tv Larry King Live CNN October 2, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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right now at the udp. it could be called kylie's disease if they ever solve this mystery. that's how medicine transpires and science advances and hopefully that's how kylie gets treated. that wraps up this special hour. thanks for watching "doctor thanks for watching "doctor detectives." -- captions by vitac -- >> larry: tonight -- jenny mccarthy is going to get personal about her split with jim carrey. >> there were some great times. >> larry: we'll talk, love, lust, and faking it. >> i am an open book. >> larry: she tells us why she dated jerks and if she has found somebody new. >> for the most part i'm a home body. >> larry: plus chelsea handler stops by. the naked truth from jenny mccarthy is next on "larry king live."
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jenny mccarthy. i don't know why it is funny. actress, comedienne, "the new york times" best-selling author, and a new book is "love, lust, and faking it." the na naked truth. we welcome her back to "larry king live." i have a confession. put the book up. i was offered to do the cover. i was too busy. so they found this substitute. look at him. >> you know what? i wish you were available. >> larry: you wanted me? >> i wanted you so bad. i don't think you would have wore the mullette. i would have enjoyed being in your arms, larry. >> larry: don't do that. >> we have an hour. >> larry: why did you write this? >> well it happened to be i thought of the cover first, about a year and a half ago. i woke up in bed. i want to do a knock-off of a
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romance novel, i don't know if i want to write a romance novel that is funny or a disastrous love life and sex stories. and right around the time that i was going through my own breakup which i am sure we will get to, larry. >> larry: i think we will. >> i made a deal to do this. then i was going through the breakup while writing this book. and i feel it was meant to be. >> larry: so you change from writing a novel, a satire romance novel. >> exactly. to everything i was experiencing in love and looking back at my last relationships, down the road, and, you know, how, how women fake it in relationships. i really had like this breakthrough so to speak and thought why not write this book, maybe help some women in their relationships to either learn how to stay in it or learn when to get the hell out of it. >> larry: did you read romance novels? >> i read a to by vc andrews. >> larry: vc andrews wrote science fiction.
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>> something andrews. all these weird books, romance novels, but all about incest. why are people reading this and liking it? so i stopped reading the novels. >> larry: you used your twitter account to survey people about some subjects in the book. >> yes. >> larry: were you surprised how candid people were? >> on twitter people are candid. why they will tell you how awful you looked on tv or how great you looked. i have such a wide variety of fans, so to speak. i have the great warrior moms, i also have perverts in prison. so i have this great scope of people to ask these questions to. and i was really surprised by a lot of the responses. and how truthful they were about what goes on in the bedroom. >> larry: one looks at you and, you use the word disastrous love life. how could you, really with your personality and that face, how could you have a disastrous love life? >> i guess i shouldn't call it disastrous. there are some disastrous sex stories. let me tell you i wasn't so good in the beginning. in term of love life, or love
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choices, i feel like i wasn't necessarily in the right place like we are all. but the teacher showed up when the student was ready for it. i had different teachers which i call ex-boyfriend and taught me some great things. but they just didn't work out. >> larry: were you ever dumped? you write about dumped in the book. does someone dump you? >> yes. i did. tony lobianco. >> larry: i know tony. >> also an actor. >> larry: terrific actor. >> i did not date that one. i dated the younger version in high school. my high school sweetheart from 12 to 19. >> larry: he dumped you? >> we had a breakup he dumped me for a full summer to check out more meat at the deli during spring break. i was horrified. crying in bed. just devastated i was brought to my knees back then. looking back, you know, i go, everyone is always looking back to their, you know, first loves like in the book. i write searching for tony
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lobianco. people are on facebook looking for their first loves. why are people fascinated and go backwards. >> larry: you never forget your first, right? >> true. there is not much luggage going into the first relationship. like a clean slate. >> larry: no luggage. >> afterwards. bringing all of the ex- luggage with you. >> larry: how many times would you say, jenny you have been in love? jenny? >> i would say about five, six times. i have loved every boyfriend i have had. and i still love them. but i feel look we -- some people have more soul mates than others. so. >> larry: we can't leave it alone. let's go to it and then go back to the book. what happened with jim carrey. when i did the bathroom scene on letterman. hilarious, the two of us una bathtub, champagne. you were going with him then. >> yes i was. i thought it was hilarious. >> larry: you talked about him. and he talked about your son. you were so happy. >> so happy.
