tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 22, 2010 10:00pm-11:59pm EDT
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knee. >> larry: you guys are all -- you've given us a model this evening. you've given millions of americans a great show every week, and we thank you for it. i think i speak for every viewer. >> thank you so much. >> you're not bad yourself. >> we're very honored to be here on your last season. >> larry: i'm honored to have you. the cast of "modern family" and we hope sarah gets well real soon. >> bye, sarah. >> larry: night, sarah. time for anderson cooper and "ac time for anderson cooper and "ac 360." -- captions by vitac -- thanks, larry, and thanks to all of you for watching. tonight, politicians who say they're against big government spending, who say big government spending doesn't create jobs. that is until they ask for some of that big government spending to create jobs. we're keeping them honest tonight. also up close, fighting foreclosure. but if you think you're going to be dealing with your bank, think again. we'll show you a side of the housing crisis you might not
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know about. what some are calling foreclosure factories. these are outfits hired to process thousands and thousands of foreclosures and critics say they're giving homeowners a raw deal. and later, anderson's exclusive conversation with yoko ono about her love for john lennon and how their world and really the entire music world changed almost the moment they met. we begin, though, as we always do, keeping them honest. tonight, it's hypocrisy, plain and simple. politicians who rally against government spending, campaigning against it right now, then turn around and say, show me the money. what they're railing against and mooching from, as you'll see, is the american recovery and reinvestment act, better known as the stimulus. you've probably seen the road signs. $814 billion, a lot of money, no doubt. about a third for tax cuts. a third for aid to states and a third for spending projects like highways and bridges and other stuff. now we've already documented some of the waste and some of the silly projects paid for by the act. still, the bottom line when the
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nonpartisan congressional budget office looked at it last year, they estimated that as many as 1.6 million people are working, thanks to the recovery act. but an awful lot of lawmakers, mainly republicans, disagreed from the get-go. take a look. >> it does not create jobs. the stimulus package was supposed to create jobs. >> the last stimulus bill didn't create one new job. >> this plan is a disaster and it's not fair to the american people. >> government spending doesn't create good jobs. that's why i fought and voted against the bush wall street bailout, the failed pelosi stimulus. >> i think the stimulus was a big mistake. i think we can fairly safely declare it now a failure. >> the stimulus was excessive spending that did not meet the intended targets. >> the first stimulus bill didn't work. >> unfortunately the current stimulus bill, i believe, does little, if anything, to actually stimulate the economy. >> this bill as it's presently headed toward passage is a colossal mistake.
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>> it does not create jobs. >> it didn't create one new job? >> that's correct. >> a failure, a big mistake, didn't create one new job. lawmakers who oppose the recovery act and many are campaigning right now on their opposition to it. which is absolutely perfectly totally legitimate. that's called democracy. but there is another word for what i'm about to show you, and that's called hypocrisy. got a stack of papers right here. the nonpartisan center for public integrity dug up these letters from these very same lawmakers who hate the stimulus, who are also pleading for a piece of it. for example, here's a minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann's letter to ray lahood asking for stimulus to rebuild i-94, quote, this project will promote economic prosperity while alleviating safety concerns along interstate 94. the minnesota department of transportation estimates the project would directly produce 1,407 new jobs per year, while indirectly producing 1,563 a
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year. her own words. but wait a minute, didn't she just bitterly oppose the recovery act? >> government spending doesn't create good jobs, that's why i fought and voted against the bush wall street bailout. the failed pelosi trillion-dollar stimulus. >> and she's not alone as well, here's another one from tennessee senator lamar alexander, also to secretary lahood, also for highway spending, saying, quote, this transportation project would provide both short-term and long-term benefits to this evening nomically disadvantaged and distressed section of rural tennessee. so, senator, which is it? both short and long-term benefits? or -- >> this bill as it's presently headed toward passage is a colossal mistake. for our country. >> and this congressman louie gohmert of texas who you heard calling the recovery act a disaster a short time ago, now listen to him say, gimme, gimme, he's saying, quote, it is my
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understanding that the east texas area would benefit greatly from a more broad band infrastructure funded in part by this grant. big government, bad. money from big government, yes, please. it's big names as well. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell from kentucky who says it was a big mistake, here's what he wrote, in short supporting appalachians railroads has the potential to attract industry, create jobs and move through areas underserved by national highways. several democrat who's voted against the recovery act also are seeking money from it. but the vast majority are republicans. the issue is not denouncing a government program, it's denouncing it out of one side of your mouth while pleading for a piece of the action out of the other. a lot to talk about tonight, something that affects all of us. so with us, our panel, thanks for joining us. ari, let me get right to it. people hear this thing, dipping into conversations like this, is
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this just another example of the double talk i guess from politician that's voters are sick and tired of? >> it is, and i think that's one part of the problem. of course there's a little bit of a reversal here. usually we talk about people not practicing what they preach. here the problem really is that a lot of republicans are not preaching what they practice. they have every right to go in and try to get this money for their districts. you had senator mcconnell up on the screen earlier. he asked for $20 million for a bridge built near madison coming out of his state. that makes sense. but what he shouldn't do is then go along and pretend it doesn't create jobs. obviously if you spend $20 million building a bridge, you have to hire people to do it and that does create jobs. in the case of infrastructure that helps with the problems we've seen leading up to the recession. >> how can republicans justify voting against the stimulus and then going out to try and get stimulus money for their districts? what message is that sending? >> you guys have got me here in an unenviable position.
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look. as distasteful as stimulus was and as opposed to it as i am, i can understand how some republicans find themselves in this situation. the stimulus money will come out of everyone's pockets, republicans and democrats. it will be taxed to everybody. it will be put on the nation's credit card, and everyone's portion of the debt will be raised. so now you can understand why some politicians and some constituents would say, you've already voted to take a dollar out of my pocket, i guess i might as well ask for a few pennies back. >> the thing is, though, i guess the question is, is the act doing what it's supposed to be doing? these republicans are now sending letters from their offices saying the stimulus would add jobs and grow the economies in their districts. so it's not just, you know -- they seem to be touting the benefits as well to their constituents. is that disingenuous? it sounds a little bit like it to me. >> it's not some coming, seeing of the light of republicans that all of a sudden we now think stimulus is this great program. sanjay, you're focusing in on the hypocrisy and that's a fair,
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fair point. but here's the deal. when you find two position that's don't jibe with each other, you ask yourself which one of these is not true. and i think republicans' initial opposition to the stimulus is the one they believe. you can't very well now, trying to get money back to your district if it's already going to be taken from your district, write in to the department of transportation and say, hey, you know, i think the stimulus is kind of a bunch of bs but can i get a little bit of it back? >> i guess it makes sense when you put it like that. people tend to like their congressmen, their congress representatives, even if they don't like congress specifically. our supporters of the stimulus say it was free of earmarks but the center for public integrity report legislators from both parties still found ways to direct stimulus funds to their pet projects pch the report said something, i think you may have seen this, that the practice known as letter marking has been controversial for years. the lettermarking following passage of the stimulus law, nonethele nonetheless, created a system of
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political pleasuressure that han less transparent. that's what the experts are saying on this, democrats and republicans alike were sending in these letters trying to pile on the pork. it seems like both parties may have lost a little bit of credibility here, not being transparent and still essentially asking for their pet projects to be funded. >> i think that's right. there's really two issues here. number one is the idea that we're shifting from earmarks to lettermarks which sounds like the same old washington problem. you rebrand it instead of actually dealing with the underlying concern. which is that you inefficiently have pork, which is designed more for people's re-election than picking the best projects. that's something i think both parties have a problem with. the second issue is a little different. and that is the transparency. these letters are not necessarily binding because they're going to administrative agencies that have the final decision, which is different than the earmark. but many of these members of congress did not release these letters. we only have them because as you said, sanjay, the center for public integrity released them
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and some news organizations are paying good attention to them. i think all of these letters, unless they have something legitimately classified in them, should be released. that's the transparency we need for this much money being spent. >> i think people would appreciate that, we're talking about a lot of money here. will, you heard some of the stats i gave regarding what the cbo has said, the impact of the stimulus has been. do you think the stimulus, is it working? is it accomplishing the goals it set out to accomplish? >> no. the promise that unemployment would not drop below 9% or something like that, now we're playing games about whether or not any single job has been created. the bottom line is, stimulus money has to come from somewhere. it can't come out of thin air. that means it has to be pulled out of the economy. so when you say you're creating a new job, you're pulling money out of the private sector that could be creating other jobs. >> all right. this is obviously something relevant to everyone back home and we're going to talk much more about it. so will and ari stick around. breaking news as well, the
