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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  September 10, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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devastating explosion that led to the fast-moving fire. at first there were reports of possibly a plane down. can you imagine why, because of the scattered nature of the flames. they don't believe that at this point is what happened. cal fire says they are sending 25 fire engines to the scene. we have seen them dropping retardant from the air by helicopter and plenty of folks are on the ground as well. clearly, they're bringing in more assets. that's it for "360." "american morning" starts right now. for better or worse, a florida pastor has the world's attention, leaving many to question when his 15 minutes of fame will be up. during the anniversary of september 11th, afghanistan looks back at a milestone in terms of its treatments of women. we visit
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it's new and overlooking the harbor. welcome to our report. those stories in just a moment but first, and a developing story at the united states. firefighters and northern california are battling claims that have engulfed dozens of homes. eight people there are being treated for burns are in critical condition. the fire broke out after an explosion which is near the san francisco airport. cruz believe the fire was fuelled by a gas line. witnesses report hearing a lot explosion before flames ripped through the area. for our viewers in the united states, "larry king live". >> larry: tonight, katie couric, diane sawyer, and brian williams stand up to cancer. >> cancer kills 1.4 million
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americans every single year. >> larry: 4,000 americans are diagnosed with cancer every single day. by the end of this hour, another 165 will have gotten the news. >> it's not whether we're going to get it, it's just what form? >> larry: plus, dr. mehmet oz and his cancer scare. >> what you're about to see is raw, real, and exactly how it happened. >> larry: what he learned that could save your life, next on "larry king live." >> larry: we begin, though, with breaking news. secretary of state robert gates stepped in and may have stopped the planned burning of korans in florida. he made a phone call to pastor terry jones, who had threatened to burn the koran. here's what the pastor told reporters this afternoon. watch. >> he has agreed to move the location.
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that, of course, cannot happen overnight, but he has agreed to move that. we felt that that would be a sign that god would want us to do it. the american people do not want the mosque there, and, of course, muslims do not want us to burn the koran. the imam has agreed to move the mosque. we have agreed to cancel our event on saturday. and on saturday, i will be flying up there to meet with him. >> larry: it's getting confusing. let's go to cnn's john zarrella in gainesville, florida, where the story seems to change by themen. now, john, let's get it. is the koran burning going to take place or not? >> reporter: well, larry, at this point, pastor jones just a little while ago came out and said that he hopes what the imam told him was true. if it's not true, then their plans are right now in limbo and they may have to rethink their
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position. at this point, the koran burning is not taking place, but that may be contingent upon whether or not jones gets a meeting in new york on saturday with the imam, feisal rauf, to discuss the moving of the islamic learning center, the proposed islamic learning center from near ground zero to another location. but right now, larry, it's up in the air. >> larry: but the imam seems to be saying, he will meet with pastor jones, but at a later date when things have cooled off. is that what you've heard? >> reporter: that's correct. but the imam here who was an intermediary in all of this is saying that he, in fact, believes that they can have a meeting in new york on saturday and that a meeting in new york was somehow agreed to, not by the imam himself in new york, but by people in the imam's office said, okay, we'll meet with pastor jones on saturday in new york.