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>> larry: what happened? >> you know, everything that we talked about in terms of, admiration for one another and respect and love was absolutely true. and is true. in the moments there were some great times. and i am so grateful for him standing by me through those autism years and being so kind to evan and being an amazing boyfriend. but like with a lot of relationships in hollywood you don't necessarily see what goes on when things aren't maybe so great. and we both looked at each other. >> larry: what was the difference do you think? what caused? you know, i don't have a right to -- >> not going to get into specifics. >> larry: what was the key to this attractive, funny, outgoing personality couple, the key that didn't work? >> the key that didn't work was probably us both growing and changing like everyone does in opposite directions. and we kind of got to that point, rather quickly towards
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the end that said, you know what? we are both seeing that maybe we're not going in the same direction anymore. and let's -- let's end in peace not war. >> larry: it did end in peace? >> it did. i am grateful. >> larry: do you keep in touch? >> we do, just mutual respect and admiration. >> larry: knowing jim and talking to jim, when he was in love was madly in love. jim was 100%. >> we would both say, still very much, very much have respect and love for each other. but, you know i look back and look at the lessons learned and i go wow. he was an amazing teacher for five years. >> larry: he tweeted it out about the breakup. were you surprised at that? >> no, i tweeted right after. the little inside scoop to that, larry. >> larry: please. >> look most celebrity breakups they don't usually happen at the time the media find out. there is some time. >> larry: they don't know the media. >> they don't know. they're not that quick. >> larry: what happened? >> there was some time to mend both of our hearts.
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no matter whose decision in the barackup it does take time to grieve and get over it. we did have a cushion. we got a phone call that said the magazines are coming out tomorrow. they found out. so we both decided to do it on our own terms. we didn't want to go through the media machine like when celebrities breakup you have to make a statement, go through the press wire. you know, it is just a bunch of bull. so we just said let's do it in the new social media world. and, bow out gracefully with a lot of respect. >> larry: do you cry? do you, how do you handle, you have had breakups? >> i have had breakups. yes, of course you cry. >> larry: is there a rule for breaking up. >> i go see my therapist. she had said, you know, no matter what, any relationship or marriage that i have had in the past, too, you grieve the loss of the relationship. there is someof what a feeling of failure that you have to mourn of going "god, you know, the dreams that you had in your head are, that's how they were just dreams. it's ending."
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and you have to go inside and then make a new routine. i do remember once i moved back in my house i looked around and went i don't know how to move here. >> larry: there is a mourning. mourning. >> it is. >> larry: jenny mccarthy, our guest. have to tell you, if you are on another planet. the book, "love, lust and faking it." if there is ever a guaranteed best-seller. and if i was on the cover. major. we'll be right back with jenny after this.
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what about these 50 single women? >> chris, these ladies are hungry for love! bring them out right now! >> larry: jenny mccarthy is our special guest for the audition for that one she was 11. the book, "love, lust and faking it," our king-cam crews went out to get questions for jenny. a lot of fans want to know about the situation with jim carrey. here is one from los angeles. watch. >> hi, jenny, i am a big fan. i was wondering how the -- the breakup with you and jim carrey had an effect on your son, if that was really hard for him to understand?
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>> larry: good question. >> it is a good question. i was worried about that more than anything. >> larry: because he is autistic or just -- >> he is no longer autistic. but because he is a child. and they had a very strong connection. i was worried, what, if he would feel abandoned or -- i don't know what. but i looked at my own parents, who stayed in the relationship a little too long, they were married 30 years the they probably should have gotten divorced at 10 years. so, i knew that i was making the right decision because it was making me happy and if that is a good reflection for my son to look at i thought is the best teacher i could be. i did have a conversation with him. i told him that we will be moving into our old house. i never sold my old house. and that we will send jimmy love hearts from this house. >> larry: does he talk to jimmy? >> yes. yes. >> larry: does he talk to his father? >> oh, yeah. he is definitely, he does. >> larry: so he wasn't like losing a man relationship in his life. >> correct, no. >> larry: that's important. >> it is.
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>> larry: how would you describe you and jim? friend? >> yes, absolutely on friendly terms. i think he is in new york right now shooting a movie. and i couldn't be happier for him. >> larry: how fun neap is he? in the house? >> he was funny. i mean, he is, to me one of the best comedian actors in the world. >> larry: the best. >> just great. had great characters with evan. and really good guy. >> larry: when -- when you were so open in the relationship, you were together on this show. >> yes. >> larry: maybe too open? >> no, i am an open book. which is why i think maybe people respect it. i don't, i have a problem lying or, you know, not being my authentic self to the public because i think you can get in a lot of trouble that way. so everything i stated with him, of being open in love was absolutely true. >> larry: no regrets. >> absolutely not. no. not at all.
