've been blanked on the left and on the right and i need to go home now. >> larry: you're tonight's
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moderate. thank you all very much. james, dana, stephanie and penn, next time be a little opinionated. he's straddling the middle road here that doesn't work. >> doing my best, larry. >> larry: a little boy simply vanishes from school three weeks ago. hasn't been found. latest on that mystery next. qq
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>> larry: the search continues for a 7-year-old oregon boy, kyron horman. he vanished on june 4th. according to police, his stepmother terri, last saw him as he walked down a hallway at skyline elementary school in portland, oregon. authorities are treating it as a criminal investigation. joining us with the latest is steve dunn, anchor of katu-tv in portland. give us the history here. >> here's the history, larry. june 4th kyron goes to school in southwest portland. he goes in there. he's headed to a science fair. goes to the science fair with
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his stepmother, terri horman and seen by other people at the science fair. at 8:45 his stepmother says she lasts see him going down the hallway toward his classroom. he's marked absent that day. nobody sees him in class and from then on it's been a mystery. he does not show up at home and does not come home on the school bus. stepmother calls the mother. office calls 911. here we are today. >> larry: does he live with his stepmother and father? >> he lives with his stepmother and father at this particular time. he does obviously have a biological mother and a stepfather who live in the southern part of oregon at this time. they've been here for days and days as the search has been going on. it's been an intense mystery for all of us. i've been here 20 plus years and i've never seen a story that's captivated the city the way this has. this kid shows up to school and all of a sudden disappears. >> larry: is it true the
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stepmother was given a polygraph? >> what we understand is two polygraphs at this point. this is what we're hearing. unable to confirm. very tight lipped as you well imagine on this one, larry. we're hearing two polygraphs at this point. very difficult to talk to stepmom. she does not want to talk to us. she has not spoken at any of the news conferences. we got a statement today from the family saying that they're going to limit their access to the media. it's signed by desiree, the biological mother, tony, the stepfather and kaine, who is the biological father. missing is terri's name on that statement. we're not hearing anything at all from her. >> larry: the biological father who the kid lives with, not the kid but the nice little boy, kyron, with the stepmother, he hasn't said anything, the biological father? >> he has talked. he just basically is sending out pleas for any sort of tips whatsoever. he's not saying anything about the stepmother or the case.
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as you can well imagine, detectives saying, hey, keep this close to your vest and not really talk about it. he's staying to that line. >> larry: thanks, steve. let's meet the panel. jane velez-mitchell in new york. marc klaas is in san francisco. he established the klaas kids foundation in 1994 to stop crimes against children and candice delong, an fbi profiler. jane, what's your read? >> clearly the focus of the investigation is the stepmother. she's been given two polygraphs. they've searched her house. they've interrogated her for up to six hours several time. they've seized her truck twice. and they have also issued questionnaires to parents who have kids at the school and neighbors saying did you see
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this woman or this truck in the area on that particular day? she's not being called a suspect or a person of interest. i can also tell you that they have called off their search essentially and they have told people in the area we do not think although we can't say 100% sure we do not think it's a stranger abduction. you don't have to be worried for your kids. so that tells you a lot right there. >> larry: the father, marc, supports the stepmother, does he not? >> as i understand it, he does. let me clarify a couple things. first of all, it's a very rural community. it's a rural school. there are about 300 people at the school. what happened that day according to her own words as she was walking the little boy to his class and was very close to the class when the bell rang at 8:45 a.m. she then told him -- he told her, mom, i'm going the classroom now. she said she waved to him and that was the last time she saw the little boy.
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the problem with that statement is that if she was walking with him, she would have kissed him or rubbed his head. waving doesn't make a lot of sense if you're close to the classroom. she then turned and went away. one of two things happened i believe. number one, she is involved. that's where the numbers take you. that's where the facts as we know them take you. the second possibility is a very high risk snatch by a local pedophile. >> larry: we'll take a break. when we come back, we'll get candice delong who has had a lot of cases in her life, former fbi profiler. i wonder if she has ever seen anything like this. don't go away. and if you named your own price on car insurance, you could be picking up this tab yourself. so get allstate. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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tropical storm alex could soon become hurricane alex potentially driving oil deeper ashore though the cap of the spill remains in place for now. a live update on that. also more word games from bp. the company's coo telling a local new orleans newspaper that knowing how much oil is gushing out of that well is irrelevant telling the government that bp adapts their plans as learn more about how much oil is pouring out of that well. we're keeping them honest. why won't bp give the state of louisiana money to deal with mental health issues brought on by that spill? >> larry: elizabeth edwards wednesday night. the biological parents of the missing boy, kaine horman and desiree young opened up about their feelings. desiree spoke of a letter she wrote to her missing son.
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>> it was the first night, and i just had this overwhelming feeling of -- sorry. of guilty for not being there to protect him and so i sat down and wrote about it. >> larry: all right, candace delong, what do you make of this? >> well, regarding his biomom's statement, that's kind of what i would expect to see and what we have all grown to expect to see. the mother who actually was in charge of the child that went missing, to see them in front of the camera crying and begging and pleading for whomever took their child to bring them home. we're not seeing that here. that's pretty unusual. >> larry: do you suspect the stepmother?
