tv Parker Spitzer CNN November 16, 2010 4:00am-5:00am EST
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and thanks for your wonderful 25 years, buddy. >> larry: i'll be there next month. january, i'm coming, with the check. >> ourenior executive producer wendy walker is here tomorrow night and an exclusive with oxsana grigorieva on wednesday night. good evening, i'm kathleen parker. >> i'm eliot spitzer. welcome to the program. we have bjorn lomberg, a skeptic who thinks everybody telling us what to do to soflt prob lve the problem is getting it wrong. >> russell simmons, an entrepreneur in the hip-hop world and also a big fan of barack obama still, may be the last man standing who believes in hope and change. >> there are a lot of us out there. we all believe in it. come roaring back. numbers are up like we predicted last week.
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for opening argument, kathleen. 100 new members of congress descending on washington. we are going to give them a little advice about what to expect. you know what, folks, governing is not campaigning. and those who are out on the campaign frail say we are the not going to raise your taxes, not going to cut any spending, balance the budget at the same time. welcome to the real world. they will have to make the tough choices we have been talking about on the show. other thing they're going to have to do is realize until they say no to their best friend, they're not making those hard choices. >> quite a stern lecture, eliot, i have a new nuggets of ice, mine are fun, down to earth. first when you settle in, rent, don't buy. >> saying they're not going to be there long? >> you just never know. >> if they're republicans, i hope you are right. >> be nice to reporters, i know is has become fashionable to refer to the lame-stream media. some times they can be helpful. always assume there is a mike around. i learned this the hard way. please, most important, drink at home.
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you are less likely to get in trouble. >> makes it harder for us. we want them drinking in public, we get better stories. >> one glass of wine in public, that's it. >> not even scotch, just one. you are tough. man, you have been in the business and know washington all too well. it is going to be an education for the folks:they come in. just won big elections. they're all excited. they will wake up, january 5 when they take the oath, and realize, these are not going to be easy decisions for them to make. >> they're not. one thing i left off the list, more important than anything. go home on weekend as much as you can, get out of the bubble, you can stay grounded and focused on what the people want you to do. >> come on the show. >> come on the show. >> to talk more about next congress and issues they're confronting. let's get into "the arena." joining us, democratic representative from new york, anthony weiner, thank you for being with us. and congratulations, i don't think we have spoken since you got married this summer with none other than former president bill clinton officiating.
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>> thank you. >> ha-ha. >> congressman. congressman, this is kathleen parker. congratulations. >> thank you, i appreciate it. also, you might want to congratulate me, i did get re-elected on the 2nd. >> anthony, given the way your district is drawn. we knew that was going to happen. >> actually my district is a good bellwether for the country. 55% obama district. and this was a pretty choppy political year all around. but the people in brooklyn/queens have given me this honer. i plan to work hard to make them proud of it. >> congressman, let's turn to last week's commission, the draft was released to reduce the deficit of course greeted with mixed reviews. before we get into the specifics you were critical of the president for appointing the panel why not go about this in a bipartisan fashion? >> we are the governing party to reflect our values. our values are you don't privatize social security, don't turn medicare into vouch ear sis er system. this is what we believe in. i don't believe in coming, do a
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little across board that hurts everyone. i came to fight for middle-class people of my district. i think this commission, the three of us could have looked at the makeup of the commission and said a year ago what they would have come up with. the chairman, never a fan of social security, we saw where this was going. i think to some degree it is the opposite of leadership to appoint the commissions and say we'll see what they come up with. >> there were democrats, durbin, conrad, they're hardly pushovers. >> not saying any one is good, bad, or a pushover. i'm saying that is not the way i believe you should lead. we come from different parts of the country, representing different constituent cy onstituencies, believing different things. i don't believe in compromising for the sake of compromising. the new republican congress coming in with a blueprint, privatizing social security. my constituents aren't saying, hey, go there, compromise on it. they're saying fight for a
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program that is help the mid class and help prevent seniors from slipping into poverty. so i frankly think the commission as a concept was the wrong one. >> let me ask you the $64 trillion question -- how do we then bring our fiscal balance back to where it needs to be? i hear you about social security. okay. we will have to push you the same way we push everybody else. there is an $11 trillion chasm in our government situation, government balance of payments over the next decade. how do we begin to close it? where, whether social security, medicare, medicaid, which are the three big programs, where are you beginning to say we have to cut something? >> listen, part of what i think is preposterous about the timing of the commission, doing it at the time we are starting to is playment -- implement a health care reform bill. 20% of our economy, 20%, is health care and health care alone. driving up price ease nor mussily. as i suggested throughout the health care debate, the less