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pentagon is now in the life saving process of reaching out to iraqis who may have cooperated with american forces. they were named in a massive batch of military documents released by wikileaks. that's not all the documents reveal. so for the latest on what's in them, the damage they could potentially do and how the administration is handling this, we're turning to our pentagon correspondent chris lawrence. chris, there's a lot of documents, close to 400,000, i read. i know you're starting to read them. has anything sort of struck you the most as you pore through them? >> reporter: starting to read is the key phrase, there, sanjay. one thing that jumps out is wikileaks claims that well over 100,000 iraqis were killed in the war, that's tens of thousands more than what the u.s. military is estimating. it also goes into great detail, some very interesting facts about how some of those deaths occurred, including the fact that the military consulted lawyers in certain instances. take a look at this. back in 2007 an apache helicopter targeted two iraqi
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men which it thought may have been firing mortars. the men made surrendering motions but take a look at what the report says. crazy horse 18 cleared to engage dump truck. lawyer states they cannot surrender to aircraft and are still valid targets. the apache later shoots missiles and kills both men. >> wow. >> reporter: another part, critics really attack president bush for overhyping iran's role in iraq, but when you look at this report, it details multiple cases of aggressive moves by iranian forces. in fact, in one instance, u.s. patrol was almost ambushed by the iranians, again, just going back to the report here, the iranians to the northwest of the column started to engage the patrol. the entire column was under fire and returned fire as they conducted u-turns to leave the area. that patrol says they were fired on almost constantly by the iranian forces as they drove back to their checkpoint, well inside the iraqi border. and then just a few years later,
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it putts a new spin on a story we maybe thought we knew, the case of the three american hikers, we call them the three iranian hikers, but it should be the so-called iranian hikers because according to this report, the three americans were well inside the iraqi border and the only reason they ended up in iran is because the iranian forces took them, seized them on the iraqi side, took them over the border. >> wow. chris, this is -- some of this is brand-new stuff, obviously, i know you're going through these documents. i had not heard, obviously most people had not heard anything along those lines. back in july, wikileaks, which a lot of people have heard of now, they came under fire for releasing 76,000 pages of documents related to the war in afghanistan. it was controversial, obviously a lot of emotion stirred up by these. how is the pentagon handling this differently this time? >> reporter: the big difference is the pentagon got caught totally by surprise that the fact wikileaks included names in the afghanistan report, so they
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really had to scramble to find those people and try to identify where they were and to make sure they were not in any danger. this time the pentagon went ahead and started looking at hundreds of thousands of documents before this release. but it turns out they didn't have to, because from what we've seen, and again, obviously having not gone through all the documents, but wikileaks has redacted a lot of the names this time. that's a huge difference. the last big difference is this. in july with the afghanistan documents, the u.s. has about 100,000 american troops actively involved in combat in afghanistan. in iraq, you're talking about fewer than 50,000, and they're not involved in daily combat. so much less danger to u.s. troops in iraq compared to afghanistan. >> and again, redacting those names because of concerns of danger or violence against the iraqis that are named in these reports. >> reporter: exactly. and the criticism that wikileaks took after putting those names in the afghanistan release. >> all right, chris lawrence, i know you've got a lot of reading to do there, but fascinating
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stuff, and hopefully we'll be able to check in with you again. let us know what you think on the live chat, it's up and running, up next, she's telling him to man up and he's telling her the same thing. pivotal campaign turning ugly and now president obama is wading into the battle. a live report from nevada. and later, a little known side of the housing crisis. there are outfits hired to process thousands and thousands of foreclosures. they're called foreclosure factories and some say they're throwing transparency, accountability and due process right out the window. sorry i'm late fellas.
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is that right? >> reporter: you suspect that phrase might have a normdiffere meanings, but this is harry reid fighting for his political life. he is getting all over the republican, sharron angle, she is a tea party favorite, he has gone after her for saying unemployed people are spoiled. she recently spoke to some hispanic students and said you look a little asian to me, something reid jumped all over. she's fighting fire with fire. she's got a tough tv ad going after reid for living in the ritz carlton hotel, having a condo in washington, that he's out of touch with nevada. she's been all over him about the economic crisis that has devastated this state. this is sort of the foreclosure capital of the world and she's basically saying in pretty blunt terms it's time to take responsibility, harry reid. >> man up, harry reid. you need to understand that we have a problem with social security. >> people in nevada know me from
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the street to the senate chambers, i've never had to prove my manhood to anyone. >> reporter: referring to fact he was a boxer before, so saying back in the ring. the last time a majority leader face this had much trouble was tom daschle in 2004. he went down. >> and he was majority leader at the time as well. are you traveling with president obama. las vegas always has stars in town but the political billing seems to be stacking up as we mentioned. why so much focus on nevada? >> reporter: because, two reasons. number one, the symbolic value for republicans, to take out another senate majority leader, that's huge. the president, that's why in part he came here. secondly, every single senate race is basically the one that could determine who controls that chamber. there are so many that are too close to call. this is just one of them. and that's why the president was here. a couple days ago vice president biden was here. we just learned that first lady michelle obama is coming on
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november 1st. one day before the election. look, if senator reid was not in trouble, you wouldn't have this much star power. they're coming out because the white house is very nervous. >> there's some indicators for sure. reid has held that senate seat since 1986. we're not used to seeing this kind of race in nevada. it is really tight. you mentioned tom daschle earlier. what does this mean for democrats? what's happening? >> reporter: what it means is they're very much on the defensive. maybe that's a no-brainer in some ways. we've known that for some time, but it's gotten more dramatic in the last few days, especially as we're learning what president obama's calendar is going to be like next weekend, the final weekend of this midterm campaign where so much is at stake. he's going to places like pennsylvania, connecticut, where there are big senate battles, but those are states that he did very well in in 2008. democrats shouldn't have to be defending it so hard. but the biggest one of all is the fact that next saturday, a week from tomorrow, the president's going home to chicago. he's trying to save his own senate seat from illinois, something democrats probably should have locked down long
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ago. it just shows that rather than the president spending this valuable time in the final days picking up republican seats, trying to knock them out, playing a lot of defense. >> we are fully into it, no question about it. ed henry, thanks so much in nevada. back with us, our political panel, ari, you just heard that, man up i guess is becoming a trendy political catch phrase this season. take a listen. >> hey, politicians who are in office today, you, some of you, need to man up. >> if you want to repeal health care reform and let insurance companies go back to their worst abuses, then you ought to repeal your own first and man up. >> he needs to man up and leader up and run his own race. >> run a race as a man. stand up and be a man. >> man up, harry reid. >> i don't know what to make of that, sharron angle at the end using man up against harry reid at that debate. what do you make of this choice of words? >> we often have a real
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masculine cowboy quality in american politics. one thing i like is seeing this many women in the ring. some of them are using that language. when you say someone doesn't have the cajon nays to get the job done, obviously at the end of the day you're trying to go after the personal and character quality of the opponent. that's what we're seeing. in the case of angle and reid, she is trying to take the really drastic economic problems in nevada and pin them to him. as ed henry said at the foreclosure capital, you've got one out of 79 homes being foreclosed upon in nevada. that's the highest rate in the country. unemployment in nevada is 14%. also the highest rate in the nation. so you can see why someone running against harry reid would try to pin him that way. having said that, when you hear punching back, you mentioned also briefly, angle's comment that people who are unemployed are spoiled for a couple hundred dollars a month, she backed off that and that's the flip side of
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this problem for her. is it's tough talk, but if you talk about getting tough on these problems and helping people out with a little bit of money that's a place where she's come up short and she's had to back down from some of that rhetoric. >> right. and you know, will, i've been listening to these debates along with a lot of people, and i mean, the language seems to have changed a bit. you said you'd be surprised if nevada voters focus on one-liners or charm in this race because the candidates have polar opposite views on policy and the role of government. is this entertainment or is this instructive in some way what's happening right now? >> you know, i think at most it's an entertaining diversion. as you just said, these candidates, i recognize things like personalty and charm and a pretty smile play a role in voters' minds but it won't in this election. that's not just because these two candidates lack most of those characteristics, it's rather because you could not have two candidates that are farther on the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. there will be no excuse for a fiscal conservative to check the box for harry reid because he's a nice guy.
