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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 19, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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-- captions by vitac --
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right now on cnn, hurricane igor is bearing down. thousands either fleeing or bracing for the worst. it is a giant storm and our hurricane headquarters is tracking every single movement. a story beyond frustration. trying to prove you're an american citizen. no one believes you and you're deported. don't think it can't happen to you. you won't believe one man's story of many this hour. and they live on one of the most famous streets in the world where everyone, even the people who live there, wonders how to get to, but some residents of "sesame street" have found their way to our studio. grab the kids, everyone, elmo is in the house this hour! hello, i'm don lemon. we start with this story. it's a strange one unfolding in southern california. more hannah dozen people, including many children, that were reported missing overnight and they were feared they were about to take their own lives in a cult-like mass suicide. they have been found and everyone is okay, but now, there
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are lots of questions, one of which includes how police are handling this case. thelma gutierrez joins us live. was this a cult? what's going on here? >> reporter: don, obviously, there's some kind of a disconnect between the stories that the spouses told investigators and what now the women are telling investigators. so, we're not exactly sure exactly how this thing is going to come out, but i can tell you that they belong to a church here in palmdale. these women say that they just broke off from the church. they went off on these little prayer sessions that they would organize on their own. they routinely would come out to the desert and pray overnight and so, something happened, don, that made the husbands go into authorities and say, we're very concerned. authorities look through some of the belongings that these women left behind, cell phones, apparently letters that were interpreted as good-bye notes, and they wanted to know, were
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these children, eight children and five women, in any kind of danger. so, they said they wanted to err on the side of caution and so, they started this huge manhunt that we had been hearing about since last night. what happened is that, apparently, a viewer was watching the coverage and recognized the cars parked here outside of jackie robinson park and saw 13 women and children sitting right here praying on the grass at the park. in fact, you can see they left their bibles right here on the grass. so, police come rolling up and, in addition to that, all the media. we come, we find these people, and they had this look on their face, don, they were absolutely stunned to see the authorities out here, to see the media out here and i asked one of the women in spanish, i go, you guys okay? everything all right? they said, absolutely. >> i've got to ask you this, then. did police, in fact, overreact? are sheriffs saying anything about this now?
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>> reporter: you know, that's a really tough thing, don. they're saying that they did the right thing. they felt -- they heard these spouses were very concerned about their children who had left with a woman who was, you know, a member of a cult and so, authorities said that they did what they had to do. here's what they told us a few minutes ago. were they eating? >> they appeared to be praying. this appears to be a prayer session that seems to be elongated. 1:00 a.m. it started. 3:00 a.m. one of our deputies saw them at pete knight high school, visited with them, talked to them. the kids seemed to be in good spirits. they waved to us. they were praying. they were praying for no violence in schools. praying for abstinence for premarital sexual relations, things like that, honest and well-meaning things. however, why did they leave this? why did the two husbands come into our station terribly concerned? all of those questions we're going to try to answer.
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>> reporter: now, sheriffs investigators say they have detained raina cheekas allegedly the prayer group organizers. they talked to her. they found she was very confused and so, they are going to be conducting a psychological evaluation on her a little bit later and children and family services will be coming out to talk to the other parents of those children who are here in this prayer sickle. >> thelma gutierrez from palmdale, california. thank you. stories like this will immediately trigger memories of jonestown. remember that, heaven's gate, the branch davidian, and other cults. we'll explain why even a whiff of cult-like behaviors sets off alarms so quickly. back on american soil now, more on that massive prison in iran, we're talking about sarah shourd. she was in custody in iran for about a year now. she touched down a short time
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ago following her release last week. shourd is one of three american hikers who were detained after allegedly crossing over the iranian bored per. mahmoud ahmadinejad is visiting new york for the united nations general assembly session starting tomorrow. susan candiotti is following all of this. we have heard shourd may have had some health issues. is she okay? >> reporter: she does say she is okay. she got a clean bill of health from doctors. but with her companions behind bars, sarah shourd says she feels one-third free. shourd's long journey to the united states began, of course, from iran to dubai and then she went on to washington, d.c. and then, she wound up with a news conference in new york city just this afternoon. she stuck to a prepared statement and in that statement, she said she is going to focus on her still-prim prisoned fiance and friend.
