tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 4, 2010 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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kudos to you for ur work in the detroit area. poppy, appreciate it. thank you. remember, just go to for more stories on healthy eating. it's also where you can learn how to unlock the healthy eating badge on four score. cnn continues right now with don lemon. >> did you just call it four square like the internet? >> yeah, i'm not really sure. i need help with that. >> always a pleasure to be hanging out with you in the same room. i'm don lemon today. a new term, a new court. never had women had so much influence on the highest court in the land, and they start with some big controversial cases on the docket. our jeffrey dubin, he wrote the book on all of this called "the nine." he'll look ahead for us. it is not your old school bullying. the internet age taking it to an entirely new level. we're talking about death here. how to stop it, how to save the
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victims. our network focus this week. plus, google. a google bigwig is here live. if you want to know where you and the internet are heading next, make sure you stay tuned. we're going to start with this. we start with a still developing story now. we're learning some startling new details right now about an origin of an al-qaeda terrorist plot that triggered this weekend's european travel alert. european intelligence says a group of jihadists from the city of hamburg are on a plot to launch terrorist attacks on so-called soft targets in a number of european cities. german officials say the jihadists were all recruited from the mosque in hamburg, germany which officials there say shut down in august. now they say it had become a recruiting center for jihadists across europe. it is the same mosque, incidental incidentally, attended by the
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9/11 hijacker. german officials say the group behind the latest plot left hamburg for the tribal areas back in 2009 and most of them joined an al-qaeda link group joining forces across the border in afghanistan. we're being told one of those men was a german citizen of iranian descent. late in 2009, he appeared in a video wielding a knife and a gun and urging other germans to join in a holy war against other forces in afghanistan. several other people are taped in the video and shown with various weapons in what appears to be a live fire exercise. several scenes show them storming certain cities with knives and guns and what officials fear could be used in western cities, much like the 2008 attacks that terrorized m
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mumb mumbai, india. a german citizen of iraqi descent was arrested in afghanistan in july. we're also learning from pakistani forces that eight german nationals have been killed in a suspected drone strike in northern mack sta-- pakistan, but we don't have identities. he was taken for questioning. he has not been charged with anything. intelligence sources in germany say he is cooperating with the investigation and giving them new information every day. the other thing that is worth noting here is that several alleged militants who failed to make it to pakistan's tribal areas are now back in germany and they're being watched by german forces. all of this sparked a security alert for americans traveling to europe. the alert issued over the weekend is not suggesting americans should cancel their travel plans, it's mainly urging them to be extra aware of what's going on around them, especially
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if they're near tourist areas or taking public transportation. it doesn't go into specifics. britain also told its citizens to be on alert when traveling in france and germany, france ask ge -- and germany especially. for a better understanding of the plot and how it's being dealt with, we have terrorist analyst and investigate or paul cruickshank. he joins us from hamburg. where do you think the attackers are now? >> we really don't know where they are right now. it's very difficult to tell whether this attack was imminent or whether it was just in the planning stages. the german authorities we're talking to over the last couple days are saying they consider this plot was not imminent, but it is not entirely clear whether western security services have complete control over this plot at this stage, don. >> what are they doing specifically? if you can talk about tracking these people down.
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>> what we do know is there is a strong hamburg connection to this plot. foot soldiers in the plot were from hamburg, some of the planners were from the city of hamburg. in march 2009, a group of about 11 people left the city and went to ma pakistan and joined up with al-qaeda and received some training. a number of this group became involved with this plot. that includes sadiki who was arrested in july and taken to afghanistan air force base in afghanistan and enter gatd inte u.s. officials. three of this group are at large in the travel areas of pakistan, we're told. part of the investigation will be to try to figure out where these people are, don. >> all right. paul cruikshank, we appreciate it. we may need to get back to you
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as this story continues unfolding. as campaign debates go, the one in california over the weekend was really a scalding hot one. fireworks erupted when meg whitman attacked rival jerry brown over immigration policy. what really fired her up was brown's opinions over immigration policy. >> you should be ashamed, you and your surrogates put her deportation at risk. you put her out there and you should be ashamed for sacrificing nicki diaz. i took account dability. we hired someone we thought was legal. she was not. we unfortunately had to let her go. would you have liked me to call the general's office to have her deported? >> if you can't stand up on your own two feet and say, hey, i
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made a mistake, i'm sorry, let's go on from here. you have blamed her, blamed me, blamed the left, blamed the unions but you don't take accountability. >> whitman was hounded over her former housekeeper all last week when it was revealed she had worked for whitman for nine years. most polls show whitman and brown neck and neck. most latinos are vying for the republican vote. for the highest court in the land, summer vacation ends today. we'll look at the new term and the new court when we come right back. ♪
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welcome back, everyone. this is the first monday by tradition that supreme court justices suit up for a new term of arguments, decisions and orders. but this first monday is really a first. never before have three of the sitting justices been women. former solicitor general elena kagan, you see her right there, she takes her place today alongside sonia sotomayor who is starting her second term. the last one retired after 20 years on the court. it's a so-called religious protest at funerals. then next week, they will try to force the state to run the dna
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test on evidence. and a state tries to ban violent video games to children. and then they try to confirm their workers are in this country legally. our senior analyst jeffrey tubin has been waiting for this all summer. or not. good to see you, jeffrey. >> good to see you, don. the most interesting to me is the case involving the baptist church, because it really is a case about what the first amendment is sometimes called freedom for the thought that we hate. because this behavior by the members of this tiny church is so awful and so painful, they're the ones who protest at the funerals of service members, most of whom have died in iraq and afghanistan. you've got this horribly painful time for their families, talking
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about anti-gay signs that they're holding, which obviously have nothing to do with the soldiers, but the question is, are their actions protected by the first amendment? it's a really hard question. >> here's what i found very interesting about this. even before she got started, elena kagan has already recused herself from a number of cases she worked on in the solicitor general's office. that will make it a possible 4-4 tie when the court takes them on. that's a possibility, which means all their work might be for naught. what is it, 25 or so cases she may recuse herself from? >> i think it's 24. it's come up before when solicitor generals have been nominated to the supreme court. there have been others who have been appointed to the supreme court. you know, the skprujustices serr
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a long time. 24 cases in the scope of a supreme court career is not very long. there are 4-4 ties occasionally in the court because sometimes justices have to recuse thems, sometimes they're sick. it happens, but i doubt it will loom very large in elena kagan's very long tenure in the court. >> it's been a while since i read your book "nine." i can't remember if you touch on this, maybe you do, but senator patri patri patrick leahy asked one of those other justices to step in when one of the justices is recused. it seems fairly simple, but is that a possibility? is it viable? >> it's certainly a possibility. that's how appeals courts work. all the circuit courts of appeals when a judge recuses him
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or herself, they have a supreme court judge. the justices have never worked that way. it does seem like a suggestion, but the supreme court operates very much according to tradition, moves slowly when it comes to changing its procedures. that's why i think there will be cameras in the supreme court when hell freezes over. i just think stuff doesn't happen very fast. the congress didn't tamper with the supreme court's procedures. i think it's a good suggestion for senator leahy, but i'm not holding my breath when it actually happens. >> it will be interesting to see women on the supreme court, three women now. jeffrey toobin, thank you very much. the book is called "nine," and it's about this very issue. $90 million to customers past and present. you might be one of them. we've got the details for you.
