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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 12, 2010 1:00pm-3:00pm EST

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we need to get or veterans from out from under bridges, sleeping in cardboard boes. >> wow, that's a tough question. not really, but can you ever do enough? >> i think there might be something more. >> reporter: you're an 18-year-old kid, you barely know anything about life. you just started shaving. you are joining the military? >> yes, going into the army. >> reporter: well, good luck to you man. thank you for your future service. you've already gone the haircut. do five pushups right now. he's joining the military, 2, 3, 4, 5. you've got to keep doing them, man. good luck. thank you. thank you. >> get that core going. you can see more of pete tomorrow night. let's take it to the next level. "c newsroom" continuing with ali velshi. >> i'm ali velshi. for the next two hours today and every weekday, i guide you through the maze of information
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coming your way. together we'll learn what's going on around the world. i'll give you access to the folks who can best explain what it means today and the impact. we'll showcase the best ideas in innovation, philanthropy and public education. my mission is to help us figure out what's going on around you fits into your life. here's what i've got on a rundown. a staggers statistic. nearly 1 in every 10 kids in this country diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, that's up 22% in just four years. we'll look beyond the numbers. a rare and fascinating look at what life is really like for women in afghanistan, dealing with new freedom, as well as ongoing oppression. we'll look in on alaska's up in the air write-in senate race. we haven't seen this much ballot challenging since the days of the hanging chad. but we start with a little international intrigue. james bond type of stuff. the name is sherbakof.
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kernel sherbakof. he supposedly tipped off the u.s. about undercover russian spies living in the united states. you probably remember the summer's headlines and anna chapman, the fiery redhead spy, who caught all our attention. she's being a celebrity with a scantily clad spread. she was one of several spies later swapped to russian prisoners. this guy, was a bigwig in russian intelligence circles. guess what? he is nowhere to be found. it seems he slipped out of the russia about the same time the lid was the paper says he was at the interrogation of one of those captured spies, but the u.s. intelligence community has no comment. needless to say russian lawmakers would like to talk to him about this massive embarrassment, but don't get
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ideas from what you see here. that's just a picture of putin on a recent hupping trip. meanwhile, another russian lawmaker is calling for a special investigation. cnn senior international correspondent matthew chance watching developments in moscow. he joins us. matthew, what do you know? >> reporter: just this newspaper, very respected daily business paper in russia launched this extensive investigation. at the end of it they said they spoke to a number of unnamed source in the intelligence agency and said college scherbekov, as the double agent that gave the names to the u.s. of the undercover agents. he was obviously a central figure in the svr, the russian overseas intelligence agency, the equivalent of the cia. he fled russia three days before president dmitri medvedev of
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russia went on a state visit to the united states back in june earlier this years, hasn't been seen anything of since. there's been very chilling commitments from these unnamed sources being quoted by the newspaper, saying we know who he is, we know where he is, and he can expect some kind of retribution, possibly hinting at assassination in the future possibly, ali. >> what's this talk about having defected to the united states or the west? do you know anything about that? >> well, that's the implication from this investigation that's been done by this russian newspaper, that at some point -- it's not clear when or why, he changed sides. he was in charge, in fact, of deploying these moles, they will acts, like anna chapman to the united states, and at some point he switched sides. it's not clear whether he did that for financial reasons or he was blackmailed in some way,
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which is sometimes, you know, sometimes happens, but he did it and gave the names of these ten agents to the u.s. authorities. now he's -- i think it's fair to say in the bad books of russian intelligence services. >> matthew, thanks very much for that. matthew chance in moscow, very intriguing story, no doubt. we'll continue to follow it for you. a tennessee lawmakers is under fire to compares illegal immigrant women to rats that multipi state representative curry todd made the remark after asking prenatal health care officials if patients have to show proof of citizenship before getting state-funded care. >> we're not permitted to determine citizenship, because the child -- >> we can go out and multiply lie rats, i guess. >> it shows he doesn't care about the immigrant community, he doesn't value them as human beings. >> todd apologized for what he called as a point of words, but
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he says he stands by his point. the crimes are so shocking that even the jurors have night mares. a family in connecticut had it all under two career criminals picked their house to invade. one is sentenced to death,ite waiting for time, when we come back. dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno.
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tell your doctor promptly. these may be signs of ttp, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition, reported sometimes less than 2 weeks after starting plavix. other rare but serious side effects may occur. this week a jury decided a career criminal should die. only dr. william pettit survived the hours for brutality, the torture, terror and finally arson that cost him his home and family. when steven hays went on trial
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in september, petit testified against him. weeks later for the sentencing, he was there, too. >> over time the edges may smooth out a bit, but the hole in your heart and the hole in your soul is still there. so there is never closure. in just a few months dr. petit will again have to relive the hoar oweses. from all indications that man was actually the instigator and his trial could be even more wrenching if that's possible. randi kaye has covered the story from the beginning. she put together a report airing this weekend "pure evil." i want you to see a preview. >> reporter: for the petit family in this quiet suburb, there was never any hint of the
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violence that was to come. >> the epitome of the all-american family, a beautiful mother, two beautiful daughters. >> reporter: never any clues their vibrant home would soon become a house of horrors. their last day together as a family was a classic summer sunday. dr. women petit, a prominent connecticut doctor, a leading expert in the field of diabetes played golf with his dad. earlier that day his wife of 22 years, jennifer hawk-petit, and her daughter mikaela, 11, had gone grocery shopping. >> the younger daughter was going to make a special dinner for her family, and so he and mrs. petit went to the stop and shop here in town. >> the older daughter had just graduated from miss porter's school, a prestige out prep
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school. she wanted to be a doctor like her dad. as jennifer hawk-petit, a peet trick nurse, drove back from the supermarket she had no idea she was being watched. watched, police say, by two career criminals paroled from prison just weeks before. within hours, their worlds would collide. with his pure evil" airs at 10:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow and 10:30 eastern on sunday right here on cnn. well, are we ready to cut military spending, change social security and even give up that treasured mortgage deduction? all to bring down the deficit? we'll hear from someone in a moment who thinks that's only a start and that's just how dire things are. aww, not the mall. well, i'll do the shopping... if you do the shipping. shipping's a hassle. i'll go to the mall. hey. hi. you know, holiday shipping's easy with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service.
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one of the big political head-turners this week was the preliminary report from the deficit commission. why did it send the democrats and republicans into the ideological bunkers? because the commission suggested cutting everything from military spending, to social programs, even a change in the country's tax structure in order to get the deficit under control. no surprise we've got a pretty good discussion going on in this week's your money" and maybe heard maybe the commission didn't go far enough. >> diane swanson, with mesereau financial, we have a few issues here. the danger really does exist. they were told do what you have to do to figure out an answer.
