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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 3, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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thanks. >> i'll keep tweeting about it like crazy. >> that wraps it up for us this week. stick with us. twitter all week long we are tweeting. ali velshi and christine romans also on facebook. we read all of your questions or comments. "your $$$$$" will be back next week same time and same place. you can also logon 24/7 to have great weekend, everybody. -- captions by vitac -- the sufpt u.s. state department issues a travel alert for americans in europe we'll tell what you prompted it and what you need to know to protect yourselves overseas. they are people with cancer genes who choose to fight the disease before being diagnosed. hear their compelling stories straight ahead. and at 5:00 p.m., george wallace the king of comedy in clubs now on television and the vegas
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strip. george is in the "cnn newsroom" today talking about his unique las vegas act. hello, everyone. i'm fredricka whitfield in atlanta. it's sunday, october 3rd. let's get started with the new travel alert. if you or your family members are headed to kwraourpb ed ted state department wants you to be extra vigilant. al qaeda and its affiliates continue to plan terrorist attacks. the alert urges americans to be conscious of their surroundings and to be aware of the potential for terrorists to target tourist sites, airports and mass transit. americans aren't the only ones on alert. britain is changing its travel advisory for its citizens in france and in germany from a substantial threat of terrorism to a high threat. cnn senior international correspondent nic robertson is in hamburg, germany, what kind of precautions are people being asked to take, nic? >> reporter: the main one is
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really to beville lent. that's what we hear across europe and specifically for americans right now is to avoid the tourist places where typically you might understand that a lot of americans might go. avoid the restaurants that are sort of known in that area or that city as being ones where americans might go. time to try out a couple other restaurants. the advice is not to stay away but just to be more alert and not to take a taxi from somebody who doesn't appear -- who may not be a regular taxi driver. if you are going to meet a stranger, meet them in a public place. check who it is who is knocking on your hotel room door before you answer the door. normal precautions but things for people to have in their minds, fredricka. >> meantime, u.s. military personnel were ordered to maintain a curfew. what happened and what's the
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status now? >> reporter: well, the status seems to be that there is no curfew in place for tonight as far as we know. what the personnel were asked near frankfurt a couple hundred miles from here was not to go out on friday night and to stay on base and for those leaving at other times not to wear their uniforms off base. and this perhaps given the terror threat that's been talked about in europe at the moment mumbai style attacks from radicals is trying to defeat it to target american servicemen and other u.s. citizens in germany, disco and cafes and
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it's an awareness that al qaeda has tried to target these specific places. german officials that are talking to us say they're not aware of any imminent threat here and it does seem to be in line with al qaeda in the past trying to target u.s. citizens in this way here before, fredricka. >> nic robertson, thank you for that update out of hamburg, germany. appreciate that. so what else should you do to keep yourself and your family safe if you find yourself in europe? joining me from washington is don hamilton, a former state department counterterrorism expert. don, is this a pretty serious move that the u.s. state department is making? >> no. this is the mildest thing they can do and the state department is historically extremely cautious on these things, fredricka. they don't want to be accused of having knowledge before hand and then not alerting people.
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this is been more or less standard policy ever since the pan am 103 bombing when there were hints that the state department had that something might happen. we used to call it lockerbie rules. if you know something might happen, you have a moral duty to tell people. but this isn't a travel warning. a warning is very specific. it's a term of art with the state department. this is about the mildest thing they can say. >> an alert. an alert essentially telling people to be vigilant and careful about their surroundings. however, when people hear that this is the information coming out and recommendation coming from the state department, certainly they are wary especially if they are traveling to europe or if they have family members already in europe. so what are your recommendations to take some of the ordinary recommendations from the state department when abroad and take it to the next level?
