tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 13, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EST
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people can. easy steps, if you're organized. easy steps. you can get out of from under that debt. >> smart is the new rich, because it is. christine's written all about it. that wraps it up for this show. we're on twitter. we read everything we get. leer every weekend, saturday's at 1:00, sunday's at 3:00 and log-in 24/7 to have a great day. hip-hop legend and business mogul russian simmons on yoga, life and why money isn't what makes him rich. then at 3:00, a full hour devoted to our veterans focusing on their service and the struggles they face. and at 4:00 eastern, more parents are getting the troubles news that their child has adhd. we bring an expert in to help you understand what that means and what you can do to help your
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child succeceesucceed. you're in the "cnn newsroom" where the news unfolds live. i'm fredricka whitfield. after 21 years under house arrest the release of a former nobel prize winner. suu kyi is now free. the military junta ruling the country once known at burma allowed her release to a cheering throng of supporters, you see there. myanmar's ruling government has not allowed the rest of the world in to cover their election. we've been talking about today's release and what may be next. we can't identify the journalist for his own safety. >> reporter: many people believe now she's able to get out, she going to be free and take the reins of this opposition party again and try to unite the opposition and make it a strong force again. no one's here believed change
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will come very quickly, but a lot of key people place a lot of hope in this figure, in suu kyi, she can get a movement going and possibly even some sort of change going. however, this is going to be a very, very difficult task, as i said. this regime is very oppressive. in the past crushed uprisings that have tried to start some sort of democracy or change here in this country. crushed them brutally. it's very dangerous for her, also. >> upon her release, suu kyi told the crowd she'll make a major address about her future tomorrow. let's bring in attorney jared genscher, one of her lawyers based in the u.s. suu kyi said she wouldn't accept conditions on her release. was her release one that did not mean any sort of conditions attached to it? >> that is correct. in fact, ultimately, while they tried to impose conditions on her she rejected all of the conditions and has been freed
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unconditionally. one must remember we'll dealing with a brutal military dictatorship and ultimately they have the authority to detain her, arrest her, imprison her at any time. that's the fundamental reality in which she lives. >> why do you suppose she was released? do you believe this was a genuine gesture by the junta or do you believe this is some trap? >> well, i probably would say that it's worth remembering. she's been rewleesed on three occasions previously in the mid-1990s and early 2000s, and that has not led to any substantial changes taking place in the country. in fact, beyond her at a political prisoner there are 2,200 other political prisoners in burma who continue to languish in burmese prisons and we've seen the junta last sunday hold an election anything but free and fair. patently fraudulent based on military rule in the country and
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perpetuity. at best her release is a step forward on the 1,000 mile jrny. >> do you worry about her safety? >> i absolutely do. last time she was in prison in may of 2003, it happened after she had been traveling outside the capital of rangoon and speaking to supporter, her convoy attacked by government-sponsored thugs pop more than 70 of her supporters killed in the japan massacre so-called and she escaped barely with her life. we have to remain vigilant to pay close attention to what's happening and see it as a moment in time to not decrease pressure on the regime but in fact increase pressure to get it to the negotiating table so the dialogue she so often called for can actually take place. >> have you spoken to her or any of the u.s. member lawyer team spoken to her? >> not directly. she wasn't taking phone calls other than speaking to her family and immediately went into meetings with her closest political advisers to discuss major address she'll give
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tomorrow at 12:00 noon outside her headquarters. >> what do you suppose will be in that address? talk about her political future? talk about any promises she's making to continue to be active? >> well, i think, you know, she'll speak for herself, and i have to say it is a wonderful moment for me personally having represented her to let her have that moment to speak for herself. i will say that i expect, my own personal opinion, i expect she will reinforce the messages that have been delivered through other lawyer, able to see her occasionally, domestic lawyer, she believed the way forward is process of national reconciliation between her, her political party, ethnic groups and the military junta in the country and would like to see a restoration of democracy in burma like took place in south africa in the 1990s. this is not unfortunately a nelson mandela moment where he emerged from prison and on its
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last legs decided to enter into a power-sharing agreement. on the contrary, the regime in burma has done everything to consolidate its power, not to provide any ink cla flation to the international community that intended to compromise in any way. really this is the beginning of a new day, but one where there is a very, very tough journey ahead. >> jerry againgensler, an attor representing legal counsel for aung san suu kyi. thank you very much. suu kyi's arrest from house arrest comes as president obama touring asia. the president says this, "she is a hero of mine and a source of inspiration for all who work to advance basic human rights in burma and around the world. the united states welcomes her long overdue release." that statement from president obama while he's overseas. right now he's in japan taking part in an economic summit. the key issue is trade. but while in japan, the
