tv Larry King Live CNN August 4, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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gulf. here's the rest of it. according to a government report, 74% of the oil is gone. the remaining 26% is either degradinging or being cleaned up on shore. that's it for us. we'll see you tomorrow. here now, "larry king live." -- captions by vitac -- >> larry: tonight -- "family guy" creator seth mack far lane. >> i want you to meet your family. >> you're my family? >> larry: his twisted dysfunctional even perverse take on mom, dad and the kids have made him hollywood's $100 million man. the highest paid writer in television. and onliness y in his 30s. he's an equal opportunity offender. christians, gays, sarah palin, you name it, nothing, no one, off limits. >> i met larry king. >> name dropper!
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>> larry: cruel or cool? wicked or wonderful? seth macfarlane, next. >> as usual, you had to ruin it. >> larry: on "larry king live." that is funny stuff. by the way, we have a group, a gang of nice-looking people in the studio from the pacific ridge school in carlsbad, california, all high school student, here as fans of our special guest seth mcfarlane. the emmy-winning creator. there they are. he's the emmy-winning creator of "the family guy," "the cleveland show." and "american dad." just to open things up, the 150th episode of "family guy" debuts sunday may 2nd on fox. here is a sneak peek.
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>> well, stewy, come on, you don't know how to use that thing. >> oh, really? what if i hold it sideways like a black guy? >> take it easy. i don't want any trouble. >> there's not going to be any trouble as long as you eat my poo. >> that's not happening. >> i'll be forced to shoot you. >> go ahead, there aren't any bullets in that gun. >> i don't believe you. >> shoot me. >> i will. >> do it. >> what are you waiting for? >> i will, i'll blow your [ bleep ] head off. >> larry: you know you are sick. >> i have a lot of problems. >>. >> larry: how did all this start for you? you were a cartoonist? >> yeah, i had been drawing cartoons since i was about 2 years old. my parents have woody wood pecs and friend flintstones from way, way, way back. and my first job was doing a cartoon, weekly strip for our local small town paper when i was about 9 years old. and they paid me 5 bucks a week to do one cartoon a week. >> larry: so you were first a cartoonist? >> yeah, yeah. i didn't fall into writing until
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much later. i had -- i was pretty hellbent on getting into the cartoon business. specifically as an artist. from the get-go. >> larry: why television? >> uh -- >> larry: the simpson ts affect you? >> yeah. it wasn't always television. when disney had their resurgence in the late '80s, early '90s -- >> larry: we're showing drawing, of when you were 10 years old. >> oh, yeah, walter crouton, sure. like all 9 year olds, i was really into walter cronkite. and i -- you know, i wanted to work for disney for a long time. you know, when they had their resurgence with "the little merma mermaid" and "beauty and the beast" and whatnot. i thought this is what i want to do. and then "the simpsons "came along and kind of rewrote the landscape of animation. >> larry: you hardly fit disney. >> yeah, yeah. >> larry: walt would flip over -- >> yeah, it's good that didn't
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happen. >> larry: that clip we showed. unusual episode. basically, one setting. a locked bank vault. two characters. brian and stewy. you voice both of them. is that hard to do? >> it's, it's, it's gotten easy, believe it or not. there are things that are hard about the series. that's, strangely, an easy thing. when we do our table reads for the show. i have to sort of jump back and forth. from this guy. then this guy. then back to this guy. it's become almost second nature because i know those characters so well at this point. initially, it was a bit of a challenge. but it's -- now it's -- now it's just -- it's second nature. >> larry: what was your first hit? first hit show was? >> was "family guy." i wrote for a show called "johnny bravo" on cartoon network that aired for a few years. actually, it's sort of a cult hit in its own right. created by a friend of mine. but, yeah, "family guy" was, was, you know, my first --
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>> larry: so it's -- >> some would say only hit. but -- >> larry: well, "cleveland's" pretty good. that's an offshoot of -- >> yeah, yeah. >> larry: you "the simpsons" and went raw, right? >> yeah, i mean, you try to take what's good about your predecessors and take it to the next level. i think there's a -- you know, originality is important. at the same time, when "all in the family" came out, there were a lot of great shows that followed that were taking a cue from that show. look how well they did this. this is new. let's do more versions of this. >> larry: do you think to yourself, i'm gutsy? >> not really. i guess maybe that makes me a little desensitized. >> larry: so there's no limit on you, is there? >> there is. we have long extended conversations about what we should or should not do. >> larry: give me a topic you turned down. >> um, if something is, is a recent tragedy of some kind.