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did they overreach to a point where, as john suggests, it might just be dead on arrival? >> i think no matter what they did it would be dead on arrival. john points out something important. what the person people think they want and what the reality means are two difficult things and the gap is difficult. i agree with david. i think the commission fell short. they didn't want to overkill and sort of go where they thought they needed to go to deal with the real structure deficit. this doesn't have much on the entitlements, but on the other side of it, they were trying not to go so far they wouldn't get negotiation. at the end of the day, the background research by pew and peterson research said we needs new acords, new rules that congress has to act. that's what's lacking in all of this. we can have all the commissions in the world to advise us, but if we don't have rules to get congress to actually be disciplined they're going to
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continue to act like children. i'm ready to give them a time-out. >> a time-out, but if they overspend, you automatically had triggered. >> other spending freezes. >> but also give them the political cover. they could say these are the rules, because nobody wants to take the blame at the voting booth for actually doing the things that the people say they want done. and it was a good conversation. you can see the rest of it, including lots more, plus richard quest on whether anything worth while came out of the g-20 summit. catch me and my co-host christine romans saturday at 1:00, and sunday 3:00. christine is also "smart is the new rich" which has a great chapter on tackling debt. how you get rid of your debt in three years. let me get you up to speed. now that the 4,500 passengers and crew above "the splendor"
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are safe on dry land, the company says a fire in the engine room cut off electricity to other equipment, including engines and the air conditioning. the cause of that fire is still not clear. a full investigation is now being conducted by the national transportation safety board, the coast guard and officials from panama, which is where the bode is registered. nissan recalling more than cars and suvs. more than half a million frontier and e. terra needs part of the steering column replaced. the cars involved were made between 2002 and 2004. and we're hearing about a big media merger today, "newsweek," the 77-year-old magazine is joining "the daily beast." the new entity will be called "newsweek" daily beast. it was bought from "the washington post" back in august
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for $1. they'll co-own with interactive corporation barry diller. the hidden victims of war and a brutal society. a real look inside the lives of afghan women and their struggle to survive. ...pure... and also delicious. ♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good, it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious.
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i took emergen-c. with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin c and energizing b vitamins, it made every performance count. emergen-c. feel the good. so much of what you see or hearing about afghanistan is about the war. it's u.s. troops, taliban, suicide bombs, but behind that are real afghans trying to live their lives in a country that's been at war almost constantly since the 1980s. just take a minute and watch what i'm going to show you. i'm not going to talk, we're not going to play music, just take a look at these photographs, these
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images that capture a slice of life, then i'm going to talk to the woman who took these photos and got to know these women of afghanistan. look at this. >> lindsey odario is a photojournalist. her photos are featured in the december issue of "national geographic." she joins me from new delhi. you went out of your way. over the course of a year, you visited afghanistan and had unprecedented access to the women who you photographed. tell me the stories behind those photographs and the stories of these women.
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>> i started going to afghanistan in 2000 when it was under taliban rule, so i'm quite familiar with women in afghanistan and how they developed over the years. so this project basically enabled me to go deep into the lives. the difficult is photographs them, because photography is quite sensitive in afghanistan, but i tried to create a real brought spectrum of what afghan women's lives are like, from more modern women to more conservative women. >> one of the interests that we dewith all the time is so much of the coverage and so many of the images are war-related, and women -- we have an impression of what women in afghanistan are like. yet your pictures are showing us women doing a far broader range of things.
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what is the range of activity and sentiment that women experience? >> it depends on where you are in the country. kabul is much more open than the rest of the country, so you'll find a women boxing team, more women who are educated, graduating from the university, you'll find women doctors, you'll find things that are harder to find in the south of the country, for example, where the taliban is more present and more women are staying at home and generally not educated. so it depends on where you are in the country. one of the women i spent time with, katrina, she's an actress, and cars were veering off the road. men were totally in awe of watching her drive. she was listening to loud music and singing as she would drive.
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as she was driving, much like you would see any high school student in america, but to see it in afghanistan, cars were almost crashing because they were watching her in complete awe. >> on one leave you have that, and modernity, and on the other side, i want to show some photographs, i have to warn our viewers, the photographs are quite graphic, and they speak to a trend that is taking place in afghanistan about self-immilation, sets one's self on fire, a form of suicide that you've seen afghan women participating in. >> first i saw this trend when i was working on the national geographic story, and i've i really wanted to do a story that
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got the voices of the women. what makes it get to the point where they set themselves on fire. i didn't want to necessarily create a series of photographs that were shocking without any explanation to why. there's an incredible level of violence against women in afghanistan. this is not something that has come because of the taliban. this was happening before the taliban during the taliban and now it's happening with the highest number of nato troops in the country. it happens. it's all across the country. women in afghanistan have no escape from this violence. many women are beaten several times a day every day. i would say that the 200 to 300 women i interviewed for this story, 90% to 95% of them expressed they were beaten almost daily. lynsay i've been covering this since 2000.
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how will real change come to this country, given what you've just told me? >> i think the only way that change can come to afghanistan is from the afghans themselves and from men in afghanistan. it's the men who enable their women to go get educated. it's the men who let the women leave the house. this is a country where women have to ask permission to leave the house. this is something that, for weste western ers. the change will have to come from afghan men, who say i want my wife to be educated, i want my daughter to be educated. i want her to make something of her life. president karzai himself, no one has ever seen his wife. his wife is an educated woman. she doesn't go in public. she could be a wonderful role model for women across afghanistan, but she's invisible in the country. that's a perfect example. the country needs role models,
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female role model. assist there are some, habib serabi, women parliamentarians, educated women, women trying to break the stereotype and get out there and do something with their lives, but the change really has to come from the men and women of afghanistan, not from the outside. >> thank you for giving us images of a real afghanistan that goes beyond the images of war that we always see. thanks for using your camera to tell a very important story about the if you have the afghanistan while likes at the past. lynsey adario, thank you for joining us. >> thanks so much for having me. the rate of adhd in this country is on an alarming rise. one of every ten kids you see has been diagnosed. we're going to break it down, coming up. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? good, how are you?
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let's go to by mayer who is on the phone with us with the breaking news.
