tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 12, 2010 10:00pm-11:59pm EST
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broadcaster. >> larry: knew ernie well. >> he passed away this last year and this is a signed autograph baseball from ernie harwell. a broadcasting legend in detroit to a pasting legend in los angeles. >> larry: i am honored to receive these. i thank you, michael. >> i thank you for everything you've done and you will be sorely missed. >> larry: michael moore who has swung a large bat himself. i like that. time now for anderson cooper and "ac 360." thanks, larry. thanks for watching, everyone. tonight, peddling pedophilia, is slowly taking down more disgusting material for sale on its site. not just books, but videos as well. but why is it taking them so long and how did this stuff get on their site in the first place? we're keeping them honest. also tonight, is president obama caving into republicans and dropping plans to tax the rich? keeping in place some of former president bush's tax cuts. we'll check when he said on the campaign trail and what he's
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saying now. you can judge for yourself. plus sarah palin debuting a new series on tlc this weekend. karl rove said it hurts her chances for the white house. but tonight we have the clips, can you judge for yourself. we begin as always keeping them honest, with new questions raised about and why they've been selling propedophilia books and questionable videos on their website. this began with that discovery several days ago amazon was selling the pedophile's guide to love and pleasure, a child lover's code of conduct, if you can believe it. it's an e-book written by this man, phillip greaves, a 47-year-old retired nursing aide who lives in colorado. customers complained about the book for days but amazon did nothing until shortly after we broadcast a segment about it wednesday night. then they suddenly stopped selling the book. but it turned out they were still selling other propedophilia books. yesterday we found this other book by mr. greaves which has of the same disgusting content as the guide book. amazon only took that down after we told them about it.
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the same goes for other pedophilia books. it was only after we and other reporters started discussing them that amazon acted. they've now taken those two books down as well. all good news. but keeping them honest, why is it only after reporters start asking questions that amazon acts? who screens these books? how do they get on the site in the first place? and it's not just books. we also found a number of videos for sale that feature images of naked children in possible sexual situations. videos apparently come from germany and are described as naturist videos. other news organizations were asking questions about these videos, and today amazon pulled them from their site. but again, it was only after reporters began focusing on them. why aren't customer complaints enough? we pulled up amazon's 2009 annual report and in it the ceo emphasizes the importance of their customers. word of mouth remains the most powerful customer acquisition tool we have, he wrote, and
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we're grateful for the trust or customers have placed in us. grateful for the trust, no doubt, but a lot of customers are telling us that trust is now threatened because of the way amazon has handled this. there's now a facebook page calling for a boycott of amazon with more than 14,000 followers. throughout this controversy, amazon has remained remarkably silent. we've called dozens of times, so have other news organizations. we've invited anyone from amazon on the program but so far they've declined. last night a company spokesperson finally got back to us but wouldn't say much, only confirming they'd taken down the guide book for pedophiles. tonight, three days after we started reporting all of this, we finally got an official statement from the company. it reads, quote, we have many platforms that allow people to sell on amazon in a self-service fashion. and millions of items available for sale. we're working to implement a high quality process to remove any items that promote child exploitation. that's the first time amazon has said they're trying to address this issue and rework the way
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they screen products. let's hope they figure out how to do it before more pedophiles decide this is a company that wants their business. joining us now, sunny hostin of "in session" on trutv and joining us, maureen flatly, a child at voe kit who first found the free body culture videos, those naturist videos, so-called, on amazon. were you surprised that amazon has been so slow to remove these books and now finally these videos? >> it's shocking. as a long-time amazon customer, it seemed utterly amazing to me that they wouldn't at least initially pull the videos to review them, and then if they weren't objectionable, which of course they were, put them back up. it's incredible. >> what -- these videos are described as naturist videos, we don't need detail here, but do we know how they got on this site? >> you know, i'm assuming based on the research that we've done in the last couple days that
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they somehow made their way on to the site under the auspices of this naturist movement, which many people, not me, but many people view as sorted of a legitimate lifestyle. but what was interesting about the videos is that as you looked at the first round of product to the western european products, you did see families, parents with kids, they all looked the same, they appeared to belong together. but as you moved into countries where child trafficking is a huge problem into eastern europe, russia, southeast asia, all you saw in the videos were children. there were no adults in the videos. they were clearly designed to be child pornography and the notion they are legitimate naturist videos is absurd. i think they snuck on to the site but at the end of the day, if a 62-year-old grandmother can find this stuff in essex, massachusetts, in a five-second surf, they can set up a system
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where they're looking for it all the time. >> you've read these books, i've read one or two of them, the content is clearly disgusting. advising people they don't need to use condoms if they're with a kid, but from a legal standpoint, is this illegal? >> i think it is. altogether first blush, i thought the first amendment really protects this stuff. but after reading it and looking at the federal obscenity laws, this material is clearly obscene and that means that not only is it illegal, could possibly be held liable for carrying and distributing that kind of obscenity. >> but some -- just because some book is a propedophilia book and doesn't have pictures, it doesn't have -- it's not -- it walks a pretty fine line. >> it does walk a fine line but i think the federal obscenity laws are very clear. when you look at the supreme court decisions that analyze this type of law, i think it's fairly clear that it is obscene and that that material is obscene and that
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again can be held responsible for it. >> maureen, what surprises me is amazon, which is a company that has a very clear public relations effort, we've got six press releases from them a while back for products they wanted to talk about, has been completely silent on this and the customers have been complaining about this for quite a while now. it's only that, you know, when reporters start asking questions and put it on tv that all of a sudden they act. >> yeah, there's this sort of disconnect and i think sunny just touched on it between printed material, a narrative as it were, and actual images. and it was pretty astonishing that they would try to play the free speech card with a document that i've described as the al qaeda training manuel for child predators. it was designed only to get other people to molest children. so end of story. we're done. so it was only when the images started to come forward that people really reacted to it, but
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ultimately this is a situation where the law and culture need to catch up with technology. the internet has removed any possible inhibition and barrier to both making the material, then distributing the material, and then acquiring the material. and years ago it took quite a bit of effort to get your hands on child porn if that's what you wanted to do. now it's almost instantaneous, it's ubiquitous. to the extent that the largest retailer in the world is not on top of this, well then who would be? >> sunny, it's heartening to hear their statement after asking for a statement for many days that they'll look at their processes. it's incredible they haven't done it at this point. >> it's incredible. because while it's business, clearly, and you can make these business practices and make your decisions, you have to abide by the law in practicing your business. and i can't believe that an outfit as large as that would not have a compliance officer, would not have an ethics officer. it is their duty to police their business. it is their duty.
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isn't that, as customers, we want? i agree the law perhaps hasn't caught up with technology, but they must abide by the law. and it is my view that they haven't done so. >> sunny hostin, appreciate you being on. maureen flatley as well, you brought the world's attention to those images. i appreciate you coming on and talking about it. thank you. let us know what you think. the live chat is up and running at john walsh talks to us about his search to catch child predators. >> i've caught 17 of the fbi's ten most wanted. we've caught 1200 guys world wide. serial killers, rapists, bank robbers, the most cunning, the ones who never talk about it, the most calculating, and the least amount of remorse, anderson. never, ever want to be held accountable. >> we'll have more from his trip to cambodia where he saw this up close. sarah palin hitting prime time, starring in a new show that starts this weekend on tlc.
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at the walmart in marinette, wisconsin. that first job launched my career. since i've been with the company, i've been promoted ten times over the span of 11 years. today, i'm a divisional learning and development manager. we can actually help people develop in their own careers. my job allows me to make a difference in the lives of almost 100,000 associates in the northeast. if you think about it, that's almost 8 times the size of my hometown. my name is nick and i work at walmart. ♪ my kids say i speak a different language. but i love math and math and science develop new ideas. we've used hydrogen in our plants for decades.
