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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  July 19, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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never came to frugs, was it done by anybody else? >> no. no. it's still sitting on the shelf. i'm seven to eight years too owed old now >> larry: you never thought you'd say that, i'm too old for this part. mel, a delight. >> thanks for having me. >> larry: see you back here live tomorrow night. stay tuned now for more news on cnn. > . a crack in the tea party armor. one group is disallowing the other. the tea party leader who dumped the tea party express is here. alvin greene, the mystery cardinals sk mystery candidate out on the stump. he'll hear from him in his own words and you'll hear from voters. if you or anyone you know have dealt with addiction of any type, alcohol, drugs, anything, boy, we have a story you need to
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meet, a a book you have to read. we start with this. just into cnn. new developments in the gulf oil disaster. day 90 and we're receiving word there are, quote, undetermined anomalies at the well head. this comes in a letter sent frommed that allen to bp's chief managing director bob dudley. let's go to the ground. david mtingly are on the ground. what are these anomalies, this seepage and what is thad allen referring to? how much concern should we have? >> reporter:ed that allen is not calling off these tests but eason asking for them to go forward either. we're waiting to see where this process will go. he refers to a detected seep a distance from the well. this is the first we've heard about this. we know they've been very acutely watching for any type of seepage around the well area
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that would be a sign that this well might be leaking, even though bp at this point said they detected no leaks or problems with the well. that would be a cause of concern. and also he mentions the undetermined anomalies at the well head. this could be what bp was referring to as bubbles they detected in the valves at the well head. bp was sort of downplaying that earlier today but admiral allen clearly saying, this is something we need to look at and pay attention to. >> anything else in this letter, david, we need to know about? >> reporter: well, this was a very direct letter to bp, telling them how they're supposed to act and what he expects them to do from now on. and there's a particular quote in here, he was telling bob dudley, managing director at bp, that when seem seeps are detected you are directed to marshall resources, quickly investigate and report findings
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to the government in to more than four hours. i direct you to provide me with a written procedure for opening the choke valve as quickly as possible without damaging the well should hydrocarbon seepage near the well head be confirmed. you said, you must provide me with your latest containment plan and schedule in the event the testing is suspended. he's telling bp he wants them to be prepared and wants to know exactly what they're going to do if they encounter a problem. he wants to know they're going to be prepared to get this well hooked up to send the oil up to the surface to containment vessels in that eventuality. >> it doesn't say anything about oil, so we would assume no oil is leaking gu the gulf of mexico. is this considered a setback? if so, how big, how small or not at all? can. >> reporter: again, he's not saying we're suspending these tests. there's no indication of how they'll proceed from here. this very well could be admiral allen's letter to bp laying out
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the end game for this well, telling them exactly how he wants to do this, what sort of time schedules he wants to meet and how they're supposed to respond when they see something. >> david mattingly down in new orleans. thank you very much. we'll get more on this now. on the phone is dale, director of the petroleum engineering lab at louisiana state university. first of all, sir, this is seepage from the guf floor. is that right to assume? >> well, what i've read so far is unconfirmed seepage. i mean, that could be just bubbles coming up. you know, there's microbes that generate biogenic methane in the gulf just like in the swamps further inland. it could be something along those lines. bp has to do everything they can to confirm it's this benign source or is it something that would indicate a leak? you have to be able to differentiate. it sound like admiral allen will
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give them about four hours to do that. >> right now we don't know. we don't know how much of a concern this should be, right? >> that's right. they detected something that looks like an anomaly and they need to run it on the ground as to whether it really is. even if it is seepage, the fact they didn't say anything about the pressure dropping significantly indicates that it's -- that it wouldn't be from a very big leak. so, opening up and flowing and doing contain mentd again is, you know, very viable method, i would suspect, to reduce any seepage, if there is any. >> is this something we should expect in this process at this point? >> for sure we shouldn't be surprised anomalies were detected. stuff is bubbling up from the sea floor all the time. it's just that it happens to be bubbling up around this well, which, you know, the -- rightly so, the coast guard's being