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like i look back and go, i am so grateful and have no, no, no regrets. >> larry: wouldn't he -- i would guess this -- that he would be awfully hard to replace? are you going to find someone funnier? better looking? >> i believe in positive affirmations and think the universe is friendly and always has something better for you if you believe it. >> larry: are you seeing someone now? >> i am currently seeing someone. i am calling it very light dating. nothing too serious. just kind of. >> larry: not -- >> no, no, just, not double dipping. i am exclusively. >> larry: are you exclusive with him? >> right. >> larry: that's not light. >> it's not? >> larry: i don't think so. >> well i am not planning, on moving in, i'm not planning on -- running down the aisle. i'm just know that i am doing a lot of work on myself and in making sure i am happy before i -- before i really -- >> larry: what does he do?
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>> he owns a a company called "i dos." >> larry: because of your own economic stature, does the man you are with, what are you looking for? does the man have to have -- >> no. let me tell you i would take chubby and hairy if they are a nice guy. i don't care. >> larry: you are getting 6,000 chubbies. >> i have dated chubby and hairy and a little bald and didn't mind. the thing is i want a reflection of who i am now. that is coming into relationships really happy, really whole. i don't want to look at my partner and have expectations on them to fill up my potholes which means my insecurities. >> larry: don't you think it is hard for a man to approach you? look at the average guy. you think hairy and baldy and curly and blobbo are going to come over and say, hey, let's go out. >> i am hoping so. i have heard i am a little bit intimidating. >> larry: no kidding. >> i don't understand why. it is because i am just very
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blunt and honest. >> larry: and pretty. >> i don't know. i don't know. >> and strong. but i hope that when, when, the time is right, you know. >> larry: before this relationship would you be home a lot on saturday night? >> oh, my god, yeah. i am still home a lot. i mean the only reason i have been out is my house has been renovated for the past, the whole summer. for the most part i am a home body. >> larry: we will come back with another king-cam question and talk about faking it. >> ooh. >> larry: i think i know what she means. don't go away. no person or place was safe from the spray. but his mom had new puffs ultra soft & strong to save the day. with lotion-free pillows to cushion the force. puffs holds up better than value tissue of course. next time oliver blew his horn, he reached for puffs ultra soft & strong. a nose in need deserves new puffs ultra soft & strong indeed. when you prefer a lotion tissue, try puffs plus lotion.
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>> how a man should dress to get lucky. get rid of any starched clothes if you are going out on a date or going clubbing. no creases. little wrinkle is good. mimic your favorite male celebrity. see what they wear. they're probably getting luckier than you are. >> larry: wow. how old were you there? how much younger were you? >> i was probably 29 there. >> larry: how old are you, do you tell your age now? >> yeah, 37. i don't care. >> larry: jenny is our guest,
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the book, "love, lust and faking it." talk about faking it. a king-cam question. this one from new york. take a look. >> hi, jenny. i was wondering what is the worst date you have ever been on? >> larry: good question. you write about negatives in the book. what is the worst? >> i do. i do write about this guy called the teletubby. i dated this teletubby. he was the chubby hairy guy i dated. but he was a real jerk. >> larry: like? >> i gave him a chance because i thought, this is subconsciously. me going back looking at it. i thought a chubby, hairy man would make a great husband because -- i would be a catch for him. and he would -- >> larry: don't you have to want him physically? >> you know, i never really was into the look part. if you kind of, like look back and posted all my exes, she is like a smorgasbord. >> larry: except jim carrey. >> yeah, he is good looking. >> larry: what happened with him, teletubby? >> teletubby.
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i went over to his house. he didn't hatch a house. he was living in one of the shacks that you like buy at wal-mart. and he didn't even have a bed. it was look a 15 blankets on the ground. there was raccoons living next to us. i am thinking to myself, what am i doing? like, i -- i'm young. i'm cute. >> larry: he must have been thrilled out of his mind. >> you would think so. >> larry: he wasn't? >> noch he was a real jerk. i thought he will make a great dad. he will never cheat on me or leave me. i am cute. >> larry: he won't. >> he ended up being a jerk. i wound up dumping him. >> larry: did you break his heart? >> no. >> larry: what is the faking it part? >> i am glad you ask, a lot of people think it is about orgasms. it's not. women already know how to do that quite well. this faking it in my book is women entering relationships being their authentic self. you meet some one, there is like a honeymoon phase you laugh at everything they say, you want to watch anderson cooper, i am loving it.
