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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  October 12, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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we're bringing you to the rescue scene, the site in chile where the miners are going to be rescued. the capsule has just gone back up. it's now back on the ground. that happened during our commercial break. so obviously the experiment now enters the next phase, which is when a person will be put into that. i'll be back on at 10:00 all the way through midnight. let's go to larry king. larry? >> larry: thank you, anderson. we'll be back for a second edition live of lay"larry king live." you're looking at a live picture from the scene. the rescue pod is in the san
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jose mine. another step towards getting 33 men out of the ground. they have been trapped half a mile below the earth's surface for 68, now going on 69 days. karl penhaul is outside of the mine and he'll join us with the latest. what is the latest, karl? >> reporter: what they are doing is making sure that the phoenix rescue capsule is operating exactly as they intend it to operate. we've seen the technicians operating on that capsule, fixing cables, fixing cords, making sure that the oxygen supply is working. they are also making sure that the fiber optic cable that takes a video and audio signal up to the surface is working as well. the rescue capsule has a wide
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angle camera to feed information back to the rescuers as to how each miner is reacting as he heads back up to the surface. they are fine-tuning the cable t s. possibly halfway down, i would guess, judging only a matter of time that it was down there and then pulling it back up, making sure that the cable on the winch and pulley system is functioning properly and making sure that the inch-thick cable is not twisting because that twist also could cause the rescue capsule to twist as well. it's a process of fine tuning. it could still be an hour, an hour and a half before the first rescue worker goes down. they first have to drop it down into the shaft with a weight on board to make sure it can carry the weight of a human. then they will put the rescue worker on board and send him down. that's when we can say that this
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rescue mission is on. larry? >> larry: why were they so optimistic earlier on? six, seven hours ago they said that it was going to start in an hour. >> reporter: it depends when you look at the start of this, i would guess that the phoenix capsule so close to the rescue shaft, i guess many would say that the rescue operation really is beginning. that has said to generate a lot of excitement here at camp hope, which is where a lot of the families have been camping out since the mine collapsed on august 5th. the rescue technicians themselves may have put the time line together a little too quick maybe thinking that they could get it hooked up quicker. we are sure that there are no last-minute hitches or technical
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difficulties here. this has been meticulously planned. when you look at the time line that the rescue efforts set out or when they realized that these minute miners were alive on august 27th, they said that they wouldn't be home until much before christmas. so a few hours with the cables, to fine tune the communication system, it's a little the original time line that the government has set, larry. >> larry: karl, what is their biggest concern? what are they most worried about? >> the medics and the psychologists worry about the physical and mental conditions of the miners as they come up that rescue shaft. the phoenix capsule itself is 21.5 inches in diameter.
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so a broad-shouldered miner is going to get in there but only with a little bit of a squeeze. they are going to have to come out in this rescue position and they don't want the miners to feel too constrained. they don't want them to feel too clause sister phobic. so they can talk to the people on the surface so that they don't feel alone. this is the first time that they are literally going to be on their own, fenlding for themselves since the mine caved in on august the 5th. they don't want the miners to get nauseous. so that is why they are taking great pains to make sure that the phoenix capsule doesn't spin and gyrate on its way up the rescue shaft. that's why it has the rubber wheels and there is anti-twist cable and so the miners don't get nauseous. for the last six hours now, they've only had a liquid diet provided by the space agency nasa. vitamins and protein to make sure that they literally don't
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throw up on the way up. also as well, making sure that the miners don't get dizzy or faint. and they don't want any panic attacks either, larry. >> larry: how long will it take to come up? >> once the miner climbs into the phoenix rescue capsule, the ride up to the surface will take between 10 and 15 minutes. that's not where the story ends. rescue workers have to lower the capsule back down. the capsule will be coming back down under some gravity. that will take about 30 minutes to get down. the rescue workers estimate that it will take 10 or 15 minutes to get each miner settled into the rescue capsule to make sure he fully understands the escape system, the communication system, and also the surviving
