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tv   Larry King Live  CNN  November 5, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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the bully. the bully needs to understand that on no uncertain terms are you playing with them. they do this, it's going to hurt. >> it does seem in school some words are okay and other words aren't. if a child uses the "n" word a teacher will probably pay attention. if they use the "f" word, if they call a kid based on what they perceive on what their sexuality be, a lot of teachers let that slide. >> they look to see if the teacher is going to react and if she doesn't swiftly react, then the children think it is okay. interesting.
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thanks. that doesn't for 360. thanks for watching, larry king starts now. >> larry: tonight, janet jackson is here with a new look. >> shedding all the old skin. >> larry: a new book and a challenging new film role. >> if you called to say you're sorry, call somebody else. >> larry: has she abandoned singing for acting? >> i'm finally getting around to doing something i have wanted to do since i was a kid. >> larry: janet jackson for the hour next on "larry king live." janet jackson returns to "larry king live." miss jackson if you're nasty. she's a grammy winning singer, author of a forthcoming book "true you".
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her new movie is "for colored girls" she stars in the tyler perry film which opens in theaters tomorrow november 5. it's her third collaboration with perry. watch. >> get this. just last week, my ex-old man comes in saying, baby, i don't know how she got your number, i'm sorry. >> no, no this is it. >> oh, baby, you know i was high, i'm sorry. >> i'm only human, if we were perfect, we wouldn't have nothing to strive for, so you might as well go on and forgive me because i'm sorry. >> this one is it. i do you like i do you because i thought you could take it? no? i'm sorry. >> now i know you know i love you, but i ain't going to love you the way you want me to love you. sorry. >> that opens tomorrow. "for colored girls," how did this move come about? >> i heard that giggle that you
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just did. >> larry: you like my giggle? it's kind of a turn on, huh? >> you got a lot of nerve. how did this come about for me? >> larry: yes. >> when i was shooting "why did i get married 2" we were at the tail end of shooting it. there was a production of it in atlanta and tyler wanted me to see the play with him. and i went to see the play and i really enjoyed it and he said they have ask me to direct and write this for the big screen. i said oh, that's awesome, are you going to do it? he said i'm thinking about it. he said i brought you because i am thinking of -- i would like for you to be a part of this. i said, oh, this is why we came. he said why else did you think i brought you to see this play with me? i said i thought, oh, two friends, having a great time. >> larry: by the way, janet
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jackson has a hit album out called "the best of." get that anywhere. tell me about joe? >> joanna bradstone, she has worked really hard to work her way out of that. she's very shrewd. >> larry: she's the most successful of the group? >> she's very successful and she'll do anything to stay away from that life. she won't have anything to do with it whatsoever. her color is red. she's very fierce and she has no room for niceties. she's a kind of a bitch. >> larry: do you like her or not like her? >> i like her very much. >> larry: is this a comedy? >> no. >> larry: not at all? >> everyone's been talking about how intense it is.
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>> larry: when you saw the play, did you think of yourself as joe? >> no, i was just enjoying watching these women in this play who did an incredible job. and jasmine guy who actually had directed the play, the production that i saw. no, i didn't at all. i didn't see my -- >> larry: so when he said he wanted you for it, did you think jo would be the part? >> i didn't know what part he wanted me to play. so when he actually called me up and said the script is coming along and told me a little bit about my character, i thought, this is really interesting. this is really different from anything that i have ever done. and i thought, well, this is going to be a challenge. and when i actually read the script, i thought, wow, this is really cool. so i was up for the challenge. >> larry: what was it like doing it? >> i loved it.
