tv CNN Newsroom CNN November 23, 2010 1:00pm-3:00pm EST
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astro. >> if you're going for either whether it be car or air, you'd want to have a copy of maybe their most recent medical records, their vaccination history, rabies history. >> reporter: sorensen advises not to sedate your pet and get them used to a crate. the key to travel is planning ahead. just like ben and jackson's dad did. >> oh, this is great. going to miss the beach. >> reporter: jacqui jeras, cnn, houston. >> we have got to go. cnn newsroom continues now with kate bolduan in for ali velshi. thank you tony. as he said i'm kate bolduan in for ali velshi with you for the next two hours. a deadly confrontation between two bitter enemies raises tensions around the world. haiti's misery, first the earthquake, then the cholera, and now violence. we'll have an eyewitness report. you'll want to see that. and thousands of u.s. troops
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are coming home from iraq and afghanistan with traumatic brain injuries. we talk about this a lot. could a new kind of helmet help? first, though, big story we are watching and we want to begin with right now. the shocking reminder of the forgotten war. 57 years after north and south korea reached an uneasy armistice, but never an outright peace. the world is watching a return to deadly hostilities. it centers on a disputed island two miles from a disputed border in the yellow sea. the south had been holding military thridrills there to wh the north fiercely objected when the south started firing artillery into the sea but away from north korea, the north unleashed a barrage, killing two south korean marines and wounding at least 15 soldiers and 3 civilians. the south responded in kind and also scrambled fighter jets. the toll they inflicted on the
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north isn't yet known. these pictures are all from north korea's attack on the island. this island is home to south korean military garrison and roughly 1,600 civilians. it was last week north korea stunned a u.s. scientist by giving him a tour of a uranium enrichment lab at a nuclear research site. this made some pretty big headlines and you'll probably remember south korea's -- north korea's sinking of a south korean warship in the same troubled waters in march. that attack killed 46 south korean sailors. so time now for the two at the top. international security expert jim walsh is joining me, excuse me, joining me to talk about the fallout from this korean fighting. sorry. jim, i understand, president obama plans to reach out to south korean president lee. what do you hope comes from that situation? >> kate, it's going to be a
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difficult conversation because on the one hand u.s. policy as one official described it is alliance centric. our top goal is to reassure allies to tell them we got your back and to stay with them. he's going to want to reassure president lee. on the other hand he doesn't want to encourage lee to overreact, feel like he has a cart blanche and for this crisis to escalate. that's a danger here. not that north korea is going to attack us or attack the u.s., but somehow in tit for tat response for response we end up escalating and ending up someplace we don't want to be. >> it is a matter that has to be handled delicately. remind our viewers about why this area, this ratcheting up of tensions is significant to out viewers, the americans. tell us about the u.s. president there. >> we have thousands of american troops there. south korea is one of our main allies. oh, and by the way, north korea has nuclear weapons and, oh, by the way, even perhaps more importantly, north korea is
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undergoing a political transition. kim jong-il is dying. he's being replaced by his youngest son. political transitions can be delicate and dangerous in the context where no one's talking to one another. they're not talking to us, we're not talking to them. mistakes and miscalculations is what happens under these circumstances. that's what we have to guard against. >> how do you see this going forward? is this a new level of tension -- the new normal -- or is this kind of a one-off, a one-type deal? north korea trying to flex its muscle or pay attention to us over here? >> that's a good point, kate, to call this the new normal. frankly, korean -- north korean/american relations have been characterized by incidents and crises and problems going back to the pueblo many decades ago. you know, it depends on what north korea's motivation is. if they're doing this deliberately as a master plan to improve leverage or get back to the six-party talks we night see
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mo them. they may be different events. it depends on what is in their minds and frankly right now no one really knows. >> all right, jim, thank you so much. thanks for joining us. international security expert. thanks so much. we have a bit of breaking news we want to tell you. we'll come back to that in a little bit. we're going to work out a few little things. let's get to today's sound effect, we're hearing from the u.s. scientist who got an astounding tour of the korean nuke lab earlier this month. he talked about his findings earlier today in washington. >> this is what we saw when we looked in. they didn't let us take photos. they took no photos. i had to doctor up a photo. my jaw dropped. i was stunned to see hundreds of hundreds of centrifuges lined up, two each at three different locations. it was just stunning. in a clean facility, modern
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facility, looking down i said, oh my god, they actually did what they said they were going to do. >> the war has north korea tested in 2006 and 2009 were plutonium based in which uranium is considered the nuclear fuel of choice. a u.s. special envoy says washington is not surprised by these revelations. now to some news we've been waiting for out in aruba. the jawbone that we've been talking about, we were talking about it a lot yesterday, it is not natalee holloway's. dutch forensic experts have been examining the bone after a tourist found it on an aruba beach this month. holloway disappeared from the area in 2005 on a senior class trip. her family sent dental records for comparison with the jawbone, but today aruban authorities said it belongs to a jane doe. natalee's father, dave holloway issues a statement soon after saying, quote, we appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. we remain hopeful some day we
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will find the answer to the whereabouts of our daughter, natalee holloway. we want to thank everyone for their support in our efforts to find justice, we ask that you continue to remember natalee in your thoughts and prayers. that's from natalee holloway's father. and also, some other news to get to today that you should know about. a former catholic priest in texas already charged with sexually abusing a teenager has been arrested again for allegedly seeking a hit man to kill that accuser. a neighbor of john fiala tipped off police earlier this month. the neighbor says fiala offered him $5,000 to take care of the boy. who's now 18 years old. there are some red faces in washington and kabul over reports a senior taliban commander involved in secret government talks was an imposter. afghan officials tell the "washington post" he may have been a humble pakistani shop keeper if you can believe it. the man was flown to kabul by
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nato for negotiations and a western diplomat says the imposter was paid a lot of money to convince him to take part in those talks. that is pretty fascinating. the national highway traffic transportation is investigating rental car company repair records and nhtsa wants to know if the agencies are following through on safety recalls before renting out their cars. they have gotten reports of injuries or debts because of federal safety standards. that's horrible. new hope in a major fight. a possible new treatment that could prevent hiv infection. stick around.
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we have breaking news we want to get to right now. a loaded magazine found on a plane. cnn photographer greg canes ss joining us on the phone with more. are you there? >> yes, kate, hi. >> tell me, please, tell me what's going on? what do you guys know? >> my producer and i flew from burbank this morning, we're covering the sarah palin book signing this afternoon. and the plane landed and we were sitting in the second row from the back of the plane and there was a family of three sitting right behind us. the mother had a young kid on her lap and the kid was kind of, you know, not happy to be restrained. he was climbing over the seats to the window where his brother was iting and his foot knocked something on to the floor. we all sort of looked down.
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the hostess picked up what it was. i looked over and saw there was a -- it looked like the magazine from a semiautomatic pistol. and you know, we were just taken by surprise. >> absolutely. >> and it was actually almost funny given the amount of skprutny we've been paying to tsa and security, it was funny to see a magazine with bullets in a on the floor of a commercial jetliner. >> you guys still on the plane? what's going on now? >> this happened once the plane had landed. we're on such a tight deadline i think if it had happened at burbank before takeoff they would have scrubbed the flight, we would have missed our window. they took the magazine. i held it, looked at it a little bit, handed it back to her. wanted to take a picture of it, but she refused, obviously. and we deplaned.