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>> sure. well, it's once again as nic indicated largely common sense. don't try to save a few bucks by taking a gypsy taxi from the airport. i might specifically avoid a tour bus for the next several days because the tour bus is a big, fat obvious target. as you know people have been taken from -- >> a mass transit type of things. >> they have been attacked. i would think a regular mass transit would be fine but you don't want something that says bus load of americans. >> i'm a tourist. what about talking to strangers? many times people are not able to find their way around. they approach a stranger. they are more apt to talk to people who are from that region to get a little bit of information and consequently they probably also share some informing. what's your recommendation on
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that? >> well, i think it's probably not a bad idea to ask someone for a direction but i wouldn't reveal anything more than i had to. i wouldn't do that here in washington. i wouldn't do that in london. i wouldn't do it in rome. that's just a good sound practice. the one thing you should especially keep your eyes out for is an abandoned parcel. if you see a backpack, a suitcase, a briefcase somewhere, move away from it. don't run but just move smartly away from it. go to someone who is in authority whether it is a security guard or just one of the transit personnel and say there is an abandoned package there. that is certainly one thing to do. and look for someone who is dressed more heavily than the weather might indicate. and stay clear of them. they may just be an eccentric but i certainly wouldn't cozy up to someone who is dressed for subzero weather when it is 40 out. >> speaking of dress, your own dress. the type of tags you might have
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on your luggage. i'm a child of a state department family so as we were growing up we always knew we had to be very careful about being as neutral about our clothing when traveling abroad. what's your recommendation now with this heightened alert? >> i don't know that the heightened alert would have anything for it. i've always advised people to pay attention to where you are. it's not wise whether defending yourself against a criminal or a terrorist to try to blend into the crowd. you know, notice that europeans for the most part do not wear shorts unless they are participating in athletic activities. very few people other than americans wear sporting shoes, sneakers around when they are out for a walk. so those are always good ideas. on the whole, i would say that terrorism at this stage is a serious matter. it's something to think about but you are much more likely to
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be the target of a criminal attack or of some sort of random accident. most likely a trip to the studios today would be on your trip home would be more dangerous than than a flight to europe if i had plans to go to europe i would go in a heart beat and i would have a nice time and i would try to as i've been trained for many years to keep my eyes open for abandoned parcel and strange behavior and not stick out in a crowd. >> thank you, done hamilton. thank you for your time from washington today. >> glad to be there, fredricka. >> we're going to talk about some nasty weather that has inundated the east coast for a couple days now. right now there's a whole lot of cleanup ahead for parts of the east coast after all of that rain and flooding. eight deaths from north carolina to new england are blamed on the extreme weather. windsor, north carolina, still under a state of emergency with much of that town still under
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water we understand. north carolina governor beverly purdue is getting a firsthand look at the damage today as she tours the area. let's check in with bonnie schneider. this weather is never ending as it pertains to the rain. >> influence of a tropical system that always enhances moisture. you have slow moving tropical weather and even more rain coming up the eastern seaboard after a washout. some places like in eastern north carolina received more rain in four days than they do normally in six months. there's a lot of moisture on the ground. more is working its way across the mid-atlantic right now. let's head down southward and you can see flood warnings remain for south carolina all of the way up to northern vermont for some of the rivers. it will take a while for that runoff to really drain out and the water levels to recede. please use caution if you will be travel anywhere where it tends to be flooded. don't attempt to drive on a road that has water covering it even in a small area. even if the car in front of you made it through. it only takes 6 inches of water
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to dislodge your vehicle even an suv. very, very dangerous. we have heavy rain with low pressure developing across north carolina coastline. this is again the flood area. we're seeing the rain work up into the virginia region right now but by no means is this going to be as intense as the system we saw this past week. across the country i haven't seen that word on the map in a wild. cold. we are feeling some chilly temperatures reminding us that we're well into the fall season and temperatures are plummeting so much so that frost and freeze warnings are popping up all over the place into springfield, into southwest missouri and then check this out. jackson, tennessee, even northern mississippi just north of tupelo we're talking about the deep south now. temperatures monday morning will be in the mid to upper 30s. grab the jacket if you are heading out and bring in potted plants and protect your pets as we see frost across those areas. show you the temperatures right now. it may be afternoon but we're enjoying cool weather. temperatures in the 50s in green bay, wisconsin. notice it is up to 50 into
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northern michigan. we were in the 40s most of the day there. this cooler air is dropping pretty far south and even into charleston and west virginia the temperature is 53 degrees. it's really feeling like we're in october. and fredricka, you mentioned you like this kind of weather. >> feels good. my favorite season is summer. i do like it hot but this is a nice relief. >> it's a pleasure to be out there. >> yeah, it is. thanks, bonnie. check back in with you and we'll be chatting in the chat room. can't wait. good stuff. >> the new term for the u.s. supreme court kicks off tomorrow with a very busy docket. we'll highlight some of the more challenging cases ahead. i know who works differently than many other allergy medications. hoo? omnaris. [ men ] omnaris -- to the nose! [ man ] did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, nosebleed, and sore throat. [ inhales deeply ] i told my allergy symptoms to take a hike. omnaris. ask your doctor. battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause.
