tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 18, 2010 1:00pm-3:00pm EST
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you give an opportunity for john lewis perhaps to share some views of the over 50 years of friendship that we've enjoyed. >> bayy unanimous consent, mr. lewis is now recognized. >> thank you, madame chair, mr. ranking member, members of the committee. i want to first state that i'm here to say just a few words about my dear friend, my colleague, my brother, charlie rangel. i must state up front that i don't know the facts in this case. i've known mr. rangel for more than 50 years. he's a committed and dedicated, hard working patriotic american. he fought in korea for our country p. he returned home and got an education and went off to law
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school. he served the city of new york and the state of new york -- we'll continue to follow the story, the ongoing saga of charlie rangel and his censure. they have found him guilty of ethics violations. now he has civil rights activist including representative lewis standing up there in his defense. this is and ongoing story that continues to have lots of surprises because we never really know what is going to happen next. we'll get a breakdown what's going on on capitol hill from brianna keilar very shortly. we have other stories we want to tell you about, as well. the 33 chilean miners who inspired the world are getting a hero he hero's welcome right here in the united states, special guests of cnn. we'll catch up with them in l.a. plus how you can tweet your way to a $20,000 scholarship. can you sell yourself in 140 characters or less? and a mess that only a wizard can clean up, harry potter
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hijacked. part of the much anticipated movie has been leaked. but the big story today, less than 18 months after washington steered a sputtering general motors in to bankruptcy, it has given the keys back to private investors and earned about $12 billion in the process. here's a moment your grandkids read about. a bit of a departure from the normal way the new york stock exchange opens. that is general motors' triumphant return, the revving of an engine. a ward of a state no more. the retooled automaker priced hundreds of might have i don't knows of shares at 33 bucks a pace and drooling investors drove that up to $35 even before the bell rang. you have a stake in this business. this time yesterday, you the united states taxpayer owned almost 61% of the company.
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canadian taxpayers urks gm retirees and former creditors owned the rest. but look at the pie today. you and i own just a third. the treasury sold more than 400 billion shares earning back a chunk, but not yet all of our investment. 5% are set aside for gm workers, dealers and retirees and this morning gm's partner in china bought 1%. gm expects to sell more cars in china this year than it does in the united states. the rest of the company belongs to other investors large and small alike between loan's payments and stock sales, gm now has made good on roughly $22 billion of the $50 billion the old gm received to see it through bankruptcy. now, old gm had a lot of history. the company was founded in 1908. by 1954, it market share was 54%. that same year, it produced its 50 millionth vehicle. in 1970, gm had 395,000 union
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employees. those were the good days. in 1980, its market share was 45% and it lost money for the first time in half a century. by 1990, it market share was down to 35%. that year it signed a ruinous contract. in june of 2009, racked with debt and losing money on every car it produced, gm drove into bankruptcy. joining me here in new york with more on gm's turnaround, my partner on your money, christine romans and poppy harlow of together we've covered this story every single step of the way. christine, you will remember the night gm announced it was going into bankruptcy p. i was in detroit. tell me the question on everybody's mind. will american taxpayers and anybody else who owns a piece of this pie be made whole? >> they will if this company can
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now begin to continue to sell cars that people want to drive in this country and they continue to be a powerhouse in china. they have to see a share price of about $55 a share before taxpayers are paid in full. and it can't share the other shares for six more months. it will be years before the taxpayer is made whole, but i love that time line, though. when this company was being bailed out, remember how we were saying this is all investment bankers or financial engineers who will try to -- wasn't it 1908 a bunch of little tiny car companies that investment bankers put together to become general motors? so from the beginning of this company to the end of this company and the rebirth of this company, wall street has played a big role and the government did, too. i guess you can't call it government motors for much longer. >> poppy, you interviewed a ceo of gm this morning. and i say a ceo because they have been going through ceos like i go new vesthrough vests.
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whatever happens to this company, gm and ceos have been failures in the business world. >> so this man, dan akerson, he's the fourth to lead general mote it to motors in less than four years. he's only been there a couple of months. what's interesting and the most important question that we asked him this morning is do you have confidence that american taxpayers will get back that $50 billion that we poured into this company. to give you context, his predecessor, ed whitacre, told me less than a year ago absolutely no doubt about it, taxpayers will paid back. but i asked the current ceo the same question. not the same answer. take a listen. >> the good news is we've paid all of our debt back, all the bonds that we were issued and we
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paid back all of the preferred with dividends and interest. we're reducing the government's ownership now to roughly 33%. over the year, i'm sure that there will be other stock issue answers or sales by the government and i don't know where the market will be a year or two down the road, so i can't make such a bold statement. >> i think that's a big question, shares priced at $33, they have to rise 65% for american taxpayers to be paid back in full. you're say there is no guarantee that's going to happen. are you hopeful? >> sure i'm hopeful. i'm not saying it can't happen. i just don't know what the markets are going to do. >> and of course none of us though what the markets are do. trading at $35, they have to being almost $55 just to break even. the only way that happens is if investors around the world and car buyers around the world have enough confidence in this company that they want to buy
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their cars, invest in their stock for the long term, bring that stock price up so treasury can sell it and we can make the money back. >> there are three words i hang on there. around the world. christine, can they do it? gm will be -- they'll make more cars in china than the united states. they have retooled and started to rightfully ignore the american car buyer who always wanted big -- americans did with car what is they did with houses. they didn't make choices that were in their best self interests. so now gm will make cars on unified platforms. can they get it right? >> that's the question. that's the leap of faith you make when you're buying the stock and want to hold it long term. when you look at how they've slimmed down, they got rid of four of their brands. pontiac is gone, saab is gone, hummer is gone. they are focusing on the name plates that they want to develop going forward. they've reduced their head count pretty traumatake madramaticall.
