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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 10, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm doug harrison. we're experts at getting you the power chair or scooter you need. in fact, if we qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. -- captions by vitac -- call the number on your screrere the president in pennsylvania and the governor of that state is here live. ed rendell tells us if mr. obama can help struggling democrats, not only there, but all across the country. this truly is beyond every
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parent's nightmare. you're out with your kids when, for no reason at all, a deranged person stabs your child not once, but five times. why on earth? doctors say, sadly, it is a sick thrill. striking a pose isn't just for yoga, the dance floor or the catwalk. try the job interview. it could make all the difference between work and the unemployment line. we'll explain. hello, everyone, i'm don lemon. we're go it's very important fo
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midterm elections and very important for 2012. let's start with the midterm elections. you have a senate race, a governor's race and republicans think they have a chance of picking up at least five democratically heldous seats. this could be a treasure trove for republicans if they're able to win back that senate seat. that's arlen specter's senate seat, a republican who turned democrat. if they're able to pick up the governorship and five more seats in the house. five more seats in the house would help republicans take back the house majority which is right behind me. for 20 telephone, don, we're seeing president obama go to states that could be important to his re-election. we'll see him in oh ohio, we saw him in wisconsin. 24 electoral votes on the table. >> mark preston, we'll keach this conversation going with the
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top democrat in that state. governor ed rendell, fresh off speaking at that rally in philadelphia. he's going to join us in just a few minutes on cnn. in the meantime, i want to tell you about developing news in north korea. a day-long celebration signaled kim jong-il's youngest son as his chosen successor. they appeared at a massive military parade. the symbolism was very important, to show the world that the younger kim the support of the north korean generals. kim jong-un appeared in civilian clothes. chile another step closer for freedom for trapped miners. crews are reinforcing the first 100 yards of the rescue tunnel with steel tubing. once that is done, they'll send down a doctor and rescue worker to prepare the men for the their journey back to the surface. if all goes according to plan, the first miner could be back up by wednesday. still ahead on cnn, why would somebody stab a random
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young child at an arcade in suburban new york? we'll dig deeper to a story that has everyone talking. we want you to be part of the conversation, part of our political discussion. specifically join us on twitter or facebook or check out our blog. look for us on foursquare as well. don't forget, governor of pennsylvania, ed rendell on the other side of the break. i used to see the puddles, but now i see the splash. ♪ i wanted love, i needed love ♪ ♪ most of all, most of all... ♪
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you do? your medicare card. [ laughing ] but don't let me or anyone see it except your doctor or their staff. and don't tell anyone your card or social security number over the phone. guard your card. [ woman 2 ] i hear unauthorized card use is a big source of fraud. the new healthcare law lets us crack down on criminals and win against fraud. making medicare stronger. and speaking of winning... [ man 2 ] not again! [ man ] learn more at
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president obama trying to rally the base in pennsylvania. you saw it here live on cnn, a state where republicans think they have some of their best shot to pick up seats currently held by democrats. the state's cop democratic, mr. ed rendells, is leaving
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office, due to term limits, but he's still looming large in these midterm elections. governor, thank you so much for joining us this evening. how you doing? >> my pleasure. nice to be with you. >> listen, you have done some national strategizes as a former head of the dnc and spoke at the rally with president obama. why does he have to hit the campaign trail so hard even in blue states like yours? >> well, because i think you probably identified there's a lot at stake in pennsylvania. there are seven seats that could go either way. in fact, there's one seat in the lehigh valley where mayor callahan of bethlehem, a democrat, has a chance to take a seat, so there are seven seats up for grabs. there's a senate seat that's up for grabs and, of course, the governor's office and governors do play a very important role in keeping the party organization together for national elections like the one we're facing in 2012. and, look, when there's a bad economy, people tend to reflexively blame those people who are in power. it's important to focus even on
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the state, and we're not a really blue state. we've had a republican legislature for a long time. we're more of a purple state than blue or red, so it's very important for the president to talk to our base. philadelphia and the turnout in the greater philadelphia area will determine the statewide elections for sure. >> let's go beyond pennsylvania and philadelphia because you, in your speech, you characterize it as life-and-death struggle in pennsylvania and you said the choice is clear. you've got to go to the polls. i'm wondering if you're just talking about in pennsylvania or if you're talking about across this country. it's do or die for the democrats right now. >> well, there's no question. and i think this election is so important for the direction of the country. you know, michele bachmann and you might classify her as sort of out there in left field, but, darr darrylisa who will be the chairman. oversite commission said the first thing they'll do is start issuing subpoenas and having