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whether that ever takes place now at this early date, at this juncture, it really remains to be seen, and then it remains to be seen, larry, what jones does. if he goes back to his original plan to go ahead with the burning of korans on saturday, or if he goes and stays on the path that he's already said that he will not do it. >> larry: do you know why the fbi visited him? >> reporter: no, we do not. it was about noon this afternoon, four fbi agents were in for about 30 minutes inside. when they came out, they refused to say anything. they got right in their cars and left and jones only acknowledged this afternoon at one point that, in fact, he had been visited by fbi agents. but he didn't discuss what they said with him, to him. >> larry: john zarrella on the scene in gainesville, florida. let's go to new york city and susan candiotti, cnn correspondent there. this all started last night, susan, when imam rauf appeared on this program with soledad o'brien, and now he is -- what
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is he saying about this -- where are we, susan? what's going on. >> well, we're left to scratch our heads too, because the imam, feisal rauf, here in new york, as john zarrella stated, said, i never spoke with pastor jones, nor the imam who's standing next to pastor jones, so as far as what anyone in pastor -- in imam rauf's office might have said, we don't know. but he did say this -- he issued a statement, and he said, i'm very happy that they're not going to be burning korans, although i never spoke with him. and then he added, we are not going to toy with our religion or any other, nor are we going to barter. we are here to build peace. peace and harmony. and so with that -- >> larry: is he -- >> yeah, go ahead. >> larry: is he saying or indicating that the reverend jones is lying? >> this is all we have, is the statement that was issued. we don't know whether there is,
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in fact, going to be a meeting here on saturday with imam rauf or anyone else in his office, or whether that might come in the future. everything is in a state of flux right now, quite frankly. and also, we're hearing from donald trump, believe it or not, who's now injecting himself in this he issued a letter today. he sent a letter to one of the key investors in the mosque and islamic center project. and in the letter, he states that he would be happy to pay whatever this one investor paid, plus 25%, if, in fact, he is willing to let him take it off his hands. but then he kind of gives a dig to this investor, because he adds, not because i think that the location is spectacular, and he adds, parenthetically, because it's not, but mr. trump adds, but because it will end a very serious, inflammatory and highly divisive situation that
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is destined, in my opinion, to only get worse. as you know, mr. trump has not been in favor of this project. >> larry: and he is a very active new yorker. thanks, susan. >> you're welcome. >> larry: susan candiotti on the scene in gotham. donald trump will be here monday night to talk about that offer to buy the site on which the controversial islamic community center is planned. we have something very special for you on our blog. it's the poem "for our world," from our late friend, maddy stupanic. we thought it an appropriate read considering the news today. check it out at back with kouric, williams, and sawyer, next.
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really kind of in between. have you ever thought about decaf? do you think that would help? yeah. priority mail flat rate box shipping starts at $4.95, only from the postal service. >> larry: brian williams is the anchor and managing editor of nbc "nightly news" with brian williams. katie couric, anchor and managing editor of cbs evening news with katie couric. and diane sawyer, the anchor of abc world news with diane sawyer. and in atlanta, dr. sanjay gupta, cnn's chief medical correspondent. the three broadcast networks are joining together, the anchors are as well, they're joining forces to host the stand up to cancer fund-raising special on friday, september 10th. the program can be seen on every
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major network, cable stations, and online in more than 195 countries around the world. to donate, you can do to or call 1-888-90-stand. phone lines are open already. let's take a look at some of the sobering statistics about why it's important to stand up to cancer, and then we'll talk with our guests. watch. >> odds of catching a ball at major league game, 1 in 563. odds of an injury from shaving, 1 in 6,385. odds of tripping while texting, 1 in 10. odds of getting cancer in your lifetime, 1 in two men, one in three women. >> it's up to us -- >> to change the odds -- >> for our generation -- >> for the ones we love -- >> for our future. >> if you don't like the odds -- >> stand up. >> stand up to cancer.
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>> larry: this idea has raised $100 million since it all started. memory serves me correct, katie, was this your baby? >> it wasn't really my baby. it has many mothers, actually, larry. i was talking to some similarly crazed, passionate, driven women who felt that we needed to really reach out to the entire nation and start a movement that would support the hardworking scientists all across the country who are terribly underfunded when it comes to research dollars. so as you know, larry, because of my husband, jay, who passed away of colon cancer in 1998, i was really focused on colon cancer awareness and raising money for that particular cancer. and i realized cancer kills 1.4 million americans every single year. a person's diagnosed every minute. we know the statistics. we've heard them. but we had to do more. we had to really start a
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grassroots effort and be united in one cause, and have one goal together. and so that's why a group of women decided to embark on this endeavor back in 2008. we're doing it again in 2010. and you know, it's a real tribute to my colleagues, to brian and diane, and to really, everyone, because we've all been touched by cancer. we all have lost people we love to this terrible disease. and i think that's why we're so eager to work together and forget our differences, which we really don't have any, but really our competitive experience, and really just fight together for this common goal. >> larry: brian, where, in fact, does the money go? >> well, since we last did this, about $86 million of it has been handed to about 200 specialists in about 50 different institutions. and this, from the inception, and katie alluded to this, was supposed to be a different kind of cancer effort.
