tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 4, 2010 10:00pm-12:00am EDT
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adults -- >> and you can ignore them, too. in other words, you can come from a family that may feel that way but you don't have to 2350e8 that way yourself. >> thanks, everyone. >> larry: the trevor project, toll free confidential suicide hotline, 866-4-u-trevor. liza minnelli is here tomorrow night. i didn't have to say the last name, did it? >> larry: anderson cooper and "ac 360" is next. we're focusing this week on bullying devoting part of every night to covering the problem and solutions. visuals for tyler clementi this weekend. he threw himself off the george washington bridge when classmates streamed video with him and another man on the web. we wanted to know about the life of him and his roommates. why would he do this? new details. atens of millions of campain money pouring in. where is it cop coming from?
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and we're "keeping them honest." and buying the election without revealing themselves. and imagine heading out on to a lake on jet skis and getting attacked by bandits. this happened by one american couple on the u.s.-mexican border. the wife escaped. husband shot in the head. details tonight. we begin "keeping them honest" with people and corporations trying to buy elections. they are spending tens of millions of dollars to sway your vote. but they're trying to keep it secret spending all the money but not running for office. they're not putting themselves in front of voters, zero accountability and it's all perfectly legal. according to a report from "public citizen" in the 2004 election 98% of outside political groups disclosed the nameless of donors. this time around, it's 32%. where's the money going? in a lot of cases to fund ads for candidates around the country. here's one new ad that popped up in west virginia. >> i campaigned with barack obama in the hills of west
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virginia. i proudly share the campaign with the nationwide group dedicated to mobilizing all americans and bringing light to those issues we care about. >> call nick ray hol land and tell him what you care about. the west virginia conservative foundation is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> so that's the ad. you can agree or disagree with the message. that's not what we're talking about. but what you can do is find out which group is pushing the ad. here's the name. >> west virginia conservative foundation is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> who is behind the west virginia conservative foundation? the ad buy cost nearly a quarter million dollars. whose money is it? we put a team of staffers and interns on it today to find out. is the group affiliated with the congressman's challenger, spike maynard? we called his campaign. >> this is anne clifford calling from cnn's "ac 360."
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i was wondering if i could speak with mr. carpenter. >> they told us they had nothing to do with the ad or organization. next we called of the head of state republican party, mike stewart. >> i'm calling from cnn "ac 36037" we had a couple of questions we wanted to ask you. >> mr. stuart denied any connection and until recently he headed up the foundation but wouldn't disclose donor names. after our calls we haven't been able to find out whose money paid for the ad. it's not just conservative, it's liberal ones as well. a group called "florida is not for sale" supposedly spent $50,000 to attack a senate primary candidate. according to "the washington post," outside groups have spent $80 million in this campaign, five times greater than it was in 2006. there's a huge loophole. these groups have to start reporting within 30 days of a primary and 60 days of the
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general election. meaning none of money spent before that, none gets reported. so why can these groups spend virtually unlimited money from individuals, unioned answer corporations? because of a recent supreme court ruling. thanks to a loophole in the tax code, if they set themselves up as a certain kind of nonprofit they can use unlimbed money without showing who or which corporations fund this. >> i don't know which smells worse, my diaper or this new bill? >> the coalition to protect seniors responsible for the content of this advertising. >> coalition to protect seniors? who is that? "the new york times" tracked it down and got nowhere like we did. it used to be secrecy and politics only covered the voting booth but now the secret ballot has company. this is bill allison, editorial director and jeffrey toobin. citizens united.
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this was the decision barack obama attacked in his state of the union message and justices acted visibly, corporations, labor unions, organizations, have free reign to spend as much money as they want and reporting restrictions are very much not included in that either. so it really -- citizens united opened this wide up. >> bill allison, you've been tracking campaign spending. how does this cycle compare to what we saw before when it comes to transparency? >> we're in much worse shape than we were before. about 160 some groups running these types of ads. there were about 80 in 2006 cycle, altogether. and we're still not at the end. groups are popping up even today. >> if people running are funding these, if he want to stay in the shadows is there any way to find out who they'll really are? >> it's really difficult. all they have to file are very
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minimal information about them. the name of the treasure or a custodian of records and these folks can be working for pr firms or lobbying firms and in one case, the west virginia conservatives fund it appears the person with the record are the address 06 this organization, is a residential address. so it's really difficult to find out who these organizations are and who's behind them. >> what is the supreme court reason for allowing this? >> well, basically, the main idea is that the supreme court said, corporations are like individuals. and individuals have a right -- if i wanted to buy an ad to support or oppose a candidate on my own, i could. and basically, they extended that idea to organizations. that is counter to about 90 years of previous supreme court precedent which had said -- organizations have power that's beyond what individuals have, so the government can regulate those, can limit how much they can spend.
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can limit disclosure. but if corporations are exactly the same as people, that's a different scenario and they have much greater freedom. >> and the campaign finance law that just went down in the senating with would that have made a difference? >> it certainly would have. that was the fix that president obama was talking about in the state of the union address when he got into a confrontation with the supreme court. it got more than a majority in the senate but it was filibustered and it would have had some more disclosure requirements but not as much as the old law. but it lost. >> bill, there's some people that are sitting at home saying -- what's the big deal? why does this really matter? >> it's difficult. if you look at that hall ad you began with, you have no idea who is paying for that. it could be somebody who is upset about nick rahall because of his work on coal mining
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legislation. if the voters don't know who's paying for the ad it's hard to be skeptical. to take a close look and maybe take it with a grain of salt. >> and it seems like a trend with money moving from political parties that have to report donors to these outside groups which don't have to. what does it mean looking ahead for the next presidential election? >> i think the real question is, what is going to happen? we don't know if the disclosed act will be passed. if it is it will take time to set it up. if you look at what's happening in this election, you have these groups, there's american crossroads and crossroads gps, all set up by friends of karl rove, republican operatives and they are almost functioning as a shadow republican party and the difference is, unlike the republican party, they don't have to say who's paying the freight for these ads. >> can foreigners buy ads and do
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this? can foreigners set up a group? >> right now that's something that i believe campaign finance law still bars but the problem with a lot of these organizations especially, the c-4s we really don't know who the donors are and it's entirely possible that foreign money could get in or be -- come through a couple of different channels, maybe with a second-party donor. it makes it really hard to follow the money and know who's giving what. >> interesting stuff. jeff, stick around. we'll talk about another story shortly. let us know what you think at home. join our live chat. the war record and opponents hitting below the belt? we're putting them to the test. later, who were the rutgers university classmates who allegedly streamed video of tyler clementi's picture with another man on to the internet? what happens to them now that he's taken his own life? details with the latest ahead. ♪
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[ e. clark ] i'm an engineer. i love my job. i can see what it's doing for the community on a day-to-day basis. natural gas is cleaner burning than most fossil fuels and it's vital to our energy needs. increasingly we're finding gas in hard to reach areas, but now we've developed new technology that enables us to access gas in hard rocks so we can bring more fuel to homes and help provide a reliable source of energy into the future.
