tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 16, 2010 1:00pm-3:00pm EST
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there's super high levels of intelligence are in many ways much like our own. and if that's true, the question is, what does that tell us? >> in the end, what this tells us is that we need to look at these animals in a new light with a new respect and really provide much more protection in terms of conservation efforts and welfare efforts for these animals. and also appreciate that we're not at the top anymore. we're not alone. we're surrounded by other intelligence. >> oh, wow. so smooth. beautiful. >> reporter: remember the old saying that it always seems like dolphins are smiling at you? well, maybe they are. randi kaye, cnn, baltimore. >> love that piece. "cnn newsroom" continuing right now with a man who i believe is going to do a little bit more on this story today. >> yeah, that's fascinating. i always like talking about people smarter than me and now we're going to talk about dolphins who are. tony, have a great afternoon. i'm ali velshi.
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i'll guide you through the maze of information coming your way. together we'll learn what's going on around the world and at home. you'll get access to folks who can best explain the impact today and beyond today including about those dolphins. we'll showcase the best ideas in innovation, philanthropy, public education. my mission is to help you figure out how what's going on around you fits into your life. it's a new rundown. here's what i've got. medical mistakes. an estimated 15,000 patients die every month at hospitals are partly to blame. a clever new way for gay couples to marry legally in states where it's against the law. and as tony was saying, he knew dolphins were smart. did you know they were big-eye smart? if you're traveling for thanksgiving, a record number of people, regardless of how you're getting to your turkey dinner, you went be alone. this year's turkey comes at a time -- a record number of people are traveling this holiday season. most of them will be traveling
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by car. a few of them are traveling by air. and this comes at a time of a nationwide outcry over airport security measures. that could add to delays at airports. i'll have more on that in a minute. first aaa is out with the annual thanksgiving travel report. more than 42 million americans are expected to travel next week. that's a jump of 11% over last year. now, the vast majority of those people, 94% will drive to where they're going. that's 12% over last year. only 4% plan to fly, but that's an increase over last year, as well. now, airfares are up over last year, hotels are up, as well. the outrage at airports that you've been hearing about for the last couple of days is growing. it's coming from a lot of travelers who are saying enough is enough. they're rebelling against the tsa, the transportation security administration and their full-body x-ray scans and pat-downs. critics say the scanners are unsafe and the pat-downs are an invasion of privacy. here's the take of chesley sully
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sullenberger, the u.s. airways pilot who saved his crew and passengers when he was forced to ditch his plane in the hudson river in january of last year. >> as a matter of fact, my wife and i traveled just recently and she underwent such a screening where she was touched in sensitive places. but i can tell you again from my perspective as an airline pilot for over three decades that this just isn't an efficient use of our resources. >> all right. now there's an interesting argument. it's not an efficient use of our resources. that is not necessarily the argument that is taking root in certain corners of america. i want to bring in josh levs following this very closely. because there's a real ground swell movement against what the tsa is doing. and that's not the argument they're using. what are they saying? >> what they're saying and a lot of people are upset about the advance imaging technology and they feel it's too invasive, intrusive. there's a website called
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there's another one here that is a we won't fly. and both are calling for the same thing. they're calling for people on the day before thanksgiving. one of the busiest travel day of the year. it's the advance imaging technology. it can take basically images of your body and this is something the tsa has been rolling out, using stimulus money, getting more and more of it out there. and these two groups are saying this is not right, it's too invasive, too intrusive. and they're asking people to opt out of having that done. and instead, go for the pat-down. and then they're saying have the pat-down in public. don't go to a private area. they want people to see you going through a pat-down because thaw want people over the thanksgiving table to be having conversations about what's going too far, ali. the guy behind is one guy in virginia. i spoke with him earlier. >> based on what was happening with the new procedures with the body scanners and the enhanced
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pat-downs are really a gross invasion of privacy. and there's got to be some reasonable standard that we can imply that keeps us safe but also doesn't violate people's privacy in the way that's currently being done. >> i want to be sure to get to the other side. homeland security secretary janet napolitano said this. >> they in no way resemble electronic strip searches. all they do is ping in a private area away from the gate with an image that is neither retained nor transmitted. we've built privacy screens into the machines. we built privacy concerns into the procedures when they were deployed. >> and now cnn has reported -- these machines are built with a mode in which they actually can hold on to images. and there was one instance we know of a federal court -- one courthouse u.s. marshal system said it held on to 35,000
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images. but as a rule, the immanuages a not shared, not saved, not stored. the point here is that we're having this battle right now in this country about what's going too far. and what you've got to do to keep your country safe. >> i travel three or four times a week on an airplane. i was also reporting the night of the underpants bomber who had bomb material in his crotch. now, some people are saying you shouldn't be able to search people without cause. the whole point of random searching is it's without cause. if you want to take sullenberger's argument, it may not be an efficient way. i would love that line to go faster than it is. but i think my safety and the safety of travelers is more important than someone's not wanting to be touched because it's random. >> i think you're right. i think most amecans agree with that. part of what we're seeing is the eternal battle between security and privacy. security and freedom, which basically is always going to play out. i will tell you, this guy behind
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national optoutday. he supports the machines that can sniff your body for chemicals, he doesn't feel that every person -- if they've gone through those things -- >> okay. >> what you have here is a subjective line. line up 100 americans, everyone's going to draw the line in a different place. and the question is what laws will our government follow to keep us safe while maximizing our privacy? >> well, there is a lot to discuss. there many other areas which people feel the line has been crossed even though it may end up helping them. we'll continue to discuss this, josh. thanks for that. josh levs. you can call john tyner the instant poster boy for the instant outrage over the body scans and pat-downs. he triggered this swell of support after saturday. he's a 31-year-old software engineer who refused to submit to a full-body x-ray scan saying it was an invasion of his privacy. he also refused a pat-down saying "if you touch my junk, i'll have you arrested." tyner recorded the encounter on
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his cell phone. now, tsa says tyner violated federal law by leaving the airport and could face a civil penalty as high as $11,000. tyner explained to cnn why he refused to comply. >> since my story has gotten out, i've gotten plenty of comments from people that probably got worse than you just got. people say they were handled so roughly that they ended up with a sick to the stomach feeling for the rest of the day. the thing that upset me about the search was the guy intended to touch my groin. >> we'll keep you posted on what happens with john tyner. we go to hospitals expecting to be healed, not harmed. wait until you hear what a new government study turned up. the cost of medical mistakes in money and lives right after this.