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>> reporter: alli, the court just issued keeping the don't ask/don't tell in place. a homosexual rights group called the log cabin republicans asked the supreme court to step in and issue an emergency rulings that basically would suspend the policy courts have been back and forth whether the policy should remain in effect. it may not reach the supreme court for a couple years, so this is an important developm t development. >> it's been tough, bill, because there's been a lot of back and forth. does this settle things for a bhil, given the supreme court says they have to enforce this until it changes. >> reporter: it does. on the legal end it adds stability to it. the case is still being heard by the 9th kirk court of appeals in san francisco. they will continue to debate the case for the next several months or so. it could go next to the supreme court, but the legislative track
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by congress and the administration to unilaterally overturn the policy. so we're working on two different tracks. >> bill, thanks very much for that. we'll continue to follow this stories. we saw some startling numbers released this week on the previousens of adhd in america. let's look. the current study from the cdc shows that nearly 5.5 million kids in america have been diagnosed with the disorder. that's almost 1 out of ever 10 children between the ages of 4 and 17. that's just how many have been diagnosed. what may be even more shocking to you, the numbers have gone up more than 20% in the last four years, boys are twice as likely to be diagnosed. adhd is what's called a neurobehavioral disorder that strikes in childhood, but persists into adulthood. it's treatable with drugs and behavioral therapy, but these new survey numbers suggests only two thirds of kids currently
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diagnosed are on some form of medication. joining me from atlanta to talk about the significance is susanna adviser, the study's lead author at the cdc. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. i'm happy to be here. let's address some of the stuff i heard that it was first reported on the news, with a whole bunch of people say -- is adhd real for everybody? or are there a core of people who really suffer from this disorder and a whole bunch of people on the margins who are diagnosed so that their teachers don't have to deal with them or their parents don't have to deal with the behavior? >> that's a great question, very common. i hear it a lot. the families of children who are coping with adhd in america are certainly sensitive to that issue. i think for the vast majority of those diagnosed with adhd, we know they have behavioral problems that cause impairment in dealing with family, friends and definitely their schoolwork. you know, we can't tell from the
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study to what degree the children were diagnosed in a way that indicates they had a full evaluation that leads to a really concrete diagnosis of adhd. we also know it's a developmental disorder. that means the symptoms change over time. so it's unclear what percentage of these 9.5% of american kids 4 to 17 truly are dealing with a disorder that, you know, presents ongoing challenges for them and probably will still be there as adults. >> when you talk about the fact that it changes, can one of those changes be adaptation? i mean, clearly there were people that had adhd 25 years ago, but we didn't have that diagnosis for them, and some of those people became more highly functioning. that's the wrong word, but they were ability to adapt that to their careers or the way they do work. is medication the leading way to deal with this? or do we find that people adapt and change their behavior? >> members of multiple academies suggest that the best way to deal with this is through a
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combination of medication and behavioral therapies. so there are a number of behavioral therapies that can really improve functioning. those include parent training for the parents, supportive school services for the child, learning how to have better peer skills with their friends. those can all really help. medication is the single-most effective means of controlling the symptoms of adhd. as you indicated earlier, we do see a remission or a decrease in hyper active symptoms over time, as children age, but the inattentive symptoms and the emotional problems we see, tend to persist into the teen years, and we are seeing from other studies reports that rates of adhd among adults are also increasing. >> so the inattentive, we can definitely get or head around, but what are the other symptoms that persist that create problems? >> hyperactivity and impulse i havity manifest their ways in
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different ways as adults. they may say things they wish they hadn't. that impulsiveness remains. it just exhibits itself in very different ways as adults. >> what's with the increase in diagnosis? have we gotten better at diagnosing? or are we freer in diagnosing? or do we think there's 20% higher number of people with adhd? >> i think the consensus among experts is there's probably not a decrease in the base rate, but we are getting better at behave screenings, and we're also doing much better about really getting the information out to parents that, if they see something that's problematic in their child's behavior that's consistent with hyperactivity, inattention, sensory processing problems, behavioral problems of any kind, they were talk to their doctors. more parents bringing those issue toss their doctors should result in greater diagnosis. >> susanna, thanks very much. this is a complicated topic, a very interesting one, and i'm
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glad you were here to give us some clarity on this. >> always happy to be here. thank you. >> susanna adviser is a lead epidemiologist at the cdc. all right she's a fighter for democracy, feared by myanmar's military leaders, are years of detention about to end for an san sue which i? a live report is next. - regular. - cake or pie? - pie. - apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream... please. when other toppings are made with hydrogenated oil, the real dairy cream in reddi-wip's sure an easy choice. nothing's more real than reddi-wip. fork or... spoon?
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to help reduce head injuries on the football field. so, you know, i can feel a bit better about my son playing football. [ male announcer ] how would you use toyota technology to make a better world? learn how to share your ideas at time now for globe trekking. myanmar, excitement and tension high over the possibility that military may release aung san suu kyi, hundreds of her supporters gathered near her home today.
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the latest term of detention is due to expire tomorrow. rumors swirled that military officials had already signed the release papers. suu kyi has been under detention for 15 of the past 21 years, her party overwhelmingly wong the country's first election in 1990, but the military has always cracked down. suu kyi was awarded the nobel peat price in 1991. her father led the struggle for independence from britain and was the country's first prime minister. myanmar's military organization has refused to allow cnn or other news -- joining me is an unnamed correspondent. what do we know? >> we know there were rumors swirling around that she might be released today. then, however, as the evening hours came, it appeared as though this was going to happened on saturday, but i can tell you, there's a lot of people here who came out on the
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streets and came to the headquarters of her political party called the national league for democracy. i think we have to explain to our viewers in america that this place is to repressive, people here are afraid to say anything political. they're afraid to talk to people like us, westerners, and people bear her likeness, showing how significant a political leader she is for the opposition, how much hope the people of this repressed country put in aung san suu kyi. >> tell us about the elections that took place on sunday that western governments are now saying were neither free or fair. what role would chef, if any, if released? >> one of the things the elections did is divided the opposition here. aung san suu kyi and her party called for his elections, which many are calling as a sham to be boycotted. there were smaller opposition parties that did take part.
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however, these opposition parties we've been talking to them, and they want basically their political novices, they never knew how to run a campaign. they had massive hurdles put on them by the junta. one of the things that people hope is that even after this election has been lost now, that she could come out, could revitalize the opposition, lead them together again and really have there be a stronger opposition, and ultimately maybe foster some sort of change in this country, but it is a monumental task being here, you can really see under what tight a grip by the military rulers this place really is. now that her release is possibly coming closer, there are riot police among the compound and more coming in all the time,ali. >> thanks for joining us on this, and obviously because we are not allowed to be in the country, we do not want to risk anybody's safety.
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that's why our correspondent will remain unnamed. a big political story in this fight. how exactly do you spell lisa murkowski's name? and why does it matter? some write-in ballots are being contested even if the snape is spelled correctly. turn-by-turn navigation standard. if you want to talk about it.. call me when you get there. that is if you find there, since you don't have turn-by-turn navigation standard. the all-new chevrolet cruze. starting under $17,000. get used to more. qualified lessees can get a low mileage lease on a 2011 chevrolet cruze ls for around $169 a month. call for details.
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there's an all-out spelling bee going on right now in alaska. i'm ali velshi, the spelling name is all over murkowski. >> hold on, big guy. let's not go ahead ahead of ourselves. lisa murkowski trying to get -- >> i'll take it from here. republican senate candidate lisa
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murkowski trying to get elected by the 92,000 write-in ballots. she could actually beat her opponent joe miller. >> i'm -- >> here to talk to us a bit about this is pete dominick -- >> this is where i stand to talk to ali velshi? >> who apparently has been in my closet. >> i've been in somebody's father's closet. and these are prescription glasses, not nearly as classy as yours. they're like from the gap or something. >> that is quite a like, pete. you are a man -- i've never seen you in anything other tharn stuff that looks like you're about to clean out your car or paints your house. nice. you look good in the real duds. >> thank you very much, sir. >> this is about lisa murkowski. >> it's hard to spell, apparently. so here's what i want to try to do with you. use the word in a sentence -- >> murkowski? >> yes, and i'll be able to spell it better. like a spelling bee.
