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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  August 25, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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>> larry: tonight in arizona, john mccain's senate seat is on the line. can he fend off the biggest primary challenge of his career? could dan quayle's son be on his way to congress? big bucks, ugly battles in florida and alaska too. we've got results from primaries in five states, next on "larry king live."
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>> larry: good evening. as we pick it up, a program note. the very funny wanda sykes is here tomorrow night. we'll get right to the results with our man, john king at the magic wall.
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attorney general, former congressman. 43% of the vote, which means he is losing at the moment to rick kendrick meek will be the democratic nominee.
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marco rubio is the republican what we will learn in this election campaign, what has changed. are there any of the states deciding they want to go back to a conservative shift. let's look at the state's national. 37 governors' races will be decided. 37, the ellis states, this is a tossup and the republicans have the edge procrastinating stakes at a big battle for control and the house of representatives. republicans need a second here and we're watching this county by county.
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the early transsay that is in reach, we have covered some of the senate races tonight, the floor race is another pair 36 seats that play in the senate, the republicans need ten to get all the way to the majority in the senate. the other need to do is hold the seats they have. that is why the floor races so important. while john mccain is now huge favorite to win that election, on hand for the celebration tonight in phoenix was the national political correspondent, jessica yellen pair came from the moment he lost the presidential election that he was going to have to go home and withstand a challenge from the right. he learned a lesson from the losses of his other senate colleagues, some of those other washington establishment figures who faced challenges from outsiders and lost. john mccain was not going to take this lying down so he fought hard from the beginning,
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more than $20 million into this race. that might seem small but this is not a big state for the big electric. a lot of money in a primary here and arizona. as has been widely reported, focused heavily on immigration policy, ran hard to the right, adjusting his language and focusing on securing those borders and taking a tough position. it was interesting in his victory speech, even though this campaign turned on immigration policy he may just one brief mention of immigration sang as an elected official, i will work to secure the borders. shipped to focus on other issues as he enters the general election. he made a bold prediction and said that republicans will take the house and the senate. he is feeling bullish for his party tonight. he has to wake up tomorrow and not take anything for granted. we don't cover him much but there are democrats and they
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will have to face one as this election moves forward. >> we will cover the democrats that he is the favorite in arizona. let's explore his confidence. the son of balance of power, to get to the majority that he predicted, the republicans would have to pick up 10 seats we will see how that plays out in the 70 days still to come. that is the senate side. they need 39 seats, the republicans have 179 and 256 and the need to take the speaker's gavel away from nancy pelosi. ten weeks until the midterm elections, a referendum learn a days and weeks ahead. let's send it back to you. >> larry: let's go to florida, our friend governor charlie
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crist, who is running for the senate as an independent. anything surprise you tonight so far, charles? >> not really, not really, larry. it's been pretty predictable. this is going to be an interesting and unusual race in florida this year. having a republican nominee, a democratic nominee, an independent and myself offers the people of florida a choice. what that choice is when it comes to florida, if you want somebody that is on the hard right, you have a candidate, somebody on the hard left, you have a candidate. but if you want somebody that is going to stand up for the people first instead of the party, do what's right for florida rather than what's right for washington or just republicans or democrats, then you have an alternative. that's what we offer and i'm excited and it and i look forward to it. >> larry: similar situation, joe lieberman ran in the general election, won as an independent in connecticut. you are not saying who you'll
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caucus with, why not? >> that's right. i think it's important to maintain that independence. what i say repeatedly is i'll caucus with the people of florida. what i mean by that is, i have to put the people first. it's not about party for me. that's one of the clearest distinctions in this raise already, tonight as a matter of fact. my democratic and republican opponent have already made that decision. when it comes to me, i want to do what's right by the people of florida. when i get to washington, should i have that honor, i want the opportunity to ask the question, who is going to do more to protect our environment, to invest in clean energy, who is going to do more to keep our taxes down? those are the questions i'm going to answer if i go to washington and they deserve those answers to have an effective senator for florida. >> larry: with half the votes are, are you surprised that rick scott is ahead of bill mccullom.
