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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  December 3, 2010 11:00am-1:00pm EST

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military's top brass about repeal of don't ask, don't tell and live at the white house maybe from afghanistan, president obama talking about the brand new unemployment report this hour. we'll see. we are checking with senior white house correspondent ed henry and allison koes sick at the new york stock exchange. let's get rolling with the disappointing unemployment numbers for november. the labor department was telling us that the jobless rate inched up to 9.8% last month, and you see the uneven trend on the jobs lost or kreelted. just 39,000 jobs added in november. enough to keep the economy spinning its wheels but not to move it forward. dana bash is with us. dana, i guess one of my questions for you is this, what is the lame duck session of congress going to do with this information? what happens, what kind of pressure does it put on
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republicans taking control of the house starting in january? >> reporter: well, to answer your first question, i wish i could tell you that this is going to sort of change the dynamic here in congress, but i think that the reality is that it is what it is, so to speak and that democrats and republicans are kind of dug in. these numbers obviously are not good but not surprising given what we have seen in the months past. the republicans are already saying, democrats should have known better when we voted, for example, yesterday, to only continue some americans tax cuts and not others. that they say that will continue to hurt the job loss situation. but democrats, what they are hoping, tony and we can talk about this later in the hour, but what they are hoping is that this can potentially give them leverage in part of their larger tax cut deal to push republicans to accept longer term extension of unemployment benefits because this is a reality that these numbers and people out there who are out of work, it is not get are better and they need
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government help. that's what the democrats believed for a long time. >> we will come back to you a little later. again, i believe, we have the first pictures of the president in afghanistan? is that what we have? what we can tell you is that the president has made a surprise trip and really a surprise to everyone to afghanistan. our senior white house correspondent ed henry is following this development. ed, obviously, we have been reporting throughout much of the morning that the president was going to make a statement on the jobs report at about 11:15, and we thought that was going to come from the white house. oh, what a surprise. >> reporter: well, we have been picking up some behind the scenes skplags for almost an hour now that the president was likely to turn up in afghanistan, but we've been very careful to sort that information out and make sure that the president is there. we now have confirmed that he is in afghanistan and we were also being extremely careful because
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of his security despite the speculation we were picking up. i confirmed it and he pleaded with me to the to report it yet. we have confirmation that president obama is in afghanistan. we expect him to speak shortly but we have very little details at this moment because we are trying to sort out when he is going to start speaking. we are expecting him to meet with u.s. troops there. this is one of his most vexing foreign policy challenges right now, made even more complicated by the wikileaks documents coming out, suggesting that the u.s. in private has deep concerns. we have known it publicly but privately, has deep concern about president hamid karzai. it is frequent that presidents, vice presidents over the last few years going from the bush administration and this administration, try to visit the troops in iraq and afghanistan around thanksgiving or christmas. at this point he was not in
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afghanistan for thanksgiving. that holiday passed, and he's planning to go to hawaii for christmas and new year's. so it makes sense in his calendar he would be doing this now right around the holidays. >> senior white house correspondent ed henry on the breaking news. let's get back to our lead story this hour and that is the new unemployment report. alison kosic is on the floor of the new york stock exchange. alison, it really seems clear here that this picture is pretty tark, particularly if you are a man looking for work now in this economy. >> you said it, tony. we went ahead and broke down the numbers behind this sort of headline number that you see, and its kind of a battle of the sexes, and it looks like it's the women who are coming out ahead. if you look at the unemployment rate by jernd, a man's unemployment rate is 10%, and women 8.4% because women tend to go for working in growing fielding like health care and