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i assume they're turning it in and somewhere down the line i'm guessing there's a bureaucrat who's feeling very uncomfortable right now. >> and so this happened when you landed into phoenix, correct? >> that is correct. yeah. the plane had already come to a full stop, and you know, everybody was getting off and trying to get their baggage and everything to get off the plane. >> just astonishing. to catch people up if they're joining us now, this is cnn photographer gregg canes on phone with us where a magazine weapon was found. they think it is a magazine for what looked like a semiautomatic weapon found on a plane from burbank to phoenix. clearly, gregg, thank you so much for joining us. we're going to check more on this, obviously check with the airline and tsa and federal officials and see what we can learn about that. fortunately it was just found and handed off to the appropriate authorities. gregg, thanks so much for joining us. all right. moving on to other news we're following. the united nations says the
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global aids epidemic is slowing down and actually beginning to reverse. new hiv infections worldwide have decreased, listen to this, almost 20% in the last decade. let's map out these numbers. they're pretty interesting. you'll want to know about it. in 2009 an estimated 2.6 million people became newly infected with hiv. that's compared with the estimated 3.1 million in 1999 10 years later. also in 2009, approximately 1.8 million people died from aids-related illnesses, compare that with 2.1 million deaths in 2004. and there's even more encouraging news. i fund this astonishing. when you zero in on the aids crisis in the 15 most severely affected countries. the rate of new hiv infections among young people has fallen by more than 25%. that's because the u.n. says young people are adopting safer sex practices. the report, though, is not all
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good news that we should tell you about. for every one person starting hiv treatment two people are newly affected. it's a problem we're all fighting. the u.n. says overall the investments in combatting aids are paying off but the challenge is now to of course speed up the progress. there could be a breakthrough in the battle against aids using drugs to prevent hiv. researchers have found a combination of drugs reduces the risk of infection by almost 44% in men. the drugs are two widely used hiv medicines taken daily. researchers tell cnn they need to do more investigating but the drug combination could make, in their words, a significant impact in the fight against hiv. pretty astonishing. coming up, markets are moving. a major country's parliament may dissolve thanks to bank bailouts. and keeping your wallet safe this holiday season. it's a big day for your money. christine romans will be joining me on the other side.
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to be a leader in this company. [ william ] after a couple of months, i was promoted to department manager. like, wow, really? me? a year later, i was promoted again. walmart even gave me a grant for my education. recently, he told me he turned down a job at one of the biggest banks in the country. this is where i want to be. i fully expect william will be my boss one day. my name is william and i work at walmart. ♪ we asked people all over america where the best potatoes come the best potatoes? idaho.t. idaho! idaho. and how do you know you're getting idaho potatoes? well...uh... uhm... heh.. (sighs) not all potatoes come from idaho. so if you want the best, you have to do one important thing. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i knew that. i knew that. look for the grown in idaho seal.
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this just in. we have another possible security situation to tell you about. this is a possible cargo security situation at logan airport. we're hearing from our affiliate there wcvb, they're reporting that a cargo area at logan airport in boston is being evacuated involving as i said possibly some type of cargo situation. we know that has been raising -- of course, immediately raises eyebrows these days. clearly new information coming in, developing. i want to get to chad, though, and see if we -- what's going on in the situation in the air there, chad? >> i'm looking at airplanes. they're still leaving. a couple planes here. here's the cape, obviously, cape
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cod. there's boston logan airport. plans still leaving at the time. if it's a cargo situation it may actually be in a cargo area like a u.p.s., dhl, federal express. >> very separate from the actual -- >> now, a cargo does go on to real airplanes, too. >> yes. >> what we will watch to see where all the ground stops, if there are anything. if anything else develops we'll know it. here's logan. many airplanes, many runways. i don't see anything on the faa website that says everything's stopped. we will get that immediately, though. not only are they sending it to us, the website we monitor, they're sending it to every other airport in the country. this is air traffic control. that's why we get to look at it and we'll tell you -- i'll be running back out here as soon as i get something. >> okay. just to recap real quick, we're looking at boston logan airport. we're hearing there's a possible security situation, possibly involving a cargo area at logan's airport being evacuated. we're getting that from our
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affiliate there. we have crews on the way. as you can imagine. we'll update you on that as that comes in. lot of news going on. we're going to move on, right, guys? all right. here we to. moving on to other stuff. it's now time for "your $$$." a look at your markets. christine romans, host of cnn's "your $$$"we're talking about the markets and north and south korea. what are you seeing? why are we talking about these events? >> it rattled markets overnight and there are geopolitical risks in the market though the dow has gotten above 11,000, there are a variety of things that remind people before a holiday weekend they want to be careful about uncertainties and north korea and south korea and the tensions there. gold is up, the dollar is up and stocks are down. >> very interesting.
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let's move on to another big money story we've been talking about for a while now. ireland's big bailout. not something ireland is looking for right now. let's look at something then we'll talk about it. that's protesters in ireland after news that the government would accept bailouts from the imf and european union. up to $100 billion. these three big factors have put ireland in this bad situation. one, when the markets tanked back in 2008 it made banks less able to lend, which meant less money circulating in the economy. two, less money out there meant less money in government revenues which really hurt ireland's budget and also because the economy wasn't doing so great and people didn't trust bonds the banks and government had to raise the bonds to encourage people who buy them. this is good for those who cash in on bonds but meant more money lost for banks and the government.
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christine, the prime minister is talking about dissolving the government until the budgets -- involving all the budgets and everything like this. explain what is going on here? >> well, the interesting thing is a lot of economists here tell me that american banks exposure to ireland's problems is minimal, they don't expect any direct effect. when you're talking about european banks and european stock market averages there are some concerns there. why? because it raises and reminds us that we have long-term debt concerns in some of these countries. and it feels like we were six months ago when we were talking about greece and portugal. it shows you those concerns about governments that can't afford to pay their bills, those concerns are still there and we haven't fully put this crisis behind us and that's why a lot of people here are watching this. we take north korea and south korea, what's happening in ireland together, it's one of the reasons you have the dow down triple digits today. >> ireland's big bailout there. ireland is now joining a group that -- a not good group to be involved with.
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joining greece. >> dubious honor. dubious honor. the arguing over whether we want them to take the bail wrouout. there was this hand wringing about what was the best thing for ireland, best thing for investors who had exposure to ireland and the best thing for the global markets. you can see what the people think clearly about the bailout scenario. right. >> all right. christine romans, thanks so much. "your $$$$"saturdays at 1:00 p.m. eastern and sunday at 3:00. christine romans is author of the book "smart is the new rich" on book shelves now. south korea is threatening enormous retaliation after north korea's deadly artillery attacks today. two south korean marines were hurt and many others were injured. the united states has more than 28,000 troops deployed there in south korea.