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the old hydrogen units were very large. recently, we've been able to reduce that. then our scientists said "what if we could make it small enough to produce and use hydrogen right on board a car, as part of a hydrogen system." this could significantly reduce emissions and increase fuel economy by as much as 80%.
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tonight, questions continue about whether or not president obama has changed his position on the bush era tax cuts. an interview with david axelrod suggested the president was giving into republican demands that the bush tax cuts be extended to everyone, including wealthy americans. we have to deal with the world's we find it, the world of what it takes to get this done, mr. axelrod said in that article. in seoul, south korea today, the conclusion of the g-20 economic summit, the president said emphatically he's not caved in.
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across the board tax cuts were put in place in 2001 and 2003. they're set to expire in december. the obama administration only wants to make them permanent for the middle class, not the richest americans, and that pretty much jibes with what he said on the campaign trail in 2008 and just after he was elected. >> i end the bush tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. >> and it means letting the bush tax cuts for the wealthiest americans expire. and rolling back the bush tax cuts to the top 1%. >> roll back. >> we're going to roll back. >> i'm going to roll back the bush tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. >> for the wealthiest americans. >> for the wealthiest americans. >> it is true that i want to roll back the bush tax cuts on the very wealthiest americans. a and. >> what is the president's position now? he clearly seems to be signaling he's willing to compromise to keep the middle class tax cuts.
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here's some of the comments from the last several days. >> i recognize that both parties are going to have to work together and compromise to get something done here. i am open to, you know, finding a way in which they can meet their principles and i can meet mine. >> i continue to believe that extending permanently the upper income tax cuts would be a mistake and that we can't afford it. and my hope is that somewhere in between there we can find some sort of solution. >> in south korea today, the president said it's wrong for anyone to interpret david axelrod's interview as an interpretation of the administration caving in. even the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has hinted at a possible compromise. he said, i'm willing to listen to what the president has in mind for protecting americans from tax increases. let's dig deeper with roland
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martin, cnn political analyst and alex castellanos, republican consultant and cnn contributor. so what does this mean, alex? in the world of compromise, if both sides want to keep permanent the middle class tax cuts, republicans want to keep permanent the wealthy tax cuts, the president doesn't want to do that, what does that mean, maybe he would offer a temporary continuance for rich -- for the upper class -- you know, for the wealthy tax cuts? >> i think that's right, anderson, he'd offer a temporary, maybe two years, take it two years at a time. what it really means the president's up for re-election in 2012 and he just lost 60% of independents and he's got to get them back. he can get his base back a year and a half from now because he'll be running against a republican that his base will really not like. but right now he's got to show independence. he heard the message from the election that he's concentrating on growth and the economy and jobs. and right now, sending a message
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that, hey, i'm going to take $700 billion out of the economy, that's an anti-stimulus, that's not the message he wants to send. >> roland -- >> actually, that's not necessarily true of the reality is he has some fundamental issues with the base. what you're hearing people say is where does this president have convictions? where does he stand? and so we know exactly what took place this week. this was the washington, d.c., two-step. so you have david axelrod who floats these comments, the fact that he told the huffington post that, he knew exactly what he was saying. and so you're hearing people say, wait a minute, can you guys even have one consistent message? there is no doubt that you have to have some level of compromise. but when the president has been so adamant on th whole issue, saying to the republicans, you say you want to control the deficit, this contributed to the deficit, so therefore, how is it not going to contribute in the future? and so his base has been saying, hey, tow the line but don't give away the house right now before
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you even sit down and have negotiations. >> alex, do you concede that this contributes to the deficit? that $700 million that would not be coming as revenue for the government has to be made up somehow? >> well, i have a little bit of a problem with that. a couple of them. one is, the middle class tax cuts contributes $3.2 billion to -- $3.2 billion to the deficit. right? he's fine with that. the -- i'm sorry, $3.2 trillion. the $700 billion that the rich people, somehow that's causing the deficit, not the 3.2 for the middle class. it all contributes to the deficit if we don't have the money. but that's not the problem. you spend the rent money at the bar. you blew it. you famed to go mug some rich people and take it from their pockets, somehow it's their fault that you have a deficit. i don't think it really works that way. >> how is the money spent at the bar? which bar is this? >> congress and washington blew the rent money. they spent a lot more than we can afford. and by the way, republican and
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democrats over the past ten years, they're the ones who have created this deficit. it's not the american people's fault that they haven't paid enough taxes when washington blew the rent money. >> it is not the american taxpayers' fault. alex is absolutely right. but the reality is, i didn't hear alex or any other republicans -- >> you weren't listening because i did say that. >> one second. what i'm saying is when the bush tax cuts were even first passed that contributed to the deficit. here's -- again, though, going back to the issue, it really boils down to this. and that is you have some democrats who are saying, look. don't extend any of the tax cuts because, as alex said, it all contributes to the deficit. but still, the question is, will you see a level of compromise? republicans are saying there will be no compromise, and so we want the president to walk it back to us and so democrats are saying, hey, mr. president, don't just simply give away the house. and so there might be some showdown here. i think you will likely see a short term extension, not five,
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ten years. maybe one or two to get past the 2012 election. politics will play a role in this compromise. >> remember how we were talking about the stimulus and the president saying, look, every dollar that we spend in stimulus has a multiplier effect, $3, $5, because it will help grow the economy. but somehow this $700 billion tax cut for our best economic hitters, the people with the highest economic batting averages, if we leave that money in the economy, that doesn't seem to have a multiplier effect. why is that? our most productive economic producers. >> no the most productive people are the ones on the bottom working their butts off to make sure the people at the top look good. all those republican that's criticize the stimulus, they sure were asking for those same stimulus dollars so i guess it did multiply. they were all asking for it. >> but you both think there's basically going to be some sort of compromise.
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>> i think the republicans have indicated right now they're willing to look at anything as long as we can get this economy going again. they're going to try to get it as absolutely as much as they can. leave, not just for political reasons, because it's a stimulus. leaving money in productive people's pockets. what do we know about the rich? they want to get richer. how do they do that? invest in things that grow. that's why republicans want to leave money in everybody's pockets. >> anderson, nice nonanswer there. i think the republicans will push the president and say we want to extend all tax cuts. i do not believe they're going to come to the table with a compromise. they will force the president to compromise, not them. >> we're going to talk with them more in the program. we'll talk about sarah palin's new travel show that debuts this weekend, apparently getting paid big money for it. but is there a downside to this exposure? also, inside the minds of some of the smartest animals on the planet. this is really fascinating stuff. it's new research being done
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about animal intelligence. and are they more intelligent than a lot of folks realize? we'll talk about that more ahead. that can simulate head injuries and helps make people safer. then they shared this technology with researchers at wake forest to help reduce head injuries on the football field. so, you know, i can feel a bit better about my son playing football. [ male announcer ] how would you use toyota technology to make a better world? learn how to share your ideas at one way i can take care of my engine? take care of your engine learn and it'll go far. ideas one a day men's -- a complete multivitamin for my overall health. plus now it supports my heart health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. [ engine revs ] whoa. kinda makes your heart race, huh?