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>> murkowski. i just came back from the polls place where i cast a ballot for lisa murkowski. >> murkowski m-u-r-k-o-s-k-e-e. murkowski. >> no. >> what is the root of the word? former not from alaska. >> do they not know who i'm voting for? am i going to mess up miller, murkowski? >> yes, i'm looking at those. they all seem to be indicating a vote for her. what's the problem? >> is it a problem? what's the confusion here? is someone faking a spelling? can you spell lisa wrong, by the way l-e-e-s-a? i don't know. >> they're also contesting
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correct spellings. tell me about that. >> i can tell you only about when you know you've lost, when you know it's time to give up, when you're talking about the spelling of a name, i mean, people went a long way -- this will be the first time i think somebody wins on a write-in, especially in the senate. it looks bad for his campaign to be contesting the spelling. you know, we've seen these types of things in elections before, but contesting a letter here or there? we remember the hanging chad, now it's the hanging "s-k-i" i think. >> she's still in the lead in the count at this point. >> yeah, she's definitely in the lead, but what if you put on the "i" you know how some people put the big bubble instead of a dot on the "i" who is that a vote for? you know, what if the "l" isn't capitalized. wo wins in that election?
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>> i know my producers may get mad, but i saw something with you and sheep? >> yeah, you can see it tomorrow night, on "what the week." socks and sweaters, sweater. and i did it all for my kids. >> that's what it's all about. pete, i love the way you look. and let me give you some dates that i'm not going to be around because i think you could do a fantastic job. why don't you take us to break. >> i'm cnn's ali velshi and former president george w. bush is getting ready for another state of the union. your cnn political update is next. ♪
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okay, now here's our holiday gift list. aww, not the mall. well, i'll do the shopping... if you do the shipping. shipping's a hassle. i'll go to the mall. hey. hi. you know, holiday shipping's easy with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. yea, i know. oh, you're good. good luck! priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $4.90 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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time for a cnn political update and house divided on a key issue. mark preston joins me now from washington. hello, mark. >> how are you? i don't know how to follow you and pete dominic, but i will try. it won't be as good and i don't wear glasses yet. but as you say, a house divided on the issue of "don't ask, don't tell" which is the policy that requires gay members of the military to not talk about it. well, john mccain who is a senior senator of course in the senate and heads up the armed services committee for republicans, he does not agree with the policy, however, his wife is now part of a video where she is taking an opposite view. in fact, she's joining the likes of gene simmons of kiss, david navarro, slash, dr. drew, in this anti-bullying video for the
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lgbt teens. of course this all has to do with the suicides and bullying we've seen of recent weeks. in fact this is what cindy mccain has to say. our political leaders tell youth they is no future, they can't surn our country openly. of course now cindy mccain is at odds with her husband on that issue. let's talk a little bit about michael steele. we talk about him once a week anyway. will he or won't he run again for another term to head that large gop organization? we don't know what he's going to do. we know he's privately making telephone calls and contemplating what he's going to do, but we did learn that he will have a challenger if he does run. a republican out of michigan. in fact sal ran against michael steele back in 2009, he placed third in that race to head the rnc. michael steele came out on top. let's talk a little bit about candy crowley's interview on sunday with the bush brothers. she's going to sit down with president bush and his brother,
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jeb bush, the former governor of florida, of course president bush has that new book out decision points. should be an interesting interview. it's not just talking to the president about his book, but talking to his brother, as well. so they will all be together down in miami and that will air at 8:00 on sunday evening. >> mark, always a pleasure. you have yourself a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing you in person here. you're know pete dominic, but i like you all the same. >> i appreciate it. right now an estimated 150 million kids in india live in homes without electricity, 100 million go to school without electricity. 100 million kids. these same kids may soon have access to one of the world's most advanced electronic note pad. coming up after the break. muse. then why rely on healthcare coverage that's missing something, too? with medicare alone, your coverage could be incomplete. so call now to find out about another way to get medicare. aarp medicarecomplete from securehorizons.
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imagine living in a home without electricity and sending your kids to schools without electricity. today's big i is a solution that jurms ahead of the problem. it puts electronic note pads in the hands of those kidses who don't have electricity and here to show us how it works without electricity is christian from rice university's baker institute for public policy. he's the director of the rice nonyang technological university's institute on sustainable and applied info dynamics. that is a mothful, but apparently that mouthful has produced electronic tablet computers for these kids in india. i don't even know where to start. tell me about it. >> first, thanks for inviting me. the tablet itself that you're describing tackles two problems that these students are facing.
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one, what you described which is lack of electricity, and the other is a real shortage of human teachers. so there are two ideas behind this technology. it's an institute that has two legs, one at rice and the other at ntu in singapore where the rice side and the ntu side are really in a sense joined at the hip. so the idea is that the technology the electricity problem and there's a particular idea called learning by doing which helps take care of the shortage of human teachers. the lessons are taught as if you're doing a video game, so that keeps the kids engaged. and then pie playing the game, they actually learn in this case fourth and fifth grade arithmetic, math at a really young age. >> tell me a little bit about how these things work. they run off of some power. what's the technology here?
