tv CNN Newsroom CNN September 29, 2010 11:00am-1:00pm EDT
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hoover says i remember my school lunches as a child. everything prepared each day, nothing packaged. i began my teaching career in the '70s, the lunches were still delicious. as my career continued, the lunches and choices changed. now lunch choices are laiden with saturated fat. we always want to hear from you. log on to our website and share your comments. sure appreciate it. tony is off. t.j. is in. he's going to take it from here. kyra, thank you so much. hello to everybody. i'm t.j. holmes in for my good friend tony harris. let me tell what you we have coming up. we're going up front today. what we're putting up front today, your job, health and lifestyle. we have new information from the census bureau that shows how the economy is affecting your state. we'll break it down and break down this map for you coming up. also, a live picture here of demoin, iowa. the president there on his campaign style tour that is taking him through four states.
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he'll be talking to a family in the backyard. also talking to other people who have questions. you want to keep an eye on this much he's talking about the economy. but you never know what's going to happen in the q&a session. we're dipping into that for you coming up. also, we're putting what you and your kids eat on the table, our series, eatocracy examines healthy food choices. also, you can tell kids all day long about what they need to eat to be healthy, but does that really get to them? well, at the white house this morning, the first lady is recognizing groups that are helping kids make healthy choices by developing digital games and apps to actually inspire the kids to slim down. all that stuff coming your way. but we're going to start right now with retirement age. a lot of people get to it. what do they think of? they think about playing golf maybe, doing traveling. they're certainly not thinking about working any more. but more and more people hitting retirement age are not getting the retirement they thought. we have details.
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allison, more and more people hitting retirement age but not close to retiring. >> reporter: exactly. this is becoming so popular, t.j. there is a new phrase for it. it's called never tirement. we're seeing this trend that more older workers are choosing not to punch out and instead stay on the job. one person tells us she plans to work until she dies. i'll tell what you, this isn't a new phenomenon. take a look at these numbers here. in 1998, 12% of workers over 65 stayed on the job by choice. in 2008, 17% of older workers delayed retirement. now we're at 18%. so we're seeing this number inch up. by 2018, it's forecast that 22% of workers are going to delay their requirement. now not everyone is staying at their current job. some choose to take on new projects. others start a business. one person tells us when he retired he started a small ebay business. then again some other people just decide to change careers. they got the confidence to do that. one mother who retired from the public school system is now a
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college professor and education consultant. some people have options, t.j., because at this age they're at the height of their careers and not really ready to pack it in and start golfing, gardening and bird watching. they want to reach to new heights in their careers. >> you give some of the reasons there they might want to keep working. how much of this is really related to the recession? >> you know, the recession obviously is a huge factor. many people, you know, they're not financially prepared for retirement. you know, so many people lost so much of their investments during the recession. t.j., another big factor is enjoyment. many people are working because they want to. and this includes people with a lot of money, with -- you know, the wealthy. for some, work isn't just a necessary evil. it's a source of self-worth and value. they feel like they want to keep going and not just kind of, you know, relax. people also want to challenge themselves. analysts are saying staying engaged is beneficial to your well-being. there is obviously another factor. people are living longer, t.j. retirement is a big portion of
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people's lives. so they want to be doing something. and for many people, staying on the job is that something that they really need and want. t.j.? >> all right. allison with the numbers for us. we appreciate you as always. >> sure. >> and for a lot of folks, being out of a job is one thing. there are older workers out there starting to worry if they'll ever work again. we're going to meet someone who is in that position. she actually thinks she may never work again. but she wants to. we're going to be talking to her and also a career coach about what you can do when your back is up against the wall. it's actually time for you to reinvent yourself. maybe easier said than done. we've been getting a lot, also a lot of new census numbers over the past couple of days and weeks. josh is here with more numbers we're getting from the census. josh, only one state in the u.s. has seen an increase in incomes. where is it? >> that's right. i'm going to tell you about that. i was surprised. i think you're all going to be surprised. look around the entire country. there is only one state where your incomes have gone up.
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you know, we talk a lot about the economy on a national level. we're one country, we're affected by the phenomena. let's start with a national picture. household income as cross this country are down. income is down 3% in families across this country. the household median income now, waunt to know where you relate, household median income this this $50,000, almost even there. and we're seeing incomes go down in 34 states. 34 states. that's extremely unusual. it's a sign of what's happening in the economy. this is from 2008 to 2009. these are the late environment figures we have. now the one state that is bucking this trend, the one state completely different storey. look at this. north dakota, where their incomes have jumped 5% between 2008 and 2009. everywhere else you're seeing it go down. north dakota, it jumps up 5%.
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you get a sense of that from a conversation john king had with folks in north dakota last year. take a look. >> reporter: because of the industry mix here, are you shielded from the national economy sometimes? >> certainly a economy here is influenced by agriculture than any other single source. while there's manufacturing here, it's no the to the extent of a michigan or an ohio. and agriculture continues to roll on. >> so that's part of it. but some of it is also that agriculture has -- agriculture, yes, has done really well. labor experts point to the diverse range of industry there, oil, mining, health care, forestry, hunting and fishing. officials in north dakota said they haven't been focusing on the industries that had the big booms. and then they had the big busted later on. they've been really steady for the whole last decade. in fact, in 2008, north dakota's economy grew twice as fast as all other states except wyoming. back in 2008. so there is a sign there they're
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doing some things right. weathering this economy really well. you all want to know how it's affecting your state and what you're seeing near you. i posted, you can see the screen on facebook and twitter. you can see a break down that talks you through what is going on in different states all over the country. t.j., you should be able to access this map here which is behind me now. what it does is it shows you how things are going in each state. where you see a lot of blue, that's where median incomes are higher than elsewhere. where it's yellow, you're seeing median incomes below. so this should help give you a sense of how things are impacting you and obviously, t.j., since the figures if from 2009. we can hope we continue to move out of this recession happier by next year. >> all right. >> there is only one city where incomes are up and we'll have that next hour. >> josh, we appreciate it. thanks so much. a couple other things we're keeping a close eye on. get out the fine china. the president is stopping by. can you imagine? jeff and sandy club of des
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moines, iowa, how they scrubbed their house last night getting ready for the president of the united states? you're seeing the president shaking hands right now. this is one of the latest stops. the third of four stops that he is making on a four-state tour. a campaign style tour. we've seen him have a few of these backyard chats. he takes questions. he's doing that once again. he is just getting started there. this is in des moines, iowa. he's moving on to richmond, virginia, from here. he was in new mexico and also madison, wisconsin. those were both yesterday. the president just getting started. we'll go back to the president when it's time for quen and answer. that's where we're seeing -- you never know what is going to happen in the q&a. he maukes the familiar comments. you never know what the q&a. one question he god yet was about his christian faith and his answer to that got a lot of attention. you never know in the q&a what's going to happen. but when the questions start up, we're going to monitor. this anything jumps out, we'll take you back there. we'll take you back there live.
