tv CNN Newsroom CNN October 8, 2010 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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bow on the often, and that may have been jones' plan from the very start. he'll be replaced by his current deputy. tom donilon. that post opened up about a week ago yesterday when rahm emanuel left to run for mayor. he was replaced on at least an interim basis by a little known, but well-railroadsed, peter rouse, and then lawrence summers announced his departure. the chair of the white house council of economic advisers stepped down weeks before that, so there's been a lot of turnover. as i mentioned, the president is due to speak live from the rose garden at any moment. our senior white house correspondent mr. ed henry joins us to tell us about what's going on there. so listen. the stage is set there, ed. what's going on? is this normal for mid terms to
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have so much turnover? >> it pretty much is, don. what i'm struck by when you lay it out on the wall and what i think our viewers should take away in part is there's been a lot of speculation that maybe when he finds a permanent chief of staff that the president will go outside the circle. i think when you look across that wall, that's not this president's style. when he found a temporary replacement, he went to pete rouse, not somebody from the outside. when he had christina romer leave, it was -- and now donilon, close to the president. this is a style he likes people that are close to him, some from chicago, some from washington. i think the other piece to pay attention to, general jones is one of the people who was not in the inner circle.
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from the very beginning he was a nonpartisan figure, going back to 2008, i remember talking to him in the campaign. he was advising both barack obama and john mccain. so he was never fully trusted by some of the political folks here inside the white house, dating back to the campaign. so he never sort of clicked, when you talk to senior officials, never really clicked with a lot of people here. i just got off the phone with one of the general jones' friends who tells me he's quite frustrated. he gave back from an official trip and gave official notice, and then white house staff moved quickly to make this all official, and people close to general jones feel like he's being shoved aside. you'll see a lot of smiles, but this friend of general jones called it, to me, the final indignity. he never quite fit in among some
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of the obama intimate, and his friends are pretty upset about that. >> let's talk about donilon. how does he get on with the pentagon? >> good question. when you read bob woodward's book, there's an interesting passage saying he didn't think he realized top officials at the pentagon, military officials and others. i spoke to a senior defense official a short time ago who assured me -- confirmed that yes, there was tension. last fall when they were debating the new afghanistan policy resulting in 30,000 more u.s. troops that the president sent to afghanistan, there was tension and donilon and gates didn't get along, but i'm assured by this official they sort of patched it much and will have a strong working relationship. we'll see. that's what people like to say, but that is something to watch. general jones as a retired four-start general, he had the respect of defense secretary gates. this is going to be a change.
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tom donilon was a chief of staff to warren christopher in the clinton administration. he has bona fides on the policy, but has been a political operative. there will be some in the national security community wondering whether he's more of a political operative. something to watch. we have two wars. >> and he coached mr. obama on foreign policy for the debates in 2008 for the campaign, but i want you to talk to me about these words i'm going to read. it says mr. donilon has urged what he calls a rebalancing of american foreign policy to rapidly disengage american forces in iraq and to force -- and to focus more on china, iran and other emerging challenges. >> well, look, that's something that a lot of people in this administration want to do. that's part of the reason why he meshes well with the president personally. look, this president inhearted two wars.
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he's moved quickly. he's actually done the opposite in afghanistan. he has ramped up the combat troops, but there are a lot of people who believe the last administration -- we heard this played out in the campaign, spent far too much on iraq and was not worried about they emerging threats all around the world. we've seen them having to step up with dealing with al qaeda in the arabian peninsula and yemen, and you've seen this threat from al qaeda, the taliban spreading in some ways, the underwear bombing dug -- >> ed, we're going to get to the president. let's listen in. >> good afternoon, everybody. when i took office i pledged to do whatever was required to protect the american people and restores american leadership in the world. over the past 20 months, that's exactly what we've done, during
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this time i have relied every day on the advice and counsel of my national security adviser, general jim jones. when i talked to jim about taking this job shortly after the election, it was a difficult decision for him. he had just retired from the military, had a wide range of family obligations, but because of his patriotism, his dedication to keeping america safe, we were able to agree that he would serve, but he asked that he would serve for about two years. i am extraordinarily thankful that both he and his wife diane agreed to make that additional sacrifice for our country. today, as we approach that two-year mark, i'm announcing that jim has decided to step aside later this month, and he will be succeeded by his very capable deputy tom donilon.
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the american people owe jim an unbelievable debt of gratitude for a lifetime of service. as a marine in vietnam he risked his life for our country, and was highly decorated for his courage. as commandant of the marine corps, he led our marines into the 21st century and won widespread admiration within the corps and beyond. as supreme allied commander in europe, he helped the nato alliance prepare for the new missions of our time. given the multiple crises we inherited, jim has drawn on all these experiences as national security adviser. the list of challenges our country has faced the last two years is daunting. since my administration took office we have removed nearly 100,000 troops and ended our combat mission in iraq. we've refocused on the war on al qaeda and subjected its leadership to relentless pressure. we are pursuing a new strategy
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that finally devotes the resources we need in the fight against extremism in afghanistan and pakistan. we've reset relations with russia and signed a historic new s.t.a.r.t. treaty. after years adried, we brought together a broad collision to hold iran accountable and applied pressure through tough new sanctions. we have renewed the push for peace in the middle east, charted a course to security vulnerable nuclear materials within four years and reestablished our leadership within the pacific rim and forging a response at the global level to the economic crisis. in between, we've responded to a range of crises like haiti and the floods now in pakistan that are required from us as leaders in the world. in short we have spared no effort to keep the american people safe while repairing old alliances, building new partnerships, and restoring
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america's leadership in the 21st century. through these challenges, jim has always been a steady voice in situation room sessions, daily briefings, and with meetings with foreign leaders while representing our country abroad with allies, and partners in every region of the world. at the same time he has led an unprecedented reform of our national security staff here at the white house, reflecting the new challenges of our time. he put new -- made sure that homeland security is totally integrated into our efforts. serves as national security adviser is one of the most difficult jobs in our government, but through it all, jim, like the marine he has always been has been a dedicated public servant and friend to my. after a lifetime of service, i
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know this was an enormous sacrifice for the family. many are here today, and i want to thank them as well. jim, like your father, uncle and generations who served before you, you complete this assignment knowing that your country is safer and stronger. i thank you, and the american people thank you. >> thank you, mr. president. >> i am also proud to announce general jones will be successes by his deputy and one of my closest advisers tom donilon. he hayes a wealth of experience that will serve him well. he's served three presidents, and been immersed in our national security for decades. he has helped manage the policy-making process and won the respect and administration of his colleagues in the white house and across the administration. he as a probing intellect, and a
