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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 13, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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this hour, the president's former chief of staff makes it official. rahm emanuel and his big announcement in chicago today. you'll hear from him for the first time since leaving the white house. taking reality tv and the internet to the next level. one woman is living her life in a glass box on display for all to see. and the only way she's communicating is through social media. we'll talk to her, live. and rock legend bono is here live, as well. he's overjoyed about the aung san suu kyi release in myanmar. we'll talk to him in just moments. of course, that's our lead story tonight. a woman who is one of the world's most potent symbols of liberty has been freed. aung san suu kyi walked out of her home a free woman today.
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the nobel peace prize winner has spent the better part of two decades in prison or under house arrest. the government in myanmar, also known as burma, refused to allow cnn and other news organizations into the country to cover the event. we have this story from a journalist now in myanmar. >> reporter: after years in detention, it was the moment many people in myanmar and the world had been waiting for. aung san suu kyi, the burmese opposition icon, and nobel peace laureate, free. standing on the fence of her residence that's been her prison for 15 of the past 21 years. waving to supporters and putting a trademark flower in her hair, aung san suu kyi said very little in this first encounter with the public, only telling the crowd "i'm very happy to see you all again." then telling supporters to come to the headquarters of her opposition party, the national
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league for democracy at midday on sunday where she plans to address them in a speech. hundreds of supporters gathered in front of her compound throughout saturday as word of her possible release spread. many more came to the headquarters and wore t shirts bearing her picture. we managed to speak to some of her supporters but they had to hide their identities. of course there's pressure by the military, but we know we're doing the right thing, so we don't fear the pressure of the government or the military. we're doing the right thing. we really want her to come back to the party. she will be the leader forever. we're hoping for someone who will truly represent the people and that can only be aung san suu kyi. >> reporter: it's not clear whether myanmar's military junta has attached any strings to aung san suu kyi's release.
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since 1989, when she was charged with trying to divide the military, she's been released from house arrest at least twice. but the military rulers have tried to stop her from being politically active or tried to restrict her movement in return for freedom. and she was rearrested. this time, those close to her say she would rather have stayed in detention than accept any conditions. of course, every time she has been released, it's a delicate dance with the burmese junta because frankly, we have to recall this is a brutal military dictatorship who is -- who has the capability at any time on an arbitrary basis to decide she's crossed some line they've set in their own minds and to reimprison her. my guess is that the military regime is going to claim that there's nothing for her to discuss with them, because they've just had to -- what they would claim to be a democratic
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elections. so we'll have to see how things play out. for now, supporters of aung san suu kyi are celebrating her release, but in the coming days they will want to know where the lady, as they call her respectfully, plans to lead them in the future. >> stick around here on cnn. one of the world's greatest rock stars is going to join me. bono will talk about the release of aung san suu kyi. that's happening right here on cnn. president barack obama praised her release in a statement from japan. it's a final stop of his trip through asia. he'll be home tomorrow, but still has some official business left. our white house correspondent dan lothian is standing by. what's on the president's plate in the coming days? >> reporter: the president will be sitting down for breakfast with the russian president. they'll be touching on a number of issues. white house aides say the
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president will also be focusing on issues such as iran and afghanistan. then there's the closing lunch with the apec leaders. >> dan, this trip has had its ups and downs. if the president were going to get a grade, how has he done? >> reporter: well, i think some people, the experts would say it's been a disappointment because the president's two key points that he wanted to push on this trip in asia, getting some movement on the currency issue with china. no big movement there. also, the south korea trade deal was expected that could get done at the g-20. that did not happen because of issues of imports of u.s. beech and auto imports. so that was a disappointment and
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the white house would say these are things that take time. there are small steps being made. the president hopeful it will happen in the next few weeks or so, not months. some successes early only in this trip. in india, the white house pointing to $10 billion in deals they were able to announce, including 10 c-17 cargo planes bought by the indian air force. they were able to mix it up with some of the real people, if you will, in india. so the white house sees this as a success, but two of the big things they wanted to accomplish they were not able to do that. >> dan, it seems like the president is getting back into d.c. mode, his weekly address this morning took on earmarks. >> reporter: that's right. wanting to reduce additional earmarks, something the president has been talking about since coming into office, even before that, as well. of course, the big meeting will be having with republicans as well, and his new congress to deal with the issue of extension
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of the bush tax cuts. that's something the president had to deal with while here overseas and he has to find some kind of compromise. so the president, after ten days of focusing on all of these issues overseas, will then refocus now to the domestic agenda. >> thank you very much, dan lottian. appreciate it. their minds this weekend, and we're going to check out what's crossing our political ticker. house gop leaders are calling for a vote on an earmark ban when congress comes back from its lame duck session next week. john boehner and eric cantor says the gop conference will hold their own vote and say the democrats do the same. boehner and cantor are in line to become the speaker and majority leader in january. house democrats have ended their
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fight over who will take the number two leadership position when they become the minority. nancy pelosi brokered a deal that will let cindy hoyer welcome the minority whip. and if you're on social security, you're going to like this one. house dems want to pass a bill that would give you a one-time, $250 check, they say it is a top priority when they get back to d.c. on monday, supposed to make up for another year without benefits increase. winter making a grand and early entrance. a foot of snow falls within 24 hours, blanketing the midwest and causing travel problems, and it's a disease affecting millions of older americans and many victims of alzheimer's wander away from their home. new ways for families to keep better track of their loved ones.