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the president just getting started in des moines, iowa. also live, to the capitol right now. a senate committee is taking a look into the release of the only man convicted in a bombing of that pan am jet over lockerbie, scotland. scottish officials freed that man after a terminal cancer diagnosis. been told that he wouldn't live much longer when released. well now that's 13 months later into this thing. he is still alive and kicking in libya. also, getting around europe today, a big time headache. this is why. this is just one scuffle happening in madrid. this is one of the cities that is working off the job and they're on the streets today. they're angry over government cuts in wages and pensions. the government cutting back trying to rein in debt. strikes and protests set for several big european cities. we want to turn to rob marciano. this is a brand new storm? >> yeah, tropical storm nicole. i've been watching this
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depression for quite some time. we really didn't know where the center of this thing wasment it is deemed a tropical storm. it doesn't look like the typical tropical storm. it is sloppy in the circulation. we don't think it will stay a tropical storm very long. it will get caught up in a cold front later on. but regardless of that, and rarlera regardless of this track, we're looking at a tremendous amount of rainfall with. this and we've already seen a lot already. florida has been getting drenched all morning long, continues to do that now. and this will continue throughout the day to day. and then rainfall all through the carolinas. flooding is occurring right now around wilmington, north carolina, again. and this storm is not even close to the carolinas yet. another update in an hour. >> rob, appreciate you as
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always. coming up, chicken? fish? soup? salad? more and more americans taking note of what they're putting into their bodies. >> i do eat a lot of steak. i tried to convert that to chicken here lately. but it doesn't always go that way. >> doesn't always go that way. steak sounds good. 38 points down right now at the dow. we're keeping a close eye on the markets here as always. stay with us here. i gonna be great. gothgeckt-shirt... "4 milon drirstched!" gecko water bottle... notebook... chamois...
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gecko: sir, i feel a little bit uncoorblwith all... you know.. ahis. mean, 's not about me. ould be about how geico's the e gecko: sir, i feel a little bit uncoorblwith all... bossoh, of cours we're notngsikh gonna get carried away. : geico. fifteen minutes cou save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ondon'ov
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fnchts you see something, say something. that is a call for vigilence that may be resounding a bit more nationwide today. we're starting to get new information about a terror plot in europe that may have been foiled. a german counter-terrorism official says a detainee talked about planning a series of commando style raids against the west. what does that mean? commando style raids? you remember the bloody terror siege back in 2008.
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in that attack, gunmen stormed hotels, train station and a jewelry center. that kind of attack. and law enforcement source tells us osama bin laden may have signed off on the attack plan. let's bring in our security -- our homeland security correspondent je correspondent. was any of this tied to the plot in europe? >> i talked to a lot of sources in the u.s. the answer is they do not believe there was a link to the homeland at this point in time. but, with this caveat, they don't know what they don't know. and they don't though if, perhaps, this plot could morph, could change into something a little different. here's what they're talking about. as you mentioned, mum buy style attack. you remember that with grenades and heavy weapons. it caused a lot of casualties in a short period of time. these things are hard to detect. law enforcement sources in the u.s. say that potential targeted in this case could have included institutions like banks and
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stock exchanges and the possible perpetrator, sources say, are a mix of people with western passports, people who can travel easily throughout europe. i have been told it may have involved some europeans and also perhaps people from places like north africa and pakistan. we do have video per portedly showing germans trading with jihadist groups in the pakistan area. about 200 have done so according to a german counter-terrorism official. among them is the source of much of the current threat information. he's identified as ahmed sadiki. according to the german counter-terrorism official, he was dedeigned in kabul last summer and is in u.s. custody and is talking a lot. sadiki lived and worked in hamburg, germany. he attended the same mosque attended by some of the september 11th hijackers. back to you, t.j. >> jean, like you say, we don't know what we don't know. so what are u.s. officials now doing with this information? what would they like u.s.
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citizens to think about this story now or do with the information? >> u.s. officials are tracking this very, very carefully. and on the record saying as little as they possibly can. the director of national intelligence james clapper issued a statement last evening saying we are not going to comment on specific intelligence as doing so undermines intelligence operations that are critical to protecting the u.s. and our allies. as to what u.s. citizens should do, listen, they have been trying to hammer home this message ever since 9/11. think about this stuff. look for things that are unusual. make a plan with your family. be ready just in case something happens. it's a message that they are having some difficulty getting through to the american public, i might add. but once again, this plot at this point in time, the intelligence just does not indicate there was any nexus to the u.s. homeland. back to you. >> jeanne meserve, we appreciate you as always. again, the president is on
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the road. he's in the american heartland. there he is live in the backyard of a family in des moines, iowa. he met with them a little earlier. he is talking to some of their neighbors, about 70 people gathered in that backyard. we're seeing the president hold a couple of these over the past couple of days and weeks. but he's having another one. he's going to take some questions as well from the folks there. we're monitoring this. we want to take a couple of the questions when that q&a session starts. you'll see that. 17 minutes past the hour. ncer ]t because a counter looks clean, doesn't mean it is clean. but with one sheet of bounty, you'll have confidence in your clean. in this lab test, just oney leaves this surface thr than the bargain brands. want confidence that your surfaces can get really clean? even with just one sheet? bring it. super durable... super absorbent... super clean. bounty. the clean picker upper. and for huge value? try bounty huge roll.
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a lot of fried food. you know, a lot of food that has been highly processed. i try to stay away from that generally. >> generally. you do what you can. but cnn taking a cross country food journey all this week. we sent our reporting team down all over the place. our mission is to get fresh answers about how our food is grown, how the choices we make impact our health, our state of mind, budgets and of just pure joy of eating. we seemed up with a food destination to bring you mind, body and wallet. today we're focusing on what you eat and how we should eat. take a listen to this. >> boy, i was raised eating healthy. but somewhere down the line i strayed. i think a whole lot about what i eat. you know? i have heart condition.
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and diabetes. so, as you can see right here, i have a bag full of fruits and vegetables. >> i used to eat really healthy. i got in the habit of eating out all the time and eating really bad. i have to stop. >> you want me to be honest with you? for breakfast most of the time, peanut butter crackers out of the machine. >> i eat what is put in front of me. >> i'm eating a sausage biscuit i just got from the store. >> our children run around like the young man is doing eating a pork sandwich. we can't eat it like that no more. >> i buy a lot of fruits and greens. and, you know, more chicken. with less skin. you know, stuff to try to knock some of the fat off. >> we very rarely eat processed foods, something in a box. if i can cook at home and feel good about what i'm making. >> lots of these restaurants that give you way too much to eat. we're going and split an entree. >> just because it's there doesn't mean you can eat it all in one day. you know? that's the main thing with kids.
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they want, you know, want it right then. >> i'm a label reader now. i wasn't so much before children. being mindful of the types of things that we put into our bodies, the chemicals, the pesticides that are used. that's really important that we're mindful of that. >> we're trained to have kids eventually. so we want to be as healthy as possible before doing that. >> my husband, he's had a heart attack. he's had high blood pressure, diabetes the past few years. so just watching him go through a bunch of stuff, i don't want to go through it. >> do you want to see that picture of what i used to look like? oh, my god. this was me then. so i am very proud. >> oh, i feel good. i mean sometimes, you know, you know you want to see a piece of cake and eat it. but it's for the better. >> yeah, i feel great. i have the energy to play with my kids. i have a 3 1/2-year-old. she has a lot of energy. i want to make sure that i can keep going with her.