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remarkable work ethic, though one that depends on a seemingly limitless quantity of diet coke. tom, however, is not the only valuable member of the donilon team. his wife kathy, who's here, has done an extraordinary job as joe biden's chief of staff. i'm grateful to the donilon family for the work they have already done for our nation and for agreeing to take on this additional responsibility. we have some huge challenges ahead. we remain a nation at war. we will not rest in our efforts to disrupt, dismantle, defeat al qaeda. above all, we are committed to forging the kind of american leadership that can shape the world in the 21st century, just as we shaped the world in the 20th, a world of greater peace, growing markets and expanding prosperity, a world of shared security, and world where
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american leadership enlists the help of old partners and new allies, as well as enlisting the values that help keep us safe and america as a beacon to the world. that's the kind of leadership that jim jones has stood for, and the type that we will continue to work for in the years to come. with that, i want to once again personally thank jim for his outstanding service, and offer the mike for him to say a few words. >> thank you, sir. mr. president, thank you very much for your extraordinarily kind words and for your confidence in me these past two years. when we first met just a little over two years ago, i found it impossible to resist your invitation to once again serve the nation, and accepted to be your national security adviser. another reason i did so is because i was persuaded that you
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were willing to take on the hard issues of our time at a very, very difficult moment if our nation's history, spanning the difference between two very different centuries, the 21st and 20th centuries. i have enjoyed this assignment immensely because of this willi willingness to engage these issues, and i believe where we are today, and how the united states is held in the estem of the rest of the world is an accomplishment that i frarngly find astonishing in such ra short period of time, and mr. president, we owe all of this to your leadership, and i thank you for letting me be a part of it. i would also like to emphasize that i thoroughly enjoyed working with the vice president, and i'd like to also mention that the first lady and dr. biden have been an inspiration to all military families and men
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and women in the armed forces of the united states by the work they continually do to make them feel loved and appreciated in all that they do. none of this could have been possible, none of these achievements could have been possible without the -- my teammate and friend, tom donilon. tom and i got together just shortly before the inauguration, and we scratched out a vision for what -- how we might best help the 44th president of the united states in fulfilling his demanding duties with regards to national security. we did it on a piece of paper not far from here, and for the last two years it's been a rare privilege to be working side by side with tom as the national security staff for the 21st century and for the 44th president came to light. all right. you are listening -- that's jim jones, national security adviser
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for about two years for the obama administration. as the president said just moments ago, that's what he asked for, to serve about two years. it's coming at about the right time. tom donilon will take over. again, this was expected, we don't need on drag it on and on and tell you what happened. basically tom donilon is taking over from james jones. let's move on and talk about politics. the story that a lot of people are very interested in. someone who says i'm not a witch. christine o'donnell on the campaign trail, coming through on her promise to talk with our jim acosta about her past, her party, and also sarah palin.
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>> reporter: there were four victims according to the nypd. two victims were robbed and beaten. two of the victims were beaten and sodomized. here are some of the grim details from the nypd. first of all, a 17-year-old was beaten, forced to stripped, attacked with a box cutter, and then sodomized with the handle of a plunger. a 30-year-old man was beaten, forced to strip, attacked with burning cigarettes and sodomized with a baseball bat. so, again, seven people arrested, age 16 through 23, two other people are being sought in this crime, but absolutely appalling, don. >> this is according to the
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press difference, at least the information i have here, the string i attacks was allegedly sparked when members of a street gang learned that an aspiring member was gay. >> that was it. that's all, yeah. they're gay, therefore they attack. i mean, what else can we say? a very, very sad story here. the nypd clearly on it. they've been acting very quickly. they've made these arrests. they're seeking two more. >> allan chernoff, thank you so much. there are 25 days to the critical midterm elections. one of the morse intriguing races is in delaware. there voters are choosing between christine o'donnell and chris coons. o'donnell has made controversial headlines. our jim acosta caught up with her and asked her about one of the more high-profile supporters, an that's sarah
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palin. >> reporter: does she advise your campaign? >> she does not. >> reporter: does she give you advice? >> she gives me you . through fox news? >> she didn't tell me personally, but i heard her say something like that on o'reilly. if anyone knows about the politics of personal destruction, it's women candidates, women politicians like sarah palin. >> reporter: mitch mcdonnell or jim demint? >> i don't know yet. is jim demint running? >> reporter: you tell me. >> i honestly don't know. i love senator demint, i love what he does. he's a principled man, but what i have had said when people asked me who i would support in leadership, i don't know that as an outsider. right now i'm a candidate not a u.s. senator. >> reporter: is the unemployment problem barack obama's fall or george bush's?
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>> it's a combination of politicians losing their way. our so-called leaders have lost their way, no longer in touch with needs of delaware -- any citizen. i think what we need to do is to replace career politicians with citizen politicians. >> reporter: your staff was very reluctant to have us ask you about the past statements in the past. i wanted to ask you, why is that? aren't they your statements? >> this campaign is about the future and not the past. this campaign is about what each candidate is going to do to address the needs of the people in delaware. how we're going to get private business jobs back in delaware, how we get our economy back on track, how we're going to empower the individual and entrepreneur to open up the mom and pop businesses on main street. that's what's important to delaware, and that's what should be important to both candidates. >> reporter: so you're never going to talk about your time with bill maher? >> why? what i said or did on a comedy
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show, you know, over a decade ago is not relevant to this election. okay. the politics of personal destruction. that was just part of the interview. jim acosta, jim, it appears she has gotten some coaching, and she says this is about the future and not the past, but i see all kinds of things being brought up about the past for politicians on all sides, tea party, republican, democrat, but she won't talk about it. >> reporter: that's right. you know, this is not a christine o'donnell issue, though i think sheryls how much damage has been done to her campaign after seeing those clips resurface on the bill maher show. she is in damage control mode these days, but you're absolutely right, don, scott brown, the senator from massachusetts, once posed nude in "cosmopolitan" he certainly had to ask questions about that. surely over time she'll take
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those questions on. we tried our best to ask, and she really went back to some talking points about how she wanted to look to the future. she did say she regrets having said those things, she's not proud of them and she's matured as a woman. she's not the same person she was in her 20s. she's a 40-year-old woman, she said, running for office. she said that's a big difference there. quite honestly, don, during the course of the interview, i wanted to get on to some of the other issues like health care, the economy, so forth, and i want to say she was pretty straightforward. she took them all on. >> great interview. that was just two minutes of it. i'm sure you have more, right? >> that's right. absolutely. you know, one of the things we didn't get to show you in any of those clips that we've been running, i asked her, since we're talking about bill maher, whether she'll ever go on his show, she said not between now and the election.
