tv Larry King Live CNN September 18, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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latino? it's not -- >> well, now i know you don't. now you can love the american culture, live the american dream, but still keep your roots. so i do hope that my boys one day will feel the same way. ♪ >> up next on "latino in america" -- their multi -- learn how their strong work ethic and experience helped george and
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tell me about your father. >> larry: was it always going to be a business? >> we were brought up to be with one another and fight against the competition, not mornamongs ourselves. >>. >> larry: what was it like to grow up the only girl, adrian? >> i think -- obviously, it makes you very tough and you have to learn -- kind of the school of hard knocks.
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but i think overall, it's made me very independent, very strong, and i admire them they let me be that way as well. >> larry: and you're the only one married, right. >> twins, four and a 7-year-old. >> i was a state senator in new mexico for about seven years, but i also wanted to work in the family business.
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saturday? do you wachbl to work holidays? >> larry: did he have a tendency to spoil you because you were the only girl? >> he did. but i also admire that he was ahead of his time as well. he wanted me to be independent, wanted me to go out and learn the things that my brothers were learning. so i admire him for his nen tasity. >> you always, george, kept a strong hand? >> pretty much. my mother took over when he didn't. my mother's done a great job as well, she's still alive today, and has had a huge influence on all of us. and part of that work ethic comes from our mother, she's great. >> larry: how old were you when your dad died. >> i was 13. >> larry: how old was he. >> he was 57.
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>> larry: that's pretty young. what did he die of. >> he was diabetic, a little overweight, didn't exercise as much as he should. >> larry: what's the background of the name maloof? >> it's lebanese. >> larry: how did this all start? first you all went into the liquor and beer business automatically, right? >> yes. >> larry: are you still in that, joe. >> we're not out of the beer business all together, we have a new project that we're working on called black star beer. >> larry: beer?
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>> yeah, a new beer that we're marketing it for a gentleman named minot westinger. but the other beer part of it we're out of distributorship. >> larry: what was your first business beyond alcohol? >> the general store, 100 years ago, my grandfather opened up a general store in las vegas, new mexico. and we say that's the real las vegas. and it had a general store and sold everything from sugar to lard to shoes. and from there, he acquired a coors distributorship for las vegas, and then eventually throughout the whole state of new mexico. that's how we started. >> so it all started with beer? >> yes. >> larry: what was the thing after beer, though? what did you first --? >> the hotel business. the casino business. we opened a small casino in colorado in 1990. then we opened a place called
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the fiesta in las vegas and then the palms ten years ago. >> how did you name it the palms? >> it was just something that i came up with one day. i was with the architect and we were sitting where the palms were being build. the original name was going to be the breeze. i mentioned it to my sister and she said isn't that some kind of female product? so it became the palms. >> larry: how did these guys get into the nba? we'll find out after this.
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image? because you are a playboy billionaire? and they're all single. >> we have worked so hard throughout our entire lives, we're just really busy, we have loaded trucks and swept floors, joe and i actually ran the recycling center, which is really a dirty job, in case you don't know what's in those beer cans, we can tell you what's in them. but we know what the common man goes through because we were the same way and we were blue coll and it was really good training for us and prepared us for where we are today. >> larry: is it tough for your husband to marry into this group? >> it was tougher on me. no, i was just going to add that having three little boys, my goals as well is to raise them and start them at the bottom, work their way up. and as my dad always said, you have to earn people's respect, you don't demand respect.
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hopefully they carry on. >> larry: what does your husband do. >> he's a plastic surgeon. >> larry: a plastic surgeon? >> facial plastic surgery. >> larry: he doesn't work at home? >> no, he doesn't. >> larry: how do you avoid that image? >> first of all we're not billion areas, but it's just a matter of respect from the employees that work with us, they know our work ethic, have we dated a few girls? we probably have throughout the years. but our focus is on our business and on our family and we have met, we have dated lots of girls that would be great girls to marry, but it just hasn't happened? >> larry: why not, joe. >> we have dated a lot of nice girls, but we're traveling all the time, i'm never in one city
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more than a month. >> there's a lot of excuses going on. >> larry: how could a family -- adrian, maybe you have the answer. >> i have tried to set them up with some of my girlfriends, but i gave up a long time ago because i know if i like them, they're going to question whether it's the right girl for them, so, i guessive up. >> larry: did any maloof ever come close to the altar? >> the closest we came to the alter was when adrienne was on the altar. >> larry: do you want to get married. >> i have thought about it. but just thought about it. >> larry: ms. right has never come through the door. >> there's been a lot of ms. rights. >> but they left quite abruptly.
