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tv   American Morning  CNN  October 14, 2010 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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republican christine o'donnell, taking off her gloves. she compared at times to carl marx. chris coons fighting back. he called her an exdreamist. there was an the tea party star when she was asked to name a recent supreme court ruling did she didn't agree with. sound familiar? we'll let you hear that exchange coming up. they're all out this morning. the nation of chile exhaling after a flawless day-long rescue. the final out, ruiz aurzua, he paid tribute to all the miners and their families. >> translator: we are proud of the miners, the families of the miners and we're proud of the chilean rescuers, this team of rescuers. >> and late last night, the final rescue worker also left the hole.
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so how are they all doing this morning? how will they deal with their new-found fame. patrick altman joins us live. and hurricane paula is approaching cuba. the storm is a category 1 hurricane. a tropical storm watch has been posted for the florida keys. kiran. john, thanks. well, she's trailing pretty badly in the polls right now. i believe our latest poll has christine o'donnell down 19% against her opponent chris co s coons. he came upswinging. the tea party candidate attacked chris coons right from the start, calling his views marxist, and also warned voters that he would raise taxes. and senior political analyst gloria borger watched the debate last night. she joins me. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> what were your initial
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thoughts? people trying to figure out right out of the gate if christine o'donnell would do well? >> well, she had a lot of swinging. she came out swinging at chris coons, and i think he was, in return, what was interesting to me was he was a bit dismissive of her at times. and i kept wondering whether he didn't sort of edge right up to the line in being tool dismissive and could alienate some women voters by doing that. it was very clear he didn't want to go back and attack her on the personal issue, the so-called witch controversy and all of that. but when he did attack her on substance, it was as if he thought the voters here shouldn't take her that seriously. >> it was a sentiment that was noted last night when we were watching the debate with many delaware locals. some said they thought she was a little bit insulting, but he was as well. so that was interesting but one
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moment that i think people might be focusing on is when she was asked what recent supreme court decision she disagreed with, and she was unable to answer. let's listen to a little bit of that exchange i'll get your take. >> what opinions of late have come from our high court, do you most object to? >> oh, gosh. give me a specific one, i'm sorry. >> actually, i can't, because i need you to tell me which ones you object to. >> i'm very sorry right off the top of my head. i know that there are a lot, but i'll put it up on my website, i promise you. >> a gotcha moment, or should she -- you know, was it points to ask that? or should she have had something in her back pocket? >> you know, i think it's a legitimate question. she did say recent supreme court decisions so she couldn't come back immediately with roe versus wade. there are supreme court decisions she could have referred to particularly on the environment. but it reminded all of us,
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right, about that moment with katie couric and sarah palin on the same issue. let's listen to that. >> there are those issues again like roe v. wade where i believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. so, you know, going through the history of america, there would be others. but -- >> can you think of any? >> oh, i would think of any, again, that could best be dealt with on more local level. >> so that's just, you know, a built of a problem because you've got to be able to have these kinds of things at your fingertips. particularly when you've got to prove that you're a creditable candidate, that people ought to vote for because you don't have a lot of political experience. >> that was certainly a tough moment for christine o'donnell and, of course, sarah palin. speaking of tough moment, though, there were in writings
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in college for chris coons as he calls it tongue in cheek, a bearded marxist. that came up as well. >> so they jokingly called me a bearded marxist. if you take five minutes and read the article, it's clear on e face of it it was a joke. despite that my opponent and opponents in the right media have endlessly spun this. i am not now, nor have i ever been anything but a clean-shaven capitalist. >> so he got some laughs there. >> yeah, he handled it very well. he handled it with humor. you know, he didn't take it that seriously. clearly been discussed, decided. and he didn't want to talk about it anymore so he dismissed it, j jokingly. >> and he said jokingly said you're just jealous. the bottom line is when you see somebody in a 19-point deficit this close to the election, she needed to get moderates to think they can side with her.
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did she accomplish that? >> it was interesting when she was asked would you get rid of the department of education, for example. she said, well, i don't really think you need to go that far. so what she was trying to do is push herself a little towards the center. again make her central argument. her central argument is, i am you. i am just like you, you voters out there. and i just want to turn this economy around and have common sense approaches to government. and i don't want to raise taxes like my opponent who raised taxes three times when he was county executive. >> she did get that in there. >> she did get that in there. >> a sore spot here in delaware. we'll check in with you the next hour as well. thanks a lot. we also want to let people know 6:40 eastern we're joined by author will bunch. he's a senior writer at the "philadelphia daily news." he wrote a book about the tea party and he's going to be joining us with his take on last night's debate.
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8:15 eastern, delaware's democratic candidate for senate chris coons will be joining us live. and later, john, we're going to show you a reaction, a local reaction to many who were very riveted. watched this debate from start to finish. and interesting ideas about how they felt both of the candidates did last night. >> looking forward to that ahead. chile's long national nightmare is over today. less than 24 hours after the rescue operation began. the last of the trapped miners pulled to freedom. the final miner out, 54-year-old luis urzua, he's the captain. and the rest of the crew held up a banner saying "mission accomplished." they were the end of a flawless and riveting rescue operation. a triumph of technology, as well as the human spirit. our patrick koffman is live in
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copiapo, chile. it ended so well? >> absolutely. that incredible story of survival, john. we're here at the copiapo hospital where most if not all of the miners were brought yesterday and date before. just an incredible moment when we saw several of those miners being but in, being checked in the hospital. the towns people just crowded in through one of the hallways wand able to see them wheeled in. for these men, it was really the first taste of celebrity and stardomnd heroism that awaits them, they got a standing ovation being admitted to the hospital. we saw them with the dark oakley sunglasses they've been given to protect against the natural light. and a day like today, it's going to be a blinding day in the northern chilean desert. these men here are going to be put through a barrage of medical
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testing, both for physical and mental well-being. here's the thing, john, already, chile's hope minister said of the 17 men they examined as of yesterday, they all looked very good. some men will need minor dental surgery. eye surgery. most are given a clean bill of health, despite the ordeal underground, john. >> so what's the next step in this patrick, when the last rescue worker who is the first man down in the mine came back up, she to sebastian pinero, the president of chile, this has to change. we can't have this happening again. where does the country go from here? >> reporter: i think it takes a long look sat itself, john. and the san jose mine was hardly unique. i've traveled around in this region, and in certain mining communities you really have to go door to door and you'll find people who have been jurisdiction or lost lives.
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it's such an important industry in this country. you know the other night when president sebastian pinero said that the san jose mine might never reopen unless it can clean up its act. and sort of hinted last night as well, he covered that hole to the mine with dirt, another symbol that this mine is over with. and i was standing next to a mine here works at the san jose mine. i said what do you think about this, is this your livelihood. you know something for my children and grandchildren, things do have to change. and they'll take a long hard look and heads are going to be rolling in government and changes will be made here. the president will be here later this morning to seat miners once again. >> all right. we'll be following that all day, patrick onman. thanks so much. 6:14, we're going to take a look at the long road ahead still facing the miners. columbia university psychiatrist
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jeffrey lieberman is going to join us. that's ahead on the most news in the morning.
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♪ when it's planes in the sky ♪ ♪ for a chain of supply, that's logistics ♪ ♪ when the parts for the line ♪ ♪ come precisely on time ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ a continuous link, that is always in sync ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪
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♪ there will be no more stress ♪ ♪ cause you've called ups, that's logistics ♪ you need the patch. (announcer) icy hot patches. targeted no-mess relief. icy to dull pain. hot to relax it away. pain's no match for the icy hot patch. some prayed, some pounded their fists, none of them yelled "i'm going to disney world."
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but endorsement deals, lots of them could be around the corner for the rescued chilean miners. it looks like all of their lives are going to change dramatically financially. there's a report that each will receive $10,000 from a chilean business tycoon. they've been invited to travel to europe as well. all kinds of companies are apparently lining up to offer endorsement deals. free gifts like ipods. oakley donated the sunglasses that they're wearing. also, plenty of job offers, at least one of them, super mario sepulveda said he was born a miner and he was going to die a miner. they appear to be in pretty good shape but there's a concern going forward about the possible psychological scars for spending two months underground. to look at that, dr. jeffrey lieberman. great to see you this morning. >> thank you, john. >> what are the big concerns that you have for the miners
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after the long stressful situation that they've endure jdz. >> well, john, as you mentioned this is a triumph of the human spirit and congratulations to the president pinero and the chilean people for orchestrating the operation. coming out of harm's way physically, the human psyche is fragile and they still have a lot to face in terms of acclimation and adaptation to the real world, the surface world and their previous mental lives. >> what will doctors be looking for? what might be the telltale signs that they're experience something difficulty? >> well, they will, given how the chilean government has handled it so far be providing them with ongoing surveillance and psychological counseling and with their families. what they're looking for are the residual effects. emotional stress which they've obtained underground because of phenomenal support they've had. now beginning to be leased.
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it will manifest itself in a variety of ways. it could result in anxiety, their mood, becoming irritable, becoming depressed. disturbance in their sleep. changes in appetite, possible weight loss. inability to concentrate. and changes with relationships with their families and others integral to their lives. >> it sounds like posttraumatic stress disorder. >> exactly, ptsd is kind of the rubric in an intensely hard situation. >> and you mentioned it twice, according to one professional who was down in for a while write the book about how to do a mine rescue. what was it that they did right? >> first, let me tell you, chile say phenomenal country, apart from traveling there myself, my wife is chilean and we've spent a lot of time there.
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the chilean people, the country as an entity has been extremely resilient, extremely resourceful, and they displayed it in the way they handled this disaster it was a textbook case. what they did was to immediately seize the situation. take control. understand what needed to be done which was to support the miners, organize their time, take their minds off the bleak reality of their situation. >> don't just leave them sitting there to stew about it, keep them actively engaged? >> exactly. even the miners before they had been discovered, the 17 days while trapped while still drilling, the miners had themselves organized themselves. the chilean people are incredibly resilient and capable. i think in the aftermath, they'll be able to adapt to this well also. >> what about the fame factor, with the exception of franco lobos who was a famed soccer player in the '70s and '80s. most of these miners have toiled in obscurity.
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they've become celebrities. mentioned a second ago that many of have offered endorsement deals. >> that's the new wrinkle in this. i mean, it's tough enough to have to emerge from a life-threatening disaster, prolonged isolation, emergence and being cut off from the real world for so long. but now they're not just emerging and re-entering their former life in civilization, but they have to do it in the glare of the media spotlight and that presents tremendous challenges because she's peopthese people in a very remote environment. they've toiled and now they have to celebrate in the world spotlight. >> doctor, thank you for talking to us. kiran. >> john, thanks so much. we're here again at the university of delaware campus in new arc, delaware. post debate between the two senate candidates. also ahead, unexpected charges
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that you may be seeing in your cell phone bill. check it out. it's sky high. now there are new rules in place to protect you from those charges. christine romans, "minding your business" just ahead. we'll be right back. how new is the new edge with myford touch? well you could never do this before. or this.
