tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 18, 2010 3:00pm-5:00pm EST
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>> harry potter. the boy who lived. >> 36 minutes of theflick were leaked online by somebody and they are going to be downloaded or they are being downloaded at file sharing sites. warner brothers the studio behind harry potter is not pleased. it's investigating what it calls a serious breach of copyright violation and theft of property. warn near brotherser and cnn are part of time warner, inc. that's it for me. i'll hand it over to break. >> it's me. thank you, sir. look we got a lot going on. let's get going. quick preview. we just got word police in ohio have called a news conference this afternoon here regarding these three missing people in ohio. you have tina herman, her son and their family friend. we're learning this here just in the last few moments our affiliate wbns out of columbus,
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ohio is telling us they have spoken with stephanie spring's son and he says police have found three bodies. we're going to go to that as soon as we get that of course during the show. we'll take that live. also i want to let our viewers know we're expecting harry reid to make comments any moment, step before that podium there on capitol hill. he will be just coming out of a meeting with some democrats and as you know, this lame duck session has a couple of major items on the to do list, primarily what to do with those bush tax cuts that expire at the end of this year. also another developing story unfoldg at this hour as we enter the last hour of the trading day, general motors has been the headline of the day with their initial public offering, the company is literally coming back from the brink of failure since that government bailout about 17 months ago and today with an opening ipo of 35 bucks a share, another payback to uncle sam
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beginnings and as soon as those markets close it will happen in about an hour president obama will be making a statement about gm. we're hearing that will happen from the white house briefing room. you'll see that here but first the other major story out of washington, developing now. there he is, just sitting down, live pictures, congressman charlie rangel, 40 year veteran of the congress, just spoken officially facing the music today. facing the music for several violations of house ethics, again live pictures from inside this house ethics committee. full committee today. just to go back, let me give you some perspective. just before noon rangel entered a loan to help determine his punishment. basically this is like the penalty phase. rangel is still insisting that even those yes, he says he made some mistakes he says he's not corrupt. >> it would really help and i
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don't think it's out of line if the committee didn't say it before that you could put in that report no matter what you agree the sanctions should be that your member was not corrupt and did not seek and did not gain anything personally for the bad conduct that i've had. that's all i've ever asked when i referred this whole thing to this committee. >> standing by live outside of that hearing is cnn congressional correspondent brianna. so, certainly as we saw him sitting down perhaps starting, i don't think he's quite relaxing at the moment, he's certainly had better days. >> reporter: he's definitely had better days. i think you really saw this weighing on him today. some of the other proceedings on monday when he came initially for trial which he was only there for a few minutes before amortizing the trial he was almost jovial, which he always
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is. generally you see him walking down the hall, he has a smile on his face. that's sort of a levity you saw. this man is cognizant of what's going on. 80 years old. elected to his 21st term to congress. he's in the "twilight" of his career. this is how things are wrapping up for him. i don't that's escaped his attention as he's been sitting in this room. this full ethics committee, brooke, has adjourned for the day. they go into the executive session. this is their close doors session. we could find out today important,ly tomorrow exactly what their sanction is for him. >> let's talk about sanctions, possible options here as far as pun jushment for mr. rangel. reprimand is the lightest. then you have censure. so let's look at what happens with that if that happens.
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let's go back in time. let's go back to 1983. congressman jerry studs is dressed down by the speaker in front of everyone. he's basically told he's done wrong, so my question to you, looking back at that is how important is to it rang told get off the lighter punishment if we can say that. >> well, there's actually a whole list of different reprimands here. censure is the one that the prosecution, the main attorney there on the ethics committee has recommended. below that you have reprimand. above that expulsion which is generally reserved for someone who has been convicted of a felony. below all of those you have fines, maybe having privileges revoked. let's talk about censure. he doesn't apartment censure. it's because that picture you saw in 1983, that is literally public humiliation.
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you are there on camera, in the well of the house of representatives, standing there, and the speaker of the house actually there is a verbal rebuke and the speaker of the house, which in this case would be nancy pelosi would read the censure resolution and by the way should we mention that speaker pelosi and charlie rangel go way back. they are good friends. that would make for a very awkward moment and a very difficult visual for someone who as we mentioned is in the "twilight" of their career. >> real quickly before i play some more sound from congressman rangel, no matter how i guess this is up to the house to vote then when will the punishment take effect? >> well, you know we would have to wait because that's something that would be set and the way this process goes is that -- if it were to be a censure this is something the ethics committee would prepare a full report to the house for and has to be scheduled. we can't say exactly when that
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would happen, the idea is it would happen before this congress end. the new congress takes place in january. so it would be somewhat immediate. >> let's go back to monday, rangel keeps going back to monday when the committee counsel, the prosecutor said he found nothing to show that rang sl corrupt. let's listen to that. >> i see no evidence of corruption. it's hard to answer the question personal financial benefit. i think the short answer is probably no. do i believe based on this record that congressman rangel took steps to enrich himself? based on his position in congress? i do not. >> we were talking about this a couple of days ago. essentially we heard there's no evidence of corruption. word he used was sloppy. would that testimony help rangel
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possibly escape the heavier punishment of censure? >> reporter: i'm not so sure it would and it didn't early they are week because the prosecution, the top lawyer for the ethics committee, he was pressed by a republican member shortly after saying that. that member said sour saying that sloppiness is a defense. he said no sloppiness is not a defense he was speaking to the intent. i believe there are house violations here than that committee went behind closed doors and decided actually yes they thought rangel was guilty of 11 of 12. i think what this is all about, is he corrupt? this is about winning the message. at this point he's already guilty of 11 of 12 counts. this is about winning the message and him trying to path footnote, at least historically how he's remembered that he's getting in trouble for being sloppiness and overzealous and not for being corrupt.
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republicans on this committee said i wonder, i think we'll leave that up to the people to decide. they seem to think he was so sloppy that perhaps there's a degree of corruption at least what republicans are saying. >> we'll wait and see perhaps how history will be remembering congressman rangel. brianna, thank you. also want to remind you of our breaking story. we should be hearing at some point within this show getting a news conference from the sheriff and police up in mount vernon, ohio. they have been searching -- we've been all over this. this is the story of those three missing people. it was sunday they found the 13-year-old girl, she was bound and gagged in this basement. they ultimately arrested and now charged this guy marks enthusiast hoffman with her kidnapping. the bigamistry is what happened to these three other people, a child and two other adults. we should be hearing within the show possibly where this investigation has taken a turn. it may not be good news. in fact that's what we're hearing from one of the people's
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missing son, the bodies have been found. say here we could be hearing any moment. we'll be right back. mmmm. you don't love me anymore do you billy? what? i didn't buy this cereal to sweet talk your taste buds it's for my heart health. so i can't have any? if you can deprive me of what can help lower my cholesterol... and live with yourself. right. mmm, i worry about your mother. cry herself to sleep every night over my arteries, but have yourself a bowl. good speech dad. [ whimper ] [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. another heart attack could be lurking, waiting to strike. a heart attack that's caused by a clot, one that could be fatal.