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expensive way to deal with it is expand medicare and phase out private insurance model putting hundreds of billions each year into the pockets of insurance companies. but the way you do this is first you start rewarding politicians for thinking a lit bit in advance. right now we had an election, hate to say this. people that won the election, people that said they voted no every single time. if that is the lesson how do you insentiveize anyone? >> i agree with you on your critique, saying as many others have been. the republican party was the party of no, the party of no on steroids the last election. i want to push you what you will do to close the deficit chasm. we are not going to be moving to single payer, or expanding medicare, i was with you in virtually everything you were saying during the debate, given the political realities of moment, where would you if you need to put the budget together, make the tough decisions? >> wait, you just said that you believe in what i said would
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work, but it's not politically realistic. you asked me two different questions? >> it's not possible. >> that's not true it's not possible. it is possible to expand medicare to cover people 55 next year, very possible. very possible in the farm subsidies. possible to end subsidies for the pieces that i mentioned. these things are all possible. one of the things i believe we need to understand around here in it doesn't come from a silver bullet, bipartisan commission bills paid by lobbyists. it comes from members of congress. i came to offer ideas. throughout the health care debate. i offered an opportunity to restructure health care that would have saved the country tens of billions. you don't like the answer you don't think it is politically feasible. i will fight for things i think are right. >> anthony, i agree about the farm subsidies and international association of peace, precise name of it, and expanding medicare would have been a good idea. but as we look forward, given the reality of the house, it really isn't going to happen. i am with you substantively.
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if you needed to put together a budget now, sitting in the oval office and needed to put together a budget that would pass where would you compromise to get the cuts. >> hold on a second. first of all it is clear, talking about reality starting in january with the new republican congress. their policies that they advocate dramatically increase the deficit. we know that, increases the deficit because they have an unfunded tax cut that they want to give to millionaires and billionaires. in the opposition, if they want to drive up deficit. to say no and offer different idea. i don't believe that the president should offer ape politically palatable budget to republicans because they won. he should still fight for the things we believe in. >> anthony, i agree with you in all that. you are still not answering the question, where will you then close the deficit? if you want to say you will increase taxes on the wealthy. that is great. >> eliot, what you and i are missing in our conversation, i keep proposing things you, can't do that, that is not realistic. these are the things i believe in.
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>> they're not, some of them were too small to be material. expanding medicare was part of the health care debate. i was with you on it. but that is not relevant to today's budget conversation. >> why? why? >> that you would agree is a reality? >> why? >> there is no votes for it. there is no way. >> yes, there is no doubt about it. democrats lost the election. doesn't mean i will start being a republican. so you don't, is that the extent, however of your capacity to find the major cuts in the programs? or pro pose -- >> here's what i believe. i believe that this is a choice. and my -- defining thing in this choice in every one that will come up, deficit commission or anything that the republicans propose is this program helping the middle-class and those struggling to make it. that's who i am working for. if someone says, let's eliminate the mortgage deduction, the single tax cut most middle-class people get. i am going to fight to make sure that doesn't happen.
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you can say that is not realistic to say. that's what i will be here fighting for and the loyal opposition. hopefully the president realizes he is still the president. we should articulate things good for the middle-class. we should be trying to save the programs that help the middle-class. if the defense department says there are things they don't want, if there are tax cuts we can't afford for millionaires and billionaires i am going to listen. one thing i won't dupe is buy into the idea because republicans got elect i'd have to start acting like one. >> i am with you on that. >> congressman, i want to circle back to something you said earlier talking to eliot. you were critical of the president's leadership on issues that you care about. has he been effective? >> look, i think the president has managed to pass under his leadership some remarkable historic things that needed to get done for a very long time. we have been ignoring. we have been ignoring health care. ignoring financial reforms. eliot is an expert on. ignoring our education system. now we are starting to do things to build the underpinnings of our economy. the thing he has been weaker on,
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explaining in a clear, visceral way to the american people why they're important what he is trying to do. a critique i have had of him for -- what's your choice, would you have some one good at doing things or explaining things. as the the president pointed out, you need a little of both. >> thank you, congressman for being with us. >> we will be right back. >> you are sort of the anti-al gore. >> not so much as anti-post-al gore. al gore was good in getting our attention to global warming. global warming is real. he did so by scaring the pants off of us. that's not a good way to go down if you are going to make good decisions. if you can deprive me of what can help lower my cholesterol... and live with yourself. right. mmm, i worry about your mother. cry herself to sleep every night over my arteries, but have yourself a bowl. good speech dad. [ whimper ] [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy.
