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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  August 3, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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♪ martin savidge, cnn dry branch, georgia. >> that's it for 360, thanks for watching. "larry king" starts now, see you tomorrow night. "larry king" starts now. see you tomorrow night. tonight, chelsea clinton's exclusive wedding. the little girl who grew up in the white house married in an emotional ceremony fit for a princess. what the beautiful bride wore, and who was there. plus lindsay lohan is out of jail. is it too soon or will 90 days in drug rehab be the real test for the troubled actress. then, bill cosby is dead, if you believe twitter.
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the cos is calling in to prove he's very much alive. all next on "larry king live." i'm kyra phillips sitting in for larry king tonight. he's on vacation. as you probably already know, chelsea clinton tied the knot with her longtime beau. joining us to talk about the wedding, rosemary, who covered the nuptials. anita mcbride, first lady of staff for laura bush, and nia-malika henderson, political reporter for "washington post." she covers the first family. ladies, we're all talking a lot about very little. we've all been trying to figure out where do we go and how do we begin. rosemary, i think i'll start
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with you. you were in rhinebeck, covering the nuptials. was this one of your most difficult assignments because you couldn't get in? >> it proved to be incredibly challenging, but also more motivating for that fact. it seemed like the more information the clintons wanted to release, the more the public wanted to know. >> it's interesting. it drew attention from all over the world. the pictures were funny in how creative people were being to try to get the inside scoop. what struck you most from the outside? how hard did you have to work and what did you find out? >> my colleague and i probably approached 70 different wedding guests, and all of them were completely buttoned up as well as about 30 local business owners. it's a small town of about 8,000, a rockwellian sort of environment. the place was turned upside down with excitement but there was really no concrete information to go on.
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>> and anita, you are saying that is a true testament to the respect this everybody has for chelsea clinton? >> and i think the fact she very much directed this day. it wasn't a bill clinton and hillary clinton extravaganza. it was very much a day chelsea clinton ordered. you didn't see a lot of big donors or hollywood names. they were friends of chelsea clintons and dear, dear friends of the clintons that saw chelsea grow up. >> you were saying the same thing, anita. it could have been such a show. but chelsea was in charge of this. this is the young girl we've never heard talk. she's never been interviewed. her mom took her out on the campaign but reporters weren't allowed to talk to her. we'll talk about that more in a minute. it seems she was calling the shots.
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>> she really did. at the end of the day, all the speculation about who the celebrities were going to be at the wedding, she was the only celebrity and really would have been the only one that mattered anyway no matter who was there. she's the bride. she did direct this, of course. everybody that was there was there for her and for her groom. this was a special day. they managed to direct this the way they wanted it to be. people were very respectful of their privacy. twelve bridesmaids. >> no picture. >> nothing on facebook, no tweeting. >> it's so hard for presidential children to lead a private life when you have very public parents. >> why do you think this gained so much attention? is it because we haven't heard much from her and this was her wedding day. maybe folks were thinking, the doors will be open and we'll get some sort of inside scoop or we'll hear from her or learn something about this young woman who has turned out so well, hasn't gotten into any trouble, any public scandals? >> i think there's a couple of
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reasons. i'll let mia speak first. >> i think that's part of what it is. here she is, the daughter of political figures that dominated public discourse and political discourse for the last 20 years yet she's been silent. i think one of her only public appearances was at the dnc when she introduced her father. she did stump for her mother. people don't know what she sounds like, what her private life was like. this was one chance to glean something about her private life from this event. >> why didn't she talk? >> i guess my question is why should she? why change what's working. she's been able to maintain a wonderful private life again after being in the limelight since she was 12 years old. i think there's a certain expectation that americans have that we don't have a royal family in our country but we
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have a first family. we're interested in the children of our first families and watching them grow up, particularly when you see a young girl grow up into this young woman, successful in her own right and really maintain a life that seems to make her quite happy. i think there's part of thaws just feel proud of that transition that our first families and particularly first children can make. >> okay. i want to talk about the cost. this is what grabs so many people's attention from the very beginning. rows mary, maybe i'll start with you. i know everyone will wan to weigh in on this. there was speculation this wedding was costing $2 to $5 million. i even asked ed henry our white house correspondent. i said, are you serious? did they send that kind of money? he said that was so blown out of proportion. nobody can confirm those numbers. it's just that we didn't know