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and bono. he's going to join us live. why the release of aung san suu kyi from house arrest after two decades means so much to him. and we want you to be part of this show, as well. and send us your messages on twitter or facebook, check out our blog. ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach. [ male announcer ] nature is unique... ...authentic... ...pure... and also delicious.
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♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good, it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious.
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jacqui jeras is here. we're talking about big snow from her hometown. you're excited about it, is this good? >> well, snow is fun. it's the weekend, right? nobody has to worry about getting to work on anything like that. so it definitely would have come at a worse time. but it's the snowfall of the season and it's a doozy.
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let's look at some of the video we have for you that was shot by our affiliate. there you can see our i-reporter thomas christianson from mound, minnesota. he said he wouldn't believe he was wearing shorts earlier in the week. they had a high of 68 degrees on wednesday. today, didn't make it out of the 30s. and let's take a look at that video. while it does look pretty and people are having fun, the winds are gusting around 30 miles per hour right now. thousands of people are without power because it was a really heavy wet snow. you combine the wind on top of that and there were hundreds of accidents across the twin cities. that snow is still coming down. we're talking about another 1 to 3 inches on top of what you already have. it was a very focused area. we'll be watching the arrowhead of minnesota. and we're looking at rain ahead of this system, because that low is moving up to the north.
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heading into parts of canada, so only a few are going to get it. take a look at that, a suburb of the twin cities, 11 inches. maple grove and minneapolis nine inches. showers and isolated thunderstorms. this is going to stall out and low pressure is going to develop across louisiana by tomorrow. and brg a lot of much-needed rain across the deep south late into the weekend, into the early part of next week. so that's a little bit of good news to go with this. there you can see the forecast map for you on your sunday, as that rain moves eastward. the snow starts to taper off by early in the day across parts of the midwest. and very blustery conditions causing problems out west. don? >> all right, jacqui, appreciate it. we want to check our top stories right now on cnn. president barack obama's
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former chief of staff is running for mayor of chicago. rahm emanuel made the announcement just today. he's been campaigning across the city since stepping down from his white house post just last month. about a half dozen other people are also expected to run. in france, a government shakeup is in the works after passage of that country's controversial pension reform laws. the french president accepted the resignation of the prime minister. the new prime minister, whoever that is, would form a new government. mr. sarkozy faces re-election in 18 months. online privacy concerns have some experts recommending the super logoff. it's not difficult, but it does require some extra steps. on facebook, users deactivate their account before logging off and closing the browser. when an account is deactivated, no one can see it or post anything to it until it's
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reactivated by the user. november is alzheimer's awareness month and the statistics are truly alarming. 60% of those with dementia will wander away from their homes. if they're not found within 24 hours, only 54% survive. but there are new ways for caretakers and families to keep better tabs. i want to talk now to katie, here to show us some of them. how are you? >> i'm doing fabulous, how are you? >> i'm great. what do you have for us? >> good stuff this week. yes, you heard the statistics. it's not only emotionally challenging for families arcaregivers but can be financially burdening. 60% of those with dementia often wander away from their homes. so we're going to talk about two new technologies. this here is a gps shoe.
