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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 11, 2010 3:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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so what's he saying? 12 people rushed to the hospital, their drinks believed to have been spiked. >> all the girls were puking everywhere. people were outside on their back. >> reporter: was it the date rape drug and do the symptoms back that up? that mystery is unfolding? hi, everyone. i'm brooke baldwin. welcome to "cnn newsroom." this monday shaping up to be a busy news day. we want to begin with breaking news. this story out of manhattan. take a look at some pictures momentarily here but basically what we know is nypd have found some sort of military grade explosive bricks in a garbage bag in a cemetery in the lower east side. we've been listening to police commissioner ray kelly. we have allan chernoff our own standing by in new york to just walk me through what it is, allan, that police have found in this cemetery and what does the police commission say?
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>> it's eight bricks now. the nypd has corrected the information. eight bricks of military grade explosive, c-4. let's note it was not wired to go off. the commissioner gave some very interesting information. he said that it seems that these bricks were actually dug up last spring and had been laying around in the cemetery, it appears, for well over a year. but this morning, a person in the cemetery, a caretaker, noticed it, called the police. the bomb squad showed up. but, again, no threat and apparently no immediate danger to anyone. this cemetery is in new york's east village on second street and second avenue near the rear of the cemetery. but certainly a very bizarre finding there. c-4 military explosives sitting in an old cemetery in new york city. brooke. >> it obviously begs a question and you may not have the answer. it begs the question how in the
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world do the military grade nine bricks now land in a cemetery? is there any kind of military outpost nearby or do we just not know yet? stand by actually -- >> we don't know. what we're looking at before you answer me i just heard -- these i believe are the bricks. ray kelly the police commissioner held these pictures up during the news knch that just ended. allan, if you can pick up with where i'm leaving off. do we know how these got there? >> that is the big question and what the police department detectives are going to be working on. no, there are no military installations immediately in manhattan. of course there are surrounding new york city but none actually in manhattan. so of course how did this all happen? it seems as if there's going to be a long back story if indeed these were dug up last year. so quite a bizarre situation. but, again, no one in danger, no
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threat. and these were not wired to explode. they apparently could not explode simply on their own. >> bizarre indeed. allan, one final question and then we'll go. all of us to sit up and listen closer when the commissioner explained how there was a note left signed by jesus christ, is that correct? >> right. the connection there we're not quite sure whether indeed there is a connection. but at the same time today, a note found by a police car saying i sure hope you find these, signed jesus christ. now, we're not certain that note is specifically referring to the explosives that were found in a black garbage bag, plastic garbage bag. maybe that note was just some kind of crazy note written for the police on the actual police car. so we don't know for sure that there's a connection between the two. >> we don't know. but obviously a lot of dots to
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be connected if you're able to connect any of them in the next two hours, do me a favor, hop back in front of the camera and we'll get you on live. thank you for the latest in manhattan. this is the story you have and i have been talking about for weeks and weeks here. it's hard enough to wrap your head around being trapped for months a half mile undergrounds. but now imagine the way out has now been cut and your freedom just days, possibly hours away. look at this inside the mine and just above. that is what those 33 miners are dealing with today deep beneath the surface of the chilean desert. the last we heard from chile's minister of mining, those men will have to wait just one more full day here. and also the first of its kind. this is a one man at a time rescue mission. it's all set to start we're hearing late tomorrow night, possibly just before dawn on wednesday. of course cnn has been there basically since the beginning. we're there through the end.
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and we're there live right now. i'm going to bring in patrick oppman in a second standing by outside the san jose mine. this is the first time we've able to put this on our air right here on cnn. this is the first pictures of what they're calling the phoenix. this is a teeny tiny capsule here 21 inches around, six feet tall. you can see they're putting a guy inside. no, it's not one of the miners. this is one of the emergency crews hopped in there to test it out, test out the fit and the movement within this steel cage. just imagine that is probably the spot where the miners will emerge from the ground when the rescue begins hopefully on wednesday. now that we've seen that let's go to patrick oppman live for us in chile. you've been doing an incredible job explaining how this will go down. when i look at that video of the chamber it's the first time you have visualize how claustrophobic it must be for these miners.
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>> reporter: and for these men who have already suffered through living through tight quarters, in cramped, sort of the final ordeal to get in this tiny capsule. not only is it tight spaces but as it goes up, it's going to sustain gravitational force as it goes up the mine shaft the men's rescue. could spin as many as 10 to 12 times. officials are so nervous about the nausea by the spinning by the tight cramped space they're actually asking the men to -- excuse me. lost that microphone there. technical problems, brooke. let me begin again. as the -- >> oh, did we lose patrick oppman? first his microphone and now his signal. as they keep talking and explain hopefully he can get in front of the camera. we lost him, darn it. we'll hopefully get him up within the next hour because chile is a huge story and we're thinking we may see the first man emerge from the phoenix. how appropriate phoenix rising from the ashes, rising from this
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mine possibly before dawn wednesday morning. meantime got to move on. a congressional candidate backed by the tea party movement has posed as a nazi soldier in military re-enactments. have you seen these pictures? now as you may imagine he's getting a lot of heat from the different sides. how might he respond to this criticism? let's ask him. he's joining me live just ahead here. also carl paladino once again getting heat for his words on the campaign trail. this time it is for what he's saying about gays. you'll hear it next. [ william ] three years ago, i started my first real job
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as a part time sales associate with walmart. when william came in i knew he had everything he needed to be a leader in this company. [ william ] after a couple of months, i was promoted to department manager. like, wow, really? me? a year later, i was promoted again. walmart even gave me a grant for my education. recently, he told me he turned down a job at one of the biggest banks in the country. this is where i want to be. i fully expect william will be my boss one day. my name is william and i work at walmart. ♪
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are you following the new york gubernatorial race. carl paladino trailing in the polls in his bid to become governor but he's also walking back these recent comments about the gay lifestyle. here's howe it all started. it started with this part of paladino's remarks just yesterday to a group of jewish leaders. listen. >> must stop pandering to the pornographers and perverts who seek to target our children and destroy their lives. i didn't march in the gay parade this year -- the gay pride parade this year. my opponent did. and that's not the example that we should be showing our children. and certainly not in our schools. i just think my children and your children will be much better off and much more
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successful getting married and raising a family. and i don't want them to be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid or successful option. it isn't it. >> so you heard his words there. paladino did make it very clear he meant no ill will toward gays. here's that part. >> and don't misquote me as wanting to hurt homosexual people in any way. it would be a distardily lie. my approach is live and let live. >> however, this controversy ratcheted up a couple of notches when a copy of his written prepared remarks surfaced soon after. this transcript provided by cnn affiliate new york one included more inflammatory language. it read, quote, there is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual. that is not how god created us. now, paladino is quick to say he didn't actually write those words. in fact, here is what he told the "today" show about that.