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next week on "360" we're going to be bringing you a series about animal intelligence. randi kaye and i both spent time with a variety of animals lately, apes, lemurs, dogs, dolphins, as well as the scientists who study them. we're looking at the research to see how intelligent animals really are, and in some cases can they communicate with us using language. >> reporter: spend a day with a dolphin and you're quickly reminded of why they've always captured our imaginations. they're playful, social and incredibly fun to be around. but scientists say there's a lot more to these animals and they're just beginning to understand the intricate thinking of these so-called
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big-brained mammals. here you go nani. good girl! we came here to the baltimore aquarium to see just how intelligent dolphins are. you see them playing with their trainers all the time, but scientists who study them say there's a lot more happening there than just play. that their intelligence actually rivals ours. here you go! to see up close what has scientists so excited, we climb down into a tiny under water lab with a window into the aquarium, where scientist diana reese puts a two-way mirror up against the glass. >> this is the mirror. >> reporter: the dolphins can't see us, but reese can study how the dolphins react to the mirror. >> you can see randi's full report monday on "360." what do the dolphins do when they see the mirror? >> they see themselves, which is remarkable. there's only a few others able
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to do that besides humans. monkeys can do it, but if you think about a dog or cat, when they look in the mirror they think it's another dog or cat. but dolphins have self-recognition, they know it's them. and as you saw, they become really playful, because the mirror wasn't up before we got down there. >> how do we know the dolphins know it's them and not another dolphin? >> through her study, she's studied them for over 25 years but you can see the difference. they go up really close, look in their own eye and you saw the tricks, he was spinning upside down, they open their mouths, stick out their tongue. it's really fascinating. you can see the excitement. >> how long have they been working with the two-way mirrors? >> some of them only a few months, but you can see they're getting more and more comfortable with it. there were about six dolphins that were playing around us, and those who have been working with the mirror for a long time, we sort of go through their routine of tricks and those understanding, hey, that's me, they're just getting a little
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more comfortable with it. >> so that's them looking in the mirror right now. >> yeah. they're opening their mouths because they've never been able to see. imagine never being able to see what's in your mouth. they didn't know they had a tongue, so they're checking themselves out. >> they understand that that is themselves, that's a complex way of thinking. >> yes, and it really speaks to their intelligence. the scientists who we worked with, she says it really speaks to why we need to take such care of them. >> this third one was like, let me get in the mirror. >> they competed for time. you know, it's like when i was a teenager, my sisters and i, we used to compete for time in the bathroom in front of the mirror. >> i love it's opening its mouth and checking out its mouth. >> they chirp, they head butt the mirror, they want to see what's going to happen. >> we'll be looking at this all next week. we'll be bringing it to you, and randi has the bulletin.
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what have you got? >>. the cholera outbreak, death toll is 812, thousands of others sickened. aid workers say a slum on the outskirts of port-au-prince have seen a surge in the last few days. and the don't ask don't tell policy, a court battle proceeds, the request for the suspension came from the log cabin republicans. san francisco's mayor has vetoed a ban on some fast food aimed at children buff the city's board of supervisors which passed the law three days ago has enough votes to override the veto. the ban targets happy meals and other fast food served with those free toys. zaza gabor who is 93 years old was rushed to an emergency room today. her publicist says she's suffering from a massive blood clot in her leg and her doctor fears it could dislodge and possibly move to her heart. you wouldn't want to drop this vase, it sold at a london auction for a record $68 million. for a vase. for a vase. the 18th century piece was found
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on a dusty shelf by a family clearing out their house in london. >> no. i don't believe that. really? >> i never believe those stories, but apparently, you know, makes me want to check my attic. >> can you imagine if they drop it'd and then found out it was worth that much? sarah palin's new tv show debuts this weekend, karl rove saying it was beneath a serious white house candidate. we'll show you some clips from the show, you can decide for yourself. and john walsh from america's most wanted is back, taking his mission to stop sex trafficking global. he'll tell us about a recent operation he did to track down american predators in asia.
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meanwhile, she debuts "sarah palin's alaska." she stars in it obviously, along with her family. here's a sneak peek. >> willow, come here. no boys. go upstairs. willow? willow? i think my kids will always call alaska home. the opportunities that we have, the epic landscape. oh, my gosh, look at this. i'd rather be out here being free. this is what life is all about. and on a really clear day you can see russia from here. almost. >> karl rove dismissed it as a reality show saying it hurts her chances for the white house, but it could actually help her. joining us, alex castellanos and roland martin. it seems like a great advantage for an undeclared candidate or for anyone to have this platform to basically define their image. >> in some ways it may, but you know, there was just a recent
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cnn survey, anderson, that had sarah palin running nearly ten points behind barack obama while mitt romney was running nearly double digits ahead, while huckabee was running ahead. this is barack obama at his weakest point. he's just lost 60 seats and lost independents in an election. if you can't pull ahead of obama now, he's only going to get stronger and tougher over the next year. why is that? one reason may be that she's becoming more of a celebrity than a leader. >> and that's something she attacked candidate obama for during the campaign, as i recall. >> isn't that stunning? remember the mccain ad where, you know, barack obama's biggest celebrity is paris hilton and britney spears but is he ready to lead? you could make that same ad today against sarah palin. >> right. roland -- >> absolutely, anderson. it's -- she is -- she's making a
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ton of money, we're trying to figure out why. it's the same as kim kardashian -- >> she has held public office. has kim kardashian ever held a job? sarah palin has. >> she's held public office and she quit. she quit her job because she wanted to go out and be a celebrity. let's go ahead and put it out there. >> i think it's unfair to compare her to kim kardashian. >> fine. but the bottom line is, whatever, but the bottom line is here, we do know she quit, she didn't serve her whole term, but here's the other piece. the gallup poll came out today, her unfavorable rating is 52%. her favorable is 40%. the lowest it's ever been. so, yeah, there's a strong concentrated group of people on the republican side who really love and adore sarah palin. but when karl rove and other republicans, alex, he danced around it but even he knows, at the end of the day, sarah palin would be a disaster for the
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democratic party and paul begala is at home saying, please nominate sarah palin for the republican party. >> i don't know that it's something you'd call a reality show because she's had an unreal life from third place finisher in the miss alaska path to governor of alaska, running for vice president and now a celebrity but she. >> that's reality tv. >> she does have a tremeb disamount of political power. she's created this past year the republican feminist movement. you know, inspiring a lot of women, hey, we can't leave our children with less opportunity and more debt than we have. she does have enough power to raise money and help get candidates through primaries but she's the biggest fish in a small pond. once she gets to the big pond she loses a lot of her political leverage. i don't think she'll run for president. >> you don't think she will? >> i agree. >> you both agree? >> i agree. she said on fox news with chris wallace she really has no accountability when it comes to making her comments on twitter
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and facebook, she can do whatever she wants. let's be honest, we're sitting here right now talking about somebody who quit their political job and saying, oh, they might run for president some day. so she's feasting off all the free publicity. i don't think for a second she runs because the moment she runs, when she's -- when she's in that first republican debate on stage with nine or ten other candidates, she can't just say you bet you. she can't dance her way around it. >> but if she does not run, then as long as there's the possibility of her running, then there's that kind of heightened excitement. if she doesn't run and then someone else comes to the fore, what does she do? does should continue going out doing books, campaigning, picking candidates? >> she does what she did this year. she went in and really helped john mccain get through a primary. she helped tea party candidates all over the country, energize their campaigns. she holds the republican party accountable for less spending, less debt and to reduce the size
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of government. and that's a tremendous amount of power within the republican party. no doubt about that. but you don't always have to run for president to have an influence and the direction of the country. >> she remains a celebrity, simple as that. sorry about the kim kardashian. my bad. i'm sorry. >> i wasn't saying you were insulting kim kardashian, but just for clarity's sake. >> it's late on a friday, anderson. >> and, i think i've figured something out, though. i think that reflection there, that's me. >> yes, much like a dolphin, you've just figured that out. thanks very much, roland martin as well. thanks. up next, john walsh, host of "america's most wanted" his mission, stopping child predators. he went under cover in cambodia to track down some american predators. plus kanye west canceling an upcoming performance on ""the today show."" he canceled it on twitter.