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that bone that we talked a lot about yesterday and have for about a week now, that bone on a beach in aruba is not natalee holloway's. the jawbone was found earlier this month. tests confirmed it isn't the alabama teenager's. natalee holloway went missing in may 2005 on a graduation trip to the island. david plouffe, the architect behind president obama's 2008 campaign will join the white house staff. come january. he'll be working alongside david axelrod, the president's senior adviser before axelrod moves on to gear up for the 2012 election. that's starting to gear up anyway. also the commander in chief is paying a little visit to my hometown, my home state, the hoosier state right now. so how is it there? how is good news in that town with 12% unemployment? how is that good news? i'll tell you after the break. set it in motion...
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going to gi give you a quick update on the situation at logan airport in boston we talked about a few minutes ago. what we're hearing now from authorities there is a cargo building at logan airport in boston has been evacuated. they've been investigating a suspicious package there. they're not giving us much more information on why they -- what's so suspicious about it, but we're czehecking on that. good news in this situation at the moment is air operations out of logan, flights not affected at this time. that's the good news. we'll stay on top of it and bring you updates as we get that. now we have a little bit of fun to have. cnn's senior white house correspondent ed henry is joining me with the stakeout.
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hey there, ed. nice to see you. you broke a little news last night about a shakeup in the white house staff. tell me about this. >> reporter: you were talking about david plouffe is going it be coming here. a lot of people thought that was going to happen. we reported he's going to come a lot sooner, come at the beg beginning of january and work as a senior adviser and axelrod is going to leave after the president's state of the union late january, early february. why is that significant when you get behind the headline? it gives us a window on what the president is thinking after the election. a lot of people are wondering is he going to shake things up in the sense of bringing in new blood? rahm emanuel left, what did they do? they brought in pete rouse, he was here as senior adviser, moved up to chief of staff. general jones left, they promoted his deputy. see david axelrod leaving earlier than expected. david plouffe, the old campaign manager from 2008 is coming in. carol brown, the energy czar is
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maybe going to be a deputy chief of staff or senior adviser. this is a president comfortable with the people he has and while he may be getting pressure from some in his own party to bring in new faces, new blood, he wants to stick with the people that are around him, if you will. he doesn't look like, while people use the phrase, shakeup, it doesn't look like a major shakeup but a reshuffling. >> bringing people back that were integral in getting him into the building behind you. let's talk about my home state. not because i'm from there and i'm anchoring the show today. the president going to kokomo today with the vice president. it's part of this -- i always screw up the name. the main street tour, what have you. why is this significant? are they trying to talk about some good news? >> reporter: first of all, the beach boys did the kokomo song. >> that is significant, yes. >> reporter: i'm sure they weren't talking about kokomo,
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indiana, as wonderful a state as it is and we know it's your home state. he wants to talk about getting the economy rebounded and unemployment is 13%, 14% there. look at where it was a year ago in cokokomo. it was much, much worse. there was a chrysler plant there. the president in a new minutes will be speaking from there. he heard him last week promoting the gm ipo and how the government bailout helped gm get back on its feet. he's going to try to make the same point about chrysler. as you suggested it's still a tough sell because unemployment of 13% or 14%, while that's an improvement of where it was, it's not still not exactly something to celebrate. he's walking that fine line. you have to wonder why oprah didn't give out chryslers, by the way. she gave out vokes wagons. >> you know every pop culture what's going on reference in town. >> reporter: got to stay on top of that. i normally get a chance to compliment ali or most of the
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time trash his neckties. i'll say you look great today. >> don't start making fun of my clothes. >> reporter: i won't. >> cnn's white house correspondent ed henry. see you back in washington. this is what else we're watching today. today on edge of discovery, cnn's gary tuchman finds a group of people who chase violent storms all in the name of science. >> reporter: 100-mile per hour winds, flying debris and hail bigger than golf balls. >> we've been hit with trees, debris. we had our window get blown out. >> reporter: for reid timer and his team -- >> we're looking to get date that that's never been acquired before. >> reporter: in hopes of betting understanding how storms move and form, the team uses these
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radar probes, attached to gps and detect moisture and pressure from inside the storm. >> we get in the path of the tornado, drop the vehicle to the ground then let the funnel move directly over head. >> reporter: with wind speeds over 100 miles per hour, most cars would get crushed by any flying debris. timmer and team travel in a vehicle that's more like a tank, called the dominator and comes with plexiglas windows and a protective shell. >> the whole goal from this research is to save lives. >> reporter: standing up if mother nature's fury, it's timmer's hope we can learn to protect ourselves in the future. gary tuchman, cnn. because of one word, imagination and reality have merged. because of one word, a new generation-- a fifth generation--
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it's half past the hour. we want to get you your headlines. here's one of them developing now. you're looking at live pictures of logan airport in boston as we were just reporting a short time ago, a cargo building there has been evacuated. you're seeing crews of some sort obviously working in this cargo area. why? because there are reports of a suspicious package found there in the cargo area. we're not getting a lot of details at that moment. that cargo area has been evacuated. the good news of this situation right now this is not affecting air traffic or flights. we're watching that and will bring fmore to you. south korea is promising enormous retaliation and its
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military has gone to crisis status. after north korea shelled southern territory killing two soldiers. the u.s. special envoy to korea and other foreign diplomats are urging restraint from seoul. still, also no answers for the family of natalee holloway. forensic results came back today on a jawbone found on an aruba beach recently. the bone does not belong to the teenager who disappeared during a senior class trip to aruba back in 2005. five years ago. she's presumed dead, but no remains have been found. and not exactly what you expect to find stowed under your airline seat. listen to this. a loaded gun magazine turned up today on a southwest flight from burbank, california, to phoenix. turned out a child was kicking something around under his seat. a flight attendant picked it up but didn't know what it was. a cnn crew onboard did know and told the flight attendant who took it to the cockpit. we're working on more
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information of what's going on with that. we'll have more as that comes in. and you may want to save the date, my friends. the royal wedding day and place are set. prince william and kate middleton will get pmarried thi coming april 29th at westminister abby in london. how seriously are brits taking this? the happy couple's wedding date will be a national holiday. there was no national holiday when i was married, just in case you were wondering. the thousand-year-old church has a long history with the royal family. it was the site of queen elizabeth's wedding and site of princess diana's funeral. the royal family will pay for the wedding while the government covers security and transportation. so he used to strum the bass for the pros and he's a one-man band for cnn. we go deep into haiti to show the violent protests staged against the united nations. live to talk about it coming up
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you're looking again at live pictures of logan airport. from one of our affiliates. a kcargo building has been evacuated. there are reports of a suspicious package being found there. trying to get more information on it. we know state police, boston fire, the bomb squad, the airport fire department, they are all on the scene working this. one good thing, though, is that right now we're told and we're looking for an update, flights are not affected. that cargo area is looked at, evacuated and a suspicious package they're looking in. we'll keep you updated as we
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always do. now it's time for a little globe trekking. we've been telling you about the cholera outbreak in haiti. pretty devastating. there's a huge problem with anti-united nations protests. let me break it down for you a little bit first. the first confirmed case of cholera in haiti was in late october. so far 1,344 people are dead, another 57,000 people have been treated for cholera. international health officials are expecting that number to rise into the hundreds of thousands. and the united nations has criticized the international response to the haiti cholera outbreak. it says donors have only pledged about 10%, 10% of the money needed to curb the disease. we're talking about doctors, nurse,s, water purification, all of that stuff. let's talk about the haitians, themselves. check this out. there are people in haiti who blame the very organization who's trying to help them, united nations.