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[ evan ] ah it's cool. ah... ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah! ah! whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what is that? how come my dap wasn't like that? huh? it's just an "us" thing. yeah, it's a little something we do. who else is in this so-called "us"? man, i don't know. there's a lot of us. [ chuckles ] ask your friends what it's like
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to be part of a group that's 40 million strong. state farm insures more drivers than geico and progressive combined. it's no surprise, with so many ways to save and discounts of up to 40%. so call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. an[ commearlier, she hady vonn! an all-over achy cold... what's her advantage? it's speedy alka-seltzer! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief for all-over achy colds. the official cold medicine of the u.s. ski team. alka-seltzer plus.
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bombshells in a senate race thast supposed to be a snoozer, connecticut where new polling shows dick blumenthal, the wwe, teamed up with girls gone wild several years ago to produce a racy pay-per-view event featuring wrestlers and girls, who, i guess, had gone wild. bombshell number two, the mcman campaign released an ad features
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blumenthal appearing to suggest he served in vietnam. meantime over the weekend he launched an ad suggesting that mcmahon was suggesting lowering the wage. we're looking to see which ones play fast and loose with the truth. the fight had party strategists feeling fine in the spring when their man had a 30 to 40-point lead over linda mcmahon had an achilles heel. she's the head of wwe and democratic party operatives were pounding her with headlines about money disputing, steroids, the partnership with girls gone wild and a clip of her on the internet of her kicking a guy in the crotch. and now, that the race is tight and down to a near tie, mr. blumenthal is piling on, too. take a look. >> she took $10 million from the state to create jobs.
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but fired 10% of her workers. her business is under investigation for failing to pay social security, medicare or unemployment. she took home $46 million and now she's talking about lowering the minimum wage. >> she's all in it for her. >> a lot of body slams there. what's true? >> a wwe spokesman says the company received about $10 million in tax credits as part of connecticut's program to encourage film, tv and entertainment industries, and, yes, they laid off about 10% of their 614 workers. but that was before the money from that tax credit came through. since then, they have refilled almost all of those jobs and they expect to add 140 more next year. her business is under investigation, but this question about benefits revolves around whether all the workers are regular employees. >> reporter: some are private contractors. that's what raises these questions about the company's responsibility, especially to
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wrestlers who may suffer long-term health consequences. wwe also said that mcmahon's immediate family may have made around that number of $46 million last year, but her salary and dividends amounted to less than $1 million. and her campaign says furthermore, she does not want to lower the minimum wage as this ad claims but her comments make it clear that she will closely scrutinize any proposal to increase it. so if we move on from all this and consider all the facts we've heard thrown out so far in this ad and the reaction from the campaign from it we go to our sliding scale of truth and find that this ad clearly at this point, anderson, appears to be at best, "a stretch." >> and blumenthal clearly has troubles of his own? >> he does. his problem lies way back to the vietnam war. look at this attack ad released
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by ms. mcmahon today. >> would you lie about serving in a war. >> we've learned something very important since the days that i served in vietnam. >> he did. again and again. >> when we returned we sought nothing of this gratitude. >> he covered one lie with another. >> we know that mr. blumenthal in 2003 and 2008 implied that he served in vietnam but he did not go. he was in the marine corp reserve here in the united states. when he was called out on this last spring he said he misspoke and didn't want to deceive the voters and, he says elsewhere in those speeches he connectly characterized his service. so calling it a lie seems like a bit much. his campaign reputed that and said there's nothing new here. still, he did say it. he admits it. so putting it into this ad, we have to put that into the category of "just barely right
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political embarrassment for sharon engel, the republican candidate trying to unseat harry reid in nevada, one of the most closely-watched races. the candidates are pretty much neck in neck but now an audiotape of engel has been released recording a meeting she had last week with a guy names scott ashton of the tea party where she urges him to drop out and her and promises him access
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to top congressional republicans in washington if elected. engel belittles national leader of the gop. the recording it turns out, was made by scott ashton himself and our gary tuchman broke that story and he joins us with tonight's "raw politics." gary? >> the quest to defeat the leader, sharon engel calls harry reid, "let's make a deal." she criticize had with she calls "back room dealing." now allegations that she, herself, is a book room dealer coming as a result of a secretly-recorded conversation by a man that says he's the true tea party senate candidate for nevada. listen to the tape. >> i believe that you can do some real harm. not to harry reid, but to me. and i'm not sure that you can win. and i'm not sure that i can win if you're hurting my chances.
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and that's the part that's scary to me. >> scott ashton is running as a third party candidate in the nevada race and had a face-to-face meeting with sharon engel last week in which she asked him to drop out. problem for engel? ashton now admits he had a rolling tape record in his pocket. he tells cnn the secretly recorded of engel because he was triered of being ridiculed. he initially gave the tape to nevada political journalist john rolston who played it on his radio show. it appears she's telling him in exchange for quitting she has influence that she can use to help him in the future. >> that's really all i can offer to you is whatever juice i have, you have as well. you want to see demint, i have use with demints. i go to washington, d.c. and i say, i want to see james demint and he's right there for me. i say, i want to see tom coburn and he's right there for me.
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i say i want to see -- >> a chance a woman on the tape is not engel? >> well, her campaign does not deny, anderson, the authenticity of the tape. they don't complain about it being secretly recorded. they tell us, quote, sharon expressed what many working families in nevada and across the country are feeling. they are angry with harry reid and washington, d.c. and they want blunt, pran-spoken leaders who are willing to shake things up. and you can't argue, her secretly recorded words are pretty blunt and plain spoken. by the way, he's not dropping out of the race. >> i'm guessing this is the last time engel will agree to meet. with this guy, at least without searching him beforehand, or something. >> maybe a body search if they meet again. >> the race is pretty close. we have our "360 bulletin." today the state department clarified the travel alert for americans in europe. a spokesman said credible
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information about potential terror threats justified issuing the alert but the information is not specific enough, naming countries of concern. pakistan says a suspected drone attack today in northwest pakistan killed eight german nationals believed to be jihadist militants. it's unclear if there's a link between today's strike and the alert about potential terror attacks in europe. the search has been called off for two americans whose balloon is believed to have crashed in the adriatic sea off the coast. they were competing in a race when they went missing. and a "360 follow" last week we showed the flight attendant from a philippines carrier conducting a safety demonstration to the music of lady gaga and katy perry. they say a regular safe did demo with no music was done before the flight took off as per regulation. then during the flight, it says this performance with the music,
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was done at cruising altitude, intended to add some fun to the flight. so for the record, no need for complaint to be filed. they already did the real demonstration. >> all right. that's good to know. i still would have wanted to get off the plane. thanks. we begin our week-long series of our reports, "bullying, no escape." and new details of tyler clementi. he killed himself after his roommate allegedly spied on him with a webcam streaming him kissing a man. we wanted to find out more about tyler, his life and who he was. and his roommate. and what can be done to stop this sickening series of bullying-related suicides. an american couple go for a jet ski trip on a lake. imagine being attacked by bandits? possibly drug cartel gunmen. we'll tell you where it happened and why only one of them managed to escape.
