tv Larry King Live CNN July 6, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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rebuilding, and going on with their lives. >> that does it for this edition of 360, thanks for watching. "larry king" starts right now. tonight, larry king for the hour. i'm donald trump, and i'm turning the tables on larry on his 25th anniversary at cnn. we'll talk about what might be the most famous kiss ever in prime time. the debate that made and really changed the world.
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and my own favorite misunderstood moment. plus, hillary clinton, bill mahre, snoop dog, derek dieter. kelly ripa, lionel richie, sean penn. kirstie ally, pam anderson, aretha franklin. quincy jones, bruce willis, and k.d. lang all help as i put larry on the hot seat next on this special anniversary edition of "larry king live." i'm donald trump and it's a pleasure to be here. 25 years ago, cnn said you're hired to larry king. in the quarter century since, he's interviewed just about anybody who's anybody. tonight i ask and larry answers. i've enlisted the assistance of
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some of the many celebrities he's had on the show, to make things even more interesting, it's going to be an amazing hour. larry's a special guy, and i love doing this. larry? all of the interviews you've done. what's been your favorite? >> you know, first, donald, thank you for doing this. i'm honored to be interviewed by the great mr. trump and to sit on this side of this seat. >> i'm honored. >> i'm not used to being on this end. you're one of my favorite interviews, donald. if i had to pick one, there's so many. it would be brando. one because he's so hard to get. >> especially now. >> they called me up and told me that marlon brando is going to do your show, and he's going to want to call you first. >> i said, okay. i get a call later, he said this is marlon. i said marlon who? he said brando. socy said, okay, he says, come
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up to the house, i want to talk to you. he picked me up if his car, at the hotel, the beverly will shire, we drove around beverly hills singing songs. we went up to his place had lunch. he did the show live. we did an hour and a half. he had his dog with him, he entertained the entire time. he was responsive. he was an incredible guest. >> one of your more classic interviews too. >> it will go down in history. >> anyone that saw that interview. when you're with a guest, do you know early on it's going to be a stiff or it's going to be great? do you have any idea? somebody that's interviewed more people than anybody that we can think of. >> you do make quick judgments. you learn -- it's a rhythm, donald. i've been doing it so long, because i've been doing cnn 25 years, i've been interviewing people 53 years. >> and what do you do when you're with somebody who gives
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you the one word answers, yes, no. and you're working really hard and earning every penny that night. what do you do? >> robert mitchum did that to me. i love robert mitchum. it was right here in new york. i couldn't wait to interview him. he one-worded me through the whole thing. it got so bad i said, what was it like to work with john houston? he said, seen one, seen them all. i said, are you telling me it makes no difference? no, you do your job, you go home. if you work at it long enough and hard enough, you can draw people out. i've taken people who are very nervous at the beginning and changed them. i think the job of the host, the host's job, it's his show, is to draw the interview out. if it's impossible, it's impossible.
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he has a role to do, and i try to play that role. you have to be curious, have you to make the guests comfortable. the guest has to know, in my case, that i don't have any agenda. i'm not that appraiser, i'm there to learn, i'm a conduit to the audience. >> do you ever get criticized for being too tough or too soft on a guest? >> i've heard both of those things, i don't know what i do, i just know that i do it, you know what i mean? you can't do it all these years and not have criticism. i tried to do the best i can. i try to ask the best questions that i can think of. i listen to the -- listening is as important as asking, because often from answers, questions come. >> absolutely. we've got a question from oscar winning filmmaker james cameron. he asks larry to use his imagination when thinking about guest possibilities. who are your favorite guests? >> the favorite guests are those who can do four things. if you can do any one -- all four of these things, you are a