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system, such as the oxygen. do the math on that, put it altogether per miner, we're talking about one hour from flash to bang. so a 33-hour rescue separation and then to get them back to the surface, we're talking about 38 hours. it could take up to 48 hours. we could still be talking two days until they are back to the surface and back with their loved ones, larry. >> larry: karl penhaul doing a great job. as you can imagine, they are overjoyed by what is happening. now, are they a bit anxious, patrick? >> reporter: larry, the town
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square where many of the miners are at, it's an amazing even. we've seen hundreds of people fill up the street and now it's only standing room only. and in the moments that we get updates on the status of this rescue, it becomes entirely silent and it's a packed town square. people stopped for training and stopped and are paying attention to what is happening. they are capturing every detail. they have been waiting for months for the miners to be returned to them. i'm only about half a mile from the hospital where the miners will be taken. they will be flown by military helicopters, larry, about four at a time to this hospital. as you can imagine, they will be getting every checkup imaginable. but until that happens, these people will stand here in a dark, cold, desert night,
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waiting for the first sign of the miners to return to them, larry. >> larry: are they aware that this whole operation could take up to 48 hours? >> reporter: yes, they are aware of that. if you have to get home, what will you do? they say, we can endure and we're in for the long haul until all 33 are above ground. >> patrick, our cnn all platform journalist right at the scene in chile. we're staying with this incredible story. scientists from nasa helping the chilean government are here next. don't go away. [ advisor 1 ] what do you see yourself doing one week,
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>> larry: it's 12 minutes after 10:00 in chile on this tuesday night. gary tuckman is at the mine for what may be an historic rescue mission.
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are they responding to all of this attention? is there some concern that these are every day folk being hit with all of the international people looking at them? >> i think that is what is unique about this. this is never happened civilization, that so many people have been trapped so far below ground for so long. never 68 days. this hasn't happened. so what will happen to these gentlemen psychologically, not only physically, we're not sure we know the answers to that. but we have been prepared and they have been talking to folks aboveground for weeks now. >> larry: will it take some time before they do some media? >> well, that will be interesting. the families have been living
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here at camp hope for weeks. they are great people and very happy people for the last few weeks because they are optimistic that this is going to end well. one thing that they are very blunt about, some of the families, they say we fully expect that our men have suffered and will get paid for their interviews. but we said we're cnn and we won't pay for the interviews. >> larry: frankly, in my opinion, they would deserve some. gary tuckman, our cnn correspondent. now let's go to texas. senior operations psychologist with the nasa behavioral health and performance group. he and dr. holland are a mass of the team of experts who went to chile to assess the miners.
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they join us from houston, texas. dr. holland, what has nasa been providing for this situation? >> basically, larry, when we went down there from a psychological point of view, we first of all wanted to focus on the adjustment of the attitudes from short-term expectations of coming up out of the mine to a more longer term view of adjusting to the confinement and the families adjusting to the long-term separation as well. we also wanted them to understand about the rhythms and importance of regularity to their daily life and schedule. we understand what the reunion may be like when they come home. i think the authorities have done an excellent job, including the psychological job there for preparing the individual miners and their families.
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>> larry: will these men face anything similar to what an astronaut faces when they come back from space? >> we've been asked that a lot. we have preconceived notions as to what would translate and what is interesting is the more we uncovered and made recommendations and learned about what the miners were going through, the more things that were actually translatable from face life to the mines, actually helped explain and helped authorities. that ranged from special diets and reheating for the miners after they were starving all the way to the liquid diet that we're using right now. and eventually liquid fluid with salt tabs and different electro light solutions to increase the blood pressure and keep it up for the miners as they ascend in the escape module.