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phoebe prince, carl walker hoover. asher brown, seth walsh, and 12 days ago, tyler cle mean tee. all kids and all victims of bullies that took their own lives. all this week we're partnering with "people" magazine taking an in-depth look at bullying and what a lot of people don't realize, these days it's not just kids in schools. for kids who are bullied there's no escape. it's not happening just in schools but happening online and on cell phones and kids are dying because of it. students at rutgers university held a vigil for tyler clementi over the weekend. he was 18 years old, an incredibly talented music with great potential. he jumped off the george washington bridge after a webcam video of him kissing another man was streamed online. his roommate at rutgers and another student face criminal charges. tonight, randi kaye has more on how the whole tragedy unfolded. >> reporter: like many universities rutgers randomly
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assigns a roommate for each of its new freshman. so it was pure chance tyler clementi and dharun ravi came to share a room here at davidson hall. clementi, shy and modest. ravi, charming and loving attention, three weeks later it all crashed down. how much did ra 1r6789 i and clementi know about each other when they started sharing a room? likely not much, if anything. they grew up about 60 miles apart from each other in new jersey. before school, ravi lived here with his family in plainsboro, an upper middle class suburb, about half an hour from the rutgers campus. steve greenstein has lived next door to the family for six years. his daughters went to high school with havi. >> what kind of family did he come from? >> everything i saw and knew over the last six and a half years would tell me they are an exceptional family. good people. family people. this would be something that's totally out of character or
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shocking to me and probably the rest of the neighborhood. >> you saw him around the neighborhood? what was ravi like? >> very friendly kid, outgoing. big frisbee player. always outside. >> reporter: he graduated from west windsor plainsboro north high school. in his senior high school yearbook, dharun ravi was named best dancer and well-known for break dancing. he also played ultimate frisbee. those who know him tell us that he was a good student, some say, he led a charmed life. >> he drove like a bmw. his parents gave him everything. he like was really smart. he took ap classes. >> when he graduated last spring, ravi's parents took out an ad in the yearbook. dear dharun, it's been a pleasure watching you grow into a caring and responsible person. for tyler clementi, this held so much promise. in a statement his family described him as, quote, a fine
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young man and a distinguished musician. tyler clementi excelled at violin. he had been accepted to the prestigious graduate level similar on the knee orchestra at rutgers. >> he possessed a technical ability that far exceeded some of our final year undergrablg what students. >> two 18 year old olds, very different young men. one intraverted and one extroverted. on september 19th, clementi asked ravi if he could have the room alone. he was having a date that night ravi gave him the room and allegedly went down the hall to fellow student molly wei's room. and he captured his roommate's intimate encounter. >> a high-tech peeping tom. what he saw was clementi kissing
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a man. on twitter, ravi encouraged others to watch the date. roommate asked for the room until midnight. i went to molly's room and turned on my webcam. i saw him making out with a dude, yay. two days later they say he tried to catch his roommate again. online, anyone with i chat i dare you the video chat me between the hours of 9:30 and 12. yes, its happening again. as word spread, clementi was humiliated. the dorm room the two shared was a prison for tyler clementi. there was a anonymous posting on the forum "just us" entitled college roommate spying. the website says it came from someone at rutgers. the writer told of a student who turned on his webcam and tweeted his roommate had a guy over. if that was clementi's post, he
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said he alerted the head of the dorm but have it was too much. on september 22nd, three days after his date was first streamed online, tyler clementi jumped to his death from the george washington bridge. clementi's final posting on his facebook page read, jumping off the gw bridge, sorry. this student lived next door to ravi and clementi. >> i never saw them fight or actually talking. >> strangers turned roommates for just a few weeks, now forever, linked by tragedy. randi kaye, cnn, new brunswick, new jersey. >> the roommate, ravi and his friend, wei, have been charged. the internet as we've been following has made an age-old problem worse. allowing bullies to publicly humiliate their victims. are the laws keeping pace. rosalyn is the author of "queen
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bees and wanna-bes." >> there are 45 states with laws against bullying but is that the answer? >> we're all so heart broken about this case that there's a desire to see the law fix it. but i'm very skeptical of the law's ability to make much difference and, in fact, could make the situation worse. we're talking about teenagers, maybe young teenagers who are the victims and perpetrators of bullying. do we want the cops investigating this all the time? do we want police streaming through high schools, junior high schools, investigate what can people have on the internet? >> i suppose in extreme cases, yes. but this is got to be schools and parents, much more than law enforcement. it's just not going to work. >> rosalyn you work with a lot of schools across the country. is law enforcement the answer? >> i work with a lot of district attorneys who really believe and want for this to be an issue that families and schools work on together, to discipline kids.
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so that there are three goals. one is, you teach with the values of the community arebility. don't include degrading other people. that you give concrete consequences and you allow for a re-integration of the bully into the community. and when we get to the place where it's stalking and harassment where it is really a district attorney's purview and responsibility that's when they come in. of many of the district attorneys that i work with are saying, we want schools and parents to work on this and we'll come in when we believe it's our responsibility. >> it's interesting rosalyn, i've been reading a lot and particularly a case in minnesota where there are a lot of conservative groups, anti-gay groups that say -- this is an attempt to promote some sort of gay agenda in schools, if you talk about, you know, trying to make the school a safe place or a place that's accepting of substance who, at a younger age, are saying that they're gay? >> well, what i want to see in those organizations is exactly
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what is they are saying is taking place in the classroom. what is the teacher say something what are the paeshlre report something. >> i think we all need to see what's behind these accusations. so far, it just this amorphous kind of commentary on this pro homosexual agenda. if you work in schools you know it's hard to get all different kinds of programs into schools that have quarterback and for young kids, it's what we're dealing with is good-touch bad-touch. and that's hard to get into schools so we have to know what these people are accusing of when they're talking about these issues and then we can address it on a factual basis. >> in order to at it in the schools do you have to make -- i mean, you believe you have to be very specific in the language you use and have to address things like homophobe yeah? >> yes. >> let's call it what it is. if we don't address this in terms of racism and homophobe yeah and classism, then what
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you're doing is enabling people to get away with degrading behavior and that's an antichild agenda. an antieducational agenda. so common sense, parents with common sense and educators with common sense know that's what this is about. >> let's be clear, too. these groups don't think homosexuality is normal. they think it's wrong. they think it is a menace to society. so they were all the ones who are making it harder for kids who feel isolated enough as it is, to come forward. i mean, this is not some sort of value-neutral approach by these conservative groups. they are trying to make homosexuality an outcast condition and that's part of the problem. >> absolutely. really, what that comes down to is being anti-child and anti-against the dignity of every single child that walks in the doors of that school. >> are teachers accountable ,
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legally, if they see bullying going on and don't intervene? >> in extreme cases. if teachers are derelict in a very obvious situation where they don't warn a student or don't come to a student's aid, there is the possibility that you could sue the school district but you're talking about a tiny fraction of cases. most bullying, it takes place, i think, in an environment where the law doesn't really apply. you are never going to -- it's much for involving school discipline, parental discipline, not the courts. >> rosalyn you work in schools. why sit that if the "n" word is use aid teacher would intervene but if the "f" sword used against a use genl a students that's perceived to be gay, why is that word allowed to be used liberally in schools. >> it's so normal and common people say, what's the big deal?