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they accuse soldiers and peace keepers of bringing cholera in from their homeland. the u.n. and officials deny the charge. protests against the united nations and nepal turned violent last week in port-au-prince and the northern port city. cnn i-reporter john nny holt traveled to haiti and talked to the men -- saw the u.n. taking bodies away after clashes. watch this. >> what about the clashes with the u.n.? >> he say he can't really tell you because yesterday they kill so many of them, put them in bags, go throw them away. >> did he see that? >> pretty amazing stuff. so johnny holt is here with us now. you also may know johnny holt, a
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well known bassist playing for black crows and everything. i was watching some of your i-reports. you described the situation as a pressure cooker or powder keg. why are they so frustrated? >> i think the frustration comes from the totality of their problem. >> yeah. >> i mean, there is no infrastructure. the water's toxic. the water there in the northern part of the country they use for everything. they bathe, they drink. it's not like bottled water is everywhere. these are rural people who have no money. young men, 18 to 20 have no prospect for jobs. when people do get cholera they have no support. they're unempowered to help their sick family members, unempowered to find a job, unempowered to help themselves and they're scared. >> where you traveled did you see u.n. workers, did you see people trying to help? did you see any kind of infrastructure try to be put into place to curb this very easily cured disease?
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>> well, let me take the u.n. question in two parts. in port-au-prince i've seen the u.n. driving around a lot. i see them on the streets. they're in armored vehicles. over the three months that i've been reporting from there i've never seen the u.n. engage with anyone. in cape haitian the u.n. were -- had disappeared. a gentleman who was the director of the airport there, civil aviation told me the haitians in cape haitian had overrun the u.n. compound, though the u.n. were shooting at them because they were next to the airport, they overran them and the u.n. flood the camp. the only time i saw u.n. troops there when i was there in cape haitian was a few months. >> i think we have time. i want to play another one of your i-reports where you spoke to a man who didn't want his face shown describing his frustration with the situation. do we have that? >> we've been living, we've been suffering. the united nations come -- i don't see nothing they do for
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us. they came to help us, now they're destroying us. it don't make no sense for you to come into our country and do this. we throw bottles, rocks. why is you shooting at us? what did we do to you? this is our country. let us go through our thing together. you came to give peace. there's no war in this country no more. get the [ bleep ] out. go home. >> you were there. you were the eyes on the ground. people sometimes seem like they get decent tsensitized because see this on tv so much. tell me about your experience, what you saw and what you think really needs to happen. >> the locals call the u.n. goat stealers. they consider the u.n. -- they'll steal their food, they'll go to the grocery store and buy up the vegetables and steal their goats off the field. they just feel like they're in occupied territory, especially in the north. >> helpless. >> helpless. so mainly there's no opportunity. one thing that's hard to understand when you're here in the states looking at it on television is the scale.
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you have 9 million people in haiti, most of them don't have a job. a bar of soap goes a long ways. you're in rural villages. for example, i was in a village so far out that people got their first electric light three months ago. those people don't understand cholera. they don't know hygiene rules. they don't have access to that. they don't have a radio. it's hard to think, an hour and a half from miami, you feel like you're in west africa basically. >> what you're doing, bringing attention to it, is fabulous. johnny holt. thanks for joining us. i want to give you an update on the breaking news story of the suspicious package out of logan airport in boston. this is in a cargo area. they know of the suspicious package because of two hits by canines on two duffle bags. so it seems it is zeroing in on two duffel bags. it's in the cargo area. the cargo building has been
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evacuated. we're trying to see if this is going to affect air travel. we have allen cher november in new yo new york. give us an update. >> this is a separate area of logan airport. it is a cargo building that has been evacuated as you said. it was a unit that hit on a couple of duffel bags. so they're going to check those duffel bags out. apparently the bomb squad is there from the fire department and also state bomb squad as well. they'll be looking on to this. according to the airport spokesperson these bags had not been loaded on to an airplane. so we're just sitting in the cargo area. i asked whether these were bound for cargo planes or passenger planes. the spokesperson wouldn't share
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that information. perhaps he didn't know yet. he said he's worried about making sure there's no bomb there. >> of course. >> that's the situation. obviously, given what's happened over the past few weeks airport officials are exceedingly cautious. we've had a number of these incidents over the past few weeks. >> we'll check back with you. obviously lots of moving parts, lots of developments. stay with us and we'll check back with you when things pop up. i think we have live pictures of the presidential podium there in kokomo, indiana. why are we talking about kokomo, indiana? the vice president and president are there today going to tour and talk at a chrysler plant. they say good news, they've done a lot. federal government's done a lot for that town. we'll talk about that and much more coming up after the break. [ j. weissman ] it was 1975.
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my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomics have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae are amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the world's energy demands.
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all right. our two big stories that we're watching right now. we've got first breaking news out of logan airport in boston. we've been tracking that for a little while now. a cargo building separate from the main kind of commercial building where you would probably be. the cargo area was evacuated because of a suspicious package. we have now learned there have been two k-9 hits on the two duffel bags that they seem to be zeroing in on that. we're also looking at the live pictures of kokomo, indiana, where the president and the vice president will be speaking very soon. they're at a chrysler plant there. we'll go to them when they take to the podium. lots going on. take a look at this movie clip and i'll tell you why we're looking at it on the other side. >> sanborne, shot 2:00.
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he has a phone. >> why is he running? come on, guys. talk to me. >> drop the phone. drop your phone. >> [ bleep ]. >> i can't get a shot. >> run! >> that was a clip from the oscar-winning movie "hurt locker" where a bomb specialist is blown away trying to disarm an ied and also a reminder of the men and women injured every day fighting for this country. check out these numbers. 130,000 u.s. service members deployed in iraq and afghanistan have suffered traumatic brain injuries from an explosion ranging from concussions to long term brain damage and death. experts at m.i.t. have been working on a solution. and that is "the big i." associate professor raul radovitski is joining us from cambridge. thank you so much for joining us. tell me about this. we're talking about a helmet, a modification to the helmet that
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we know so well. what is it about this helmet that could help with traumatic brain injury? >> good afternoon, kate. i'm very pleased to be here. the first thing i want to say make sure i get the message across correctly about the existing combat helmet. i have the version of it that we used for our research right here. it's a device that has served our military really well. it has saved many lives and it has been designed for a ballistic protection. that means for stopping bullets and fragments. the first thing -- you know, the first finding in our paper is that this device is safe for blast ied scenarios. it does not amplify the intensity of the shockwave, as it has been previously suggested. and that's one of the key results of our paper. >> so you're talking about a shield -- a shield to cover the face, kind of a modification to
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this helmet. tell me about what you guys have researched and what you guys have. >> exactly. what we've seen, based on our simulations -- in the case of the unprotected head and the head with the existing helmet is if you want to really protect against the shockwave, we need to cover the face. for a front blast, we have the energy of the blast that's going to be transmitted through the face and the soft tissues of the face into the brain tissue. so one possible solution to prevent that from happening is to add some kind of face cover. and that's what we've studied in our research. >> i see the plasma screen behind you. what is that? tell me about that. >> so i can explain here. we have three simulations. we have created a very sf
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sophisticated model of the human head. dr. david moore, a neurologist. together we built this model of the human head and we have some expertise in blast physics. so what we see here on the left is a simulation of the blast wave impinging on the human head and we can see what i said before. there is a cut -- actual cut on the throat that shows stress waves and pressure, high intensity pressures inside the human head, the brain tissue. when we had the second simulation in the center we had the helmet, the existing hch. we can see it somewhat delays the stress waves inside the head but since we are not protecting the head there is still that into the brain tissue. we don't really expect the
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helmet to help much in these conditions because it was not designed for that. it will still be very effective at stopping praguements and bullets. in the third simulation what we do is create a computational model of the face cover, of a face shield. and what we see is that at the same time under the same conditions, we essentially and effectively prevent that energy of the blast from being transmitted directly into the brain tissue. >> very interesting. some very promising research coming out of m.i.t. fabulous work, professor radivitzky. anything we can do to better protect men and women in the field is something we should look at. thank you very much for your time. in the next hour here on the show we're going to tell you about football helmets and how one young man went from a high school football player to a home for brain damaged adults. that's coming up at 2:45 eastern.