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investigations. given the challenges that this country faces, that's the last thing we need. it's the last thing we need. give president obama and nancy blowsy and harry reid credit. we didn't do that to the republicans. we didn't start investigating all the things that could have been investigated from the prior administration. we tried to focus on the challenges facing us. i think to have the republicans back in control of the house of representatives would be very destructive. i think they've said very clearly they want to go back to the policies, the economic policies, that have ruined the country, brought the country to the brink of its knees and they want to start this investigation stuff, which the country absolutely doesn't need. >> listen, robert gibbs, even, you know, howard dean has said, many people have said, listen, the voters are apathetic and some voters are upset by that saying, you're blaming us. do you feel as a former head of the dnc, do you feel democrats or voters are and they can especially towards midterm election sentence. >> democratic voters aren't as
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wildly enthusiastic as the tea partier are and there's no question about that. but remember, there's an age-old adage that a tepid vote counts the same as a wildly enthusiastic vote. what our task is to get our voters to the polls and say to them, look, what's going on hasn't been perfect. there have been some mistakes made and we know you're disappointed by what's going on in the country, but this is not a referendum. it's a choice between two parties, two individuals, and the choice is absolutely clear. for the people who were at that rally today, you've got republicans, a lot of them, across the country, talking about repealing the minimum wage. well, that would be disastrous for the people of germantown, for example. you've got people talking about repealing the health care bill. that health care bill is going to give a lot of people in that crowd access to health care for the first time in their lives. it would be disastrous. so they do have a stake in this election and they've got to get out and vote. >> listen, would that be your strategy? i want ta talk about the tea
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party. if you were the head of your party, would that be your strategy, that whole apathy strategy? what would you do to get people to the polls? >> i think the president's done an excellent job in the last 2 1/2, 3 weeks, sounding the alarm and people not me, not running but democrats. we have to do our job, too, and say to them, look, consider the options. consider the alternatives. it's dark enough and different enough in terms of the quality of your life that you ought to get out and vote. you know, i said to the crowd today, financial reform, democrats supported it, republicans were with the same people who brought us to the brink of economic disaster. student loans, the democrats and the president got rid of $60 billion that was going to companies -- >> mr. rendell, with all due respect, even that, you mentioned all of that and also, with health care, i see the ads in my state and, actually, republicans are voting railroad at least campaigning against that, saying that those, i guess, wins are -- that the
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democrats have gotten, the president have gotten, they're using that as a negative in campaigns and you're saying that the democrats should be touting that. >> certainly when we talk to our base, no question about it. because our base has to understand that there have been some real achievements. you look at the seven things that have gone into effect in the health care bill today already. not one of them people object to. i just give you one. no longer can children 25 years of age or under be denied coverage for preexisting illnesses. everyone agrees with that. when i said it on bill o'reilly's show, he said, that's a good point and he doesn't like the health care bill. >> why aren't democrats running on that? why is the president so unpopular? why isn't the president talking about that at least a lot when he goes out on the campaign trail? why aren't democrats campaigning, at least on health care, if it is such a positive for the party? >> because, of course, in the spin world over the last two years, health care got a bad name and they got it because
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people don't understand it. when you break the health care bill down in its components, and when you tell people that the cbo says over the next 20 years it's going to cut the deficit by $1 trillion, well, all of a sudden people say, wow, i didn't know that and, yeah, you're right. seniors are getting money back to fill the doughnut hole and small businesses are getting a 35% tax credit. wow, that's amazing. high-risk pools are giving people coverage who might otherwise die. yeah, it sounds pretty good to me. you mean they can't cap us for expenses in a year? they can't drop us off health care because we're sick? boy, those are great. we just haven't done a good job of explaining it. >> i've got to go. i have one last question for you. you mentioned the tea party. do you think tea partier have tipped balance when it comes to midterm elections and has it changed the landscape for democrats or republicans? >> we'll see. i think it's been a positive force for the republicans. a lot of the tea partitis are
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talking about things that a lot of sensible people agree with but there are some extremes in the tea party movement and those extremes are starting to generate some idea among democrats that we better get out and vote. >> ed rendell, the governor of pennsylvania, thank you for your time. we appreciate it. we've been talking about the race in pennsylvania. we want to mention that we invited pat toomey, the republican running for senate in pennsylvania to join us on this program. he declined but the invitation is still open to you, mr. toomey. let's move on and talk about this story. what on earth would make somebody stab a jung boy at an arcade? it happened in suburban new york and i'm talk about toyota criminal profiler. how often does it happen? a convicted murder insists he's innocent and that dna will prove it. [ male announcer ] we went to germany's nurburgring to challenge ourselves on the most demanding track in the world.