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who says congress can't act fast? barely a day after rangel walked out on his own ethics trial, we have a verdict. several, in fact, we're live on capitol hill in that minute. it'! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief for all-over achy colds. the official cold medicine of the u.s. ski team. alka-seltzer plus. dear corolla, it must be hard. you never considered making turn-by-turn navigation standard. if you want to talk about it.. call me when you get there. that is if you find there, since you don't have turn-by-turn navigation standard. the all-new chevrolet cruze. starting under $17,000. get used to more. qualified lessees can get a low mileage lease on a 2011 chevrolet cruze ls for around $169 a month. call for details.
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after a one-day trial that he boycotted because he didn't have a lawyer, new york congressman charlie rangel has been convicted of breaking house ethics rules. you heard the verdicts live here on cnn, count after count declared proved by clear and convincing evidence. the 20-term harlem democrat who is also a korean war hero and was just reelected stood accused of failing to declare rental income on a villa in the
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dominican republic, improperly leasing four rent-controlled apartments in new york, and using official stationary to raise money for the charles rangel center at new york college -- at city college of new york. so what happens now? cnn's brianna keilar has been following this case all the way through. she joins us now from alcohcapi hill. >> reporter: this was a house proceeding, ali, but this was comparable to a verdict and did not turn out well for charles rangel, former chairman of the house ways and means committee, the tax writing committee. he was found in essence guilty on an 11 of 12 counts, violations of house rules. and that did include, as you mentioned, failing to pay taxes on rental income from this villa that he owns in the dominican republic. that happening while he was the chairman of that tax writing committee. also failing to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets, which every member of congress has to do. misusing that rent-controlled
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apartment, and also using, yes, that congressional letterhead as well as his ranking privileges and staff time to solicit those donations. what happens now? this committee, in essence again, this was like a verdict. they're going to move on to the sentencing phase, they call it a sanctions hearing. they're going to decide what to do. there are varying levels of rebukes he could face. maybe a reprimand, which could be a slap on the wrist, perhaps a censure. >> yesterday i saw you covering this, he walked out of the hearing, he didn't have a lawyer. can you explain to me what was going on there? why he didn't have a lawyer? this comes as no surprise he was facing this hearing. >> reporter: it's a little bit of he said/they said. he says he doesn't have a lawyer because he spent $2 million on legal fees, can't afford anymore. he told the law firm he couldn't guarantee payment on $1 million of legal fees and they withdrew.
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that law firm here in d.c. tells a slightly different story saying they did not seek to terminate this relationship with him and they were trying to work with him. the bottom line here is the committee didn't buy it. they didn't grant his motion, and even though he boycotted it, they said we're going to continue with this. and we ended up with a much shorter process because he wasn't there really to defend himself, ali. >> is there an appeal that comes out of this? >> reporter: no, i think this is it. it doesn't play out exactly like, i guess, like a court proceeding you could say. >> brianna, thanks very much for following this so closely. brianna keilar on capitol hill. a new study on medical mistakes. a real eye-opener. the department of health and human resources examined a patient's medical files. one in every seven patients hospitalized is harmed as a result of the medical care. these are so-called adverse events contribute eing to 15,00 deaths a month. and these unexpected problems add 4.4 billion to the
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government's health care tab every year. our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is on the case. not only to tell us what goes wrong, but in a minute to tell us what you actually do about it. what are these mistakes that go wrong? >> there's so many of them. we looked through the report and went through the things that went wrong. sometimes the patients get the wrong drugs. ali velshi gets elizabeth cohen's drug or the wrong dosage. sometimes patients are given too much fluid. excessive surgical bleeding that isn't taken care of. or, and this is a big one, and i think a lot of people don't know this. frequently patients in the hospital have catheters and those are great places for infection. >> and hospital infections remain a major -- we made advances in cutting that back? >> well, the american hospital association put out a statement today saying, hey, look, we know about this, we know that it's a problem and we are working on it. but so far the improvement isn't nearly what anyone would like to see. these infections still kill hundreds of thousands of people a year.
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>> this move toward electronic records and electronics and hospitals in some cases is meant to try to systematize everything, so some of these things don't go wrong. >> so you have bar codes, all of that. there's hope that will make a change. >> 1 in 7 of these patients studied had something go wrong that as a result of their care. how do you make sure you're on the other six. >> we all want to be in the sixth. here is the golden rule in the hospital. take someone with you. you are sick, you can't really take care of yourself. so that's rule number one. and then there are a couple of other things you can do. first of all, one of the things you can do is ask for a daily medication list so you know or your spouse or whoever knows you're supposed to get. and if someone brings you the wrong thing, you're aware. also, ask if you really need that catheter. sometimes you don't. and then ask how quickly can this come out so you don't get that infection that can be so deadly. also, ask about washing your skin before surgery. if you know you're going in for a surgery, there are rinses to use at home that can decrease
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your chances of getting an infection. >> if you can bring someone with you, do you have to have them approved as somebody who can do that? >> no, so many people have asked me that and i've never heard of a hospital requiring that. >> but as you have often said, ask questions. it's intimidating, you're in an area you don't know anything about what's going on, ask. >> and i won't pretend, it can be tough. i was talking to a doctor whose brother was in the hospital. and he said, does my brother really need that catheter? does it have to come out? he had to ask about ten times. he said i don't care they were giving me a hard time, i wanted that thing out of him. >> the empowered patient is the book elizabeth has written. this will be a good time to learn about these things if you're going to a hospital. you can also check out elizabeth and her information on her website patient. john, paul, ringo, and steve. how apple got the beatles on itunes after years of bickering.