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education while men tend to gravitate toward construction and manufacturing. these are areas that we saw jobs go away in. women tend to go for higher degrees like ph.d.s and master degrees. if you are ed crated more, the unemployment rate is going to be lower. >> alison, preert it. we will get back to you later in the hour. right now, let's get to our pentagon correspondent barbara starr. barbara, what are you learning about the president's surprise trip to afghanistan. >> reporter: well, tony, surprise, first of all, because the security surrounding the president always totally extremely tight, and, in this case, they wanted to make sure there were not leaks about his travel movements into afghanistan. the situation there, of course, remains unsettled in so many parts of the country. we are checking with our sources earlier, and the weather is bad in afghanistan today as it often is at this time of the year. so it's a little unclear what
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the president's movements will exactly be, whether he will, in fact, be able to move around the country by helicopter or aircraft or will, in fact, stay in virtual lockdown in one location. what might be on his agenda? this month, general david petraeus and ambassador eikenberry are due to review for the president their progress in afghanistan, the so-called december review. is the strategy working? are they making the progress they want to make? so i think it's a very safe bet that this will be a major topic for the president and the commanders and the diplomatic team in afghanistan to look at the progress in the war. one interesting thing to watch for, it might be whether the president will directly meet with president hamid karzai of afghanistan and whether they will have any sort of joint press conference or joint opportunity in front of cameras. there's a lot of tension with karzai and with the karzai
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government about issues like corruption and as we've just seen in some of these leaked wikileaks cables, the u.s. contingent in afghanistan has been very concerned about some of president karzai's somewhat erratic statements about his support for the united states. so there's a lot on the table both in terms of president obama's own agenda what he wants to accomplish in afghanistan and what the afghanistan agenda may be that he confronts while he's there. >> let's take that live picture again, and, barbara, thank you. we don't have the picture. as soon as we get it back, we'll show it to you establishing where the president will be speaking. we expect shortly but we don't have a final time on that. we will be speaking about the november unemployment report. the analysis that is important for the 15 million americans who are out of work, underemployed.
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let's have that conversation in a couple of minutes in the cnn newsroom. it rushes multiple cold fighters, plus a powerful pain reliever, wherever you need it! [ both ] ♪ oh what a relief it is! you must really care about him. what? you gave him fiber. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ male announcer ] let's be honest. no one ever wished for a smaller holiday gift. ♪ it's the lexus december to remember sales event, and for a limited time, we're celebrating some of our greatest offers of the year. lease the 2011 is 250 for $349 a month for 36 months with $3,399 due at signing. see your lexus dealer.
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>> we have been getting signals and signs of a high-level visit to afghanistan. we weren't sure which member of the administration was on his or her way to afghanistan. we now know it's the president. the president is there. that's the room that he will be speaking in and to troops shortly. of course, when the president begins those remarks, we will take you to afghanistan live right here in the cnn newsroom. november's jobless rate up to 9.8%. we are waiting to hear from the president. perhaps we will hear about his agenda in afghanistan and maybe some comments about the november unemployment jobs report. let's get the view of it from georgia tech economics professor danny boston. you are disappointed as many are withed report. tell us why? >> the numbers greatly underestimated the expectation.
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now, what we have to keep in mind, however, is that we have seen this robust economic growth over the last two weeks and so unemployment is a lagging indicator. so in part we might be seeing the fact that the growth will not play out in unemployment until another month or so, but as they reported today, those numbers are very disappointing. >> you started to explain it a bit there but let me have you connect the dots. we received an adp report that said there were private sector jobs created, and had a rather of over 200 points and then we get this. can you square these two numbers? is that the lagging indicator? >> that's it. adp is getting report the from companies that use their service. it's almost instantaneous. the job numbers crumb from individuals going around to houses, knocking on doors.