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what looks like a regular loafer is made by a foot care company and a gps application company. yes, it looks like a regular loafer. it's very comfortable. but in the back here, you plug it in to recharge it, what's remarkable is it tells you where that wearer is in real time. so you can track their location in real time and also set up safe zones. so if you're watching a family member that has alzheimer's, you can pin point where they are. but if they go outside a safe zone, it will send you an alert, which is pretty neat technology. >> that is neat technology and a lot of people deal with that. are there other products out there to help? >> yes. we talked about the gps shoe. this is coming out in early 2011. one that's out right now is
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m-finders. this hasn't had a lot of media attraction, but it looks just like a watch. you can take off the links like any regular watch. what it does is say for example this can go on the wrist, an ankle and there's two different bands. the secure band they cannot take off without the help of a caregiver. what happens is if somebody goes missing, you call 911 and you call m-finders. they can activate the device and pin point your exact location, sending search and rescue. as you mentioned before, remember those statistics. 60% of those with alzheimer's can wander off. if not found within 24 hours, there's only a 54% chance of survival. in america, $3,500 to $7,000 on average for alzheimer's care units.
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so you have to weigh out the cost benefit. >> i wonder if it's maybe covered by health care. my next question is, how expensive is it? i wonder if it's covered in some situations. >> no, and i think that's something hopefully down the line will happen. what we're starting to see is pharmaceutical companies is looking into other technologies to tell people when to take their pills. so hopefully down the road, we're hoping these kind of technologies come around. i personally am worried about how i'm going to get to the airport with a shoe with wireless technology. i have no idea how this is going to pass through tsa, but i'm going to try. >> that's interesting. people with security and all, people are going to be checking that, that you don't know. katie, appreciate it. good luck getting through security. >> thanks. taking out fidel castro. the u.s. reportedly tried for
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years. but in the new call of duty video game, it actually does happen. we'll tell you how the virtual assassination attempt is being viewed in cuba right now. he's one of the biggest names in music word. just ahead, bono on the release of aung san suu kyi from two decades of house arrest and why this day means so much to him.
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many have tried and failed to kill fidel castro. but assassinating the former cuban leader has always been easier said than done. a new video game lets players take up that challenge. how cuba is reacting to this graphic game. >> reporter: a new american video game literally takes aim at cuba's fidel castro. one of the first missions in call of duty black ops is to rub out the young leader of the
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cuban revolution. and players appear to do just that. in disturbingly gory details. no official reaction in the government here in havana, but this state-run website denounced the game and inciting america's youth to behave like sociopaths. the site also ridicules the cia. what the united states couldn't accomplish in more than 50 years, they're now trying to do virtually, it says. in real life, castro survived scores of assassination attempts and outlasted ten u.s. administrations. illness forced him to step down in 2006, but after four years of seclusion, castro is back in action. he's not in power, but he's got his fatigues on and tours havana delivering endless speeches about the risk of nuclear war. cuba has taken a different path
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when it comes to keeping the cold war alive for its youth. the attempts on castro have been re-enacted in a big budget tv series. in one episode, the cia has scientists develop a poisonous cigar for castro's visit to the u.n. in new york. the plot is foiled when new york's police chief refuses to deliver them. >> you killed the double. >> reporter: even in call of duty, castro proves immortal in the end. up next here on cnn, a beautiful woman in a glass cube. no kidding. we're going to ask her why she's living without any privacy in downtown portland. and he's written a song about here, and lobbied for her release from house arrest for years. ahead, superstar bono on the day
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aung san suu kyi gains her freedom. thank you very much. you're on e-trade. huntin' down stocks, bonds, etfs. oh i love etfs. look at you. why don't you show me your portfolio? i'd love to... i already logged out. oh no, it's easy, actually, to get back... see where it says history? there's a history? yeah, it'll take you right back to the site you were just on. well the last site... [ british vo ] and now, cycle complete. the male wildebeest returns to propagate the herd. [ animal grunts ] can you forward me this link? [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed.