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want to get you real quick to kokomo, indiana, where the vice president and president obama are there touring a chrysler plant. let's dip in and listen to vice president joe biden. >> in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the great depression. and we had three clear goals led by the president. one is help communities and people who are hit the hardest, hit the hardest by this recession. save and create jobs today but also lay a foundation for long-term prosperity in the future because more than -- more a year after implementing this act i can say proudly that not only have we helped millions of people but not only have we created millions of jobs, not only have we spurred growth and new industries but we have completely transformed with the
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great leadership of the local and state leadership here, communities like this one here in kokomo. we're going to get back to that in just a second but we want to update you on our big stories and top stories we're watching as we come on the top of the hour 2:00 in atlanta. looking at live pictures of boston logan airport, a story we've been following. a developing story about a security situation of a suspicious package at logan airport in boston. a cargo area evacuated. let's get straight to allan chernoff. he's got more for us. allan, what do you have now? >> kate, very important to note that the cargo area is very separate from the passenger terminals at logan airport. you know the passenger terminals are all bunched together over there. the spokesperson at logan airport is telling us that a k-9 unit quote/unquote hit on two duffel bags in this cargo area and we're told it is a delta cargo building that they're checking out right now. the bomb squads are on the scene
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looking into these two duffel bags. the spokesperson tells me that the duffel bags have a mailing tag that is in nigeria. now, that doesn't mean that the bags were headed to nigeria. he didn't know whether or not they had been tagged, even which airline, whether it was delta or not, where those bags might be heading. but again the mailing tag, the mailing address on these bags was nigeria. so, again, the bomb squad on the scene. this building has been evacuated, but normal operations are ongoing at the passenger terminals of logan airport. kate. >> this might be a moot point at this early stage. but is the bag -- do we know where the bag originated? did it originate in the boston area? >> reporter: i believe, according to the spokesperson, he was saying these were simply dropped off. that was his impression. not that they had necessarily been in the air cargo system
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just yet. and, also, we did ask whether or not this was headed for passenger or headed for an all-cargo plane. that we don't know as well. a lot of information yet to find out. but the tsa is now telling us -- they're giving confirmation that during a routine inspection in the delta cargo building at logan, a k-9 team from the tsa checked out these bags. they were on a cargo pallet and they're saying, quote, out of an abundance of caution and per standard procedure the building was evacuated. we've heard those terms before and once again being used this afternoon in boston. >> all right. obviously, we tread lightly and carefully in the early moments of these developing stories but we'll check back with us. allan chernoff in new york for us. great information. all right. big story going on today. let's catch you up on other top stories we've got. a shocking reminder of the
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forgotten world. 57 years after north and south korea received an arm istice bu never fullon peace the world is watching a return to hostilities centering on an island two miles in the disputed border in the yellow sea. the south had been holding military drills to which the north fiercely objected. when the south fired artillery into the sea but away from north korea, the north released a barrage killing two south korean marine and wounding at least 15 soldiers and 3 civilians. the south responded in kind and also scrambled fighter jets but the toll they inflicted on the north isn't yet north. these pictures are all from north korea's attack on the island which is home to a south korean military garrison and roughly 1600 civilians. it was just last weekend that north korea stunned a u.s. scientist by giving him a tour of a uranium enrichment lab at a
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nuclear research site and you'll probably remember north korea's sinking of a south korean warship in these same troubled waters back in march. that attack killed 46 south korean sailors. now to some news that we've been waiting for out of aruba. the jaw bone that's being tested, it is not natalee hoe holloway's. it was found on a beach this month. holloway disappeared in 2005 on a senior class trip. her family sent dental records for comparison with the jaw bone but today aruban authorities say it belongs to a jane doe. >> we obtained the dental records from natalee holloway from the united states. they were sent in last week, late -- friday in the afternoon. they were sent to holland. and during the weekend it has been established that the molar that was in the jaw bone that has been found is a wisdom teeth
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and from the dental records we got from the united states, we learned that with natalee, her wisdom teeth had been taken out. >> it was obvious right there? >> it was obvious. right there and then it was obvious it wasn't natalee. >> her father, dave, issued a statement today thanking people for their thoughts and prayers and said the family, quote, remains hopeful some day they'll get answers. other news you need to know about today. a former catholic priest in texas already charged with sexually abusing a teenager has been arrested again for allegedly seeking a hit man to kill that accuser. a neighbor tipped off police earlier this month. he said he offered him $5,000 to take care of the boy who is now 18 years old. and there are some red faces in washington and kabul over reports a senior taliban commander involved in secret government talks, get this, was an imposter. afghan officials tell "the
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washington post" he may have been a humble pakistani shop keeper. the man was reportedly flown to kabul by nato for negotiations. a diplomat says he was paid a lot of money to convince him to take part in those talks. also today is the last day for folks on the gulf coast to file short-term damage claims with bp. now the process shifts to lump sum long-term payouts. people who accept those give up their right to sue bp over this year's disastrous oil spill in the gulf. and new hope in the fight against aids on two fronts. we'll show you a promising new global report and possible treatment that could prevent hiv infections. an update on the breaking news we've been watching continuing to develop on a suspicious package at logan airport. we should tell you first off this is in a cargo area that allan chernoff in new york rightly points out this is separate from you if you're traveling from logan where you
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would fly would be. it's a cargo area and it's been evacuated. we are told there are two k-9 hits on duffel bags there. we'll get you updates on that. also, let's go to president barack obama in kokomo, indiana. he's just taken to the podium. he took a tour of a chrysler plant today and is speaking to people there. let's listen. >> i have to say by the way joe is not only one of the best vice presidents in history, he's also one of the best introducers in history. i try to take him wherever i can. i want to thank your plant manager, jeremy keating, for the great tour and the great work that he's doing here. he is proud of the work that's being done at this plant. i want to thank the local uaw president who is here. thank them for showing me around. a couple other hot shots, u.s.