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they have 79,000 in this company. so now the new company with its old ticker symbol and old reputation, because brand new company, now is where they have to prove it. something interesting, ford staged a turnaround without being government motors. so now gm has to prove in a it can come do the same thing. >> poppy, thanks for being on top of this. chris team, we'll talk later. we'll continue to be on top of the story because everybody wants their money back from gm. here's another good news story for you. they won the hearts of people around the world. nowof the chilean miners are in los angeles. why they're there right after this. ♪
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they dominated the headlines for more than two months, they captured the hearts of people around the world. we haven't heard a lot in the miners since their dramatic rescue last month. today, though, all 33 back in the spotlight landing just a short while ago in los angeles rescuers. they will attend the cnn heros on thanksgiving night. for most, this is their first ever trip outside chile. they made a quick stop in atlanta and then on to l.a. here they are now. the dude in the black shades, that one there, mario sepulveda. he was the second minor pulled
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to the surface and brought a bag of rocks with him. you see the miners just before getting off the plane at atlanta airport. one told us he'd never been outside chile and was looking forward to, quote, seeing the world. now you see them walking through the atlanta airport. for the most part the miners have been staying to themselves and their families since the rescue. before today's journey, most of the miners played in a soccer game against their rescuers and government officials including the president of chile. you'll remember one of the miners is a former pro soccer player. perhaps the most ambitious of all is edison pena. you can see him crossing the new york marathon. he took daily runs trapped underground. his accomplishments are amazing considering they were trapped underground 69 days. he was unable to train properly,
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but he did it in 5:40. gary tuchman live in los angeles, he has been following the process. gary, tell us about this, why these miners are involved with heros and how they're doing. i don't know if we've got gary there. have we got you, gary? okay. we do not appear to have gary on the phone. gary is with the miners -- hold on. am i hearing gary? gary, is that you? >> can you hear me? what an amazing, magnificent day this is. i'm on the bus right now with the miners and we're navigating the freeway, a little easier than usual because they have a police escort, just like a pli campaign. police are closing off the exits and the bus is zooming past all the traffic as we're heading to their hotel, but they're just
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exalted. they're tired as heck because they flew for nine hours and another four to come here to los angeles so they could attend heros, the all-star tribute that we're very proud of. we love that they're coming because their perseverance is heroic, the 33 miners and five rescuers are true heros, going into the mine to rescue them. they've never been out of chile in their life and they're staring as we've driving to the los angeles skyline and they can't believe what they're seeing. this is just a magnificent opportunity for them and a magnificent opportunity for all of us. >> you, gary, have had the -- you've seen the people in a few places now. you saw them in chile, you had a sense of what happened when they got out of the mine. how do they appear? are they all sweetness and
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light, are they all excited, is there a seriousness to them? >> that's a great question. the first time i saw them, they were coming out of a hole five weeks ago and i was so fearful that something terrible was going to happen and not everyone would make it, but they all did. what a mazes me is how happy and celebratory they are. when the plane landed in los angeles, they all started applauding. reminded me of the old days when people not it was a miracle to successfully land. these guys and their mothers and wives were all clapping and excited to be here. i was with them last week to learn more about them and they're just such a bunch of great people. highly educated people. and ambitious. most of them just love mining. it's what was in their family. they made good money and some of them want to go back to mining some day. others don't. one of the most amazing things we've learned is that for the first 17 days, no one knew if
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they were am livlive. for the first 12 days, they heard no sounds and many assumed everyone not they were dead. so here they are now they're re have a great time. >> we look forward to seeing them on heros. as we mentioned, the miners will be on hand to see who will be named the next cnn hero. anderson cooper hosted the all-star tribute 8:00 eastern on thanksgiving night. it's make or break vote in the house today. 4 million out of work americans are running out of unemployment benefits just in time for the holidays. "your $$$$$" coming up next. whe, jpmorgan chase set up new offices to work one-on-one with homeowners. since 2009, we've helped over 200,000 americans keep their homes. and we're reaching out to small businesses too, increasing our lending commitment this year to $10 billion and giving businesses
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jobless benefits will expire for millions of americans. extensions on unemployment insurance end on november 30th. there are three big numbers that matter. 99, that is the maximum number of weeks benefits can last right now. in fact you'll see references to people called 99ers who are have run out of benefits. 4 million is the number of americans who will lose benefits if legislation for an extension to apply for those benefits does not pass. and $12.5 billion, the cost of extending those benefits until february. so today, the house took on extending those benefits until the end of february. democrats talked about how losing benefits would hurt people already struggling during the holidays. republicans emphasized deficit spending and the big price tag. christine romans back with me to tell us what the right thing to do is. >> well, there's the right thing and there's what politicians want to do. you have a situation we've never seen before. in the '70s, we had 60 some
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we' weeks of unemployment benefits. there will be a big fight here as people try to race it through before the republicans take over the house. now, the democrats in the house today will vote -- the house will vote today on passing an extension on unemployment benefits, but there's a bigger question here and we've gotten into it many times. at what point is this emergency condition going to turn into a chronic condition and what do we do other than continuing to patch this hole over and over again. >> the problem is it still doesn't solve the problem. there was some talk for some time if we stop the unemployment benefits, it will force people back to work. you've run the numbers. >> in normal bad times when you've had a lot of jobs being created, there are a percentage ever people who continue to take unemployment benefits rather than find a job. many of the economies who even agreed with that statement say there aren't enough jobs being created right now for there to be enough places to an absorb people. also it starts to gee roid their
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abili erode the. >> adam thierer: their skills and ability to get into the labor force. >> this is complicated because -- >> and not going away.force. >> this is complicated because -- >> and not going away.>> this i because -- >> and not going away. "your $$$$$," we talk about it every weekend. christines the author of a new book called smart is the new rich. gives you lots of ideas to deal with the new normal and to prosper from it. we've been talking about general motors' big day on wall street. some sense of how this is playing out. i'm looking at a dow, up 180 points. this has generally been good sentiment for investors. >> reporter: it really has. and we've been watching closely of course. general motors' shares at $35.
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they backed off quite a bit since the debut price. but i want to show you gm's new home as wall street is concerned. the blue logo gm right here on trading post 11-g. i want you to move in and show you where the trading is happening. charlie is here on the computer taking in those trades. throughout the day lots of shares have been moving through here. in fact if you look at all the trades volume-wise, 35% of the trades were from shares of gm. just to give you an idea, over 100 people standing around here yelling out trades the old fashioned way. definitely a blast from the past. something we haven't seen a lot in our electronic age. but one thing traders will be keeping their eye on is the share price because they're hoping that at least it closes at $35. they don't want to see it go below that because then we'll be
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worried about momentum. >> that's right. all right, thanks very much. we'll check in later. your newborn could help save the life of a critically ill child. i'll tell you how after this break. retiring or losing your employer's retiree health benefits? then it's time to start thinking about your medicare coverage. call now to find out how an aarp medicare plan from unitedhealthcare can help make your next step easier. medicare has two parts, parts a and b to help cover a lot of your expenses. like doctor visits, and hospital care. but they still won't cover all of your costs. now's the time to learn about plans that may be right for you. call now and tell us about your situation. we can help you select the right medicare plan. with some plans, we can help you enroll right over the phone. or visit us on the web. i'm looking for help paying for my prescriptions. [ male announcer ] that's a part d prescription drug plan.
