tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 23, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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>> larry: fareed zakaria, one of my favorite people, and this weekend his special guest shimon peres, president of israel. thanks for joining us. tomorrow night, jerry seinfeld and friday night, the crew of "saturday night live." we are diverse. anderson cooper is next. tonight, keeping them honest, christine o'donnell refusing to answer direct questions from us, insisting reporters are twisting her words. is she right or is she trying to play the victim? also jesse jackson, jr., facing ethics questions of his own. details on that tonight. also, a home invasion that ended in the murder of a mom, her two daughters. the trial is ongoing and today new evidence and insight on an alleged motive. testimony so disturbing the sole survivor had to leave the courtroom. and later sanjay gupta continuing his series on disease detectives. a gripping race to solve two
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life and death medical mysteries. a little girl's life hanging in the balance, so does a mom's. we'll show you how a team of disease detectives are racing to save their lives. we begin tonight keeping them honest with, the republican senate candidate dodging questions and a democratic congressman kind of doing the same. first christine o'donnell from delaware continuing to avoid questions. she announced last night she wouldn't be talking to the national media, she did that on a national forum, sarah palin recommended she use, fox news. for days now, our reporter gary tuchman has been examining these old checks ms. o'donnell paid for what appear to be personal expenses. the problem is she appears to have been using old campaign funds even though her campaign was over. if true, it would be a violation of federal election laws. she denies any wrong doing but has so far refused to answer specific questions about those checks. today at a campaign event, reporters were allowed in but couldn't ask questions. o'donnell made clear she isn't happy with the coverage she's getting. >> it's wonderful to be here among so many friends.
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i'm glad the media is here, but i'm also a little bit disappointed because i wanted to talk candidly, and for some reason everything i'm saying is getting recorded and twisted. so i'm still going to talk openly with you. >> i don't speak for the media in general, but on this program, we're not trying to twist anyone's words, we're simply trying to get basic questions answered. questions which were first raised by o'donnell's former campaign workers. kristen murray was the manager for the 2008 senate campaign against then senator joe biden. she put out this robocall making serious allegations against o'donnell. >> this is our third senate race in five years. as o'donnell's manager, i found out she was living on campaign donations, using them for rent and personal expenses. while leaving her workers unpaid and piling up thousands in debt. she wasn't concerned about conservative causes. o'donnell just wanted to make a buck. >> now a watchdog group is calling for an investigation, by the u.s. attorney in delaware. christine o'donnell says they're a liberal group out to get her.
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>> so many people are excited about what's going on here and want to see us win. but so many people also want to see us fail. i'm sure you've heard the cnn reports that a george soros, very liberal left wing group headed by melanie sloan has filed some trumped up complaint against our campaign. these are the kind of distractions that they want to dominate the news to distract from our winning message. >> the group she's talking about is the citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington. they're called c.r.e.w., and they're partly funded by george soros and his open society institute. they insist they're nonpartisan and have gone after plenty of republicans as well as democrats. their director melanie sloan was on the program last night. >> c.r.e.w. is not a left leaning group. we take all comers, we go after republicans, democrats, liberals, conservatives. we go after public officials and candidates who do the wrong thing. we're about right and wrong.
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not democrat, republican. >> funded by george soros? >> indeed, the open society institute which gets its money from george soros has given us money. but if soros gives money to us because he thinks we only go after republicans, then i guess he's sadly disappointed by all of the actions we've taken on so many democrats, including eddie bernice johnson who had been on your show discussing charlie rangel, maxine waters and a whole host of others. >> so we asked melanie sloan a question and she answered the question. that's more than we can get from christine o'donnell, something our reporter gear tuchman found out yet again today when he tried yet again to get in a question. >> reporter: we don't want to talk about personal issues, just the serious financial allegations. is there anything specific you can tell us? we've given you a couple chances >> call mitchell. >> reporter: we talked to your attorney -- >> we truly would like to hear ms. o'donnell's response to the claims and questions they've raised. we've invited her to come on the program every day since last wednesday. the invitation still stands.
