tv American Morning CNN September 30, 2010 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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talk with them 30 years after i actually did. i got a fantasy rock 'n' roll of the lifetime. >> you did more than just talked. you went up there and jammed. we'll see video of that later. we're looking forward to it. >> there are a lot of envious fans from around the world. it was an amazing opportunity. let's get you caught up on what happened. the east coast in for a drenching. nicole with a major rainmaker making its way north. more on the way. rob marciano is tracking it all. he will have the details on what potentially can be a dangerous commute. head for the exit door. members of congress. they also left behind a lot of uninitialled business like extending the bush era tax cuts for the middle class like they promised to do. we're live in washington with more details. and a college freshman's
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intimate moments revealed in a most humiliating way. a rutgers university student leaping off a bridge after his sexual encounter with another man was secretly taped and posted online. the details just ahead. >> announcer: this is cnn, breaking news. just crossing our desk right now, some sad news from the entertainment world. "entertainment tonight" is reporting that actor tony curtis has died. he's the father of jamie lee curtis, best known for his role in "some like it hot." >> curtis earned an oscar nomination in 1959 for starring in "the quiet ones" with sidney portier. torrential rains and flooding in the forecast. there are flood warnings into the carolinas all the way up
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into new england. a whole lot of rain on its way. the ride to work today in d.c., philly and new york could be a dangerous one. south florida and the carolinas have already been pounded by the remnants of tropical storm nicole and another major system that's out there as well. rob marciano here with us in atlanta in the extreme weather center. it's just a messy one. >> it is, welcome, john. not only do we have all of that happening but right now two tornado warnings out for parts of virginia and north carolina. let's go to the magic wall. kyra tuck county, northeastern parts of north carolina, and matthews county, the pink polygons that you see here these are tornadoes. and both of these cells are moving north at 40 miles an hour. so moving very, very quickly. this saul within a tornado watch that empasses a big swath of real estate across the mid-atlantic until 1:00 this afternoon. so this is -- you know, we have
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remnants of a tropical system which was only around for a little bit. and we got a tremendous amount of rain. flooding a huge issue. boy, i'll tell you some of the areas that we've already seen flooding in, like wilmington, 7 inches of rainfall. that's just in 24 hours. and that doesn't include, john, the 10 inches that they had two days earlier. they could very well end up with 20 inches of rainfall without a hurricane there. >> how long is this going to last? >> north carolina will last for six to eight hours. but the northeast is in for it today. a lot of moisture out there. the silver lining is, a lot of these spots need it. >> so what you're telling me, you might want to take the train? >> yeah. >> back to new york. congress has called it a day, lawmakers passed a spending bill that keeps it running into december. then they adjourned.
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skipping town eight days earlier than they had planned. they left plenty of unfinished business as well. dana bash is live in washington. i know this is something that you had talked about before. they wanted to get out there. they wanted to campaign in hotly contested districts. but at the same time, everyone said, wait a minute, what happened to the middle class tax cuts you were going to extend? >> that's right. harry reid and senators said they may not agree on much, but it was time to get home to their states. they wanted to get out of here, in the word of one gop senator, to not do any more damage. it was the democrats most eager to leave and get back home. >> everybody needs to get home. >> why is that, you say everyone needs to get home, why? >> because they can do more good at home than sitting here. >> i'm always more comfortable being at home, making the case
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for why i should get another shot at it. when i'm not there, it's easier for me to stay things i can't defend. >> it's like the wizard of oz. >> usually, you see the power in power go home and trumpet all of the things they've accomplished. what's interesting this year, what we're seeing is democrats heading home to defend the big victories from the health care bill which voters are skeptical about. >> it's interesting to hear them say it's easier to defend myself when i'm there, as opposed to being there. they likened it to the wizard of oz. one of the things that was promised, nancy pelosi promised that the tax cuts will be extended. >> republicans did vow to block any extension of the tax cuts unless it included all the tax cuts. and the president and democratic leaders, they just wanted to extend the middle class tax
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cuts. but here's a reality check, kiran. republican opposition had not stopped them before trying to hold hoe votes. democrats would say they tried to extend the tax cuts for the middle class but republicans stopped it. here's the main reason that democrats decided not to even try. democrats are divided on which tax cuts to extend. and many in tough re-election battles beg third leadership, we are told, begged them not to force them to take a vote, but use that in the last weeks before the election. the tax cuts do expire at the end of the year, so this is one of the many things that congress is now go together take up in the so-called lame duck election november 15th. >> what were they saying, bottom line, we don't have the votes? >> yeah, they don't have the votes. obviously, republicans were opposed to just extending the middle tax cuts without those for the wealthy.
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but the main reason they don't have the votes is because a lot of democrats agree with republicans. they said do it all. >> we'll check with you throughout the show. thanks, dana. john? >> and the house did pass a bill that provides free medical coverage to the 9/11 first responders. the bill also provides compensation to people who were exposed to dangerous toxins at the world trade center site. the senate has not taken up that bill. he's talking tough but yesterday carl paladino the republican nominee for governor almost took steps into that when he got into a heated argument with a "new york post" reporter who wanted to know what evidence he that that andrew cuomo cheated on his wife. he said, lay off my daughter. here's the scuffle captured on a cell phone. >> i'll take you out? >> you're going to take me out? >> yeah.
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how are you going to do that? >> watch. >> well, the two men were eventually separated by aides. the scuffle came just hours after pal deen know picked up the crucial nomination of the state's conservative party. stunning news for the world of cycling, three-time tour de france champion alberto continue that dror tested positive for a banned substance. he's been provisionally been suspended. faces a two-year ban. he denies taking the substance, continue that dror is expected to hold the news conference later on today in spain. well there is a horrific scene on a highway outside of washington. a tour bus from pennsylvania fell 45 feet from a sky ramp. there was one death. the driver was killed. but amazingly several passengers were hurt, but they survived. a lot of them were children.
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some were pinned down in the wreck. the ntsb is now investigating. it's not clear what caused the bus to veer off the road. >> wow. fortunate that not more people were killed. well, here's news that we've been looking for. remember, we were talking about ufos yesterday, kiran? well, could they possibly have come from here? a new planet has been discovered and it appears that earth may not be the only inhabitable spot in the universe. astronomers called their discovery glees of 581-g. the planet is located in the constellation of libra. the climate appears to be very much like earth's, maybe a little more breezy. one problem in reaching out to see who's home. it's 17.5 trillion miles away. which means at the speed we currently travel, it would take tens of thousands to get there. keeper, dinner may be cold by the time we get around to visiting it. >> we'll have to build faster planes. maybe in ten years, we'll knock
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that down to 50 million years. >> wouldn't that be nice if they could travel through space, though? that's kind of the dream of so many people. >> richard branson is going to make it happen and he'll take you along, don't worry. >> i'll be there. >> i know you love that. we're also following this disturbing story out of the rutgers university a college student takes his own life after a private sexual encounter was secretly taped by his roommate and streamed online for everyone to see. clinical psychologist jeff guardier is going to talk to us about what would drive a student to do that. and are the laws keeping up with technology as far as people who may behind this.
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in 2008 i quit venture capital to follow my passion for food. i saw a gap in the market for a fresh culinary brand and launched we create and broadcast content and then distribute it across tv, the web, and via mobile. i even use the web to get paid. with acceptpay from american express open, we now invoice advertisers and receive payments digitally. and i get paid on average three weeks faster. booming is never looking for a check in the mail. because it's already in my email.
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personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. ♪ welcome back to the most news in the morning. it's 13 manipulates past the hour. this is a heartbreaking story out of rutgers university. a freshman who was apparently driven tole suicide by invasion of privacy. 18-year-old tyler clemente, he was a talented musician.
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played the violin. said to be devastated when his private sexual encounter with a young man was streamed online. his body believed to be clemente was found floating in the hudson river. but the team, posting this final message on facebook -- sorry, this is the wrong graphics. he posted on facebook, jumping off the gw bridge, sorry. we're joined by clinical psychology jeff gardere, and paul kellen. both of you found this case troubling. first of all, paul, i want to ask you legally speaking, the two students facing charges, daroon mali and wie, they've been charged. with secretly hiding the cameras around the room and streaming the sexual encounter, invasion of privacy didn't seem to hit the mark, does it?
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>> no, it doesn't measure up, especially with this tragedy with clemente committing suicide in this horrible way. new jersey is actually very advanced having this invasion of privacy law. it makes it a criminal act to stream something like this over the internet. and these young adults who are charged, these other rutgers students could face up to five years in prison for having done this. so it is a criminal offense to do this in the state of new jersey. >> it also brings up the moral issues. i want to show you the tweets two the roommate which were apparently sold from his account. roommate asked for room till midnight. i went into molly's room and turned on the webcam. i saw him make ought with a dude. yea. he said yin with ichat which is the apple version of skyping on the computer, i dare you to video chat with me during the hours of 9:30 and 12:00, yesser it's happening again. what's your take on what was going on here? >> first of all, i'm so
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profoundly sad by this. it hits my heart so badly. i think part of what's going on, cyberbullying is a possibility here. certainly maybe this person who taped this or streamed it was homophobe. maybe he was just trying to -- play a prank. we don't know what's going wouldn't the two students involved. either way, it's a horrific thing that might happen and might even rise to the level of some sort of a bias crime. you can only give the two students involved in this streaming the benefit of the doubt and say perhaps they didn't realize what they were doing would cause eventually the death of this young man. that either way, it's a horrible situation. and we know we're transgendered by sexual questioning youth. they're four times more likely to commit suicide over issues having to do with their sexuality. and i think this say prime example. >> it certainly seems troubling on its face. as a lawyer, how would you prove
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that what they did is a direct reason why this young man took his own life, that's hard to prove? >> well that's what lawyers call proximate cause. in a criminal case, i don't have to prove that. in new jersey to stream somebody involved in an intimate act like this over the internet is a crime. you don't have to prove that proximate cause -- >> how much? >> five years they would face. >> that would be the maximum? >> that would be the maximum. first offenders, probably they're not looking at that. in terms of a civil case for damages for the death, you might be able to prove this was intentional terms of death. and you may have a chance for recovery in this case. the thing about this, that gets me, i see it in my office with people coming in with cases that have been defamed on the internet. the internet has given people a tool. and they're using this tool to
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strike out. >> you take away the human interaction, it's easier to be cruel. >> and they're so desensitized to some of the drama they see on television and other parts of the media. so, now, it really is about the truman show. it really is about reality. this is where they're getting their kicks. i don't think they realize the power they have when they put something like this on the internet. >> when kids were little. when we were growing up, to be a gossip circle and somebody was talking about somebody else, it stop there had. they broadcast this on the internet destroying this young man's life and reputation. now, the lives of three young people are going to be destroyed. because of the power of the internet. and we're not educating our kids that they have this horrible tool in their hands. facebook, twitter, ichat. >> you talk about five years that they get. but they have to spend the rest of their lives living with this horrible thing that they did. and how it impacts all of the families, not just clemente's
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family. >> right. because people who knew all of them said that these two were actually pretty good kids as well. we'll have to wait until more of the facts come out. but it's such a disturbing story. we're going to bring you back in the next hour to talk more about it. thanks. bullies are pervasive, it's a problem both in and out of school. we're going to have a special show next week on bullying in the classroom. john. >> it's an amazing tragic story and so disgusting what the students did posting that on the internet. looking forward to more discussion. mean time a mcwarning from a fast food giant. mcdonald's threatening to drop insurance coverage for thousands of workers because of new mandates in health care reforms. sir, it's a simple question, do you want heartburn pain now or later? [ male announcer ] these heartburn medicines
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make you choose between hurting now, or later. pepcid® complete doesn't. it starts to neutralize acid in seconds and keeps it under control all day or all night. sometimes you gotta make compromises, man. [ male announcer ] no you don't, man. pepcid® complete works now and works later. sometimes i would get rewards, sometimes i wouldn't. this one card i had -- there were all these rules. rules and restrictions. oh, and limits. [ scoffs ] forget about it. but i love this card. bankamericard cash rewards credit card.