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>> larry: death? >> yeah, yeah. if there's a recent plane crash, we obviously will not make a joke about it. we'll wait, you know -- >> larry: a month? >> yeah. you beat me to the joke, larry. >> larry: okay. get this, "family guy" debuted after the 1999 super bowl. and includes a skreechb peter griffin watching philadelphia. right? tragic movie about a gay. he thinks it's a comedy and laughs when tom hank's character announces he had aids. >> yep. >> larry: from what mind came -- >> well, there's -- there's a certain type of new englander that i grew up with. i knew a lot of these guys. who, who -- their hearts were in the right place, but they weren't the most critical, the most in depth thinkers out there. and, you know, peter griffin embodies that, that type of guy, and in his mind, everything that he had seen tom hanks in up to that point was hilarious. so he was looking for the
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comedy. he went to see "philadelphia" looking for the jokes. >> larry: so when the aids comes out, he cracks? >> yeah, he loses it. >> larry: that's just the beginning, folks. seth mcfarlane's our guest. producer. writer. animator. he's everything. seth ticks off a lot of people. does he get any threats against him? next. [ male announcer ] there's complete. and then there's most complete. like what you get from centrum ultra men's. the most complete multivitamin for men. it has antioxidants to help support your immunity and nutrients like vitamin d for your colon. centrum ultra men's.
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♪ all you see is violence and movies on sex on tv ♪ >> larry: brian and stewie are overseeing things here tonight. that's scary. they're in the control room right now pushing buttons. look at this. if we are on the air, i'm not sure we're on. ♪ he's a family guy there they are. how did you come up with them? >> well, stewie is --
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>> larry: is what? >> he's based -- believe it or not, the character is based on rex harrison of all people. the character actor. >> larry: "my fair lady." >> "agony and the ecstasy." he's a guy who just -- i always found him very amusing when i was in high school and college. something very, very interesting about his mannerisms. >> larry: you take a lot of risks obviously. >> yeah. >> larry: have you run into trouble? have you had threats? >> i've never had a death threat that i know of. a lot of the hate mail gets screens -- prescreened by fox. i've never received anything that's -- >> larry: now, fox is not known as a nonpolitical place, the news network, certainly. have you ever gotten flak from the murdocks? >> no. all the years i've been there i've never met rupert murdoch.
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my theory is the guy is a business man first and a republican second. if something with a distinctly liberal slant is doing good for the company, he's not going to step in and -- >> larry: money counts? >> yeah, yeah. >> larry: an islamic group, revolution muslim, is warning "south park" creators mark stone and trey park they're they could be killed because of their depiction of the prophet muhammad. seth's show has taken on just about every religious faith. we got him at that. he also mocked osama bin laden in a historic piece. watch. >> this is a message to all american infidels. prepare to die in a sea of holy fire. you will be punished for your decadent ways on the first day of ram -- wait? what did i say? ramadan. what is that? yeah, maybe dennis rodman is going to punish you with his crazy hair.
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no? what's that? right, right, yeah, no. okay, okay, all right, let's go again. okay. >> larry: did you get any flak on that? >> we didn't get any flak. i think probably the difference there is bin laden is not a deity. >> larry: right. making fun of -- >> it just struck us as kind of funny this very extreme situation set in this very mundane setting. he's got to keep doing takes. and he can't not laugh. >> larry: did you ever get letters from the fcc? >> we've had a few what are called letters of inquiry that i'm sure -- i mean, i don't know if you've ever had any run-ins -- >> larry: well, a few in the past. what did you say and why did you say it? >> with ours, it was -- i think it was regarding an episode about the fcc. we did an episode in which peter goes up against the fcc. and the fcc said, can you please send us a copy of this?