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the company may not be happy about this, but i'm sure some customers are because verizon says it will be doling out millions of dollars in refunds. what got verizon in this situation? i'm sure they're not happy about it, but they have to do it. how did they get here? >> how they got here was a couple years, it looks like, of improperly charging for data sessions for some verizon customers that didn't even have a data plan so you were being charged for accessing the web or using data you weren't even using. so here's what's going to happen. in october and in november, if you're one of these customers,
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you're going to get a refund, a credit on your verizon wireless bill anywhere between $2 and $6. 15 million customers will receive this credit. if you're a normer verizon wireless customer, you'll get a check in the mail for your 2 to $6. so i would say be sure verizon knows what your current address is, because they took this money out of your pocket so you want to get it back. a verizon spokesman told us there was a software glitch and they were improperly charging this money. it involved minor data exchanges caused by software built into their phones. others were caused by accessing the web which should not have incurred charges. the sec has been investigating this for ten months and says it looks like it's anywhere from 15 million or more money that consumers lost. the fcc a little irritated.
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we're glad to see verizon finally paying their customers but we're wondering why it took two years to reimburse its customers and why greater disclosure and other corrective actions did not come much, much sooner. it does raise some questions about when you might have -- maybe a little other money might have been coming out -- it mow -- me it raises a question that i need to look at all my bills and make sure i didn't pay nofo things i didn't get. >> i'm sure over the last week, cell phones have been around, i'm sure i had a verizon account somewhere at some point in time. are they going to find me or do i really need to do some digging? what should the customer do? >> if you're a current verizon wireless customer, they are going to credit your account in october and in november. if you are no longer a verizon
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customer, they're going to send you a check in the mail. if you moved three times, don, i would suggest you contact the company and make sure they have your kurcurrent address on file. >> 2 to $6 isn't much. but some customers will get more. >> some think they're owed a lot more than that and it's gone on fo fora couple years. the fcc still investigating and wants to know why it took verizon so long. >> a lot of people watching their portfolio closely. what do you think this will do to them financially? >> i think if they come back quickly and pay everyone quickly ask make sure it doesn't happen again, it's a bump in the road you can get over. but if it's an ongoing series of glitches, it will no doubt hurt their reputation. >> christine romans, you explain everything so skillfully. thank you. have a great day.
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>> thapgnks, don. >> you can see christine romans on "your money." you can see them saturdays as well at 1:00 p.m. and sundays at 3b8 3:00 p.m. americans traveling in europe are urged to be extra cautious and aware of their surroundings. a subsidiary of shell oil company is clollaborating with the folks behind the oil cleanup exchange. it's a competition to find innovative ways to catch oil slicks floating on the surface. they will provide technical support for that challenge. a national survey on american sexual behavior has turned up some very interesting stuff. one tidbit says teens actually reported a higher rate of condom use than adults. this was the biggest u.s. sex study since 1994. it was funded by the maker of
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trojan condoms. all right, for two years now, he was a target. so tired of being bullied, he got a gun and killed himself. his name is ty smalley. he was 11 years old. a powerful conversation with his father is coming up next. you don't want to miss it. a di? of one financial company that grew stronger through the crisis. when some lost their way, this company led the way. by protecting clients and turning uncertainty into confidence. what if that story were true? it is. ♪ [ but aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours. it is. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? good, how are you? [ male announcer ] aleve. proven better on pain.
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if fever, unexplained weakness or confusion develops, tell your doctor promptly. these may be signs of ttp, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition, reported sometimes less than 2 weeks after starting plavix. other rare but serious side effects may occur. a family's nightmare spurs a father's mission. he's trying to open eyes to the harm bullying can cause, the kind of emotional pain that can drive a sixth grader to take his own life. >> reporter: kurt smalley so a
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mission. there he is at a high school, trying to put a stop to bullying. >> i have to make a difference. i promised my son on father's day this year i'd stop this from happening to another child. >> for years, smalley's son ty struggled with a bully at school. >> when you say he was being picked on, how was he being picked on? >> name calling. tyler was always kind of small, shoved here, pushed there. >> his father said tyler was a typical kid with typical grades who took the abuse for two years. on the day tyler finally decided to push back physically, he got in trouble. he was suspended from school. for ty, that was too much to bear. on that day, last may, he killed himself. he was 11 years old. >> ultimately, my son's safety
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rested in my hands. i was responsible for my son's safety. i don't hold -- >> that's a harsh thing to say about yourself. >> i'm his dad. >> i know, but he's out in the world. sdp >> it's my job to protect him. no matter what, no matter where he was, it was my job to protect him. >> reporter: but how do you protect your child from a bully? assistant deputy education secretary kevin jennings was appointed by president obama to keep kids safe at school. ty's story could easily have been his own. >> were you bullied in school? >> like many kids, i was bullied very severely in junior high and high school, and in the first day of tenth grade, i refused to go back to school because i
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wasn't going to go somewhere where i was bullied every day. >> reporter: he came up with the bully protection program, but they con even agree what caused bullying. >> when might something happen? when might the federal government act and say, these are the guidelines we want to put in place. do it. >> i think it's taken a long time to develop a bullying problem and it's going to take a long time to solve t. >> there are no federal guidelines schools must follow to deal with bullying. they're on their own. in smalley's state of oklahoma, each school district deals with bullying in different ways. it's something else that infuriates smalley. >> a lot of schools, their answer to bullying is they let the victim leave early, get a head start on the bully. you're singling this child out now, this child who has been
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picked on. >> the change comes too late, but kurt smalley is on his mission. it's why he organized his vigils at the state house. he thinks bullying ought to be a crime and it's why he encourages other kids to stand up for the bullied. >> they have a fragile self-esteem. save their lives. >> reporter: it's a promise to a boy who loved his family. >> we haven't done his last load of laundry because it smells like him. we haven't washed his sheets because i can go in there and lay on his bed and smell my boy. you want to learn what bullying and suicide is all about? talk to the people directly who it affects the most.
