tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 30, 2010 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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>> i think it is. i mean, this is what -- i think many of us have had a sense of pause when we saw that interview. and you wouldn't call him a barking lunatic but he certainly comes across as somebody who is obsessive. and that's not healthy for the institution that he represents, or for the individual that he is. but i do think that he may have crossed the line here. i think the only reservation i would put here is that what mr. cox articulated, whatever his motivations may be, and i'm willing to accept his motivations are to defend free speech, there is a legitimate question here. there is a dangerous trend here. and unfortunately this may be a case of bad case making bad law, in that it could magnify that trend a bit. but he's going to -- his conduct makes it more difficult for him to cloak himself entirely in the first amendment. >> jeff, this is now getting
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wrapped up in politics in michigan, the democratic candidate to be the next assistant -- to be the next attorney general has called on his republican opponent to call for this guy to be fired. do you think -- you still think politics are involved, though, in the attorney general's decision not to let this guy go? >> right, because i think at the end of the day this is really a question about discretion. this is a question that's -- that raises the issue of, what does the attorney general of michigan think is relevant to the conduct of his employees? is he someone who thinks that someone who behaves like shirvell is behaving can represent everyone. and you know, i think if shirvell got fired he would lose a lawsuit. now that may be a good thing or a bad thing but he would lose a lawsuit to get his job back. so i think this is really up to mike cox. could he, is he willing to fire him or not, and he chooses not to fire him and people can draw their own conclusions about whether that's a good thing or
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bad thing. the thing i don't object to that mike cox is saying is that somehow the law compels him not to fire him. i think this is a choice he's making, not a -- something he's compelled to do by the law. >> interesting discussion. jeff toobin, jonathan turley, appreciate your expertise. thank you very much. let us know what you think, the live chat up and running right now. up next tonight we put a racy attack ad to the test. is the re-enactment of a senator's alleged visit to a prostitute fact or fiction? is it fair? and another accuser speaking out saying bishop eddie long abused him. >> once the right time to expose everything it's going to happen, and i just pray, i just want people to know to keep praying. c s.
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we've been examining some of the political ads running this campaign season. the other night you might remember we pointed out what was incorrect and misleading one by a florida democratic congressman, one by a republican congressman from north carolina. tonight a whole new kind of attack ad. this one is by charlie melancon, it's against david vitter and it actually includes a re-enactment of an alleged visit with a prostitute. tom foreman has been looking at it perhaps in a dark room somewhere and joins us now keeping them honest. >> reporter: when a candidate says his latest commercial will air only during age appropriate shows, you know you're in for something special, and charlie melancon does not disappoint with his attack on republican
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senator david vitter. maybe you forgot vitter was caught up in a prostitution scandal or that he stood by his wife in this very uncomfortable news conference in 2007 and apologized for a very serious sin. but representative melancon wants to make sure you remember. this time on forgotten crimes, caught up with prostitution scandals in washington, d.c., and new orleans, a louisiana politician has been let off the hook. today we explore the case of the senator and the madam in lawmaker, law breaker. >> reporter: this is a rarity in political ads. not only is it dressed up to look like one of these true crime shows out there but it's also two minutes long. complete, anderson, as you mentioned, with a re-enactment. take a look. >> david vitter won election to the united states senate as a proud family values politician. but under the surface, vitter was battling his own demons. >> things turned public for vitter when his number appeared on the d.c. madams phone list.