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now the other candidate not answering questions is a sitting member of congress, a democrat. seven-term congressman jesse jackson jr., a chicago businessman has told federal investigators that representative jackson asked him to pay for airplane tickets for an alleged mistress to make several trips between washington and chicago. this picture from the "chicago sun-times" shows the woman, a hostess in a d.c. restaurant. as far as our report tonight, the allegations of a mistress are frankly irrelevant, but trips paid for by someone else if true may be a violation of the house gift ban which limits gifts to $50. jackson did release a statement apologizing, but listen to what he was actually apologizing about. he said, and i quote, the reference to a social acquaintance is a private and personal matter between me and my wife that was handled some time ago. i ask you respect our privacy. i know i've disappointed some supporters and for that i'm deeply sorry but i remain to committed to my constituents and fighting on their behalf. you'll notice the statement doesn't say anything about the real allegations, did he ask
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this businessman to pay for the trips, and if so, what did the businessman expect to get in return? all of this came up because of former governor rod blagojevich, the man who told investigators about the alleged mistress is the same guy that told investigators that jackson tried raising millions in campaign funds for blagojevich or said he would so that blagojevich would appoint hito president obama's senate seat. jackson also denies that. joining me now, lynn sweet. washington bureau chief for the chicago sun times and columnist for aol's also senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. lynn, people are obviously open to interpret the social acquaintance thing, but beyond that, the ethical issue, what is the biggest question? whether or not he actually asked these businessmen to pay for plane trips? >> right, anderson. the issue here is, that congressmen are very specifically not supposed to solicit gifts. whether it's an airplane ticket or anything else.
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that is one of the most clear-cut rules that members of congress have. >> even if it's a gift for someone else? >> right. because it still benefits you. you -- i can ask somebody to do something that might not be for me, but it's done at the request of a member of congress. that's a solicitation, that's not what they're supposed to do. >> what would it say about the congressman if in fact this is true, i mean, that he had this relationship with this businessman? it would be hard to imagine this would be the first time that this person was asked to do something like this, or clearly they must have had a close relationship if this businessman is telling the truth. >> well, the businessman has been a fund-raiser for jesse jackson, he raised money for blagojevich and other people in illinois politics. that, by the way, is common. people who are big donors and fund-raisers do it for a lot of people. what is very serious here, and what's new, is that up until now we -- our story at the sun times was the first one that showed
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that there is some evidence that jesse jackson, jr., was involved in the conversation having to do that fundraising. this refutes statements he made earlier that he didn't know that mr. nayak was out there raising money allegedly for blagojevich, allegedly in return for a senate seat appointment. >> jeff, in terms of legality, where does that stand? it's a minor thing, it's a couple of plane trips. is it serious? >> it's potentially serious. it's not the kind of thing that could get you expelled from congress, but certainly could generate an ethics committee investigation. the whole thing is embarrassing. the whole thing is inappropriate if in fact -- and we have to remember, we don't know for sure this fellow's testimony is true. >> right. >> though jackson has not denied that its true. >> he has denied the blagojevich claim that he said he would try to raise $6 million. >> right. >> if i might add, this man is under investigation, he has his own problems with federal authorities, he's under investigation and he was a
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cooperating witness in the blagojevich case. >> which is all the more reason to view with some skepticism what he says. and i do think this allegation that jackson offered to raise $6 million for blagojevich in return for the senate seat is kind of absurd on its face. jesse jackson can't snap his fingers and raise $6 million. he doesn't have $6 million. i don't think that is going to go anywhere. but the issue about buying the tickets for this woman, potentially a girlfriend, that very much fits within the definition of gift under the congressional rules. and it does seem to be a flat violation of the congressional gift ban, particularly since he didn't report it. that could certainly generate an ethics committee investigation, a censure. mostly, though, i think it's a political embarrassment that will limit jesse jackson's political career, at a time when the mayoralty of chicago is
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vacant. and he's one of the people who's interested. >> he's running for re-election, will it have an impact? >> i don't think it will on the november 2nd election bid. his republican opponent has just a shoe string campaign, it's a heavy, heavy democratic district. this would be -- it would be hard to think that he wouldn't win on november 2nd. this would have an impact on other ambitions he might have statewide or for city office. >> do you think, though -- >> but by the way, he already was under some -- he had some political problems anyway because of the whole blagojevich mess anyway. this just now compounds it. >> do you think it likely though the ethics committee would look into this, given the fact they're looking into charlie rangel, maxine waters and are probably sensitive about being accused of investigating african-american members of congress? >> i agree with you that as a practical political matter there is some rumblings that i heard that as what would have an outcome.
