tv Larry King Live CNN August 24, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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ago. >> thanks so much. quick programming note as well. we talked earlier in the program about the 20 million people affected by the floods in pakistan, it's a crisis that's only getting worse. a story we think is very important. tomorrow, i'm going to pakistan, and i look forward to bringing you stories from there in the coming days and weeks. that does it for this edition of 360, thanks for watching "larry king" starts right now. the beautiful dawn branchow didn't have to die. the feds fine the park for serious safety violations. and then half a billion possibly tainted eggs, shipped to 17 states.
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should you eat eggs? what you need to know to protect yourself and the family next on "larry king live." >> larry: good evening. february this year a trainer at seaworld killed by a six-ton killer whale. dawn brancheau was grabbed by tillikum and drowned. tillikum had a violent history. was previously linked to the deaths of two others. today osha fined the park $75,000 for safety violations saying it required its employees to work within the pool walls on ledges and shelves where they were subject to dangerous behavior by the animals. seaworld today called the allegations unfounded and says it will fight them. linda simons is a former employee who makes some serious allegations of her own. we welcome her and her attorney.
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welcome as a witness describes what she saw as seaworld back in february and then we'll talk with the guests. >> okay so and so we're ready and then tillikum just took off like a bat out of you know where. took off fast. he came back around to the glass. jumped up. and grabbed the trainer by the waist. and started shaking her violently and her shoe -- last thing i saw was her shoe floating and then silence started. and then not the trainer but other people that stand around the glass area started telling us that we needed to get out. sirens were going off. people were running out. i never saw so many seaworld employees come out of the woodwork. >> larry: let's ask linda simons, former health and safety director for seaworld orlando. she started one week before the death of dawn.
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what happened? what did you see? what do you know, linda? >> when i responded to the pool area, it was very chaotic. there were lots of employees that had responded. there were people putting themselves in danger when they were in the rescue. people in high heels on the rock work. people who had no training with whales trying to help recover dawn. people jumping on the gates. there are gates that split the pools so they could move tillie from one pool to another. people jumping on those gates putting themselves in close danger and when they get tillie to the medical pool and lifted him up, team members were allowed to enter that pool and recover dawn's body from tillie's mouth as he thrashed about. it was a very chaotic scene. >> larry: are there certain procedures that are followed? do they practice certain things
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at seaworld in case of something like this? >> yes. they do have procedures in place, and there was an exercise, a safety exercise, at the beginning of february that was very similar to the incident where they had the drill and unfortunately the drill went so poorly people didn't respond. people that did respond did not do what they were supposed to. they called off the drill. they didn't go any further with it. and they were going to do another exercise. unfortunately dawn's incident happened before that. >> larry: could the death have been prevented? >> i think if they had kept the distance away from tillie. dawn was very close to him. that was what allowed him to grab her and pull her into the pool. >> larry: did that whale have a reputation? >> very much. he was known from the day they
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brought him there that he was a very dangerous whale. they never allowed any trainers in the water and when you say in the water, that means in the pool submerged. where dawn was was a ledge area that was 18 inches deep of water. they knew that he was dangerous. they had the tillie talk that anyone new to the stadium whether from internal, transfer or a new person from outside of seaworld, they had the tillie talk that told them that if they went in the water with tillie, they were going to come out a corpse. >> larry: maurice, this $75,000 fine in this day and age, that seems small. how do you react to that and then i'll read a statement from seaworld. how do you react to the amount of that fine? >> the fine is broken down into two. the highest possible fine is $70,000 for one incident. they gave them the highest possible fine for an egregious
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incident and then a $5,000 for the second one for a lesser offense but osha gave the highest fine they could possibly give. >> larry: i want to read seaworld's response to linda's accusations. this is what they say. the safety of our staff, guests and animals is seaworld's highest priority. and we have cooperated fully in osha's inspection of the february 24th accident. we're not at all surprised to hear that ms. simons has reached out to the media with these unfounded charges. since her termination several months ago, her representatives have used the threat of negative publicity to seek a sizable monetary payment from seaworld in exchange for her not going public with these false allegations. linda simons worked for seaworld for only a few weeks and was fired not for the reasons she cites but rather for poor performance during the osha inspection of dawn brancheau's death.