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and we were sitting there sweating bullets. they essentially called us back and said we thought it was pretty funny. >> larry: does fox ever blue pencil you? >> yeah. you mean do they snip things out of the show? yeah, yeah. not -- >> larry: curse words they snip? >> yes, yeah. our show is, is big enough on the dvd market that we do two versions these days. we do the bleeped version for air and we do essentially a director's cut of every episode for dvd. so all the things that we can't get on air are on the dvds but -- >> larry: you are an industry? >> i guess, yeah. yeah, that's enough to give me an ulcer. >> larry: earlier this year, "family guy" took flak for an episode in which chris griffin date ad a girl with downs syndrome. here's a clip. >> you going to be this rude all evening? you haven't asked me anything about myself. >> oh, um, sorry. um, uh, so what do you parents
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could? >> that's better. my dad's an accountant. my mom is the former governor of alaska. >> larry: okay. now, i understand, down syndrome -- >> yeah, that's right, that episode -- >> larry: a down syndrome girl did that, right? >> yes, yes. >> larry: you found someone -- >> yes, it was the only way we can do that, is the actress has to have down syndrome. it's like it's the only way the episode is okay. she has to be depicted as a dimensional character. we figured, let's just make her just an incredibly domineering bitch, you know? >> larry: sarah palin had a reaction. watch. >> so, governor what do you think? it's pretty nasty, is it not? >> this world is full of cruel, cold-hearted people who would do such a thing. i look at trigg and he's going to face things as special needs children will be facing much more difficult than we ever will.
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so why make it tougher on the special needs community? when is enough enough? and when are we going to be willing to say, you know, some things just aren't really funny? >> i agree with you. this guy macfarlan lap who did , but there's got to be some standards. >> larry: pot calling the kettle black. how do you react to that? were you hurt? >> no, no, i -- no way was i emotionally scarred. i don't think so. i don't consider myself a hater. i'm a fairly optimistic person. >> larry: do you think sarah's critique had any merit? >> as much as i disagree with just about everything she stands for, i do think at the end of the day, probably to some
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degree -- i think it was part political -- you know, partially politically motivate and part genuine. she is a mom. she probably was tikd off on some level. but what those percentages are, i couldn't tell you. >> larry: terry shevo, the musical. we'll talk about it next with seth mcfarlane. >> all right, everybody, off we go. we're going to have such a great time. hello? >> hey, peter. >> just taking the family on vacation. >> that's good. hang on a second, i'm stuck behind some fat ass driving too close. >> hang on, some jerk behind me is honking his horn. i got to kick this guy's ass. >> i got to kick this guy's ass. >> i'll call you back after fight. >> me too. >> good luck in yours. >> good luck in yours. like the cts sport sedan. the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a "car and driver" 10 best, three years in a row.
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you know, they say chuck norris is so tough there's no chin under his beard. there is only another fist. >> that's ridiculous. chuck norris? >> i'm sure it will go as well as liza minnelli's "playboy" shoot. >> oh, god, please put your clothes back on. >> mama. mama. do you love me now, mama? >> ben stiller. help me. >> no, peter. i heard what you said about my movies. >> how'd you hear? >> hello! >> hey, paris. i'm a friend of jesus's. check it out. i have a cool bag too, and it has a dog in it, just like yours. >> hi, paris. i'm meg. >> i met larry king. >> name dropper! >> larry: should i be honored? seth macfarlane's our guest. his show provoked an outcry with a musical about the late terri schiavo. we reached out to them today, and terri's brother bobby had this question for you. how do you justify using the term "vegetable" to describe any human being when its only
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intention is to denigrate and dehumanize, just like the "n" word? >> well, my first response would be it's not a human being, it's a cartoon. but you know, i think -- this is -- this was a touchy area. because the idea was -- keep in mind, this is a play within a play. and this is an instance where you see the griffin family in the audience reacting in a way that is -- they themselves are a little put off. and we've done this a few times on the show, in which there is something that is done in extreme -- you know, one could argue questionable taste. but you've got to have somebody there who's reacting to that in a negative way. and that's something that we sort of tried to include, with brian and chris sitting in the audience kind of reacting wide-eyed at this show.
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they were seeing. it's kids putting on a play. you know, whether the -- whether that term is denigrating is for the viewer to judge. >> larry: did you have second thoughts about it? >> we didn't because this was something that was exploited by the media long before we even got to it. this is an instance of something that was out there forever. i mean, it was -- it was all over the press everywhere. and for an animated show like ours, i mean, that's what we do. not to comment on it in some way is -- you know, that's just not how it operates. >> larry: do you always feel you're walking a line? >> yeah. you do. you don't want to be nasty for the sake of being nasty. i mean, if you are actually depicting, you know, for example, terri schiavo, as opposed to a deliberately inappropriate kids' play, then
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you have serious discussions, are we doing this -- is this just cruel? is this just mean? and there are a lot of those discussions that go on in the writer's room in a day-to-day basis. i think there's a vision of hollywood writers as this hedonistic bunch who are just out to make their dough and do something that's going to be there for shock value. not the case. i mean, my writers -- most of them are married. they have children. there's a lot of discussions that we have within that room, is this funny enough? is it satirical enough that it warrants the edginess of the material? >> larry: must be a lot of jokes in the room. >> yeah. it's -- there are a few. there are a few. >> larry: seth almost was not here. he almost was not around. he has a connection to 9/11, next. where there's magic. and you now understand what nature's been hiding. ♪ at dow we understand the difference between innovation and invention. invention is important.