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>> larry: george. >> i would like to someday. >> larry: who's the youngest? >> phil. >> larry: do you want? maybe in another life? >> she threw the towel in long ago. she would like us to get married, but it just never happened. i don't know why, it just hasn't. we all love our nephews, we enjoy our nephews. >> larry: do your nephews want to inherit this? >> you know, they may be the next larry king. >> larry: but there's nobody else to leave it to, right? >> i want them to be healthy and happy. that's the most important thing. >> larry: are you very close with your mother? >> yes. >> larry: how old is she?
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>> if i told you -- >> larry: where does she live. >> she lives in l.a. >> larry: you guess. >> no, i said she lives in l.a. >> larry: how about the story that you're self-proclaimed mama's boys? >> it's true, we love our mother. >> larry: pete would say, okay, then, they're attached to their mother, they're attached to somebody, must be mom. >> absolutely. we respect her, love her, she's been great, a great person to be involved with and we just all love her to death. >> larry: so any girl you meet has the challenge, gavin, of being mom? >> that's a big challenge. >> larry: i want a girl just like the girl that married dear old dad. >> that's right. >> larry: so you guys, all right, how do you guys decide on respective roles in the i business? like your business is everything, and i want to get into specifics. like why hotels.
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>> my father was in the hotel business right before he died, 1980. and that's something i took a liking to and as i got older, i went to school in las vegas, nevada. and i thought maybe we should open up a casino someday and talked to my family and we all kind of agreed on it might be a good idea. >> larry: so you run the palms? >> i run the palms, right. >> larry: do they have an input, can joe call you up and say i didn't like this idea or this nightclub? >> oh, yeah. >> larry: and what impact does that have? >> it has him pact. one thing we do is we listen to each other's opinions and we respect each other's opinions, we don't shut the door on someone's thoughts. so it's worked. >> my father used to say running a family business is a tough son of a b to run a family business. but why we all get on so well, is my mother and father never favored one child over another.
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they never pitted me against gavin, or gavin against george and they always encouraged us and we have terrific stories about they would watch gavin play football in albuquerque and that night fly all the way to new jersey and be at my game the next day on a saturday. so it was incredible what kind of parents. >> larry: usually parents tend to favor one kid over the other, naturally. >> we haven't experienced that at all. >> larry: the amazing maloofes. how about owning an nba team, the sacramento kings. we'll ask them about that in a moment. in a healthy you. new one a day men's pro edge.
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lipford we're -- >> larry: we're back with the incredible maloofs. this is an incredible story, they inherited a business, but they took it much further and they were raised for hard work and a tough business ethic. how do you decide who runs what? you're a company, right, you're the president? >> yes. >> larry: are you the deciding man. >> all of us together. if we don't -- if there's a major decision that has to be made, we have to agree unanimously on it, if we don't, we won't do it. >> larry: like a jury? >> we tend to listen to joe. he's always been -- had good instincts on stuff. >> larry: have you had 3-2 votes? >> yes, we v. >> larry: but that means no, right. >> we come to a decision. it's not always -- we figure it out. at the end of the day, we figure it out.