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>> our images from the annual red mass which celebrates the legal profession in this country. there you see chief justice of the supreme court. other justices were also there this morning. so was the vice president as well as congressional leaders and diplomats. critics call the red mass an unhealthy mix of politics, law and religion. so red mass is always held the day before the u.s. supreme court begins its new term. tomorrow the high court welcomes
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new justice elena kagan and begin tackling high profile cases. here's our kate bolduan. >> reporter: the supreme court currently has more than 50 cases on the docket. the most controversial range from immigration reform to free speech challenges. ♪ america, america >> reporter: one of the first deals with protests at military funerals. there was a lawsuit after a demonstration was staged outside of his too son's funeral in 2006. matthew snyder was killed in iraq. >> it comes down to dignity. no one -- i don't care if you're not military. no one should be buried with what the phelps did to him. >> reporter: this is a case of free speech versus privacy rights. the court will also weigh in on
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the case of it a texas death reinmate. he says he has a right to request testing to prove it. >> all the district attorney has to do is turn over the evidence and test it and let the chips fall where they may. what's so hard about that? >> reporter: prosecutors argue skinner had his chance to appeal and if he wins it will open the flood gates to frivolous lawsuits clogging the criminal justice system. other high profile cases is california's attempt to ban the sale of violent video games to children. the court will also consider a challenge to an arizona law cracking down on businesses hiring illegal immigrants. opponents argue federal law trumps state efforts. >> federal government says we have the immigration laws. arizona throws up its hands and says yes, but you are not
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enforcing them. >> reporter: the newest justice, elena kagan, is taking to the bench for her first term which marks an historic first for the supreme court. three women serving at the same time. however, justice kagan has recused herself from 25 pending cases because of her work as a former solicitor general she's withdrawn to prevent a conflict of reason leaving the possibility of a split 4-4 decisions as the term kicks off. kate bolduan, cnn, washington. >> did you know that some cities are considered brainier than others? we'll explain in the chat room straight ahead. (voice 1) traffic's off the chart... (voice 2) they're pinging more targets... (voice 3) isolate... prevent damage... (voice 2) got 'em. (voice 3) great exercise guys. let's run it again.
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suspect u.s. drone strikes have been increasing in pakistan. yesterday three drone strikes killed 18 people, mostly militants. pakistan's ambassador speaking on "state of the union" saying that pakistan does not want u.s. troops on its soil and his country will fight terrorism on its own schedule and not washington's schedule. rutgers university will hold a candlelight vigil tonight for tyler clemente after he jumped from a bridge into the hudson river. his roommate and another student are charged with invasion of privacy after they taped his sexual encounter without his knowledge and broadcast it on a website. benjamin netanyahu is urging mahmoud abbas to continue talks.
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at issue is settlement building. a freeze expired just last sunday. palestinian leaders say they want to extend it or they will leave the talks. israel has not yet agreed to reinstating the freeze. all right. welcome to the chat room now. bonnie schneider here. this is one of the highlights of our hour. we get to talk about all those funny little things out there. we think they need air time including a pro football player chad ochocinco his cereal in a boo-boo. >> pulled from the shelves because of a bad typo that included a phone number that's supposed to belong to a charity feed the children but the number is actually a sex line. feed the children said they sent the wrong number to the cereal company. >> it's feed the children's error and not necessarily the cereal company or even ochocinco. he even had a comment. he tweeted about it. he says he feels horrible about
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it. do we have that quote from him? okay. the answer is no. >> that's the last thing you want. >> trying to do something good and then something like this happened. they're trying to do the right thing by pulling cereal from the shelves. >> check the numbers butterfly print that. >> we always check a number before you go on the air. it's a practice you have to do. you have a kids buying cereal. >> good point. >> that's my commentary for the day, right. okay. let's talk about the brainiest cities out there. some no brainers. we know washington, d.c. tops the list. >> look who is from washington d.c. our own fredricka whitfield. >> it's so true. it's the smartest town. it's a big college town. you can be on the metro. you can be at any bus stop. you can be in any restaurant or any park and you start a conversation with anyone and it's a fantastic conversation.