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>> a lot of money has been spent on this race, very competitive from the get-go. now they go to challenge alex sink on the democratic side in november. >> larry: are you going to endorse either one? >> no, i'm not. i've got my own hands full. i've got plenty to do in this raise for the u.s. senate to get this independent message out to the people of florida. frankly, i think it's something that's really important now more than ever. people see the bickering all the time in washington, the gridlock, the frustration with nothing getting done. what floridians want, what's good for america is to have somebody go there that will put the people first, do what's right instead of what they think is politically correct for the party. >> larry: there's nothing like florida politics. i don't believe i lived there 20 years. i don't believe an independent has won anything statewide.
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who do you appeal to? because republicans and democrats are entrenched. how do you know who the independents are? >> i think the independents are the people of florida. i'm the only one in this race frankly who is honest enough to say republicans have some very good ideas. for example, about cutting the deficit and reducing taxes. democrats have good ideas about producing more jobs for people and investing in clean energy. my opponents aren't able to do that because they're imprisoned by the parties and expected to do certain things because of the parties they have to subscribe to. that's the difference in this race. that's not only what florida wants but america wants, somebody to stand up for them first instead of being gridlocked and we see it every day now in washington. they can't get anything done as
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a result of it. >> larry: one other thing, who do you get your money from? >> the people, honestly. when it comes to resources and support, when it comes to votes, i have to appeal to the people of my state. i love florida. i want to continue to serve the people in the united states senate to make sure that they have an honest broker there, somebody that thinks about them first, doesn't think about the party closes, drawing the line in the sand. i've got to do what's right for the people first. i think it's refreshing and i know it's what they want. >> larry: i guess you never had this, but how do you run against two people? how do you strategize the other two who couldn't be further apart? >> i don't run against them, i run for the people of florida. and i put forward a positive message about what i think is the right thing to do to reign in spending, reduce our taxes like we've done here in florida,
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to make sure we're innovative about producing a better, clean economy, you know, just the kinds of things that are common sense. that's the thing that's missing in washington today. where's the common sense? >> larry: will there be a three-way debate? >> i'm sure there will be, probably sponsored by you. >> larry: i volunteer to come down there and moderate it. say the word, we'll be there. >> accepted. all right, the word. let's do it. >> larry: all right. one person has accepted now it's up to rubio and meek and we'll be there. the dnc chairman governor tim kaine is here and he's next.
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[ car door closing ] [ male announcer ] time tot! check your air conditioning? come to meineke now and get a free ac system check. meineke. we have the coolest customers. >> larry: tim kaine is the current dnc chairman. what are you doing in nevada tonight, governor? >> i'm doing what i always do, a little bit of press for senator reid's campaign. thanking volunteers. i'm kind of a road warrior these days. >> larry: what do you make of mr. meek and how well will he do in florida? >> i think he's going to do fine. looks like he's going to have a convincing win. obviously the three-way race is going to be fascinating, but kendrick has been part of a
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heavy lifting congress that's done good work and as we get into this three-way race and have those debates that you were talking about, i think kendrick is going to show he's the right guy to take his campaign into the u.s. senate. >> larry: the democratic money might shift to crist. do you buy that? >> i think that there's some issues still kind of bubbling up in the republican party in florida that are going to affect marko rubio and governor crist. it is going to be a fascinating race. but this guy who spent millions of his own dollars is going to give kendrick a shot in the arm going into november. it's going to be a fun race there in florida. >> larry: speaking of the white house, what do you make of president obama's falling ratings?
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>> it's a tough time out there, and so when times are tough, people aren't going to be happy. i noticed in "the wall street journal" poll last week, the president still had numbers that most senators or governors anywhere in the country would very much like to have. the american public gives him stronger marks and they draw a sharp distinction between his leadership and for example the congressional republicans that are trying to stand in his way. but what the president has said over and over again is look, it's not about the numbers, it's about the accomplishments. so the cbo came out today with a study showing that the stimulus is responsible for a shrinking economy going to a growing economy. lord knows we've got a long way to go but we're climbing again behind the leadership of this president and some heavy lifting in congress. we feel like he's our best asset out on the campaign trail as he's getting out there for our candidates.