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that takes some time. >> what do we need to do here? we do this segment every month at this time. is there a short-term fix, remedy, that starts to send these numbers in the opposite direction or do we just simply need to understand that it is what it is and we need focus more on long-term remedies? >> have to focus on long-term remedies. what these numbers are telling suss that there is no short-term fix that we're getting all of this robust growth on the one hand and those employment numbers are remaining constant. >> can i stop you there? we have republicans who are going to be taking over the house now, and we have the republican leadership saying that we have to focus like a laser on jobs. take democrats out of the equation altogether. if you're a republican and you're running the entire show, what do you do differently that
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in your view starts to turn these numbers in a better direction? >> well, the thing that you have to first remember is that there is no short-term fix. so there's nothing that you can do on the fiscal side or monetary side to make things a lot better. >> the new congress comes in january, nothing they can do in february or march that -- >> that's going to change people's lives who are unemployed. the massive numbers are going to be there for a while so you have to focus down the road. secondly, there needs to be an environment in washington that's conducive to economic growth. we have all of this political acrimony, one side against the other side and op the on the other hand you have business owners trying to figure out what investment they are going to make over a 15-year horizon. they need some type of certain it i and stability to do that. >> it's good to talk to you as always. we have to get back to the president's trip to afghanistan. danny, good to see you as
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always. >> let's get to ed henry. i know you're working your contacts and learning more about the president's trip to afghanistan? >> reporter: that's right, his second trip there. he will be on the ground for about three hours. he has several top aides there, the national security adviser, and also general david petraeus and the commander in the feel. they are going to join him at bagram air bass. they was supposed to go to the presidential palace and meet with president karzai. there is bad weather in kabul. he is stay at bagram air base for three hours and do a video conference with president karzai from kabul, and also the president will be visiting a hospital where he's going to award four purple hearts and meet with eight patients. five soldiers and three civilian contractors who have been injured during the war, giving
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out four purple hearts and we're told robert gibbs saying that the broader focus of this trip is to just thank u.s. troops there on the ground for the holidays and many years now in afghanistan. so that is the broader message of the trip but then they're going to get down to some serious business with president karzai. as i noted, the wikileaks cables coming out, showing once again something we have known before but adding detail to the fact that the obama administration does not completely trust president karzai, whether his government can get the job done, sort of holding up their end of the bargain as this long, long mission continues on. >> barbara starr, when the president starts to have these conversations with the military leaders in afghanistan, in the middle of the fight, what kind of an update is he likely to receive? for example what is he going to hear about progress in, say,
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helmond province? >> reporter: well, we have sat in some of the briefings, not the level, of course that the president gets, but they do provide these battlefield updates to media trafing in afghanistan, and do you get a very comprehensive look. typically is tarts with laying out for the president, reminding him, perhaps, of what troops are there. marines, army, coalition fors. what the insurgent laydown looks like. what kind of activity there has been. ied attacks, sniper attacks, what they're really dealing with, but one of the things i think that president obama is going to want to see is the civilian side of it, if you will. what is the afghan governance look like? how there is the government functions down there? what kind of economic development has there been? and a lot of questions about afghan security forces. how many trained and equipped
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afghan army and police forces are there? you remember that whole construct from the war in iraq. i mean, very much in this type of combat situation, it's getting the afghan forces trained up that is going to be the root home for u.s. forces, and that's what president obama wants to hear about. how to get u.s. forces out of there, getting the afghans trained up is going to be the way ahead. so there's going to be a very detailed laydown. they're going to look area by area, how it's all going. when we were there, tony, we even saw maps that were colored red, yellow and green. traffic light signals, if you will, about how the fight is going, what areas are looking good, what areas are not, tony. >> let'sen frank about this, barbara, you have been in country enough to have real assessment on this. if the president is asking how are we doing in training up afghan forces, it sounding like in some of your reporting and
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some of the reporting that i've been following, that he's going to get a statement that essentially says it's uneven. there are areas where we've got afghan forces that are taking the fight to the enemy and that we still have areas where there is a problem with december serges, correct? >> reporter: oh, you know, it is uneven to say the least. that would be a very diplomatic way of putting it, i think, tony. you're absolutely right. in afghanistan, the war is a very different fight, really. valley to valley, mountain top to mountain top, village to village. generally speaking, the afghan army is making progress. there's a lot of concern about the afghan police force. this is where corruption on the local level, on the provincial and district level remains very problematic. this is really a lot of what the u.s. has been working against. it is the corruption that is endemic in afghanistan that is problematic, and the unable to
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of the karzai government so far to really function across the board. there is a long time saying that president karzai is the mayor of kabul, the capital. that's the area he controls. does he control outside of kabul? that's an entirely different question. >> thank you, barbara starr at the pentagon, and our senior white house correspondent ed henry as well. did you watch the game last night? lebron james showing cleveland what it will be missing? it was spectacular. his first game back in a miami heat jersey. we will check out his performance. rafer weigel is here in the cnn newsroom. we will talk to him about lebron. you saw that last night, i know you did. and michael vick as well. >> absolutely. ople really love our claimservice. gecko:speciallthe auto repair xpress. repairs are fast and they're guaranteed for as long as you is thisyyourcphone?ey, th! gecko: yeah, 'course. sswhere do you po you...carry... for as long as you is thisyyourcphone?ey, th!