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the fluid load coming from the shuttle program, very similar to what we use for the astronauts coming home. >> dr. holland, you accompanied the chilean psychologist who spoke to the miners by telephone. what was that like? >> what impressed me about that, larry, was two things. one was the competency of the top side personnel. the help people, the rescuers and what they were doing. they were there for the long haul. and the second thing that surprised me and impressed me was the miners and their commitment, their connection with the top side personnel. and i think we've mentioned it before in other locations. there was quite a bond between the two groups and at one point
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the miners began doing the chile chant, the chi-chi-chi chant. and one of them picked it up and chanted it back to them. and it was quite impressive show. >> larry: what would you say is the biggest medical concern? >> there are multiple. certainly myself and my chilean medical colleagues are not going to breathe deeply until they are all safely out from the mine. but it ranges from engineering failures to rock collapse or low blood pressure in the miners as they ascend and folks who lock their knees when they stand up straight at attention. there is a myriad of things that the chileans have practiced for,
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that they have looked for as far as contingencies, and i think they are well prepared and they've done a lot to help these folks up to the surface safely. >> larry: thanks, guys. we'll be talking to you again. don't go away. [ female announcer ] in the coming weeks and months, you may notice something a little different about eggland's best eggs. now, in addition to the taste and nutrition you and your family love, eggland's best will proudly be displaying its support for susan g. komen for the cure®, the world's largest breast cancer organization, in its promise to end breast cancer forever. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. and a greater commitment to what matters.
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>> larry: we're back on this special edition of "larry king live." we'll be back continuing live at 12 a.m. eastern. we're live from atlanta with a replica of the capsule used to rescue the miners. okay, chad, tell us about it. >> well, it's 6 1/2 feet high, a little less than that. 21 inches inside. the capsule itself is here. we've made the mock-up of it with plexiglass. you won't be able to see through it. especially when it's dark outside. you'll see a big white part on top of this. it will detach here and go back down the hole if this part
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becomes jammed in the tube itself, in the tunnel. so you can actually escape and go all the way down as the winding here will take you back down. i'm going to get into this thing because that's why they built it. it's 21 inches across. michael holmes could not get in here. if i really wanted to squeeze in, larry, there's probably two or three more inches that i could get in here. now, there were, in ear roan yous reports, that men would have to have their clavicles broken. that's not going to happen. they've measured everybody. as long as that can go up 38 times, 33 miners and plus five rescuers, as long as that goes up and down 38 times, they are all going to get out. >> chad, thank you. excellent journalism. >> larry: let's go back to dr.
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sanjay gupta. what will be the first thing thaw look for, sanjay, when they come up. >> the thing about medical triage, there's a consistent measure to it. you have some anticipation as to what will affect the miners but you want to make sure that you cover the basics, first. you make sure that they are breathing obviously, normally, and the circulation, that their heart is working well. that's what they are going to check. you're going to see paramedics and doctors right there on the scene examining patients and putting stethoscopes to their chest. you have to assume with 90-degree temperature, lots of humidity, dehydration has
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occurred. and so getting tablets and not too much fluid, larry, down in the mine, that can impede someone's ability to breathe. that can sort of check all of that and probably as soon as these minuteers hit the surface the ground. >> what about skin problems? >> that may seem like a relatively minor issue but it can be complicated. imagine being in the mine as long as they have, 68 days, the humidity can cause certain types of fungal infections of the skin. it can become more problematic if not treated pretty quickly when they get to the surface of the earth. also, they haven't been exposed to the germs and viruses that you and i have been exposed to for a couple of months. if they suddenly get exposed, that could be a problem.
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and there could be brittle bones. my guess is over the next couple of hours, and you've asked about this several times, you're not going to see people rushing because they are really thinking about all of these sorts of various steps and various potential problems. they are trying to address them. so what sun folding has never happened before and that's why i think it's sort of moving along, maybe seemingly slow but very importantly. >> larry: thanks, sanjay. a gentleman used to working in confined spaces is jesse ventura. he will be joining us live from chile right after the break. fewer pieces left behind. looks good son! [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra strong. enjoy the go. for an extra clean finish, try charmin freshmates.
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>> larry: we're back covering the mine disaster and rescue. we're joined by tom, a survivor of the 2002 mine accident. harry, a survivor of that accident and leslie, his wife. they are all in pennsylvania. bill, what is your reaction to what is going on in chile? i can tell you that the rescuers, what they are going through right now, is a very nervous anticipating. they've had a very long rescue up to this point and i know that they are very excited about it coming to a thrilling conclusion. but they are also very focused and determined to make sure that all 33 of those men get back safely to their families.
