tv Larry King Live CNN July 28, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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then you take the picture. scoring overtime, these nordic athletes caught the attention of the web after simulating catching one of their own teammates. this has got to be one of the hottest things on the web. this something that would have larry king almost unable to do his show if he was watching it right now. speaking of larry king, we're done here on "rick's list." here, now, the king. here, now, the king. we'll see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac -- >> larry: tonight -- immigration showdown. a federal judge tells arizona not so fast. blocking key parts of the state's anti-immigration law from going into effect tomorrow. did she gut the whole law? or just doing her job? plus, president obama's view on the daytime talk show.
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historic first. driving critics crazy. then jack hanna, face-to-face in the wilderness with three bears, big ones could have killed him in an instant. what did he do? tell us all about it, jack. next -- on "larry king live." >> larry: good evening. jim gilchrest is president and founder of the minuteman project. their aim to prevent illegal immigration across the southern united states border. jorge ramos is author of univision and country for all, immigrant manifesto. they're on opposite sides of the immigration issue. judge bolton granted a temporary injunction that prevents police from questioning people about their immigration status. she's also blocked a provision that would make it a crime to fail to apply for or carry alien registration papers. all for an unauthorized alien to solicit, apply for or perform
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work. these provisions were to go into effect less than 24 hours from now in arizona. you disagreed i guess with her decision, jim. why? >> certainly disagreed. i feel the statement she made to the american public is that the united states is no longer a nation governed by laws. the rule of law essentially is meaningless. certainly to jane and joe average america out there. and i believe there's a lot of pandering being involved here. it's coming down from the obama administration. and that is to -- >> larry: that has nothing to do with the federal judge's decision. >> ah -- >> larry: you're not questioning a federal judge -- >> not really, not -- but i do believe there's certainly some influence coming down from obama for her to defeat arizona's attempt to re-establish itself as a sovereign state. >> larry: jorge, i gather you agree with this. it is, jorge, though, just a temporary injunction.
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it can be released in two days if they file an appeal to it, right? >> right, it can change anytime. the important thing is that for hispanics and for immigrants, it's a step in the right direction, but it is simply not enough. what we're doing right now, larry, is managing a problem, not finding a long-term solution. obama promised he would have an immigration bill during his first year in office and he broke a promise. democrats don't have the political courage to push for immigration reform in congress. republicans are missing in action on immigration. where are the 11 republicans that voted for immigration three years ago? this is not a democratic or republican issue. this is an american issue. we don't have immigration reform right now. so the news today, and that's the tragedy, the news today is that nothing, absolutely nothing, has changed. everything a everything's still the same. i still can't believe the most powerful country in the world is persecuting the most vulnerable, 11 million people. >> larry: george bush also supported immigration laws that you would have disagreed with.
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>> that's true. >> certainly did. >> larry: hold it. go ahead, jim. >> i was a staunch opponent of president bush, as well as obama. >> larry: one of the things in this law that's puzzling, that she pointed out is, and a police officer was on a recent show discussing it. you can just stop a person on the street and just question who they are based on the way they look or their appearance? >> no. no. larry, the misconception from coast to coast on this law that was written by and crafted by one of the most well-renowned scholars in immigration and constitutional law. chris coback. what has been missing is the rule of law is absolutely blind to race, color, creed, age -- >> but it's not a misconception -- >> whatever -- >> larry: why were so many cops upset with this, saying it would put them in a difficult position? >> i'm sorry, who is upset? >> larry: cops. >> police? some police, perhaps they don't want to enforce the rule of law.
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perhaps -- >> larry: but the rule of law is it's okay to stop a citizen and question them? >> i would say no. no, i would hold a line -- if that person is conducting him or herself in a manner that would require law enforcement to question that person or intercept that person, certainly. dui driving. responding to an officer no hablo english, gringo, go back to europe. obviously, there's issue there that probably the person may be illegal and perhaps the officer should pursue that. >> larry: lower hashjorge, you more illegal immigrants coming in, do you? >> irs of if afirst of all, i d them illegal immigrants. by using the term illegal, they might think they're criminals or terrorists. we can agree the system is broken. responding to your question. nobody likes undocumented immigration, not even undocumented immigrants. we can agree with the fact we cannot separate family ps we can all agree that we can't deport 11 million people.