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other rare but serious side effects may occur. i want to show you two pictures, if you will, duelling pictures both on capitol hill. on the right side you have eric cantor, the whip. three republican leaders. to the right of him is the republican freshman who has a leadership role. if you can't quite see behind that other box, john boehner said to be likely speaker of the house. they are speaking. talking job creation.
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cutting spending. how perhaps they change how congress does business. on the left side we're waiting for harry reid who has been sitting with his democratic caucus and likely talk about how far they have come, what they are thinking in terms of those bush tax cuts. two pictures for you from capitol hill live. also today police in ohio, they have called this news conference for sometime this afternoon regarding those three missing people in ohio. you have tina herman, her son and a family friend that have been missing since mid-week last week. our affiliate wbns out of columbus, ohio is telling us they have spoken with tiffany spring's son. all of this happening this afternoon really in the last few moments saying police have found three bodies. we'll bring that to you. that news could be very much some grim news at some point here live on cnn. also unfolding, president obama bringing back some cold war
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language today and surrounding himself with some cold war figures as well. henry kissinger, james baker. the president wants to get back in the nuclear weapons accountability business between the u.s. and the former soviet union. he's urging the senate to quickly ratify the latest version of the s.t.a.r.t. treaty, the reagan era program aimed at counting and getting rid of nuclear weapons by the super powers. there's a snag. no arms control agreement between washington and moscow has ever been ratified by a senate in lame duck session which is what we're in right now. still the president wants it and says it ill we more than just two countries. listen. >> as ronald reagan said, we have to trust but we also have to verify in order for us to verify, we got to have a treaty. the new s.t.a.r.t. treaty is also a corner stone of our relation with russia. and this goes beyond nuclear
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security. russia has been foum our efforts to put strong sanctions in place to put pressure on iran to deal with its nuclear program. >> the president's job by no means done today. he'll be speaking live about general motors going public today. huge news. we'll bring thut live here on cnn. also false alarm, no bomb. isn't that nice to say. a commercial flight from south africa to germany were delayed after security screeners decided a piece of luggage was suspicious. turned out the suspect bag contained an alarm clock and wires but no explosives. the plane took off and landed in munich . i want to keep you in the loop. we're just getting words of some major riots in haiti. this whole thing started because of a rumor still going around. we're going take you back live to haiti today. that's ahead. plus dozens of republican
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we are americans and america is -- >> happening right now in san diego, former house speaker newt gingrich addressing the republican governor's association. in fact let's listen. >> there are many opportunities for transformation but these give you a sense of the scale of leadership we need. this is an enormous challenge. it is our generation's rendevous
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with destiny. we must have the courage to complete the job and the persuasiveness -- >> usually when the guy talks he usually says something reportable. yell is out in san diego fours. what's mr. gingrich been saying? >> reporter: if he sticks to his prepared speech he's take on what he calls the growing orientation to the left of this government. he basically slams liberalism and the democratic party, saying this country has moved far too the left since 1932 and it's time for a change and in classic gingrich style weaves in google, ipod and china. basically it's gingrich being gingrich. >> we were talking because yesterday you were out in san diego and we were reading the "the washington post". they are trying rebrand themselves trying to change
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their image. so let's talk about what some of the newly elected face, south carolina's nikki haley. >> reporter: i asked both of them, what it was that got them elected and what it is that they sense in the electorate right now. they talk about a new kind of voter that is energized to participate and is looking for a different kind of elected officials so i asked them to describe who is their voter and what is their mission. listen to this. >> they no longer want to elect people who look good in a picture and hold a baby well. if their official will not truly represent them they don't want them any more. >> this can't be rhetoric. you have to provide information to voters on a constant basis and not be surprised guess what
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we have half billion deficit. when hint been informed all along how government has been growing in new mexico in particular. so if we keep them informed of where we are, they will understand why we have to make the big and tough decisions. >> reporter: so, brooke, one of the interesting themes they are talking about stimulating the economy, not through private-sector growth, not through public sector growth and reducing spending but a big theme is this idea of authenicity. she was one of the first mama grizzly backed by sarah palin, very much endorsed by tea party. i imagine there's plenty of tea party talk in san diego as well. >> yes. one of the big questions is will the tea party help or hurt the republican party going into 2012.
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no surprise the leadership here insists it's a great benefit to the republican party. i asked a mississippi governor hailey barrier who is a potential candidate for president in 2012 and runs this association whether the tea party will help or hurt. here so. >> the tea party helped us this year. now if they had run as independents, like in the perot period and divided the conservative vote, that would have hurt us. but that did not happen. they all were virtually amateur republicans. the fact of the matter is the tea party voters very clearly a plus for republicans in the vast, vast majority of races. >> and he says the same will be true going forward in 2012. one final note he also said he really hopes new york city mayor
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michael bloomberg he hopes he does not run for president as a third-party candidate because if michael bloomberg were to run he, barbour believes that would be a gift to president obama, it would divide the republican vote and split it enough that president obama would win. interesting political analysis. >> what about mr. barbour himself? we'll wait and see. a lot of names being floated out there. jessica yellin, thank you. let's stay on the west coast for this next one. the official coroner report tells us what a lot of people knew. a hollywood publicist died by multiple gunshot wounds. that's pretty much all we know. many police baffled who killed her. what was the motive? we'll have a live report from los angeles ahead. and a student body president at fresno state university is outed as an undocumented immigrant. we'll tell you why he says he lied about his status. stay there. ♪ client comes in and they have a box.
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and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach.