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and if you think social security, medicare, stimulus, are as american as apple pie, there's no amount of charm that's going to make you check the box for sharron angle. >> one thing you said before, will, what happened with senator brown might be a great prognosticator for what's happening across the country. what does what's happening in nevada now mean for democrats now, do you think? >> it's a total judgment on the past two years the democratic party has taken this country. you know, i don't have a crystal ball for what will happen in nevada, but as you just suggested, the best we can do is look at a northeastern state like massachusetts. it has no history of bringing republican senators in and voted for scott brown. i think taking the senate majority leader out, for a candidate as marginal as sharron angle shows the country is not in step with the democratic policies. >> all right, thanks so much. fascinating discussion, obviously something i think a lot of people around the country should pay attention to. and up next, we're going to tell but the law firm behind the yacht. what some are calling a
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foreclosure factory, and you're going to meet the man who went up against it fighting for this home. we're also going to take you to where a typhoon is blowing now. "than you. "10 airbags... daytime running lamps... "onstar automatic crash response. "in case ya didn't see it, that's probably why "msn autos called the cruze "the class of its class right now. that seems pretty clear, doesn't it?" the all-new chevrolet cruze. starting under $17,000. get used to more. ♪ announcer: there's an easier way. create your own business site with intuit websites. just choose a style, then customize, publish and get found. sweet. get a 30-day free trial at
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foreclosure crisis in america. you know, it's bad enough millions of americans face the prospect of losing their homes due to any number of reasons, such as financial trouble or loss of a job. but compounding that pain is the possibility that faulty documents have been used to try to remove americans from their homes. situations become chaotic. what's come to the attention of federal and state officials is a process known as robo signing. that's what some banks and law firms hired by them are accused of doing, by allegedly morphing into foreclosure mills, having employees sign thousands of foreclosure documents without even reviewing them. some major banks have halted foreclosures while they can review their paperwork. but that's not any consolation to lots of homeowners out there facing foreclosure. here's cnn's drew griffin. >> reporter: this is the first thing you need to remember about this story. a yacht named "misunderstood."
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and how big is that boat? >> that one's 130. >> reporter: the second thing you need to remember is the term, foreclosure mill that made buying yachts like this possible. attorney chris immel represents homeowners being foreclosed. they really are mills. it's like a factory, a bankruptcy factory, a foreclosure factory. >> the amount of process, their mill is the printling off document after document after document making people sign them. >> reporter: do they even care? they're not even looking. >> apparently not. some of these people are making very good livings doing this. >> reporter: can we see your house? >> sure. >> reporter: tony lozado is like a lot of americans. he moved into his modest town house, his payment, $1500 a month. then a series of tragic turns. his young son needed heart surgery. his mortgage payments began rising. he began to fall behind. and suddenly the part-time firefighter, physical therapist
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and worried dad was being foreclosed on. was foreclosure even on your radar? >> no, i'm a prideful man. i'm a person that, i take pride in paying all my bills. >> reporter: he thought e could work his way out of it until he began calling his bank and realizing, he says, no one wanted to listen. that's because it turns out the bank wasn't handling the loan. it had already been turned over to the law firm of someone named david stern, a law firm florida's attorney general says is the largest foreclosure mill in the state. tony luzado's lawyer. >> in my opinion, these are hired guns. nonperforming loans off their bottom line. what do they do? they hire a foreclosure mill who tries to push it through as fast as possible. >> reporter: so fast, florida's ag says sterns' firm has been submitting false documents, even making some up just to speed up the foreclosure process. this is david stern. pictured on the back of a yacht.
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the photos given to us by a private eye from a long-running dispute with him. the state has opened a civil investigation against several firms, including david stern's. repeated calls to stern's office have not been returned. but he did tell "the new york times" there has not been submission of fraudulent documents, and that the investigation is politically motivated. we have done nothing wrong, he told the "times" and are going to cooperate fully. over the phone, stern's lauren told cnn this. >> i can tell you now that no misconduct is occurring at the david stern law firm, and the firm works very diligently to make sure that all the processing is done correctly. >> reporter: but in depositions for a lawsuit against the firm, stern's employees admitted under oath they were signing foreclosure documents so fast they barely had time to even see who the homeowner was. which brings us back to that yacht and david stern. his firm handled tens of
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thousands of foreclosures every month. if you want to know how diligently his firm reviewed foreclosures, take a look at what one of his processors said under oath. >> how much time do we spend examining each document before signing them, she says very little. question, do you read the document? answer, no. >> right. and. >> reporter: she doesn't even know what she's signing, really. >> right. >> reporter: one of stern's employees says the attorney's fees for uncontested foreclosures is anywhere from $1200 to $1600. and in a foreclosure mill, time is money. >> right. they're being paid to serve -- to take the foreclosure through the process as quickly as possible. the servicers actually rate them based on how quickly they do move through the process. >> reporter: and how much money are they making, these foreclosure minimums? >> well, stern has been very successful in doing that, as an attorney. he's been -- he's worth millions. >> reporter: you can't really
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see his house, of course, from the street. but you can view it from the water. ft. lauderdale canal where the first thing you spot is his yacht. talking to "the new york times," stern denies reports he considered naming the yacht "su casa is me casa" so it's "misunderstood." the once flamboyant attorney is not returning cnn's calls. but he's still better offer than tony lozado. >> it's amazing. the number of homeowners facing foreclosure is growing rapidly. morgan stanley reports 3.1 million loans are now in foreclosure across the country. in 2009 that figure was under 3 million, according to realty track, it's an online market for foreclosed homes. all of that has doubled the amount in 2007.
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still ahead, the big "360" interview with yoko ono, john lennon's widow. tonight she talks about the intensity of their relationship and also life with the other beatles. but first joe johns has a "360" bulletin. a powerful typhoon is headed toward china. earlier today it battered parts of taiwan, triggering mudslide that's trammed hundreds of people in their cars. at least seven people have been killed there, about two dozen others are missing. this is the same storm that left 11 people dead in the philippines. take a look at this photograph. it's a 13-inch bite mark from a giant shark that attacked and killed a 19-year-old california college student today. he was boogie boarding with friends off the santa barbara coast when the attack occurred. the shark was said to be 14 to 20 feet long. and haiti is battling an outbreak of cholera. the disease has killed more than 150 people.
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1500 others have been sickened. the outbreak is centered north of port-au-prince and haitian officials are trying to prevent it from spreading. sanjay, we all know while we were there earlier this year, this wasn't entirely unexpected. >> yeah, but you're right, joe, but it's still so hard to believe. i know you've been there, i was there, a million people still displaced ten months later. 1300 camps around the country. people gave so much money for this cause, $5 billion around the world. only a fraction of it has gotten there. you're right, we're seeing the consequences of it now. joe, cholera, 138 people died within two days, to give you an idea of how profound this is. 138 people within two days, it's now over 150 people. and in case you're curious, they haven't had cholera in haiti in over 50 years. so it's not like this is something that happens all the time there. this is a result of the earthquake. it can be treated with hydration salts, with saline, things like that. but too many people are dying still. can't believe it's almost a year after this earthquake.
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up next, we'll have anderson's exclusive interview with yoko ono. she opens up intimately about her private life with john lennon and their feelings about each other and also tells anderson about her relationship with paul, ringo and george. >> they were very polite people. i think polite just for john's sake, you know? they didn't want to be mean to me or something like that. so their meanness did not really express itself except once in a while. and also ahead, we've got some big news at the atlanta zoo. looks like they may need to dust off the recording of rockabye baby.