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23 minutes now after the hour. we're back with the most news in the morning. doctors say former president jimmy carter is likely battling a viral infection. carter spent a second night in a cleveland, ohio, hospital, he was taken there after becoming sick during a flight from atlanta. a hospital spokesman says carter's infection is clearing up and he's recovering well. he celebrates his 86 birthday tomorrow, kiran, hopefully, he'll be feeling better for cake and ice cream. >> yeah, poor guy. you don't want to spend your birthday in the hospital. well, mcdonald's is warning the government that 30,000 workers may be dropped from the health care plan unless regulators waive the mandate. a fast food chain is ask for
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rebates on premiums paid for benefits. the company may not be able to meet next year's requirements to spent 80% to 85% of premiums on medical care. here's a new twist on ripping off the liquor store caper. a french grape farmer is seeing red after someone stole his entire crop. police in bezier, france say thieves swapped the grapes at night using a wine harvest machine to get the job done in a hurry. they drove off, listen to this, 30 tons of wine grape, that's a year's worth of work down the drain. >> something doesn't seem right there. first of all, how would they be able to bring the wine harvesting machine in there unnoticed and get the entire crop and drive away. maybe you need a little security at your cabaret vinyard.
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>> you never know. coming up on the most news in the morning, by the way, still rock after all these years, the three members of the rock band rush talked to me about the group's remarkable body of work and how they have stayed together for so long. and i also got what you might call the ultimate rock 'n' roll fantasy camp experience to play with them live on stage. i don't know if you want to hear that part, but you'll want to hear what they have to say. it's 25 minutes after the hour. >> so, ah, your seat good? got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go.
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♪ welcome back to the most news in the morning. that, of course is legendary canadian rock group rush from here in atlanta. they've been making music and touring likele bands that fade way, the trio are more popular now than ever. 30 years after i first met them, this expatriate canadian had a chance to sit down with rush again to talk about how in the
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world they keep going. >> yeah, we flew them again. >> once you get over the fact that we're still hanging around each other after 40 years, it's pretty amazing. >> and still have an audience that we can say we'll go out and tour. and we look at the audience and say, why are these people here. that's when we're fooling them. >> why do you think they are here so many years later? >> i don't know. it's a humble way to answer that question. >> it's amazing. i think it's a combination of things that have happened over the last few years have kind of reignited rush fans. and i think that obviously, this documentary that came out this year which seems to be very popular has brought renewed interest in this. and our hard core fans are always here. and i think a combination of things. >> we look out and see people
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who care so much about what we do, you can't help but care about it more. it's kind of a responsibility that dedication. on the other hand, it's an automatic response to want to live up to us. that forces us to feel that each show is the last one we're going do. and the audience senses that. it's a salute, really, what we feel they give us and we're inspired by what we give them. >> with the fans, what do you think is the magic that allows to you do is that. is that because you and alex were friends and grew up together? >> there can't be factions forming, if somebody has a bad night, we all have a bad night. we feel an equal basis that way. there's no competition about it. >> but the strange truth is we like each other, for some
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ridiculous reason, we still enjoy what we do tremendously. and we like the music that we're making together. and it kind of begins and ends with that. so when we get into rehearsals or planning a tour or planning something, we have a good time. and we kind of still believe in what we're doing. and we keep wanting to push the boundaries of what our abilities allow us to do. >> also, we're equally handsome. >> yeah, the same number of girls are equally impressed by our vision every night. >> when everybody is as handsome as everybody else, there are no egos involved. >> there's a lot of breakups. >> you guys are pushing 60 now. >> well, 50s is the new late 40s, right? >> i hate to break it to you that from a guy in his early 50s, you guys are getting close to that number. what gives you satisfaction? is it recording music?
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is it family, friends? >> yes, it's all those things. playing a great show gives me immense satisfaction. every night, i look forward to playing the best that we can. i look forward to spending every second i can with my grandkids, to be with the rest of my family, playing golf, all of those things. >> a measure of life is all of those things, how successful you are at home, as family people as we've been as well. cooking a good meal for your family is as satisfying as playing. they're all contributing and meaningfulness. >> alex is actually -- >> they seem so down to earth. it's amazing. >> they are, they're so down to earth. as i said, i've known the guys for 30 years. i haven't seen them for a while. alex is part owner of a golf club he's a golf fanatic. and he said true happiness for him is sinking a 40-foot putt. but a matter of some controversy
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for rush fans as to why they haven't yet been inducted in the rock 'n' roll hall of time, particularly with the latest slate of nominees announced this week, a glaring omission is what people think about it. 9 band doesn't worry about it too much, they do have the sense if they were an american band from canada, they might be in the rock 'n' roll hall of fame already. to rush fan, we say keep up the lobbying effort. by the way, we talked about 20 minutes. later on today, we're going to post the entire interview on the blog, a. daut >> what do we show the video of you rocking with them on the stage, right now? >> that unique pleasure will be in 90 minutes' time. we're drawings the half hour. extreme weather to tell us about this morning. torrential rain, flash flood watching along the east coast this morning. the carolinas already with 15
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inches of rain this week. could set a record. storms could dump 6 to 10 inches of new rain from new england. >> sad news from the entertainment world, tony curtis has died. the father of actress jamie lee curtis, best known for his role in "some like it hot" opposite marilyn monroe and jack lemon. there's no word on how the actor died. he was 85 years old. and faisal shahzad planned to come back and detonate a second bomb had the first attempt been successful. a report shows that shahzad planned to kill at least 40 people. and he studied webcams of that area to try to maximize casualties. just into cnn, pakistan has banned nato supply convoys from entering afghanistan. officials claim that cross-border fire by nato troops killed three pakistani soldiers.
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pentagon correspondent barbara starr is following it. good to have you in new york. there's been a lot of controversy over the drone strikes. drone attacks and just the whole relationship between pakistan and u.s. and nato forces. >> absolutely, kiran. and this is news that u.s. troops in afghanistan did not need this morning. there was an early morning air strike on the border region, and by all accounts when the nato aircraft fired, they fired into pakistan, killing three border pakistani troops. the pakistanis have now responded saying they are shutting down access for those convoys coming from pakistan into afghanistan. kiran, critical u.s. military supplies, nato is talking to the pakistanis, urgently, trying to get this reopened and get this all fixed. because, of course, u.s. troops are very dependent on that supply route for getting their gear, getting resupplied for the war.
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and this comes also this morning, as we're learning and confirming that by all accounts, afghan civilians were killed in another strike in eastern afghanistan. you know, we've seen the number of air strikes pick up in recent weeks as troops have been trying to deal with the insurgency. and this is the price that's being paid. >> it is really a tough situation to deal with right now, as we talked about the critical supply routes. obviously, it's in the hands of some diplomacy right now to get them to open it up. as the hours tick by, how big of a difference does it make for troops in theater, in afghanistan? >> well the reality on the ground is, they have extra supplies on hand. they have warehouses, they can last a while. this is, keepiran, a diplomatic issue. this is a very title border region, very volatile. and it's one of those things that they just don't need right now. the pakistanis, of course, the
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pakistani military still on its side of the border, dealing with the insurgency, dealing with the flood issue in pakistan. they're very sensitive to the issues right now. they're going to want to show a tough stance on this. >> interesting, we talk about the drone strikes. some of it related to intel, having to do with a german -- an afghani taken in germany and questioned in afghanistan. as the intelligence comes in, how critical are the drone strikes to preventing another terror attack? >> oh, absolutely. because, of course, the u.s. troops can't cross into pakistan. they are dependent on saying on the afghan side, by all accounts, the plot, the planning to a large extent is still happening on the pakistani side of the border. the only way to get to that, unmanned drones carrying missiles, cross the border, fire, send using the best intelligence that you can and hope you're hitting the tall la band targets that want to.
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>> unfortunately, what we're seeing when that goes awry, there are major consequences? >> that's what we're dealing with. >> good to sigh. see you. when we come back, we're joined by elizabeth cohen, she explains why being a bad patient could actually save your life. 38 minutes past the hour. that r through the crisis. when some lost their way, this company led the way. by protecting clients and turning uncertainty into confidence. what if that story were true? it is. ♪ let's see how low we can go. let's do some little things... that help us save big. add some insulation here. a little weather stripping there.
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coming up now at 41 manipulates after the hour. time for an a.m. house call, story as about your health, piece nice and not speaking up can be hazardous to your health especially when you're at the doctor. our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen learned first hand how important that it. she talked about it in the new book "empowered patient." she's here. good morning. >> good morning. you and i both know that doctors sometimes get things wrong. hospitals sometimes get things wrong. it's just the way that it works. and sometimes, you have to take charge which can make people a little bit mad. but if you try to be a nice, good patient, that can hurt you. here's a story of something that happened to my mother. we bring you her story with the help of turner animation studios. >> a firecracker, mother of four, grandmother of 11, wife, lawyer and social worker, he's been active and healthy her whole life. but around the time she turned 60, something changed.