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it was intense. it was very, very intense on a daily basis. like i said, she's no b.s., she has no room for niceties. so every day of shooting was tough. it was really tough and especially what she's going through with her husband, her home life as well as her relationship with herself. >> larry: it's interesting because you were born janet demeta joe jackson. so now you're joe again? >> actually my original name in the script, tyler called her carmen. and i wanted to change her name to jo. i thought carmen was a little too sweet and her full name, joanna, there's a little toughness. >> larry: when you said you're red in this. >> each woman has a color. each woman as a color that
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represents her personality, their character. my color happens to be red. which gives a little bit of insight into who i am, what i'm like. loretta divine, her color's green. all the women are wonderful. absolutely wonderful in this film. she's yellow. so every woman has their color that represents to a certain degree who they are. >> larry: what's tyler perry like to work for? he's a great guest. >> you have had him on your show, yes. he's wonderful. i enjoy working with tyler, there's a sense of family, that togetherness, that bond, that closeness, which is what i love coming from a close family. his sets are always fun, always very enjoyable. but with this, it was a little different, because it was so intense on a daily basis. but still i enjoyed every single
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day coming to work. >> larry: how do you think it will do commercially? >> well, i hope. >> larry: there's great word about it. >> it's getting a great word of mouth. i think it will do well. this movie's not just for women of color, it's for all women. all walks of life. i think you will find as a woman, a part of yourself or someone you used to be or someone you know in one of these women. there's a couple of women that i see the old me in. >> larry: how about men, will men like it? >> i think they will for sure. there's a lot for them to learn. it's not just about women, it's about their relationships. whether it's their husbands, boyfriends, men that they're -- >> larry: semi involved with. >> exactly. there's a lot. it's really a great story in the way tyler has infused his words
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with the poet, with her work, because this was an award winning broadway play back in the '70s. >> larry: janet jackson is our special guest. the movie opens tomorrow. it's titled "to colored girls." we're going to ask her about singing too, don't go away.
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[children screaming] [growl]
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>> larry: let's take another look at janet jackson in the new film which opens tomorrow "for colored girls." >> i'm sorry. >> save your sorry. one thing i don't need are anymore apologies. you're always being inconsistent, beating my heart to death talking about your sorry. i'm going to put a sign, a sign on the door, better yet i'm going to leave a voicemail, a message on my voicemail, if you called to say you're sorry, call somebody else. i have had sorry greet me at the front door. >> it gets a little bit intense. and omare hartwood plays my husband.
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>> larry: kerry washington is in it. felicia rashaad is in it. but you said you didn't interact with them too much. >> staying in character. >> larry: you did that? >> wanting to stay in character, every moment even, even when he said cut in filming. like i said, she wants nothing to do with the ghetto and her past life. she worked too hard to get out of that. and keeping these walls up. so i would hear the girls in there cackling and talking and part of me wanted to be a part of that. but to remain true to the character, i stayed away. >> larry: so when you stay in character, many great actors have told me they do that, did you also bring it home? >> there are times when you do, you don't just walk away from it.
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there were times when my friends would say, there's something different about you, the tone in your voice. and tyler actually wanted to play it with my tone imposed and make it a little lower tone and i told him, let me try it, let me try it first on my own and see what happens. and so he liked what i did so he just left it at that. >> larry: you like acting? >> i love it. >> larry: why? >> this is my first -- this is what i signed up to do when i was a kid. this is my first job. when i was 10 years old singing was my second job. >> larry: and dancing was third. you know we were a great couple. >> we have got our moves. >> larry: but acting is first? >> this is what i did, this is what i originally did. and this is what i just knew for sure i wanted to grow up and go to school, study business law,
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study acting and become an actress. >> larry: so what veered off? how did the singing come? >> my father. and it's the family business, he told me that he wanted me to sing. >> larry: so he said it and you had to do it. >> kind of. for the most part, yeah. it's been -- i'm not complaining, it's been wonderful for me and i love it. but i'm finally getting around to doing something that i have wanted to do since i was a kid, making films. >> larry: so you want to do more of this? >> of course, i'm going to. >> larry: you would like to do a play. >> that's been another dream of mine, to do a broad way play. an award winning broadway play. >> larry: are you still touring? >> not at the moment, i may do a little private thing here or there, but as in going on a tour, no. >> larry: what about with your brother? >> no. >> larry: your sister?
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>> no. >> larry: so janet goes it her own way? can i say that? >> i guess so. >> larry: all right, in a recent jet magazine article, you said that in the past, you have not had a lot of friends. is that a correct quote? >> i don't have a lot of friends. >> larry: why? >> it's not easy in this industry. and i'm glad i don't have a lot of friends. >> larry: is it a trust issue? >> it's very much a trust issue. i'm happy with the people i have around me. and i have had the same friends since i was young, a very long time. >> larry: we'll be back with more, janet's got a new book coming. we'll talk about that just ahead. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour.
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>> it ain't just sex, honey, it all has a root and you got to find that root to pluck it. >> damn you, into all my business. >> i used to be you.