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or this. you definitely couldn't do this. play kate's mix. or this. temperature, 72 degrees. aveeno hair shines in real life. eal shine, f real life. yours.
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♪ ♪ dirty dirty rich rich welcome back to the most news in the morning. right now, all 50 states are banning together to investigate improper foreclosures by the nation's largest lenders. christine romans, "minding your business." this is a real mess? >> it'sa fiasco and mushrooming. all 50 states attorneys general
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are investigating, something more than shoddy paperwork. the attorneys general are very, very upset about this. and this has put an absolute freeze on foreclosure sales in this country right now. the question here is how quickly some of these banks were approving foreclosures without reviewing the paperwork. was it illegal or just sloppy? in any case, you got foreclosure sales halted in this country, john. and bank repossessions last month were a record high. over 100,000 for the september only. you've got people late on mortgages. this matters to a lot of folks. also this morning, apple's sexting filter. turns out apple has actually patented technology that could prevent sext messages. those are those sexually explicit messages. >> as known as the favre builter? >> i don't know that. however, it's not something that
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is not commcially put together by apple but it's a patent they've been approved. apple's stock hit $300 a share for the first time ever next week. next week, apple is expected to release its sales. watching apple this morning see if it can repeat that $300 a share mark. >> just about everybody in the country has got a cell phone or some sort of digital device. so many people get shocked by huge bills. all the hidden charges. >> the fcc cracking down. we're expecting rules from the fcc that will prevent your wireless crier, your data carrier from giving you a $100 bill shock. $1,000 bill shock. you would have to get a text message that would let you know you've outrun the parameters of your plan. >> at least theyet a tip. christine, thanks so much. kira >> john, thanks. we're here at the university of
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delaware campus last night after that debate got a lot of attention not only nationally, but locals here in delaware. they really wanted to seal first hand their. two candidates for the u.s. senate go head to head. it was quite a debate. we're going to get reaction from people who will viewed it last night at a local restaurant here on campus. h the company, i've been promoted ten times over the span of 11 years. today, i'm a divisional learning and development manager. wecan actually help people develop in their own careers. my job allows me to make a difference in the lives of almost 100,000 associates in the northeast. if you think about it, that's almost 8 times the size of my hometown. my name is nick and i work at walmart. ♪ sadly, no. oh. but i did ck up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in at case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office.
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i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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through power tools. ♪ we're for higher rpms at lower prices. we're for lights, lasers, and recycling the old so you can fire up the new. we're lowering the cost of serious power... more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, get a ryobi 12volt lithium-ion drill for the new lower price of just 69 bucks. welcome back to the most news in the morning. she rocked the political world with that upset win in the republican primary last month here in delaware. and since then, christine o'donnell has dominated the national headline us. well, last night, the tea party
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sensation had a chance to make her debate debut against her opponent chris coons. the bulk of what people know from christine o'donnell come from the infamous clips when she was a popular guest on the bill maher show back in the 1990s where she said she dabbled with witchcraft as a teen. we decided to talk to folks here at the university of delaware campus after the debate what they thought and whether or not they would vote for her. let's take a listen. what do you think people wanted to hear from the candidates? what are some of the biggest issues that you hear people talking about? >> well, i think christine o'donnell needed to show that she's a human being, a real person. that she's impassioned. that all of this other sort of conversation going on about her is not really accurate. and i think that's what she attempted to do, i think she did very well with that. >> what stuck out to you about either one of the candidates. >> well, i actually don't go for
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either candidate. i think christine o'donnell doesn't answer the questions. i think chris is kind of condesce condescending. i don't get a good feel from either candidate. >> are you going to sit it out or write in someone? >> write in someone. >> she's just mean. she's not answering questions. i don't think she's doing a great job tonight. >> you were happy with her performance tonight? >> yeah, i think she did -- i think she did well. and we're until a difficult -- again, it's a very a very experienced delaware person, whatever. so she held her own. so i think, you know, it just shows what's going none politics in general. and people are tired of politics generally. they want results. >> i find it abundantly disconcerting that we have this much in conwith wasilla. >> we have concerns about chris coons history or his politics or
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whatever. yet, again, we have a polarized election. where it's a black and white thing because it's she's so far off the grid. >> i think chris coons performed better tonight. he seems to have more of a plan, more of substance with what he's trying to project to everybody, to the american people. >> i think her message resonates because i think there is a grand swell that wants change. they're upset with the direction of the country. whether she's a perfect candidate or not is an open question. >> so, you really saw there, john, a range of opinions about the situation. the last gentleman that we talked to, bob, he's actually a democrat who voted for obama. but said since then he's been quite disappointed and this would almost be a check and balance vote, if you will. that he doesn't necessarily think that christine o'donnell
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is an ideal candidate but he wants more republicans in the senate to provide a check and balance for what the administration is doing well or not doing well. it was interesting what people felt about the two candidates. >> the reality on the ground is she's 19 points behind the latest cnn/"time" poll. is there a sense that she did anything to make up some of that ground? >> well, a couple of things. i think first for her it was the do no harm aspect. that she needed to come out and not make a major gaffe. now, it's up for major debate not being able to name a supreme court ruling she disagreed with. delaware say state, 25% of people are other. they're not republican, not democrat. they're either independent or something else. in order to win over the voters, they probably needed to hear a little bit more from her that was not the standard tea party line. so i think there was a feeling last night that not a lot of questions were answered.
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of course, we still have 2 1/2 weeks to go. anything can happen. >> not a lot of time to make up that much ground. keeper. it's time for the morning's stories. they're all out, the 33 rescued chilean miners being checked out of a hospital today after they survived longer than anybody has underground. chilean's health minister says one is being treated for pneumonia, but some of them may be able to leave today. also, authorities in the u.s. and mexico are moving forward with their investigation of the falcon lake shooting, this despite the beheading of the lead mexican detective in the case. you may be following this case. tiffany hartley told police that her husband david was shot by mexican drug pirates while sight see, riding their jet skis on the mexican side of falcon lake. hartley's body still has not been found. texas governor rick perry said the murderer of the lead
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investigator of the case was a message from the drug gang to, quote, stay out of their territory. police in atlanta said rapper t.i. helped prevent a suicide helping the to talk the man from the roof of a hotel. t.i. as his own troubles, facing a federal judge high may revoke his probation. the all important election less than three weeks away, political ads are filling the airwaves but you might not always know who is paying for them. our senior correspondent dana bash joins us live. robert gibbs, the president's spokesman, has made a lot of noise about the shadowy groups and who's funding them. but the democrats have their own groups. >> oh, they sure do. they're pouring so much money into elections and particularly the ads. you may not know it listening to the white house or the president systems. outside groups, democrats are
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out there, too. some of them are not disclosing their donors. the president rails against republicans for flooding the airwaves with money from shadowy outside groups. there are these innocuous names like americans for prosperity. or americans for apple pie. >> reporter: but take a look at these innocuous sounding names. america's families first action fund citizens for strength and security action funds. and these are democratic outside groups set up just like republican groups the president slams. they don't have to tell who is funding them. they run ads like this. >> senator murray knows small businesses are the engine of job creation. >> reporter: and pump money into hard-hitting ads for gop candidates like this. >> congressman, steve pearce, one of the most corrupt. >> this is run by a democratic insider. cnn is told it's someone who
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used to head up party efforts to elect house democrats and he started the group five weeks ago to try to compete with republicans. >> this is shot something that is exclusive to republican organizations or democratic organizations, not to the left or right. this is, in a way, a free for all. >> reporter: democrats are also using a new weapon in the big money game, superpacs. one of the biggest majority is running ads against senate democratic leader harry reid in in. >> sharron angle would force her to have the baby. angle says -- two wrongs don't make a right. >> they can raise and spend unlimited amount of money. they also must disclose thin donors. and democrats who formed these groups say that adds transparency. it's funned mostly by liberals.
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he runs patriot majority and said it's poised to pound republican candidates with $10 million this election cycle. that's a lot less than some of the big republican groups, but he says he believes democrats must try. >> they are goliath, we are david. we are fighting back. and we're going to use the slingshot that we have in order to fight this fight. >> now, i've talked to multiple democratic sources involved with this. these sources say it makes it a lot harder to get democratic donors to give to democratic outside groups. many of these people say, look, it is what it is. this is the game out there and we need to get it in and respond to the republicans. >> who is using more anonymous money, democrats or republicans? >> no question republicans are using more money overall with the outside groups. and that includes these groups that won't disclose a donor.
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>> so is campaign finance reform essentially dead? >> campaign what? >> that answers that question. >> yeah. no, there are some rules still in place but this is a whole new ball game we're seeing. >> dana, great to see you. >> you, too. kiran. >> we're going to be joined by will bunch, he's from the "philadelphia daily news." he's been covering the christine o'donnell campaign from the very beginning. we'll hear his take on how they did on the debate. you call... let me check. oh fudge, nothing without a big miles upcharge. it's either pay their miles upcharges or connect through mooseneck! [ freezing ] i can't feel my feet. we switched to the venture card from capital one -- so no more games. let's go see those grandkids. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at [ loving it ] help! what's in your wallet?