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>> you got to keep up with a 3-year-old, my man. people who fly continental, we have our, continental airlines this week. only a matter of time. they announced they're going to start charging people for everything you eat. they sound like they're giving you more food choices on the menu. is that not right? >> they are. they're giving you variety. but you're still stuck up in the sky with your stomach rumbling. we do a poll and try to feed your mind and body a little bit. today our poll is what are your feelings about having to shell out for food on an airline? so we're going to get into what is the snack solution when you are flying? what do you personally eat on planes? do you shell out? >> i'm usually just having a cocktail. >> in fact that, is one of our options here. who needs food? keep the bar cart nearby. you can buy a big full meal or a snack. and some people are kind of crying foul on this because, you
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know, do you remember the days when you got the little knife and fork and you had a whole meal on a plate. >> kobt necontinental used to g that. >> they're saying that our customers are looking for more variety and this is better. but you're still eating what they want to give you. >> so you don't buy that? >> not so much. i like the bar cart, too. i tend to stick with the pretzels. >> we put this up. we put a poll up every week at 12:15. >> what is your choice? >> i think i would grudgingly pay for it. they're talking about flights up to 6 1/2 hours long. you're going to need something. of course you think i'm going to pack something. you're running out the door at the last second. and you don't have time to pack your favorite sandwich. >> and everybody else does this already. continental is a last one to get onboard. just about every other airline -- >> jetblue, i like the snacks on jetblue a little bit, more variety. but the trend is going toward these sort of more elaborate
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meals you have to shell out a few bucks for. and, you know, they bring on signature chefs. todd english is doing meals for delta. so they claim it's going to be a little bit better. still, you're in the sky. you're at their mercy. >> you're at their mercy. we're always at the mercy of the airlines. i have another question. we have to go to this live picture. the president like i mentioned earlier in des moines, iowa, having another one of the backyard chats. he is taking questions. let's listen to this. >> -- young men and women in our country struggling to fand a job and speak to that message of hope. >> well, you know, i was in madison, wisconsin, yesterday, and we had about 25,000 mostly young people come out. and it was -- it was a terrific reminder of the fact that young people still have so much energy and so much enthusiasm for the future. but they're going through a tough time. look, this generation that is
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coming of age is going through the toughest economy of any generation since the 1930s. that's pretty remarkable. most of us, in fact, nobody here remembers the economy of the great depression. the worst economy we have gone through, maybe one. maybe a couple. but you guys look really good for your age, though. but for most of us, you know, the worst we've seen before was the 1980 recession, the 1991 recession and then the recession of 2001. this recession had more impact on middle class families than those other three recessions combined in term of job loss and how it's affected people's incomes. so that's going to have an
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effect on entire generation. it means that they're worried about the future in a way that most of us weren't worried when we got out of college. now here the good news. i've said this to the young people. i think that this generation, your son's generation, is smarter, more sophisticated, more passionate, has a broader world view. i think that they don't take things for granted. they're willing to work hard for whatever they can achieve. i think they think about the community and other people and they don't just have a narrow focus on what's in it for me. when i meet young people these days, i am very impressed with them. i think they are terrifically talented. and, so, so their future will be fine. but in the short term, what i'd say to them is that, first of
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all, we're doing everything we can to make sure that they can get the best education possible. one of the things we did this year that didn't get a lot of attention was we were able to change the student loan program out of the federal government to save $60 billion that's going to go directly to students in the form of higher grants, reduced loan burdens, debt burdens when they get out of college. it's going to make a difference to them. so we're going to do everything we can to make sure they can succeed educationally. number two, obviously we're doing everything we can to grow the economy. so that if they got the skills, they're going to be able to find a job in this new economy. and as i said, we've seen private sector job growth eight consecutive months now. the economy is growing. it's just not growing as fast as we would like it. partly because there is still headwinds. we had overhang because of all the problems in the housing market.
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and the housing market is a big chunk of our economy. all that excess inventory of house that's were built during the housing bubble, they're getting absorbed and slowly that will start improving. so the expectation is that although we're not growing as fast as we can, if we're make something good choices about providing small businesses tax breaks and helping to shore up the housing market that over the next couple of years you're going to start seeing steadily the economy improving. and if young people like your son are prepared, if they're focused and equipped, they're going to be able to find a good job. in the meantime, what we've also done is made sure that your son can stay on your health insurance until the age of 26 which because of health care reform. and that is going to relieve some of the, you know, stress, that they're feeling right now. and then finally, what i'd tell
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your son is that we're trying to make some tough decisions now so that by the time he has his own son or daughter that we are back to number one in research and development, back to number one in the proportion of college graduates, back to number one in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship that we have succeeded in creating a competitive america that, you know, will insure this 21st century as the american century, just like the 20th century was. but it's going to take some time. and so the main message i have to young people, in some ways this generation may be less fixed on immediate gratification than our generation was. partly because they've seen, you know, how some hardship in their own families and in their own careers. who's next? gentleman right here.
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>> my name is bob bramer. i live about five or six blocks away in beaverdale. we're really glad you came here, mr. president. >> thank you. it's not hard to come here. this is a nice neighborhood, by the way. i love the big trees. yeah. it's beautiful. >> my question relates to the things half way aren't world and how they affect the economy. particularly the wars and the enormous amount of spending that has gone in that over the last decade, not just the last couple of years. so this is what i'd ask. those decade-long conflicts have had an enormous cost in terms of people killed and wounded, our men and women and other peoples who were killed. and they've had a gigantic cost in terms of money and resources and people diverted to the war. what can we look forward to reducing the huge spending on these wars? and is it possible that kind of funds could help us square up
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our budget and give us crucial resources to strengthen our economy right here at home? >> well, you know, as i said at a speech i made at west point talking about afghanistan, that i'm interested nation building here at home. that's the nation i want to build more than anything else. as you know, because it was a big issue when campaigning in iowa, i was opposed to the war in iraq from the start. i made a commitment i would bring that war to a responsible end. we have now ended our combat mission in iraq. and we've pulled out 100,000 troops out of iraq since i was in office. so -- [ applause ] so that's a commitment we followed up on. now afghanistan was a war that most people right after 9/11, i think, overwhelmingly understood
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was important and necessary. we had to go after those who had killed 3,000 americans. we had to make sure that al qaeda did not have a safe haven inside afghanistan to plan more attacks. and, you know, you can speculate as to whether if we hadn't gone in or just stayed focus on afghanistan whether by now we would have created a stable situation and we would not have a significant presence there. but that's not what happened. so when i walked in, what we had was a situation in afghanistan that had badly deteriorated over the course of seven years and where the taliban was starting to take over half of the country again. you had a very weak afghan government. and in the border region between afghanistan and pakistan, you had al qaeda still plotting to attack the united states.
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now i had said during the campaign we need to make sure that we're getting afghanistan right. and when i committed to when i came into office was we'll put additional resources, meaning troops and money on the civilian side, to train up afghan forces, make sure that the afghan government can provide basic services to its people. but what i also said is we're not going to do it in an open ended way. we're going to have a time frame within which afghans start having to take more responsibility for their own country. and i said that on july of next year we're going to begin a transition of shifting from u.s. troops to afghan troops in many of these areas. now, the situation there is very
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tough. afghanistan is the second poorest country in the world. there are a lot of countries in the world. this is the second poorest. it has a 70% illiteracy rate. afghanistan was much less developed than iraq was. and it had no significant traditions of a strong central government that could provide services to its people or civil service or just the basic infrastructure of modern nation states. so we're not going to get it perfect there. it is messy. it is hard. and, you know, the toughest job i have is when i deploy young men and women into a war theater. because some of them don't come back. and i'm the one who signs those letters to family members offering condolences for the enormous sacrifice of their loved ones. but i do think that what we are
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seeing is the possibility of training up afghan forces more effectively, keeping pressure on al qaeda so that they're not able to launch big attacks, and that over the next several years, as we start phasing down, those folks start lifting up. here's the impact i will the have on our budget. you know, there are going to be still some hangover costs from these two wars. the most obvious one being veterans. we haven't always taken care of as well as we should have. i've had to ramp up veterans spending significantly because i think that's a sacred trust. they served us well. we have to serve them well. [ applause ] and that means -- you know, services for post traumatic stress disorder, reducing backlogs in terms of getting disability claims, help
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specifically for women veterans who are much more in the line of fire now than they'd ever been before. all those things cost money. so even as we start winding down the war in afghanistan, it's not as if there's going to be a huge pieced up dividend right away. but what it does mean is we'll be able to more responsibly manage our military budget. and this is another example of where, you know, you can't say you want to balance the budget and not take on reform in the pentagon. we've already pushed hard to eliminate some weapons programs in the pentagon budget that, you know, the generals, people who actually do the fighting, say we don't need. but getting those programs shut down is very difficult. because typically, there's not a single weapons program out there that doesn't have some part
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being built in 40 different congressional districts in ten or 20 different states so that everybody has a political vested interest in keeping it going. and bob gates, my defense secretary, has been really good about pushing hard on that. and we won some battles. but that's going to be an area we have to take a serious look at as well, you know, when we put forward a plan for getting handle on our long-term debt and deficits. okay? >> the president there. we'll continue to monitor the president. he is taking questions in des moines, iowa. this is the latest stop on a four-state tour. campaign style. talking about the economy, health, a couple of the backyard chats. he is moving from des moines, iowa, over to richmond, virginia, later today before heading back to the white house this evening. we'll continue to monitor that q&a f anything pops out, we'll certainly bring that you to. we go from the president and his number one issue, the economy, to the first lady and her big issue these days has
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been childhood obesity. you can tell a kid all day long what to eat and how to eat right. it's going to go in one ear and out the other. so how do you get them involved? well, you make it fun. you make it interesting. you make an app for that. we're talking to the winners of a contest and see what they came up with to get kids to eat healthier. to prove it. take the natural instincts challenge. get healthier color in 10 minutes. guaranteed. or, we'll buy you 2 boxes of your old color. for details, go to naturalins.