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for anyone who thinks illegal immigration is merely a black and whitish here's the situation that shows how very, very murky it can be. this week a college newspaper in fresno california outed the student body president as an undocumented immigrant. pedro ramirez parents brought him to the u.s. a mere three years of age. even didn't know he was illegal until his senior year in high school. so, this case gets very murky because under california law illegal immigrants can pay in-state tuition if they meet certain requirements. the state supreme court just upheld that this week. some 25,000 people have taken advantage of this law in california thus far than outing of ramirez comes amid a debate
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whether children of undocumented immigrants should be given a pathway to citizenship and ramirez, he hopped on the phone with us early this morning and spoke with his current status. >> i don't have a pathway right now for me to become a citizen or at least a resident, you know. my goal is not to become a citizen which is truly my wish to become an american citizen to become at least a resident and actually be able to work in this country. but there's no pathway for me right now. without having me to go back to mexico where i don't know what to do in mexico. like i've been here all my life and i don't know what the two do in a country i've never been in. >> i want to bring in someone who has been covering the story. help me under his situation. he was brought over illegally when he was 3 years of age. he's getting in-state tuition in california but he's
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undocumented. >> there's a big but. it has to do with this law. it's been around since 2001. a bipartisan bill. in fact the co-author of this bill is a current lieutenant governor. he was part of this co-authoring of this bill. it allows illegal immigrants the right to have in-state tuition, the the right pay instate tuition and go to school. having said there are certain caveats. >> very large stipulation. >> very large stipulations. you have to go high school in california for three years. they don't have to be consecutive but three years mandatory. another one, the stipulation says a student must file an affidavit with the school saying you'll apply for legal residency as soon as possible. he had four years to start this process. currently he told us today he hasn't started that process, he doesn't feel there's a logical way and this is of course creating mixed reaction on campus. we have some sound bites from
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students. mixed reaction. >> to me honestly it doesn't matter as long as he -- i mean whatever he's running for if he does a good job at it that's perfectly fine with me. i'm a legal immigrant. i went through so much pain to immigrate to this country. it's a very long process and it bothers me people come in without doing it. i under it can be difficult. >> now it is important to note that this bill doesn't just affect illegal immigrants other residents of california and the united states do take advantage of this. currently of the 220 uc students that there are in california only 2,000 take advantage of this law, about 1%. >> you can understand why some people out there look we the state of california we don't want to give people who are here illegally this handout. you need to make sure you're signing up to become a citizen. what's next for him? he's out. he's undocumented. he's a smart kid. >> very scared and worried about
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what happens next in this process and also he's worried about the status of his parents. he's dragged them into this controversy that's swirling around him. they, of course, are, you know, we assume to also be illegal. we spoke us yesterday and dodged around that question as well. he's the son of a maid and son of a restaurant worker. working class family. living an area that's at the center of this. growing up to get into politics i asked him have you ever actually asked patience are you legal or not. he said i didn't care about politics. >> he didn't know until he was a senior in high school. you can understand both sides of the argument. keep in touch with him. let us know what happens happen. >> i will. i want to go real quickly we have live aerial pictures of ohio. we've been telling you at some point in our show we'll be getting an update here on the missing people, the three missing people in ohio. these are aerial pictures from
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i want to bring you back to those live pictures over this really heavily wooded area in ohio and remind up what we're waiting for. at any point during our show we should be hearing from i'm guessing the knox county sheriff in ohio that's been leading this investigation for you. three missing people. you see four faces right here.
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the face on the right was the 13-year-old that was found on sunday. she was found bound and gagged. the sheriff described her as a brave little girl. she's alive, she's okay. we don't know much more about her. she was found in the basement of this 30-year-old matthew hoffman. no idea to his connection to these missing people. he's been arrested. a judge set his bond for a million dollars. he's been charged with her kidnapping. the bigamistry since wednesday last week have been these three missing people. you have the mother of that girl. her son. and 41-year-old stephanie spring and the reason why we're showing you those live pictures is because we're hearing from our affiliate out of columbus, ohio that according to this friend's son, this missing woman's son, he was notified by police last night that the bodies have been found. we do not know if that is the
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word we'll be getting out of this news conference at any moment here but that's certainly a possibility. we've heard from the knox county sheriff in the past and he's reiterated this could have a grim ending, so as soon as we see them news conference out of ohio tough story to tell we'll bring it to you live here on cnn. real quick break. we'll be right back. om and put a confident retirement more within reach.
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gone public opened with an ipo with $35 a share. he'll certainly be speak with that. the government auto bailout about 17 months ago. they've come a bit of way. we'll hear from mr. obama, who knows when perhaps in a couple of minutes. first after spending 69 days underground chile's 33 rescued miners may be a bit dazzled by where they are today. why? well they are in los angeles, hollywood. they arrived there just a couple of hours ago. some family members and handful of rescuers are traveling along with them. cnn heroes is responsible for this trip. they brought the group america all the way from chile, special guest for cnn heroes, all-star tribute. you know all about it. cnn heroes is honoring these miners. our gary tuckman, lucky guy got
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to go town to chile and travel ago long side these miners. >> reporter: they will be celebrating in los angeles in southern california, seeing entertainment sites, going to hollywood boulevard, and for many of them it's the first time they have ever been out of chile let alone the united states. >> now the second rescuer to go down the hole to help those trapped miners is part of this trip. he's a member of the chilean navy with 20 years experience. earlier, gary had asked if he had been frightened before going all the way underground. >> i was anxious to complete the mission and go where the men are safe. >> you told me that your wife, though, was scared and your wife was crying most of the time you were down there. >> yes, she was a little scared when it was time to be down in the mine. she was real scared. >> next hour gary tuckman will join me live from los angeles
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with more on what the miners will be up to on their trip to los angeles. again, as i mentioned the miners will be on hand to see who will be named the next cnn hero. pretty special for them. watch cnn when anderson cooper host cnn heroes an all-star tribute on thanksgiving night. speaking of hollywood, have you heard this one? first we hear tony parker and eva longoria are divorcing then no. then yes it's true. allegations of a big time scandal. brooke anderson is all over this one. that is next.
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i promised you at the top of the hour we would be hearing from senate majority leader harry reid and as promised here he is. just stepping out of his meeting with democrats and taking some questions. >> arrange a vote on 250 period. [ inaudible ] >> a lot of. we're in no rush to do that. but i think i'm in pretty good shape, the announcement will come by the week after christmas. >> senator do you expect a temporary extension of the tax cuts? temporary extension of all of the price cuts? >> i've outlined what we want to do. i want to give the republicans an opportunity to vote on mcconnell's legislation and we want opportunity and maybe plural vote, we have to do it more than once, twice, whatever it takes to show the american people we support the middle class and that we do not believe
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that if we're going to continue to talk about debt and deficit we can walk away from how much these tax cuts costs. >> when will that be? [ inaudible ] >> in my conversations today with leader hoyer, he's indicated they will likely end us an omnibus. that's the way i understood his conversation was. [ inaudible ] >> on -- you've been hearing of the reporters. the big question what will they do this lame duck session of congress with these tax cuts. ultimately the bottom line he keeps saying is we, democrats are looking out for the middle class. we will just have to wait and see what happens. also let's go haiti.