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it's just what we say. and when i talk about this, we talked about racism generations ago and it became unacceptable. it has to happen in the same way. otherwise, what happens is, you have to keep saying just because it's common doesn't make it right. racism is not right and so isn't homopho homofhobia. >> i was in a theater this weekend and saw a preview for a new vince vaughn movie and in the preview he says -- that's so gay! and he uses "gay" as a pejorative term and i found it surprising it was in the movie but in the preview to the movie? >> that's pretty disappointing. i think people need to take responsibility for the things that they do that contribute to this. even if they haven't realized it before, now they realize by saying things that seem innocuous they'll really aren't
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because it creates an environment where being gay is bad. so everything associated with that becomes bad and it becomes that much easier to degrade anything associated with it. and that contributes to why kids feel so badly when they are gay. >> i saw the same promo tonight. it jumped out at me as it was okay to say "that's so gay" as a mainstream insult. >> queen latifah was in the scene and nobody raised an objection i found amazing. >> we'll see which company makes the movie. it may be our own. >> jeffrey toobin, we appreciate it. >> tomorrow, ellen degeneres is on the program and she's been speaking out a lot about this issue and has lots of thought about it. we'll have a conversation about that. voicing outrage of the cruelty spiralling out of control not just in schools, but beyond. >> we can't let intolerance and
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ignorance take another kid's life. and i want anyone out there who feels different and alone to know that i know how you feel. and there is help out there. and you can find support in your community. if you need someone to talk to or if you want to get involved, there's some really great organizations listed on our website. things will get easier. people's minds will change and you should be alive to see it. >> i'll talk to ellen tomorrow night on "360." all that week we focus on this issue bringing you in-depth reports on bullying. friday, "bullying, no escape." a town hall meeting with kids and experts across the country. it's important. watch it on friday. bandits lurking on a u.s. lake along the u.s./mexico border. a woman claims they shot her husband dead while they were jet skiing. we talked to a good samaritan that helped her when she got
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back to shore and we talked to a man attacked on the same lake. and the jury deliberating on the connecticut home invasion case deciding whether the suspect killed a mother and her two daughters. details next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ daylight comes ♪ i'm on my way [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ working my whole life away
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♪ "crime and punishment" tonight, boaters, jet skiers and fishermen have used falcon lake straddling the border between the united states and mexico as a recreational paradise. now something else is on the lake. mexican bandited to be connected to mexico's violent drug cartels. david and tiffany were jet skiing when she said they were approached by boats with gunmen who opened fire on the couple. tiffany says david was shot in the back of the head and fell into the lake. she made it back to shore where she called 911.
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>> ma'am, were you shot at? on the mexican side or united states side? >> the mexican side. >> yes. >> did you see anybody? there's three boats, yes. >> are you sure that your husband got shot? >> yes. >> was he thrown out of the jet ski and he's in the water? >> yes? you more or less know where he is? >> yeah. but he's on the mexican side. >> david hartley's body has not yet been recovered. this is not the first time that sportsmen on falcon lake have been attacked. a spoke with a fisherman threatened by gunmen and a good samaritan that helped tiffany hartley out on the water. for his safety we're not identifying him. >> the phone caller, when tiffany hartley came towards you on her jet ski and you were at your highways on the lake what happened? >> there was this jet ski coming towards me. i noticed there was a boat
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behind it but it turned around after it started to make it toward shore. >> what did she tell you happened when she came up to you? >> she was coming towards me, i noticed she was looking over her shoulders. and she got closer the first words out of her mouth were "do you speak english." i nodded and said, yes, i do. she, right away, told me, gave me instructions as far as to call law enforcement and an ambulance because my husbands been shot. as i helped her to get off the jet ski and come to shore, she told me he had been shot in the head and that she tried to make it back for him. she tried to go around, come back for him but she couldn't get him on the boat or on the jet ski for that matter. >> so she had actually tryed too bring his body out of the water? >> he was too heavy for her. she said he weighed about 250
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pounds and he she couldn't get him over. >> she must have been distraught? >> she was frantic. crying, sobbing, i mean, she was -- she looked very, very jittery. >> richard, how does this compare to your own escape on the lake? what happened to you? >> i was fishing in a bass club tournament in may of this year, and i was going down the middle of the lake and i heard something over my left shoulder and when i looked back there was another bass boat with three people in it and two of them were carrying ak-47s and they started waving guns and yelling for me to pull over. i was on the american side when this happened. >> so you were not in mexican waters. you were on the u.s. side? >> yes. but i was going down the center of the lake. the lake has big markers that create the international boundary. and i was going from one marker to the next. >> had you been warned
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beforehand about what might happen on the mexican side? >> i had been warned. the talk among the fishermen going down there and furnishing a lot was that there were some people being robbed. and don't go over on the mexican side. so i wasn't on the mexican side. i was going down the middle of the lake when they kind of came out of the brush and kind of ambushed me. >> so what did you do? you turned around and just -- hightailed it out of there? >> yeah. they were, maybe, 15 yards over my left shoulder and they started yelling and i looked back and saw them waves guns and you just kind of think, oh, my gosh what did i get myself into here? in an instant you think, do i pull over? take my chances and, you know, and hit the gas? and fortunately, i had a faster boat than they did so i outran them. they chased me for about a mile, mile and a half and they tailed off. >> and to our caller, you live down there. this is your backyard where drug
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trafficking is allegedly happening where people are involved in this stuff on the mexican side. do you fear living down there? >> yes, i do. i very much fear for my life and my family's well being. just knowing that i'm so close to the water and to the border. >> so what do you think needs to happen? do you see law enforcement down there? do you see border patrol down there a lot? >> yes, but i think the resources are pretty much stretched out. we need more, like, government to get in there, maybe the national guard or somebody needs to really step up. >> yeah. we should point out that the hartleys, about, it's believed about three miles into mexican waters when this incident may have occurred and then came back to u.s. waters. richard, i appreciate you talking with us and to our caller as well. thanks for all you did and i wish you the best of luck. >> thank you. >> scary stuff. up next, "crime and
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we have the 360 "news and bulletin". >> in connecticut, jurors begin deliberation in the widely watched murder trial. steven hayes charged with capital murder, 17 counts, in the killing of jennifer hawke-petit and her home invasion in 2007. hayes could face the death penalty if skriktd. federal agents say a federal judge in georgia bought drugs for a stripper with whom he was having an affair. according to court documents, judge jack cap jr. was caught with cocaine and other drugs. he's also charged with unlawfully possessing a firearm. in michigan, a court hearing involving a state assistant attorney general is postponed until october 25th. that's when a judge will decide if he's ordered to stay away from christopher armstrong, the openly gay students body president at the university of michigan. armstrong has filed for a
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personal protection order as we've been reporting, he is accused of harassing and stalking armstrong for weeks. he took a personal leave of absence from his job last week. anderson? >> i don't know why it was delayed. that seems like a long time for someone to waits for a case on a personal protection order. joe, i want to's shot, levi johnson in a music video, with a singer named brittany sensor. i don't know if our viewers heard of it. a video for her song "after love." is there the video that broke up levi and bristol? i don't care but take a look -- >> looks pretty pedestrian to me, literally. >> exactly. >> we got the video from wondering if shooting this added to his breakup. over the summer she told people as you know, because i know you read the article, that johnson
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lied to her about why he was going to california when the video was made. it was the deepest cut of all. >> yeah, well, it hurts. but, you know, who knew. >> who knew? >> and the movie that jeffrey toobin and i were talking about called "dilemma." at top of the hour, tens of thousands of dollars pouring into election campaigns. where is the money coming from? how come it's so hard to find out? keps ahead. "keeping them honest" ahead. an♪ ♪ in a canvas-covered wagon stuffed... ♪ [ male announcer ] while the world's been waiting on the electric car, maybe the whole time, the electric car has been waiting for this... the wattstation from ge. it's going to change the way we get to where we all want to go. ♪ i didn't think much of it till i took it apart ♪
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it's going to change the way we get to where we all want to go. being a leader means moving fast. across the country when the economy tumbled, jpmorgan chase set up new offices to work one-on-one with homeowners. since 2009, we've helped over 200,000 americans keep their homes. and we're reaching out to small businesses too, increasing our lending commitment this year to $10 billion... and giving businesses the opportunity to ask for a second review if they feel their loan should have been approved. this is how recoveries happen. everyone doing their part. this is the way forward.