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part of the money goes to something bold. a high-risk, but high-reward effort, to look for cures on a fast track basis. and, you know, there are any number of efforts that require and receive huge donations. this was an effort to put together teams, to go at it differently, be a little more aggressive. after all, there's no shortage of aggressive cancers out there, with their eyes on all of us. >> larry: and diane, if memory serves me correct again, richard nixon in 1969 declared war on cancer. did the government ever carry out that war? >> carried out the war, but, you know, it's going to be a long series of discoveries, not just looking for solutions and cures to cancer, but what cancer is. and we've been talking a lot about the fact that it seems that almost every decade, there is a revolution in the idea of
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what it is. i've been reading this book, did you guys read a book called "the emperor of all maladies" about the history of cancer research? >> i didn't read that. did you read that? >> no, i didn't. >> will you send us your copy? >> there's going to be a pop quiz on it at the end of this broadcast. but what was so intriguing about it was to see how so many of the breakthroughs happened accidentally, or what seemed to be accidentally, they discovered initially, the link environmentally to some cancers, because of chimney sweeps in london. and they just happened to look at the figures. and we feel so strongly, and i know that the organization does, that if you bring people in a room, you never know the sentence that's going to trigger an idea in someone else's head, and they say that could be it. that could be what we're looking for. >> and larry, just to elaborate real quickly on what brian said, these dream teams, you know, oftentimes, the world of cancer, like the rest of the world, network news, for example, can be very competitive, proprietary, and insulated. and basically, we're telling --
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it's a mandate to these scientists. you must work together and you must collaborate, so we have teams from johns hopkins working with those from usc. we have those from harvard working with md anderson. and i've been saying lately, two heads are better than one and ten heads are better than two. and if they pool their knowledge and their resources and their experience and their insights, it's only going to move science forward faster. so it's a very exciting new paradigm. and i think the scientists themselves extremely enthusiastic and reenergized by the prospect. >> larry: dr. sanjay gupta's in atlanta. he will be appearing on friday's "stand up to cancer" telecast. sanjay, can you briefly explain to us why this disease is so mind boggling? >> well, it's a tricky disease. first of all, cancer really leave is no part of the body spared. it can affect just about anywhere of the body. many times, it can be some time before someone knows they have it, because they may not have any symptoms at all, no pain, no symptoms.
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so by the time something is discovered, oftentimes it can have already grown. but the problem with cancer is you can't think of it as one disease, even if it's brain cancer or colon cancer. it's often lots of different types of cells within the tumor that all behave a little bit differently, larry. so this idea of trying to use a shotgun approach to try and kill all the cancer cells, you can see why that's difficult. not all the cancer cells may respond. in the past, what they did was they basically focused in on some common denominator between all these various cells. they divide rapidly. so let's kill all the cells in the body that divide rapidly, and people would get really sick, they would lose their hair, they would get nauseated. and now they're getting more specific in terms of therapy. but it's a complicated disease, even with individual tumors. >> and sanjay, even -- larry, i was going to say to sanjay, even with more targeted therapies, sanjay, isn't part of the problem is that cancer is such a wily, insidious adversary, that
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even if therapy is effective for a certain amount of time, it can often outwit even those effective therapies and kind of outsmart it and continue to have the cells multiply and the cancer grow. >> you're absolutely right, katie. i mean, tumor cells are the one cells we always studied as medical students, because they're immortal cells. they'll do anything to preserve themselves, which exactly to your point means sort of outsmarting a lot of the therapies. and also, as you know, if you kill a certain number of cells, let's say you kill 80% of cells in a tumor, the 20% that are left, they're the real warriors. those are the ones that will really fight back at any types of therapies that are thrown at them later on. you can create more aggressive tumors unless therapy is given consistently and appropriately. >> larry: brian, it is not the stigma it once was. remember, people wouldn't admit they had it. >> i still -- i came across a newspaper where i grew up at the jersey shore that still doesn't use the word.