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you'll get this free information kit... and guide to understanding medicare, to help you choose the plan that's right for you. as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare, get help paying for what medicare doesn't... and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. our person of interest, a controversial author with a global reputation as a skeptic on climate change. a business professor and founder of the copenhagen consensus center, he argues the consequences of climate change are exaggerated and money spent on policy would be effective if it were used to fight global problems like malaria eradication or walter sanitation. his views are explored in a new documentary "cool it" in theaters now. let's take a look. >> science has been hijacked by alarmists and the public are given to believe that they are to blame.
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>> we started washing our clothes with stones. >> i am off electronics. >> lightbulbs. >> recycle more. drive hybrids. >> these are great thing00s, let's do them. let's not kid ourselves and believe this is what is going to fix the problem. >> welcome bjorn. thank you for joining us. you are the anti-al gore? >> not so much anti-but post al gore. al gore was good in getting our attention. global warming is real. he did so by scaring the pants off of us. that is not a good way to go down if you are going to make good decisions. >> when you say it is real, is it man made? >> it is man made and a problem we need to tackle. look, we aren't tackling it very well the we haven't been tackling it for 20 years. to a very large extent because we are so panicked that we can't think straight about this and proposing grand carbon cuts which sound good but honestly don't do anything. >> well, as i understand it, and correct me if i am wrong, as i understand it, you are saying you made a dollar analysis in
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our language, if you are to get the best results from your, from spending limited resources, you would do better for example provide drinking water for people in sub-sahara africa, right? that doesn't change the fact that global warming exists. i am not sure, you might go in say, let's say as an example. i am going to put plumbing in your house, give you water you have until 6:00 p.m. to enjoy it when the earthquake comes. how does that work? >> there is two parts to this. first of all, remember, 3/4 of the world population live in dire poverty they have much more important things to deal with. we should help them with the issues. that doesn't mean as you say we shouldn't fix global warming. we should fix it smartly. right now we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars to do virtually no good. the only policy on books is the eu 2020 policy. if we go through with that, which i think the eu will do, we'll spend $250 billion every year for the rest of the century. you know what the impact is,
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we'll reduce temperatures by the end of the century by 0.1 fahrenheit. spending $20 trillion and won't be able to tell the difference in 100 years. >> can we agree, seems to me we have a large area of consensus here, vast area of disagreement about what to do. consensus, it is man made, temperatures are rising, water levels are going to rise, co-2 pouring into the atmosphere, causing this, the only question we are debating, what to do? >> yes. >> here is the question, at two to three feet, you would still have significant global consequences for bangladesh. >> yes, there are two points we need to remember. one is to say we can adapt to many of the things and certainly the real question to bangladesh is do we want to make them rich now and actually be able to deal with this or reduce sea level rise by a little bit in 100 years. >> let me ask this question -- take, as a given, if we can save 50 kids tomorrow by spending $1 or spending the dollar and have
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no consequences on global warming, everybody would say, spend the dollar, save the 50 kids. to a certain extent that is a false choice. we are not choosing between hiv research, food for starving kids, versus global warming. these are separate areas of spending we are talking about. not in the tradeoff context? >> i would disagree with you. if you ask global fund for malaria, t.b., and for hiv, they actually tell us, that they have seen declining levels of investment because of global warming. you know, this is what we are focused on, there is many other things we don't focus quite as much on. but if you will just allow me. the real point here is not to say that we shouldn't deal with global warming. but it is to say, we are not right now. so when people are saying, no, no, let's make the grand promises for 2100. we don't actually do them. there is a very simple reason why. because it's -- very costly to cut carbon emissions right now. that's why we should make it cheaper. >> let me ask you something, in
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your book, upon which your documentary is based, you use examples, several examples of things that make you feel good but things that do good. in the case of polar bears, the iconic image of what we most fear will happen we'll lose polar bears, there are more now than there have ever been. but we'll leave that to sarah palin. under the feel good, which is, you have, written up here, kyoto kyoto, you would say .06 polar bears. and if you do good, you would save 49 polar bears. how does that work? >> just for one area. take it for the whole -- north pole. basically if we all did the key kyoto -- -- protocol. we shoot 300 to 500 polar bears a year. why don't we talk about stop shooting 300 polar bears. >> bjorn, don't you feel. i read your stuff and watched the movie.