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i think sheryls she's done enough damage when talking to bill maher. >> it would be great if this whole thing was about the future, because then we could stop talk about president bush, and reverend wright, so it would be great if christine o'donnell could lend a hand to other politicians and they stop talking about it? >> i absolutely agree. we really wanted to cover a lot of bases on a lot of subjects, talk about the issues. i think voters are starving for that information. they want to take the high road, they want their politicians to take the high road. that's what we set out to do in the interview, and she was willing to participate. we were happy about that, that's for sure. >> fascinating conversation, but i'm getting the move on in my ear. thank you, jim. we have the latest numbers, the results coming up, our chronically he unemployment read is still at 9.6%.
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we get them every month. the monthly jobs report out today. we have seen even more jobs lost in september sadly. that means about 1 in every 10 people actively trying to get a job cannot get one. for the month of september, the private sect oor gained jobs, about 64,000, but the government lost a big chunk, 159,000 due to 2010 temporary census job losses and cuts in local government.
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so that means that a total jobs loss edged down to 95,000. it's easy to think of this as just numbers, right? those 95,000 that you're looking at, those are people who have bills and mortgages. they have families, and christine romans knows that. she's part of our money team. she joins us now is with what she's seeing. what is it? >> they're people with an awful lot of hope. what does it mean? there's something in this report for everyone. this is the last jobs report before the midterm election. you have republicans zeroing in on the chronically high 9.6 period of time unemployment rate. but the democrat the president and some democrats zeroing in on an up trend. for nine months in a row, as the president pointed out, the private sector has created jobs, hasn't been shedding jobs. one thing we're watching as well is the number of people working part time, but who want to be
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working full time. this is a number i've been watching every month. i've been hoping it would start to turn around. it hasn't, quite frankly. you have 9.5 million people. 9.5 million people working part time, but ready, willing and able, don, to work full time. that means if you add those to the 15 million who are full-on out of work, you have an unemployment situation far worse. i want to show you the progression of things. this is what the president and his team have been watching. they've been watching private sector jobs gain through the beginning of the year, and then now look, overall, you've had this drop-off here an optimist would call it stability after a run-up this morning, but a pessimist would look at that and say some of the advance as we saw the economy recovering has stalled here. bottom line, don, i know you've
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heard me say this a million times, it takes 100,000 to 150,000 new jobs every month just to absorb new people -- the normal growth of our labor market. that means new people graduating from college, new immigrants, new people into the work force. it takes 100,000 to 150,000 every month. we haven't hit it yet. >> so we're starting in a hole. we have to get to the surface and then build forward as you were saying, you can't just look at the raw numbers. what do you see that has to change in order to get out of the hole and extort to at least be on a level playing field? >> you have to see significantly more private sector job creation beyond just the area of health care. health care has been growing, but the big challenge is now we're losing teachers, we're losing state and local government workers, stimulus jobs, the funding is starting to run out. you'll see those people, census
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jobs, those are winding down as well. you can't -- this report, at least, you couldn't count on the government to be the thing that was carry job crazy in the country, so we need to see lots of different industries starting to add jobs. >> and the main one, in the private sector. thank you, thank you, christine. >> in the private sector. listen, coming up next, she said mexican pirates murdered her husband, nonahn american tourist's story is coming under some scrutiny, and the latest twist, straight ahead on cnn.
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she says pirates attacked and killed her husband as they were jet skiing. his body has yet to be found, leading to all sorts of questions. gary tuchman reports at the lake at the center of this investigation. >> reporter: we have an armada of armed protectors, as we head out for a short voyage on what may be north america's most dangerous lake. are you 100% convinced? >> we can never be 100% convinced. 99.9% convinced. >> reporter: would you be willing to have her take a polygraph test? >> i cannot force her to do it. >> would you like her to do it? >> if she wants to do it on her own, sure. >> reporter: this is what she had at a news conference. >> i know what i know. i know what i saw, and i can just tell us what i know. unfortunately he's not here to, you know -- david is not hear to
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verify, yeah, we were chased and shot at. so it is hard to be judged. >> reporter: what's the main reason you think that the story is 100% true? >> well, i look at it at what is there to indicate that it's not true. >> reporter: there's no jet ski, no body, but blood was found on her life preserver? >> yes. >> reporter: we're trying to get it analyzed. >> reporter: the sheriff's department wants to believe her story, but there's public officials in this county who don't want to go on camera are doubting it. also the police commander in the mexican state across the border also publicly doubting it. it's tragedy, also quite the puzzle. >> we're living yards away from actual war in a foreign country. >> reporter: it's your feeling that the mexican half of this lake is not under any authority controls, the cartels are controlling it? >> it's not my feeling, it's
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reality. >> reporter: the lake is huge. more than 80,000 acres, some of the best bass fishing in north american. on the other side of this border marker where mexico begins is now a no-man's-land. do you people know this is the border marker? do boaters generally know? >> yes, boaters that fish this lake -- >> is there any chance she didn't know she was in mexico. >> yes, she's said she was in mexico. >> reporter: why would she do that? >> she's say she thought the threats in april and may were over there. >> reporter: the mexican waters were barren. the threat is certainly not over with. gary tuchman, cnn, zapata, texas. he's in a chinese prison. his crime speaking out for democracy and human rights. today liu xiaobo is a nobel peace prize laureate. ahead, a look at hi struggles.
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that new healthcare law sure sounds good for all of us on medicare. starting next year, we'll get free check-ups, cancer screenings, lower prescription costs. and better ways to protect us and medicare from fraud, so it will stay strong for our kids and grandkids. now, that's music to my ears. ♪ personal pricing now on brakes.