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it won't use the cause of death. and once in a while, you find that old-school journalistic style. but, no, not at all. i have a friend who says, it's not whether we're going to get it, it's just what form. you take a few city blocks in new york or l.a., larry, that's roughly 11,000 people. that's how many americans we lose every week to this disease. it's ubiquitous. who doesn't know a victim? who doesn't know someone living with cancer? who doesn't know someone who's licked it and is walking around healthy today. that's what brings us together. we're a part of american society. >> larry: we'll find out in a moment what's planned for friday night. talk about mike douglas, too. more with brian, katie, diane, and dr. gupta, next. as long as you're walking around, as long as you're not dead now, then you're alive. >> larry: look in a mirror. >> that's right. >> larry: you're alive. >> you're alive, and don't spend your time worrying about when it is you're going to die. worry about how you're going to
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spend your day. this is unlike any car you've ever seen before. this is power with efficiency. this is an interior that exceeds even the promise of the exterior. this is the all-new jaguar xj. the stunning result of taking a very different road.
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scared -- i was scared when i first got the news, but
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immediately, i got into the solutions. i thought, what do we have to do to get out of this? and it's a bit of a shock to the system, again, unexpected, because i'm so healthy. i eat well, i exercise, of course, and i just didn't think that -- i didn't feel anything. i didn't feel -- and you couldn't feel it in a breast exam, because they were so small. i was so lucky that we found it early, because of the mammogram. i thought, you know, i really owe this to the women out there that are putting it off to speak out and say, you know what, get that mammogram every year, because you never know when it's going to save your life. >> larry: remember, you can call 1-888-90-stand or go to and you can start donating right now, even though the program airs friday night. michael douglas is scheduled to appear on friday's fund-raiser. he recently announced that he has stage four throat cancer and he talked about it with david letterman. watch. >> i think it says a great deal
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to the hopeful outcome of this that you're just taking it head on, for god's sake. >> you have to, but this is the first week. the chemoand the radiation continues to burn your mouth and it becomes more difficult to swallow. you can't take solids, so the whole trip is not a -- >> did they find it early enough for their liking? >> i sure as [ bleep ] hope so. >> larry: sanjay, isn't stage four final stage? >> well, with this type of cancer, they talk about letters after the 4 as well, so you have a, b, and sometimes c after that. basically, it means he has cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes, most likely. he didn't give a lot of details, as you heard there. to his lymph nodes, but not to the rest of his body. but given that he's getting this aggressive therapy early on, the chemo and the radiation, that's what you do for this type of cancer. in the olden days, five, ten
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years ago, things move fast, they would remove a lot of areas of the cancer, including a larynx, which would leave someone without the ability to speech naturally. now chemo and radiation can obviate that. >> diane, we all remember your colleague, peter jennings. >> peter was the first to go on the air, if i had only acted on what i knew i should do, listen to me, listen to me, listen to me. and i just, if i can, we're all hijacking your interview here, larry, but -- i want to ask sanjay something. he's talking about the endlessly elusive nature of the cancer cell itself. what is the nature of your hope right now, sanjay, about a breakthrough? have you seen anything that really excites you, or does it seem to you that there are just cul-de-sacs every place you've
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been looking? >> well, we certainly have made some great progress, diane, over all the medical community in terms of some cancers. and i think it's always worth pointing that out, especially with regard to some childhood blood cancers such as leukemia. children live a lot longer and live a normal life span, even, sometimes with these types of cancers. i'm hopeful on two fronts. one is that i think we're getting much better at preventing cancer for a lot of the reasons that y'all are describing. we understand better than we did before what some of the causes of cancer are. but with regard to overall therapy, you know, i'm a neurosurgeon. with the deadliest type of brain cancer, something called a glee owe blasatoma, we haven't made much progress in 50 years. now we know that we need to individualize therapy for each patient, and even within cell populations within the tumor for each patient. and that's very exciting stuff. we'll be talking a lot about that, as you know, in this particular special, there are some teams across the country focussing on that very aspect of it. and they're taking on patients