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>> shane and josh do not deserve to be in prison one day longer than i was. we committed no crime and we are not spies. we in no way intended any harm to the iranian government or its people and believe a huge misunderstanding led to our detention and prolonged imprisonment. >> reporter: the mothers of shane bauer and josh fattal have requested a meeting with iran's president, mahmoud ahmadinejad. he's in new york city for the united nations general assembly. no word yet on whether, in fact, he will meet with the mothers. i met with them after the press conference and they tell me sar sarah's release makes them more hopeful their own children will be allowed to leave prison. >> i was very excited for sarah to be free for our families and also nora and sarah. however, the bittersweet truth is shane and josh aren't home.
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we really want them home. they're innocent. it's the same case. they need to be returned. >> reporter: now, we asked the mothers as well if they learned anything else about the way the hikers were treated in jail but they said she haven't had a chance to talk to sarah about that yet. shourd didn't take any questions today and she said she will continue to work for the release of shane and josh. don? >> all right, susan. listen, we heard that sarah may have had some health issues, again, we're wondering is she okay. what's the deal with her health? >> reporter: here's what happened. remember, we were told by her mother that sarah had found a lump in one of her breasts and that she had all the other issues as well and, in fact, iran were said that was one of the reasons that they included in their reason for humanitarian release, but she said when she was freed and got to oman that the doctors looked at her and told her are you in physical good health. she may have all emotional issues as well. she's been through a long ordeal and she'll be resting now.
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>> thanks for following this story for us. we want to go down to the gulf of mexico where the all-clear has been given on that busted bp well pipeline that caused so much drama, heartbreak and the dental of 11 men, becoming the worst oil disaster in u.s. history. commander thad allen declared the oil well official low dead early this morning. so-called bottom kill passed all pressure tests. the line may be plugged but no doubt it will be years before the people along the gulf fully recover. bermuda is bracing at this hour as hurricane igor pounds a tiny atlantic island. already, we're hearing half of the island may have been lost power. we're live from there next. and the new dalg of the tea party movement and her past comments about witchcraft. become part of our conversation. accepted us a message on twitter or facebook. check out our blog, to my grandkids, i'm nana.
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i'm friend, secret-keeper and playmate. do you think i'd let osteoporosis slow me down? so i asked my doctor about reclast because i heard it's the only once-a-year iv osteoporosis treatment. he told me all about it and i said that's the one for nana.
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he said reclast can help restrengthen my bones to help make them resistant to fracture for twelve months. and reclast is approved to help protect from fracture in many places: hip, spine, even other bones. [ male announcer ] you should not take reclast if you're on zometa, have low blood calcium, kidney problems. or you're pregnant, plan to become pregnant or nursing. take calcium and vitamin d daily. tell your doctor if you develop severe muscle, bone or joint pain, of if you have dental problems, as rarely jaw problems have been reported. the most common side effects include flu like symptoms, fever, muscle or joint pain and headache. share the world with the ones you love! and ask your doctor about reclast. or call 1-866-51-reclast. year-long protection for on-the-go women.