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i think we can agree we have to do something about it. he was talking about what happens with latinos wand immigrants in this country. it's not a misperception. if you are african-american or hispanic in new york, you are more likely to be detained by the police according to "the new york times" and according to aclu here in arizona, if you're hispanic, you're simply more likely to be detained also by the police simply because of the color of your skin or maybe because an accent just like mine, an accent in english. so the fact they're immigrants -- again, something has to be done on immigration. and the decision taken today in arizona is an important one. but it is simply not enough. again, this -- >> larry: jim -- >> -- on the principle that all men are created equal and right now there are many millions of people in the whoudz are not being treated equally. >> larry: jim, isn't it a federal problem? not an arizona problem? >> no, it's an arizona problem. it's a california problem. it's a problem for every state in the union. all 50 states, united states, are now border states.
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don't believe me? ask -- >> larry: -- federal problem -- >> -- peter colombo from providence, rhode island, area, who's putting together the very first delegation of republican politicians and democratic politicians -- this man is a democrat -- bringing them to arizona to tour the border and hopefully to have an audience with governor brewer to show their support. this is -- i would call it a phenomen phenomenon. both parties historically have fought each other over this issue. now we've got this colombo from rhode island who's bringing both parties together to solve this problem under the rule of law. >> larry: pretty sure it's going to the u.s. supreme court? >> absolutely. it will be tested at the u.s. supreme court and i think the u.s. supreme court will show arizona was correct. >> larry: jorge, you think it's going to the supreme court too? >> it might go to the supreme court but i'd rather -- i would rather have it go to congress. i mean, if they have enough -- if they have 60 votes to extend unemployment benefits, if they
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have 60 votes for financial reform if they have 60 votes to get a naturally judge in the supreme court, how come they can't get 60 votes for immigration reform? i don't think it's an arizona problem, i don't think it's a california problem. it's an american problem -- >> larry: we'll have a lot more time for this. we've got a lot of guests. thank you, mojorge, thanks jim. two arizona sheriffs face off over the ruling next.
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>> obviously it's a little bump in the road i believe. you know, until i get my whole arms around it, we don't really exactly know where we're going to go. we knew regardless of what happened today, of course, one side or the other side was going to appeal. >> larry: by the way, some aspects of the law will take effect tomorrow. joining us now, sheriff clarence w. dutnick. and sheriff larry biva, sheriff of shokis county, arizona. he and another sheriff were named in the aclu's lawsuit seeking to block enforcement of arizona's immigration law. all right, what did you make of that ruling today? >> well, think most of us anticipated that that's precisely what was going to happen. and it did. >> larry: did you agree or disagree? >> i agree with it. i don't think the states should preempt the federal constitution. i think president obama or any other president for that matter has a responsibility to protect
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the constitution. he intervened in my opinion appropriately. and so far a federal judge agrees with it. >> larry: does this law -- had it gone into effect, make it tougher on your law enforcement officers? >> in one sense it would. but let me say this, larry, for the last two months, we've had scores of lawyers poring over this particular piece of legislation and ultimately have given us several options. one of the options was that there's nothing in the law that preclude us from enforcing the federal law. which in my case we've been doing for 52 years. if we enforce the federal law, we run across illegal aliens, we turn them over to the border patrol and the border patrol day of it. this law -- >> larry: sheriff -- >> -- enforce -- >> larry: i'm sorry. go ahead. finish what you were saying. >> if we enforce this law, instead of turning them over to