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gecko: well...i'd hate to be stanley. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent.
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listen up, it is one of the scariest crimes because there's almost no way to be prepared for it. listen to this. a family out for a good time at a long island dave and buster's, right, when police say a man randomly stabbed their 8-year-old son five times. the boy's father and a witness helped the suspect until -- held the suspect until police arrived. now the boy is recovering from a punctured lung, among other wounds. we're joined now by pat brown, a criminal profiler in washington. pat, this is really horrific and i'm sure makes every parent stop in their tracks, especially. how common are these random attacks? are they common? >> well, luckily, don, they're not very common. usually in a public location where the guy's bound to get caught is not someplace they usually attack because that's exactly what happened in this case. they're mass murder types, we usually see that happening in the teens or mid-life crisis and
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people think, my life is going down the toilet, i might as well take everybody out with me, they ach tack the school they go to or a place of business. to go to a place where kids are having fun and stab somebody, it's very unusual. thank god we don't have to worry about it too often but it's a horrific crime. >> here's what i find interesting. i think you said you can't predict them because the person obviously finds some sort of thrill in stabbing someone and catching them off-guard and just the really spectacle of it all. is there anything you call it? i notice there's munchausen by proxy and all sorts of things? >> obviously this man did plan this because he said he wanted to go kill somebody in a note. we know it's not purely a psychotic type of thing where he thought aliens were inside the child and had to get rid of them. he wanted to kill someone. he picked this child and he thinks it's the meanest thing to do to society, he hates society.
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he wants to show everybody how much he despises them. you really can't tell. maybe people around him could see him, what we call decompensating, in other words, his life is tanking. he had a job that he was working a movie theater, he obviously was nothing wrong working a movie theater but not the highest paying job at 23. maybe he was frustrated with life. who knows what his love life was doing. might have had some other psychological problems but psycho pathy is underlying this one and he proved it by writing that note because he said he wanted to do this and planned to do it. >> and no precautions anyone can take. >> nothing you could do. >> pat brown, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> not at all. up next here on cnn, he's a convicted murder on beth row but insists dna will prove his innocence. >> district attorney has to turn over the evidence and test it and let the chips fall where they may. if i'm innocent, i go home, if i'm guilty, i die. what's wrong with that? i know the best card you're holding.
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you do? your medicare card. [ laughing ] but don't let me or anyone see it except your doctor or their staff. and don't tell anyone your card or social security number over the phone. guard your card. [ woman 2 ] i hear unauthorized card use is a big source of fraud. the new healthcare law lets us crack down on criminals and win against fraud. making medicare stronger. and speaking of winning... [ man 2 ] not again! [ man ] learn more at
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personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. no doubt, most every case that reaches the supreme court is critically important, but this wednesday, the case before it means life or death for one texas prisoner. he's set to be executed, but his lawyers say before he dies, there should be more dna testing of evidence. cnn's kate baldwin has the story. >> reporter: we met hank skinner on texas death row.
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i wanted to ask you first, mr. skinner, about the supreme court case. skinner is lucky to be alive today. what has it been like behind bars forstein years? >> living hell. living hell. there's hell on earth, this is it. >> reporter: in march, he came within 45 minutes of lethal injection when the supreme court stepped in, agreeing to hear his case. >> i just kind of slid down the wall. i felt so alive that i thought i was going to float away. >> reporter: you were ready to die? >> no, i wasn't ready to die, but i didn't have any choice. >> reporter: let me ask you point-blank, then, did you commit this crime? >> no, i did not. >> reporter: to prove that, skinner wants untested dna evidence from the triple murder crime scene analyzed now. at the time of the trial, his attorney made a strategic decision not to test the evidence fearing it would further impolice i indicate him. >> all the district attorney's got to do is turn over the evidence and test it and let the chips fall where they may. if i'm innocent, i go home. if i'm guilty, i die.