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>> if somebody doesn't want to do something and has a strong opinion about it, we usually don't do it. >> larry: have you had a business bomb? something you all agreed upon, but it didn't work. >> we were in the birmingham fire. the world football league. >> larry: oh, that team? >> the new york team, the new jersey team? >> it was a different league, we were partners with the nfl and we started off with a great partnership with the nfl, but it just doesn't work out. it's tough to get fans out there. the brand of football wasn't what americans were used to, that was the problem. >> larry: so that's one sports failure, right? >> yes. >> larry: sacramento kings, while not a success if the franchise -- well a successful franchise, it doesn't lose money? >> it has in the past, we have had our peaks and valleys like every nba team, other than the lakers. >> larry: how did you get into
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basketball? >> my father, 1979, actually we purchased the houston rockets. >> larry: the aba? >> no, it was the nba. and then he passed away and we sold the team, we really didn't want to sell it, but we had other factors that made us sell the team. it took us about 17 years to find another team, but we found the kings. and speaking of kings, this is a jersey for you. >> larry: 25 years. >> from our kings to the king. 25 years in television. >> larry: what i have always liked about the kings, in addition to the fan support is the team colors. who picked them out? >> they were that color when we bought the team. those were the colors. >> larry: it's hard to lose money in the nba, isn't it? >> you don't get the fan support, corporate sponsorships
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and if you're not winning, fans won't show up. it's a very difficult business to run. >> you can lose money really easy. >> larry: really? >> if fans and players don't show up, you can lose money. >> the value is in the franchise. >> larry: when you sell it what's the payroll of the kings? >> we're at about 4$45 million. and that's pretty low. we have paid luxury tax. >> larry: is 43 below the cap? >> yes. >> larry: are you out to sign anybody now? all of the good ones are gone. >> next year we will have a lot of cap space to go out and acquire players. >> larry: how how does it work? do you meet every week? how does it work. >> we talk a lot on the phone. we don't speak as much as we should, we talk once every three days, but i think we should talk
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all the time. you always want to meet more, it seems like, anymore. >> larry: where's the main office? >> las vegas, the corporate office is in the palms, spend most of our time there. >> larry: but he's running the hotel, right? >> yes. >> larry: let's talk about the hotel. paris hilton goes to the palms. >> paris was my date to the opening of the palms and at that time reality tv was just taking off. and we were the first hotel orcas seen know to ever let cameras inside the hotel. so we welcomed the publicity. until that time it was taboo to have a camera in a hotel. it was just that time when paris and nicole and everything was happening. and celebrity sightings were just getting started and we fueled the press. >> larry: does it still go on.
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>> excessive, yes, and it started with the palms. >> larry: how about the playboy club, how did that come about? >> the playboy club, we had done some things with hef before it opened. and found out they wanted to have some presence in las vegas, so we brought the first playboy club to las vegas. >> larry: who runs it? >> we run it. >> larry: but they're all your employees. >> right. we pay a licensing fee to -- >> larry: wle >> larry: what's the toughest part of running a casino? >> it's the day to day grind. you have to stay focused and las vegas is so competitive. >> larry: did anybody ever come in and hit you big. >> oh, yeah, it just happened. happened last week. >> larry: what's the most one person ever won. >> $3 million. it hurt. it wasn't fun. getting that call wasn't fun. >> larry: how has the economy affected the maloofs and if they
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maybe we'll do a show at the palms. i'll leave here, we'll go to the palms, we'll do a show at the palms hotel. me and young people. i was there a couple of weeks ago, i was the oldest person in the building by many, many, many years. how do you get involved, stay with the business, married with three little ones? >> i think i have made a decision to keep involved in our family business even though my children -- >> larry: by phone? >> and by meetings, but my children are my first priority. and that is the hardest job, by the way, being a parent. everything else pales in comparison to that. i just think it's important to be -- >> larry: does your husband feel married to five people? i mean as close as you are he's
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got -- >> he's a great guy, we get along with him well, he's got a thick skin. >> i have a thick skin. >> larry: did you have to approve of him? >> whatever adrian wanted, we did. he's a good guy, he can roll with the punches. we kid him a lot. >> larry: before we get back to the nba, how has the economy affected your business. >> it affected us the last two years, we had a team that hasn't been too good and our attendance has been down. but there's a light at the end of the tunnel and we have a great young team, rookie of the year in tyree. did you bid for lebron. >> actually we had cap space and we contacted his agent because we did have enough space. >> larry: but he wasn't going to
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go to sacramento, was he? >> no, but he appreciated our interest and our efforts. >> larry: how has the economy affected the palms? >> no one has been immune to it. las vegas has been tough the last few years. >> larry: highest unemployment in america? >> it's tough, i think it's flattened out a little bit. but we're not out of the woods yet. >> larry: how do young people have money to go to vegas? you have the youngest crowd in vegas by far. >> we do. they find it, they save up for it. they want to go and party and have a good time. they're working all week, it's a release for them. so las vegas always has been a party town. >> larry: you entertained the president, right? >> in my home. it's the first time he had done a denver since he's been president. >> larry: did you support him. >> i supported the president.