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great guest. that would be, you have passion, a sense of humor, anger, and an ability to explain what you do very well. >> what about a look. >> what? >> what about a look. >> how they look? >> look. >> i never thought about how they look. >> let me run the james cameron clip, larry, it's very interesting. >> all right. >> who would be your fantasy guest and what would you ask him? would you want to have jesus christ on the show, or stalin or somebody that you're -- winston churchill? who would you want to meet and interview? >> that's a great question, james. from a great director. all of those, winston churchill would be fascinating. did he know we'd come to his aide in world war ii. jesus christ, what does he think of the world today. abraham lincoln, what would he
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make of the union since he preserved the union? what a list. it would be an endless list. stalin would be on it. evil people make great guests. because evil people don't think they're evil. >> and you've had some of them. >> they don't get up in the morning, comb they're hair and say, i'm evil. i don't approach them that way. >> we have another question from a past larry king live guest. this is from kirstie ally, take a look. >> what moved you emotionally, and by what guest? >> i was moved emotionally by karla faye tucker. that show won us an emmy. here's a woman sentenced to die. she had killed people, transformed her life. the governor of texas, george bush is watching. and here's a woman who knows she's going to be injected and put to death. and yet it's at the same time
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both believing and optimistic, i wasn't allowed to touch her. i had to touch glass. they wouldn't allow me to be in the same -- we were in the same area, but i couldn't touch her, feel her fingers or body or anything. that was a highly emotional thing, to sit with someone who you know is going to be put to death. >> what about tammy faye baker. i watched that interview. it was an amazing interview. >> it was the night before she died. >> she was so vibrant, whether you liked her or didn't like her. i saw that interview the night before she died. was that emotional for you? >> emotional. to see how bad she looked that night. she wanted to do the interview, she knew she was going to die within hours. in fact they held up announcing the death until the next night. they announced it one minute before i went on the air. that was -- >> let me ask you about that, larry. sometimes you'll see these great
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looking people, and then they get sick. nothing they can do about it, sick, it affects their look, the whole thing. and yet they go on your show -- >> why? >> i ask why. i see it all the time, and i ask why. i don't see myself doing that. you know, you read bad stuff about me, i don't think i'm going to be on your show. but why is it that they do that? >> i think they want to have some last word to say to people, some legacy to leave. you know, i think they may know they look bad as tammy faye did, but i think she wanted to deliver a message. i don't know why people in circumstance. why do people who just lost a loved one -- >> i don't get it. >> the same day, the same night. >> i would not go on. >> could you go on, god forbid you lost -- >> no. >> i think it's what part of television has become a part of us. it's the culture, donald. it's a different world we live in. i couldn't imagine doing it, but
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people do it. >> anybody who's seen judge judy on this show knows she doesn't mince words and she doesn't shy away from putting larry on the spot. so let's take a look at her question. >> if i could ask larry one question, lots of people have said to him, what's your favorite interview. my question to larry is, who was your least favorite interview? >> that's a good question. phyllis gates. she passed away recently. she was rock hudson's wife. she was an actress. she married rock hudson. rock hudson has just died of aids, now we book her on. and everyone's excited. this is going to be sensational. here's a woman who was married to rock hudson, who has just died of aids. she sits down, nice to have you with us. how did you feel learning this?
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i felt bad. how did you meet rock? my agent introduced us. did you know he had aids? no, i hadn't spoken to him in years. what was he like as a husband? he was nice. he was a good husband. >> that's a tough one. >> did you follow his career? >> a little. >> wow! >> that was hard to take. >> he wasn't kissing her a lot, larry. >> no. >> next, we have larry and snoop dog, what a pair. it's next. >> 1967 pontiac parasini. >> never heard of it. >> it's low to the floor too. >> whoa! >> i told you. >> i'm low to the floor. [ male announcer ] if you've had a heart attack caused by a completely blocked artery, another heart attack could be lurking, waiting to strike. a heart attack that's caused by a clot, one that could be fatal.