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>> larry: bill clinton was in florida tonight supporting congressman meek. do you expect him to be involved in many races this fall? >> i hope so and every indication is he will be. he's done a great job out there campaigning for our candidates and we feel like with president obama, with vice president biden, both of whom are very, very energetic for our candidates, president clinton, as much involvement as he wants to have, we're thrilled to have him because it's so helpful to us. we've got a lot of folks to put out on the field and we think we're doing a darn good job on the fund-raising side and putting that field effort in place at the end of the day, a lot of your strength is your organization. we feel very strong in that. >> larry: one other thing, in that governor's race in florida, everybody is talking about scott and mccullom. do you give alex sink a got shot on the democratic side to win
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it? >> i do. he showed up in polls against the other two in the last two weeks. she had been closing gaps and then has moved ahead of these guys that have been very negative on each other. one thing we heard in florida is they had a unity event scheduled wednesday and thursday which they've now canceled. the democratic party is pulling together behind their leaders. the republicans have thrown charlie crist over the side and now their two gop candidates have decided they can't unify for this race. >> larry: thanks, governor. always good seeing you. >> thank you. >> larry: governor tim kaine, chairman of the democratic national committee. the pundits are next. 0 to 60? or 60 to 0? [ tires screech ] the quarter mile, or a quarter century? is performance about the joy of driving?
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>> larry: what does tonight mean for democrats and republicans?
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let's find out from ben type, the economist, former presidential speechwriter, and author of "the little book of bullet proof investing." elisia men does. ari fleischer, former white house press secretary for george w. bush, a republican strategist as well. and representative debbie wasserman schultz, democrat of florida, vice chairman of the dnc and supporter of representative kendrick meek, the victor tonight in the democratic senate battle in the sunshine state. what's your overview, ben? >> i think it's a sign of how vital our democracy still is with all this terrible foreign policy situation, terrible recession situation. we still have lots of people that want to serve, lots of new voters coming out. groups that have not been represented before. i don't think we've ever had an
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african-american with a very good chance being a senator from florida. i don't think we've had a hispanic american for the same office in florida. i like tonight. >> larry: elisia, how do you see it? >> i want to make a quick correction to what ben said. the seat there looking to replace longed to mel martinez. so a hispanic has held this seat. >> wasn't he born in america? >> i'm not sure if he was born in cuba or america. but either way, marko rubio was born here. but i think this has definitely been an interesting night. i think there are lots of interesting narratives coming out of this. we here in washington like to set these standards that either this is going to be an anti-incumbent election or this is the year of the woman or this is going to be the insiders versus outsiders. what we're seeing tonight is none of these molds fit exactly
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and we're going to need to be more critical and more precise in looking up these races. >> larry: former senator martinez was born in cuba. >> thank you for the correction. thank you very much. >> larry: ari, are you surprised that scott is ahead of mccullom? >> everybody knew that was going to be a close race. mccullom has had a strongback, but i try to look at the overarching trend for a few months and the trend that i think that is going to continue right up to election night is you have a huge turnout for republicans in a much less interested turnout by the democratic party. in 2006, the democrats had 3 million more democrats turn out in primaries than republicans and the democrats took the house and the senate. 2010, exact reversal. so far in the primaries, 3 million more republicans have voted than democrats. that's a huge enthusiasm gap and
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it can be measured over time in who shows up. that's what determines winners and losers in november. that's the biggest trend of the primary season so far, larry. >> larry: and congressman schultz, does that give you pause for concern? >> actually, what should give republicans pause is that they are in a battle for essentially the heart and soul of the republican party. all over america, what we've seen is the extreme right wing tea party republicans have been beating moderate, more main stream republican candidates and essentially strangling the chances of almost any of these races to be successful for republicans. america is not on the far right. we're in the middle of the road, and to watch the tea party
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essentially strangling the republican party, that's going to be the trend that will be talked about in the 2010 election. >> larry: when we come back, we will discuss the tea party's impact on all of this, right after this. where banks competed to save me a boatload of money on my mortgage, that would be awesome. sure, like that'll happen. don't just think about it -- spend 10 minutes at lendingtree and save up to $258 a month. how'd you do that?