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abundantly cautious. and every anomaly has to be accounted for. >> dale is director for petroleum engineering lab at louisiana state university. thank you, sir. much, much more on these new developments tomorrow morning on "american morning" beginning at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. we've been following this political story. a rift in the tea party. a major player getting the boot from the tea party federation after comments on race. the federation, which may be the clowest thing the movement has to centralization today, kicked out park williams and his group, the tea party express, which is perhaps the most recognizable tea party group. williams has been locked in a war of word with the naacp this week. they called on them to condemn races in their ranks. >> racists have their own movement, called the naacp. >> williams then responded with a blog post, pretending to be
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naacp president writing to abraham lincoln. here's what he wrote. we colored people have taken a vote and decided we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves and take consequences along with the rewards. that is far too much to ask of us colored people and we demand that it stop. williams explains why he wrote the letter to cnn's john king. >> what i did was successful. i'm glad it was successful. i'm sorry i had to go to those lengths to slap sense into a lot of people who are so afraid of politically incorrect language that we can't get a conversation started. >> williams later took the letter down, but defended it as sati satire. mark williams was booked as a guest tonight on this program but he backed out after the expulsion. here's his mail to us. he says, sorry had to cancel, traveling plans changed last minute. he posted a response to the federation's decision on this
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blog. says, in part, the careless tea partier who assumed the mantle of leadership did so long enough to turn a critical and serious movement and delicate piece with skeptical groups into a word -- world wrestling style personality conflict with me at the center. next you'll hear from ben and david webb, what they have to say. plus, we'll have this for you -- >> i'm the best candidate in the united states senate race here in south carolina. i am also the best candidate for the -- i am also the best choice for the image award next year. >> alvin greene making a little joke there. unknown and underfunded. will that change since he made his first speech in his campaign debut to be the first senator? make sure you become part of the conversation. send me a message on twitter and
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the national tea party federation today kicking out mark williams and his tea party express. williams wrote a controversial blog posts ig the word colored repeatedly and questioning emancipation. he said it was satire but many weren't laughing. i asked national tea party spokesman david webb whether he personally found williams' comments racist. >> i found it offensive and i found it unnecessary. i found it self-agrondizing of someone who wanted to insert himself in a conversation and get the headlines. we had a serious discussion.
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>> but he used words -- >> of the naacp. >> pardon me. but to use words like coloreds and say we colored people, how else will we get a wide screen tv, and signed the later saying tom, meaning uncle tom, head of the colored people's movement, whatever he said, you didn't find that racist? >> i didn't find it racist to me because i'm above that. >> i don't mean to you. i mean him. i'm not talking about you. you didn't think his actions were racist and what he wrote was racist? >> i don't know if i'm the right person to determine he's racist or not. i don't know what's in the man's heart. i found it clearly offensive is that many other people, not just myself, that's why this action was voted on and taken. this was -- this is a movement that needs to focus on the issues. and when we're attacked, we need to talk about the issues, not get into this invective and
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hyperbole and that's why es not a good leader. >> you found it offensive, am i correct? >> clearly. >> that's why you booted him. you don't think the word he put on paper was racist? even as an african-american, they didn't offend you? >> they didn't strikt me as clearly racist, but they were clearly offensive. >> okay. so, then, what do you -- does this in any way, you feel, and was this part of the rationale for -- rationalization for kicking the tea party express and him out, is that in some way he was proving ben's point, the naacp's point there are racist factors and parts of the tea party, not the entire tee party? do you think he was proving their point in a sense in. >> no. he's doing what he's always done. constantly always coming up with a way to be above it and over
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the top. he has been offensive in many, many respects in the past. and it simply was time for them to make a decision. >> okay. offensive, but not racist, that's webb's point of view. naacp head ben gellis doesn't see any logic to that. >> extremely dishonest and disingenuous. this is a guy just a couple days ago said there was no way for them to police themselves. and then they did. now he says that there's no foreca fracture. there is. he said he didn't make racist statements, even looking at webb's statement saying slavery was a good gig. clearly, there are people making racist statements. he needs to deal with reality. as i've said before, you know, david webb has shown some real leadership, but with -- but you've got to be honest with people and you can't have people just staring at you, staring at this letter.