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>> larry: we're back with janet jackson "for colors girls" opens tomorrow. with all your talents, your achievements, your celebrity, the fact that it's hard for you to make few friends, do you think you intimidate people? >> there's a line in the song "all for you" that talks about intimidation. when i was at the time dating guys, wanting to approach me and not approaching me and me inviting them to approach me. but it's that intimidation that will always get in the way. >> larry: do you date now? >> i'm actually seeing someone. >> larry: can you tell us about it? >> no. >> larry: he's a very private man. so i respect -- >> larry: you respect that too? i will ask, is he in the business? >> no. >> larry: does that make it easier? the fact that he's not?
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>> easier? >> larry: the fact that you're not clashing. >> i'm enjoying the fact that he's not in the business, but i don't know if it makes things easier. >> larry: going back to music, some of your fans, ask me today in fact, have you abandoned music? >> no. >> larry: so you will sing? >> it's always been a dream of mine to do this, so i put music on the back burner to do this. but definitely, i can't give up music, it's in my blood. so i will make more music. i think i have thought to go into the studio and just take my time, fool around and next year. >> larry: how about a musical film?
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>> i would love to do that. >> larry: combine both. >> i would love to do that. there's a lot of things that i want to do and that i'm going to do. >> larry: i bet when you saw dream girls, you thought i could have played in that. >> i enjoyed that a great deal. i did see that. never saw it on broadway. >> larry: you have written a book. called "true you." it's due out in january. >> yes. >> larry: the title, explain that. >> true you. people have ask me about the weight loss, the weight gain, the workout regimen, the nutrition and instead of writing just about that, i wanted to take it to the very beginning of what may have brought all of that on. so that took me back to my childhood and i had self esteem issues. and it's not an auto biography, but there are anecdotes, little anecdotes throughout my life
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beginning from my childhood up until now and it allows you to see what may have caused, telling my little stories. you know, my dream is to really not appeal to adults, but to appeal to children as well as teens and hopefully they will relate to one of my stories or i have stories as well of fans that have written to me. so i have put some of those stories in. and hopefully they can relate to some of those stories. >> larry: it's designed as a kind of help people book? >> it's a self help book so it's learning to love yourself as you are the true you. >> larry: you had an early weight problem? >> yes, i did. it was a body image issue. i was so self-conscious at a very -- >> larry: you didn't like yourself? >> and i was told certain things, i'm too this, i'm too
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that, i should be more like this, more like that. when did good times, i was just ten years old. they never discussed with me ahead of time. but i remember the first episode, one of the wardrobe women, she bound my chest because i was developing at a very young age and i was a guess a little too big for my age. so that immediately translated to me that i wasn't good enough. the way that i was. so it was little things like that that really affect a child. >> larry: did you have it all through your teenaged years? >> i did. i was the kind of person that internalized, i held everything in. and it wasn't until i opened up and spoke to someone who i really felt that i could communicate with that would not judge me who i could truly trust that my life began to change, and that was much later on in my life.
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>> larry: was a doctor? >> he wants to remain anonymous. i have spoken about him before. i call him a cowboy. he's actually a cowboy. >> larry: is he still in your life? >> we still talk. >> larry: janet is involved in the anti-bullying campaign. she'll tell us why she supports the cause. stick around, don't go away. [ male announcer ] in the event of a collision, the smartest thing you could do is cut the fuel supply... ♪ ...unlock the doors, and turn on the hazard lights. ♪ or better yet, get a car that automatically does it for you. ♪ right now, during the sign and drive event, get the all-new 2011 jetta for practically just your signature.
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tell me the truth, carl, who have you been sleeping with. >> you have no idea how much i hate coming up into this house sometimes. >> you're saying a lot, carl, you're saying a lot without saying nothing at all. >> larry: janet jackson, what a star. her new movie "for colored girls" premiers tomorrow. a new book, lots of things happening in her life. there's always something happens in janet jackson's life. how do you feel about your body now when you look in the mirror? are you happy with janet? >> i'm a work in progress, i still have my days when i'm not the greatest and i have my moments where i feel really, really good. so it's still a work in progress. >> larry: you don't feel overweight, though, do you?