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secretly they hate it. so it is like this truth serum that i am trying to teach women that i learned a lesson with, go in being you. >> larry: the man is doing the same thing isn't he? i love everything you say. right, correct. >> heap is doing it for a much shorter period. i think they goal is sex. i think our goal. >> larry: really? >> yes. this is my, observation, it's like you are going to, you know manipulate the girl to get in bed. whereas a woman will manipulate and this acting game so they can appear the most wonderful woman this man has ever met. usually we can hold out for about two years until we are going, switch the channel. you know, and i hate your uncle. so, i am just, the whole thing is about, like what, let's wake up while we are doing that trying to manipulate our man or being fake. an just be real. >> larry: be real from the get go. >> from the get go. you'll save two years. two years as you are getting older those are important years. >> larry: you are seeing some one what it is not serious,
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serious. >> it just started. for me to say serious, seriousch he can go, whoa, slow down. if i say not serious he will go what is the deal? >> larry: are you scared of being alone? >> i was scared of being alone. good question, larry, no one asked me yet. yes, i had a big fear of being alone, so much so that i went from boyfriend, like, almost lined up the next one, boyfriend, almost lined up the next one, i had this deep fear of being alone. >> larry: how did you get over it? >> just in this last breakup. i did a lot of. i have been broken up now for a while. but i did a lot of time, with byron katie, a spiritual philosopher, and learned a lot about myself. and why i would have been scared of being alone. >> larry: you learned a lot. >> i did. i think self-realization and realizing you don't need a lover in your life to have love in your life was my biggest lesson.
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>> larry: we have another king-cam question for jenny mccarthy. her new book, just out, from harper. this one is about love and lust which is in the title. watch. >> hey, jenny, i would lockto -- like to know the difference between love and lust. can you tell me that? >> love is such a powerful energy. love can kill you. we are love though, which is what i have been learning a lot from byron katie. it is the most wonderful force you have. it is only thing you can take with you when you die. >> larry: it can make you very sad. >> it can. as i said, love can kill.
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lust is, i think more of a physical energy. it's obviously sexual by nature. but i love the thinking behind lustful thoughts and lustful acts. like in the book there is a chapter where i go to las vegas and interview hookers at the chicken ranch. i am so fascinated by these women who are -- >> larry: do they have lust? >> totally fine. you know what they have lust enough to do it all day long. but their business sense was unbelievable. when i sat down with them. all they are thinking about is money. you know, i thought maybe they might be thinking or getting off on it. not at all. >> larry: are you, are you able, let's say you meet someone and you have lust? >> yes. >> larry: are you able to separate that from love? >> let me put on lip gloss and think about that one. i met someone, uh, uh, uh. usually, usually there is a lustful attraction at first. i go, wow, look at that.
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>> larry: you said that for teletubby too? >> you know, yeah. >> larry: i get it. >> i get lustful from energy. that's what turns me on. >> larry: how do you separate it from love? >> that's where it can get a little muddy. but i think women can do it a lot better than men. love comes in after the orgasm. that's -- >> larry: after the loving. >> after the loving. >> larry: a good song. >> is it. i don't know. >> larry: after the loving, i'm still in love with you. englebert humperdink. >> that was before my time, larry. >> larry: you really know how to hurt a guy. that's all right. i'm jewish, we take it all the time. you say women are masters of manipulation. why true? why do you do that? >> i wasn't aware of it until i was kind of busted by a therapist.
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we do it so well, too. it is like we do the guilt treatment. we do the silent treatment to get what we want. >> larry: what are you mad at? nothing. >> fine. fine. we will go. i will sit here and not do anything. we also manipulate in sex. if we were to fake an orgasm was to get you to get there. that's how we would manipulate you in the bedroom. come on and "dancing with the stars" is on. uh-uh, just to get you there. i feel we do manipulate to get what we want. what i talk about in the book is maybe become aware and awake while you are doing it so you might just be truthful in stead of trying to trick your man. >> larry: do you wish you had testosterone. >> i think i have a lot of it. >> larry: wouldn't bet against it. jenny's good friend, chelsea handler. we know her. she joins us after the break.