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what's on hard about that? >> reporter: skinner has always maintained he's innocent. now the case has made its way to the supreme court. the question, do death row inmates have basic civil right to have forensic evidence reviewed post conviction, two decades after the gruesome crime that rocked this small community. >> reporter: lisa busby is now the lone surviving member of the busby family. new year's eve, 1993, her mother, twila and two ordinarily brothers were murdered in their home. twila busby was hank skinner's girlfriend. skinner admits he was there but he says he was passed out on the couch at the time of the murders. lisa busby now lives with her inning pell that that they remain certain skinner is guilty and certain any additional evidence will further prove that. >> reporter: they should kill him?
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>> test the dna. execute him and get it over with. he's guilty. >> reporter: prosecutors say skinner had his chance to appeal and argued that if he wins now, it will open the floodgates to frivolous lawsuits clogging the criminal justice system. >> the process has worked in this case. mr. skinner has tried and he has failed to make any showing that there's any reasonable probability that this testing would likely show him to be innocent. >> reporter: are you prepared to deal with any consequence that comes if twro further prove your guilt? >> without sounding like a smart ass, lady, i've been here 17 years and i'm ready for anything. >> reporter: no matter how the high court rules, this decision will have far-reaching implications for every did this penalty case and any inmate, innocent or not, seeking to overturn a death sentence. kate baldwin, cnn, in north texas. >> all right, kate. as midterm elections get
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closer, is the country leaning democrat or republican? we'll have the results of a new cnn poll next. and afghan president hamid karzai has now reacted to allegations that he is manic depressive. ♪ ♪ [ engine revs, tires screeching ] we give to you the all-new volkswagen jetta. we have one more surprise for you. fifteen-thousand nine-hundred neunzig dollar? [ sobbing ] [ camera shutters clicking ] ♪ whoo-hoo, yeah ♪ whoo-hoo, yeah [ evan ] ah it's cool. ah... ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah. ah! ah! whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what is that? how come my dap wasn't like that? huh? it's just an "us" thing. yeah, it's a little something we do. who else is in this so-called "us"? man, i don't know. there's a lot of us. [ chuckles ] ask your friends what it's like
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former president bush's one-time pop adviser is lashing out at president obama. he's upset that he's targeted in a new democratic party campaign ad. we're just 23 days away from the midterm elections and it is getting rough out there. senior political editor mark preston joins us. mark, what's up with karl rove and what else is making headlines in the political world this sunday? >> reporter: well, don, karl rove is very upset that president obama is on the campaign trail this past week and said that there's a shadowy group that is taking foreign donations and trying to influence our democracy. there is a new ad out, as you said, just there in the introduction from the democratic national committee. it actually mentions karl rove and ed gless tee by name. karl rove, ed gless tee, they're bush cronies. the u.s. chamber of commerce
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they're shills for big business and they're stealing our democracy. they're spending millions from secret donors to elect republicans to do their bidding in congress and what they mean by doing their bidding for secret donors is, is that gillespie and rove are somewhat affiliated with a group that is a nonprofit. it's an issue advocacies group. they don't have to say where their donations are coming from. democrats are very upset by that. chris van holem was on state of the union this morning and he said it shows the strength of the party that, in fact, democrats don't have to embrace president obama going into the midterm elections. it said it shows how ideologically diverse the democratic party are. they're not all just liberals. some of them are conservative and they don't always back the president. chris van holem this morning on "state of the union" with candy crowley. bad news for democrats. it seems every sunday, don, i have that term, bad news for democrats, but the new cnn opinion research corporation poll shows that republicans have a seven-point advantage on the generic ballot.