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all this week we've been bringing you anderson's exclusive interview with yoko ono. this was a rare window into her life with john lennon who would have turned 70 years old. as a couple, they were inseparable. tonight you'll hear her talk about the strange feelings he had days before he died. it's well known that the couple's closeness caused some friction within the beatles.
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paul mccartney famously made his feelings known. but first, what she told anderson about the intense bond that drew john and her together. >> i read in an article, it was the "playboy" int are view you had done in 1980 shortly before his birthday. >> yeah. >> there's so many wonderful things he says about you. i want to read one of them. he says when i fell in love with yoko, this is different than something i've ever known. this is more than hit record, more than gold, more than everything. and he called you his goddess of love, the fulfillment of my whole life. >> that was very poetic. he was a poet. so, well, yes, we were very much into each other. and i got a lot of energy from him, i must say, and i learned -- learning a whole different world which was very exciting. >> when he turned 40, the last year of his life, and in one of the interviews i read, he was so
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excited about turning 40. he talked about it as the way when you turn 21, you kind of ask yourself, what's going to happen next? he said what's different about turning 40 as opposed to 21 is you two were together and that that made all the difference. >> yeah, well, you know, i think he was very wise about that. i think that all of us know, as people in the press or, you know, always being filmed and photographered or something like that, i'm sure you do, too, but when all that is over, when you go back home, at night, you know, you're alone or you're not alone, but that makes a big difference. you know? your private life is really very important for you. you know, all of us, you know. so he was saying, listen, i've got all this, and you know, i conquered the world or whatever, but once when i'm at home, i like to be with you. i like, you know, to have this situation. >> when you think of him, are there particular moments or a particular time that you think
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of? >> well, it's very difficult, because it was so -- well, from the beginning it was totally intense and never stopped, because you know he passed away here. so that was big. that was really big. and, well, at the weekend, because monday is when it happened. but on the weekend, i literally -- i really felt that the air was going, ahh, like this, and i was looking at him through that, ahh, air. i said, john, are you all right? because john was walking on thin ice over and over and over again, all night, and all day. and i was thinking, why is he doing that? why is he doing that? and it was a very strange weekend. >> so he felt something was sort of in the air? >> oh, i know there was something. i know that there was a whole
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different dimension of the air that was around us. >> that's interesting. i lost a brother to suicide when he was 23 and i was 21. and i remember in the day of it, i remember feeling almost that sort of the city had stopped. i mean it happened -- >> yes, so you felt it too, you know. it's -- i'm sure there are many people who felt it, it was like a message from the universe or something, it was -- they were trying to tell us something, and i didn't know what it was. i thought that all these strange powers coming around him to protect him. but, well, they couldn't protect him now probably. >> the other thing i was thinking about is when somebody, my brother killed himself and when somebody dies violently, it's sometimes hard to remember the way they lived, you end up thinking about the way their life ended. at least in my case, that's what
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i do. are you able to think about the way john lived his life rather than how it ended? >> well, i do think about all aspects of our lives together. and, of course, how he went, how he passed away is -- i mean, i never -- i would never forget it. but i try to sort of block my mind from it in a way. >> one of the other quotes i read, john said when i met yoko is like when you meet your first woman. you leave the guys at the bar. you don't play football anymore. the boys became of no interest whatsoever other than being old school friends. of course, the boys talking about in this case were the beatles. >> well, i think that's very normal, even know, you know, in our society, guys are guys, you know, they're grouping themselves and being sort of macho, you know? there's that side of men, of course. >> paul mccartney famously said about you, quote, i understand he wants to be with her but why does he have to be with her all
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the time. >> i know, all the time. it was like that. >> what do you think he didn't understand, though, about your relationship? >> well, i don't blame him so much, because it might have been very difficult for him to understand that his partner was not his partner anymore. that's a very classic situation, isn't it? >> the other thick i was curious about, you said in an interview once, you met john, went to bed with him and suddenly woke up with three in-laws standing there. >> i know. why did i say that? >> well you're talking about the beatles. >> i know. looking back, i shouldn't have said that. >> did it feel like that at the time, though? >> yeah, of course. but not really, i'll tell you, you know, not in the way that the world is thinking. actually, they were very polite people. i think polite just for john's sake, you know. they didn't want to be mean to me or something like that, so their meanness did not really express itself except once in a while.
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>> every year at new year's eve, as a lifelong new yorker i never used to go to times square during new year's i've, but now because i broadcast there for the ball drop i go. and one of the most, one of the great moments is where they play "imagine." >> it always chokes me up, really. >> it's an extraordinary moment. to feel like the whole city is sort of singing it, it's really a magical moment. >> the message that hopefully will go down well. >> what do you think it is about the beatles that people still are so passionate about? >> well, you know, because their songs are really good. and the reason why they're really good is because they -- they're song that's can really communicate to people. all over the world. you know, instead of sort of like high art. it's not high art, it's just communique so well. it can be sung well, it can be sung by people and be remembered by people because of that.
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>> you remain incredibly optimistic and excited. >> optimism is not the word for me. optimism sounds it's not really good but you're just being optimistic. no. i think i'm being real. i'm being practical. >> fascinating interview. up next we have fury in the streets of france, massive crowds fed up. you're going to see what this is all about. plus the star of this week's gubernatorial debate in new york who says the rent is just too damn high. can i say that? i guess i can. don't miss the matchup with this. stay with us. on our car insurance.
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massive protests in the streets, the french senate voted to raise the pension age from 60 to 62. union workers have held these demonstrations for weeks voicing opposition to the measure. the final bill could reach the president's desk next week. the atlanta zoo is preparing for a special delivery, the first panda birthed in the u.s. this year, expected ten days to two weeks. new zealand's economy could lose as much as $1.5 billion if filmmaker peter jackson has to move production of part two of "the hobbit," as warner brother's decided whether or not to relocate the set. there's a dispute between the actor's union and producers. warner brothers is a division of our parent company, time warner. and brazilian soccer legend pele turns 70 tomorrow.
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we spotted this billboard from the koz mcosmos. look at the other billboard we spotted. isn't that great? >> very nice. >> another outstanding person in his field, and when is your birthday exactly? >> it's tomorrow. about an hour from now. >> you and pele. >> how is it he's 70 and looks better than i do? how does that work? >> well, you're both looking pretty good there. i'll give you some points. >> he's an amazing guy. it's amazing how one athlete can have such an impact on an entire sport, pele. >> it's unbelievable. >> joe, stick around. tonight's shot, you're going to like this, was inspired by this week's new york gubernatorial debate. even if you missed it, you may know the rent is too damn high candidate, you may have heard of this, he was the breakout star of this debate. though much unknown before the debate, he made quite a splash. listen to this. >> it's a simple message which i say all the time, someone say
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i'm a onish eye candidate but it boils down to one thing. rent. it's too damn high. >> the whole thing, the gloves and beard, boy, a lot of adjectives. he has become a viral video star as well. not unexpected, joe, and it didn't take long for someone to create a remix of his best lines of a debate. we found this video on youtube and pairs mcmillan's words with images from the disney picks sar movie "up." >> your stomach just growled. did you hear it? i represent the rent's too damn high party. >> you just can't do this. >> have you seen the movie "up"? >> yes. that's hilarious. >> they will never watch that movie the same way again. >> different language i'd say.