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i was on mtv for about two weeks. i hit my first red carpet. i remember getting all dressed up and standing there and photographers wouldn't take a picture of me. [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. so the next time i came around. i went -- and they all started taking my picture. and the next week, i started to go. so i'm sure you were, that's all i did for years. >> larry: chelsea handler is comedienne, host of e's "chelsea lately." a "the new york times" best-seller. she is on the phone with us. what do you think of jenny's new book? >> i just went on amazon and bought 150 copies. i hope that does it. >> larry: you like it. >> yeah, i love it. we talked about it a lot while she was writing. she called, e-mailed me. we talked back and forth. obviously, i am really funny. i was trying to -- kind of look a helpful book.
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i wanted it to be as funny as she is. we talked a lot about it. we have a lot to talk about. >> larry: do you agree with the concept of the book? >> yeah, absolutely. we're master manipulators, girls are faking lots of things, larry, you should know that. >> she actually helped me rewrite a chapter in the book. yeah, the lady bits. >> larry: does jenny ever give you advice, chelsea? >> yeah. she has given me a lot of advice. we are pretty good friends. >> larry: like? >> we both came out of relationships at the same time. we both decided to have, decompress at the same time. we bonded over that. and you know, she, i taught her how to dance. because i am a really good dancer. >> she did. she taught me this one. >> i like chicago where she is from. we have a lot of stuff pulling us in the same direction. >> larry: do you both think men and women can be just friends? you think so, jenny? just friends? two attractive people? >> i do. >> i am friend with a lot of
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guys. just friends. >> larry: go out to dinner with them? >> yeah, even if i got really drunk i wouldn't think about it. there are just guys go down the line as friends. some you go a little further. >> i feel the opposite, larry. when i am friend with people. most of the time. if i do have a lot to drink then i probably will have sex with them. >> that's true. >> larry: you agree that women are the master of manipulation, chelsea? >> yes, absolutely. >> larry: okay, you are both beautiful. smart, famous, funny. do you think you in tim date men, jenny you say you do? do you think you do, chelsea? >> i don't know if i intimidate or annoy them. either way it is not going great. >> she is a pretty strong cookie i must say. >> larry: has she changed since she got famous. >> chelsea? >> larry: yeah. >> i have only known her famous. >> larry: you have been in the public eye longer. >> i met her in the motherhood, did a web show together. she hasn't changed a bit.
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>> maybe the question you should ask, larry, has jenny changed since i became famous? >> larry: oh. >> the answer is yes. >> ha-ha. >> larry: do you envy her? >> chelsea has brought so much -- so much laughter into my life. especially during the autism years. like i was shooting and really worried about evan having seizures when i was working with her. she was always there for me. she has done so many contributions to autism. i consider her one of the first friend i would call if i got arrested. she is the greatest girl i know. >> larry: have you envied her success a little? >> are you kidding. i called her. sent her flower. we don't have men in our lives. some one needs to send you flowers. i am so happy. she deserves everything. she gives so much to people. even some people i would disagree with who she gives so much. >> larry: jenny is seeing a guy now, kind of likes him, right? >> i do. really like him. >> larry: so you are in love? >> yeah, i just started larry, i don't know.
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>> larry: chelsea, you got a man in your life now? >> no, i don't. >> larry: how can you not have a man in your life? >> i don't. i don't know. find somebody. i don't have a man. >> larry: when was the last time you went on a date? >> have i been on a date? >> larry: how recently? >> a couple months. >> larry: have you ever gone out a teletubby, chelsea? >> no, i have not. actually. kind of. no, no, i have never gone out with a teletubby. i do have to say. >> larry: jenny has. >> i do want to say this. the thing with jenny and myself and how we have such a good friendship, we are so similar and we are also very different. but just in supportive respect of both of us being authors and both being on tv and both of us doing different things. it is very nice to have a friend that you are so similar to that you don't have, you know, invidiousness towards. and we are able to complement each other and kind of build each other up and i'm -- i'm happy about her success and vice versa. that is an important message for women too. i tell all my fans i want them
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♪ who's that girl ♪ i've seen everywhere ♪ she's added so much flare ♪ and a ton of hair ♪ it's the "jenny mccarthy" show ♪ >> so cute. >> larry: the book is "love, lust and faking it." jojo mccarthy is jenny's younger sister. a celebrity makeup artist and she works on "dancing with the stars" and former professional basketball player. >> uh-huh. >> larry: what is it like being her sister? the truth. >> truth -- i really enjoy working with her because i have learned so much watching her. and she's, you know, she has taught me a lot as far as the business. so i look up to her. >> larry: you are not on the air?