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tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. all right. listen. his wife is overjoyed this is happening, but the chinese government is outraged. they're contrasting reactions triggered by this year's nobel peace prize going to chinese's leading political dissident, liu xiaobo. the announcement was made today. china blacked out the news contained in a cnn broadcast from oslo. liu was commended for his long struggle for human rights. he was sentenced to 11 years for subversion last year. china denounced the move of the nobel committee, calling it a blasphemy and warned it could damage relations with norway. president obama who won the
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award last year praised liu, and called on beijing to release liu as soon as possible. liu's lawyer also spoke out. >> translator: i hope he will be released earlier. i hope this will help him to be released earlier, but it's hard to know. i believe it will be a big encouragement for other chinese dissidents, especially to the other nominees. >> he's the co-author of the "charter 08" document that calls for greater freedom in china. he's the first chinese citizen to win the peace prize and one of three laureates to have received it behind barsful he's been jailed repeatedly since the tee ahn man square protests in 1989. his wife hopes to travel to the
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prison to deliver the news to him. the september jobs report, not good, not so much. in fact, worse than economists had been predicting. overall the economy lost 95,000 jobs last month. a big chunk were layoffs by state and local governments, the most since 1982. bank of america has just announced a nationwide freeze on foreclosures. it already had planned to halt foreclosures in 23 states to rerue foreclosure documents for possible flaws. three our banks are doing those limited freezes as well. at issue, some evidence that lenders signed off on foreclosures without verifying all the information. another change in the cast of characters at the white house to tell you about. we officially heard this hour that president obama as national security adviser general james jones is stepping down. he'll be replaced by his depend by thomas donilon. looking ahead to to 12 right
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our senior political editor mark preston with an update. what's crossing? >> is she going to run? is she not going to run? we all want to know what sarah palin is thinking about. apparently today she told the conservative magazine "news max" she might be considering it. in fact she said i'll run for president if the american people want me to. interestingly enough cbs news came out with a poll just the
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other day, they say that only 22% of americans believe she would be an effective president. that's not to say she's going to be swayed by that, don, as we all know, she's the darling of social conservatives. we know that joe biden speaks freely, speaks his mind. last night he was trying to rile up that crowd it wasn't working, so he decided to stick it to them, so to speak. he said, you're the dullest audience i have ever spoken to. do you realize how many jobs wisconsin has lost? it's staggering. that was enough to get the democrats to their feet. in fact they'll have to have to their feet on election day. don, just very quickly, a quick look at this story right here. texas democrat fights for survival. who that is? that is chet edwards. now, chet edwards is a democrat down in a very conservative district. in fact, vice president --
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president obama, when he was running considered edwards to be his vice presidential running mate. he has a tough race. bill flores is -- chet edwards set he is the -- >> thank you, mark preston. we're going to continue with our conversation on politics here. voter anger seemed to be the driving force for the midterm election. it's the anger that seems to be dominating the conversation also. it was also the topic of discussion on cnn's parker spitzer last night. >> voters have every right to be angry. i don't think it's -- as channeling and amplifying that anger. >> and the great piece on the democratic side that's miss seg that optimism. nobody has stepped up to fill that void and say here is the answer and we have a solution, and we're going to solve.
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problem. we have left the field empty for the sarah palins. that's the political brilliance she's brought to it. >> when leave town without even addressing tax rates in the middle of the crisis of the -- it's total abject abdication of government responsibility and they'll be punished as a result of it. >> you can see a brand-new edition of "parker spitzer" tonight at 8:00 right here on cnn. how will your cell phone work in the future? how will you keep everything connected? keep it all together? we'll talk about the future of media and your life in the big i, coming up after the break. the morning is over, it's time for two more pills. the day marches on, back to more pills. and when he's finally home... but hang on;
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you guys know i'm like a big tech person. i love all new technology. and this is my favorite section of the show because it's called "the big i" and it's for the new technology. for the last couple of weeks we've brought you examples of big ideas and innovations from georgia tech. joining us in the studio is the co-founder and executive director of future media at georgia tech and there's been a big summit this week with a bunch of people. you've had people from google, ibm, at&t, discovery at this future media fest. what is the future of media and technology look like? >> well, at georgia tech, in conjunction with our partners we feel there are six major trends that pour tend the nature of
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technology and media. we released an outlook that highlights the six mega trends. >> data tsunami? >> it recognizes that all of us are getting way too much information thrown at us. the question is how will we cope in the future. we're doing all kinds of research and innovation to simplify our lives. for example, there are 767 exo bytes of data on the internet by 2014. that means every person in morocco or canada will watch 3d "avatar" at the same time for a whole month. >> basically information overload? i have my personal e-mail, work e-mail and texts and sometimes it gets pushed down and i don't answer people and they say are you ignoring me and i never saw the e-mail. true personalization, what is that? >> we emphasize the word true because it's about leading customized lives in the future. we will have our preferences, our filters and behaviors
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determine what information we need before we ask for it. >> okay. content integrity. >> integrity is really the key word in that trend because it captures security, privacy, identity, vulnerability. what's happening as we see the future is with more devices like the ipad and more that are mobile and more open, more social network savvy, they're also making us more vulnerable. >> multimedia assumed? >> it will be a natural commonplace that video, audio and voice will be combined into a service. it's those that can integrate and combine them into a compelling experience easy relevant to me that will be the battleground. >> this one i think will be cool. i think i'll like this one. mixed reality. that's a mixture of -- is this online or a mixture -- i don't know. reality and not reality? >> it's combining our physical world with our cyber world. and, therefore, being able to do things today that are unimaginable. they'll be applied to learning,
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health care. so like being able to go into any restaurant and have it tell you what you should eat based on your die bettic reading that morning. >> oh, really? i don't know if i want that. i like to do what i want to do. >> you can set it the way you want. >> and then collaboration, renu. >> we think that's paramount because harnessing the power of many will be a competitive advantage. harnessing to create new content, movies, digital, books will be an advantage. >> here's the thing. we talk a lot about the unemployment rate and it is a problem but when i look at all the things you're talking about and the companies gathered here, isn't there room for innovation and jobs and to do your own thing within this? >> absolutely. i'm so glad that you asked that. for example content integrity will create a whole new industry because as we have more vulnerability there will be more start-ups. we saw a handful of those at the fest. there will be new jobs. there will be job titles today
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we don't imagine. chat managers for example. >> who would have thought 20 years ago we would be sitting here talking about this. if you have build a bridge or website or whatever, they will come. thank you. >> thank you. appreciate the opportunity. her house was burning and she could have gotten out in time but just couldn't leave her kids behind and we honor a mom's bravery and sacrifice coming up next. [ water ] hey, it's me water. so, you want me to be super amazing right from the faucet, but you think home filters can be a pain in the tucus. well check this out...
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and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i deserve this. [ male announcer ] you do, business pro. you do. go national. go like a pro. this is really just an amazing story. it's horrible, to tell the truth. a firebreaks out in a house full of sleeping kids and it could have wiped out an entire family but a very brave mom put her fears aside and herself in
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mortal danger to save them. here's rachel collier of our louisville affiliate wdrb. >> reporter: this is tamara findley, a mother of three and aunt to two. she was 31 years old and spent her last day saving those children's lives. this town home on south 11th street was burning up fast thursday morning. the only escape was from a second story window. >> i looked up and saw the smoke and i saw a kid hanging out the window. so -- and the paper man had ran up just as i was running up. i had told the paper man. the paper man was just like jump. if you jump we'll catch. >> reporter: she fought the flames and smoke and started throwing the kids out of window into the arms of bystanders. >> he jumps out of the window. i caught him and put him down. i kept asking the lady who lived there how many more kids up there. she said there was two more. >> reporter: after all five kids were safe, firefighters had to go in for tamara.