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>> but it didn't end there. the scene shifts to new orleans where a former french quarter prostitute gave an interview exposing details about her sexual relationship with vitter. >> he went in, took a shower, spoke very little to me at first. he did his thing. he wasn't there, 15, 20 minutes at that. it was $300. >> this is a political ad. the interview and some of those images, by the way, at the end there appear to be by a production from hustler magazine's larry flynt. >> wow. i wonder if that's the first time larry flynt's material has been used in a political ad. >> maybe. >> so what's true and not true in this. >> it's true these allegations have surrounded senator vitter and he did confess to some things but then it gets tricky because he never said precisely what his sin was. so he admitted that his number was in the d.c. pad am's phone book. he never admitted the new orleans connection. he was never charged with any
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crime. and so no crime was ever proven. so we don't really know if he broke the law and yet that message is hammered home by folks like this voter in this ad, whose identity is hidden supposedly to protect him, although i'm not sure from what. >> for me it's not about hookers or cheating on his wife. the man broke the law. and there ought to be consequences for that. >> well, there are consequences for things like that. have you to face nasty ads like this one, which for all of this drama still comes down on our big scale as somewhere between it's a stretch and right on. anderson? >> fascinating. coming up a story that really just breaks your heart. a mom and a stepfather and the little boy they lost to bullying. they say bullying that they warned the school about and got no action. later, how is michael j. fox doing nearly 20 years after being diagnosed with parkinson's sanjay gupta sat down with him and joins us shortly. sure i'd like to diversify my workforce,
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you know, we focused a lot on this program over the years on the problem of bullying and how a lot of us today don't take it seriously enough. some adults think it's a rite of passage, something all kids go through. but while many kids do go through it, not all of them survive. i want to you meet asher brown. he lived in texas, he was 13 years old. and i say "was" in the past because he shot himself in the head last thursday. his stepfather found his little body crumpled up in the bottom of a closet. they say he was bullied to death, he killed himself after being constantly harassed by four classmates, picked on they say because he was small,
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because he didn't wear the popular clothes other kids wore and because he was gay. they say school officials ignored their repeated complaints. the school district denies getting any complaints from anyone, from asher's family, students or staff members. we talked to other parents who say their kids are also being bullied at the school and say their complaints are ignored. i talked earlier to asher's mom and stepfather, and they're advocate. amy, how are you holding up? >> i guess as well as can be expected for the situation. i just -- i have to do it minute by minute. >> that's all you can do. >> i can't think past -- i can't think past that. >> we've got a lot of support
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but it's the worst thing that can ever happen to a mother. >> david, tell me about asher. what kind of boy was he? >> he was your typical rambunctious, spirited, happy-go-lucky guy. he was my shadow. everywhere i went he was behind me. i tell people if he burped he would say excuse me for me. it's hard for me to think about him without losing it but i'm going to do it. he's -- he's only been with me 3 1/2 years, and he's my stepson, but in spirit he's my -- he's my son. and i love him very much because he loved everybody else. what i got out of him, unconditional love. he gave everybody unconditional love. he taught me that. >> when did you notice things were going bad for him at school? >> we noticed the first day he started at hamilton, and there were some serious problems where he'd come home, tell us he's being picked on, and i said, well, that's not cool. you've got to tell your teacher that, and it just kept going on and on, where just -- from the very beginning. >> he started there in the sixth grade and this was supposed to be his eighth grade year. so there was an ongoing problem
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for what would amount to 18 months to two years. >> what would kids say? they taunted him because they felt he was gay and they taunted him because they felt he was different? >> they taunted him because he didn't wear abercrombie and fitch. he didn't wear fancy shoes. he didn't have fancy watches or ipods. >> he wasn't interested in those things. >> we could have bought it for him, we asked him if he wanted it, he said no. there's more important things. >> the boys and girls, they thought he was nerdy because he read lots of books. they picked on him and called him, you know, nasty names for -- the disparaging comments they use toward homosexuals. >> he was smaller than everybody. >> he was smaller than a lot of kids and, you know, so just stature wise he stood out. >> and he was buddhist, i understand they made fun of that. >> yes. >> he told you he was gay the
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morning he died. >> right. he did. >> yes. >> and we had our suspicions. we kind of talked about it amongst us, but he came out and he was -- he was okay with it. >> how were you with it? >> we -- we loved him and gave him unconditional support and we told him that months before when he started to express the fact that he thought he might be gay. we said, we love you no matter what, and we will always be here for you. >> did you think -- did you call the school, did you talk to teachers or anything? how did you try to deal with the bullying or did you think you could? >> well, first, i tried to raise him to be a good, responsible young man. i told him, deal with it. talk to the bullies, get them to stop. if they don't stop, tell the teachers. tell whoever's in charge. when that didn't help, then i got involved and amy got involved. we went to the schools.