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♪ [ speaking foreign language ] >> love it. >> hate it. >> love it. >> hate it. >> what? oh, no. >> fatso, punch your baby in the face. >> larry: you know, my 11-year-old and 9-year-old, they love this show. they don't get it all of the time. but that's your purpose, right? >> that's deliberate. if we are doing our jobs right, it's the kind of thing where parents can watch the show and get a laugh knowing exactly what we're talking about, and it just goes over the kids' heads. >> larry: and you don't let them watch the dvds? >> i wouldn't. i wouldn't, no. >> larry: on 9/11 you were scheduled to be on american airlines flight 11 from boston to l.a. you didn't get on the plane. that plane went into the world trade center. someone tweeted this to king thing -- does seth feel any kind of divine intervention over this narrow escape? what happened?
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>> i -- you know, i get asked that a lot, actually. it's -- i don't -- no, i'm not a religious person. i do believe in coincidences. i think that's just -- they happen. and i've missed a lot of flights before. about half of the flights that i was booked on prior to that flight i had missed because -- >> larry: you are that kind of person? >> yeah. i overslept or i was out too late the night before or whatnot, so it -- you know, it was -- >> larry: so where were you that day? were you at the airport? >> i was at the airport, yeah. i was in the lounge sleeping. and i woke up and there was a commotion, and i walked in and -- >> larry: you had missed that plane? >> i had missed that plane, yeah. and it was on television, and i said, my god, that's the flight that i was supposed to be booked on. and my first thought was, we should all get out of this airport because they were just here and god knows if they left any -- left anything here at the airport. you know, that --
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>> larry: don't you feel, what, lucky? >> yes. very -- yes. very, very, very lucky. very, very fortunate. >> larry: did someone get your ticket? >> that i do not know. you know? i've never investigated that. i, i, i -- that would be a -- that would be a job for the press, i guess, to dig that one up. because i've never looked into that. >> larry: nothing funny that day? >> nothing funny that day. no, no, no. and that's -- 9/11 was something that -- i mean, that's an interesting example of something that you don't -- you've got to pick just the right time to touch it in any kind of humorous way, even if you're making a comment, a satirical comment on the incident. and there was a -- it was a long time before we felt it was okay. and now it's -- you know, now it's something that -- >> larry: mel brooks can do hitler. >> yeah, yeah, exactly. >> larry: we'll be back with seth macfarlane, the brilliant
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we're also welcoming students from pacific ridge school in carlsbad, california, as we mentioned earlier. they're watching our show in person tonight. and one of them, alex, has a question for seth. alex, go. >> will you do some of the voices of characters from "family guy"? >> larry: okay, yeah. let's see you do it. come on. that's a good question, alex. here we go. name them and do them. >> the entire cast of "one day at a time." i think that was the question. here we go. all right, all right. i'll bark like a seal for you, young man. okay. stewie. quagmire. giggity, giggity, giggity goo. that's quagmire. peter griffin, hello. it's me right behind there looking all tubby. and of course brian. not changing a whole lot there. those are the big four. those are the main ones. >> larry: how about cleveland? >> cleveland, you know, i don't -- thank god i don't do the voice of cleveland. i don't have to perform. >> larry: are you brian? >> i am brian, yep. but yeah, cleveland is voiced by
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a very funny comedian that i went to college with. >> larry: do voices come easily to you? are you a mimic? >> yeah. i used to do impressions a lot as a kid and, you know, i was always kind of fascinated by dialects and whatnot. and there's -- >> larry: is the brian character you? >> in some ways, yes. in some ways. >> larry: some ways or more ways? >> yeah, yeah. he's -- >> larry: we have some tweet questions. i'll lay them on you. is baby stewie gay or bisexual? >> we haven't really decided. there was a bit of press that came out a while back in which stewie was outed as being gay. and it was kind of taken out of context. it was in reference to an episode that we had thought we were going to do and then abandoned. but we haven't made that decision yet because we get a lot of comedic mileage out of both sides. >> larry: like the character that used to be on "saturday night live"? >> yeah. pat. >> larry: pat. >> yeah, yeah. >> larry: another question on