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the border patrol, we'd have to put them in the county jail. we'd have to subject the criminal justice system locally to dealing with these hundreds and thousands of people ultimately. we would overwhelm the system. we would put the jail into a crisis. and at the end of this, which is a minor misdemeanor, we would have to turn them over to the border patrol and send the taxpayers a huge bill. now, why would we want to do that? >> larry: sheriff, what do you make of what sheriff dupnik had to say? >> well, couple things i disagree with. one is, based on the fact, since september 11, the federal government, department of homeland security, has been on a mission to reach out to state and local law enforcement agencies to partner, to empower us, to help support homeland security mission. and if it has to do with drugs, it has to do with firearms it has to do with tear rivrroristse
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become engaged and involved and identify and take action on any of that, we get commendations and awards. now it comes to illegal immigration and we're not supposed to react and do anything? there's something fundamentally wrong with that. i do agree with sheriff dupnik, and that is we have -- sheriffs at least have sufficient authority to enforce the law as stands. that's been vetted through the courts as it is. police scheefs, police officers and sheriffs don't have the luxury of having thousands of border patrol agents in their counties to turn people over to. we've been doing that for 34 years i've been in this business. clarence has been in a lot longer than i have. but i did that the first year of office when i was a deputy. we'll continue to do it today. regardless of what the statute says. the practical application of it and the benefit was about to occur in the interior of the state, where other organizations saw their way clear to help
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partner -- to help partner with the federal government in securing our homeland. >> larry: sheriff dupnik that sounds like it makes sense, there aren't a lot of border patrol agents to turn them over to in the middle of the state. >> ultimately, they have to be turned over to i.c.e. or the border patrol after the local system is done with them. >> and that's true, but i.c.e. also has discretion and option to accept them or not and i think this law put them in a position where they felt like, and rightfully so, they were going to have to expand and extend their efforts to resolve this illegal alien problem that we have. >> larry: the judge said today there was a substantial like likelihood it would result in wrongful arrest of legal residents. sheriff dever, do you agree with that? >> not at all. we haven't had any of those claims except for maybe a handful in the 34 years i've
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been in this business. >> larry: no, but she said if that law passed that would happen. >> why would it? police officers are trained from the very first hour, the very first day, in police training 101. the basic tenants and understanding -- basic tenants and constraints of reasonable suspicion and probable cause. that law -- this law didn't change any of that. that was still require and actually emphasized under this law that those conditions have to apply. there has to be a precipitating event, that a stand-alone immigration charge is not going to work under this existing legislation. >> larry: thank you for the all too brief time. we'll spend a lot more time on this in the days ahead. we expect to have both sheriffs back on maybe for a longer time to discuss this. the debate's just beginning. a panel join us next.
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ben stein. author of "the little book of bulletproof investing." our pal stephanie miller, progressive talk radio host of her own program. alfonse yes aguilar, latino partnership for conservative principles. ayear sha tyler, actress and activist. ben what about the ruling? >> she's just a person who puts on a robe. she doesn't necessarily know any more than the next person. there will be lots of other -- >> larry: what's your point then? >> my point is this is just the beginning of a long complicated process. it will be decided by the principles of the next set of judges. it's incredibly unbelievably difficult problem to solve. no judge is going to solve it overnight. >> larry: you have no opinion on the injunction? >> i think the injunction was silly. i don't put much faith in it because it's not going to last long. somebody will dissolve it and put in a new set of principles. the supreme court will almost at some point overrule it.