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that have failed all the various types of therapy today and they're getting good results. so we may see a c-change as opposed to the drips coming out over the last few years. >> and larry, if i can interject real quickly, the other exciting area, they used to be very specific, focusing on where the primary tumor was. and now i think a lot of the latest research, it might be looking at some hedgehog pathway or a variety of different proteins that may be excreted by cells, and they're finding that a certain therapy may be efficacious, say, in a brain tumor, a childhood brain tumor, and possibly in the way melanoma cells behave. so i think there's a lot of cross pollenization going on in terms of approaching cancers. so they have, you know, the research, that is, or the progress, that is occurring is actually showing real -- it's very efficacious in a variety of cancers. and sanjay, don't you think
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that's exciting as well? it's not so tumor-specific or site-specific. >> i think so. i was so fascinated to read about some of the, some of this research, katie, like you, probably. but the idea that there's some precursor to all cancers out there. that they do something, whether it's a protein, like you suggested, or something that turns on a switch on that allows these cells to divide. some amino acid in the body. you figure that out, you someone learn how to turn that switch off, and you're right, you're not just talking about melanoma or glioblasatoma, you're talking about cancer, the whole disease, which is very exciting. >> larry: brian, what's planned for saturday night? >> first of all, i've spoken to michael douglas. he's the announcer at the top of our broadcast that says "from nbc news world headquarters in new york," he sounds terrific, fantastic. his spirit is the spirit that won world war ii.
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so my money decidedly is on him. and i told him we'd see him on the other side of this treatment. but friday night, we have, to call it, larry, a galaxy of stars would be to diminish the number of stars. we have on this one sound stage in hollywood tomorrow night -- >> do you want my cheat sheet? >> katie, you have just the television -- >> denzel washington, george clooney. >> diane's going to -- >> neil diamond. go ahead. >> go ahead. are you done with the musical guests? >> we divided it up, larry, because we knew we couldn't remember everybody. diane is going to do the movie stars. >> i am. denzel washington, george clooney, renee zellweger, an zale breslin, and many, many, many -- >> as many stars as you see in these little lite bright plug-ins. it's so crushingly disappointing -- >> some tv stars, sally field, rob lowe, randy jackson, the
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simpsons, larry, going to be there as well. please don't do that. and a lot of celebrities who have experienced cancer themselves, like christina applegate and lance armstrong, mora tyranny, who just completed treatment for breast cancer. so they're going to be telling their personal stories about how cancer affected them. because, after all, there are 12 million people who are currently living with this disease and many scientists think it will have to be treated as a chronic illness rather than necessarily cured, at least as an interim step. >> and i know one of the things that we've said all along, and you especially stressed, katie, is that this is going to be a night of music and hope and a lot of great spirit. so please don't turn in thinking -- >> we're going to be debby downers. >> but no music from katie. >> thanks a lot! >> i, on the other hand -- >> yes? >> will be soloing with my zither. >> larry: brian, your mom died of llymphoma, your sister died of breast cancer. is it, therefore, hard for you
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to do this tomorrow night? >> no, i consider it a mission to do this tomorrow night. both women in my life, before meeting and marrying my wife and having a daughter, both fought for six years. my mom for six years against nonhodgkins, my sister, so bravely, for six years. my dad, who i just lost at age 93, had a kidney removed from cancer, but didn't die of it. died of a stroke and was a survivor for over 20 years of his life. again, we all know people with it. it's one of the constants of life. may it some day be a life event, but not a fatal one. we're probably all still going to get some form or fashion of it. let's just get ahold of that fatal part with good people like dr. gupta and all the physicians and specialists this will fund. >> larry: and we thank all three of you. we're going to break and then dr. mehmet oz will join us. this program will air friday night on all the networks. many cable stations carrying it, and you can sign up by going to
12:33 am or call 1-888-90-stand. the number tonight, again, is 1-888-90-stand. dr. mehmet oz has had his own health scare recently. he'll tell us about it and why it shocked him, next. breaking news coming out of the united states. a fire close to san francisco airport where dozens of flames are shooting hundreds of feet into the air. he joins us from the scene. >> reporter: what i am saying is just taking my breath away.