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nursing. at johnson & johnson, we salute all those who choose the life... that makes a difference. ♪ you're a nurse ♪ you make a difference i got to tell you, if you saw the game last night, you saw an on fire lebron james in his return to cleveland. 38 points. rafer weigel is here this morning from the morning express on robin meade. did you get my autographed book from robin yet. >> i'm working on it. >> i get that. i want it. willing to pay a little bit. >> 38 points. this is a guy what clearly relishes the role of villain. this guy was booed early and often as he's being introduced here. >> lift ton this. this is a bone of contention here.
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he did the talc in air. there was a debate would he not do it out of respect to the fans? he did do it. >> do you see it as being disrespectful? >> zhe it everywhere and scored the most points all season long and in three quarters. >> we fans showed them how they felt about it in a classy way. there was one arrest and four ejeks. we talked about it off camera. we thought the level of passion and hatred for this man is so high and then he goes out and blows them out. >> annihilates them. >> here are some of the t-shirts. the lion king. >> don't they also have to be a bit disappointed, i'm talking about the fans in cleveland? his is a guy who clearly said, i need a better team. if we can put a better team around me, we can win
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championships here in cleveland. they won 61 games last year. had a remarkable season, but when they played the tough competition, they didn't have enough, right? >> absolutely right. some people blame lebron for that but he said he didn't have a supporting cast, and the owner dan gilbert told his players, you win this game and it was a 28-point blowout and it wasn't that close. >> dude was done by the end of the third quarter. let's talk about another pretty remarkable performance. we're talking about michael vick. >> it's a good story. regardless of how you feel about him, it's a good story. >> there are a lot of opinions out there. >> they're all valid. let's take the emotion out of it and look it the it as a journalistic point of view. he threw for over 300 yards. this is the third time he has done this in the past four games. prior to this season, he threw a
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total of two 300-yard games in seven seasons. this is a different man on the feel and we are now talking about him again as the most valuable player candidate for the nfl, which is an amazing proposition considering he was in prison 19 months ago. >> and they are, the eagles 8-4. >> 9-2, tied with the falcons for the best record in the nfc. tide with the best record in the nfl. >> if you are wrong on that, and i think you are, you are buying me lunch. >> no. >> if you are wrong on that again for like the second week in a row, you are buying me lunch. it is outrageous. good to see you. you're right. >> am i right? i hope so. >> oh, know, they're 9-3. >> they are 8-4! what is with you? >> all right, well. >> all right, do the walk of shame for rafer weigel. good to see you.
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still to come in the cnn newsroom, who is the richest man in the world and how did he earn all of his money? we'll tell you in 90 seconds. rafer, come back, really. check the flava from your shirt make sure your pits don't stank check the new hairdo, check the mic one two 'cause i'm about to drop some knowledge right on top of you you check a lot of things already why not add one more that can help your situation for sure check your credit score free-credit-score-dot-com free-credit-score you won't regret it at all! check the legal y'all. anncr: offer applies with enrollment in triple advantage.
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try cortizone 10 intensive healing. the strongest itch relief medicine now has three vitamins and seven moisturizers. feel the heal. the richest man in the world. carlos slim. his net worth was listed at $53.5 billion this year. are you kidding me? he made his fortune investing in undervalued companies. watch him tonight on "larry king live" tonight here on cnn. let's head cross country for stories our affiliates are covering. jobless benefits run out for 2 million americans. tim human is one of those facing
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the holidays with no income unless congress passes another extension. >> i get one more check and that's it unless they give me another extension. that's it for me. >> holidays coming up, and it's going to be hard at our house. i know that. >> in la jolla, california it took the combined efforts of a lifeguard, a veterinarian and a bomb squad to free fuji who wedged himself beneath a pile of rocks on the beach. check out the glittery site in austin, texas, cedar trees all decked out for the holidays. some people say austin has elves. and once again, we are standing by to hear from the president of the united states. he has made a surprise visit to afghanistan to greet the troops just ahead of the christmas holiday season when he begins
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those remarks, we will, of course, bring those to you live. higher income taxes are coming with the new year unless the president and congress compromise. we will talk about the deal that is beginning to take some kind of shape.