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president will seek to warm relations that had cooled when he visited tokyo last year. the cause of that friction, a dispute over moving u.s. military bases. but this year, the japanese are taking to the streets protesting china's growing naval presence, and this could be a game changer on how japan views u.s. bases on its soil. the president mentioned this relationship in his speech in tokyo earlier today. >> the commitment of the united states that the defense of japan is unshakable. our alliances bases and forward presence are essential not only to japan's security but at the prime minister noted they help us ensure stability and address regional challenges across northeast asia. for this reason, the prime minister and i agreed to keep moving forward on our road map on re-alignment so we can meet japan's defense needs and also address the needs of japanese
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communities that host our bases, and i'm confident that we can continue to work together to ensure both. >> meantime, big changes are expected when the new congress convenes in january in this country. is it time to change your financial strategy? squeal our personal finance experts the dolans. yes, they are back, joining us right after this. [ female announcer ] with rheumatoid arthritis, there's the life you live...
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yeah. isn't it nice to see their names again? "ask the dolans." we'll talk about this new congress and your money, how the two may be coming together. a new congress comes to washington come january with a new republican majority in the house and more republicans in the senate. they are promising collectively changes that just might impact your finances. so let's find out how much so. joining us right now, personal finance experts ken and daria dolan. i've missed saying your names.
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welcome back. >> hello. >> how exciting! you look fantastic after your hiatus. >> thank you. you look wonderful, too. i used to have is a dress like that, fredricka. >> very good. black is always in. right? >> exactly. >> okay. so let's talk about how, what just took place during midterm election, the promises we're hearing from most of the republicans. how your money might be impacted as it pertains to your investment, health care, et cetera. so in the grand scheme of things, might our wallets be impacted in a very big way? >> you know, there's no doubt about it, fredricka, i want to start saying it's important to us because we don't have a political bone in our body. very apolitical. most of the people in washington frankly are knuckleheads and can't get out of their way. if we plook at it as financial experts and as consumers. our perspective is really from the street, because we talk to america constantly. >> the fact of the matter is,
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unless we can get some concerted working together in d.c. with the new congress in place, it's not going to be an impact for the better on anybody's pocketbook. i mean, i'm sitting here right now watching the republicans argue over whether to cut earmarks or not. it's like, guys, come on. just humor us. it doesn't matter whether some of you think it doesn't cost much and the rest of you think it doesn't cost much, just humor us. the american electorate was furious. he want something done. that's a great symbolic way to start. >> we've got to cut spending, fredricka. start right there. how it affects the pocketbook, cut spending in a major, major way. >> you know, one of those ways in which to cut spending, or at least to try to reduce the deficit, we've been hearing a lot about taxes, so as it pertains to taxes, you know, which corner of, you know, the
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american public will it most impact? what are your predictions on what you're going to see in terms of taxes cut or taxes raised? >> very important, fredricka. >> if you're in the "middle class." in other words, in their estimation anybody earning $250,000 a year or less. >> oh, yeah. right. >> you're going to get a tax reversion back to the bush cuts of ten years ago. that's -- everybody agrees on that. where it gets sticky and where we could end up with no tax changes, which would then really impact the middle class, is if we're going to get into this argument as to whether we give the wealthy people -- of course, wealthy is all subjective, isn't it -- the wealthy people a two-year extension on the bush tax cuts or no extension on the bush tax cuts. either way, we need some permanency in tax changes. >> let me give awe scoop, tax
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lady. 50% of the people -- 50% of taxpayers making over $250,000 are small business people. oh, good. let's really tax them even harder, because know what they do? they only add 95%. only are responsible for 95% of the jobs. that are created. everybody must get an extended tax cut. will it happen? -- >> the fact of the matter is, without that security of more than two years or at least two years, the job creators in this country, the small business people, aren't going to risk their neck to bring on more people. not knowing what the regulations are going to be what their tax status will be in a year or two. i mean, there's so up reasons why it's just bad. >> how many federal employees have ever run a business? >> well, let's talk about -- other ways of investing -- other ways of investing when we talk about bonds. we talk about the currency value
