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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 18, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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tuesday right here in "the situation room." thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer. join us weekdays in "the situation room" from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. eastern and every saturday at 6:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. at this time every weekend on cnn international. cnn international. the news continues next on cnn. -- captions by vitac -- right now on cnn, a murder so gruesome that it may be too much for the jury to handle and if the police has handled it differently, might some of those involved still be alive? a live update tonight on one of the most brutal home invasions you've heard about. which is worse for you, alcohol or pot? before you answer that, you may want to hear what we found out just weeks before california votes on legalizing pot. the free world may rest on the president's shoulders.
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but the job of the first lady may be tougher. she denies she's complaining about the job. but if she did, she wouldn't be the first. hello, everyone. i'm don lemon. thanks for joining us. a real-live tragedy played out as a texas high school football game. the quarterback of the west orange stark high school collapsed just moments after throwing his second touchdown of that game. reginald garrett was rushed to a hospital and died a short time later. high school football is practically a religion in texas and garrett was a star on his team. a hospital supervisor spoke with cnn this morning. the town's reaction shows just how much they cared about this young man. >> when he arrived about 8:30, 8:35, he wasn't pronounced nil about 9:40, 9:45. his family was all there, of course. it was very devastating. lots of krig. but then shortly after the game
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ended, the -- my parking lot completely filled with people. the waiting room was full, the waiting room was full, the cheerleaders, the band members, all the coaches were there. it was like the entire football stadium came to the hospital to check on him. we were trying our best to give them good news and comfort them, but it was impossible. they were in the parking lot gathered in groups. they were singing hymns, they were praying. it was just a very touching scene. hundreds of people showed up in support of this young man. >> dan hooks has coached football in texas for 48 years. the past 34 at west orange stark high. he was reginald garrett's coach and he joins us now by phone. coach, thank you for being so brave to come on. >> thank you. >> our condolences to you and your team and everyone in your
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town. how are the players taking reginald's death? >> it's devastating. it's just hard to talk about it. they were all crying and falling out. you couldn't say anything to comfort them. what are you going to say? you lost a 17-year-old child and nobody knew what the circumstances were or nothing. it's really bad. >> tell us what kind of guy reginald was? >> he was a great kid. he was a great student, good kid. leader of his team. teammates respected him. it's just a great loss to the family, to the community and the coaching staff. it's got us all in the tank. >> have you had a chance to speak to the family? >> yes, i've talked to -- i talked to his mother. i didn't get to talk to his father. but we're trying to get things arranged and worked out with the school and everything. we're going to have a meeting tomorrow with administration just to see what direction we're
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going to go. >> you know what, coach, this is a story that really every community can relate to. there's a high school -- there's a junior high school and a high school not far from my home. and i can hear the football games. and you know the camaraderie of high school games especially, but every community can relate to this story. >> sure. reggie was like my boy. and i didn't know what to do. i just stood there -- it's like you're seeing something bad play out but you don't really -- it's not real, it's surreal. that's the way it was on that sideline for a long time. and then when we got the word that he had officially died, the community just -- it erupted. and like the lady said, there was a parking lot at the hospital full of people. and people supporting the family. we're just going to have to regroup and press on. >> coach, i want to ask you about this. it's been reported that reginald had a history of seizures.