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we've got this big rich country here and a very poor set of country next to us. people in the poor countries want to come in here. it's a giant problem. >> larry: what do you do, st stephan stephanie? >> well, larry what he means is she's a person in a robe who made a decision other than what ben stein would have decided so clearly it must be wrong. >> i didn't say it was wrong. >> the right wing is always screaming we're a nation of laws. this is unconstitutional -- >> larry: but he agrees with it. >> that's my point, judges don't make laws. >> you cannot have a patchwork quilt. you have to have comprehensive immigration reform. >> the next judge will say we can have a patchwork quilt. that's how judges work. >> then she'll be a judge in a blo black robe you agree with. >> larry: alfonso? >> i agree with the decision. immigration say federal issue. we don't want to see, as stephanie says, a patchwork of immigrati
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immigration. >> you're a conservative who agrees with the decision? >> yes. but because of preemption, i don't agree with obama's argument that the law would have led to massive deimmigration. justice department arguing preemption, not discrimination. why did he do it? the lawsuit is a political ploy. obama's concerned the latinos are losing faith in him because he promised he was going to do something on immigration the first year of his administration and he didn't do it. he talks about he's for immigration reform. he gives a speech at american university in july of an election year. he talks about -- says nothing about a guest worker program. >> please, you really think he's going to get one iota of -- >> absolutely. you'll have the republicans step forward. george bush got over 25 republicans supporting immigration -- >> but he would have -- >> -- because of obama. >> but alfonso who would it be -- >> i'm association immigration reform didn't pass under george
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bush because of obama? >> yes, because of -- >> because of one senator? >> larry: hold on, hold on, hold on! we're losing the host. when you lose the host, we're in trouble. aisha what do you think? >> first, if you are strict constructionalist, which most conservatives are, this was a constructionalist decision. a preemption. the state stepping in an area that is not their jurisdiction legally. that's the first thing. the secondary thing is the reason the government sued on those grounds, because that's all they need to sue on. they didn't need to sue secondarily on grounds of discrimination. all they needed to do was prove it, which they did. this is the last administration, whether the republican president or the republican congress could not solve. what you have are conservatives interested more in being right than doing what's right. you would not have all the conservatives leaning further to the right now -- further to the right.
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a guy that john mccain has always been pro reform is now anti-reform because he wants to get elected. >> larry: what is -- give me -- give me -- >> -- like aisha just said, who do you reach out to, john mccain who was on the mccain/kennedy immigration bill -- >> when george bush was president, he said his top cabinet members, secretary chertoff, to negotiate directly with the democratic leadership. >> larry: i'm going to take a break. when i come back, i'm going to ask the panel to give me their law. what would they say should be the law? we'll also talk about president obama make history on "the view" and we've got a clip coming up. don't go away.
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like farmers and ranchers and meat packers. and do not discriminate in an unfa unfair, unconstitutional way. >> larry: stephanie, a law? >> every time i come here, wasn't to marry ben stein. what he said. yes, comprehensive immigration reform. close the boarders. but there has to be a path to citizenship. i'm not as crazy a liberal as ronald reagan. i wouldn't talk about that kind of amnesty. the last time we didn't pass anything, we automatically gave how many millions of people amnesty? let's get something done now. that's what this arizona law is -- it gives usa opportunity. >> we need a free market solution. not amnesty. have people come forward, say they've done something wrong, pay a penalty. we need to strengthen border security. we need a guest worker program. >> larry: those people already here illegally can stay if they agree to it? >> give them a path to legal status. but at the end, the key is, go to the root of the problem, which is an incredible demand
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our economy has for foreign workers. the unions don't want to see more guest worker programs. that's why obama and the democrat leadership -- >> please, we have an illegal employer problem. not an illegal -- >> larry: aisha, who by the way has a new short film called "committed" on her facebook page. she's the face of alana on fx's "archer." >> actually agree with most of what's been said here. and we can kind of do some kind of polygamy thing with him later. terrible mental picture. the two things i agree most with is we need a clear, con size, easy path to citizenship. accept the fact our economy does not work without cheap labor. i think people want to deny the fact that when you go to the mega mall and you want 5 t-shirts for a dollar and you want your strawberries to be
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$1.99 that requires cheap labor. we have this obstructionist position with the unions, but most of their jobs are going to china. mexicans aren't taking those jobs. >> don't you think the unions are controlling this administration? obama when he spoke from american university, he didn't say anything about a guest worker program. >> the unions upsettle times -- >> obama's proposal. i tha is not going to pass reform. >> i think it is a key part of all of this. >> there are also big problems. burdening the health system. the educational and health system and criminal justice systems here in southern california have been demolished in large part by illegal aliens. >> larry: not easily solved. let's discuss some other things. president obama taped an appearance on "the view" today. it will air tomorrow. a lot of republicans and others are upset, saying should a president be going on a daytime, basically, talk show, in which
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he just -- four women kick things snararound? >> his weekly address is on youtube, which isn't discerning. anything can get on there. we're in a new age in this -- you know, internet and youtube and whatever age. i think you have to reach your audience however you can. you know, i certainly wouldn't cast any dispersions on barbara walters. >> larry: are you kit call of him? >> i don't watch "the view." >> lies, al phoneso. >> i don't think it looked very presidential. i think we need certain stan darneds. the president is the president. he should behave accordingly. i don't -- >> i think you're right. i don't think it looked very presidential. what i will say is there is such a glut of information now a days. so the hard to connect with people. he is a populous president. a grassroots president. he connected with people in grassroots ways. this is a way of cutting through the ad nauseam press conferences and the releases and the daily briefings and try to speak to americans in an informal way.