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we're focusing this week on bullying devoting part of every night to covering the problem and solutions. visuals for tyler clementi this weekend. he threw himself off the george washington bridge when classmates streamed video with him and another man on the web. we wanted to know about the life of him and his roommates. why would he do this? new details. tens of millions of campaign money pouring in. where is it coming from? who's influencing your vote. and we're "keeping them honest." and buying the election without revealing themselves. and imagine heading out on to a lake on jet skis and getting attacked by bandits. this happened by one american couple on the u.s.-mexican border. the wife escaped. husband shot in the head. details tonight. we begin "keeping them honest" with people and corporations trying to buy elections. they are spending tens of
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millions of dollars to sway your vote. but they're trying to keep it secret spending all the money but not running for office. they're not putting themselves in front of voters, zero accountability and it's all perfectly legal. according to a report from "public citizen" in the 2004 election 98% of outside political groups disclosed the names of their donors. this time around, it's 32%. where's the money going? in a lot of cases to fund ads for candidates around the country. here's one new ad that popped up in west virginia. >> i campaigned with barack obama in the hills of west virginia. i proudly share the campaign with the nationwide group dedicated to mobilizing all americans and bringing light to those issues we care about. >> call nick rahall and tell him what you care about. the west virginia conservative foundation is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> so that's the ad.
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you can agree or disagree with the message. that's not what we're talking about. but what you can't do is find out who's pushing the ad. here's the name. >> west virginia conservative foundation is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> who is behind the west virginia conservative foundation? the ad buy cost nearly a quarter million dollars. whose money is it? we put a team of staffers and interns on it today to find out. is the group affiliated with the congressman's challenger, spike maynard? we called his campaign. >> this is anne clifford calling from cnn's "ac 360." i was wondering if i could speak with mr. carpenter. >> they told us they had nothing to do with the ad or organization. next we called of the head of state republican party, mike stewart. >> i'm calling from cnn "ac 360." we had a couple of quick questions we wanted to ask you. >> mr. stuart denied any connection and until recently he headed up the foundation but wouldn't disclose donor names.
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after our calls we haven't been able to find out whose money paid for the ad. it's not just conservative, it's liberal ones as well. sierra club, american dental association, and a group called "florida is not for sale" supposedly spent $50,000 to attack a senate primary candidate. according to "the washington post," outside groups have spent $80 million in this campaign, five times greater than it was in 2006. there's a huge loophole. these groups have to start reporting within 30 days of a primary and 60 days of the general election. meaning none of money spent before that, none gets reported. so why can these groups spend virtually unlimited money from individuals, unioned answer corporations? because of a recent supreme court ruling. thanks to a loophole in the tax code, if they set themselves up as a certain kind of nonprofit they can use unlimited money without showing who or which
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corporations fund this. >> i don't know which smells worse, my diaper or this new bill? >> the coalition to protect seniors responsible for the content of this advertising. >> coalition to protect seniors? who is that? "the new york times" tracked it down and got nowhere like we did. it used to be secrecy and politics only covered the voting booth but now the secret ballot has company. the secret buck. this is bill allison, editorial director of "the sunlight foundation." and jeffrey toobin. citizens united. this was the decision barack obama attacked in his state of the union message and the justices reacted visibly. basically they said that corporations, labor unions, organizations, have free reign to spends as much money as they want and reporting restrictions are very much not included in
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that either. so it really -- citizens united opened this wide up. >> bill allison, you've been tracking campaign spending. how does this cycle compare to what we saw before when it comes to transparency? >> we're in much worse shape than we were before. about 160 some groups running these types of ads. there were about 80 in 2006 cycle, altogether. and we're still not at the end. groups are popping up even today. >> if people running are funding these, if he want to stay in the shadows is there any way to find out who they'll really are? >> it's really difficult. all they have to file are very minimal information about them. the name of the treasure or a custodian of records and these folks can be working for pr firms or lobbying firms and in one case, the west virginia conservatives fund it appears the person with the record are the address of this organization, is a residential address. so it's really difficult to find out who these organizations are and who's behind them. >> what is the supreme court
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reason for allowing this? >> well, basically, the main idea is that the supreme court said, corporations are like individuals. and individuals have a right -- if i wanted to buy an ad to support or oppose a candidate on my own, i could. and basically, they extended that idea to organizations. that is counter to about 90 years of previous supreme court precedent which had said -- organizations have power that's beyond what individuals have, so the government can regulate those, can limit how much they can spend. can limit disclosure. but if corporations are exactly the same as people, that's a different scenario and they have much greater freedom. >> and the campaign finance law that just went down in the senate, would that have made a difference in this? >> it certainly would have. that was the fix that president obama was talking about in the state of the union address when he got into a confrontation with
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the supreme court. it got more than a majority in the senate but it was filibustered and it would have had some more disclosure requirements but not as much as the old law. but it lost. >> bill, there's some people that are sitting at home saying -- what's the big deal? why does this really matter? >> it's difficult. if you look add that nick rahall ad that you began with, you have no idea who is paying for that. it could be somebody who is upset about nick rahall because of his work on coal mining legislation. if the voters don't know who's paying for the ad it's hard to be skeptical. to take a close look and maybe take it with a grain of salt. >> and it seems like a trend with money moving from political parties that have to report donors to these outside groups which don't have to. what does it mean looking ahead for the next presidential election? >> i think the real question is,
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what is going to happen? we don't know if the disclosed act will be passed. if it is it will take time to set it up. you may go into 2012 flying completely blind about these different groups. if you look at what's happening in this election, you have these groups, there's american crossroads and crossroads gps, all set up by friends of karl rove, republican operatives and they are almost functioning as a shadow republican party and the difference is, unlike the republican party, they don't have to say who's paying the freight for these ads. >> can foreigners buy ads and do this? can foreigners set up a group? >> right now that's something that i believe campaign finance law still bars but the problem with a lot of these organizations especially, the c-4s we really don't know who the donors are and it's entirely possible that foreign money could get in or be -- come through a couple of different channels, maybe with a second-party donor.
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it makes it really hard to follow the money and know who's giving what. >> interesting stuff. jeff, stick around. we'll talk about another story shortly. let us know what you think at home. join our live chat. the war record and opponents hitting below the belt? we're putting them to the test. later, who were the rutgers university classmates who allegedly streamed video of tyler clementi's picture with another man on to the internet? what happens to them now that he's taken his own life? details with the latest ahead. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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bombshells in a senate race that was supposed to be a snoozer, connecticut where new polling shows dick blumenthal, the wwe, teamed up with girls gone wild several years ago to produce a racy pay-per-view event featuring wrestlers and girls, who, i guess, had gone wild. bombshell number two, mcmahon campaign released an ad campaign released an ad features blumenthal appearing to suggest he served in vietnam. meantime over the weekend he launched an ad suggesting that mcmahon was suggesting lowering the wage. we're looking to see which ones play fast and loose with the truth.