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i want you to stop texting, stop updating your facebook status for a while. i'm here in our hd studio. we call it the cube. and there's a reason that i'm doing this story from inside of here. we've got some of our people here from the tour, and so it's really sort of reality tv,
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really taking it to the next level and social media, as well. so give me your undivided attention for this story. i want you to think about how much you immerse yourself in cyberspace while ignoring your surroundings. we have someone with us to help us crystallize your thinking about this. kristen norene, there she is right there, she's spending the entire month of november in a most public way, living 24-7 inside a glass door front in portland, oregon. all of her communication is through social media. so we're going to join her now. we're going to join her by skype. hi, kristen, how are you doing? >> hi, don. thank you. >> what has this project been like so far, what is it, you've been in here 12, 13 days now? >> yeah, today is day 13. you know, it took adjusting the first week and then i was doing pretty good.
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i had a pretty nrmal life in here. it's day-to-day now. i feel like that might start to change soon. >> so you're thinking that your project is a metaphor for modern life, living without privacy in a digital world. we have a tour here for the most part at cnn, but it's very interesting. i couldn't imagine these people watching 24 hours a day. and they're laughing at it now. is this a metaphor for what's going on in the world, that people have sort of become isolated by social media instead of the opposite or what? >> it is. i mean, i think it's not only just a lack of privacy, but it's more about the idea that we have 24-hour accessibility into your lives now. i think because all of these new technologies, not just social media, but the newest iphone, whatever the latest trend is, and how that really affects our interaction with people in our life. >> so you're almost halfway
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through. it's day 13, halfway through on the 15th or so. what was the most unexpected thing you've experienced so far, kristen? >> you know, it might seem weird. there's a long story how the windows -- i didn't want people -- for me to see out but for them to see in. but that's become the most interesting part of the project. these windows, even though i can see people and text message with them and all of that, but there's still something -- i'm only getting bits and pieces of what people are saying. i guess i didn't realize how important that would be to this project and how it really does reflect what i'm trying to say. >> you know what i think is interesting? people now will go online, they meet people for dates. instead of going to a bar to have a drink or have coffee, it's kind of taken -- we call it
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social media, but sometimes there's nothing really that social about it. >> it's true. there are wonderful things about social media. i can talk to friends that live in different countries or family in different states. but yeah, i think that in some ways we have -- people have 500 friends, are those really all of their friends? i'm thinking not. >> what do you do, are you bored? how do you shore, go to the restroom? >> i tried to create an environment that is as comfortable as possible, because it was going to be hard enough to live without human interaction. so i have a private bathroom and shower and i have a little kitchenette area. i get groceries once a week. >> thank you very much. again, this is what we call our cube. good luck to you. we're going to check back with
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you and see how you're doing. i'm going to say hello to the guys. it's very living the way she's living her life, sort of in a bubble there. would you be interested in watching someone like that for 24 hours? >> no. >> not at all? >> no. >> we appreciate you taking part in our experiment. would you go see it for at least a little bit? >> a little bit. >> all right, thank you, guys. good luck to you. just ahead on cnn, the joy one rock star is feeling today. bono is going to talk about the woman he calls a hero, aung san suu kyi and her release. bono is live, next. bolt by bolt, car by car,g out of the very best america had to offer. ingenuity. integrity. optimism. and a belief that the finest things are the most thoughtfully made -- not the most expensive. today, the american character is no less strong. and chevrolet continues as an expression of the best of it. bringing more technology to more people than ever in our history.