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>> i did not say that. it's unacceptable. that's not -- >> was it written by a staff member or members of the group you were talking to? >> i'm not quite sure where it came from. i don't know the people that wrote that. but i crossed it out in the car. >> so he says he crossed those two lines out in the car. paladino also added he wasn't anti-gay. he also said he meant to expose the pain of anti-gay discrimination. >> very, very ugly experience for those that are discriminated against. it's terrible and it shouldn't be. my feelings on homosexuality are unequivocal. i have absolutely no problem with it whatsoever. my only reservation is marriage. that's the only reservation i have. >> now paladino didn't just stop by the "today" show this morning to talk about all of this. he also stopped by "good morning america" where in fact he talked about how he has gay friends. his nephew is gay. and he said the experience has shown it can be a painful lifestyle. and while the candidate did walk
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back sunday's comments to that jewish groups he may have added fuel to the fire. he criticized his democratic opponent andrew cuomo for bringing his daughters to a gay pride parade. >> young people should not be exposed to that at a young age. they don't understand. it's a very difficult thing. and exposing them to homosexuality especially at a gay pride parade -- and i don't know if you've ever been to one but they wear these little -- the speedos and they grind against each other and it's just a terrible thing. >> now cuomo has most definitely reacted to that. his campaign sharply criticized the republican candidate's statements and said he was out of touch with voters. here's what we have from the cuomo camp. mr. paladino's statement displays a stunning homophobia and disregard for basic equality. these comments make it clear he is out of the mainstream and unfit to represent new york. end quote. paladino's controversy comes as
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the new york police have arrested at least eight people in a brutal anti-gay hate crime. a ninth person we're hearing now this afternoon is expected to turn himself in within the next couple of hours. meantime, when you are running for congress, most political strategists would say you probably should steer clear of all things nazi, including full ss uniforms. it might not be smart to try them on but this canned daut here not only war that uniform. he says he's done it for years. i'm going to talk to him about why he chose to do that next. re? ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach.
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just this past weekend ohio republicans learned something new about one of their
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congressional candidates. he has had a habit of dressing up as a nazi. this is him in the nazi uniform. he's third from the left. count over with me. his name is rich iyott and running in ohio's ninth district. this is not something he mentions on his website. the atlantic monthly reports he's done this for year dressed as a member of the waffen ss. he is here. mr. iyott, thanks for coming on. straight out of the gate, sir, let me ask you why dress up as a nazi? >> well, you know, for years going back to my college days, i got involved in historical re-enacting doing civil war. over the years i've done civil war and first world war, second world war and both sides, union
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and confederate and been involved on both sides in historical re-enactments. the purpose of historical re-enactment is not to glorify war necessarily or the sides. but it's to he had kaeducate pe learn about what happened and keep those memories alive so we don't let it happen again. >> let me interrupt you. part of the reason i understand is more of a teaching moment with your son. so it wasn't just you participating with this group, this weekend group. it was also your son, is that right? >> that's correct. we did civil war together and we also did world war ii re-enactments, historical re-enactments together. >> so has your son dressed up as a nazi in addition to you? >> he's participated as well, yes, both -- like i said, in civil war and in the world war ii re-enactments. >> let me ask you this. how do you then explain to your
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son -- how old was your son when he was dressing up like this? >> when he first got involved, he was 15. >> so in his teens. and how did you in explaining why you would want your son dressing up in nazi uniform, an ss uniform, how did you explain naziism to him? >> he from an early age has been interested in history and because i'm very involved in history and in teaching history and in learning more about history, he had always been exposed to it. and on many, many occasions we talked about the horrific things that happened during world war ii. that was absolutely one of the low points of -- i think in human history. it's a tragedy that we don't want to forget. we can't sweep it under the rug. it did indeed happen. but he was very much -- >> if it is a low point, which i
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think probably many people -- many people who know their history would agree with you. was there ever a point mr. iyott where you said maybe this isn't such a great thing to do? >> i think it's an important thing to do because we need to constantly educate people and remind people about the tragedy that happened 70 some years ago. and a big part of historical re-enactment is education. a lot of time is spent talking to the public, setting up exhibits, giving the public a chance to come in, ask questions, and learn history almost from the ground up. and it's a way to keep the public aware of what happened and keep it in their mind so that we don't forget the horrors of that time. >> i think -- forgive me for interrupting. a lot of people would agree with you it's incredibly important for us to remember our history particularly horrific time such
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as the holocaust and that part of world war ii. some people, though, listening to you have would think why not sit your child down, open up a couple of history books and explain how the germans, how the ss essentially exterminated 6 million jews instead of actually putting on a uniform and teaching history that way? >> because participating in re-enactment -- historical re-enactment, living history, is a much better way to get the message across. it creates a lot more interest on the part of those people involved and also the people who are learning. and it's a great outreach to the public. we did similar events going into schools and -- both as american -- as a civil war soldier on both sides, going into schools and doing presentations saying this is
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what it was like for the men that participated in that. >> and i think as part of this historic dialogue we also have to remember you're running for ninth congressional seat here and eric cantor republican whip came out yesterday morning and essentially he said -- i'm going to quote him -- i would absolutely repudiate that and do not support an individual that would do something like that referencing you dressing up in ss uniform. goes on, you know good and well i don't support anything like that. so mr. iott, my question is can you understand how some voters out there may have a little bit of a problem with a candidate who dresses up as a nazi and takes photographs of it and seems to enjoy doing so? >> well, i think that representative cantor did what so many career politicians do, is he reacted before he had all-the facts. he didn't know the whole story. he didn't understand what historical reenacting is all about or the education side of it and he just made a decision without all the facts.
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that -- my opponent here is cut out of the same cloth. those are the people who passed the health care bill before they knew what was in it. the same folks who passed the stimulus bill before -- >> i don't want to get into the stimulus or health care. let me ask you bottom line. do you regret at all as you're running for congress here, do you regret at all dressing up as a nazi? >> what i regret is that we're wasting the time talking about this issue when we should be talking about the real issues that are facing the country today -- the unemployment, the economy -- >> got to go. >> okay. >> mr. iott, appreciate you coming on. >> okay. coming up here in the political landscape we see each and every day the color-coding is clear. there are red republican states or districts and there are blue democratic ones. which is why the makers of a new movie want you to think very carefully about this question. once the 2010 cenlsus is completed, where will your voting district lines be drawn?
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personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. our forefathers proclaimed no taxation without representation and yet somehow over the course of 200 plus years we have boiled down our political divisions into two colors. take a look at the map with me. you've got red and blue. so who has the advantage in any given race? it depends how much gerrymandering has gone into it. with election day just 22 days away, you'll want to hear from the makers of this new documentary. it's produced by a republican, directed by a democrat and basically they help to inform all of you, the voting masses. >> we all know we've got a problem in this country. 19% of voters as a whole approve of the job that congress is doing.
