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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 10, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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13. we'll be watching this situation and once that happen ors if it happens, of course, we'll bring that to you. even if the second wave didn't occur, it looks like it's going to take 12 months to clean up this mess. millions of dollars to clean it up. one of the other things they're worried about, it's going to dry and turn to dust and they're worried about that dust getting into people's lungs. it has cyanide as well as chromium and these are very, very harmful chemicals. >> not to mention seepage and leeching. jackie, appreciate it. thank you very much. we're going to start with this. president obama is trying to rekindle the campaign magic of two years ago, rallying the democratic faithful in philadelphia and hoping to resurge a party. they are trying to fire up their
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political base. polls show that with 23 days to go, democrats could loose control of congress, which would deal a serious, serious blow to the president's political plans. mr. dan lothian traveling with the president. what's the president's goal? why was he in philadelphia? >> it was much like a pep rally. the president and vice president as you pointed out really try to pump up democrats, the base, but also, independents that played such a big role in ushering in so many democrats in 2008 and president obama himself. it was a challenge we heard to voters today, first of all to get engaged, to knock on doors, but more importantly, to show up on election day. right now, enthusiasm and the race for enthusiasm, republicans are leading and president obama is trying to recapture the ma c
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magic. >> i need you working even harder in this election than you did in the last election. we need you to fight their millions of dollars with our millions of voices. i look out on this crowd and i see millions of voices. all across the country. we've got to finish what we started in 2008. >> now, in making his pitch tonight, the president was focused on the economy. laying out what his administration has done and continues to do to turn things around and how is the -- we do expect the president to continue to be out there on the road leading up to the midterm elections. democratic officials planned to more large events like we saw today. >> now, i'm wondering if the crowd was indicative of what's going on in the country?
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i spoke with ed rendell and he spoke about the enthusiasm gap between democrats and republicans. how is the president received? >> it was a good reception. there is some frustration among democrats and independents. the sense is there are a lot of things they expected to president to get done in his first two years. there were a lot of campaign promises and they believe the administration has been slow in carrying out those promises. they are enthusiastic, but some are more cautious and you don't see what you saw in 2008. president obama realizes that. he says this is a critical dlex collection and is hoping the voters would see that. >> he was really turning it on today. dan lothian in pennsylvania. we want to go to the latest on the mass overdose at a college party in central washington state. all but one of the overdoses
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were young women. police say it appears they were targeted. ted rollins joins us. some say a date rape drug caused the overdoses. what are police telling you? >> reporter: they are saying that absolutely a drug caused the overdoses and these victims had no idea they were being drugged and that is what police have at this point. they don't know what these young men and women, mainly women, 11 out of the 12, were given. what they know as well is what they walked into was completely shocking. when they got in, they said they saw people laying on the floor in different levels of consciousness. here's a sample of what some of the students at the party say happened. >> people were having fun, then all of a sudden, all the girls were puking everywhere. girls were outside like on their back and people were so drunk they didn't know what to do. >> they were rufied.
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their drinks were going everywhere. i carried about four people downstairs. >> reporter: police say they were alerted to this by the call of an unconscious girl in a parking lot of a supermarket. they found the girl. they asked her friends what had happened, traced that back to the party. the police chief said it's a good thing they went in. >> never called 911, so law enforcement not responded and made entry, i would hate to think what would have occurred had there been another 15, 20 minutes pass. >> reporter: one of the more shocking things they found was a young man having sexual relations with a i don't think woman who the police chief described as barely conscious at all. they later determined the two have a datiing relationship, bu this young man could face charges because this woman was basically unconscious. they're also trying to determine
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who brought the drug to the party. they don't believe it was a party host, who was someone who brought some friends to his parent's rental cabin. at this point, they don't know who brought the drug and what it was. they have urine and blood samples off to the state crime lab to determine that. >> ted rollins in washington state. thank you, ted. in chile tonight, another step closer to freedom for the trapped miners. crews are reenforcing the rescue tunnel with steel tubing. once that's done, they'll send down a doctor and rescue worker to prepare the men for their journey to the surface. you would think they all want to be the first out. but you're wrong. >> we began to talk about proper order of rescue and they were fighting against us yesterday because everyone of them wanted to be at the end of the line. not at the beginning.