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>> i did a little bit of qvc international and she actually helped me become -- like, my own tv personality. >> larry: sold a product? >> i did. >> larry: what do you make of the book? >> i love it. i love it. i am proud of her. some of the things that we are different in she has now achieved. like for instance, like the faking it, you know, i'm really aggressive when i meet a guy. >> larry: you are not married either? >> no, dating. i'm like saying hi, my name is jojo, i don't want a commitment. >> larry: you say this, hello. when he says hello? >> this is exactly what i say. i don't want a commitment. if i need my space. give me my space. i have stomach problems i flatulate a lot. >> larry: you know him? >> she goes in as her authentic self. doesn't fake it. >> larry: you had never done it.
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>> i had never done it. i learn from her and watch her and go, wow. guys respect it. guys really like the honesty. i looked at that going, oh, i can learn from her. >> larry: was it difficult having a very, you are very attractive, but having a sensational looking sister. >> you know growing up in chicago and seeing her face, plastered against the magazines i couldn't be more proud. you know, i get that question a lot. do you envy her career? no, watching jojo grow up. she was the star of the family. she was like michael jordan of basketball. i am not kidding. >> larry: who did you play for? >> chicago condors, abl. >> larry: i remember that. red and white ball. >> yeah, yeah, larry, go. >> larry: i am a fan. >> i think we are a lot like kardashians in closeness. we have smaller butts and saggier boobs. >> larry: are your parents alive? >> they are. >> larry: how did they deal with all of this. first back in the "playboy" days.
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it was rough. >> larry: rough. >> they support her. >> they do. >> larry: do you do her makeup? >> i do. last 13 years. >> larry: does a good job. why do you walk around with a lipstick? >> i just want to make you squirm, larry, if i keep putting lipstick on you are going to love it. right? >> larry: there is something wrong with your right elbow. we'll be back with jenny mccarthy, and jojo mcccarthy. the book, "love, lust and faking it." don't go away. [ male announcer ] if you have type 2 diabetes, you struggle to control your blood sugar. you exercise and eat right, but your blood sugar may still be high, and you need extra help. ask your doctor about onglyza, a once daily medicine used with diet and exercise to control high blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. adding onglyza to your current oral medicine may help reduce after meal blood sugar spikes
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>> larry: we're back. let's take, take another king-cam question. this is from someone in l.a. asking advice. watch. >> hi, i want to ask, where would i find a good man. okay? i am having the hardest time finding a good, intelligent, kind, generous man. >> larry: you are talking to two people with the same problem. but go ahead. >> that's very funny. you know, jojo, actually, taught me something well which you hang out the places that best reflect you. >> larry: where do you hang out? >> she found her man at whole foods. she is really into nutrition and health. >> larry: he was checking out. you were checking out. >> then we were checking out each other. i followed him around the aisles. >> larry: you followed him?
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>> i did. the first time i approached a man. >> larry: whole foods. you? where do you go? >> i put out a beacon. >> larry: where, the gym? >> an where, airport, on the plane, at mcdonald's. anywhere as long as i am meeting the best reflection of who i am now. i notice if i am not in a good place, i bump into people and things happen to me that reflect my kind of deep spare. if i am happy and filled with love and complete i'll meet a guy that's -- pretty great. >> larry: were you the first to know she was doing "playboy?" i was. came from the photo shoot. walked up the stairs. she walked up and said i'm miss october. >> larry: were you shocked? >> i was shocked, but i was happy for her, and i was like, oh, no. mom's going to die. >> larry: how did mom react? >> not so well. >> larry: how did dad? >> fine. he was like, go jen. >> larry: you never posed nude before? >> no. no. no. >> larry: wasn't that hard to do? >> it was really hard to do. my dad worked three jobs to put
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us through catholic school, my mom, very religious. i was fearful the whole time i did t i thought i was going to burn in hell, but somehow my instinct said, this say launching pad to get out of debt from college, which was $20,000, get to l.a., and it was actually really good, what i call like sorority. there were some great people, executives at "playboy" that looked after me. so getting off the bus there, a little scary. a lot of creeps. so they were a good foundation for me to launch my career. >> larry: did you like the pictures? >> i loved them. couldn't be prouder. >> larry: did it launch her career? >> i believe. so i definitely believe that. >> larry: well, there are many, many playmates. right? >> right. >> larry: what do you think singled her out? >> growing up with her in the house, she always had that personalty of wanting to be on camera. she had the microphone, we did talent shows, she was the school teacher, every time we played she was the leader in it. so i wasn't surprised. >> larry: do you remember her
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first boyfriend. >> oh, yeah. >> larry: broke her heart, didn't he? >> larry: south side? >> south side. we are tough south side girls. we had to fight, you know. >> larry: south side is very different from the north side, right? >> blue collar, south side. >> it's a rough hood, you know? i got in many fights. not many people know, this i don't think i talked about, it but i've been in some fistfights growing up. >> larry: with boys and girls? >> the girls. the girls were really tough. >> larry: high school? >> grammar school and high school, they'd follow me home, lit my hair on fire. >> larry: where did you live? >> off 57 skpth pulaski. pulaski. the south sidebar. >> larry: thanks for joining us. do you like doing "dancing with the stars?" >> i do. spray tans. >> larry: our remaining moments with jenny mccarthy after this.