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but even before you got there, right now there had been the ethics committee, the committee on standards has already deferred any work on the jackson matter stemming from the original blagojevich mess because the justice department had its case pending. blagojevich's retrial happens in january, so as a practical matter, i would not expect anything soon because the committee still, which likes not to do anything most of the time, will probably be very happy waiting for this retrial to be over. >> lynn sweet, appreciate it, and thanks for your reporting, jeff toobin as well. our political panel joins us ahead to talk about the gop's new pledge to america. it's going to be released tomorrow. we have a copy tonight, especially how they say they would govern if they take back the house. have they borrowed language from the tea party? also join the live chat right now. disturbing testimony about these moments captured on a bank surveillance tape. the mom you see, the woman, her two daughters were being held captive at home.
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she was later killed, so were her daughters. disturbing testimony in court today. new evidence about what the possible motive of the killers were. we'll have details on that. and later, a team of highly skilled disease detectives racing to save a little girl's life. can they solve the medical mystery? dr. sanjay gupta reports and will a gruelling week of tests pay off for little kylie and her parents? >> maybe some day we'll get that phone call, hey, we think we might know what it is. i didn't miss a premium payment for 10 years. the minute i got sick, i lost my insurance. not anymore. america's healthcare reforms change lives for the better. to find out how it can help you, visit us at [ but aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this?
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majority in the house in november's election as they're expected to, they have a blueprint of how they're going to govern. tomorrow they're unveiling a pledge to america. a 21-page document calling for smaller government, rolling back the economic stimulus plan and repealing the health care reform law. cnn obtained a copy of it. some language bears a resemblance to tea party rhetoric. in a self-governing society the the only bulwark against the state is the consent of the governed. and regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent. it goes on to say, an unchecked executive, a compliant legislator and overreaching judiciary have gone on to thwart the will of the people. they go on to say we invite fellow citizens and patriots to join us in forming a new governing agenda for america. house democrats as you would expect have already denounced the plan as a pledge to wall
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street, corporate america, insurance companies and wealthy americans. let's talk about it now, eliot spitzer joins me now, kate zernike, national correspondent for "the new york times," also an author of a new book, "boiling mad, inside tea party america" and ralph reed author of "the confirmation." ralph, is this basically tea party language? >> i think there are three audiences. i was fortunate enough to be involved in the contract with america 16 years ago when you were both trying to energize the grassroots of the republican party, but you were also critically trying to talk to perot voters. we won that vote 2-1. so i think there's three audiences. number one, the base of the party, and certainly among social conservatives there's a reaffirmation of marriage, of family, of the protection of innocent human life, of not having rogue judges who legislate from the bench. they're going to be happy with
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that. i think the second constituency is the tea party. and the third audience, the most critical audience, in my opinion, is the disaffected independents. these are the ones who voted for barack obama overwhelmingly two years ago. today their job disapproval for him is in the high 50s. they're going to hold the key to this election, and by saying they're going to repeal obama care, they're going to extend the bush tax cuts, they're going to restrain spending, they're talking to those independents. >> anything new in this? >> not only nothing new, this is the worst of herbert hoover and george bush. if this were actually implemented it would take us back 50 years in terms of destruction of education, health care, infrastructure, our ability to compete. deficits would go through the roof. and the very people who created the crisis that we are living through even today would benefit once again. this is a sop to the very wall street banks, big businesses and the wealthy who benefited from george bush for a decade and now are back saying, president obama didn't solve it in 18 months. therefore, we want to go back
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and run the system again. it is one of the craziest, most outlandish fringe documents i've ever seen. when you really parse it, it is amazing, anderson. >> so spending in 2008 is armageddon? >> invoking the -- ralph, when you look at what this really says and what it carves out and then what it says you will cut, what you are doing is destroying the infrastructure of america, going back to the very broken, disproven policies of hoover and bush. >> i want to interrupt you. you wrote the book on the tea party, is the language taken from the tea party? >> absolutely. absolutely. the tea party has something called the contract from america which is a plan to contract with america. it's bottom up, it's what the tea party people want. it's what americans want. they have this provision. they say there should be nothing -- every piece of legislation should say exactly where in the constitution it's authorized. this is something that tea party candidates like rand paul talk about. so this is very much tea party language. >> he's ahead by 15 points by the way.