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thank you for the birth daday greetings as well. law mamakers say big governt spending is bad but also say give me some of it, please. give me some of it, please. we're keeping them honest. -- captions by vitac -- hostcould switching gei real a bd in the hd or more worth 2 inhe bush? praiser: well you rarely see them in this good of shape. appraiser: for example the fingers are perfect. appraiser: the bird is in mint condition. appraiser: and i would say if this were to go to auction today, woman: really? appraiser: conrvativy it would be worth 2 in the bush. praiser: it's just biful, thank u so much for brinit i woman: unbelievable appraiser: conrvativy it would be worth 2 in the bush. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. ♪
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tonight, politicians who say they're against big government spending, who say big government spending doesn't create jobs. that is until they ask for some of that big government spending to create jobs. we're keeping them honest tonight. also up close, fighting foreclosure. but if you think you're going to be dealing with your bank, think again. we'll show you a side of the housing crisis you might not know about. what some are calling
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foreclosure factories. these are outfits hired to process thousands and thousands of foreclosures and critics say they're giving homeowners a raw deal. and later, anderson's exclusive conversation with yoko ono about her love for john lennon and how their world and really the entire music world changed almost the moment they met. we begin, though, as we always do, keeping them honest. tonight, it's hypocrisy, plain and simple. politicians who rally against government spending, campaigning against it right now, then turn around and say, show me the money. what they're railing against and mooching from, as you'll see, is the american recovery and reinvestment act, better known as the stimulus. you've probably seen the road signs. $814 billion, a lot of money, no doubt. about a third for tax cuts. a third for aid to states and a third for spending projects like highways and bridges and other stuff. now we've already documented some of the waste and some of the silly projects paid for by the act. still, the bottom line when the nonpartisan congressional budget office looked at it last year, they estimated that as many as 1.6 million people are working, thanks to the recovery act. but an awful lot of lawmakers,
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mainly republicans, disagreed from the get-go. take a look. >> it does not create jobs. the stimulus package was supposed to create jobs. >> the last stimulus bill didn't create one new job. >> this plan is a disaster and it's not fair to the american people. >> government spending doesn't create good jobs. that's why i fought and voted against the bush wall street bailout, the failed pelosi trillion-dollar stimulus. >> i think the stimulus was a big mistake. i think we can fairly safely declare it now a failure. >> the stimulus was excessive spending that did not meet the intended targets. >> the first stimulus bill didn't work. >> unfortunately the current stimulus bill, i believe, does little, if anything, to actually stimulate the economy. >> this bill as it's presently headed toward passage is a colossal mistake. >> it does not create jobs. >> it didn't create one new job? >> that's correct. >> a failure, a big mistake, didn't create one new job. lawmakers who oppose the
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recovery act and many are campaigning right now on their opposition to it. which is absolutely perfectly totally legitimate. that's called democracy. but there is another word for what i'm about to show you, and that's called hypocrisy. got a stack of papers right here. the nonpartisan center for public integrity dug up these letters from these very same lawmakers who hate the stimulus, who are also pleading for a piece of it. for example, here's a minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann's letter to transportation secretary ray lahood asking for stimulus money to rebuild i-94, quote, this project will promote economic prosperity while alleviating safety concerns along interstate 94. the minnesota department of transportation estimates the project would directly produce 1,407 new jobs per year, while indirectly producing 1,563 a year. her own words. but wait a minute, didn't she just bitterly oppose the recovery act? >> government spending doesn't
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create good jobs, that's why i fought and voted against the bush wall street bailout. the failed pelosi trillion-dollar stimulus. >> and she's not alone as well, here's another one from tennessee senator lamar alexander, also to secretary lahood, also for highway spending, saying, quote, this transportation project would provide both short-term and long-term benefits to this economically disadvantaged and distressed section of rural tennessee. so, senator, which is it? both short and long-term benefits? or -- >> this bill as it's presently headed toward passage is a colossal mistake. for our country. >> and this congressman louie gohmert of texas who you heard calling the recovery act a disaster a short time ago, now listen to him say, gimme, gimme, he's applying for a broad band grant, saying, quote, it is my understanding that the east texas area would benefit greatly from a more broadband
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infrastructure funded in part by this grant. big government, bad. money from big government, yes, please. it's big names as well. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell from kentucky who says the stimulus was a big mistake, what he wrote, in short supporting appalachians railroads has the potential to attract industry, create jobs and move through areas underserved by national highways. several democrats who voted against the recovery act also are seeking money from it. but the vast majority are republicans. the issue is not denouncing a government program, it's denouncing it out of one side of your mouth while pleading for a piece of the action out of the other. a lot to talk about tonight, something that affects all of us. so with us, our panel, thanks for joining us. ari, let me get right to it. people hear this thing, dipping into conversations like this, is this just another example of the double talk i guess from politicians that voters are sick and tired of? >> it is, and i think that's one part of the problem.
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of course there's a little bit of a reversal here. usually we talk about people not practicing what they preach. here the problem really is that a lot of republicans are not preaching what they practice. they have every right to go in and try to get this money for their districts. you had senator mcconnell up on the screen earlier. he asked for $20 million for a bridge built near madison coming out of his state. that makes sense. but what he shouldn't do is then go along and pretend it doesn't create jobs. obviously if you spend $20 million building a bridge, you have to hire people to do it and that does create jobs. in the case of infrastructure it also solves some problems we've seen leading up before the recession. >> that sort of gets to the point. how can republicans justify voting against the stimulus and then going out to try and get stimulus money for their districts? what message is that sending? >> you guys have got me here in an unenviable position. look. as distasteful as stimulus was and as opposed to it as i am, i can understand how some republicans find themselves in this situation.
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the stimulus money will come out of everyone's pockets, republicans and democrats. it will be taxed to everybody. it will be put on the nation's credit card, and everyone's portion of the debt will be raised. so now you can understand why some politicians and some constituents would say, you've already voted to take a dollar out of my pocket, i guess i might as well ask for a few pennies back. >> the thing is, though, i guess the question is, is the act doing what it's supposed to be doing? these republicans are now sending letters from their offices saying the stimulus would add jobs and grow the economies in their districts. so it's not just, you know -- they seem to be touting the benefits as well to their constituents. is that disingenuous? it sounds a little bit like it to me. >> it's not some coming, seeing of the light of republicans that all of a sudden we now think stimulus is this great program. sanjay, you're focusing in on the hypocrisy and that's a fair, fair point. but here's the deal. when you find two position that don't jibe with each other, you ask yourself which one of
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these is not true. and i think republicans' initial opposition to the stimulus is the one they believe. you can't very well now, trying to get money back to your district if it's already going to be taken from your district, write in to the department of transportation and say, hey, you know, i think the stimulus is kind of a bunch of bs but can i get a little bit of it back? >> i guess it makes sense when you put it like that. people tend to like their congressmen, their congress representatives, even if they don't like congress specifically. ari, supporters of the stimulus say it was free of earmarks but the center for public integrity report legislators from both parties still found ways to direct stimulus funds to their pet projects. the report said something, i think you may have seen this, that the practice known as lettermarking has been controversial for years. the lettermarking following passage of the stimulus law, nonetheless, created a system of political pressure that has been less transparent than if lawmakers had attached their earmarks to the legislative language which would have allowed the public to see who pushed for which project. that's what the experts are
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saying on this, democrats and republicans alike were sending in these letters trying to pile on the pork. it seems like both parties may have lost a little bit of credibility here, not being transparent and still essentially asking for their pet projects to be funded. >> i think that's right. there's really two issues here. number one is the idea that we're shifting from earmarks to lettermarks which sounds like the same old washington problem. you rebrand it instead of actually dealing with the underlying concern. which is that you inefficiently have pork, which is designed more for people's re-election than picking the best projects. that's something i think both parties have a problem with. the second issue is a little different. and that is the transparency. these letters are not necessarily binding because they're going to administrative agencies that have the final decision, which is different than the earmark. but many of these members of congress did not release these letters. we only have them because as you said, sanjay, the center for public integrity released them and some news organizations are paying good attention to them. so that's a real problem. i think all of these letters, unless they have something legitimately classified in them, should be released.