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was there anything to suggest last night that this was about to happen? >> no. i can't document that. somebody said his mother said it. i didn't question her about that. but he hasn't missed a day of school, i don't guess, ever, since i've known him in the seventh grade. he had no history of anything -- at least he hasn't shown any signs of any seizures or anything. it was just a sudden thing and it caught everybody off guard. >> coach, as we look at this video, you see the other team kneeling, everyone, as you said, was caught off guard by that. you have a game coming up next weekend. has a decision been made yet about whether you'll play it? >> it will be made tomorrow by the administration and the coaches and we'll meet and see. it's going to be kind of difficult probably because we're going to be going to a funeral next week and all the other things that go along with it. we haven't made the decision. but if i was to say, i would probably say we weren't going to. >> dan hooks was reginald garrett's coach. thank you, sir. and best of luck. our thoughts and prayers are not
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only with you but with the entire community, okay? >> thank you. >> thank you. we're going to turn now to news overseas. we're talking about the pope. it was a day of prayers and protests on the pope's third day in the united kingdom. thousands showed their support for pope benedict xvi who led mass this morning at westminster cathedral. during the service, the leader of the catholic church addressed victims of sexual abuse by the clergy. >> -- the abuse of children especially within the church by ministers. above all, i express by deep sorrow to the innocent victims of this unspeakable crimes along with my hope is reconciliation will bring deep healing and
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peace to their lives. >> the pope also met privately with five abuse victims from the uk. that's according to the catholic communications network. the expression of sorrow did not impress thousands of protesters, though, who also rallied today outside the cathedral. they oppose the catholic church's stance on gays and other issues. a deadly election day in afghanistan. the country was racked by taliban attacks that killed at least 11 people. still election officials say more than 3.5 million people, 40% of the eligible voters, cast ballots for 249 parliamentary seats. counting is expected to take about a month. and even then, the outcome might be in dispute. the election commission is already flooded with complaints of irregularities and accusations of fraud. taliban attacks kept 20 polling places from even opening. and just ahead here on cnn --
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>> we have their faces covered. she is petrified. she wasn't going to call the police. but i came to my office and i did. >> is she still -- >> this is a fascinating and terrifying story. the chilling audio of a bank teller's call to 911 after a woman tells her that two men are holding her family hostage. what happened moems later is really unthinkable. in fact, the details being played out in court, the judge had to call a recess. the first lady's conversation with the french first lady. did she really have bad things to say about life in the white house? and be part of the conversation, send us a message on twitter or facebook. check out our blog at and check utous on foursquare. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time...
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abe: perhaps... save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance?really host: is having a snowball fight with pitching great randy johnson a bad idea? man: yeah, i'm thinking maybe this was a bad idea.
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an american woman is on her way home after spending more than a year captive in iran. sarah shourd left oman. shourd is one of three american hikers detained by iran after they allegedly crossed over the border from iraq in july of 2009. nic robertson is in abu dhabi following all this for us. nic, how did she look and sound before leave og man? >> reporter: she looked quite relaxed. four days ago, she was overseen smiling when she arrived greeting her mother. now she seemed more relaxed and a little more at ease. she appeared she's cut her hair a little, caught a little bit of son. she has been to the grand mosque and described it as a very peaceful place.
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but really what came across from her, again, in a carefully worded statement, no questions allowed to be asked by the media who were there, what came across her was somebody who was perhaps torn with leaving this big effort to get her fiance and her friend released. she said oman would always be somewhere that she associated with freedom. >> as you said, her fiance and another friend still in prison. did she talk anymore about them? >> reporter: she did. she said it would be wonderful if she could take her fiance, shane bauer, and her friend, josh, would be able to come back. she said something else that was sort of a telltale giveaway that she is torn because when she thanked the consultantsultan of
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said it was an unfortunately brief visit and wanted to be involved in that diplomacy to get her fiance and friend released. but she really made a strong point to the omani people that they should pray for josh fa fall and josh bauer. after five months and millions of gallons of oil, is a ruptured oil well at the bottom of the gulf finally going to be sealed? that story a straight ahead. bermuda braces for the impact of a powerful storm as mexico bears the brunt of another. who else will be affected by the storm? jacqui jeras joins us next. it's our honeymoon.
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but we've parted ways with our old airline credit card that promised flights for 25,000 miles. it was always... [ laughing ] that seat's not happening without a big miles upcharge. a miles upcharge wasn't part of the deal. was i supposed to go without my wife? [ elevator bell dings ] [ grunting ] haha, that was awkward. so we upgraded to the venture card from capital one. we've had it with the games. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at what's in your wallet? [ male announcer ] we asked zyrtec® users what they love about their allergy relief, and what it lets them do. the thing i love most about zyrtec® is that it allows me to be outside. [ male announcer ] we bet you'll love zyrtec®, too -- or it's free. [ vonetta ] it is countdown to marshmallow time. [ woman laughs ]
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want to check our top stories. expectations are high that bp's macondo oil well is finally dead.