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if you look at these pictures, these are pictures we've had coming in of prince william and his fiancee, kate middleton. news came out overnight he had proposed to her last month on a trip to kenya. they have returned to great britain where they have had these photographs taken. you'll see pictures of her ring, remarkable sapphire surrounded by diamonds. there you go. and then you'll hear some interviews from them some time in the next 40 minutes or so we'll start getting that -- those interviews in. they've given sort of a shared interview that all the various networks will hear. and i'm sure between now and the they get married, you'll learn
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everything you want to know and more about kate middleton and prince william. all right, talk about -- well, stay on britain and pop culture for a moment. it's probably the most glaring absence from the itunes catalog, the beatles catalog. after years of negotiation, the beatles company has reached a deal that will see beatles music offered up on itunes. christine romans is here to tell us what this says about the direction of the music business that the biggest digital holdout is now onboard. this has gone on for so long. and if you asked me a week ago it'd been resolved, i'm not sure i would have remembered. i assumed everyone who wanted music on their ipod has burned it and done what they had to do. apparently this is a big deal. >> apparently they were burning it -- even steve jobs must have been burning it and getting it on his ipod. he's a big fan, but beatles still selling major amounts of albums, as i like to call them, over the years even though they
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weren't on itunes. 177 million albums they sold just in the u.s. 10 billion songs sold -- and you know, ali, these two companies have been fighting each other in court for about 30 years over the apple name because the beatles' business entity is called apple core and there's apple computers. it hasn't been harmony. but now, they have come together. >> christine, there was something i saw today that talked about the return on your investment if you renovate your home. now, over the years, there have been sort of, you know, do this versus that, but you've got some new information on the value of renovating your home. and it doesn't show there's a lot of value, at least when it comes to resale. >> no. and this tells you about what's happening in the housing market. there's so much available out there to buy, that if you're renovating your home, you're getting less of a return on that investment. in fact, overall about 60%. so if you put in $10,000 in investments, you're probably
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only going to get $6,000 back on the sale of your home. here is how it kind of works. i'm not sure why that says mortgage break. but this is about the return on your renovation dollar. new fiber cement siding, that's about an 80% return. a new wooden deck, about a 45% return. a new front door -- >> that's what you want. >> 100% return. you want the cheap and easy curb appeal thing. also insulated garage doors, those tend to be better. a renovation of a home office, not good. high-end kitchen reno -- you are not going to get that money back. unless you're making a souffle every day and you love thousand that viking stove works, you're not going to get your money back out of it. this is something that i think that's incredibly important for people. numbers like this tell us what direction we're going. >> but if you're doing it because you're enjoying it, that's a different story. but if you're doing it because you think it'll help your resale value, the market's sort of bigger than your house right
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now. christine, great to see you as always. >> sure is. >> you can see more of us on your money saturdays 1:00 p.m. eastern, and just in time for the holidays, christine romans has a new book, which someone will appreciate getting as a gift because "smart is the new rich." and it gives you ways you can take advantage of some of the trends going on in this economy right now. that's the book, called "smart is the new rich" available in stores right now. ever hear of e-marriage. it's a new way for gay couples to get married even if their home state won't allow it. we're going to meet two men who tried it and ask an expert if it's legal coming up next. t ale. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? good, how are you? [ male announcer ] aleve. proven better on pain. [ exclaims ] ...with...stage presence. ♪ a new phone with dolby surround sound speakers. only from at&t. rethink possible.
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that hasn't been repeated to this day. in a little while, we're going to talk to you -- show you live the presentation of the medal of honor to a live recipient. it is a moving story. and just in a few moments, you're going to have a chance to see it live. i'm going to have a preview after this break. but right now i want to talk to you about a fascinating story. e-marriage. not the idea you get married using the internet. the idea that a gay couple can get married using the internet a state that doesn't allow gay marriage. i want to introduce you to two guys. mark and donte. they got married via skype. and they got married via skype while they were in dallas by somebody officiating who was somewhere else. and now you two are married. congratulations. you call yourselves accidental activists. explain to me how this all transpired. >> in addition to be accidental activists, we were both outraged
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after the passage of prop 8 in california. when they took away the rights of gay people to be able to marry. so since then, we've been doing what we can to advocate and try to fight for full equality. the way this worked was we wanted to get married. my partner was in an automobile accident a year and a half ago. i got to the emergency room, and the very first question i was asked was what was my relationship to him? i lied, i said he was my husband and i wanted to see him immediately. but, there's a lot of other couples, a lot of relationships out there where they couldn't be able to see their partner because of the lack of a legal marriage status. and so we decided -- >> how did you go about doing this? >> well, we -- well, first of all, we researched some laws -- marriage laws. and, for example, the first one that we went to was iowa.
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and iowa's language is very specific. it said that the offient and party had to be there. but in d.c. it said the officiant could do it. >> there's a document that takes when you get married and everybody has to sign it. clearly you were in different places and the document was in different places. >> yes, we got the document in may this year. in washington, d.c. and the document basically says that we're registered to be married by an officiant out of the district of columbia. so the document stayed there. and during that time, both mark and i decided we wanted to get married in our home state with our family and friends all
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around us. we realized it would not be affordable or -- in everybody's interest to be up there in washington, d.c. that's when skype came around and we realized that the officiant had to be there and we could be here. and it's registered in d.c. and once she signed it and she had witnessed it on 10/10/10, it was sent to us and it was an official document that we were married. >> hold on, guys. i've got ann fitz with me in the studio. is this legal? >> absolutely. essentially what happened is they had the ceremony in texas and the -- the legal aspect of it took place in washington, d.c. so this is absolutely a legal marriage under the laws of washington, d.c. and the fact that they have the ceremony in texas says nothing to negate the validity of it. >> how interesting, is this an effective way of working around states that don't have gay marriage laws or don't allow gay marriage? >> right, yes.
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they found a loophole in the law. and until there's actually legislation that prohibits these types of ceremonies from taking place, there's absolutely nothing illegal about having the ceremonies in a different state or jurisdiction from where same-sex marriages are legal. >> if somebody does something to make this kind of activity illegal in the state of texas, are these two guys still married? >> yes. if there's legislation that's subsequently passed ex post facto prohibits the retroactive banning of these type of commitments or marriages. so this marriage and any other marriage like this would stand in the state of texas. >> mark and donte, do you guys have the rights of a married couple in texas? >> no. we don't. there's a ban on same-sex marriage in texas or anything that's similar to marriage. so no, we don't have the legal rights and we're not considered legally married in texas. i was able to get my social
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security card changed via my wedding certificate, or my wedding license. but when i went to try and get my driver's license changed, they wouldn't allow it because of the same-sex ban. >> interesting, guys. very innovative way of doing things. mark and donte from dallas, texas, annfitz in the studio. thank you very much for all of you joining me on an interesting topic. a minute ago i told you about the medal of honor. it'll be presented a little bit later on, about half an hour from now. we'll bring it to you live, and the fascinating story of the recipient of the medal of honor. it'll move you to your core when you hear what this soldier did. or seats that flip and fold with one hand. you could switch for up to 600 highway miles on a single tank of gas. or the hundred-thousand mile powertrain warranty. over a thousand people a day are switching to chevy. they're not just trading in, they're trading up. qualified lessees can get low mileage lease on this 2011 malibu ls for around one ninety-nine a month,
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we are 30 minutes away from a rare and important event. one of the very few acts of government that is entirely set apart from politics, entirely devoted to our highest ideals. the president of the united states will bestow the medal of honor, this nation's highest honor, the recipient, a paratrooper from iowa. he's the highest recipient of the honor. the first living recipient since 1976. our pentagon correspondent barbara starr went to afghanistan to show us his remarkable act of bravery on an october night in 2007. >> the whole time frame maybe lasted anywhere between like two minutes tloorks minutes, and five our six lifetimes, i don't know. >> reporter: but in those two, three minutes, the army staff sergeant went from a self-described mediocre soldier to a hero. we've come to afghanistan to
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find the men that he fought with. many of them are here on this remote combat outpost. but their thoughts and memories are with sal and what happened that night. that october night, he was walking along a ridge line with other members of his unit assigned to protect other soldiers as they were walking back to their base. >> we opened up into a small clearing. out of lightly forested area, and single shot rang out. >> it was what the military calls an l-shaped ambush sprung by the taliban, which means taliban fighters are both in front of the men and to their side. >> there's not just one of them and it's not two of them and it's not ten of them. it's probably more than ten and they're really not that far away. >> to actually watch the guy pulling the trigger who is aiming at you. >> it seems your world is exploding in rpgs and everything. just bad situation.