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today anger over the cholera outbreak it's turned violent. several hundred protesters stoned a united nations patrol and blamed them for bringing cholera to the island nation. let's go port-au-prince. ivan, the violence in haiti, you and i were talking about this yesterday began earlier in the week. your seeing an uptick in the violence? >> reporter: i think it's safe to say that the violence has sfra spread from the northern city to the capital now. i'm watching about 20 boys, young men hurling rocks right now at the entrance to the base for united nations peacekeepers. we've been watching here for some time now young men trying to set fire to the posters of a campaign candidate for presidential candidate for upcoming elections. we've seen them hurling rocks at
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police and u.n. peacekeepers and blaming them for the worst cholera epidemic to hit this island. according to some medical experts in more than a century. >> we mine me again, ivan, as we look at these pictures, i saw how close your camera guy goes to the smoke and fire. remind us again why they are so angry these people, you would think they would be happy u.n. is there, extending this helping hand, especially amidst this cholera outbreak. remind us why they are angry at the u.n.. >> reporter: it's rather complicated. the united nations has been on the ground here for years, offering basic services and also with the force of more than 10,000 soldiers and police trying to help maintain order. this society as you well know is under extreme pressure. you have this deadly killer earthquake that killed hundreds of thousands of people and left
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more than a million homeless. this part i'm standing in is a sprawling tent city for thousands of homeless haitians. cholera has claimed more than 1100 lives in just the last month alone, more than 18,000 hospitalizations. somewhere along the way a story emerged that two young peacekeepers from nepal are the people who brought accidentally presumably the cholera bacteria to this country. now the united nations has denied that. >> the united nations is denying it and, of course, those perhaps the haitians aren't listening to that. they believe they brought the cholera. the death toll above 1100. please stay safe. you may not believe this next story. dozens of airport baggage
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handlers are sfobsd ones going through your bags, making sure everything is safe. they are accused of cashing in on your overweight bags and boxes and in many cases lying about pieces of luggage on the plane. we'll get to the bottom of the scam. there's some interesting items on the agenda today in trending including tiger woods and a major, major hollywood divorce. that's next. across the country when the economy tumbled, jpmorgan chase set up new offices to work one-on-one with homeowners. since 2009, we've helped over 200,000 americans keep their homes. and we're reaching out to small businesses too, increasing our lending commitment this year to $10 billion and giving businesses the opportunity to ask for a second review if they feel their loan should have been approved. this is how recoveries happen. everyone doing their part.
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that's all hide on "showbiz tonight". good to see you as always. you know, i've checked to see if you're on twitter miss anderson. i have not found you. >> "showbiz tonight". >> "showbiz tonight". there you are. somebody else who is gets on the band wagon, mr. tiger woods. >> he's the newest high-profile athlete to join twitter and he did so with this. what's up everyone? finally decided to try out twitter. he's already got nearly 200,000 followers and counting. i just checked. in a tweet this morning after his radio interview with espn's mike and mike, tiger tweeted the best part about phone interviews is getting to swheerts. so far tiger's tweets have been riveting. tiger thanked his fans for their support. he admitted to the mistakes he made, repeatedly said he has a better perspective today than a year ago and spoke about his
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kids. hears some sound. >> it was very difficult for, certainly difficult for me but more difficult for my kids. they were feeling the effects of it. unfortunately. it was difficult on everyone. i tossed it. i take full responsibility for my actions and here i am. >> remember, it was last thanksgiving when his personal and professional life took a huge hit, no pun intend after the mystery car crash. brooke, he wrote a piece in news week. he's working hard to rebuild his reputation. so far a logo. >> we'll have to wait and see if america will indeed buy that. also eva longoria and tony parker say it ain't so. some of these details i've been reading make my skin crawl. >> i'm sad about this, but i'm not really that shocked, brooke, unfortunately. it's been just three years since their lavish wedding outside of
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paris in a castle. wednesday eva longoria filed for divorce from her nba star husband tony parker. she cited irreconcilable differences. there's speculation parker might have been involved with a wife of a former san antonio spurs teammate. i want to mention that actor and extra host mario lopez who is really good friends with eva said eva found hundreds of text messages on tony's phone from a woman. we reached out to them for some sort of comment about that. we're awaiting for their response. eva did tweet about their split. she said this. we love each other deeply and pray for each other's happiness. the court filing did not indicate when the couple actually broke up. but, you may remember it was only last month when they appeared on the ellen degeneres show together. they appeared to be content and happy.
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>> it is sad. quickly before i let you go, we were talking about the publicist murder in l.a., the fatal shooting just two days ago. any updates on the investigation? >> well, an up a has been completed on hollywood publicity ronnie chasen. she was shot and killed early tuesday morning. the l.a. coroner ruled the death as a result of multiple gunshot wound. no suspects. no motive. it's an open investigation. and authorities are trying to do everything they can to get clues on what went down. who killed her and who shot her as she drove home after the hollywood premier. they are working with business, homeowners. they confiscated computers. they are looking at surveillance video. anything for answer. she will be laid to rest this weekend, sunday at hillside memorial park here in l.a.. >> still a big question on everybody's mind out there why. brooke anderson, thank you.
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cnn has all your latest political news with the best political team on television. cnn equals politics. wolf blitzer is at the desk. we're awaiting president obama here within another ten minutes or so scheduled to speak about general motors but also talking russia today. >> he's talking about the s.t.a.r.t. treaty which he negotiated with russia, but needs senate ratification and in order to get that treaty ratified you need 67 senators to vote yes, 67 right now. there are 59 democrats in the senate. the new senate that's going down to 59 democrats now 53 in the new senate. so it might be a more difficult sell in the new senate than it is right now because a lot of republicans have expressed some concern but the president is
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hoping that in this lame duck session they can get the 67 votes in the u.s. senate to ratify the s.t.a.r.t. treaty. it will be a tough sell but he's making a major push. vice president biden is making a push. yesterday the secretary of state hillary clinton was up on capitol hill pushing for that as well. we'll see if they can get that done in this senate. it needs ratification in the senate. doesn't need any action in the house of representatives. on another story we're following this latest cnn opinion research corporation poll as far as government spending is concerned, it shows that the american public wants the government to cut spending but not on some programs that are among the most popular. should the government spend less on domestic programs? right now it's 49% say yes. back in '94, for some comparison it was 32% and in '83, 32%. the american public want them to spend less. if you ask would it be more for
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reduce the deficit or cut spending for medicare, medicaid, social security, overwhelmingly they don't want any cuts in social security, don't want any cuts in medicaid, don't want any cuts in medicare and that's where so much of the domestic spending, obviously goes. finally, a little tidbit that we were intrigued by although he's hinted at this in the past few weeks including an interview he did a couple of months ago, donald trump is seriously thinking of running for president in 2012 as a republican. i'm thinking about things, he told abc, i'm looking at this country and what's happened in terms of rspect and the respect for this country is just not there. later in a different interview with msnbc he went one step further in saying this about the president. he says he's a nice man, but i think he's totally in over his head. donald trump taking that hit at the president of the united states. we'll watch all of these stories
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and a lot more on the situation room that airs in an hour at 5:00 p.m. eastern obviously right here on cnm. >> before i let you go i want to get back to president obama. we know he'll be speaking at the white house about gm officially going public today. we cho that the president 17 months ago caught a lot of criticism over bailing out the automotive industry. what do you suspect he'll say today? >> he'll say that was good investment for the american taxpayers because not only were a lot of jobs kept, tens of thousands of gm jobs were kept in the united states, but now the company is doing so much better and they just had the stock offering today, did really, really well and american taxpayers are going to be repaid for that loan they gave to gm. so, he's going take some credit and say look at all the good things that resulted from this bailout of gm, sometimes a bailout works and in this particular case it looks like it did. take a look at some of these other countries like china. they want to buy some of that gm stock. they want to have a big piece of
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the action, some of the rich countries in the persian gulf, united arab emirates, gm is a hot property right now and the president will say that what he and the government did helped create the situation a year and a half almost two years later. >> we'll be waiting and watching for that. we'll bring the out if live. you can also get the latest political news at and go twitter at political ticker. do you remember the auto bailout, the outrage. well it is payback time. gm goes public and they are paying back billions of dollars to you and me the taxpayers but was the auto bailout worth it and what does it mean for your investments. >> was there corruption. he respond no.