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>> larry: tom, you went through a steel capsule. what was that like? >> well, all i can tell you is it was one of the best days of my life. the worst part was coming up through when we had all of the water and running down on us. they wanted to try to talk to us as we was coming up to tell them how we were. but the main thing was water problems just pouring on top of us and i said, well, we'll talk to you when we get out. not before. >> larry: blaine, how long did it take to come up? >> i guess it roughly took 10 to 15 minutes to come up through the hole. >> larry: so they are going to have the same thing in chile? >> a little longer trip, though. >> larry: yeah. >> it's about ten times difference in distance. so they will have a lot longer
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journey. >> they initially told us it would take about an hour to get each guy up and it took about 10 to 15 minutes per guy. >> larry: leslie, these guys were trapped for four days. what was it like for you? >> four days seemed like four weeks. so i'm sure that 68 days seems like a couple years to these people. four days seems like a long time, seemed like never ending. >> larry: what's the biggest problem that they are going to have psychologically? >> well, i don't know. the miners are a very tough breed. as these guys can testify. and i don't know what range of problems they may have psychologically. i think during the actual physical rescue it's going to be probably the most dangerous time, the most dangerous point during this rescue when they are traveling from so deep in the earth to the surface. that's certainly going to be the most physically challenging and dangerous time during the
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rescue. >> larry: tom, have you gone back to the mines? >> no, i didn't, sir. >> larry: blaine, have you gone back? >> no, that was my last day when i got rescued. >> larry: leslie, i would gather you would agree with their decision? >> yes, i would. i'm very happy they did not go back. >> larry: tom, why do they do this kind of work? >> it's just like any other job. it's a job that has to be done. i mean, around pennsylvania and around the united states, it's one of the biggest things for power plants and stuff like that. without them, it would be a little rough. there is always going to be coal mines, gold mines. wherever there is money to be
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made, there's going to be coal. >> larry: we now turn to the best selling author, he hosts conspiracy theory with jesse ventura going into friday night on trutv. you're a former navy s.e.a.l. what do you make of this. >> probably the best thing that i can make of it is when they sent me to the s.e.a.l. school and a p.o.w. school and they kept us in small boxes for 24 hours and the only time you were released from your particular box was to be taken in and interrogated, waterboarded and any other stuff they could think about doing to you. i think the main thing is keeping yourself mentally responsible. you've got to stimulate your
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mind when you're sitting there bored to death. you experience fear and all of the elements that you can possibly face. >> larry: more with jesse ventura right after this. don't go away. sorry i'm late fellas. [ evan ] ah it's cool. ah...
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>> larry: we're going to go back to chile for a live update in a few minutes. jesse, you were used to being below the surface for a while. you were under the water, under the ground. what is that like? >> well, i think it would most equate, larry, to submarine service. you know, anyone that is going to go into submarine service in the navy has to go through a battery of tests and examinations and psychological evaluations because certainly
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being in a mine is tremendously worse than being on a nuclear submarine. but by the same token, they go down for 30 to 60 days and you don't see the sun. and so you have to be psychologically prepared for that and i would hope that miners would like wise you be submitted to some type of battery of testing to ensure that they are psychologically prepared for what they do. because whether going down into the earth or down under the water, there is a class stroe phobic capacity to what you are doing and you have to be comfortable with it. >> larry: you wouldn't let them do any quick round of interviews, would you? >> no, i would not do that. i would certainly not do that. i would definitely get them to a hospital, check their medical conditions, let them relax for a period of time, let them get their bearings back and get psychologically straight before dealing with the media. because, you know, they may say something because we all know how the media ought to take
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things out of context so quickly. >> larry: i'll get into politics with you in a little while. one little thing in this area, how do you account for the affect of their personalities being so amazing through all of this. >> well, you know, when put in tough situation, tough people will respond. it's that simple. and certainly being a miner, that's got to be a rugged job. none of us would know what it's like unless you walk in the shoes of the people that do it. so they've got to be pretty tough individuals to begin with, both psychologically as well as physically and i'm sure that's what will carry them through, that and having the power of hope and belief and belief in yourself and fellow man and never give up. it's that simple. >> larry: jesse, i don't think you'd fit in that capsule. >> i don't know if i would either, larry. it's an awful thing to be. it looked like a cigar tube that i get a stogie out of. >> larry: we'll come back with
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jesse in a little while. a big debate coming up here, by the way. a live update from the san jose mine after this. and it goes out into the world like fuel for the economy. one opportunity leading to another... and another. we all have a hand in it. because opportunity can start anywhere, and go everywhere. let's keep it moving. ♪ [ male announcer ] throughout our lives, we encounter new opportunities. at the hartford we can help you pursue them with confidence.