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let's talk weather now. this is really a bad one. gusting winds, driving rains and fiercesome waves. that's what bermuda is facing right now from huge hurricane igor. we are covering it from every angle for you. jackie jeras at the cnn hurricane headquarters at the cnn center and reynolds wolf is in the middle of it at elbow beach in brld. we're going to start with you, reynolds. it looks like the wind is kicking up and you're getting a lot of rain. >> reporter: we're expecting the storm to pass to the west and beyond but we'll catch some of the biggest winds and rains on
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elbow beach. at the same time, some of the heaviest rain. that rainfall has caused flooding across parts of the island. combined with the strong wind gusts, some of them in excess of 70 miles per hour, has caused power outages widespread across the island. half the population is without power on the island. 60 people reported to emergency shelters and many viewers around the country, 60 does not sound like a very big number, but i got to tell you, it's about ten times the amount of people that went to shelters back in 2003 for hurricane fabian which was considered one of the most devastating hurricanes in bermuda history. so, yes, they're definitely dealing with the onslaught of the storm. one of the biggest issues we have on the coast is some serious beach erosion and waves are going to continue to pound across much of the coastline. i can tell you some video we took earlier in hamilton, the city of hamilton, you'll see the streets there, many of those places virtually deserted. a few brave souls have been out and about checking some of the storm damage, sees some of the
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storm action firsthand and made the downtown areas without power. that's the bad news. good news is as we fast forward into tomorrow, into tuesday, the storm should be well north of bermuda. things should slowly get back to normal but the airport probably going to be closed until late monday or tuesday and then the process of restoring power will then resume. it's going to be a tough, long haul. the cleanup is going to be a big one. >> reynolds wolf, thank you very much. let's turn to jackie jeras. looks like strong winds there. >> yeah, and that's been going on for probably four, five hours for sure, don. things are going to continue to get worse in the next couple of hours before it gets better. this is a long duration event. those winds are going to be whipping them. overall, about a day and a half they're going to be dealing with tropical storm-force winds. hurricane wind gusts have been reported and those are expected to continue. this is a very large storm and so even thor we're no longer expecting a direct hit, those
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hurricane conditions are going to be there regardless and that's going to last through the evening. it's going to be a long night for those folks and likely more power outages can be expected and structural damage possible, though many of the structures there are reinforced and have concrete in them as well. 80-mile-per-hour, that's the maximum sustained winds. we're getting gusts beyond that up to 100 miles per hour. the storm is moving north and it's about 80, 80-plus miles away from bermuda right now. there you can see the cone moving northward and then hooking on off to the right. we have been getting quite a bit of rip current and rough surf here along the east coast of the united statesvil united states as a result. i-reporters doing a great job showing us pictures and things have been going on from bermuda. things are michael simmons from pembroke. he says they have been boarded up and ready to go. he lost power at noon and reporting lots and lots of rain. 6 to 9 inches expected overall on bermuda. don? >> thank you very much. what's a sitting u.s. senator to do when she loses her seat in the primary?
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she is runs as a write-in candidate, of course. the latest in our political update. he's been branded a supporter of terrorism and tonight, he is on u.s. soil. what iran's mahmoud ahmadinejad may say this week before the u.n. general assembly.
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i'm ahmed mady and i'm a homebuilder. my father brought me up to give back to society... felicia jackson promised her late sister that she would take care of her children. but she needed help. i used my american express open card to get half a million points to buy building materials to help build the jackson family a new home. well, i know if my dad was still around, he would have told me, with no doubt... he would have told me it's a no brainer and i knew that from the start. it was an honor. booming is moving forward by giving back.