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yet 90% of them get re elected year after year after year. >> reporter: that problem is gerrymandering. it lets elected politicians redraw district maps on the basis of who votes for them and essentially determine the outcome of elections. this november california voters like thousands in other states decide who really should be drawing those maps. >> reformers basically have a fairly modest agenda and that is simply to take the politicians out of the process. >> reporter: like the reformers wg bill man dell and jeff reiker think allowing politicians to hand pick their constituents is absurd. >> if you put a bunch of toddlers in the room with cookie jars everywhere and said i'm going to leave you alone but don't touch the cookie jars, they're going to touch the cookie jars. >> the united states is the only advanced democracy in the world where politicians directly participate in the districting process.
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>> reporter: professor frank gilliam is the dean of ucla school of public affairs and spent years teaching about the fierce debate over redistricting reform. >> it's plain and simple. the politicians draw the lines to advantage themselves. there's absolutely positively no doubt about it. >> reporter: props 20 and 27 in california take the debate to the voters. >> proposition 20 extends the good reforms that were passed in 2008 of proposition 11 to congressional districts. proposition 27 would seek to roll back even proposition 11. get rid of the independent commission before it's actually seated. >> this is almost redistricting in 3d. >> what has historically been an art form, a bunch of horse trading amongst members of the state legislature, has turned because of the use of technology, into an exact sigh in. >> guess they never heard of no taxation without representation. >> legislators claim that they know the districts best. their argument is, look, some pointy-head academic modeling in
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an office somewhere can't possibly understand these people are not just numbers. they're not just widgets. these are real people with real concerns and i know what the real concerns are. >> it's an argument gilliam calls legitimate in theory but absent in practice. >> if we saw fairer redistricting, we might buy it but the altruism seems to be missing. google, they have all kinds of smart people working there. lots of ideas. get a load of this one. they're taking a page from george jetson, the world's most famous surgeon is test driving self driving cars. details in the next hour. meantime in hungary, a major dam is weakening. people there are bracing for a new rounds of this messy red toxic sludge. only one a day women's 50+ advantage has gingko for memory and concentration plus support for bone and breast health.
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a couple of top stories we want you on this hour. first the hole. drilled and rescue capsule tested and ready. thumbs up to start the one by one mission to bring the 33 miners up to the surface in chile. they've been stuck in the teeny tiny space half a mile underground since early august so more than two months now. here's the plan. we're hearing late tomorrow night maybe early wednesday morning we expect to see some celebrations. finally relieved faces as the first of the trapped miners surface. we get a signal, patrick oppman in chile. let's begin with where we picked off which is the process of getting these guys in the phoenix capsule one by one. we're hearing possibly tuesday
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night, wednesday morning. >> reporter: just imagine, brooke. 48 hours from now we could be watching live pictures of these men emerging from the ground after more than two months in basically what's been a tomb for them. but getting to that point won't be easy. in fact, it's going to be a very unpleasant ride those last few minutes of their captivity though again in this very tight phoenix capsule. imagine these men have already been living in claustrophobic conditions and have to get in something so much smaller. they'll rise to the surface. as they are pulled up to the surface, the capsule will turn again and again from the force of being pulled upwards. it could turn 10 to 12 times. officials are so worried about the nausea it could cause and they're going to put them on a liquid diet to get them to the surface and then they'll be able to see their families and doctors and go to hospitals soon thereafter. but it will be quite the ordeal even to the very end. >> a liquid diet as they twist
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and turn all the way until they reach freedom. patrick, let me ask you this. since we've seen these guys testing this capsule that appears to work, why the wait? why not go in right now? >> reporter: it's been full steam ahead since saturday when they had the breakthrough. they had to put in some metal casing to protect the hole a little bit so rocks from the top of the hole don't fall down and. they've done that. behind me where the plan "b" drill was they had to take that down and are building a platform. that will be the capsule to lower the platform down to the men and lower two very brave men. one is described as an expert mine rescue and rescues miners in this part of chile for a living. the sor is a chilean navy special forces paramedic, obviously somebody very good under pressure and in white-knuckle situations. that's what this is going to be,
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a very hairy situation. these men appear to be the best for the job. >> incredible. you have an awesome assignment right now. wish you the best. we'll be talking to you in the coming days. want to get back to our other top stories. this is what we began the hour with, the situation in new york city. police say eight of these sticks -- here's the picture police commissioner ray kelly held up. c-4 explosives. it was found in marble century, its lower east side here in manhattan. a groundskeeper apparently dug these explosive up at some point last year but a volunteer today doing some of the clean-up work found all these bricks of explosives in a garbage bag in the cemetery. picked up the phone, called police. crew from the bomb squad came out, took them away from the scene but police commissioner ray kelly say the bricks were not wired to explode. also earth movers and shovels and water hoses. there is really no other way to clear away hungary's poisonous
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mud than to physically dig it up, haul it elsewhere. the toxic industrial waste is now blamed for an eighth death after a wave of this stuff flooded a couple of the small villages last week. terrified -- you can imagine terrified these people they see this wave of muck coming at them, their homes, people in several nations along the danube here when the news broke this stuff might get into the danube. still officials are nervous at the plant where the initial accident happened. it was an aluminum plant, an earthen dam holding back another wave of slush showing signs of weakening. we're watching that. hopefully nothing else breaks there. also, how did marijuana become the hot topic in four big state elections in and i'm not just talking medicinal marijuana here. we're telling you where one state could be on the verge of legalizing pot for recreational uses. also, a weekend party took this bizarre turn when several
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female guests just totally passed out. spiked drinks are to blame. we're going to take you beyond the headlines for that one. that is ahead.