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anything. everybody was speculating what it cost. >> it seems to be anyone's guess how much the wedding can cost. we do know the average american wedding costs $22,000. this was considerably more lavish. >> no average american wedding, that's for sure. when we asked the president's aide how much of the expenses the clintons picked up and also whether the -- what percentage of the federal, state, and local government were responsible for security, we were passed off to the new york state police and also to the secret service. >> i'll tell you what, when i heard numbers the wedding cake could have cost $11,000, i'd sure like to taste that cake, ladies. i don't know if there would be a special king cake with the goody. >> wrapped in gold. >> then you've got to buy the next one. that would be scary. let me ask you about that. you dealt with the bushes and their daughter's wedding. we're talking about a former
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president who dealt with issues of poverty and economy and lack of jobs. you've got an active secretary of state that deals with issues of poverty and hunger around the world. when it comes to something like this, and you want to give your only daughter everything, you want to give her that wedding that's for a princess, do you have to step back and think, we've got to think about how this could be perceived or the image that maybe we're spending too much money and this might not look so good? >> i think all politicians are sensitive to perception. they are public persona, sensitive to what the public thinks. again, i think this is a private event. the clintons are able to and want to give this kind of event to their daughter, i really think it needs to just stay right there. >> all right, ladies. we're going to keep talking about this more. stay with me. why all the mystery before and after the wedding. will our guests have some insight into chelsea clinton and why she is so private coming up
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welcome back to "larry king live." i'm kyra phillips sitting in for larry tonight. we are talking about the wedding fit for a princess. did we find out anything more about the very private chelsea clinton? joining in on the conversation sally quinn, journalist and author, founder and co-moderator from "washington post," and editor-at-large at "the daily
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beast," lloyd grove. welcome to your both. lloyd, i can't hear you. check that and say hello. >> hello. >> there we go. thank you, lloyd. check out this picture. i found this of hillary clinton and bill clinton when they first got married. look at that. in her dress from dillard's. quite a switch from the vera wang that chelsea wore and marc. yes, exactly. lloyd, what did you think of the dress? i have to ask you, the dress and the whole look and dad walking her down the aisle. >> you've come to the right man for that. the one thing i would say, she looked beautiful, she was gorgeous. from dillard's to vera wang, upward mobility is this country and the clintons reflect that. >> that's a good point. upward mobility hasn't been the perfect fairy tale as well. talk about a family, as some have described, a very popular
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soap opera. >> and chelsea from a very young age toughened up. when she was 6 years old and she was in politics they would school her how brutal politics can be at the dinner table. it only got tougher when she got into the white house. luckily the press gave her her space. on the other hand she had to live through a terrible crucible with the monica lewinsky episode. >> let me ask you about that. what is, i would love to know, and i would love you all to pipe in on this, do we know what the true relationship is between the father that walked that bride down the aisle? is she daddy's little girl, lloyd, or is she -- does she look up to mom, the strong female role model in her life. >> she's very close to her parents. she campaigned relentlessly for her mother in 2008. i followed her around various
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states. she met with people. she answered questions very, very personal. not from the press. her father, they were very close. i was once at a party. across a crowded room, i saw her mouthing the words "i love you" to her dad. whose heart wouldn't melt at that? >> wow. so sally quinn, i think there's been a lot of speculation through the years that maybe chelsea has harbored some tough feelings towards her dad because of the monica lewinsky scandal. how do you see it? you're connected to everybody in the washington circle? >> i have to tell you, you have never seen more crazed and frantic reporters last week than i've seen in washington, because nobody knows anything. people calling me in the middle of the night saying what do you know? give me anything, a name, a face, a date, a day, a detail. so everybody has been
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speculating because nobody knows anything. i think one of the things that's most touching about this couple, lloyd was mentioning the whole monica lewinsky scandal and what chelsea went through. of course, marc's father was in jail for a number of years for fraud. and both were children of politicians. they both went to stanford. i think that was really a bonding relationship for both of them. they can help -- they have been able to help each other and support each other and understand each other. clearly she's very close to both her parents and he's close to his parents, too. i think that having each other to talk to, they understand what the other one has been through better than anyone else in the entire world. that's been extraordinary for both of them. >> i see. >> also, not much has been made of the interfaith marriage sally, i wanted to lead to that. >> yes. >> you wrote on your blog. >> yeah.
