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tv   Your Money  CNN  October 2, 2010 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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the most for flexible spending account options. more candid moments from best selling author terry mcmillan. can you hear more in the face-to-face conversation in the 2:00, 3:00, and 4:00 hours. meantime, yo"your $$$$$" starts now. >> what's the problem and which party can fix it? chief political correspondent and host of "state of the union." candy, number one problem around the country, rahm emanuel on the grog li growing list. the departures early on were people saying i'm only going to
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stay a year, a year and a half. i'm not sure i'd look at that and say the president is changing positions. i do think the larry summers is key. the president, if he's pointing in any particular direction, any change-up in the way he's going, i think it will be the in the larry summers job. >> the signal for economic strategy. next, cnn political editor. mark, take a look at these polls. when you ask which party is more responsible for the economic problems, 41% say congressional republicans as opposed to 35% blaming congressional democrats. at the same time ask which party is more likely to improve the economy and 47% favor republicans in congress versus 41% choosing democrats. voters blame them but going into the midterm they are counting on republicans to fix it as well. >> these are voters looking back at the past eight years of the bush presidency and they realize
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that's when the economic slide began to show. that's when they began to feel it. historically republicans have done better on economic issues and tax cuts. democrats are considered the party of tax and spend. let's taste it, right now democrats control congress. democrats cold congress and we're still in this mess. when looking for solutions, they might blame republicans but think they can get them out of the mess. >> the president designed a bill to give small business $42 billion in aid. the president tweeted about this. yes, the first president to tweet. small business jobs act will cut taxes and make loans available for small business. it's a great victory for america's entrepreneurs. he has fences to mend. what did he buy for $42 million? >> he bought a lot of political good will.
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small business is responsible for growth. data is contradictory. if you look at census data, 75% of new jobs come from the smallest businesses. the bls, bureau of labor and statistics data. it says 24% of jobs come from there. it's probably overblown. small business guys tend to be big in their communities. they tend to vote and tend to influence the votes of others. therefore people want to make them happy. >> i'll be oners, jim, a lot are telling me, i need customers. i'd love to write off a new piece of equipment but i'm not going to buy a new piece of equipment if i don't have customers to go with it. >> that's the biggest thing, demand. if you look at surveys, it's always been taxes are too high, the number one problem for small business. it shifted two months ago to demand is the problem. we can't get enough customers to come in. that is what the economy needs more than targeted tax cuts but
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tax cuts especially when the republicans want to make headway in both houses. >> certainly a $30 billion fund to give lending to community banks and trying to get money flowing again can possibly help it's certainly a lot of money. candy, 1980, ronald reagan elected on a wave of optimism, two years later unemployment rate 10.8%. results of the following midterm election, democrats pick up 27 seats in the house, losing one in the senate. fast forward to 2008, president obama says, yes, we can. we can fix the economy. two years later unemployment 6.9 when obama was elected to 9.6% today. candy, is there a parallel to reagan's first midterm and is it a fair one? >> i don't know if there's a parallel but i think there are some lessons there that everyone might look at. first and foremost the whole
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notion that the president is in huge trouble and certainly right now in the snapshot polls that's absolutely correct as his approval number has dipped into the low 40s. as well, did ronald reagan end bill clinton's, they all got re-elected. this is not about the president and where he's going politically. this is about midterm elections. i think the lesson you can take is what has happened in any number of midterm elections particularly when the president is not popular, they are going to lose seats. the question is, is this a huge loss or sustainable loss. >> i wonder if voters take it out in the voting book in november if they are a little more patient in 2012. >> the unanswerable question, certainly at the white house they are concerned about the results of what happens in the midterm elections. in fact, we had congressional democrat down there this week that had a private meeting with the president. they said we need you out on the campaign trail. president obama will play very
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well in some districts. in other districts he won't play well. where he did really well was wisconsin just a few days ago where he held this campaign style policy. say what you will about president obama, do his policies work or not work but he's very good on the campaign trail. >> do you see the message, announcing who is replacing larry summers, stocking advisory council with. >> he's going to have people in the white house economic circle now who are going to spend a lot more time worried about the middle class. i think politically it's hurt him to seem to have his eyes elsewhere. i also think a lot of people in the business community are so worried about demand right now. demand is raise really going to get the economy back on track. they want to find ways to get middle class people spending again. middle class matters, there's a lot of them. a lot of debate about helping
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people with $250,000 or more in income. that's an important part of the economy simply because they have a lot of extra capital to pump into the markets. you need a lot of people, a lot of numbers to get general economic activity moving. for that you want to concentrate on the middle. >> thank you. candy and jim, stick around. mark, you're going to take your leave. thank you so much for a great commentary. thanks, guys. rich getting richer, poor and middle class slipping. are tax cuts for everybody a good idea? we have one of the key architects of the original tax cuts here. we'll ask whether tax cuts for all of you should be extended next. more for their money.