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you are truly the king of television talk. welcome back to "larry king live." i'm donald trump sitting in for larry tonight. joining me is the one and only larry king. he's interviewed a long list of stars and celebrities. sometimes it's a pairing like him and snoop dog. >> what is it like to interview snoop dog. >> snoop dog is a great guest. he fits a lot of things and he's different. i'll tell you something about snoop dog. he's misunderstood. he really is a good guy. he's kind of a whack co, driving this crazy car with him. a lot of fun with snoop dog. i regard him as a okaying, compassionate loving guy, great
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father, great with kids. snoop dog is welcome here any time. >> you know what he does this thing, he does it well. he's a cool guy, i agree with you 100%. we have another question for larry. this one's for bill mahre. >> larry, why am i your favorite guest? and please don't be shy. >> bill mahre is a great guest. >> that's true. >> he is a great guest. he brings people in. a lot of people watch bill mahre. you know what i love about bill mahre, he answers what you ask him. he's totally honest, there's not a connect between here and here. he doesn't stand -- he's above politics in that he is totally committed to what he's saying, and he's funny. so that means, if you ask about anyone, he's irrev rant. you love irreverant people. bill mahre is one of my
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was meeting with him. i was so nervous when i did this show for the first time i remember rene telling me, if you one day do larry king, you will be a tar. i don't want to be pretentious. when there's music in your life, there's happiness. >> always wonderful to be connected to you. >> everyone was having a lot of meltdown. a lot of tears. >> you had it, too? >> i haven't had any yet. how do you have the endurance. how do you do this every single night with a smile on your face? because he always seems so passionate about what he's doing. he does great interviews. and he's been around a long time. and i don't know what cnn or tv would be without him. >> 25 years of "larry king live" have made for a lot of memorable television, but some of larry's
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interviews have provided real standout moments like the 1994 smooch that ended with his q&a with the legendary marlon brando who was fantastic. watch. ♪ i've gone around the world in a plane ♪ >> my favorite larry king memory was the interview with marlon brando. >> i suppose my favorite larry king memory is watching him eat cookies with marlon brando. >> try one of these cookies. >> are they fattening? >> it's not going to make you fat. it's not going to do anything. >> my favorite larry king memory was when marlon brando kissed him on the lips. leaned in and gave him a big old smooch ♪ beside me ♪ got a date with an angel ♪ and i'm on my way to heaven
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♪ when the chapel bells ring out ♪ ♪ when i make him an offer he can't refuse ♪ >> good-bye. >> good-bye. >> what was it with marlon brando. you see so many people with marlin brando with so many of the interviews, what was it that made him special? >> a lot of acts got mad at him. he said acting ain't hard. just being someone else. he had a great line. he said if twice a year a car would come up to my house and leave 5 million dollars, i'd never act again. i love marlin for what he was. there was no one like him. >> larry king live made history on november 9, 1993 when al gore
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and ross perot squared off on the show for a debate about nafta. it attracted a record cable audience. an unbelievable evening. i remember it well. take a look. >> you guys do anything but propaganda? do you even know the truth if you saw it. >> oh, yes. >> you've been here too long. please let me finish. p this is not "crossfire," is it, larry? >> the debates that i had with ross perot which larry moderated and hosted was quite a show. >> i'm not charging -- it was an attack -- >> you made a statement about lobbying. >> wait just a minute. >> lair was fair and even handed, as always. but i had the impression that it had a big impact on the outcome of the issue that was then being considered by the country. >> the financing of the
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anti-nafta campaign. >> okay, fine. i'll answer it. >> and the end result of that debate was not good for ross perot. >> no, it was not good for nafta -- i mean, it was not good for opponents of nafta. nafta was failing at the time. it was behind in the senate. that debate is generally agreed upon changed the vote on nafta. bill clinton, the president, called me the next morning and said the following. i owe you big time. now, he owed me because the show produced it. i did a very fair debate. but al gore was a veteran debater. he was on the debate team at harvard. >> he surprised people that night. >> he did that night. he came alive. and ross took him for granted. i love ross perot, but i think al gore cleaned his clock. are you surprised about the recent news about al gore and tipper getting divorced. >> very surprised. wonderful couple. any time of been with both of them which is infrequent. i don't mess into the private lives of others, i'm sorry to
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hear about it. >> frank sinatra was a friend of mine, he was a special guy, he did a lot of interview. supposedly very nervous when he did your interview. were you nervous interviewing him. >> when he did mine, well, he was apprehensive, he hadn't done an interview in a long time. "the manchurian candidate" had just been re-released. it would turn out to be the last interview he ever did on television. >> let's check this out. >> i'm considered an over the hill performer at my age. >> my >> i swear on my mother's soul, the first four or five seconds, i tremble every time i take the step and i walk out of wing on to the stage. >> it was incredible. he was a very beautiful man. i worked with him '64 until he left.