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she began feeling achy and dizzy, her blood pressure went up and she was so tired. my mom's family doctor told her, don't worry about it. so they told you, look, lady, if you just stop working so hard, your blood pressure will come down? >> don't get excited. don't be quite so busy. >> reporter: if mom's doctor had only ordered a simple blood test, instead of blaming her, he would have seen my mom's kidneys re in trouble. caught early enough, a simple treatment could have fixed it. but now, it's come to this. she needs a kidney transplant to save her life. >> thank you. >> reporter: when my mom first got sick, i wish i could have introduced her to evan handler. >> charlotte york, will you marry me? >> reporter: evan plays harry goldenblat, charlotte york's husband on "sex and the city."
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>> i was 24 years old and diagnosed with acute keel lloyd luke kemah. >> reporter: in the hospital, he had to get pushy. >> i heard skapser rated voices saying, evan, we're on a dinner brashgs we can come to you in 20 minutes. i said, well, okay, the drug that's been running into my vein for the last 20 minutes is labelled with another patient's name. there was a stunned silence and someone said, we'll be right there. i don't completely trust anyone. it's made me difficult to deal with but it's also save might neck. >> reporter: my mother didn't challenge things like evan did. and it cost her her kidney. what advice would you give someone who says they're not feeling well and the doctor who says don't worry about it. >> don't take the answer and don't take the answer, there's nothing we can do. >> so there's got to be a balance here between being an empowered patient and being
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assertive and on the far end of the scale being a royal pain in the rear end. how do you strike that balance? >> you strike that balance by asking questions and by being polite about it. by asking yourself, am i being too nice, am i trying to please people? this is not a time that you want to please people. we actually have a quiz that asks the question, are you being a good patient, good being bad. here's some questions you can ask yourself when you're at the hospital or at the doctor's office. you can ask yourself, are you worried or am i worried about pleasing the doctor. if you're worried about pleasing the doctor. worried what the doctor thinks of you, that can be a problem. are you too scared to tell the doctor that you want a second opinion? and do you stick with a doctor who's been treating you for a long time, but you're 98 getting better? you know, john, we wouldn't take our car over and over again to a mechanic if they couldn't solve the problem. >> a lost people are worried about insulting the doctor by saying, i want a second opinion
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or are you really sure about this? >> you know, i think that's a natural human instint. most of us are very nice. your health comes first. your popularity comes second. >> a little new york attitude at the doctor's? >> a little bit. a new york attitude with an atlanta edge. >> that's a good way of putting it. nice mix. elizabeth, great to see you. don't forget elizabeth's special report "the empowered patient." right here on cnn. kiran? >> good stuff. 45 minutes paf s past the h. still to come, we can see the storm blasting on the radar right now, all over the east coast. rob marciano following it for you as well as the tropical outlook because south florida getting hit as well. my name is jeff kinney, and
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i'm the author of "the diary of a wimpy kid." i try to pack as least as possible. i actually ran out of laundry in the middle of a trip and i had to wash my socks and underwear in the sink. my most necessary high-tech gadget i bring with me on the road is a drawing tablet which is kind of a computer tablet where i do thes illustrations for my books. i feel like a plane ride is purgatory. i like to put this hood over my head on the plane. it makes it seem like i'm not traveling. the hardest thing about being away is being away from my family. recently, i was on vancouver my kids were going to have the first day of school the next day. i hopped on a red eye flight and arrived in the driveway when the kids were getting off the bus from school. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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lord of the carry-on. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro. but we've parted ways with our old airline credit card that promised flights for 25,000 miles. it was always... [ laughing ] that seat's not happening without a big miles upcharge. a miles upcharge wasn't part of the deal. was i supposed to go without my wife? [ elevator bell dings ] [ grunting ] haha, that was awkward. so we upgraded to the venture card from capital one. we've had it with the games. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at what's in your wallet?
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weather center and your lur contain headquarters. this was tropical storm nicole for a brief period of time. it's combine wig a big old mess and a front that's moving across the east coast right now. we've got not only heavy rain and wind, but a tornado threat as well. right now, there's a tornado warning out for virginia beach and norfolk for the next 20 to 30 minutes. this polygon that you see right there, that is where the radar indicated a tornado may very well be. no reports on the ground. but if you live on the western parts of virginia beach and west of norfolk proper this is where the potential weather threat it's. this is moving north at 30 miles an hour. stay inside for the next half hour or so. this tornado watch is in effect for 1:00 for a good chunk of the mid-atlantic. stretching all the way up towards philadelphia and washington, d.c. which, by the way, d.c. is under a flash flood warning until 10:00 for heavy rain. wilmington, my goodness, we have seen 20 inches -- this is just
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yesterday. a 24-hour rain total. we have seen 20 inches of rainfall in the last four days in wilmington. it's still coming down. that plus some wind with the system that's coming in. we're probably going to see trees down as well. it's a mess across north carolina up and down the east. >> another question, we've got a lot of big cities and airports on the east coast. what is this going to mean for air travel? >> a couple-hour delay, from d.c. to new york. >> thanks. kiran? >> all right. thanks, john, still to kurmcomee may have been done but she's not out. lisa murkowski facing a comeback after she lost. we're getting that from the cnn politics adult calm desk. credit card rewards are always good in theory.
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welcome back. we're taking a look at the most politics in the morning. 54 minutes past the hour. crossing the political ticker this morning, there's a big question. will she or won't she try to be a write-in candidate? well, alaska senator lisa murkowski who has been widely written off after losing to a tea party favorite may actually get a chance to keep her seat. live at the desk with more on the decision. hey there, mark. >> yes, good morning. lisa murkowski who lost to the tea party favorite joe miller in a stunning upset just a few weeks ago is running as a candidate. she got very good news. a cnn poll shows it's a statistical dead heat right now. only separated by two points.
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lisa murkowski released two more ads. one of those ads is to try to explain to voters how to do her as a write-in. how to put her name on the ballot. i dug into the number, kiran, she has 40 from 4 in 10 democrats. lisa murkowski getting support from democrats who are not supporting the democratic system. she could very well win the seat up in alaska. you know, congress is leaving right now, kiran, they're heading home. they're heading home to campaign. but democrats are saying that they are going to take john boehner, the house minority leader, and they're going to try to paint him as an insider here in washington. boehner will be the speaker of the house, if republicans are able to take back the majority come november. but national democrats are telling me that they're going to launch this new national campaign, including ads, paid media, earned media to try to point out that boehner is very close and very cozy to lobbyists and special interests.
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the whole idea, kiran, is to try to say that republicans are trying to they're outsiders but they're in reality, they part of 9 system. >> back to the ballot, they have to write her name in? >> they'll have to write it in. >> and they have to spell it correctly as well, right? >> they have to spell it correctly. but if it is close enough to her name, there say law in alaska that will allow her name to count. if somebody misspells it but it's close enough, it will count. >> that's interesting. the polling of likely voters versus people actually going in the booth and writing in her name, it may not really add up? >> again, we are about a month out. but it's amazing that she'll have to rely on democrats to try to get her over the finish line as well. >> that is amazing. mark preston, good to see you. for the latest political news go to our website
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>> you can bet, if it's a close race there the rules for what is close to the spelling of murkowski will come into play. >> all three of the candidates with "m"s. that's crazy, too. top stories after the break. stay with us. a couple minutes to the top of the hour. knknknknock knock. hey! it's finally ready.
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concert and talked to the canadian trio. right now, the top stories. breaking news to tell you about. a new drug scandal in the world of cycling three-time tour de france champion alberto contador tested positive for a banned substance. we're going to talk to the race officials about the potential fallout. extreme weather watch in effect along the virginia/carolina coast. the carolinas already with a foot of rain this week. more on the way. rob marciano is joining us with more of what a mess and the potentially dangerous commute we're looking at this morning. for and heads-up, parents, this just out this morning a safety warning, fisher-price, yes, fisher-price, a brand that's in almost every to box recalling millions of products. there's concern that the toys could cause serious injuries or become choking hazards. the details that every parent
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needs to know just ahead. up first this hour, there are new developments in the tragic death of a rutgers university student. freshman tyler clementi may have been devastated after an intimate sexual encounter in his dorm room was secretly taped and posted online by his roommate. clementi cleaned to his death from the bridge, his walt and cell phone were found on the bridge that leads from new jersey to new york. and a facebook posting before this happened. said jumping off the bridge, sorry. meanwhile, clementi's roommates, dharun ravi and molly wei are facing charges for allegedly pofing this on the web. right now, we bring in paul
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callan. what are the charges? >> right now, they're called invasion of privacy champs. in new jersey if you take pictures of somebody in an intimately position undressed and you broadcast that on the internet, that's a crime under new jersey law for which you would be charged and imprisoned up to five years in prison. >> charges in in way would not be linked to the death or suicide of this student? >> technically, they're not linked yet but this may be a hate crime. if the reason they published this was out of hatred for gay people that could be added as an additional charge. it could be a state charge, a federal charge. i'm sure prosecutors are looking at that. >> how do you go back proving the causality as far as what led him to take his own life, which
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is what they're charged with, his roommate, i guess hiding the cameras around the room. and then from what we have from what he actually posted himself. let me show you the tweets from dharun ravi. roommate asked for room till midnight. i went into molly's room turned on my webcam, i saw him making out with a dude, yeah. anyone with ichat, i dare you to chat with me between 9:00 to 12:00, yes, it's happening again. >> with the causation that the posting of this would make somebody kill themselves. however in the civil world when you sue for money damages there's a big lawsuit there. there's a cause of action called intentional infliction of emotional distress. clearly that's going on here. if somebody kills themselves or hurts themselves as a result of
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emotional distress, that you can get. the criminal case is tougher in terms of the manslaughter charge. >> we've heard a few other, phoebe prince that committed suicides. there precedent for this? are we going to see more of these cases and so forward on as far as the judgments are meeted out? >> we have, people come and say there's been a posting about me. it's defamatory to my reputation. there seems to be a feeling among young people in this country because they've been on computers for so long that there are no consequences. they can say or do whatever they want online and it doesn't count. well, it does count. here, a human being is dead. many times, people's reputations are trashed or destroyed. and the legal system does provide a remedy. it's been slow to catch up with the internet. but the remedy is there, going to see more and more legislators
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dealing with it. we've got to teach our kids, too. you have to be careful, you're playing with human lives here. this is such a horrific case. and it resonates with people around the country. >> paul, great to talk to you this morning. it dovetails into an issue here on "american morning." we've been following bullying. most say, yes, i was bullied both in and out of school growing up. you want to watch "american morning" all next week for a special reporting on "bully proofing the classroom and your kids," is it possible? we're going to take a look next week. john? >> it's just a troubling story, kiran in so many ways. to extreme weather in the east coast and alert this morning. even more torrential rains and flooding in the forecast. potential tornadoes as well. flash flood watches throughout much of the northeast this morning. the ride to and from work in d.c., philadelphia and new york can be a downright dangerous one. we've got local reports of pooling water on some of the roadways in washington, d.c. here's a live look at miami
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right now. it's beginning to clear out just a little bit. south florida and the carolinas have been pounded by the remnants of tropical storm nicole. another major system out there as well. a foot and a half of rain and counting in some areas. rob marciano here in atlanta tracking the storm. it's just bad, bad, bad. >> it is, john. it's a combination of everything left over, nicole and the storm system on the east coast, that combination means tropical moisture as far such as the baham bahamas. we have the tornado effect and watch. from southern parts of south carolina all the way to the delmarva. we do have a tornado warning earlier for parts of another norfolk and virginia beach. we're seeing a tremendous amount of moisture coming through here. also, winds are gusting 20, 25, 30 miles an hour.