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during those critical weeks ms. simons repeatedly demonstrated an inability to conduct herself to the acceptable standards of competence, transparency, integrity or professionalism demanded of an inspection of this magnitude. any claim to the contrary is simply false. >> one thing i want to point out, once we filed that osha retaliation complaint, we made osha a party to this claim. one of the requirements for osha is any settlement cannot be tied with a gag order. and they know that very well. we find accusations that we're trying to extort them outrageous. and once we filed for an osha retaliation, osha becomes a party and they in order for a settlement to occur, they have to approve it and one of the requirements that they put forth
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is this you can't enter into any confidentiality concerning that. that's one of the requirements of osha. their allegation is simply outrageous and against the law. >> larry: linda, how do you respond to that statement they just gave us? >> seaworld did not fully cooperate. from the very beginning they wanted to block them from coming on site. they wanted to withhold documents. when i was terminated, there was still documents that osha had requested and never given. they also wanted to make sure that those documents were never disclosed out to the public because of the damage that could be done. so they did not fully cooperate with the investigation. the allegations about my performance, i never received any negative, verbal or written, reprimand, feedback of any nature. only praise from the ceo on down.
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so those outrageous about my performance is just untrue. >> larry: what did they tell you when they fired you? >> they told me it wasn't a good fit. >> larry: that's all they said? >> yes. they said it was not a good fit. the week before that was when they refused to give the documents to osha, and i didn't agree with that. osha requested the documents. our goal at seaworld should have been the same as osha, to fully investigate so that no one else was injured or killed by tillie. unfortunately i don't believe that was seaworld's priority. >> larry: call us for your questions on the salmonella scare.
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>> larry: linda remains. ric o'barry joins us. he has spent the last 38 years fighting against animal captivity. he's featured in animal planet's new mini series "blood dolphins" that premieres friday, august 27th. he's written a blog about "blood dolphins" which you can find at thad lacinak is a former head trainer for seaworld. his company is precision behavior. what's your response to the fine and this whole story?
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>> i think the fine is unfounded to tell you the truth. when i was working at seaworld for 35 years, i don't believe that osha has done its homework. for one thing, for them to come out with a statement saying all the trainers should not do anything with the killer whales and they should be behind barriers is absolutely insane to me. these animal are trained using positive reinforcement. they're trained by these trainers who love them. they're the best trained trainers in the world. the criteria for a trainer at seaworld is so high for them to come out with a statement saying that they cannot go near the killer whales anymore, all of the killer whales is ridiculous. >> larry: let me bring ric in. you are against places like seaworld. do you want them closed? >> well, it's not that simple. it would be great if they would
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close but they would have to get into research into birth control. that's what they need to do. look, this is not an isolated incident. there have been 50 of these violent incidents involving four or five deaths that i know about and also 153 orcas have died since 1965. this is a failed experiment. and i want to commend ms. simons for speaking out. she deserves a medal for speaking out against this abuse. >> larry: thad, how do you respond to what linda had to say? >> i find it funny that we have someone that works for seaworld for what did you say a couple weeks or a week before the incident and then she gets fired and then she's all of a sudden a credible witness on tv. that's what i would question for one thing. i worked for seaworld for 35 years. i never saw any of this -- any of the accusations that she said. seaworld cares about their animals. they're not going to do things
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to hurt their trainers. this thing from osha is wrong. they should never have put this statement out recommending that they do not do anything with the killer whales. as far as what ric is saying about that all these whales, 150 whales, what about all of the whales that are killed in the wild? there are over 100,000 dolphin killed in the wild every year. don't hear him speaking out against that at all. >> let's be specific here. we're talking about orcas right now. there are no orcas being killed except in captivity. >> i don't hear you saying anything about that. >> we're working on that. seaworld last year made $1.4 billion. this $74,000, they make that in a few hours. that's like a slap on the wrist.