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she had collapsed. >> yeah, yeah. she was the only one being taken away on the stretcher and they were doing cpr on it her. i hope the best for her. >> reporter: she didn't make it. she died of smoke inhalation. firefighters say if it wasn't for the smoke alarms and tamara's bravery, the five children might not be alive. >> she was able to be alert because of the smoke alarms. she was able to go upstairs, which is where all the bedrooms were, and was able to get her kids and able to take them to safety. >> reporter: tamara fought through flames and smoke and gave up her life so that five young children may live. >> it was even extreme for us and we wear all this gear. we can only imagine what she went through as she was helping these kids. so she did a brave thing. she paid -- she made a sacrifice. but she did indeed save those children. hello, everyone. top of the hour. i'm don lemon.
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a new hour, a new rundown right now. christine o'donnell breaks her cnn silence. and, boy, does she have a whole lot to say about sarah palin, the tea party and the president. it's a bewitching interview only here on cnn. plus, the enemy in afghanistan hired to guard our troops? that's what a new congressional probe finds. how could this happen? and are our troops even more in harm's way? also, what's with all the name-calling out there? i'm talking about kids. i'm talking about you too, adults and i'll share some personal thoughts in my "xyz" today. first we want to get started right now and talk about being -- can you imagine being underground for 64 days? we have been awaiting a breakthrough in the chilean miners' ordeal and it may be just hours away. that's when a giant drill normally used to bore water holes is expected to tap the underground chamber where 33 gold and copper miners have been
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huddled together since their mine shaft collapsed on august 5th. and we have been seeing that video. there you see that drill going down trying to get to them so that they can rescue them very soon. can you imagine being there for 64 days? the men won't be pulled instantly to safety. the rescue shaft may need to be reinforced with a steel sleeve. the last thing anybody wants is for the shaft to collapse with somebody in it. that would be horrible, a tragedy on top of a tragedy. but then maybe as early as tuesday a man-sized capsule called the phoenix will lower down a doctor and an engineer and start trying to pull people out. crews have been practicing for days and i want to give you some idea of the dimensions we're talking about here. ali, bring this in. joey, come over here. this is a 21-inch pipe. can you imagine? you think you would be okay in that for an hour, hour and a half? >> definitely not. >> this is a little flexible. imagine trying to fit through
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that through an hour and a half, two hours. you can barely get your shoulders in there. it's amazing what they have to go through. take this away. look at that. can you imagine being inside of that for hours? it may be nothing for these guys especially since they've been underground for 64 days. they maybe wouldn't minds being there for a week. for weeks, though, no fewer than three drills have been racing to reach the miners. first last night we spoke with the man behind plan "b," pennsylvania-based driller brandon fisher. take a listen. >> you always think you guys would be the ones to pull this off? >> i felt since we've been here we've had a good chance of it. it was just -- you can't predict the down times, the breakages, the formation issues. i've felt since we got here as long as we had some luck on our side that we would have a real good chance of poking through first. >> cnn's karl penhaul has been on the story from the start and joins me now on the phone with what could be the beginning of
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the end here, karl, we hope. how close are they now? >> reporter: well, a short while ago, a press conference just ended. 120 feet. that is the distance between the drill and the tunnel where the miners have been holed up for all this time, t.j. and what the mines minister says is the breakthrough could come as early as today and he hopes certainly by tomorrow. >> okay. hey, sorry. we may have lost a little bit there. so, listen, what we understand is that the hole that they're drilling is 28 inches wide. the capsule that they're going to put them in, 21 inches wide. as we understand there, they've been trying -- they've gotten a trainer in and doctor in. many of these men had to lose weight, some of them 20 pounds. are they really sure everyone will be able to fit in something
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the size of a 21 inch pipe really? >> reporter: right now the medics on the surface are pretty confident that all the miners will fit. why? because early on in this rescue operation as they were sending down tape measures so the miners could measure their own bellies and the other key measurement of course around their shoulders and also weighing the miners periodically to check that they are keeping up with this weight loss program. of course as well there has been a process of natural weight loss because remember the first 17 days of this, the miners were enclosed. nobody even knew if this he were still alive. they only had per man four cans of tuna to survive 17 days. so in that period, some of them lost up to 30 pounds and since then the paramedics have been keeping a close eye on their health, t.j. >> no worries about it, karl penhaul. it's going to be interesting all weekend to watch this. this will be the first time they get that close to these men.
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we're going to be following here all weekend long on cnn to see if they actually make it and what happens next. imagine, 64 days trapped under the ground there. all of these men. and they're trying to get them in a very tiny capsule that they're going to put down to get these men opinion stay tuned to cnn. meantime move on and talk about politics here because 25 days until the critical midterm elections. one of the more intriguing races is the delaware senate battle. there voters are choosing between tea party backed republican christine o'donnell and chris coons. we caught up with christine o'donnell on the campaign trail to talk about her controversial comments in the past and her current campaign strategy. >> reporter: your latest ad says, i'm you. >> right. >> it's as if you're trying to reintroduce yourself to voters. >> yes. >> why is that? is that what you're trying to do? >> absolutely. my goal since the primary is to meet as many voters as possible so they can get to know me and i
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can get to know them. i've got to hear what's on their mind so i can know how i can help in washington, d.c. my goal, my whole candidacy is about putting the political process back into the hands of the people. i'm not a career politician. i'm not someone who has been groomed for office. i'm not someone who has been hand picked by her party elite by the party bosses obviously. i'm an average american citizen. i'm and average delawarean. i want to go to washington, d.c. and do what most delawareans would do. i would not have voted for obama care. i would not have voted for the bailouts. i would not have voted for more of the spending bills that are putting us into bankruptcy. and neither would you. that's my message "i am you" means. >> let me ask about the video clips that have surfaced. have you been embarrassed? >> no, i haven't been embarrassed.