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official word may not come for days. cement was pumped deep into the well today, a procedure known as bottom kill. pressure testing is set to begin later tonight. that will confirm whether the plug is holding. thad allen announces the well is dead, crews will pack up and abandon the site. the last boat is expected to leave the area in about a week. governor bob mcdonnell has brought the state of virginia one step close tore expecting a woman -- to executing a woman for the first time in almost a century. the governor rejected a clemency request for teresa lewis. attorneys say the 41-year-old grandmother is borderline mentally retarded. she told cnn she's sorry and wishes she could undo her crime. lewis is set to receive a lethal injection on thursday. she plotted the murder of her husband and stepson in 2002. the tw triggermen received life without parole. new york state police say
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there are at least six fatalities at the scene of a vehicle accident on interstate 87. emergency workers are still trying to confirm the identities of the victims. it's not known how many people were injured. while karl fizzles out over texas and mexico, bermuda is preparing for the arrival of a massive storm. jacqui jeras joins us now from the cnn hurricane headquarters. going to be hurricane headquarters for quite a while now. >> yeah. definitely is. can't hear me? >> having trouble hearing jacqui. got the mike on? >> can you hear me now? >> we can hear you now. >> let's she's yow you what's g on with igor. it's weakened just a little bit
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today but there will be some flight fluctuations in intensity over the next 24 hours. take a look at how huge this storm is. this thing is almost 700 miles across, believe it or not. they're starting to feel the impact now of those tropical-force winds. take a look at the radar picture. you can see, here's the island. there are you can see some of the outer bands starting to make their way onshore. people have been preparing for this all day. take a look at a couple of pictures we have to show you from mike, one of our weather producers. there you can see some of the big waves and people trying to kite surf in that. the next picture will show you some of the hotel workers who have been adjusting the lamps, taking things down and preparing for the winds as they continue to kick up. people are also filling up sandbags to protect from any of that flood threat as well. so as the tropical storm force winds arrive, it's going to be a long lashing. more than 24 to 48 hours of that, hurricane force winds arriving just about a day from
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now. and landfall late tomorrow and into monday morning. so this is going to be an incredible storm for bermuda. we're feeling wave from this along the east coast of the u.s. we also have a little tropical disturbance here into the western gulf of mexico. it's not related to karl. but bringing very heavy rain across parts of texas. >> i'm kidding. i had to have a little fun with you. did you see me? >> did you see what i did back? >> thanks, jacqui. first lady michelle obama denies reports that she doesn't like life in the white house. but she wouldn't be the first woman who hated the job. i'll explain. before rogaine, my solution to the problem was to go ahead
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and wear hats. i was always the hat guy. i can't even tell you how much it's changed my life. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. no more hats. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining.
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it's time for a "cnn equals politics" update. here's what's crossing the ticker right now. indiana congressman mike pence wins the annual straw poll at the values voters conference in washington. it is considered an early test of possible 2012 candidates -- presidential candidates among socially conservative voters. mike huckabee came in second followed by mitt romney, newt gingrich and sarah palin. the back story gets weirder for tea party darling and surprise republican nominee christine o'donnell. she admitted dabbling in witchcraft and going on a date to a satanic altar. host bill maher showed it and says he'll air more clips until she comes on.