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he said some things about las vegas that we took offense to. >> larry: he said don't go to las vegas this year? >> it hurt a lot. we weren't happy about that. >> larry: did you bring that up to him or was that after the dinner. >> through the dinner while he was at my house, i brought it up to him, in a respectful way, because i didn't think it was right. the next day he made it good. >> larry: he did? >> kind of corrected -- said good things. >> larry: what other businesses are you? you've got -- still got the new beer you're selling. you've got the kings. >> the entertainment business. >> larry: in what way? >> a gentleman called david broom produced the biggest loser and we're producing shows with him now. just recently we produced nhl hockey awards at the palms. >> larry: you did the awards there, didn't you?
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>> yes. >> larry: that was nice, great night. >> we respected the nhl and their traditions, but we brought in snoop dogg, we put the palms touch to it. >> larry: so what are the things you -- you're in the television business. >> yes. yes, and we have some other stuff with vh-1 coming up. it's like a scripted show we're doing at the palms and another comedy for tru-tv. it's the spirit of like a hangover game show, you party all night and you have to wake up the next day and remember what you did that morning and win cash and so forth. >> larry: so getting into a business like that, you have to know the people you're involved with. you have no television experience, do you. >> we don't have any television experience, but we have a good feel for people. >> larry: how did you make the decision to into that business? >> we have always been in the
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entertainment business, casinos and we thought it would be good synergy, music entertainment and the nba. i thought it was a perfect fit. >> larry: is there like a day of the month where you all sit down together? >> it's rare. used to be, but not recently. this is our first time i think since thanksgiving. >> yeah, since thanksgiving. >> larry: really? but you talk never more than three days without talking, right? >> we talk every day. we're very close. >> larry: the palms in las vegas has a hotel suite with a basketball court and a suite with two bowling lanes and a sweet designed by hugh hefner, that goes for $40,000 a night. we'll find out who stays there, next. ♪ for he's a jolly good fellow ♪ the meeting's tomorrow in dallas ♪
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>> larry: we're back with the maloofs and the palms. how did the nba team come about? >> we put a basketball court in a room and make it look really cool and we'll get a bunch of publicity and we'll get a bunch of people staying there. >> larry: how big is the court? >> it's almost a half court. it has it's own locker rooms, we provide cheerleaders as models in case somebody wantses to rent the room. >> larry: who stays there? >> a lot of people. rich guys. >> larry: no kidding. >> couples live out their
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fantasy, they stay there. >> larry: we have had princes, royalty stay there. >> michael jackson didn't stay there. >> larry: he stayeded at the palms? >> he lived there for a few months. >> i didn't know he was there. none of the -- >> george was his bellboy and everything. he did everything. packed his -- >> is he tough to cater to? >> no, he was a great guy. he would call me up and say, george, are you busy? and i would say no, what do you need? he was always very respectful. >> larry: buzz was he demanding? >> no. >> larry: why didn't you tell your brothers? >> i think i mentioned it to them about two weeks into the stay. >> larry: why did he choose the palms? >> i think he felt comfortable
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be the palms. he told me a story that he wa wanted to buy the land where the palms is and he was going to build a casino there and he bought the lashnd. he recorded in our recording studio. >> larry: how did you come about having a recording studio in a hole te. hotel. >> i called george and said how do you feel about putting a recording studio in the palms? he said great idea. >> larry: is there a certain amount that one brother can spend without telling the other brothers? when -- atlanta braves, he could spend two million dollars
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without having to check with him. do you have any rules. >> larry: no, we just go by instinct. >> we look at it and see it if makes sense. >> larry: what could he do by himself. >> i trust phil and george, they have good business sense? >> larry: do you argue? >> oh, yes, absolutely. absolutely. >> of course. >> we have our differences. we argue but at the end of the day, we're all moving in the same direction. we're all fighting each other, we're fighting the competition. there's plenty to fight out there. >> we argued a lot more when we were younger. >> larry: when he said bowling allie y in a hotel room, what d you think. >> i thought he lost his marbles. i thought he was going to keep all the rest of the guests out. >> in las vegas, when people come to town, they want to play out their fantasies, that was part of it, a basketball suite, a bowling ally sweet. we have an erotic suite, we have