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of the u.s. dollar. we talk about the stock market. what do you see in your crystal ball, and how is that connected to what just took place in midterm elections? >> can i talk? >> you start, because i totally disagree with you. so go for t. okay. thank you. we're of the opinion of people like china, our biggest debtor, about 20% of our debt if not more is owned by china. if china goes to hard assets, i don't want to get funky here it affects all of us. that is, if all of a sudden china says we may go someplace else to adjust, hard assets. america, you're going to have to up the interest rates on your treasury securities or we ain't going to play. what does that happen? it means many of the bonds and the bond funds currently existing, interest rates go up, their prices go down. i think it's a very, very bad sign. >> well, and the bonds we're already seeing, an auction this week and it was not well attended at all. more people were selling bonds. if you look at the ten-year
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bond, the ten-year note which is what we peg our mortgages to, mortgage interest rates went up this week. that's not a good sign, and we can thank quantitative easing for this. >> easy with those terms. >> when you talk about the mortgage, one of the items that might be impacted. say you are deducting your mortgage interest. that may change, if it involve as second home. usually people can kind of itemize all of their property. a lot of people have lots of property. you know what i mean? that is a tax break and that may potentially be in jeopardy. correct? >> if they drop the rates, one of the things about dropping rates lower one of the proposals from the debt commission, rates would be lower, but bedeductions wiped out. >> the fact of the matter is, the last statistic ice ss i saw have a hunch it's different now.
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40% of homeowners never use the tax duction. this is a real -- >> what? i thought that was one of greatest incentives of home ownership. >> people don't use it. >> canada which has a higher rate of home ownership per capita than we do has no interest rate deduction, nerve her an interest rate deduction. this is just -- i mean, the deficit commission, i think, are not making hard enough choices but at least making some choices. >> nots got to work. >> that seriously need to be considered in washington if you and i and the average consumer watching this right now are to survive at all. >> interesting. okay. i digressed with the real estate. move on to something else. >> fred -- >> yes? >> can i say one thing on real estate? >> yes. >> we're of the opinion interest rates will trend up. we are saying, we just refinanced this week. so to put it really into the pocketbook, if you're looking to refinance and refinancing may make sense donkts it now. >> now may be the time.
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>> now is the time. >> do it now. >> real estate, home ownership, all of this is incredibly important to a lot of folks as they look ahead. let's talk about health care, because while congress spent so much time on passing health care reform, now republicans are saying they want to repeal health care, that health care reform measure. so how might that impact your dollar if indeed that ends up being one of the first items a new congress tackles when swon in come january? >> well, it's not going to be in effect at all, in my opinion, for the next two years, because the fact of the matter is, i can just see the administration sitting there saying, go ahead, congress. make my day. the fact of the matter is, they can posture all they want about throwing out the legislation on health care, but as long as obama is sitting in the white house, with a veto pen, it's not going to happen. not going to happen. >> never been more important to check your health insurance
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coverage and shop around. >> your rates are going up. without a doubt. >> time for a lot of companies, if you're fortunate to have a job, take advantage of that benefit. read the fine print. >> i had breakfast yesterday with a good friend of mine. our doctor and friend dr. michael talking about health care. talking either doctors are going to have to spend less time with people and make it a mill to get people through their office or they're going to spend the time they need way patient and lose money. it stinks. it's a rotten program and health care's going to be affected. >> the fact of the matter, the crowning of this whole health care was for anyone with a pre-existing condition would never, ever be exclude from health care now and health and human services and individual states set up policies specifically for this. >> not working. >> they went online in july with this. to date, 8,011 americans signed up for this. >> they existed 175,000. nice work! >> we are going to hear from
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some other thoughts of what our viewers have in mind, because they're excited that you're back. the dolans back after what, four, five months. feels like an eternity, but you're back. badder than ever. we're going to entertain you with a lot of their questions right after this short break. you'll answer them. free advice from the dolans. award winning radio talk show -- boy, just everything. financial analysts. all of that. anyway, send your questions to my facebook page or to my blog. we'll get your questions to the dolans right after this. problem is they limit the choice of etfs to what makes financial sense to them. td ameritrade doesn't limit you to one brand of etfs... they offer more than 100... each selected by investment experts at morningstar associates. only at the etf market center at td ameritrade. before investing, carefully consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. contact td ameritrade for a prospectus containing this and other information. read it carefully before investing.