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jim demint says congress must keep its promises to voters or it's dead. he's calling on his party to unite around common causes but he's angered some in the gop by supporting christine o'donnell over mike castle in the delaware senate race. candy crowley will have demint's full interview on tomorrow's "state of the union." go to and at 10:00 p.m., a couple of comedians this week announcing their own march on washington. we'll take a look at the influence of outsiders, what they have on the election this season. let's turn to the first lady, michelle obama has denied it. but a new book in france details an incident that makes you -- well, think the white house is the last place the first lady might want to be. in carla and the ambitious, the writer said some witnesses overheard carla bruni asking
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michelle obama how life at the white house is. this is a quote, hell, mrs. obama replied, said the book, going on to say she hated it. the french embassy denies the exchange ever took place. but it makes you wonder about the frustrations of first ladi s ladies. turns out many of them didn't like their job. that's according to lisa burns, the author of "first ladies." professor, it seems like it would be a good job, you get the best seats at the restaurants, gifts, public adoration. what's the problem, no privacy, right? >> no privacy, everything you do is on the most public of public stages. you have constant not only media scrutiny but a lot of media criticism. you have no control over your schedule. you are trying to raise a family in the white house, like the obamas are. so it's one of the toughest jobs out there and it's also a job that none of these women signed
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up for. >> and the thing, many of these women, very smart women. they become first ladies after they've had their own careers and they can't do it once they're in office. they expect to -- first ladies to have softer issues, they can't have tougher issues and they can't deal with things bigger and tougher issues that they dealt with when they were civilians. >> that's true. a lot of first ladies are expected to advocate for a cause as long as it's a cause that isn't too controversial. they're expected to support their husbands, campaign on behalf of their husband's programs but they can't say anything that would publicly show them disagreeing with their husband's stances. it really can be a suffocating position. >> lisa, i understand the first first lady hated the job? >> yes, she did. if michelle obama had said this, it wouldn't be surprising. martha washington compared it to being a state prisoner. abigail adams said she was afraid -- she wasn't sure what she should say because she was worried that she might say
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something that would hurt her husband. in the 20th century, we have had several first ladies who didn't like the job. >> jackie kennedy, what did she call the press? >> she called the press harpies, which are nasty mythological creature that is hound you to death. and she hated the constant attention. when we think of her now, we think of her in photographs. she really didn't like all of that press attention, especially for her young children. >> what other first ladies didn't like the position? >> probably the one who disliked it the most was bess truman. she spent a lot of time at her home in independence, missouri. there was a famous incident where she was doing a christening of a ship and she went to break the bottle and they forgot to score the bottle ahead of time. so she's banging and banging and it just won't break. and she was humiliated. she told her husband, i'm not doing another public appearance.
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she made a few after that, but very few. >> lisa burns, thank you very much. we appreciate it. not surprising if she did, in fact, say that she didn't like the job, right? >> true. thank you, don. >> thank you very much. she says she denies it. again, the french -- the office in france also denies it as well. next, a grisly home invasion that many say could have been prevented. >> we have a lady who is in our bank right now who says that her husband and children are being held at their house. the people are in a car outside the bank. she is getting $15,000. >> that's a call that may have saved their lives. the police took 30 minutes to respond. what took police so long? we're investigating next. es you, and it dominated mine. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. ♪
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jurors in connecticut are getting a break this weekend from one of the most gruesome murder trials in recent member. a connecticut family, their home invaded, only one made it out alive. as our susan candiotti reports, the details are just as shocking now as when it all happened more than three years ago. >> reporter: jennifer hawkspetit, nervously asking a
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teller to withdraw ransom money to save her family. she had no idea she'd be dead within an hour. an employee calls 911 -- >> reporter: the 911 call to police was made by the manager inside that bank branch. she told police she saw mrs. petit being driven away by someone else going in that direction. >> reporter: suspects did leave but only police say after allegedly strangling and raping mrs. hawks-petit and typing up michaele and hayley.
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husband michael petit was tied up in the basement before the house was set on fire. nagging questions remain about whether police could have stormed the house and saved the family. >> it is tempting to at least raise questions about the behavior of the police because they were there and didn't enter while the victims were still alive. >> reporter: a radio log shows patrols notified at 9:26 a.m. about 20 minutes later, a call to set up a perimeter before phoning the house. ten more minutes pass and the suspects bolt. the house is on fire. police call for an ambulance and fire truck more than a half hour after the first call. security expert tom ruskin defends cheshire's small force. >> you have to take the house immediately. if you knew what you knew today what was going on then, first officers probably as quickly as they could would have taken that house.