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fire crews are doing their best to pad out some of these fires. nilly and lost cause. what we are seeing is just sheer devastation, flames shooting everywhere and as you mentioned, dozens of homes have caught fire, we have heard anywhere from 25. we are told that seven people are injured and moore confirmed fatality. this happened just after 6:00 local time at a time when many people got home from work. the odds that more people are injured are certainly high. at this point, fire crews doing all i can to douse some of these flames. it is a lost cause right now, the winds are heavy and you can see the smoke just whipping up in front of me. not a whole lot they can do. we know there is some kind of gas explosion. exactly what happened is
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unclear. >> i was going to say, any idea on the cause? >> what we know is that it was fueled by gas. exactly what happened is unclear. whether there was some sort of natural gas explosion or whether it was a gas station, for example, we don't know. obviously, investigators will be looking at that prospect closely. right now, the urgency is trying to get these flames out and get as many people as possible evacuated. a lot of people evacuated thus far but a number of people in the neighborhood for the most part, police try to get as many people from the scene as possible. still quite active and it will be a long night. >> how would you describe the
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area, the neighborhood where you are? >> reporter: this is sort of your typical neighborhood. middle-class neighborhood. about 20 minutes south of san francisco. lots of suburban two-story homes. near silicon valley, a lot of san francisco theaters. people who work in silicon valley. your typical nice neighborhood up and the hills and it is utter devastation. i don't know how else to put it. >> on the scene in san francisco, thank you for that update. let's go to the spokesman of this gas company that is believed responsible for this fire. jeff smith from pacific gas and electric. can you bring us up-to-date on what you know? >> really, in terms of the
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specific details, it is too early to tell. our thoughts are with the folks that have been directly impacted by this terrible tragedy. we are working with local emergency responders to help insure that they are taking care of and that we make the situation safer. we're working with local officials to do that. >> authorities are saying that the gas explosion triggered this fire. what can you tell us? >> you know, it is too early to tell on that specifically. we're working with local officials on the investigation but in terms of the specifics of that, it is too early to tell at this point time. >> and what have your people on the ground said about this situation? >> as i mentioned, we have people on scene, something we take very seriously. they are working with the local emergency responders to help make the situation safe. that is what the focus is right now on that is what our folks are looking at doing.
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>> has your company ever had any problems like this in the past? >> again, in terms of what exactly took place, it is too early to tell and i would not want to speculate with respect to that. it is too early to tell what took place in this situation. >> where does the investigation go from here? >> we will continue to work with all investigating agencies on this particular situation and as i mentioned at the outset, our thoughts are with those who have been impacted by this tragedy. and our thoughts are with them. we want to make sure that we work to make the situation safe for anybody in that area. >> that was jeff smith from the gas company, pacific gas and electric, speaking to us from there. cnn will be monitoring the story closely. stay with us for more details. and now to "larry king live." ! hi, ellen!