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>> i want to point that out, because we've been following that. you wrote a fabulous article about the fact that he's jewish, she's methodist. why did the spiritual aspects of this union seem so important to you? >> well, you know, interfaith marriages now are 37% of marriages in this country, which i think is a number really shocking to a lot of people. but it is difficult, because people have to decide what kind of relationship and what kind of faith they want to follow. interfaith marriages are about three times more likely to break up than marriages where they are both of the same faith. but it seemed very touching that they wanted to incorporate both of their religions into this. they had the thing they stand under, the breaking of the
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glass, he wore the prayer shawl. the danced, carried the bride and groom around on chairs. so there was a lot of jewish tradition in this marriage. and they also had a minister as well. but i think it seems to me that what they are basically saying is we're going to come together as a couple, a married couple, and we're going to be inclusive in our relationship with each other and our faith. so i suspect they will probably decide to celebrate all and observe all of the religious holidays. they will probably decide to bring their children up understanding and being pluralistic. i think that's very healthy. it's a very american wedding in that sense. >> we're going to keep talking about it. all of you stay with us. more on the wedding of the year coming up next. ctive ingredient so it's effectively absorbed. for 24-hour relief, try dual-ingredient zegerid otc.
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and welcome back to "larry king live." we're talking chelsea clinton wedding scoop. we were talking during the
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break, nia, you wanted to add in on the relationship between chelsea and her father. you said, really, she kind of became known as the bridge between the parents. >> yeah. there's an iconic image of her across the lawn. her parents, she's holding their hands. at the time the monica lewinsky scandal was breaking. people are breathlessly speculating about that. there she is between her parents. i think that's one of the most iconic images of chelsea clinton and certainly speaks to her respect and probably forgiveness for her father in that situation. >> interesting. so lloyd, what do you think chelsea has learned about marriage observing her parents? >> well, that's a really tough question. i think in some ways her parents have a good marriage. it's a very -- they are interested in the same things.
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they are both politicians. so on that level, chelsea has learned that a marriage can be good in that respect if you have a common interest and work together, as certainly bill and hillary have done politically. >> and anita, you were pointing out faith is going to play -- as sally is talking about, the article she wrote about on interfaith marriage, that's going to be key to a lasting marriage to them. i think right away they said this was important, they would start out right away. you could see in the joy on their faces when they took their vows. you are right. the faith will help them appreciate the good times they will celebrate in their lives from this point forward or also help them weather the challenges that all marriages face. and so clearly i think that's a very hopeful and happy sign to have seen that.
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>> sally, you made a great point. these are two young adults that came from families that had huge scandals with their fathers. do you think that's helped them bond? >> i think certainly that had a huge affect on them. also, when you asked what they have learn about marriage, they can look at their parents and see the mistakes that were made and can learn from those mistakes. one would hope they could learn from those mistakes. one of the things clearly they have decided to do is to lead a much more private life than their parents. i mean, their parents are very, very public people. as we were talking earlier, lloyd said she was schooled from an early age about how difficult politics are and the kind of scrutiny you get and the kind of criticism. she clearly has shied away from that. i would be surprised if she
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decided to have a political career or whether he did. i think they both have decided that one of the things that is difficult in any marriage is to have that kind of scrutiny. so i think they have learned a lot from their parents about that. what they don't want as well as what they do want. >> nia, what do you think? >> i think she's exactly right. i think one of the examples -- i think one of the reasons people admire chelsea clinton so much and even her husband who has been through these scandals, they very much avoided pitfalls of famous folks -- famous people, you're going to talk about lindsay lohan a little later. >> you even said, what a contrast. how do you go from chelsea to lindsay lohan? we're going to do it. >> people kind of famous for not doing anything or famous for misbehaving, she has very much avoided those pitfalls. >> parents that were very
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involved in her life and his. i think that really makes a difference, too. >> what a perfect segue. that's exactly what we're going to talk about, lindsay lohan, talk about a different set of parents than what chelsea clinton had. anybody? do we know where they are honeymooning? that's the next question. lloyd, do you have any scoop? >> i'm monitoring tmz minute by minute. >> i just don't want any 3:00 a.m. phone calls asking me where they are on their honeymoon. >> sally, lloyd, nia, anita, what a great conversation. we had such little information and we did it. breaking news. thanks, guys, to all of you. appreciate it so much. all right. well, despite what you may have seen on twitter, bill cosby is alive and well and he's with us next. not aleve. nothing lasts longer than advil. pain relief that lasts. one more reason to make advil your #1 choice.
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well, i thought we had some breaking news tonight.