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>> we made phone calls, e-mails. we made every attempt. >> numerous trips to the school. >> the school district is now saying they weren't aware that asher was having these problems in the school. and as you know, they put out this statement, i just want to read part of it, it says in their quest for an answer, they few will assign blame to try to make sense of the tragedy. prior to his death there was no reports from students, staff members or the parents to administrators. such report would have been investigated and consequences would have followed the student code of conduct. you say that's just not true. >> absolutely not true. >> not true. >> anderson. >> go ahead. >> i'll speak to that. i mean, when in doubt, the rule is with the school district, when in doubt, deny, deny, deny. >> we've heard from other parents who say there is bullying at this school. so i mean, it's not just you two saying this. >> yes, sir, that's true. >> why do you think, amy, that the school district is now saying, look, we didn't know about it?
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>> because my son killed himself and he's gone, and we can't bring him back, and they realize what they did was wrong. they didn't take this seriously and nothing's going to bring him back and we have no reason to lie about the fact that we went to them for help to make it stop. >> amy, i mean, i can't imagine what it takes for you and david to be on here tonight. this is so recent, and i can't imagine the strength. and i want to thank you for it, because i mean it's important that we talk about this because we've got to stop this from happening to other kids. we've reported on this too many times. what do you want educators out there to know, amy? especially parents, if maybe their child is being bullied or they don't know what to do? >> please, if you -- if you have children that you think may be bullied, if they seem sad or withdrawn and you ask questions and they say, "i'm fine," push past that. push past the "i'm fine." it's extremely important. these kids are worried about retribution for speaking up.
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not only speaking up for themselves, but speaking up for their friends that are getting picked on. and we've got to make this stop. i don't want my son to have died in vain and i can't bring my baby back. but if i can help some other family to not have to go through this, then it's worth it. but if i can help some other family to not have to go through this, then it's worth it. >> i'm so sorry that we're here under these circumstances, and i really, i don't know what else to say except i thank you for your strength and thank you for talking with us. >> thank you for having us. >> i hope you stay strong in the days and weeks and months ahead. >> just pray for us. >> god's with us.
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keep praying, though. for everybody involved. >> thank you. still ahead tonight, up close with actor michael j. fox. sanjay gupta's in depth interview. fox has been living with parkinson's for nearly two decades now. find out what his life is like now and his hopes for the future. and another of bishop eddie long's accusers speaking out publicly. >> i am not a perfect man. but this thing, i'm going to fight. michael j. fox doesn't give lindsey vonn, she stays tough! earlier, she had an all-over, achy cold. what's her advantage? it's speedy alka-seltzer. alka-seltzer plus. rushes relief for all-over, achy colds. the official cold medicine of the u.s. ski team. alka-seltzer plus.
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michael j. fox doesn't give a lot of interviews, but he just spoke with our dr. sanjay gupta, he's been living with parkinson's disease for two decades now. he was 29 when he first noticed the symptoms and was diagnosed the following year. today michael still acts but he devotes a lot of time to his charity he created to find a cure. you can see the entire interview tomorrow on cnn at 8:00 p.m. eastern. but here's some of it tonight in our "up close" segment. >> there was a real clear period around 1993, '94, about two years after the diagnosis where i just got it. i just accepted it. and i realized that there's an old saying that my happiness grows in proportion to my acceptance and in inverse proportion to my expectation. it is what it is, and so now what?