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all right. 22 days here until the midterm elections and marijuana on the ballot in four different states. so we're making it a special focus here in the "cnn newsroom" taking you behind the debate to talk about the politics and money behind the issue of pot. watch this report. this is from cnn's joe johns. >> reporter: not one, not two, not three but four states have
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initiatives on the ballot this fall that would change their marijuana laws in big ways. and one of those initiatives, the one in california, proposition 19 it's called, would pretty much legalize retail sales of the drug for recreational use. that's right, if the voters go for it, what once was called the gateway drug, the so-called evil weed that led to cocaine, heroin, ruined lives and sent thousands upon thousands to jail could suddenly after all these years become okay to do for fun in california. the three other states with pending legislation -- oregon, south dakota and arizona -- are looking to either legalize marijuana for medical purposes or to modify the medical marijuana laws they already have in place. it turns out coast to coast 14 states and the district of columbia already allow medical use, which is something a former national anti-drug czar sees as a problem. to him this stuff is like booze and if legalized it will have the same negative effect on
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society. >> an intoxicant does make people feel euphoric. it's part of the pathway to addiction. that doesn't mean there's medical jack daniels or that there's medical meth or medical crack or medical heroin. this is a sham. >> reporter: okay. so how did we get here anyway especially considering all the reminders we've had about the evils of marijuana. the old black and white movie "refer madness" warning the public about it. >> just say no. >> reporter: or former first lady nancy reagan's famous just say no to drugs campaign in the 1980s. criminologist peter reutter say attitudes have changed even though medical marijuana though controversial has become a legal reality. >> it does give an aura of usefulness to this drug which previously in every public representation by any official agency was always very negative. >> reporter: use of the drug hasn't exactly skyrocketed recently. but the one thing that has
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changed is the economy. money hungry states are looking for new sources of revenue and already wondering whether pot is the next cash crop. >> governments certainly, if they become promoters of legalized marijuana, if legislatures start -- it's clearly for -- in most cases would be for revenue reasons. >> reporter: still, some predict legalization in california could cause chaos starting in the courts. such a state law if passed would clash with federal lau launching a big battle that could end up in the supreme court. but at least for now it's all just a pipe dream with a lot of speculation, though the world of drug enforcement could look a lot different when the smoke clears on election day. joe johns, cnn, washington. let's break this one down just a little bit more. let's have a bigger conversation here. you heard some of the warnings in joe's report about the dangers of marijuana, evil weed he said. but not everyone thinks the drug
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is dangerous. my guest is the senior editor at high times magazine, which is a pot advocacy magazine. david, good to see you. thanks for hopping on with us. let's just first begin with your magazine "high times" supports legalization. give me the top three arguments why you think people should legalize it. >> sure. that's easy. if you believe in a smaller government that's not going to impinge on your freedoms, if you believe that tax dollars should not be spent harassing people using a relatively harmless substance and if you want to see green jobs in this multibillion dollar economy go to law abiding american citizens instead of mexican drug cartels. that's just for starters. >> let's talk about one of the big arguments. for years and years. that being the fact that marijuana is this gateway drug that sends so many people to jail and the gateway to cocaine
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and heroin. that is very much a fear for a lot of people out there, a lot of opponents to legalization. what do you say? >> i say that that's really -- that argument is part of a 70-year propaganda system that the government has been basically telling people lies. that's one of the lies about this substance they've been telling. and the reason they need to lie about marijuana is because there's no reason and there's no logic underpinning our marijuana. at high times for 35 years we've been dedicated to publishing the truth about the substance and letting people make their own decisions. our founder is a political activist who started with that idea and we've been fighting that good fight and see this is the moment when we're finally going to have a reasonable and rational debate about this subject and we know we're going to win. once people -- >> david, let me just interrupt you for a second. forgive me. let's talk about addiction
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because that is very much so a fact. in fact, i have numbers and maybe you can react to this. marijuana is less addictive than alcohol. some people may not realize that citing federal statistics. marijuana addictive for 9% of adults who use it versus 15% of adults who use alcohol but because marijuana is the mostly widely abused illegal substance in the country, some people are arguing that the dependence on pot, david, would be worse than cocaine, would be worse than heroin and then legalizing it would be absolutely the wrong thing to do. >> well, let's look at two substances that are currently legal that we know to be dangerous and that we know to be far more dangerous to people than marijuana and that's alcohol and tobacco. but we're a reasonable, rational society and we've realized that the best way to control these substances is by regulating them through the government, not allowing criminals to decide who can have access to them, by
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bringing marijuana into the -- by regulating it the same way we regulate alcohol and tobacco, we can control it and we can have a much better relationship to these plants in our society. >> off the idea of regulation and i think a lot of people would agree with you. let's take it a step further and say you're an adult and 21 and you can buy alcohol. that alcohol can easily fall in the hands of a child. and some people are already worried that if you take prop 19 in california, for instance, where it may -- if voters vote gentlemen, it may be legal to buy one ounce of pot for recreational uses. but a lot of people are worried that that pot would fall into children's hands. >> well, are these same people advocating that we go back to the prohibition of alcohol? because that's essentially what they're saying. we've tried that. it didn't work. taste widely acknowledged that it didn't work. i don't ever hear anyone saying let's go back to the good old days of al capone when we had
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our alcohol well regulated. and that's essentially the same argument they're making. it's a none sense argument. unless they're willing to stand up and say we should also prohibit alcohol, really what they're saying is we should regulate cannabis and that is the best way to control it and keep it out of the hands of minors. >> sure. and i think if and when it does cross the ballot and if people vote yes, i think that will be the next conversation many californians will have. thank you for coming on. a lot of points in both directions pro and con. i thank you for coming on to talk to me about that from "high times" magazine. a lot of you tweeting about this. maybe brett favre should have stayed retired. a quarterback made it through 20 years in the nfl without a single sex scandal until now. we have the latest on these allegations he sent a lewd photograph and tawdry voicemails to a former female co-worker. and not exactly the miracle on the hudson. what happened to cause this
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plane to end upside down? look at this. in a canal. what happened?
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republicans have been attacking the obama administration for deficit sp d spending. defended the deficit. >> you're a big fan of deficit spending. you said to get something, we have to spend more. but for the average american in home that may be in debt, the idea of spending when you don't have money doesn't make a lot of sense. tell us why that's a good economic model. >> now, yeah, it's not in all
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times, right? when the economy has recovered, once we're back at a plan where we have a self-sustaining expansion, when businesses are spending because they're using their capacity, then you wan to try to pay down the debt, certainly stop borrowing so much. but right now, nobody wants to spend. businesses don't want to spend because consumers don't want to spend. and the economy is deeply depressed and the only player out there who can get this economy moving is the government. so now is the time for the government to go ahead and borrow, spend, get this economy moving and be responsible -- then pull back, but only after we got this thing going. >> coming up tonight at 8:00, elliott says wall street betrayed middle class americans. and kathleen wants to know why. don't miss the new show parker spencer tonight. coming up here, a man on fire running straight out of an office window. look at this -- what's going on? how does this end? wait for it -- we'll be right back. y with fire in its veins.
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bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. the new standard of the world.
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don't all criminals know by now that everything out there they're stealing is covered by surveillance cameras. crook number one -- take a look at what he uses to wrap around this cash machine here. you'll see it. don't know if it's a big heavy toaster app, a power hose. hook it up where crook number two hits it gas. will it work? let's watch together. they go, they hit the gas -- oh, the strap survives. machine ripped out of the floor. muscles this thing, oh, there we go. get it out the doors. all in clear view of this lovely surveillance video. police did find the atm in the middle of the road a couple of hours later. they did not plan on their score to be so difficult. so, bad news, didn't get it open.