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>> i wen t to the media conference at georgia tech. >> you guys are always on par with the greatest, latest, newest technology. what are the next things you folks at google feel? >> there are so many. the one that i like is the idea that automatic computer-based translation can make all humans able to talk to all other humans, to remove the language barrier is fantastic. we're so excited about that. android phones, take a picture and it will show you the spanish, greek, american version you like. we do 50 languages automatic translation now. i'm excited about that. >> that's amazing. i think it's almost going to be like star trek when you beam people in. i think it will be that sort of interactive on the internet when it comes to that. i know you guys are really big when it comes to 3-d technology. you have something called a
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liquid galaxy technology. talk about that. >> google earth has always been on cnn. we're real proud of that ask we built a fancier version that perhaps around 360 degrees so you can see the whole city flying around you. it's really exciting. we built a couple of those and made them available to people, and now schools can have their own perfect virtual experience. >> did you ever, at any point at google -- obviously, someone came up with the idea because they thought it would be successful, but did you ever think so many people would be using it, that it would be -- like when you make a copy of something, people now say xerox or coca-cola. now it's google it rather than do an internet search. did you think that would ever happen? >> no. you do something and you hope people like it. in the case of google earth, there were four of us that started something and it's used by 7 million people now.
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so the idea you could go from a dining room to 7 million happy people is exciting. >> and still growing, mike. >> absolutely. >> i want to talk about some of the pictures you have. you documented some of the most incredible pictures on earth. there is an airplane graveyard that looks like a huge cruise liner. airline graveyards, looks like a huge cruise liner shaped like a mall in a gigantic palm-tree shaped island in dubai. >> i like seeing my home, where i grew up, and i think several million people like that as well. >> i don't actually like my home being on google earth. >> you should move. >> you can get it removed from google earth? there is no way to block it? >> no, the pictures taken from space are fair game. >> i have to ask you this,
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because when there is erroneous information, because on the internet people do a google search, and especially being in the public eye, a lot of it is not true. it's so tough to remove it. is there a process, can you remove it? that's a big concern for a lot of folks. you don't like going on the internet and goog ling thipngs and it's not true. >> i think you don't remove things from reality, you add more good things to reality. the more visible you are, people can tell you look good. >> it's sometimes a little bit more serious than that and has to do with reputation or for the record books or whatever. anyone people see line, they believe it. but again, you're here at georgia tech for -- >> the future media conference. >> do you write blogs? >> i write the blog sometimes. >> mike jones. interesting stuff from google. what a success story. thank you, sir. >> thank you for having us.
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we're talking about google earth and our big i segment. our next destination is pakistan and we've put together some information to show you what's going on over there. another attack on a truck convoy loaded with vittlal supplies fo u.s. and nato troops in afghanistan. it was the fourth attack in as
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many days on these con invoicvo crucial because they carry supplies critical, things like food, dloclothing, fuel. the supply route begins in pakistan's southern port city of karachi. supplies brought by ship and loaded onto trucks there, and the major land route goes up the country to tukan. and they were stuck there at the kaiber pass. that move came after a u.s. air strike mistakenly killed three pakistani soldiers. once through the kaiber pass here, they traveled to jalalabad. from there to kabul and other
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distribution points. the other key land route starts also in karachi and runs to beluchistan province, crossing the border again. just to give you the idea of the territory we're talking about. from there the trucks enter into the afghan provinces of helman and kandahar. there is also one more by air, and that is right here at the top of your screen. this is the only u.s. base in central asia. weapons, ammunition and troops are flown from this base to kabul and to kandahar. we gave you some perspective on what we're dealing with there, especially our troops, and the major supply route here, the territory. my question is, what do you have on these new reports that eight suspected german militants were
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killed in a suspected drone attack? that is the new information. >> well, we're checking on that with the pakistani officials, don. what we have so far is two pakistani officials, one civilian, one from the intelligence services saying that indeed eight german nationals were killed in a suspected drone strike in northwest xeristan. anyone who has been in a strike knows it's hard to tell who was in a building or car. that often takes dna evidence to see that. if this is true, there is a question whether or not this might be linked to the alleged terror plot in europe which also seems to have originated among german nationals. don? >> let's get back to the convoy. what do you have on that attack on the convoy? >> well, there were two attacks today. one in the early morning hours, which is the highly prolific one where 20 tanker trucks were going up in flames that were
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attacked pretty much in the middle of the night. massive flames coming up from there. all in all in the past four days, 50 nato tanker trucks that were supplying troops have been destroyed here on pakistani soil. we've been speaking to pakistani drivers there in that gate you're talking about in torkum and they're absolutely in fear. because that road is closed down right now, they say they're basically sitting targets to be attacked by militants. the trucks are the only things they have and they fear for their lives and their livelihoods, don. >> thank you, appreciate your reporting. sharon engel meets privately to lead the senate race and that's caught on ticker. you're at cnn. ♪
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it is time height nright no your cnn political update. watching from the political desk in washington. what's up? >> hey, don. this first story happened in vegas but it didn't stay in vegas. scott ashton, who is the official tea party candidate in the nevada senate race, secretly tape recorded a conversation he had with sarah engel who is the senate leader there. she says she is worried she might not run if this other fellow scott ashton stays in the race and she basically said, look, if you exit, i can get you meetings with some heavy hirtsz
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in washington, d.c. that's potentially embarrassing for an outsider like engel who is not playing politics as usual. some say she is a leader willing to shake things up, but no comment about those embarrassing remarks. expect to hear more about this tape in the coming days. in wisconsin, moving further to the east, bad news for some democrats. russ feingold, the liberal in the senate, he's been there 18 years. new polls show he is trailing republican opponent ron johnson by 7 points. very bad news for the democrats and the republican has a 23-point lead among independents. that will be hard to make up for the democrats. this is one of those races national republicans are really targeting for a takeover. finally a showdown in connecticut tonight where world wrestling executive linda mcmann has her first debate with bl
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blumenth blumenthal. he is the attorney general that got into trouble for saying he might have been over in vietnam when really he was serving in the military here in the u.s. expect that issue to come up, and also, don, she made some remarks about the minimum wage last week, whether or not she thinks that should be tweaked. expect that to be in the big debate as well. >> the next cnn politics update just an hour away right here on cnn. when it comes to food that's good for you, you could call detroit a food desert. but at long last, that's beginning to change and we'll explain right after this. ime fo. the day marches on, back to more pills. and when he's finally home... but hang on; just two aleve can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is steven, who chose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain.