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time right now for a cnn equals politics update. we're keeping an eye on the latest headlines on the political ticker. let's join now our deputy political director, mr. paul steinhauser. he's with the best political team on television. paul, tell us what's crossing right now. >> let's start with christine o'donnell. she's the rock star right now on the right. remember, it was just five days ago she won that senate gop primary in delaware, beating a big moderate out there whose been known a long time. but check this out. there's been a lot of talk now about o'donnell and what she has said, some of her comments when she was a spokesperson for
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christian conservative groups back in the '90s. today, don, she was supposed to be on two of those sunday talk shows, but she canceled yesterday because her campaign said she needed to be back in delaware to campaign with voters. and the democrats are wasting no time. the democrats i just talk to a top democrat, the democratic senatorial campaign committee out with a new ad in delaware to highlight her fiscal irresponsibility. we'll see more of that. steve rusk doing just that, planning our coverage this week of o'donnell. that's a great race. the democratic nominee going out to california this week to raise big bucks. let's talk about lisa murkowski. she was on "state of the union." murkowski losing the nomination in alaska to a tea party candidate. now vees runs as a write-in candidate. she says she feels like she was the victim after smear campaign and focused on the tea party express. that's the tea party group that spent $600,000 helping joe
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miller who is the tea party candidate to defeat her in that primary. national republicans are backing miller, not her, but she is going to fight on, don. let's talk about the fund-raiser in chief. barack obama, the president. tomorrow, he is in philadelphia to help fund-raise and raise big bucks for the party. he does the same thing on wednesday in new york city when he teams up with nancy pelosi, the house speaker and senate majority leader harry reid. the idea is to raise a lot of money, and get out the vote efforts. hopefully democrats will not suffer as many big blows in november against the republicans in those mid-term elections. a lot of stuff going on the cnn political ticker. >> thank you very much, paul steinhaus steinhauser. ge to cnn we'll have another political update for you coming up next hour. from imprisoned americans to nuclear plants going live, iran is the focus of world headlines. iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad is here in the united states tonight. he's going to address theiations general assembly tomorrow and
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cnn's foreign affairs correspondent jill doughtery joins me now. jill, what is going on this week? what is going to be coming this week and what is the u.s. going to be focusing on? >> reporter >> these u.n. sessions are really pretty interesting, even though everything or a lot of it, 98%, is worked out in advance, you know. the leaders from all over the world come to new york. they have huge staffs. they make speeches. and a lot of it's kind of precooked. but there are always interesting moments that are unexpected when people, quote, bump into each other in a corridor. after all, you have the leaders of literally every country practically in the world and a lot of hot topics. so, if you would ask the obama administration, this is their second u.n. g.a. they talked about multilateralism and they say they're going to follow up on that. there will be things that are very important right now, things that are very active, issues like the mideast. iran, you mentioned.
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there are other things that are more long-lasting but very significant, and that would be the millennium development goals. those are setting out human goals for people, especially women and children, and nutrition. you're going to hear a lot about that. to give you an idea, don, of what secretary clinton will be doing up there, the president will follow later on in the week. sunday, in fact, today, there was a big meeting on pakistan and the flood, the aid that the u.s. and other countries are providing to pakistan. tuesday, there's going to be a quartet meeting a mideast peace, very important because of the peace talks that are going on. wednesday, millennium development goals that i was just talking about. thursday, secretary clinton makes a speech. and then friday, the president will be there and one of the hot subjects will be sudan. and then finally, the leaders who will be there, you mentioned mr. ahmadinejad, he's already made some comments, interesting comments about the american hikers. and he will be there speaking as
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well. president hamid karzai of afghanistan will be there. so, you've got a lot of possibilities for interesting bumping into each other and discussing major events. >> all right, jill doughtery, thank you very much. we appreciate that. watch "larry king live" on wednesday, he will be interviewing the iranian leader. their conversation starts 9:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. up next -- >> translator: are you going to deport me? i'm a u.s. citizens. >> a u.s. citizen is deported for three months. a careless mistake or racial filing to the extreme? we have the answer to the famous question, how do you get to "sesame street"? stay with cnn because elmo and cookie monster are in the build. [ male announcer ] what if clean sheet day became clean sheet week? new ultra downy april fresh has scent pearls that give you a whole week of freshness with just one wash. ♪
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and from day 1 to day 7, ultra downy april fresh lets you climb in to more freshness than this other fabric softener. so why settle? get more. feel more.