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that's the transparency we need for this much money being spent. >> i think people would appreciate that, we're talking about a lot of money here. will, you heard some of the stats i gave regarding what the cbo has said, the impact of the stimulus has been. do you think the stimulus, is it working? is it accomplishing the goals it set out to accomplish? >> no. the promise was that unemployment would not drop below 9% or something like that. then it was jobs created and now we're playing games about whether or not any single job has been created. the bottom line is, stimulus money has to come from somewhere. it can't come out of thin air. that means it has to be pulled out of the economy. so when you say you're creating a new job, you're pulling money out of the private sector that could be creating other jobs. >> all right. this is obviously something relevant to everyone back home and we're going to talk much more about it. so will and ari stick around. breaking news as well, the pentagon is now in the life saving process of reaching out to iraqis who may have cooperated with american forces. they were named in a massive
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batch of military documents released by wikileaks. that's not all the documents reveal. so for the latest on what's in them, the damage they could potentially do and how the administration is handling this, we're turning to our pentagon correspondent chris lawrence. chris, there's a lot of documents, close to 400,000, i read. i know you're starting to read them. has anything sort of struck you the most as you pore through them? >> reporter: starting to read is the key phrase, there, sanjay. one thing that jumps out is wikileaks claims that well over 100,000 iraqis were killed in the war, that's tens of thousands more than what the u.s. military is estimating. it also goes into great detail, some very interesting facts about how some of those deaths occurred, including the fact that the military consulted lawyers in certain instances. take a look at this. back in 2007 an apache helicopter targeted two iraqi men which it thought may have been firing mortars. the men made surrendering motions but take a look at what the report says. crazy horse 18 cleared to engage
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dump truck. lawyer states they cannot surrender to aircraft and are still valid targets. the apache later shoots missiles and kills both men. >> wow. >> reporter: another part, critics really attack president bush for overhyping iran's role in iraq, but when you look at this report, it details multiple cases of aggressive moves by iranian forces. in fact, in one instance, u.s. patrol was almost ambushed by the iranians, again, just going back to the report here, the iranians to the northwest of the column started to engage the patrol. the entire column was under fire and returned fire as they conducted u-turns to leave the area. that patrol says they were fired on almost constantly by the iranian forces as they drove back to their checkpoint, well inside the iraqi border. and then just a few years later, it puts a new spin on a story we maybe thought we knew, the case of the three american hikers, we call them the three
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iranian hikers, but it should be the so-called iranian hikers because according to this report, the three americans were well inside the iraqi border and the only reason they ended up in iran is because the iranian forces took them, seized them on the iraqi side, took them over the border. >> wow. chris, this is -- some of this is brand-new stuff, obviously, i know you're going through these documents. i had not heard, obviously most people had not heard anything along those lines. back in july, wikileaks, which a lot of people have heard of now, they came under fire for releasing 76,000 pages of documents related to the war in afghanistan. it was controversial, obviously a lot of emotion stirred up by these. how is the pentagon handling this differently this time? >> reporter: the big difference is the pentagon got caught totally by surprise that the fact wikileaks included names in the afghanistan report, so they really had to scramble to find those people and try to identify where they were and to make sure they were not in any danger. this time the pentagon went ahead and started looking at
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hundreds of thousands of documents before this release. but it turns out they didn't have to, because from what we've seen, and again, obviously having not gone through all the documents, but wikileaks has redacted a lot of the names this time. that's a huge difference. the last big difference is this. in july with the afghanistan documents, the u.s. has about 100,000 american troops actively involved in combat in afghanistan. in iraq, you're talking about fewer than 50,000, and they're not involved in daily combat. so much less danger to u.s. troops in iraq compared to afghanistan. >> and again, redacting those names because of concerns of danger or violence against the iraqis that are named in these reports. >> reporter: exactly. and the criticism that wikileaks took after putting those names in the afghanistan release. >> all right, chris lawrence, i know you've got a lot of reading to do there, but fascinating stuff, and hopefully we'll be able to check in with you again. let us know what you think on this as well, the live chat is
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up and running, up next, she's telling him to man up and he's telling her the same thing. pivotal campaign turning ugly and now president obama is wading into the battle. a live report from nevada. and later, a little known side of the housing crisis. there are outfits hired to process thousands and thousands of foreclosures. they're called foreclosure factories and some say they're throwing transparency, accountability and due process right out the window. they can speed up foreclosure and take your home. [ female announcer ] sears days are on now!
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big names and some high stakes on the campaign trail today. sarah palin unexpectedly dropped in on a tea party rally in phoenix. she told the crowd riffing on the whole alaska/russia thing. she said i can see november 2nd from my house. tonight president obama is in nevada campaigning for senate majority leader harry reid. it's a tight race there, also turning ugly. ed henry is in las vegas.
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as i understand the word of the day officially is man up? is that right? >> reporter: i suspect that phrase might have a slightly different meaning but this time it's all about a political brawl. this is about harry reid fighting for his political life. he is getting all over the republican, sharron angle, she is a tea party favorite, he has gone after her for saying unemployed people are spoiled. she recently spoke to some hispanic students and said you look a little asian to me, something reid jumped all over. she's fighting fire with fire. she's got a tough tv ad going after reid for living in the ritz carlton hotel, having a condo there back in washington, that he's out of touch with nevada. she's been all over him about the economic crisis that has devastated this state. this is sort of the foreclosure capital of the world and she's basically saying in pretty blunt terms it's time to take responsibility, harry reid. >> man up, harry reid. you need to understand that we
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have a problem with social security. >> people in nevada know me from the street to the senate chambers, i've never had to prove my manhood to anyone. >> reporter: referring to fact he was a boxer before, so saying back in the ring. the last time a majority leader face the this much trouble was tom daschle in 2004. he went down. democrats trying to make sure that doesn't repeat itself. >> and he was majority leader at the time as well. you are there traveling with president obama. las vegas always has stars in town but the political billing seems to be stacking up as we mentioned. why so much focus on nevada? >> reporter: because, two reasons. number one, the symbolic value for republicans, to take out another senate majority leader, that's huge. the president, that's why in part he came here. secondly, every single senate race is basically the one that could determine who controls that chamber. there are so many that are too close to call. this is just one of them. and that's why the president was
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here. a couple days ago vice president biden was here. we just learned that first lady michelle obama is coming on november 1st. one day before the election. look, if senator reid was not in trouble, you wouldn't have this much star power. they're coming out because the white house is very nervous. >> there's some indicators for sure. reid has held that senate seat since 1986. we're not used to seeing this kind of race in nevada. it is really tight. you mentioned tom daschle earlier. what does this mean for democrats? what's happening? >> reporter: what it means is they're very much on the defensive. maybe that's a no-brainer in some ways. it's gotten more dramatic, especially as we're learning what president obama's calendar is going to be like next weekend, the final weekend of this midterm campaign where so much is at stake. he's going to places like pennsylvania, connecticut, where there are big senate battles, but those are states that he did very well in in 2008. democrats shouldn't have to be defending it so hard. but the biggest one of all is the fact that next saturday, a
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week from tomorrow, the president's going home to chicago. he's trying to save his own senate seat from illinois, something democrats probably should have locked down long ago. it just shows that rather than the president spending this valuable time in the final days picking up republican seats, trying to knock them out, playing a lot of defense. >> we are fully into it, no question about it. ed henry, thanks so much in nevada. back with us, our political panel, ari, you just heard that, man up i guess is becoming a trendy political catch phrase this season. take a listen. >> hey, politicians who are in office today, you, some of you, need to man up. >> if you want to repeal health care reform and let insurance companies go back to their worst abuses, then you ought to repeal your own first and man up. >> he needs to man up and leader up and run his own race. >> run a race as a man. stand up and be a man. >> man up, harry reid. >> i don't know what to make of that, sharron angle at the end using man up against harry reid
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at that debate. what do you make of this choice of words? >> we often have a real masculine cowboy quality in american politics. one thing i like is seeing this many women in the ring. some of them are using that language. when you say someone doesn't have the cajones to get the job done or they don't have the ovaries to get the job done, obviously at the end of the day you're trying to go after the personal and character quality of the opponent. that's what we're seeing. in the case of angle and reid, she is trying to take the really drastic economic problems in nevada and pin them to him. as ed henry said at the foreclosure capital, you've got one out of 79 homes being foreclosed upon a month in nevada. that's the highest rate in the country. unemployment in nevada is 14%. also the highest rate in the nation. so you can see why someone running against harry reid would try to pin him that way. having said that, when you hear punching back, you mentioned also briefly, angle's comment that people who are unemployed are spoiled for a couple hundred
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dollars a month in unemployment benefits, that didn't play well. she backed off that recently, and that's the flip side of this problem for her. is it's tough talk, but if you talk about getting tough on these problems and helping people out with a little bit of money that's a place where she's come up short and she's had to back down from some of that rhetoric. >> right. and you know, will, i've been listening to these debates along with a lot of people, and i mean, the language seems to have changed a bit. you said you'd be surprised if nevada voters focus on one-liners or charm in this race because the candidates have polar opposite views on policy and the role of government. is this entertainment or is this instructive in some way what's happening right now? >> you know, i think at most it's an entertaining diversion. as you just said, these candidates, i recognize things like personalty and charm and a pretty smile play a role in voters' minds but it won't in this election. that's not just because these two candidates lack most of those characteristics, it's rather because you could not have two candidates that are farther on the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. there will be no excuse for a
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fiscal conservative to check the box for harry reid because he's a nice guy. and if you think social security, medicare, stimulus, are as american as apple pie, there's no amount of charm that's going to make you check the box for sharron angle. >> one thing you said before, will, what happened with senator brown might be a great prognosticator for what's happening across the country. what does what's happening in nevada now mean for democrats now, do you think? >> it's a total judgment on the past two years the democratic party has taken this country. you know, i don't have a crystal ball for what will happen in nevada, but as you just suggested, the best we can do is look at a northeastern state like massachusetts. it has no history of bringing republican senators in and voted for scott brown. i think taking the senate majority leader out, for a candidate as marginal as sharron angle suggests the country is not in step with the democratic policies. >> all right, thanks so much.