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golly gee, i don't know if it's offensive, racist? clearly it was offensive. clearly, it was a racist statement. you can't see in someone's heart but you can see his word. these words were deeply offensive. >> you did commend him from breaking ties with the that's party express. >> yeah. no, again, they can prove they can do what sarah palin refused to admit they can do, what other people -- fox news, keeps trying to spin as impossible. we're so loosely fed rated. there's no way we can do what they just did. look, they need to keep heading down this road. increased power and prestige comes the increased responsibility to act responsibly. they need to stop the lies saying we called them racist, which i didn't. >> can you hold on one second? that's what -- in all of this, and i listened to both sides, and i understand, when the other side says, right, when the tea-partiers say, this is clearly not the biggest issue facing the african-american community.
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i asked you that earlier in the week. i agreed and i asked you and you responded. the other thing i'm hearing is saying the entire tea party is racist. i have not heard you say the entire tea party is racist ever on television or during your speech. >> yeah, you know, never. i mean, it's -- look, what we're doing will improve the country, improve civility, keep my people from getting hit over the head with signs by tea party folks. and it will improve the tea party. nobody will be better off than the tea party. we have seen throughout history, look, when the democrats harbored racists, blacks didn't get involved and they stayed kind of -- states rights, dixie crap party. when they pushed them out, blacks fled the republican party. now the tea party as a 21st century operation has the choice to be a multi-racial party. but to be a multi-racial party they can't harbor racial elements. they have to do what david webb has been pushing them to do. >> head to our blog to check out
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both interviews in their entirety. you can find it at you know, at least two people swept to their deaths in kentucky. homes, roads and bridges all washed away and people plucked from the rooftops. the oil disaster isn't keep everyone from the gulf coast. as a matter of fact, that's why some pilots are flying people into a gulf coast town. ♪ when you have a different perspective on things you don't end up with just another car. you end up with a saab.
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time now to check your top
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stories. secretary of state hillary clinton is in pakistan where she's working to improve the often tense relations between pakistan and afghanistan. the two countries signed a landmark trade agreement, part . secretary clinton plans stops in afghanistan and south korea before heading home. former sunni militants who now work with the government. the victims were waiting to pick up their paychecks. another suicide bomber struck near the iraqi/syrian border killing three people. the high water is receding. an estimated 200 homes are destroyed. rescue crews worked through the night plucking people from their homes and stranded cars. several major roads and bridges
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are also damaged. and in chicago, a veteran police officer gunned down, now the hunt is on for the suspects. officer michael bailey was shot outside his home early this morning after finishing an overnight shift. they don't have anyone in custody but they expect more than one person. he is is the third police officer killed since may. news of the oil leak has stopped could return vacationers to "in the money." some pilots are frying in choppers. our photo journalist rod was there. >> reporter: we are in gulf shores, alabama. >> we're pilots at the county airport. >> we're the parrotheads. he wanted to show them our
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appreciation for them making the effort to support our community. >> in a conversation about two weeks ago, they decided they wanted to come down and do something here in the gulf since the gulf had been hurt so much with people not coming down and vacationing. from there, it sort of went viral. we ended up with just a few people to actually a large number of people that flew down today. about 26 aircraft came the other day, about 70 people. >> where did you buy? >> hot cashews and hot almonds, cinnamon glazed. >> i certainly lost my job with a dolphin cruise company because we had to -- the dolphins literally had disappeared down here. it's really had a ripple effect throughout the whole community. all of us have lost jobs which means less money, which means less money we put out into the community. >> the oil's not faaffecting anything we've done today. we have good ocean breezes. good food. no reason not to come. >> and we're fortunate enough to own aircraft and we can get down
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here fairly quickly from birmingham, about an hour, hour and a half flight. we felt it was important to come down, spend some money and help people out on the gulf. we have now had two meals, staying overnight and renting a hotel room and trying to spend some money and getting ready to go shopping. >> we hope this gives people the incentive to do this also. >> very nice. his democratic primary win caused quite a controversy. now alvin greene makes his first campaign speech. he wants to represent south carolina in the u.s. senate. was today's speech enough to sway voters?