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>> it's actually only $6,000 more than what you were fined when you broke the law. >> that was a private lawsuit. >> it was a lawsuit against you, an individual. >> larry: linda, how do you react to what thad had to say about you and the short time you were there. >> i am a safety professional with over 20 years experience and my claim is that they were not cooperating with osha investigation. i am not claiming anything to do with how the whales were treated. he was a dangerous whale. thad knew about the tillie talk. that's not my claim. the claim is that seaworld did not cooperate. they blocked documents that were requested by a federal agency because they had damaging information in them. that's my claim.
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seaworld did not cooperate and because i wanted to cooperate, they terminated me. >> larry: we'll come back with more and thad will respond to that. first this word. don't go away. in 2008 i quit venture capital to follow my passion for food. i saw a gap in the market for a fresh culinary brand and launched we create and broadcast content and then distribute it across tv, the web and via mobile. i even use the web to get paid. with acceptpay from american express open, we now invoice advertisers and receive payments digitally. and i get paid on average three weeks faster. booming is never looking for a check in the mail. because it's already in my email.
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>> larry: thad, seaworld has barred trainers from being in the water since the death. should they end up back in the water? >> absolutely they should end up back in the water. that's how these animal are taken care of. not all killer whales are trained on water work as tillikum was not after he killed that trainer at victoria sealand. for osha to come out with this ruling and say that they are recommending that nobody goes in the water again is wrong. you know, as far as what linda was saying. i do not know linda. i have not worked for seaworld for two years. some of the comments she made
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about it being unsafe when they were trying to recover dawn out of the water, when they recovered the body, they have a lifting floor in the pool. they lifted the whale out of the water. that's when the trainers entered the pool area is when the killer whale was lifted completely out of the water and then they were able to recover dawn from that incident. there was nothing unsafe about that. it was the only way they could recover dawn at that time. >> thad, i was there. >> that's her lack of understanding on how and what we would do. >> larry: let her respond. >> i witnessed that. tillie was thrashing a lot. he was tossing dawn around in the pool while he still had her in his mouth. >> with lifting the floor up. >> yes, he was. >> he was out of the water and he was stranded. >> he was not completely out of
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the water. there was probably about a foot still there. >> that's not enough water for a 12,000-pound killer whale to move around. he can swing from side to side. trainers know how to recover that. >> larry: ric, hasn't seaworld had a pretty good safety record over all these years? >> no. they've had a miserable record. there have been -- as i say, there have been in this industry 50 violent incidents like this involving at least five deaths that i know about. >> larry, i was at seaworld for 35 years, not ric o'barry. he was around the world making money off this so-called animal protection. i was there. >> this is what they do. they send out attack dogs to go after people's personality and they won't deal with the real issues. listen, this animal has already killed three people. you are suggesting on national
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television they should allow their trainers back in the water with this animal who has killed three people. >> i am not suggesting they go back in the water and you know that. >> which part of killer whale do you not understand? >> all of the killer whales that were trained to go into the water with and trained with people at seaworld to go in water with. trainers know what animals they can do water work with. tillikum is not one of them. he never has been. >> which part of killer whale do you not understand? we're talking about an animal that travels maybe 80 miles a day. >> ric, you have no experience with killer whales except what you read in a book. >> i trained the first killer whale in captivity. don't tell me that i don't know what i'm talking about. >> you trained for a couple years and then claimed your dolphin committed suicide in your arms. if i had an animal that committed suicide, i would quit training too. i trained hundreds of thousands of animals and i never had an
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animal commit suicide after i trained them. >> 153 have died in captivity. >> larry: guys, how does an animal commit suicide? >> it doesn't happen, larry. >> i think it's quite common. i believe it's quite common. they're not automatic air breathers like we are. they can end their life any time they want by not taking the next breath and i think this happens quite often in captivity. you'll see some of this -- >> larry: we're going to see that show august 27th. is linda planning a lawsuit? >> right now we filed through osha, an osha retaliation complaint. it's now osha's responsibility to investigate that. and that's the state we're in. >> larry: but no lawsuit? will there be a lawsuit? >> seaworld prevents employees from filing lawsuits because they have an arbitration clause. we have to go through