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it is the kind of story critics of immigration crackdowns fear, a texas man says he was deported despite having the documents on him to prove he is american. his attorney says luis alberto delgado showed border protection agents his social security card, a certified copy of his birth certificate and a texas i.d. card. >> translator: they are discriminating against me just because i don't speak english well and have not studied here. then, they are discriminated against me. the situation is really bad in mexico. there are shootings all the time and i cannot believe that thaeld
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just send me there. i am angry because of this incident, i lost my job. i just spoke to my boss and asked him if i could get my back jack and he said there is no position for me. because of their fault, i lost my job. >> so, border agents deported him to mexico on june 17. 85 days later, the federal government finally let delgado return. he came back to the united states just last saturday and delgado's attorney joins us from houston, also with us is political science professor jacqueline stevens of northwestern university and she tracks improper deportations on her blog, spates without nations. first question, to you, luis alberto delgado speaks limit the english since he spent a lot of his childhood in mexico after being born in houston, right? was it the prime reason officers wouldn't believe him? >> reporter: >> well, the prime reason was the language, the lack of the english-speaking ability and once the officer, the deputy sheriff, looked at the
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documents, he discounted it and called in eyei.c.e., called in immigration and held him for eight hours and felt the documents must have been fraudulent even though, in 2007, three years ago, he went through a similar process in laredo where they fingerprinted him and photographed him and yet, this time around, they still wouldn't believe his documents blaungt-ds to him. >> i want to say that we tried to get a response from u.s. customs and border protection who said officials won't comment on individual cases, even though your client signed a waiver allowing his information to be released. so, your client signed the paperwork that allowed him to be deported. why did he do that? >> well, after eight hours, 19-year-old kid, he's being pressured by them. he says he was threatened, that they said, they told him if he didn't sign the waiver and the deportation, they would beat him because they were sure that those documents did not belong to him. so, he thought that if he would just get it over with, go back
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to mexico be able to through a lawyer get back in, he could solve it in that man ber, but as it turned out, it draugtd on longer than he thought? >> how is he doing? >> he's a 19-year-old, he's resilient and thanks to the good folks in houston, texas, he's had job offers. he's had teachers offering to give him free english classes. people are poking fun at him saying he's the born in east l.a. kid, like the movie from a few years back. he's taking it in stride, but he's also trying to get past it. >> to jacky now, how often do americans get deported and why does this happen? >> well, i did research in florence, arizona, looking at files that were obtained through the legal orientation program there from 2006 to 2008 and on the basis of that research, i learned that 1% of the people i.c.e. detains are u.s. citizens.
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these are people who are going through immigration court proceedings and an immigration judge terminates the deportation order because the person's a u.s. citizen. in addition, i estimate on the basis of interviews with attorneys and people who were deported, that an additional one-half of 1% of people who are arrest by i.c.e. and deported are u.s. citizens. now, that may seem like a small number, but when we think about the magnitude of deportations each year in absolute terms, that's thousands of u.s. citizens each year who are detained. >> has my question to you because some might say that's unfortunate but worth it when you think about the overall people who shouldn't be here. so, what do you say to that? >> well, i mean, i'm really glad you raised that point because the overall policy of trying to exclude people on the basis of where one is born is something that's medieval and barbaric practice that, in earlier periods, was used to prevent
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people in england, for instance, from moving from 1 parish to another. in the 17th century, you could could be branded or have your ear cut off for being in an area without a pass for the same reason people are being prohibited from moving between countries right now which is this fear that poor people will move without restraint and you're somehow overwell many cities and cause chaos. there's been no evidence that that's the case. in earlier periods when there was less enforcement of the border, there was no discern i think increase in crime. in fact, economists have shown the opposite. this panic and fear are not based in economic realities. "the wall street journal" has been on record since 1984 of supporting an amendment that would say to the united states constitution saying there shall be open boreders. and it's precisely because of the benefits of free movement that economists endorse this.
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so, i don't think that these kinds of exaggerated fears would be the basis for a sebastopol see that ends up not only deporting people who have lawful rights to be here who are immigrants, but also, obviously, u.s. citizens as well. >> that's going to be to have to be the last word. our thanks to jock lin stevens and isas torres. that person chatting it up on the cell phone at your favorite restaurant annoy you, me, yes. or are you one of those people doing the chatting? maybe. we're looking at what women and men think about talking at the table. what everybody thinks about talking at the table. happened to me this morning at breakfast. surprise! they don't agree. and the eye pad, it started a trend. there it is, right there. now other tablet computers are either out or they're on the way out and they are pretty cool. some of them, maybe. tech guru katie lenindahl takes some for a spin for us next. w wee all the wahome?