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our facebook page. will "family guy" ever come to the big screen? >> eventually, i can say almost with certainty that it will. it's -- you know, we all want to do it. fox wants to do it. it's just a matt >> larry: you need to have a great story. >> yeah. you have to have a great -- and we actually have a story. we know what it's going to be. the problem is when you're doing an animated show, it takes nine months to do each 22-minute episode, and there's no hiatus and it's just around the clock. so when do you do the movie? that's the problem "the simpsons" had. they went, what, 19, 20 years. we just don't have time to do this. it's enough work to do the show on a weekly basis. >> larry: why did "the simpsons" work? >> you know, we were talking about jackie gleason during the break. i would say for the same reason that -- when they used to ask him in interviews why did "the
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honeymooners" work and expect a fancy answer. and he just said, "because they were funny." i think at the core that's true of "the simpsons." i think it asks a lot of the audience. it asks them to be intelligent, and it asks them to keep up. and i think in comedy you always want to have your audience behind you and telling them to keep up. you don't ever want to be chasing them. >> larry: also tweeted, ask seth if he intends to do a show where he brings the characters from all three of his cartoons together. >> yes. in our "return of the jedi" episode. our third "star wars" spoof. we bring them all together. and we have a hurricane night in which the same hurricane basically blows through all three shows in the same night. and we have -- which is kind of an old sitcom tradition. >> larry: that's not done yet? >> not done yet but it will happen and that will involve all three shows. >> larry: when you sit down, do you start -- do all the writers
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sit together and you say, let's see now? >> yeah, yeah. the process of writing that show, it's the same process that they wrote, you know, "the honeymooners." it's the same process that they wrote "the brady bunch." you name it. it's the same process -- >> larry: you talk about the characters as if they were real. >> yeah. it's kind of a gray area. i mean, you do kind of get protective of these people. maybe not quagmire. we don't really care what happens to him. but everyone else. >> larry: like him? >> yeah, yeah. >> larry: he's a dolt. >> yeah. there is -- there is a sense of -- you want to avoid what we call character assassination. that term is bandied about in that makes peter so reprehensible that you're just never going to forgive him for it? you know, like if he murdered somebody. >> larry: that's right. thin line, as norman lear had to do with archie bunker. there had to be a side of him. >> and i think what was key there, and you know, we take a
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lot of cues from norman lear, is that as reprehensible as archie was in so many ways, every week you had edith there who clearly loved him and she basically said to the audience, you know what, it's okay to like this guy, i love him. and we try and do the same thing with lois. >> larry: and he loved her. >> yeah, yeah. >> larry: what's appropriate? what isn't? who decides? penn jillette and rachael harris, who don't mind offending people in the name of humor, will join us next. >> ow. damn it, peter, stop it. i've got to tell you you're pissing me off worse than when i watched the o.j. verdict with my old roommate. >> we, the jury, find the defendant, orenthal james simpson, not guilty. >> what the hell? >> yes! >> what? >> well, i am ready for my evening. >> oh, my god. peter, what the hell? >> what's that around your neck? i say, it is a little black jesus. ♪ black jesus pppppppppppppppppp
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>> larry: seth macfarlane, the emmy-winning creator of "the family guy," "the cleveland show," and "american dad" remains with us. it's his show tonight. and we're joined now by the supporting cast. pen jillette, magician, comedian, author and libertarian. he is the taller, talkative half of penn & teller. they play at the rio in las vegas. they also have a series called "b.s." on showtime. rachael harris, actress and comedienne, her film credits include "the hangover." one of the funniest movies ever made. and "diary of a wimpy kid." she also has been a correspondent on "the daily show." all right, guys. as we mentioned, the creators of "south park" are being threatened with possible assassination because their show included a representation of the prophet muhammad. here's a clip from that episode. >> you said you wanted [ bleep ]. we got him for you. >> we have no way of knowing if [ bleep ]'s really in there. it could be a trick. >> it's no trick, dude. my friend and i went to the super best friends and brought
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him here. >> then have him step out of the bear costume. you have until the count of ten. one -- >> don't do it, randy. if [ bleep ] is seen, we could get bombed. >> idiot. if he isn't seen, we are about to definitely get bombed. >> two. three. >> all right, all right. stop. we'll do what you say. i'm sorry, [ bleep ]. will you please step out of the bear costume? ♪ funny? what? penn? >> well, i don't think we -- any of us can say anything about anything to do with islam. i don't think you're allowed to say it. i think it's too dangerous, and i think when people like matt and trey, who are some of the best writers and the most talented people alive today, are threatened like that, everybody should be very, very scared.