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arbitration and they have confidentialities to keep the media out. >> larry: we'll do more on this. we have an egg problem. more than half a billion eggs recalled. they may be tainted by potentially deadly salmonella. what does that mean for you next. with their autobahn for all event. it ends soon. they got great prices. cars built for the autobahn. people are gonna be driving crazy in the jetta... ...the routan, and the cc. that cc is gorgeous. that jetta is awesome. my wife loves her new routan. and they all come with that carefree maintenance. scheduled maintenance included. we're not shopping for cars here, people. c'mon! well, i am now. that's kind of exciting. [ male announcer ] the autobahn for all event. lease the jetta limited edition for $199 a month or get 0% apr. ♪
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so, before you know it, work time becomes well-deserved downtime. apply now at you've got staying power. >> larry: half a billion eggs have been recalled over the last two weeks. contaminated eggs. a major danger problem linked to farms in iowa and over 1,000 people have gotten sick. here to talk about it, bill marly, food-borne illness attorney representing cases from this salmonella outbreak. and the author of "animal factory." and we have a doctor, health magazine's medical editor and the author of "what the yuck?" doctor, what is salmonella?
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>> salmonella, larry, is one of the most common causes of food poisoning. it's a bacteria that very commonly contaminates things like raw poultry, raw meat and when you cook your food you kill it. if you don't cook it well enough, you can get sick. it usually presents as a limited illness. it will last a few days. you'll get diarrhea, fever, nausea and pain but for most people it goes away on its own without any treatment. >> larry: if the fault is in the cooker, why is the industry to blame? >> it's a little bit more complex than what the doctor explained. there's a lot of risk about cross contamination. when you crack an egg, are you going to wear gloves? what if it gets on the counter? what if your 2 year old touches the counter? the other issue is vast majority of these particular cases in this outbreak have been linked
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to restaurant egg consumption. people going out to their diners, going with their families and getting sick from eggs that are being cooked in restaurants. >> larry: david, someone said today that the problem is with where the hens are kept. they're too close together and contaminating the situation. is that your read? >> we don't know exactly where this salmonella outbreak began. some people think it may be in the feed. it's well documented when you grow too many animals in too small of a place, you compromise their health and immune system and you have disease outbreaks. this is a factory farm and the eggs came from factory crown chickens where chickens are stacked together in unsanitary conditions. you would expect disease opposed to a tradition farm where chickens go outside. >> larry: is it true there's a
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bill in congress that if passed the fda could clamp down on things that david just described? >> well, whether or not the fda would clamp down on that is to be seen. clearly the fda does not have the sort of authority that it needs to protect the u.s. consumers both from factory farms and other farms that are producing contaminated products. in 20 years of litigating these cases, the vast majority of the factories, the vast majority of the manufacturing facilities that have poisoned people, most of them had not been inspected by the fda for years before the outbreak happened. larry, you remember the infamous peanut butter outbreak of just last year. you know, that sickened 700 and killed nine people. the fda had not been in that facility for years. it's a resource issue. >> larry: doctor, a question
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from twitter. is this inside the egg or is it on the shell? >> it could be either actually. we're not sure exactly in this case but the chicken ovaries can be infected so it will be passed on inside the egg or you can have contamination from almost anywhere touching the shell so then it would be outside the egg. what's going on on the farm is what we need to know. is it contamination of the feed. are they cross contaminating each other? >> larry: we have a statement from wright county egg. wright county egg recognizes the significant consumer concern about the potential incidents of salmonella. that's why we continue to work cooperatively with the fda following our voluntary egg recall of shell eggs. this measure is consistent with our commitment to egg safety and it is our responsibility. bill, does that satisfy you?