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>> no, i don't, but i can definitely tighten things up for sure. >> larry: you described your new short hairstyle as liberating. i like it, but why is it liberating? >> it's like shedding all the old skin. it's not the first time i have cut all of my hair off. i have done it several times before. but it's the first time i have done it since the whole internet craze so everyone made a big to do really about my cutting my hair. it was liberating, it was freeing. and it's easy. >> larry: you did it yourself? did somebody tell you to do it? >> no, i have been wanting to do it for a while. i get bored with my hair. when i was a kid, i would get bored with my hair i would walk around with pink hair or blue hair.
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>> larry: you are an interesting person. you say of all the jacksons, you're the most complicated? >> the most rebellious. myself and my brother randy. the babies of the family. >> larry: two babies? >> yeah. >> larry: are the most rebellious? >> i would say so. >> larry: does the family accept this? your dad and your mom? >> they're so tired. to the point, you have nine kids, by the time the babies come around, it's like go ahead. >> larry: is it true this is a very honest book? >> yes. >> larry: were there some things that were hard to write? >> there were a lot of things that i actually had dealt with already, and i thought, okay. >> larry: let it out? >> i'm over that. it's easy to talk about, it's easy to write about, but when i started to write about certain things that i hadn't spoken about in a while, feelings
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started to resurface and i said to myself, oh, there's still something there that is connecting very deeply with me and emotions started to flow a little bit. so it was very therapeutic. >> larry: a car catharsis? we know in the world of showbiz, sometimes too much too soon has a long lasting affect. and a lot of kid stars are never heard from again. how do you think you avoided that? because you got a lot of attention as a kid, it's got to play something with your head. >> i was really, really fortunate. i think it has a lot to do with who you surround yourself with, your upbringing, how grounded your parents make sure you continue to be or are. from day one and continuing that all the way up into your adult hood and that goes a long way. and your faith in god, having
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that as a foundation as well, i think all of that is the reason why i didn't get into any drama and i'm thankful, i'm very fortunate. >> larry: were you ever tempted? >> no. >> larry: never did? never got into that scene? >> no. >> larry: more with miss jackson after this. what are you looking at? logistics. ben? the ups guy? no, you see ben, i see logistics. logistics? think--ben is new markets. ben is global access-- china and beyond. ben is a smarter supply chain. ben is higher margins. happier customers... everybody wins. logistics. exactly. see you guys tomorrow. indulge in endless servings of your favorite shrimp. including crunchy new parmesan shrimp in a buttery garlic sauce. our best value of the year ends soon.
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maybe you shouldn't drink tonight. >> you saying i got a problem?
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>> i'm saying you need to take your meds. >> now you're telling me what i should do? >> i'm not telling you what to think. i'm not accusing you of anything. >> i'm trying, i'm trying. >> i know. >> larry: all right, tell me about the it gets better campaign, which i understand supporting gay youth. >> what got you involved? >> i first heard about the project from an artist who was a beautiful friend of mine who's no longer around me, rest in peace kevin kline and he always supported them and he always talked to me about this organization. i wanted to get involved. being one of those kids who could truly relate, holding everything inside, like i was telling you, internalizing everything. and that really can affect you. in feeling helpless and hopeless
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and finding that person that you can trust, that adult like i did later on in life, that i felt comfortable and safe to tell my issues, my worries, my pains, my aches to. this is what the trevor project is all about and they have a 24-hour hot line. >> larry: it's for bullying, right? >> definitely, especially with what's been going on just recently, what has happened. it's sad. they have a 24-hour hot line. the number is 866-for-you-trevor. and they have a website, the trevor and there's someone there you can speak with 24 hours that will be there for you. >> larry: we did a whole program about bullying, about the trevor project. i know you have studied it. you've looked into it. were you ever bullied? >> no.