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>> but still -- we cannot spend our way to prosperity. this is what glenn beck talks about on his chalkboard and we know how influential he is. on the tea party movement. liberal keynesian economics, this is not a neutral document. the language is very charged. >> you've got $1.4 trillion deficit in a single year. you've got unemployment hovering near 10%. this economic policy is a disaster. people are heading for the lifeboats, rahm emanuel's going back to chicago to run for mayor. they can't get off this sinking ship fast enough and you think it's a danger to the republic to say we ought to have laws consistent with the constitution? >> we had eight years of bill clinton at the end of which we had surpluses, 23 million jobs created and the middle class was doing well. eight years of george bush, an economic cataclysm of the likes of which we haven't seen since the great depression. exhibit a, exhibit b. this is going back to george bush and the broken policies that have been disproven over
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and over, and you're saying, gee, you didn't fix it in half a year, therefore your time is up. ralph, this is false -- >> eliot, i not only read the document, i talked to folks in the house before it was put together. this says spending should go back to where it was in '08. i don't remember the world falling apart at that level -- >> all the carve outs -- everything important will be cut. >> and raising taxes in the deepest and longest recession in the post world war ii period is just not a smart thing to do, whether you're a keynesian or a conservative. >> but it's also interesting, when they say budget caps were used in the 1990s when a republican congress was able to bring the budget into balance and eventual surplus, bill clinton might remember that slightly differently. republicans shut down the government twice, this was not a republican congress-led effort. >> well, but there wasn't a balanced budget until there was a republican congress. the democrats didn't balance it. it was a fight -- >> when you say swap out the extension of the tax cuts for the very wealthy and use the revenue to reduce pay roll taxes, something that would
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actually generate job growth? if you had to choose between a payroll tax cut and extending the tax cut for the wealthy, which would you choose? >> i don't think you need to choose, it's an obvious choice. >> there is a revenue -- >> 43% of the income that you want to tax is small business income. >> that's simply not right. >> sub chapter s. >> no, that's simply not right. >> i run a small business. >> so do we. >> i'm hoarding cash right now and trying to stay alive. >> if you hired somebody maybe we'd have a solution. which would you rather cut? >> my taxes are getting ready to go up, eliot. that's the problem. >> this is what president bush passed. and we as fiscal conservatives who say we know about balancing budgets are saying, we need revenue to afford what we need to do. >> eliot, you can't pass that proposal in a democratic senate. you're certainly not going to be able to do it -- >> it's keep to economics about what works. what bill clinton did was not popular when he did it, either, but it worked. 23 million jobs, a surplus. he understood economics and markets. >> that was after he signed the
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republican tax cuts. >> simply not the case. >> it was after he signed our budget and our tax cuts that the economy took off, the dow went up and all that happened. >> the policies he put in place in the first two years, very difficult votes, that led to many people losing their careers. actual profiles in courage in the legislature in washington. >> look at job growth. look at job growth from '93 to '95 and look at it from '95 to '99. >> can i raise one other issue here? you talk about fully funding missile defense. >> yeah. >> can you show us the evidence that it works? >> they've had successful test. >> no, they have not. come on. let's get those documents released where it's worked once in a meaningful way. >> this document calls for two things the obama administration is not currently doing. it calls for strict enforcement against economic sanctions against iran, including prohibiting the foreign subsidiaries of u.s. corporations from doing any business with iran, and then it