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i'm not saying i'm proud. obviously what they're trying to do is paint a picture of who i was 20 years ago. you know, i've matured in my faith. i've matured in my policies. today you have a 40-something woman running for office, not a 20-year-old. so that's a big difference. and i think most people -- >> just having fun back then? is that basically your message? >> well, i think back then, as i said on hannity's show, a lot of what i said, i had a new found faith and i saw this an opportunity to talk about the faith on national tv more as a ministry opportunity. but voters need to rest assured when i go to washington, d.c. it's the constitution by which i will make all of my decisions and i will defend their right to disagree with me. that's the most important thing. >> that was just part of what christine o'donnell had to say in that interview to our very own jim acosta and he joins us now from washington. i understand she says she has a very strong faith now but that doesn't preclude embarrassment. some things you can be
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embarrassed and still have faith. she's not embarrassed by those comments? >> well, i think she's a little embarrassed. let's be frank here. this really forced her campaign to go underground about three weeks. after the clips started surfacing on the bill maher show three weeks ago a couple of days after the primaries she stopped doing national interviews. we had to chase her around just the other night to try to catch up with her and remind her of the fact that she told cnn that she would continue to come on this network and talk to us about the issues up in delaware and all over the country. and that was during an event that was being held at a gop candidates' forum. and she finally said, we'll talk to you, we'll set it up. to her credit, she kept her word. but she has to understand that between now and election day, she's probably going to have to come out and do more of the interviews to reintroduce herself to delaware voters. they're not just going to take these ads and say, okay, we're
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going to vote for christine o'donnell. >> i want to ask you this because every week there seems to be something especially on "real time with bill maher" or a new revelation about something she said. did you ask her about that, if there's something else we should be looking for? >> reporter: what i asked her was is there any chance she'll go on bill maher between now and election day because as you know maher said if she doesn't come out i'll throw out another tape every week. she told me she felt that was a threat and because of that she's not going to go on his show until after the election. her campaign guy said -- he was sort of standing behind us during the interview. he said maybe after the election. i have a pretty good feeling you'll see her on the show after the election. i also said, what about this debate next week? because cnn is holding a debate next wednesday in delaware between her and chris coons. and i said, you know, is there any chance you're going to ditch us on this debate? you're going to be at the
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debate, right? she guaranteed us she'll be at the debate and take all of those questions and says she looking forward to it. >> more on that in a second but i have to tell you in this day and age this may make her more popular and gain her more votes no matter how many times bill maher puts out clips on her. may make her more popular. we'll see. thank you, sir. thank you, appreciate it. be sure to join wolf blitzer and the best political team on television next wednesday as jim acosta said next wednesday for the delaware senate debate. special coverage at 7:30 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. voter enthusiasm is going to be a big issue when the polls open in just 25 days. so who shows up could tip the balance of power in washington. i want you to check out this new cnn research opinion poll last hour. registered voters were asked if they were enthusiastic about voting. 54% of republicans said yes. that is compared to only 34% of democrats. here's another one for you.
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independents are leaning heavily toward republican candidates this time around. 62% say they will vote republican. 31% democrat. again, that poll out just last hour. they came out of anger, sadness and pride. a memorial forum for rutgers student tyler clementi spurs other gay students to open up about bullying. we'll hear from some of them next.
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[ man ] save $523. save $345. 16 minutes could save you 16%. come on. isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers, more savings, and discounts up to 40%. where else are you gonna get discounts like that? but first, talk to your neighbors. chances are, they're one of the 40 million. then call a state farm agent
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you know, it has been just over two weeks since tyler clementi jumped off the george washington bridge to his death. the 18-year-old rutgers student was apparently anger and embarrassed that a hookup with a male friend was secretly screamed online by his roommate, no less. he was at least the fourth teen to commit suicide last month after anti-gay harassment or bullying. a memorial forum in his hometown last night was marked by high emotion and really bracing honesty. >> my name is daniel jacobson. i'm 22 years old now. i graduated from college. i attended jackson high school from 2002 to 2006. i was bullied because i was gay and because i was latino. it first began with a few students during my freshman year. who decided i was gay before i
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even decided my own sexual orientation. so people then decided for me. the message was that it was bad to be gay. that it was wrong. it was okay to be degraded and made sub-hugh man because i was gay. >> these bullies are wrong. but most of these bullies, they're only 30% wrong because they're just stupid. most of them don't know -- most of them are not criminals. most of them will not become criminals. most of them are not sociopaths. they just haven't been taught. >> the utter falsehood of the statements -- sticks and stones may break my brons but words may never hurt me. they are powerful. after seventh i refused to take it anymore. i faked illness to avoid the living hell. it didn't work for long and my depression worsened and i began cutting myself to the point i became suicidal and admitted to a hospital for about two weeks.
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but i'm proud to stand here now three years later after countless hours of therapy and a lot of hard work to say that i am openly gay, a sophomore at a very accepting high school where i lead the gay/straight alliance and anti-bullying program. [ applause ] >> sticks and stones and name calling. it's exactly what my "xyz" is about. i'm glad the young man mentioned that. programming note for you, all this week on "ac 360" they've had some special coverage called "bullying, no escape." anderson wraps up tonight with a town hall tackling bullying 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. make sure to stay tuned for my "xyz" just before 3:00 here on cnn. he spoke out against the taliban and now an afghan provincial governor is dead. plus, reports that afghan guards at u.s. bases are linked to the taliban. we're live from kabul next.
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just one day after the start of the tenth year of war in afghanistan, an outspoken critic of the taliban is killed in a bomb attack during prayer services at a mosque north of canal. it was a provincial governor who was the target of a previous assassination attempt. cnn's ivan watson joins us now from kabul. what do you know about this bombing? >> reporter: don, this was a shocking attack even by the standards of a country that's been at war more than 30 years. a bomb ripping through a packed mosque during peak friday prayers, killing, according to afghan government officials, at least 20 people and wounding 35. it killed the muslim cleric leading the prayers and also
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killed as you mentioned this governor from the neighboring province of kunduz. his aides say he survived previously at least five assassination attempts by the taliban. we spoke to him just last sunday by telephone and during that phone interview mohammed omar told us he was desperate for help. he claimed the taliban controlled 40% of the territory in his province and didn't have enough afghan police to combat the insurgents. what this does is really shows us how much the taliban influence has spread to the north of the country, an area that you or i could have traveled openly in just three or four years ago. it was considered one of the safest parts of afghanistan. >> ivan, stand by just a moment because i want to update viewers on this and ask you a question about it and tell our viewers about a stunning report from capitol hill. the senate armed services committee says afghan security forces guarding u.s. bases are tied to the taliban. criminal networks and iranian
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intelligence. the report goes on to say that there is virtually no pentagon oversight of these afghan guards. the guards are said to be employees of afghan groups hired as subcontractors by western security firms. so, ivan, what can you tell us from your end about this report? it's certainly alarming. >> reporter: it is alarming. but i think it eludes to -- or it talks about an issue that already the embassies here and nato and u.s. military forces here are trying to address. they're very much aware of this. for instance, i spoke with a spokesman for the coalition forces here. he said that there were no fewer than three separate task forces trying to address the issue of contracting in this country. it's a massive industry. we're not just talking about the security contractors, but the huge amounts of money that are being spent on reconstruction projects and just to maintain the 150,000 foreign troops that are operating in this country.