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>> larry: michael moore tomorrow night following that delaware debate and george clooney on thursday. let's check in with gary tuckman for an update on the rescue
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efforts in chile. we will be back at midnight, nine pacific. what's the latest? >> there is one incredible drama here. we're dealing with 33 incredible dramas. it will probably take 36 to 48 hours. we can't just imagine what the scene will be like. what will happen is that the miners will be pulled up right next to where he comes out of the hole, 2300 feet under the ground. there's a temporary triage that has been set up. his family will be in a tent. they will then all be taken to a special are you union center where they will meet, hug, kisses. it should be a remarkable scene and then they are put on a
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helicopter and flown to a nearby hospital for treatment. the hope is that all 33 are pulled out safety. all are in good shape but the drama is just unfolding. >> thanks. you'll be seeing this right here. you can stay right with us under that beautiful harvest moon over chile. patrick is with us and anxiously awaiting this. do they know now that it will be another three hours, patrick? >> reporter: well, it will be a celebration when we first see that first miner taken out, the second miner taken out. this is the town square of copiapo. we're going to take a look at the flags being waved. they are watching a large screen
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tv. this process has been going on for a couple hours. and many of these people work with the miners, in the mine, knew them growing up. for many of the miners this is their town. it's a mining community, larry. they stand by their own. and they have done that since august 5th when the collapse buried these mine ders underground. it's an amazing story. as soon as they have an initial checkup at the hospital, they will be taken by helicopter to the hospital. it's only half an hour from where i am. they are getting every kind of checkup imaginable. these men left this community and they are going to return heroes. >> larry: how do you explain the optimism of these people?
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i'm sorry, patrick, how do you explain the optimism of these people? >> reporter: absolutely. they are just such tough people, larry, they do a tough job. a miner only makes about $12,000 a year and it's an incredibly dangerous job. they do it because they love their families and have tremendous fate. they never gave up that fate. they have gone through ups and downs before and have lived in the mines and worked in the mines and face dangers in the mines. and in this case the miners, despite a terrible accident, believe they will come back to them whole and safe and the hopes and love and there won't
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be a dry eye in the square, larry. >> larry: thanks, patrick. our cnn all platform journalist. and karl penhaul will be with us in a couple of hours when we come back. as gel as jesse ventura. that's when we all come back next. [ female announcer ] you use the healing power of touch every day. ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving cream works quickly to activate sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals fast for relief you can feel precisely where you need it most.
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>> larry: before we check in with jesse ventura, let's go back to the mine and karl penhaul with the latest. what's up? >> reporter: well, what they are trying to do is get this phoeni phoenix to rescue capsule in shape. it's now on its second test run into the rescue. there is a slight problem, and this is what the engineers are now working at, to fine tune, to tweak. the problem is, it's a tight fit in this rescue shaft, and it really has to be that way, because if it's not a snug fit, then what could happen is that the rescue capsule could begin to gyrate, it could twist down, it could corkscrew into the mine and that's not good. on the way up if that happens, the miner could get nauseous, disoriented or even faint. the rescue capsule has rubber wheels on the side and those rubber wheels have to expand out to the side to make the fit.