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calls on obama to work with our allies to take decisive action to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. >> and i see president bush was very successful with iran. >> you keep wanting to talk about bush, i hate to break the news to you, eliot, but barack obama is the president. >> but what you're doing after a year and a half is saying time's up. he has dug us out of the deepest economic hole. even your chart which shows what the job predictions were, without the stimulus, the unemployment rate would have been up to here. every economist understands that. >> i would highly recommend dropping george w. bush from your talking points and i think what ought to happen from now on is he owns this economy. he said if we passed the stimulus unemployment wouldn't go over 8%. it's approaching 10%. >> we're talking about data and how to build an economy which requires investment in infrastructure, education, i agree with you when it comes to enforcement -- >> translation, more spending, higher taxes. >> no, we're going to cut the
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pay roll tax not the tax on the wealthy who don't either spend or invest at this point. >> no doubt we'll be talking about this a lot tomorrow as well. appreciate it. >> we're friends, by the way. >> i know. we're going to go out in the hall later, i'm sure. don't miss "parker/spitzer" starting october 4th. tonight in crime and punishment, the home invasion that ended in a triple murder. you've seen this video, mom desperately withdrawing $15,000 to save the lives of her two daughters and husband being held hostage in the home. she ended up dead along with their daughters. new information on what happened after she left the bank. and new details on the men, what police say what one of the men said about the motive. and this woman's own muscles are growing wildly out of control. she doesn't work out, take steroids and no one seems to know what's causing it. can a team of disease detectives find the answer? >> it became increasingly difficult just to walk. at some point i knew if it
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tonight, chilling new testimony in the home invasion robbery, sexual assaults and fire that left a connecticut mom and her two daughters dead. at one point today, things turned so graphic in the courtroom the only survivor, the husband and father, had to leave the courtroom. a police detective described his lengthy interrogation of this man, steven hayes, as one of the men facing charges that could bring the death penalty. we learned about the key moment when jennifer hawke-petit was forced to withdraw $15,000 from her bank account, her family being held hostage at the time at home. a moment that led to this 911 call by a bank teller. >> we have a lady who is in our bank right now, who says that her husband and children are being held at their house. the people are in a car outside the bank. she's getting $15,000 to bring out to them.
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that if the police are told, they will kill her children and the husband. her name is jennifer petit, p-e-t-i-t. she lives at [ bleep ]. she says they are being very nice. they have their faces covered. she is petrified. >> randi kaye has new details from court today. we finally learned the alleged motive behind this horrific crime. >> we sure did, anderson. chilling details. what we now know after years of waiting is this crime may have taken place because one of the suspects, steven hayes, was, quote, desperate for money. according to a connecticut police detective who interviewed hayes after the murders in july 2007. the detective testified in court today that when he interviewed hayes after the suspects had been caught leaving the petit home, he noted a strong odor of gasoline coming from hayes' body. the home was allegedly set on
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fire by hayes and co-defendant, so it would make sense there could have been a gasoline odor on him. the detective also said that hayes showed, quote, no emotion and he remembers him being pretty quiet. >> so the guy was desperate for money, that was their plan all along, just get money? >> it seems so. according to the testimony today, the two men devised a plan to, quote, break into a house, tie some people up, grab some money and get out as fast as they can. well, we know that wasn't what happened in the end. we don't know all the details of course of what happened in that house, but we do know from police that jennifer hawke-petit was sexually assaulted and strangled, that was after the mother of two was captured on the bank camera as she withdrew $15,000 to try to save her family. you can see how calm she is in the security video. that's because nobody at the home had been sexually assaulted before she left for the bank. she hoped it would be okay at that time. but by the time she did return home, police testified today, that the younger suspect had