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an unbelievable person. >> larry: is there still a lot of that little boy in you? >> you never lose. that i think if i lost it, everything would be over. >> did you like frank sinatra? >> larry: i more than liked him. if he liked, he liked you. >> he was good. >> larry: bad not to have him not like. frank was not a gray area person. he was a black and white guy. you knew where you stood with frank sinatra. he was the -- and also in my opinion, the best entertainer of his era. >> director quentin tarantino has a question to ask larry. the question and answer next. >> my favorite larry king memory, he may not remember this. when he drove up to the gates of graceland in a beautiful blue convertible cadillac. and he drove up and he was getting ready to interview me. and he looked like he was having a great time driving through the long driveway up to the doors
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and the big smile on his face. >> we made it. i'm at graceland. let's go in. >> was his funeral held right here? >> yes. we are basically sitting where the casket was. >> larry: so this was very private. >> yes. >> larry: family only. >> family and very close friends. absolutely. >> my favorite larry king moment would probably be larry king going into the chicken and waffles with snoop dogg, sitting down having a plate and some waffles and talking about his favorite drink. seeing him break that chicken down. that was beautiful for me to see. >> i see you working over there. work that out, larry.
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>> larry: good evening. welcome to "larry king live." how are the kids, sam? >> who are you kidding? look at his face. >> you didn't happen to see larry king last night. did you? >> are you watching this? >> larry: sitting next to a very handsome spanish gentleman. >> wait until he's asleep. then cut it off. >> i cried. >> i hate larry king. i hate him. >> are you ready for "larry king live" tonight? >> three hours straight just to get it out of my system.
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>> you know they have a larry king in the human world, too. >> it's a common name. >> i love larry. >> welcome back to this special edition of "larry king live." i'm here interviewing larry instead of the other way around. over the past 25 years, larry has talked about some pretty hot stuff with some sizzling celebrities, believe me, i know a lot of them. which leads us to this question from director quintin tarantino. >> he has interviewed a lot of pretty sexy we will. i remember angie addictioninson being on the show. i would be interested in finding out who larry thought had the most sex appeal of any woman he has ever interviewed? >> larry: that's tough. i've interviewed some pretty sexy women. in fact, it came right down to it, i would say charlise theron.
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like a goddess. and that accent. she's beautiful inside and out. and that come through. >> and going back to the past a little longer, that's current modern day. i always said they don't make movies like they used to. the beauty of past movie stars. what do you think? >> larry: liz taylor. wasn't too hard to take. bette davis. angie dickinson who became a great friend of mimpbl i put angie way up on that list. >> nice person too. we have another clip from quentin and it is about his favorite memory watching "larry king live." trust me. it will surprise you. maybe even shock you. >> i just got four dogs. i had never been out of the country. i was watching cnn a lot. it was the only english language stations and it was an interview between him and martha stewart. >> larry: can i call this my larry king blaze cake? >> you can indeed and maybe
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we'll rename it for the next edition. >> they flirted with each other so hard, i almost couldn't believe it. that it was actually happening on television. >> you've never been to my house for dinner. >> larry: is this a -- you're so nice. you know? that's really nice. don't -- martha. >> and those are very pretty dried. >> larry: where do you get these? >> not too soft. not too hard. >> reporter: perfect beet. >> he made these puns that i thought were too filthy for cinemax. >> we have these balls that you hang on your tree. what is that made out of? >> larry: something fuzzy. >> cockscomb. >> larry: what is that? why do you always correct me? why can't you let it object an even keel. >> so delicious. >> me and my friend were like, is this even happening?
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did he just say that? and she giggled like she was a 14-year-old school girl. >> larry: you're very handy, right? >> yes. >> larry: you are miss handy. >> that was my favorite. they needed to be separated at some point. >> larry: do you want to know something weird about that? i fogtd all about that. what a point we made. we were really teasing each other night. that come right back to me. >> do you know the martha interview that i really respect asked liked and respected her for doing it was when she was in all the trouble and she went on your show. >> larry: that was a gutsy night. >> very few people would have had that courage. that was amazing courage as far as i'm concerned. you have to respect her a lot. larry's style is often imitated but never duplicated. the story behind the suspenders as we continue larry's 25th anniversary celebration right here on cnn, your favorite place. >> larry: that's my place.