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what if that story were true? it is. ♪ i'm john king in washington. first, let's take a quick run through tonight's primary election results, beginning with john mccain projected as the winner in his republican senate primary in arizona. let's take a peek at the results. almost from the moment he lost the 2008 presidential election, understanding he would have a challenge from the right. senator mccain outspent his opponent and with 59% of the vote, cnn projects john mccain will keep the republican nomination for the senate seat out in arizona. perhaps the biggest surprise of the night came in the florida gubernatorial primary on the republican side. former health care executive rick scott who spent millions of
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his own money, we project he will be the nominee for governor in florida. rick scott defeating the state attorney general will mckcollum. another big primary in florida, the democratic contest for senate. kendrick meek, he will be the democratic nominee, winning that contest. we can peek at the results here, despite millions of spending by the billionaire jeff greene who came late into that race, kendrick meet with the help of former president clinton and the obama white house will be the democratic nominee. how do all these contests fit
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into the puzzle of what is this big midterm election? let's take a look. number one, we will learn how much has the country shifted away from this, the 2008 presidential map, blue for obama, red for mccain. 37 governor races in the yellow states. republicans have an edge in the races for governor. all 435 seats in the house are up. republicans have a chance to take back the house of representatives. to do it, they need a 39-seat gain. that is in play in this election year. then we look over also as we take this off here, the senate contest, including john mccain's seat in arizona. that florida seat we just talked about, we'll get that to come on, there we go. the florida race, the mccain race, part of the 36 senate races in play this year. some believe it is possible, the republicans need 10 seats to take back control of the united
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states senate. that will play out after the primaries tonight. we are ten weeks from the general election. a very consequential year, larry, at the moment, republicans believe the wind is at their back. but ten weeks to go, larry. >> larry: let's discuss the tea party. are they going to be decisive in november? >> they'll have some big impact but i respectfully disagree with congresswoman schultz. but it's just a mistake, a myth to say that the tea parties are extremists. some are, some aren't. the ones i know want lower taxes and less government spending. they want to be sure before we go into wars we have to be sure that we can win them. >> larry: they don't tend to appeal minorities. >> i've seen plenty of african-americans there. in fact, one of the most
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prominent tea parties in phoenix is an african-american. it's just a myth the democrats are trying to put out. >> larry: elisia, are you concerned about them, about the tea party? >> i don't think democrats need to be concerned about them, i think republicans need to be concerned about the tea party. in a lot of these primaries, they force candidates, either like john mccain to hook to the right on issues he's been good on, like immigration, like don't ask, don't tell, which he's flip-flopped on in this election. in the case of marko rubio, they gave him a lot of his initial support, which allowed him to win the republican nomination. now that he needs to move into a general, they're angry about the fact that he's flip-flopped on arizona's sb-1070, and when you look at his policies, there's a lot of chatter about the deficit, but none of his policies actually add up to reducing the deficit and driving
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home that tea party message that ben was just talking about. >> larry: ari, what do you make of the tea party? >> i think they're great when it comes to the economic issues. i think the republican party had lost a lot of its way when it came to spending and the tea party came by as a helpful reminder we need to reduce spending and lower taxes. the fascinating thing about this discussion that leaves me slack jawed is any time that people they the tea party is bad for republicans, why are the republicans winning in all the polls? kentucky now looks like it's safely in republican category. i think that it's something to say because they don't have a lot to say when it comes to the central issue, which is the economy, jobs and the poor shape we're in. so it's the type of political distraction that gets thrown out there. but there's no evidence that supports it. if it was, democrats would be winning a lot more in the
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polling than we see heading into november. >> larry: congresswoman schultz, how do you respond? >> what ari is saying is not bourn out by the facts. look at the very fact that harry reid, until sharron angle was nominated by the republican party, a hard right wing tea party supporter, tea party essentially representative, until then, harry reid was struggling in the polls. now he's up in the polls in every major poll. you have candidates across the country who are up in the polls overwhelmingly, and about 8 or 9 of the nrcc hand picked moderate young guns have gotten beaten in republican primaries and now those nominees, the tea party nominees are down in the polls and will ultimately lose to our
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moderate, main stream democrats who are pro business and have the finger on the pulse of their own constituencieconstituencies. that's just the fact. i'm not making things up as i go along. >> democratic party doesn't have a pulse on the main stream america. they have their foot on american businesses, putting through a health care bill that 60% of americans oppose. putting through apologies for america around the word. the republicans would not be in such a strong position in the polls if people thought the democrats were a main stream party. >> larry: we'll come back with more and we'll get back with the very upset debbie schultz. but first, these words. l sugar, what's our slogan? bester stuff! - stuffy stuff! - good stuff for bettering stuff! guys? the best stuff on earth just got better.