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senator evan bayh is here. congressman joe donnelly is in the house. congressman andre carson is here. congressman baron hill is here. by the way, congressman baron hill is in the indiana basketball hall of fame. now, that's pretty cool. being a congressman is cool. being in the basketball hall of fame in indiana, that's something. mayor of kokomo, greg goodknight is here. doing outstanding work. the ceo of chrysler group is here. president of the uaw bob king is in the house.
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we've got some of the best workers in the united states of america right here at this plant. i had a chance to meet some of you as we were going around seeing these amazing transmissions that you're building. and i was very happy to hear that after a couple of tough years, this plant is now running at full capacity. and that's why i'm here today. that's why i'm here today. now, we all know that one plant by itself doesn't mean that there aren't people in kokomo who are still hurting. i had lunch with the mayor and some firefighters. and there's still a long way to
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go. the mayor has got all kinds of great plans. there are businesses that are looking to start expanding. but the fact is there are millions of people around the country who are still looking for work in the wake of the worse recession in our lifetimes. i don't have to tell you that. many of you still have friends or neighbors, a husband or a wife who is still struggling. and i know that before this plant started rehiring, a lot of you were in the same position. so you remember. it is a tough, tough thing when you're out of work, especially when you've taken a lifetime of pride in working and supporting a family and making great products. but even as we continue to face serious challenges, what's happening here at this plant, the changes we're seeing throughout kokomo are signs of hope and confidence in the
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future. in our future together. you're showing us the way forward. you're living up to that spirit of optimism and determination, that grit that's always been at the heart of who we are as a people, at the heart of america. i remember coming to kokomo a little over two years ago. joe will remember this. some of you might have been here. what was happening here reflected what was happening all over the country, all over this region. for a decade or more, families had felt a growing sense of economic insecurity. a lot of manufacturing had left the area. and then a recession started taking hold and folks were seeing job losses and facing new hardships. that was before anybody knew how devastating the recession was going to be.
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so by the time i took office just a few months later, the financial crisis had hit. the auto industry teetered on the brink and we were losing millions of jobs. and that left joe and i with some tough choices. one was to help the auto industry restructure. and that wasn't an easy call. i understood that there were some reservations of those who said the industry should pay a price for poor decisions on the part of management. but we also knew millions of jobs hung in the balance. we also knew that the very survival of places like kokomo were on the line. and we knew that the collapse of the american auto industry would lead to an even deeper disaster for our economy. and you know what, we also believed that america, which
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popularized the automobile, whose middle class was made on the basis of manufacturing, that we couldn't just give up. we couldn't throw in the towel. that was not an option. there were those who were prepared to give up on kokomo and our auto industry. there were those who said it was going to be too difficult or it was bad politics or throwing good money after bad. you remember the voices arguing for us to do nothing. they were pretty loud. suggesting we should just step back and watch an entire sector of our economy fall apart. but we knew that the auto industry was not built and this country was not built by doing the easy thing. it wasn't built by doing nothing. it was built by doing what was necessary even when it's difficult. so we made the decision to stand behind the auto industry if auto makers, if ceos like sergio were
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willing to do what was necessary to make themselves competitive in the 21st century and had the cooperation of workers who were taking pride in the products that they made. we made the decision to stand with you because we had confidence in the american worker, more than anything. and today we know that was the right decision. we know that was the right decision. today each of the big three automakers has increased their market share. each of them. for the first time in over a decade, americans are buying a larger share of chryslers, ford and gm cars and a smaller share of their foreign counterparts. for the first time. in decades.
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we're coming back. we're on the move. all three american companies are profitable and they are growing. some that you read last week gm stock offering exceeded expectations as investors expressed their confidence in a future that seemed so dim just 18 months ago. and as a result, the treasury was able to sell half of its gm stock. so here's the lesson. don't bet against america. don't bet against the american auto industry. don't bet against american ingenuity. >> president obama in kokomo, indiana, as you can see there talking to workers at a chrysler plant touting a lot of what the federal government has done for that town, a town that had unemployment of about 20% in 2009 and now it's down to about 14%. still high unemployment. but talking there to workers at a chrysler plant. also looking at the other
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part of the screen, the other thing that we're watching over here. breaking news, developing story out of boston logan airport. a cargo facility that we've learned from allan chernoff, a delta cargo area where they have evacuated it because of a suspicious package there. two duffel bags they're kind of zoning in on and taking a closer look. we know there are a lot of police, fire department, bomb squad often the scene taking a look. we'll have an update and a lot more news after the break. [ commentator ] lindsey vonn! she stays tough!
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president of coit cleaning services. these pictures are the history of my family and they're also the history of coit. we've been in business for 60 years and our greatest asset has always been our people. we use the plum card from american express open to purchase everything we can and with the savings from the early pay discount, we were able to invest back into our business by hiring more great people like ruben here. how can the plum card's trade terms get your business booming? booming is a new employee named ruben. the united nations says the global aids epidemic is slowing
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down and actually beginning to reverse. new hiv infections worldwide have decreased almost 20% in the last decade. let's map this out. these are some really interesting numbers. in 2009 an estimated 2.6 million people became newly infected with hiv. that compared with the estimated 3.1 million newly infected in 1999, three years earlier. also in 2009 approximately 1.8 million died from aids-related illnesses compared with 2.1 million deaths in 2004. and there's even more encouraging news with this. when you zero in on the aids crisis in the 15 most severely affected countries. the rate of new hiv infections among young people has faulten by more than 25%. that's because the u.n. says young people are adopting safer sex practices in those countries. the report is not all good news though. for every one person starting
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hiv treatment, two people are newly infected. but the u.n. says overall the investments in combating aids are paying off. but the challenge of course now is to speed up the progress. and there could be a breakthrough in the bat the against aids using drugs to prevent hiv. researchers have found a combination of drugs reduces the risk of infection by almost 44% in men. the drugs are too widely used hiv medicines taken daily and researchers tell cnn they need to do more investigating but the drug combination could make a significant impact in the fight against hiv. just want to give you an update of that. also an update on the breaking news that we are watching out of logan airport in boston. this is a cargo facility. we've been talking about it now. just a quick update because we are watching it. a delta area of the cargo facility has been evacuated. they're zeroing in on two duffel bags that two k-9 quote/unquote
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hits. they are focusing on it as suspicious packages they're called. the man you've become. and you learned something along the way. about the world. and yourself. ♪ this is the age of knowing what you're made of. and knowing how to get things done. so, why would you let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to your doctor about viagra? 20 million men already have. with every age comes responsibility. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. you didn't get to this age by having things handed to you. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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this just in of another kinds. entertainment news. cnn entertainment has confirmed from nypd that there is now a complaint on file from capri anderson against actor charlie sheen. the complaint accuses sheen of harassment and was filed late monday. anderson filed a complaint. detectives interviewed her late yesterday and the complaint is currently under investigation. let's also turn to some of the top stories that we're watching in developing news. south korea is promising enormous retaliation and its
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military has gone to crisis status after north korea shelled southern territory killing two soldiers. the u.s. special envoy to korea and other diplomats are urging restraint from seoul. still no answers for the family of natalee holloway. forensic came back on a jaw bone found recently. it does not belong to the teenager who disappeared during a senior class trip to aruba back in 2005. she's presumed dead but no remains have ever been found. we are following developments unfolding right now. these are live pictures. at boston's logan airport where police are investigating a suspicious package there. a police dog, a k-9 unit alerted authorities about two duffel bags at a delta air lines cargo facility. the building is not near any passenger terminals but investigators tell cnn the bags have mailing addresses in nigeria. we don't know the significance yet. ple
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who can change the world are the ones who want to. well, we want to. and we invite you to join us. starting today, when you buy a chevrolet, we'll invest in renewable-energy, energy-efficiency, and tree-planting programs across america -- reducing carbon emissions by up to eight million metric tons over the next few years. and just one more way we can proudly say: "chevy runs deep." ♪
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holiday weather and more with our chad myers. what do you have, chad? >> this time yesterday beat 5,400 planes on this map. today ants on candy. 6,100 planes in the sky. and the planes -- they adjust how many planes they have in the sky by how many have tickets. >> whenever i see this i think i will never go into air traffic control. >> can you imagine if the planes were that big. dude, look out! here comes another one. they're not that big. snow in the rockies. enjoy it. that's what people do. they get out and play in it. snow across the northern plains.