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zero money for them. police still looking for these guys. also, you've got to see this -- small plane pilots say any landing you walk away from is a good landing. so this counts, maybe. pointton beach. had some engine trouble. landed in the grassy field. landed upside down. in the canal. the plane kind of messed up. the pilot who's alone had a good story to tell. one more, you've got to see this. what do you do when you're sleeping out of the skyscraper, apparently isn't so exciting anymore. i've got an idea, set yourself on fire. smash through a window without a parachute. of course. we found this dude's fiery leap of faith on a website where you can hire stunt men for your movies or whatever. watch him fall. there he goes. look at all the stories. he lands, watch him with me on an inflatable bag. he's okay. hooray for hollywood. cool, you've got to admit. i think i'll keep my feet very
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much so -- bam, there he goes. i'll keep my feet on the ground, thank you very much. and we're counting down to election day with the best political team on television, wolf blitzer is standing by. i don't know what wolf makes of that. stay there. if you have gout, high uric acid can lead to more attacks. ♪ to help reduce attacks, lower your uric acid. uloric lowers uric acid levels in adults with gout. it's not for the treatment of high uric acid without a history of gout. uloric reduces uric acid to help you reach a healthy level. [ female announcer ] don't take uloric if you are taking azathioprine, mercaptopurine, or theophylline. gout may flare when starting uloric. don't stop taking it. your doctor may give you other medicines to help prevent flares. a small number of heart attacks, strokes, and heart-related deaths were seen in studies. it's not certain uloric caused them. certain tests to check liver function may be required. tell your doctor about liver or kidney problems,
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did you see the guy jumping out the window? what do you make of it? crazy. >> good video. you're a hollywood stuntman, that's the way to do it, i guess. >> past life, right? >> not going to happen. >> mr. politics? the floor is yours. >> thank you very much. a lot going on as we get closer and closer to election day november 20 -- november 2, only a few days away right now.
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more good news. for those who support the tea party movement, a new poll publish in "the washington post" today says 74% of those who believe are associated with the tea parties, the tea party supporters, 74% say they're enthusiastic. contrast that with 57% of republicans in general, 43% of democrats. most of those tea parties we suspect are going to vote for republicans. more good news going to the midterm election for republicans. let's go to west virginia right now. very popular governor right now, joe manchen is the democratic nominee for the u.s. senate. running against republicans. john raese. he's running against several of the policies of the democrats including the president and the democratic leadership. he's got a new ad out there in west virginia. basically he's shooting a bullet through cap and trade, the energy proposed energy legislation say he's not going
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anywhere near that. he says about the obama health care plan that the democrats support. he said i would repeal the bad part of obama care and take dead aim at cap in trade. running away from the democrats to a certain degree in the hopes of getting elected. contrast that with other democrats who are doing the same thing across the country, chris van holland, he's a democratic congressional leader who's in charge of helping democrats get elected on november 2. he said it's a good thing that there is this wide array of democrats. he's aware they have a widely diverse caucus. they're talking about certain issues that are a positive spin. trying to put on the democratic candidates out there running away from president obama and the democratic leadership. brooke. >> you're a positive guy.
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>> what's going on in delaware. >> big debate in delaware. senate debate. christine o'donnell versus chris kuntz, the democratic nominee, 7:30 p.m. eastern, i co-moderate that debate. the university of delaware should be lively. hopefully it will be informative for the voters out there in delaware indeed for people all over the country. >> we will be watching, 7:30 wednesday. this will be an interesting one. wolf blitzer, thank you. a heads up to all of you, a political update in half an hour. latest political news, ticker go, to or they tweet so go to ath political ticker. top of the hour. the men, the women, watching us on american forces network around the world. hit you fast this hour. see if you can keep up with me. let's go. first up, the breaking news out of new york. a bag of military grade explosives found in an east village cemetery.
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but a groundskeeper apparently dug up the explosives sometime last year and left them aside. here is ray kelly describing a note that was found nearby. >> basically discovered and dug up in may or june of 2009. written on the sidewalk around the street here apparently is a statement that says i really hope that one of you find this. >> huh. now we don't know right now if that note is, in fact, connected to the explosives making the phone calls keeping you up to date on that one. also, now, the british aide worker who die in the mission to rescue her from kidnappers in afghanistan may have been killed by a grenade by u.s. forces. they had said linda norgrove was
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killed by her captors. but today the british prime minister said the statements were probably wrong. david petraeus, the top commander in afghanistan said he will begin an investigation to the failed rescue attempt. president obama wants to see major upgrades, roads, railways, airports across the country here. see this whole group of men here at the white house -- at the white house with a group of mayors, governors, and transportation officials. >> not talking new and restored roads and bridges and dams and levees, but talking a smart electric grid. high-speed internet and rail lines required for america to compete in the 21st century economy. talking about investments with impacts both immediate and lasting. tens of thousands of projects employ hundreds of thousands of workers are already under way across america. improving 40,000 miles of road,
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rebuilding water and sewer systems. implementing an electric grid across 46 states to renew access to renewable energy. >> you heard him pushing his $50 billion infrastructure initiative that can create a lot of jobs for workers in the construction field. not running for office but he's the go-to guy. he was in lexington, kentucky for jack conway. running for senate. stops today in morgantown, west virginia and syracuse, new york. police are looking out for two suspects in the case of the missing american man, david hartley. the suspects are brothers who a mexican official says are, quote, well known to this area. the husband was shot in the sightseeing trip last month. david hartley, his body has not
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yet been found. the u.s. and mexican police still investigating that one. get out from behind the wheel. the folks as google have it -- this is too cool. this is a car that drives itself. jetsons, here we go. the company has been test driving these things for a couple of months. in a blog post, google's founder say their goal is to prevent accidents, produce carbon emissions and free up people's time. hey, more time to surf the web, huh? ever wonder what would happen if a big rock smashed into your house. well, now you know. look at this, billings, montana. the guy who owns this house was home when this boulder hit his house. he wasn't hurt, thank goodness. rain loosened the rocks and tumble down over the weekend. yikes. have you heard today about this man, brett favre. he's at the center of this alleged sexti in, g scandal
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accused of hitting voice mails for the new york jets. the league is officially coming forward. they're investigating. is the quarterback being treated differently. that's ahead. we don't know too much about kim yun un. going to take over all of north korea. so is the country in the middle of a transition of power? hmm, stale right there. it's coming up.
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i'm a home in a high-risk flood area. it doesn't look risky. i mean, phil, does this look risky to you? nancy? fred? no.
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well it is. in a high-risk area, there's a 1-in-4 chance homes like us will flood. i'm glad i got flood insurance. fred, you should look into it. i'm a risk-taker. [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. visit to learn your risk. a lot of you were tweeting about brett favre today. the nfl investigating the sen r center of this sexting scandal sending a young woman texts,
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racy pictures. talk more about that with columnist steven a. smith. you're tweeting me -- you're tweeting sports columnist steven a. smith. first, tina says i think the situation between favre and his wife, everybody else needs to back out. we're going to make that point a little later. i'll ask steven about that. also, if favre were t.o., vick, ocho cinco, this would be covered 24/7. why is it being played down in the media. good question. one more -- i find it interesting that this all came to light as favre was face the jets after two years. the vikings taking on the jets tonight. we'll talk about that. we'll talk about why we're talking about it today, and is it our business? lots of questions. we'll do that in a bit. meantime, is it official here? the youngest son of north korea's leader appearing at this massive military parade, not too far from his father. so, do you know kim jong un?
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you heard the name? who is he? might he be next in line to take control? that is next.
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the soviet union is long since gone. china opened its doors. cuba is acting a little less repressive these days. they don't need dictators it way they used to. or did they?