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let's take a look now at the growing income gap in america. the top earning 20% take home over half the income generated in this country. that was in the year 2009, a year, don't forgot, the recession officially ended. the bottom 20% take home just
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3.4% of income generated. that is a widening gap. dean hubbard, dean of graduating school of business. author of seeds of destruction, why the path of economic ruin runs through washington and how to reclaim american prosperity. and chairman on council of economic advisers for george w. bush, helped design bush tax cuts. thanks for joining us. there's major political debate about extending tax cuts for wealthy and average american. glen, looking at the income gap, does it take away some of the argument for extending tax cuts for the rich? >> there's two points about extension. we should extend the entire tax code until we're ready to have a serious conversation about the size of government. that's the second and bigger discussion. in 2012 we decide we want a government as large as that in president obama's budget, we can't afford the current tax system. the bush tax cuts will all have to go. we need other tax increases.
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if we want a smaller government, that's a different story. how big do we want government to be, not the tax cuss. >> should we extend the tax cuts with an expiration date? should we be extended? >> i think we should extend them until we're ready to have that conversation. to me it's the 2012 presidential campaign. if the american people said we'd like a government, 25% of gdp, we have to repeal all of the bush tax cuts, not just the ones for high income taxpayers. in fact, we need a whole new tax system, another discussion we should have. >> that's easy politically. we can do that, right? >> we have to. unfortunately it's not just economics, it's math. we can't keep saying we want a government 5 percentage points of gdp higher than our present tax system can even raise, one of those has to give. in the election, the american people need to speak. if we all collectively want a big government we need to start
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talking honestly about how to pay for it. >> talking about how to pay for it, the life we've already led has to be paid for essentially. politics aside, this year, down the road, how do we deal with debt in a serious way without raising taxes? >> i think the first step is pick long-term problems. seeds of destruction, entitlement problems are large fiscal problems. social security is the easiest one to make progress. i think we can say to ourselves, we have a big, unfunded liability there. the burden of that should not be borne by lower income americans but higher. the way is to slow down growth for higher americans. if we did that, we would give ourselves a lot of fiscal room to move in the short run and long run. there's a tendency in washington to say let's fix everything all at once. we can start with social security and make big progress. >> stick with us. i want to bring back in candy
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and jim. president obama criticizing efforts to extend tax cuts for the wealthy. >> they want to borrow $700 billion to provide tax cuts for the top 2% of americans, people making more than $250,000 a year. it would mean an average of $100,000 check to millionaires and billionaires. that $700 billion we adopt have. >> can they score political points by turning the extension of the tax cuts into a clar warfare debate. >> class warfare comes up a lot in elections, particularly presidential elections. i've never seen it take hold as something completely powerful. a lot of people aspire to make $250 and over. they do not see it as punitive. the deficit question is probably
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a more powerful argument. the economists will tell you middle class tax cuts cost too much, too. it does seem to sort of -- the deficit, as i say, is an easier one. it's hard for republicans to defend, politically at least -- your guest excepted -- purely on a political look at it, it is extremely difficult to support tax cuts for the rich while yelling about the deficit. that's where i think the democrats have made some inroads not on populist thing. >> glenn, in your book, you're clear you think the president is taking us down the wrong path, we must change politics and economics and there by rebuild and rebalance our kmr or we will inevitably go the way of all great nations and suffer an irreversible decline. you're talking about scary long-term stuff in a town that thinks in very short terms, two to four years, for example.