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answer your money questions right after i give you these top stories -- multiple senior democratic sources say nancy pelosi struck a deal that ends the leadership fight between steny hoyer and james clyburn for the number two seat in the house. allows hoyer toing second in command and clyburn number three in a newly created position. in maryland a top executive in prince georges county and his wife arrested in connection with a kickback scheme. the fbi arrested jack johnson and his wife yesterday. agents found nearly $80,000 stuffed in leslie johnson's undergarments after searching the johnsons' home, agents left with at least ten boxes of evidence. the johnsons are charged with tampering with eford and destruction of records. a huge loss for the u.s. postal service. the agency was $8.5 billion in the red for the last fiscal
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year. part of the loss blamed on the growth on e-mail and online bill paying. back to your money. our financial experts ken and daria dolan are back. guess what? while you were away from our airwaves for five moss now, named the talk show host of all-time by "talk" magazine. we knew were you the best. >> sort of like -- >> fantastic. we love you get that staying power. >> thank you. >> our josh levs is here as well. lots of viewers questions. >> sure do. >> as promised, ken and daria, people couldn't wait for you to get back. >> dolans are back! >> i have a welcome back present for you guys. are you ready to see it? as the world knows i call you the dynamic dolan due pope check out what our graphic folks put together. look ought two there. the dynamic dolan duo saving you
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money. you proud? >> that's cute. >> oh. >> great. >> squinting their eyes. >> clever. >> you saw it on the monitor, josh. who's the guy, the person with the muscles? d. for daria? oh, that's me. >> d. for dolan, dummy. or dummy, i don't know. >> the first question -- good to have you back. glad you like it. the first question i'm going to bring you, given these economic times how many months' worth of emergency cash should we keep on hand these days? guys? >> oh. >> we always said -- josh, what was the name? josh, the person? >> kiev. >> we always said three to six months. >> keith. three to six, minimum of three, six if you could. i'll tell you now, i don't think you can have too much. >> you really can't. you can't. >> answer, three six months.
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>> it used to, i don't even know if this holds anymore because of the unemployment situation is so still god awful. >> still stinks. >> it used to be for every $10,000 annual you needed a month. $80,000, expect to be unemployed 88 months. we have people going on two years now. >> 1.2 million americans, josh that have stopped looking for work. the answer is, cash is king. cash is king. >> let me go to the next one. kevin asks this. fixes up his credit report. a lot of people working on their credit now. >> sure. >> one big charge from a car i couldn't afford. $11,000. i will never be able to pay that off. should i take a settlement offer on this? a lot of questions like this. trying to clean up their credit, taking settlement offers? >> a great question. the fact of the matter is, if you can't afford to pay it off, by all means, you need closure on the credit report. better that you say settled for
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less than the amount. >> less than the balance. >> or charged off on there than leave it hanging open forever. hanging open, it stays on the credit report. it will always be there as an impediment to are borrowing more money. if you get the charge off, it will eventually fall off the credit report. >> a lot of people don't know and don't want people to know this, if the credit company forgives more than $600 they must submit a form 1099c. the bad news, may have to pay income tax on it, but i tell you, talk with your tax adviser before you do anything. i'd rather fight the credit card company than the internal revenue service. >> tell what you, ten seconds left. u.s. can send questions for the dolans. love having you here with us. facebook, twitder, our blog. brings you to the same page for the dolans. send us questions. dolans, now that you're back staidside, we're expecting you to be here all the time.