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>> larry: do you understand why people bully? >> i think it really says more about themselves, how they feel about themselves. there's something about themselves, i feel, that doesn't set right, something they hate, they dislike, issues at home with their parents. who knows what it is? but it's something going on inside of them and i think it's them lashing out. >> larry: it must be terrible to have a -- to be gay and hold it in, be afraid. >> not be able to be true you. >> larry: yeah. >> no, really. to be proud of who you are, everyone should be, you should never hide your true self-. >> larry: but it comes from teaching, doesn't it? we're taught to hate. >> yes, we're not born that way. and that's so unfortunate, that
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adults teach us to hate. it's sad. >> larry: that's the trevor project, right? >> yes, the trevor project. >> larry: give me the number again. >> it's 866-for-you-trevor. a 24-hour hot line, there will always be someone for you to talk to. someone to just open up and tell, just everything, you can pour out to. >> larry: by the way, if you're a bully, or if you have those tendencies, you can call too? >> yes, of course. >> larry: they'll try to help you in every way. >> of course. >> larry: you have a greatest hits cd out called janet jackson number one icon. how do you feel about that title? it's a little self-crediting, isn't it? >> larry: did you title that album? >> no, i didn't title it. no, i didn't title that. there was one before this that was just called janet jackson number ones and it had all 33
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number ones and the new single, a bonus track that wound up becoming a number one so there was 34 in all. >> larry: you have had 34 number ones? >> yes. >> larry: 34 number ones. >> yes. >> larry: we'll be back with janet jackson, who on this show i predict tonight, will make it. remember the name. don't go away. ♪ [ male announcer ] we all need people who will be there for us in life. people who say, "we're with you, no matter what." at wachovia and wells fargo, we're with you, when a house turns into a home...
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>> larry: one of the number one hits on janet jackson icon is nothing. it's from tyler perry's film "buy did i get married 2" in which she starred. watch. ♪ there's something i want to say ♪ ♪ something i have been holding back ♪ ♪ nothing nothing nothing means more than the truth ♪ ♪ and the truth is that i realized love is fading from your eyes ♪ ♪ don't know how we came to this ♪ ♪ but we can get it back tonight ♪ ♪ because nothing nothing nothing nothing is worth losing you ♪ >> larry: there's talk that could be oscar? >> it would be nice. >> larry: would you sing it on the awards show. >> i don't think they do that anymore. >> larry: you're right. you wrote that song. >> i wrote that with jimmy dupre, yes.
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>> larry: does writing come easily to you? >> for the most part, yes. i remember when i was a kid. i started writing when i was 9 years old. i wrote my first very first when i was 9. >> larry: what was it called? >> fantasy is the title. i remember being a kid, my brother randy, my brother mike and myself, we would have our chores to do, after dinner especially, i remember one night in particular, i was doing dishes, i think mike was sweeping the floor and raepd was cleaning off the tables and the counter tops and that's where we would always create music, we could come up with melodies and we would add lyrics to them and we would sing a three part harmony. we were very young. but it's good practice. >> larry: where did this new song come from? >> nothing? >> larry: uh-huh. >> from the movie. i had ask tyler if he had a theme song for the movie and he said no. i told him i would like to give
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it a go if he wouldn't mind. i viewed it twice with jimmy and jimmy and i went into his studio and we created these and presented it to tyler. i didn't know if he would like it or not. i was hoping he would. and he loved it. it was really from the characters in the film. >> larry: it fits the film? >> perfectly. >> larry: because sometimes you'll see songs that don't even pertain to the film. we're not going to dwell on this, this is too much a part of a sad past. you said you lenarded of michael's death when you were filming in atlanta for tyler perry's other movie "why i got married 2" you said work helped you through grief. how? >> i hadn't started shooting just yet. but i was supposed to start in a few days and i was at home in
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new york when i learned of my brother's passing. >> larry: how did you learn? >> i got a call and there was something on tv. on cnn. >> larry: you never get through that. >> no. >> larry: you said in a recent interview, you spent a lot of time feeling lonely, even when you have people around you all the time. can you explain that? lonely in a crowd? >> that was the worst for me. there's nothing worse than being lonely and having people around you, especially people that you love, people that you need to be involved with. it was very, very sad for me. and i'm not going to say anything more about that, larry, than that. >> larry: no, no, no. you work hard, though, don't you? you're working like all the time?