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this is wednesday and a very rainy event here for wednesday and thursday for the northeast and for the southeast. there's the stuff there. if you travel in the east expect rain. maybe even get new wipers before you head out to grandma's house. >> another reason to stay inside and eat more turkey. >> that's what i'll do. two turkeys. smoked and fresh. >> i'll see you next week, buddy. coming up, misery turns to violence in haiti. we've been talking about it and we have an i-report coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all americans. rethink possible. this is norma.
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who's inundated with all the information coming at her concerning the medicare part d changes this year. so she went to her walgreens pharmacist for guidance and a free personalized report that looks at her prescriptions and highlights easy ways for her to save. because norma prefers her painting to paperwork. see how much you can save. get your free report today. expertise -- find it everywhere there's a walgreens.
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the first case was in late october. so far 1,344 are dead, another 57,000 people have been treated for cholera. international health officials are expecting that number to rise into the hundreds of thousands. united nations has criticized the international response to the haiti cholera outbreak. it says donors have only pledged about 10% of the money needed to curb the disease. we're talking about doctors, nurses, water purification systems, tents, soap, et cetera. now after all of that we want to talk of course about the haitians. check this out. there are people in haiti who blame the very organization that's trying to help them, the united nations. they accuse nepali soldiers serving as u.n. peacekeepers of bringing cholera from their country. they deny the charge. the protests turned violent last week in port-au-prince and the
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northern city of cape haitian. cnn reporter johnny colt traveled to haiti and talked to a man who said he saw u.n. taking bodies away after clashes. >> reporter: what about with the clashes with the u.n. >> translator: he said he can't really tell you because yesterday they killed so many of them but they put them in bags for them to go throw them away. >> reporter: did he see that? with his own eyes? >> translator: yeah, he witnessed it. >> and johnny colt, is so nice to be here with us. you may know his name for being the bassist of well known bands. after looking at that i-report, i just want to get your take on it. so many people see and watch this on tv but no one gets to go there and listen to what the people have to say. why -- you hear it in that man's voice. you heard it in your other
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i-reports. why are they so frustrated? >> most people are heading out of cape haitian, not into it. everyone is frustrated. one thing that will stand out, we have photographs of bullet holes. can we pull those up? they told me back there they could pull them up. if you look at these pictures what happened is the u.n. was patrolling and got their armored car stuck on a tree stump. they chop down a tree, it falls in the middle of the road. when they want to remove the checkpoint they light the fire and it dissolves. the truck was stuck and when it was stuck people were throwing bottles and rocks and armed with ma she's. the u.n. answer was this. there are bullet holes around the area where the truck was stuck. it was hard to get the photographs because of how dangerous it is to be in the area but there are bullet holes everywhere. if you look closely especially lower right corner the most graphic visual that is a very, very large round. i have a ballistics expert
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reviewing that and i've sent this to the u.n. to get a response. they have yet to respond. it looks like a large 762 round which people have bottles and rocks firing at them. >> the haitian people have been through so much. not only the earthquake. it's almost a year later and now this massive cholera outbreak. people are confused. why are they angry and fighting with and frustrated with and protesting the very people who are there to supposedly help them? >> the u.n., they feel like they're an occupied country. the u.n. are known for stealing their food, stealing their goats. they call them goat stealers. that's the nickname they have for them. they don't interact with the people very often. there's been rumors of sexual abuse of the u.n. toward the locals. this protest is more organized than the news represents. it was put together as a four-day protest in cape haitian on haiti's anniversary of
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independence. the morning i woke up they were light sth trees on fire and clearing the roadblocks. four days of protest they overran the u.n. base to demonstrate they want the u.n. out of there so they have decided to to be their own police force and control themselves. they don't want the u.n. poisoning their water. for them they steal their food, poison their water, they're insensitive and from other pats of the world. they don't feel they're valued of what it feels like on the grounds every day. >> such a horrible situation. thank you for bringing this to us. are you heading back down there? >> i'll be there for the elections. see you then. >> maybe ali will be here. thanks so much, johnny colt, for joining us. ending hunger in america, that's a huge challenge but we'll introduce you to someone working on it. ♪
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a couple updates to get to you. first let's go back to boston, logan airport. we've been following this. we're getting the all clear at logan airport. reports of what we were told was a suspicious package in a cargo area. two duffel bags. we're now told was bedding material and it is nonhazardous and we're getting that from the massachusetts state police. so an all-clear in boston logan. very good news there. another update to get to you. just very quickly. we were talking earlier about a loaded magazine found on a flight from burbank to phoenix. a cnn crew was on the flight and actually were able to help confirm what it was and handed it off to a flight attendant. we're told now that it was actually a law enforcement officer's gun magazine that was
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misplaced. the law enforcement officer apparently was on an earlier flight but all procedures and protocols were taken appropriately in having that. but that's the update for both of those big stories that we have been watching. so the all-clear in boston. big news we wanted to make sure we got to you real quick. today's "mission possible." don't just ask why. find an answer for why. as many prepare to celebrate thanksgiving with a feast, keep in mind the sobering numbers from the department of agriculture. last year nearly 30% of u.s. families were classified as food insecure on some level at one time or another, meaning they went hungry on some level with little to no food. that's more than 50 million people in the u.s. 17 million of those hungry are children. this year those numbers are expected to be higher.
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billionai ayers joining me now. co-founded the prosecute group world hunger also known as why hunger. tell me about your organization and tell me how we're going to solve this problem. >> we've been at this for 35 years. harry chapin and i started in 1975. there's no one answer for fighting hunger in america. we need everybody at the table so everybody can eat at the table. certainly we need the government doing more. they're doing a great job with the s.n.a.p. program which replaced the food stamp program. we have 42 million on it now. if we didn't have that we would have massive hunger in this country. we also have all of the child nutrition programs and there's a bill the congress will decide on next week. the child nutrition reauthorization bill. tell your congress person or senator to pass that bill. it will have $4.5 billion added to the child nutrition programs.