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>> super heroes. love the graphic. show that one more time. have to show daria and ken kind of side-by-side as equals. on the same plain, superheroes. i love that. fantastic. >> we're so glad you all are back. >> the big d. >> love that. >> we love you guise. than thanks for spending time with us this weekend. appreciate that. >> thanks. one more money note. house democrat, pushing for a one-time payment of $250 to social security recipients. the lawmakers say it would help make up for another year without a boost in benefits. a similar measure was defeated earlier this year. and on to haiti now where garbage is piling up. the streets are literally becoming a landfill. details straight ahead. but first, a quick quiz. some of bernie madoffs personal possessions are up for auction. can you guess what's the high bid on this, 10 1/2 carat
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engagement ring. is it $325,000, $150,000 or $445,000? the answer after the break on the highest bid so far. eck out . it's free to join, and it shows you lots of ways to help improve your bone strength. like bone-healthy exercises that are easy to do. boniva works with your body to help stop and reverse bone loss. and myboniva gives you calcium-rich recipes... monthly reminders... and even a month of boniva, free. so call or go to and sign up now. ( announcer ) don't take boniva if you problems with your esophagus, low blood calcium, severe kidney disease, or can't sit or stand for at least one hour. follow dosing instructions carefully. stop taking boniva and tell your doctor if you have difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or severe or continuing heartburn, as these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. if jaw problems or severe bone, joint, and/or muscle pain develop, tell your doctor. ask your doctor if boniva can help you stop losing
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before the break we reminded you that the jail financier bernie madoff auction is under way and some of the convicted swindler's personal property is being sold off to benefit investors. this 10.5 carat diamond engagement ring is one of the pricier items and we asked you what might be the highest bid? if you answered c, $4 45shgs 45,000, you're right nap is the current highest bid. for that nice little rock right there. health care workers are fighting an uphill battle in haiti.
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they are fighting against the spread of cholera. more than 800 people have died from the preventible disease, and thousands more are sick. deplorable living conditions and a lack of clean water are major factors in the spread. cnn's paula newton has more from the capital of port-au-prince. >> reporter: there is no delicate way to put this. port-au-prince looks and smells like a dump, because it is. ten months after the earthquake, the city has degenerated into a filthy cauldron of water, garbage and human waste. the garbage situation has always been a problem here, but now no one pays any attention to where they dump it and the government makes virtually no effort to pick it up. >> don't you think haitians deserve better than this? it's -- >> we got used to it. we got used to it. everybody grow up in this country. you get used to it.
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>> reporter: but the stakes are higher now as cholera stocks the city, these are the conditions that are sobering health experts. desperate for water, collected from a pipe right next to a pile of burning waste. this central canal cuts through the middle of the city and garbage of all descriptions flows right through it, and this is where it ends up. right down the canal and piled up, tons of garbage just laying waste here in the canal that no one ever seems capable of collecting. >> that was paula newton and cnn spoke with haiti's environment minister as the garbage problem and he says the government is working on it and plans to partner with the private secretarier to deal with that issue. russell simmons, a business mogul with everything money can buy. right? but he says the path to true
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kitsching up, the many interests of hip hol mogul rust simmons. first a check of the top stories. free democracy advocad voe kyi has spent the bert part of the past 20 years under house arrest was freed. a weekend of adjustment for former prime minister ariel sharon's family, temporarily moved from a hospital to his home yesterday.