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you may have guessed correctly that this is north korea, one of the world's last true dictatorships. and the country can throw one heck of a good parade, as you can see. look at these pictures. you might get the impression this is a world class power house. it's not. much of the world is sending food to north korea to keep the country from starving. the country suffers wide spread poverty. chronic supply shortages, the infrastructure, the buildings crumbling. appearances aside, it's not working. hold that thought, though. because here comes the news. take a look at this young man with me. this is the man who -- this is the elder -- this is kim jong-il, 69 years old. he's real. his days on earth are numbers.
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at this big parade, kim jong-il unveiled his heir apparent, the younger son, no surprise, it's his son. it's the only way to do it. here's a brief lesson. kim il sung. he was the great leader. led korea for 45 years from its founding to his death. he was named eternal leader. now his son, the current leader, kim jong-il. he was anointed "the dear lea r leaderer" and now has the title "supreme leader." now take a look at his son, kim jong-un. it's unclear if he's ever worn a military uniform. we believe he's in his early 20s, late 20s. he's the newly unveiled heir apparent. they've unveiled nuclear weapons as has missiles to launch them. not big fans of americans. john park, senior research
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associate for the center of conflict analysis and prevention. so, john, as we watch the pomp & circumstance of the parades, look at the heir apparent kim jong un, we think he's in his 20s and he's a general, what do you know about him? it's correct what you pointed out. he's a four-star general. the worker's party of korea convened the conference november 28 and in addition to the four star general appointment, the third son of kim jong-il received the central military commission. these are not frivolous titles by any means. the four-star general title, the north korean economy is heavily militarized. it's run by trading companies for the military. one way to look at it is that he's ahead and soon to be the leader of some of the very
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important and large things in north korea. this is north korean expert gordan chang. there have been four suspicious deaths of senior officials since april. one of them is a -- was a principal supporter of kym jong. this indicates that there are real problems in pyongyang despite the show of solidarity and unity. we need to see how this plays out in the year or so ahead. if kim jong-il passes from the scene quickly, i don't think kim jong un has time in power. he needs to do that if you're going to survive. >> you heard from the suspicious deaths. you juxtaposed that with the pomp & circumstance and the parades and everybody looking unified. is it safe to say they're not as unified in north korea as they may like it to appear.
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>> that's correct. there has to be this process going forward and the powers of consolidation. but what we do know right now is that more or less kim jong-il's uncle and aunt will be forming something of a cocoon. this is an important cocoon in which he's supposed to be groomed for leadership, trained for the job as it were. we're not going to the period where kim jong un will be throughout the country. through this grooming process, we would receive help from the chinese counterparts, not on an individual basis but the party-to-party, the communist party of korea. this is in many respects institution building. this is a process we see more of and a deepening of the relationship for the coming years. >> look at the pictures, the goose stepping, the formations, the appearance, the military might, it's an impressive show. but at the same time, you consider the poverty of this country, the hardship. how do they seem to manage to
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keep everyone on the same page. >> right, defectors are saying if you look at the situation in north korea, after kim jong-il came to power. the north korean economy became a two-tiered economy. one of the general economy and the difficulties we're all aware of. food problems, food insecurity issues being chronic. the other is the development of the royal palace economy. these are where the trading companies are affiliated to the military. this is this palace economy that's operating and really interacting quite closely with the chinese companies doing a lot of the business in cooperation with the trading companies. northern transacts as many types of commercial arrangements would know. this is the situation where it would be interesting to know where kim jong-il will take over the two tier economy. >> kim jong un, a name we're all learning today.
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thanks to you. there are new worries about the housing market. as major banks put a freeze on foreclosure sales. so what's the underlying concern here? i'm going to talk to my friend poppy hallow coming up. since i've been with the company, i've been promoted ten times over the span of 11 years. today, i'm a divisional learning and development manager. we can actually help people develop in their own careers. my job allows me to make a difference in the lives of almost 100,000 associates in the northeast. if you think about it, that's almost 8 times the size of my hometown. my name is nick and i work at walmart. ♪ [ but aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? good, how are you? [ male announcer ] aleve. proven better on pain.
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personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. back on this favre story. we tweeted out -- "is the media treating the favre sexting scandal differently than previous players' scandals." oh, boy, is my twitter account on fire. to the twitter board. tony says yes. a double standard by the media in so many ways. sad when the media can make some players villains and others heros. get to another one. jonathan tweets and says just a lot more media coverage than it should have, it's because it's
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favre. one more, patrick tweets, every pro athlete is just a grossly overpaid spoiled brat that never gets true justice served. ouch. the fourth, guys. raider says, of course, it's favre. look at the circus that was the big bend scandal? not one day went by without talking about it. all excellent points. mesh it all in with my conversation with steven a. smith, the sports column ichls. should go there in a couple of minutes. also, gloria borger stand big with new information crossing the desk. cnn.politics, your political ticker is next.
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22 days until election day. cnn has you covered with all of the latest political news with the best political team on television. amongst the group, gloriaborger on the political desk. happy monday. what's crossing? >> florida, florida, florida, you remember the battleground state. always important in the presidential elections. just as important in this midterm election. there's a rematch for the souse seat there that's bringing in the big guns today. president barack obama. they're raising money at a fundraiser at the miami home of a former nba star, alonzo mourning. he's raising money for ron klein, the democrat. john boehner, the man who would be speaker is also in florida today. he's campaigning for klein's opponent, alan west who lost the seat two years ago. so it's kind of a grudge match going on there.
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obama and boehner out in it too. also pennsylvania, another battleground state. and arlen specter back on the campaign trail for his former opponent, joe sestak. remember, specter lost to sestak in a primary that was quite tough. specter had been a republican, became a democrat because he thought this might be a year for democrat kralts to win. he may be revisiting that. but in any case, the two haven't been really close of late. but he's heading back to the state to campaign for sestak. it's clear that they hope that arlen specter, a former republican, can bring out moderate voters. now, we also have a new cnn poll out today which is very interesting for both parties. shows you what kind of an anti-incumbent year it is. the pullout this afternoon shows that by a two-to-one margin, voters don't approve of the job members of congress are doing in either party. take a look at this. 34% of the voters approve the job the democrat leaders are
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doing. 31% of the people approve of the job republican leaders are doing. what that means is no matter who wins, you better watch out because the public is angry and wants to get something done, brooke. >> good point. if you're incumbent this year, it's not a done deal. not at all. >> that's right. >> gloria borger. >> thank you. just a heads up, another political update for you next hour. always get the latest political news. go to hop on twitter@political ticker. now this. all the girls were puking everywhere, girls were outside like on their back. and people were so drunk they didn't know what to do. >> what is she talking about? you heard about this story? 12 people rush to the hospital from this offcampus college party. why? that's the big question today. why. there were questions about whether somebody might have spiked their drinks, but with what? that's coming up. also, just a couple of hours from now, brett favre scheduled to take on the jets in new york. vikings, jets, huge game. why is this an interesting night
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to be doing this. because he's being accused of sending racy pictures to a former jets employee. it trending bigtime on the internet. going to talk about it, next.