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>> so once you were not in denial you think you were happier? >> yeah, absolutely. because when you can look at truth of something, then -- then i mean, that's what it is. it is what it is. now you have options. the only thing i don't have a choice about is whether or not i have parkinson's. everything else is my choice. that's incredibly liberating. that's more liberating than the physical constraints of this disease are limiting. >> reporter: are there things that you particularly miss that you can't do? things you say, god, i really just wish i could do this, still. >> no. i do everything i did before. i play hockey, i play golf, i play guitar, i hang out with my kids. if it seriously limited or restrict the restricted or aversely affected my ability to interact with my kids that would be something that would be hard to deal with. i go back to my reasons for
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starting this foundation. if you -- i use this analogy a lot but i think it's really apt. if you step off a curb and get hit by a bus, the impact on your life is immediate and catastrophic and you have no options. you just, are the effect of whatever happens there. with parkinson's, it's like you're crossing the road and you get stuck in the middle. and you know the bus is coming and you can't get out of the way. so you can kind of freak out and you kind of go with it, the bus is going to hit me at some point, even though you don't know how fast or how big or whatever, but you can be stuck in that result. this bus is going to hit you. or you can use the time you have before the bus gets there to try to change the route. and that's what we try to do. methodically but with a degree of urgency, try to connect the dots and get this done. >> such a great guy.
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he's had this 20 years. he's had brain surgery to try to treat it. what other options are there? >> so he had brain surgery on the right side of the brain which controls the left side of his body and he said he got a really good result at the time. but quickly after that the right side of his body started to get affected. one option would be to do the operation on the other side and i asked him about that. he said he's just not quite ready to have that done yet. he wants the surgery to guarantee a little bit more than what it does right now, just taking care of symptoms. he gets good results with the meds. he has the movement that you saw him sitting there doing, but that's actually as a result of being medicated as opposed to the medication not working. so the medications are working for him. he doesn't get really slow of movement, he doesn't get the terrible tremor or the expressionless face. >> you're saying when he sleeps and does something like play the guitar or skates he doesn't have the symptoms. >> yeah. so really rote activities, things he's done for a long time, playing the guitar, ice-skating, at sleep most people with parkinson's disease
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do not have the tremor because you're not activating movement and the brakes are sort of turned on in terms of the tremor. but when he wakes up it immediately comes back. he has to put on special shoes, the whole thing. >> he's incredibly strong. the full report is on with sanjay tomorrow. can you see it tomorrow night, dr. sanjay gupta reports, "a conversation with michael j. fox," 8:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. up next, sick of high electricity bills? we'll show you one simple thing you can do to go green and have an energy-saving home. one that will save you a lot of money in the long run. how can yf without taking pills around the clock? try thermacare heatwraps, for all day relief without pills. i was surprised, thermacare worked all day. you feel the heat. and it relaxes and unlocks the muscle. you've got to try it. [ man ] thermacare, more effective for back pain than the maximum dose of acetaminophen, the medicine in tylenol. go to today for a $3 off coupon. thermacare.
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another accuser of bishop eddie long speaking out tonight, one of four young men who has accused the pastor of sexual coercion. all four are suing. the bishop has denied the aengss and plans to, quote, vigorously now 22-year-old spencer legrand has talked with the media, he told reporter he has a lawyer that told him not to.
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>> it's not very sexy, it's not very fun and it's very easy to make fun of. but it makes a huge difference. >> reporter: but to get to net zero he needed his house to start making energy. >> yeah, this is solar panels, a lot more sexy than installation. >> solar panels create electricity, so far, he says it's working. >> so this is our electrical meter. the meter was gone backwards. >> a few miles away in boulder, colorado, david johnston has been chasing the net zero dream for 30 years. he's a green building consultant and wrote the book toward a zero energy home. >> it's really a function of good design and great materials. that's the key. >> he estimates there are only about 100 net zero homes in america. the new building material kpz technologies, plus growing demand from homeowners will make the net zero dream widely
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acceptable. he says after tapping into several government incentives and rebates he spent about $50,000 getting to net zero. he hopes to break even in eight years. >> electricity and gas, it's becoming less and less cheap, so i think we're paying attention. >> reporter: one simple thing that starts at home. use less energy than you make, and make a difference. jim spelman, cnn. ♪ [ male announcer ] there is nothing more profound than hope. it is the promise that compels us to make the journey from wonder to discovery. the science of chemistry, our guide. the human element, our conscience.
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