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call now to find the plan that may be right for you, or visit us on the web at aspercreme breaks the grip, with maximum-strength medicine and no embarrassing odor. break the grip of pain with aspercreme. how your baby could save another child's life. it's a lot simpler than you might think. elizabeth, how does this work? >> i didn't know about this until recently. but when your child is born, you can take that child's umbilical cord stem cells and donate them
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to a public bank, a bank that anyone can search if they need it. we met up with a family who had a baby last week, little christopher. you can see him right there. and his parents decided to donate his blood stem cells directly to that bank. and then if anyone gets leukemia, sick he will cell disease, there are incidences of diseases where those stem cells could be lifesaving. >> how straightforward is this, how easy to do? is there a cost? >> it's free. and if your baby is born at one of about 200 hospitals in the u.s. that do this directly to banks, it's no brainer. it's very easy. if not, you have to mail away for one of these kits. your obstrician has to agree to do it. it gets a little complicated. it's not the easiest thing in the world. but it is possible. and in my column, i tell you to do it. a lot of people will bank their stem cells for their baby. it's called private banking. and you pay, you know, about $2,000 to do that.
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this isn't just for your baby. this is so that anybody can search it. >> elizabeth, this is interesting. it never even occurred me. this is a neat idea. thanks for sharing it with us. coming up straight ahead, love, sex and marriage. two out of three ain't bad. i'll tell you about it. [ male announcer ] humana and walmart are teaming up to bring you a low-price medicare prescription drug plan called the humana walmart-. it's a new plan that covers both brand ans and has the lowest-pricednatioy of only $14.80 per month and in-store copays as . when you could save over, you can focus on the things . ♪ go to for details.
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my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomics have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae are amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the world's energy demands.
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we're about to take a look at a study, but first a bit of a brain teaser. in 1969, a majority of people polled not pre-marital sex was just plain wrong. 68% to be exact. 21% of folks said they were okay with it. pollsters put the same issue to people last year and any guesses from you as to how things broke down in 2009 versus 1969? how many not pre-marital sex was wrong? i'll tell you in just a second.
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we'll talk about pre-marital sex. i was asking you about it a minute ago. i tould how follo told you how about it in 1969. pop quiz. what do those numbers look like in 2009? surprisingly they've changed. last year things had flip flopped. 32 pr sti 32% still giving it it a thumbs down. 60% said it isn't wrong at all. interesting.
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than's just one of the tidbits that caught our eye in a new report by the pew research center and "time" magazine. the very first paragraph explains what they looked at and why. quote, social institutionses that have been around for thousands of years generally change slowly when they change at all. but that's not the way things have been playing out with marriage and family since the middle of the 20th century. some scholars argue that in the past five decades, the basic architecture of these age old institutions has changed as rapidly as anytime in human history. let's get to it. let's look at some of those changes. probably the headline that would grab most people, the number of people who say the institution of marriage is becoming objects sleet. 39%. almost four out of every ten americans. i guess it's 38%. they also broke things down by demograph demographics. when you look at the age factor, the youngest segment surveyed, 18 to 29 year olds, 44% think marriage is antiquated, although 65 and up were the most attached
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to marriage. 32% not it was antiquated. the one that surprised me, the break down by political affiliation. self declared conservatives were actually on the most bearish side on marriage. 42% of them not marriage is becomi become obsolete. moderates are the most bullish on marriage. interesting stuff. okay. another european country facing serious financial troubles. on the brink is ireland, next in line for a eu bail looutbailout. and why does that matter to you. and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach.
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our stop today is ireland, a country facing a serious debt crisis. the big question, will the government have to accept a european backed bailout. irish government and banking officials are shunning the word bailout. whatever it's called, it's looking more and more like ireland will have to accept a very substantial loan. joining us from london for more is richard quest. richard, we'll be together for q and chlt a in an hour, but i fi want to ask you a question i get. if we generally think the economy of the world is stronger now than a year ago, why are these european countries one after another looking to be in worst shape than they were a year ago? >> it's basically contagion. the markets believe that's rish banks haven't been dealt with properly as a big black hole that money is just pouring in to and that eventually that debt will overwhelming the irish government. now, ireland is quite clear it doesn't need the money.
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ireland is fully funded until the middle of next year. what we have is a jerry mcguire situation. show me the money. if the european central bank simply says here's the cash, that will be enough. so all ireland has to say is, yep, we'll take it if we need it, but we don't need it gijust yet. >> tell us here in the united states what the implications are of this one way or another. >> if one country goes down or it becomes the market of degrees ig and then ireland or spain and portugal and then onwards and upward, it creates such ferocious instability in global markets, whether it distorts bond yields on u.s. treasuries,
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it will distort the true value of the dollar,and -- because, remember, europe is almost as large a as the united states in terms of trading value. this is about trying to pour oil on the troubled waters. to mix my metaphors one more time, you're trying to put out the embers before the fire burns down the house again. >> right. and we have to be conscious of this because if the last three years have taught us anything, it's that we are all quite connected. you wouldn't have not we were connected to greece. but we are. >> hang on. who would have thought that subprime loans to people in florida and california would eventually blow up in germany, in the uk and asia. >> that's right. we're all connected here. all right, we'll follow it closely. there will probably be a develop on this in the next 24 hours.