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>> well, that's good to see that they hired a good pr firm but the reality is that this outbreak started in the end of may and continued all of the way through august. there was a systemic salmonella problem in that plant. whether it was from feed or cross contamination between one bird to another, the reality is that well over 1,000 people are confirmed ill by the cdc. the cdc will also tell you that for every one person they confirm, and they've confirmed 1,300 thus far, for every one person they confirm, they don't count 38. this problem is far larger than i think we realize. and the outbreak was going on for months and the reality is that there was a systemic problem in that plant that, you know, caused a half a billion
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eggs to be recalled and likely more in the next week or so. >> larry: david, is this eggs in restaurants or should we worry about eggs in the house? >> it's both, larry. it's cheap eggs. i hate to say it. these are the least costly eggs in production. this is a matter of regulation and inspection and in doing my research i found that these factory farms are allowed to police themselves. and the fda doesn't even always have the authority to go in and inspect and enforce the rules. i did research for my book and spent a lot of time in iowa and ohio and the name of this gentleman who owns these factories, decoster, came up over and over again. when you look at his record and his company's record, they have been issued violation after violation and i see this industry wide. in the hog industry. in the dairy industry. we allow these companies to basically run free. they don't have to follow the regulations the way other industries do.
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and we need a federal crackdown. >> larry: doctor, what makes one egg better than another? i see in the store grade a. large dozen. what's the difference in eggs? >> you know, larry, i have to be honest i'm not sure what makes one egg better than the other other than it sounds like cheaper eggs are ones that are infected. even when we're not having a real outbreak, we always have to be careful about eggs. salmonella unfortunately is present a lot of the time when we're buying things like eggs are raw meat and there are things you can do at home and in the restaurant. first of all, at home, wash your handle when you handle these things and not using the same utensils for raw meat as with vegetables or salad materials and when you go out don't ask for runny eggs. don't eat raw cookie dough, all of these things have raw eggs in them and you are always at risk for salmonella. >> larry: as we go to break. two comments from twitter.
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i work in a restaurant and our breakfast business was down yesterday but we do have people ordering eggs. i buy eggs only in the local area and did so before this. we're answering your questions coming up. [ announcer ] how do you plus up breakfast? introducing total plus omega-3 honey almond flax cereal. all the nutrition of total, plus 10% daily value omega-3 ala, and a delicious honey almond crunch. new total plus omega-3. [ both screaming ] i got into one of the most expensive schools in the country! [ male announcer ] when stress gives you heartburn with headache...
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san francisco. hello. lake charles, you're next. san francisco go ahead. >> caller: thanks for taking my call. my question is, number one, hasn't there been salmonella in eggs forever and number two, did the powerful attorneys get ahold of the case and contaminate it so they want to sue or organic companies trying to put the regular egg companies out of business. >> larry: my understanding is it's only been in eggs since the '80. >> salmonella has started showing up in eggs in the '70s. most egg companies large and small have done a pretty good job of lowering the percentage of contaminated eggs. i agree with the doctor. it's something you have to be concerned about. one in every 20,000 eggs is presumed to be contaminated but what you have here in this
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particular outbreak is a lot of eggs contaminated to sicken this many thousands of people so there really was a problem in this particular plant that's even far beyond what you would normally expect. >> larry: lake charles, louisiana, now, hello. >> caller: i want to know how they become aware that a product has been tainted and if they can backtrack and find out where it originated, why can't they do testing before it's distributed? >> larry: david? >> obviously that didn't happen in this case because millions and billions of eggs -- half a billion eggs got sold without proper testing. this is why we need more fda regulations and there are laws proposed to trace back animals to their origin. industry has largely opposed that and it's something that needs to be enforced, but i