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welcome back to the most
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news in the morning. we're here at the university of delaware campus this morning with the cnn election express bus right behind us. it was quite a night here last night, as people turned out to watch the senate debate between christine o'donnell and chris coons. now, christine o'donnell is trailing by nearly 20 points in the polls. and after last night's fiery debate, it remains to be seen whether or not the republican senate candidate, christine o'donnell, can really make up that ground. she's a tea party sensation. did she make her case successfully to voters last night? joining me is will bunch of the "philadelphia daily news." he's covered o'donnell from the rise in the state of delaware and the beginning of the campaign. he actually wrote a back "backlash" about the tea party. >> thanks for having me. >> overall, what did christine o'donnell need to do and how did she did? >> i've been following her campaign for the last year, as you said, and see ingratiated
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herself with the tea party movement. and she needs to go beyond that. this is a state that barack obama won by 100,000 votes in 2008. i don't know if she succeeded, frankly. i think she continued to send a lot of signals that were kind of dog whistles to the tea party movement. she talked about the culture of dependency of people receiving food stamps. i'm not sure that people here in delaware who are suffering economically view it that way. you know, i think she tried to continue to treat coons as a markist and talked about his marxist professor in college. that's a great sound bite on talk radio but i don't know it it resonates with the concerns of voters here in delaware. >> the other challenge that many said she short of had to overcome was to show she was a credible can dhat she knew her stuff. it seemed that she got tripped up when asked about a supreme
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court decision that she disagreed with. let's listen to your opinion and get your take. >> what opinions that have come from our high court do you most object to? >> oh, gosh, give me a specific one, i'm sorry. >> actually, i krngs i need you to tell me which ones you object to. >> i'm very sorry. right off the top of my head. i know that there are a lot but i'll put it up on my website, i promise you. >> same thing happened to sarah palin when she was asked that by katie couric. is it a gotcha question, or is it something she should have known? >> she seemed heavily prepared for the debate. in fact, she worked with some of sarah palin's advisers to get ready for the debate. i'm surprise shed wasn't ready for that question. she's been compared to sarah palin so many times. unfortunately, this reminds voters to a comparison to palin that's not flattering. one thing i would add, i'm not surprised she couldn't think of any decisions she'd disagree
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with, the supreme court has moved so far right. i think most are happy with the supreme court. >> you're right. that really hasn't been a major tea party talking point. the displeasure. they talk about it on some of the other federal court and some of the lower appeal court but not on the supreme court. >> right. >> i want to give people a chance to hear from chris coons. many thought this seat was a lock for republicans until she swept in and undercut the incumbent, mike castle. a longtime congressman. chris coons is not necessarily familiar to a lot of people. let's hear how he responded to that whole marxist thing. >> they jokingly called me a bearded marxist. if you take five minutes and read the article, it's clear on the face of it, it was a joke. despite that, my owe pony and lots of folks in the right wing media have endlessly spun this. i many not now, nor have i ever
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been gig but a clean-shaven capitalist. >> yeah, that was a good answer. you know, it's funny, if you went to college in the '70s, you probably had a marxist professor. i mean, it's kind of a silly talking point in a way. i think coons handled that pretty well. i was surprised that i thought o'donnell got under coons skin at times. it was interesting a couple points that coons said i'm really confused by what you're saying. it was maybe a little condesc d condescending but i think he didn't want to attack her directly. but he said, well, you're confused and i think he was trying to play up to o'donnell's weaknesses in the sense that maybe some of her answers weren't that coherent. >> very interesting. will bunch, great to get your insight this morning. >> thanks. it was great. >> meanwhile, we're taking a quick break and we'll be back in just a moment. we're checking in with bonnie
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schneider, she's going to have this morning's travel forecast for us. we're expecting pretty bad weather around here. she's going to tell us what to expect if you're traveling this thursday morning. the language , was universal and eloquent. and the unique ability of chemistry to change everything has never changed. it is still the hope of human history to come. it is still the bond in partial between the elements. hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and human.
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48 1/2 minutes after the hour. let's get a check of the morning weather headlines.
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bonnie schneider is in the extreme weather center keeping an eye on paula. good morning, bonnie. >> good morning, john. we're still in hurricane season and we're looking at paula working its way over western cuba. this is a mountainous area, so it is causing problems with mud slides and heavy downpours as we may get 4 to 5 inches of rain. you can see the storm track as it advances along the cuban coastline. that's where we have hurricane warnings in place. but also in the u.s., tropical storm watches posted across the florida keys right now. notice the storm weakening very rapidly. it likely won't be a hurricane much longer as it interacts with land. we're keeping a close eye on paula as it will bring florida strength winds to the florida keys. let's take a look at the weather for the u.s., big, big changes. it's finally feeling like october and chilly in a lot of places.
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two big cold fronts coming through. here's one right here working its way across the south that's making it feel definitely more chilly. showers in new england. this is a nor'easter developing. it will bring rain and winds across northern new england. also chilly condition across the northern tier of the country. off to the west, showers, unsettled weather for seattle. temperatures only hitting the high of 60 degrees. just gorgeous for the south, though, 77, sunny in dallas, los angeles, 81, and lots o s of sunshine. >> this morning's top stories just minutes away now. more live from delaware. and also the miracle at the mine. they spent more time trapped underground than anyone ever has. how are the 33 miners doing in chicagoly? and a gruesome murder mystery.
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playing out like a movie. an american killed the lead investigator beheaded. the victim's wife say drug pirates may have his body. those stories and more beginning at the top of the hour. hi, may i help you? yes, we're looking to save on car insurance, even if that means we have to shop all day, right, honey? yep, all day.
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good thing you're starting here. we compare your progressive direct rate to other top companies', so you can save money! look! we saved a lot! and quick, too. and no more holding her purse! it's a european shoulder bag. it was a gift. mm-hmm. shopping less and saving more. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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♪ ♪ i want to see the sun rise anywhere but here ♪ beautiful shot of the campus of the university of delaware this morning. we are here post debate. and we're going to have a little bit more on how that went, that senate debate last night. meantime, though, it's time for
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the moos news in the morning. flawless, historic, it was almost like watching a moon landing. >> the entire world was riveted to the whole thing. our jeanne moos mined the rescue footage for the most memorable images. >> reporter: hold on to your hats, there's going to be some heavy hugging. >> oh! >> reporter: and no one got hugged more than the president of chile, not once, not twice -- but three times by the same miner. there were kids getting hugged. there were hugs accompanied by laughter. there were faces being cradled. there were mummered endearments. as a young miner on a stretcher got his face rubbed and after all that darkness, the glint of the sun on $180 sunglasses donated by oakley, this is what the ride up looked like.
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and the light at the end of this tunnel must have looked like heaven. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: not many, but some were overcome, usually the relatives. there were some romantic back stories, for instance, this woman sent a note down to her boyfriend proposing. he said yes. and then there was yonny barrios, the miner who discovered he also had a mistress waiting for him. according to "daily mail" chilean tv identified her as the wife. fixinging her hair before the reunion. barbara walters joked that the miner's predicament might lead her to say. >> though he might have a personal hole to dig himself out
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of. it's nothing compared to the hole he just left. a hole we got to know intimately. thanks to cameras who captured the miners from every angle. the most exuberant miner was talking, yelling "let's go! let's go" even before he got to the surface. called mario super mario. he's the one who handed out souvenir rocks and hugged rescue workers. give the rescuers a tip of the hat. the only casualties in this re skew were the hard hats. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> it's just one of those things, john, you could watch all day. i wouldn't go to sleep last night until i watched that video
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live. the last miner, luis urzua shutting the capsule door on his own. >> the last rescuer out was funny, too. they had that webcam down there. this is how sadly they were about the whole thing. he waved good-bye and bowed got in the capsule and went up. just an incredible day all the way around. >> we're going to take a break and, of course, much more of "american morning" continues. we'll be right back. (announcer) everything you need to stay balanced on long trips. residence inn. everythinge do it's beln it's a yea 50 milpromise.
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wi complenta schemaintee and /7 roaide assiance. beusen y ce the st bif, faaronar you do? your medicare card. [ laughing ] but don't let me or anyone see it except your doctor or their staff. and don't tell anyone your card or social security number over the phone. guard your card. [ woman 2 ] i hear unauthorized card use is a big source of fraud. the new healthcare law lets us crack down on criminals and win against fraud. making medicare stronger. and speaking of winning... [ man 2 ] not again! [ man ] learn more at personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay.
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we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. a good thursday morning to you on this october 14th. thanks for joining us on the most news in the morning. i'm john roberts in new york. i'm john roberts in new york. good morning to you, kiran. -- captions by vitac -- hey, john, good morning. i'm here on the campus, the site of the big debate between the
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two candidates, christine o'donnell and chris coons. we got a lot of reaction from the debate watchers. we'll give you that locally. meanwhile, a lot to talk about this morning. let's get right down to it. christine o'donnell, the republican tea party favorite taking off the gloves on the debate aired here on cnn. the tea party comparing her democratic opponent to carl marx. and chris coons calling her an extremist. they are all out, the nation of chile exhaling this morning. all 33 trapped miners are free after a flawless day-long rescue operation. their children, newborn babies, wives, even a mistress waiting. some of the miners may leave the hospital today. we are in chile with the latest this morning. >> also, apple reaching new highs. this is the time when you say, why, why didn't i buy ten years ago? well, the stock closing at just
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over $300 a share. quite a feat for a company worth only $7 a share ten years ago. wow, so what's behind the benchmark? we're going to take a look at that as well. don't you wish, john, that you knew way back then what we know now? >> i wish i would have known in 1982 when i bought my first apple computer. that would have been a great idea. thanks, kiran. >> up first, chile's long nightmare is over. all 33 miners are back on the surface. all of them seem to be doing well. the mine miner out, 53-year-old luis urzua. then the rescue crew who remained underground held up a banner saying "mission accomplished." they were all out. the end of the longest
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underground entrapment in history. a triumph of technology and human spirit. patrick oppmann has the latest for us. good morning, patrick. wow, what a day it was. >> reporter: what a day and what a night last night, john. we were here in the hospital where many of the miners were brought yesterday. the rest were brought late last night. we were watching that last rescue. something incredible happened. up above us in the second and fourth floors, we started hearing that chanting. the clapping, the crying. the excitement, it was the miners themselves were told they were watching the rescue of that final miner, luis urzua, their captain, they were extremely excited as they watched him. they're not following doctors' orders. they're told every patient in this hospital last night was watching the coverage of luis
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urzua being brought to the surface. the final rescues, including the hospital's most important patients, the miners brought here. they're getting a full checkup. they're going to have everything from physical health, mental health, checked over by the doctors. now, the doctors can see and touch them and examine them properly. we're told starting today some of the miners will be released to the families. it's a long overdue homecoming. >> i guess it's going to come down to mine safety. the last of the rescuers said something to the chilean president, they're going to have to do something about mine safety. it was first opened in 1989. they had a number of accidents. is that what the discussion is going to turn to now, how this happened and how to prevent it from ever happening again? >> reporter: you know, one way to look at this is just look at the miners themselves. most of these men have been in hospitals many times before because of mine accidents. mario gomez is missing two
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fingers from his hand. dario segovia was in the hospital because of a back injury. his father, a miner before him, lost an eye in a mining accident. these men know the dangers of mining all too well. and i think for the entire country of chile, enough is enough. they've missed a bullet here. you can't count on miracles continuing to happen. the president of chile said last night that things will have to change. the rescuer, that brave man, miguel gonzalez who went in first, came out last, told the president last night this needs to change. mine safety needs to change. that say man, manuel gonzalez who is a a mine rescuer, he knows all too well the dangers in chile's mines. >> patrick oppmann, thanks so much. we're talking with arturo fermandos, he's the chilean
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ambassador to safety. >> meantime, at the university of delaware's campus, the site of last night's debates. a lot of fireworks. and i guess you could say an extremely high moment. christine o'donnell is trailing badly in the polls. she's down about 19% over her democratic rival chris coons. she went on the attack last night, even in the opening statement. the entire country watched it live on cnn. we're going to get reaction from our political analyst gloria borger. you had a chance to watch it as well. >> i did. >> delaware, my husband and i were married here. we have a little cottage down in the lower part of delaware. it's a great state. you would never think, and a lot of my friends and family, never thought that the nation would care about this senate seat. >> it's so interesting because as you know so well this is a senate seat occupied by joe biden for, what, more than three
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decades. very settled politics here. a very safe democratic seat, people thought. but, of course, nothing is safe this year in particular. then you inject the tea party into this, christine o'donnell, and everything is up for grabs. and then chris coons, the democratic candidate, you kind of have an accidental candidate. this is somebody who is a new castle county executive. >> right. people didn't think that democrats would take the seat. they thought that mike castle was the favorite. christine o'donnell storms in. then no one really knows who she is, except for the clips from appearances on "the bill maher show" back in the 1990s. >> it's interesting, they don't really know who chris coons is either, you know. while he's been in the office as a county executive, he hasn't had a high profile. he really hasn't been out there.