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>> we looked -- and it was along our whole side. it was along, you know, our flank. >> reporter: every soldier that night was shot. >> i got shot running backwards. i could see them. >> they started coming out of the trees and getting closer. i shoved over a berm on my back and got hit a fourth time. >> hit eight times was the man walking in front as point. he talked to his dad mike only a few days before. >> actually he had volunteered for that mission that day. >> reporter: on that ridge line, josh brennan was down, severely wounded. sal junta raced ahead into the face of taliban fire. >> he got to the front, he killed one of the guys dragging my team leader away. wounded another one. recovered sergeant brennan, brought him back to an area where we could secure him and continue to fight. started the aid on him. and -- for all purposes, the
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amount of fire still going on in the conflict at the time, he shouldn't be alive right now. >> reporter: six hours later, josh brennan died. also killed that night was the medic hugo mendoza of el paso, texas. it was that act of bravery that was above and beyond with him running into enemy fire and getting to josh to help save him. >> i think about it, and it hurts. but say it out loud makes it that much more real. and i feel like i've said it enough. and i know it's real, but sometimes i can trick myself and not think about it for a while. it's very bittersweet. it's such a huge honor. it's a great thing. but it is a great thing that has come at a personal loss to myself and so many other families. >> and that is what you want people to know? >> absolutely.
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>> reporter: extraordinary, and staff sergeant sal giunta would want you to know, part an extraordinary group of soldiers. barbara starr, cnn, afghanistan. >> you'll see sal giunta in about 20 minutes and receive the high esmest military honor. the ceremony takes place at the top of the hour. we will bring it to you live. royal wedding bells. soon heard through britain. can you guess who's tieing the knot? a live report next on globe tracking. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up to keep your business moving. blackberry torch now just $99.99.
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my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomics have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae are amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the world's energy demands.
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time now for globe trekking. where else would we go today? london. royal excitement across the united states today. prince william is engaged to his long-time girlfriend kate middleton. both are 28, have been dating for the past seven years. they became engaged in october during a holiday in kenya. they didn't tell anybody about it. the wedding is expected to take place next spring or summer. max foster joins us now from london. how surprised is everybody in london? this has been the most anticipated, talked about royal wedding in a very long time. >> no surprise at all. it has to be said, ali. she's been on the scene for a very long time. she's been at royal events, very much part of the royal household. she has royal security. she's very much been at the center of the royal family and those royal occasions that we see on tv. but there was a big surprise today. and that was when we had the photo call when the young couple came out, they were beaming and
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everyone looked down at kate's hand. and there it was. that was princess diana's engagement ring. william had given it to his new bride, his new fiancee. and everyone was really surprised by that because everyone has drawn parallels between kate middleton and princess diana before. it's a lovely thing to say. it was my way of making sure my mother didn't miss out on today, ali. >> wow, and tell us about those comparisons. in fact, tell us a little bit about kate middleton. i know we'll all know lots about her in the coming months. and here in the united states, we don't follow it as closely here in the uk. what is she about? >> well, she's a country girl. she was brought up in a area of the country side to the west of london. she went to a local private school and went on to a well-regarded university in scotland, which is where she met prince andrew. but he's not from aristocratic backgrounds at all. no links to the royal family.
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they just met and fell in love at the university. her father is a self-made millionaire. so a middle class family, completely different background, but actually they have similar social scenes in common. so they're not completely alien to each other and certainly the royal family is comfortable with her. >> she's been around for a long time, but for a little period when they weren't dating. it's been seven years. are there no surprises forthcoming? >> reporter: yeah, i think that's pretty much the case. there was some speculation when she gave up her job at a retail company that the palace had put pressure on her to do that so she could get ready for her life in the royal family. i've seen her in social settings with the prince's cousin. she's very comfortable. everyone knows everyone likes her. she's good fun, she's a stunning girl, as well. she's very interesting to the fashion community. and that's where the parallels with diana come in yet again. she's going to be a fashion icon as we understand it.
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so you're going to hear a lot more about her. she's certainly getting on the front pages. >> good to talk to you as always. we'll be talking many more times over the coming months. of course, we will bring you a conversation, an interview that the two of them had earlier today. all right. which animal do you think is smarter? an elephant, a pig, or a dolphin? i'm going to give you the answer next in the big eye.
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dolphin? the dolphin would be the correct answer. here's the list according to animal planet, according to this list, dolphins are second to chimpanzees. there we go, chimps, dolphins, various other animals all the way to number ten. elephants are number four. now, we're learning more about justow intelligent dolphins actually are. and joining me to talk about these new developments, what we're learning is a senior lecturer in neuroscience and behavioral biology just up the road here, dr. laurie marino. >> thank you for having me. >> this is a human brain, not a dolphin brain. tell me what's new in this. i've always known since i was a kid dolphins are smart. dolphins are smart because you see them do things and they learn tricks and they do things they learn very quickly. what are we learning now? >> well, we're learning now that their brains are enormously complex. and that their brains have -- parts of their brains are very
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elaborated. their brains are very, very large. in fact, second only to the human brain when you take body size into account. and, in fact, what we're learning is that from field studies in the wild is that these animals have cultures, sophisticated social lives and so forth. so we're learning a lot more about them, what you can learn from the tricks. >> how do you measure intelligence in animals? tricks. >> how do you measure intelligence in animals? we're not even sure we can measure it in humans. how do you do it in animals. >> for instance if you're using the brain, you have to be clear about exactly what you're doing so you can look at the size of the brain relative to the body and we know that has something to do with intelligence and we look at how complex the problems that we have to solve in everyday life and things of that nature and hope that we're getting close to that. >> i always look at dogs and
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wonder how they respond to mirrors and themselves and whether they get up in the morning knowing they're a dog and you're not. are dolphins self-aware and does self-awareness mean that you're smarter? >> i don't know if self self-awareness makes you smarter. but dolphins do have this ability to recognize themselves in mirrors and we have that same ability. so in some sense, there's something about their psychology that's very similar to ours. >> when you think about many people have domesticated pets and on this show we have shown how they save people, where do dolphins fit in with dogs and cats? >> certainly dogs and cats are smart. dolphins show some capacity that dogs and cats don't show. for instance they do recognize themselves in mirrors, they do show the ability to recognize
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some human based languages, some dogs are able to do that. it's all about interpretation. >> different kinds of smart. when we see a list like that, is that fair. >> not really. really because every species have their own common features and characteristics. >> we use i.q.s but most people would tell you there's street smarts and there's book smarts and you need some mixture of those. >> every species has evolved in the areas that are important for that species to survive, including humans. >> can you have variations like a not so smart dolphin. >> in any species you're going to have variabilities in tall lechbts. >> is that capacity a bigger measure of how smart one is?
