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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  August 25, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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sanchez. thanks so much for being with us. i'm rick sanchez. we're going to be looking for you here tomorrow at 3:00, 4:00 and 8:00 and wanda sykes is going to be coming up. she's going to be standing by with larry king. this promises to be one heck of a great show. that's our show. that's our show. "larry king live" right now. -- captions by vitac -- >> larry: tonight, wanda sykes, one funny woman. >> if somebody broke into my house and vacuumed? [ laughter ] i might be a little confused. but i ain't calling the cops. >> larry: opinionated, outspoken, sometimes outrageous.
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she's talking politics, palin, celebrity scandals and as a married lesbian with kids, got a lot to say about prop 8. wanda sykes will take your questions next on "larry king live." >> larry: good evening. what a great pleasure to welcome wanda sykes to "larry king live." the emmy winning comic actress, writer. she'll be performing at the palarma starlight in california this friday and at the imperial palace and casino in biloxi, mississippi, september 10th. her hbo special is vying for outstanding variety music or comedy special that the weekend's emmy awards show. here's a clip. >> we got one cool black president, don't we? damn, he's cool. i don't know how the man keeps
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his cool. all this [ bleep ] that gets thrown at him. people just [ bleep ] with him all the time. the birthers calling him a racist. comparing him to hitler. what the hell? how does he stay so cool? is he still smoking weed? dang, nazi. >> larry: wanda sykes, thank you for coming. >> thank you. thank you for having me here. >> larry: were you a funny kid? >> yes, i was a funny kid. but my timing was off. yeah, because instead of getting the laughs, i would get popped in the lips. >> larry: where did you grow up? >> virginia, ports smith, virginia. >> larry: did you want to be a comedian? >> no. i didn't know any comedians. you know -- >> larry: so, how did this all happen? >> i have no idea. >> larry: you woke up on stage?
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what? >> you know, i -- i went through the steps that you're supposed to go through. i went to school. went to college. and at that time we were living in the maryland d.c. area. so, you know, what do you do, you get a job for the government. i was working for the government. i was just bored silly. i said, this cannot be my life. you know? and it was just the same thing. i would, you know, go to work and come home. drink some beer. wash my car. i had to clean this car on the block because it was like every day -- out of boredom. >> larry: how do you break into come did i from that? >> one day, i was, like, going through my high school yearbook. i was just looking at what people wrote in my book. it was, you're so funny. you should be on stage. i was always a fan of comedy. i said, you know what, maybe i should. i wrote some jokes. and went on stage. and it all just kind of made sense. >> the rest, as they say, is history. >> yeah, yeah. >> larry: how do you feel about
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this nomination? emmy nominated. >> i'm very excited about it, very honored. you know, last week, we had the creative arts awards. and i lost that one. and, you know, you get all dressed up and you go and, you know, people say, oh, i'm just so honored to be nominated but really, you want to win. you know, it feel goods to win. you want to walk around with your big trophy and you want to shove it in people's faces. you know, you want to get up and thank people. you want to do all that. so when -- you know, when they didn't call my name, it would have been better for me if they would have said, and the winner is, wanda sykes, not you. you know, i would have felt better. if you're going to kick me in the teeth, kick me in the teeth. >> larry: who won? >> the kennedy center honors. >> larry: you're kidding? >> yeah, yeah. >> larry: i mean, it's night and day. >> thank you, thank you, larry. why am i up against bruce springsteens and melissa etheridge's entire body of work? my one hour?
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>> larry: jimmy fa yi famy fall to be here tomorrow night. maybe we'll talk to him. is there still time to influence -- >> yeah, i'm sure price water house will love that. >> larry: let's get into politics. were you always political? >> i think growing up in, like, the washington, d.c./maryland area. because we moved there. my father was in the military. think, you know, i was just so exposed to it that, you know, it's just what's around. so i was involved and interested. and then as i got older, i just found it all fascinating. and, and such a -- full of hypocrisy. that's the best comedy to me. is when you're pointing fingers at, you know, at society and at our system so -- >> larry: speaking of hip pec crease, let's go right to it. ken mehlman, the former chairman of the republican -- >> he's family. i didn't know.