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right now, the number is 52% to 45%. what that means is 52% of americans would rather vote for a republican than a democrat at this point. we talked about the enthusiasm gap. you spoke to governor rendell earlier. the fact of the matter is, there is an enthusiasm gap right now, 23 days to election day. democrats really need to re-ignite that gap. we saw president obama try to do that in pennsylvania. >> mark preston, stick around because we'll see you again in our next hour with another update. go to cnn passions are high this political season, including on cnn's newest program, it's called "parker spitzer" watch it every night at 8 p.m. eastern. here's what oliver stone had to say about sarah palin. >> could you see making a movie about sarah pale anyone is she movie fooder? i would think -- >> it's a bad idea because i think you're already empowering
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her. she's a moron, in my opinion, she doesn't say anything but she's very colorful. but you give her more power, like father coffin, she's an andy griffith character . >> for more opinions, ideas and analysis, don't miss "park irspitzer" weeknights at 8:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. larry king asks, hamid karzai about all those rumors about his mental health. . >> are you a manic depressive? do you take medication for it? >> what the afghan leader has to say in response. we'll show you of. plus designing homes from trash, the ultimate in recycl g recycling. i know the best card you're holding.
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you do? your medicare card. [ laughing ] but don't let me or anyone see it except your doctor or their staff. and don't tell anyone your card or social security number over the phone. guard your card. [ woman 2 ] i hear unauthorized card use is a big source of fraud. the new healthcare law lets us crack down on criminals and win against fraud. making medicare stronger. and speaking of winning... [ man 2 ] not again! [ man ] learn more at
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looking for a job, i want you to listen. how do you sit during a job interview? like this, like this, cross your legs? the way you sit or stand during a job interview can make a difference. this is the wonder woman pose. two university researchers say you can pose in certain ways to
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feel more powerful. they're just released study found these positions change a person's chemical output, so the poser feels more willing to take risks. that's the power pose right there. i spoke with a study's authors and amy cuty, an assistant professor at harvard business school. >> this is a classic, high-powered pose. she's sort of expanding her body, stretching out her limbs. she's taking up more space. these are the signatures of both high-powered poses in humans and animals. these poses reflect power, so high-power individuals do these things. they take on these non-verbal behaviors, but the question we wanted to ask is can it work the other way around? can you use them poses and make people more powerful. what we wanted to say is that
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for both men and women, you can change their biological and psychological profile to match the profile of very effective leaders who can think quickly, make decisions well or -- >> i get you. i get you. i get you. i understand that. that is a typical guy pose with the hands behoond the arms behind the head or whatever. if a woman does that especially with a dress, someone may go, what's going on. vanessa, let's take a look at the low-power pose. why is this not good to do. >> she's sort of contracting on herself. when you're in an interviewer, the interviewer is presumably higher in power than you. if we're interacting with a powerful person, we're going to collapse inwardly. the problem is, your
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testosterone is going to drop and your cortisol is going to rise. this is not going to be good for you internally, nor is it going to be good in terms of your performance in the interview. the key is that -- >> that's what this is really about. testosterone, cortisol, chemi l chemicals that you release. there is a very high powered pose that you say, especially for women. what is it, the wonder woman pose? >> here you go. i think you've got to have the legs spread as well. >> we were doing it in the back room before we came on. hands on the hips. >> i want to say, listen, some people may be sitting at home going, come on, really, but in this job environment, in this environment, any edge that you can have, i would take it. >> absolutely. and i think one of the key
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points we wanted to get across is that you don't actually have to do these high powered poses while in the interview. you can do them beforehand to kind of pump yourself up, get yourself ready to do as well as possible. >> any edge, you should take it. up next, exactly what's happening in hungary, where a killer toxic sludge is threatening again. jackie jeras will be here to tell us all about it. if you suffer from heartburn two or more days a week,
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you're one of the 50 million americans with frequent heartburn.
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they thought the crisis was behind them. we told you about hungary, where the toxic sludge came into people's homes. thousands of people are fleeing a second wave of sludge. let's get to jackie jeras. >> it's the worst environmental disaster to hit hungary and now, there are fears a new wave is coming in. there was heavy rain and that caused substance in this reservoir and that created a big crack in one of the northern walls of this thing. officials are telling us now that this is inevitable.
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maybe this could happen in days as well. in the meantime, hundreds of people working now build a new dam so that they can transfer the remaining sludge to it and then hopefully contain it. 8,000 people. there you can see some of them have been evacuated. seven have lost their lives and more than 100 injured, some of which are still hospitalized with severe burns. one of the concerns this week is that they were worried that some sludge could get into the river system. this will show you where the spill site is in western hungary. they're worried it will get into the danube river. the second largest river in europe. they've been taking these levels of ph and so far, they've -- that's some good concerns. the levels, a seven is good. that sludge


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