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sharon may eventually be transferred there permanently. he has been in a coma since suffering a massive stroke in 2006. and a backlash against those full-body scans could mean long lines when you travel this thanksgiving. grass roots organizations hope travelers will say no to it and instead undergo the more time-consuming patdowns. security has been increased in the wake of recent terror plots. russell simmons may be best known for co-founding "def jam recordings" bringing huge popularity to hip-hop music but he's had multimillion dollar success through fashion and philanthropy. his latest ventures a newly launched reality show, "running russell simmons" plus a new book called "super rich" due out in january's in a candid discussion, simmons told me being rich has nothing to do with finances. >> it's not about money rich. because people see the word
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"rich" and think, okay. i want to be a billionaire lie russell simmons. you're saying, that's not what this is about. >> it's the guide to having it all. the first chapter is redefining rich. it is a tricky chapter, because i want people to -- i don't want people to throw the book out. it it talk answer rich being -- >> tricky chapter? >> i'm telling the truth. i want people to be more productive, be greater givers. good getters are greater givers. the state of being nothing. the christian refers to christ considerationness. buddhists call a nirvana. i couldn't write a book about nirvana or heaven on earth or christal conscience. i called it "super rich." the state of needing nothing. the book is about that kind of conscious. mine may not be as good as his.
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different people are giving different messages with the same as per, asame hopes and desires and all have different ways of going about it and different voices. this is just another voice. >> i know you're accessible and you're very approachable, but people do see russell simmons and they think, he's a mega guy. he's huge. how can you tell me i can operate with nothing? >> if you read the book it will stick. written in such a way that people can digest this idea of operating from abundance with the greatest -- that work itself is the prayer and there's no payment, sounds like a lot, but so many rich friends are suffering, rich, in terms of world fame and so many people who don't have a lot who are happy, and we're only here to be happy. >> what should be at the root of someone's heavy inside? >> peaceful state. you know. a lot of discussions and meditation in there. and the mind is still, everything surrenders. >> how did you get there? >> it's a practice.
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to have faith in the practice. i went to a yoga class and came out just for a minute i was at ease. i thought if i kept doing that i'd lose all my money. funny, because right then i sold my company and that's whts i started to make money and create new companies. >> rye did you say that? >> i us that that anxiety drove me. it's the opposite. that i take my half an in our the morning. my hour and a half in the afternoon, morning meditation. practice afternoon and 30 minutes at night. take that time out of my day and i'm so much more productive and healthy, because of it. >> kind of at peace? >> well, you know, struggling with that but more than i have been. >> really? struggling, why? >> being at peace. >> meaning you're at the center because you're using that collectively about two hours to just concentrate on you. >> it changed my life dramatically. in the physical practice of yoga
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you'll told to smile and breathe in every pose, no matter how difficult. >> the person who is one of the millions who's unemployed, down on their luck, can't pay their bills. they're looking for some inspiration. they're looking for, how do i reclaim some of my happiness, because it seems like everything else is crumbling around me. >> if you make work your prayer and if you're a giver, then the results not only are they more fruitful, but they become less valuable, but they just keep coming and the cycle of giving speeds up. which is what people want to do. the cycle of giving speeding up caused them the result, getting speeds up. want people to be present and awake and focused. that's what the back to is about. basic practices that promote happiness. money doesn't make you happy, but happy makes you money. >> all right. simmons built his multimillion dollar empire without ever
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making a business plan. that's what he revealed face to face and tell meese his secret to success in the third part of "face to face" comes up at 4:00 eastern. you do not want to miss that. do you think classical music is bores? wait until you see it conducted by a 3-year-old. just one of the stories waiting for you at "the water cooler ". and researchers at the university of southern california are testing a robot that could be the next big thing in education. cnn's rob marciano has details on how these pint-sized teachers aides work. >> reporter: could this face inspire learning? researchers at usc think so. designed with kid-friendly features like big eyes and the ability to blow bubbles -- this robot named bandit is a magnet for children. >> kids get really excited and motivated. we can use it for moat slating exercise, for motivating door
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homework, motivating studying, learning social behavior. we think of robots at social integrators. put a robe but in the playground a lot of kids will flock to it and play with it. >> reporter: this robot is guided by art terrible intelligence software, speech recognition. and researchers believe fully autonomous robots make make good teachers especially for subjects that require more memory like languages. >> also get them to do jumping jacks t. may be years away from the u.s., patience and repetition is helping rehab stroke patients and providing a research for children with autism. >> a lot of people, children, adults, who need one on one care and attention and there are not enough other people to provide that care. robots can step 24 and provide the care for which we don't have human care. >> rob marciano, cnn. ice 1) we've detected an anomaly...