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>> reporter: we wanted to ask police about what they did that day and why they did it. but because of a court-imposed gag order, they told us they couldn't answer our questions, except to say this -- that they were competent in what they did and followed their protocols. >> very emotional. >> reporter: during trial this week, dr. petit took the stand and jurors looked at crime scene photos of the burned remains of his wife and two daughters. >> one juror was crying openly, a female. a male juror i saw wipe a tear away at one point. and even the jurors who weren't crying were extremely somber. >> reporter: the attorney for steven hayes admits his client's role in the crime in hopes of escaping the death penalty. a family's house once stood in this memorial garden where questions about whether two alleged killers could have been stopped sooner. susan candiotti, cnn, cheshire, connecticut. >> both suspects in the petit murders are convicted felons who
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were on parole at the time. why did the board release men who might be capable of such a brutal time? connecticut representative mike lawler is a professor of criminal justice at the university of new haven. mike, thanks for joining us. you know this case from front to back. were you outraged when you first learned that these men were on parole? >> well, it's not just that they were on parole. it's the fact that there was information that the parole board and the department of corrections should have had that would have changed the decision-making here. this is a classic case of the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. since that time, there's been a lot of changes. but in retrospect, it's clear that things would have happened differently had the system worked as designed. >> so that's one hand not knowing what the other was doing. is that how the parole board saw fit to release them? >> these two guys, the younger guy is the more dangerous guy, the clearly -- the potential future predator. he had been identified by many people in the system -- for
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example, the sentencing judge in his case said, this guy is a potential killer down the road. but that information never got to the department of corrections. >> how could it not get to the department of corrections? what went on that it didn't go there? >> turns out connecticut has this antiquated information system for police and prosecutors and parole officials and they relied on photo copies and the u.s. mail. when many other states do this electronically. i think in this day and age, that's just not acceptable. so in the three years since the tragedy, the governor, the legislature up here, have made these kinds of changes. so in the future, this won't happen. but clearly in retrospect, this was probably preventible. >> can you talk about some of the changes, mr. lawler? >> a lot of changes. number one, state-of-the-art information system so everyone has what they need to make the decisions. but beyond that, we've tried to focus in on repeat violent offenders. we've updated our 15-year-old
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three strikes and you're out law to focus on these violent home invasion-type situations. we've made it clear that is a violent crime and people who are doing time for this aren't eligible for parole until they've done at least 85% of their time. more importantly, we try -- go ahead. >> i thought you were finished with your thought. >> the most important thing is we want to give the front-line officials the tools they need to identify the needle in the haystack. which offender out of the thousands and thousands that come through the system is a potential future murderer like this guy? there are warning signals. in this case, they were there. they just weren't available. they couldn't be seen by the people who needed to have them. so i think the information breakdown is probably the single biggest cause here. and we've taken important steps to change that. >> do these men deserve the death penalty? >> well, they clearly deserve it. whether or not they're going to get it is an open question. there's a lot of controversy up here about whether or not to abolish the death penalty. but for now, that's the most
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serious penalty we have and clearly, in my opinion, at least, these guys deserve whatever is the most serious penalty. >> mike lawler, thank you. >> okay, don. just ahead here on cnn, over 100 police locked in a standoff for nearly 24 hours. i'll tell you how this ended. plus, marijuana could soon be legal in california. and you're not going to believe who's upset about it. well, the alcohol industry. i'll tell you why.