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already sexually assaulted the youngest daughter, 11-year-old michaela. she and her sister, 17-year-old haley were left to die in the fire allegedly set by the two suspects. another disturbing detail from court today, the detectives said hayes told him both men had a beer and a shot of liquor in a bar before they parked their van and walked up to the back of the petit family house. >> so they came across dr. petit first. he was, what, asleep down stairs? >> right. he was asleep on the couch and they saw him there, the only family member who survived, was sleeping. according to the detective on the stand today, hayes told him that it was the other suspect who entered the house first through an unlocked basement door and beat dr. petit with a baseball bat in the head. they found that bat in the basement. then hayes said he left him inside. he let him inside. the detectives said hayes told him they searched for money but, quote, didn't find as much as they thought there should be. that's when the detectives said
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the two men went upstairs and tied mrs. petit and the girls to the beds. they allegedly put pillowcases over the girls' heads. the detective said hayes told him at some point, "things got out of control and after he smelled smoke, the other suspect yelled that dr. petit had escaped and they had to get out of the house." at that point police say, anderson, the men jumped in the family's suv and ended up crashing into police cruisers as they left. >> they confessed to the crime at some point, didn't they? >> they sure did. they were looking for a deal. both men tried to confess an exchange for life in prison. but prosecutors said, no deal, and they're now pursuing the death penalty in this case. as a result of that, lawyers told us that the men chose not to confess in the end since there was no deal on the table. so they pleaded not guilty. >> i mean, it's such a stunning crime. we're following a number of stories tonight, joe johns joins us with the business bulletin. joe? >> parts of the health care
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reform law go into effect tomorrow. today president obama met with some of those who say they're already being helped by that law. one new provision ensures coverage for children with preexisting conditions but some insurers are responding by no longer offering policies just for kids. the owner of an egg supplier linked to the salmonella outbreak this summer is apologizing, telling a house subcommittee he is horrified eggs from his company might have gotten anyone sick. the mayor of bell, california, and seven other current and former city leaders arrested in a corruption probe made their first court appearance today. prosecutors say they misappropriated more than $5.5 million, including payment for meetings that never happened. bell's been in the spotlight after word leaked of sky-high city salaries. and a dramatic end to a high speed chase near miami today. police tipped the bumper of a
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stolen toyota camry forcing it to spin out of control and crash into a parked car. one of the suspects tries to run for it and gets zapped with a taser. look at this. it's crazy. then another suspect was dragged along the ground and tased. and then they and a third man, all under arrest tonight. and that stuff, it looks like "miami vice" but it is really dangerous out on the streets, anderson, that kind of thing. >> yeah, crazy. still ahead, allegations against a pastor who leads a flock of more than 25,000, a third man is now suing pastor eddie long, accusing him of sexually abusing him when he was a teenager. what pastor long is saying about the allegations tonight. also ahead, the parents of a sick little girl desperate for answers. dr. sanjay gupta following the national institutes of health as they try to figure out what is wrong with little kylie. the doctors are her parents only hope. >> it just scared me because i didn't want it to be the end.
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tonight we pick up with the life and death stories of two very sick patients. a little girl and a grown woman, both desperate for answers. they've come to a special program the national institutes of health in maryland where teams of highly skilled disease detectives tackle the toughest medical mysteries around. cases no one else has been able to solve. tonight their search for a diagnosis continues and sanjay gupta joins us now. >> the pressure is intense now. you've got to remember. kylie and sally have been to dozens of doctors. no one has been able to help them. kylie started developing tremors on the right side of her body. at first no one even believed her parents. >> first it was a twitch of her cheek. >> her eye and her voice started changing a bit. no one believed the parents. they were videotaping her.