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>> the fight had party strategists feeling fine in the spring when their man had a 30 to 40-point lead over linda mcmahon had an achilles heel. she's the former ceo of wwe, world wrestling entertainment she's the head of wwe and democratic party operatives were pounding her with headlines about money disputing, steroids, the partnership with girls gone wild and a clip of her on the internet of her kicking a guy in the crotch. and now, that the race is tight and down to a near tie, mr. blumenthal is piling on, too. take a look. >> she took $10 million from the state to create jobs. but fired 10% of her workers. her business is under investigation for failing to pay social security, medicare or unemployment. she took home $46 million and now she's talking about lowering the minimum wage. >> she's all in it for her. >> a lot of body slams there. what's true?
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>> a wwe spokesman says the company received about $10 million in tax credits as part of connecticut's program to encourage film, tv and entertainment industries, and, yes, they laid off about 10% of their 614 workers. but that was before the money from that tax credit came through. since then, they have refilled almost all of those jobs and they expect to add 140 more next year. her business is under investigation, but this question about benefits revolves around whether all the workers are regular employees. or some are private contractors. that's what raises the questions about the company's responsibilities, especially to wrestlers who may suffer long-term health consequences. wwe also said that mcmahon's immediate family may have made around that number of $46 million last year, but her salary and dividends amounted to less than $1 million.
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and her campaign says furthermore, she does not want to lower the minimum wage as this ad claims but her comments make it clear that she will closely scrutinize any proposal to increase it. so if we move on from all this and consider all the facts we've heard thrown out so far in this ad and the reaction from the campaign from it we go to our sliding scale of truth and find that this ad clearly at this point, anderson, appears to be at best, "a stretch." >> and blumenthal clearly has troubles of his own? >> he does. his problem lies way back to the vietnam war. look at this attack ad released by ms. mcmahon today. >> would you lie about serving in a war? >> we've learned something very important since the days that i served in vietnam. >> he did. again and again. >> when we returned we sought nothing of this gratitude. >> he covered one lie with another.
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>> we know that mr. blumenthal in 2003 and 2008 implied that he served in vietnam but he did not go. he was in the marine corp reserve here in the united states. when he was called out on this last spring he said he misspoke and didn't want to deceive the voters and, he says elsewhere in those speeches he connectly characterized his service. so calling it a lie seems like a bit much. his campaign reputed that and said there's nothing new here. still, he did say it. he admits it. so putting it into this ad, we have to put that into the category of "just barely right on." >> tom, appreciate it "keeping them honest." a battle brewing in the tea party. sharon engel is trying to talk a tea party opponent out of the race. and later, a jury gets the case in the horrific home invasion murder of a mom and two daughters killed. details ahead.
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scott ajisian of the tea paert where she urges him to drop out and her and promises him access to top congressional republicans in washington if elected. engel belittles national leader of the gop. the recording it turns out, was made by scott ashton himself and our gary tuchman broke that story and he joins us with tonight's "raw politics." gary? >> the quest to defeat the leader, sharon engel calls harry reid, "let's make a deal." she criticize had with she calls "back-room dealing." now allegations that she, herself, is a book room dealer coming as a result of a secretly-recorded conversation by a man that says he's the true tea party senate candidate for nevada. listen to the tape. third party candidate in the nevada race and had a face-to-face meeting with sharon
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angle last week in which she asked him to drop out. problem for engel? ashton now admits he had a rolling tape record in his pocket. he tells cnn the secretly recorded of engel because he was triered of being ridiculed. he initially gave the tape to nevada political journalist john rolston who played it on his radio show. it appears she's telling him in exchange for quitting she has influence that she can use to help him in the future. >> that's really all i can offer to you is whatever juice i have, you have as well. you want to see demint, i have use with demint. i go to washington, d.c. and i say, i want to see james demint and he's right there for me. i say, i want to see tom coburn and he's right there for me. i say i want to see -- >> any chance this woman on the tape is not angle? >> well, her campaign does not deny, anderson, the authenticity of the tape.
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they don't complain about it being secretly recorded. they tell us, quote, sharon expressed what many working families in nevada and across the country are feeling. they are angry with harry reid and washington, d.c. and they want blunt, plain-spoken leaders who are willing to shake things up. and you can't argue, her secretly recorded words are pretty blunt and plain spoken. by the way, he's not dropping out of the race. >> i'm guessing this is the last time angle will agree to meet with this guy, at least without searching him beforehand, or something. >> maybe a body search if they meet again. >> the race is pretty close. we have our "360 bulletin." today the state department clarified the travel alert for americans in europe. a spokesman said credible information about potential terror threats justified issuing the alert but the information is not specific enough, naming countries of concern. pakistan says a suspected
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drone attack today in northwest pakistan killed eight german nationals believed to be jihadist militants. it's unclear if there's a link between today's strike and the alert about potential terror attacks in europe. the search has been called off for two americans whose balloon is believed to have crashed in the adriatic sea off the coast. they were competing in a race when they went missing. and a "360 follow" last week we showed the flight attendant from a philippines carrier conducting a safety demonstration to the music of lady gaga and katy perry. they say a regular safety demo with no music was done before the flight took off as per regulation. then during the flight, it says this performance with the music, was done at cruising altitude, intended to add some fun to the flight. so for the record, no need for complaint to be filed. they already did the real demonstration. >> all right. that's good to know. i still would have wanted to get
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off the plane. thanks. we begin our week-long series of our reports, "bullying, no escape." and new details of tyler clementi. he killed himself after his roommate allegedly spied on him with a webcam streaming him kissing a man. we wanted to find out more about tyler, his life and who he was. and his roommate. and what can be done to stop this sickening series of bullying-related suicides. an american couple go for a jet ski trip on a lake. imagine you go out on a jet ski trip and attacked by bandits? possibly drug cartel gunmen. we'll tell you where it happened and why only one of them managed to escape. impressive resume. thank you.
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you know what, tell me, what makes peter, peter ? well, i'm an avid catamaran sailor. i can my own homemade jam, apricot. and i really love my bank's raise your rate cd. i'm sorry, did you say you'd love a pay raise asap ? uh, actually, i said i love my bank's raise your rate cd. you spent 8 days lost at sea ? no, uh... you love watching your neighbors watch tv ?
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at ally, you'll love our raise your rate cd that offers a one-time rate increase if our current rates go up. ally. do you love your bank ? [ evan ] ah it's cool. ah... ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah! ah! whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what is that? how come my dap wasn't like that? huh? it's just an "us" thing. yeah, it's a little something we do. who else is in this so-called "us"? man, i don't know. there's a lot of us. [ chuckles ] ask your friends what it's like to be part of a group that's 40 million strong. state farm insures more drivers than geico and progressive combined.