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this kind of volumable woman who has been the leader of a tea party in this state getting advice from sarah palin. and you have chris coons who gets advice from joe biden on how to handle christine o'donnell because he dealt with sarah palin. delaware has become a very interesting state this time. >> and you brought up the parallels between palin and christine o'donnell. last night, unfortunately, some were reminded of a gaffe. let's play. >> what opinions of late that have come from our high court, do you most object to? >> oh, gosh. give me a specific one, i'm sorry. >> actual list, i can't because i need you to tell me which ones you object to. >> umm, i'm very sorry right off the top of my head. i know that there are a lot, but i'll put it up on my website, i promise you. >> does that hurt her? >> yeah, i think it does. i mean, look, this is a very
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conservative court. so in the last few years, there are probably since john roberts became the chief justice, there are probably fewer things that conservatives object to. she could have been more prepared on that question, particularly since she knows what tripped up sarah palin in the past. and she probably knew that they were go going after her specifically on policy because the rap against her is that she's not a credible candidate with enough experience. >> also, the parodies, the "saturday night live" skits, the campaign commercial where she said i'm not waga witch. i'm you. let's hear how the two candidates mixed it up. >> there's been lots of discussion in the national media that my opponent has said or done that i frankly think are a distraction. >> you're just jealous that you're not on "saturday night
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live." >> i'm dying to see who's going to play me. >> so, in that moment, they were both sort of making light -- >> right. >> -- of the jokes. that was probably one of the only light moments. >> it was. you know, it's interesting because he was trying to make another point which is i'm not going to go there on these terrible issues of is she a witch, is she not a witch. what does she believe about evolution. those are comedy shows. we've got serious things we've got to talk about. then she made a joke. so it was very clear that she was prepared to kind of be self-deprecating, if you will, about the "saturday night live" skit and all of that. and that works. but, you know, there weren't a lot of people in there really laughing. >> no, there were not. and there's still say lot of undecided voters in the state. whether or not they're turned in their opinion about what they saw, last night, remains to be seen. gloria, thanks. we'll check in in the last hour.
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we're also joined by last night's democratic candidate, chris coons. you saw him in the debate. he did get criticism. some were watching said he came off as a little dismissive of christine o'donnell. but did he play it above board and is he able to pull off this unexpected win. just looking at a few months back, it seemed like it was a safe seat for republicans. so we're going to talk to chris coons coming up in the next hour as well, john. >> looking forward to that. meantime, 11 minutes after the hour. let's get a check of weather headlines bonnie schneider this morning. we've got weather out there, bonnie? >> we sure do, john. we're tracking hurricane paula down in the caribbean. it's lost its intensity but still a hurricane. the track of it takes it right into cuba. we're expecting landfall sometime today. but we're stage seems to be steering away from the u.s. but the u.s. may be affected there's a tropical storm watch for the keys. notice the curve to the south,
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there's rugged terrain over cuba, particularly, western cuba, where the mountains are, that brings risks for areas where you could see mud slides with several inches of rain associated with the storm system. back to the u.s. mainland. boy, it is chilly out there. we are looking for cold temperatures for this moment in october. green bay at 40 degrees. it's 45 in minneapolis. 47 in milwaukee, and a brisk 36 degrees in sioux falls, south dakota. definitely feels like we're well into the fall season. for those of you traveling, we've got sunshine, nice conditions in dallas. warmer in l.a. at 81. breezy at 72 in atlanta. and 64, showers in new york. get ready for a nor'easter, we are tracking wind and rain beginning this afternoon, not just for the new york area but well into new england. this is likely to bring travel delays in terms of air travel. i'm anticipating that later this afternoon and especially for
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tomorrow morning. we'll keep you up to date if we get airport delays. back to you. >> you had to say that especially tomorrow morning. didn't you. if you got a flight planned. >> thanks, bonnie. 12 minutes after the hour. more from the university of delaware and last night's debate, as well as the chilean miners. later on this morning, goldie hawn and a new way to keep our kids.
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welcome back to the most news in the morning. we're here at the university of delaware campus this morning. it was the site of a pretty fiery debate between the senate candidates in the state. christine o'donnell rocked the political world because of her upset win in the you primary last month. since then, she's dominated the headlines. last night she made her debate debut against democrat chris coons. in the opening statement she came out swinging.
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the bulk of what people know about christine o'donnell comes from tv where she was a guest in the 1990s on "the bill maher show." and it's since become a parody on "saturday night live" and other shows. well, we decided to talk to some of the locals here in delaware. after the debate, what did they think? and would they vote for her? let's check it out. what do you think people wanted to hear from the candidates? what are some of the biggest issues that you hear people talking about? >> well, i think christine o'donnell needed to show that she's a human being, a real person. and that she's impassioned. that all of this sort of conversation going on about her is not really accurate. i think that's what she attempted to do and did very well with that. >> what stuck out with you with either candidate? >> well, i actually don't plan on voting for either candidate. i feel that christine o'donnell doesn't answer any questions. she's going circular on things. and i think chris coons is kind
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of condescending. i don't get a good feeling from either candidate. >> so you're going to sit it out or write in someone? >> i'm going to write in someone. >> i mean, she's just like mean. she's saying mean things and she's not answering questions. i don't think she's doing a good job tonight. >> you were happy with her performance tonight? >> yeah, i think she did -- i think she did well. they're in a difficult -- you know, again, it's a very experienced delaware person, whatever. she held her own. so, i think, you know, it shows what's going on in politics in general and people are tired of politics generally. they want results. >> i find it abundantly disconcerting that we have this much in common with wasilla. and we have concerns about chris coons' history or his politics or whatever, yet, again, we have a polarized election. where it's a black and white thing because it's she's so far
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off the grid. >> i think chris coons performed better tonight. he seems to have more of a plan, more of a substance to what she's trying to protect everybody, to the american people. >> i think her message resonates because i think there is a ground well that wants change. they're upset with the direction of the country. whether she's a perfect candidate or not is an open question. >> so, you know, john, for the die-hard conservative tea party voters, i mean, they're comfortable with christine o'donnell. there are others, like the last man we just saw, who voted for president obama in 2008 as a candidate but says she's disappoint how things are going. so he says that while christine o'donnell might not be the perfect candidate, she's a check and balance. but an interesting range. as you pointed not the last
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hour, the bottom line is, she's still down 20 points. that's a lot to recover this late in the game. >> and he's attracting 78% of the republicans. there's an interesting split there in delaware. >> the one issue, and if you ask people what their biggest reservation is with chris coons, a lot of people say taxes. they're afraid of the taxes. they're afraid of spending. people have seen their taxes raised in delaware. it's a very sore subject here. >> just under three weeks to go, it will be a tight race there. well, maybe not a tight race. but interesting. so much for the empty nest, more college grads are planning to move home than ever before. that can be a strain on your finances. so how do you make it work? our christine romans has important tips for you coming up. got just a
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everythinge do it's beln it's a yea 50 milpromise. wi complenta schemaintee and /7 roaide assiance. beusen y ce the st bif, faaronar absolutely using my old social security number.
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one month, five years after you do retire? ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach. ♪ ♪ are we human or are we dancers ♪ 23 minutes after the hour now, "minding your business" this thursday morning.
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christine romans is here. good morning. >> good morning. this foreclosure crisis continues to mushroom here. 50 attorneys general, all the states now are investigating the practices of big mortgage servicers. as they were robo signing. you've heard this term, right? they were signing off without the courts actually reviewing. in some cases, the documents leading up to that. they've frozen foreclosures. it's but the brakes on the foreclosure process. so we're continuing to follow this. i was with attorney general tom miller leading the investigation. he says this has gone beyond shotty paperwork. they're reinvestigating whether laws were broken. the number of bank repossessions topped 100,000 for the first time ever. that is about two a minute, i think, two people a minute were losing a home. it's really a big problem. 5 million people were behind in their bills. this isn't a small story, folks. the foreclosure issue, this big
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debate on whether we should stop the whole process and do a time-out gut check. it's got big ramifications for the housing market. it's also got big ramifications for people who are trying to decide to pay their mortgages. >> a lot of people are losing their homes but at the same time, becoming more -- >> cnn has a fantastic story about boomerang kids. 85% of kids graduating college coming back. >> 85%? >> yes, the number is growing. it was 81% last year. this is a trend we've been watching. look, there aren't 2 in 10 kids in the class of 2010 got job offers. well, the other 8 are going home. i've got advice for you if you're getting in one of those crowded homes. we talked to late of experts about this because this is a new phenomenon in this country. make sure your kid knows it's a close-ended commitment. you make them pay rent. if they don't pay rent, maybe
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you can make them put money aside as the first down payment for an apartment. they have to give you progress job reports. and do not put imported beer in the refrigerator. don't. just don't. >> unless it's the kid that twice. >> unless it's part of their rent. but this is something we're going to continue to see. you're going to see a lot of families with the foreclosure crisis, the housing crisis, lots of kids coming home. they're planning for their future and then suddenly, they're plan for their futures. >> the boomerang is over. >> i'm sure your boomerang was charming and did the dishes? >> was he what? >> was he charming and did the dishes? >> oh, yeah. >> thanks, christine. 26 minutes after the hour. going to talk to chile's ambassador.
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(announcer) everything you need to stretch out on long trips.
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residence inn.