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>> here's what we have to believe if we believe her. we have to believe as marc klass said, if she's telling the truth that someone, a pedophile, a boogy man of sorts, grabbed that little boy within feet of her, and within seconds of her turning away from her child, inside or inside the school, and then we are to believe that since he's been gone three weeks, the child -- they got away with it, with all kinds people around, and no one saw a thing. that's pretty hard to believe. could it happen? possibly. is it likely that's what happened? i don't think so. >> jane velez, do you know how the father came to have custody, that the child lived with the father and stepmother, rather than with the biological mother? >> it's a fascinating story, larry.
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it turns out the step mom and the biological mom have been friends for years. and when the biological mother divorces kyron's dad, she gets sick with kidney failure. she has to go to canada. at that point the little boy goes too live with his biological father. terry being her good friend decides to help, and says, i'm going to move in and help with the raising of this child. she eventually develops a romantic relationship with kyron's dad, they get married and continue to take care of kyron. two years ago, kyron's mom and dad had a little daughter. would there be a resentment toward the 7-year-old child who is not your flesh and blood you have to take care of? i have to stress, everybody that's been interviewed said she seems like the model step parent, she was very involved in the school.
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and she doesn't have any history of any kind violence. she has one dui on her record. this woman has a master's degree in education. >> the biological mother, did she remarry? >> yes, she's married to a detective, which is also an interesting twist, considering everything that's gone on here. it's a fascinating mystery, because these two couples seemed close until this happened. >> larry: mark, you've investigated, have you ever heard of a stepmother harming a young child? >> oh, sure that can happen. i'm sure that's happened many, many times. i believe in cinderella, the fairy tale where that happens. i'd like to address the whole idea of advocating for your child publicly, though. the family is stepping back and they don't want to make any comments in the media. the reality is,the best advocates for a missing child by far are his family.
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as long as they are out front showing a united front, people will get behind them and do everything they can to bring the child home. as well as law enforcement and the media. the trouble is, when they don't do that, questions are raised because that's the nature of the beast. and they're left with way too much quiet time. and quiet time is when the demons attack, and when you run through the horrible scenarios, most of which are probably not true, but still they invade your mind and bedevil you. >> cure yuser and curiouser. bac6 and now we're insuring over 18 million drivers. gecko: quite impressive, yeah. boss: come a long way, that's for sure. and so have you since you started working here way back when. gecko: ah, i still have nightmares. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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excellent question. i think we need to teach our children that if anyone ever does try to take them away, they are to yell, mommy, daddy, help me or even fire. yes, that is a good observation. how could there be so many witnesses around, children and adults and not have noticed a child being abducted. >> larry: jane, she did take the child to the science fair, right? that's a fact. >> well, i wasn't there, larry. but what's fascinating. >> larry: there's pictures him, right? >> at 1:21 -- she drops the kid off at 8:20 a.m. at 1:21 she posts a photo of the little boy standing in front of his science fair project on her facebook page. there are questions swirling, is it photo shopped.
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you can see in the background it looks like a little girl and a man with a plaid shirt. people are wondering who is that person. i think there's a lot of detective work to be done here. i'm sure a key to this entire puzzle is her computer. and i'm sure authorities are honing in on that as well. >> larry: and our producer in charge here has an interesting question. marc, who's abducted more, boys or girls? >> i think the most vulnerable population in a predatory kidnapping are girls in the 10 to 12-year-old range, by far the most vulnerable kids are those kids. >> larry: have you ever heard -- >> very quickly, candace made a huge point about yelling. and i think the best thing to yell is you're not my mom, you're not my dad. under no circumstances, if a child has any kind an option, you never ever go with the bad
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man. >> larry: we only have about 35 seconds. candace, have predators been known to take kids at school? inside school? >> i have never heard of it, but, of course, you know, marc klass with us tonight can attest to children being taken under the boldest of circumstances. usually when that happens, they get caught or i.d.'d quickly. >> larry: can a kid be taken inside a school, have you heard of that, marc? >> polly was taken inside of her bedroom. a little girl named amber dubois was taken out in front her school last february. children can be unfortunately snatched any where. >> larry: thanks to all of you very much. i hope this kid's okay. robert byrd died today, he
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was the longest serving member of congress ever. when he sat down with me in 2003, he was still a distance from that milestone. we still talked about his time in os. watch. we ran a statistic of the 11,707 people who have sworn a congressional oath of office, only three served longer than you. and on march 17th, you will surpass the late carl vincent and become the third longest serving member of congress. how does that make you feel? >> well, i'm proud to be a member of the united states senate. as long as there is a forum in which questions can be asked of men who do not stand at all of the chief executive, questions can be asked, one can speaas long as his feet will allow him to stand, the liberties of the
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