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>> the ethics committee did find evidence of guilt and today his colleagues in the house of representatives decide the punishment for congressman charlie rangel. >> cried and screamed all night long. >> sarah shore spent a year in an iranian prison. her fiancee and their friend are still there locked up accused of being spies. in a new movie she says they are actually peace activists and wants the world to know. then rolling out the red carpet. across two continents. cnn heroes welcoming the chilean miners and their heroes to the u.s.. huge news potentially about to break in mount vernon, ohio. we're awaiting a police news conference and we're hearing from our affiliate out of
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columbus, ohio, according to the son of one of the missing people the police will be announcing that three bodies have been found. again, three people been missing since mid-week last week. 13-year-old girl sarah maynard found bound and gg. matthew hoffman charged with her kidnapping. we'll bring that to you live here from ohio. also bring you live progresiden obama. he's expected to speak from the briefing room. we'll speak about general motors. he'll probably say that bailing out the american auto industry was a good thing 17 months ago. we'll bring you back to that picture as soon as we see mr. obama in front of that podium. gm that you the u.s. taxpayer owned just under 61% of went public today. alison has been studying the markets. the nation's biggest ipo started
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the day 35 bucks a share. where did it end up? >> ended at $34.19. bottom line for taxpayers they did okay. shares closed $1.19 higher than ipo price. for traders that bought in at $35, kind after big bust because expectations were for the share price to jump 10% to 20%. we can't forget this. there was a huge celebration here at the new york stock exchange. the bell was followed by a loud revving of an engine of 2011 camaro. they covered the entire front building with a big gm sign, then gm's trading post, it was mobbed with hundreds of people, you know, crowding around this trading post yelling out trades, something we really don't see any more. just one of these historic moments not only because of the size of this ipo, but because it
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represented, you know, this rebirth of an iconic american company. >> sure. symbolic with the opening bell of gm no longer sputtering. revving it's camaro golden globes. how did it impact the markets? >> it gave it a huge boost. the good feeling surrounding gm. the bulls took charge on wall street. we finished the session with triple-digit gains. these gm shares were really in such demand that for a big chunk of the day 30% of all trades that were come through here at the nyse were gm shares. they really gave a huge boost to this market. >> alison kosik, thank you. the house ethics committee has gone into private session to deliberate the fate of charlie rangel. the lawyer in charge of rangel's case is recommending that rangel be censured for violations
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including failure to pay all of his taxes. next, an ugly and scary accident. look at this, parents. suv versus school bus. this morning in the st. louis suburbs. witnesses say the two smashed into one another head on. there were five kids on the bus. all were hurt but not seriously. that's what we know now. the bus driver was injured. the suv caught fire after the crash and according to the missouri state highway patrol the driver of the vehicle was killed. next we may be one step closer to learning what happened to natalee holloway. investigators could learn as early today whether a jawbone found on an aruba beach is human and if so dna tests will be conducted to determine if it matches her dental records. natalee holloway was last seen on the aruaruban island five ye
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ago. madoff currently serving 150 years behind bars, and in case you're keeping count there are now nine people accused in that historic ponzi scheme. next, nine sky caps have been arrested at miami international airport. the sky caps are the ones that carry your luggage. miami police say the sky caps would take bags from american airlines passengers, charge them overweight bag fees and then pocket the money for themselves. next -- >> this is a professional business, i go get a bite to eat and this is what i get. >> what he go -- >> don't find it funny. >> you saw the receipt from a burger king with a huge expletive. two burger king employees are
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learning they can't have it their way. the customer said the burger king he's been offered vouchers for free food. he's not eating at burger king again. a new twist in security at the airport. every pilot obviously gets a certificate to prove they are able to fly, right? now there's a new push for pilots to include a photo i.d.. the government wants the change to prevent someone for faking their way into the cockpit. next you've heard the outrage over the scanners and the pat downs at the airport. maybe yourself have gone through this. if one group got its way none of this would be necessary. i'm talking go with me here, folks, nudists. yep, the american association for nude recreation, didn't know that existed endorsing the full body scanners. in fact they are telling you to think of going through a scanner as virtual skinny dip. not so much. just a reminder we're awaiting
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president obama expected to speak live about general motors. the room is getting busy. we're monitoring that. attorney general eric holder said failure is not an option when it comes to prosecuting the 9/11 suspects. 9/11 suspects. a jury just returned acquittals, many acquittals on a former guantanamo detainee for his role in two former terror attacks. what happens as we move ahead? that's coming up.
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[ man ] save $523. save $345. 16 minutes could save you 16%. come on. isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers, more savings, and discounts up to 40%.