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so you need an app for that. that can help out. before we get to that, let's get to the numbers. childhood obesity threatening one-third of american children. 17% of children between the ages of 2 and 19 and 19% of children between the ages of 6 and 11 are overweight. and for the first time now, as a threat the children growing up now possibly have shorter lifespans than their parents. the apps for healthy kids competition, that's what it's called, is part of the first lady's push to rid the country of childhood obesity within a generation. the winners are joining me this morning from the white house. they're a team that is part of this competition. is it fair to say now, guys, you all just found out you're actually the winners of this competition? you just found out. you're getting a couple checks. tell me about it. >> sure. >> yes. well, thanks to the game that we developed, we were able to submit this great game into this wonderful competition that was hosted by michelle obama and we
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were able to win the grand prize as well as the ge healthy imagination award for total $20,000. >> congratulations on that, guys. >> thank you. >> erin, tell me what does your game do, if you will? how does it help a young person make better decisions about what they eat? >> sure. well, our game, the best way to think about it is combination between pokemon, a very successful game among a lot of children and a lot of demographics and wii fit. so you're given a test with a trainer. he may be looking to gain strength or flexibility or lose weight. by training along with him, running with him, doing ski exercises with him, the two of you get fitter and healthier to together. you also are responsible for managing his dietary intake. you need to make good, healthy choices for your character to eat. >> one of the most interesting parts i found out about your story is you all were on top of this and developing this game before you ever heard about the
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competition. now why did you all think of this game in the first place? you clearly thought there was a need for it. >> absolutely. >> well, the idea for this game came about with a nice class called games for health that was being hosted right now in the past in 2009. so we decided to have like a group of students that wanted to create a great health game that can be fun and also maybe even fit for a family to be involved with. and so based on the three games, trainer was the one that originated out of the three games. and from then on, we decided to create a nice team among other schools at usc so we can continue to develop this game even further. >> and erin, have you all been able to test this with some young people? have you seen any results yet, i guess? >> we did play tests. we know it's fun. young people really love it. we had a hard time of getting a lot of the play testers away from the computer screens because they were having so much fun. we're hoping to do some more thorough testing in the future where we can actually see the types of results that come from
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this game. that will take more time and more development. hopefully. >> pretty cool to be at the white house today? >> oh, absolutely. absolutely. >> yes. >> although it just started raining. from los angeles, we're not used to this wet stuff. >> well, we're seeing a picture here i believe a little earlier. congratulations on what you do. again, i want to make the point to our viewers that you two and your team actually came up with this idea and were trying to put something in place before you ever heard about the competition. so you all were a bit ahead of the curve. congratulations on. that and also, congratulations on the $20,000s and grand prize. thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> all right. quick break here. the problem is, you could have plaque along your gumline that can lead to gingivitis. in fact, one in two adults actually has gingivitis and might not even know it. that's why i recommend new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps remove plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis.
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all right. let's go ahead and bring rob in here. it was a matter of time before the storm got a name. it has a name, so what does that mean now? >> it has a name. a lot of us are scratching our heads. it's so poorly organized. and quite honestly, a lot of the moisture sort of associated with this, has already streamed up the east coast. it's just been interesting interaction of tropical weather along with mid latitude weather as wellment none. the center is here. the circulation is just huge and just disorganized. nonetheless, we've seen a ton of rain across parts of southern
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florida. rain ahead of this thing across parts of the carolinas. that's going to continue. 40 mile an hour winds. so we're not terribly concerned about the winds with this in the current state. but when it gets a little further to the north, that may give it a little more goose and maybe accentuate the winds along the coastline. as far as rainfall is concerned, that certainly a huge concern. over six inches of rain in spots, including parts of central and southeastern florida. that's indicated by the whites. and then across parts of the south carolina and north carolina on top of what they've already seen. here is the official track. the national hurricane center. northeasterly move of about 9 miles an hour. at one point they had us coming across cuba. then the center of it kind of switched on them. and they decided it was over southern cuba. and this is the forecast track. then they say after it gets about to jacksonville, national hurricane center washes their hands and says then it becomes a mid latitude cyclone and, you know, all bets are off after
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that. and what it means really is a lot of that moisture is going to be in the train up to the north. we've already seen a ton of rain across parts of florida. you know, a couple inches here in the last 12 hours. and over 12 inches across northern north carolina, especially -- specifically wilmington which there is a number of roads that are ununder water right now and more rain expected over the next 24 to 48 hours in the highlighted areas. i hope that answers your question as to what that means as far as being named. >> i like the short answer. it just means it has a name. rob, appreciate you as always. coming up in the next hour, you're going to hear more interrogation tapes from u.s. soldiers accused of killing innocent afghans for sport. one of the suspects says army investigators ignored warnings about the so-called "thrill kills." also, special look at what we're looking at is being over 50 and out of work. a number of americans are worried they will never find jobs again. i'm talking to one woman who is
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i just wish that all of the important information was gathered together in one place. [ printer whirs ] done. ♪ thanks. do you work here? not yet. from tax info to debunking myths, the field guide to evolving your workforce has everything you need. download it now at for more than six months now cnn has been working on a documentary that follow as group of young conservative political activist whose wanted to learn more about their movement and message. frustrated with the mainstream media many use undercover cameras to expose corruption. the project, our project, a strange term when the cameras were almost turned on us. i say us i mean specifically our
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special investigation's unit correspondent abbie boudreau. scratching or heads. >> it started with a phone call from james o'keefe, the one who dressed up as a pimp in the a.c.o.r.n. days, teamed up with anna james who posed as a prostitute. he was part of an upcoming shoot and so he had concerns about cnn being at the shoot, and he wanted to talk about those concerns. and so he called me up and he said, listen i would like you to fly out to maryland and meet me face to face. as a reporter, we meet face to face all the time. he did want me there alone. and he wanted me to meet with him and his colleague, as he sands out, and i note having a flip cam in the car. had i drove away, i recorded what had just happened. this is that. >> when i pulled up to the property, he was waiting for me. >> and she said i freed to talk
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to you. can i get in the car? and i was like -- okay. so i noticed she had a little dirt on her face. her lip was shaking. she seemed really uncomfortable. and i asked her, if she was okay. and the first thing that she basically said to me was, i'm not recording you. i'm not recording you. are you recording me? i was, no. she said -- i need to tell you something. i said, okay. is everything okay? you're making me nervous? she said -- no. no. not everything -- everything's not okay. i am a moral person. i need to tell you something. well what is about to happen? tell me what is going on? and she said, you're about to be punked. the plan, get close to the dock and ask me to consent to having my meeting recorded on an audio recorder. if i said yes, she would get me on the boat and where hidden
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video cameras were rolling. why is his goal to get me on the boat? because on the boat he's going to be there dressed up, and he's going to have strawberries and champagne waiting for you. and he was going to hit on you the whole time. >> she said the sole purpose of this was to embarrass me and cnn. i went to the backyard to see the boat for myself, and to try to meet james. but he didn't get off the boat. so i walked back to my car. then right before i left, james walked up to me, and explained that its would make him feel more comfortable if the so-called "interview" were recorded. >> that's just nothing something i'm comfortable with, have this conversation recorded. plus it's not an interview. i'm leer to try to address your concerns about this upcoming shoot. but you ended up wanting me 0 come all the way out here, you told me at your office. instead you want me to come on some boat with you, and you want