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we go to south carolina and the man who shook up the democratic primary for the u.s. senate, alvin greene, of course. he delivered his first campaign speech giving state voters their first chance to hear what he stood for. he started off his stump speech with a little humor. >> i'm the best candidate in the united states senate race here in south carolina. i am also the best candidate for the -- i am also the best choice for the image award next year. >> well, from there greene got serious and made passing references to his campaign
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priorities, including jobs, transportation and education. >> we need better education for our children. parents need to take a more active part in their child's education. he's specially parents of underperforming students. >> greene's speech was postally light on details and it did have its awkward moments. here's alvin greene talking about the legal system. >> i know this guy that some folks got in trouble. this guy happened to be a person of color. this was in the fifth judicial circuit. anyhow, this guy met the criteria for pretrial
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intervention but was denied. that same guy -- this same guy's trial was scheduled for last week but was put off. fay, moving on. >> cnn's national political correspondent jessica yellen was in manning, south carolina, for alvin greene's speech. she says the audience gave the candidate mostly positive reviews. >> reporter: it was alvin greene's first public appearance since he's won the election, or the primary here. hosted by the naacp in his hometown. and i did -- ilt tell you, don, the folks i interviewed before the speech were skeptical and curious. i interviewed plenty of people said they didn't know if he was up to the job, they didn't know who he was and they were a little concerned there wasn't more public information about him. after the speech, many of those same people changed their mind and felt he was not only up to the job and clear and delivered
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in his speech here, but he was introduced by a speaker who was a family friend who sort of framed this whole issue as something of a challenge for the community here, saying that alvin greene hasn't gotten a fair shake and it's up to these folks to stand behind him and make it clear that this guy really deserves the opportunity to be the next u.s. senator from south carolina if he could prove it. we can talk about the substance of the speech, but i really think that's sort of what drove a lot of people to feel like they were really behind him and become more receptive to him than they had been at the beginning, don. >> the bottom line, did alvin greene earn some votes today with his first public address? that's the question. we asked two people who were there. up first is jerry onson, unemployed veteran, just like alvin greene. >> honestly, not at this point because alvin greene walked through the door, he was an eni guess dayne -- enigma.
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people didn't come in with the expectation he was going to step up to the pike and fok it out of the ball pack. that wasn't the expectation. people wanted to hear what his mratd form is because he has some issues he's already put forth to the public. i think they want to hear substance behind those issue. that's what everyone came from. >> i will continue to listen to mr. greene. for me personally at this point, i was very, very much more so concerned about the process and mr. greene's treatment versus me making a determination today as to whether or not mr. greene will win my vote. >> no word on when alvin greene might make another public appearance. we will keep you posted, though. a drug fuel ride directly to rock bottom, where my next guest found himself after he blew his safings on crack parties. >> i remember my late twenty, looking for a way to control all this. and if i had read a bock that showed me how it wasn't
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controllable, and that there -- there might have been some other way that wasn't death, i would probably seek that, whatever that solution was. >> next, he's sharing the story of his fall and his climb back to the top. whiten your smile. no red wine, blueberry pie, coffee, or tea. i've got it. ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing crest 3d white toothpaste. the remarkable new toothpaste that removes up to 80% of surface stains in just two weeks. good advice.