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people are smart in that town. san francisco, san jose and out east, raleigh, north carolina and boston, massachusetts, where i used to live before atlanta. so many universities there. that's not surprising at all. >> and then there is a list for what they say are the less intelligent, less educated. >> this doesn't mean everyone that lives there. >> i happen to like a lot of these cities. i don't know if folks will like being on this list. new york. >> that's surprising. >> very surprising. los angeles again very surprising. san diego, las vegas. >> too much fun. >> as we go on this list of cities that have made a name for themselves, there are also cities that some would say are rather haunted. >> it's october now. closer to halloween. we have to start thinking of places to go for halloween that are a little scary out there. has this list just in time for halloween.
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number one is savannasavannah, . beautiful city. gettysburg. salem, massachusetts. new orleans. >> i could see new orleans. i love new orleans. it does sometimes have a little something in the air there and you know what? same goes for savannah. only because i think of the moss hanging from the oak trees. it is beautiful but there is something haunted about it. >> i spent many halloweens in salem, massachusetts. it's a great time for halloween. >> talk about old cities. talk about old cities with pretty significant pasts. some might want to draw some connections of the type of history associated with and salem and witches and it's halloween season. why not? >> and then let's talk about something that has made growing up so fun for so many people.
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"flintstones" turning 50. fred flintstone. everyone loves him. barney, wilma, betty. >> it's funny watching this after all these years. >> there's the dinosaur pet. >> i love the car. i always wanted to do that. >> i love "the flintstones." i'm fredricka. everyone called me fred flintstone. it's natural that my dog would be named dino. >> i didn't know that. >> happy birthday. >> dino sticking his head through the convertible top there. my dog does that. he was doing that. there's my dino right there. he's a standard poodle. dinosaur like there. >> definitely. love them.
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>> happy birthday. and of course when "the flintstones" came out, it was the first television on american television to show a man and a woman in bed together. >> i didn't know that. >> fred and wilma. all clean cut stuff but it was a cartoon to appeal to both adults and children and it did then and it has forever and it lives on. 50 and still strong. >> that's right. >> thanks so much. >> it was fun. >> we'll see you later because we have crazy weather in the east coast and other places too. here's a question for you. pretty alarming one. what would you do if your child was kidnapped and taken overseas and you knew where your child was but you were not allowed to actually get your child back? it's a troubling problem for many american parents and we'll look at how u.s. lawmakers are trying to fix that. getting stuck month.pullt sweat every day to make an honest buck...month. and if you're gonna try and do this in anything other than a chevy...
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all right. the u.s. is issuing a new travel alert for americans in europe. the u.s. state department cites information suggesting that al qaeda and other terror groups continue to plan attacks. the alert urges americans to be aware of their surroundings and remind them of the potential for terror attacks at tourists sites and on public transportation systems. the state department says it is not telling americans to avoid traveling in europe but rather advising them to take "common sense precautions." how are americans who are heading overseas to europe reacting to this new travel alert? we sent our stephanie elam to newark international airport to find out. >> reporter: fred, for most of the people that we talked to really it's just about continuing on with your day and continuing on with your plans and even if that involves going to europe. we talked to a few people today and they say i planned these trips a while ago. plane tickets are expensive in this economy. i won't give up on my travel plans. here are a couple people that i spoke to today at newark
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airport. >> i think it's just normal for me. we're just cautious when we're in an unusual area to begin with. air travel is so common, we are either traveling by small plane because we don't have a lot of roads or we're traveling by jet to get out of the states so it's just a mode of transportation we take for granted and we're still pay attention but not necessarily uncomfortable. if they came back and said we prefer you not traveling or if it was something more than just being diligent to saying we have a lot more activity. >> i made the arrangements six months ago. it would probably take an incident of some sort where there was really danger. >> you only live once. i can't let those people terrorize me. >> reporter: with that in mind it's interesting to note that of
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the people that we talked to one person definitely heard it before he got to the airport but he's coming from new jersey. one woman has been traveling for a while because she was coming from alaska so she heard it when she got to new jersey but she said it wasn't on facebook or anywhere else until we told her about it and the other woman said she heard about it before she left california but it didn't impact her. she's part of a tour. she feels safe. it would take a lot more than that to deter them. as far as the new york port authority is concerned, new york police department saying they are diligent about what they hear. i want to read this statement that we have for you. they are saying that the new york police department monitors intelligence from around the world every day and while there's nothing specific regarding an attack on new york city, we adjust our counterterrorism duties. that's from paul browne. so as far as we're concerned and the people that we have spoken to, it's really business as usual. travel. do what you need to do.