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>> you know what i blame for this primarily? larry king's impending retirement. he's got to go somewhere. >> larry: i'm not retiring. i'm leaving this show but i'm not -- >> i'm just saying. >> i'm curious to know why does this question even come up? it's a legitimate show. it's staff and -- >> larry: well, republicans are complaining, saying -- >> i don't understand why. the people on the show are quite intelligent people. i don't think there's anything slightly wrong with him being on the show. i don't understand white question comes up. it's a perfectly respectable show. >> larry: alfonso. >> obama is the master of pr politics. change. what does change mean? nobody knows. but we need to have him speak from the podium at the white house -- >> which he does -- >> excuse me, can i jump in? it means historic health care reform. it means historic financial reform. that's what change means. >> what's the problem with him being on a show in which all of the interviewers are women? i don't understand why there's a
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slightest problem? i don't understand why it's -- >> is there not enough testicals for you? >> i think we need to have an environment -- >> just asking. >> i think we need to have an environment where we can have a serious discussion that's not about -- >> but all presidents go on silly shows. this isn't even a particular silly show. "the view" is actually a very smart show. very serious issues -- >> -- late-night shows -- >> i think we're overanalyzing this way too much. i don't think it looked presidential -- >> larry: his popularity rating is low at this point. reagan's was low too. they both had economic problems they faced. you can't -- can he rebound? >> oh, absolutely, if the economy starts to turn around, he can definitely rebound. he's a wizard campaigner. he's a wizard whipper up of crowds. can the economy rebound? that's the requestion. we are really up a certain kind of creek without a padal at this point. we don't know what to do. we don't know whether to cut expenditure, spend more. we don't know whether to print
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more money, print less money. we are in a very difficult position. and that's the issue, can we rebound? >> if we can win ben stein's money, perhaps we could. >> larry: that was a good show. agree with him? >> i agree. i think he's following a similar parallel to reagan. i think he's got to continue to connect with people. and put his ideas forth. the ideas that people connected with originally. i think he's making progress. i think he has passed some pretty legendary reforms. he had a huge job. i think you have this guy, you know, sitting in front of a certain kind of mountain with a very tiny spoon and everybody's mad he hasn't moved the whole thing in 18 months. >> people just -- >> larry: alfonso? >> i agree with ben. it depends on the commit. also he needs to prove to latinos, major constituency, he's honest with them. and so far they feel he has betrade them. >> what are the republicans doing -- >> really, honestly? honestly, one thing, give me one example. >> i'll give you senator --
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future senator carly fiorina. republicans who are exciting. who are staunch -- >> wait, wait, fiorina's not in office. what are republicans doing right now to step forward and actively engage on this issue? >> there are a bunch of republicans that are for the free market that believe in immigration. if the president's serious about immigration reform, they will come forward. but he has not reached out to republicans. >> i disagree -- >> it's a show, oh, no, no, no -- >> look, absolutely has reached -- >> obama is no reagan. reagan stood for principle. this guy stands for polls. >> he's not nearly as liberal as reagan. he's never given complete amnesty. >> here's the difference between him and ronald reagan -- >> you can prove -- >> larry: ben. >> difference between him and ronald reagan -- >> -- these republicans have filibustered, have been more obstructionists that any -- >> reagan never went around the world apologizing for america. reagan was proud to be an american at every single instant of his being. and it does not say --
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>> the president is a proud -- >> humility is not shame. humility is not shame. -- responsibility for something is not the same as apologizing -- >> -- president has supported is based on big government. >> larry: let me get a break and we'll be -- >> -- apologizing for george bush's america which we should apologize for. >> larry: we'll be right back.