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>> my favorite larry king memory is that every time i've done his show. i remember the first time i did it. i was so impressed with what a good interview. he always gives you the feeling that he cares about what you're saying. he doesn't just ask the question and then stare off into space. >> larry: are you ever down? >> oh, yes. >> larry: i've never seen you down. >> when i sleep which is about two hours a night, then i'm down. >> hi, larry. it's me, al, and i'm here to congratulate you on your 25 years of working for cnn. "larry king live." you still have the same energy, the same commitment, the same interest in other people and what they think and how they're feeling and what they have to say. i think that's pretty amazing. so congratulations from me to you.
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question, why the suspenders? >> what happens when those suspenders come off? that's what i want to know. >> where do you buy your suspenders? >> moo supplies your suspenders? >> how many pairs of suspenders do you really have? >> the suspenders are a larry king trademark. there's a good story behind them. i want to ask if they were his idea or maybe possibly somebody else's? >> they were somebody else's. someone you knew. my ex-wife sharon. it was sometime after my heart surgery. we were walking down, going to have dinner. and she said you lost a lot of weight. you look pretty good. why don't you try something different? i said what? why don't you try braces. so o never wore them in my life. a few people called in and said i looked good. that's all my ego had to hear. bunk ego. someone says you look good. they lasted forever. >> vu done since then, a show
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without the suspenders? do you wear them automatically? >> larry: without them? i did not wear suspenders the night of the death of yitzhak rabin. we did a special show and i thought that was not appropriate. because it was right at the time that he died. >> suspenders are just one of the trademarks that have made him a target for impersonators. is imitation the sincerest form of flattery? >> larry king is with us. welcome. an honor to be with you, larry. >> welcome to the show. >> this is strange, isn't it? >> it's strange but it's good. >> welcome back to "larry king live." i'm larry king and these suspenders are prescription. they hold in my organs. >> galveston. go ahead. love lar hard king. >> back in a few minutes with our guest, snoop dogg as we take
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you to the hood where he's from on "larry king live." >> atlanta, you're on the air. >> tonight i'm larry king. the king of controversy. michael moore. >> larry king, you're my man. when i grow up, i'm going to be just like, brother. >> larry: we've both been imitated a lot. who did me? kevin did me very well. mcdonald very well. craig ferguson. fred. >> who is your favorite? who does you the best? >> larry: i always thought in the best, probably norm mcdonald. i haven't heard from him in a while. ferguson is pretty funny. and darrell hammond does the best you. >> darrell is great. he is really terrific. well, listen. you've been on "larry king live" more than three dozen time over the years. sometimes i'm on the phone. i don't need to get made up. it is wonderful. i sit in bed and i do it. those are my favorites but i'm
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on the set. and we had an unbelievable moment. it was face to face and it became actually very controversial. let's take a look. >> larry: are you thinking of going beyond the east coast? we're seeing that new york and atlantic city have now crowded in. >> i'm involve in the west coast. i have a lot of property in california and it's been great. generally the east coast is what i have, larry. >> larry: why a board game? >> do you mind if i sit back a little bit? your breath is very bad. it really is. has this ever been told to you before? >> larry: no. >> then i won't bother. >> larry: that's how you get the edge. see that little thing? you threw me right there. no one has ever told me that. >> has no one ever told you that? sharon hasn't said it? >> larry: nobody. >> your breath is great. >> i took such heat for that. >> larry: that was before the suspenders. it was before the suspenders. >> a very skinny chump. i took such heat.
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how do you put people off guard? what do you do to put people off guard? i said larry, your breath is absolutely terrible and you were even offended by it. and you forgot the first part of your question. >> larry: people came to me. donald trump hates you. you got flat. >> and your breath was absolutely fine but i took heat the next day. it was incredible. lionel richie, our mutual friend, next. ♪ people say i'm forgetful. maybe that's why we go to so many memorable places. love the road you're on. the subaru outback. motor trend's 2010 sport/utility of the year.
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you're the best. >> if you want to know the real deal, turn larry king on. >> what are you doing later? >> "larry king live" sponsored a contest that asked viewers to pick their favorite moment of the past 25 years. your top choice was larry's coverage of 9/11. and i agree with that 100%. it resonated with lionel richie, a friend of both of ours. watch. >> larry: nearly 5,000 people are reported missing or confirm dead at the pentagon center. what were you doing initially before the second plane? americans search for answers and their leaders contemplate action. >> my favorite larry king memory was probably the way he handled the 9/11 situation. i thought it was amazing how there was so much information coming in. so many different streams of information.