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what it seems is happening, according to rescue technicians right now, at least one of the wheels on that capsule is not coming out properly, so it's not a snug fit. so what they're doing is working to try to have just that, so it fits very precisely into the rescue shaft. so that's what they're doing now. we don't know how long it's going to take before they can get that fixed, larry. >> larry: we had some difficulty there hearing from karl penhaul. we'll check on that and clear everything up. let's get back to jesse ventura, whose new season of "conspiracy" -- well, let's check on the difficulty first. we'll come back right after this. casional constipation associated with certain medications. find the relief that's right for you
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celebrex. for a body in motion. >> larry: the difficulty there was in a little gizmo in my ear piece and you heard the complete karl penhaul report as it aired. so the difficulty was on this end, not on that end. back with jesse ventura, whose conspiracy theory goes into its second season friday night. and let's see a clip from it. here jesse is on a boat with the coast guard in pursuit. watch. >> the coast guard is hot on the tail of jesse ventura as he
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attempts to reach the island. word is out that he's accompanied by jim mccoy, a worker who was fired after he blew the whistle on dangerous safety violations. >> he's following us, guys. >> this coast guard boat is most definitely following us. >> what do you think they're going to do? >> we've got the coast guard behind us, these guys here, what the hell, i used to be a governor. what do they think i am, a [ bleep ] terrorist? >> larry: are you enjoying doing that show? >> i like it because first of all i love to attack our government. >> larry: i know. >> it's an unending thing. you get tremendous amount of stories, and it keeps me vim and vigor, and i think my government's lied to me so often that this is a show that allows me to do that. >> larry: where is plum island? >> plum island is located on the end of long island, and the
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unique thing about it, larry, it's a biological testing area that was created by a guy named eric traub, a nazi under him letthimler and ss and using wood ticks and mosquitos for warfare and that's the conspiracy. the first case of lyme disease was in lyme, connecticut, across the water from plum island. and imagine this, they're doing this type of research there, this type of danger, and they're 80 miles from boston and 75 miles from downtown new york. the most populated area in our country, larry. >> larry: wow. couple of other things, jesse, that show renews friday night, its second season on trutv. >> yep. that's true. >> larry: i'm sorry, what were you saying? >> i was going to say they let me do jfk this year, larry, and everybody asks me what i can bring new to the john f. kennedy murder. how about an audio, visual and
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written confession? that's what you'll hear this year. >> larry: wow. wow. what do you make of the midterm elections? >> not a lot. i mean, it looks like the democrats are going to take it on the snout, which shows me clearly that the country's memory is about six months. because they seem to be blaming president obama for the economy, and if i remember correctly, i believe it started going bad under george bush and the republican-controlled house and senate. i guess we're going to go back to that again. my view is we've got to get rid of both of these parties. i now stand for the abolishment of the democrats and the republicans. don't put them on ballots, just put names on there. >> but i don't imagine you're in favor of the tea party. >> no, not really, because i think that they're just an extension of the republicans. again, larry, i don't support the third party movement anymore. because to me, the system is so corrupt that any third party
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that's going to enter and be competitive within this system is going to have to corrupt itself. well, it's already a two-headed monster, why would we need a three-headed monster? let's abolish political parties. george washington, thomas jefferson stood for that, so i've got pretty good people behind me. >> larry: i don't believe the constitution mentions parties, does it. >> i don't believe it does, either. it's something that came later. i like to refer to them as the demo crips and repub ly -- let' have no gangs in congress. >> larry: tomorrow at 7:30 eastern, we'll follow with michael moore, what do you make of her? >> is this the delaware woman? >> larry: yeah. >> i find her kind of laughable in my own way. when you see the background on
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her, and you hear that she's in all this trouble, she's living off her campaign -- excuse me, her campaign donations, which is totally illegal. if that's true. and it just seems that running for office has become a job today in a way to support yourself and i don't know exactly what to make of her. delaware doesn't have a lot of people, so i suppose she stands a chance to win. >> larry: jesse, ever want to come back to the political wars? >> when conspiracy theory is over, i might. that gives -- >> larry: oh, really? >> that gives me a lot of excitement right now. i enjoy what i'm doing right now. but when that ends its run, one never know it's one will get back in politics or not. i know my wife will hate to hear that. but she'll go along with whatever i do because that's why we've been married 35 years. >> larry: so jesse ventura saying tonight he might run again for political office. >> just -- >> larry: thanks, jesse. >> just don't hold your breath,


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