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checking your top stories right now. pope benedict today expressed, quote, deep sorrow to victims of clergy sex abuse. he made the comments inside a mass he held. he met with five abuse victims. thousands protested against the catholic leader opposing the church's stand on gays and birth control, among other issues. deputies in west odessa, texas, have arrested a man who forced them into a standoff that lasted nearly 24 hours. it started late friday when the
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gunman shot two deputies and a civilian. the suspect set fire to his home, which was surrounded by officers. he's now in a hospital with burn injuries. and in california, where medical marijuana is legal, people are enjoying drug-infoousz fused desserts like bananas foster. they've figured out a way to put marijuana into ice cream. a pint of the stuff is the same as smoking eight joints. it's only available to patients with cards permitting them to use marijuana as medicine. and the push to legalize pot has an interesting new adversary. the trade association contributed $10,000 to stop proposition 19 from happening. proposition 19 would make smoking and possessing marijuana legal under california state law.
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voters will decide in november, on november 2nd, to pass it or not to pass it. but this raises a question -- is marijuana really worse than alcohol or vice versa? what's going on? let's talk about it. roger salazar is from the public safety first, a group that received the $10,000 from the california beverage and beer distributors, the distributors declined our invitation to come on the program. we also have with us mason tavert. part of the coalition to pass prop 19. thanks to both of you gentlemen for joining us here tonight on cnn. mason, when you heard about this beer group's contribution, what would your reaction? >> well, listen, every objective study on marijuana has concluded it's a far safer substance than alcohol. clearly what we're seeing is the alcohol industry is trying to prevent competition. they realize that marijuana is the next most popular recreational drug after alcohol.
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and they want to ensure the booze keep flowing and the pot does not. it's unfortunate because what they're doing is they're driving californians to drink when they might otherwise make a rational, safer choice to use a less harmful substance. >> roger, why do california beer and beverage distributors give $10,000? did members tell you? >> listen, i think mason is making a little bit of a jump here. let's keep in mind the beer and beverage distributors are the folks who deliver beer and beverage products. the truck driver, the forklift drivers, the warehouse workers. these are folks who have traffic safety and employee safety issues, first and foremost. the fact is, under prop 19, there are no -- you're allowed -- you're not allowed to smoke marijuana while you're driving but there's nothing that says you can't smoke marijuana right before you get behind the wheel. that's a safety concern. they're concerned from the employer side about testing. under this initiative, it creates a protected class for marijuana smokers and basically says you cannot test for
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marijuana and/or fire a worker unless you can prove actual job impairment. those are new legal thresholds -- >> aren't those the same rules as alcohol? i don't see any different that you said about alcohol. >> no, because what you do under prop 19 is it creates -- the prop 19 says you cannot discriminate against people who are participating in or who are using this product under this new law. so basically creates an extra protection for marijuana use which doesn't exist for alcohol users. >> here's the thing. once the law goes into effect, if it does, if californians say "yes" to marijuana being able to use marijuana legally, then some sort of standard would have to be put in place like alcohol for when you're doing the breathalyzer or what have you. what's the difference? i don't understand. it seems like the point is moot because it hasn't happened yet. >> it's not moot because that doesn't exist. again, under this initiative, it specifically omits any deflection of what constitutes under the influence of marijuana. there is no definition.
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you'd have to create something new. what this initiative has done is basically leaves it up to 536 different local and county jurisdictions to create their own separate rules. so you essentially have utter chaos trying to figure out exactly how you enforce any of the rules set up. >> sir, go ahead and respond to what he said. >> well, yeah, with all due respect to this gentleman, he is a political consultant being paid by the booze industry to protect their turf. i respect the fact that he's involved in this fight. but this group is calling itself public safety first. why on earth would they prefer to keep alcohol as the only legal drug in the mix here? and, don, you make a great point. marijuana, driving is going to be illegal, it's illegal to use marijuana while you're on the job. but what this gentleman's job here is to raise doubt and to scare people and he's being paid by the alcohol industry. so we really need to consider where this information is coming from.