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where else are you gonna get discounts like that? but first, talk to your neighbors. chances are, they're one of the 40 million. then call a state farm agent or go online for a free discount double-check. they'll find you discounts you didn't even know you deserved. like discounts for having a safe car. so go ahead. check with your neighbors. then call a state farm agent at 1-800-state-farm or go to ♪
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today gm has given its keys back to private investors and in the process the u.s. treasury unloading quite a bit of equity in the company to help break down what exactly happened today and what needs to happen going forward. rick neumann the chief business correspondent for u.s. news and business report. welcome back to the show. i have your article. you just wrote or published your lead line, well, well, general motors is back. so let's start here. monday morning quarterback. was bailing out gm the right thing to do? >> i mean -- this is almost like asking do you believe in god or not. some people take a rational approach and say look this saved hundreds of thousands of jobs and maybe even a million jobs for all the pain that would have trickled through the auto industry. it's hard to argue against that especially if taxpayers get their money back. some people hate this bailout. i think what gm hopes happens is
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that they get rid of this stigma of government motors and get back some customers who say i'll never buy a car from the government. they need some of those customers to come back and that's what i think we're hoping to see over the next months and years. this will take a while to play out. >> i want to remind everyone as we're looking at the live picture from the white house waiting for the president, i'm getting the one minute warning. let me toss this to you, rick. we heard from -- just kidding. there he is. president of the united states. >> good afternoon. today, one of the toughest tales of the recession took another big step towards becoming a success story. general motors relaunched itself as a public company. cutting the government's steake in the company by nearly half. american taxpayers are in position to recovered more than my administration invested in gm and that's a very good thing. last year we told gm's management and workers that if
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they made the tough decisions necessary to make themselves more competitive in the 21st century decisions requiring real leadership, fresh thinking and also some shared sacrifice then we would stand by them. and because they did, the american auto industry, an industry that's been the proud symbol of america's manufacturinging might for a century rirks an industry that helped build our middle class is once again on the rise. our automakers are in the midst much their strongest period of job growth in more than a decade. since gm and chrysler emerged from bankruptcy the industry created more than 75,000 new jobs. for the first time in six years ford, gm and chrysler are all operating at a profit. in fact last week gm announced its best quarter in over 11 years. most importantly, american workers are back at the assembly line manufacturing the high quality, fuel-efficient american
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made cars of tomorrow. capable of going toe to toe with any other manufacturer in the world. just two years ago this seemed point. in fact, there were plenty of doubters and nay sayers who said it couldn't be done who were prepared to throw in the towel and read the american auto industry their last rites. however, had we taken that step, had we given up we would have lost more than 1 million jobs across all 50 states. it would have also resulted in economic chaos, devastating communities across the country and costing governments tens of billions in safety benefits. that wasn't an acceptable option to throw up our hands and to quit. that's not what we do. as a country of optimistic and determined people who don't give up when times are tough. we do what's necessary to move
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forward. so these last two years haven't been easy on anybody. they haven't been without pain or sacrifice as the tough restructuring of gm we minds us. and obviously we still got a long road ahead and a lot of work to do rebuild this economy, to put people back to work, to make america more competitive for the future, and to secure the american dream for children and our grandchildren. but, we are finally beginning to see some of these tough decisions that we made in the midst of crisis to pay off and i'm absolutely confident that we're going to keep on making progress. i believe we're going to get through this tougher and stronger than we were before. because just as i have faith in the ability of our auto workers to succeed i have faith in the american people to succeed and i have faith that america's best days and american manufacturing's best days are
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still ahead of us. finally i want to embarrass a couple of people. ron bloom and brian diets are key members of the team that helped to engineer this rescue of gm and chrysler. had it not been for these two gentlemen, a whole lot of people might be out of work right now. we're very proud of them and i figured i would go ahead -- you can see they are looking sheepish, point them out to you. so thank you very much, everybody. >> that was the president speaking for just a quick couple of minutes talking about gm. we know gm officially went public today and he was heralding the government and gm for the job they've done in the last 17 months and filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy saying the auto industry is a symbol of american's manufacturing might is on the rise but went on the say the road is still very much long ahead. i want to bring rick neumann back in. were you surprised at all with
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the tone the president took and let's also break down this long road ahead for gm. how long, how bumpy might it be? >> you know, i think president obama can rightfully claim success. here's one thing the obama administration did right. i think we know by now nobody in washington reeling wanted to do these bailouts at all including the chrysler bailout but they did a good job of managing expectation. back in 2009 nobody said there would be an ipo by november of 2010. they were very careful to even say whether they thought the government would get all its money back. so that has allowed home to say this is happening ahead of schedule because they never create ad schedule. that's one of the reasons why it looks like a success right now. but as president obama pointed out there's a long way to go and gm has made some important improvements in the quality of its cars and things like that. but, so now it's getting credit for improvements. it still needs to get up to the
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top levels of quality with its products and things like that and stay there. what we've seen from gm in the past is add with regard to technical projects. they go off in one direction with a lot of gusto and then lose interest and go to something else. we need to see a laser like focus out of this company. we need to see the products get better and better. >> stand by for me. i want to bring in ed henry who was sitting in the room. ed, what was your biggest takeaway there? >> reporter: well i think robert gibbs said it even before this briefing this was going to be sort of and i told you so. they feel very strongly that republicans were predicting this would be, in their words, john boehner and others said this is on the road to socialism. instead they believe this is a dramatic example of government intervention that can work. the president didn't list numbers. white house aides will tell you the president saved about 1.4
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million jobs. if you had piled a job loss of 1.4 million on top of 9.5% unemployment obviously this economy would be in far worse shape. instead it's a pretty good story for the president to tell. why is he telling it now? he frankly has not gotten a lot of credit, brooke. >> ed henry and rick neumann, i appreciate you both for coming on and talking about what the president has to say. he mentioned 75,000 new jobs created because of this auto bailout. we're still waiting, this news conference should happen any minute now at mount vernon, ohio. we could be hearing according to our affiliate from wbns, we're hearing, we could get some news on the three missing people, missing since last week. have they found the body? have they not? we should know any moment now. stay there. be right back.
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welcome back to the newsroom. you better believe a lot of eyes were on this case. a terror trial the accused is a man with murder charges from the u.s. embassy bombings in africa back in 1998. why all the extra attention anthony guy. it's the first time a suspected terrorist, a guantanamo detainee faced a jury in a civilian courtroom. now the jury did deliver a verdict. i'll get to that in a second. first i want to bring our senior legal analyst. he's certainly watching these historic legal developments. and jeff, just sort of starting at square one. why is it so important-foot the fact this trial was held on american soil for all of us to watch before a civilian jury?
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>> well, one of president obama's campaign promises was that he was going to shut down the detention facility at guantanamo bay in cuba and give trials some sort of trials, criminal trials perhaps military tribunals to all of those inmates there and end this embarrassment to the country once and for all. he also announced, attorney general holder also announced earlier that the ring leader of the 9/11 conspiracy he would be tried in an american courtroom, a regular federal district court like federal criminals are at the ride all the time and this was the first time an individual was taken from guantanamo to the united states for a civilian trial. >> the verdict, let's be honest was a mixed verdict. the jury acquitting ahmed khalfan ghailani on every charge except one. yes, it's a very heavy one. does anyone possibly think that a different income could have
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come out of this had he face admit commission, a military tribunal at guantanamo versus here in the states? >> well that's one of the many subjects that's not up for debate as a result of this mixed verdict. i think you summarized it right. he was convicted of a very serious crime. he's going get at least 20 years in prison and maybe life. so the idea that this is some kind of a disaster that this terrorist is going go walking the streets is wrong. however, this is not a verdict that the government can be very happy about, given how many acquittal, literally hundreds came in this trial. so, the question now is, what do you do with all these 200 or so detainees in guantanamo. can you have more civilian trials? do you have military tribunals for them, which is easier for the government to get a conviction in or do you simply delay the process more and let them stay there for years more with no trial at all? >> jeff i want to get to ksm in
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a minute. this is where this is going. but first i want to read you, this is congressman peter king, republican from new york who will soon be chair of the homeland security committee. he called this a tragic wake up call to the obama administration to immediately abandon its ill-advised plan to try guantanamo terrorists in federal civilian courts. we must treat them as war time enemies and try them in military commissions at guantanamo. i believe those 200 plus family members that lost loved one in '90 in the embassy bombings might agree. >> my experience with family m-unfortunately there are so many of them they think a lot of different things. there isn't a unanimous view of 9/11 victims or the victims of the cole or embassy bombings. these are sophisticated people with a lot of different views. peter king is a republican who has long standing views that are different from the obama
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administration. the obama administration has said we want to try as many people as possible in civilian courts under the rules of due process of law that we regard as a beacon to the world. i think people can decide for themselves. >> sure. i bring up peter king to show two sides of the story in favor of being a courtroom, many advantages as well including perhaps less emphasis for appeal. i want to get this final question in for you. ksm, where might he be tried and when? >> well, i think the that he'll be tried in a federal district court is dead. when attorney general holder announced he would be tried in lower manhattan mayor bloomberg, the police chief here in new york, senator chuck schumer all usually allies of the obama administration said forget it, it's not going to happen. so i think that would happen in any community where they tried to bring a civilian trial.