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if you have ever struggled with addiction or you know someone who has, then take a seat for a few minutes and watch this. my next guest had it all. a handsome young man living in new york city with his own successful literary agency, powerful friend, a live-in partner, money in the bank. he had a very dark secret which eventually led to him losing it all. an addiction to crack cocaine. >> as an adult, my life got more and more complicated with a double life that was less manageable. so death again became the solution. so at the point at which i walked out the door on my life and only did drugs 24 hours a day. it was death that i was asking for. and death that i was expecting. i remember my late 20s, looking for a way to control all this. and i if i had read a book showing me how it wasn't controllable and that there might have been some -- some other way that wasn't death, i would probably seek that,
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whatever that solution was. and if there was a book that had suggested there might be a solution other than death, i might have tried to find it. >> well, bill clegg has just written that book called "portrait of an addict as a young man." i asked him how he's doing. >> i'm well. i'm glad to be here. >> well and sober? >> well and sober. i just had five years' sobriety a few weeks ago. which is a miracle to me and i'm grateful. >> in the book it's amazing, you talk about starting your own company and then having this dark secret and really losing it all. having knees nights in expensive hotels and blowing it all on cocaine and vodka. why did you -- why did you do it? >> well, you know, for years i
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managed my drinking and my drug use. and, you know, every night that i thought i would have two drinks, it would become ten drinks. every night i thought i would come back at midnight, i would come back at 9:00 in the morning. as the years progressed, my ability to manage that became less and less successful. and so toward the end, it reduced to one desire, which was to get high and to seek oblivion. i lost control. and that's really the point with addiction and alcoholism, which is that at -- you know, we struggle for years to control it as addicts and alcoholics and at a certain point we can't. it becomes completely unmanageable. that's what happened to me. >> you look at you, you're not the face of crack cocaine. people would be surprised at who has tried crack cocaine or used crack cocaine. you think of someone urban, someone who lives in poverty or what have you. you're not that person. so, what's your advice to anyone
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who may be suffering from this or anyone who is dealing with a family member or loved one sufficienting from this? >> well, my advice to anybody who's struggling with their, you know, alcohol use or their drug use, which is that if you find yourself, you know, trying to drink just two drinks or three drinks or you just -- you try and, you know, just do drugs once a week or once a month and you find yourself having ten drinks and then doing drugs every other night, you know, that's a good sign there's a problem. and there won't be a moment when it becomes manageable. there won't be a moment when you're able to handle it any more than you are now. you should step off, get help. there's plenty of programs to help addicts and alcoholic. economy suggest they find them. >> that was bill clegg. the book is called "portrait of an addict of a young man". amazing story of recovery and we wish him well. legal immigrants graduating from u.s. high schools.
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want to check your top stories. a seep has been detected in the guf of mexico. a letter from thad allen to bp describes it as being a distance from the well. allen also refers to undetermined anomalies at the well head. and it's not clear yet what exactly that means. for for you bp's new containment cap continues to hold tight. no oil has spilled from the broken well for three days now. uganda interpol is using reconstructive photos to learn the identity of two suicide bombers. authorities pieced together images of these men they believe carried out a blast in kampala last week. the blast hit a crowd watching the world cup. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you >> the grandchildren of nelson
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mandela sang to the former president of south africa on his 92nd birthday today. mandela spent time in prison before leaving his country out of apartheid. the u.n. proclaimed this day as the first annual nelson mandela international day. vice president joe biden today commented on next year's planned u.s. troop withdrawal from afghanistan when asked about a book that quotes him as saying, a whole lot of people will be leaving the country by then. biden acknowledged the accuracy of the quote and then clarified what he was trying to say. >> there's going to be a dr drawdawn of forces as we transi gue guess. there are 34 directs in afghanistan. with are going to begin in august say, you have this province. we to longer need to have american ornate toe forces in that region. really what i was responding to was the idea that the president
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has been outmaneuvered. i was making it clear. so, it wasn't so much numbers i meant. i it could be as few as a couple thousand or more. but there will be a transition. >> the vice president described the job of training afghan troops to take over for u.s. forces as painfully slow and difficult. tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants graduate from american high schools every year and there is a new push to give them a shot at becoming u.s. citizens if they were brought here before they were 16. it's called the dream act. cnn's kate baldwin has the story. >> reporter: it's a dream these young people are fighting to make a reality. becoming u.s. citizens. >> to me it's to keep going, to keep going with my life. to have a future. >> i am an undocumented student.