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>> that's right. it's important. it's not just about president obama. many of the fiscal mistakes were made by the republican party as well. it's not one or the other. it says as a nation we have to decide what to do. the issue isn't about extending bush tax cuts. the issue is about what kind of tax system is best for our country. what can we do to bring down spending. the republican party needs to be more forthcoming where spending cuts can come from. i gave you an example with social security. it would be interesting to hear those. if we really want president obama's government we are at that point. >> $12 million in tax breaks for small business, part of the small business jobs we were telling you about, extending bush tax cuts for the wealthy, supposed to, in theory, inspire hiring. are business owners already getting their tax breaks? how do we pay for that. >> there are a lot of tax breaks
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in the bill. for the vast majority of businesses they are taken care of. if you look at the numbers, extending tax cuts for the wealthy, only about 3% of businesses looked at by the congressional research bureau would actually be affected by that. a small business affected by that in a way, it's a tiny percentage. that tiny percentage are the most dynamic small businesses. that's the rub, small businesses that have the potential to become large businesses are the ones that will be affected there. they are not making decisions solely on tax policy. >> assistant editor of business week, thank you very much. candy, glenn hubbard, seeds of destruction, why the path to economic ruin runs through washington and how to reclaim american prosperity. thanks, everybody. if you could name your own price, would you pay as little as possible or what something is worth? the guys from freak nomics want
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along with economist steven levitt, stephen dubner authored in 2005, if you haven't read it, "freakonomics." a best selling book that argues at the root is the study of incentives and how to get people to do things by providing them incentives. the book has become a movie hitting the big screens now. i'm joined by stephen dubner from the "new york times" to talk a little about it. stephen, welcome. thanks for joining us. >> hi, ali, good to see you. >> if you give somebody a good reason to make one choice over another, can you predict how they behave. >> that is very true but let me include the big caveat. what behavioral economists and researchers try to do is run
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experiments, to figure how people will respond in a new situation. it's a new situation, you don't know yet. they try to take findings and extrapolate them and say, here is what's going to happen. if you introduce a new tax hike or tax cut, here is the behavior we're going to see. here is the problem with that. lab experiments and research experiments on a small scale don't scale up very well. the reason why is people respond toin sent i was in ways usually often very, very hard to predict. the best and brightest people in government and policy, wherever they are, in education, can work as hard as they can with all the right intentions, come up with the right incentive scheme. you set it in the real world where there's an army of people out for their self-interest. i can tell you story after story of unintended consequences that government action that is sound great on paper backfire at least to some degree. >> that's the important thing about this book. the other thing, many of the incentives you write about in the book and we'll see in the
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movie are not about money. there are other forms of incentives. in the previews, there was a pay for, pay what you want pricing scheme. anywhere from a penny to $100. in exchange you asked ticket holders to answer several questions. i guess you wanted to do what you do, keep studying this. how did that work out as an economic study tool. did anybody pay $100 to see the previews. >> the findings are hilarious. we're in the midst of writing them up for reading. i'll share a couple. in the early pay as you wish survey. as you said, i liked at the data when there were about 5,000 respondents. of the 5,000, there were nine people who volunteered or offered to pay $100. the prices wen from one penny to $100. i'm saying who on earth wants to do that, in case my theory, a weak theory, maybe each of those people thought they would be the only person to show up in the data as the guy who paid $100 and would get notoriety for
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that. unfortunately they were just out $100. i'll give you a quiz. what percentage of all respondents do you think paid one penny, the lowest possible amount. >> very little, i know that from free museums and panera bread. very few pay the minimum asked. >> this is why policy is hard. those are great examples, panera. that was different, the money was going to charity. this was an internet survey. 34% of all people paid one cent. >> i would have thought it was in the low single digits. >> i would, too. i'll tell you, this as an experiment to us, these data are very valuable. in terms of the box office money that came in, it was not. >> you make your point. stephen dubner co-author of freakonomics. the gulf oil spill is capped.
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one man says bp could trigger the next financial crisis. find out why wen we come back. and if you're gonna try and do this in anything other than a chevy... well, good luck...month. great deals on the complete family of chevy trucks all backed for a hundred thousand miles. it's truck month. during truck month, use your all-star edition discount for a total value of five thousand dollars on silverado. see your local chevrolet dealer. you know, if we had let fedex office print our presentation, they could have shipped it too. saved ourselves the hassle. i'm not too sure about this. look at this. [ security agent ] right. you never kick off with sales figures. kicking off with sales figures! i'm yawning. i'm yawning some more. aaaaaaaand... [ snores ] i see your point. yeah. [ snores ] [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who delivers convenience. next time use fedex office.