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so i think he'll get a military commission trial somewhere. >> do you. >> but, it will probably take place at guantanamo itself. there's a trial facility there. that would certainly be a step back from what obama promised during the campaign but his whole guantanamo policy has been a step back from what he promised in the campaign. once your president national security becomes a lot bigger concern than it looks during the campaign. >> sure. that's why this particular trial was so significant moving forward. thank you, jeff. folks along the coast of florida getting a huge surprise, huge for a reason. huge mantaray.
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cnn has all your latest political news, the best political team on television. jessica yellin joins us from san diego. jessica, you have gop governor, unemployment and whatever happened to infamous mission impossible banner? >> reporter: yes. okay. i'm going to take those toirin order you gave them to me. first at the republican governors association, former house speak newt gingrich was here and he always says something that raises eyebrows. he said, he predicted by the year 2013, health care reform will be repealed. he said all candidates who are campaigning for the 2012
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presidential bid will campaign on that issue, and by april of 2013 he predicts there will be a repeal of the health care law. i'm sure democrats will dismiss that prediction and see it very differently. the other issue is about big spending, reining in government and backing this party for a ferocious bid for a 2012 candidate. they haven't decided who it will be. there are many in this crowd who could be among those on the ticket. so, that's here in san diego. in washington another issue that relates to this whole skirmish over spending unemployment benefits a vote to extend those to jobless americans has failed in the house of representatives. as you know, periodically this has to be extended and there's always a battle, frequently a battle because of the cost to government versus the benefits to the unemployed no doubt this is an issue that will come up and come to a vote yet again in the house and senate. then, on a lighter note that
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mission accomplished banner. so, remember when then president bush landed on the uss lincoln declaring major combat operations in iraq were completed and yes mission accomplished, the big banner is something he says he greats as president. where is that going to go? well it has a home. the bush library has it. and will displate. they haven't decided how but obviously he's not eliminating his more, i guess embarrassing moment from his own personal history. he'll include it somehow in that exhibit. >> of course. jessica yellin, thank you. remember you can always get the latest political news. hop online. the chilean miners have been on a plane and are in los angeles. we'll tell you why their 15 minutes fame very much so not up and why they are being celebrated by us here at cnn. that's ahead. plus senator lisa murkowski
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claims victory in her write in campaign but will she work with republicans, the party that supported her opponent. live report from alaska is next. [ beeping ] ♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring
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4:37 pm
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alaskans made history. and doesn't it just feel wow. >> doesn't it feel just wow. murkowski the incumbents in this race. alaskan picked joe miller as the official republican candidate. murkowski ran as an independent. when murkowski launched her write in campaign history not so much on her side. only one other candidate won a write in campaign. that was strom thurmond. so will she stand with the senate republicans or might she have an axe to grind? let's bring in the anchor from the anchorage tv. you had a pretty important chat with miss murkowski herself. pretty huge win for her. what did she have to say. >> brooke, brooke, big time apologies. i'm sorry i was with the incumbents.
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god bless alaska politics. in most races you have a final tally, ding, and then a concession phone call whether or not it's good natured or begrudgingly or out of habit. in this have a gracious victory speech. we decided to put the cart before the horse here. we don't have a certification or concession. last night she got in front of alaska and declared victory. the math is there but it's a very curious turn of events in a race that's been full of firsts up here. >> give me a little something. what did she say to you in your back and forth with her? got to give me something. >> every week, every other week i sit down with our d.c. delegation here and i saw a different lisa murkowski sitting across from me today. i asked her, listen, you have been stamping yourself as the middle of the road candidate. give us something that we can look to you to do to actually follow through on that.
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and lisa murkowski i never heard her bring up tom harkin of iowa's name. but she was excited to work a child nutrition bill with tom harkin opinion i pursued the don't-ask, don't-tell vote because that's something that she's been very reluctant to talk about because she wanted to hear from the troops and she wanted to kick the can down the road and today she said listen there's leaks out saying the troops are fine with it being repealed and, you know, we're a different sort of warfare. there aren't fox holes any more. i is something that i would not vote against a bill that had that repeal in it and that's honestly the first time she's come out swinging on that topic too. so there's a much different tone -- >> different tone. >> with regards to her reaching across. she had some strong words about senator jim demint. she said he should take care of south carolina. we don't need him poking around
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in alaskan politics. >> we have to talk about joe miller. i was reading the alaska dispatch. he's not a man willing to give up. his spokesman hinted at election fraud in a press release before murkowski's victory speech last night. what is his camp saying, what sort of action should we expect? >> here we are -- he's pushing this number he's 2,000 votes behind and that's the uncontested not even questioned vote total where murkowski is ahead of him. there's another 8,000 votes that his camp challenged that was overruled. depending on whose math, whose shoulder you're overlooking it's either 2,000 or 10,000. either way he's behind. they are looking at voter fraud. and what they are looking at is
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different example, different anecdotes but he's losing traction by the hour. just yesterday the alaska republican party which really championed him, the chairman up here who they had words in the past, they were backing him until yesterday when they said, listen, mr. miller should back away. >> he's not backing away just yet. i know you have a day job up there. we thank you always for hopping on the phone and talking to us at cnn. >> our days are very short. >> thanks. coming up next that giant mantaray i promised you, we'll deliver, the thing can reach across 17 feet. you'll see the video. that's coming up next. plus for the most part fake san as are usually pretty big guys, right? but there's one who couldn't quite live up to those expectations. you can't miss this. i promise this is good stuff. stay there. out of the very best america had to offer.
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. you know at some point most of us had to work with someone we just didn't like. of course not me. not me right now. you have to move forward or grin and bear it. one member of parliament in argentina decided to take matters into her own hands. you got to see this. emotion can run high in politics. we've seen our fair share of heated debates. he's shaking his finger. she's looking at him. pow. she tags him in the cheek. a session of parliament. she never learned to keep her hands to herself. bam. beach goers in florida spotted a giant mantaray.