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would say it goes back to more inspection and more enforcement of regulations that we don't have. >> larry: abilene, kansas, hello. >> caller: i think this is supposed to be asking the panel a question. >> larry: go ahead. >> caller: you're a legend. you'll be missed greatly when you retire and i don't think anybody can replace you. >> larry: semi retired. i'll be around. >> caller: my question is, we eat eggs every morning and i want to know if eggs are safe here in abilene, texas. >> larry: how do we know, doctor? we know they were shipped to 17 states. arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, georgia, illinois, iowa, nebraska, nevada, minnesota, missouri, oklahoma, oregon, texas, utah, washington and wisconsin. she's in texas. should she be worried? >> well, there are lists on the internet and the cdc website
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that have the list of the contaminated brands. absolutely you need to check that. if you have any of those eggs in your house, throw it out right away. don't cook it. just get rid of it. apparently contaminated brands have been removed from the shelves of supermarkets so hopefully you are safe but you need to check to be sure and again i can't stress enough that if you're eating eggs every morning, you really need to practice very good hygiene in terms of keeping those eggs separate from other foods in your house, always washing your hands and cooking them fully before you eat them. >> larry: what is the egg rule? >> the egg rule is a set of guidelines that really sort of came about from pennsylvania nearly two decades ago when they were trying to get a handle on the salmonella in their flocks. the it was talked about during the clinton administration and
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it was about to go into effect. the bush administration put a hold on it. it came into effect just in july of this year after being pushed by this administration. the reality is that they're really guidelines to try to tamp down the volume of salmonella in the flock whether they are small or large. the egg rule goes into effect to farms that have 50,000 or more chickens as of july of this year. 3,000 to 50,000 go into effect two years from now. just a set of common sense guidelines of checking and testing that at least help give consumers a sense that the eggs that they're feeding their kids are as safe as they can be. >> larry: another question from twitter. we buy free range organic eggs. are those safe, david? >> not necessarily.
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i wish i could say they were. most studies show they are less likely to carry disease than factory farmed eggs. with these eggs in a small sustainable farm if you have an outbreak of salmonella, you're going to have a few hundred eggs that are infected and not half a billion. it's the scale that's much of the problem and feed and quality of the feed and what goes into the feed. we know that we are what we eat. we forget that we're also what we eat eats. and i think the american people need to wake up and be aware of what goes into chicken feed. the chickens that we eat and chickens that we grow for food for meat are often fed arsenic to make them grow faster and prevent disease. we don't typically give arsenic to egg laying hens. the quality of the feed results in quality of the food. americans need to know more and fda needs to do better regulation. >> larry: what's it like to contract salmonella and survive? a woman's frightening story
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>> larry: sanjay gupta sitting in for anderson cooper. considering this egg thing, what about people who eat raw cookie dough? >> you're asking me? obviously cooking eggs has safety to this. raw cookie dough, cake batter, always a concern to some extent but even more so now. we'll talk about that tonight on "360." we're going talk about the controversy over the ground zero mosque. that continues. new video surfacing of the imam behind the project saying the u.s. is worse than al qaeda. at the same time he's also under fire for a trip to the middle east. critics say he's raising money from extremist groups with ties to terrorism. is this a smear campaign? i'll talk to congressman ron paul of texas and says the
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uproar is hate speech and islamophobia and massive egg recall. there's a history of noncompliance and safety violations at one of the companies being investigated at the source of the outbreak. where were the federal regulators in this and how could this possibly happen? michael pollen will be joining us. those stories and more at the top of the hour. >> larry: that's sanjay gupta. joining us on the phone is barb. a victim of salmonella. salmonella can cause serious injury and even death. about 400 people in the united states every year die from salmonella. you got it from lettuce, barb? >> yes, i do. i had eaten lettuce and it completely changed my life. >> larry: how so? what happened?
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>> in the beginning i started to just feel ill and thought i had a really bad flu but several days later i knew it was much worse than that. it eventually led to me going to the hospital out of desperation. and i became septic and experienced tachycardia and thin i was flown out of my hometown to a bigger town, they found my intestines were necrotic. they removed several feet of my intestines. >> larry: how do you know it was lettuce? >> my lawyer and i believe it's linked to a nationwide recall of let tuesday. >> larry: you filed a lawsuit? >> caller: we are pursuing that. >> larry: what do you make this egg controversy? >> caller: i'm not eating any eggs.