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the top trending topic on twitter today was bill cosby's death. here is the problem. he ain't dead. as a matter of fact, he's on the phone with me right now very much alive. bill, i'm very glad that you're not dead and i sure hope you feel the same way. >> hello. hello. >> we do have breaking news. bill cosby has called in to give me his last dying wish. and it is? it is -- what is it, bill? >> lazarus, part four. look, i don't want this person or whatever, i don't want them to do this anymore. this is my fourth time being reported. >> let's let folks now how this happened. it happened on twitter. how did you find out about it? are you on twitter? >> yes. >> that's pretty hip. >> that's not how i found out. >> how did you find out? >> i found out when my daughter called, my daughter called the house.
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someone picked up, and she said is -- is my father there? and the person said, yes. she said, is he -- he is all right? and they said, i think so. and so then they put her on hold and they got me. and she said, dad, people are calling me. are you all right? so she had to -- it had to hit her where usually if you hear about your mother, your father, someone in your family, a friend, and it is no longer fun. it's something, i had friends call me from an owner of a restaurant that my wife and i frequent.
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and that person said his son called him crying, and then he started to cry, and then the staff started to cry. now, i don't know, maybe psychiatrists will say i'm feeding this person's ego. but i just want to say to friends of that person, just tell them to stop, because it isn't funny. i went -- the first time i heard one, and as i said before, this the fourth time. the first time i heard one, i went to mark twain's old classic piece about the rumors -- >> reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. >> exactly. so i went to that. and then later when it showed up again, my wife let me know. and she was upset about it.
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i went into, i would like to write a rebuttal and got into the word rebuttaling. my wife said there's no such word. i said, i don't care, i'm alive and i can make up any word i want. that proves i'm alive, because i made up a word. so i'm rebuttaling. then when this one showed up, i had malcolm jamal warner's mother, the fellow that plays theo, called me. even though she heard my voice and she talked to me, it was as heavy and she didn't like what had happened. and i think that this time, people like harry jefferson calling, this time people are not amused by this. >> right.
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it's hard on your friends and your family. so how do we turn this around, bill? should we -- you've definitely made your point. hopefully this character is going to stop, because it does. it effects the family, i think, more than anybody else. that's unfair. but when it comes to you and we all love you as one of our favorite comedians, i guess this would be the perfect opportunity for me to ask you, all right, so when you do die, what's that conversation going to be like, that one-on-one talk that you're going to have with god? >> i don't know. but i do know i have an impression of what hell is like? >> and that is? >> it's where everybody is laughing, but there's nothing funny. >> oh, no. now you're scaring me. >> so you better be good. >> you've already warned me on
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that. now, you know, have you thought about who you'd like to speak at your funeral? >> no. a guy asked me -- a guy asked me, he said, if they make a movie of your life who would you like to play you? >> and? >> and i said, steven wright. >> tell me why. >> obviously you've never seen steven wright. >> you need to school me. >> i want you to look up steven right before the program is over. have your people rush and get a picture of steven wright performing and that's where the punch line -- you've got people right now laughing. as a matter of fact, why don't you go into -- >> i'm going to get on twitter right now and i'm going to ask who steven wright is. >> see if you can get a picture of steven wright and it will be wonderful. >> i promise.
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i'm going to have that by the end of the show and it's going to be a shout-out to you. i don't want to forget any highlights in your obit. tell me what i must not forget when i'm on here for real and i'm talking about your life. >> and i've passed away? >> yes. >> you don't owe me any money. >> at this point i don't. great. that will make me feel very, very wonderful. >> bill cosby, thanks so much for calling in. what a pleasure. >> good luck on your wedding. >> thank you so much. i hope you'll be there. i don't know. i'm thinking that maybe if nobody knows about it, i might create hype like chelsea's wedding and finally have some privacy. what do you think? >> over my dead body. >> no pun intended. so glad you're alive, bill. thank you for the love. >> thank you. lindsay lohan is out of jail and in rehab. we've got the very latest next.
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all right. so this is steven wright. are we able to get a close shot, jose? there we go. there is the picture. fantastic. thank you for bringing that up on the ipod. yes, bill cosby said this the man when he does die, he wants steven wright to play him in the life story. the picture tells it all, folks. steve, i hope you're ready for that role.