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magnetic waves, brain cells, i don't understand the connection between all that stuff. >> you know what else i heard? magnetic waves shrink silicone molecules. ah! oh, my god, turn it off. >> it's not working. >> it's backwards. >> what do i do? >> i don't know! ah! >> larry: this hour has gone by much too fast. let's look at a new york king cam question.
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this one is about infidelity. watch. >> hi, jenny. i have a question for you. how does a guy know when his girlfriend is cheating on him? >> you know, i can't speak for men but i can give you my opinion which is -- i have cheated like in my 20s, but not since then. i think we all have like i talked about before that emotional guidance system. we can kind of tell something's off. if you listen to that, maybe do a little investigation, you might find that to be true. so your instincts i think are the most powerful tool to find out. >> larry: trust your instincts. >> absolutely. >> larry: what if you're wrong, though, it gets bad. >> well, you know, i think you need proof in order to come down on anybody. if you don't have the proof -- >> larry: are you flirtatious? >> what are you talking about? >> larry: does that cause men to be jealous?
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>> i don't know. i think -- >> larry: if you're in a restaurant and dining with a guy and doing this and that. >> i don't necessarily think i would do that. if i was with somebody i was really interested, my eyes are here. and i am a really good devoted girlfriend when i'm in it. >> larry: what's with the oprah thing? a production? what's the deal? >> the deal is harpo productions, i will be doing a syndicated daytime talk show. >> larry: her network? >> not on her network, syndicated like -- >> larry: like dr. phil? >> uh-huh. i want to be, you know, inspirational. i want to be funny. >> larry: have guests? >> have guests, but have a lot of kind of more experts. i love learning. i love takeaway tv.
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so. >> larry: that's what oprah likes. >> yeah. i definitely, with her leaving, i want to kind of plug into that great gift she has of knowing what kind of the world needs to hear. >> larry: do you want a studio audience? >> i think so. i prefer, to be honest, this kind of int massey, but i think daytime, it's kind of good to interact with the women, and i'm good with talking with my girls. >> larry: would you like another child? >> wow, larry, that's a good question. >> larry: that's why i asked. >> i don't know. i believe in whatever happens is for the best reason possible and if i get a little bun in the ovenly absolutely carry that through but i am not looking for it right now. >> larry: did you enjoy pregnancy? >> i hated it. it was the worst thing ever. >> larry: why? >> my body was just not built for it. i think it's because i have a lot of testosterone, i wasn't meant to carry a child. my ribs popped out -- >> larry: you should have been a guy. >> that's what my sister said.
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me and shelscy should have been dudes. i was 211 pounds when i delivered. i had three ribs popping out, i had morning sickness, cellulite everywhere, stretch marks, craz yness, premature labor, but it allowed me to write an amazing book called "belly laughs," and i realized i had to go through every single horrific thing to write about it. i couldn't leave one thing out and there the universe, god, gave me the disastrous pregnancy. i have so much to say. >> larry: you're kidding. >> and i don't get censored. i've been doing failed pilots for the past 14 years, sitcoms, where i'm trying to be this character that's really strong and voice my opinion and kind of cooky and different and everyone's tried to censor it and books allow me to speak my mind. >> larry: thanks as always, doll.
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