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take a look at these photos. phoebe prince, carl walker hoover. asher brown, seth walsh and 12 days ago, tyler clementi. all kids and all victims of bullies that took their own lives. all this week we're partnering with "people" magazine taking an in-depth look at bullying and what a lot of people don't realize, these days it's not just kids in schools. for kids who are bullied there's no escape. it's not happening just in schools but happening online and on cell phones and kids are dying because of it. students at rutgers university held a vigil for tyler clementi over the weekend. he was 18 years old, an incredibly talented music with great potential. he jumped off the george
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washington bridge after a webcam video of him kissing another man was streamed online. his roommate at rutgers and another student face criminal charges. tonight, randi kaye has more on how the whole tragedy unfolded. >> reporter: like many universities rutgers randomly assigns a roommate for each of its new freshman. so it was pure chance tyler clementi and dharun ravi came to share a room here at davidson hall. clementi, shy and modest. ravi, charming and loving attention, three weeks later it all crashed down. how much did ravi and clementi know about each other when they started sharing a room? likely not much, if anything. they grew up about 60 miles apart from each other in new jersey. before school, ravi lived here with his family in plainsboro, an upper middle class suburb, about half an hour from the rutgers campus. steve greenstein has lived next door to the family for six years. his daughters went to high
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school with ravi. >> what kind of family did he come from? >> everything i saw and knew over the last six and a half years would tell me they are an exceptional family. good people. family people. this would be something that's totally out of character or shocking to me and probably the rest of the neighborhood. >> you saw him around the neighborhood? what was ravi like? >> very friendly kid, outgoing. big frisbee player. always outside. >> reporter: he graduated from west windsor plainsboro north high school. in his senior high school yearbook, dharun ravi was named best dancer and well-known for break dancing. he also played ultimate frisbee. those who know him tell us that he was a good student, some say, he led a charmed life. >> he drove like a bmw. his parents gave him everything. he like was really smart. he took ap classes. >> when he graduated last spring, ravi's parents took out an ad in the yearbook. dear dharun, it's been a pleasure watching you grow into
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a caring and responsible person. for tyler clementi, this held so much promise. clementi grew up here in ridgewood and graduated from ridgewood high school. in a statement his family described him as, quote, a fine young man and a distinguished musician. tyler clementi excelled at violin. he had been accepted to the prestigious graduate level similar symphony orchestra at rutgers. >> he possessed a technical ability that far exceeded some of our final year undergraduate students. >> two 18 year old olds, very different young men. one intraverted and one extrovert. on september 19th, clementi asked ravi if he could have the room alone. he was having a date that night ravi gave him the room and allegedly went down the hall to fellow student molly wei's room.
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he used her computer to stream live video of clementi's date online. and he captured his roommate's intimate encounter. >> a high-tech peeping tom. what he saw was clementi kissing a man. prosecutors say on twitter, ravi encouraged others to watch the date. roommate asked for the room until midnight. i went to molly's room and turned on my webcam. i saw him making out with a dude, yay. two days later they say he tried to catch his roommate again. online, anyone with i chat i dare you the video chat me between the hours of 9:30 and 12. yes, its happening again. as word spread, clementi was humiliated. the dorm room the two shared was a prison for tyler clementi. there was a anonymous posting on the forum "just us" entitled college roommate spying.
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we don't know if it came from tyler clemen mementi but the website says it came from someone at rutgers. the writer told of a student who turned on his webcam and tweeted his roommate had a guy over. if that was clementi's post, he said he alerted the head of the dorm but have it was too much. on september 22nd, three days after his date was first streamed online, tyler clementi jumped to his death from the george washington bridge. clementi's final posting on his facebook page read, jumping off the gw bridge, sorry. this student lived next door to ravi and clementi. >> i never saw them fight or actually talking. >> strangers turned roommates for just a few weeks, now forever, linked by tragedy. randi kaye, cnn, new brunswick, new jersey. >> the roommate, ravi and his friend, wei, have been charged.
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invasion of privacy. so far neither as enter aid plea. the internet as we've been following has made an age-old problem worse. allowing bullies to publicly humiliate their victims. it creates a permanent record. are the laws keeping pace. rosalyn is the author of "queen bees and wanna-bes." we also have jeffrey toobin. >> there are 45 states with laws against bullying but is that the answer? >> we're all so heart broken about this case that there's a desire to see the law fix it. but i'm very skeptical of the law's ability to make much difference and, in fact, could make the situation worse. we're talking about teenagers, maybe young teenagers who are the victims and perpetrators of bullying. do we want the cops investigating this all the time? do we want police streaming through high schools, junior high schools, investigate what can people have on the internet? >> i suppose in extreme cases, yes.
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but this is got to be schools and parents, much more than law enforcement. it's just not going to work. >> rosalyn you work with a lot of schools across the country. is law enforcement the answer? >> i work with a lot of district attorneys who really believe and want for this to be an issue that families and schools work on together, to discipline kids. so that there are three goals. one is, you teach with the values of the community are about. don't include degrading other people. that you give concrete consequences and you allow for a re-integration of the bully into the community. and when we get to the place where it's stalking and harassment where it is really a district attorney's purview and responsibility that's when they come in. of many of the district attorneys that i work with are saying, we want schools and parents to work on this and we'll come in when we believe it's our responsibility. >> it's interesting rosalyn, i've been reading a lot and particularly a case in minnesota where there are a lot of conservative groups, anti-gay groups that say -- this is an attempt to promote some sort of
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gay agenda in schools, if you talk about, you know, trying to make the school a safe place or a place that's accepting of students who at a younger age are saying that they're gay? >> well, what i want to see in those organizations is exactly what is they are saying is taking place in the classroom. what is the teacher saying? what are the parents reporting? i think we all need to see what's behind these accusations. so far, it just this amorphous kind of commentary on this pro homosexual agenda. if you work in schools you know it's hard to get all different kinds of programs into schools that have and for the young kids, it's what we're dealing with is good-touch bad-touch. and that's hard to get into schools so we have to know what these people are accusing of when they're talking about these issues and then we can address it on a factual basis.
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>> in order to address it in the schools do you have to make -- i mean, you believe you have to be very specific in the language you use and have to address things like homophobe yeah? >> yes. >> let's call it what it is. if we don't address this in terms of racism and homophobia and classism, then what you're doing is enabling people to get away with degrading behavior and that's an antichild agenda. an antieducational agenda. so common sense, parents with common sense and educators with common sense know that's what this is about. >> let's be clear, too. these groups don't think homosexuality is normal. they think it's wrong. they think it is a menace to society. so they were all the ones who are making it harder for kids who feel isolated enough as it is, to come forward. i mean, this is not some sort of value-neutral approach by these conservative groups. they are trying to make homosexuality an outcast
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condition and that's part of the problem. >> absolutely. really, what that comes down to is being anti-child and anti-against the dignity of every single child that walks in the doors of that school. >> are teachers accountable, legally, if they see bullying going on and don't intervene? >> in extreme cases. if teachers are derelict in a very obvious situation where they don't warn a student or don't come to a student's aid, there is the possibility that you could sue the school district but you're talking about a tiny fraction of cases. most bullying, it takes place, i think, in an environment where the law doesn't really apply. you are never going to -- it's much for involving school discipline, parental discipline,
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not the courts. >> rosalyn you work in schools. why is it that if the "n" word is used teachers would intervene but if the "f" word is used against a students that's perceived to be gay, why is that word allowed to be used liberally in schools. >> it's so normal and common people say, what's the big deal? it's just what we say. and when i talk about this, we talked about racism generations ago and it became unacceptable. it has to happen in the same way. otherwise, what happens is, you have to keep saying just because it's common doesn't make it right. racism is not right and so isn't homophobia. >> i was in a theater this weekend and saw a preview for a new vince vaughn movie and in the preview he says -- that's so gay! and he uses "gay" as a pejorative term and i found it surprising it was in the movie
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but in the preview to the movie? >> that's pretty disappointing. i think people need to take responsibility for the things that they do that contribute to this. even if they haven't realized it before, now they realize by saying things that seem innocuous they'll really aren't because it creates an environment where being gay is bad. so everything associated with that becomes bad and it becomes that much easier to degrade anything associated with it. and that contributes to why kids feel so badly when they are gay. >> i saw the same promo tonight. it jumped out at me as it was okay to say "that's so gay" as a mainstream insult. >> queen latifah was in the scene and nobody raised an objection i found amazing. >> we'll see which company makes the movie. it may be our own. >> jeffrey toobin, we appreciate it.