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>> larry: let's touch some other bases. are the republicans going to get control of the house? >> they have a chance. i think this tea party going to be mostly a negative for them. think there will be independent candidates who will hurt the party. i'm worried about it. i think they'll make gains. take control of it? i think it's a tiny bit far-fetch. >> larry: how about the senate, stephanie? >> well, first of all, i disagree with ben be. i think the tea party's great for the republican party. then ought to embrace -- they should spoon with them, right up until november. think the senate's going to be a tough one. i really think, you know, larry, a lot of these -- aisha was just talk blth president. have you noticed every media story line has been wrong? all through the campaign? i got it. the democrats are going to take a beating. obama's a one-term president. i think all of it is being overstated. >> larry: alfonso? >> i agree with the white house spokesperson robert gibbs. think reason republicans are going to win the house. i think we have a very good
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chance of winning the house. the senate is going to be tougher. i think we can win eight seats. if we win three more and go up to 11, we win the senate. there's a real chance of the senate. i think the house, we're getting very close. >> larry: aisha? >> there are always midterm gains. there are always midterm gains. calling the gain of a few seats some kind of massive ideological victory -- >> the entire house? >> i don't think they'll get the entire house. the opposing party always gets seats at midterm. >> i think in 2002, the republicans did pick up seats. i think that was a rare exception. >> if you looks, historically, there's always an opposing party gain midterm. >> larry: that was 9/11. >> there's always a gain but not a huge win. >> -- they're not going to sweep, get control of the congress back. >> listen -- >> this is starting to sound like 191984 all over again. >> he's a hopeful man. he thinks carly fiorina is going to win. >> barbara boxer -- >> the more people get to know fiorina, the less they like her.
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>> -- successful business person -- run out of the business -- >> they just did a poll and people like boxer's hair better than they like fiorina's hair. they forced her out. >> -- always goes for the democrats. already 32% to 39% latino voters in california saying they're willing to vote for fiorina. >> somebody who ran a company into the ground -- >> larry: can anything happen in the next few months to change -- >> i'd say, god forbid, a terrible terrorist incident to which obama responds powerfully. i think if there's evidence of a turning of the tide on unemployment, that would be an incredible miracle for mr. obama and for the very unfortunate unemployed. i'd say if he does something -- gives a heroic speech about something. he is a very resilient, adaptable guy. i think he can turn everything around. >> larry: republican can beat him? >> i know you scoffed at this.
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>> i love haley barbour -- >> -- smart effort guys i've ever met. he speaks like he's the red necks of red necks. he's never been quoted as saying a racist thing in his life. >> i like that's a point -- >> increditedably, incredibly, incredibly smart guy, good campaigner. >> larry: what republican do you fear as a democrat who wants obama to be re-elected? >> one i'm most afraid of is sarah palin. the president could never match her intellectually. please don't. >> stephanie would love sarah palin to run. the truth is, think we have two people who are very exciting. that's, first, jeb bush. think that's still a possibility. and newt gingrich. i think if jeb bush -- for vp, that's an incredible ticket. it's very exciting. i tell you. >> i still have goose bumps from his speech. >> -- the economy, it's like --
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the economy's made of money, we spend it. >> larry: as an obama fan who do you fear? >> who do i fear? you know, i have to tell you, these are all interesting ideas. jeb bush is probably i think most terrifying. although i think americans don't want a dynastic presidential run. a third bush in office. so that would be the reason -- >> -- michigan and florida would have been -- >> i think one of the reasons why they didn't nominate is because they saw an option that was not a die panaftic choice. i also say our fair former half-run governor from alaska is an interesting choice. i would vote -- i would also vote -- >> she would vote for her? >> she and i are both comedians so yes. >> what i will say -- >> on behalf of comedians everywhere, yes. >> it's clear that sarah palin, that the presidency doesn't pay enough. >> larry: i'll give ben the last word. sarah palin. >> i'm not a huge fan of sarah palin.