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it to be recorded. those were ground rules shue have set over the phone and you didn't. he was like, what are you ashamed of? that's when i said, all right. this is where the conversation ends. and -- i said to him, it was a pleasure. we'd soon find out there was an elaborate 13-page document that outlines the plan to punk cnn called the cnn caper document you and it's split up into two parts. the first section, thousand trick cnn into recording a false story, either about sarah palin or the tea party. the plan was to give fox news a heads up that we were about to report a fake story. so then fox could undercut, quote/unquote, undercut cnn's credibility. the second part of the plan, how to punk me by seducing me on the boat. the document says the boat would be staged with sexual props. a blindfold, fuzzy handcuffs, pornographic magazines and so much more. just to be clear, james' mentor
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and fellow activist is listed as the writer of the cnn caper document. james is listed as the activist. the one who would have acted out the punk. i asked what he thought about the cnn caper document. he e-mailed this statement about cnn. he says, "that is not my work product. when it was sent positive me i immediately found certain elements highly objectionable and inappropriate and did not consider them for one minute following it" we would learn that does not appear to be true. we have a series of e-mails and other documentation including audio recordings and we're told show his true intentions, and all of this will be revealed in the documentary that airs on saturday. >> okay. when did this start to seem a little fish ji it's one thing -- you could meet at mcdonald's, a starbucks. did it initially from the beginning, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. he's done kooky things before. from the very beginning did it seem odd what he was asking you to do? so speck about the meeting? chcts he wanted to meet and i
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wanted to ease his concerns. and he did want 20 meet alone. i did want my producer to be there, and he did not want that, and i wanted him to feel comfortable. everyone knew where i was going to be that day. my bosses all knew i had a meeting and where i was going to be. i thought the meeting was going to take place at his office. not on a boat. if i thought for a second i would be -- the meeting would be on a boat, there would never have been a meeting. i would have never gone, obviously. >> a boat. okay. one other thing we have to ask as well. the documentary is coming up this weekend. other young conservatives following around as well? >> this obviously was a strange turn in the documentary, but we followed around for months and months and months a series of other people who were young conservatives who are passionate about their beliefs whether you agree or disagree. they are passionate and excited about trying to get their message out using social media. that's all part of the documentary. >> he might be passionate, this o'keefe some would say maybe misguided as well. appreciate it.
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our special investigations unit. quick break in the "cnn newsroom," and we'll be right back. hey, did you ever finish last month's invoices? sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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hello there, everybody. i'm t.j. holmes in today for my dear friend tony harris. top of the hour here in the "cnn newsroom." here are some of the people behind today's top stories -- president obama. meeting with americans in their own backyards. still taking place. how the economy will impact the incomes of the very people he's talking to. and a u.s. soldier talking about unspeakable acts in afghanistan. events his family tried to bring to the military's attention. and you're online right now. we're online as well.
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josh levs follows what's hot. >> t.j., just hit. list of the 50 most powerful women naming the female business leader. you can see the whole list here, >> thanks so much. we'll check in with you again shortly. 33 days to election day. cnn equals politics. president obama trying to reassure americans on the economic recovery today. he's taking questions right now. this still live in des moines, iowa. at a backyard of a family there. talking to about 70 neighbor there's. at the home of jeff and sandy clubb. gathered there to try to guess some answers. take listen. >> -- when you look at the choice we face in this election coming up, the other side what it's really offering, is the same policies that from 2001 to 2009 put off our problems and
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didn't really speak honestly to the american people about how we're going to get this country on track over the long term. and i just want to use, as an example, the proposal that they put forward with the regard to tax policy. they want to borrow $700 billion to provide tax cuts for the top 2% of americans. people making more than $250,000 a year. it would mean an average of $100,000 check to millionaires and billionaires. that's $700 billion we don't have. >> now, the president will be holding a similar backyard get-together happening this afternoon in richmond, virginia. the white house says the president enjoys talking with ordinary americans in this casual format. we've seen this the past couple of days. the president on that four campaign state tour touting the economy. republicans are turning up the heat over bush era tax cuts.
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you heard the president talking about that in that sound bite. those tax cuts are set to expire december 31st. the gop wants them all renewed. the president, you heard there, says not for everybody. not for those making over $250,000. he doesn't want to extend those tax breaks to all the highest earners. here now is the republican's top man in the house a couple hours ago. >> i believe there's a bipartisan majority in both the house and the senate. we want to extend all of the current tax rates. but democratic leaders leave town without stopping these tax increases, they're turning their backs on the american people. >> meanwhile, the income gap between rich americans and poor americans is the widest on record now. that is according to new census bureau figures. our christine romans from the cnn money team is in new york to tell us all about it. christine, hello to you, and this is more bad news from a lot of these census numbers we've been getting lately. >> reporter: it is.
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up know, but i think what it is for many people, validation of what they've already been telling us they feel out there. right? the haves have more. the have nots have less and the people in the middle slipping back yards according to the census numbers. the top 20% of earners in the country accounted for about 4% -- 49%. top earning 20% took home 49% of the income generated. the bottom, just 3.4%. the safety net were you all the jobs lost, 8 million in the recession, the safety set in widening. a record number on food stampsone in ten american families is not only not earning money but is actually helping put food on the table by taxpayers. we know that marriage is at a record low. people are choosing not to get married. we know that home ownership fell again. that people are working a little bit less. 36 minutes a week less. not necessarily because they're taking a vacation, but because there's less work to go around.
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so we have a lot of details from the census bureau about what life looks like for the american working family right now, and american kitchen table economics. even though on paper the recession ended, t.j., sometime last year, the numbers show a tough year for folks on the money front. >> a lot of people felt that ridiculous. they have their complicated equation how to figure out when a recession ended, to say it ended last year and thing shos have been hunky-dory, people are scratching their heads at that. >> reporter: there is a recovery under way, people say, but a lot of people left out of that recovery. a record number of people left out of that recovery. that's why the spread standing in des moines trying to tell people what he's accomplished and what he's trying to do, addressing concerns, because poll after poll, you've reported them, poll after poll show us that people feel very uncertain and uneasy about their financial prospects, even if they have a job. they're worried about the future. they'll take that to the polling places in november.
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>> how people feel. christine romans, first time i've had a chance to talk to you on the air since your return. a pleasure to see you as always, even though we sometimes have to report some bad news. good to see you. >> nice to see you, t.j. thanks. brand new information on how the economy is impacting each and every city. bringing in josh levs here again. josh, telling me last hour only one state saw an increase in salaries. now you're telling me only one major metropolitan area that saw an incareer as well? >> one state in the whole nation. north dakota ux incomes went up. only one major city where incomes have gone up. the census study is packed with information. our cnn money team dug into it to see what's happening in major cities around the country. of the 52 major metro areas in this country incomes down in 51 of them. that might mot shock you. it's about the economy. we talk about people wanting jobs, not having jobs. people working are working for less. here are some of the biggest jobs. incomes down 10%.