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but, we discussed with them that they are particular concerns, technical concerns, that make easy, that -- go first. at least four miners. >> if all goes according to to plan, the first miner could be freed on wednesday. a massive military parade marks an anniversary in korea and kim jong-il attends with his youngest son. coming up, an extraordinary look into korea's communist regime. we want you to be part of the conversation. we're on twitter, facebook. we're also at back in moments as well.
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north korea's volatile relations with the west y be about to get more complicated and dangerous. although north korea is a small, impoverished country, it is a nuclear power with one of the largest militaries in the world and its leader is reclusivreclu ledge rant and unpredictable. the north is at west with north korea. alina cho received an invitation. >> reporter: good evening from kim il-sung square in the center of pyonyang, where tonight, the
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north koreans are holding what they call a suare. a tradition marking the 65th anniversary of the worker's party in north korea. what this is in effect is an elaborate coming out party for the man that will be the next leader of north korea, kim jong-un and it is pure pageantry. the colors, the choreography. literally thousands of dancers. men and women dancing to north korean propaganda music. there were fireworks earlier as well and earlier in the day right here in kim il-sung square, there was a military parade. billed as the country's largest. some 20,000 military personnel and also a show of north korean military mite. the hardware, if you will. the tanks, the missiles.
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the shoulder-fired rockets. clearly, a show of the military's strength that this country has. remember, this is a country the size of portugal. the size of the u.s. state of mississippi and yet it still has one of the largest standing armies in the world. the media, we should mention, has been invited as guests. about 100 of us from around the world, but make no mistake, the guests of honor tonight are in the balcony. kim jong-il and his son. >> thank you. it's not at all a sure thing that kim jong-un will one day become leader of north korea. i recently spoke with gordon chang, an expert on north korea. he said the younger kim could easily faug victim to more ruthless forces inside the country. this is quite a celebration.
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quite the spectacle, isn't it? >> it is. ordinary years, the mass games are the biggest event on earth and this year, it's even bigger because it's supposed to mark the succession of kim jong-un to be the third kim on the throne. that's why they're pulling out all the stops. >> north korea is so secretive we had only heard about kim jong-un in the past couple of weeks. what's to know about hit and do we know how old he is? >> we think he's 27. he might be 28. he is the youngest acknowledged son of kim jong-il. he likes a lot of things western, was educated in a swiss school. he is as ruthless and calculating as his father, the current leader of north korea. he's the one who got the dictator gene. >> is that the reason for him
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and not his two older brother sns. >> they went through the two older brothers, who failed the test. the eldest son got caught trying to get in on a false dominican passport. the second son is a little afemme and although he had his moment in the sun, he didn't last very long. apparently, the one supporting the youngest has won out. >> should we expect that he will be a different kind of leader than his father? >> absolutely not. his father loves basketball. but he's one of the worst dictators ever. the problem for kim jong-un is that there is a system in north korea, there's a regime. he's very young and is going to
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have little influence over the regime and what it does for a long time. he may not survive because there are so many people who want to be sitting on the throne. >> so, how are north koreans reacting to this sudden appoint something. >> in the official media, there's joy and jubilation and everyone is happy to be ruled by the third generation kim, but as we saw in the beginning of december last year, there were protests and riots across the country because of botched currency reform and basically, people do not like kim jong-il, so they're not going to like his son. he's going to have to overcome that because although kim jong-un will have the support of the regime, he doesn't have the support of the people. >> gordon, thank you. >> thank you. coming up, we're going talk some politics. just 23 days until the midterm elections. will the democrats maintain
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control of congress? coming up, we check in with mark preston. plus, this month, three top lenders announced they were halting foreclosures in a number of states because of problems related to improper paperwork. what about a national l moritorium? we'll tell you what the white house says about that. [ garth ] ...we can bring the whole gang. [ sheep bleats ] it's hard to beat double miles. whoa -- he's on the list. but we're with him. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to [ indistinct shouting ] what's in your wallet? [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ daylight comes [ dogs barking ] ♪ i'm on my way ♪ another day