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♪ if you're on social security, you're going to like this one. house dems want to pass a bill that would give you a one-time $250 check. they say it is a top priority when they get back to d.c. on monday. it's supposed to make up for another year without benefits -- a benefits increase. san francisco's mayor is doing what he can to keep the happy in happy meals. yesterday, he vetoed a move by his board of supervisors to remove toys from happy meals that don't meet specific
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nutritional requirements. he said parents should decide what kids can eat. but the board has enough votes to override the mayor's veto. zsa zsa gabor's husband says the 93-year-old actress is back home. what was thought to be a blood clot turned to be an infection. she's been confined to a wheelchair since a car accident eight years ago. stick around, this is going to be an interesting talk. we're going to talk about aung san suu kyi and talk to bono about it. now to what we call a rock star. and he's a rebel and activist, as well. do you remember the youtube hit called "walk on?" it won a grammy. take a listen to it. ♪ >> you may have missed it there, but the face on the t-shirt of band members is aung san suu
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kyi. a fighter for democracy in myanmar, a country under strict military rule. bono has been a great supporter for years. so this day is one great day, a day of joy since the 65-year-old freedom fighter is now free from house arrest and bono joins us by phone now. thank you so much for joining us. how are you feeling right at this moment? >> oh, feeling great actually. i mean, it's a sort of cautious joy at the same time, because though her -- though she's out in the world in a way we need her to be, she's perhaps her vulnerable there. if they should want to take advantage of her being outside her own four walls. so very excited, very thrilled that, you know, at the possibilities that this might be the beginning of a rational discussion with the people of burma by the military junta, but
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we're not sure. we have to wait and see. there's 2,202 political prisoners still in prison for the crime of believing in election results. so until they start to release those prisoners, we won't really breathe a sigh of relief. >> bono, it's cautious optimism. people know about you and your charitable work for africa and what you do for hiv-aides and you being an activist for at least that part. but we didn't know much about your feelings on burma and on myanmar and aung san suu kyi. why is this so important to you? >> all of these things are bound up in the same thought for me, which is just one of freedom and equality. our audience have had to suffer for a long time. i was a member of amnesty international for nearly 25 years.
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so we've been very informed about what's been happening in her life. she's kind of the mandela of our moment, this moment we're in right now. you think, well, do people really care about what's going on in a rock concert in the united states or in europe and if 70,000 u-2 phones lifting pictures of her face over their head, you know, what does that mean? does it mean anything? what we've learned from being members of amnesty is, these dictators are vainer than rock stars, they read all their press. you think kim jong-il doesn't read his press, he does. and the military junta in burma absolutely do. they care about what people are thinking. so in the international community, if they keep her front and center in the media, cnn has done a great job on this, it really does count.
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>> you wrote a letter why you wrote the song "walk on" and it was said to honor her. you said this is an amazing woman that put family second to country, who, for her contrick shuns, made the choice not the see her sons grow and not to be with her husband and he lost his life to cancer. aung san suu kyi, with an idea too big for any jail, changes our view as only real heroes can of what we believe to be possible. i think many people don't realize this section you have with her. so what can we learn from aung san suu kyi's efforts and what have you learned? >> you know, the grace, really. she's a character of great grace. maybe that's what she has in common with nelson mandela. her struggle has become a symbol of what's best about our
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humanity and worst. which she has managed to just keep this kind of calm in the middle of the storm. i any that's why people are so attracted to her. of course, it's the courage and conviction. >> have you spoken to her today? >> no, i have not. we've met her family and spoken to her family recently, but not today. but i was speaking to the burma action people, and they were thrilled and they're having a moment tonight. but she was released before, and at that point, i think it was 2002, she was released in '95 once and put back in prison and then released in 2002 once and put back in prison. the worry is that there's no real negotiation going on at the moment. in 2002, the u.n. were negotiating with her -- with the military junta, with an envoy
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from the u.n. it wasn't senior enough, perhaps. and didn't get anywhere. what we would love to see now is, you know, a gifted negotiator to sort of take advantage of this moment and begin dialogue. that start in 2002 didn't get anywhere. for this to be real, there has to be progress toward real peace. >> i found it interesting that on the youtube website, the headline is "aung san suu kyi released." it says, one down, 2,202 to go. we appreciate you joining us here on cnn and best of luck to you. let us know when you do meet her. >> thanks for your coverage. always great to talk to you. let's move on now. we're going to talk about helping children from half a world away. dr. sanjay gupta has their story. how would you like to meet up with this beast?
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not me, the one on the other side of the screen. a record breaking gator, caught. wait till you hear how big this guy was and how long it took to round him up. ...authentic... ...pure... and also delicious. ♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good, it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious.
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children in a small georgia town are learning a new way of life. but they have a familiar and favorite sport to lean on. dr. sanjay gupta shows us how soccer is being used to educate kids in need. >> reporter: at first glance, they look like a bunch of kids playing soccer. but take another look, a closer one. this is the fuji family.