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fascinating discussion, obviously something i think a lot of people around the country should pay attention to. and up next, we're going to tell but the law firm behind the yacht. what some are calling a foreclosure factory, and you're going to meet the man who went up against it fighting for this home. we're also going to take you to where a typhoon is blowing now and try and predict where it's going next. en it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment's right. ♪ tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications, and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. [ man ] don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache, or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours.
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foreclosure crisis in america. you know, it's bad enough millions of americans face the prospect of losing their homes due to any number of reasons, such as financial trouble or loss of a job. but compounding that pain is the possibility that faulty documents have been used to try to remove americans from their homes. situations become chaotic. what's come to the attention of federal and state officials is a process known as robo signing. that's what some banks and law firms hired by them are accused of doing, by allegedly morphing into foreclosure mills, having employees sign thousands of foreclosure document every month without even reviewing them. some major banks have halted foreclosures while they can review their paperwork. but that's not any consolation to lots of homeowners out there facing foreclosure. here's cnn's drew griffin. >> reporter: this is the first thing you need to remember about this story. a yacht named "misunderstood." and how big is that boat? >> that one's 130. >> reporter: the second thing you need to remember is the
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term, foreclosure mill that made buying yachts like this possible. attorney chris immel represents homeowners being foreclosed. they really are mills. it's like a factory, a bankruptcy factory, a foreclosure factory. >> the amount of process, their mill is the printer printing off document after document after document and just having peel sign them. >> reporter: do they even care? they're not even looking. >> apparently not. some of these people are making very good livings doing this. >> reporter: can we see your house? >> sure. >> reporter: tony lozado is like a lot of americans. he moved into his modest town house six years ago. his payment, $1500 a month. then a series of tragic turns. >> here's my little man right here. >> reporter: his young son needed heart surgery. his mortgage payments began rising. he began to fall behind. and suddenly the part-time firefighter, physical therapist and worried dad was being foreclosed on. was foreclosure even on your radar? >> no, i'm a prideful man.
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i'm a person that, i take pride in paying all my bills. >> reporter: he thought he could work his way out of it until he began calling his bank and realizing, he says, no one wanted to listen. that's because it turns out the bank wasn't handling the loan. it had already been turned over to the law firm of someone named david stern, a law firm florida's attorney general says is the largest foreclosure mill in the state. tony luzado's lawyer. >> in my opinion, these are hired guns. these are -- banks want these nonperforming loans off their bottom line. what do they do? they hire a foreclosure mill who tries to push it through as fast as possible. >> reporter: so fast, florida's ag says stern's firm has been submitting false documents, even making some up just to speed up the foreclosure process. this is david stern. pictured on the back of a yacht. the photos given to us by a private eye involved in a long-running dispute with him.
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the state has opened a civil investigation against several firms, including david stern's. repeated calls to stern's office have not been returned. but he did tell "the new york times" there has not been submission of fraudulent documents, and that the investigation is politically motivated. we have done nothing wrong, he told the "times" and are going to cooperate fully. over the phone, stern's lauren told cnn this. >> i can tell you now that no misconduct is occurring at the david stern law firm, and the firm works very diligently to make sure that all the processing is done correctly. >> reporter: but in depositions for a lawsuit against the firm, stern's employees admitted under oath they were signing foreclosure documents so fast they barely had time to even see who the homeowner was. which brings us back to that yacht and david stern. his firm handled tens of thousands of foreclosures every month. if you want to know how diligently his firm reviewed foreclosures, take a look at
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what one of his processors said under oath. >> how much time do we spend examining each document before sign them, she says, very little. question, do you read the document? answer, no. >> right. and -- >> reporter: she doesn't even know what she's signing, really. >> right. >> reporter: one of stern's employees says the attorney's fees for uncontested foreclosures is anywhere from $1200 to $1600. and in a foreclosure mill, time is money. >> right. they're being paid to serve -- to take the foreclosure through the process as quickly as possible. the servicers actually rate them based on how quickly they do move through the process. >> reporter: and how much money are they making, these foreclosure mills? >> well, stern has been very successful in doing that, as an attorney. he's been -- he's worth millions. >> reporter: you can't really see his house, of course, from the street. but you can view it from the water.
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ft. lauderdale canal where the first thing you spot is his yacht. talking to "the new york times," stern denies reports he considered naming the yacht "su casa is me casa" so it's simply "misunderstood." now he's under investigation. foreclosures remain frozen. his firm has shed dozens of employees, and the once flamboyant attorney is not returning cnn's calls. but he's still better off than tony lozado. who has given up trying to save his home. >> it's amazing. the number of homeowners facing foreclosure is growing rapidly. morgan stanley reports 3.1 million loans are now in foreclosure across the country. in 2009 that figure was under 3 million, according to realty track, it's an online market for foreclosed homes. all of that is double the amount in 2007. still ahead, the big "360" interview with yoko ono, john lennon's widow. tonight she talks about the
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intensity of their relationship and also life with the other beatles. but first joe johns has a "360" bulletin. a powerful typhoon is headed toward china. earlier today it battered parts of taiwan, triggering mudslides that trapped hundreds of people in their cars. at least seven people have been killed there, about two dozen others are missing. this is the same storm that left 11 people dead in the philippines. take a look at this photograph. it's a 13-inch bite mark from a giant shark that attacked and killed a 19-year-old california college student today. he was boogie boarding with friends off the santa barbara coast when the attack occurred. the shark was said to be 14 to 20 feet long. and haiti is battling an outbreak of cholera. the disease has killed more than 150 people. 1500 others have been sickened. the outbreak is centered north of port-au-prince and haitian officials are trying to prevent
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it from spreading. sanjay, we all know while we were there earlier this year, this wasn't entirely unexpected. >> yeah, but you're right, joe, but it's still so hard to believe. i know you've been there, i was there, a million people still displaced ten months later. 1300 camps around the country. people gave so much money for this cause, $5 billion around the world. only a fraction of it has gotten there. you're right, we're seeing the consequences of it now. joe, cholera, 138 people died within two days, to give you an idea of how profound this is. 138 people within two days, it's now over 150 people. and in case you're curious, they haven't had cholera in haiti in over 50 years. so it's not like this is something that happens all the time there. this is a result of the earthquake. it can be treated with hydration salts, with saline, things like that. but you've got to get that treatment to people. but too many people are dying still. can't believe it's almost a year after this earthquake. up next, we'll have anderson's exclusive interview with yoko ono. she opens up intimately about her private life with john
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lennon and their feelings about each other and also tells anderson about her relationship with paul, ringo and george. >> actually, they were very polite people. i think polite just for john's sake, you know? they didn't want to be mean to me or something like that. so their meanness did not really express itself except once in a while. to sweet talk your taste s it's for my heart health. good speech dad. [ whimper ] [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy.