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>> good question. so your laptop, for example, which you charge and plug in your wall socket, it has a battery that's been charged and it stores the energy from the electric socket. now, it turns out the lower the consumption, the easier it is in a sense to power it. we're pushing for a target that is so low, this it should be able to run off solar cells. these places have lots of sunlight, so the basic idea is to be able to sit and you hold the pad in your hand like this and because of the sunlight coming in like the calculators we used to have many years ago that's enough to be able to power it. >> well, that's a great analogy because that explains the whole thing. i was able to use a calculator without a battery 15 years ago. so good to know that's how it works. and i guess that concluded that interview. it's 2:00 on the east. i'm here with you for the next hour. here's what i have on the run
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down. real life iron man in robotic from suits coming to you to a wal battlefield near you. also super models giving up their dresseses to help power developing nations in today's mission possible. and the chef have i volt and nissan leaf leading the charge in the electric car market. we'll take you along on a test drive. but we start with international intrigue. the name is colonel sherbakof, the guy who supposedly tipped off u.s. about undercover russian spies living here in the united states. you probably remember this summer's headlines and of course anna chapman, the fiery red head spy who caught all of our attention. she's become a celebrity back home with a scantily clad spread in a magazine. she was later swapped for russian prisoners. this guy was a big wig in
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intelligence circles and he's nowhere to be found. he slipped out of russia at about the same time the lid was blown off the spy ring. the paper says he was at the interrogation at the u.s. of one of those captured spy, but u.s. intelligence has no comment. needless to say russian lawmakers including president medvedev would like to talk to him. don't get any ideas from what you see. that's just a picture of putin on a recent hunting trip and we not it looked suitbly menacing. meanwhile another russian lawmaker is calling for an investigation. math stthew is watching developments. where is he and what is the story all about? >> reporter: well, the assumption is that he is in the united states in the protective custody of the cia. of course the equivalent agency to the russian svr, which is where he was a central figure a colonel, in fact, in charge of's
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employing the kind of undercover agents like those ten arrested, including anna chapman in the united states. and so it seems that those ten including anna chapman were essentially betrayed by their boss and of course the consequences of that could be very dire. an investigation conducted by a leading russian daily newspaper he here. the give rent of the cia here in russia said there would be retribution, there's even indications that they could send a team of assassins over there to extract their revenge. >> the assumdo we think he's de? >> that seems to be the indication from the kind of reporting that's come out on this. what's not clear is why he would
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have defected. now, of course in the cold war, it was usually for ideological reasons. but that's not the case anymore. there's suggestions he could have done it for money. other suggestions that he may have had something compromising that have been found on him and he was being blackmailed. but it's certainly true that his daughter and to some extent we believe his son, as well, were already living in the united states for several years. and so perhaps he's been a double agent for some time. but neither security agency are giving us any further detail. >> a story that just keeps on giving. good to see you. i suspect we'll be revisiting the story again in the future. tennessee lawmaker underfire for comparing illegal immigrant women to rats that multi-fly. state representative curry todd made the remark after asking prenatal health care officials if patients have to show proof of citizenship before getting
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state funded help. today's sound effect. >> we're not permitted to determine citizenship because the child once born is a u.s. citizen. >> we go out there like rats and multiply then, i guess. good. >> it showed him as an elected official that he doesn't care about the immigrant community, that he doesn't value them as human beings. >> todd pollapologized but sayss sticking by his point. our own iron man chris lawrence suiting up to show us what future u.s. troops could bewaring on the battlefield. that's up next. my kids say i speak a different language. but i love math and math and science develop new ideas. we've used hydrogen in our plants for decades. the old hydrogen units were very large. recently, we've been able to reduce that. then our scientists said "what if we could make it small enough to produce and use hydrogen right on board a car, as part of a hydrogen system."
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this could significantly reduce emissions and increase fuel economy by as much as 80%. with stelara® for adults. stelara® helps control moderate or severe plaque psoriasis with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. in a medical study, 7 out of 10 stelara® patients
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saw at least 75% clearer skin at 12 weeks. and 6 out of 10 patients had their plaque psoriasis rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections, like tuberculosis, require hospitalization. before starting stelara®, your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, or have had cancer. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal condition affecting the brain. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently r. with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses it's stelara®.
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american troops may be closer to ever to wearing real life armor, they're developing a suit that can help people perform super human feats. chris lawrence got a chance to try it on. >> reporter: bricks jamison. an iron man sort of ring to it. he run as defense contracting company. jamison just works for one. but the test engineer is no playboy billion mayor. married, three kids, but just maybe wearing the prototype for future soldiers. >> it doesn't fly.
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that seems to be the big thing that iron man does. trrt if you're tony stark, where is the sports cars, where eat scantily clad women, the penthouse? >> i roll in a minivan, man. it reacts to the force of your feet. >> reporter: granted the xos-2 is dead weight until it's juiced by outside power. then the hydraulic fluid starts pumping. steel and aluminum arms make everything lighter. >> so to you this 200 pounds feels like -- >> less than 20 pounds. the weight of my arms does most of the work. >> reporter: when you go do something, you couldn't do without it, then that's when you notice it. this this is probably three inches of pine, thick enough to hold up the second story of a house. i'm not even going to tell you how much that hurt. >> show off. >> reporter: but here's where
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fictional meets functional. iron man can fly and shoot rays out of his hands. this suit is still tethered to its power source. mobile batteries like lithium ion either don't last long enough or can't be scrapped to a soldier's body. >> if they get breached, they aren't gentle in the way explode. >> reporter: so for liability reason, they can't power up the suit with me in it, but i've at least got to feel what it's like inside. without the hydraulics, the first thing you notice is how heavy this is. it's tough to take a step forward. but i still feel like i've got my dexterity, the range of motion. that's important to supply units where being tethered to a power source wouldn't matter. >> the logistics personnel in the military typically move 16,000 pounds a day, which is an awful lot of load. >> reporter: and the suit can keep lifting for hours. >> things that would just destroy your back, this thin picks it up no problem. >> reporter: today's troops are carrying up to 150 pounds in
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afghanistan. but the suit can make armor and equipment feel 17 times later. >> that means that you exert one pound and it exerts 17. that's a major amplification of strength. >> reporter: chris lawrence, cnn, salt lake city, utah. >> and the company hopes the suits will be in use by 2015. naturally this story, this this next story, brought to mind amazing machinery we showed you in our big i seg want on wednesday. if you saw it, you're never going to forget it. a paralyzed woman walked all around our atlanta studio in a way she never not possible. take a look. amanda is with me right now and he's the ceo of the company we're about to talk about. amanda is wearing the e-legs. you've been paralyzed for how long? >> i've been paralyzed for 18 years. it was a freak skiing accident
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that rendered me a paraplegic just in a split second, i shattered four vertebrae and i felt an electric current that zapped through my legs and then there was nothing. no muscle power, no movement, no sensation. >> and that's it. and you've been confined to a wheelchair or some sort of device to get you around. you lost your mobility. >> well, yeah, i lost my mobility instantaneously. and life changed for me. and i had to look at the world from 4-foot tall and now that's not case. >> amanda, 18 years in a wheelchair. >> shall we go for it? >> let's do it. >> keep if mind this is to be used in a completely safe medical situation. for someone to learn how to walk. but now there's no excuses, ali. for a doctor to ever say again
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you will never walk again, because we've got bionic technology right in front of us. and this is happening right now. >> did you think you would walk again? >> you know, i never believed in my lifetime that i would be able to walk and here i am walking with you side by side eye to eye. and it's the most beautiful thing that, you know, it just triggers emotion in me to this day. and it's a natural step because i'm bending my knee in the most natural step that i've had in 18 years. >> how does it know? i hear some hydraulics or something, a motor happening. how does it know what you're trying to do? >> i think it's -- i'm not the technology expert. i'm a test pilot. do you want to answer that question in. >> basically what you do is you are moving your crutch forward and the arm gesture you send a signal to the device to make it walk. >> and you've got sensors on here and it's sensing it. i can just see the joy in your
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face. you see a whole new life in front of you. >> absolutely. >> what are the things you'll do when you're able to use this on your own and freely? what does this mean for your life? >> when this is available for in-home use, i see myself using this every day as a rehabilitatirehabilitate device. >> let's walk and talk. >> i can do that. >> that was an amazing story. you'll meet one of our top ten heros, another amazing story, who is feeding hungry children around the world. see how a day at the public changed his life. [ diane lane ] when you were 14 we helped keep your skin clear. now we have a solution for wrinkles. neutrogena anti wrinkle with retinol sa smoothes even deep wrinkles. it works...beautifully. neutrogena.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all americans. rethink possible.