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the well in the gulf of mexico may be capped but as the cleanup continues bp could find itself in a whole new mess, one that our next guest says could trigger the next financial rebound. mike taibbi, editor at rolling stone, whether they can pay back their debt. how does it work? how can it wreak havoc on the financial system? you make a scary analysis in the piece. >> just to point out at the top. this is an extreme long shot there would be an aig situation. the problem with unregulated economy, you have a situation where a company can bet on other companies, if there's a credit
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event, bank reinstructuring, suddenly bets kick in and you have to pay off. what happenewith aig -- or i'm sorry, lehman brothers, when there is a bankruptcy, a lot of these derivative-based bets will fail, have money changing hands. it's complete chaos. nobody knows who owes who. >> these derivative markers you say it's like foot locker putting a nikkei in front of a mirror and selling the reflection. >> if you don't have an asset to sell, you sell the bets on the asset. that's basically all credit default swaps are. two parties engaging in a deal whether a third party will pay off his bet. then you can take that bet and package it and sell it as an asset that pays income like a bond or mortgage. >> i will tell you treasury secretary of a powerful country told me the first thing treasury
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secretaries do when they wake up is check credit default swaps, how they are trading, and big companies, the same thing ceos do. it's more than a stock price but judges what the market thinks of their company or country, in some cases, debt traded. credit default swaps, it's been cheaper and cheaper to ensure the debt of bp this summer. it's really gotten back to really preleak levels. the health of the company has improved. >> close to the levels. before any of the scandal happened, bp was trading at 40 or 50 in its credit default swaps, which is equivalent to u.s. treasuries. >> that means you paid $40,000 to place a bet, $10 million in debt. >> exactly. bp like aig benefactor aig scandal, which is considered a rock solid safe bet.
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when you're buying on bp it was about as safe as you could get. after the oil spill it went through the roof. >> like $600,000 to ensure the debt. >> end day trading, the close of the high about 600. there were points it went up to 800 or 900. >> it's back down to 160. >> this is relatively low but still higher than it had been before. >> let's bring in bp. we wanted to get bp's response. it's a pretty compelling argument you make, this could -- long shot that it may be -- bp could have trouble on its hands or financial system. bp launched a bond over prescribed raising $3.5 billion and credit default swap rating improved as a result. they are saying they need to raise money, in the debt markets everything is fine. let's bring in the host of quest
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means business. one thing we know about bp, this company is a cash machine. yes, it has huge costs and uncertainty ahead of it. that's one thing to be clear. they are making money hand over fist. the prosperity, this is a vital british interest as well, isn't it? >> hang on a second here. take off your nationalistic flag for a moment, christine. yes, it is of importance to the uk economy, major company, the largest on the market in the uk. one of the largest. before you start throwing a rock across the atlantic, 50% of bp shareholders are in the united states. a vast portion of its revenue comes from the united states. the pension funds.
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bp has this international aura about it, which is exactly why there was suchury and fume when people in the administration insisted on calling it british petroleum, which it happened been for many years. on this very interesting point of the bonds and cdss. you're right, bp did get $3.5 billion in bonds away just this very week. but the insuring of cds or cds market was exactly that cds market was exactly what was behind the goldman sachs abacus debacle earlier this year. >> right. >> it's right. finally, that is why the european community is looking at legislation and regulation that would prevent you from insuring an asset that you don't have an interest in.
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the old line, of course, in insuring your neighbor's house and watching it set on fire. >> i'm wondering if financial reform we have, that's supposed to bring derivatives to light, will that bring to light more transparency. >> there was an attempt by one of the senators and i'm sorry it's escaping me which one, to institute a ban on naked cds. >> this is a family program, gentlemen. >> it's exactly what he's talking about, when two people place a bet on debt that they have no personal relation to. it has no social purpose. it's purely gambling, just casino gambling. there's no reason it should be allowed but we do allow it. >> thank you so much, richard. i'm not throwing stones across the atlantic. i love you over there. please, please, we have this special relationship.