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yes, you make a powerful cross benefit analysis. it reminded me very much, i hope you will be the flattered by this, but reminded me of your playing the role of ben bernanke, who in the midst of the subprime crisis in '07, said, quote, the troubles in the market for risky mortgages thus far don't appear to be spreading to the overall economy. he was saying don't worry. a small problem. we have time to deal with it. of course then it expanded in a way that brought destruct, to the world economy. isn't the possibility that this is, is the same situation sufficient to say we should in fact do something really dramatic? >> i will not go into the quote. i will take a little look at the global warming argument. right now al gore and everyone else have had 20 years to prove their policy. they have done nothing. i am simply saying if you actually care about this issue why on earth should we not try to find a different smarter way rather than going down the failed road.
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so i am saying, let's invest dramatically more in research and development into green energy. fundamentally as long as solar panels cost ten times as much fossil fuels, rich, well meaning westerners will take them, if we can make solar panels cheaper than fossil fuels, we would solve global warming. the trick because we focus so much on cutting carbon emissions, we spend less, not more on investment in research and development. >> seems to me, given the cataclysmic risk we should do both? >> we haven't done one of them. cutting carbon emissions it is costly. every team you spend a dollar on cutting carbon emissions fairly costly it means you can spend less on research/development. if you can find $100 billion, i would rather not see us saying spend $50 billion smartly and spend $50 poorly. let's spend all of the $100 billion on research and development. ultimately you will only get china to say yes to cutting carbon emissions if solar panels
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and green technologies are cheaper. >> kyoto going nowhere, cap and trade seems to be knowing nowhere, a new direction is important. if you could pick one research area what would it be? >> this is exactly what i don't want. politicians love to pick, you know, favorite project. >> wait a minute. you are not being fair. not the politician, play your game with you. if you had $1 to spend, to dupe cost benefit where would you put it? >> i don't have $1. >> we have, at least a couple billion dollars. because researchers are cheap you should spread it across all these different areas because most of the areas are the not going to work out. but because the there are lots of different opportunities, some of them will. and those are the ones that are going to be powering the 21st century century. we should be careful not to pick winners and fund all of these. >> now you are saying what i was saying before on the other side. because the cataclysmic risk is great, do it all. >> i would argue there is a difference. a fundamental, we don't know which of the technologies will work out. which is why we need to fund ape
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vast array of them. >> i want to ask you the last technical question, what is your next project? >> my project -- this is a discussion we haven't got ebb right for 20 years. i think i will be staying here until we get it right. >> thank you, bjor ncht, n. appreciate you joining us. >> george bush did everything he promised and more, for the conservatives and support system that he built up. i think it was president obama's mission to do everything he promised and more.