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see what fueled his -- well, i guess got him annoyed at "the today show." we'll tell but that ahead. ♪ ...unlock the doors, and turn on the hazard lights. ♪ or better yet, get a car that automatically does it for you. ♪ right now, during the sign and drive event, get the all-new 2011 jetta for practically just your signature.
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♪ get the all-new 2011 jetta this site has a should i try priceline instead? >> no it's a sale. nothing beats a sale! wrong move! you. you can save up to half off that sale when you name your own price on priceline. but this one's a me. it's only pretending to be a deal. here, bid $79. got it. wow! you win this time good twin! there's no disguising the real deal.
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at the top of the program, we pointed out about selling books and videos that may exploit and endanger children, selling it under the guise of first amendment rights. john walsh has made it his mission to stop -- john walsh will host a special edition called "child predator crackdown" he goes under cover in cambodia to expose men who
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buy underage kids to have sex with them. walsh will help viewers to help him track down several american pedophiles. i talked to him earlier. >> you're known for profiling crimes ithe united states but you traveled overseas to look at international trafficking. why is that so important? >> because most of the people who go to cambodia, used to be thailand, now it's cambodia, are westerners. many of them are american pedophiles that have committed crimes here. we're profiling two guys on this show, one, a boy scout leader, one a teacher for ten years in california. one of them is reputed to have gone to southeast asia. pedophiles leave here, from england, from germany, australia, think i can go to cambodia, have sex with a kid, i won't get caught, it's cheap, if i get caught i'll pay off the cops and judges, then come back to america and be, what, a pediatrician? >> there are tour operators who sort of facilitate this. >> when adam was murdered 30
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years ago, i testified against the north american man-boy love association. i looked at them and i went, they participated in pedophile tours to asia where they could get away with this stuff. sex tourism mostly westerners. so, you know, you go all over the world. i believe we live in a global society. i want to send the message, since the adam walsh act was passed, it is now the u.s. marshals and fbi can go to those countries and arrest those people. >> if you have the intent to have sex with a minor, you can be prosecuted in the united states. >> absolutely. if there's proof or authorities there suspect you and you're on the radar, why should our garbage be allowed to go there and devastate them? >> you go to a prison where foreigners, americans among others who are had been accused of having sex with a minor are being held awaiting trial. what was that like? >> it is the most disgusting. i've been in a lot of prisons.
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you don't want to get caught in cambodia. i hope that's part of my message. you don't want to get caught in cambodia. but these two guys suspected of sexually assaulting multiple kids, only said one thing. we're being railroaded. we haven't come to trial here. one of them now is charged with trying to bribe a judge with $15,000. i was amazed at the lack of remorse. the fact that they were saying i need to get out of here, or i can -- almost inferring, i can buy my way out of here. i can get away with violating kids here. but 14 guys in the cell, hot as hell, bad food. that's the punishment i would like to see as the father of a murdered child. >> in my experience, they're the most manipulate tive people i've met, whether they're groomers or people who grab kids, they can justify their actions in their own minds. >> they never want to be held accountable. they have no remorse. and you have. i've seen you interview them and
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you know what i'm talking about. i've caught 17 of the fbi's ten most wanted. we've caught 1200 guys worldwide. serial killers, rapists, bank robbers, jewel thieves. the hardest to catch? the child predator. the most cunning, the smartest, the ones who never talk about it, the most calculating and the least amount of remorse, anderson. never, ever want to be held accountable. >> for those who haven't been in cambodia, brothels and stuff are very open. you actually went into one, i want to show our viewers just some of what you saw. >> to me, this is a very young looking girl. looks like she's about 15. >> even after many years of people doing stories on this sort of stuff -- >> i wasn't in there three minutes before a madam came up. obviously young girls, 15, 14, et cetera. i was with jim gamble who runs see ops for the british, a tough
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organization that tries to stop child exploitation worldwide. and he was tough. he said, no, no, not young enough. so the madam goes and consults with the pimp, they go, what are you looking for? 8? 6? 7? you know how hard that is for me not to say, you know i'm going to choke you. right here i'm going to choke you. let me grab that little girl -- they brought a girl who was obviously about 13, completely in a daze, brought just come from vietnam, said she was from vietnam, she says, is she young enough for you? i can go younger. you want boys? we'll get little boys for you. >> it also changes the way they see tourists. it reflects badly on all of us. anyone who visits a country like this, cambodia will think, are you here just to have sex with the children? >> i think they do. i was hoping we'd put the white hot spotlight on sex tourism and the fact that most of them are westerners. we have a huge problem here in the united states with illegal immigrant populations here, central american mexican young women and men that are being used in prostitution here in the
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united states in the sex trade. but i was surprised. while we were there, in one week, all of a sudden, they arrested four guys. i thought that was a good thing. >> john walsh, thank you so much. >> thank you for covering these cases. you give victims hope. >> john's special is this weekend on fox. a quick bit of housekeeping, john walsh joined us on last night's program to talk about the amazon controversy. in that interview he said 100,000 abused, he was mistaken on the number of victims in roam, it was closer to 100. he wants to make it known it was an honest mistake and regrets the error. and so do we. and why did kanye get so mad at "today"? we'll explain ahead. and the rockefeller tree coming to new york, that's just ahead.
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got a number of stories we're following. randi kaye has the news and business bulletin. sad news out of north carolina, just hours ago police announced that the search for 10-year-old zara baker is over. dna evidence shows a bone found by investigators was hers. her stepmother was arrested the next day after she admitted writing a fake ransom note. police say she is cooperating with investigators. president obama returns home tomorrow from the g-20 economic summit with little to show. a currency dispute between the u.s. and china was not resolved and there was no trade agreement with south korea. but in japan, mr. obama pushed for free trade to create jobs back at home.