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>> larry: he's one of you. >> he's one of me. >> larry: he came out of the closet. he came out against prop 8. what do you make of that? you mention hip pypocrishypocri. >> right, that's the whole thing with politics. here's this guy. now, he said it's taken him, like, 43 years to be questionable with, you know, himself, his own self. which i understand. it took me a while to publicly come out. the people back then, when he was in the bush administration, they knew, they knew he was gay, and he had to sit there and listen to -- >> larry: anti-gay -- >> all this anti-gay stuff. i also believe that people in the room, they weren't really anti-gay, they were pro votes, you know? so it's like, they can't go -- they have to say what the voters out there will accept to get the votes. yeah, think what they want. so you have to say that. >> larry: what do you think goes through kenny mehlman though? what do you think goes through him? >> he probably took so many, like, you know, those showers that, like, rape victims take, at the end of the day in the
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shower, just scrubbing himself. he probably had a lot of those type of showers. >> larry: how did you come out? >> how did i come out? i did it in vegas. las vegas. yeah. las vegas. >> larry: as an adult -- >> publicly. >> larry: you were on stage? >> it was after one of the -- it was a prop 8 rally. it was the national day after the -- after prop 8 passed. i was in vegas. i was performing at planet hollywood. i said, okay, where's the rally? vegas? we're going to go. it's a group of us. and, you know, i had no intentions on speaking at the rally. i had, you know, i was just there in support. and so at the end of the -- end of the speeches, they said, we understand that there's someone out there in the audience and they -- >> larry: come on down? >> yeah, come on down, and to say a few things, we appreciate you hear supporting us. when i got up there, i'm like, i'm not just supporting you, i'm supporting me. so it just, you know.
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but i guess that phrase whatever happens in vegas stays in vegas, not true, larry, not true, larry king. >> larry: when did you know, wanda, that you were a lesbian? >> when did i know? let me see. when did coffee come out? pam greer. coffee. no. >> larry: no, like, is there a period, you're in high school and you're -- >> it was -- you know, it was very early on. i remember i was in the -- i mean, maybe second or third grade. and -- >> larry: really? >> it was these two sisters and they both liked my brother, i had an older brother, and they both liked him. my brother was off with one of the sisters. and, you know, walking around, whatever. it's like fourth of july, fireworks or something. so i was stuck with the other sister. and, you know, 'cause she was walking around with me, trying to find my brother and her sister. >> larry: you're in third grade? >> i'm like in third grade, right. and she's holding my hand. i'm look up at her and i told
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her, i said, i wish i were a boy because then you could be my girlfriend. and the look she gave me, like, huh-uh, don't ever -- >> larry: don't go there. >> don't ever say that again. because i think she saw that it wasn't, like, you know, some, like, childhood -- you know, just like a little girl saying something. i think she saw i was putting the moves on her. and it scared her. she couldn't handle it. >> larry: did it ever scare you? >> did it ever scare me? >> larry: you know, approaching the world where you're going to be different. >> oh, of course, i have parents who are still alive so yeah, i mean, you know, and that's why you suppress all that, you bury it, and to try to fit in. i'm 46. i mean, you know. so back then, you know, you know, religion, everything else -- >> larry: i know. >> you know, we didn't -- we weren't exposed to gay people. >> larry: and your father's in the service. >> right, retired colonel. so -- >> larry: how did you tell them?
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>> a long distance phone call. >> larry: long distance? >> yeah, we're talking, like, coast to coast. >> larry: how did they handle it? >> you always want to give your family like a six-hour plane ride before they can get to you. >> larry: did they handle it all right? >> we're working on it. >> larry: still? >> yes, yes. i mean, they love me. i know without a doubt, my family, they love me. you know, we're -- you know, we're working on it. keep praying for us. >> larry: more with wanda sykes. we'll talk about prop 8. more on that subject and other things. your calls and twitter. you twitter? >> i dabble. >> larry: we'll be right back. ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving heat patch activates sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals for deep penetrating relief you can feel
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got to get used to having a black first lady. got to get used to that, right? that's why we had all those -- those articles, you know, when he first got in office, like, who is the real michelle obama? when will we see the real michelle obama? you know what they're saying? when are we going to see this?