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so right now we are taking up where we left off last week last week with our series called eatocracy, mind, body, and wallet. today's issue, how can you know if you're not healthy? it was addressed in his hometown of detroit, and with good reason, the obesity rate is 50% higher than the national average, and the diabetes rate, 70% higher. but things are finally starting to change now. here's cnn's poppy harlow. >> reporter: detroit has become known as a food desert because it's so hard to find fresh food in areas like this one, the cash corridor in detroit. this is what you see so much, liquor, beer, wine, convenience store. this is what people in low income neighborhoods have. let's see what we could get in here. do you have any fresh food, any vegetables or fruit or anything?
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>> no, we don't carry anything. >> reporter: nothing like that? do you have any fresh food, any vegetables, any fruit, anything like that? no? do you have any good grocery stores around here? >> no, ma'am. >> reporter: anything good around here? >> no fruit, no vegetables. >> people's health outcomes are put in danger as a result of this, so the real cost of this is tremendous. ♪ >> reporter: why do you care about helping people get access to healthy food? >> we have a food system that's as broken as our health care system, as our energy system, and as our education system. ♪ >> in detroit we know that about
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500,000 of this city's population do not haveccess to healthy and fresh food. >> reporter: that's more than half the population of detroit. how important is it to you, as a mother of nine, to make sure all these kids have healthy fresh food and not fast food every day? >> it's extremely important because the food they eat is life for their body and life for their mind, their brain, and i want them to be able to perform at their full potential. >> reporter: is it a social injustice issue? >> it is, but, you know, it's a choice that even low income can make. i'll take these right there. >> so we're trying to work in a variety of ways to help fix this broken food system, and our double up food bucks project is one way we're doing that. >> thank you. >> i get double my money every time i swipe my bridge card. it's a huge help. you're getting twice as much. >> how much was this? >> $5. >> reporter: for the entire thing? >> yes. >> reporter: pretty much all the food here at detroit's eastern
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market is from michigan, but as the demand for local food grows, more and more people are saying, why not turn all of this abandoned land in the middle of detroit into farm land, urban farming? >> the city of detroit has 40 square miles of vacant, foreclosed property. we have plenty of land to work with, being able to within your own neighborhood, go out and pick fresh fruits and vegetables for your family is a step forward for detroit. >> reporter: you really think this is going to be an apple orchard in two years? >> we know it will be. people in detroit are hopeful, optimists. they believe that detroit is a great city. even though we've gone through a downturn, there's always a sense there will be a comeback, and the comeback will be breathtaking. >> unbelievable. poppy harlow joins us now from new york. poppy, it's hard to fathom for many people, when you don't live in an area like that, when you
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see a supermarket every couple of blocks, you showed us two possible solutions to the food crisis. just how serious is this problem in detroit? >> reporter: i mean, i think, you know, you said it at the outset, the fact they have 50% higher obesity, 70% higher diabetes. detroit can't get a break. they have a broken education system. they have a true jobs crisis on their hand, worse than most places in this country, and the reality for 500,000 people living in detroit, don, is if they want anything remotely healthy, they have to drive twice as far or take the bus twice as far just to try to find a grocery store. there was actually a study that came out that's pretty unbelievable. it was done two years ago. and it said the reality is people that live in low income neighborhoods don't have the access to healthy fresh food, and they're more likely to suffer, even die prematurely because of diseases related to the lack of nutrients. this is a life and death situation in detroit. two people doing really amazing things, helping people use food stamps to get healthy food. and if we see this, don, it will
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be a spectacular revolution for detroit, taking 40 square miles in the middle of the city and turning them into the world's biggest urban farm, as you heard in the piece. they're pretty confident they can do it. we'll keep a close eye on it. love to see that instead of abandoned houses, right, don? >> an eye opening report. you're right on. thank you, poppy harlow, joining us from new york. want to tell you about an interesting get out the vote campaign. come november, could you imagine casting a ballot in the buff, in your birthday suit? that's one of our odds and ends, and every pun intended there. what's this option? that's new.
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their protests, don't they? but a planned demonstration over the weekend had some people really scratching their heads. a group called the organization for minorities of india is demanding the city remove a statue of gandhi. now, they call his pacifist image a myth and say they're trying to expose his racism. the statue has been there for 22 years, and the city says it stays. a group seeking to get out the vote in illinois is trying a tongue in cheek tactic. follow me here. go with me here. vote naked illinois has put together a pretty funny youtube video urging folks to cast their ballots in the buff. keep in mind, we've edited it down a little bit here because we don't want to give away too much. in illinois in november, it is pretty chilly. i used to live there. luckily, they're not actually promoting polling place nudity, thank goodness. just trying to publicize a new state law allowing mail-in ballots. now you know.
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actor kevin bacon is being treated like a piece of meat, can you believe it? that's all for a good cause. a bust of bacon made out of bacon is up for auction on ebay. i can't believe they just did this. why didn't they think of this sooner? the guy who made it work at a bacon salt plant, and his daughter is battling leukemia. he was inspired to make the bacon bust to raise money for other kids at seattle's children's hospital. last we checked, the current bid is up to $2,000. very good. veried good. a lot of money for a good cause there. let's go over here because it's a new hour and a new rundown right here on cnn. a new supreme court as well. the man who wrote the book on the court, his name is jeffrey toobin, our senior legal analyst, he is here to take us through what promises to be a controversial term for the changing justices. plus a life line to nato and u.s. troops in afghanistan under attack, shut down by insurgents with rockets and bombs.
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how will our men and women in uniform get the supplies that they need? plus this. the new bullying causing young people to take their own lives, and parents, don't get mad at me, but i've got some very choice words for you coming up in our xyz segment. we are learning now from pakistani sources that eight suspected militants, german militants have been killed in a drone strike in northwest pakistan. this extremely interesting development follows word that the alleged al qaeda plot that prompted a european-wide travel alert this weekend, had its roots in germany. no word so far on any direct links between the plot and today's strike. european intelligence says jihadists from the german city of hamburg were at the heart of the plot to launch coordinated attacks in a number of european cities, and i want to give you the details right now. german officials say they were all recruited from the taiba
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mosque in officials shut down in august. this is the same mosque that 9/11 hijacker mohamed atta attended back in the '90s. the group behind the latest plot left hamburg for the tribal areas of pakistan in 2009 and joined an al qaeda-linked group fighting u.s. forces across the border in afghanistan. we're told one of those men is jahab dossi. he urged germans to join in a holy war against afghanistan. you can see guns and combat skills which western konter terrorism officials could be used in western cities, much like the terror attacks in mumbai, india. we heard about the plot from another group member, ahmad
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sadiki, a member of german descent, who was arrested in july. he was taken in for questioning, and intelligence forces in germany say he is cooperating with that investigation, offering new details every single day. all of this sparked the u.s. state department security alert for americans traveling in europe to be extra vigilant. britain and japan issued a similar alert for their citizens. for a better understanding of this plot and the hamburg connection, we're joined now by terrorism analyst and investigative reporter mr. paul crookshank. he is in hamburg for us. here's what i want to ask you. we heard just now about the possible men who were in this drone strike, the german nationals in pakistan. what do we know about that? >> reporter: don, i think this is potentially quite significant. the taiba mosque is where some radicals were attending in it 2009. they decided to go to these areas of afghanistan.