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and i'll see you in less than an hour where we'll separate the men from the boys and show the world what we though about snkn the royalty. >> that's the opening bell followed by an opening rev of an engine.royalty. >> that's the opening bell followed by an opening rev of an engine. gm earned about $20 billion from the initial public offering. we'll have much more on this story at the top of the hour. the 33 rescued chilean miners arrived in los angeles just about an hour ago. they were brought to los angeles to see the sightses and to attend the cnn heros all-star tribute. you can see the heros special event on thanksgiving at 8:00 p.m. eastern. >> the house ethics subcommittee has chosen censure as a punishment for charlie rangel who was found guilty on tuesday on multiple violations of house ethics rules. the recommendation will be sent
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how much trash do you create in the answer is on a daily basis 4.4 pounds per week. 29 pounds -- sorry, 4.4 pound as day, 29 pounds per week. and 1600 pounds a day, 29 pounds per week. and 1600 pounds a year.s day, 29 pounds per week. and 1600 pounds a year. day, 29 pounds per week. and 1600 pounds a year.aday, 29. and 1600 pounds a, 29 . and 1600 pounds a, 29 . and 1600 pounds a year.aday, 29. and 1600 pounds a year.a day, 29 pounds per week. and 1600 pounds a year. what can do you wiyou do with at waste? tom, what are we talking about
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here? there are some therings you can throw in the recycling badge. >> things like juice pouches like this, 70% of everything we buy is something like which is not recyclable. so we create collection programs where you can send us your waste, we pay your shipping, and we donate to a school. this would be called upcycling where we turn a capri sun pouch into a backpack. this is a tone made -- >> like a pave be stone 1234. >> exactly. but it's made entirely in previously nonrecyclable material. we do it with everything from pens to juice pouches. >> how do i know what i can send? >> if you go to it our website,
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tera, you'll see what we can collect. for example through our partnership with capri sun, we've diverted 50 million juice pouches. so the plans get quite big and we're able to take billions of pieces of garbage and turn help into all sorts of consumer products or building materials. >> is it efficient to be making this stone out of this stuff? >> this is the best part about garbage. garbage is something we don't have value in. like this back panlg sellses pae same price or less. we're giving so much value to the trash. >> how do people get to you? >> once you've signed up for a program, which is totally for free, you take any box you have, could be a shoe box or refrigerator box, fill it up with the specific type of waste you're collecting. separation is important. it's only chip bags or only pens
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because then we can -- >> you'll see that on your website? >> absolutely. and then when your box is full, just download a free shipping label. we do it with u.p.s. and send it to us. and when we receive it, we'll make a donation into your account. you can collect one waste stream or 32 different waste streams. we do it overseas, so you can sign up and collect in your country, as well. >> and how much do i have to collect to make it worth everybody's while in. >> it could be anything. you can collect one piece of garbage to millions of pieces. we have certain schools in america that are raising over $20,000 a year from one type of garbage collection that they're collecting. >> i imagine you get a lot of juice pouches out of schools. >> shutsly. we're hitting 50 million. but it could be any different waste stream. chip bags, pens, yogurt cups. we're trying to get them as big as recycling so everything from coffee cartridges that you may have at your office to things
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like pet food bags, for example. >> very interesting stuff. you are likely to create -- we'll create 160 billion tons of waste in the next ten years. how much do you take off the table, how much of the stuff that's thrown away and not recycled you can end up using? >> so far this year we've clektsed about 2 billion pieces of garbage in the u.s. that's with about 12 million people actively collected. what's exciting is that number is doubling every year. so next year we hope to collect 4 bill i don't think pieces of garbage. all we can do is say we'll collect your pouches -- >> is this cost effective for you to be paying people for the shipping? >> we pay the shipping and two cents, but it's all through partnerships with major brands. so in the case juice pouch bram, it's through the assume of capri sun that we can run the program like this. but i'm encouraged to see major brands supporting this and then
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even more exciting it to cecumesececumesee see consumers saying i care enough to put my pen in this box instead of throwing it away. >> the website is -- >> terra >> or dougo to my blog and i'll link you. good to see you. >> the count is complete. we're ready to name a winner alaska. your political union date up next. [ male announcer ] the next big thing from lexus is not a car. it's the idea that a car that will never have an accident may be possible. in pursuit of this goal, lexus developed the world's most advanced driving simulator, where a real driver in a real car can react to real situations without real consequences. the breakthroughs we innovate here may someday make all cars safer. this is the pursuit of tomorrow.
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time now for a cnn political update. paul steinhauser joins me now from washington. hello, paul. >> reporter: hello. bold prediction. everybody is asking about sarah palin, will she run for president in 2012. nobody knows. but she was on a special with barbara walters or will be. they released the sound from this special. she was asked if she runs could she beat the president. she said yes. take a look at this. recent poll numbers, national survey, we asked just that if palin runs and becomes the republican nominee, palin versus president barack obama. look at those numbers. 52% for obama and 44% for palin.
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44% is much lower than for mitt romney or huckabee. check out this next number as well. we asked about her favorable numbers. do you have a favorable opinion or unfavorable. four in ten say they have a favorable opinion. nearly half of those say they have a unfavorable opinion of sarah palin. i'll say one thing about these polls. remember, polls are a snapshot about how people feel right now. and in 2012 is a long time from right now. people change their minds. let's talk about one other thing. up in alaska, lisa murkowski. we'll zoom in to the cnn political tirk. lisa murkowski last night claiming victory in her re-election bid. this election has gone into overtime. she won as a primary candidate.
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well she's now ahead in the vote count as they have been counting the write-ins and absentee. she's declaring she's the victor. it's not over yet. miller may ask for a recount. this could end up in court and lawyers get involved. >> the number of votes that are being challenged, if every last one of them were thrown out murkowski would still beat miller? >> yes. if you took out the 8,000 plus votes that she was awarded, that he contested, she would still be ahead by 2,000 votes. but miller's campaign and miller said we're not only contesting that but just the whole way they counted. election officials in alaska said you don't have to spell her name correctly, they would take into account intent. one other thing her victory and a miller defeat could be a defeat in a way for sarah palin because palin backed miller and his bid to topple murkowski.
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some bad blood between the palin family and murkowski family. >> have to wonder if the spelling stuff prejudices people who have long names. i mean steinhauser is at a disadvantage to mitt. >> reporter: that's why i won't be running for office. not as a write-in candidate snipe don't get it, paul. i thought the tea party was about not doing things the same old way and not doing politics as usual. challenging ballots on the basis of spelling seems odd to me. >> it does seem odd but, you know, it's so close right now in this be count that they are looking for any advantage they can get. >> all right. i'll talk to you in a little while. some-odds and end for you up next including a very odd twitter scholarship contest
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that's finger clicking good. i'll explain next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all americans. rethink possible. on our car insurance. great! at progressive, you can compare rates side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. wow! that is huge! [ disco playing ] and this is to remind you that you could save hundreds! yeah, that'll certainly stick with me. we'll take it. go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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scholarship typing for 140 characters. they are looking for the best sweet why one exemplifiskfc. to find out more go to if you want to chat with the colonel character he's on the twitter at kfc under score colonel and colonel is krompb--o colonel. harry potter doesn't open until tomorrow but you can watch a chunk of it online. >> harry potter. the boy to lived.