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on thanks if i having night we honor our top ten cnn heros. one of them, his mission to feed hungry children in impoverished nations around the world. . >> i sold my house to help people in bosnia. out of that has grown the organization which today feeds children in 15 different countries. we buy the food locally and then ask the local community to take responsibility for the daily cooking and search. >> he joins us from scotland. in my tease to the skoer,tory, k about a day at the public changing your life. what does that mean? >> back in 1992, my brother and
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i were having a pint at our local pub and we just hatched a plan to try to help people suffering in bosnia at that time and that was simply about providing food and clothes and medicines to rev few geenlgs in bosnia. it was never meant to be more than one little act of goodwill, but it grew into this organization mary's meals. >> i think we are having some trouble with magnus' audio, but he did from that begin mary's meals named after the virgin mary which now sends pood to as he said many hundreds thousands of people, providing daily meals to children all over the world. be sure to watch cnn heros on thanksgiving night right here at 8:00 eastern. now that the 4500 passengers
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and crew aboard the carve value splendor are safely back on dry land, serious questions are being requested about how the ship lost power. a fire in the engine room cut off electricity to other equipment. the cause is still not clear. an investigation is being conducted by the national transportation safety board. the coast guard and officials from panama where the boat is registered. nissan recalling more than 6,000 cars and suvs. more than half a million frontier and xterra need the steering column replaced and the cen tcht ra need battery cables replaced. cars between 2002 and 2004. we're hearing about a big media merger. news week is joining with the web site the daily beast. the new entity will be called ne the news week daily beast company. you might remember that stid any har man bought news week from the "washington post" back in
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august for a dollar. he'll co-own the new company with barry diller. chad myers will join me for weather in just a moment because it is snowing in texas. fter you? ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach.
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i took emergen-c. with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin c and energizing b vitamins, it made every performance count. emergen-c. feel the good. let's go to chad. it is snowing in texas. >> in amarillo, it's snowing, a couple inches on the ground. and we've got 80 degrees in shreveport, louisiana. you can drive there in like five or six hours. >> wow. sfwlt snow in minneapolis, it will be heavy. it's raining in oklahoma city, raining in dallas. that's the only airport delay that i had earlier was a little bit of rain in dallas.
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but now we've got a rain/snow mix here in minneapolis. i think the heaviest snow will be south of the twin cities. just a little bit. but we could be all the way up to about ham zi county later on today. there's amarillo and the snow was coming down earlier. i have pictures. i'll try to get them in later in the show. they just came out of the amarillo affiliate there. the bigger story i think is the snow that's still going to come down tonight and it's going to be snowing all night out in the twin cities. look at the temperature here, though. look at this across the country. 62 where you are. 70 atlanta. 79 in memphis. it would be great if the tomatoes were still alive if they didn't get stung by that big frost they had a couple weeks ago. could y 75 in dallas and now 40 in amarillo melting the snow, although it was snowing right around that i-40 corridor all morning long. let's zoom this out.
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67 charlotte, 75 nashville. a day we haven't seen in quite some time. a friday afternoon that i haven't seen. 6400 airplanes on here, kind of like ants on a milky way, but every single plane within 15 minutes of being on time. >> it's friday afternoon, which means i'll be getting on a plane and i'm taking the laguardia to chicago flight today which is one of the most delayed flights there is. that's a very, very crowded little corridor. so i'm looking forward to battling through rush lower to the airport and getting a o. a flight that i'll probably sit on for a little while. >> and because it will be a low cloud cover and rainy evening in chicago -- >> oh, yeah, i love chicago anyway, but, yeah, looks like that kind of night and probably that kind of tomorrow, as well. good to see you. >> have a good weekend. she's a fight foer for democracy. years of detention may finally be ending. a live report coming up next.
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time for globe trekking. tensions high this hour amid the possibility the political taker government will soon release a pro democracy leader from house arrest. hundreds of supporters gathered near her home. her latest term of detention is due to goexpire tomorrow.
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rumors swirled that military officials had already signed the release papers. she's been under detention it for 15 of the past 21 years. her party won the country and he first election, but the military annulled the results and has always violently cracked down on pro democracy protesters. she was awarded the nobel peace prize in 1991. her father led the struggle for independence from britain and he was the country's first prime minister. myanmar's military government has refused to allow cnn or other news organizations in to the country. a short while ago, i spoke with a correspondent who is there. >> reporter: we know there were rumors swirling around here that she might be released today. then hours as the evening hours came, it appeared that this was going to happen on saturday. but i can tell you there's a lot of people here who came to the headquarters of her political party, about 500 to 800 people
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there. and we have to explain to our viewers in america that this place is so repressive that people here are afraid to say anything political. they're afraid to talk to people like westerners. and the people like that come out here with t-shirts bearing her likeness on it, that really shows how significant a political leader she is how much hope the people of this repressed company put in her. >> we're not naming the correspondent who filed that report for security reasons. all right. health clinics in haiti. when we come back, you'll know the connection. aww, not the mall. well, i'll do the shopping... if you do the shipping. shipping's a hassle. i'll go to the mall. hey. hi. you know, holiday shipping's easy with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. yea, i know.
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oh, you're good. good luck! priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $4.90 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. ♪ if you have gout, high uric acid can lead to more attacks. ♪ to help reduce attacks, lower your uric acid. uloric lowers uric acid levels in adults with gout. it's not for the treatment of high uric acid without a history of gout. uloric reduces uric acid to help you reach a healthy level. [ female announcer ] don't take uloric if you are taking azathioprine, mercaptopurine, or theophylline. gout may flare when starting uloric. don't stop taking it. your doctor may give you other medicines to help prevent flares. a small number of heart attacks, strokes, and heart-related deaths were seen in studies. it's not certain uloric caused them. certain tests to check liver function may be required. tell your doctor about liver or kidney problems, or history of heart disease or stroke. the most common side effects are liver problems, nausea,
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gout flares, joint pain, and rash. [ male announcer ] if you have gout, ask your doctor about uloric.