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7:28 this morning here at the university of delaware. that was a shot of the university of delaware campus this morning, the site of the debate last night, john, where the senate candidates from the state battled it out. it was live on cnn last night. and it was pretty interesting to see. we had a chance to see tea party favorite christine o'donnell, as well as chris coons, the democrat, go head to head on various issues. wolf blitzer modd eerating that debought. we'll play it later. and also hear from the candidate himself. chris coons is joining us later.
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of course, we did reach out to christine o'donnell's camp but she was not able for us this morning, unfortunately. >> all right. well, continuing with the top stories this morning. they are all out, the 33 chilean miners who spent 69 days underground. all rescued. some of them in the hospital this morning. they survived longer than anyone else ever has underground. chile's health minister says that one person is being treated for pneumonia, but some may be able to leave today. and hurricane paula slowly turning towards the west coast of cuba this morning. it's weakening but it could dump up to 6 inches of rain on the island with sustained winds of 80 miles an hour. forecasters say by the time paula reaching havana tomorrow it could be downgraded to a tropical depression. mission accomplished. all the miners are out after
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being buried alive for 69 days. president obama said the rescue inspired the world, and the world not only watched but helped out, too. joining us live from washington is arturo fermandois. mr. ambassador, thanks for joining us this morning. we want to get your reaction to the scene yesterday. this must be an enormous source of national pride, the way that that rescue came off literally flawlessly. >> absolutely. absolutely. john, thank you for having me here. the word yesterday for chile was happiness, spiritual highness. today, it's accuracy, it's perfection. this is the most successful mining rescue in the history. we're so proud of the chilean engineers, the friendship that we received from the other country us. today, perfection is the word. and the way it was in the camp
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with spirit and human support and human efforts and the strength of all the miners, all of these feelings are coming to my mind now. >> it was amazing to see at that spirits they were in almost to a person. of course, it was demonstrated by super mario, mario seeppulve. but the question is who is going to play super mario in the movie. nasa officials who went down there in the early going said that the chileans are basically writing the book about mine rescue. what led to the success? >> well, sometimes, when you're ambassador like me here and you are forced to talk about your country and to say that we have a mining a leading mining industry in chile. we have good professors there, we have good universities there, sometimes, it's very hard to explain that part. but with a story like this, it's easier to get the feeling that we are really a good country, in
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terms of technical capabilities and abilities. and i think that there's many, many skills on those miners and on the professionals. the leadership they showed from the very beginning, with themselves, in terms of keeping the environment clean. and for the food issue. and also the leadership the government took. the president made it a personal thing. he made no political declarations on going and rescuing them. when we had no news about them for 17 days, the percentage of having them alive were about 2%, say the experts. so, so many abilities there for having a happy end. today, we are extremely happily for our country and for the world. >> we all remember the moment, mr. ambassador when that exploratory drill that came up with the note taped to the bottom of it saying we're all alive, all 33 of us at the same
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time, though, there were a lot of problems with the san jose mine. manuel gonzalez who was the last person to come from the mine. he was the first rescuer to go down appealed to president pinero to do something about it. here's what he said, we got a translator yesterday. >> translator: mr. president, i hope this never happens again. i hope that the chilean mining will be different, that i hope things will be done correctly.ak at the overall mining in chile, certainly, there are very good mines, but then/mines like the san jose mines. 50 miners died in chile last year. it does account for 8% of the accidents. so the track record not exactly stellar. what's the government going to do about it?
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>> well, absolutely. here is two realities. and the government recognizes that. there's a huge mining industry with large companies, and they have very excellent, excellent standards of safety. overall, chile has a very good figures there. but then we have small miners. small mining. and because the price is high, we have small miners going with lower safety standards. and the government is going to push this. the sentence about the last miner message he sent to the president is a very fair one. so what we need to do here, in the country, is going to the small miners, increase the oversight. higher the standards. taking more efforts in recovering the small miners with lower capitals. and of course, there say mistake
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here. the government took office in march so there's a huge movement to have this dream of not having this again. >> what about the san jose mine? is it going to remain open or do you think it will be shut down? it was an old mine. it was originally opened in 1989. >> exactly. >> the price of copper went up. it's got a long history of accidents. should it be reopened or closed permanently? >> probably going to remain closed after this story. there's a lot of investigations going on for picking up at responsibilities there. and also, the authorities are looki ing deeper whether this me should be closed and other mines should also be closed. so this say big lesson for avoiding accidents in the future. and the president is very aware of that. >> ambassador fermandois, good to talk to you this morning.
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congratulations on the rescue. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> thank you. kiran. john, thanks, 36 minutes past the hour now. the investigation into a reported shooting of an american jet skier along the texas border has taken a bizarre turn. the officer overseeing the search now found murdered. so does this lend more credence to the wife's claims about what may have happened to her husband? ed lavandera is live for us next. ♪ make you re-examine your approach. change your line. innovate. and create one of the world's fastest-reacting suspensions, reading the road 1,000 times per second. it's the turn that leads you somewhere new. introducing the new 2011 cts-v coupe. from cadillac. the new standard of the world.
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40 minutes past the hour right now. we have some new developments this morning on a story we've been following closely, taking a bizarre turn this morning. u.s. and mexican officials are
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still moving forward with their investigation into the disappearance and alleged death of american david hartley. now, this is happening, despite the grisly murder of the lead mexican investigator in the case. hartley's wife has claimed all along that her husband was killed by drug pirates while they were jetskiing on falcon lake. it is a lake that straddles the u.s./mexican border. this point, his body has not been found, neither has his jet ski. it's been raising questions. ed lavandera joining us. so the latest on this murder of the mexican investigator seems to lend a little bit more credence to hartley's wife's claims that he was murdered by mexican pirates. >> reporter: not only that, but it also kind of starts painting the grisly picture that perhaps his body will never be recovered on the mexican side of the border, if indeed, that's where it is. but that is the realization that
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people here, especially those close to david hartley, his wife and family members here who have come here to kind of stand vigil in the texas area are coming to the realization. we met up with tiffany hartley last night, amid a report suggesting that perhaps this was a case of mistaken identity. an intelligence agency, a company called stratforo which does a lot of analysis along the mexican border on drug cartels. the hartley's truck had mexican license plates on it. he worked across the border. that was not an uncommon thing around here. this agency suggests perhaps this was a case of mistaken dent tie. one drug cartel mistakes him for a spy for another. what's interesting, tiffany hartley, eight days ago, met with the very investigator, in a private secret meeting that took place just on a border checkpoint last wednesday. six days after that, that man was murdered.
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>> i met him. he sat right next to me. we talked through a translator. and he just seemed like a really good guy who really wanted to just do good for his, you know, his country. >> reporter: but do you worry that the next person is going to say, hey, look, i saw what happened to the guy before me? i'm not interest. >> it is, it definitely makes me worry that nobody is going to want to take over. right now, they're still searching until they decide that they need to back off or whatever, until that day comes. but right now, we're still asking, please search for david. please find him so we can go home. >> i think it's a message for the search to stop. to backup on the investigation. i think what it means, in mexico, in a case like this, i also understand that they do their own justice to their own people.
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>> reporter: so there's no question, and this is a situation that has happened many times over the last few years, along the mexican border, where you see beheadings like this, and it more often than not has a very chilling effect on the investigations going forward. however, tiffany hartley and her family believe that mexican authorities will continue with the search. u.s. officials continued their search yesterday on falcon lake. they say as much as anything, they're trying to send a message, that they're not giving up. >> and i know there are questions about whether her story checked out. there was talk of her taking a lie detector test. has the talk of her been taken away in light of that? >> reporter: i talked to the sheriff briefly from yesterday. he said he's got no doubts that her story is true. tiffany hartley herself said a
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lot the intensity of those questions and doubt has really started to go away in the last few days. >> ed lavandera this morning in texas. thanks so much. john? >> thanks, kiran. he have rains, strong winds and inevitable travel delays. the northeast gearing up for a nor'easter. plus, on the bottom of the country, will hurricane paula reach florida? bonnie schneider up next. [ male announcer ] this rock has never stood still.
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since our beginning, we've been there for clients through good times and bad, when our clients' needs changed we changed to meet them. through the years, when some lost their way, we led the way with new ideas for the financial challenges we knew would lie ahead. this rock has never stood still. and there's one thing that will never change. we are, the rock you can rely on. prudential. with stelara® for adults. stelara® helps control moderate or severe plaque psoriasis with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. in a medical study, 7 out of 10 stelara® patients
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saw at least 75% clearer skin at 12 weeks. and 6 out of 10 patients had their plaque psoriasis rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections, like tuberculosis, require hospitalization. before starting stelara®, your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, or have had cancer. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal condition affecting the brain. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently r. with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses it's stelara®. ♪
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♪ turn the lights off 48 minutes after the hour, a shoutout at time warner center at columbus circle. sunny and 52 degrees. the weather's not going to be so nice for the rest of the day. in fact, going to go to a warm place in a handbasket. bonnie schneider in atlanta this morning. tracking the weather for us we've got bad weather heading into the northeast and bad weather potentially head for florida. hi, bonnie. >> good morning, john. you're right. you're getting ready for a nor'easter after a peweek of spectacular weather in the north. a small compact hurricane breaking it down a bit as it advances towards cuba, a category 1 storm, it will weaken rapidly as it interacts with the mountain range of cuba. because of the mountainous terrain, one of the biggest concerns with cuba is rainfall.
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1 to 4 inches on average. the heaviest rainfall certainly possible as we go through the afternoon and through paula. it's going to bring effects to florida. right now, this is key west radar. cull see we're watching for heavier rain to work its way in that region across much of the key west area. a lot of rain moving up to the north, as well as we keep track of this nor'easter brewing. it's already bringing inches of rain to virginia. and we're getting intense thunderstorms. let's zoom into the washington, d.c. area across the mid-atlantic. cup see the weather is going from bad to worse. the rain intensifying as it comes up from virginia, into maryland. already getting light showers in rockville and that's heading towards baltimore as well. back to the west, we also see more rain building in to pennsylvania to the north. that's all part of the nor'easter that's going to have a huge impact on the northeast as we go into today and tomorrow. this is some of the expected delays we're looking at today.