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>> larry: you think you're god. >> once you start thinking you're god, you kill people. you learn that early in your career. but you have to have a confidence level that's a little bit bigger than perhaps is justified all the time. and you start to apply it to your personal life. in this case, i would have delayed this thing for a couple of years. the show saved my life. >> larry: the cancer specialist last night on all the cable channels. so you're now considered a high cancer risk, are you? >> twice the risk for colon cancer and polyps. >> larry: so you have to do what now? >> well, i'm going to go back in, because i had all those lentils in the way in a few months to make sure everything's
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okay, and every three to five years, i'll be screened. i know how hard for people this is to do. we have a very inexpensive program for people to get screened for colon cancer. know their blood pressure, their cholesterol. know your five, the five big numbers and tests you've got to get. i want people to take vascular of it. >> larry: they are what? >> your waist size and your weight, your cholesterol level, your blood pressure, which is the number one call of ageing of all, your blood sugar, which is roughly 80 million people or maybe more have pre-diabetes and diabetes, and we have an opportunity for people to get their colons screened as well. you don't have to have a colonoscopy, there are other ways of making shoe you don't have anything bad happening in there. >> larry: what about the psa for prostate? >> one of the problems with the psa, if you don't have a high risk of prostate cancer, if no one in your family's ever had it that you know of, the benefit of a psa declines a little bit, and sometimes you overtreat. so you should be treat how fast it's changing.
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>> larry: can you explain in your mind why 37% of americans between 50 and 75 have never had a colonoscopy? >> shocked. and they'll be humbled, because 25% of them have these pre-cancerous polyps and it's as easy to remove as you show, snip, snip, snip, it's out in the bucket and you're done. there's nothing to worry about, no chemotherapy, no radiation. i have looked people in the eyes and felt their pain. it deflated you as a doctor. your soul is stripped out, because you know you cost yourself years of life with the people you love. >> larry: we'll talking about dr. oz's new season in his very successful show right after. welcome, everybody, you're behind the scenes. this is my dressing room. i've got all my great shirts, my wonderful producers. we're going over shows and scripts for today. we're talking about all kinds of cool stuff that maybe will
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change some lives. we went to middle school, actually, how many years ago now? 24 years ago. so she can actually prove that i went to middle school. i don't care what larry says, i went to medical school? >> yeah. >> and you got an mba at the >> and you got an mba at the same time. route to where you're. it can find the best price on gas. >> show fuel prices. vo: and now its v6 gets the best highway fuel economy in its class. say hello to the new ford edge. quite possibly the world's smartest crossover. [v:tv][c [panting] mark! anna! aah! aah! ha! ah! whoo! hee! heave! forgot your lunch.
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>> larry: anderson cooper is standing by. he'll host "a.c. 360" at the top of the hour. what's up tonight, anderson? >> breaking news tonight. we're a little back to square one. that's the latest from the controversial florida pastor, who earlier today announced he was not going through with his plan to burn korans on 9/11. late this evening, pastor terry jones said the koran burning, which he called off just hours before, could be on again. it has been, to say the least, a bizarre day following the strange path this guy has taken. we'll sort it all out tonight and talk it over with our panel. and in raw politics tonight, has the president become a political liability for democrats on the campaign trail? it's all at the top of the hour, larry. >> larry: that's anderson cooper, "a.c. 360" 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. special note, speaking of science, steven hawking is here
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tonight. bill maher tuesday, and wednesday, united states justice of the supreme court, stephen breyer. how we doing so far? did you change the direction of the season premiere because of your cancer scare? >> i did. we decided to -- listen, the whole idea for us this year. the first year was about information, get people to understand what they can do to nudge their biology in the right direction. i realize what you really want to do is motivate people to act on what they've learned. what better way than to start with me? look at my mess-ups or the opportunities you learned from the lessons i've been picking up and maybe that will motivate you. it ties you in emotionally. oprah it taught me this. they don't act based on what they know. they act on fear. if they had a bullet whizzed past their head, they'll benefit. as your team shot behind the scenes i want to give you simple little steps. monday this big show is called just ten. >> larry: kicks off --
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>> the big season, right. just ten pounds? assuming you're a woman, for example, under 200 pounds, you will reduce your chance of heart disease by 50%, reduce dramatically the chance of arthritis, diabetes, cut cancer rates down dramatically. losing ten pounds is very doable. >> another thing that might interest you, i have had heart disease. my father died of a heart attack. i have my 11 and 10-year-old boys check their cholesterol. >> what did you find? >> larry: they were high and now they went down. we put them on a little diet. they play a lot of ball, lot of exercise. >> let me shake your hand. that is very smart. that's huge. because you got them to prevent the early rusting that by the time they had figured it out would have been a liability for them for the rest of their life. that's what a good parent does. there are some things in life that are knowable and there are some things that aren't knowable. if something is find out-able, learn about it. today we have that technology. >> larry: five to know, you mentioned blood pressure.