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okay, what is trending today. it's what all the americans are talking about today. "monday night football." the jets and the vikings. huge game. if you don't follow football. if you don't follow the nfl, there's chatter about a cup to feel game's biggest names to fill the sports pages and the gossip pages as well. the vikings qb, brett favre, one
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of the guys a lot of people are talking about. google his name, you'll see what i mean. the veteran qb apologized for what he calls a quote/unquote distraction. now everyone else calls it a sexting scandal that involves photographs of favre allegedly sent to a woman. by the way, this is all from a couple of years ago. but it's coming to light right now. now he's confirming nfl is officially investigating those reports. and they're listening to some of the voice mails and they've seen some of these pictures. steven a. smith, former espn anchor and radio analyst is here to tell us how much of a distraction this thing really is for favre and his vikings. stephen, before we can get this conversation going, it's worth it if people don't know the story. they're not on the internet today. play the voice mail. allegedly the voice of brett
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favre. all right, stephen. how credible -- you're talking to the sports sources.
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how credible do you think these voice mails and photographs allegedly sent by favre are. >> that's a two-part answer. it sounds just like him. let me be clear about that. there's room for plausible denibd deniability. i would deny it. i would say, hey, servicen't me. i'd steal a line from eddie murphy -- hey, it wasn't me. >> what about this woman. she -- you read the articles, she isn't complaining. she and favre don't work together. this is all from a couple of years ago. this contact happened several years ago. some people are saying, you know, if this is even favre, yes this, is inappropriate. but why is it our business. and i say our as in americans. >> well, i would be one of those people. i think it's none of our business. i think it's much ado about nothing. it's ridiculous there is an investigation ongoing. proves why there is an investigation ongoing.
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the nfl, the national football league, always does a tremendous job of protecting itself and its brand. you don't want to open yourself up to forms of litigation. protect yourselves by any and all means. so that doesn't make it less ridiculous and a complete waste of our time. the fact is that brett favre assuming that allegedly there's some truth to these allegations that have been levied against him. the fact is brett favre tried to get some. it's that simple. he's a married man. he tried to cheat on his wife and get with somebody else. that's with mrs. favre to deal with. not for us. if you consider the fact that 15% to 20% of marriages in this country begin in the work place. 62% of men according to the research i've done, affairs take place in the work place. >> but, stephen, i have to jump in. >> 46% of women. come on. >> i have to jump in, though, because we're playing what we think is favre's voice on this voice mail. the whole other part of the story are the pictures that we can't show on television.
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it is scandalous. >> i'm sorry. >> it's wrong. it could be perceived as harassment if it's him. >> yeah. if it's him. but we don't know that. there was no picture attached to this. and more importantly than anything else, these pictures, assuming that they are -- that they are authentic, took place two years ago. what the hell is the procrastination all about? took you two years. >> recently, the tv azteca, the reporter in the jet -- in the locker room. and some people had quickly jumped to her defense saying there was some harassment happening in the locker room and on the sidelines. so if some people may say, you know, this young woman, she's not coming forward. she's not screaming harassment. but other people need to -- other people need to come to her defense. do you see that side of it? >> let's go -- let's go on a case-by-case basis. i'm not condoning sexual harassment. condoning somebody being stalked. not condoning inappropriate behave your in the work place or anything like that.
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i threw out the statistics to you because things are consensual. who knows -- this is a woman. i'm not trying to cast anything out on ms. sterger. but in the interest of fairnd, let's be real. you're a girl that's in pinups and maxim magazine and playboy, etc., etc. is it plausible, is it possible that you may have hooked up with brett favre before he was a grandfather and you came to the conclusion that you're upset because yit didn't work out. we don't know. >> we don't know. >> brett favre's name is raked through the coals. i'm critical of him, but not with this. >> the nfl players were saying, hey, if it were ocho cinco, if you were the big ben controversy in a couple of months this, would be the issue. this is brett favre never found guilty of anything like this in terms of the conduct policy in the nfl. some of the other players saying this isn't fair. >> it's not fair. but not for the reasons that
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they pointed out. we're not going to go to the issue of race. i certainly wouldn't hesitate to do so if it were apropos and called for. i don't think it's the issue right here. i think it's the issue of people trying to put the microscope on the lives of athletes, men, multimillionaires and the issue of privilege and how it's allegedly exploiting it. when, in fact, this is a microcosm of society. this is no different from what goes on with an accountant, a lawyer. wall street, etc. who knows, the bottom line is, we don't know. >> i'm getting you fired up today i think. >> i'm always fired up. >> let me bring this up. this whole thing broke a week ago. let's be totally transparent. we see it touching because the nfl is now officially investigating. but as for brett favre, he has yet to comment publicly on this thing so -- >> he shouldn't. >> he shouldn't, why? >> because he doesn't owe anybody an explanation but mrs. favre. that's it. mrs. favre is the one he went -- he stood up on the altar and
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swore that he would be -- >> till death do us part. >> he didn't make that vow to me or you or to anybody else. it's even more hypocritical that a whole bunch of men out here who are constantly chasing women in and outside of the work place and everywhere else, i would know because once upon a time i was one of those people, although i didn't sexually harass anybody. the fact is for men to sit up here and act like, oh, my goodness, this is foreign to us. oh, how egregious can this get. oh, my god, what is brett favre thinking about. >> you say, stephen smith. >> it's activity of hypocrisy. >> you say it's between mr. and mrs. favre. this has nothing to do with his conduct, not a team issue, an nfl issue. just between a man and his wife. >> absolutely right. and by the way, because she -- she filed charges against him. had she said she was sexually harass? you got a different argument. but the last time i checked, she didn't make any complaints. she just agreed to cooperate with the nfl. this is two years later after
4:40 pm printed the story and broke the story to their credit. this is after all of that transpired. prior to that, we didn't hear anything about it. oh, by the way, the coincidence -- this comes out the week he's coming to new york city. the new york jets on monday night football. you don't notice the coincidence there. >> i think not. stephen smith, got to go. love how fired up you are. let's have you on again. thank you, now this. all the girls were puking everywhere. girls were outside like on their back. and people were so drunk they didn't know what to do. a dozen college students rushed to the hospital after being drugged at an off-campus house party. beyond the headlines for a live report. that is next.