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>> i enjoy working. i love to work. i love to keep busy. don't get me wrong, i love my little down time too, i love being on an island and a get away or being with my family or being with that person that i spend my life with and just relaxing by the ocean, by the beach. >> larry: do you miss marriage? you were married once? >> i was married twice. >> larry: do you miss it? >> is there something you're trying to ask me? >> larry: what do you mean? >> no, i'm just joking. >> larry: not again? you have heard janet admit to being a work in progress. we're going to ask her, what could be next? stay with us. [ male announcer ] opportunity
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symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> larry: okay, what's next, you said you would like to do a broadway thing. >> yes, i would for sure. and i'm eventually going to. because like i said, that's always been a dream of mine since i was a kid. when i'm that attached, that passionate about something, i don't let go of it. it might be a minute before i get to it. but i don't let go of it. >> larry: i think many people in the broadway business watch this show that would be intriguing to them too. do you think you would like doing matinees and evenings and eight shows a week? >> a friend of mine was on broadway and he told me that, he
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told me it's grueling, he said it's a whole other discipline. and that's what attracted me. >> larry: when he said a whole other discipline, my brain went ding, ding, ding, what's that like, what's that about. it seems like it would be so much fun, to perform on a daily basis. that's a whole other grind than i am used to. >> larry: what music do you listen to? >> all kinds. my favorite is what i grew up on was jazz and brazilian. that was my love. maria ba this, nasament. >> i love that.
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>> larry: stan goetz? >> yes. joeelle, i love that. >> larry: what do you think of lady gaga? >> i love her. >> larry: because? >> i love her music. i feel she came along and she introduced something a little bit different for the people of today. for myself, it's -- and i don't mean this in a negative way at all, it -- it's a little reminiscent of grace jones, how big, how out there her costumes are, how loud, how strong, and i mean that in a very complimenting way. >> larry: how good a singer is she? >> i think she's very talent the. she writes her own music. she has a wonderful voice, and i had the opportunity of meeting her for the first time. was it last year?
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but i knew of her before she became the lady gaga that everyone -- >> larry: where did you meet her? >> i met her at a concert of hers. and her story i thought was incredible. and when i knew of this artist, i was really pulling for her before she had gotten this recording contract. >> larry: we'll have our remaining moments coming up with janet jackson. right now it's time for heroes. tonight a philanthropist and well-known actor tells us about a cambodian. >> i was honored to serve as a 2010 blue ribbon panelist and help choose this year's top ten. through my foundation, manifest your destiny, i'm personally committed to making a difference in the lives of young people. and i see just how much the world needs heroes. now i'm thrilled to help cnn introduce one of this year's top
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ten honorees. >> my name is aki ra. when i was 10 years old, the khmer rouge chose me to be a soldier. sometimes we were ordered to plant 4,000 to 5,000 mines. i saw a lot of people dying. i put people in danger and damaged the country. after the war was over, i started to clear mines by myself. now people have joined me. now it's safe. the villagers are requesting us to demine, because the people are afraid of mines. i have done a lot of good things, different from than in the war. i have cleared thousands of mines.
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i want cambodia to be safe. >> larry: you can vote for any of our top ten heroes to be the 2010 hero of the year. you might even meet them, win a trip to l.a., see "cnn heroes, an all-star tribute" thanksgiving night. back with our remaining moments with janet jackson after this. mom, have you seen my green shirt?
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♪ >> larry: you were on the finale of "american idol." >> yes. >> larry: earlier with my dear friend ryan seacrest. >> yes. >> larry: what do you think of that show and the impact it's had object the industry. >> it's a wonderful outlet finding fresh talent, new talent.
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and it's fun to watch. because i work like crazy, i mean, i watch here and there, but i enjoy it. when i do watch, i always enjoy it. >> larry: i'm told i knew this lady, great lady, that you'd like to do a film, "the life of eartha kitt." there was no one like her. >> i had the opportunity of getting to know her, and just before she passed we were getting to know one another. and i was fortunate enough to spend some time with her and i saw her at carnegie, and she had a performance in september of that year that she wanted me to come and see her, and i wanted to. it just so happens that something came up and i had to work and i couldn't make it. and i -- i absolutely, i still love her. >> larry: she remains sexy late in life.
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>> and how -- the way she performed when i saw her, she blew me away. and all the different languages. >> larry: oh. >> was it like eight? all the languages, just amazing. i love "santa baby." >> larry: put the sable under the tree for me. you said you're proud you remained true to yourself. but the self also changes. have you been true to every change? >> i've tried to be. we evolve as life goes on and as we get older. and i've tried to keep that, keep that truth within me always. >> larry: is it, do you think there's something hard about being a jackson? >> it has its pros and its cons, and i think that's with anything, with anyone. >> larry: yeah, but it's a label, too. right?


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