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all this week we've been bringing you anderson's exclusive interview with yoko ono. ono doesn't give too many interviews, so this was a rare window into her life with john lennon who would have turned 70 years old this month. in december it will be 30 years since he was murdered. as a couple, they were inseparable. tonight you'll hear her talk about the strange feelings he had days before he died. it's well known that the couple's closeness caused some friction within the beatles. paul mccartney famously made his
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thoughts known. but first, what she told anderson about the intense bond that drew john and her together. >> i read in an article, it was the "playboy" interview you had done in 1980 shortly before his birthday. >> yeah. >> there's so many wonderful things he says about you. i want to read one of them. he says when i fell in love with yoko, this is different than something i've ever known. this is something other. this is more than hit record, more than gold, more than everything. and he called you his goddess of love, the fulfillment of my whole life. >> that's very sweet. it's very poetic, isn't it? he was a poet. anyway, so -- well, yes. we were very much into each other. and i got a lot of energy from him, i must say, and i learned -- learning a whole different world which was very exciting. >> when he turned 40, the last year of his life, and in one of the interviews i read, he was so excited about turning 40. he talked about it as the way
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when you turn 21, you kind of ask yourself, what's going to happen next? he said what's different about turning 40 as opposed to 21 is you two were together and that that made all the difference. >> yeah, well, you know, i think he was very wise about that. i think that all of us know, as people in the press or, you know, always being filmed and photographed or something like that, i'm sure you do, too, but when all that is over, when you go back home, at night, you know, you're alone or you're not alone, but that makes a big difference. you know? your private life is really very important for you. you know, all of us, you know. so he was saying, listen, i've got all this, and you know, i conquered the world or whatever, but once when i'm at home, i like to be with you. i like, you know, to have this situation. >> when you think of him, are there particular moments or a particular time that you think of? >> well, it's very difficult, because it was so -- well, from
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the beginning it was totally intense and never stopped, because you know he passed away here. so that was big. that was really big. and, well, at the weekend, because monday is when it happened. but on the weekend, i literally -- i really felt that the air was going, ahh, like this, and i was looking at him through that, ahh, air. i said, john, are you all right? because john was walking on thin ice over and over and over again, all night, and all day. and i was thinking, why is he doing that? why is he doing that? and it was a very strange weekend. >> so you felt something was sort of in the air? >> oh, i know there was something. i know that there was a whole
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different dimension of the air that was around us. >> that's interesting. i lost a brother to suicide when he was 23 and i was 21. and i remember in the day of it, i remember feeling almost that sort of the city had stopped. i mean it happened -- >> yes, so you felt it too, you know. it's -- i'm sure there are many people who felt it, it was like a message from the universe or something, it was -- they were trying to tell us something, and i didn't know what it was. i thought that all these strange powers coming around him to protect him. but, well, they couldn't protect him now probably. >> the other thing i was thinking about is when somebody, my brother killed himself and when somebody dies violently, it's sometimes hard to remember the way they lived, you end up thinking about the way their life ended. at least in my case, that's what i do. are you able to think about the
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way john lived his life rather than how it ended? >> well, i do think about all aspects of our lives together. and, of course, how he went, how he passed away is -- i mean, i never -- i would never forget it. but i try to sort of block my mind from it in a way. >> one of the other quotes i read, john said when i met yoko is like when you meet your first woman. you leave the guys at the bar. you don't play football anymore. once i found the woman, the boys became of no interest whatsoever other than being old school friends. of course, the boys talking about in this case were the beatles. >> well, i think that's very normal, even know, you know, in our society, guys are guys, you know, they're grouping themselves and being sort of macho, you know? there's that side of men, of course. >> paul mccartney famously said about you, quote, i understand he wants to be with her but why does he have to be with her all the time. >> i know, all the time.
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it was like that. >> what do you think he didn't understand, though, about your relationship? >> well, i don't blame him so much, because it might have been very difficult for him to understand that his partner was not his partner anymore. that's a very classic situation, isn't it? >> the other thing i was curious about, you said in an interview once, you met john, went to bed with him and suddenly woke up with three in-laws standing there. >> i know. why did i say that? >> well you're talking about the beatles, i guess. >> i know. looking back, i shouldn't have said that. >> did it feel like that at the time, though? >> yeah, of course. but not really, i'll tell you, you know, not in the way that the world is thinking. actually, they were very polite people. i think polite just for john's sake, you know. they didn't want to be mean to me or something like that, so their meanness did not really express itself except once in a while. >> every year at new year's eve, as a lifelong new yorker i never used to go to times square
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during new year's eve, but now because i broadcast there for the ball drop i go. and one of the most, one of the great moments is where they play "imagine." >> it always chokes me up, really. >> it's an extraordinary moment. to feel like the whole city is sort of singing it, it's really a magical moment. >> the message that hopefully will go down well. >> what do you think it is about the beatles that people still are so passionate about? >> well, you know, because their songs are really good. and the reason why they're really good is because they -- they're songs that can really communicate to people all over the world, you know, instead of like high art. it's not high art, it's just communicated so well. it can be sung well, it can be sung by people and be remembered by people because of that. >> you remain incredibly optimistic and excited. >> optimism is not the word for me.
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optimism sounds it's not really good but you're just being optimistic. no. i think i'm being real. i'm being practical. cleaning, and going green. how a business was born after the birth of a child. tonight's one simple thing, next. [ male announcer ] how can rice production in india affect wheat output in the u.s., the shipping industry in norway, and the rubber industry in south america? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex global economy. it's just one reason os beat their10-year lipp. t. rowe price.invest . request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses, and other information to read and consider carefully before investing. can stop frequent heartburn before it begins?
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well, these days you can find a lot of items labels organic or ecofriendly. the green movement has even hit the dry cleaning industry. take a look in tonight's one simple thing report. >> kind of busy, right? >> reporter: when david kistner's wife became pregnant, life changed in a way he never could have imagined. the pregnancy actually helped him start a brand-new business. >> she's the absolute reason why i did it. i would never have thought about why is dry cleaning bad. >> reporter: david was an
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airline consultant back in 2002 when his wife became pregnant with twins, everyone and michael, now 7. >> we were first-time parents and we read everything we can get our hands on. i read all the guy books and she read all the girl books. one of the guy books said don't let your wife wear dry clean clothes. after research i found out it's because of the perc. >> reporter: a colorless, toxic chemical used by dry cleaners in the u.s. it can cause headaches, it's also linked to liver and kidney damage and the epa says it's a potential carcinogen. when david couldn't find a greener cleaner in new york city he started his own, green apple cleaners. cleaning without perc. >> 2200 pounds of co2. >> reporter: they use two methods. recycled carbon dioxide where clothes go in a vacuum chamber with gas and liquid co2 which desolve dirt and wet cleaning
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using cold water, mild soap and high tech washing machine that spins slowly to reduce wear and tear. >> it's great not to worry about the clothes you wear. the boys can have the luxury of wearing clean clothes as well, so it's good to protect them from perc and other chemicals. >> reporter: but for some consumers, the drawback is price. at green apple in manhattan it costs $2.75 to clean a shirt. at the competition down the street, $2. a blouse, $8.25 at green apple. $4 at the competition. but they have found a niche market willing to pay. franchise drop shops are the next step. >> you can franchise a drop store from green apple. we don't need to know anything about dry cleaning but you do need to know how to tik care of customers. >> reporter: the clothes are picked up, shipped and cleaned at a plant in new jersey. this year the company which grosses $5 million expects to
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make a profit for the first time. not bad for the cleaner, which has brought green to new york dry cleaning. >> it gives us oxygen. >> and it helps you. >> bringing up children, they are a lot more aware of how bad pollution is and complaining about people littering. they're just very aware and very passionate about it. >> reporter: similar to the passion that drove their dad to create the green business just before they were born. deborah feyerick, cnn. much more of "ac 360" when we come back. ♪ [ male announcer ] there is nothing more profound than hope. it is the promise that compels us to make the journey from wonder to discovery. the science of chemistry, our guide.
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the human element, our conscience. and to make this journey, we have become the new order of hunters and gatherers. finding answers in the elements. and a way forward illuminated by hope. got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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