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lindsay lohan was released from jail in california this morning. she did go into drug rehab where she'll spend 90 days, the full 90 days, trying to overcome alcohol and possibly other addictions. we have greg hannley, the owner of a recovery center in california. also tara conner, miss usa in 2006. you might not remember her crown but you'll remember allegations of drug abuse. she entered rehab and was allowed to keep her title. tara, why don't we start with you. your first reaction to what's going on with lindsay lohan. >> i think a lot of people saw it coming. i think she's been spiraling downhill a little bit for the past few years. so i don't think i was really surprised. >> are you -- we're talking
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about somebody with a lot of talent. a beautiful young woman when she's all put together. fame, fortune. it came to her at a very young age. you received the crown. you're obviously a beautiful young woman. you had a lot of attention on you at a very young age. is that too easy of an excuse to say i just had too much coming at me at such a young age and i couldn't handle it? >> i think that anyone that suffers from alcoholism and addiction, it doesn't discriminate who you are, what your background is, what you've accomplished, how successful you are. i think it can happen to anybody. yes, i do think it's an excuse if someone says, i've been so busy, so tired. it's excuse after excuse. i've used them all. i know every excuse in the book.
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like i said, it can happen to anyone. excuses are just excuses. >> a lot of people would say, wow, you're so beautiful. you were crowned miss usa. you had the future right there in front of you. you could do anything you want. why is she struggling with alcohol and drugs? >> i think that what a lot of people don't know is i started my struggle with alcoholism and addiction at 14 years old. >> why is that? what happened at 14 that started that? >> i think life was just in session for me. i really didn't have the tools nor did i have the capacity to react to certain situations better than what i did. so what would be normal for most people to just brush it off their shoulder, for me it was exemplified by 10%. everything was so much bigger than it actually was. so what i needed to do was i needed to find a way to check out or numb myself out because i couldn't process normal emotions like normal people can do. any alcoholic or addict can't handle their emotions. drinking is just a symptom. if you're an alcoholic, you're
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always going to have these emotions. i have them today. i use the tools i received from the caring foundation to keep up my day-to-day life. it's a constant battle. but if you stay on it and keep it your number one priority, you'll be okay. >> daniel baldwin, i want to bring you in. i understand we're connected to you. greg said, i don't know if he's going to make it, he's in between golf holes in oregon. you got away from the golf course to join us for an interesting discussion. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. it's interesting you said why is this woman struggling with her addiction. if you were to ask the same question, why does this woman have cancer, you'd say because she has cancer. this woman has a disease. she doesn't have a choice in it. she has a disease. it's not a fault thing. it's now a matter of whether or not she's going to go and get her chemotherapy and decide she's going to try to beat this disease or succumb to it and kill someone in a car or die of
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an overdose. >> i know we just got you connected and came in in the middle of the conversation. let me clarify, because i want you to speak to this, too. the same question could be addressed to you. what we were saying is a number of people that are not in the position that you were in or tara was in or lindsay lohan was in, you know, just average joe smith that has a job and a family and hasn't struggled with this disease, okay, is sitting at home wondering, wow, daniel baldwin, he's an actor. he comes from this famous family. he's so talented. why would he need drugs and alcohol. i think you bring up an interesting point that there is a misconception that just because you're a talented, good looking, successful person, that's the easy way to have a good time, because you've got money and lots of people around
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you with all of these temptations. >> that's why i use the cancer analogy, kyra, it knows no racial or socioeconomic boundaries, it's a disease. so from the indigent person that uses and lives on the street to the lindsay lohans, daniel baldwins, whoever they might be. it's that mind-set. it's no different than any other disease. she suffers from an affliction that's treatable, she can keep it in remission. there's no cure for addiction. she'll have to work a program of action, which is why i wanted greg to be on the show, because i have been to rehab nine times. i've been to nine, some of the best in the world, that write the books. until i moved into his facility and surrendered to his program, i didn't get it. because when you live in that protective bubble, all the catchphrases and holding hands, kumbaya, the whole bit, it doesn't help you when you get
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out of that bubble to live a sober life. the best thing she could possibly do is get out of ucla and call greg hannley. >> stay with me. i'm going to take a quick break and be right back. hoo? omnaris. [ men ] omnaris -- to the nose! [ man ] did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, nosebleed, and sore throat. [ inhales deeply ] i told my allergy symptoms to take a hike. omnaris. ask your doctor. battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause. get omnaris for $11 at got the gecko t-shirt... "4 million drivers switched!" gecko water bottle... notebook... chamois...