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i've been here since i was 6 years old. >> we feel we're american. >> reporter: 4-year-old matis, undocumented immigrant and activists from across the country are gathering in washington this week to put a new face on the fierce debate over immigration reform. why now? why mobilize now? why is this critical for you? >> well, now it's the time because, you know, we're headed into a summer where there's a lot of action on immigration. we're seeing a debate around immigration that really is framed all about gangs, all about criminals. we have to show the other side. >> reporter: with little chance congress will act on comprehensive immigration this year, a pared down is the only one being tauted as winning a shot on capitol hill. the dream act, as it's called, would offer undocumented young people a way to become u.s. citizens with conditions.
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including they graduate from an american high school, have lived in the u.s. for at least five years, and they must attend college or join the military. >> for thousands of people, the dream act is the only hope, that immediate hope of a bipartisan bill that is in congress. >> reporter: how many people are we actually talking about here? the nonpartisan migration policy institute estimates that about 2 million people would be eligible under this legislation, less than 40%, a little over 800,000 would actually obtain legal status. critics of the measure warn it's a slippery slope. >> the so-called dream act is an am nisy plan disguised as educational initiative. it simply rewards illegal behavior and encourages more. >> reporter: that's a debate ramos says they're ready for. >> it's about giving them the opportunity to prove that they're what this country needs. >> reporter: kate baldwin, cnn,
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washington. with drilling ban in the gulf, oil companies are for you looking to cuba. i'll explain. twirl it... dunk it... and discover more new ways than ever to enjoy crab. like our new crab lover's trio with crab-stuffed shrimp, and succulent north pacific king and snow crab legs. or our decadent crab and shrimp pasta. new crab creations for every craving, starting at $14.99, only during crabfest. right now at red lobster. only d♪ring crabfest. ♪ when you have a different perspective on things you don't end up with just another car. you end up with a saab.
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a spanish oil company could soon set up an oil rig just off the coast of florida and there's nothing the u.s. can do to stop it. as cnn reports from havana, it's part of a bold new plan to search for oil in cuban waters.
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>> reporter: welcome to oil drilling cuban style. this is what many of cuba's oil wells look like. they're on-shore land-based rigs and hauling up the black stuff for the energy depleted and cash-strapped economy. the u.s. geological survey says there's much more out there, catching the attention of spanish oil company. it's part of the consortium exploring oil drilling in cuban water but their plans have caused quite a stir among florida politicians, weary of deepwater horizon. in 1977 treaty between the united states and cuba divides the water between the two countries right down the middle. that would allow oil companies to drill as close as 45 miles from the florida keys. >> this is clearly in cuban territory. it's cuban territory the united states has respected. every president has respected that agreement since the carter administration. >> reporter: it's unclear how close to florida the rig might
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be, but images like these have some calling on u.s. president barack obama to be more proactive in disaster preparedness with neighboring countries, especially cuba. >> why be bashful about dealing with the real problem that we have? the fact is, if there's an accident in the areas where cuba plans to drill, within three days the gulf stream carries that oil to our shores. we have a very clear interest in preparing now for an emergency. just as we do with other countries. and so why is the obama administration being so timid about it? >> reporter: the near half century freeze in diplomatic relations hasn't helped but many in cuban welcome spanish investment. i think it's something good they're looking to drill, this woman said, because it's expensive. and if they do it, it will help improve the country. in this way there are people
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working to get the oil that may be cheaper for us, this man said. the region is rich with natural resources, housing billions of barrels of oil by recent estimates and also home to pristine marine life, already threatened by oil in the gulf. for now they're waiting for the chinese rig to be built before they start oil he can mroer rags off the cuban coast. cnn, havana. now for a look at the stories that will be grabbing the headlines in the week ahead. from the white house to the state department to hollywood. and we start tonight at the white house. >> i'm ed henry at the white house. a big week for the president because on tuesday he's hosting the new british prime minister david cameron for his visit to the white house. it's important because that so-called special relationship got frayed during the gordon brown tract.