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always matt, interesting piece. thank you very much. certain conditions, why more and more women say i do to prenups. that's next. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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we are back with richard quest from london and comedian hal sparks joins us now from los angeles. welcome to the program, hal. >> thank you. >> let's get to it. the number of couples seeking prenuptial agreements is on the rise. an astounding 73% of divorce attorneys have seen an increase in the number of prenups, the
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study by matrimonial lawyers. not just wealthy men trying to protect themselves anymore. 52% have seen a rise in prenups by women. recession, people getting smarter about the future of their money. wow! women saying i do with an asteri asterisk. >> the natural arc, women in the financial world. women have more to protect and rightly so. you've got guys like me out there that have no problem marrying up. clearly smart. >> richard, it's interesting. the group told me that frankly women are asking more and more for protection on their pensions, 401(k)s, assets down the road. people asking for protections in terms of health benefits, making sure they are covered in terms
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of divorce. they are thinking about long-term financial security. >> absolutely. for one very, very good reason. more women were swindled and diddled out of tension rights at the time of divorce. what they want to do, understandable for whatever reasons, get out of the relationships. many people signed out long-term benefits that frankly, look, if i say to you, you might need this in 25 years' time, you say, i'll worry about that then. here in england, prenups, the courts haven't quite accepted them as being totally and utterly legally binding, which is why in many cases england is becoming a preferred area for divorce where people want to ratchet as much money as they possibly can. >> gentlemen, stick with me. we talked about prenups, there's one way to make sure you don't
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lose money in divorce, you don't get married in the first place. is money the real reason young people are choosing not to get married these days? that in a moment, but first -- this is my first chance to thank hal for this summer, while i was juggling three babies on maternity leave and you were on some fancy, exotic wonderful comedy tour exchanging e-mails in the dead of night because you wrote the forward to my book. thank you. it was very well done and thank you for taking the time to do it. >> thank you. it was my distinct honor. as long as i've been coming on the show, i always -- no deference to ali or richard, i always hope you're on but i love hearing you talk and your angle on things. i appreciate it greatly. i hope the book sells well and you have a prenup. you don't need one. >> i love the idea of my with peanut butter in my hair
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finishing this book and you on the glamorous comedy circuit. it was quite the contrast in characters. >> there was some glamour. i was in england, richard's country but also lexington, kentucky and toledo, ohio, so let's not get too excited. >> in the book i spent time talking about important tips families need to take to be financially secure. i want to be clear, there's never been a more urgent time to teach your kids about money. who better to ask about raising money smart kids than two economists who also happen to be parents. take a look. >> i'm saving up for another bike to spray paint again. >> another bike. how much does it cost? >> asking mom and dad for money takes on a whole new meaning when mom and dad are renowned economists. meet the rogers, bill andean, a, ellie, billy and charlie. >> how do you guys teach your
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kids about money, when money and the economy is what you do for a living. >> for a long time we've been using a trick and that's children's literature. >> bill, a former labor department economist, she's a former economist that runs website to teach kids about economics. >> an example of a book in my book shelf that might have a diversive message in it. >> bearenstein bears, curious george, where he goes to a factory, all about production. click clack moo, cows that type. that's one bill likes, too. >> the cows, in case you forgot, go on strike. >> we're closed. no milk today. this the labor economist labor book here. >> the rogers allowance system is a little more elaborate than most. >> $3 a week, we get paid every wednesday. depending on chores i do, i get
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paid $8 an hour. >> for messier, $10 an hour. that's the economic principle of compensating differential. >> what's it like to be raised by economists. they know everything about money and policy. >> it can be frustrating like when i want something for christmas but it will be a little too expensive. i have to go for the bargain brand or on sale. i've become a very good sale shopper. >> it's a family created by economics. they meet at the econdepartment at harvard and a family run by economics. >> the one thing we talk about with our kids is the budget constraint. that is the motion of there's only a fixed amount of money. you have to figure out how you're going to allocate that money across a more expensive baseball bat versus your cleats that your going to buy. [ advisor 1 ] what do you see yourself doing one week,
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one month, five years after you do retire? ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach.
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the world's largest airline
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was created this week when continental joined forces. you got a chance to speak to the new ceo about how the merger would affect hubs and jobs in the u.s. >> yes, he's probably one of the most interesting, dedicated and thoroughly professional chief execs in the world. now he has the job of running continental and united, or the new united. i asked him, of course, particularly bearing in mind, bringing these two large airlines together in the united states, when you look at the nine hubs they have got and the tens of thousands of employees, where would there be growth and where might the axe fall. >> i don't think there will be an axe, richard. we have very complimentary networks. as a result there's very little overlap and very little affect on our frontline employees. what we're going to be doing is allocating aircraft across a
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much broader route network. we have 10 hubs worldwide. i expect to see growth certainly from an international perspective, because we are global carrier, the world's leading global carrier, you'll see increase for business travelers. >> what about those on planes a lot. the flying experience in this country is not something that gets good press. richard, will the flying experience be better for this continental combined group? >> i think it depends who has the upper hand when it ends. he knows what he's doing. let's face it, continental one of the best airlines in the united states flying experience. united has brought in its flatbed internationally, so it's made huge inroads into improving its service, its culture. bringing the two -- the biggest danger here, christine, the biggest single danger is when
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you merge two airlines you bring the top down and you don't really bring the bottom up. what smisek admits, he knows he has to ensure, a rising tide lifting all boats. that's going to be a challenge, because the history of doing it is not necessarily on his side.. i'm not just saying this because i met him once or twice, if there is one man who can do it, who's got the reputation, it is him. >> i have flown 26,000 miles this year, and the one thing that doesn't help an airline is a shake-up of any sort. so perhaps the united-continental merger will create an airline that's very superior at some point in the future, but it won't be any time in the near future. and as a traveler myself, it makes me kind of want to avoid it for six to ten months. >> 126,000 miles, how many baggage fees do you pay?