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they actually met where the drone strike just took place. and it seems that some of them were foot soldier ins this plot. some of them were playing planning roles in this plot. three of them are still at large, according to counterterrorism officials. so the fact the drone attack is taking place in exactly the area these people were around is potentially quite significant tonight, don. >> i want to ask you this, is this plot still on, giving all the attention and alerts we have been reporting and all the news organizations have been reporting it, do we know if it was imminent? >> reporter: we don't know if the plot was imminent at this point. the germans are saying probably not so imminent, probably long range planning. there's other information coming from other areas. we don't have this information at this point. there's always a concern there's been a travel advisory issue, and it's been treated seriously. >> we've been talking about france, germany, japan, all of
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that. what about -- let's get more specific here. what cities are likely targeted, and what sorts of soft targets could they be looking at? >> reporter: we don't know which cities in particular. we do know that france, britain, and germany were potentially targets in this attack. it could have been capital cities. in terms of the target, it was a mumbai style attack, crowded places, places where people gather, where they can go in and fire automatic weapons and try to kill as many people as possible. that was the nature of what we're hearing about this plot, don. >> all right. paul cruikshank in hamburg, germany, joining us with the latest. thank you very much. let's move on and talk about foll politics. fireworks erupted when republican gubernatorial candidate meg whitman attacked democratic rival jerry brown over immigration policy. what really set whitman off is
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his comments over her illegal immigrant housekeeper. it's our sound bite today. >> you should be ashamed. you and your surrogates put her deportation at risk. you put her out there, and you should be ashamed for sacrificing nicky diaz on the altar of your political ambitions. i took accountability. we hired someone who i thought was here legally. she was not. we unfortunately had to let her go. what would you have had me do? would you have had me call the attorney general's office to have her deported? what would you have had me do? >> don't run for governor if you can't stand up on your own two feet and say, i made a mistake. i'm sorry. let's go on from here. you have blamed her, wlamd me, blamed the left, blamed the unions. you don't take accountability. >> whitman was hounded over her former housekeeper all last week when it was revealed she worked for whitman for nine years. most polls show whitman and brown neck and neck in the race for governor. both candidates vying for the
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room. the president is coming out right now. he is going to speak on economic issues. he's having a big summit there at the white house. let's go and listen to the president. >> and education of our work force. because every business leader in this room knows that the single most important predictor of america's success in the 21st century is how well our workers can compete with workers all around the world. all of our education institutions, from our preschools to our universities, have a critical role to play here. but one of our most undervalued assets as a nation is our network of community colleges. these colleges don't just soon as a gateway to good jobs for millions of middle class americans. community colleges also serve as a pool of talent from which businesses can draw trained, skilled workers. unfortunately, because of the burden the recession has placed on state and local budgets, community colleges have been
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forced to cap enrollments and scrap courses, and even in the best of times, they receive far less funding than four-year colleges and universities. not only is that not right, i think it's not smart. not at a time when so many americans are looking for work and not at a time when so many nations are trying to out educate us today so they can compete with us tomorrow. we need to equip our workers with the skills and training they need for the 21st century. it's an economic imperative. so i said by the year 2020 i want to see an additional 5 million community colleges degrees and certificates in america. to reach this goal, we're making an unprecedented investment in our community colleges -- upgrading them, modernizing them, and challenging these schools to pursue innovative research-oriented approaches to education. and i've asked dr. jill biden, a community college educator for more than 17 years, who's with
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us here today, to help promote community colleges around the country and lead the first ever white house summit on community colleges, which will be taking place tomorrow. and i've asked this economic advisory board to reach out to employers across the country and come up with new ways for businesses, community colleges, and other job training providers to work together. the results of their effort is an initiative called skills for america's future, which we'll be talking about today. and i want to thank penny pritzker and i believe anna berger, and other people around this table for putting in enormous amounts of time on this initiative. the idea is simple. we want to make it easier to connect students looking for jobs with businesses looking to hire. we want to help community colleges and employers create programs that match curricula in the classroom with the needs of the boardrooms. we've already seen cases where this can work. cisco, for example, has been
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working directly with community colleges to prepare students and workers for jobs ranging from work in broadband to health i.t. and all over the country, we know that the most successful communities colleges are those that partner with the private sector. so skills for america's future would help build on these success stories by connecting more employers, schools, and other job training providers and helping them share knowledge about what practices work best. the goal is to ensure that every state in the country has at least one strong partnership between a growing industry and a community college. and already companies from utc to accenture to the gap have announced their support for this initiative as well as business leaders like my friend penny pritzker and at pen institute's isaac washington. i hope other colleges will follow suit, and i'm setting up a task force to work with the business community on this effort. this is just one of those ideas that just makes sense.