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she has no way. haley barbour i think is going to shock you. he has a lot of stuff going on in that poor boy head of his. >> larry: is his state big enough though? >> no, his state is big enough. he'll sweep the whole south. he gives people a clear choice. conservative guy versus liberal guy. >> yeah, he's so believable, larry, he just did that commercial -- >> -- moderate independents -- >> -- commercial, it's like, come fishing in mississippi, the fish are hardly putting up a fight anymore. >> larry: thank you, guys. we're going to have you back. thank you. alfonso, aisha tyler, ben stein, stephanie miller. he's been face to face with bears before but not like this. jack hanna had a scare. he'll tell us about it next. it's here, but not forever.e, the lexus golden opportunity sales event. see your lexus dealer.
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stands by. >> a few hours from now, arizona's immigration law will go into effect. several key provisions, all of them controversial were blocked by a federal judge. we'll take a look at what happens now. what's going to happen when this law takes effect. we'll talk to jeffrey toobin and maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio. plus an interesting story. one week after the whole shirley sherrod incident, a high-profile and controversial hire has some saying -- has some crying racism. the leading fashion in lifestyle magazine for african-american women, "essence" has hired a white woman as its fashion director. >> larry: that's "a.c. 360," 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. as promised, here he is, president obama on "the view." it will air tomorrow. watch. >> so the last 20 months has
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been a nonstop effort to restart the economy, to stabilize the financial system. to make sure that we're creating jobs, again, instead of losing them. in the midst of all that, we've also had the oil spill. we've also had two wars. we've also had a pandemic, h1n1, that we had to manage. and a whole host of other issues. what has been gratifying is the fact that the economy now is starting to stabilize and grow again. and what's been satisfying is just seeing how resilient the american people are. >> larry: that's the president on "the view" tomorrow. jack hanna is the director emir tus of columbus zoo and host of "jack hanna's into the wild." in the sights of three bears. managed to get away. wildlife officials tell cnn that bear attacks at separate sites in the remote campgrounds in montana have left a person dead two others injured.
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sounds like jack was lucky. he joined us from the coudini lodge in big fork, montana. what happened, jack? >> saturday night, my wife and i went to glacier national park. we glacier national park, lived here 20 some years, our favorite place to hike. we got there late in the day. some of the hiking trails are cut into the walls where there's 500-foot dropoffs. person took a picture of us. then they started going down. 15 minutes later, we followed them. a girl, 18 and her parents. she went around the corner of a ledge that went just like that and she saw the three bears. n now, at this time, i'm coming down and she comes back around, not losing composure, just going, oh, my gosh, there's three bears. let's get against the wall. there's a 500-foot dropoff here. a bear here. i said no. the bear started coming 30 feet. i said no, get behind me. we're going to back up, talk and be very calm.
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this is what you have to do, larry. a grizzly runs 100 yards a second. keep talking. stay calm. it's hard to do but we had to do it. i pulled my bear spray out like this, put it on my jacket like this pulled it out like this. i take it, pull the clip off like that. on the trigger. we back up. it seemed like an hour. for five minutes, we back up. a meadow, straight hill like this and i couldn't have climbed it without a little bit of adrenaline. five of us climbed the hill about 50 feet, got against the wall. the mother bear came like i thought, around the corner where she thought she could go, which she did, with the two yearlings, about 150 pounds except the last one looked at us about 30 feet way, hair raised on his back, all of a sudden, he started coming with us. i waited until he got 30 feet. i can't spray this right now. it goes about 20 feet. loaded one blast. he kept coming. 15 feet, unloaded another blast. he went like this. my wife said about 10 feet, right in his face, bam.