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it says nothing about matt and trey. it only speaks to islam. >> larry: rachael? >> wow. well, my opinion is a little bit different. i feel like -- well, first of all, the guys that are watching the muslim revolution, right? i mean, if they're going to turn on "south park" and they're going to watch it, they should kind of know what they're getting into. it is not -- you know, it is as if -- >> larry: it is what it is? >> exactly. so i feel like if you're going to watch the show -- >> but i believe they believe that the very existence of that is an affront to their religion. it's not a question that they don't want to see it. it's not a question of taste. it's a question of morality. isn't that what they're claiming? >> right. but then they should go after every organization or every comic that's ever said anything and threaten to -- >> i think they plan to. >> right. but i -- >> larry: let's ask mr. macfarlane's thoughts. >> look, it's no secret, i think any combination of angry plus deity equals nuts equals danger. you know, the question becomes,
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at what point is it worth it? at what point is it worth it for them to, you know, put themselves at risk? is the joke so hilarious we want to risk our lives? i don't know. if i were in that situation, honestly, i don't know how i would react. >> but they certainly have other ways. trey and matt can get laughs doing anything at all. they're the best among us so it's not a question of doing it for the laugh. there is a moral element to this. >> but didn't, also, comedy central then step in and sort of monkey around with that episode in a way that they were unaware of when they put it on the air? >> there's no way to tell. i mean, if -- there's no way to know. if it were me and i was in the situation, it was like, well, do i -- again, is this worth getting shot? >> right. >> is it the funniest joke anyone's ever written? >> but did they know that going in? do you think they knew that going in? >> i believe it's in the koran. i believe that information is
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available, that you're not supposed to do that. >> but do you think that they really thought that this would be something that would be -- that their life would get threatened? i mean, i think if they -- >> larry: well, why would they do something that would -- >> i would doubt it. >> i think -- obviously wouldn't do it. >> i don't know about that. when you do something with a strong -- i mean, i think you cheapen matt and trey's morality, strength and courage when you say, is the joke worth it? because the question is, what is morally right? and as strong as the religious side is and believing what's morally right, matt and trey have the strongest moral compass i know, and they are very, very good men -- >> let's not get hysterical -- >> -- doing this from their heart -- no, they really do. i think it's true. i think it's a moral issue, it's not just a -- >> larry: let me get a break. we'll have more on sarah palin plus the tea party and the vice president's "f" bomb. we'll talk about it all with with seth macfarland, penn jillette and rachael harris ahead.