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okay. let's see what's bubbling around the water cooler. this takes the score of music. ♪ >> i say he's into it. the fan of the old masters beethoven's fifth symphony. this make-believe maestro is a youtube sensation. just 3 in the video. the notes say his interest in classical music goes back to when he was the ripe young age of 8 months old. he is only conducting to recordings right now, but in another 20 years who knows. another example of the power of music. you can really work up a sweat wrestling a cranky baby into the car seat. ooh, boy, did i remember that. literally working up a sweat. this dad found the magic cure. take look and listen. >> power of reggae.
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♪ ♪ >> oh, that bob marley does it to everybody all the time. isn't that jute that soothing sounds of the reiggae legend bo marley. lulling the little man into nirvana state. >> ye. reggae. that's his thing. nos classical, not lullaby. reggae. >> don't you remember that moment? strapping your kid in and they're like, no, i don't want it right now. it's an all-out fight. you're sweating, drenched. but if only i knew. just crank up the marley. i could have head home and relaxed. love it. >> just as good as having them sleep in the car. >> that's fantastic. >> nerve her children that did that. >> me either. they were like, i want to see everything. turn here.
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well, you think marley puts you in the mood for -- >> summer love? >> not now. huh-uh. >> my home state, look at that. taken video. this is a big weather story of the day. while it looks pretty, it's causing lots of problems. power outages reported across the twin cities metro area. as much as 68,000 pout would youer at one time. still about 15,000 out right now. snowfall totals as much as 10 to 11 inches. so it is a good thing, i guess, that this is happening here on a weekend. right? this is a strong storm system moves northward, however. this thing will head on up towards canada and ahead of it, warmer temperatures. so the worst of the snow is really staying confined across parts of minnesota into northwestern wisconsin maybe up to the u.p. of michigan. a couple snowfall totals seen in the suburbs of the city.
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mankato, widespread outage it's reported there. 8 inches. a heavy, wet snow. really the only game in town. showers and thundershowers on the south side of the system. nothing strong. expected as a slow mover. expect the snow stick around into tomorrow. one other weather concern is that we have windy conditions with offshore flow across parts of the west coast. we have wind advisories in parts of california. other than that, enjoy the weekend. >> we will. i don't know. that kind of snow, excited about the winter now. >> it's the first snowfall of the year. so to get almost a foot, i mean, that's quite the wallop, even for minnesotans. >> very good. embrace the change of all the seasons. that's all there is to it. jacqui, thank you. sarah palin's popularity may be taking a hit. we'll find out what the american people are saying about the vocal republican leader in the cnn political update, next. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business... protect your family...
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all right. time for a cnn equals politics update. we're keeping an eye on all the latest headlines at the desk. the count in the alaska senate race could finish up as early as this weekend. the election officials are counting write-in ballots in the race between republican joe miller and write-in republican lisa murkowski. miller already launched a legal chang to the write-in count. a new gallup poll says 52% of people hold a negative view of palin. her worst showing since the organization started tracking palin's popularity. and president obama is on the final leg of his four-country asian tour. he's in japan this weekend for an economic summit. as cnn's dan lothian reports, this has been a difficult trip for the president. >> reporter: well, president
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obama has been pushing the trade agenda making the case to these world leaders that everyone can benefit from expanded trade. mr. obama pointing out that seven of the top trading partners with the u.s. are part of apec, also pointeding out that 60% of u.s. exports come to this region. the case that mr. obama has been making on this asia tour is that the global markets as they open up, there's more opportunity for u.s. goods creating jobs ak bat home, but some here are worried that the united states is coming with its hands out looking for jobs back at home, and they wonder, what are they getting in return? mr. obama addressed that issue speaking to business leaders today. >> i make no apologies for doing whatever i can to bring the jobs and industries to america. but what i've also said throughout this trip is that in the 21st century, there is no need to view trade, commerce or economic growth as zero sum
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