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republicans and the white house are trying to cut a deal today to stop a tax hike that is coming in just 29 days. dana bash is at the capital. dana, if you would, let's start here. describe the deal on extending the bush era tax rates with the
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understanding it is still very much a work in progress. >> reporter: it is very much a work in progress but i'm told by republican and democratic sources that what is in the work is extending all tax cuts for all income levels for a year or two. one source said to me, the goose is cooked on that. the larger question, particularly, that's coming from democrats, because they believe that is a big concession, is what are they going to get for that? they have a whole long wish list, if you will. unemployment benefits. that is front and center. they want to extend those, i'm told, maybe even as long as 13 months. also, to do some of the tax cuts that don't have that much of a spotlight on them but are also expiring. make work tax credit, the college tuition tax credit. the democrats are pushing to get this into a larger package that will be part of this deal. what is really interesting to me
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is i was hearing all day yesterday from democratic sours here with capitol hill, was concern, concern that this deal would not really benefit them and that in the words of one democratic source, the president would cave, would cave on democratic priorities when they're working this out. a lot of mistrust. it's interesting. seems to be growing among democrats for their fellow democrat in the white house. >> explain to me if we are working on a framework and parts of it are baked in at this point, that senate democrats are planning a vote tomorrow on tax cuts. can you explain what for us? >> reporter: yes. we saw the big vote on the house side on the same thing. for the same reason, and the reason democrats want to have this vote despite the fact there are negotiations going on because they want to get on the record. democrats want to get on the record with the fact that they fundamentally for the most part believe that the only thing they want to extend are tax cuts for those making $250,000 or let's.
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they want to let everybody else expire on the tax cuts and they would go up for everybody else in america. they are pushing to that are and will have that vote probably at this point tomorrow, tony. republicans are going to have to get their vote out there as well. it's all about posturing and getting on the record because they know at the end of the day, the votes aren't there for any of that in the senate and they're going to have to cut the deal and at least the framework of which we just talked about. >> our senior congressional correspondent dana bash. in just a moment as dana was speaking about the votes likely to come, you saw some pictures on the air of air force one. the president climbing down from air force one. do we have those pictures? do you want to run those now? meeting with general petraeus. these pictures into cnn just moments ago. the president is from this location going, we understand, to a hospital where he will meet with eight patients, five
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soldiers, three viflian contractors. he will award, as you heard from our senior white house correspondent ed henry, four purple hearts, and then we have been showing you a shot of an auditorium where the president will be making comments. there's the president now. i believe that's the president. the president will be making comments to the assembled military personnel and, of course, when the president begins those remarks, we will take you back to afghanistan. right now, let's go to a break. [ male announcer ] you wouldn't swim in a pool with no water.
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once again, we thought we had the picture framed up perfectly a moment ago. we didn't. here it is. here is the president deplaning air force one at bagram air force base greeting ambassador eikenberry, and general david petraeus. the president will be making remarks, we believe, shortly, from that hall right there to assembled military personnel we expect shortly. we will bring those to you live. a presidential commission's $4 trillion debt-slashing plan draws bipartisan support but not enough to recommend it to congress. it needed the support of 14 of 18 commission members. it only received 11. so with those saying no, senator
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max baucus of montana, jan chicokski of illinois, dave camp of michigan, jeb hensarling and earlier we asked folks what they would be willing to do to cut the deficit. >> i think we all need to be responsible and grow up and we need to cut across the board. >> i wouldn't cut in the school system because i feel like the school system is, you know, the future of our country. >> i would raise the retirement age because everybody is living longer, working anyway. so you might as well raids that. i would not cut education because that's the foundation. >> i would support raising the retirement age up to 68 because it's done over a longer period. >> i tell you the truth, i am really sick of this country
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being at war and the amount of money that gets spent on the wars that we have been on could do a lot for a lot of the domestic concerns that are just critical. >> military. i don't think you can cut it. >> i would extend the bush tax cuts, and that, i think would inspire our economy, our small business owners to be able to get into the habit of feeling more comfortable to grow their businesses and to, you know, not be taxed.