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be more aware of yourself as you head abroad. >> stephanie elam at newark airport. thanks so much. cancer, the word alone can be frightening to anyone but what if there was something you could do to avoid it? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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a look at our top stories. the trapped miners in chile could be home with their families sooner than expected. rescuers say they could reach the men by the middle of this month. they've been trapped underground since early august. the first test of a rescue ca capsule was carried out on
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thursday. members of the high court were in washington this morning for red mass. it celebrated every year for members of the legal profession and it's always held the day before the u.s. supreme court actually begins its new term. critics call it an unhealthy mix of politics, law and religion. so much information as it pertains to health and medicine. we'll try to break it down for you. you will see a lot of pink ribbons this month. it's national breast cancer awareness month which focuses on causes, preventions and of course research. our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen has the story of one survivor who through her own research discovered a new test affecting both her and her young daughter. >> reporter: she beat breast cancer but is terrified it will come back and what scares her even more is that her daughter
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will always get it. so she's about to take a cutting edge test to find out if there's a gene for breast cancer hiding in her dna and if so, has her daughter inherited it? the test takes about a minute. the test searches deep into a woman's dna to look for breast cancer genes. >> this is the blood sample. to everyone this is just a vial of blood. but to her it's her future. and perhaps even more importantly, this is about her daughter. this is about what happens to her daughter. if this test does show she has a dangerous genetic mutation, she'll have her ovaries and other breast removed and there would be a 50-50 chance that she passed that chance down to her daughter. >> i feel guilty this is part of her vocabulary and this is part of her world. in the same breath i feel like maybe i'm teaching her a lesson.
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knowledge is power. a month passes and the doctor has the results in her hand. >> no surgery needed. >> it's negative. i don't believe it. >> mom got her results. it's negative. >> how did it feel to tell her now? >> getting to tell her was the hugest thing of that news. i did it for her. >> what's pretty amazing is she discovered this cutting edge test on her own from other breast cancer survivors. what lessons have you learned from all this? >> i have to keep searching. i can't rest on my laurels. >> by do her own research, she stayed ahead of breast cancer. elizabeth cohen, cnn, new york. >> so we're about to talk to two women who took that very same test. they have never had cancer but
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they have a predisposition to develop it. a book out this week profiles five women that details the life changing decisions they have made. two of them right now joining me from ft. lauderdale, florida. rory clark, good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> and suzanne. good to see you as well. ladies, this is a very difficult road for many to travel. some might say to see that there is a test that can let them know especially with a family history of cancer that this really can be the light at the end of the tunnel or give you an idea how to proceed. i wonder, rory, for you, how enlightening was taking this test and how much did it help you make decisions about what would be next for you? >> well, it was everything for me. i watched my mother die a
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horrible death from ovarian cancer. shortly after that i watched my sister battle ovarian cancer and she also has the gene and after she was tested and went through eight rounds of chemotherapy i knew that i had to get tested for the gene as well and mine did come back positive. i feel so powerful that i have and so thankful that i have this knowledge. >> the gene for some folks who are just hearing this for the first time this is the gene of o ovarian cancer. you tested positive. what did you do with that information? >> it's the ovarian cancer and breast cancer gene. what i did with that information is i started doing a lot of research meeting with several doctors and what they told me and what they recommended was that i went ahead and did a hysterectomy and a double mastectomy and to be honest with
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you, i was completely floored. i was not expecting this. and i really was not ready to do something like that. i did surveillance for a very long time until i knew that i had to have a hysterectomy. i had several close calls. i had several biopsies done with my breast and i decided i needed to have a double mastectomy. >> there are some people in the medical community who called that very radical when they listen to other women who have taken that preventive measure and preemptive measure. now that you have done that, do you feel a lot of relief? do you think that's the direction that you needed to go in order to feel some kind of comfort or some reassurance about your future and cancer? >> my god absolutely. i have three children that i
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need to be here for. and the fear, the mental anguish i would go through every six months of doing surveillance and not to mention the cost. i feel so free now and i feel so lucky to be healthy and be alive after watching what my mother and my sister thank god she's alive and well but i feel so thankful and so less worried. >> is that something that you can empathize with that you relate to and feel like this preventive measure really does give you some freedom and is it the case that more women in particular are taking this route or is this still what some medical experts call radical and maybe rare. >> they can call it whatever they want. cancer is pretty bad. if i could take steps to prevent myself from getting it, the information is empowering. the organization we both met