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come to die. >> 36 minutes of the flick were leaked online by somebody to be downloaded at file sharing sites. warner brothers and the studio behind harry potter is none too pleased. they call at it serious breach of copyright violation and theft of property. we should note warner brothers and cnn both part of time warner. i'm ali velshi and i'm here for the next hour. here's what's on the rundown. the 33 chilean miners who inspired the world getting a hero's welcome right here in the u.s.. we'll catch up with them in los angeles. plus richard quest and i go head-to-head in q and a live today. we'll look beyond the royal engagement to find out why we're
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so fascinated by the british monarchy's every move. go to my facebook page at cnn. tell me if you're -- what is that on my screen? that's disgusting. bedbugs. it's expensive to get rid of them. there's one bug guy who wants to help some of you nail those little guys for free. i'll be all ears on that one. this big story for you today. got to do with money. so long government motors. less than 18 months after government steered the sputtering gm into bankruptcy it's given back the keys to private investors. it earned the government about $12 billion in the process. here's a moment that your grandkids will read about. that's gm's triumphant return to
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the new york stock exchange. priced hundreds of millions of shares at 33 a bucks a piece. they drove it up to 35 before the bell rang. you have a stake in this business. this time yesterday you the united states taxpayer owned almost 61% of the company. today taxpayers, gm retirees and former credit tors own the rest. look at the pie today. you and i own just a third. the treasury sold more than 400 million shares earning back a chunk but not yet all of our investment. 5% of the shares are set aside for gm workers, dealers and retire yes, sir. this morning's gm's partner in china bought 1%. gm plans to sell more cars in china this year than it does in the united states. the rest of the company belongs to other investors, large and small alike. now between loan repayments and stock sales gm now has made good on roughly 22 billion of the $50
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billion that the old gm received through bankruptcy. old gm, by the way, has a lot of history. that company was founded in 1908. by 1954 its market share was 54% by far the biggest car company in the world the same year it produced it's 50 millionth vehicle. in 1970 gm had 395,000 union employees. an all time high. those were the good times. in 1980 the market share was 45%. lost money for the first time in half a century. by 1990 its share shrinking down to 35%. that year it signed a ruinous contract that paid union workers whether they worked or not. in 2008 it received it first installment of government aid. then losing money on every single car it produced gm was driven into bankruptcy. with more on gm's turn around, christine romans -- we both like cars. you know how to tinker under the
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hood a little bit. boy, what a story this has been. we've seen this go from this great company that we saw shrinking and getting smaller and making bad decisions into the unbelievable 18 months ago. i remember the night you and i were on tv together when this happened. this company went bankrupt. >> general motors -- it used to be so goes gm so goes the nation. once this very powerful symbol of american prowess was diss eme dissemated. >> if you were not an employee or investor -- >> by choice you're an investor. >> by force you're an investor in this company. and so when will they be made
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whole? maybe if the stock gets up to $55 then you would be made whole on your investment. that could take years. i also think this question of when will taxpayers be made hold. we averted a million job loss. maybe that's what the whole bailout was about. that was the takeaway. and that's what taxpayers are buying. >> do you have hope for gm's future? >> i do. i mean the fact that over the past 18 months it managed to turned around. granted with huge wage and benefit cuts for workers, big cuts to the number of people who work for this company, four fewer brands, the pontiac, the hummer and the like, i mean what do you think? >> the volt sim preis impressiv. it's not the answer. >> the green car the year. certainly reporters really like this car. people who have been out there taking a test drive of it. will this be the future of the
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company? i don't know. will it be in this country or china and asia? it's selling more cars in china than in the united states. this is the beginning of the new part of the gm story. >> we'll follow it closely. no point leaving it now. christine and i will be on your money at saturday at 1:00 p.m.. these guys dominated the headlines for two months. they captured the hearts of people around the world. we haven't heard a lot from them since their rescue. today all 33 and five of their rescuers landed a short time going in los angeles. they are the special guests of cnn. they will attend the cnn hero's event on thanksgiving night. this is their first trip for many of them outside of chile. they stopped in atlanta, then on to l.a.. for the most part these miners have been staying by themselves and with their families since the rescue.
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one has beens about and active. edison pena crossing the fibbish line. he took daily runs in the area where they were trapped -- we're not seeing him crossing that finish line, but one of them did run the new york city marathon. his accomplishments are amazing considering he was unable to train properly to run the 26.2 miles. he did it running, walking, hobbling in five hours an 43 minutes. what a story, gary. you saw these guys being pulled out of the mine and now they are in l.a. going to a fun event. >> reporter: yeah. it's amazing. right now we're in down los angeles. they are having lunch. they will rest and hit the town, entertainment, shopping, sightseeing all over los angeles and southern california and then they will go the taping of the
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heroes extravaganza which we're very proud to host four years in a row now and they are true heroes. the heroic perseverance of the miners and the heroism of the five rescuers who went down into the hole to get the miners out to make sure they were safe. we landed about an hour and a quarter ago. four hour flight from atlanta. before that a nine hour flight from santiago. they are happy to be here in southern california and happy to be in the united states. in most cases many of these people have never been on an airplane fight. we got their visas at the u.s. embassy this is a whirlwind of events. five weeks ago they were in the mine a half mile underground in the dark naens los angeles, hollywood, beverly hills and one of those been, roberto is a true her jobs one of the rescuers. went into the hole, the second man inside.
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stayed down there 23 hours until each and every one of the miners came up. were you scared, honestly you were zmascared? i know you were trained. were you scared going down there? >> no. i had training for 20 years. no scare. i was anxious to complete the mission and go where the men are safe. >> reporter: you told me your wife was scared. >> yes. she was a little scared when i was down in the mine she was really scared. >> reporter: the entire time. but he has three children and his two 8-year-old twins comforted their mother. >> yeah. the twins they supported their mother and support her every time. >> reporter: roberto went to his twins school and he was a hero.