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10% in detroit. 9.4% in orlando. 8.5% in cleveland. you see this around the country and then you see this. the one place where it's gone up. san antonio, texas. incomes have gone up a little bit. half of 1% to nearly $48,000. what's the deal? why are they going up in san antonio? we have good things going on in san antonio. the city made grade strides in diversifying its economy. key components of strength there, tourism, biomedical and finance services and the center of higher education and a major military center. 75,000 service members there. jobs have been relatively available as jobs go in this economy and costs have stayed pretty low. so that had a lot of people flocking into the city. so good piece of news there for the one metro area in this country that's actually seen incomes go up. one other thing i can point to, interesting, on this list. highest incomes in the country for any major city, washington,
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d.c. way up there. $85,000. keep in mind, we're not talking about inside the city. we're talking about metropolitan areas, including suburbs like maryland and virginia. those suburbs right there. i posted the whole list for you on facebook and twitter, josh levs cnn. you can see the state breakdowns and city breakdowns all right there for you. see how it's impacting you and share your story. t.j., amid the bad news, one city today, a little they can point to and say, hey, things looking up. >> i'm torn. move to san antonio or north dakota. >> don't think you're going anywhere. >> appreciate it. you've been hearing about a terrorist plot a commando-style raid described that osama bin laden signed off on. the information coming to us from an afghan native now in custody. we have a live report. first, though, our random moment coming your way in 90 seconds. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 like it's some kind of dream.
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tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it's either this magic number i'm supposed to reach, or... tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it's beach homes or it's starting a vineyard. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 come on! tdd# 1-800-345-2550 just help me figure it out in a practical, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 let's-make-this-happen kind of way. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 a vineyard? give me a break. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 [ male announcer ] looking for real-life answers tdd# 1-800-345-2550 to your retirement questions? tdd# 1-800-345-2550 get real. get started. talk to chuck. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 tdd# 1-800-345-2550 of some of the annoying symptoms menopause brings. go introducing one a day menopause formula. the only complete multivitamin with soy isoflavones to help address hot flashes and mild mood changes. new one a day menopause formula.
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our random moment of the day. do you remember your third birthday party? one little girl in cincinnati, in the cincinnati area, she is never going to forget her third birthday party. you see that cake? beautiful cake. isn't it? that princess cake is pretty much the only thing left standing, left untouched after this birthday party turned into a drunken free for all.
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not talking 3-year-olds started drinking and fighting. 75 grown-ups threw beer bottles after the birthday girl's dad got into an argument. police had to be called in from seven different jurisdictions. look at that. police had to come, showed up at 1:00 in the morning. 3 years old, up until 1:00 in the morning. that, folks, is our "random moment" for this wednesday. can't wait to cover her fourth birthday.
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we have new details starting to emerge about a terror plot in europe. a german counterterrorism official says al qaeda may be plotting commando-style raids on so-called soft targets. our homeland security correspondent jeanne meserve son the story joining us live from washington. help everybody. they might not think they know what commando-style raids are. we remember this back in 2008, the type of threat we're talking about here. >> reporter: right. talking about the sort of thing we saw in mumbai. you remember that attack that involved multiple teams against multiple targets, causes a lot of destruction and death, causes a lot of chaos, gets a lot of publicity, exactly what these groups want. according to multiple sources in
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europe and the u.s., this current intelligence concerns a possible mumbai-style attack of that sort. law enforcement officials say the targets could include institutions like banks, other soft relatively unprotected targets. the possible perpetrator, sources say, a mix of people with western passports who can travel easily throughout europe. u.s. law enforcement officials say at this point in time they see no indications that the plot include targets in the u.s., but officials are being very circumspect in their comments. what homeland security secretary janet in a paul taun hoe to say this morning. >> i'm neither going to confirm nor deny, because by going either direction, i think we go down a treacherous path. what i will say is that there are -- there are constantly threats of all types that we need to be able to be proactive
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against, and be proactive even when there aren't specific threats. >> the source for much of the intelligence on this plot is identified by a german counterterrorism official as a german citizen of afghan descent by the name of ahmed saidky. in the afghan-pakistan area. detained in kabul currently in u.s. custody and talking a lot. soss say sidiqi worked and attended hamburg where he attended the mosque, a meeting place for the men behind the september 11th attack. that mosque has since been shut down. t.j., back to you. >> jeanne, secretary napolitano wouldn't confirm a lot. i watched that this morning. are u.s. officials confirming or denying whether or not the latest series of drone attacks in pakistan that at all related to this latest possible threat in europe? >> reporter: we have talked to some u.s. official whose told us that there is a link.
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there has been a recent uptick in the number of these attacks, and they say this intelligence was one factor. not the only factor by any mean, but one factor in that uptick. when they have good intelligence, obviously, they try to act on it. >> jeanne, appreciate you as always. thanks so much. returning next to the 14th tropical storm of the atlantic season. coming up next, we will introduce you to nicole. [ female announcer ] in the coming weeks and months,
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you may notice something a little different about eggland's best eggs. now, in addition to the taste and nutrition you and your family love, eggland's best will proudly be displaying its support for susan g. komen for the cure®, the world's largest breast cancer organization, in its promise to end breast cancer forever. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. and a greater commitment to what matters. because part of being the best is doing good. ♪ and she said hair was growing back... i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining.
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17 past the hour. nicole is the name. chad myers is the name of our meteorologist, though. nicole, kind of a mess. >> all the tropical storm warnings, real ones, other than just for a little bit of breeze, gone for the florida keys for florida. i still think we'll see significant rainfall across florida. for the most part, southern florida can take an awful lot of rain. it gets flat, water coming up a little bit, but five or six inches of rain in the streets doesn't cause widespread flooding across the everglades, because nobody's living there. this whole thing spinning out of the caribbean and on up into the straits of florida. the florida straits are very, very warm. warm water is going to be the key to whether this thing can develop anymore or not. coming off the coast of cuba, north of havana, almost see spin. 40 miles per hour. not a hurricane. the problem the track, pushing moisture up into the carolinas. kind of a line of weather here. to the east of wilmington, up
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towards the sound and into the, eventually towards cape hatteras where the heaviest rain will be causing flooding. that's why there has actually been put up flood watchings and warnings from new york down through the carolinas, because once it gets here it has to get going and be up into new york state for the end of the week. this is going to be a quick moving store. moving 20, 30 miles per hour. we don't like the ones that move five miles per hour. the one that caused that mudslide in mexico, probably more than one we haven't heard about yet. that storm moved about three miles per hour. this one's much faster. >> all right. chad, appreciate it, as always. and now a look at some of the stories we are keeping an eye on now. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu hasn't yet commented on whether israeli settlement construction in the occupied west bank came up in a key meeting today. washington's special envoy to the meetings george mitchell is in israel trying to keep mideast peace talks on track.