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>> the united states is also looking to expand trade and commerce throughout the asia-pacific. even though our exports in this region have risen by more than 60% over the last five years, our share of trade in the region has declined in favor of our competitors and we want to change that. we don't want to lose the opportunity to sell our goods and services in fast-growing markets. we don't want to lose the opportunity to create new jobs back home. so that's why we want to keep working with our fellow apec economies to reduce trade barriers and why we want to pursue the transpacific partnership which would facilitate trade and open markets throughout the asia-pacific. back in the u.s., still more fallout from kanye west's interview with matt lauer, the rapper has canceled a performance set for november 26th. among other things, west is upset that nbc showed a clip of
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last year's taylor swift acceptance speech. and the rockefeller christmas tree arrived today, the 74-foot-tall more way spruce weighs 12 tons and 40 feet wide. >> it's amazing. now our beat 360 winner, show up our staffers coming up with a better caption for the photo on the blog every day. tonight, tiger woods taking his hat off today at the australian masters. tonight, when i waive my hat, that's your signal. penthouse wooet, 10:00 p.m. ouch. and why did i get that extended text plan for my phone? randall, your beat 360 t-shirt is on the way. earlier we had a shot of a baby dolphin rescued, he was very cute. somehow the conversation -- that's the dolphin. somehow the conversation turned to baby pigeons and i said i'd
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never seen a baby pigeon. turns out there is someone who has, this is what a baby pigeon looks like. this is from a member of our own crew, mike monaco, whose dad, sal, has pigeons that he breeds in brooklyn, new york. >> you ask and you shall receive. there it is. >> and apparently they can't fly for a while and that's why i guess you don't see them out on the streets very much because they're obviously can't fly and we would all mistake them for rats. >> the rats are much bigger than that. >> that's true. that's true. so appreciate it, and sal, thank you very much. at the top of the hour, more serious stuff, slowly removing propedophilia books and videos from its website. the question is, what's taking them so long and why were they them so long and why were they there in the first place? -- captions by vitac --
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tonight, peddling pedophilia, is slowly taking down more disgusting material for sale on its site. not just books, but videos as well. but why is it taking them so long and how did this stuff get on their site in the first place? we're keeping them honest. also tonight, is president obama caving into republicans and dropping plans to tax the rich? keeping in place some of former president bush's tax cuts. we'll check when he said on the campaign trail and what he's saying now. you can judge for yourself. plus sarah palin debuting a new series on tlc this weekend. karl rove said it hurts her chances for the white house. but tonight we have the clips, can you judge for yourself. we begin as always keeping them honest, with new questions raised about and why they've been selling
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propedophilia books and questionable videos on their website. this began with that discovery several days ago amazon was selling the pedophile's guide to love and pleasure, a child lover's code of conduct, if you can believe it. it's an e-book written by this man, phillip greaves, a 47-year-old retired nursing aide who lives in colorado. customers complained about the book for days but amazon did nothing until shortly after we broadcast a segment about it wednesday night. then they suddenly stopped selling the book. but it turned out they were still selling other propedophilia books. yesterday we found this other book by mr. greaves which has of the same disgusting content as the guide book. amazon only took that down after we told them about it. the same goes for other pedophilia books. plenty of customers complained about these two books and other reporters, but it was only after we and other reporters started discussing them that amazon acted. they've now taken those two books down as well. all good news. but keeping them honest, why is it only after reporters start
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asking questions that amazon acts? who screens these books? how do they get on the site in the first place? and it's not just books. we also found a number of videos for sale that feature images of naked children in possible sexual situations. videos apparently come from germany and are described as naturist videos. other news organizations were asking questions about these videos, and today amazon pulled them from their site. but again, it was only after reporters began focusing on them. why aren't customer complaints enough? we pulled up amazon's 2009 annual report and in it the ceo emphasizes the importance of their customers. word of mouth remains the most powerful customer acquisition tool we have, he wrote, and we're grateful for the trust or customers have placed in us. grateful for the trust, no doubt, but a lot of customers are telling us that trust is now threatened because of the way amazon has handled this. there's now a facebook page calling for a boycott of amazon with more than 14,000 followers. throughout this controversy, amazon has remained remarkably
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silent. we've called dozens of times, so have other news organizations. we've invited anyone from amazon on the program but so far they've declined. last night a company spokesperson finally got back to us but wouldn't say much, only confirming they'd taken down the guide book for pedophiles. tonight, three days after we started reporting all of this, we finally got an official statement from the company. it reads, quote, we have many platforms that allow people to sell on amazon in a self-service fashion. and millions of items available for sale. we're working to implement a high quality process to remove any items that promote child exploitation. that's the first time amazon has said they're trying to address this issue and rework the way they screen products. let's hope they figure out how to do it before more pedophiles decide this is a company that wants their business. joining us now, sunny hostin of "in session" on trutv and joining us, maureen flatley, a child advocate who first found the free body culture videos, those naturist videos,
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so-called, on amazon. were you surprised that amazon has been so slow to remove these books and now finally these videos? >> it's been shocking. as a long-time amazon customer, it seemed utterly amazing to me that they wouldn't at least initially pull the videos to review them, and then if they weren't objectionable, which of course they were, put them back up. it's incredible. >> what -- these videos are described as naturist videos, we don't need detail here, but do we know how they got on this site? >> you know, i'm assuming based on the research that we've done in the last couple days that they somehow made their way on to the site under the auspices of this naturist movement, which many people, not me, but many people view as sort of a legitimate lifestyle. but what was interesting about
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the videos is that as you looked at the first round of product to the western european products, you did see families, parents with kids, they all looked the same, they appeared to belong together. but as you moved into countries where child trafficking is a huge problem into eastern europe, russia, southeast asia, all you saw in the videos were children. there were no adults in the videos. they were clearly designed to be child pornography and the notion they are legitimate naturist videos is absurd. i think they snuck on to the site but at the end of the day, if a 62-year-old grandmother can find this stuff in essex, massachusetts while watching "law & order" and on her laptop in a five-second search, they can set up a system where they're looking for it all the time. >> you've read these books, i've read one or two of them, the content is clearly disgusting. advising people they don't need to use condoms if they're with a kid, but from a legal standpoint, is this illegal? >> i think it is.
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at first blush, i thought the first amendment really protects this stuff. but after reading it and looking at the federal obscenity laws, this material is clearly obscene and that means that not only is it illegal, could possibly be held liable for carrying and distributing that kind of obscenity. >> but some -- just because some book is a propedophilia book and doesn't have pictures, it doesn't have -- it's not -- it walks a pretty fine line. >> it does walk a fine line but i think the federal obscenity laws are very clear. when you look at the supreme court decisions that analyze this type of law, i think it's fairly clear that it is obscene and that that material is obscene and that again can be held responsible for it. >> maureen, what surprises me is amazon, which is a company that has a very clear public relations effort, we've got six press releases from them a while back for products they wanted to talk about, has been completely silent on this and the customers have been complaining about this
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for quite a while now. it's only that, you know, when reporters start asking questions and put it on tv that all of a sudden they act. >> yeah, there's this sort of disconnect and i think sunny just touched on it between printed material, a narrative as it were, and actual images. and it was pretty astonishing that they would try to play the free speech card with a document that i've described as the al qaeda training manuel for child predators. it was designed only to get other people to molest children. so end of story. we're done. it was only when the images started to come forward that people really reacted to it, but ultimately this is a situation where the law and culture need to catch up with technology. the internet has removed any possible inhibition and barrier to both making the material, then distributing the material, and then acquiring the material. and years ago it took quite a bit of effort to get your hands on child porn if that's what you
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wanted to do. now it's almost instantaneous, it's ubiquitous. to the extent that the largest retailer in the world is not on top of this, well then who would be? >> sunny, it's heartening to hear their statement after asking for a statement for many days that they'll look at their processes. it's incredible they haven't done it at this point. >> it's incredible. because while it's business, clearly, and you can make these business practices and make your decisions, you have to abide by the law in practicing your business. and i can't believe that an outfit as large as that would not have a compliance officer, would not have an ethics officer. it is their duty to police their business. it is their duty. isn't that what, as customers, we want? i agree the law perhaps hasn't caught up with technology, but they must abide by the law. and it is my view that they haven't done so. >> sunny hostin, appreciate you being on. maureen flatley as well, you brought the world's attention to those images. i appreciate you coming on and talking about it. thank you.
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let us know what you think. the live chat is up and running at john walsh talks to us about his search to catch child predators. >> i've caught 17 of the fbi's ten most wanted. we've caught 1200 guys world wide. serial killers, rapists, bank robbers, jewel thieves. the hardest to catch? the child predator. the most cunning, the smartest, the ones who never talk about it. the most calculating and the least amount of remorse, anderson. never, ever want to be held accountable. >> we'll have more from his trip to cambodia where he saw this up close. sarah palin hitting prime time, starring in a new show that starts this weekend on tlc. they call it a docudrama. karl rove hadn't seen it but dismissed it as a reality show. but is he just concerned she's holding so much power ahead of the 2012 elections? you decide if it's going to help or hurt sarah palin reach the white house. [ male announcer ] how can rice production in india
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republican demands that the bush tax cuts be extended to everyone, including wealthy americans. we have to deal with the world's we find it, the world of what it takes to get this done, mr. axelrod said in that article. in seoul, south korea today, the conclusion of the g-20 economic summit, the president said emphatically he's not caved in. across the board tax cuts were put in place in 2001 and 2003. they're set to expire in december. the obama administration only wants to make them permanent for the middle class, not the richest americans, and that pretty much jibes with what he said on the campaign trail in 2008 and just after he was elected. >> i end the bush tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. >> and it means letting the bush tax cuts for the wealthiest americans expire. and rolling back the bush tax cuts to the top 1%. >> we have to roll back. >> i want to roll back. >> we're going to roll back. >> i'm going to roll back the bush tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. >> for the wealthiest americans. >> for the wealthiest americans. >> for the wealthiest americans. >> it is true that i want to roll back the bush tax cuts on the very wealthiest americans.