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with the saturated ground in this area. we're already seeing as john mentioned over a foot rainfall with this area, we're going to see power outages. and the rain and flood watches and warnings go all the way up the eastern seaboard. washington, d.c. getting pounded right now. they've got a flash flood warning and the wind and rain on the increase. laguardia, over two-hour delays right now. i think those will hold steady throughout the day. >> check with your airline if you're going anywhere. >> absolutely. following breaking news this morning, champion cyclist alberto contador failing a steroid test. he tested positive for a banned substance in july. contador has been suspended by the governing body pending an investigation. his spokesman blames the failed death on food contamination. we're expected to hear from contador himself later on today. joining us on the telephone is peter flax, he's the editor in
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chief of "buy cycling" magazine. what we're talking about, it reduces body fat and it was a tiny tiny amount that they detected? >> yes, it was 1/400th of the normal limit they test for. they're talking about a trace amount of a 20-year-old asthma drug. it's a really shocking piece of news. >> so alberto contador claims that it was food contamination that led to this. are they offering any further explanation of how this food might have gotten contaminated? >> no, my desk will be buzzing with all sorts of statements and press releases. i think they're holding off on that piece until the press conference in a little while. in the present anti-doping system the way it's written, athletes have to take responsibility for what goes into their body. he's on the hook in that way. i have to admit like a lot of observers seeing a trace amount
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of such an easily detectable drug that stays so long in your system that's so old, it does make you think there's a high likelihood that there's some explanation other than a deliberate amendment for performance enhancing. >> now, because he was in the yellow jersey for so long during this year's tour he was heavily tested. all of the other tests have come back, as far as we know, negative. isn't unusual that there would be, among all of these negative tests, one test that's positive with this tiny trace amount? >> yeah, it's definitely suspect from everyone i've talked to that clem beautier rolle stays in your system for such a long time. so to be such a trace amount that only showed up on one day, it's consistent with that kind of explanation. i certainly will be waiting like a lot of other observers to see what alberto has to say and see how this all plays out. but it's really shocking to see a grand champion at the top of
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his game like alberto contador facing this kind of charge right now. >> in the meantime, until all of this is either cleared up or confirmed, his tour title certainly at risk. peter flax, we like you will be eagerly anticipating the press conference. thanks for joining us. >> good to be here. well, the man who could be new york's next governor scuffling with the press. tea party favorite carl paladino taking on a report from the "new york post" accusing him of messing with his family. this almost got ugly. also, michael j. fox talking about his life today. his ongoing battle with parkinson's disease. he sits down with our own sanjay gupta. we'll hear from him coming up.
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welcome back to the most news in the morning. 13 minutes past the hour right now. and new this morning, congress feeling the need to get out of town. both republicans and democrats are leaving. actually, most of them are gone. it's about nine days earlier than they had planned. they're opting to fight their partners in battle on the campaign trail, rather than in the halls of the capital. our senior congressional correspondent dan da bash is live in washington. was it easy to get in this morning? no traffic? >> yeah. you could have ridden the senate elevator up and down because no one's there? >> actually, you know how the rule is do no harm, that applies to politics, too. it was pretty clear, they felt the longer they stayed in washington the more harm they were doing to their political opposition. especially democrats. >> everyone wants to get home. >> why is that?
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>> because they can do more good at home than being here. >> i'm always more comfortable being at home, especially now making the case for why they should give me another shot at it. i think when i'm not there, it's easier to say things i can't defend. >> it's like we're in the wizard of oz in washington and we're going behind the wizard when we go back to work. >> and democrats blame republican obstructionism for the gridlock that made them throw up their hands and say let's just go home a week early. i talked to many a democratic lawmaker in a quiet corner, kiran, who also admitted, look, they get, what's going on in washington. and the economic stimulus, the health care bill, they say they really need to get home and defend and explain asap. >> they've claimed, democrats, that they've done a ton. that they've taken care of business. one stark example is, though, the middle class tax cuts were not extended because of going back and forth. is that going to hurt in their
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districts? >> you know, unclear. they still think they have an issue. that one is thing. let's talk about congress's most basic function, kiran, and that is finding the government. late last night, they did pass a bill to keep the government running. a new fiscal bill starts tomorrow and congress didn't finish even one of the spending bills. after all, government spending is one of the most politically sensitive for democrats on the campaign trail. >> it is right now. dana bash for us this morning. thanks so much. hey, john. still to come, parents -- hey, kiran -- parents, time to check the toy box. millions of toys and other child products being recalled this morning. we've got details on all of that coming up. this is news you really want to know about. 16 minutes after the hour. ♪ for those of us who have lactose intolerance,
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let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk. fire was fire. and the first language, the language of chemistry, was universal and eloquent. and the unique ability of chemistry to change everything
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we got some developing news right now about product recalls. especially relating to children. that you'll want to know about this morning. christine romans is "minding your business" with this new. this seems enormous. >> this is a huge recall with a variety of products, the biggest one, 7 million, 7 million
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tricycles made by fisher-price. these are trikes, toys for 2 and 3-year-olds who have actually had injuries of children sitting on the trikes an a key that protrudes from the front has actually cut these children. medical attention, specifically in six incidents to young girls who were hurt by this key, actually cut by this key. very, very concerning to the consumer products safety commission. they're warning that needs to be recalled immediately. also, a choking hazard in 2.8 million other products here also from fisher-price. the baby playzone, look for the playzone products. there are playgrounds of these baby products, including one that's an aquarium. another a battin' score goal. 1, 2, 3 tether ball. a choking hazard, because there's an inflatable ball in here, there have been reports of children who did detached this and put it in their mouth and
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exactly the size for choking hazard. these are very young children. >> these are tough. the tricycles that you were talking about, that's scary. if you have one, you got to look out for that. >> it's clearly a design flaw to have something protruding like that in an area that can be very dangerous for young children if they're going to get hurt. >> the issue, though, with the choking hazards, all of the toys, especially, you know what it's like to have older kids and younger kids in the home. you've got to supervisor everyone. >> absolutely. in your home, you think of a roll of a paper towel holder, anything that is small enough to fit in there, look around your home, your child can choke on those. when a piece can detach from a toy, got to be careful about inflatable parts that a child can put in their mouth. there's even more. highchair. also from fisher-price. these are healthy care, easy clean and close to me highchairs. on the back, there's a clip to
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hold the tray that's very sharp that can cut children if they run past the highchair. those are being recalled. and also a bunch of little people. you know the little people toys, stand and play rampway. these are also say choking hazard, about is 100,000 of these. >> especially when your dog gets ahold of them, which happened to ours. >> they're small, ubiquitous in the bottom of the toy box. watch for those. also, separately, the fda is warning parents to stop immediately, immediately stop using all infant sleep positioners. parents use these, they think they're preventing sids. they're not in fact. they have instances in many cases of children who roll sideways and get caught in the side of the bed or can actually suffocate because of that. just to update you, another children's story, johnson & johnson announcing that its children's drugs will be returning to the shelves next week. after a five-month absence, any
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mom and grandmom, dads, too, know there's a shortage on the shelves. they're coming back next week. >> not to overwhelm you with scary news. we put it on the website, check them out. with the tricycles, that's obviously a big concern. if you have that, you may want to take it back. christine, thanks so much. john? >> thanks, kiran. it could be the toughest battle in afghanistan. the battle for hearts and minds. our jason carroll followed troops in one of the riskiest areas in the country in an effort to reach out. "a soldier's story" continues next on cnn. this was my first time to use it.
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it's pretty cool. [ woman ] you just feed your check in. feed the money right in. no deposit slips. no looking for an envelope. i have an image of my check right here. i can get a picture of the check, on the receipt. it even tells what kind of bills i put in. [ man ] you just put the bills right in. it even did the math for me. -four twentys. -a ten. -two fives. -a hundred bucks. -it's all right here. ♪ i'm done, i'm outta here. [ male announcer ] quick and easy deposits. with atms from bank of america. ♪ [ man ] if it was simply about money, every bank loan would be a guarantee of success. at ge capital, loaning money is the start of the relationship, not the end. i work with polaris every day.
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welcome back to the most news in the morning. 24 minutes after the hour. a.m. original. a story we've been following, army sergeant randy shorter, now that his third tour in afghanistan. jason carroll has been following him. the last appointment was with the 101st airborne in paktika province, nicknamed "hell on earth." jason carroll joins us with more on "a soldier's story." this has been moving to see. especially like places like this, paktika province. >> he's engaging his unit, engaging the afghan people. the mission of the u.s. forces is obviously to crush the taliban's influence in afghanistan. one way of doing that is to try to win over the hearts and minds of the afghan people.