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>> larry: you do all your own stuff, right? >> yes, yes. >> larry: what do you think of the president, the job he's doing? his approval rating is down. what do you think? >> i think it's time for the first lady to start doing some of this, really. it's about time. i mean, maybe she needs to get out of her herb garden a little bit, you know, and start smashing some heads, you know? i think he's doing a really good job. i mean, you look at it like this. look at where we were, you know, what -- the mess that this country was left in when bush left. so he comes in and it's like basically people expecting him, you know, to fix everything. that's like handing him a spoon and telling him to go fill in the grand canyon, you know? we were deep, deep, deep in debt. our economy's a mess. look at what he's done. our troops are -- the combat troops are coming out of iraq. we have -- he passed the health care bill. he's going to end don't ask
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don't tell. >> larry: yeah, when is he going to do that? >> well, he's letting the military, which i think is a good idea, work it out. he's coming up with the plan. i mean, that's what i like about him. he's not just going to say, i want this ended, and they just -- and tomorrow they wake up and they have to figure out how to do it, you know, or it's done. least he's not ramming it down, you know, down your throat, which i guess you really shouldn't use ramming it down your throat when we're talking about don't ask don't tell. >> larry: what does your father think about don't ask don't tell? >> what does my father think? my father -- and i hope i'm not stepping out of line here, but i remember having a discussion with him and he said there's been gays in the military for years. there was gays in the military when he was there. you know, when you're in the -- in the trenches whatever with the guy next to you woman next to you, whatever -- >> larry: you ain't thinking about kissing them? >> you ain't thinking about that. you thinking about how to get home. >> larry: all right. what do you make of the fact
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that apparently 24% of americans believe that america is a muslim? >> okay. people are just dumb. basically. and they believe anything. and everything. that someone sits on the television or their radio and you say it, they think it is true. they think it is fact. they take it as fact. all this stuff on the internet, it's just crazy what people believe. you know? it's out of control. >> larry: first president issued a press release that he's a christian. >> that it had to go that far. it really is insane. people sitting in their little basements with their little crazy halts with the little propellers on there just typing nonsense. and people believe it. they just get a little, you know, a little piece of information and they run with that. i really wish we could get back to some really good journalists, you know, and just real facts.
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remember when you read the paper and if they made a mistake, they would come back and print a little retraction and say oh, we messed up? there's none of that. there's none of that now. you don't have any, you know, any checks or -- >> like weatherman, they never say when they were wrong. >> never, yeah. >> larry: you notice that? >> exactly. >> larry: the weatherman ever come on television and say i was wrong yesterday about the rain? they never do that. our guest is wanda psysykes. she's terrific. the emmys are on this sunday night. jimmy fallon will be here tomorrow. he's going to host it. she's talked about president obama. what does she think about sarah palin? catching up over wood-grilled shrimp and chicken. and with lunches starting at just $6.99... it's an hour you wouldn't trade for anything. in this. one day, i'll park this in a spot reserved for me. it's got 26,000 miles on it now,
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you think the black man is the valet? >> no, i don't automatically. >> i saw it, larry. >> yeah, he had on a white shirt
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and a vest. it's an honest mistake. >> that's honest, anytime i see a black man in a tie and a suit, i think, hey, you must park cars for a living. >> i feel like it was a honest mistake. >> if it was a white man standing here -- >> you would too. >> no, you would have asked -- >> too, too. >> -- him not. >> larry: she'll be back on this next season of "curb your enthusiasm." that's one of the great scenes in that great show's history. they let you ad-lib, right? >> it's all ad-libbed. >> larry: they just give you an outline? like you would come up and complain about what he was doing, giving his parking ticket to a guy because he was black? >> that's basically what he gives you. you walk out, you see me, i'm handing my vallet ticket to a black guy but he's not the valley. okay, i got it. then we just go with it. >> larry: he's brilliant. >> he's brilliant.
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he is. he's brilliant. but it's like the most stressful gig that i do. >> larry: why? >> because you don't have any lines. when i first got the call, i'm like, oh, good, larry david, he's a genius, great writer. i get to have all these funny larry david words and maybe there will be some "seinfeld-isms." you get there and it's like, where's my script? just make it up. what kind of lazy piece of crap is this? i want a damn script. no, it's stressful, like you said, his level of where he works -- >> larry: it doesn't work that way. and he's brilliant. >> thank you. >> larry: what's your take on sarah palin? should we take her seriously? >> well, you have to take her seriously because there are people out there who listen to her. i think she is -- she's smart in the way that she's an opportunist. but she's not smart enough to
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pull it off. because if -- all you got to do, just give her enough rope and she's going to say something stupid? you know, she's making up words. just give her enough room and she's going to blow it. that's all you need. if she operates in just a little small stage and just knows when -- just like to shut up. like if somebody just put an ear piece in her ear and just said, period, and just tell her, you know, stop, she will go far. but she doesn't know how to stop. >> larry: there's a likability quality to her? she's very attractive? >> she says the things that are, you know, that the people in that little area want to hear. i mean, there's a group who feel very connected to her. and she -- >> larry: they sure do. >> yeah, right, and you have to give her credit for that. but when you listen to it, you know, really, a lot of it doesn't make any sense. i mean -- >> larry: what do you make of levi johnston, sarah palin's
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former future son-in-law who has gone back, then not back? he's running for mayor? >> okay, so, so let me get this right, because he was, let's say, in the family, so does that make him, what, somehow just by that connection, now he's qualified to run a city? i mean, i don't understand. just because, okay, i'm around them so all of her brilliance is going to rub off on him? what? he's a baby daddy. >> larry: a baby daddy? >> he's a baby daddy. they weren't married. you know. it's the most craziest thing i've ever heard. baby daddy. man baby daddy. >> larry: what do you make of dr. laura? >> dr. laura. >> larry: quit her radio show right where you're sitting.