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a suite that has a stripper poll in it. >> an exotic suite? >> larry: what's in an erotic sfwhooet. >> hef designed this two story sweet, with the cant levers off the edge of the tower with a glass wall and this really big jacuzzi, he kept wanting it bigger and bigger and bigger as we were building it and so we made it really, really big. >> larry: do you book big acts at the palms. >> the biggest. we just had lady gaga there. toby keith. we're waiting for you. >> larry: i would love to. >> by the way, i had lunch with a lady friend of mine and she said she saw you and she saw your act and really, really enjoyed it. it was a couple of years ago. >> larry: in vegas at the wynn.
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>> we just happened to be talking and she said larry's really funny. >> larry: and adrienne will soon be seen on "the real housewives of beverly hills." say our interr raises the small-car bar. if you want to talk about it, call me... that is you know when you get home... since you don't have bluetooth in every model. the all new chevrolet cruze. starting under $17,000. get used to more. ♪ t adththod it's dif - alcium crhea
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>> larry: we're back with the maloofs, first time they have been together since november. but they talk all the time. i doubt there's any family in the country quite like this, with a hotel in vegas, an nba team, a distributorship, a music entertainment business. and now you're going to be on television. what can you tell us? >> did you hear that? >> larry: i heard that you're going to be on -- i know they're making the announcement soon. >> right now my lips are sealed. i would love to tell you, but, you know, stay tuned. >> larry: i thought it would be "dancing with the stars". okay, i don't want to pry. >> i'm not allowed to talk about it. i would love to. but they have me -- lipped as a
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sealed. >> larry: did they have to approve that. >> i think they saw that. >> larry: joe tell me about skate boarding. what do you do in skate boarding? >> well, gavin and i used to have a basketball camp at sacramento and it got a little steal and every time i looked out the window, i thought skate boarding, skate boarding. and i thought, well, why don't we do a contest. and it morphed into this world state boarding competition. we put on a competition, we build a skate park. >> larry: where? >> all over the country. we're going to portland, chicago, south africa, so it's turned into a great business for us. >> larry: how do you make money? >> well, we haven't made any money on it yet, but it's just a lot of fun.
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>> larry: how will you make money? >> we will through sponsorships and apparel and things like that. but mainly, it's just building the brand name, the maloof name. it's been fantastic. for instance, we got 17 million hits a month on our website. that's how big this skate skateboarding is. >> larry: 17 million hits? >> yes. it's called the maloof money cup. we're all caught by surprise how big it is, really. it's been huge. it's going to be televised nationally and will be in 65 countries. so skateboarding is huge with the youth today. >> larry: when you wanted to do this, phil, what did you think? >> i think it's a great idea. >> larry: you liked it right away? >> yeah, he had to convince me. he said 12 million kids skateboard, 9 million play baseball. is that correct, joe? >> yeah. >> larry: more kids skateboard than play baseball? >> it's part of pop culture, don't you think? my kids love it. and they're 4 and 7. >> it's just a whole lifestyle
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now, it's completely -- all over the world -- >> larry: would you say, phil, that you guys, and lady, are open to anything? are you always interested in proposals? >> sure, we're always looking at more hip, edgier things. what's more fun stuff. we have a fun lifestyle. we're a lot more conservative than people think. but we always want to be involved in what's happening now, what's in the future. and i think it's ingenious what joe did. he's giving a lot of kids something to do, keeping them productive. news hero of the week on cnn. it's a great honor. >> larry: what are you going to do in the music business? >> we have two bands. we have -- >> larry: a band? >> we have two bands. hinder has sold over 4 million albums. coming out with a new album. so is riv theory -- >> partners with jimmy ivey in the music.