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they had a big assembly and banners. you were very honored? >> yes. i'm very happy to be here. and i really appreciate the invitation. it's a lovely place. >> reporter: you're in los angeles, going to go the hero's show. your excited? >> sure. we're excited. it's my first time. for my wife first flight. >> reporter: it was your wife's first time on an airplane. >> sure. first time. she enjoyed every minute. >> reporter: you're a good man. you truly are a hero. thank you for talk wugs. many of these people have never been on airplane. when we landed in los angeles everybody gave a great round of applause. they were grateful to be on the ground and grateful to be here in southern california because they know they will have a great few days. >> you covered a lot of stories in your life and some are good and some are bad. this has got to be one of the strangest ones you ever covered.
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it seemed really bad and now it's really good and now you get to see these guys in another country, another environment and these guys seem like they are -- they are great spirits. >> reporter: i have been at cnn for 20 years and never covered a story like this one. we were so scared standing 300 yards away from that hole watching the rescue effort begin not knowing if everyone would make it up alive. so grateful when all 33 came up. now we're on a trip where they are happy w-their families, with their wives and mothers and fathers and children and brothers and sisters and everyone is just having such a great time and it could have ended so different and we're very ware of that fact and so grateful different end up in a bad way. >> gary, good to see you. we'll keep in touch with you on this. gary tuckman in l.a. with those 33 miners. as we mentioned the heroes will be on hand.
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tune in when anderson cooper hosts cnn her joes. get a college degree for free. no need to worry about student loans or grants. they are bringing tuition free classes to haiti. i'll have details after the break. [ commentator ] lindsey vonn! she stays tough! earlier, she had an all-over achy cold... what's her advantage? it's speedy alka-seltzer! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief for all-over achy colds. the official cold medicine of the u.s. ski team. alka-seltzer plus.
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has been around for about a year now. you've been offering tuition free course to people around the world intel me a little bit about the university of the people. >> yeah. that's exactly right. university of the people is none profit online tuition free university dedicated for people who graduate high school, can go university but cannot afford it either for financial reasons or because there aren't enough universities where they live or for potential reasons we offer them tuition free university online. they can study for b.a. in computer science and business administration, hopefully to improve their standard of living, their own life, the family life, the community life and their country's life. >> they have to have a high school diploma, be table speak english u-have 2,000 professor, 700 students and now you're moving into haiti.
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tell me about this. a country we've been talking about with persistent homelessness prior to the earthquake, more so after, now with cholera and limited food. is college a college education like a priority for many of these people? >> i think college is one of the most important thing this country needs because the issue is that all of us thinking about what's going on and how much they need food and clean water and et cetera, et cetera, but we keep forgetting that helping with all these things, as important they are they are short term. if i want to build this country, if we want haiti to succeed, if we want this country to take care of itself, they need educated people and we should start right now make sure that we are going to have enough educated people, college graduates in haiti. one of the issues that the
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country has is a lot of people who graduate high school and can afford to go the u.s., go to the u.s. and never come back. there's a huge brain drain in this country, and educating the people while keeping them there is one of the most important things that can be done to build, to rebuild haiti for a better future. >> is the infrastructure strong enough that it can support online education? have they got the access to the internet on a broad enough scale? obviously we can't give online courses to people who are living in tents but can they go somewhere else if they are high school graduates and speak english? >> yeah. that's exactly what we're doing. quite a few of our students here do live in tent, and they don't have electricity, no computers. in haiti, unlike other places and we have 700 students from
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over 100 countries, in haiti we need to build a place to occupy with furniture, computers, electricity, back up generator, internet satellite connection, so we need all that to enable them to leave the tent, come a few hours a day, study and go back. it's very different but, you know, if you want to operate here that's only way to do it. so that's what we're doing. >> thanks very much for this conversation. i know you've done a lot of stuff like this in the past. you're well equipped to do it. what a great idea. what a great uplift in the world to take education to people otherwise who could use it but can't get it. we wish the best of luck. we would like to keep in touch with you. thanks for being with us today. >> thank you very much. >> that is the founder and president of the university of the people joining us. he was by the way live via skype from port-au-prince, haiti where he's introducing university
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check urge top stories. a big splash on the stock market for general motors. they opened at $35 a share. $2 more than they estimated yesterday. gm earned about $20 billion from the ipo. we'll have much more at the top of the hour. the house ethics subcommittee chose censure for charlie rang else. it's not an expulsion of rangel. the recommendation will be sent
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♪ i hate suburbia and the bourgeoi-sie ♪ ♪ but i really love my bank ♪ i hate-- didn't quite catch that last bit. i said i really love my bank. right... is there a problem ? it's not really raging, man. uh, we were hoping for more raging ? well, you said write from the heart. yeah... don't do that. at ally, you'll love our online savings account. named the best of 2010 by money magazine. ally. do you love your bank ? [trumpet playing "reveille" throughout]
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let's support the small business owners getting our economy booming with the first ever small business saturday. on november 27th, shop small. it's going to be huge. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence] try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. a together in the cnn newsroom and around the world. hello, ali. >> hello. we formally tackle the top stories of global finance, innovation and intrigue. today we're focusing on news of an upcoming wedding. >> i can feel your bosom filling
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with pride. prince william is officially engaged to kitt middleton. a story that's burning up the air waves and the internet around the globe not just here in london. why is everyone so fascinated? ali, i went first last week. so, it's your turn first. 60 seconds on the clock. >> let me start by staying not everyone is fascinated by the royals. the fascination with the royals is large leigh media created illusion reads a post on my facebook page. i believe the monarch remains relevant. elizabeth ii is queen of united kingdom and northern ireland and head of state of 15 other independent sovereign nations including canada, awe usa and new zealand. i like the idea of a head of state operating separately and independently from an elected government. sure monarchies have create ad lot of trouble in the past.