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>> i need -- >> reporter: key to sergeant first class shorter's mission -- >> tell me what you learned in school. >> reporter: -- engage the afghan people. >> it's always a good sign when they come up to you. they don't feel threatened. >> reporter: build relationships to trust -- >> like this or that? oh, this kind. that's old school. >> reporter: here, in paktika vauv province in southeastern afghanistan, the curious approach and ask for pens. >> i don't have a pen. no pen. so they want a lot of pens. >> reporter: but it's the challenge of winning the hearts and minds of villagers like this man who made clear where some loyalties lie. >> you mean the taliban? >> yes. >> reporter: at a bazaar,
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located several miles away, a occur surrounds over a jelly bean. a popular dessert. you want afghan police, afghan army, but no one else? >> no one else. >> reporter: there are supporters like this principal at alibaba high school who fears talking tab. >> some people may be punished and some hey be helped by the insurgents. >> reporter: this is a region some in the army have called "hell on earth" with little infrastructure and constant violence, paktika province is on the border where many attacks come from. military must secure areas like this. the goal, eventually, the afghan
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army and police will take over. afghan patrolmen like this man are being retrained by the u.s. army. he says the taliban's influence is more than just about instilling fear. >> the people are so poor, so like taliban, a lot of people, they just give money. >> reporter: there are now 1,000 afghan patrolmen who have completed training. but shorter says they're still a ways from taking the lead on security. >> oh, yes, they need a lot of work. >> reporter: some afghan officers still don't know what it neens stand guard. >> that's the frustrating party. he's probably done it 500 times. he's just at the point where, oh, another american telling me where i need to be. >> reporter: on this day, u.s. soldiers meet village elders in a gathering called ashura. the goal winning them over. >> the main thought right now is survival. they're going to stay with who
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is going to provide the best security. >> reporter: demands are made for the lease of afghans held by the u.s. military on the suspicions of being insurgents. >> really you have come for piece. you should release. >> that's why we come here, we want to work it out with you guys. >> reporter: no promises, just an agreement to meet again. diplomacy, a difficult process. >> there seems to be a struggle to capture the hearts of the afghan people. a struggle between coalition forces and the taliban, who do you think is doing a better job? what? >> you don't get involved in politics? i'm not sure i believe that. >> it's their feeling, both sides, coalition forces and taliban causes them problems. >> reporter: it's got to be frustrating? >> very frustrating with something like that. i mean, obviously from where we started and where we're at today, to still hear that, it's
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frustrating. >> those village ede e elders a extremely important because the afghans who live in the areas really follow the elders. they vote they way they do, when elders tell them to do something, they do it. if you're going to the hartings and minds of the afghan people, you've got to get to the village elders. >> in that piece, it was so telling, he said they're going to side with whoever gives the best security. 2011 there's a withdrawal rate, how do you win over hearts and minds? >> that's a great point. and here's the problem. if you offer the afghan people in some of these villages, you give them water, food, and you help them now. what happens if tomorrow, somebody else is helping them, the taliban in this case? it's really a problem. a lot of folks are worried about that potential drawback date of july 2011. >> incredible firsthand look, jason. thanks so much.
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jason's back tomorrow, a personal look at the real life band of brothers. the bonds that they build on the base and battlefield. and also how they deal with the fact that some of them, unfortunately, may not come home. that's the "a soldier's story" on the most news in the morning. we're crossing the half hour now. it is already unfortunately a bad weather day up and down the east coast. heavy rain's expected throughout the day. it's the remnants of tropical storm nicole. and a second weather system causing all the problems. 15 inches of rain has already fallen in the carolinas this week. storms could dump as much as 10 inches of new rain from the mid-atlantic all the way up into n new england. pakistan has banned nato supply envoys from entering pakistan. nato officials are trying to get the pakistani government to lift the ban. nato forces rely heavily on convoys from pakistan to bring in supplies. according to "entertainment
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tonight" actor tony curtis has died. he appeared in more than 100 films. none bigger than the comedy "some like it hot." ap reports that curtis died of cardiac arrest at his home in las vegas. he was 85 years old. well, time now for the latest news from the best political team in television and crossing the political ticker this morning. a q and a turned toe to toe confrontation when a reporter approached new york's republican candidate carl paladino. senior political editor mark preston at the cnn desk this morning. mark, this was quite a dustoff. >> it sure was. who says that politics isn't a contact sport? just last night, carl paladino, tea party favorite, that totally
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surprised the nomination. let's take a quick look at the video, john. >> you send another -- >> how are you going to do that? >> watch. >> well, john, let me put this in perspective, just in the past couple weeks, mr. paladino has had to acknowledge that he fathered a child out of wedlock in an extramarital affair. he goes on yesterday to say he accused his democratic rival andrew cuomo having an affair while married to carol kennedy. the "new york post" reporter said i want evidence, how do you know cuomo had the affair? of course, this battle ensued. as you know, politics in new york is bare knuckle politics. i'll tell you what, it's not just bare knuckle politics in new york. look at what's going on in
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louisiana. we have charlie malongside. and did david vitter said he had transgressions in his own marriage. and been accused of visiting prostitutes. now, he's going to run a two-minute advertisement pointing out the transgressions. heading into the elections, john, just 30 days left. it really shows you there's a lot on the line and there's going to be a lot of blood on the floor. john. >> it's interesting, talking to a lot of people down in new orleans, at least, about david vitter, they don't care. >> yeah, amazing. a lot of people say well, new orleans say little more carefree, folks tend to let these go. david vitter is a social conservative. he ran on the idea that he was a family ideas republican. and then it came out that he was
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with a prostitute in d.c. and down in new orleans, a prostitute said that he had visited her. david vitter has a lead over him. >> mark for us you thanks so much, for the latest political news go to our website we've been talking about bullying and sometimes deadly consequences. it makes you wonder if it's possible to stop it all. up next, a likely victim of bullying before they were targeted. 36 minutes past the hour.
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39 minutes now after the hour. we're back with the most news in the morning. here's a stunning number to consider. if i asked you, how many students were shot in chicago in the past year, what would you say? the fact is, 245 students were shot in 2009. 27 of them died. so the chicago school system is
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trying a radical new approach to curbing violence. in addition to focusing on the perpetrators, they're also trying to identify potential victims of violence. it's call the wimbledonization research. victimization research. annie paul wrote an article. great to sigh this morning. what is victimization research and how is it being applied in chicago? >> well, victimization research is a body of wok within academia seeking to understand crime, seeking to prevent crime, by focusing on the victim, as well as the perpetrator. the criminal. you know, the sociology and criminology over the last 100 years have focused mostly on the criminal and understanding his psych kick his motivations, even his childhood. with the idea that if we can understand the criminal, we can stop him from committing acts of violence. but there's a growing realization that in order to
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prevent crime, to understand why crime happens, we need to understand the other party in the exchange as well. the victim. not to say at all that the victim is causing the crime to happen, but just to understand who they're most likely to be and what we can do to intervene to prevent a crime from happening. so the way that that's being -- >> the way that's being applied -- go ahead, john. >> go ahead. >> the way that's being applied in chicago is that the head of schools there, ron huberman, head of the chicago public schools, he studied the several hundred students who were shot over the last few years. it's more than 1,000, actually. to create kind of a profile, like a prediction model, a statistical prediction model that would allow him to identify those students who are in school now, who are most likely to be shot. and then he is directing his program towards them.
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>> gotcha. i apologize, there's a little bit of a delay between the two of us. i didn't mean to jump on you there. huberman looked at these hundreds and hundreds of kids who have been shot. and you discovered that there were similar characteristics that most them shared. what were those characteristics? >> that's right. huberman discovered that the students most likely to be shot they were more likely to have a high rate of absenteeism, they were more likely to have academic problems and be offtrack to graduate. and more likely to have behavorial problems in school like gang activity and drug use. so by taking that model and applying it to current students, he was able to identify the 250 studentses who he said hwere at ultra high risk. they had a 1 in 5 chance of being shot in the next two years. >> when he was armed with this information, what did he do with
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it? >> so then he designed a very intensive program for these students, the ultra high-risk students are where he recruited what he called mentors from the students' own neighborhoods. these were adults who could act as kind of a combination of role model, cheerleader, counselor, they're meant to be available to the student, the ultra high-risk students, 24 hours a day, whatever they need, whenever they need it. to give them support to stay out of situation where is they might become victims of crime. and he also arranged for these students to have part-time jobs. and the idea of all of this is that -- behind all of this is that victimization research shows that a major indication of whether you'll be victimized is how you spend your time. so huberman is trying to structure these kids' times, change the way they spend their time. >> well it's a fascinating article, yet another one. because we had that other one that you wrote last week.
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annie murphy paul, great to be with you. thanks for sharing. >> thank you john. a quick programming note for you, bullies not just violence, not just violence, general bullying, a pervasive problem both in and out of school. all next week on "american morning" we're going to show how to bully proof the classroom. and why do kids bully in the first place. an "a.c. 360" report that all parentses should see. 44 minutes after the hour. yeah, sometimes i worry. sometimes i worry.
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a picture of the washington monument there for you this morning. lots of fog and clouds, rain in washington, d.c. the weather is just terrible. it's not going to get any better today either. all up and down the east coast. all kinds of problems from the remnants of tropical storm nicole. rob marciano in the extreme weather center this morning, checking in on what's going on. and it's just not looking good. >> no, it's not. you showed that picture of d.c., another shot of the capitol. it's flooding across the metro area there with heavy, heavy rainfall. that's only on the increase, as well, the wind. this is really a combination of several things coming together, including the remnants of nicole feeding into this thing. and the tornado watch has been issued for 1:00 this afternoon for much of the mid-atlantic. we have seen a couple of tornado
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pops, no indications on the ground. but a couple of scares on virginia beach proper. so heavy, heavy rain with this. boy, i'll tell you what, wilmington has just gotten pounded with rain for the past four days now. 20 inches of rainfall. and they'll get several more today. so this is the most rain that they've ever seen, at least in a three-day period, let alone, a four or five-day period. you can see it continues to stream in here. so that's going to be the main issue. and then also some winds. you see winds gusting over 40 miles an hour in north carolina. last night in south carolina, we had a wind gust measured at over 60 miles an hour. society saturation of the ground, coupled with a little bit of wind, you're going to see trees down and power outages. this food watch goes all the way up to the canadian border. this say huge, huge system affecting a lot of people. ground stop at teterboro. you're not flying there? >> no, i'm not in that league. >> a lot of major metropolitan
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airports are under significant delays. >> i notice delta has canceled at least one flight from atlanta to new york. >> there will probably be more to come. >> check in with your airline. >> coming up, michael j. fox paging dr. sanjay gupta. he sits down with us to talk about his diagnosis with parkinson's zies. ere you don't n by curve balls. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. ♪ so why would you let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to your doctor about viagra? 20 million men already have. ♪ with every age comes responsibility. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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how'd you do that? do what? it tastes too good to be fiber. you made it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into something tasty. this guy's doing magic. there's chocolate chips in here now. how'd you do that? right! tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. what's she thinking? that's right! i'm not thinking anything! [ male announcer ] fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes. wow. well, we are launching a new series this morning with dr. gupta called "the human factor" focusing on people that inspire us in different ways and kicking
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things off with a conversation of sanjay with actor michael j. foxment as you know he's been living with parkinson's disease and been 20 years since the diagnosis and devoted time to raise awareness and hopefully find a cure. sanjay joins us. in the 20 years since the diagnosis was revealed about michael j. fox, have they made strides in parkinson's? >> i think so. in terms of how they medicate people, timing the medications, for example, the surgical options. he had surgery himself on one side of his brain that affected the left side of his body. not had anymore surgery since then and that's the point of the human factor talking about people that overcome an obstacle and exceeded expectations or in his case turned this disease into some sort of movement which is what the foundation has done. he doesn't do a lot of long interviews anymore. as you might imagine, he gets really tired but we did have a chance to sit down and talk to him. take a look. >> it's like the arm will go.