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what could you do with one frickin' day? probably a lot more than you think. that's the idea behind a new organization called one frickin' day. we call it mission possible. a single day of our lives or a single day's pay put to incredible use. the charity was founded by a woman you'll meet in a second. i'm sitting mix to a superstar model, happens to be the daughter of isabella rosolini. she's here to take buck model behavior. >> you're doing a good job. and it's good color for you. >> this is sort of material to our conversation. so welcome, first of all. >> thank you. >> tell me what one frickin' kay day is. >> we focus on projects where the needs were great but the
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goals were achievable. and we ask for fr everybody one frickin' day. whether one frickin' day of your sanl alary or one day of your time or one service. our idea is that big things can be achieved collectively. >> and what were you trying to do with what you raise? >> what we're doing is we're solar electrifying clinics in haiti and rwanda. that's our initiative right now. >> a good practical achievable goal, but one that's very necessary. explain to me why i'm holding this. >> you're holding this because our new initiative, one frickin' day, is model behavior. and we've asked about 30 top models to dominate one frickin' dress they've worn on the red carpet. >> brooke shields wore this. >> she wore it to the costume institute -- >> there it is on tv. i was going to pick you up and show you it's twice night. we have the train. my producer is yelling in my ear that's a train. do you think is the first time i've ever been around women's clothes? >> this is just one of about 30
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dresses we have. we have them from tyra banks, cindy crawford -- >> and you're auctioning them. >> and all of the proceeds go towards solar electrifying the clinics. >> and when is the auction going to be held? >> it's live right now. and how you can get to it is at one frickin' day do the the organize. and you just click on model behavior and it will take you straight to the auction page. some of them are one of a kind vintage pieces, some are more cocktail attire, and we also have really amazing experiences like tickets to fashion shows, a weekend in new york at an amazing hotel, a makeover, $1,000 shopping pre-sspree. so some cool things up there. >> this is part of the -- this model behavior, they're donating this, but you've got models also participating in the one frickin' day -- >> this is their one frickin'
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day. so by donating one frickin' dress, they have done their one frickin' day. it doesn't have to bemoan with us. just one frickin' day of time, you're doing your one frickin' day right now by having us on the show. >> it this is more lift than i do in an entire week. thank you so much for doing this. we'll follow very closely what you're doing. >> thank you. >> she's the co-founder of one frickin' day. we'll link to the blog. c and we'll give you the information you need. we're going on the road with the president. ed henry join us as he always does right after this. out of the very best america had to offer. ingenuity. integrity. optimism. and a belief that the finest things are the most thoughtfully made --
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not the most expensive. today, the american character is no less strong. and chevrolet continues as an expression of the best of it. bringing more technology to more people than ever in our history. inventing new ways to get around our planet while preserving it at the same time. exploring new horizons of design and power. and making our vehicles amongst the safest on earth. this isn't just any car company. this is chevrolet. and the strength of our nation can be found in every car and truck we make. it's why, today, tomorrow, and on into a bright future, we can proudly say... ...chevy runs deep. ♪
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this is the part of the show where we normally check in with ed henry. he's traveling with the president. in the last few days we've actually woke him up from a sound sleep. he begged us to let him sleep in, but something seemed fishy, so we sent one of our cameras to find him and here is what we found. >> i know we have to take you behind the scenes on what we do. just about to wrap up the g-20 summit. >> this is where we do all our work. >> and you can see the tvs and work space. it's like a traveling road show, we go from hotel to hotel, we don't see much of the city. >> it's been like that since we came to asia starting out with
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two stops in india and then going on to indonesia, coming here to south korea. and it's basically a mobile office where you set up these tables, we put our computers in. >> very little sleep. but the good news is it's just about over because we're about to go use ja pan for the last stop. >> what about velshi? >> we're not -- dan just got back from the news conference and we're going to back and go. so no live shot today because we're pretty busy. let's go. oh, i didn't know you were here, mark. i guess we have to do the velshi segment after all. >> we got caught. >> it's funny because golf just fits in to the theme of the day. the president was insisting today that contrary to what was in ht huffington "post," david axelrod suggesting the president is ready to cave into the republicans on the taxes.
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>> i was trying to pin him down on that, but the president saying he's not going to yoesh yat, he'll doing that back in washington. but clearly the president wants to make a compromise here, but not willing to say what that is. >> he doesn't have a lot of negotiating power right now. if he wants the middle class tax cuts to be extended, he's probably going to have to give in on the tax cuts for the rich. the other thing you asked about is whether he's lost any cloud on the international stage. >> he said no. it was as simple as that. he said no. with you but he also pointed out that as he's been traveling around asia, that the leaders have been dealing with him on issues such as the economy and terrorism. and so he feels like he can back that up, he has a lot of juice still. >> he thinks he has a lot of drive. so i'm going to hit this drive. watch this drive. see you, ali, back in the states. >> that's nice.
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a little bit of golf and the boys talk a little politics and it feels like a working day for them. a good shot, i must say. and ed we don't have on as much, i've traveled with him. and he spends a lot of time in the gym, he works out a fair amount. good to see those guys letting loose a little bit. time for your cnn political update. how are feel really feeling about the midterm election results? mark preston joins us from washington. he's at work. unlike some other people. >> you can believe that any wish i was traveling overseas. how come ed gets all those fun assignments? >> although it does seem -- do i feel bad for him for all that -- business about how they're constantly packing up and setting up office and doing that kind stuff. they don't get a lot of down time. but he does travel a lot. >> but let's face it, we have great colleagues that put that whole operation together. all the behind the scenes players. but let's let ed have his fun time overseas while you and i carry the burden here. but you talk about it new poll,
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right, are americans happy with the elections. >> well, this new pew poll shows that less than half of all americans are happy about what happened in the midterm elections. in fact 48% say they are happy that the republicans won control of the house while 34% say they're unhappy. 18% didn't know or didn't respond. i wonder what happened to the 18%. but what these numbers go to show you is that even though republicans picked up 60 seats or at least 06 seats in the house, six seats in the senate, this wasn't about republicans coming to washington and turning things around. this election was very much about how americans were very unhappy with how democrats were doing things here in washington. so we'll see what happens over the next two years as we head into the presidential election. but be a lot of fun here in washington to see if democrats and republicans can get it together. sarah palin is somebody we seem as to talk about just about every hour here and everybody seems to bes fascinated about what's going on with her will life.