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also for president jimmy carter, he feels better today but has to stay in the hospital for another night. carter had an upset stomach yesterday during a flight to cleveland. he'll know if he'll be able too get out of the hospital in time for his birthday. he turns 86 on friday. [ cheers and applause ] and last night, nashville, tennessee, grand ole opry house reopened after being flooded last may. country music stars played on stage at landmark theater including brad paisley, a little jimmy dickens, a big part of getting the place rebuilt. cnn is taking a cross country food journey all this week. we have sent our reporting teams all over the place this week and our mission is to get fresh answers about how our food is grown, how the choices we make impact our health, our state of mind, our budgets and the pure joy of eating. we've teamed with with a new cnn
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food destination to bring you "etocracy: mind, body and wallet." children's eating habits are shaped at their parents' dinner table, of course. asked how home cooking affects what kids choose to eat in the school cafeteria. >> reporter: if were you to ask students by and large at middle school level, at the high school level, whether they would choose a grilled chicken salad or fried chicken tenders what would most say? >> fried chicken tenders. >> reporter: why is that? >> i think mostly because when you're a child, i guess you're raised on that fried chicken tender. it's like the crunch in your mouth and the grease. >> most people may seat that every night. that's what they know, love and are raised on. >> these students have fresh fruit, fresh vegetable choices daily. i believe that offering items such as your vegetables, carrot sticks and sliced cucumbers and those items to young children and as they progress into
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after-school snacks then they become items children will naturally want. >> i used to be overweight. i recently lost that weight through better eating. >> like when you don't eat a healthy meal, you're tired all the tile, and you lose a lot of energy, but when you do eat a healthy meal it's like, oh. i have this type of energy that's like the best energy ever, because i ate that healthy meal. >> healthier choices is part of the education that starts in our classroom. we toy with how to meet the nutritional needs of the student but yet bring the healthiest and beth food items, and to that end we've been able to meet that particular mark by looking at our locally grown produce. they don't have to travel as far. so we can get a better price. >> say you have a friend and you see that person constantly choosing unhealthy foods. how do you encourage that person to change his ways? >> just eat less calories and make sure you know what's in the food. >> i would say you probably need to watch your food intake of,
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like, fried foods or whatever it is. they need to try to, like, balance their nutrition, plus their indulgeancies. >> i don't want to say they don't care about their life but they don't really care how they're affected by what they eat, and they don't know what they're eating. >> all right. and joining me now, a friend of mine, a friend of our show on cnn saturday and sunday morning. always good to see you, buddy. it they eat it at home, that influence what's they pick up when they go through the lunch line in school. >> absolutely. that's what nutritionists said. it starts in the home. what they are brought up eating is what they get a taste for. with her kids she worked on giving options you don't typically see at fast food restaurants, celery stick, strawberries, and as they got older, those were the choices they made. >> under the impression healthier food costs more money. are school facing this? knowing the cheaper stuff is
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what's bad for you? >> something they have to deal with all the tile. the big challenge. especially in a recession. how do you bring in healthier foods that traditionally cost more? the advice that the doctor had regarding this was to look locally. look at local farms. find out what they're offering and a lot of times because they're local, they'll be able to give discounts to give deals to schools. able to serve these healthier, fresher and more closely grown foods to the students, and in addition, she suggested menu forecasting. take a look at what's popular among students and bring those foods in. if you're selling more of what you buy you're in better shape. >> perfect sense. why didn't we think of this before? but the other thing we talk about with kids eating at home, influsing their choices at school. what else kind of influences might a kid pick up going through line at school? >> really, it starts in the home. what they're used to eating. there were students who talked to us about high it's important for them to eat, that they had an awareness that they should be eating healthier foods.
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that awareness doesn't always translate to healthy choices, but usually what they're grown up eating is what they tend to go for later on, and so that's why everybody's pretty much telling us, start them young on the healthy stuff. when they get older, things will get better. >> appreciate you. as always. >> good to see you, t.j. >> see you this weekend. >> as always. >> remember, for more stories on healthy eating and where you can learn more about help to unlock the scene in healthy eater badge on four square.
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. disturbing reserve lakeses about u.s. soldiers accused of killing afghan civilians for sport. it turns out the army may have known months ago about one of the alleged thrill kills but failed to act. also coming to light from interrogation tapes that we here at cnn have now obtained. our drew griffin of our special investigations unit reports. >> reporter: specialist adam winfield is seen in this interrogation video obtained by cnn. at the beginning of the tape he describe as killing he didn't see, only heard about. how members of his platoon bragged on how they killed a man and made it look like self-defense. >> they threw the grenade. they said the guy threw a grenade at them. and then they shot him. >> okay. and what was the story how you understood what really happened? >> that was -- that's -- as soon as it happened i was in the truck.
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i was in -- but i knew about it already. and morlock and [ bleep ] were planning it. probably to like -- sergeant gibbs sort of, you know, put into his head that he could get away with doing these things. >> reporter: sergeant gibbs is the person described in these u.s. army charging papers as the ringleader of a band of rogue and high on hash u.s. army infantrymen. cnn reached out to staff sergeant gibbs' toerp, but has yet to receive a return call. gibbs according to the statements of the men accused liked to kill things, and people. he encouraged his men to kill with him, threatening them not to tell a soul. >> i take it very seriously. he is -- he likes to kill things. he is pretty much evil incarnate. like -- i never met a man that can go from one minute joking
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around and mindless killing the next. he likes to kill things. >> so what do you think would have happened if you weren't onboard with this stuff? >> i think one he wouldn't have kept me in the loop on things, and if they thought i had ratted or something, they would have come after me. and -- that's -- i almost -- after the first killing, i -- i called my parents, and told them about it. >> reporter: according to winfield's attorney, when adam winfield's father heard about all of this in a phone call, he decided to call the army himself. even calling an investigative unit at the army. the army's response, according to the attorney was this -- not interested. can't do anything. tell your son to lay low. when we called the army to ask about those calls, the army spokesman would only tell us an investigation is now under way.
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adam winfield, 21 years old, is now charged with premeditated murder. accused of participating in the killing of another afghan civilian last may. according to winfield's attorney, his client is not guilty of premeditated murder, despite this army interrogation tape where winfield describes how he and other members of his platoon, including corporal jeremy morlock and the staff sagt calvin gibbs set up an after gann civilian. >> he seemed friendly. he didn't seem to have any sort of an mossty towards us. >> okay. >> brought him out. he was sitting in the ditch. me and morlock were behind the berm and he said -- >> who said? >> sergeant gibbs. >> this is how it's going to go down. you're going to shoot your weapons, yell gra naid. and then i'm going to throw this gra naid. after it goes off i'm going to drop this grenade next to him. so -- that's it.
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>> okay. >> well, we're laying there. morlock told me to shoot. started shooting. yelled, grenade. the grenade blew up. >> i'm sorry. who gave the order to shoot? >> morlock. >> okay. >> and we fired. he said, shoot. the grenade blew up. sergeant gibbs threw the grenade, it blew up. then he came over, shot the man probably about two more times in the head. >> reporter: after that, specialist winfield says staff sergeant gibbs told him he was part of the group. >> the officer used the fact that he acknowledged that you know more about killing a guy as well. >> no, he never used that against me. he just told me that i was made a man afterwards. >> reporter: the attorney for corporal jeremy morlock told cnn his client suffers from brain
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injuries suffered in two ied attacks and was on strong army prescribed drugs that impaired his judgment. according to winfield's attorney, had the army just listened to the elder winfield, it never had to get this far. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. coming up, unemployed and over 50. some workers now worry they will never be able to find work again. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses... not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket.
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for older americans finding a job can be a challenge at the best of times. of the roughly 15 million unemployed more than 2.2 million over the age of 55. some fear they may never find a job again. patricia reid is one of them over 50 harks two decades of experience as an internal auditor of a large corporation out of fork work years, and maggie says it's time to re-invent yourself. former director of learning and host of "making a living with maggie a "on xm-sirius radio. she is with us. welcome to you both. do you think it's possible, patricia, you may never work again? >> i try not to think that way. >> but are you discouraged after
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four years, certainly, and i say not work, i guess you could go find any type of job. something a lot simpler. min much wage, not career, if you will, and nothing in the line of work that you're doing now, but is that the fear, you might not be able to use your skills? >> well, i guess there is that possibility. >> four years you've been looking now. have you had any actual job offer in the past four years? >> oh, a couple of times it almost happened and then it seemed like something always happens. a merger or something else would happen to stop it. >> and patricia what was your circumstance in the first place that you ended up losing your job four years ago? >> i was laid off from boeing during a downsizing. >> all right. how have you been able to hold on, if you will, for four years without that steady stream of income? >> well, i haven't had a steady stream of income, but i have found work here and there. >> okay.