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all right. let's check in with anderson cooper see what's happening on "360" tonight. hey, anderson. >> kyra, the battle over illegal immigration heating up again in arizona. tonight top ranking senate republicans say the way to reform immigration is to change the constitution. they want hearings on the 14th amendment which gives automatic citizenship to kids in america, should they get to be americans if their parents broke the law? also tonight new figures out on how much oil was flowing bought gulf of mexico. scientists in charge of determining the flow rate now believe nearly 5 million barrels of oil has spilled in the gulf. what all that means for bp tonight. the manhunt still under way in arizona after three felons broke out of prison. two fugitives still at large
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plus a female accomplice believed to help the fugitives. we'll look at where they might be, where they might get captured and where the manhunt is unfolding at the top of the hour. kyra. >> anderson, thanks. we're back talking about lindsay lohan and her problems and whether or not she can overcome them. i want to get to you, the recovery center in malibu where daniel went to rehab. you know, is that where lindsay should be, not in a jail cell but right into rehab? >> where she's at is right where she needs to be right now. i think the fact she got transferred directly from jail to ucla shows that there's some type of other issues that need to be addressed. it's very unusual to see something like that happen. i think the judge, from what i'm seeing is doing it right down
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the line to save her life. this is a life and death situation for her right now. >> daniel, let me ask you a question because you were talking about this is a disease. she is battling addiction. but you know, she comes into court and she has f-u painted on her fingernails. or is that no class and disrespedisra disrespe disrespectful. >> lindsay is lindsay's own worse enemy right now. she just keeps getting in her way, because she won't surrender to the fact that she has this disease and this problem. so it's going to probably take the l.a. court system and a smart judge to put the screws to her and get her to see the light of day unless she wants to stay in jail for a prolonged amount
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of time. whatever your bottom is, you will reach it, and there is a new bottom waiting for you each time. the biggest problem that i think she has is that you see that as saying f-u on both fingers, and being stubborn, i think it's the addict that knows if she doesn't get her way out on the street, it's much longer that she will have to be waiting to get her next thing again. >> i hate to speak on behalf of lindsay. however, for me, i was ready to get sober. when i went through my very public demise, i needed to go through that. the great thing about hitting the bottom, you can touch down and bounce back up. hopefully she is in a position where she is being forced to be held accountable for her
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actions. i think a judge did a perfect thing, and i don't feel like she was in jail long enough, but putting her straight into a facility was the perfect thing to do. the day they told me to go into rehab, i missed christmas and my birthday and new year's, but it was the best day of my life. i hope for her that she takes this time to reach in and say what exactly is going on and learn what the necessary steps are, because she is a talented actress, and i admire her in a lot of ways, and i know she can do better than what she was doing, and her disease is holding her back. >> we are talking about a lot of people from a very young age. tara started drink at 14 up until adulthood, and struggled with the same thing.
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like tara said, how do you reach that lost little girl at a point like this? what is your solution? how do you do it? >> well, it's being familiar with the way that they feel. i see the inconsistencies and the way they feel about themselves. just like tara said, how people try to treat that is through ego, and small acts, and you can go anywhere in the world for a short length of time and the results will be the same, but this is a chronic illness. it's going to be needed -- it's going to be need to be treated indefinitely. it's something that she will need to go every single day and deal with her recovery in one
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form or another to become recovered. otherwise, it's just a vicious cycle. it doesn't matter who they are or where it's from or whether it's a celebrity or a drunk, it's everybody has the same opportunity if they want it, and she just has to want it bad enough. stay with me, guys. that's the good in. more when "larry king" returns. t immediate comfort... ... and, you could save a couple hundred bucks. for locations see
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welcome back to "larry king li life -- live." he is on a well deserved vacation. >> i want to give everybody out there watching this a gift. greg, what is the website. >> if you have a child, a husband
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or wife, sibling, whatever it may be, do yourself a favor and go to the website and give these people a call and help somebody by giving them the greatest lift of their life, sobriety. >> are you sober, tara? >> yes, for three years. >> greg, are you staying strong? >> we were just talking about it. i am staying strong through being able to help others. and if i am able to sit down and help somebody, i am not thinking about myself so much. that's when things get tricky is when we are just sitting around and doing something spiritual, and doing something to get on their feet is a good thing. that's how we recover or esteem and spirit and that's how we maintain our recovery whether it's drugs or alcohol, or anything that, you know -- when
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i talk to people i say here is the level. if alcohol, drugs, if something is interfering with you having a good life, then it needs some attention. and i tell people all the time, it's kind of like rebooting. we get just a stop and take a look at your life. see how you are living it, and determine if you want to continue living fear, ego, just running hard with no destination, or if you want to move into where you are comfortable where you are sitting. that's what i finally realized, is where i was at is where i was trying to get whole my whole life. >> you hit it on the head, something spiritual that you found in recovery, and daniel, you find it on the beautiful golf


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