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this site has a should i try priceline instead? >> no it's a sale. nothing beats a sale! wrong move! you. you can save up to half off that sale when you name your own price on priceline. but this one's a me. it's only pretending to be a deal. here, bid $79. got it. wow! you win this time good twin! there's no disguising the real deal. >> i think the announce are for the cavs, they used to play the games at the richfield coliseum,
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and we called it the mausoleum because there were no fans that would drive out there to see a team that was that bad. you know what i'm talking about. it's true. i was there for nine years.
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so, we are trying to understand this. everyone understands that buffalo gets a lot of snow. was it the amount of snow in such a short period of time that's led to this? we have hundreds of -- >> that's it. the volume, and just really the quick time frame that it really fell. as we speak, it's beginning to
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fall a little bit farther to the south. i got to tell you in buffalo, the situation was dire but south buffalo really got the brunt of it. let's show you great pictures. look at this shot. minimize this one and show you this great shot we have right here. this shot, let's zoom in on this one if we can. this happens to be in someone's backyard. they woke up to it, and the person i'm referring to is maggie ryan in south buffalo. she and her husband shovelled for four hours. she had to climb through a window to get out there. her kids played outside for about seven hours. didn't want to come in. it wasn't that cold. that snow is going to continue. they will get a little respite today but it will crank back up. buffalo and farther south on 90 could get more snowfall through the weekend.
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no snowflakes now in buffalo. that's a little break. very quickly, back to the weather. more snowfall and snow that will be falling in parts of minnesota. some places might get six to eight inches. rain on the coast. sierra nevada mountains, snowing going up. great for skiers bad for drivers. nice and comfortable across atlanta, 58, denver, 61, san francisco 51, chicago with 31. that's the latest in the forecast. tony, back to you. >> hey, roger, do we have that picture of that auditorium there in -- okay, we don't. we'll do that story in a moment. we want to show you a piece of video that's gone viral. this is a flash mob, right. it's at a mall food court in canada. the video has gone viral. ♪ hallelujah hallelujah
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can you imagine, you're having your lunch, and the next thing you have your hallelujah chorus in your ear. >> sounds good. >> sounds great. we have more than 100 people serenading unsuspecting shoppers. last time we aired the video about a week ago, it had been viewed more than is million times on the web. today that number is 7.5 million and climbing. have a listen as we go break. ♪ this one? this one? this one? still not big enough. [ disappointed ] but it's the biggest one here... [ male announcer ] let's be honest. no one ever wished for a smaller holiday gift. ♪ it's the lexus december to remember sales event, and for a limited time, we're celebrating some of our greatest offers of the year. see your lexus dealer.
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took some foolish risks as a teenager. but i was still taking a foolish risk with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself.
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i've been eating healthier, exercising more... and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol...stop. along with diet, lipitor has been shown to lower bad cholesterol 39% to 60%. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nurspregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. let's go, boy, go! whoo-whee! if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor. you don't love me anymore do you billy? what? i didn't buy this cereal to sweet talk your taste buds it's for my heart health. good speech dad. [ whimper ] [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy.
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very quickly now. we want to give you an update on the president's traveling in afghanistan. we've got pictures. let's loop in the pictures of the president arriving and deplaning air force one. not that long ago. and meeting there on the ground with ambassador karl eikenberry and general david petraeus. we understand that at some point the president is on the ground for three hours, he will speak to troops, but we can't even begin to give you a time frame on when the president will speak to the assembled military personnel. we understand that the president is going to meet with general
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petraeus and ambassador eikenberry and then he was going to make a trip to the hospital there at bagram where he will meet with eight patients, five soldiers, three civilian contractors and will award four purple hearts and we understand that the president will have a phone conversation, no the an in-person meeting but a phone conversation with afghan president hamid karzai. we won't obvious think get video of that, and not sure when the president will actually speak to the assembled military personnel you see on the scroen now, but the president is on the ground for three hours. difficult to get a real fix on the agenda because of weather issues and other technical problems. we will continue to follow developments of the president's surprise visit to afghanistan. jake glasser's mom passed hiv onto him after getting the infection through a blood transfusion. he has been hiv positive his entire life working to prevent
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the spread of the disease through education. here is our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. >> reporter: jake has lots of passions, riding a skateboard, photography, making gel lawsuit toe and being a spokesman for the found his mother created. jake was born with hiv, passed on to him by his mother at birth. he had to learn at a very young age how to overcome living with this virus. i spoke with him earlier this year. >> when my sister passed, i was 3, turning 4 years old. it was something that was relatively difficult for me to grasp, but, you know, when my mom got sick was when i really faced the actuality of i am hiv positive and this is something that can affect you. >> reporter: jake says his parents blessed him with a healthy immune system and so far he has not been sick. >> i was born with hiv.