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financier, animal rights activist, obama supporter, reality tv star, and author of the upcoming book "super rich" we can only be talking about russell simmons. welcome. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming in today. >> quite a long introduction. >> you have done it all. >> all deserved. congratulations in all of that. >> thank you. >> since we mentioned president obama in the introduction, the past couple weeks not his best stretch, mid terms, trip to asia, you are still a supporter. what would you tell hem to do? >> i think his communications department has let him down a bit. i think people are a little impatient which is our reality. we have to remember when the president took office we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. and we are not losing any jobs now. >> did he fail to sort of ex-plain where we were going? because there are two schools of thought. some say it was messaging, some say the public didn't like the substance. you are saying it was messaging? >> there are a lot of people moderate conservative who voted
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for him they were afraid. they see a little bit of green light, maybe they believe that, it was just george bush not the whole republican party. and maybe they believe now that they're not as afraid. but the truth is, president obama spoke about a lot of issues that mattered to me and some of my, the people that i care about. and i think that we have to continue to push those messages. he had, gay rights, i am a big gay rights, animal activist, got support from that community. lots of the environmental rights community. cared a lot. i think that those people, those messages, are important. to get this core back he has to speak to his core. >> you know, when he was campaigning, he spoke all the time in terms of unity, unified nation, when we got to washington of course he found out that governing was harder than campaigning. do you think he has the message in him? >> i think the idea of unity is a tough one when you have these
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parties and their interests, so many lobbyists, so much, you know -- there is -- politicians have so much struggle. you must know that. sticking to a message, if the message is not funded properly. and it's tough being a politician. i would never want to do that. it is a tough job. >> take one issue you mentioned, gay rights, you have been an advocate. the gay community is, the president saying, where have you been on don't ask don't tell. in other words. this is one exam pull. >> that is a communications issue, don't ask, don't tell. he says he wants it to stick. yet the congress and the senate, at one time they could have worked on making it stick. since he lost that. for him to make a statement then, he could have made that statement then. he could have also made it clear that he had a bigger vision than to take advantage of the opportunity that he had on don't ask don't tell. i think he could have pushed it. i think, all of the things, progressive ideas that he spoke about publicly, he should have went to, george bush did everything he promised and more. right? and more. for the conservatives and the support system that he built up. it was president obama's mission to do everything he promised and more.
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>> he promised an awful lot though. one of the problems is promising too much upfront. and also, don't you think his deification, by the media, put him in a hard spot. >> the media, you can't have much faith in them. you have to work around them. >> watch it now. >> the media, look, the choices for the news. they don't put human suffering, they don't mention, you could be talking about a missing girl for three months and they never mention the 15,000 africans that died for lack of clean water yesterday. you won't talk about the 200,000 innocent iraqis who were killed. and you only talk about the 4,000 american soldiers killed in the invasion. the media makes choices, 10 billion suffering farm animals, never in the top of the media, any ratings i guess. so this reality that we live in. what should be or could be news when it comes to creating better
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lives for all of us americans and others, that's not in the media. you know, the media does not have people's best interest in heart. i live across from ground zero, what spread from the media, the idea that you talk so much of bout this guy, burning a book, 30 people, created an international catastrophe. one guy burning a book, he becomes international example of american hate. that's the media. >> i agree with you. there is no reason to give attention to these fringe people that suddenly, dominate the conversation and distract us from things that do matter. there is such a thing as empathy fatigue. i think there comes a time when people can only suffer vicariously for so long. let's talk about your tv show. you have a new reality show. >>politics. >> running russell simmons. a lit different than most reality tv shows. >> i hope so. >> tell us about it. so many, use, we talked earlier,
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gay rights, animal rights. violence in our communities, a big issue kind of overlooked that i try to bring to forefront. it's a fun show. i live on 7th avenue. when i am on your show or any show these days it is always the social, political, philanthropic ideas that i have that i am talking about. but i have a new fashion company. and financial services company set to make a big difference in the word. >> i hear we have a clip. let's take a look and come back to that. >> i really need help. we are helping an orphanage. >> how much are you trying to raise? >> $20,000. >> is that all. >> yeah. you know what i want to incorporate you into my fourth of july party. i will throw in simmons jewelry pieces, hello kitty pieces you will auction them off. >> what are we doing? >> this lady comes to us, she works for shine on sierra leone, a charity, they were worried
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about the women there, and the support system they don't have, child birth, child mortality. so she comes to me. she has this idea she wants to raise money. i said let's do angels for africa. we have 200 victoria secret models come to my house. 100 men. they give us $400,000. that was the big story. that happens every episode. something like that. >> that's making charity fun. >> yeah. >> well my life is fun. >> russell simmons, thank you for being with us. we will be right back. >> we are going to take on the obama health care plan. make sure the issue stays in front of the american people. we think it is terrible legislation. american people don't want it. we will insist this congress continue to revisit the issue. it is crucial to our prosperity and individual health care choices.