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that's where she announced -- >> this is where she announced? >> larry: right where you're sitting. >> here's the shocking thing about dr. laura, larry. i did not know that black people actually listened to dr. laura. >> larry: a black lady caller. >> a black lady called in. i didn't know that black people ever call heard show or even listened to her show. >> larry: why not? why? >> black people don't listen to dr. laura. that's a white people thing. >> larry: black people don't need psychological help? they don't have marital problems? >> yeah, but we're not going to call dr. laura. we're not calling -- dr. laura's not even a psychologist. she's not a psychiatrist. >> larry: i think she -- >> no, she's a physiologist. her background. so you make better time getting therapy from your masseuse. i mean, really. dr. laura? i mean, i think dr. laura was shocked and she was really, like really ticked off, that this black woman called into her
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show. i think that's why she went off. she was like, wait a minute, you mean to tell me all these years i've been giving free advice to a bunch of -- you know. so she just went off. these -- calling my show. i think that's why she -- >> larry: she says that black comedians use the n-word. >> what does that have to do with anything? this woman is calling for advice on her, you know, on her marriage. she's not calling on notes for an hbo special. why -- it didn't make any sense at all. i mean, i think dr. laura -- she's probably been saying the n-world for years but it's the first time a black person was actually listening to her show. i did black, larry, for 46 years. and my entire 46 years, i've never heard one of my back friends start a conversation with, you know, i was listening to dr. laura the other day. >> larry: let me get a break.
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we'll be right back with -- >> white people stuff, larry. >> larry: -- wanda syke, don't >> larry: -- wanda syke, don't go away.
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>> larry: wanda just told us she was beaten for an emmy by the kennedy center honors. one of the other specials up for the honor was "hope for haiti." >> what was i supposed to do? i got your hope, haiti, look at this. >> larry: let's take a call for wanda sykes. port saint lucie, florida, hello. >> caller: hi, wand da not only are you the best comedian, you're the best comedian out there and you have the best laugh. but my question stems from this. >> thank you. >> caller: when president obama was elected, i was so proud this country was progressive enough to elect a nonwhite elderly man. and now during this situation where he's being attacked from all end, the tea party, these nonissues about the birth
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certificates. how do we keep with that? and get the facts out there? >> you know, thank you, and we really need to do something, because i don't know if you've noticed, but he's, like, getting gray and everything and brinkw k wrinkely. he's turning into an old white man. gray hair, wrinkles. >> larry: it will age anybody. >> yeah, the stress. i think the same energy that we had when the election was happening and we were supporting him. >> larry: the inaugural. >> we have to get back to that. right now, we're kind of, like, just sitting back, we got you in office now, you do your thing. >> larry: we got another clip from wanda's emmy-nominated special, i'm going to be me. take a look. >> it's harder being gay than it is being black. it is. there's some things that i have -- [ applause ] there's some things that i had
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to do as gay that i didn't have to do as black. i didn't have to come out black. [ laughter ] i didn't have to sit my parents down and tell them about my blackness. >> larry: you are legally married, right? >> yes, i am legally married. >> larry: how do you meet -- i don't know how to say this -- your bride? or your husband? >> my lucky lady. no, my wife, yeah, my bride, my wife. >> larry: she's the wife. >> we both are wives. or -- yeah. >> larry: i guess you are. >> we don't do the role playing thing. >> larry: how did you meet her? >> not my thing. no. >> larry: how did you meet her? beautiful girl. >> yes, she is. she's a looker. come on, what do you expect? you think i was going to be with an ugly woman? look at this, larry. >> larry: you carry pretty good,
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basic. >> i carry it that's right. >> larry: she's french, right? >> she's french. >> larry: where did you meet her? >> i met her new york fire island. fire island, new york city. outside of new york. >> larry: a party or -- >> i saw her on the ferry ride on the way over to the island. and i just -- just something -- i heard something that just said, hey, wanda, that's what you need. and the rest is history. we are -- our paths crossed eventually on the island. and just been inseparable since. >> larry: we got a question for you tweeted to kings things. ask wanda how being a mom has affected you as a stand-up. >> so much material there. so much material. being a mom. >> larry: what do you have? a little what? >> twins. a little boy and little girl. >> larry: how old? >> 15 months. 15 months old. >> larry: who gave birth? >> she did. oh, there's nothing coming out of here, larry. that wouldn't be pretty.