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investing in the skills and education of our workers and connecting them with potential employers is something that we should all be able to agree upon, whether republicans or democrats, business leaders or labor leaders, but it can only happen if we maintain our commitment to education. so let me make one last point before we start a broader discussion. i realize that we're facing an untenable fiscal situation. there was a $1.3 trillion deficit staring at me when i took office. and although the economic crisis and the steps we took to stop the free fall clearly added to our fiscal challenges, it's clear we have to get serious about the deficit. that's why i've proposed a three-year freeze on nondiscretionary three-year spending. that's why i've launched a bipartisan deficit reduction commission, which will be reporting in a few months. what i won't do is cut back on investments like education that are directly related to our long
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term economic performance. now is not the time to sacrifice our competitive edge in the global economy. and that's why i disagree so strongly with those on the other side of the aisle to cut education by 20%. it would cut 20,000 children from headstart programs. would reduce financial aid for 8 million college students. it would leave community colleges without the resources they need to meet the goals we talked about today, and that just doesn't make sense to me. so i'm happy to have a debate about this issue in the coming months, but one thing i know is this country would be stronger if all of our children get a world class education. that means, by the way, not just money, it also means reform. and i'm glad to see arne duncan sitting hered today, who's done as much to promote significant reform across the board than just about any education secretary in recent memory. our businesses will be more successful if they can find
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skilled trained workers here in america. our future will be more secure if anybody who's willing to work hard is able to achieve their dream of getting a college education. and those are priorities that we all share. those are investments that benefit the entire nation, and that's what we need to focus on right now, what will grow our economy, fuel our businesses, rebuild our middle class, and keep the american dream alive for the 21st century. so i look forward to working with all of you toward that common goal. now let's get down to the business of this meeting. i think they're going to remove this big thing here, and i'm going to be able to sit down, and we'll have a good conversation. all right. is somebody going to break this down? >> president barack obama there. you see him in the state dining room at the white house, really talking about the effort to -- for reform, to get money and support for students and also for colleges, saying it's important that our students are able to get the best education that they can, pointing out that the education secretary arne duncan is there, jill biden, dr. jill biden there. joe biden, our vice president's
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wife, and also penny pritzker is there, chairman and funder of the real estate group and helped the president run his campaign. i want to tell you that tomorrow the president will join dr. jill biden at the first ever white house summit for community colleges. if you care to watch any more of this what the president is doing there in the state dining room, they have it all live for you. right now let's take another live picture and go to the big board on wall street. there you could see the dow trading right now at minus 107, and then the nasdaq minus 32 points right now. we'll have a full, full, full report coming up here on cnn. investors really still on edge with european markets, and that might be explaining exactly what's going on, why the dow is trading in negative numbers right now. in other business news, if you are a verizon customer or used to be one, you might have some
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money coming to you. every little bit helps in this economy. it is payback for the company overcharging people. about 50 million customers found data charges on their monthly bills even though they hadn't described to a data plan. current customers will see a bill credited between $2 and $6 in most cases. former customers will get a refund check in the mail. so i want you to stay with us. we'll be right back after this with more right here on cnn. -800 it's either this magic number i'm supposed to reach, or... tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it's beach homes or it's starting a vineyard. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 come on! tdd# 1-800-345-2550 just help me figure it out in a practical, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 let's-make-this-happen kind of way. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 a vineyard? give me a break. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 [ male announcer ] looking for real-life answers tdd# 1-800-345-2550 to your retirement questions? tdd# 1-800-345-2550 get real. get started. talk to chuck. tdd# 1-800-345-2550
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cases coming up, and these women are going to exert their influence over the court. >> that's certainly true, don. the big case this week is a case about protests at the funerals of service members who died in iraq and afghanistan. a very small, very obscure church in kansas has been protesting against homosexuality at these soldiers' funerals. very upsetting for those family members who have certainly suffered enough. one of those families sued the church, got an $11 million judgment. that was overturned on the ground that, as unpleasant as these protests are, they're protected by the first amendment. that's really what this case is about, can those protests continue? and can they be held liable for them? >> i interviewed hustler magazine publisher larry flynn over the weekend, and he has experience arguing first amendment claims before the supreme court. he want you to hear what he said about this case you're talking about, the phelps case, and then we'll talk about it.
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>> what everyone was doing in terms of protesting the funeral of someone burying their dead, coming home from the war, i can't think of anything more despicable, more insensitive to do, you know, but justice rehnquist, in my case, he was a senior supreme court justice, and he wrote the majority opinion. and he said often things are done under the guise of first amendment with less than admirable intention, but the government had no right to suppress it. >> it's a tough one when you're talking about first amendment rights. jeffrey? >> it really is a tough case, and i think larry flynt quoting former chief justice rehnquist really made the point, that a lot of big first amendment cases have been made by very unpopular groups, whether it was
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anarchists after world war i or people who didn't want to salute the flag or say the pledge of allegiance during world war ii, people who wanted to burn the flag in the 1980s, very controversial case. these are people who hold outcast opinions, but in all of these cases, the supreme court has said what the first amendment provides is freedom for the thought that we hate, and certainly there's hardly more hateful speech than these people torturing these poor families who are suffering so much as it is. but it may be that they say this is protected by the first amendment. >> you know, you, as i said, wrote the book -- i talked to you last hour. you wrote the book on this. it's called "the nine." you have some information, what's going to be important in the two case that's are not going to come before the supreme court. >> well, they're not there yet. they certainly will be there eventually. if not this year, then next year. and the two really big case that's are sort of hanging out there that are really, i think, going to define the court under john roberts, the chief justice,
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is, one, is health care reform constitutional? there are lots of cases being teed up on that issue. certainly, there are some justices, maybe not a majority, who will -- who would like to see that law struck down. and the other is same-sex marriage. the proposition 8 case in california was just decided, that judge von walker struck down the proposition 8 law in california. that's now before the ninth circuit court of appeals. that's probably going to wind up before the court. those two cases, health care reform and same sex marriage, are really going to define this supreme court for decades. and whether they get it this year or next year, it's hard to tell. >> i was going to say it's probably going to be next session, but could come at the end of this session. jeff toobin, thank you, sir. >> all right, don. it is called the most segregated hour in america, talking about church on sunday. now one church is trying to change that, but not everybody is on board with it. sorry i'm late fellas.
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[ chuckles ] ask your friends what it's like to be part of a group that's 40 million strong. state farm insures more drivers than geico and progressive combined. it's no surprise, with so many ways to save and discounts of up to 40%. so call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomics have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae.
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algae are amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the world's energy demands. dr. martin luther king jr. once described 11:00 a.m. on sunday morning the most segregated hour in america. 40 years later, his words still ring true. one african-american church is trying to change all that, but not everyone is on board. here's our ted rowlands. >> reporter: sunday service at christ our redeemer ame church inrange county, california.
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the church started 12 years ago by reverend mark whitlock, 3,000 members strong and groeg. here they practice something many other black churches do not, integration. >> it's time for us to get away from black churches and white churches. the church is still the most g segregated place on sunday in the united states. our goal is to do what heaven has accomplished. heaven is fully integrated. >> reporter: african-americans make up 2% of the population in orange county, which makes integration here almost essential for growth, but whitlock argues it should be happening at every church because, he says, unlike the past, most of the issues that blacks, whites, and everybody else struggle with are the same. >> we have problems with our kids. we have problems with bills. we have problems on the job. >> reporter: but not everybody thinks integrating the black church is such a good idea.