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the chopper got out in time to catch this thing. it was 17 feet wide. what's 17 feet wide i was thinking two car lengths. it's two shaquille o'neals. if you know shaq now you know. and santa had a little bit too top of drink and couldn't make to it the bathroom. talk about bad timing. a horrified couple knocks him down. down he goes. needless to say that's one santa that's making the naughty list. wolf blitzer, he's coming up next. we'll have a look at president obama's busy day which includes talk of nuclear stockpiles. stay here. and while it can never be fully answered, it helps to have a financial partner like northern trust. by gaining a keen understanding of your financial needs, we're able to tailor a plan using a full suite... of sophisticated investment strategies and solutions.
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this my son, mario and he now works at walmart. i believe mario is following in my footsteps. my name is noemi, and i work at walmart. ♪ my name is noemi, and i work at walmart. this site has a should i try priceline instead? >> no it's a sale. nothing beats a sale! wrong move! you. you can save up to half off that sale when you name your own price on priceline. but this one's a me. it's only pretending to be a deal. here, bid $79. got it. wow! you win this time good twin! there's no disguising the real deal. before we get to wolf blitzer i want to remind you we're still waiting for this news conference to happen in mount rear none, ohio. we were told this thing was
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supposed to get going about 45 minutes ago. we're still waiting. this is pertaining to the three missing people. the gal on the far right, 13-year-old sarah maynard. she was found bound and gagged in this guy's basement. that's matthew hoffman who has since been arrested. he's charged with her kidnapping. the gig question is what happened to her mother, brother and family friend. here are pictures. we're waiting for someone to step in front of that podium. we have heard from one of our affiliates, wbns. according to the son of one of the missing women they should be telling us there are bodies found. we're watching and waiting for that. let's talk about the president. president obama wants the senate to pass a new arms reduction treaty with russia and he wants the senate to do it not late e-dmoit. the president said it should be a top priority for this congress. he says the u.s. cannot afford to gamble on the need to monitor
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russia's nuclear stockpile. wolf blitzer watching all of this in the situation room. the president is trying to push this through now because the next congress of course with republican, as a majority of the house may not support it. >> in the senate, the senate has to ratify it. they need 67 votes to ratify a treaty with another country and it's close right now. they are not at 67. they need some major republicans to come on board. they have senator luger, the senator from indiana. but they need more. the president is doing whatever key including providing an extra $4 billion to modernize the nuclear arsenal in the united states even in the face of reductions of nuclear missiles. he's making the case that the republican administration have done similar strategic arm reduction treaties and if the u.s. doesn't go forward with ratifying this treaty now,
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verification, the inspection process will go away so the national security they argue will be enhanced if the ratification is done in the next couple of weeks or so. we'll see if they can do it. no doubt this is a high priority for the white house right now. >> high priority for the white house. also high priority for a lot of americans out, there keeping programs like medicare, social security, even perhaps if it means not reducing the deficit. >> the new cnn opinion research corporation poll, you're absolutely right. the american public wants to start cutting domestic spending significant numbers but they don't want to touch at least large majorities medicare, medicaid or social security. and so much of the domestic money and those entitlement programs if you don't touch spending in medicare, medicaid and social security where do you start cutting? you can cut national defense the pentagon's defense. a lot of people don't want to do
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that. the other spending cuts are relatively modest, they won't do the job. so if you want to deal with cutting that deficit, cutting the national debt, you got to go where the money is which is really in the entitlement program. >> blitz we'll see you in the situation room eight minutes from now. totally switching gears some of you know i'm getting hitched. day have a ring. don't ask me when or where. i'm thinking next year. this whole prince william kate middleton engagement has me feeling envious. point be nice have a whole team of royal planners making the decisions and making phone calls. i'm a bride i'm thinking about this stuff and because i'm like you i love the bridal progressnistication. if you've ever seen the show "say yes to the dress," monty is
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good enough, we were chatting on the fond last night. he said you want notice bring in some gowns? i said yes. hopefully he'll bring in some gowns that kate, catherine might be wearing so we can play princess for a day. i'll be interested to see what you think the princess, princess middleton should be wearing. definitely stick around for that tomorrow. but now, imagine the scene 33 chilean miners all on one airplane a month after crews rescued them from 2,000 feet below ground. they have arrived in all places, where are they right now? they are in hollywood. we're live in los angeles with their story next. what? i didn't buy this cereal to sweet talk your taste buds it's for my heart health. good speech dad. [ whimper ] [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy.
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we've been in business for 60 years and our greatest asset has always been our people. we use the plum card from american express open to purchase everything we can and with the savings from the early pay discount, we were able to invest back into our business by hiring more great people like ruben here. how can the plum card's trade terms get your business booming? booming is a new employee named ruben. 33 rescued chilean miners, their family and rescuers are getting a taste of hollywood. they traveled to los angeles and
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will be in that audience at the cnn heroes all-star tribute event next week. many of the miners have never even been out of chile let alone hopping two flights to get to l.a.. their journey started in santiago. there was a quick stop in atlanta. gary tuckman traveled with the miners all the way from chile, through atlanta early this morning. now they are in l.a.. gary tuckman, you have such an awesome assignment. can we first talk about what of it like travel to with this chilean entourage. >> reporter: people are so honored to meet these chilean miners. they are truly regarded as heroes because they had heroic perseverance to survive this. the rescuers are here, true heroes. keep this in mind, between the beginning of august and mid.
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october these 33 men were 2,200 feet under ground in the dark. for the first 22 days they didn't know if anyone knew they were live. now here in the mifld november in this luxury hotel, resting because they were flying all night and all day nine hours from santiago to atlanta. wandering through the terminal. they can't believe their good fortune seeing these chilean miners. boarding another flight for los angeles. they are resting now. in about an hour they will come out, board bus, we'll tour los angeles, hollywood, beverly hills. most of these people have not left chile before. their first plane flight for many of them was last week. we were down in chile -- they are guests of cnn and honored to be telling you that. they had to fly to santiago.
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today their second flight in southern california attending the heroes presentation, going around california, having some good meals. having a good time and we're really honored to be part of this. no question about it. >> so much fun. i have just one minute so i'll stick with one question. i'm sure you've been talking to a few of the miners. the youngest miner he got engaged when he was underground but he's having some second thoughts? >> reporter: it was a little hard for me to hear you but i think you're talking about having second thoughts. >> the youngest miner, gary. >> reporter: i know. second thoughts about getting married is that what your question was? >> yes. >> reporter: okay. jimmy sanchez, he's 19 years old. great guy. all these miners were able to take family members here. he took his father. good son. so while he was in the ground he said -- he's a dad, he's a
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