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>> larry: were you at the birth? >> yeah, i was there. i was there. >> larry: so what's their names? >> olivia lou and lucas claude. what do you expect? hakeem and -- >> larry: not jewish either? >> no, not jewish. >> larry: what's it like, being a mother like? >> i love it. every day, there's something new. and -- but it's always -- it's something new but you -- it always goes back to "get that out of your mouth" or "don't put that in your mouth" or "what does he have in his mouth?" >> larry: here's a clip where you talk about this. a clip from the special. watch. >> and i don't understand how people cheat, you know, especially when they have new kids and they cheat. where the [ bleep ] do you get the energy to cheat? [ bleep ], i told my wife, look if you ever catch me at another woman's bed, you know i'm just there for a nap. [ laughter ]
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>> larry: that is funny stuff. >> it's true. >> larry: you want to have more kids? >> you know, i -- we talked about it. and, you know, we'll see. we'll see. i just told her i am not changing a diaper when i get 50 that's it. so if you're going to do it, that's, you know. >> larry: how did you pick the donor? >> how did we pick the donor? we said -- we wanted, like -- it's more about like height and good health basically. and -- >> larry: did they tell you the who the donor is? >> oh, no, no, no, no. god forbid if it turns out to be mel gibson's babies. i'm in trouble, larry. what am i going to do? that's it. oh, mel, i hope you didn't drop a load anywhere.
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please tell me you didn't donate something. >> larry: we'll be back with wanda sykes. don't go away.
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>> larry: what do you make of -- wanda sykes is our guest. what do you make of the as rizo law about immigration? >> it's very racist. i do understand where that anger is coming from. we have to fix our borders.
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until we get that, you know, straightened out, and secure our borders, but you can't just start, you know, throwing people out and throwing people over just because they look like they're from somewhere else. i mean, what are you going to do? you see, you know, a white guy dipping, you know, his french fries in mayonnaise, are you going to go, hey, where you from? you from canada somewhere. where you from? no, it's really an attack on mexicans. and also i think that they're going to change the policy. because once people realize that they're going to have to start taking care of their own babies and cutting their own grass and stuff, they'll welcome them back. trust me. >> larry: wanda scored a lot of laughs as the feet atured entertainer at last year's correspondents dinner in washington. she took some flack from these and other jokes about rush limbaugh. watch.
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>> so you're saying i hope america fails? i don't care about people losing their home, jobs. soldiers in iraq. he just wants the country to fail. to me, that's treason. he's not saying anything differently than what osama bin laden is saying. you might want to look into this, sir, because i think rush limbaugh was the 20th hijacker but he was so messed up on oxycontin he missed his flight. come on. too much? okay. >> larry: you think you went a little too far there? >> not at all. not at all. >> larry: there's no connect here, right, between here and you, right? >> probably not. it might be a little speed bump, you know, just a little one. >> larry: have you heard from rush limbaugh fans since then? >> i did get a nasty note but, you know, who cares, you know? who cares?
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you know, here's the problem. rush limbaugh is a filthy rich guy. and he's playing on the emotions of poor people. he's telling poor people that, hey, you know, obama's going to take this, take that away from you, and really he's just worried about his own pockets. that's it. he's just a big bully. i don't think i went too far at all. >> larry: port saint lucie, florida. hello. >> caller: hi, wanda. thanks for taking my call, larry. what are your thoughts about the comments today in "people" magazine that she's been through hell? >> i'm sorry, what was that again? >> larry: oh, elin woods who just divorced tiger. "people" magazine, comes out tomorrow. she said she felt she was blindsided. >> yes. >> larry: what did you make of tiger? >> tiger, man. he never should have gotten married. he knew he liked to play around. he likes the ladies.