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this will get worse tomorrow. washington, we could see hour-delays. atlanta, wind, showers in charlotte. this is actually due to paula, the delays we're expecting down in florida. miami and ft. lauderdale. off to the west and low clouds though, very warm out there, 81 degrees. so get ready for wind and rain, john, as we get closer to the nor'easter this afternoon. >> i can't count the number of nor'easters this year but enough already. they can stop. >> soon you will get some with snow getting colder. >> thanks, bonnie, for putting that idea in our minds. more post game live from the delaware debate and the miracle at the mine. they spent more time trapped underground than anyone ever. how are they doing this morning? academy award winner goldy haunt with us this morning talking about her passion, a new way to teach our kids. the power of positive pathways
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in the brain. those stories and more coming your way beginning at the top of the hour. ♪
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[ e. clark ] i'm an engineer. i love my job. i can see what's it's doing for the community on a day-to-day basis. natural gas is cleaner burning than most fossil fuels and it's vital to our energy needs. increasingly we're finding gas in hard to reach areas, but now we've developed technology that enables us to access gas in hard rocks so we can bring more fuel to homes and help provide a reliable source of energy into the future. ♪
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coming up on 54 minutes after the hour and new this morning, police in atlanta praising rapper. thei. for helping to save someone's life, persuading a suicidal man not to jump from a roof yesterday. he recorded a cell phone video message the police took to the man and he agreed to come down in exchange for a face to face meeting with the rapper. >> that's amazing. a government survey says that the nation's violent crime rate continues to drop. actually, falling last year to the lowest level since 1973. the survey asked people about crimes reported as well as those they have not reported and that's because according to the bureau of juice tis of the tisices, 40% of property crimes are actually reported. it is the $1 million question. did president obama see the man who bared it all last weekend?
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you remember he was arrested for trying to run naked through the crowd in exchange for a shot at a $1 million payday offered by a website. now that website's owner days he wants the white house to confirm that president obama saw the man before rodriguez can claim the prize. so far, the white house not responding but, you know, out of a sense of fun, you would think someone at the white house would say, yeah, he saw him. now pay up. >> come on. $1 million is riding on it! the president should say it. make his day. hey, that will be funny if the guy gets it. if you're feeling disgruntled at work, this costume might work for you. the angry flight attendant modeled for former flight attendant steven slate we are the shirt, the tie, the bandage for the head wound supposedly
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caused by an unruly passenger's car carry-on business. doesn't come with beer. you have to bring your own emergency chute, as well. because it doesn't have one of those. >> if you can't bring a beer, what about a cough fae? starbucks saying to slow down. "the wall street journal" says they can only make two drinks at once and listen to this. must steam new milk for every drink. that's going to slow things down. the paper says it's over complaints that they have cheapened the fine art of coffee making. how long are you willing to wait for that fine cup of art? that will tell the tale. we'll be right back. it blocks pain signals fast for relief precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol. pancakes! ♪ from dawn 'til sunset, i'll never walk away ♪
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♪ blueberry pancakes are so good ♪ [ male announcer ] bisquick. pancake lovers unite. ♪ [ engine revs, tires screeching ] we give to you the all-new volkswagen jetta. we have one more surprise for you. fifteen-thousand nine-hundred neunzig dollar? [ sobbing ] [ camera shutters clicking ] ♪ whoo-hoo, yeah ♪ whoo-hoo, yeah
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♪ whoo-hoo, yeah with olay challenge that. olay bodywash has 2 times the combined cleansers and moisturizers and 25 percent less water than the top selling bodywash. soft, smooth skin. with olay.
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good morning on this thursday october the 14th. thank you for joining us. i'm john roberts in new york. good morning, kiran. >> hey there, john. i kiran chetry in delaware. the site of the big debate last night between christine o'donnell and chris coons. we have a lot to talk about this morning. by the way, that's a beautiful shot of the campus this morning. bustling activity this morning. we were wondering did we get up this early in college? i don't remember that. meanwhile, last night's debate, the tea party star christine o'donnell comparing the democratic opponent to karl marx. chris coons firing back calling her an extremism. he'll be joining us live this hour with more on what he would do, how he would vote if he indeed becomes the senator from dell care. they're all out. the nation of chile exhaling this morning.
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all 33 trapped miners are free after a flawless daylong rescue. waiting for them. we're live in chile this morning for you. also, apple reaching new highs. its stock closing at just over $300 a share. quite a feat for a company that was worth only $7 a share ten years ago. what's behind the new benchmark? could bit the new ipad? could apple be giving parents the power to oversee what their kids send via text message? that's today, as well. she's trailing badly in the polls but christine o'donnell came out swinging last night in the delaware senate debate. >> yeah, she really did. the tea party star attacked democrat opponent chris coons right from the start even in the opening statement warning voters he would hike their taxes. coons fired back, as well,
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painting o'donnell as a woman more concerned with slogans than solving problems. they sparred on the recently-passed health care forms. >> uncle sam has no business coming in the examination room between you and your doctor. >> give a concrete example. that's a great slogan. how does this bill put uncle sam in the examination room between doctors and patients, and if so, why did the organization that fights for and represents america's nurses and seniors, america's hospitals an america's doctors endorse and support the bill? >> many of the branches on the state level including here in delaware said that we don't support what the national office has done. >> well, heading into the debate, o'donnell trailed coons by 19%. this was in the latest cnn/"time" opinion research poll. did she do enough to cut that
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lead down? joining us with me more on that is gloria borger this morning. you had a chance to view the debate last night, as well. >> shoe ur welcome this morning. she needed to reach out to moderates. there's a lot of undecided in the states. nearly a quarter of people registered call themselves other besides democrat or republican. did she do that last night? >> she tried when she was asked about ending the department of education, she said no, she didn't want to do that. i think the real goal last night was to try to change the narrative from being about her personally to being about the issue she wants to talk about. tax cuts. and try and put chris coons on the defensive a little bit so she came out and she, you know, took shot after shot after him, particularly on the issue of raising taxes, when he was county executive. on health care. as we just saw. trying to portray him as a liberal democrat, big spender. tied and tethered to barack
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obama. who as you know grown increasingly unpopular all over the country. >> by the way, pardon the trash trucks and the noise. we laugh. this has to be the cleanest campus in the country. >> going to a lot of 8:00 a.m. classes. >> they sure are. one of the other interesting parts last night was some critiques of christine o'donnell, the past statements she's made, statements of mice with fully functioning human brains and she said questions of her thoughts on teaching creationism versus evolution in school and she was askedn't t a that last night so let's listen. >> do you believe that evolutionism is a myth. >> i was talking of what a local school taught and that should be taught -- that should be decided on the local community but please let me repond to what he just said. >> answer the question. do you believe evolution is a myth? >> local schools should make that decision. >> what do you believe? >> what i believe is irrelevant.
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>> why? >> because what i will support in washington, d.c. is the ability for the local school system to decide what is taught in their classrooms. >> see, this is interesting. because she has defended and said many times before that she believes creationism should be taught if you're teaching evolution. did she make a mistake not answering that? >> yeah. i think it was one of the most evasive answers we saw. it is easy to say leave it up to the local level. we know what she has said in the past about evolution and i think she needed to try to explain herself but clearly she and her campaign advisers decided that they didn't want to do that. instead, they just wanted to sort of dismiss it and move along to let's leave it more to the state and local levels and as you know, wolf blitzer
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aggressive saying to her, answer the question. and i don't think the folks who were watching got an answer to that last night. >> that was interesting. to see how that exchange went and, again, just so people know, we have reached out to her campaign to see if she would join us. they declined that saying she would be too busy but we'll talk to delaware's candidate for democrats chris coons. gloria, great to get your perspective. >> she did get under his skin a little bit. >> thanks, gloria. john? they're the south american idols, chile and many places are celebrating the miracle rescue of 33 miners this morning. the final pulled to freedom last night, 54-year-old luis azura. many could go back home today. gary tuchman live for us in copiapo, chile, this morning where they're probably still celebrating. good morning, gary. >> reporter: john, good morning to you. on this 70th day, the miners
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rested. after nearly ten weeks, the 33 miners are safe and sound, home with their families. most of them out of the hospital right now. but there are absolutely no serious medical conditions. one of the miner with a slight case of pneumonia, other minor issues. minor issues for the miners, that is. expected most of them return to their families and homes today. this is camp hope. this is the city that sprouted out of nowhere. more than 2,000 people there at the peak just yesterday. but now, the families and friends of the miners are leaving. i think we miss them more than they miss us. this will be desolate. this is where the mine is, probably will never open again. the workers do not live here. they live 45 minutes away, an hour away. there was no one here and basically no creature comforts whatsoever and now dismantled. that is good news it was amazing how it worked out. they were pulled out with a
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relatively crude-looking capsule attached to a wheel and a rope. pulled them all out in 22 hours. they did it within a day. and then six mine rescue experts and pulled out successfully and now the wheel will not spin again. the miners are safe and all in good condition. this was a fairytale ending to an absolute disaster. it really is a wonderful story for us to cover. >> gary, down in the cavern, 2,300 feet below the surface, they held up a sign saying mission accomplished and in this case, it was true. there might be an enormous sense of national pride there today. >> reporter: yeah. no, there's so much pride here in chile. i mean, these men became heroes. and what i was thinking about before we got here is if there was a catastrophe in the rescue effort and one miner harmed there would be such sorrow in the nation and the world, for
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that matter but it's a massive celebration. so many people were watching this and i'm not surprised if -- that's okay. people are wandering around. october 13th, the day it began and ending at 9:55 local time, i wouldn't be surprised if it's a national holiday in this country. >> i love the fact, too, the first rescuer into the cavern and the last one to come up, you know, he had such presence of mind about the sense of this being a national and international event, he waved to the camera, took a bow, got in the capsule and then went up. just amazing. >> reporter: i mean, this man must be part of the early 21sst century but this was a true reality show. this was reality. seeing the pictures was absolutely amazing that all of us watching tv knew precisely what happened. >> amazing stuff.
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gary tuchman for us in copiapo. thanks so much. kiran? >> a nice day. well -- >> you're right, john. a moment to remember, for sure. also we talked so much about all of the smallest details that were planned for the miners including the free oakley shades they were wearing when they came up and just the beginning of big changes for these miners' lives and perhaps big financial changes, as well. there is a report that each of them will receive $10,000. this is coming from a chilean business tycoon. other reports say each receiving $400,000 for exclusive television interviews and invited to travel to europe and companies lining up for endorsement deals. there's also word of free gifts like ipods. oakley donating as we talked about the glasses they were wearing on the way up to protect their eyes after the days in the darkness down there. also, plenty of job offers.