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our "headliner" tim phillips president of americans for pros a right-wing group, barack obama claims was at the center of questionable republican campaign spending. he called out the group 19 times in campaign speeches. >> phillips is a major player in the rise of tea party. his organization has invested heavily in the fight against health care reform. welcome, tim. how do you feel about being
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identified as a right-wing activist group? is that accurate? >> i think free market. we'll take whatever. >> those are words you use anyway. trying to be good to you. >> let me ask you, now that the elections are over the you recently had a meeting in virginia with other conservative leaders to develop a strategy for two years the what did you come up with? >> we will take on the obama health care plan. make sure the issue stays in front of the american people. we think it is terrible legislation. the american people don't want it. we will insist that this congress continue to revisit the issue it is crucial to our prosperity. >> i might be sympathetic to some of your positions i want to know where your funding comes from, why can't you tell me? why is that a secret? >> let me tell you why we ought to protect the privacy of supporters. three weeks before the election, president's advisers is on a conference call, we are looking at the tax returns and corporate tax returns as well. david cook is our chairman.
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what an outrageous chilling thing for a senior economic adviser to the president, widely reported by the way to name an individual american and only because that american was involved with americans for prosperity. that is why we ought to protect the privacy. i am happy to do so. we will do so because these politicians, too often, will try to have retribution using agencies or their own congress. >> i am for transparency, we would benefit when the big money flowing into politics is disclosed. i also agree with you. for somebody to say some one is audited by the irs for that reason, to is ply it is awful and should never happen. i want to come to a different issue. you put out a statement, the organization, saying you disagree with fundamental pieces of the debt commission proposals that was issued by erskin bowls and former senator simpson. the piece you object to is there a big tax increase built in $1 trillion. you want to balance the budget. how will you make up the
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trillion dollars. >> let me start by saying, we have to put defense on the table. some of my friends would disagree. it is discretionary spending. one of the proposals in there was trimming back on overseas bases, $10 billion. serious money. i think that is something we could assort. we would look at. i think that over time, raising the retirement ages, a tough one. it is going to provide some pain. i know. but i think that is an area we have to look at. >> support. >> have to do it. we have to do it. if we don't say that. when those, when those retirement rates were put in, life expectancy was different. it is longer. we have to expand it. it is going to be a big fight. the left is screaming about it. that's one. that's tens of billions if not hundreds of billions. two areas that were not in the commission report that we have to look at. one are pensions for workers. federal workers, state, local workers. that unfunded liability is killing us. states are looking at devastating returns in the federal government.
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we have to have pensions with private sector. we have to trim the federal and stateforces. we have lost over 10 million jobs. government in total. a rise in employees in total. in total. we have to over time trim the government the i know it is difficult. these are good people by the way. >> a lot of things you said in there, courageous, i applaud you for doing it. being more specific than most of the elected officials. raising the retirement age, closing overseas military bases two things in there, there is also a lot in there about medicare. saying lower reimbursement rates for doctors in return for tort reform is that a bargain you support? >> they keep lowering the return the return for doctors. you will see doctors opt out. one thing i hear around the country, i travel at rallies, events. i talk to folks. they tell me, gosh, for medicaid, medicare it's tough to find a doctor who will take me now.
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because they're pushing the rates down so far. there is only so much blood out of the turnip that you can get. >> when you say talking candidates you would support. you talk full throttle conservative across the board. what does that mean? >> well, the free market. americans for prosperity focuses on free market, use, some one that will hold the line on taxes or simplify the tax code, some one who is going to cut spending. the republican contract or whatever the term was -- frankly is was in as ambitious. as it should have been. the pledge. the pledge. it was not as ambitious on spending as we would like to have seen. a trillion budget deficit. $100 billion, not enough. genuine meaningful tax cuts. i tell you a go i respect during the campaign. did you see the last florida senate debate before the election, driving some where, middle of nowhere. dialing in on the radio. i hear it. cspan is running a repeat of it. marco rubio a week before the election says we have got to make real cuts. bring in social security, said that in florida. that's the kind of political courage we are going to have in the next presidential candidate. >> given unemployment is at 9.6, really much higher, everybody
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agrees if you measure the right way. what would you do? you can't say cut taxes now. because cutting taxes hasn't created jobs in the last ten years. and the bush tax cuts have been in place. >> that is not true. look at '01, '03, the economy was smoking pretty well. >> maybe smoking something else. it was not, well, the longer term. >> unemployment was pretty low. >> a temporary bubble situation. what we have got right now is the aftermath of excess leverage, deregulation and rates that were really historically very low. cutting them another 2, 3 points isn't going to get investment when you have trillions sitting there not being invested. >> first thing we need to do. it's been well reported. businesses have $1.5 trillion. >> lot of money. however you count it. >> number one thing i hear from big businesses and small is, until we have a stable legislative regulatory environment, we are not investing that money. >> we agreed on a whole lot more. i disagree with you on that. there is a demand crisis.