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through facing our stands for facing our risk of cancer empowered. we have power to change our future. my mother never had that opportunity. she got breast cancer in the '60s. they didn't even have chemotherapy then. but i had the test. i had my mastectomy which i think is what scares a lot of people and why they think of it as so radical. but plastic surgery has come so far that i look better now than i did before my surgery. and i think if women know that they would know there's nothing to be afraid of. >> wasn't there trepidation on your part. did it take a while to say my answer is yes. i'm going to do this mastectomy right now as a preventive measure? >> not even for a second. >> you didn't hesitate? >> nope. it was run, don't walk. i couldn't get into that operating room fast enough because i was nearing the age of my mother's diagnosis and even
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though statistically my odds were not high of being positive due to my family history, i on some very primitive level knew there was a problem. so i was actually really pro-surgery. not everyone is. it's not for everybody. i couldn't live with that anxiety anymore. i drove myself crazy every year, every mammogram and just panic until the next year. because i was that sure i was going to end up the way my mother ended up. >> your stories are in this book. there are three other ladies. their stories are documented in this as well. what do you want people to learn from this firsthand account of being a previvor. >> what i want men and women to learn is that if they do have a family history to make sure that they are aware of the choices out there and to do surveillance
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and definitely go to to find out if you are at risk. you can locate genetic counselors and mammogram facilities and the power to not be afraid. this is a gift of knowledge. >> i was very afraid to have surgery. >> absolutely. it's very empowering. there's nothing to be afraid of. cancer is far scarier than what we went through. don't sit around and wait for somebody to tell you what to do. no one told me to get a test. i never even knew what a breast mri was. i should have had that information. i gave my family history to every physician i was examined by. i found out on my own through the internet. thank god for that because i don't know if i would be sitting here right now if i didn't take those steps myself and not wait for somebody to do it for me.
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>> ladies, thank you so much for your courage and for sharing this and for being who you are in sharing your story. appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> and of course in addition to the book coming out august 5th there's also a free educational iphone app. next sunday we'll talk with the genetic counselor about testing and whether or not your insurance will cover it and this programming note. empowered patient taking control of your health care. a special by senior health correspondent elizabeth cohen airs tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. president obama's former chief of staff wants chicago residents to tell him like it is as he tours the city tomorrow. one more step in rahm emanuel's run for mayor. a political update coming up. a d and launched a d
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let's check on what's hot in the cnn political ticker. rahm emanuel plans to launch a tell it like it is neighborhood tour tomorrow in chicago. that word from his new website. he stepped down friday as president obama's chief of staff wants to hear what chicago residents would like from their next mayor. emanuel is expected to move back to chicago and announce that he's running for the city's highest office. two senators butted heads today over how many congressional seats democrats might lose if the midterm elections. on cnn's "state of the union" republican john cornyn and mendendez says they will give up seats but mendendez says his party will keep the majority in the senate. and the republican party is taking special aim at house
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speaker nancy pelosi. the rnc's fire pelosi bus tour is rolling across the country as the midterm elections draw closer. today's stop las vegas where gop chairman michael steele is holding a rally. for the latest political news, is the place to be. your child is taken to another country and your parental rights are not recognized. changes are on the way. ♪
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the u.s. is hoping to pressure japan to do something
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about international child abductions. when a couple divorces and one is a japanese citizen and the other is not, the japanese parent can hide their children in japan. we look at what u.s. lawmakers are now trying to do to change that. >> reporter: the resolution overwhelmingly passed by the u.s. house of representatives is a call to japan. return abducted american children home to their american parents. for one father in this crowd, it's a small victory in a year of struggle with international laws. >> this is no longary david versus goliath fight. it will not go away until our children are returned. >> reporter: exactly one year ago christopher savoie sat in this chair.
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his ex-wife abducted their two children to japan. a u.s. court gave full custody of the children to savoie but when savoie attempted to take his children to the u.s. embassy, japanese police stopped him and arrested him because he was on japanese soil and japanese law recognizes the ex-wife as custodian and not abductor and savoie was charged with child abduction. savoie was released after more than two weeks but ordered to stay out of japan and away from his children. >> the japanese government needs to do the right thing not just because it's the morally correct thing to do but because it's not in japan's national interest to allow its citizens to continue to ignore international law. >> reporter: the governments of the u.s., u.k., france, italy, spain, canada, australia, and new zealand urged japan to sign onto the international agreement that protects children from child abduction.


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