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if i top the arm, the other arm will go. the leg will go. cross the leg. it's going to go somewhere so it's constantly moving it around and then times when it will stop and be still. right now, for example, if i wasn't talking to you and just sitting, i would be perfectly still. >> is that the stress part of it -- >> yeah. again, it's like there's stuff that fires to tell you i want to pick up this glass, it's firing to tell me that something is required of me here and my mind can't tell my brain what it is. >> when you sleep, you don't have -- >> no. it's completely still. >> turned off. >> i think you talked about when you ice skate -- >> yeah. >> do you not have symptoms. >> you just glide. you know? >> how about what playing an instrument or something? >> yeah. i play guitar. >> i mean, how does -- how are you -- >> it's weird. when i'm occupied a lot of times i can do things. the times when i can't but
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it's -- i go on the -- i go on the -- like i golf. i'm a terrible golfer and i started golfing in my 40s in parkinson's. if that isn't optimism, i don't know what is but i do what i want to do and i just work with what i show up that day. there's an old saying my happiness grows in direct to -- this is what it is. and so now what? >> so once you are not in denial, you think you're happier? >> yeah, absolutely. when you can look at the truth of something, then -- i mean, that's what it is. it is what it is. now you have options. the only thing i don't have a disease is whether i have parkinson's. everything else is my choice and that's incredibly liberating. much more than the physical constrains of this disease are
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limiting. >> and it's amazing. you said he is on medication to be able to be that -- to be able to have that ability to move and speak. if he didn't take the medication, what would he be like? >> yeah. people don't realize that's michael j. fox medicated. he would be very, very slow to move. have slowness. he would have the tremor that's very characteristic like this and people have an expressionless face. he's smiling, able to be interactive. it's very different. sometimes you can't walk through a door. he, instead, is loose. he's got what's called the disconnected movement as a result of the medication he's taking. >> it's also interesting because when we talk about him raising awareness, he put a youthful look on associated it with the elderly. >> they're studying the bio markers and a clues within the body that might be a target to
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attack parkinson's. exactly why this disease occurs, no one knows for sure but if you can find out the answer to that, that's going to be the answer ultimately. you know, surgeons can provide some sort of relief. he had an operation long time ago and provided some relief. i asked him specifically -- it was funny. a moment, i said how about the operation on the other side? he goes, i'm not so sure. you know, it's brain surgery, you know? that's what he said. i said, i know, michael. he says he is doing well, the medications are working for him. >> he looks great all of these years later and just still out there being an advocate, as you said. very interesting stuff. good to see you in person. >> good to see you. >> you can find the full story of michael j. fox tonight on cnn. dr. gupta reports, a conversation with michael j. fox. it will be airing at 8:00 p.m. eastern. hope you tune in here on cnn. we'll take a quick break. we'll have your top stories just ahead. credit card rewards are always good in theory.
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good morning to you. thanks so much for being with us on this thursday, september 30th. i'm kiran chetry. >> good morning to you. i'm john roberts in atlanta this morning because yesterday we caught up with the canadian rock band rush playing at the verizon wireless amphitheater. we talked to exclusively and i had a chance to get up on stage and drum a little guitar. >> we brought the lighters. all ready to watch you guys rock out. >> i thought you did that with the iphone these days. >> that's true. >> any rate, let's get you caught up on what happened overnight. >> extreme weather. a tornado watch in effect. rain and wind roaring up the eastern seaboard. it's yrks e, making a mess of air travel. rob marciano tracking the storm for us this morning. also we're talking dirty sexy politics. it is the title of megan mccain's new book, jahmeshia's daughter. she's here to talk about the midterm elections, whether the
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tea party is pushing out moderates in the republican party and whether she would vote for sarah palin. okay. we mentioned this a second ago. still rocking with rush after all these years. i went one on three with the canadian music legends and had a shot at a rock n roll fantasy. ♪ on stage and backstage with rush. just ahead. kiran? >> we look forward to that. thanks. up first, though, extreme weather. rnado watches, downpours, winds up and down the east coast this morning causing problems in many cities. carolinas getting the worst of it so far. a foot and a half of rain already and more on the way today. there are flood watches and warnings from the carolinas all the way up to new hampshire today. the radar is lit up all the way up the east coast, john.
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>> sorry about that. little frog in my throat this morning. rob marciano in the extreme weather center. if the cough is a worst of the worries, we have it okay but it looks terrible out there. >> people call it a frog strangler. this is the satellite picture and the brighter colors, the infrared imagery. we still have a bunch of moisture that's going to head toward the carolinas and mid-atlantic. we have our hands full, that's for sure, with this system. part of what's left over with tropical storm nicole with us for a handful of hours and regardless whether it's named or not, combining with front and other energy dumping a ton of rain. d.c. right now, one of the many places under a flash flood warning for a couple of hours. incredibly slow commute here. newport news, hampton roads area, no confirmation of seeing a tornado on the ground but it's prime for this event with a
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tropical system rotating in. a tornado watch in effect for the delmarva across the mid-atlantic. this watch in effect until 1:00 this afternoon and so we have a lot of energy to deal with and the rainfall is going to keep on coming. wilmington seen over 20 inches of rainfall this week so far and probably another inches before the day is done and the winds starting to blow here, too. gusting 20 to 30 and over 30 miles per hour in some cases so that's going to make this messy situation that it is because with the rain seen across the carolinas, not a tremendous number of neighborhoods flooded but roads are flooded and impassable in some areas but with the wind, trees will come down and probably see a number of power outages in north carolina and up the i-95 corridor. >> perfect recipe for havoc in terms of air travel. >> on the ground and in the air, yeah. last time i checked was two and a half hour delays at laguardia. >> thanks very much.
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check with the airline before you go out. kiran? >> all right. thanks so much. we have breaking news. sad news. "entertainment tonight" indicating that tony curtis passed away. he is the father of jamie lee curtis. he earned an oscar nomination for "the defiant ones." a.p. reports that curtis died of cardiac arrest at his las vegas home. he was 85 years old. also new this morning, three-time tour de france champion contador tested positive for drugs. he's been suspended by the sports governing body pending an investigation. the drug in question is a bronco die lay or the. it reduces fat. he claims it was food contamination that was the
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source of the drug. we should hear more of his explanation at a press conference coming up in just a little while here, kiran. >> all right. we are following breaking news. massive recall to tell you about this morning. fisher price, brand found in anyone who's a parent's home, any one of the kid's toy boxes, recalling millions of toys as well as other products and christine romans is here breaking it down for us. this is an enormous recall affecting a lot of products. >> huge. 10 million different things here that could be in your toy box. and among them, about 7 million tricyc tricycles. fisher-price. the problem with this trike is a little key that's in a fake ignition. it can actually cut a child and happened and bleeding in children going to the hospital for this. it's trikes and these tough trikes toddler tricycles. they're 7 million in the u.s. 150,000 in canada. what you're supposed to do if you have this in your home right now, you're supposed to contact
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mattel and do not use this tricyc tricycle. do not use it and send you a replacement key. also, a bunch of infant toys with inflatable balls. a choking hazard. crawl and cruise playground. several different products. 2.8 million recalled. there's an flatible ball with a valve on it, kiran. it can come loose and it has -- children began to choose on the valve coming loose. >> this is a concern because it's for an infant play yard where kids -- supposed to be okay for the kids to put it in the mouth. >> exactly what a child is putting in the mouth and a piece to come loose. another thing here, some highchairs also from fisher price. healthy care, easy clean and close to me highchairs. there's a laceration hassard on the back of the legs, a clip to hold the tray not using it. this tray clip cut 14 children. some of them requiring stitches to close the gash from the back
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of this highchair. again, immediately stop using it according to the government and fisher-price. also, fisher-price recalling stand and play rampway with tires on the little car that can come loose. again, children put them in their mouth and can begin to choke on them. they can come loose. remember, if you have these products, be very, very careful about the small products and recalled due to a choking hazard. also, the fda saying stop immediately using those infant stabilizers, the little infant thinks in the bed. >> sleep positioners. >> fda says stop using them immediately. they think they prevent sides. a child can get caught behind them. and other children's news, johnson & johnson next week stocking with motrin and children's tylenol after being off the shelf of five months for
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contamination. >> yeah. it seems overwhelming. a lot of this information is out there this morning and you are trying to give it to us and putting it on the website to digest it easier. see if you have the products in the home. christine, thanks so much. >> you're welcome. also new this morning, the u.s. postal service is pretty much close to broke. we talked about this before, haven't we, john? >> oh, yeah. absolutely. they don't have a lot of money bank after today. by law, the agency is required to fork over $5.5 billion to prefund retiree health benefits. that money is due today. the cash-strapped agency was requesting $4 billion in emergency relief and this past tuesday congress opted not to bail them out. and with fewer and fewer people buying stamps and more and more people communicating via e-mail, kiran, things not looking brighter. >> they're trying to -- trying to turn things around. allow you to buy postage electronically but everyone is
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sending e-mails. >> yeah. it's tough. they may have to just sort of rely on the package business which is an increasing percentage of their business and probably not enough to pay a bills. >> yeah. coming up, thises an interview of megan mccain with "dirty sexy politics" she wrote it for a new audience, young women interested in politics. interested in finding their own voice amid all the campaign chatter. she is live in our studio. we'll talk to her. ♪ [ smack! ] [ smack! smack! smack! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums
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see your local chevrolet dealer. ♪ 12 minutes past the hour. welcome back to the most news in the hour. we have nikki haley, carlie fee ri that. sarah palin paved the way in 2002 there's a debate of who best represents the fate of gop politics. jonning us is meghan mccain, the author about the election, "dirty sexy politics" and joins me live this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> you've been making the rounds and pretty excited to be out there with this book because you just really were quite honest