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we're continuing our new segment calling it "beyond the headlines." every day, three of the most interesting stories being report in your hometown newspapers and bring them to the rest of the viewers here on "cnn newsroom." and together we'll go beyond the headlines for an in depth look at one of the stories that we choose. begin with headline number one. here it is. bear attack. this is michigan. this is the newsroom view there. the headline -- bear attack -- so here's what we know. a local man is attacked by a black bear and three cubs while he was deer hunting over the weekend. he was perched in a tree stand when one of the bears bit him on the leg. an attack like this is very rare. he was release in the hospital. he will recover. so that -- that is that headline. headline number two here. new home -- no money down. this is out of boston, maa. this is ""the boston globe."" a state sponsored program for affordable housing. we found this headline kind of
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ironic because the federal government is considering a freeze on foreclosure sales nationwide. buying a home with little or no money down is likely considered to have caused the nation's foreclosure process. the report on the foreclosure sales freeze. that is ahead in a couple of minutes. finally, our third and favorite most fascinating headline, this is students hospitalized after being drugged at a party. this is in washington. this is the yackima herald republic. they're referring to the 12 students here at the off campus party. 11 of them were women, one was drugged at this party that had to be hospitalized. 50 adults in the party. the parties appeared to have targeted young women. 11 of the 12 were young women. go beyond the headlines. and we want to talk to como.
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do we know where the drug bust. >> that's the big question today. we're waiting on toxicology results but those could take weeks. what people here on campus want to know is what was in the system of all of the people who were hospitalized. the fear, of course, is it could be rohypnol or roofies. also known as the date rape drugs. but they did a search of the home over the weekend, they found no drugs there. a man worked right near where the party took place. he ran over to the scene after he saw ambulances driving through town. he noticed a central washington student who knows some of the people who were at the party. there were two at the party. one for the women, one for the men. so perhaps that's why 11 of these 12 people who got sick were female. >> two colors of copups.
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one for the women, one for the men. it might be roofies. who might have spiked the alcohol. how are the young women and the young man. are they still in the hospital? >> both released this weekend. they're all trying to figure out exactly how these drugs got in to their system fear over the weekend, the police chief told us they believe the drinks were spikedful right now, the university said they're trying to identify the students at this party. alcohol treatment. others possibly expelled. the students don't want to talk about what happened. >> that was the next question. how are the students reacting? exactly. >> it's a big issue on campus. one of the students told us over the weekend, her firsthand account that people were falling down, laying on their backs right after they had something to drink at the party. but i talked with a couple of the partygoers here today on campus, one of them told me at this point they're trying to
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move forward. they don't want to be associated with this. the party was actually 30 miles from campus. it was a private vacation home. and one of the ways they're trying to move forward, some of them are coordinating a seminar or a program that they want to try to put on next year for the incoming freshmen so they don't have to go through something like this. >> lindsay cohen, frightening. we heard about i. 12 students possibly drugged in the offcampus party. we had to go beyond the headlines. lindsey cohen, thank you for that. that's some of the stories making news here "beyond the headlines," wolf blitzer is next with a look at what's beyond the situation room. this time around, i want facts. i'm probing. analyzing. td ameritrade's made for that. they give me free, objective research... from standard & poor's... morningstar... independent experts. and i can call td ameritrade anytime... day or night... or visit a branch. for help, not just a sales pitch. they actually know the difference. call, click, or come in to td ameritrade.
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22 days until midterm elections that can shift the power of congress. they're watching this one particular race very closely. this is the contest for joe biden's old senate seat. this is delaware pitting chris
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kuntz against christine o'donnell. the two will be squaring off this weekend at 7:30 in debate. moderated by our own wolf blitzer. how do you other than every single detail in this race, how does one prepare to be a moderator over the debate? >> i've done several debates over the years with other election cycles. it's very hard. you want to make sure you get the issues to be minds of the voters and very often they're carefully negotiated, the rules between the two candidates. for example, in delaware, the agreement between chris kuntz and christine o'donnell campaigns is that the moderator will ask a question to specifically one of the candidates that have two minutes to respond. the other candidate will have a one-minute response to that.
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an open discussion. everyone getting involved and thrashing out the issue. jobs, economy, national security, social security. whatever the issues are, it will be whole segments. if you add that up, that's seven minutes to go through one subject. you go through, you plan, and you try to make the most of it. but in the end, following 90 minutes without commercial interruption, we hope the voters in delaware, indeed, the folks all over the country will be watching. a better appropriations of the democratic and republican candidates. >> the possible subjects to be debat debated. talk about chris kuntz and christine o'donnell, two relatively new names here for this election cycle. what are you looking to be -- what are you looking from them? what particular topics do you --
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economy or social issues. >> we'll try to get through all of the major issues, the economic situations, the policy issues. the wars continue in iraq and afghanistan. a potential source of tension with iran and north korea right now. we want to get to some of those as well. no doubt there's two different candidates with very different backgrounds. they have different points of view. we might get to some of the issues whether there are abortion rights for women or gun control or gay marriage or others on the table. there's a format that's negotiated or agreed upon. but the subject -- the questions will take place at the university of delaware so students can stand up and ask the candidates questions as well.
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see you 7:30 wednesday night. thank you, sir. and coming up tomorrow mehe, we have a couple of things in "the newsroom," have you seen this documentary? cat fish, filmmakers behind this movie. they're going to talk to me about how you might change the way you think about social media. i just saw this last night. i can't stop talking about it. also tomorrow, we're continuing our look at marijuana on the ballot with a look at the place many marijuana advocates cite when they make their arguments for legalizing pot for amsterdam. talking to retired police officer there. he will share the law enforcement point of view from the netherlands. that should be fascinating. but ahead, is stopping foreclosure sales across the country a good idea. the white house weighing in on the issue. why the news may be scaring away some potential home buyers right now. that's next. [ woman ] alright, so this tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours.
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improper paperwork to be influenced as much as possible. we found out last week that employees at major banks may have approved foreclosures without perrally reviewing files. look at the scope of this thing. how many states are we talking about where foreclosures are totally on hold, versus judges, i guess, signing off on these. >> whether you need judicial review or not. a great question. j.p. morgan now bank of america.
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if you're with bank of america, on friday they halted foreclosures because of the issue of robosigning. people at the banks signing off on foreclosure documents without having them verified before they were signed off on. when you look at allied bank, those are just halted foreclosure sales in 23 states. why is that? 23 states in this country demand usual review. you have to send the paperwork to court, have a judge sign off. and they can get convicted from their home. 27 states don't have that review. but guess what? the states that don't have that review include arizona, nevada, california, brooke, where you know you have the biggest housing crisis. so now you have the nation's biggest lender, bank of america, saying, all right, we're going to take it on ourselves to halt
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foreclosures in all 50 states. it depends on who you bank with and where you live, brooke. >> it depends on who you bank with, but how many people are we talking about? how many loans are affected by this. >> probably hundreds of thousands. why do we say this? look at the numbers again. there were 5 million delinquent loans, more loans in the initial stage of foreclosure in this country. 5 million, an astonishing number. all we know is from j.p. morgan chase. they say 56,000 loans on their books have been affected. bank of america, allied bank have not come out publicly with the numbers. but you do the math, bank of america, the biggest lender in the country when it comes to mortgages, hundreds of thousands of people involve in this in all. >> what is it in the midst of this. in the midst of foreclosure. >> bottom line, this is not going to result on someone not beingo


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