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tonight, public celebrations in california tonight after a federal judge strikes down the ban on same-sex marriage. the defense team already planning an appeal. the battle expected to go to the supreme court. in a few moments, i'll talk to the two lawyers who argue to overturn the ban. and two advocates on both sides of the issues about where the fight goes next. then, authorities have released the 911 tapes from the deadly workplace shooting in connecticut. the tapes reveal the sheer terror the survivors of the rampage experienced as a killer armed with two handguns murdered eight people before taking his own life. we'll play those tapes for you tonight. one family turns to facebook for justice against the drunk driver who killed their son. that's all at the top of the hour. [meow] desperate for nighttime heartburn relief? for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. and for the majority of patients with prescription coverage for nexium,
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. hold it, hold it -- can we finish this discussion after "joan of arcadia"? >> is n on? is "joan of arcadia" on? >> thanks, i didn't think human urine would cover our scent. >> he was an nba player one day, a coma the next. one of the real housewives of new york has written a book, secrets of a jewish mother. yeah, they have secrets. all on
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tea party movement. you going to make fun of it yet? >> i think it does that on its own. >> it is what it is. >> yeah. the -- the tea party movement is -- i always have a problem with people who say, you know what, it's not the republicans, it's not the democrats, it's all politicians, they're all the problem. i don't think in this case it's true. i think you had one party that actually is trying to affect change, 60% of the people in this country who wanted a public option. it was ignored. and i -- >> and another -- another side that filibustered everything that stands to lose big if obama does anything right or anything productive. and i -- i think in a lot of cases, it's kind of laziness when it comes to knowing the facts and knowing what's really going on out there. >> the tea party. >> there's a lot i disagree with
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them on. and i'm not really part of it. but i always think that a distrust of the government is the healthiest thing that americans can have. i think the country has built the most american thing you can have is the distrust of leaders. don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters. >> i don't completely share the same opinion with ben. i -- i feel like the tea party group in particular isn't really -- i mean they can sort of mask themselves as saying it's about taxes and about all the other issues, but i find it to be sort of this upper middle class white run organization that's not really -- not really about effecting change. it's about this sort of i do think -- >> class? >> i wouldn't say class, i think it's more about racism as opposed to being a political -- >> that's the magic word. once you say racism, the other
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side loses automatically. we don't have much evidence that's what it is. you have to have something besides you saying they're racist. >> they're looking at the number of people that are in. >> so the race that they are makes them racist by definition? >> well, no. i don't think the race that they are -- >> if you want to -- if you want to legitimize them for a moment, you know, some of their gripes are legitimate -- the average american has not had a pay raise adjusted for inflation since 1973 while guys like us have gotten richer and richer. and -- >> '73 you make like $4. >> the problem is, they're misdirecting it. it's fascinating to me that groups like this will direct their anger at the left. and it should be noted that -- >> you don't get mad at the right. >> you have -- >> pretty mad at the right. >> the $100 million or the $1
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billion koch family that funds freedom works which supports the tea party, they benefit by getting these guys riled up about this guy who's trying to effect health reform as opposed to getting mad at the rich guys themselves. >> is it rich people telling them what to do or white people -- >> puppet tiering? >> which one? >> are they racist or a puppet organization? >> when seth and i got together and created the tea party, we had -- >> that's what i'm wondering, we had a -- >> larry: it's finally come out. >> people had different opinions than you. different -- >> it was supposed to be a stitchery group. >> but it's very anti-obama, it's -- >> there are groups that were anti-bush. i was really anti-bush. >> yes. >> yet no one called me racist. >> that's right. >> because we're in the same race. >> bush wasn't the first black president. >> because he's the first black president you have to be a racist? >> i'm not saying that. >> larry: okay. >> take it, larry.
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>> sponsored by -- ♪ the drunk old engine squatting in his tepee ♪ ♪ fire water keeping him warm ♪ jewish nose ♪ she's got a big beautiful jewish nose and it's there two minutes early wherever she goes ♪ >> "hay there fruity." ♪ hey there fruity you can do my hair ♪ ♪ hey there fruity don't touch me there ♪ ♪ you're gay and i don't approve ♪ >> dean, sammy, frank, you love them. >> who did sammy? >> that was a good sammy. >> larry: you did all of them? >> i did all three. yeah. >> that was a great bit. do you ever use the "n" word on your show? >> yes, we -- no, the cleveland show has used -- they said the
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phrase, "n" word, but not using it. >> you like "family guy"? >> very much so, very much. >> larry: do you like it? >> yeah, i do. >> to them, it makes no difference. >> very confident that you said that. >> "8 simple rules for dating my teenage daughter," that's one of my favorite episodes. >> larry: we're running out of time. what's the next show about? >> brian and stewy trapped in a vault, no cutaways, no flashbacks, a one-act stage trapped on broadway. >> cartoons on broadway. >> larry: thank you very much. what do you think of it, guys? >> stand up, take a bow, right. >> larry: we close tonight on a sad note. we'd like to acknowledge the death of ann perrimac farland.
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she's the mother of our friend and "family guy" creator, seth macfarland. perry was only 63. passed away after a valiant battle of cancer, lifelong educator, a passion for animals which explains her devotion to the humane society and aspca. i spoke with her on the phone when seth was on the show in may. i could see why her friends called her a bright light who sparkled. she acknowledged that her son had done well, but told me on the sly that she knew he'd really made it when she saw him sitting right here. perry touched many who celebrated her life. those who would like to honor her can donate to the aspca or the humane society in her name. to her children, seth and rac l rachel, and her husband, ron, you know her lives are not the same without perry in them. we offer our prayers and send our condolences to you.
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