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according to this spokesman, the u.s. currently employs no fewer than 26,000 security contractors, many of them afghans, across the country. and according to one of the reports here, they are very well aware that, quote, our contracting efforts in afghanistan represent both an opportunity and a danger. where the danger? because large amounts of money are going into this country and not very well accounted for. now, we've talked to some security contractors. they say that part of the reason for hiring this many people to guard, for instance, small american bases around the country, is to try to basically start a public works program, to try to get locals -- pump money into the economy, protect the bases. but along the way it is not unimaginable that people with taliban relatives to get hired to protect american bases. don. >> ivan watson, kabul. thank you, ivan. check your top stories right
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now. rescuers are drilling their way closer to those 33 trapped chilean miners. the country's mining minister says a rescue drill should get to them within 24 hours but it may still take several days before they're pulled to safety. we don't know. we're going to be following this. but the miners have been trapped 2300 feet below the ground since early august. can you imagine? president barack obama is among the voices calling for the release of the latest nobel peace prize lawyerate liu xiaobo. china's foreign ministry called the decision by the nobel commission today blasphemy. seven people are now dead from that toxic sludge disaster in hungary. it all started monday when an aluminum plant reservoir burst sending this stuff into nearby villages and flooding it with that goop. it's reached the danube river
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where there's concern it could affect other countries downstream. three, two, one and then blast off. the soyuz rocket is launched and is soaring into space and we're going "off the radar." [ woman ] alright, so this tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours. but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? good, how are you? [ male announcer ] aleve. proven better on pain. we need directions to go to... pearblossom highway? it's just outside of lancaster. sure, i can download directions for you now. we got it. thank you very much! check it out. i can like, see everything that's going on with the car. here's the gas level. i can check on the oil. i can unlock it from anywhere.
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oh, here we go. we're back on. we're hanging here talking. chad myers takes us "off the radar." we're talking about soyuz rockets. going to the iss, international space station. only two more launches of the shuttle. so they are now upgrading the soyuz rockets, the first one that's all digital, no manual things in there anymore. no analog stuff. you said how old is this thing.
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they keep upgrading them obviously so they're doing much better. they'll be able to launch twice as many. this thing went off. we have video of this going on off. >> kazakhstan? friday. >> it was friday. it was technically today. but about 7:00 last night our time. they're ahead of us. there it goes. and do you know the word or the name anda chapman? >> yeah. >> you know that word? she's not acosmonaut. >> how do i know that name? oh. >> she was there watching it. remember she's the russian spy. >> yes, the red head. >> first time in public. they call it the fire hair. fiery hair or something like that. first time she's been in public and she wanted to see the launch. >> she was there for the launch of the rocket? >> yes. but was quickly escorted by her security detail to a small room. >> she had security detail. >> i guess she needs it. not sure why. they're going up there. there are two cosmonauts in the
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soyuz. one scott kelly. scott is going to be joined by his twin brother on the next shuttle mission, mark. they'll be up there together. this thing acts like -- one leaves, one comes back down. takes 2 1/2 to get there, only 3 1/2 to get back because it goes down kind of fast. it acts as kind of their emergency e. jekt button. if everything goes bad they can all get in the soyuz because it stays up there. >> boom down fast. so it says two more u.s. shuttle missions february, november left. international space station when complete will be the size of a football field. that's pretty big. >> and kind of all tubes going out there. go to iss on google and it's pretty cool. >> easy. >> sorry. thank you, chad myer. we have to actually talk about something serious. i know you've been covering it and we've been talking about it all week. what's happening in hungary. the death toll rises from the toxic sludge in hungary.
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almost the size of the gulf oil spill. vivid pictures next in "globetrekking." ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach.
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time now to go"globetrekking." the destination is have a h. that vast and dangerous toxic sludge threatening hungary's mighty danube river and all who live along the banks. this map shows in red where the sludge gu gushed from a breach in an aluminum plant reservoir on monday. the villages were covered in red deadly muck. today the death toll rose to seven. there's a bit of good news though to report to you. the danube may not be as damaged as originally feared. cnn's nic robertson is at one of the clean-up areas.
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>> reporter: this is where the water is being tested. it's got a high alkali content. that's what made it so caustic. those men are testing it to see the level now. this is a mix of the plaster and chemicals quite literally taken up by a digger, dumped into the river to improve the quality of the water and make it less caustic. you can see some of the clean-up going on just over the road. one of the things that's changed in the past few days is the police have a check point further up the road stopping too many vehicles from coming through the town but here, you look over here, more people in white coats. that's another thing we're seeing a lot more of. but here's the clean-up going on. quite literally, scooping up the red sludge, putting it in this big dump truck here to try to take it away and in the background over there, you can see the house they're having the logs removed, the contaminated
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logs, stained red, as everything is around here. this is about five miles eight kilometers down river from the spill and you can see how wide the swathe of land and vegetation that was cut by this toxic spill when it happened. i mean, you look at the vegetation now, you can see it's all dying off. but if you want to see just how contaminated the river water still is, look down here at this spring, a freshwater spring right here. clean water coming out flowing into the river and it stays clean for just a few seconds after it hits the river and you can see that murkiness in the water there. that gives you an idea just how contaminated the rivers still are. greenpeace, the activist environmentist group says the government here has been underreporting how bad the situation is. nic robertson, cnn, several miles, several kilometers down river from the toxic spill, hungary. okay. depending on your age you'll know what i'm talking about when
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i say beetle bailey. remember that? blondee? blondie and dagwood? dennis the menace. just some of the comic strips getting a new look this sunday. it's all about breast cancer awareness. ♪ [ engine revs, tires screeching ] we give to you the all-new volkswagen jetta. we have one more surprise for you. fifteen-thousand nine-hundred neunzig dollar? [ sobbing ] [ camera shutters clicking ] ♪ whoo-hoo, yeah ♪ whoo-hoo, yeah as a part time sales associate with walmart. when william came in i knew he had everything he needed to be a leader in this company. [ william ] after a couple of months, i was promoted to department manager. like, wow, really? me? a year later, i was promoted again. walmart even gave me a grant for my education. recently, he told me he turned down a job
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time now for "mission possible." when you read your newspaper this sunday don't think there was an ink mishap when you see nothing but pink in the comic section. it's all to raise awareness about breast cancer. and brendan bereford is the comics editor with king fisher syndicate the company behind the