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they act as a unifying force for their socially or religiously divided subjects in times of strife and serve as goodwill ambassadors to the world. how much is it worth? that's up to each country. royal behavior doesn't help their cause. nepal abolished their royalty in 2008. all right. here we go. and the voice -- >> i'll remove my hat out of respect. >> well, here we go. the monarchy and the voice -- rule britaina. enough to get any clash minnesota's heart swell with pride. we're fascinated with this event. why? i think the reason sue have to be born to be royal. you can't just join the club
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unless you marry into it. you have to be born into it. but that's not all. while there is glamour and you get your face on a tea cup there's duty. decades of duty in terms of the queen who next year celebrates her diamond jublee. it's all about that little bit of extra that nope of us can have. that's what attracts us to this family. and in the famous words of a famous writer, he said we must never let daylight enter magic snipe didn't think music was allowed and it can stop any time now. nicely done, richard. now it's time to find out who knows what about something. time to introduce the voice. held jobs voice. >> all right, my knowledgeable
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naves. this week we deal into all things royal. last week, richard, you took the crown winning the quiz but ali kept a stiff upper lip given the topic you still got a chance. no matter how slim it may seem. gentlemen, gray matter at the ready. here is your first question. what is the world's oldest continuous monarchy. japan, england, denmark or monaco? which is it. ali. >> i say it is denmark. >> i say you are wrong. richard? >> well, the question is, is it the chrysanthemum of japan or england or monaco. i'll go japan. >> richard is correct. it is indeed japan. japan's imperial dynasty is
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believed to have started in 600 b.c.. next, according to "forbes" magazine which royal is the world's richest? a, queen elizabeth. sultan of brunei. king adulyadej of thailand or king abdullah of saudi arabia. richard quest. >> well, i'm going to go with king abdullah of saudi arabia. >> wrong. ali. >> sultan of brunei. >> wrong. richard quest. >> then it can't be the queen of england so it must be thailand. >> correct.
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the king adulya denver j fortune is mated at $82 billion. final question. no pressure. according to the recording industry association of america which artist sold the most albums. and please do take notice of how our crack engineer jack graphics team crowbared royalty into each choice below. so, who sold the most albums. queen, b, prince, c, elvis the king or d michael jackson the king of pop. >> what an excellent question. i'll go for it. >> ali. >> michael jackson. >> wrong. >> richard quest. >> he's going win. >> it could be -- >> say it.
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you know -- just do it. >> i'm going to say is it prince or is it elvis? all right. let's go with elvis. >> it is elvis! >> yes. >> elvis' album sales are said to be more than a billion. michael jackson brings up the rear close behind it, number two. our winner this week richard quest takes the crown while ali is handed the scepter of defeat. until next week. >> thank you. good to see you. >> that will do it for this week. remember, we're here each week thursday on quest means business 1900 g. >> and in the cnn newsroom 2:00 p.m. eastern. keep the topics coming on our blogs. tell us what you want us to argue about each week. richard, you have a great one. see you next week. >> have a great one. see you then.
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i just want to bring you up to speed on a little bit of breaking news that unemployment extension that we were talking in about the house has not passed. it has been defeated. i'll bring you more on that in just a moment. that effort to extend jobless benefits and deadline to apply for them has failed in the house of representatives. another european country is facing serious financial troubles. is ireland next in line for an eu bailout? a live report with richard quest coming up next.
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the irish government be forced to accept a european union bailed backout, a resounding no is the response from the irish government. many other european governments fear ireland may be the next greece. the struggle with that bailout back in the spring is still being played out. i asked richard quest why those of us in the u.s. should be concerned. here's what he told me. >> if one country goes down, or it becomes the market attack say, for example, greece and then ireland and then spain or portugal and on wards and upward, it crates instability in global markets, whether it's distorts bond yields on u.s. treasury, distort the true value of the dollar, and because, remember, europe now is almost as large as the united states in terms of trading value and you can't have such instability and
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that's what this is really all about. it's trying to pour oil on troubled waters. to mix my metaphors one more time, you're trying to put out the embers before the fire burns down the house again. >> excellent description. what's worse than guests that stay too long at the holidays. bedbugs. very interesting story i'll have four right after the break. when you're responsible for this much of the team, you need a car you can count on.
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it's based on bedbugs the gift that keeps on giving. infestations are reported all over the country including a fairly bad one here in new york. bedbugs are a pain all the time. imagine the stress they cause around the holiday season. people are making decisions not to visit people. i read an article where people are breaking up in their relationships because one party has bedbugs. jeffrey white is a researcher, bug guy with a website bedbug central. he had that idea that sparked take bite out of the holiday season. he's here to talk fwous it. great to see you. bedbugs, first of all, if you have bedbugs can you get rid of them? >> absolutely. there are good treatments out there. >> but it is onerous. >> absolutely. >> is that just the treatment or if fact that you have to wash and dry clean things and bag them and spend time outside of your house. how does this cost break down? >> it's the cost in the treatment. a lot of other things go into
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it. in your closet, laundering all your clothes. >> never think of laundering all your clothes. >> basically what we've done we create ad charity called take bite out of the holidays. we're trying to give back to the community. it provides people the chance to worry about what's important around the holiday season. we've combined a bunch of bedbug companies and then -- >> what do you mean. >> they use encasement, interception device, nonchemical approaches. and we use companies from across the country to provide services to people in need in their area. >> how do people take advantage of that? >> go to and apply. >> what do you have to do. if you can get the service the provider will provide you a free
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services. but i'll get a list of what you have to do. >> we know the chance of getting all the bugs in one treatment is difficult. we're looking to knock that problem down so people can think about something else. >> they are creepy little things. not all that serious. they are very annoying and you want them. but they don't carry diseases. >> they cannot transmit disease which is the one shining light. god forbid that day comes, wow you talk about hysteria then. >> you could be bitten and not know it. if you were reacting and the reaction stopped and you're not finding any bugs. >> in a lot of place where's the infestation is greatest, especially in new york, can you do something to prevent? >> there's no true prevention. but you need to know how not to bring them into your house.
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not bringing in discard furniture. if you buy rented furniture make sure that company does something to address that. >> how do you, check them out. >> go online. look at pictures. i don't expect everybody to know the different bugs. know what they look like. if you see them close to the bed that's a warning sign. >> they are in wood and furniture not just upholstery and your bedding. >> they hide very well. they are associated with where people sleep. they can distribute in other areas. inspections are reliable. one of the more important things is addressing your belongings when you return home because they may have made it on the a suitcase. >> you are a frightening man. great. i'm glad you're doing this. when i first started looking into this, boy what an expensive thing for people who have a
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tough time facing a cost of $5 thoun $1,000. i'm glad you and other pest control companies got involved in this. if you want more information taking a bite out of the holidays program, they'd my blog, the president will try and get a jump on s.t.a.r.t. treaty pushing congress to act quickly but there's a lot of wrangling going on. ed h [ female announcer ] introducing splenda® no calorie sweetener granulated with fiber. sweet! [ female announcer ] tastes like sugar and has 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon.