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>> larry: how did you find that? how did you do that? >> joe? >> larry: really. >> that would take forever. that's a long story. >> larry: are you in the rock band business? >> yeah, we've got a few bands. >> any type of music. >> anything that has an opportunity to take care of people, to cater to people, take care of customers, the word cater doesn't bother us. we love that word. >> larry: mostly young, right? >> well, we cater to everybody. our business -- >> larry: what business do you have that caters to senior citizens? >> the slot machines, our buffet. >> larry: that's a good example. do you realize what an incredible story you are? do you ever think -- you don't think about it? >> no, not too much. our focus is always on work and business. sometimes we should take a step back and think about it. but we really don't.
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>> i think it's very difficult to run a family business and very few people can do that. so in that respect, i think we've been very fortunate to be able to do that. >> we've got the tremendous mother, really go back to being momma's boys and -- >> larry: how involved is she? >> very involved. >> larry: you do involve her? >> oh, yes. >> very involved. very smart. politically smart -- i don't think we'd have a business after my dad died, we were in our early 20s and they were very, very young, teenagers. without her, we wouldn't have a business today. everybody came at her. you want to sell your business? you're a housewife, you deserve to be in the kitchen, stay in the kitchen, that was in the '80s. and she just -- you don't know anything about the business, you're a woman -- >> larry: what's the name of the business? there's no phonebooks anymore. so what's the -- >> the maloof companies. >> larry: the maloof companies based in las vegas. our final moments with the maloofs after this. what a story.
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9:57 pm
>> larry: we're back with the maloofs. by the way, i got connected with the maloofs through our driver in new york who must be thrilled that you guys are appearing here. and our friend, jaime jim gray, the sportscaster. >> jim's a great friend of ours. and joey, the limo driver. >> larry: you guys aren't above -- >> we're regular joes that live in a fantasy world. it's kind of a fantasy. it's an extraordinary world that we live in and that -- our lives are extraordinary. but at the end of the day, we're just guys -- hard workers. but you can go have a beer with. >> larry: speaking of beer, you leave the beer business. why start a new beer? >> we were very excited about this opportunity with blackstar. it's out of white fish, montana. and the beer is just finance.
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we call it the best beer on the planet. we love the owner. and we wanted to margaret it for him. >> it was the first craft beer, back in the '80s. >> larry: how are the sacramento kings going to do? >> great, great. i think we have an opportunity at the playoffs this year. >> larry: do you think the heat are going to be the favorite? >> no, i think the lakers are going to win it all. >> larry: always give the lakers trouble? >> we play them tough. i saw kobe and he said, you guys had us down twice -- >> larry: and once it was a bad ref call. you got beat. when you lose, how do you take losses? you guys don't lose much. >> it's tough. you have to look forward to the next game, though. if you take the losses too hard, it will drive you crazy. >> larry: is one of you at every home game? >> most of the time, yeah, one of us. i go to most of them. so does gaven. >> playoffs, we're all there.
9:59 pm
>> larry: are you passionate about it? >> passion, this is our life. we started real young. my dad used to call david stern, the commissioner. >> larry: i love david, great guy. >> tremendous. my father used to call him when he owned the rockets. and he and i would sit there and listen to my dad talk to david stern about the nba. it's great to have the opportunity to have our own team now. >> larry: you have to have good people running the kings, running the palms. you guys get into day-to-day running? >> oh, yeah, every day. >> we have to rely on good people as well. >> larry: would you say you're hands of on? >> yes, we all are hands-on. >> larry: are you tough to work for? >> i think we are pretty tough to work for. but we respect our employees just like we respect the customer. >> larry: altogether, how many people work for you? >> probably about 3,000 now. >> larry: you're an amazing story. good luck on the tv show you can't talk about.
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