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she has that new reality show coming out, people talking aboutler marriage. just today, what has happened is that the e-mail hacker who broke into her will e malt, was able to get into her e-mail addresses and to read her content was sentenced today to one year and one day either in prison or a halfway house. and of course officials -- judge will decide where this young man does his time. but he was a student at the university of texas at the time. amazing that he was able to get into palin's e-mail account, but he is paying the price as we speak. and speaking of palin, she's going on the road, she's hitting the road, she's going to be selling her new book. she did so well with "going rogue"-her new book is called america by heart. she'll be heading on a tour of 13 states in 11 days. two of those states are alaska and south carolina, of course which is fueling the whole idea will she be running for
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president. when you wrote your book, which got great reviews, did you go to south carolina, new hampshire, iowa? >> no. >> you didn't? if you had, perhaps right now i'd be sitting on the other end of the camera talking about how ali velshi might be running for president. >> that's right. i'm not nearly as careful about my agendas and where i go. they seem more happen stance with me. speaking about alaska and sarah palin, where are we in the recount? not the recount. the count. >> still on going between lisa murkowski who is the republican who lost the incumbent who lost to joe miller, the are republican nominee for that senate race up there. lisa murkowski decided to launch this write-in bid. lisa murkowski right now, the write-in votes are going 9d 8% r way. joe miller, the tea party favorite who was not embraced by the national party, looks like
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he's on the way to losing. so lisa murmur c-- murkowski, looks like she'll be coming back to washington. anything could happen in these, but i think just by looking at the numbers it could be wrapped up quicker. >> great to see you. have a great weekend. >> thanks. cnn is committed to giving you all the important political news. your next update an hour away. general is jumping on the electric car band wagon. they've made a equipment to by a fleet by 2015. g chlt says it's the largest ever electric vehicle commitment by a company or organization. the plan includes buying 12,000 chevy volts which why not they'll start selling by the end of the year. it switches over to a gas engine when it runs out of juice. and just so you know, ge has a leg in this race, it makes an electric car charger called the
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watt station. we have our car expert as to give you the pros and cons. ad ed to be a leader in this company. [ william ] after a couple of months, i was promoted to department manager. like, wow, really? me? a year later, i was promoted again. walmart even gave me a grant for my education. recently, he told me he turned down a job at one of the biggest banks in the country. this is where i want to be. i fully expect william will be my boss one day. my name is william and i work at walmart. ♪ ♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring
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♪ i'm a teenage girl. [ cellphone beeps ] my bff becky texts and says she's kissed johnny. well, that's a problem 'cause i like johnny. now i'm emotionally compromised, and... woopsies! [ tires screech ] i'm all omg. becky's not even hot. and if you've got cut-rate insurance, you could be payin' for this yourself. so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ tires screech ] [ dennis ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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whether he can cars are the future, or at least that's what some are banking on. and the future is almost here. nissan is expected to sell 200,000 of its leaf electric cars by 2013 in this country. they think electric cars will make up about 10% of all cars sold by 2020. the obama administration is offering a $7500 tax read to
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buyers. is it worth it? here to give me the skinny, a resident car guy, we spend a lot of time talking about cars. you get to test them all out. the volt and the leaf coming out. you've had a chance to drive them. let's talk about that first the experience. is there a future? >> there is. the surprising thing is that they're fun to drive.leaf is a fun peppy little car to drive around town. the torque, the pulling power of the electric motor at low speeds is very high and these cars of course are very light because you're trying to maximize your range. so it's actually a peppy, fun driving experience. >> you got a sense of both of them. what are the differences? >> the big difference is that the volt, some people say it's not really an electric car. i would say it is.
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it has an electric -- has gasoline engine on board that can generate electricity for you if you want to drive further than about an 40 miles. their feeling is 40 miles is fine for a typical day. go weeks without using gasoline. if you decide you want to visit your cousin in the next state, no problem, you start driving, at some point the gasoline engine will kick in so you don't have to worry about running out of range. that's the main benefit of that car. >> with the leaf, it's just an electric car, so after 100 mile, you have to charge it. >> about 100 miles of range. if you drive it the right way, could you squeeze out a little bit more. if you use the air conditioner a lot, it might be less. but computer technology on board to keep you informed of how far you have to go so you don't get caught by surprise when you run out. >> let's talk about where these
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cars will -- what role they'll play, how big they'll get. we talk about electric cars is the future, but none of the carmakers are thinking that tell's be any more than some small percentage of all cars bought. >> jd power estimates maybe in ten years a couple percent of all cars. electric cars, some electric cars fans will have you thinking that we'll all be driving these things in ten years. that's probably not the case. one of the reasons is that normal gasoline powered cars keep getting more fuel efficient all the time. there's a new chevy cruise that gets 42 miles to the gallon on the highway. so why am i bothering with all the charging business and government incentives. it's not worth it. >> for people who want to be green, there's something to be said for this except that what's the calculation of all the electricity you use versus gasoline? >> the fact of the matter is that running a car on
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electricity is much, much more efficient than running a car on gasoline. the typical gasoline engine, about 30% of the engine -- will of the energy in gasoline goes towards the car. most is lost as heat, friction, other stuff. doesn't move the car. with a battery, almost 100% of the power goes to move the car. so overall, it is a more efficient way to drive a car. the down side has to do with something called energy density, the element of energy you can pack into gasoline is massive. only 30% goes to drive the car, but you can get from here all the way to philadelphia and back on one tank. a battery of that size gets you about 100 miles. that's the hang-up. it's the amount of energy you can pack into the same amount of space in the car is the hang-up that batteries have to get over before they can really, really
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start to compete with a gasoline powered car on things like range and convenience. >> you know a lot about this stuff. i love it. chad myers is with us right now. chad? >> yeah, we had a question earlier about how much potential pollution is coming out of these electric power plants because you're burning coal to make electricity. do i really have a coal burning car, is it really that much better? >> what do you think? you're using more electricity, ultimately you're calling for more coal to be burned. >> not necessarily. remember, a lot of the power in this country does not come from coal, a lot of it comes from nuclear. we're getting more renewable energy. and a lot of the coal plants are cleaner. and also generating electricity city more efficient than running an internal combustian begin. so even when you have a dirty source like coal, you're still
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benefiting from the electric car. especially when not all of the energy you're getting is from coal. >> could you imagine when the local car is a solar panel and you drive in the such and you never have to gas up and you never have to charge up because solar generation will get so much better in the future. the reason why you sent me here is the snow in amarillo and i want to know what an electric car will do in this. he said it's really light. probably means that it's probably not a lot of traction. look at some of the pictures coming out of our affiliates in amarillo. the snow came down today so fast people cooperate literally get out of the way. doesn't snow a lot in amarillo, doesn't get that cold very often. cars didn't start. i don't see too many electric ones there, but at least you never have to worry about the car with the battery unless the battery is dead, not starting in the cold weather. >> how do they work in a lot of snow and things like that? >> i know that they've tested
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their cars in cold climate. it's not idea. but temperature control with these batteries is an important thing, so they don't lose a whole ton of energy. it's not ideal, it's one of the down sides. you do have things like temperature that can affect your range somewhat. the volt, you lose a little range, so what. you're not going to get stuck. >> where do you plug them in? just a regular socket? >> you can use a regular socket. it's faster if your a charger. you can charge in less time. with the leaf, if you have a fast charger, you can get up to 80% of battery power for empty in just 20 minutes. >> all right, pete, you'll be with me on thursday afternoon, by the way, the ceo of nissan will be here, also. chad, that's something in this amaril amarillo. president obama and republicans are both promises to keep those middle class tax cuts in place so most of us are in
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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. let's talk taxes for just a moment. president obama declared today that his number one priority will be preserving tax cuts for america's milgz class p republicans are on board, but they insist the tax cuts need to be preserved for the wealthy, as well. both sides agree that government needs to bring down skyrocketing budget deficits. this there are only two ways to close a budget gap. you cut spending or you raise revenue. in other words, increase taxes. so how do washington politicians square a circle? they can't. but they may want to start by taking a look at


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