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michael reel is the former managing editor of "the baptist voice" and co-founder of real urban >> it's ours. it's the one last place in the world that we have that we can call our own. we have whites on our board. they look different than blacks. yeah, they speak up a little more than blacks, yeah. but that means that they feel a sense of freedom, they feel a sense of belonging. if other churches are doing it, are they really practicing authentic christianity? it really is about bringing change to our community. >> reporter: ted rowlands, cnn, irvine, california. >> fighting a financial crisis from the pulpit. the black church has fought for civil rights and now it's waging war on debt. "almighty debt," a black in america special thursday at 9:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. supply convoys in pakistan, again, under attack. we'll explain why the convoys or the life line for u.s. troops and nato forces in afghanistan
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and why they're vulnerable to attack. that's next. sovereign of the security line. you never take an upgrade for granted. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro.
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let's go globe trekking right now to get your perspective on what our troops are facing. our destination right now is pakistan. another attack on a truck convoy loaded with vital supplies for u.s. and nato troops in afghanistan. it was the fourth attack in as many days on these supply convoys. the convoys are crucial to the war effort because they carry 80% of the supplies needed by u.s. and coalition forces. supplies like food, water, clothing, vehicles, and fuel. here's where it is. the supply route begins in pakistan's southern port city of
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karachi, down here on your screen. the supplies are brought by ship and loaded onto trucks. it goes through the country, the major truck path. dozens of trucks have been stranded in khyber pass since pakistan closed the border crossing. that came after a u.s. air strike mistakenly killed three afghani soldiers. once the trucks enter afghanistan, they go through the khyber pass and travel through jalalabad, and from there to kabul and other destination points. you can see straight here, straight here. the shortest distance between two points, a straight line. that's why they're using that pass to get over to kabul. the other key land route starts also in karachi and runs through baluchistan province. from there they move into
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kandahar, where an estimated 100,000 u.s. troops are based. there is also another supply route by air that starts up here in kyrgyzstan, the only u.s. base in central asia. weapons, ammunition, and troops are flown from this base to kabul, bagram air base, and also to kandahar as well. let's get someone who is on the ground here with some information. joining us now from islamabad and pakistan, the pakistani capital, is cnn's fred pliken. bring us up to date on that convoy attack, please. >> reporter: this happened in the very early morning hours of this day, don. what happened was that several gunmen went up to this convoy, which consisted of 39 tanker trucks which had fuel that was bound for u.s. and nato troops in afghanistan. they opened fire, and 20 of those trucks were set on fire. also, several people were killed in that incident. i was on the phone with the taliban actually earlier today,
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and they were telling us that, number one, there's going to be more attacks on convoys, is what they were telling us, and that they'd apparently set up a special hit team to hit more convoys here in pakistan in retaliation for increased american drone strikes in waziristan, with are a lot of them are hiding out. >> that's interesting, on the phone with the taliban. you don't hear that very often. any estimate when pakistan will open the khyber crossing? it's so important to the troops here. >> reporter: what we're hearing right now is they think they're going to open it pretty soon is the word. they say within about a week. right now the trucks are all stuck there. we were in torkum and talk to go truck drivers, and they are absolutely in fear they could get hit by militant attacks. a lot of them the truck is pretty much everything they have. they're private contractors. the truck is all they have. they fear for their lives, fear for the truck. right now they're not sure when
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they're going to be moving again. what we're hearing from the pakistani government is it could be any day. certainly, this is putting a strain on american logistics in afghanistan. >> fred pleitken, thank you, sir. breaking a world record for charity. it's the dream of a 16-year-old kid, and you're going to meet him. stick around. mission possible is next. [ male announcer ] a little bit of this, a touch of that... yup, there's a new head chef in the kitchen. introducing new quaker mix up creations. does your breakfast make you amazing?
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here's proof that you can do anything when you set your mind to it no matter how old you are because our next person is a young guy. every day around this time, we have what we call mission possible, showcasing people who inspire people, who get out there and do things that change their community and the world.
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well, today we've got an amazing kid. i think i call him a kid. hope he doesn't get upset by that. he is 16 years old and on a mission to create the world's large largest photo mosaic for charity. alex darrow joins us from sacramento, california. 16 years old. how did you get this idea for a photo mosaic? >> well, i really wanted to start a project that represented a large community. thousands and thousands of people coming together to support a worthy cause, but i also wanted a project that was fun, innovative, and kind of epitomized the global community. and it would allow donors to be able to participate. not just make a monetary donation but actually join the movement. that's what happens with picture of the world. when they submit a photo on our website,, they really do join the movement in a visual way. >> so it's picture of the world, created for needy children. it's a fund-raising platform helping ten different charities
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for needy children. it's kind of in the vein of doctors without borders, the world food program, and all of those things, right? >> right. >> what's your goal here? i hear it's a lot. >> yeah, well, the number of photos that we need to break the world record is 112,897. >> okay. so listen, about the world record -- and i have to read this because i want to show the picture. it's called the big picture. it was created in england in 2008. the artist was helen marshall. 112,896 photos is the world record. and the project came through the arts council england, west midland, supported by the bbc. can we see that picture now that we've done all that? okay. that's what we're trying -- that's the record you're trying to break there, right? >> right. >> okay. you're like right. yeah, we're trying to get that up. listen, you're a high school senior. you want to continue, you told me on the break, to go on and go to college.
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how do you have time to do this? most people your age are focusing on school and the task at hand, their s.a.t. scores and all of that. but this is really your focus right now. >> most other teenagers are focusing on other extracurricular activities. i kind of consider this to be my extracurricular activity. instead of doing basketball, i'm doing this. i still focus on s.a.t. scores and school. i still enjoy being with friends. i'm not always working as the executive director. >> and i just want to tell you, the big picture is up now, what i was talking about, the record that alex is trying to meet here with the picture of the world project. i think it's a great thing we're doing. how do we get people to help here? how do we get viewers, your website, to break this record and raise money for needy kids? >> i encourage everyone who's watching this video -- if all the cnn viewers watching this right now went to our website,
2:42 pm and submitted a photo, we would exceed our goal and raise nearly $1 million most likely for needy children around the world. i mean, it's really easy to submit a photo. all you've got to do is go to our website, click on submit your photo, and follow the instructions. it takes less than a minute. >> alex darrow, that was easy. you were a little bit nervous, but it was great, right? >> it was awesome. >> thank you, sir. we appreciate it. best of luck to you. >> thank you very much. >> go online and do exactly what he said, and then you can help out with alex's project. ed henry now. from alex to ed henry. ed is in another part of the studio on another monitor. i feel like we're beaming you in right now. so, ed, the bailout's officially expired. so now what? he's on the stakeout. he's going to chart president obama's next economic move. you never know where ed henry's going to show up of the he's at the white house now, but he could be anywhere. see you in a second, ed.