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about your own shortcomings and what it is like to be on the campaign. how's this book been received? >> some people like me love it and some people hate it. it's really honest but my favorite campaign books were really honest. i was inspired by "grand loetding on the campaign trail yts and a few others and i thought i should be as honest as possible. >> what do your parents think of it? >> they love it. my father saw it and they love it. >> good for you. the interesting thing about it is we have been focusing on republican women this year. besides sarah palin, who sort of became a king maker, nikki haley, and now christine o'donnell in delaware. what do you think about these candidates? are you excited that they're representing women in the gop or do you think there are maybe better choices out there? >> i'm excited of more women in
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politics right now. each woman is different for lots of different reasons. i know carlie fio ri na and christine o'donnell has some appeal some place. >> one of the things you talk about in your book is the ultimate freedom, once you taste freedom, that's what you seek and the ideals behind the republican party an you said that some of the people who we hold up, barry goldwater, ronald reagan, would be called republican in name only these days because candidates. are you afraid that the party is changing or going in a direction to leave it in the dust when it comes to attracting young people? >> oh, yeah. if you're throwing out people like me to be here and want to fight for the republican party and considered travcontroversia there's young people that won't beg to be allowed to be in the republican party and if we want a certain group of people, you
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will have less voters so that's where i get confused of people are thinking calling me rino and ronald reagan would be called that today. >> why is that? is it social issues? i mean, what's galvanizing people to vote for some of the more conservative and more to the right candidates? christine o'donnell, you were displeased she was talking about personal sexuality and sort of trying to enforce -- not enforce but insert herself in that debate. >> for me it is not what i look to politicians for. that's a decision i make on my own. people go to their pastor. i won't go to o'donnell to figure out what i want to do in my personal life. i want the know about my government and the spending and everything else going on and you're the opening parody on "saturday night live." >> which is what we saw. you're saying republicans are the opening parody on "saturday
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night live"? >> yeah. i think used to work there and i think it's biassed. it is easy fodder. the witchcraft thing, the anti-masturbation thing. it's -- i don't know. they're comedians. they get it where they can. >> the other thing i thought was interesting is there's been a lot of questioning about the intelligence, i mean, karl rove got in a little bit of trouble and took heat for saying i don't know. she says whacky things. does she understand the principles speaking of christine o'donnell and people said this of sarah palin. maybe she doesn't have the smarts to represent our country s. that a woman thing or are these faults on the part of the individual candidates? >> i think there's sexism with women in general. the media's over fascination with hillary clinton wearing a banana clip to an event is not something i'm interested in. sarah palin's unique because
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obviously she has a reality star coming out and a pop star the same way obama is. i don't think it's a fault of either sarah or obama. i think it is a fault of the media. >> what do you think of the fact that your dad and the choice to make her the vice president nominee is what launched her and some would argue is what launched the tea party. >> yeah. i mean, that's definitely argument. i think the tea party groundlings were there and then thrown into overdrive. yeah, obviously, she probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for my father. >> is that a good thing for political discourse? >> i think there are things that i like about her and dislike about her rhetoric but i don't hate her and all for more women speaking out in politics no matter the area of the platform. just because there's so few women. >> the other thing that's interesting is there's been sort of a shift in -- i know that people have blamed the media
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saying that gotcha journalism is a problem and sometimes may turn candidates to be more -- >> you had a thing recently about the guy that did the thing with andrew setting up a journalist, right? >> right. >> this is the era we live in, scary. >> and so, it's interesting because -- because of this, we have seen candidates like sarah palin almost -- she is not a candidate. i got to turn -- she is not a candidate yet and some say she may declare on 2012 and using social networking to get the point of view out without having to answer to either members of the media or voters. is that a good thing? >> i think it's fascinating she and other people sort of above the media with one twitter and a facebook posting getting out the message easier. i think it is the new era and interesting and journalists should do a better job if they want politicians to have more respect for them, if you will. it's fascinating on many levels that one twitter can be headline news on any network. >> that's right. when you say a better job, if
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candidates aren't granting access, i interviewed your dad one on one, campaign events in new hampshire, came on the show dozens 0 of times to answer questions that, you know, we were asking but really the broader public wanted to know. these candidates are sort of not doing that in this time around. christine o'donnell and others. sharron angle is difficult to interview, as well s. that doing that disservice to finding out what they do if they're elected? >> yeah. i believe in the media and the sense that, you know, i'm not scared to go on television shows and answer questions because i'm -- but i'm also not running for office and i think we live in this time where it's weird that she does a not necessity to use twitter or any politician. is it a good thing? i don't know. if it a good thing to twitter everything i do and pictures on facebook in this is a great question for 50 years from now how it sort of changed culturally and interesting in the next election. i was trying to imagine if on
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the campaign if i had been using twitter and journalists how much things would have changed. i probably would have gotten in a lot more trouble. twitter is easy to get in trouble with. quick. >> you can get your own side out there unfiltered which is also an interesting phenomenon. >> yes, yes. >> great to talk to you this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming on. the book is great. "dirty sexy politics. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> john? >> meghan mentioned "american idol" nation. what about canadian idols? rush. we go backstage with them and how their music is still drawing crowds. that's why there's lubriderm® daily moisture. it contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched.
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who tend to fade away over time, the trio is more popular now than they ever have been. 30 years after i first met them, this expatriot had a chance to sit down and talk about how they keep going. >> yeah. >> we will shake our heads. >> we fooled them again. >> getting over the fact we're hanging around with each other after 40 years, it's -- yeah. it's pretty amazing. >> still having an audience. going out on tour this summer. we'll look out at the audience and like why are these people here? that's when we're fooling them. >> why do you think they are here so many years later? >> i don't know. it's something -- >> there's no humble way to answer that question. >> it's amazing. i think it's a combination of things that have happened over the last few years that have kind of reignited rush fans and
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i think they obviously -- the documentary that came out this year and seems to be very popular brought renewed interest in us and our hard-core fans are always here and then i think a combination of things. >> one thing remarked on and seeing people caring so much, you can't help but care about it more. it's a kind of responsibility that dedication. on the other hand, it's an automatic response to want to live up to it and forces us to make every show as if it's the last we'll do. it's a loop, really, that we feel inspired by what they give us and they're inspired by what they we give. >> there isn't but a handful of bands that made it as long as you guys have. what do you think is the magic that is allowed you to do that? is it the fact that you and alex were high school buddies and grew up with the same musical influences? neil is still the new good. >> here 36 years. we make the same number of
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mistakes and nobody gets mad and no factions forming. if somebody has a bad night, we feel kind of an equal basis that way where there's never any competition about it. >> yeah. the strange truth is that we like each other. and for some ridiculous reason we still enjoy what we do tremendously. and we like the music that we're making together. and it kind of begins and ends with that. so when we get into rehearsals or planning a tour or planning something, we have a good time. and we kind of still believe in what we're doing and we keep wanting to push the boundaries of what our abilities allow us to do. >> also, we are equally handsome. >> yeah. the same number of girls are equally impressed by our vision every night. >> when everybody is as handsome, there's -- >> there's a lot of brand break-ups. >> you guys are pushing 60 now. >> late 40s.
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>> late 50s is the new late 40s, right? >> i hate to break it to you from a guy in the early 50s you're close to the magic number. i'm wonder what it is that gives you satisfaction. is it coming out here and playing the music, recording the music, family, friends? >> yes. all those things. playing a great show gives me immense satisfaction. every night i look forward to playing the best that i can. i look forward to spending every second i can with my grand kids. being with the rest of my family. with, you know, playing golf. with all those things. >> a measure of life is all those things. how successful you are at home as family people and cooking a good meal for your family and playing a good show. they're all contribute to a sense of accomplishment and meaningfulness. >> and they told me that if they're still able, they can see doing it ten years from now. i thought we would take a trip
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out and we sat down in toronto and talked about it. here's the video. on vital signs we see use ushing raggae. >> yeah. it's a positive type of music. the way it is like the police and various groups. >> he got bangs. >> whoops. little problem there. sorry about that. not quite sure what happened. i think cued up the wrong piece of tape there, kiran. whoops. >> somebody started to rip on your hair and -- boom. i think they got it back. let's listen again. >> all right. here we go. >> this was 1981. moving pictures had just come out and we sat down in toronto and talked about it. here's the video. on vital signs we see rush again
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using raggae. how big is an influence is that becoming in your music? >> well, yeah. i think it's a real positive kind of music, you know. especially the way it's been sort of melded into rock music the way it is like the police and various groups. >> he got bangs. >> who is that kid? >> smoking a smoke back then. >> oh my. >> underneath the desk. >> i saw that. on camera. >> you and i look exactly the same. how's that possible? >> time trickers. >> look at the glasses. eating my entire face. >> when you look back at that old interview, do you feel the same about the things that you were saying back then, the direction that you were going in? >> when i see an old interview with myself, i'm struck by my naive they sometimes but also how in some ways i still agree
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with myself back then. you do change. obviously, life changes you. your opinion and your outlook on your values and things that are important to you. do change. but there's talking about the music and what made us write that music has not really changed that much. >> so musically at least you had your head screwed on pretty well back then? >> i think so. not everyone would agree with that. but it doesn't feel that dissimilar to the way we look at writing musics now. >> that's interesting to maintain that consistency over that period of time. >> well, yeah. life should be growth. change is a bit of a misnomer in that way because you don't want to alter the person you were. i think of myself as 16 or 17 what would i think was the right thing to do when i was a 17-year-old drummer? that integrity should survive and be able the look back at all interviews and say i feel that -- old songs we wrote 30 and 40 years ago. they're still true for me now.