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sally, her muscles started growing out of control. even the muscles around her eyes. i mean, she literally was starting to change the way she looked and her whole body was changing. no one could figure this out. so now we catch up with them as they're undergoing a week of testing at this place called the udp. i can tell you again, it's a very intense week. >> reporter: at 53 years old, sally massagee was physically ripped. >> everybody assumed i spent a whole lot of time in the gym. >> reporter: but sally didn't lift weights. in fact, whatever was causing her body to bulk up uncontrollably was also taking away her ability to live her life. >> it was very frustrating. i was losing the ability to do the things i loved to do. it became increasingly difficult just to walk. at some point i knew if it continued it would kill me. >> reporter: she'd seen countless medical specialists. no one had an explanation. that's why dr. william gallon
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and his team of world class specialists at the undiagnosed diseases program was trying to solve the mystery. this is super impressive. i mean, you literally see a cleavage in the middle of her back, because those muscles are so big. dr. william gall is the program's lead investigator. when you see these pictures, they are incredible. did you think steroids? >> sure. we pretty much all thought it, except the letter said she's not taking steroids, she's not taking anything anabolic, and she did weight lift a little bit but many years before. so there's no possible effect of that. so the endocrinologist eliminated all the things we naturally would think about. >> when she falls asleep she tightens up some. >> reporter: dr. gall and the udp see only the rarest cases. >> there's still a fair amount of rigidity. >> reporter: not only do they want to save lives, but they want to advance science by identifying new diseases.
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>> bottom line, it's not acromegaly, it's just confined to the muscle. what in the world could this be? >> reporter: during a week of intense tests, there are scans, blood work, an examination of everything going on inside sally's body. >> so this is sally's mri of the brain. that's pretty incredible. >> when the images were found, it was seen that the muscles, even the muscles that govern the movements of the eye, which are really small muscles, are huge. the radiologist saw this and sort of went wild over this. look at the size of those, they're three to four times bigger. >> reporter: they probably really and truly have never seen anything quite like this. >> right. there's no way to make those muscles big by like moving your eyes a lot. it's not like lifting weights, so why would they be that big? >> reporter: it's a clue. it suggests something inside the muscle itself. so the udp team took a sample. >> reporter: you took some muscle from her arm. >> right. and really this was one of those, sort of judgment decisions, because she had had a
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muscle biopsy one year before that was read as normal. so we weren't like 99% sure we should do this. we were like, 70%, 80% sure. >> reporter: in five days the tests are complete. sally is sent home to north carolina, but no diagnosis. not yet. in fact, gall and his team treat their patients like a crime scene. they collect all the evidence they can find and then try to make sense of it. >> what we do like, detective work, but remember detective work takes place after the patients have gone. >> reporter: but that decision, to take the sample of muscle tissue from sally's bicep, in time, that will prove to be a key part of this puzzle. at midweek for 5-year-old kylie, her body has only given up a few small clues. but the specialists are eliminating possible causes by finding what is working normally. >> so this is the right side of her brain and this is the left side of her brain.