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he should have just, you know, just stayed -- be a playboy. he would have been the hugest rock star ever. you know, the golfer, the jet-setter. you know, women all on the planes and everything, you know? but he tried to do the married thing, had the kids. and as far as elin, i mean, i'm sure she was blindsided, but i'm sure that big bag of money is going to, you know, just cushion that blow, and she's going to -- she's getting a big bag of money. good for her. >> larry: she still was hurting. she's got two little children. >> sometimes i get a headache, i rub a $100 bill up here. and, oh, oh, i call my business manager. i'm like, i don't feel -- my stomach aches. he'll say, okay, we just got to check it. oh that feels better. how many zeros? oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. healed. i feel better. >> larry: we have a --
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>> time healing all wounds. huh-uh. money, baby. money. money will -- >> larry: we have a tweet. wants to ask wanda what she thinks of the jetblue flight attendant. >> oh, now. >> larry: twitter, twitter. >> good for him. >> larry: you like what he did? >> yes. he just went off. i've been on flights where i've wanted to jump up and smack people. you know? >> larry: you weren't even a flight attendant. >> not even a flight attendant. i've seen behavior on flights. we just flew back from france with the two kids. and i wanted to jump off the plane, you know? so -- and i'm related to them. you know. so i, you know, i think everybody's had that moment where you're on your job and you just want to go off and tell people where to go and just lose it. >> larry: going down the chute? >> yeah, oh, that's the way to do it. that's the way. at least we know they work, you
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know? >> larry: good point. >> jetblue, you want to make sure. hey, okay, we have chutes. jetblue should -- they should use that as a campaign ad. they should do that. hey, we got chutes. >> larry: they could show it. yeah. you ought to do commercials for them. >> right. >> larry: we'll be back with more of wanda sykes right after this. ?????????????a
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>> larry: we'll be right back with wanda sykes, but first let's check in with anderson cooper. on this approaching fifth anniversary, niece new orleans. what's our lead tonight, anderson? >> we are in new orleans, larry. we're here tonight at the ninth ward field of dreams. result of a lot of people's vision. folks here want to build a brand-new athletic field at the old high school. one of the ways new orleans is rebuilding. and we're going to take a look at the rebirth of this city.
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also tonight, sarah palin's political power. the candidate she's backed in the alaskan senate primary race holds a razor-thin margin. and her record of success in endorsing winning candidates. and a report that attorney generals send a letter to craigslist. a lot more at the top of the hour, larry. >> larry: anderson keeper, "a.c. 360." good to have him back. wanda sykes. we have this tweeted to kings things. ask wanda about working for the nsa, the national security agency. you? >> i worked for the nsa. yes. top secret clearance, all that stuff. >> larry: doing what? >> i have a degree in marketing so i was a procurement specialist. basically i shopped all day. just bought things. >> larry: what did you procure? >> anything from, like, office furniture to, like, you know, intel equipment.