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>> casual-type jobs. setting up networks for people, or -- things like that. >> okay. maggie, let me bring you in here now. you're hearing her story. viewers are hearing it as welg. you say re-invent yourself. that certainly sounds easier said than done. what does that mean? >> well, i'll tell you, t.j. i have heard this. i work with clients just like patricia in this situation. actually, people of all age groups are suffering through this kind of challenge, because i see it as much of a mind-set issue as an economic one. i got to read patricia's story in the "new york times" article and one of the things that struck me not only with her but with people struggling to find work, you focus more on finding a job than following their passion. i see this as a challenge for a lot of folks because employers are saying, we do need someone to do the nob, but jot interested in someone who just needs a paycheck or looking to pay for retirement. this isn't a testament against patricia. people need money to live, but when they follow their passion they tend to have more enthusiasm, more excitement for the job. more energy to do it.
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when i read patricia's story and saw how exhausted she was by her last job, i actually wasn't that surprised that that job went away. people now need to focus on following their passion and doing work they love now. not waiting to put it off to retirement. >> patricia sdshs that resonate with you and make some sense to you in that you think you need to flip it up a bit and follow your passion, whatever it may be? >> well -- i could get passionate about a lot of things. i -- i could get passionate about work. many types of work. as long as i'm learning new things and in a problem-solving mode, i'm fine. >> i'll ask you both this question. start with you first, patricia. how much of your difficulty do you think lately has been your age and your experience versus the economic downturn? i mean, sometimes people just won't want to hire someone who has that much experience, yeah, you're going to have to pay you
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a certain amount. >> yes. that's definitely a factor, i think. people seem to -- think it's easier to work with a younger person. >> maggie, how much of a difficulty is a for her? maggie? >> t.j., only a difficulty, patricia really live to this, your experience is valuable. the challenge i also see with people in the 50 to 60 age range they look at terrific jobs as the only option. i was excited to hear talking about what you've been up to in the last four years you've been open to consulting, providing your services in other ways. that experience is still valuable to em employers. that doesn't mean you can't get paid for your talents and get bade for that experience. in fact, you know, i was wondering if you've actually considered consulting and putting yourself out there as an expert, eve's teaching other internal people how to do their job. you love tweaking processes. that's a talent and the interest. have you explored that? >> well, i've put applications in with a few consulting firms
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but haven't heard anything back from them. >> can i jump in on that point. >> do it quickly, maggie. quickly. >> okay. applying for jobs, it's a black hole for a lot of people. you got to make it it personal. find people in your network who can connect you with folks in the areas and in the companies you want to work. that personal introduction is what's going to land you a job. >> patricia, i know and a lot of folks listening probably sounds easier said than done. it sounds great and wonderful. right now a lot of folks are hurting, it's hard -- something she's been doing her whole life, flip it up, re-invent and become a new person at the age of 50-plus, if you will, patricia, but patricia good luck to you. four years you've been at it. we hope to touch base with you when you finally have landed that job and maggie, appreciate you as well. you ladies have a good rest of the day. >> thank you. 40 minutes past the hour here know. word on new sanctions against iran. stay with us. c s.
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>> reporter: right, t.j. this going on right now. secretary of state hillary clinton and the treasury secretary tim geithner here at the state department announcing that president obama is going to be issuing an executive order and that will put new sanctions on eight top iranian government officials who they say are tied to serious human rights abuses against the people of iran. secretary clinton just a few minutes ago calling this a new approach and a new tool. let's listen to what she said. >> this is a different approach as both tim and i have said. we are using this new tool that the congress has just given us to basically publicize and connect to the human rights abuses that are ongoing in iran. those officials about whom we have credible evidence who are responsible for either ordering
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or implementing these abuses, because we've always said that we not only cared about the nuclear program in iran. we care about the people of iran. >> reporter: and, t.j., the secretary there saying that these will be targeted against people who they say, the u.s. says, were directly involved in ordering and being involved in those, that violent crackdown against demonstrators in iran, around the time of and right after the presidential elections in 2009. an important point, the secretary also saying that these sanctions will not, are not, aimed at hurting the people of iran but only those eight people, and they could add more names, as more information becomes available. t.j.? >> and what kind of people are we talking about there? even if you don't have specific names? revolutionary guard -- >> reporter: we do actually have names. it's really a top list.
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i was just looking at it. the revolutionary guard corps, the commander of the revolutionary guard corps. prosecutor general minister of intelligence, people like this, they really want to hit them and treasury secretary geithner defending. some people saying these are in effect, he says they are in fact the iranian leadership are very concerned about these, that they are biting, he says. >> any idea of a reaction we'll get from iran, haven't gotten one yet, since this is just happening. >> reporter: no, but you know, just last week, t.j., president ahmadinejad was saying that these are not having an affect, they're not really doing anything. you can probably expect that they could say that. that's the debate, but the treasury sent and the u.s. government saying it is having an affect. that it is harder and harder for iran to carry out some of these financial transactions, and that by taking this new approach, which is tying individuals, top
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individuals, to these human rights abuses, that this is a new approach, and they are claiming that this will have some affect. >> all right. jill dougherty. appreciate the story for us. specific targeted sanctions for iran now. thank so much, jill, as always. coming up, what's called explosive allegations against california goober tore candidate meg whitman. that's coming your way.
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time for your politics update. turning to ed henry part of the best political team on television live in d.c. ed, good to see you, buddy. what do you got? >> reporter: love how you say that, the "best." presidential out on the campaign trail, as you know, my friend. out in the midwest. bad news for democrats in the midwest. the president's home state of illinois specifically, some new questions being raised about the democratic candidate lexi ga newly, specifically the role he played in his family's bank, which collapsed. he had told voters this is in the "chicago tribune" told voters he ended, stopped working with the bank in 2005. now it appears he might have told the irs a different story. he claimed a tax duction of almost $3 million for his work with the bank in 2006. even though he had said earlier he had stopped working there. if he's denying wrongdoing,
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bottom line is, democrats never thought they were going to be struggling this hard to keep president obama's senate seat in the democratic column. next item in ohio. we've heard a lot, of course, about angry voters taking out that anger on democrats. interesting, the democratic governor strickland, is trying to turn the tables here and tap into some of that anger. he's out on a bus tour basically saying, look, i'm just as angry as voters are about this economy which, but i'm a fighter, trying to fight it and the significance as he's launching this, he's had a little bit of a surge in the polls. now just about even with republican john kasich in the ohio governor's race. a lot of democrats nationwide will watch that to see whether that kind of strategy can work in other races. finally in california. what could make that gubernatorial battle between republican jwhitman and jerry
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brown? how about gloria allred? a news conference with an hispanic woman who had been on the household staff of meg whitman. gloria allred, seen in so many tabloid storying saying she will reveal explosive allegations about meg whitman. already telling jessica yellin, part of the sleaze machine. politics of personal destruction, going to backfire. we'll wait to see exactly what gloria allred has to say about the california governor's race. >> if gloria allred's name is involved, boy, boy, boy, just 408d on. ed henry, good to see you. talk to you soon. your next political update in one hour. for the latest political news you know where to find a date with oprah. what's hot on the internet with josh levs. and sign all of the paper work i needed to take care of.
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just think about it. >> you have your own two hours and have to come into this hour as well. what is hot? >> number one on twitter, talking about britney and "glee." look at this. this girl bishgs the way, amazing britney testament dancing. this actress, amazing stuff. got close to the screen. really inpressive. britney showed up as well. you'll see her. seemed happy to be there. see? had a little moment, of the actual -- actual britney. everybody's talking about it. broke records for "glee." more than the madonna episode and the lady gaga episode. another musical note, the "sound of music" family, von trapp, all getting back together. every single one of them. reuniting on "oprah." all getting together. >> where else would it be? something, to go from "the sound of music" after britney.
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