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>> larry: to you get the feeling, governor, you may have more information. the men on that plane, apparently from what we've learned, attacked the intelligence committee. did intelligence fail us? >> he was right on target to handle so many different interviews all at one point. it was just amazing how he kept all of that together in his head. i can't believe it. >> larry: go in and take them out. >> it was amazing. i was watching television and i was actually looking forward to jack welch who is someone i like and respect. >> larry: he was going to be the guest. >> he was going to be a guest. and i'm waiting and they said all of a sudden, like there's been this horrific situation at the world trade center. they thought a boiler explode but boilers aren't in the upper quadrant of the building, right? they're in the basement and it looks awfully suspicious. they never even said that jack won't be.
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on from that point, it wasn't like he won't be on. nobody knew that nobody was going to be on. >> larry: i was in l.a., of course, and i was watching and i woke up the familiar himself i thought at first it was an arnold schwarzenegger commercial for a coming movie. he had a movie coming out about terrorism. then i knew that day that my life would change, all our lives would change and then went to the burn center in new york hospital. you never forget that day. and as new yorkers -- >> there was some great coverage, but nobody covered it like you. and the ratings really reflected it. no one covered it like you. you had the human interest. there's never been anything like this. you could say pearl harbor.
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but that was an attack on soldiers. it was an attacked on armed something. although it was certainly a sneak attack. this was on people that work at an office building. this was of the people of new york. and that was a terrible, terrible day. >> we'll never get over it. it will be etched in our memory forever. when are they building the new site. >> they're building it now, it's way behind schedule. i suggested strongly that they rebuild the world center the way it was but one floor bigger and stronger. the world trade center was never looked upon as great architecture until it was down. it's like you lose somebody that you love. you never loved them that much, but you lose them and you love. everybody loved the world trade center after it was gone. >> a year earlier i had spoken
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at a breakfast conference at windows on the world. that was such an incredible view at that restaurant to stand up there. and then to years later be doing stories of a blind man that walked down 78 floors with his seeing eye dog. >> or a friend of mine went up and made a speech that morning on windows of the world. he was making a speech, wiped out everybody up there wiped out. >> did you know people that died in that? >> i knew numerous people that died. it really was a place of commerce and international trade. and you know, the amazing thing, it took 30 years to get it rented up, it was so big. it finally got rented up and this is what happened. >> it took a long time for the elevators to get up to the top. you went to visit the building -- >> it was a terrible moment, but it shows how great new york is. to have recovered so fully from that is amazing.
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hi, larry, this is derek jeter here at yankee stadium. i wanted to say congratulations on 25 years. >> hi, larry. i want to congratulate you on your 25th year. i'm looking forward to the world series this year. >> congratulations on 25 years at cnn. nice. >> larry king, matt kemp here, i want to wish you a happy 25 years at cnn. and 25 more to come. >> congratulations on your 25 years on cnn. it's been a long time since that houseboat on miami beach. god bless you. >> anyone who knows larry king
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knows he loves baseball. he's also a die hard fan of the dodgers. we have a special question for him. watch. >> i know larry's a big-time dodger fan, i'd like to ask him what his favorite dodger memory is. i'm pretty curious about that. >> he's so right. so right, russell martin, the great dodger catcher. 1955. last out of the world series, first time the dodgers won the world series. elston howard grounds out. we win. i was 21 years old. best day of my life. best day of my life. and then -- >> the dodgers left new york. how did you feel about that? >> i left too. i went down to miami and they went to l.a. now i go with my two little boys. >> and you still love dodger baseball? >> still love dodger baseball. >> tommy lasorda, isn't he a
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great guy? >> the best. >> great storyteller. >> the best. >> larry occasionally chows down on chicken and waffles with snoop dog. most every morning he's in l.a. he's at a table with his pals nate and al. priscilla presley has a question about that. >> if i could ask larry one question, it would be, what is it you order every time you go to nate and al's. >> it's either my own matza. egg whites, cereal, bagel. mainly it's the friends. when you got friends, you got a full life. you can't buy friends. >> that's true. nothing like it. >> i have friends i grew up
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