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time to check in with the senior white house correspondent, mr. ed henry. he is standing by to tell us what's behind the scenes at the white house. ed, here's where i get the sense. i get the sense at the white house -- or with the administration that this is, hey, listen, you're going into the junior year now. you've got to crack down for your scores and all that. there's going to be more of a transition even probably lower than rahm emmanuel, and a new energy and a new strategy, as you see with this economic talk today. >> no doubt about it. i think, when you talk about transitions, a lot of people forget they talk about, boy, there's probably a lot of tired people in the white house behind me. they've been going at it for two
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years now. they've got to be bone tired. what i try to remind them is actually a lot of people in the west wing behind me have been going at it for four years. that presidential campaign is grueling. it's not a six-month affair. it's basically two years. so rahm emmanuel was not active in the presidential campaign. he was on capitol hill. but a lot of people beneath him were very active in that presidential campaign. i think you're right, after this election, you're going to see serious transitioning going on here, and this is really the beginning of it. in materials of the economy today, president is not coming up with any major new initiatives for the short term. you just heard him a few moments ago talking about trying to vastly expand aid to community colleges essentially, pushing support to get more people to go to community college, to build a more highly skilled work force. he's talking about having 5 million more community college graduates between now and 2020. that's great long term, but short term, not a lot can be done. and that's a reminder that, you know, congress is gone already, out campaigning. they're not going to pass any more of the president's economic
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plans between now and november 2nd. >> yeah. the first community college summit with dr. jill biden tomorrow at the white house. look for that coming up. i want to get to this because you mentioned rahm emmanuel running for mayor of chicago. what's this about ed rendell winding up as a possible replacement? >> ed rendell is the outgoing governor of pennsylvania. he said, look, white house chief of staff is the one job he'd be willing to take. he'd be really excited to take it. and there are people in the building chuckling saying, oh, really? we didn't know he was a candidate. there are some top democrats who think, well, he could be good. he's very aggressive and very tough. president may need somebody like that as chief of staff taking on a republican congress. there are a lot of people here and around town saying, no, i don't think so. ed rendell shoots from the hip. that's the first thing he'll tell you. he told that to bloomberg in that interview. he's a little bit off message for this white house and not in the ipnner circle, that close
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knit group the president likes to rely on. >> it is, as you said, an inner circ circle, brought from chicago. time for a cnn politics update with our cnn political director paul steinhauser. a lot of titles here to talk about, to give. washington development frs the desk in washington. okay, guys. go. what do you have for us? >> you're right. a lot of titles. it's a jumbleful. before we start talking about the ticker, let's talk about what's on live. this is joe biden in ohio. he's at a fund-raiser for ted strickland, the governor, who's in a very tight race. if you can pan over, peter hanby to our right is watching this as we speak. we'll have a ticker coming up that says joe biden in ohio. talking about stories on the ticker, donald trump, is he running for president or not running for president?
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our sister magazine," time" reported late last night, a poll in new hampshire tested his name as well as the names of several other republicans. what's interesting about this poll is, a, we don't know who did it. trump told us earlier on "american morning" he's not the one who conducted the poll. according to "time," 30 questions about donald trump were asked on the poll. donald trump weighed in a little bit. we asked him if he was interested in running for president. this is what he said. it's not something i talked about or considered, but somebody has got to do something for this country or it's not going to be a very good country for long. it's not something he ruled out. will donald trump run for president or not? is he seeking publicity? who knows? it's still a very interesting political story. >> i've got a question for you. are you going to let steinhauser speak today? >> he's right behind me. >> i've got your back, steinhauser. >> he's got a nice back right
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there. there's a knife somewhere around me. one more story before i kick it to the back. good news for the democrats. they raised $16 million last month. the dnc did. they put the news out 20 days before it was supposed to be reported. for all the bad news about democrats, they had some good news today. >> go ahead, paul steinhauser. >> good stuff from art, one new thing on the scene for the political ticker, 21 days to midterm elections. brand new cnn political ticker this afternoon. the national republican congressional committee, they're going to be spending $4.4 million to run commercials in 45 congressional districts starting this week. they've really been heating up the ad wars here. the nrcc has been taking kind of an early jump over their democratic counterpart, but i spoke to a source who tells me the democrats, the dccc, is going to be spending a lot of money as well, going up in 60
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districts, they predict, between now and election day. the ad wars heating up. republicans need a net gain of 39 seats to regain control of the house. don, that's what we got. >> paul steinhauser, mark preston, i know i heard my cell phone ringing. what are you doing to me, man? thank you, guys. your next cnn update just an hour away on cnn. today's word play is all about fair play in the legal system. sometimes the best judgment is not to judge at all. medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses... not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying up to thousands of dollars...
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i'm not an attorney or lawyer, and i don't play one on television. today's work by the book, fair and square, the word is recuse. don't try it at home. don't try recusing yourself from the house work, it will lead to a conflict in a hurry. let me tell you about that. in a courthouse, though, it happens when judges step aside from cases they may have an interest in or appear to have an interest in. recuse is in the news because the nation's newest supreme court justice elena kagan is recusing herself from a couple of dozen cases she worked on as solicitor general. that is the person who oversees government appeals to the highest court in the land. but do the math here. nine-member court minus one leaves the possibility of 4-4 ties, which means the last decision from the lower court stands. justices can tell other judges when they need to recuse and do so just last term -- and did so, i should say, just last term. you can read about the case in the john grisham thriller. it's called "the appeal."
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words. if you argue in front of your kids, cuss out your mate or the customer service person on the phone or the person who cuts you off in traffic, if you yell at them or berate them -- you know what i'm talking about. boy, get your butt off my couch. where are you going with that on? you look like a hooker. they think it's okay, even cool to do it too. all i wanted to do as a child was emulate my parents and other grown-ups. they were so cool, and i just wanted to be like them. i'm sure my own parents didn't actually think this through as well. it was a different time then. i herd them argue. i heard them go off in traffic. no one is perfect. believe me, i love them more than anything. full disclosure, i don't have kids. truth is that's one reason i don't. they are a huge responsibility. i'm not sure i'm ready to take all that goes with it. i know many of you are thinking and saying right now. i can't be with my kids 24 hours a day. that's an excuse. yes, you can, at least in spirit. i carry the lessons from my parents with me each and every day. sometimes i do the right thing. sometimes i
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