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you with bedbugs. i hope that's suitable. >> reporter: you stole my line. i was excited about that. that's a natural segue to the white house. talk about bedbugs and come to me. >> i would say the white house should feel fairly happy to see general motors going public and raising around $20 billion taking half of that monkey off their back. >> reporter: you're right. so happy that we're going hear from the president. he'll come out at 4:15 eastern time here in the white house briefing room and will talk about that because this is what the white house considers to be good news not just for the country but for them politically a chance for the president to tout the fact tloobt gibbs was doing an off camera briefing with us and flat out called it and i told you so moment. there were a lot of critics. he said not just republican critics but people in their own party saying this is a dumb idea. when you look at the numbers now probably saved 1.4 million jobs.
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in the end taxpayer money is probably all going to be made back. and as robert gibbs pointed out when you save 1.4 million jobs that's a heck of a lot of unemployment compensation that you're not shelling out, taxpayers are not shelling out and thankfully those people have jobs and we should point out auto sales are up as well. not just for gm but for many others. the problem, those is why hasn't that amounted to very much credit for this president? i think maybe this whole debate is a metaphor for some of his other problems the fact that was tough decision he had to make early on. it's worked out and gotten very little credit. >> that's kind of a bit of the problem that this white house sort of suffers from. there's all sorts of decisions they made that if you were to look at it economically have made sense and they don't want to get all that much credit for it. >> reporter: exactly. now that the mid-terms are over we can finally say this will be decided in 2012. we had to wait until after the mid-terms. now he has two years to make a
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new case to the voters. the last case didn't work out. they lost control of the senate. they still have the senate barely. before he runs for re-election he has a chance to lay this out and see whether or not the american people will feel better. right now they don't. they don't feel this bailout has mattered much to them. they don't feel the bank bailouts which we have to point out started in the bush administration not the obama administration opinion he's gotten a lot of the flack, a lot of the blame, very little credit. >> let's talk about the s.t.a.r.t. treaty, the president working on this. >> reporter: yeah. you know, he came out today, the second time we'll hear from him. earlier he came out to talk about the s.t.a.r.t. treaty. he has some republicans holding this up. they need 67 votes to ratify it. he came out and as robert gibbs put it he was sitting with those wild eyed liberals like henry kissinger, all kinds of very prominent republicans who are
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saying this strategic arms reduction treaty with russia is a smart idea and yet, again, he can't get it through. part of john kyle's objection is he's worried about the money. white house sort of feels every time they answer a republican request here maybe the goal posts are moved. if you step back from the s.t.a.r.t. debate you got to wonder are the republicans testing this president right now on s.t.a.r.t. which typically as robert gibbs was pointing out gets 80, 90 votes bipartisan votes. he's struggling to get 67 voes on an arms reduction treaty. mitch mcconnell gave a speech to a conservative group, why significant? today was the day mitch mcconnell said he was too busy to meet with obama for the slurpe summit. are the republicans testing him
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we don't need to white. we don't need to pass this treaty. you have to wonder whether this president is being tested by the republicans. >> we'll follow that closely. good to see you always. ed henry right outside of the white house. eating sushi each day may keep the cardiologist away. what sanjay gupta learned from a cardiologist in japan.
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okay, now here's our holiday gift list. aww, not the mall. well, i'll do the shopping... if you do the shipping. shipping's a hassle. i'll go to the mall. hey. hi. you know, holiday shipping's easy with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. yea, i know. oh, you're good. good luck! priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $4.90 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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expected. it's initial public offering is expected to raise $20 billion making at any time largest in u.s. history. federal investigators are expected to announce charges against two former charges of conman bernie madoff. their arrests are the latest in connection with madoff's massive ponzi scheme that duped investors out of billions of dollars. he's serving a 150 prison year system. and cnn is northerning t ii honoring the chilean miners. they will be special guests at our annual event recognizing our top ten heroes the year. be sure to watch cnn heroes an all-star tribute by anderson cooper. heart disease is the leading cause of death ahead of cancer. the latest numbers show more than 616,000 americans died from heart disease in 2007. every 34 seconds someone has a
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heart attack. it's estimate this year alone heart disease will cost the u.s. more than $316 billion. our rate is more than double that of japan. their secret their diet. sanjay gupta reports from a fish market outside of kobe, japan. one place to look is japan. it has less to do with genetics and more do with the environment. specifically the types of food they eat. this is one of the most popular places you'll find. octopus, squid. fresh fish markets. they buy fish every single day. this is particularly fresh fish as well. just looking around you can see how fresh this is. some fish you should pay attention to. crabs over here. big clams, small clams. certain fish are really high in
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omega-3 fatty acids. mackerel. it's a great fish, very high in he month ga 3 fatty acids. salmon, another one. if you look at the blood of japanese people, often those levels of omega-3 fatty acids are twice as high. it's not surprising that heart disease such a big killer in the united states, you have rates about half of that here in japan. so, this is a big reason why specifically. omega-3 fatty acids terrific at lowering your blood pressure, decreasing the clothes and clog your arteries and lowering your triglycerides. tuna, very fresh. people come here every sing detail. on average people in japan eat about one to two servings of this type of fish per day. as compared to the united states, for example where they eat one to two servings per week. just really quickly. sea weed may be hard pressed to find. that's another great source of
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antioxidants and often eaten with fish. if you hate fish there's other ways to get the antioxidants. walnut, tofu. really trying to figure out why people live longer in big cities around the world. a lot of it has to go the type of diet they eat and in japan, fish, specifically omega-3 fatty acids make a difference. something else they taught me here. this idea that you should push your plate away before you're ever full. never stuff yourself that's advice you can use no matter where you live any written the world. >> never stuff yourself. thanks. i feel you included that one just for me. some odds and end four next including a very odd twitter scholarship contest that's finger clicking good. i'll explain when we come back. . ingenuity. integrity. optimism.
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break the grip of pain with aspercreme. time for odds and end. a lot of people pay for college by work at a fast food champion. kfc will award a $20,000 for typing 140 characters. kfc look being for the best tweet explaining why the applicant shows kfc's commitment to education. he founded the chain known as kentucky fried chicken. if you want to what can the colonel character, he's on the twitter at kfc underscore colonel. from beets to leaks harry potter's new movie doesn't open until tomorrow but you can now watch a chunk it online.
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