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piggy: weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeee weeeeeeee. mom: pix. ...maxwell! mom: you're home. piy:h,ol, anks mrs. a. anncr: geico. minutes could save you 15% or more. we've been best friends since we were two.
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we've always been alike. [ lindy ] we even both have osteoporosis. but we're active. especially when we vacation, so when i heard about reclast, the only once-a-year iv osteoporosis treatment, i called joni. my doctor said reclast helps restrengthen our bones to help make them resistant to fracture. [ lindy ] and reclast is approved to help protect from fracture in many places: hip, spine, even other bones. [ male announcer ] you should not take reclast if you're on zometa, have low blood calcium, kidney problems. or you're pregnant, plan to become pregnant or nursing. take calcium and vitamin d daily. tell your doctor if you develop severe muscle, bone or joint pain, of if you have dental problems, as rarely jaw problems have been reported. the most common side effects include flu like symptoms, fever, muscle or joint pain and headache. nothing strenghtens you like an old friendship. but when it comes to our bones, we both look to reclast. you've gotta ask your doctor or call 866-51-reclast. year-long protection for on-the-go women. or call 866-51-reclast. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] try fixodent with a time-released formula. use just once per day for all-day hold. it is important to use the product as directed. for poor-fitting dentures, see your dentist. for hold from dawn to dark... fixodent and forget it. okay, this is my pet peeve. if you're on a cell phone, especially in a public place, don't talk that loud. as a matter of fact, go outside.
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if you're going out for dinner tonight, you might want to shut off your cell phone. most people think you should. that's according to a new survey from pc tools. but while 81% of women say you should completely power down at the restaurant, only 69% of men agree with them. also, some interesting stats on privacy in the survey. 17% of men say they don't want their spouse or significant other checking out the files on their computer. that's also one of my pet peeves. and nearly one in two people would be ep barsed if someone saw their files. okay, so everybody here in the studio knows that i love my ipad. i have it hanging out with me and we're going to get to katie. oh, it just fell down, my poor ipad. there it is, i love my ipad. it's the most popular tablet on the market and so i don't want it to be jealous. there you see katie there. we don't want to make our ipad jealous because i know you're obsessed with yourself. i'm obsessed with me but there are alternatives. are. we get to those alternatives,
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can we get to the survey talking on phones in restaurants. i give peek the meanest looks like, i look back and like, i don't want to hear your conversation. that is seriously the most annoying thing ever but for me, living in new york, it's these people on their phones and not paying attention to anything else that's going on. they're just walking and texting. nothing else in the universe is happening right there except their conversation. drives me crazy. crazy. >> nothing else in the universe is happening right now except for katie and i with our ipads. what's up with that? >> i can't believe you just dropped that. >> no, no, no. it's the thing where you can set it up and watch video on it or whatever. i take it in and out of the case properly, i need a new case. poor baby. >> wow. >> go on, katie. >> all right, let's talk about tablets because, of course, the apple ipad everybody knows all about and it xplo edited into the marketplace but it wasn't the first tablet in the marketlace. it was the first one to nail the entire concept. in 80 days, they sold over 3
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million, of course the competition is heating up especially at we head into q4 and holiday season. i want to introduce to you a few of the tablets that aric maing waves. the first is the samsung galaxy tab tablet. they made a big announcement thursday that they would live on fall four major carriers. the ipad is about ten inches. the gal a,y tab is going to be live at about 7 inches, a little bit more portable, easy to carry around. the biggest difference it has is a front-facing and rear-facing camera and the capability to video conference and use as a phone, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out. it will be satellited as the biggest competition to the ipad. i want to show you how diverse the word "tablet" is being used these days and showcase the know. interesting enough, college kids have those backpacks that are about 20 pounds, trying to carry everything inside it. the no is a dual screen tablet, bone 14 inches in size and they're hoping by the end of the year, it's in beta testing right now, by rollout, they're going