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physical of its network. good idea to raise awareness and eventually raise money. how did you decide on all of this? >> well, you know, we're well aware of the impact that our comics have on the everyday lives of the readers. people pledge their allegiance to them on a regular basis. we thought this is a very important issue, something we felt we could use our soapbox and raise awareness and maybe even money to go towards research and a cure. >> i get that. but when you approach a newspaper or cartoonist and say we want to make everything pink or whatever, a different color, come on, they can't just go, oh, yeah, sure. >> well, no. it took some advance planning of course. we don't want to catch anybody by surprise but we do a lot of what we do in advance. >> that's what i was going to ask. what was the process? what was their response? were they open right away? did you have some convincing to
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do? >> everyone involved from the cartoonists to the newspapers to the people who take care of running all the sunday sections, everybody was on board and thought it was a wonderful thing to do and pleased about this obviously. and i think it's going to be a great campaign. >> yeah. so, listen, what do you hope to accomplish? you said you want to raise money and raise awareness. but do you think this will go on and other people will do the same thing as far as if it's successful? >> i hope so. i mean, you know, october is breast cancer awareness month and there's a lot of things going on. i was watching football players and they were wearing pink. you can go to comics go, which is a website we set up where you can donate money to a couple of different charities. we're also auctioning a special set piece that we commissioned specifically for the event. so we're hoping that not just raise awareness but also raise some money as well. >> this is it right here. it's a signature art piece for
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this campaign. and who was the artist that did this? >> dan parero who draws the daily comic bizarro. we thought he would be good to paint all the characters we represent. >> it's mostly pink but still different shades of pink as we look at it here. so one has to wonder, then, because i'm sure this is about awareness but you want to raise money. how do you have raise money exactly with this just by turning the page pink? >> well, again, we have the website where there's plenty of ways to donate money to different charities that are already in operation, plus we are auctioning off the piece that you just had on the screen. we expect a decent price to go for that. it's a wonderful piece of original art. >> that's actually a really cool piece. what do you think that might go for? >> i have no idea. the declared value -- i hope it
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goes for a bunch. it could be a few hundred dollars to maybe a couple thousand dollars. i think any amount would be a wonderful story. >> brendan burford, thank you very much. best of luck to you. i notice you're wearing a pink shirt. people may not be able to tell on television and think it's white. >> yes, it's true. >> thanks again. to find out more on the cartoonist care initiative check out th president'sstanng by to tell al y caer.
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th seatistics eling like we're out of the less than 30 days to go. >> all you know is i hav hs a ha gotten any. it's all about you when it comes to that. let's talk about the midterms. obviously big topic. 26 days until the midterms. so the first lady, they're pulling out as they say the big guns here because she is popular. where is she going? she's hitting the campaign trail. what is she doing? >> reporter: she is going to be in wisconsin and illinois, your former home. going to be in chicago going home for herself as well. there's some big senate races.
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russ feingold in wisconsin. a democratic incumbent in some real trouble right now facing a strong republican challenge and alexi beganugiannoulias. we talked about him. democrats hoped it would be a slam-dunk and done a long time ago but a neck and neck with the republican mark kirk. what's significant is that the first lady doesn't really do campaigning. that's not her thing generally and this is really her first major foray. so we're going to keep a close eye on that to see how it plays. we're told by senior officials she's not going to go out and do slash and burn negative politics. but she's going to talk positively about the president's agenda and speak out in favor of democratic candidates. bottom line she's the most popular obama right now. >> yeah, absolutely right. thank you, sir. if i don't see you, have a great weekend. >> you too. voter anger seems to be the driving force in the midterm elections. you heard our ed henry talking
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about it there. it's anger over the economy that seems to be dominating the discussion. it was also the topic of discussion on cnn's "parker/spitzer" last night. >> voters have every reason to be frightened and in some cases angry. i don't think it's good to have political leaders see themselves as channeling and amplifying that anger. >> and the gray piece of the democratic side that is missing is that optimism. noeb has stepped up as a democrat to fill that void and say here is the answer and we have a solution and we're going to solve the problem and we have left the field empty for the sarah palins and that is the political brilliance she has brought to it. and i'm troubled by the substance but the democratic party has failed to step up and say anything meaningful. >> when you leave town even even addressing tax rates in the middle of one of the great economic crises of the modern era, it's just total abject abdication of government responsibility and they're going to be punished in november because of it. >> much more of that in a new edition of "parker/spitzer"
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tonight 8:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. okay. so if you're not up on some of the garments that muslims wear, right? we have got you covered. "wordplay" straight ahead. fre? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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time for today's "wordplay." the term we're looking at first popped up on most people's radar in 2001. we're talking about burqa. burqa. the words in the headlines again because of france's so-called ban has been ruled constitutional. here's the thing. burqa is often misused as a catch-all term for muslim women's garments but it's actually just the most severe
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covering, the entire face and body and leaving just a mesh screen to see through. then there is niqab, less cumbersome but conservative. a scarf and veil combination and covers all of the head and face except just the eyes. compared to the hijab. they come in different styles and different clorolors. the most common a square scarf covering the head and neck. name calling, hateful words. time to put an end to all of it. i'll share some personal thoughts. [ tires screech ] [ cellphone beeps ] and if you've got cut-rate insurance, you could be payin' for this yourself. so get allstate. [ tires screech ] [ dennis ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate. ♪ [ upbeat instrumental ] [ dennis ] dollar for dollar [ rattling ] [ gasps ]
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now it's time for the "xyz" of it. what's up with all the name calling lately? and i'm not talking about school yard bullying, though we have been dealing a lot with that lately. but the latest controversy involves a jerry brown aide using the term whore to describe his opponent meg whitman. that got me thinking it's time to take stock in our words. here's the problem. sometimes in private in our own so called circles we develop a sense of comfort. if we hear a derogatory remark made by quote/unquote one of our own we tend to ignore it or laugh at it sometimes until, until we slip and it has at work or in public and you find yourself or someone else desperately struggling to try to pull the words back as they're coming out of your mouth, right? come on. you've been there. i have too. once i went home to visit one of my friends from louisiana, it was one of my college buddies who happens to be right. we were leaving his restaurant
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heading out for a night on the town. he told me about firing an employee. i asked who it was and he said one of the "n" words that works for us. he turned bright red and was apologizing over and over and over again. let's just say it was a long night and we haven't spoken much sense. not because i think he's race u.s. but i think by the time you're a certain age you should know better. about common sense and decency. the on sit is one that exacerbates problems like bullying and stifles human understanding and shuts us off from diverse i had of thought and diversity of people. that subconsciously makes us close-minded. when we allow words like this to slip out, it says really more about us than we realize. words carry weight. sometimes more weight than sticks and stones. and that's my "xyz." the next hour of the "cnn newsroom" starts right now.
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