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most people treat it as, what is it? very important? >> number one. >> larry: do it early on, wake you up to do it. >> you can get it in the mall for free. again, we're organizing these easy screening tools. go to imagine a fire hydrant that's been opened up and the water is squirting in all dreks as hard as it can and it's dragging off, scraping off this delicate teflon lining that covers the inside of your linings. the body scars it in and you literally rust away your insides. it's not a simple little problem. it's a very important one. the miracle of it all is very, very treatable and usually without a lot of side effects. >> dr. mehmet-o, this is second season? it seems like you've been here forever. how many stations are you on? >> we're all over the country. we've had a wonderful time, as you know. miss winfrey has been a huge sponsor of this whole process. >> larry: you're going to go
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into her time slot? >> in more than half the country we're taking her slots when she goes off the air next year. they're big shoes to fill. and it's been very humbling and very gratifying to see the amount of interest that americans have in their health. there's a voracious appetite if we do it right. >> larry: how does she find you? >> i was doing a show with my wife called second opinion, a small show, about what medical school is like and what you learned there. i needed a big-time guest. i don't know why to this day but oprah and gayle king said we'll take a chance on this guy. their producers called and it was love at first sight. >> larry: we'll be back with our remaining moments and he will be part of this big special tomorrow night, dr. mehmet oz, after this. ♪
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now, that's stunning to me. but, more importantly, if we continue at this rate, the average american will go from 160 pounds to 190 pounds. >> amazing. great show. dr. mehmet oz. season two starts sbhond he will be on that cancer special everywhere tomorrow night. how do you make a complex medical issue simple? >> it's all about passion. when someone says it's difficult to explain means they don't understand it well. i had great teachers much when they could get into the nitty gritty of what made something happen, everyone understood it. >> larry: as a heart surgeon -- sanjay gupta, he's a brain surgeon but every time you bring up every medical subject, he knows it. >> we first trained in general surgery. who needs just a little bit of advice.
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and that, for me, makes it very easy to explain it. >> what makes a great surgeon? >> what makes a great surgeon is the ability to respect the people around you. what makes great surgeries, not surnt, is the people who put the patient to sleep, run the heart/lung machine. same thing for a show. it's fun to sit here and host a show, talk to people in my audience, as you do. but when people around you are wonderful, making it easy to do the right thing, it just flows. >> larry: did surgery into his 90s, i asked him once, do you take your job home? and he says, you bet i do. and any doctor who doesn't isn't worth his salt. >> it's a very jealous mistress. the people in your life willing to commit to you have to respect that. >> larry: you know a lot about that patient you're operating on tomorrow? >> you know a lot about them, their family. when you walk out there to talk to them, they don't care about the next patient or the last patient.
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they care about the person that they love so dearly that they trusted their life to you. that's, by the way, the reason i still operate. it grounds me and centers me. any doctor who has had the honor of tabing care of people appreciates that. >> larry: does surgery come first to you? >> it always will. >> larry: even though you're a television star? >> i don't know about the star part. it's joyful to be out there. it talks it to people where they live, which is why it will work. >> it's called stand up to cancer. you won't miss it tomorrow night. it will be everywhere. there will be numbers to call to help. season two starts monday. we want to share some happy news from the "larry king live" team. eleanor mcmannis, talented senior producers gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, isabella


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