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to have 90% of textbooks right on the tno device. this will take the place of the bookback with the highlighters, pens, year textbooks, it will do everything on that dual screen tablet. we're showing you a diverse number the tablets. this is the dell streak, available for about $549. what's interesting about this one is, it has that nice gorilla screen so it's a little bit easier to use for rough use but the front facing, rear facing camera. >> is it a phone? >> it can be used as a phone which is crazy because we're talking about two 14-inch dual screens on the kno. this is opposite in size because it's kind of like you're zach morris. >> looks like early cell phones but probably easy to type. >> it does. >> it's in between. >> easy to type. i had a really good experience with this one but i want to introduce you to one final tablet and that's in the dell inspiron line. they came out with a convertible, they've unveiled a convertible netbook tablet
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coming out in the next few months which is an interesting concept because it flips between a tablet and also a net book which we saw in popularity last year. plenty of tablets on the marketplace. keep your eyes peeled. they're going to be having a lot of deals especially with the competition heating up. >> the book thing is very smart because i see kids and their bookbags and they can barely pick them up. as they say on the commercial, eye pad is magic. >> it is. >> thank you. katie and her ipad. did you name it yet? no? >> no, this is like my buddy. >> katie and my buddy, thank you. see you soon, katie. getting that first job after college you may think an expensive private school education will get you hired first, but a new report finds you might be better off saving your money. and we have the answer to the famous question, how do you get to "sesame street"? just stay with cnn because elmo and cookie monster are in the house! yeah, elmo, cook
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imagination and reality have merged. because of one word, a new generation-- a fifth generation-- of fighter aircraft has been born. because of one word, america's air dominance for the next forty years is assured. that one word... is how.
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meet rosco. thanks to his high-tech tag, he's learning a new trick. how to tweet. >> when i'm at work, i'm able to just hop on twitter and i can see what my dog is up to. >> these pups aren't pawing away at a keyboard, though. their tags have a motion sensor and microphone that can tell when they move or bark. >> data is sent from the dag to the antenna and then the software evaluates the data coming in and determines and appropriate tweet to send to your dog's twitter page. >> now you'll know when your dog is taking a nap, chasing its taylor even chasing away the mailman. it might be a novelty toy but developing it is dog gone tough. >> we spent many days in different homes with dogs, trying them on, putting these on dog collars, having them sit still run around. we would test little dogs like chihuahuas up to great danes. this helped us to tune in on the microphone to focus on volume.
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>> gary tuchman, cnn. felicia jackson promised her late sister that she would take care of her children. but she needed help. i used my american express open card to get half a million points to buy building materials to help build the jackson family a new home. well, i know if my dad was still around, he would have told me, with no doubt... he would have told me it's a no brainer and i knew that from the start. it was an honor. booming is moving forward by giving back.
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this is one of the most exciting days i've ever had in the cnn newsroom. it is a sunny day here at studio 7. i'm joined by mied friend bebo right here. how are we keeping the clouds away? by having our friends from "sesame street" join us live. we're on tv here. i've got a whole bunch of friends here. tell me your name. >> ken, luke and who's that? jack. and who's this little fellow? alex, alex! all right. joining us, elmo and cookie monster. welcome! >> i'm kate. >> and kate is over there as well. >> we wanted to make sure you all felt at home so we brought our little cnners to greet you. this isn't mine. this is one of my producers' tina kim's. she's a performance director is
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here a performance director for "sesame street live. for those who may not be in the know, this is a live tv version of the show. elmo and cookie can't talk to us. we want talk because we want to make sure they stay healthy, but tell us about the stage performance, how long it's been going on. you guys are in a whole lot of countries. >> actually, over 50. over 150. over five different continents we've been to. we play over 150 cities throughout the u.s. and canada every year, so we make our mark everywhere we go. we want to entertain all families, children and adults of all ages. all generations. 31st season. touring 31 years. >> parents are being like, this way, just let them be who they are.