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i know businesses talk lack of certainty. that is not why people aren't investing. i can tell you dealing with business folks. that's the not the problem. we have a demand crisis. we have to stoke demand. i know you don't like kensian -- >> $1 trillion didn't stoke demand. >> created 3 million jobs. >> did not. that is impossible to prove. you are throwing numbers out there. come on. >> you hand i both know. you can never prove like you do in chemistry exam that this its the case. >> so it is saved or created, the operative word you are using? saved. how do you know what job got saved. that's laughable. >> so much higher. let's get to something. we will disagree on that. do you disagree conceptually there is such a thing as global warming we have to worry about? >> science is far from settled for any one including al gore to say otherwise is arrogance. there are a enough scientists and doctors saying let's look closely. i'm not a scientist, i don't pretend to be. when i look and read, the left
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to say the debate is settled. aren't they the ones wanting tolerance, open debate, dissent. they are quick to whack it. >> we think you are wrong. >> thank you so much for a fascinating discussion. >> thank you. >> the movie that needs a sequel is ferris buehler's day off. >> ferris buehler is an adult. >> bill clinton his cheerleader, devil. >> ferris buehler as an adult. time for fun with politics. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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time for fun with politics. eliot, the republicans are calling for president obama to rescind his qe-2, whatever that is. not sure. i think i need a copy of quantitative easing for dummies. >> we all do. >> far as i can tell, it is the president, the federal government is printing money, that we don't have, to give to banks who don't need it. >> exactly. that is what it is. maybe there is another way of looking at it. think of this qe-2 light other qe-2. >> luxury ocean liner. >> the very one. >> i know people that sailed on the boat in the day and the grandest ship on the sea. >> grand, expensive. wrap your head around the numbers, the ship "queen elizabeth ii" cost 24 million british pounds, hundreds of millions of dollars today's value. >> a lot. they got a boat out of it. >> cheap when compared to the president's qe-2. $600 billion hot off the presses. $600 billion that bernanke prints every week when he goes
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into the basement of the fed what he does to keep busy. this time it will keep the economy sailing. >> the ship is docked some where, abandoned, awaiting its fate just like the president's qe-2. >> exactly. here is hoping the ship find a home and sails again some day. same goes for the president's plan. if it doesn't we could be heading for a very unhappy hollywood ending. near far wherever you are >> who can forget "titanic" great movie, not a great ride. >> i'm sobbing, i cry every time i see it. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] it's a rule of nature.
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i'm joe johns. more of "parker spitzer" in a moment. deliberations to continue tomorrow morning in the ethics trial of charlie rangel. a house committee rejected the democrat's request to delay the hearing. claimed he needed more time to hire a new legal team and stormed out of proceedings. stands accused of 13 ethics violations including failure to pay taxes on a home in the dominican republic. after five days an ohio mother, 10-year-old son and family friend are still missing tonight. hopes of finding them were
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raised after a third family member, a 13-year-old was found bound and gagged in the basement of a home. matthew hoffman who lives in the home was arrest ford kidnapping and additional charges are expected. tonight on "360" the fight over full body scanners and pat downs are they essential to airline safety or invasion of privacy? what about repeat xd poe ed exposure. legal and medical implications. that's the latest. "parker spitzer" back after this. [ man ] december 31st. it's more than just the last day of the year. it's the last day you can switch your medicare part d plan. we just switched ourselves and we're happy we did. [ male announcer ] make the switch to an aarp® medicarerx plan, insured through unitedhealthcare.