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the political excitement building. we're 23 days away from the midterm elections. polls show the democrats could be in trouble and the president getting advice on how to get back on track. let's talk about it with mark preston. let's talk first about remarks by eliot spitzer. he has a suggestion. fire the treasury secretary. fire him. >> you know what, mr. president? the reason we have a tea party
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is because your team took care of the same insiders as the last administration. we brought our hopes and aspirations to washington with you and we've been disappointed. please, give us a treasury secretary that understands main street. i've got some names. give me a call. >> how likely is that to happen? because you have jim jones stepping down. rahm emanuel, there's been talk about gibbs and axelrod and others stepping down. there has been a lot of turnover in this whout lately. >> well, i certainly don't think that the president's going to be listening to eliot spitzer for advice on keeping geithner. he's lost larry summers, one of the key architects of all things economic. he likes geithner. what spitzer is saying is that geithner was supposed to be
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overseeing everything going on in wall street. in that come tarry, he was he was the cheerleader and wasn't trying to help mainstream america, but wall street. >> everyone is talking about this new cnn opinion research poll. we asked people who they thought was a better president -- as you can see, that is a huge tu turnaround from last year when 57% named president obama. president bush left office, a lot of people were upset with him for getting us into two wars, the economy was down. this is surprising. >> and foreclosures as well. that's an amazing dropoff from 57 to 47. the president's approval rating is at 45%. president bush's numbers have
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crept up and we haven't heard much from him since he left office. he has a new book comie ining o a month or so. democrats have made such a big issue about trying to make the midterms about the past bush administration, try to envoek bush's name as much possible. we've heard president obama talk about how -- he was trying to fix it. given these number, maybe using bush isn't such a good idea. >> thank you very much. we're going to see you tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. we booked you for the whole evening. coming up, bank of america now halting foreclosures on homes across the country. earlier, jpmorgan chase and gmac froze foreclosures in several states. so, what do you think of a national moritorium? we'll tell you what the white house has to say.
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and a cnn cover story. next month, four states will vote on various marijuana initiatives. we'll show you where things stand on legalizing marijuana in this country. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 absolutely. i mean, these financial services companies tdd# 1-800-345-2550 are still talking about retirement tdd# 1-800-345-2550 like it's some kind of dream. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it's either this magic number i'm supposed to reach, or... tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it's beach homes or it's starting a vineyard. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 come on! tdd# 1-800-345-2550 just help me figure it out in a practical, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 let's-make-this-happen kind of way. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 a vineyard? give me a break. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 [ male announcer ] looking for real-life answers tdd# 1-800-345-2550 to your retirement questions?
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ask your doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. aspercreme breaks the grip, with maximum-strength medicine and no embarrassing odor. break the grip of pain with aspercreme. here are your top stories on cnn. hungary is racing to stop a new wave of toxic sludge. a cracked wall is threatening to
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collapse at the same plant where a reservoir busted last week. crews are building an emergency dam. thousands have been evacuated and troops are on stand by for rescue operations. the wife of this year's nobel peace prize winner is under house arrest. human rights groups say she was detained in her beijing apartment. a key figure in the tin min scare protests. the obama administration is against a national moritorium on home foreclosures, but the president's senior adviser today urged that questionable foreclosures with incorrect paperwork be dealt with as soon as possible. on friday, bank of america expanded its on foreclosure moritorium to all-states. soul music fans today are
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mourning the death of solomon burke. he died of natural causes at the amsterdam airport. he had just arrived on a flight from los angeles for a sold-out concert. his best known hit, "cry to me," was featured in the film, "dirty dancing." he had 21 children, 19 great children. you know, some say legalizing marijuana is a win-win for americans and for states struggling in a tough economy. ne next month, four states will vote on initiatives to legalize pot. up next in tonight's "cover story," marijuana on the ballot. what it could mean for american, the economy and you. but your blood sugar may still be high, and you need extra help. ask your doctor about onglyza, a once daily medicine used with diet and exercise to control high blood sugar
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