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and go back to the rate that they paid under bill clinton. >> that's what he said all along. what's the president's position now? he clearly seems to be signaling he's willing to compromise to keep the middle class tax cuts. here's some of the comments from the last several days. >> i recognize that both parties are going to have to work together and compromise to get something done here. i am open to, you know, finding a way in which they can meet their principles and i can meet mine. >> i continue to believe that extending permanently the upper income tax cuts would be a mistake and that we can't afford it. and my hope is that somewhere in between there we can find some sort of solution. >> in south korea today, the president said it's wrong for anyone to interpret david axelrod's interview as an
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the administration caving in. even the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has hinted at a possible compromise. he said, i'm willing to listen to what the president has in mind for protecting americans from tax increases. what does it all mean? let's dig deeper with roland martin, cnn political analyst and alex castellanos, republican consultant and cnn contributor. so what does this mean, alex? in the world of compromise, if both sides want to keep permanent the middle class tax cuts, republicans want to keep permanent the wealthy tax cuts, the president doesn't want to do that, what does that mean, maybe he would offer a temporary continuance for rich -- for the upper class -- you know, for the wealthy tax cuts? >> i think that's right, anderson, he'd offer a temporary, maybe two years, take it two years at a time. what it really means the president's up for re-election in 2012 and he just lost 60% of independents and he's got to get them back. he can get his base back a year and a half from now because
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he'll be running against a republican that his base will really not like. but right now he's got to show independents. he heard the message from the election that he's concentrating on growth and the economy and jobs. and right now, sending a message that, hey, i'm going to take $700 billion out of the economy, that's an anti-stimulus, that's not the message he wants to send. >> roland -- >> actually, that's not necessarily true of the reality is he has some fundamental issues with the base. what you're hearing people say is where does this president have convictions? where does he stand? and so we know exactly what took place this week. this was the washington, d.c., two-step. so you have david axelrod who floats these comments, the fact that he told the huffington post that, he knew exactly what he was saying. and so you're hearing people say, wait a minute, can you guys even have one consistent message? there is no doubt that you have to have some level of compromise. but when the president has been so adamant on this whole issue,
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saying to the republicans, you say you want to control the deficit, this contributed to the deficit, so therefore, how is it not going to contribute in the future? and so his base has been saying, hey, tow the line but don't give away the house right now before you even sit down and have negotiations. >> alex, do you concede that this contributes to the deficit? that $700 million that would not be coming as revenue for the government has to be made up somehow? >> well, i have a little bit of a problem with that. a couple of them. one is, the middle class tax cuts contributes $3.2 billion to -- $3.2 billion to the deficit. right? he's fine with that. the -- i'm sorry, $3.2 trillion. the $700 billion that the rich people, somehow that's causing the deficit, not the 3.2 for the middle class. it all contributes to the deficit if we don't have the money. but that's not the problem. you spend the rent money at the bar. you blew it.
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you failed to go mug some rich people and take it from their pockets, somehow it's their fault that you have a deficit. i don't think it really works that way. >> how is the money spent at the bar? which bar is this? >> congress and washington blew the rent money. they spent a lot more than we can afford. and by the way, republican and democrats over the past ten years, they're the ones who have created this deficit. it's not the american people's fault that they haven't paid enough taxes when washington blew the rent money. >> it is not the american taxpayers' fault. alex is absolutely right. but the reality is, i didn't hear alex or any other republicans -- >> you weren't listening because i did say that. >> one second. what i'm saying is when the bush tax cuts were even first passed that contributed to the deficit. here's -- again, though, going back to the issue, it really boils down to this. and that is you have some democrats who are saying, look. don't extend any of the tax cuts because, as alex said, it all contributes to the deficit. but still, the question is, will you see a level of compromise?
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republicans are saying there will be no compromise, and so we want the president to walk it back to us and so democrats are saying, hey, mr. president, don't just simply give away the house. and so there might be some showdown here. i think you will likely see a short term extension, not five, ten years. maybe one or two to get past the 2012 election. politics will play a role in this compromise. >> remember how we were talking about the stimulus and the president saying, look, every dollar that we spend in stimulus has a multiplier effect, $3, $5, because it will help grow the economy. but somehow this $700 billion tax cut for our best economic hitters, the people with the highest economic batting averages, if we leave that money in the economy, that doesn't seem to have a multiplier effect. why is that? our most productive economic producers. >> no the most productive people are the ones on the bottom working their butts off to make sure the people at the top look good.
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all those republicans that criticize the stimulus, they sure were asking for those same stimulus dollars so i guess it did multiply. they were all asking for it. >> but you both think there's basically going to be some sort of compromise. >> i think the republicans have indicated right now they're willing to look at anything as long as we can get this economy going again. they're going to try to get it as absolutely as much as they can. leave, not just for political reasons, because it's a stimulus. leaving money in productive people's pockets. what do we know about the rich? they want to get richer. how do they do that? invest in things that grow. when things grow, it creates jobs. that's why republicans want to leave money in everybody's pockets. >> anderson, nice nonanswer there. i think the republicans will push the president and say we want to extend all tax cuts. i do not believe they're going to come to the table with a compromise. they will force the president to compromise, not them. >> we're going to talk with them more in the program. we'll talk about sarah palin's
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new travel show that debuts this weekend, apparently getting paid big money for it. but is there a downside to this exposure? is this going to help her in the run for the white house? also, inside the minds of some of the smartest animals on the planet. this is really fascinating stuff. it's new research being done about animal intelligence. and are they more intelligent than a lot of folks realize? we'll talk about that more ahead. out of the very best america had to offer. ingenuity. integrity. optimism. and a belief that the finest things are the most thoughtfully made -- not the most expensive. today, the american character is no less strong. and chevrolet continues as an expression of the best of it. bringing more technology to more people than ever in our history. inventing new ways to get around our planet while preserving it at the same time. exploring new horizons of design and power. and making our vehicles amongst the safest on earth.
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next week on "360" we're going to be bringing you a series about animal intelligence. randi kaye and i both spent time with a variety of animals lately, apes, lemurs, dogs, dolphins, as well as the scientists who study them. we're looking at the research to see how intelligent animals really are, and in some cases can they communicate with us using language. take a look. >> reporter: spend a day with a dolphin and you're quickly reminded of why they've always captured our imaginations. they're playful, social and incredibly fun to be around.