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i have grown in many ways but it's still embraces the consider knell of what i began. >> boy. you got to think, you know, they started when they were 16, 17 years old and now 57, 58 years old and getty lee looks like he did in 1981 more than i do. >> looks the same but you needed a hair cut and back then that was the look. that's great. now, i understand you also had a chance to, of course, live out your rock star dreams and let you up there. you play guitar very well. they let you rock -- >> i don't know about this. >> i have heard you. you're good. >> we talked about this yesterday. they have never done this before. but i guess, you know, for the sake of knowing each other for 30 years, they invited me up on stage to live out a little bit of a rock n roll fantasy. here's the result. huh oh. for some reason we don't have it. my goodness. all right. >> gremlins in the mix. >> not sure what to did. >> we'll bring it back right
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after the break and take a quick break. when we come back, we'll talk a little bit about this must-see video. carl paladino for governor in new york getting into it with a "the new york post" reporter. eliot spitzer with a new show next week and joining us to talk about it. very sad and developing story this morning. a college student takes his own life police say after a private sexual encounter taped and streamed online. now, invasion of privacy charges are out there but people are asking, is this much more than that? cyber bullying to the extreme. we're getting a live report still ahead. quickly and easily in the tightest spaces. more innovation, more great values. craftsman. trust. in your hands.
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room taped without his knowledge by his roommate and streamed online. clementi said to be so distraught over it that he leaped to his death from the george washington bridge. stephanie elam is here and following the tragedy, the family of him and the two other students now facing charges in connection with this. >> very young live that is are being impacted in a tragic story, kiran. from all accounts we're gathering that clementi was a sweet, young man, gifted musician. a violin player and he's posting on his facebook account just before he took his life, he posted this. quote, jumping off the gw bridge. sorry. end quote. now, body believed to be clementi floated in the hudson river and found yesterday. clementi's roommate duran ravi with another student are charged with invasion of privacy in the case. ravi here had tweeted about clementi, roommate asked for the
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room till midnight. i went in molly's room and turning on the we cam. saw him making without a dude, yay. anyone with ichat, i dare you to video chat with me between the hours of 9:30 and 12:00. yes, it's happening again. end quote. earlier we spoke to law professor about the death saying that the problem is the internet is a dangerous tool for kids to strike out whenever they feel like it. >> when we were growing up, you know, there would be a gossip circle and maybe somebody talking about somebody else. it stopped there. they broadcast it on the internet, destroying this young man's life and reputation. and now the lives of three young people are going to be destroyed. >> right. >> and that's the disturbing thing here is that you have got in this case three very young live that is are impacted. one no longer here with us and the other two now drastically seeing an impact to the lives and trying to find out what will happen and serious allegations and bringing up a conversation
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again, does there need to be more regulation of what people put on the internet. >> have laws kept up with technology? an invasion of privacy is the charge. does that sum up what happened here? and what are the other implications? we'll be following this for sure. very sad. >> tragic. >> thanks so much. >> sure. must-see video of carl paladino, the republican nominee of governor known for not pulling any punches. well, he almost threw one in this altercation with a reporter. things not pretty heated. we are talking about this as well as a lot of other political hot topics out there. eliot spitzer joins us in a moment. [ male announcer ] the craftsman cordless multi-tool.
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44 minutes past the hour. welcome back to the most politics in the morning. 33 days until the midterm elections. some races have tightened up a bit. the tea party, of course, the huge sweeping movement now being put to the test a little bit looking at the new polls. and the president telling the democrats don't take this one out. well, joining us now to talk about all of it is new york governor, former new york governor and brand new cnn host, eliot spitzer. good to see you. >> good to be here. >> >> there's new polling in alaska where lisa murkowski, the gop nominee, she's a senator and everybody thought she would sweep to winning again and she got ousted by the tea party newcomer.
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now the polls as a write-in candidate have it tied up a bit. what's going on? >> all politics is local. the backdrop is anger and frustration of the middle class demonstrating and playing out in individual races, whether murkowski as a write-in senator, christine o'donnell. in california, the democrats are ahead in both the gubernatorial and the senatorial race. so the tidal wave may be slowing down a little bit and what's very much a republican party fringe movement with roots into the middle class and to the mainstream voters may not be enough to carry the republican party all the way. >> we'll see, though. if you look at who in the latest poll showing the most enthusiastic, it's male republicans, 48% say they're extremely excited to vote. >> the enthusiasm, the energy, the anger is there and the tea party. the question is how far does that go and is this sort of larger mass of middle class voters saying, yeah, we
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understand that frustration and frankly, folks, the candidates are not people to vote for. you know, christine o'donnell is sort of got to that tipping point where a few things in the background to kind of forgive maybe went too far in a few of the tapes. you say, okay, fine as a protest contest. not for the united states senate. i think the texture of what emerges in november is much more subtle than the tidal wave we saw two or three weeks ago. >> when i talk to my friends, they're not necessarily caught up in the tea party wave but they're worried about these pocketbook issues and that's why -- they're not necessarily energized by a particular candidate when's very right socially but they're wrorried about the election. >> the tea party did not give answers that are meaning of. the opportunity is there for the president ian the party to say here's what we believe in. the president has not explained with clarity what he's done and why. he's pivoting back to that and
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why this reemergence of bill clinton. we have this enormous recollection of bill clinton as the great communicator and saying this is what it is. he connects. there's a void there that perhaps the president will step into. >> the other interesting thing, though, looking that the latest poll and caught my attention done last week showing the country would be better off congress was controlled by republicans, 38%. democrats 27%. and there are a lot of people who believe no difference but talking about not doing enough job showing what they have done, good idea to leave early and go to -- >> congress -- >> go to the local district. >> congress can't reclaim the reputation between now and the election. there's venom and anger to congress. nobody thinks they can pass a meaningful bill in many, many years or confront health care issues, energyishes. none of the major issues addressed meaningfully by
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congress. does that attach to the individual legislator at home? we all hate congress as an institution. but our guy we kind of like. there's a by fir case. the question we'll have to wait and see. >> that's a big one. the governor's races, some ugly. in new york, carl paladino, the tea party candidate. we interviewed him. he's a fiery guy and got into it with a "the new york post" -- you know him. >> absolutely. >> fred dicker. it was all of this periphery back and forth over allegations of infidelity, love children. and all of this stuff that ended up getting nasty yesterday. take a look at the video. >> you send another goon to my daughter's house and i'll take you out. >> how will you do that? >> watch. >> it really just seemed to -- it looked more like a reality show. >> or something out of hollywood. i mean, this is like politics
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the way it was enacted 40 years ago. the back room. screaming. this is not what we need right now. i have been in politics. it can be dirty and ugly. like many parts of life, obviously. what we need is a serious conversation. in new york state we spend more per student on education than just about anybody in the nation but not getting the results. i would rather hear him answer the question. have you seen the movie "waiting for super man" which is a window into the education issues? how do you see it? let's have a conversation of education, how to become competitive, creative innovation economy and get the kids to the place to be suited for the zwrobs we need to build in the future. let's get politics back to that. >> it's sliming the other guy, you know, in the campaign ads and nasty ones seeing everywhere opposed to focusing on issues but that's been shown to work. >> unfortunately, it works, because when you have something like paladino who was not known to the public until three weeks ago when he out of nowhere won the primary, the image at the
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vor tech. everybody's screaming and shouting, digging into the past. he won't become the governor of new york. andrew cuomo i can say with some confidence will win and too bad we're not using this moment to have a real conversation about what the policies should be to bring new york state back to what it used to be. the empire state. >> we'll see. tack about your show coming up, by the way. starting on monday. >> monday night. >> it's exciting. >> going to be great. fun. kathleen parker from "the washington post." we'll be talking about everything from economics to politics to culture. things that matter to people. this story today about this awful story about the rutgers student driven to suicide. what does that mean about privacy and the invasion of privacy? the inability for people to lead a life without everybody staring at it. what's happening to our society? is this 1984? what do we do about it. the gamut of issues.
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a lot of laughter and serious conversation. >> wish you the best of luck. we'll all be watching. great to talk to you. >> my pleasure. >> john? >> thanks, kiran. tropical storm nicole fizzled out and serious flooding in store today and tomorrow. rob's tracking the forecast and you can see from the red it is going to be a messy one. stay tuned. ♪ [ man ] i thought our family business would always be boots. until one day, my daughter showed me a designer handbag. and like that,
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we had a new side to our business. [ male announcer ] when the martinez family saw an opportunity, the hartford was there. protecting their employees and property, and helping them prepare for the future. nice boots. nice bag. [ male announcer ] see how the hartford helps businesses at
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well, it's a 4 minutes past the hour. we have been waiting to see this. johnon stage jamming with rush. tell us the tape has been found. >> yes. yes. i think that we actually did locate it. it's not every day that somebody gets to live out a rock n roll fantasy but i had the opportunity to yesterday. 30 years of a relationship with these guys for the first time they let somebody else come on stage with them and here's the tape. ♪
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♪ >> sounds good. congrats. were you nervous? >> ah, no. i wasn't nervous but, you know, when you're playing besides the likes of alex and neil and getty lee, three of the best, it does tend to be a little bit intimidating but a lot of fun, too. >> i heard the peanut gallery in atlanta. are they cheering you on, too. >> well -- there you go. nobody's throwing a bra yet, thankfully. >> hey, you know what? there's always the 9:00 show. >> there you go.
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>> hey, we have bad weather up and down the east coast. lots of rains could bring flooding here. rob, plain ugly out there. >> getting about to throw you by bra. nice work, jr. dealing with rain in the east coast. look at the moisture from the south. this is a leftovers from nicole. and then also a frontal boundary -- just a mess right now so what we have are some serious flood issues across north carolina. this is just 24-hour totals in wilmington, 7 inches. but the last four days, 20 inches of rain. this is a record-setting rain event for wilmington, north carolina. still raining across this area and on top of that the rain to the north. we have tornado watches in effect until 1:00 this afternoon from the delmarva through the mid-atlantic. we have had a couple of scares across maryland and d.c. and back down through the hampton roads area. d.c. pretty much underwater right now. flash flood warnings for the
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morning's commute. we may see drying in wilmington today and continuing to see the stream of moisture. on of the of that, winds gusting over 25, 30 miles per hour w. the saturated ground, probably seeing some issues there, as far as trees coming down. the flood watches toward the canadian border. we are looking at ground stops now for d.c. and laguardia. and that probably isn't going to be easy for you to get home. maybe you can just jump on the tour bus with rush and, you know, their next stop. >> headed for tampa unfortunately as opposed to new york. up and down the eastern seaboard, tough traveling? >> tough go today. pack your patience. they won't shut down airports but flights canceled. >> i hope your executive producer is listening. thanks so much. we'll be back in a minute. where other hammers can only dream of going,
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