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i can tell you that salmonella is amazing, unless you really experience it or you're really aware it -- the bad part about consumers is, you purchase something in good faith and even though it is tainted, you can't smell it or feel it. you have no idea of knowing that it contains something harmful that you're going to eat. and salmonella is nothing to mess with. any food borne illness can really mess your body up. >> larry: what was the first sign you had something was wrong? >> caller: it was about three days after i had eaten the lettuce i knew i was in trouble. i was hoping it was the flu. i tried to stick it out at home for a few more days. by then i knew something was seriously wrong with me much you just know. your body just reacts very
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strangely. >> larry: congratulations on living. bash pruitt, past salmonella victim. why would they have to take out the intestine? >> it's an unusual complication. it's interesting because we're talking about being a salmonella victim. i would suspect most of us have had salmonella, or may have it in our lifetime. it's one of the most common causes of food poisoning, and most of us have experienced food poisoning before. in certain people, in rare instances it can progress to something much more serious, it invades the blood stream. she said she was septic. in this case it affected her intestines to the point where it was necrotic, meaning the cells actually died and had to be removed. there are certain people that need to be extra careful about things like salmonella, because they are more prone to developing these serious complications.
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that would include very young children under the age of 1. the elderly and in this case we're talking about people over 50. which is not elderly, anyone over 50, you're more prone to develop a serious complication. anyone whose immune system who was compromised, people who have hiv, cancer or chemotherapy. people who chronically take medications like steroids. these are group that is have to be very careful, especially right now, and absolutely i would stay away from eggs. >> larry: good advice. back after this. are you suffering from frequent heartburn?
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go to >> larry: another call from the panel. st. louis, hello. >> caller: will there be compensation for the families that get sick? >> larry: you're asking a legal question, sir? >> caller: yes. >> larry: bill, you handle this, who are you representing? >> i'm representing about 35 families throughout the united states.
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we filed two lawsuits, one in wisconsin, and one in iowa federal court. and we'll seek -- we're seeking compensation for the victims for medical expenses and lost wages. really the most important thing is, we now have subpoena power, and we have the ability to get documents from this company and ask some of the very tough questions of the regulators, is to what were they doing over the last four months in that facility. >> should this man from st. louis contact an attorney right away? >> if they are a culture positive case and the cdc has confirmed it, they are linked to this outbreak and they should contact a lawyer if they so choose. >> larry: another tweet to kingsthings. egg substitutes are going to be hard to find in stores, david? >> well, yeah, they're pasteurized and they're starting
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to pasteurize eggs as well. that's a growth industry in this country. it's a shame we have to presanitize our food before we handle it. i cringe when i refer to these facilities as farms. you saw them, this is row afro after of row of buildings. this is industry, and what feeds this industry is cheap grain. we took some of the subsidies and applied it to small, local sustainable farms, the cost of healthier organic eggs would come down, and the cost of industrial eggs would go up. i think the consumer would have a choice in what they want to eat. >> larry: dr. raj can you give us quick tips in a minute? >> if you're going out to eat. no runny, undercooked eggs. same thing with meat, if it's pink at all, chicken or beef, send it back and make sure it's
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fully cooked. at home, have you to be careful about separating the utensils, the cutting boards, et cetera, that you use with raw poultry and raw meat and eggs away from your produce. you're not going to be cooking your produce, you're going to be eating raw. frequent hand washing, after you eat, after you use your bathroom, this will help prevent the spread to other family members. if you are sick, go see your doctor. if you are tested it should be reported to the cdc. >> thank you all very much. >> thank you. >> larry: bill marler, david kirby and dr. raj. animal factory, the looming threat of the industry to humans. before we go, we want to send our heartfelt condolences today to martin ort, his wife has
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