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>> tomorrow, ellen degeneres is on the program and she's been speaking out a lot about this issue and has lots of thought about it. we'll have a conversation about that. voicing outrage of the cruelty spiralling out of control not just in schools, but beyond. >> we can't let intolerance and ignorance take another kid's life. and i want anyone out there who feels different and alone to know that i know how you feel. and there is help out there. and you can find support in your community. if you need someone to talk to or if you want to get involved, there's some really great organizations listed on our website. things will get easier. people's minds will change and you should be alive to see it. >> i'll talk to ellen tomorrow night on "360." all this week we focus on this issue bringing you in-depth reports on bullying. friday, "bullying, no escape." done in partnership with "people" magazine and the
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cartoon network. a town hall meeting with kids and experts across the country. it's important. watch it on friday. bandits lurking on a u.s. lake along the u.s./mexico border. a woman claims they shot her husband dead while they were jet skiing. we'll tell you what happened. we talked to a good samaritan that helped her when she got back to shore and we talked to a man attacked on the same lake. and the jury deliberating on the connecticut home invasion case deciding whether the suspect killed a mother and her two daughters. details next. ♪ [ engine revs, tires screeching ] we give to you the all-new volkswagen jetta. we have one more surprise for you. fifteen-thousand nine-hundred neunzig dollar? [ sobbing ] [ camera shutters clicking ] ♪ whoo-hoo, yeah ♪ whoo-hoo, yeah
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now something else is on the lake. mexican pirates or bandits believed to be kmekted to mexico's violent drug cartels. david and tiffany were jet skiing when she said they were approached by boats with gunmen who opened fire on the couple. tiffany says david was shot in the back of the head and fell into the lake. she made it back to shore where she called 911. >> ma'am, were you shot at? on the mexican side or united states side? >> the mexican side. >> yes. >> did you see anybody? there's three boats, yes. >> are you sure that your husband got shot? >> yes. >> was he thrown out of the jet ski and he's in the water? >> yes? >> you more or less know where he is? >> yeah. but he's on the mexican side. >> david hartley's body has not yet been recovered. this is not the first time that sportsmen on falcon lake have been attacked.
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a short time ago i spoke with a fisherman threatened by a gunman and a good samaritan that helped tiffany hartley out of the water. for his safety we're not identifying him. >> the phone caller, when tiffany hartley came towards you on her jet ski and you were at your house on the like, what happened? >> there was this jet ski coming towards me. i noticed there was a boat behind it but it turned around after it started to make it toward shore. >> what did she tell you happened when she came up to you? >> she was coming towards me, i noticed she was looking over her shoulders. and she got closer the first words out of her mouth were "do you speak english." i nodded and said, yes, i do. she, right away, told me, gave me instructions as far as to call law enforcement and an ambulance because my husbands been shot. as i helped her to get off the jet ski and come to shore, she told me he had been shot in the head and that she tried to make
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it back for him. she tried to go around, come back for him but she couldn't get him on the boat or on the jet ski for that matter. >> so she had actually tryed too bring his body out of the water? >> he was too heavy for her. she said he weighed about 250 pounds and he she couldn't get him over. >> what sort of condition was she in? she must have been distraught? >> she was frantic. crying, sobbing, i mean, she was -- she looked very, very jittery. >> richard, how does this compare to your own escape on the lake? what happened to you? >> i was fishing in a bass club tournament in may of this year, and i was going down the middle of the lake and i heard something over my left shoulder and when i looked back there was another bass boat with three people in it and two of them were carrying ak-47s and they started waving guns and yelling
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for me to pull over. i was on the american side when this happened. >> so you were not in mexican waters. you were on the u.s. side? >> yes. but i was going down the center of the lake. the lake has big markers that create the international boundary. and i was going from one marker to the next. >> had you been warned beforehand about what might happen on the mexican side? >> i had been warned. the talk among the fishermen going down there and fishing a lot was that there were some people being robbed. and don't go over on the mexican side. so i wasn't on the mexican side. i was going down the middle of the lake when they kind of came out of the brush and kind of ambushed me. >> so what did you do? you turned around and just -- hightailed it out of there? >> yeah. they were, maybe, 15 yards over my left shoulder and they started yelling and i looked back and saw them waves guns and you just kind of think, oh, my gosh what did i get myself into here?
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in an instant you think, do i pull over? take my chances and, you know, and hit the gas? and fortunately, i had a faster boat than they did so i outran them. they chased me for about a mile, mile and a half and they tailed off. >> and to our caller, you live down there. this is your backyard where drug trafficking is allegedly happening where people are involved in this stuff on the mexican side. do you fear living down there? >> yes, i do. i very much fear for my life and my family's well being. just knowing that i'm so close to the water and to the border. >> so what do you think needs to happen? do you see law enforcement down there? do you see border patrol down there a lot? >> yes, but i think the resources are pretty much stretched out. we need more, like, government to get in there, maybe the national guard or somebody needs to really step up.
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>> yeah. we should point out that the hartleys, about, it's believed about three miles into mexican waters when this incident may have occurred and then came back to u.s. waters. richard, i appreciate you talking with us and to our caller as well. thanks for all you did and i wish you the best of luck. >> thank you. >> scary stuff. up next, "crime and punishment." the fate of the men accused of killing the mom and two daughters. the case is now in the hands of the jury. we'll have the latest on the case. hone beeps ] my bff becky texts and says she's kissed johnny. well, that's a problem 'cause i like johnny. now i'm emotionally compromised, and... woopsies! [ tires screech ] i'm all omg. becky's not even hot. and if you've got cut-rate insurance, you could be payin' for this yourself. so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ tires screech ] [ dennis ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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we have the 360 news and business bulletin." >> in connecticut, jurors begin deliberation in the widely watched murder trial. steven hayes charged with 17 counts including capital murder in the kippings of jennifer hawke-petit and her two daughters during a 2007 home invasion. hayes could face the death penalty if convicted. federal agents say a federal judge in georgia bought drugs from a stripper with whom he was having an affair. judge jack cap, jr., was caught with cocaine and other drugs. he's also charged with unlawfully possessing a firearm. in michigan, a court hearing involving a state assistant attorney general is postponed
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until october 25th. that's when a judge will decide if he's ordered to stay away from christopher armstrong, the openly gay student body president at the university of michigan. armstrong has filed for a personal protection order as we've been reporting, he is accused of harassing and stalking armstrong for weeks. he took a personal leave of absence from his job last week. anderson? >> i don't know why it was delayed. that seems like a long time for someone to wait for a case on a personal protection order. joe, i want tonight's shot. levi johnson, in a music video singer named brittany sensor. i don't know if our viewers heard of it. a video for her song "after love." is this the video that broke up levi and bristol? i don't care but take a look -- >> looks pretty pedestrian to me, literally.
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