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no offense, cookie monster, but i hear elmo is just the monster, but is he the most popular? >> well, he seems to get a really, really big bru has for all of the performances. >> i love you, cookie monster, i grew up with you. >> cookie. >> big bird, bert and ernie, cookie monster, then elmo and abby. >> hey, let's, bring him over here. come on over. isaac is afraid to come over. we have one more little kid in the house. i grew up watching the tv show and tv show, stage show, two completely different things, but both probably equally as popular. what makes people want to come out and see "sesame street" on the road? >> they are two very different things, but the producer of all the live shows, they work
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closely with sesame workshops, so the shows you're seeing are going to mirror what's happening on the television shows. so you feel like you're jumping inside your television. >> look how excited they are. they get so happy. oh -- bebo didn't even want to go back to his own mom and dad. he wanted to be next to cookie monster and elmo. so, i have to say, happy birthday. stage performance, 31 years old. >> 31. >> happy birthday. shake your head up and down, cookie monster and elmo, how do you love the kids here? awesome. you kids like them? what do you think? bebo, you want to go to elmo? so, listen, are you in different
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places at different times because sesame treat is magic. >> you are correct. next week, we're going to be in pennsylvania, alabama and florida, so there's going to be a few different performances going on. there's "one, two, three imagine with elmo and friends," also, "elmo's hero." if you go on the website, you can look at the show that's going to be near you. enter in your zip code and the cities will pull right up and you can go and see a show. >> it's so different than when i was a kid because there are some new characters. elmo wasn't around either. you guys sort of adapt to the time, what's going on. dvrs and the internet, is there an element for "sesame street" online? >> you can go to and there's games the children can play online and you can check out
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merchandise, so there's a lot that happens with it. >> so, listen. cookie monster is now a veggie monster because we want our kids to be healthy. >> cookie monster is still cookie monster, but he has learned that cookies are sometimes food and he is incorporating more veggies into his diet. but he's still the cookie monster and he still eats cookies and loves them. >> thanks, guys. say, bye, elmo. bye, cookie. did you enjoy it? did you have fun? i'm more excited than the kids. thank you, guys. >> thank you so much for having us. >> we're back in a moment. ♪ sunny day julian tavarez ( woman ) even my pizza place stores my information digitally.
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so why do i have to fill out the same medical forms over and over ? ( man ) technology can tell me exactly where i am... but when it comes to my health care, why do i feel so lost ? ( announcer ) we understand your frustration. at unitedhealthcare we believe it should be simpler, and more responsive. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. big numbers... but they're what give us the data and the experience to match you with the right doctor for your tricky condition... to guide and stand by you through your toughest medical decisions... to help you manage a chronic condition more on your terms. because in the end, all our innovations... the technology, the numbers... all add up to one thing:
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treating you like a human being. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. to learn more, visit us at
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there is a reason why private colleges are so expensive and so hard to get in. they're supposed to be a pathway to a better career rk right? but "the wall street journal" released a list of the top five that employers recruit from. jennifer, first of all, thanks for joining us.
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tell us what you looked at and what you found. >> what we did was we surveyed recruiters from the biggest companies, public, private. non-profits, government organizations. we asked them which schools they recruit at and which produce the best graduates overall, as far as being prepared to work in their companies, succeed, academic prowess. what happened was the list we came up with, the top 25 out of the almost 500 companies who responded was primarily made up of state schools. what we found was they really liked these graduates who had all this academic preparredness. >> i want to pop this up, the top ten, so our viewers can take a look at it. all except one are publicly funded. tuition is only about 15,000 at
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number one ranked penn state. >> first of all, companies now need people who can really understand their business. so you could be brilliant and come in with a great marketing idea, but if you don't know marketing analytic, that company's not going to get as much out of you. say for engineering, if you don't know how to do it, that's a problem. so, companies are starting to reach out to schools they can partner with on research and what they find are these faculty come in and they're teaching these folks real word, grounded education. so then, they start recruiting these people. >> i hate to cut you off, but even the expensive universities, the private universitieuniversi they need to evolve a little bit and figure out what employees want and maybe they're not doing that. maybe they're just


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