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>> welcome to our political party, the place where so many of our most interesting guests let loose and discuss a variety of objects and topics. with us, contributor, max kellerman, elise jordan, former speech writer for condolezza rice and also travels frequently to afghanistan, and john avalon, centrist and political analyst for the daily beast. >> our first question concerns the former president, bill clinton, apparently made a cameo appearance in hilarious movie "hangover 2." so what would you recommend as a cameo for the president? not the current president, for bill clinton, where would you see him next? >> i will default, movie that needs a sequel is "ferris buehler's day off." >> ferris buehler is an adult. >> an adult. and bill clinton being a cheerleader. devil on his shoulder. >> i see clinton as ferris buehler. one of my favorite movies of all
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time. >> "hangover" is my favorite. >> i want bill clinton on "meet the parents" sequel. chelsea got married. he is excited about being a grandparent. he could come in with robert de niro, bill clinton loves to talk about his historical legacy, could educate the children, inspire new clintonites, perhaps. a great star turn. >> a sequel to that. a name, hard to say it on tv. it would be hard to say. >> yeah, "old school." >> a sequel, the funny one. not of "the hangover." not a fan. >> hearing these days, cut spending. cut spending. "the washington post," he said this congress will increase spending what do you think they will do and why? do you buy that? >> look, i think he is making a bet on the fact that republicans have traditionally increased funding when they had unified control.
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the difference with divided government we have seen a decrease in spending historically. the big question -- do they just get the tax cults done ts done. or are they going to listen to the american people and deal with the debt. be content to demagogue it or deal with it. the real test is the deficit commission. >> one thing, everybody's take on this election was people cared about the deficit. when you poll the electorate, what they say they care about is jobs not the deficit. they could do something dead wrong, pass the tax cuts. not cut spending and get re-elected. hope they don't. that would be bad for the country. >> the that is hugely cynical. >> that is why they will do it. >> there are politicians who are content, demagogue, use it as a campaign issue. that's where the challenge comes in. responsibility of governing comes in. where the action is going to be. >> any bets over here? >> the republican base really cares about it. if they just kind of ride it out and don't actually do anything and make good on their campaign promises it could look really
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bad in 2012 for the republicans. >> it depends, on the extent to which the tea party has been co-opted by the republican party. even watching rand paul on this show, last week, you see that, that, it seems as though there has been a co-opting taking place and these tea partiers who, if even if they're hopelessly doctrinaire, if nothing else, they say they're libertarian, you kind of believed them, at this upon the to get elected and, maybe they're learning to stay elected or maybe they will learn to stay elected, they're not maybe, as doctrinaire as they first appeared to be. if that's the case, and they've been co-opted spending could increase. >> i think ezra is wrong. don't think it will happen. >> don't think so? >> you think they will cut? where? we had a slew on the show. where are you going to cut? they're saying no tax increases, tax cuts. then you mention social security. all the stuff we do every day.
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they don't want to go there. >> campaigning is different from governing. when you get in there, you have to do something. can't keep going this way. i think they will. >> time for one quick final question. boxer won his eighth title, the boxer called one of the all time greats. what a lot of people don't know he also is a congressman in the philippines. how does a boxer's skill in the ring translate into working in congress. you know both of the rings what do you think? >> one of the greatest fights of all time. i worked the fight over the weekend for hbo. amazing. i don't think it helps for a legislator. helps for an executive maybe. maybe obama could learn something from, from manny. but don't you have to work with people. anthony weiner notwithstanding. >> come on, i will defend anthony. >> puts on a good bluff. he works well. >> he is manny in the congress. >> eight titles. that's all right. >> i don't know. the best thing he has going for him, actually, is that he is
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wealthy and so doesn't have to pocket appropriations as is common in the philippines. manny. >> wealthy because of his boxing? >> yes. he can funnel the money to the poor, his stated goal for getting into politics. >> he has eight titles in different weight classes. awe -- different weight clags s sses. >> if you compare him to all time, all time record. one of the greatest fighters in the history of boxing. >> anything in common? >> i think there is a lot. republicans, democrats are trying to beat each other senseless. stay in the game. stick in. not get knocked out. roll with the punches. get re-elected. that's a coup. >> can he take a punch or throw one? >> i was thinking of nancy pelosi, she came to mind. some body that can throw punches and get what she wants. >> she can take a punch. speaker. >> real lesson in politics and sports. you want to be playing offense. the way to change the game. when folks fall back on defense.
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