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>> larry: all right, elisia. congresswoman schultz is making it sound like this is a great year for the democrats. do you buy this? >> i don't know that it's a great year for the democrats. i certainly don't think it's as bad as some on the right have made it out to be. barack obama's approval ratings, as we said, remain relatively
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high. and i think voters are going to go to the polls for the general election and faced with what is not an excellent choice. they have one party that has tried, that has put us on a path back towards economic recovery. and they have another party that simply won't play ball. and i think when given that choice, while i admit it is not an ideal choice to make, i do think there is the possibility that voters break for democrats in a way that is unexpected. >> larry: ari, do you see any clouds on the republican horizon at all? >> well, the trend continues to be very ongoing and consistent. in some ways the democrats can't catch a break. you have further terrible economic news coming out today about housing, 27-year low in starts. it's as if every piece of economic data keeps getting bad and worse. so the overall trend is not going to change. the real issue is do republicans
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have enough to pick up the house. i don't believe they're going to pick up the senate, but they're make such a big dent that barack obama's agenda will be stopped and it sets up a huge 2012 presidential election. that's what we're looking forward to going into november. even if the republicans fall short, it will effectively stop the obama agenda. >> larry: if the republicans take the house, congresswoman schultz, a lot will be expected of them, will it not? >> i don't think that's going to happen. and let me just say, larry, i'm not painting a rosy picture for democrats. democrats are going to lose seats in the house and probably the senate as well. but americans do face a choice. the choice is a little bit different. it's a choice between continuing to move the country in a new direction as she said, and backsliding toward the bush era,
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which the republicans would do and return to the same agenda where they drove the economy into a ditch. they focused on the wealthiest 1% of americans and ignored the middle class. those are the types of choices that our candidates across the country offer. so it's a stark contrast and stark choice. i think americans will choose to continue to move the country in the direction it's been in where we have private sector job droet from bleeding 750,000 jobs a month just before president obama took office. i think at the end of the day you'll see us hold both houses. >> larry: let's switch to another quick area. ben, do you think this muslim question with the center that proposed to be built in new york will have a national effect? >> i do, and i rarely have seen people so worked up about anything. it is a constitutional right to
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worship without government sb r interference. this is a moral culture issue and mr. obama has stepped in it this way that's backing something so offensive to so many americans. if that many americans are offended by it, i don't think it should be done. it's really offensive. >> larry: elisia, will it be a national issue? >> i don't think so at all. right now most american voters are focused on one issue, that is the economy. while this may play in some redder districts, i just don't see this driving people to the polls, especially when we're going to talk about moral issues and we can talk about providing health insurance to americans who don't have it, we can talk about fixing our broken immigration system so that we can keep families together. we have a lot bigger moral fish to fry than some mosque that's
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surrounded by two other mosques. that's the ridiculous thing, this is not the only mosque in new york. >> they're not that close. >> larry, this is not a red district/blue district issue. manhattan voted 85% for barack obama, 15% for john mccain and manhattan opposes this. this is an issue why i don't know why the president has weighed in so deeply. this touches a raw nerve with a lot of people. yes, it's a right in this country to build a religious institution anywhere you want, but sometimes part of exercising our rights is being delicate and sensitive enough to say i choose not to here. that's what i wish we could see more from the muslim community in manhattan. that's how you bridge gaps and bring people together and build it in a place where new yorkers say yes, we all support it. let's put it here. >> larry: got to get a break. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze...