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i mean dolphins seem to have the ability to learn new things. >> absolutely and that is a sign of intelligence is the ability to take in new information and adjust to it and to learn and to be flexible behaviorally and dolphins are masters of that. >> very interesting conversation, laurie, we appreciate you being with us. take a look at what i'm going to show you here, this is the room in the white house that we are going to be watching very shortly. and that is where the president is going to present the medal of honor so sal guinta, he is the first living recipient of the medal of honor since 1966, it is given for such valor that in most cases people who receive them have often died in the pursuit of -- in the execution of whatever it was that they're being awarded for. in this case of sal guinta.
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leader here for the democrats. when we in our cnn poll asked people outside the beltway, democrats what they thought about that, they were pretty conflicted. take a look at these numbers, 45% of democrats say they would like her as minority leader, but 47% say they would like to see somebody else. so not exactly a vote of confidence from outside the beltway. way outside the beltway now, out to alaska where those votes are still being counted. it looks like senator lisa murkowski will --
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two stories we're following right now, two very different stories, on the left, you have people streaming into the white house for the medal of honor ceremony for staff sergeant sal guinta, he is the first living recipient of the medal of honor since 1976 and he got it for an october night in 2007 in a battle against the taliban where he rescued the lead fighter in his group who had been shot eight times. everybody in the group had been shot but he rescued this colleague of his, tried to get him first aid and allowed that fight to go on. he is being honored for that. he said he's very, very mixed about how he feels about it. he says it's a remarkable honor, but he lost two fellow soldiers in that fight. that's going to start any moment now in the white house. on the right, you have got prince william and kate middleton who have announced they're engaged.
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he proposed to her on a holiday to kenya. they have been dating for about seven years. you can see on her hand, that is the engagement ring that was given to lady diana spence sir who became princess diiana. that will be a major, major episode. you can see the family, it appears of staff sergeant guinta appear and are seated in the white house. barbara starr is in that crowd right now, she may be able to speak to us, although if the ceremony begins, she's probably going to stop speaking to us very abruptly. barbara, what are we looking at right now? >> reporter: as you say, family, friends, streaming into the east room of the white house. this is family business, they're honoring one of their own with the nation's highest award for
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valor on the battlefield. what is so moving in this room right now are many of staff sergeant sal guinta's buddies, the men he fought with that night in the valley of death. they are here in the room, they have come all the way from afghanistan to honor him, secretary gates is here, the president will speak and this is expected to be a very emotional ceremony. this is a very modest young man. here's the president. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states, and mrs. michelle obama accompanied by medal of honor recipient, staff sergeant salvatore guinta.
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>> let us pray. all mighty and merciful god in whom we place our trust, we invite your holy presence as we gather as a nation to honor service above and beyond the call of duty demonstrated by sergeant guinta. our hearts forever resonate with a noble theme of heroes proved in liberating strife, who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life. may our remembrance of sal's combat action three years ago in afghanistan's cornville valley, inspire all americans with great pride and mew mil humility. as we honor his actions on
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october 27, 2007. may we also remember that all of our armed forces and those who stand in harm's way across the world today. through the narrative of sal's action against the energy and his selfless devotion to rescue a fellow comrade, may we all exhibit selfless service for ourselves and our fellow citizens. the holy union to -- es during times of crisis and conflict. as we celebrate this special day with sal's wife jen, his parents stephen and rosemary, may we remember in prayer all military families who await the safe return home of their loved ones. and finally as we pause to remember the many freedoms and joys as a nation, we give thanks to those who paid the glorious liberty to which we enjoy, through their very blood, sweat and tears, through this we pray,
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in your holy name, we pray. amen. >> good afternoon, everybody, please be seated. on behalf of michelle and myself, welcome to the white house. and thank you chaplain carver for that beautiful invocation. of all the privileges that come with serving as president of the united states, i have none greater than serving as commander in chief of the finest military that the world has ever known. and of all the military decorations that a president and a nation can bestow, there is none higher than the medal of honor. now today is particularly special. since the end of the vietnam war, the medal of honor has been awarded nine times for conspicuous gallantry in an
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ongoing or recent convicflict a sadly our nation has not been able to honor the recipients themselves because they gave their life in their last full measure of devotion to our country. i have presented the medal of honor to the families of a fallen hero. today marks the first time in nearly 40 years that the recipient of the medal of honor for an ongoing conflict has been able to come to the white house and accept this recognition in person. it is my privilege to present our nation's highest military decoration, the medal of honor, to a soldier as humble as he is heroic, staff sergeant salvatore a. guinta. now, i'm going to go off script
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here for a second and just say i really like this guy. [ applause ] i think anybody, you know, we all just get a sense of people and who they are and when you meet sal and you meet his family, you are just absolutely convinced that this is what america's all about. and it just makes you proud. and so, this is a joyous occasion for me, something that i have been looking forward to. and the medal of honor reflects the gratitude of an entire nation. so we are also joined her today by several members of congress, including both senators and several representatives from
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staff sergeant guinta's home state of iowa. we are also joined by leaders from across my administration and the department of defense, including the secretary of defense robert gates, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff admiral mike mullen, where's mike? there he is right there. army secretary john mchugh and chief of staff of the army general george casey. we are especially honored to be joined by staff sergeant guinta's fellow soldiers, his teammates and brothers from battle company second of the 503rd and several members of that rarest of fraternities that now welcomes him into its ranks, the medal of honor society. please give them a big round of applause. [ applause ]
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we also welcome the friends and family who made staff sergeant guinta into the man that he is, including his lovely wife jenny and his parents steven and rosemary, as well as his siblings who are here. it was his mother after all who apparently taught him as a young boy in small town iowa how to remove the screen from his bedroom window in case of fire. what she didn't know was that by teaching sal how to jump from his bedroom and sneaking off in the dead of night he was unleashing a future paratrooper who would one day fight in the rugged mountains of ahanistan 7,000 miles away. now during the first of his two tours of duty in afghanistan,
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staff sergeant guinta was forced early on to come to terms with the loss of comrades and friends. his team leader at the time gave him a piece of advice. you just try -- you just got to try to do everything you can when it's your time to do it. you just got to try to do everything you can when it's your time to do it. salvatore guinta's time came on october 25th, 2007. he was specialist then, just 22 years old. sal and his platoon were 20 days into a mission in the most dangerous valley in northeast afghanistan. the moon was full, the light was enough to travel by without using their night vision goggles. with heavy gear on their backs
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and air support on their heads, they made single file down a rocky terrain so steep that sliding was sometimes easier than walking. they hadn't travelled a quarter mile before the silence was shattered. it was an ambush so close that the cracks of the guns and the whiz of the bullets was simultaneous. tracer fire hammered the ridge at hundreds of rounds per minute, more, sal said later, than the stars in the sky. the apache gun ships above saw it all but couldn't engage so close to our soldiers. the enemy too heard the shooting but were too far away to join the fight at the time. the two leads were shot down instantly. when the third was struck in the helmet and fell to the ground, sal charged headlong into the wall of bullets to pull him to
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safety to what little cover there was. when he did, sal was hit twice, one round shattering his body armor, the other shattering a weapon across his back. they were pinned down and two wounded americans still lay-up ahead. so sal and his comrades regrouped and counter attacked. they threw grenades using the explosions of cover to run forward, shooting at the muzzle flashes still erupting from the trees. then they did it again. and again, throwing grenades, charging ahead. finally they reached one of their men. he had been shot twice in the leg, but he had kept returning fire until his gun jammed. as another soldier tended to his wounds, sal sprinted ahead at every step meeting relent less enemy fire with his own. he crested the hill alone with no cover but the dust kicked up by the storm of bullets still biting into the ground.