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>> larry: what do they do at the nsa? >> basically, they collect intelligence. yeah. they didn't get much from me. you know. >> larry: adjacent to the cia? yes, cia, they're more with people. you know. yeah. and nas is more with -- >> larry: nsa is equipment. >> yeah. >> larry: and you were a procurement officer. sounds raunchy. anyway -- >> raunchy? i wasn't buying hookers. >> larry: i don't know what you procure. in another tweet. >> i was a -- yeah, larry. >> larry: what are your hopes for prop 8 reaching the supreme court and what -- you think eventually we're going to have gay marriage in america? >> yes, i do. i mean, i did -- the team we have, you know, fighting it now, mr. olson, it's -- i think we're very close to getting to the
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supreme court. and i believe that it will -- prop 8 will be defeated. and we will have gay marriage across the country. because this isn't the constitution. i mean, not gay marriage but equality. you know, you can't have discrimination. and everything that has -- you know, that was wrong and happen history has been changed by going through the courts. >> larry: don't you -- do you understand the other side of the issue, though, how people -- >> i can understand it. but i think they're wrong. i get it. that's why we have a separation of church and state. you can't have the constitution and your bible. they're the separation. everyone should be able to have their religious beliefs and live by that, that's what you want to do. but keep it away from the constitution and what it's saying that we all are equal. >> larry: how does it feel to get marry? >> it felt great. it felt great. >> larry: where did you get
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marry? >> palm springs. like a big hot tub. crazy, larry. champagne -- you're getting excited, weren't you. you were like, hmm. it was like -- it was really spiritual and we had like just nice weekend and like 40 of our, you know, like closest friends and family. it was fun. >> larry: do you speak french? >> just a lit built. i have to. my wife speaks french to the kids. so i have to learn french. i don't want them to gang up on me. i listen to anything that says "noir." i know that's black. i say, hey, what are you talking about black. i have to stay on top of it. the kids will be bilingual, hopefully trilingual, because our nanny speaks spanish. >> larry: so you' ear going to have all three going? >> yes. >> larry: you're a sensational
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act. you're a tremendous performer. >> well, thank you, thank you. >> larry: thank you for being with us. >> i'm honored to be here. >> larry: my honor. >> i teeming you, this makes my career here. >> larry: i hope you win. >> sitting across from you. >> larry: sunday night, jimmy fallon will be here tomorrow. >> put a good word in for him. >> larry: you'll be there, right? >> i will be there. >> larry: i hope they have the camera right on you. >> i want to wear a mouthpiece this time so i'll be ready for when they punch me in the fail. >> larry: more than 20 million people have been affected by epic flooding in pakistan. dr. sanjay gupta is on the ground with the latest and we'll hear from him and actress kristen davis on what you can do to help, next. [ female announcer ] it's crabfest at red lobster. the best time to crack it... twirl it... dunk it... and discover more new ways than ever
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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to >> larry: joining us now live with the latest on pakistan's devastating floods, dr. sanjay gupta, cnn's chief medical correspondent with us in islamabad, pakistan. how bad is this?
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>> well, larry, we got here a few hours ago. heading south in a couple of hours. talking to the people here in islamabad, you get a sense of what's happened in the last month in pakistan. it's raining again behind me which is not good news here. there's so much water that first started trickling in in the west part of the country. it's making its way further and further south. larry, the number that sort of boggles my mind, you think about this country, a fifth of it. 20% is literally underwater, which is amazing, you know? food, crops, communities, schools, roads, all kinds of hospitals. all those things deluge in so many ways in the last several weeks now. they talk about the number of people affected by this, larry. you talk about that, 20 million people. but there are close to 1 million people right now who are still stranded. literally can't get access to these people.
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can't get them so many of the things they need in terms of food and medicine. so it's a really dire situation in so many ways. and it's a little hard to explain exactly how you get aid to these people in the next several weeks. they're literally strand in the middle of the areas where there's no roads, no access to them. that's what they're dealing with right now on the ground here, larry. >> larry: the prime minister has warned about the possibility of epidemic diseases. and aid agencies reported that the lack of sanitation and contaminated water have already caused a big spike in medical problems. you're the physician, how do you deal with it on this mass scale? >> it's an important point. we worry about a second wave of disease occurring after the natural disaster. this is a real problem. they're seeing this a few weeks into this. there's a couple of reasons. first of all, there.
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>> -- there's so much contaminated water everywhere. 20 million people, the size of florida under water in pakistan. it gets hot and people have no clean water to drink. they drink the contaminated water and puts them at risk for things like cholera, dysentery. mosquitos breed in this water. malaria is a problem. vaccinations are low. you have a rise in potential problems here. that doesn't take into account dire real diseases in the face of significant dehydration. no small problem, larry. kids -- they have a tough chance to make it through that. the water is three to five feet high. they have no water. they're drinking it. they don't know with where it ends. they have to get aid. more helicopters, more aid overall get to the country. we didn't see the sort of plats of flies sitting on the runway that i saw in haiti, i saw in
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sri lanka. this is worse than what happened in haiti, in south asia after the tsunami, and what happened here after the earthquake five years ago all combined. this is worse than all three combined right now, larry. >> larry: unbelievable. dr. sanjay gupta in islamabad. great reporting. unbelievable story. millions of people in pakistan are in dire straits because of that worst flooding in decades. actress kristen davis is an ambassador for the aid group oxfam and she has an urgent message for you. watch. >> i'm kristen davis. massive floods have affected more than 20 million people in pakistan. you can save lives by donating to oxfam nerk right now. oxfam is working in pakistan since 1973. today the relief workers are on the ground providing clean water, hoping to rescue flood


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