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>> a lot and it's ridiculous. it's better in the states because it's per bag. in england, in the uk, they charge you by the pound, which would be fair if they also weigheded the passengers because i would get my bags on for free. but they don't. >> now listen, the really -- >> am i not right, richard? believe me, i weigh 150 pounds fully clothed soaking wet. if they weighed me and my bags and the prowrestler in front of me from scotland and his carry on outweigh me by 30 kilos. >> richard, thank you very much. for richer or poorer, right? apparently not anymore. why marriage has become the latest casualty of the financial crisis. that's next. but first, pizza making classes are helping one pizza -- >> he owns an italian restaurant
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in washington's trendy cleveland park neighborhood. >> from 50,000 2007 to now i ha a 50% drop in business. >> the economy forced him to find ways to boost his business and saving his bottom line, including hiring his entire family. >> i'm the chef and owner and my wife runs the office and my son is my manager. the pizza chef and my daughter now is in grad school, she also waits tables. >> his son, the head pizza chef says the economy has even changed customers' eating habits. >> in the past people would order an entree, maybe a bottle of wine, and then split a sert. >> so stefano now shares his
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expertise doing his part to bring in extra revenue with weekend pizza making classes. >> if you put too much yeast the worst thing that's going to happen is it's going to blow up. >> studentses learn the art of authentic italian pizza making. >> they learn how to make the pizza that you find in italy from rome all the way to the north. you learn the ingredients and you learn the purpose of each of the ingredients which i think a lot of pizza chefs don't know. >> in terms of my dream, i definitely would like to you know, continue in this business, to keep the restaurant up and running. >> reporter: while they're happy to share the secrets of pizza making to boost business, not even a bad economy can force this family to turn over all of its pizza making secrets, those
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will be kept for a long time. ♪ [ man ] i thought our family business would always be boots. until one day, my daughter showed me a designer handbag. and like that, we had a new side to our business. [ male announcer ] when the martinez family saw an opportunity, the hartford was there. protecting their employees and property, and helping them prepare for the future. nice boots. nice bag. [ male announcer ] see how the hartford helps businesses at everything you need to stretch out on long trips. residence inn. ♪
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everything you need to stay balanced on long trips. residence inn.
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all right, we reporteded earlier in the show about the rise in prenups across the country. another way to hold on to what's yours, don't get married in the first place. in 2009, the number of young adults that's people between 25 and 34 who have never married
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surpassed the number of married people in this country. turns out when job security and budgeting are a priority, thoughts of a big white wedding seem to be on the back burner. is marriage is casualty of the recession? >> i'm sure that's a part of the factor, i think it's a long-term trend though. i think if you look at, and i personally as a comedian, i have to take some responsibility for the world of comedy, because if you look at from the '80s forward, especially, marriage gets a really bad rap in comedy all the time. there's no good press about marriage. marriage's stock is down. that's why prenups are up. prenups are sort of the credit default swaps of marriage, ultimately. you're betting on the potential for failure, you're taking out insurance that it's not going to work. and the bit of positive to it, though, is that i'm going to venture to say that the number of people not getting married is actually going to positively affect the divorce statistics more than the marriage
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statistics. we automatically assume that the people not getting married are people lost from the married category. i actually think they might be lost from the divorce category because marriage is supposed to be special, not everybody can do it. so the assumption that you can has this big rise. i'm going to get married, maybe you're not and maybe the healthiest thing for you is to assume that you're not, and not look at the people across from you as a relationship not as a bunch of marriage jokes. >> so you're right, it has been the tastaple of the stan up circuit. thanks for stopping by. >> and buy smart is the new rich. >> buy my book and hal and i have now done our appropriate reciprocal plugs. 'm


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