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there he saw a chilling sight. the silhouettes of two insurgents carrying the other wounded american away. who happened to be one of sal's best friends. sal never broke stride. he leapt forward, he took aim, he killed one of the insurgents and wounded the other who ran off. sal found his friend alive but badly wounded. sal had saved him from the enemy, now he had to try to save his life. even as bullets impacted all around him, sal grabbed his friend by the vest and dragged him to cover. for nearly half an hour, sal worked to stop the bleeding and helped his friend breathe until the medevac arrived to remove the wounded from the ridge. the enemy gun ships worked to clear the enemy from the hills. they continued their mission.
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it had been as intense and violent a firefight as any soldier will experience. by the time it was finished, every member of first platoon had shrapnel or a bullet hole in their gear. five were wounded and two gave their lives. sal's friend, sergeant joshua c. brennan and the platoon medic, sergeant hugo mendoza. the parents of joshua and hugo are here today and i know there are no words that even three years later that can ease the ache in your hearts or repay the debt that america owes to you, but on behalf of a grateful nation, let me express profound thanks to your sons' service and their sacrifice. and could the parents of joshua and hugo please stand briefly. [ applause ]
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now i already mentioneds i like this guy, sal, and as i found out myself when i first spoke with him on the phone and when we met him in the oval office today, he is a low key guy. a humble guy and he doesn't seek the limelight. and he'll tell you that he didn't do anything special. that he was just doing his job. that any of his brothers in the unit would do the same thing. in fact, he just lived up to what his team leader instructed him to do year withes before.
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you do everything you can. staff sergeant giunta repeatedly and without hesitation, you charged forward through extreme enemy fire, emboding the war ethose that said i will never leave a fallen soldier. your courage presented the capture of an american soldier and brought that soldier back to his family. you may believe that you don't deserve this honor, but it was your fellow soldiers who recommended you for it. in fact your commander said specifically in his recommendation that you lived up to the standards of the most decorated soldier of world war ii who famously repelled an enemy attack by himself for one simple reason, they were killing
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my friends. that's why salvatore giunta risked his life for his fellow soldiers because they would risk their lives for him. that's what fueled his bravery. not just the urgent impulse to have their backs, but the absolute confidence that they had his. one of them, sal has said, of these young men that he was with, he said they are just as much of me as i am. they are just as much of me as i am. so i would ask sal's team, all of battle company who were with him that day to please stand and be recognized as well. [ applause ]
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responsibilities, but all with one thing in common, they volunteered. in an era when it's never been more tempting to chase personal ambition or narrow self-interest, they chose the opposite. they felt a tug, they answered a call. they said i'll go. and for the better part of a decade, they have endured tour after tour in distant and difficult places, they have protected us from danger, they have given others the opportunity to earn a better and more secure life. they are the courageous men and women serving in afghanistan even as we speak. they keep clear focus on their mission, to deny safe haven for terrorists who would attack our country, to break the back of the taliban insurgency, to build the afghans' capacity to defend themselves. they possess the steely resolve to see their mission through. they are made of the same strong stuff as the troops in this room and i am absolutely confident
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they will continue to succeed in the missions we give them, in afghanistan and beyond. after all, our brave servicemen and women and their families have done everything they have been asked to do. they have been everything that we have asked them to be. if i am a hero, sal has said, then every man who stands around me, every woman in the military, every person who defends this country is. and he's right. this medal today is a testament to his uncommon valor, but also to the parents and the community that raised him. the military that trained him, and all the men and women who served by his side. all of them deserve our enduring thanks and gratitude. they represent a small fraction of the american population. but they and the family who is await their safe return carry far more than their fair share of our burden. they fight halfway around the globe, but they do it in hopes that our children and our grandchildren won't have to.
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they are to the very best part of us. they are our friends, our family, our neighbors, our classmates, our co-workers, they are why our banner still waves, our founding principles still shine and our country, the united states of america still stands as a force for good all over the world. so please join me in welcoming staff sergeant salvatore a. giunta for the reading of the citation. >> the president of the united states of america authorized by act of congress, march 3, 1863 has awarded in the name of congress the medal of honor to then specialist salvatore a.