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rsht i'm jill daugherty at the state department. this coming week secretary of state hillary clinton is on the road. visiting senator kerrouth korea about the south korean naval vessel. in vietnam she'll mark the 15th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the u.s. and vietnam. and she'll also take part in meetings of the ausiaon regional forms. finally, afghanistan and the state department's civilian role there. >> reporter: i'm paul steinhause steinhauser, voters in georgia head to the polls. in the hot races, battle for governor. john mccain faces off against his two republican primary challenges, j.d. hayworth and tea party activist jim deacon.
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>> reporter: i'm "showbiz tonight's" brooke anderson. big fews breaking this week, especially on tuesday, the day lindsay lohan is to begin her 90-day jail sentence and the day mel gibson and his exhave a court hearing. we'll bring it to you on "showbiz tonight" at 5:00 p.m. and also at 11:00 p.m. >> ari is here to tell us what's happening internationally. is is it the '90s? let's go to kabul first because that's where we'll find the secretary of state. >> hillary clinton. for the first ever international afghanistan conference that's going to take place in the capital city of kabul. this is where delegates from around the world are planning to discuss strategies to hand over the power ultimately to the afghan government. so -- >> now, you'll see why i said, is it the '90s again? we want to go to vienna. look, there you go. >> former president bill
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clinton, in vienna at international aids conference. and bill gates as well will be there, too, to speak about some -- the upcoming treatments, cutting edge research that's taking place. it's really staggering, don, because right now the world health organization has estimated that there's roughly 33.4 million people with hiv living right now in 2.7 million cases coming up every year. so, we'll be keeping an eye on that. >> yeah. former president with the clinton foundation has done lot of work in helping aids research, especially africa. thank you. we appreciate it. cracking open the tomb to crack the mstry. the body of sa moen is unearthed after 200 years. what are experts looking for? baskin robins no longer 31 flavors?
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whiten your smile. no red wine, blueberry pie, coffee, or tea. i've got it. ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing crest 3d white toothpaste. the remarkable new toothpaste that removes up to 80% of surface stains in just two weeks. good advice. what did i tell ya. [ female announcer ] for a noticeably whiter smile in just two weeks. new crest 3d white toothpaste. and try crest 3d white rinse.
1:56 am
hey nick. how's it going with the website? going great, babs. made it really easy for customers to manage their car insurance policy online. well, you know that's why we have 24/7 support,
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so customers can call us anytime. [ in a robotic voice ] does not compute. error. [ all ] error. error. error. malfunction, babs. beep. boop. boop. ha ha. very funny. powering down. [ new guy ] we're not really robots. [ thomas ] i thought we were. [ male announcer ] call today or go to all right. on sundays we always want to try to catch you up with some news you may have missed the week
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before. here's one. simone has been exhumed from his tomb in venezuela. it was ordered by president chavez. dna from the corporation will be determined to cause death. conventional wis come is that bolivar died of tuberculoids but chavez suspects he was poisoned. from the air, neverland ranch does look like a tourist attraction. that's exactly what california's naacp says should happen to michael jackson's estate. allison chapman said turning it into a state park could be a huge success. it's national ice cream day. but be warned, baskins-robbins is retiring five flavors at the end of the month. among those to get the deep freeze, french vanilla, my favorite, an original flavor of the company's first batch in
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1945. baskin robbins was founded on 31 flavors and replace retirees. have about an hour left to enjoy, on the east coast, national ice cream day. we sell brit it by inviting local atlanta favorite into the studio earlier this evening. technically the king of pop sells gourmet pop circles, not ice cream. we love him, close enough, we said, come in, we will take some ice cream -- i mean, popsicles and pretend it's ice cream. we enjoyed it, thanks to the king of pop and his brother, prince of pop there. we want to thank this one observant twitter follower who alerted us to this, the crossword puzzle in this issue of "ebony" magazine. check out the clue for 19 across. it says, if you can read it, don, who despite a sour name, found a sweet spot at cnn. do you still need a hint? he's hand ,


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