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but scientists say there's a lot more to these animals and they're just beginning to understand the intricate thinking of these so-called big-brained mammals. here you go nani. good girl! we came here to the baltimore aquarium to see just how intelligent dolphins are. you see them playing with their trainers all the time, but scientists who study them say there's a lot more happening there than just play. that their intelligence actually rivals ours. here you go! to see up close what has scientists so excited, we climb down into a tiny under water lab with a window into the aquarium, where scientist diana reese puts a two-way mirror up against the glass. >> this is the mirror. >> reporter: the dolphins can't see us, but reese can study how the dolphins react to the mirror. >> you can see randi's full
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report monday on "360." what do the dolphins do when they see the mirror? >> they see themselves, which is remarkable. as you know, there's only a few others able to do that, besides humans. monkeys can do it, but if you think about a dog or cat, when they look in the mirror they think it's another dog or cat. but dolphins have self-recognition, they know it's them. and as you saw, they become really playful, because the mirror wasn't up before we got down there. >> how do we know the dolphins know it's them and not another dolphin? >> through her study, she's studied them for over 25 years but you can see the difference. they start to check themselves out. they go up really close, look in their own eye and you saw the tricks, he was spinning upside upside down and spinning upside down. they check out everything about themselves. they open their mouths, stick out their tongue. it's really fascinating. you can see the excitement. >> how long have they been working with the two-way mirrors? >> some of them only a few months, but you can see they're getting more and more comfortable with it.
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there were about six dolphins that were playing around us, and those who have been working with the mirror for a long time, we sort of go through their routine of tricks and those understanding, hey, that's me, they're just getting a little more comfortable with it. >> so that's them looking in the mirror right now? >> yeah. they're opening their mouths because they've never been able to see. imagine never being able to see what's in your mouth. they didn't know they had a tongue, so they're checking themselves out. >> they understand that that is themselves, that's a complex way of thinking. >> yes, and it really speaks to their intelligence. the scientists who we worked with, she says it really speaks to why we need to take such care of them. >> this third one was like, let me get in the mirror. >> they competed for time. you know, it's like when i was a teenager, my sisters and i, we used to compete for time in the bathroom in front of the mirror. >> i love it's opening its mouth and checking out its mouth. >> they chirp, they head butt the mirror, they want to see what's going to happen. >> we'll be looking at this all next week. we'll be bringing it to you, and
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randi has the bulletin. what have you got? haiti's cholera outbreak is spreading at a rate called alarming. the death toll is more than 800 and 12,000 other people have been sickened. aid workers say a slum on the outskirts of port-au-prince have seen a surge in the last few days. the supreme court refused today to temporarily suspend enforcement of the don't ask don't tell policy while a court battle proceeds. the request for the suspension came from the log cabin republicans. san francisco's mayor has vetoed a ban on some fast food aimed at children, but the city's board of supervisors which passed the law three days ago has enough votes to override the veto. the ban targets happy meals and other fast food served with those free toys. actress zsa zsa gabor was rushed to an emergency room today. her publicist says she's suffering from a massive blood clot in her leg and her doctor fears it could dislodge and possibly move to her heart. you wouldn't want to drop
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this vase, it sold at a london auction for a record $68 million. for a vase. for a vase. the 18th century piece was found on a dusty shelf by a family clearing out their house in london. >> no. i don't believe that. really? >> i never believe those stories, but apparently, you know, makes me want to check my attic. >> can you imagine if they dropped it and then found out it was worth that much? sarah palin's new tv show debuts this weekend, karl rove saying it was beneath a serious white house candidate. is he just running scared of sarah palin's power? we'll show you some clips from the show, you can decide for yourself. and john walsh from america's most wanted is back, taking his mission to stop sex trafficking global. he'll tell us about a recent operation he did to track down american predators in asia. because toyota developed this software that can simulate head injuries and helps make people safer. then they shared this technology with researchers at wake forest
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account while she was running for vice president was sentenced to a year in prison or a halfway house. he also faces probation. meanwhile, she debuts "sarah palin's alaska." this sunday. she stars in it obviously, along with her family. here's a sneak peek. >> willow, come here. no boys. go upstairs. willow? willow? i think my kids will always call alaska home. the opportunities that we have, the epic landscape. oh, my gosh, look at this. i'd rather be out here being free. this is what life is all about. and on a really clear day you can see russia from here. almost. >> karl rove dismissed it as a reality show saying it hurts her chances for the white house, but it could actually help her. joining us, alex castellanos and roland martin.
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it seems like a great advantage for an undeclared candidate or for anyone to have this platform to basically define their image. >> in some ways it may, but you know, there was just a recent cnn survey, anderson, that had sarah palin running nearly ten points behind barack obama while mitt romney was running nearly double digits ahead, while huckabee was running ahead. this is barack obama at his weakest point. he's just lost 60 seats and lost independents in an election. if you can't pull ahead of obama now, he's only going to get stronger and tougher over the next year. why is that? one reason may be that she's becoming more of a celebrity than a leader. >> and that's something she attacked candidate obama for during the campaign, as i recall. >> isn't that stunning? remember the mccain ad where, you know, barack obama's biggest celebrity is paris hilton and britney spears but is he ready to lead? you could make that same ad today against sarah palin. >> right. roland -- >> absolutely, anderson.
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it's hilarity. she is the kim kardashian of politics. okay? >> oh, come on, now. >> no, seriously. okay? >> better figure. >> she's making a ton of money, we're trying to figure out why. >> i'm sorry, she has held public office. has kim kardashian ever held a job? sarah palin has. >> she's held public office and she quit. she quit her job because she wanted to go out and be a celebrity. let's go ahead and put it out there. >> i think it's unfair to compare her to kim kardashian. >> fine. but the bottom line is, whatever, but the bottom line is here, we do know she quit, she didn't serve her whole term, but here's the other piece. the gallup poll came out today, her unfavorable rating is 52%. her favorable is 40%. the lowest it's ever been. so, yeah, there's a strong concentrated group of people on the republican side who really love and adore sarah palin. but when karl rove and other
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republicans, alex, he danced around it but even he knows, at the end of the day, sarah palin would be a disaster for the democratic party and paul begala is at home saying, please nominate sarah palin for the nominee. >> i'm not sure with any show with sarah palin is something you'd call a reality show, because she's had an unreal life. from third place finisher in the miss alaska pageant to running for vice president and now a celebrity, but she -- >> that's reality tv. >> she does have a tremendous amount of political power. she's created this past year the republican feminist movement. you know, inspiring a lot of women, hey, we can't leave our children with less opportunity and more debt than we have. she does have enough power to raise money and help get candidates through primaries but she's the biggest fish in a small pond. once she gets to the big pond she loses a lot of her political leverage. i don't think she'll run for
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president. >> you don't think she will? >> i agree. >> you both agree? >> i agree. she said on fox news with chris wallace she really has no accountability when it comes to making her comments on twitter and facebook, she can do whatever she wants. let's be honest, we're sitting here right now talking about somebody who quit their political job and saying, oh, they might run for president some day. so she's feasting off all the free publicity. i don't think for a second she runs because the moment she runs, when she's -- when she's in that first republican debate on stage with nine or ten other candidates, she can't just say you bet you. she can't dance her way around it. >> but if she does not run, then as long as there's the possibility of her running, then there's that kind of heightened excitement. if she doesn't run and then someone else comes to the fore, what does she do? does she continue going out, doing books, campaigning, picking candidates? >> she does what she did this year. she went in and really helped john mccain get through a primary.
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she helped tea party candidates all over the country, energize their campaigns. she holds the republican party accountable for less spending, less debt and to reduce the size of government. and that's a tremendous amount of power within the republican party. no doubt about that. but you don't always have to run for president to have an influence in the direction of the country. >> she remains a celebrity, simple as that. sorry if i insulted kim kardashian. my bad. i'm sorry. >> i wasn't saying you were insulting kim kardashian, i thought you were insulting sarah palin, but just for clarity's sake. >> it's late on a friday, anderson. >> and, i think i've figured something out, though. i think that reflection there, that's me. >> yes, much like a dolphin, you've just figured that out. thanks very much, roland martin as well. thanks. up next, john walsh, host of "america's most wanted" his mission, stopping child predators. he went under cover in cambodia to track down some american
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predators. he's back to tell us what he found. plus kanye west canceling an upcoming performance on "the today show." he canceled it on twitter. see what fueled his -- well, i guess got him annoyed at "the today show." we'll tell you about that ahead. if you do the shipping. . shipping's a hassle. i'll go to the mall. hey. hi. you know, holiday shipping's easy with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. yea, i know. oh, you're good. good luck! priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $4.90 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. in a space this small until now. introducing the craftsman compact right angle impact driver.