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that means school lunch and breakfast, summer meal programs, all of that. that's what the government does and more. but we also need business and labor and churches and everybody else to be a part of this. and that's happening. we have just wonderful groups of people all over the country. we work with 8500 community-based organizations. we help them to get funding and connections to one another and we look for the very best programs in the country that are helping people not just to get food but to get back on their feet again. >> bill, it's the 35th anniversary of why hunger. explain what that means, what that should mean to people that are watching today. >> well, it should mean that we've been around all these years. so we're a trust worthy organization. all of the radios -- about 15 radio stations in new york city are doing this hunger-thon for us and sirius satellite radio is as well and we've been on several television stations. we're trying to raise money for the programs that help people all over the country.
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we have a program that goes into what we call food deserts in places like the mississippi delta and southern arizona and cities where there are no food stores for maybe 30, 40 miles and hope to bring new sources of food to those places and also run the national hunger hot line, the only one of its kinds in america. we answer calls from thousands of people all across the country at 1-866-3-hungry. so we're asking you to make a donation today. but if you're hungry or you know somebody, call us and we can help you at the national hunger hot line. we connect you to emergency food and all of the government programs. but we'd also like you to make a donation at or 1-800-548-6179. there's a range of auction items. we have this shirt. it is a john lennon shirt. yoko ono lets us do this.
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she believed john wanted to ends hunger. that was part of the "imagine" song. we have this for a donation of $75 a shirt and we have a pen as well. call us 1-800-8-hungry. or go on you'll see all of the wonderful hunger auction items we've gotten from people like bruce springsteen and also of performers as well as lots of sports items. >> you stole my last question. i was going to ask how people can get involved. but you're a very good promoter for your cause and it's a great cause. >> that's one way. the other way i would suggest is work with these organizations that we work with all over the country and help them. this is a soup kitchen, a food pantry, a homeless shelter, a shelter for battered women, all these kind of programs. you can help. you can volunteer. you can raise money for them. these are some of the very best people in the country. they're working their tails off.
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they're underpaid and overworked. you can help them. >> something definitely keep in mind as we're sitting down to give thanks this thanksgiving seasons. thank you so much. happy thanksgiving to you. >> same to you. all right. so a hard hit in a high school football game changed a player's life forever. his memory nearly erased. ( woman ) even with an overactive bladder, i don't always let the worry my pipes might leak compromise what i like to do. i take care with vesicare, because i have better places to visit than just the bathroom.
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time now for a cnn political update. cnn's chief national correspondent john king joining me from the politics desk in washington. hey, john, what's going on? >> reporter: how are you, kate? it's not every day the president and the vice president are out together but barack obama and joe biden did travel to kokomo,
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indiana, to promote their efforts to get jobs back in the country. 9.9% unemployment in indiana right now. the president carried that state in 2008 but they took a drumming in the midterms. the president making the case at an automobile factory his effort to bail out gm and chrysler has turned into a success story. reminding anybody listening a lot of conservatives opposed that policy. the race for mayor in chicago. we knew rahm emanuel was leaving for that job. he's getting a more crowded field. roland buris who was filling barack obama's old seat is going back to chicago and mark preston is reporting a group of friends filed the nomination paperwork including the signatures necessary to get burris on the ballot to run for chicago mayor. the lone remaining senate race from the midterms the alaska senate race. we can show you joe miller the republican candidate has gone into state court now trying to say that some of those write-ins for lisa murkowski should not be
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counted because the name is not spelled perfectly. went to state court after a federal judge said go to state court, not federal judge. waiting son that one. >> starting to remind me of al franken in minnesota. hopefully it won't drag on that long. john king chief national correspondent, host of "john king, usa" 7:00 tonight. thanks. cnn is committed to keeping you informed on all the important political news. your next update is just about an hour away. we asked people all over america where the best potatoes come from.
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the best potatoes? idaho. idaho! idaho. and how do you know you're getting idaho potatoes? well...uh... uhm... heh.. (sighs) not all potatoes come from idaho. so if you want the best, you have to do one important thing. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i knew that. i knew that. look for the grown in idaho seal. but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now, i can join the fun and games with my grandchildren. great news! for people with copd, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other copd medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair
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memories or even their lives. chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta continues his investigation of the concussion crisis. >> reporter: we know that the concussion can cause more damage in a developing brain. and we also know that younger people can take longer to recover from a concussion. that's really what's at play here. so we investigate the story of max conrad, 17-year-old football player who played through concussions, something that a lot of high school players do. but what he teaches us is the urgency of what's happening. friday night, game night. >> at 20. >> reporter: on the kickoff return 17-year-old max conrad takes a hit. >> tripped up by conrad. >> he took a knee to the head and went down for several seconds and was staggering off the field. >> reporter: a week later. >> conrad under center. >> reporter: another game. >> back to throw and here comes the blitz. mulled over. >> reporter: another hit. >> he drills his forehead and
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helmet right into max's chin. >> for some reason conrad let him catch the ball. >> reporter: astonishingly max continues to play. but then -- >> he was walking toward me and he looked at me and he said, my chin hurts. and then he collapsed. >> reporter: max conradt, star athlete, stellar student, was dying. what happened, second impact syndrome. one concussion closely followed by a second one. before the brain has time to heal. in max's case, his brain began to swell uncontrollably. during a concussion, the brain, which is the consistency of jell-o is stretched and twisted. as the brain is rocked chemicals flood it damaging all different cells within the brain and throwing the brain into sort of a state of crisis. now, with rest, those damaged cells can heal. but when a second concussion happens too soon after the
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first, brain cells die and that's when permanent damage sets in. max was rushed to the operating room. >> the head surgeon comes over and puts his hands on my back and he just goes, "i'm really sorry." and basically telling us, he's not going to make it. he's not going to survive. >> throw the ball. throw the ball. >> reporter: three operations in ten days. max is alive but barely conscious. >> this is max's first time back. >> reporter: it took months before he finally woke up. >> what happened? >> what happened? >> yeah. >> you were hurt in a football game. >> what? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> oh, my god! >> reporter: that was 2002. >> i don't remember the season. i don't remember the football
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season. >> reporter: this is max today. he's 26, living in a home for brain-injured adults. he still has no memory of the hit that changed his life. in fact, these days, he has problems remembering, period. >> once in a while, i get upset about if i can't remember the stuff i want to remember. this should never happen. >> it's really amazing. max still doesn't remember that game. he has only hazy memories of the entire football season. so it's pretty remarkable what happened to him. i will tell you his parents were instrumental in getting a law passed in oregon, max's law. it sort of requires that coaches have training and are able to recognize signs and symptoms of concussion. that players, if they have any signs or symptoms, are not allowed to play at least a day and only after a medical professional has cleared them.
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a lot of people ask about the signs and symptoms of concussion. keep in mind there is no blood test or a specific scan. but headache or pressure in the head, nausea or vomiting. balance problems or dizziness. vision problems, light sensitivity. confusion, attention, memory problems. those things can be checked, some of those right at the sideline after a player has had a concern about a concussion. and oftentimes the player will be kept out of the game. but again there's so much we don't know about concussions. we do know this, that a second impact as we saw in the case of max conradt can be so problematic for him. tomorrow we talk to fred mcneil and talk about the long-term impact of concussions. back to you. >> dr. sanjay gupta continuing to do great work. we want to see more of that. stay with us. royal engagement, save the date. did you have make the list?
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