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>> anybody who wants to be a part of this family can be. >> any refugee that wants to be parent of this family can be. >> reporter: they are all refugees. 86 children and teens, from more than 28 countries. >> any country that's had a war in the past 20, 30 years, we've had kids from those countries. >> reporter: what started as a casual soccer team six years ago is now a school, full of students, most of whom have never been in a classroom before. robin, sharply dressed in the uniform's blue sweater, is an eighth grader. something that would have been almost impossible in his native sudan. right after you moved to the united states, if someone said what are you going to do with your life, what would you have said? >> i don't know what to say during that time. but now, when i look at myself,
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i want to be someone very big. >> reporter: life in america has not always been good to robin. when you're an outsider living in the united states, what is that like? what happens to you? >> everyone is picking on you. they treat you really different. like you don't belong here. >> reporter: what did you do? >> i used to fight a lot. but nowadays, i try to resolve and not fight. >> reporter: while there are refugees living all around the united states, the family is the only group combining soccer with the hope for a better future. are there other organizations that you know of like this around the country? >> no. this is it. and we get e-mails every week from people around the country and world, when are you bringing it to us? >> reporter: how many more years before you finish? >> about four more yeergs. >> reporter: and then? >> another four years. >> reporter: of? >> college. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, georgia. up next on cnn, a hero is
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sacrificing his retirement to help rebuild the lives of wounded war limits. an olympic gold medalist introduces us to him. and then we'll talk to him live. there he is right there. fiber one chewy bar. how'd you do that? do what? you made it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. [ male announcer ] fiber one chewy bars. [ male announcer ] you're at the age where you don't get thrown by curve balls. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. ♪ so why would you let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to your doctor about viagra? 20 million men already have. ♪ with every age comes responsibility. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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cnn will reveal the hero of the year. we've been calling on friends at cnn heroes to tell us more about this year's honorees. there's a home builders helping wounded war vets rebuild their lives. >> hi, as a champion of help usa which aids the homeless and those in need, i'm committed to breaking the sickle of
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homelessness and poverty in our country. now i'm thrilled to help cnn introduce one of this year's top ten honorees. >> it ended up being a hell of a ride. i sustained a severe blast injury. my life came to a complete halt. >> how are you doing? you look sharp today. >> thank you. >> i've been building custom homes for 30 years. one of the most important things for a family is a home. >> i want you to read a sign for me. >> future home of sergeant allen sander reyes, united states army. >> giving these folk as new home meanses the world. >> thank you. that's all i can say. >> my name is dan, and we build homes for returning heroes from iraq and afghanistan. >> the houses are mortgage-free. it changes a whole family's life. >> welcome. >> it gives them a new start so
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they can move forward. these young men and women are doing this for you and me. how could i not help them? >> well, dan joins me now live. it's an honor to speak with you. congratulations of being a top ten cnn hero. how many homes have you given away so far and how many more do you plan on building? >> we've given away 12 homes right now and we have another ten in the process right now, whether it's in different stages. but we've got lots of plans. >> tell us about funding. how are you able to give these homes away? >> well, actually, we do need help from the american public. we need donations. we can build a $250,000 home for about 50 to $75,000. the rest of the funds, the materials, come from suppliers and vendors throughout the united states.
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carpet companies, window companies, lumber yards. so we don't need $250,000 to build a $250,000 home. we just need about 50 to $75,000 and the home builders and vendors in the united states take care of the rest. so we do need help. >> so if someone is watching, where do they go? do you have a website for them? >> we do. it's and they can go on and make donations. >> if you want to give to them. listen, describe the reaction once you are able to give these homes away, once you've completed them and then you see the vet walk in. >> it's incredible. you know, i've had the opportunity and the blessing to give away several of these homes. and every time i do it, it gets
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more and more emotional every time. and just to see the burden lifted off the face of these families when they realize that they have a home. and this is so important to the young man that's been injured, whether he lost his leg, severe burns, or whatever. you know, a man needs to know that he can take care of his family. and what these injuries say, they feel a little less than that. and with these homes, they've all told me that now they know, regardless of what happens to them, they know their family is going to be taken care of. and this means a lot to these young men and women. >> dan, thank you very much. again, it's we really appreciate it. to meet all of the cnn heroes and vote for one who inspires you the most, go to the tribute is thanksgiving night and hosted by anderson
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cooper right here on cnn. an officer is under investigation for allegedly having sex on the job. you won't believe how they found out about it, too. [ beeping ]
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♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring
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♪ all right. a tallahassee man has major bragging rights. he bragged the state's longest gator on record. more than 14 feet long. look at that thing. it was killed in the state's annual a


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