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super mario, the second miner brought up, said he was born a miner and he will die a miner but it is interesting, john, to hear about the offer of the money possibly coming from a chilean tycoon because as we talked about yesterday, there was concern of being under ground of how to pay the bills. during that time they were not able to earn a living and many of the loved ones were not either camped out there waiting for the rescue. >> and in many cases, seeking compensation through the court, as we. there's word they may be suing the mining company and maybe the government, as well. how cool is this? the hubble space telescope catching a smash-up in deep space. possibly a head on collision between two asteroids. the x-shaped object with a tail is the aftermath between the orbits of mars and jupiter. scientists estimate it happened in february of 2009 and that the blast caused by the collision was probably as powerful as a
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small atomic bomb. got some powerful weather out there today. bonnie schneider this morning monitoring a couple of things. hurricane paula in the caribbean. and as well, potential nor'easter coming in to new york city area today. good morning. >> that's right. good morning, john. we are looking at two big weather makers. this hurricane paula is a small, compact storm and brings quite a bit of damage, i believe to western cuba. particularly with a mountainous terrain. some areas seeing ten inches of rain as a category 1 hurricane. quickly weakening. the forecast to friday and saturday. the storm quickly downgrades and looks like curving away from florida and parts under tropical storm watch due to strong winds. wind and rain and not of a tropical nature but a nor'easter in the mid-atlantic. rain is heavier for baltimore,
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as well. this is the beginning of storm system that will impact travel in a big way and anticipate delays in washington and the eastern seaboard. more tomorrow, as well. john? >> thanks so much. wouldn't you want someone like goldie haunt to teach your kids about optimism, kindness and well being? that's what the academy award winning actress and producer is doing now. goldie hawn will explain why she has a team of neuro scientists and teachers to help the little kids stay on track in life. kiran? >> that's wonderful. you know, we went to the same high school and she is legendary, of course, at montgomery blair high school. >> anybody that didn't go to montgomery blair? >> well, we had -- got carl bernstein. they had a great run in the late '60s and early '70s. yes, we were thrilled to know she once walked the same hallways. >> she'll be here soon. terrific to see her. >> we look forward to that.
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also joining me here at the university of delaware campus, one of delaware's senate hopefuls, chris coons. he'll talk with us about last night's debate and what he has to say about it this morning live, next. we need directions to go to... pearblossom highway? it's just outside of lancaster. sure, i can download directions for you now. we got it. thank you very much! check it out. i can like, see everything that's going on with the car. here's the gas level. i can check on the oil. i can unlock it from anywhere. i've received a signal there was a crash. some guy just cut me off. i'll get an ambulance to you right away. safely connecting you in ways you never thought possible. onstar. live on.
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welcome back. 15 minutes past the hour. a shot of the election express bus here on the university of delaware campus with a great time last night watching the delaware senate debate between christine o'donnell and candidate chris coons. a lot was discussed last night and joining us this morning, we're very happy that candidate chris coons decided to wake up with us and talk post game after last night's debate. thank you for being with us. >> thanks for the chance to be here. >> we watched the debate with a lot of delaware voters last night at a restaurant right off campus, and some of the criticism of you off the bat is they felt that you were in some cases dismissive of christine o'donnell. how do you view her as a competition? do you think that she's a viable candidate? >> well, i take her seriously. she is the nominee of the republican party and i think partly why congressman castle didn't win is he didn't take her seriously enough. folks in delaware are angry,
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frustrated and looking for solutions. with 35,000 delawarians out of work, i didn't hear substance about what she would do moving forward and what i was hoping would come out of the first debate last night was a chance for delaware's voters to learn more about the experience, the background, our views and plans for how to move delaware forward. >> in her introduction she said that if you want someone to raise your taxes in washington just like he's done here in new castle, county, and then he's your guy. did you find that upsetting? >> well, that upset me less than the things further on. getting further and further into the debate, she was sharper, personal, strayed further from the truth. >> she also said she didn't grow up with a trust fund like you. did you find that upsetting? >> what disturbed me is she
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wasn't focusing on the issues. my family started a business. my stepfather started a business here in the basement with his parents and along with much of my family and hundreds of hard worki ining people, it grew to successful. i thought that's what all of us tried to do and that's what i'd like to do in washington so more family haves the experience of being successful and more kids go to college and grow out of this recession. frankly, i have surprised to have a republican attacking me for the success of my family and for the hard work that we have put into the community. >> she was -- i guess, using that to defend why she had unpaid college bills and like many americans i lived in debt or had trouble making ends meet and it was interesting because in the beginning of the debate she had you sort of defending president obama, some of his policies as she talked about the stimulus providing no jobs, losing 2 million jobs and on and on. do you agree with how this administration has handled the
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economic crisis and the unemployment rate? >> take the stimulus, for example. there were real positive thing that is have come out of the stimulus but i have publicly criticized and disagreed with some of how it's been delivered and the spending. some of its impact. took too long for a lot of money to get out. some not spent in the best ways but i know people and met people and work with people whose jobs were funded and made possible through the stimulus. investments in energy efficiencies and expanding jobs here in delaware. i was just down at the port of wilmington for a ribbon cutting of a new facility at the port made possible by bonds that the county offered to a private employer that put 150 construction guys to work. i think that's a real positive impact. >> it's a delicate balance. some of the anger that's been sort of shown by the tea party has been about what you would say is a development project and what others call pork so that we go to washington and secure projects for the home state and that's what's wrong with
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incumbents and why there's incouple bent anger. if you were to go to washington would you say no to pork barrel spending, to any type of spending outside of the programs that we have to spend on including medicare and benefits, as well as military spending? i mean, would you hold the line on other spending? >> well, let's be clear about what you are saying. would you hold the line on this or that. i think it's important to invest in infrastructure to put people to work and strengthen the economy. the project at the port of wilmington i'm talking about will create more high quality, long-term jobs for dale ware. this was funded mostly through the private sector. the work was done in the private sector and creates private sector jobs. i don't think that's pork barrel spending but helping to stimulate the local economy. my record -- >> you were both asked where would you cut? where would you cut besides and
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i know you talked about this trying to find a way out of the war in afghanistan and stop with the defense spending? >> i talked last night about a number of things, a freeze on discretion nation non-defense spending. something the president supported and i would support. that would reduce a significant amount of projected increases in spending in three years. second, there's a number of programs in other departments, department of agriculture, price supports for commodities that no longer need price supports and more price support of corporate agriculture than the family farms they were designed to support. there's a number of defense projects where even the pentagon said they don't want the particular platforms anymore. the c-17, for example. they can't to be built and bought because of district politics and pork barrel politics. there are things to cut. my record as county executive was cutting $130 million in county spending and in a county this size, that's a significant amount. in capital and operating that i have cut out of our budget over the last six years.
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>> one quick question. this is what if you -- you're up by 19 points, you're going to be debating the middle class tax cut extension. if the bill before you includes all earners, would you say yes to the bill and sign it? would you support it? you can't sign it. you never know ten years down the road. >> i would support extending the bush income tax cuts but i think we need to look hard and for how long and what cost. any increase in income tax relief comes at the expense of other possible tax relief. i would like to prioritize a manufacturing tax credit, a home office tax exemption that would i think help incentivize the creation of small businesses and jobs. some accelerated depreciation provisions for small businesses. all of the increases or extensions of tax cuts come at the cost of increasing the deficit, increasing the debt.
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i would prioritize those with the best chance in the short run of getting the market, getting the economy, getting the businesses back on track and creating jobs. >> if you only buionly bill bef for everyone, you would say yes? >> if that's what it takes to move forward on, yes. >> it was great to talk to you this morning, chris. thank you. >> thank you for being here in delaware. >> my pleasure. john? should have, could have, would have. apple stock at an all-time high thismorning. did you invest? christine romans minding your business. ♪ [ e. clark ] i'm an engineer. i love my job. i can see what's it's doing for the community on a day-to-day basis. natural gas is cleaner burning than most fossil fuels
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and it's vital to our energy needs. increasingly we're finding gas in hard to reach areas, but now we've developed technology that enables us to access gas in hard rocks so we can bring more fuel to homes and help provide a reliable source of energy into the future. ♪
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26 minutes after the hour. christine romans joins us now minding your business. oh, to have bought apple stock at seven bucks a share. >> i know someone that bought it at two bucks a share. very, very happy. i was noticing the apple boxes on the street and first thing they say on wall street is buy what you know. people were buying the products. iphones and the like. the stock is now $300 a share
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for the first time yesterday closed above $300 a share. this often happens with apple stock before it has a big quarterly earnings report or a big event where the president or the ceo speaks. next week expected to release the latest statistics for the ipad going blockbuster from the debut. we'll get the numbers of how much people digging deep to buy those products. on wednesday, they're also going to show the press the new computers. maybe respond to the persistent rumors adding verizon in the u.s. as a carrier for the iphone by 2011. watching the shares. $300. also, apple separately, it has patented technology that would help parents block sex t'g from the children's phone. no commercial application quiet but a patent. basically filter because of a keyword some of the things or even an abbreviation things in
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and out of the phones. it's exples sit text messages. >> yeah. it's only october 14th but people turning toward the holidays and you've got a way to put extra cash in the pocket. >> if you want to buy the ipad, five pay periods left. think of that. until christmas. so, how do you save $500 between now and christmas? it can be done. you can do it without a debt hangover by the beginning of the year. a thing we know is more than 13 million americans paying off last christmas' bills. here's a checklist for you before the holidays. finding 500 bucks, stop paying for things you don't use. if you haven't been to the gym in six months, run around the block. check your cellular plan. you might be using data you don't use. people have too much, frankly, paying for on the cell phone. eat in. paula dean, the southern of cuisine said if everyone would
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stay home once a week and cook with their family, save 35 bucks. boom, you're not -- banish the atm fees. go to a credit union. >> good tips. thanks so much. she's an academy-award winning actress. goldie hawn will talk about her new passion in life. i used to see the puddles, but now i see the splash. ♪ i wanted love, i needed love ♪ ♪ most of all, most of all... ♪
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look at all this stuff for coffee. oh there's tons. french presses, espresso tampers, filters. it can get really complicated. not nearly as complicated as shipping it, though. i mean shipping is a hassle. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that is easy. best news i've heard all day! i'm soooo amped! i mean not amped. excited. well, sort of amped. really kind of in between. have you ever thought about decaf? do you think that would help? yeah. priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $4.90, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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we're crossing the half hour right now. time to look at the top stories this morning. they're all in chile. 33 rescued miners as well as
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their rescuers. all out of that mine. and the miners are being checked out at the hospital this still this morning after surviving longer than anyone else ever has underground. chile's health minister says one is being treated for pneumonia but that some may actually be able to leave the hospital today. also, check this out. this was the last man in the mine. rescuer manuel gonzalez taking a bow before climbing into the fenix 2 and heading up. a fantastic moment caught on tape there. john? hurricane paula churning toward the west coast of cuba. it is weakening and could dump up to six inches of rain on the island. the tobacco growing region. forecasters say by the time it reaches havana tomorrow, it could be downgraded to a tropical depression. and also, the delaware senate debate is one for the books this morning.