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and we also need to consider the fact that this gentleman mentions all the jobs that are created by the alcohol industry. these are all jobs that can be created by the marijuana industry as well. and at the same time, we're giving californians the ability to use a substance like marijuana that doesn't contribute to domestic violence and sexual assault and overdose tests and all the other problems that alcohol contributes to. >> i'm not saying -- that it should be legalized or what have you. but as someone who's come from a family where there is alcoholism, i think if you abuse any one of them, they are bad. everything in moderation, everything in moderation. thank you, guys. appreciate you joining us on cnn. >> no problem. >> thank you. what do graffiti, rap music and psychology have in common? i'll explain. [ male announcer ] one look can turn the everyday into romantic.
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graffiti, rap music, hip- p
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hip-hop, dance, spoken word, these could be the latest tools in the mental profession. it's called hiphop psychology. the theory is that young people with emotional issues might respond better if it's in a cool context that they can relate to like hip-hop. two vanderbilt graduates now working on masters degrees in new york city. ♪ i know i didn't say something wrong ♪ ♪ i didn't have the courage to say ♪ ♪ what about that ♪ what about that
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>> back in new york after their three-day symposium at vanderbilt university. thank you for joining us. all right, so, listen, lauren, you've been researching this concept of hip-hop psychology for a long time now. how did you come up with it? >> well, actually, i just started researching and probably the past two years, it started with american psychological association abstract in 2009 that we actually submitted and presented. but the process has definitely been a long time coming. with a very thorough experience growing up as artists, we essentially realized that hip-hop had been powerfully expressive for ourselves in terms of therapy and so we wanted to really share that with other people in a very clinical and therapeutic concept. >> this may be the best use for hip-hop that i have heard of since hip-hop was founded.
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what were you hoping to accomplish at vanderbilt and are people receptive to this idea? >> i think what we were trying to accomplish was to engage in dialogues and people have been receptive and we have gotten positive food back and if it hasn't been positive feedback, it's been constructive feedback. mind you, this is the first time we're talking about. hip-hop in therapy has been talked about in the literature before, but what we're trying to do is talk about it in a formal setting. >> fractions and factions, from elementary to secondary, we have been secluded by race and class, where factions of our race clash.
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>> here's the thing, it mean it sounds good, but it is unconventional in the sense that it's not freudian, you're not laying on a couch and what have you and listening to someone with a note pad and it's $75 an hour. how is that going to accomplish anything? both of you can respond to that, you first, lauren. >> well, the thing is that we're actually very firmly based in traditional science. and i mean clearly we're in masters programs now and pursuing our ph.d.s in psychology. the whole idea is to create an authentic experience for clients through which they can connect to their own personal experience through which they can feel and express their own emotions and ultimately create some sort of artistic piece that actually is very expressive and authentic to
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themselves. and to begin to communicate it that way, rather than just through other methods. >> yeah, and i think, you know, we don't even get into the conversation of which is better or which is worse, that's not what we're here to talk about. >> no, what i'm asking you is how it works, that's not what i want you to debate. i'm asking you how it works, because usually you lay on a couch and you tell your problems and you think it's going to wake up something from your long lost childhood and it's going to help you. so i'm really asking you about the process. >> i think it's about emotional expression and what we're here to do is create another option and to really enhance a clinician's toolbox and add other tools to their toolbox. so we're really here to create more options amongst the options that already exist. >> i don't think you're getting my question. what happens? i mean when you're talking about psychology and therapy when it comes to this, if i came and i
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said, i need some hip-hop psychology, what's the process if i come to you? >> it would probably actually work in different ways depending on whether you're working with an individual, a group or an actual community. for instance if you're working with an individual, there's several different tactics that one could use to engage, but first you want to create some sort of experience using hip-hop has a medium. >> so it is interactive, it's not just you sitting and listening? >> absolutely. >> that's what i was getting at. >> really appreciate it, have a great evening, guys, good luck. if you're going to wrestle a 900-pound gator, you better be pretty big and pretty strong. guess again. after using rogaine for a while, i went to my stylist
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all right, check out some news you missed, a 13-foot gator, nothing to mess with, but nobody told a massachusetts woman who came to the swamp of south carolina to bag one, she hooked into the 900-pound gator with a fishing rod. never mind


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