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at the top of the program, we pointed out about selling books and videos that may exploit and endanger children, selling it under the guise of first amendment rights. but child sex trafficking, child abduction are something much more sinister and criminal. john walsh has made it his mission to stop it. his own son was abducted and murdered in 1981. this saturday, john walsh will host a special edition of "america's most wanted" going under cover in cambodia, to expose men who buy underage kids to have sex with them. walsh will help viewers to help him track down several american pedophiles. i talked to him earlier. >> you're known for profiling crimes in the united states but you traveled overseas to look at international trafficking. why is that so important?
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>> because most of the people who go to cambodia, used to be thailand, now it's more cambodia, are westerners. many of them are american pedophiles that have committed crimes here. we're profiling two guys on this show, one, a boy scout leader, one a teacher for ten years in california. one of them is reputed to have gone to southeast asia. pedophiles leave here, from england, from germany, australia, think i can go to cambodia, have sex with a kid, i won't get caught, it's cheap, if i get caught i'll pay off the cops and judges, then come back to america and be, what, a pediatrician? >> there used to be tour operators and probably still are, tour operators who sort of facilitate this. >> when adam was murdered 30 years ago, i testified against the north american man-boy love association. i looked at them and i went, they participated in pedophile tours to asia where they could get away with this stuff. sex tourism mostly westerners.
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so, you know, you go all over the world. i believe we live in a global society. i want to send the message, since the adam walsh act was passed, it is now the u.s. marshals and fbi can go to those countries and arrest those people. >> if you have the intent to have sex with a minor, you can be prosecuted in the united states. >> absolutely. if there's proof or authorities there suspect you and you're on the radar, why should our garbage be allowed to go there and devastate them? >> you go to a prison where foreigners, americans among others who had been accused of having sex with a minor are being held awaiting trial. what was that like? >> it is the most disgusting. i've been in a lot of prisons. you don't want to get caught in cambodia. i hope that's part of my message. you don't want to get caught in cambodia. but these two guys suspected of sexually assaulting multiple kids, only said one thing. we're being railroaded.
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we haven't come to trial here. one of them now is charged with trying to bribe a judge with $15,000. i was amazed at the lack of remorse. the fact that they were saying i need to get out of here, or i can -- almost inferring, i can buy my way out of here. i can get away with violating kids here. but 14 guys in the cell, hot as hell, bad food. good idea if -- you know, that's the punishment i would like to see as the father of a murdered child. >> in my experience, they're the most manipulative people i've ever met, whether they're groomers or people who grab kids, they can justify their actions in their own minds. >> they never want to be held accountable. they have no remorse. and you have -- i've seen you interview them and you know what i'm talking about. i've caught 17 of the fbi's ten most wanted. we've caught 1200 guys worldwide. serial killers, rapists, bank robbers, jewel thieves. the hardest to catch?
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the child predator. the most cunning, the smartest, the ones who never talk about it, the most calculating and the least amount of remorse, anderson. never, ever want to be held accountable. >> for those who haven't been in cambodia, brothels and stuff are very open. you actually went into one, i want to show our viewers just some of what you saw. >> to me, this is a very young looking girl. looks like she's about 15. i'm sure they're just woven right in. >> it's amazing how open it is, even after many years of people doing stories on this sort of thing. >> i wasn't in there three minutes before a madam came up. obviously young girls, 15, 14, et cetera. i was with jim gamble who runs see ops for the british, a tough organization that tries to stop child exploitation worldwide. and he was tough. he said, no, no, not young enough. so the madam goes and consults with the pimp, they go, what are you looking for? 8? 6? 7? you know how hard that is for me
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not to say, you know i'm going to choke you. right here i'm going to choke you. let me grab that little girl -- they brought a girl who was obviously about 13, completely in a daze, brought just come from vietnam, said she was from vietnam, she says, is she young enough for you? i can go younger. you want boys? we'll get little boys for you. >> it also changes the way they see tourists. it reflects badly on all of us. anyone who visits a country like this, cambodia will think, are you here just to have sex with the children? >> i think they do. i was hoping we'd put the white hot spotlight on sex tourism and the fact that most of them are westerners. we have a huge problem here in the united states with illegal immigrant populations here, central american mexican young women and men that are being used in prostitution here in the united states in the sex trade. but i was surprised. while we were there, in one week, all of a sudden, they arrested four guys. i thought that was a good thing. >> john walsh, thank you so much. >> thank you for covering these cases. you give victims hope.
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>> john's special is this weekend on fox. a quick bit of housekeeping, john walsh joined us on last night's program to talk about the amazon controversy. in that interview he said 100,000 victims of abuse by catholic priests recently tried to get an audience with the pope in rome. mr. walsh was mistaken on the number of victims in rome, it was closer to 100. he wants to make clear it was an honest mistake, he regrets the error and so do we. and why did kanye get so mad at "today"? we'll explain ahead. and we'll bring you pictures of the rockefeller tree coming to new york. that's just ahead.
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10-year-old zahra baker is over. dna evidence shows a bone found by investigators was hers. she had been missing since october 9th. her stepmother was arrested the next day after she admitted writing a fake ransom note. police say she is cooperating with investigators. president obama returns home tomorrow from the g-20 economic summit with little to show. a currency dispute between the u.s. and china was not resolved and there was no trade agreement with south korea. but in japan, mr. obama pushed for free trade to create jobs back at home. >> the united states is also looking to expand trade and commerce throughout the asia-pacific. even though our exports in this region have risen by more than 60% over the last five years, our overall share of trade in the region has declined in favor of our competitors, and we want to change that. we don't want to lose the opportunity to sell our goods and services in fast-growing markets. we don't want to lose the
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opportunity to create new jobs back home. so that's why we want to keep working with our fellow apec economies to reduce trade barriers and why we want to pursue the transpacific partnership which would facilitate trade and open markets throughout the asia-pacific. back in the u.s., still more fallout from kanye west's interview with matt lauer, the rapper has canceled a performance on the morning show set for november 26th. among other things, west is upset that nbc showed a clip of last year's infamous interruption of taylor swift's acceptance speech. and finally, it must be christmas season, at least. the rockefeller center christmas tree arrived in manhattan today. the 74-foot tall norway spruce weighs 12 tons and 40 feet wide. >> it's amazing. now our beat 360 winner, show up our staffers by coming up with a
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better caption for the photo on the blog every day. tonight, tiger woods taking his hat off today at the australian masters. tonight when i wave my hat, that's your signal. penthouse suite, 10:00 p.m. ouch. and why did i get that extended text plan for my phone? randall, your beat 360 t-shirt is on the way. apparently people have not forgotten yet. earlier we had a shot of a baby dolphin rescued, he was very cute when he washed up on shore. somehow the conversation -- that's the dolphin. somehow the conversation turned to baby pigeons and i said i'd never seen a baby pigeon. turns out there is someone who has, this is what a baby pigeon looks like. we got this pirk picture from a member of our own crew, mike monaco, whose dad, sal, has pinlgs that he breeds in brooklyn, new york. >> you ask and you shall receive. th
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