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republican christine o'donnell sparring with chris coons last night. it was all live on cnn. she called some of his inside marxist. warning voters he would hike taxes. he appeared on "american morning. here's what he said about his opponent. >> i take her seriously. she is the nominee of the republican party and i think partly why congressman castle didn't win his primary was he didn't take her seriously enough. he didn't realize there's folks in delaware, angry frustrated and looking for real solutions and man to tackle what's broken in washington. but frankly in last night's debate with 35,000 people out of work, i didn't hear much of substance from her. mostly i heard attacks, criticisms, personal, catchy slogans but not a real lot of substance of what she would do moving forward. >> coons had a 19-point lead in the latest poll heading into last night's debate. whether or not those numbers
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change after people had a chance to hear from the candidate we'll see in the days a of the debate last night. >> certainly was a coming out of party for christine o'donnell. the republican senate hopeful, tea party sensation, taking the debate debut here on cnn after laying low for weeks. >> yeah. i mean, she even had an interview with our jim acosta and didn't talk much in the national media and last night squared off with democrat chris coons. the man she trails in the polls by nearly 20 points. here to discuss the debate and all things politics, chief political correspondent candy crowley joins us this morning, host of "state of the union." good to see you. >> good morning. >> delaware, boy, thii think a quarter of the voters others. she would have to win them over to pull even in the polls.
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trailing so far behind, did she accomplish that last night. >> 19 points is a pretty big marg margin. unless your opponent falls on his face and goes boom, you won't make up 19 points. perhaps a second look. you said it all. this is an independent state. even the republican party, mainstream republican party as they like to call them, traditional republicans who backed mike castle, 0 don knell's opponent took a look and thought she can't win in delaware. nothing's impossible as we know but you can't make up 19 points until opponent falls down in a debate and he did not. >> her critics watching to see how she would answer the questions and in the debate asked a very similar question to one that sarah palin was asked in the famous cbs interview about the supreme court decisions she didn't agree with. let's look at how she answered that. >> what opinions of late that have come from the high court do you most object to?
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>> oh, gosh. give me a specific one. i'm sorry. >> actually, i can't because i need you to tell me which ones you object to. >> i'm very sorry. right off the top of my head, i know that there are a lot but i'll put it up on my website. i promise you. >> that was -- what did you think of that, candy? was that a flub? does it matter if she can answer a question about the supreme court off the top of her head? >> when you have a national unemployment rate of 9.6%, most people not looking at supreme court decisions. and saying, oh my gosh, she didn't talk about this. having said that, certainly in presidential primaries, supreme court nominees and the ability of a president to pick a nominee is as you know a huge vote getter. they get that a lot particularly on the republican side. it adds -- insofar as that
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particular answer adds to she doesn't know anything, adds into the story line, it's hurtful. 9.6 unemployment rate, lower in delaware. nonetheless, it is high. that's what people are looking at. not really looking at the supreme court decisions. >> you know, candy, that's interesting bringing up chris coons, her challenger, who, again, is 19 points ahead. if all goes right he will be the senator from delaware in the midterm elections. he said he pointed to the stimulus projects saying they have been responsible for putting people back to work and has the tea partiers fired up that for democrats the p perception that more spending and taxing is the way to go to turn the economy around. >> sure. listen. i think she went out there trying to portray him as a rubber stamp. she said that a couple of times. he went out there trying to push her as far as he could to the
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right. if this were a tea party candidate in a more republican, more conservative state, alaska, alabama, some place like that, she would have done herself a lot of good last night. i think she probably did do herself some good and you look at the voting population in delaware and it's just a real uphill climb for her. having said that, that's what he said about mike castle and he lost so he's sitting home watching the debate. we can't count anything out. >> two and a half weeks. not much time to close the gap. great to see you this morning. thanks so much. coming up next, acade academy-award winner goldie hawn is live in our studios, coming up. ♪ where'd you learn to do that so well. ♪ the new cadillac srx. the cadillac of crossovers.
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42 minutes after the hour. we are back with the most news in the morning shechlt's come a long way from the "laugh-in" days. goldie hawn doing good with her foundation with a unique teaching project called mind up to teach kids how to reduce stress and strengthen the emotional well being. goldie hawn is great to see you. >> i love being here. >> it is great. we talk about this program. mind up. it's not the course. it's really it's a method of teaching. that different way of teaching kids. >> yeah. it is. it's very foundational. it basically is preparing their minds, they're giving them a sense of well being and optimism to absorb information, have a better experience in the classroom and teacher to have a
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better experience and more success, as well. so the program we do call it a curriculum. scholastic is actually publishing all of our data and our curriculum in february. it's really exciting. it's ground breaking. if a child does not feel safe, optimistic, hopeful and alot of these fears eliminated, they're not going to learn. we're not creating a betting ground for learning and retention. >> you tend if the brain is under stress, the child is under stress -- >> yes. >> -- that the pathways to the higher learning centers aren't open. >> right. >> so that the information just kind of getting stuck in there. >> right. >> how does your program open up the pathways. >> one of the things i believed and of course all of our team also believed and understood withneuro scientists is that the brain is something that children know nothing about. i thought to myself, this is
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important that we share the potential of the brain. we know that we can change the brain by the way we think. if we think positive thoughts, our brain will actually lean toward that area so when a brain is frenzied, when we're upset, when we're fearful, all of these aspects of neuro biological firing, right, in this limbic system, when that's active and a child is afraid, when their sense of failure, problems at home, they come in every day in school with real issues. we don't see them. sometimes it's silent distress. that little brain of theirs is not going to be opened up so what they learn is, is that there's a part of the brain to quiet down to learn. they get quiet three times a day and they understand the neurological link to the brain. >> one of the important parts of program is mindful breathing. >> yeah. >> where they actually take a brain break i guess is what you call it.
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>> yep. >> five minutes or so breathe, 0 focus on the breathing. >> kind of you could call it that, it isn't meditation in the sense of meditation but when we look at us and say, god, i have to take a break. i have to stare at the wall. oh, i have to get myself back to center. these children have to do the same thing. we have to give them the opportunity to be able to do that. they have to have their brain breaks. they need to do this. and why? because it brings them back down and grounds them. what is going to ground them? where's the safe place inside of them? and so, this is what they're learning and they're taking it like a duck to water. we do it from kindergarten to eighth grade and formative years and apply the tools throughout their lives. >> yesterday we went into the harriet tubman elementary school in newark which is a very troubled school system where the program is.
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we want to take a quick break and then come back and talk to the kids of how the program is working out for them. stay with us. ! whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what is that? how come my dap wasn't like that? huh? it's just an "us" thing. yeah, it's a little something we do. who else is in this so-called "us"? man, i don't know. there's a lot of us. [ chuckles ] ask your friends what it's like to be part of a group that's 40 million strong. state farm insures more drivers than geico and progressive combined. it's no surprise, with so many ways to save and discounts of up to 40%. so call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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48 minutes after the hour. we are back with oscar-winning actress goldie hawn and talking about a program she helped develop called mind up. i said we sent our cameras into the harriet tubman elementary school in newark where they're using this program. talk about what the program means for them. let's listen. >> great. >> i like it better because
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sometimes when i have problems, i do at home sometimes when my sister's like, bothering me. >> it can help you to relax your brain like if you're taking a test and you're thinking about the mind-up. it will help you to relax. >> children learn to focus more on it and they've realized what they're doing. instead of just reacting. >> so we saw there them taking a little bit of a break brain. focusing on the breathing. the kids say it, wos for them. what do you say to people that say it's too touchy-feely for school? >> i don't shy away from that. our children need to touch and reach out. they need to feel. we need to educate their hearts and their minds. there's no reason why, you know, you should look at that saying this is wrong. what's wrong is we are not looking at that in our children. so, giving them the empowerment to know how to manage, to regulate their own emotions, to
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recognize their own emotions, to know when their emotions are stopping them from doing things that actually bring success to them, this is -- these are the tools we are giving them. >> i think it's fascinating that in this program you teach them to be kind. you teach altruism, caring. >> yes, yes, we do. we have acts of kindness the children do together. mind you, this is not an add -o. this is in the culture of the classroom so the mind-up program is really there to wrap the curriculum around. you are not wasting the time. the teacher isn't going it's an add-on. how do we create an optimistic classroom? mindful tasting or adjectives, social studies and learning things. everything is filtered through this concept. >> now, last week or week before we did a whole series on bullying which is a huge problem. >> yeah. wow. >> the death of the poor kid of rutgers university that leapt off the george washington
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bridge. you developed coping strategies for the kids to deal with bullies. how do you approach it? >> yeah. what we do is obviously before we react we want to ask them to stay -- take a moment to not to do something they would be sorry for. in terms of understanding perspective taking, which is what we do in the class, as well, we understand that each one of us has a different perspective. we look at things differently. we are not polarized. in the acts of kindness, building empathy. which is what we do, all of the things prepares a child's mind, readying them for learning, there's skills to happen. one of -- i have a great little story. a little boy said, well, the way i use mindup is on the playground my best friend pushed me and it made me so angry and he said, i went off and did my breathing and i gave myself a break and then i realized that if i hit him back, he wouldn't be my best friend anymore. these are the kinds of thinking
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that we want. not only for our children, we want it for the people making policies. we want it in there in the capitol. we want our level of humanity to be able to say, i'll think before i act. >> it is interesting. >> before i hurt that person, i'll think about the ramifications so empathy building. interconnectivity. building, you know, community in the classroom will take this out into the world. so we cannot forget social and emotional skills are vital for success. the test is great. but a lot of these kids do wonderful in life. maybe didn't do so well on the tests. >> fascinating new approach for learning. great to spend time with you. >> thanks, john. we'll be right back. may be possible. in pursuit of this goal, lexus developed the world's most advanced driving simulator, where a real driver in a real car can react to real situations without real consequences.
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good morning, everyone. i'm meteorologist bonnie schneider tracking hurricane paula. this storm is weakening approaching cuba. the wind sheer is breaking it up. expected to be downgraded to a tropical storm at around 11:00 this morning. back to the u.s. main larnd. tracking the beginnings of a nor'easter. impacting areas all the way across parts of the mid-atlantic and certainly into new england.
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getting rain from paula down in florida but look at the rain headed across washington, new york city. this will impact air travel in a huge way. not just today in the d.c. area where the rain is more intense, but straight into tonight and tomorrow, we are looking at powerful wind with the system particularly for northern new england. here's a quick preview of the delays anticipated in atlanta down through charlotte and paula impacting wind and rain and possibly in south florida as we go through the day today. that is a look at your forecast. stay tuned. "american morning" will be right back. 50 milpromise. schemaintee and /7 roaide assiance. beusen y ce the st bif, faaronar
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