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giunta, united states army, specialist salvatore a. giunta distinguished himself conspicuously by gallantry at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in action with an armed enemy in afghanistan on october 25, 2007. while conducting the patrol as team leader with company b, second battalion airborne, 503rd infantry regimen, sergeant giunta wasnavigating through the terrain. when receiving enemy fire, sergeant giunta immediately engaged the enemy. specialist giunta exposed himself to withering enemy fire and raced toward his squad leader, helped him to cover and administered medical aid. while administering first aid, enemy fire struck sergeant
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giunta's body arm and his secondary weapon. without regard to the ongoing fire, sergeant giunta engaged the enemy and threw grenades, and concealed his position, attempting to reach additional fellow soldiers who were separated from the squad, sergeant giunta and his team encountered a barrage of enemy fire that forced him to the ground. the team continued forward and pond reaching the wounded soldiers, specialist giunta realized that another soldier was still separated from the element. as he crested the top of the hill, he observed two insurgents carrying away an american soldier. he immediately engaged the enemy, killing one and wounding the other. upon reaching the wounded soldier, he began to provide aid as his squad drove up. specialist giunta's decisive leadership under extreme enemy
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fire were integral to recover a fellow american soldier from the enemy. specialist salvatore a. giunta's extraordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on himself, company b, second battalion airborne, 503rd infantry regiment and the united states army. [ applause ]
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for generations to come. please give sal and jen great wisdom and strength in their new responsibilities and roles that lie before them, may they continue to meet them all with dignity, honor, courage and humility. their your divine faith land on our president, god bless the members of our armed services, and god bless america, we pray y in your holy name, amen. >> thank you so much, everybody. let's give sal one last big round of applause. [ applause ] >> you are witnessing something you will not see very often in our lifetimes, it was last in
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1976 that a living recipient of the medal of honor stood there and received this. this is an award that was given to staff sergeant sal giunta for activity that took place on an october night in a valley in northern afghanistan, his valor was described in great detail by the president. let me just tell you a little bit about the medal of honor, which is the highest military honor presented. i want to take a look at it up close here, mark if you can. the design dates back to 1904. the middle is the goddess of war. you can see the five oak leaves, that symbolizes strength, similar to an oak tree. the laurel wreath around it as well. you can see the green it represents victory. what is interesting, you saw the president putting the medal of honor around sergeant giunta's neck, the medal of honor is the only u.s. military award that is
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worn around the neck. it took two years to award this honor, there is an incredible vetting process in bestowing a medal of honor, it's the standard to receive the medal of honor, in indisputable heroism, documented and vetted at every single level, all the way from the unit commander all the way up to the president. so sal giunta, the recipient of the medal of honor. we are also covering the royal engagement. i'll bring you the details right after this. [ j. weissman ] it was 1975.
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my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomics have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae are amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the world's energy demands. 20 minutes later, she'll bring one into the world in seattle. later today, she'll help an accident victim in kansas.
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how can one nurse be in all these places? through the nurses she taught in this place. johnson & johnson knows, behind every nurse who touches a life... there's a nurse educator... who first touched them. ♪ you're a nurse ♪ you make a difference royal wedding bells will be heard throughout great britain prince william and his longtime girlfriend kate middleton
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announced that they were engaged. they spoke to the media for a short time a while ago. >> we had a little private time away together with some friends and i just decided that it was the right time, really. we have been talking about marriage for a while. so it wasn't a massively big surprise, but i took her out somewhere nice in kenya and i proposed. >> he's a true romantic. >> and you knew you were going to do this from day one of the holiday? or did you decide at the end? >> i have been thinking about it for a while. but i was planning and it felt really right in africa, it was a very peaceful time and i did a little bit of planning to share my romantic side. >> did you see this coming? >> no, not at all.
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you know, we were out with friends and things so i really didn't think so at all. i thought he might have thought about it. but i was shock when i came and i was very excited. >> did you give her the ring? >> yes, i did, i have been carrying it around with me in my rucksack for about three weeks before that. i literally wouldn't let it go anywhere without me. i planned it, it sort of went fine, you hear little horror stories about proposing and things go horribly wrong but it went really well and i was very pleased. >> it's a family ring? >> it's my mother's engagement ring, because obviously she's not going to be around to share all the fun and excitement of all this, it's my way of keeping her close to it all. >> let us have a look at it. >> i have been reliably informed it's a sapphire and diamonds. i'm sure everybody recognizes it
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it for his accident prone wife. >> have you noticed for a couple of months i have been wearing a band-aid on this. i locked my finger in the door of my car, so i thank mr. johnson & johnson. >> the wounds will heal, the danger is infection. >> and wounds heal at a pretty good number. a slightly acidic number, somewhere around the quality of what would be milk. pure water is 7.0. so slightly acidic. what they have found almost by accident is that when a wound starts to get infected, it begins to get more acidic, it's bleach, it's ammonia, it's soap. >> when it's healing it's getting more acidic? >> as it gets more infected, it becomes more basic. >> so if it goes in this direction, now we're talking about a bandage that will indicate to you what's going on.
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you know how some of your big ideas are really, really high-tech? you put a ph little sticker like you're going to test the ph in a pool. if it gets too basic, you know you got to get it checked out. >> what a great idea. i like when they're a little big eyes that are small. those simple matters could save a lot of people from extra long time healing or even more serious things whatthat happen. >> you don't have to take it off because the color will change. >> it's a good things this is a taped show and this will not actually be heard by our viewers. oh, this is a live show? our destination of course is london. there is royal excitement all over great britain, all over the world even here in the u.s. before any of you start
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e-mailing me and facebooking me this doesn't matter, nobody cares. you know what? people care, it's nice. prince william is engaged to his longtime girlfriend kate middleton, they spoke to the press for the first time. one question concerned william's late mother, princess diana. >> i would have loved to have met her. she's a woman to look up and i feel that to this day and going forward and things, you know, it's just -- you know, it's a wonderful family. and they're very inspirational too. and yeah, i do. >> it's about carving your own future and no one's going to come -- no one's trying to fill any moth
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my mother's shoes and she was fantastic and kate will do a very good job. >> will you agree that you can't escape, you both know that, you know it better than kate does. no doubt you're very protective of her? >> her and her family, i want to make sure they have the best sort of guidance and chance to see what life's been like or what life is like in the family and that's kind of almost why i have been waiting this long is i wanted to give her a chance to see and to back out if she needed to before it all got too much, i'm trying to learn from lessons in the past and i'm trying to let her settle down and see what happens on the other side. >> that could be the biggest understatement of the century. max fox joins me in london, i wanted to learn from the lessons of the past, the lessons of the past for royal weddings, at least in the recent past, royal engagements and royal relationships has not been
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fantastic. he's not walking into a road that is well paved. >> that interview was fascinating insight for people in britain and across the commonwealth, we had never seen them sit down and we had never seen that chemistry, but there's clearly chemistry there. they didn't haprince charles ans diana didn't have that kind of chemistry. but she's going to be under a lot of pressure, the media is a lot more powerful these days. >> she's wearing prince says diana's ring, and. >> when princess diana was around, she brought pizzazz to the royal family and it hasn't been there since she left and this is what everybody is hoping will return under kate, she's
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going to be the next queen of england if everything goes as planned. the wedding will be next year, spring or summer, expecting a big wedding and it's going to be a huge occasion, not just for the uk. a billion people watched prince charles and princess diana get married. >> the interest goes well beyond the united kingdom and the commonwealth. this is great, a music program for kids in venezuela is kicking up the economy. we're going to show you how this can make a difference in impoverished neighborhoods when we come back. even better nutrition -- high in vitamins d, e, and b12. a good source of vitamin a and b2. plus omega 3's. and, 25% less saturated fat than ordinary eggs. but there's one important ingredient that hasn't changed: better taste. better taste. better taste. yum! [ female announcer ] eggland's best.