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>> larry: we'll get back with this interesting panel but let's check in with john roberts hosting "ac 360" at the top of the hour. what is the lead, john? >> tonight on "360," we're following the tense primary races in five key states. the big one, arizona. john mccain spent $20 million to beat j.d. hayworth. we'll bring you the results. and shirley sherrod says thanks but no thanks to a job at the u.s. department of agriculture. i'll ask her about that and how she feels about being unemployed and whether she's planning to sue for the video posted of her. and we'll speak with wyclef jean of his bid to be president in
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haiti. he said he's not going to back down. more on that, larry, coming your way at the top of the hour. see you then. >> larry: that's 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific with john roberts on "360." do you think that muslim situation in new york will be a national issue? >> i really don't think it will be a national issue. i think what it boils down to is it's a case of just because you can doesn't mean you should. and i think the leadership of the mosque and that muslim community in that area of new york city will be well served to sit down with leadership in new york and in that community and work together to build some consensus on an alternative site. i think the national issues that are important in the outcome of races are turning the economy around, creating jobs and the fact that virtually all republican candidates for congress across the country support privatization in social
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security, deep cuts in social security -- >> that's not true. she just made that up. >> i did not. >> you just made that up. with all due respect -- >> no, no, no, no, ben. with all due respect that, i did nothing of the kind. >> would you show us the source? could you tell me the source? i would really like to see it. >> i would be happy to send it to you. >> larry: phoenix, hello. >> caller: i would like to know how the democrats plan on continuing their tax and spend philosophy and the growing deficit that it's creating within america today. >> larry: elisia? >> i think that's a complicated question. on one hand we have to get our economy back on track. this administration has made every effort to do that, and two years down the road, we certainly need to start talking
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about our deficit. as a young american, i am coloneled wi concerned about our deficit, but there's no point talking about that until we've revived our economy and gotten to the job creation that congresswoman schultz was talking about. until then, the deficit is a conversation that needs to be saved for down the road. >> larry: ari? >> well, i think the caller put his finger on what this election is about. first it was the t.a.r.p. under bush, then it was the stimulus, and since then we've bailed out all kinds of other people and the taxpayers are fed up with it. that's the overarching trend, that's what is driving this election. it's spending, debt, and the lack of jobs. that's what has changed. what was a powerful democratic back-to-back 2006-2008 election.
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the voters are in stern backlash. independent voters breaking overwhelmingly republican. this is a big change in america. >> larry: we'll come back with a statement from house minority leader john boehner and a reply from joe biden right after this. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. also available in small, easy-to-swallow petites. citracal.
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>> larry: house minority leader john boehner called on president obama to fire his economic team today. watch. >> president obama should ask for and accept the resignations of the remaining members of his economic team, starting with secretary geithner and larry summers, the head of the national economic council. notice, this is no substitute for a referendum on the president's job killing agenda. that question will be put before the american people in due time. >> larry: ben stein is a big fan of larry summers. we'll have his comment. here's how vice president biden
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responded to boehner's speech. watch. >> there are millions upon millions of americans who saw their savings, their paychecks shrink, lost their jobs, their homes. mr. boehner is nostalgic for those good old days. but the american people are not. they don't want to go back, they want to move forward. and so, folks, i am still waiting for what it is that they are for. >> larry: okay, ben, what do you make of boehner and summers? >> larry summers is one offer the smartest guys in the world, we're incredibly lucky to have him in public service. geithner should be pushing cookies in a foreign embassy. bp biden has put his hand on the problem, we don't know what to do, democrats don't no what to do, republicans don't know what to do, miss schultz doesn't know what to do, nobody knows what to
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do. >> larry: is that true? >> there is some truth to it. i have to give it to ben. it's refreshing to hear someone be that honest. we can be that honest because we're not running for office in november. at the same time, i do think there is a distinction between one party which is putting forward forward looking solutions, innovative solutions and another party that wants to play, looking back in time and going backwards when we know what those policies got us. i do think there is a distinction. >> let me jump in. >> do you have a solution? >> one thing for certain is you don't raise taxes in the middle of a weak economy we have. i'm afraid that's what we may be heading for if congress doesn't figure out what to do with the expiring tax cuts. when they were passed, it led to 52 consecutive straight months of job creation in our economy,
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more than four straight years of job growth. people shouldn't forget that. there was a recession in 2001, september 11th, as a result of the capital dividends cuts, the economy was $157 billion and you had the meltdown of 2008. i don't attribute that to the 2001 tax cuts, that was a much bigger party about both parties and fannie mae and freddie mac and the whole meltdown. there was solid job growth and as a result of the tax cuts democrats are deriving. >> congressman schultz, only about 35 seconds. go ahead. >> thank you. we have most credible economists that don't attribute the south carolina ce carolina -- the success of the job growth of the clinton administration and tanking offer the job growth under the


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