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it's the right side of her body that's affected so you would expect to see changes on the left side of her brain. >> i think things are structurally pretty normal, so it's some sort of wiring problem that's not visible. >> reporter: an electroencephalogram, or eeg, shows kylie's brain is symmetrical, which is positive news. but there are these spikes of activity. >> very, very asymmetrical. >> reporter: it could point to epilepsy continuea, a rare brain disorder that affects the brain's motor strip. however, that would only explain kylie's symptoms, not what's causing them. >> we're understanding the phenomena but we don't really have a full understanding of the underlying mechanisms that brought it on. >> yeah, this will help it not hurt. >> reporter: by friday the tests are complete. dr. gall and his team are planning what they're going to tell kylie's parents. waiting in another room, kylie's mom and dad are anxious, hopeful. >> they might have some things back from that, so it's exciting
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and i'm nervous. >> so we want to document that for her. >> reporter: but the doctors have no diagnosis. >> we're working all sorts of things that have yet to come back for us to consider. >> reporter: instead they explain how the results will guide their investigation. >> we continue to work together on this. >> reporter: for kylie's mom and dad, gina and steven, the emotional toll of the week is just so overwhelming. >> we don't consider this to be a final diagnosis. the parents are really having sort of a tough time. and this is quite typical of this program. >> it was just i think too much for me at that exact moment, so. >> it scared me because i didn't want it to be the end. >> reporter: for the next several months, the udp team will chase every clue, hoping it leads them to a prime suspect. what is killing kylie and how to stop it. >> maybe some day we'll get that
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phone call. hey, we think we might know what it is. >> to go through that whole week of that brutal test and then to leave not knowing, that's got to be just devastating. >> that's -- the way it is for most patients here, and that's sort of what doctors expect. but you're absolutely right, in that meeting, i think gina and steven, kylie's parents, were expecting to get a diagnosis. to see their hopes so high and then to be dashed like that i think was really hard. but that is how it is. they're going to go through all these different pieces of data now and try and figure it out. and some of it might involve bringing kylie back, bringing her siblings back, doing more testing. this is the third part of a four-part series. what will we see tomorrow? >> tomorrow we'll get some answers. this is something that's been transpiring over time, but we'll finally come to the conclusion of what's happening with kylie and sally and what doctors know so far. i want to remind you as well,
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part of the goal of the udp is to take care of patients -- >> undiagnosed diseases. >> undiagnosed diseases program. to take care of patients but also try and advance science. that's really one of the goals. give you a little bit of a look at what's happening. >> in time, an analysis of kylie's dna revealed the genetic clue. they found a mutation in a particular gene that makes a protein called laforin. >> is it possible that what we're talking about in regard to kylie is something that's truly never been described before? >> it's very possible. >> brand-new. >> brand-new mutation and maybe identifying a gene that is -- is not known previously to cause a human disease. >> wow. >> we think in medicine that we have defined a lot of things, but there are things we're truly learning every single day and sometimes it's through these medical mysteries. >> that's tomorrow night on the program. looking forward to it. coming up next, more allegations against the pastor of a mega church.
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another young man claiming he was forced into a sexual relationship with this pastor, eddie long. to save me a boatload of money on my mortgage -- that would be awesome! [sarcastically] sure. like that will happen. don't just think about it. spend 10 minutes at lendingtree and save up to $272 a month. i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there...
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merit. there's a baby food recall tonight, about 5 million cans of similac powdered infant formula are being recalled due to possible bug infestation at a manufacturing plant. the similac liquid version is not part of the recall. victory for florida and gays and lesbians who want to adopt children. a florida appeals court says a ban against such adoptions bans violates the state's constitution. the case is tied to a gay man trying to adopt two children. and jennifer lopez and legendary rocker steven tyler of aerosmith are joining "american idol" as judges when the tenth season begins. they'll replace simon cowell, ellen degeneres who have left. she says she will be tough but not mean like simon cowell was. i didn't think he was too mean. >> i didn't think he was mean.
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simon's always been my favorite. he's the one i always watched for. our shot tonight, as we know, things don't always go right for reporters, especially during a live shot. this is a video we found on youtube. a reporter demonstrating how easy it is to break into a car. >> all a thief needs is a hammer, an empty parking lot -- >> poor guy. and that video, well, it got us thinking. >> got us thinking. >> part of this, this little guy's having fun but. >> our favorite. >> but now as part of their sentence, a couple is going to have to come right here. >> ow! >> i love her look afterward where she's, like, stunned. >> good grief. ouch. >> she's like, uh.
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oh. i feel bad for her. yeah. let's see it one more time. >> yeah, i don't think it was her cat. >> definitely was not her cat. joe, thanks very much. up next at the top of the hour, keeping them honest, christine o'donnell not answering questions still. plus jesse jackson, jr., under pressure about questions involving a woman and a chicago businessman, details ahead. ♪ when the parts for the line ♪ ♪ come precisely on time ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ a continuous link, that is always in sync ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ there will be no more stress ♪ ♪ cause you've called ups, that's logistics ♪
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