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who gave me this violin and why i have it in my hands. i played the viola when i was very young, which didn't help my social integration very much. but it gave me some sense of music. it is surprising what affect music can have on people. today's "mission impossible" is how to help kids using music. in venezuela, there's a music program called elsystemma. classes five days a week for three to four hours a day, it's been hugely successful probably because they don't give these kids time to do anything else. there's 200 youth orchestras, 36 professional adult orchestras in venezuela, and according to one estimate, for every dollar spent on the program by the venezuelan government, the economy gets
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$1.68. of course if you take people out of poverty, and you make them net contributors, that is good for the economy. elsystemma is right here in atlanta. the executive director joins me live. this is your group's violin that i'm holding? >> that's right, it's one of the instruments our kids play every day. >> tell me about this program. just draw the line for me. i kind of get that if you get kids somewhere doing something meaningful that they like and you're keeping them off the streets, they're going to be productive. but there's got to be more to it than that. >> what we do is we immerse kids in a music program five days a week after school. and we believe, strongly, that when kids play music and they try, they pursue excellence that they can gain confidence that they can do whatever they want and we use music to impart this in our students.
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>> confidence, creativity and ambition? >> you want kids to go to college, you want them to feel self-worth. >> are you aiming for them to be musicians necessarily or just that they develop something that makes them feel like they're active contributors? >> it's two-fold. when you bring somebody in five days a week immersed in music, they're going to get good at it. we want to change families and communities and we start with children, they change their attitudes, that passes on to their families, that looks out for them in the development of our program, and it spreads to the neighbors and an entire country, venezuela has been transformed by classical music. >> we do all of our fundraising so that we can provide for our students classes, teachers, and concert opportunities. >> it sounds expensive. >> considering the fact that the
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kids are there every day, five days a week, for 12 months a year, it's only $2,500 per kid. and right now, we're targeting under served areas in atlanta, in southwest atlanta, at risk, low income. >> this sounds like a great idea, how will it spread across the u.s.? >> there is now a movement because the founder of el syste systemma and his wish was to lead the programs here in the united states. so right now there's upwards of 20 programs similar to the atlanta music project going on. >> what a great idea, thanks for coming in and continued good luck, what a great idea. you can get yourself confidence, ambition and creativity and learn how to play an instrument. i'm going to give this violin back. judges going through foreclosures at lightning speed. find out why these rocket
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dockets can hurt you, the homeowner. concerning the medicare part d changes this year. so she went to her walgreens pharmacist for guidance and a free personalized report that looks at her prescriptions and highlights easy ways for her to save. because norma prefers her painting to paperwork. see how much you can save. get your free report today. expertise -- find it everywhere there's a walgreens.
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aspercreme breaks the grip, with maximum-strength medicine and no embarrassing odor. break the grip of pain with aspercreme. today a senate hearing on noer closures. there are so many foreclosures pending that $10 million was allocated to hire judges to go through them quickly. these so-called rocket dockets can hurt home owners. >> today i have president 40 cases on the calendar. >> reporter: judge charles mitchell was recently hired out of retirement to deal with
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florida's back lolog of forecloe cases. >> foreclosures throughout the state of florida have adopted a system of ramming foreclosure cases through to final judgment and sale with very little regard for the rule of law. >> reporter: lawyer after lawyer wait for their cases to be heard. parker's client jacqueline fitzhugh has a hearing on tomorrow's docket. after a divorce and losing her business, she's been unable to make a mortgage payment in two years. >> i'm stuck with a loan that i cannot afford to pay. now my american dream is like everybody else's, sitting in front of a judge tomorrow waiting for my house to get foreclosed on. >> reporter: this is the courthouse in downtown jacksonville, florida. it's one of the places where the so-called rocket docket is happening, judging signing off on about 120 foreclosures an
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hour. this is where jacqueline will learn whether or not she can keep our house. >> deutsch bank versus fitzhugh. >> reporter: the attorney representing jacqueline's bank refuses to let us film her hearing. it lasts 25 minutes. but other cases are over in less than a minute. and most of the time the homeowner doesn't show up. >> all right. >> thank you. >> what i am seeing now is an attack upon the citizens of the state of florida by retired judges. their job is to reduce the foreclosure backlog by 52%. >> is this a foreclosure mill? is this a factory? >> reporter: judge a.c. sal oversees this temporary foreclosure court. >> we will try to schedule as many foreclosures of 23 in an hour. >> is that enough time to look
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at a foreclosure case and make that final judgment? >> most of the case where you see a property owner not there, that means that property owner has defaulted. so when that is the case, then three minutes, if the lawyer who is we know say that everything is in in order, then we feel like that's adequate time. >> the lawyers represent the banks. doesn't a judge need to look for him or herself? >> i am not there to check every exhibit. >> reporter: at the end of our day in court, judge mitchell ruled on 35 cases, in jacqueline's case, he denied the foreclosure, ruling the plaintiff didn't submit paper work on time. >> for now i'll keep my home, but obviously there are some legal paper works that are at issue. >> reporter: for now, it buys jacqueline more time in her home until the bank requests another hearing.
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and jacqueline will get to stay in her home, but as we said, that's just until the bank comes back and takes her back to court and the judge insists they there's no fraud in these cases, but the aclu, the american civil liberties union say they're worried about potential conflicts and what this could mean. the florida supreme court justice wrote back and i'll show you his response. justice charles kennedy wrote, i have received the letter and am deeply concerned about the allegations it makes. today i'm directing the office of the state court's administrator to make recommendations concerning appropriate action. this is really just the beginning of this fight. florida, the only state that does this right now, we'll see if it spreads across the country. >> check out poppy's stuff on are you fed up with the tsa, maybe you should be more worried
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we have been talking about the trouble brewing in the face's airports. a growing movement is calling for a national opt out day, the day before thanksgiving to opt out of full body scanners. travelers are told to protest by refusing the full body scanners and undergo patdowns in full view of other passengers. the tsa can use advanced imaging technology that can see through
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your clothes has people hopping mad. people are being told to stand up for your rights and protest the federal government's desire to virtually strip us make nake. remember when terrorists tried to use bombs -- last christmas, a nigerian national, allegedly tried to set up a bomb during his flight to detroit, a bomb he hid in his crotch. let's not forget 9/11 in which hijackers smuggled in instruments they then turned into vehicles of mass destruction. i think calling on passengers to potentially disrupt the tsa's work on one of the busiest travel days of the year is plain irresponsible. some 40 million americans are expected to travel this thanksgi
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