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he went back. the point is that bear spray is what i hike with for the last 15 years. i've never had to pull it out of my holster ever. i've done hundreds of miles of hikes in yellowstone, glacier, everywhere else. this helped save our lives. two weeks ago, i did a bear psa for the park system, especially glacier, to have people take bear spray when they're hiking. i can't believe what happened to me saturday night. >> larry: what does the bear spray do? >> well, it's like mace. it burns. i've had it shot on my leg before by accident. they can't see for a while. it doesn't kill the bear or anything else. it stops them cold. if you hit it right. you have to hold it for ten feet. >> larry: it would work on any animal coming towards you then right? >> basically. yes, larry, right. i just want people to know that what happened to me is like lightning hitting.
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what happened last night south of here, i live down where -- i've been to that campground where that terrible thing happened last night. my condolences to the family. people are saying is it safe to hike? let me tell you something, larry. this is like lightning striking twice. it's unbelievable. the park people, the u.s. forest service, all these folks were trying to figure out what happened because this bear -- that was unusual, larry. we think it's a grizzly that's what i've heard. came into camp between midnight and 2:00 am, something like this. as you know, got the tent and i guess mauled the first person. then another person and then the bear went on down the way about a quarter of a mile to another little site and killed the individual. right now they're taking samples of the saliva, the hair, the defacation to try to figure out -- they've got five traps set. usually when a grizzly or another bear comes into a campground like this they come back the next night. last year i filmed our episode "into the wild," we filmed a bear that had come into a
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person's mobile home area, ate all the chickens. we set the trap that night, tim manley did, great bear guy that relocates bears. he caught the bear the very same night on the very same property. they're hoping this bear will come back. they'll tranquilize it, take dna samples and we'll know what the story is. >> larry: and we'll know more, right after this. it's pain relief without the pills. no pills, no pain. how can you get pain relief without taking pills around the clock? try thermacare heatwraps, for all day relief without pills. i was surprised, thermacare worked all day.
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sfwll we only have a little while, couple of seconds left, jack. what should we do to a bear that attacks people? >> the bear will compare people to what he has been doing and obviously with that kind of behavior, it cannot happen. with maybe going in, getting food, they would relocate it 50 miles away. i lived down there for years and camping here, hike something still safe, larry. i'm going to the same hill i had the altercation saturday night.
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i encourage people to continue camping in this beautiful area, glasha, yellowstone. carry your bear spray and things will be fine. this is like lightning never striking three times in the same place. >> larry: we only have a minute left. i know you were scared. i know you love animals. >> i stayed calm, backed up calm. i've been in the animal business 35 years. i helped that young lady and her parents that were afraid. stay calm and hopefully, i helped them sbh hopefully, this will help others. it's a beautiful creature. make noise when you hike. have a good time. give them their distance and everything should be fine. what happened south of here is a terrible, terrible thing. my heart really aches for these families. but, again, the bear is there. it's been there for thousands of years and this was an unusual situation. no one knows at all what happened. we'll find out. >> larry: thank you, jack hanna,
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good friend, director emeritus columbus zoo and host of "jack hanna's into the wild". >> larry: on a sad note, we would like to acknowledge the death of ann perry mcfar land, mother of our creator seth mcfar land. she was only 63, past away of a valent battle with cancer, lifelong educator, passion for animals, which explains her devotion to the humane society and aspca. i spoke to her on the phone when seth was on the show in may and i could see why her friends called her a bright light that sparkled. she acknowledged her son had done well but told me on the sly that she knew he had really made it when she saw him sitting right here. perry touched many who celebrated her life. those who would like to honor her can donate to the aspca or the humane society i
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