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it was not something that i had a choice about. when i speak to people about it, i have no issue telling anybody that i'm hiv positive. >> reporter: people who don't know your story, when you tell them you have hiv, does that stigma still exist? do you feel that? >> i do a lot of photography and i film it was something that i hadn't dealt with since my child hood. i kind of told everyone, stop what you're doing. let's talk. and it was honestly, as simple as he just didn't have the information. >> that's quite a moment. stop the shoot and say this is an opportunity. >> that's exactly what jake plans to continue to educate, particularly young people, who, unlike himself, have a choice.
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and can prevent getting invefecd by hiv. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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taking a look at top stories right now. israeli police think arsonists are behind this while fire raging in northern israel. they discovered suspicious materials where one of the fires started. it is the worst wildfire in israel's history. killing people and burning 7500 acres. u.s. and japanese forces launched the largest military exercise. while tensions simmer. u.s. troops are taking part in the keen sword chills and 80-year-old charlie rangel responded to house votes that krens tour sen
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censored him for house violation ethics. >> i know i'm going to be judged by my kkzs to society. and some of you are in this position. but at the end of the day, as i started off saying, compared to where i've been, i hadn't had a bad day since. thank you. >> so what are the best movies to watch this holiday season. here is the list from reality magazine, number 8, "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer." seven "home alone." 6, "elf." 5, bad santa, top four is next.
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counting down the eight must-see movies. number four "it's a wonderful life." number three "scrooge" number two "national lampoon's christmas vacation" and number one "christmas story." some of the stories we're working on next hour. man has a camera surgery implanted into the back of his head. we'll explain why on earth he did that. drivers stranded for almost 20 hours in snow. we'll hear from the office worker to resort to unusual measures to help people out. itsa delivers extra strength pain relief, plus it fights fatigue. so get up and get going with new bayer am,
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the morning pain reliever.
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battle of the book, george w. busch tangles with sarah palin. live now from capitol hill. and who is winning this tussle? this basel of thing boos, briauna? >> are you surprised? it's george bush. when you put the former president against the former governor from alaska, in terms of book, he wins. he is number one right now on the new york types hard cover fiction list. his book just came out. hers is "america by heart." she's number two. she tweeted he has a good book, so i guess there's no hard feelings there. let talk about another story on the ticker, this is about the debt commission and it's very -- presidential debt commission, very controversial plan to trim
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4 trillion dollars in federal debt. it's getting strong bipartisan support. 11 of the 18 bipartisan panel members at this point. throwing support behind it. they need 14 out of 18 to give an official recommendation from congress. but fiscal experts say the more support they have. even if they don't get the 14 more impact they're going to have on congress. especially next congressman they start dealing with deficit issues. those jobs numbers out. talking about this all morning. republicans are on the attack over this. 39,000 jobs only created in november and the unemployment rate going from 9.6% to 9.8%. that has republican, like house minority leader john boehner saying that democrats are concentrating on meaningless legislation and republicans say this makes their case for extending all of the bush era tax cuts set to expire end of the year. most democrats want tax cut force the wealth -- -- pardon
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me, republicans want all of them extended. i'm tripg over myself an democrats want to let them expire for folks making over 250 thousand or more. really wealthy americans, tony. >> yeah, look. it's not easy to sort through it all. revisions and changes, through the various talking points. nice job, brianna. exactly. brianna keiler, capitol hill. next political update coming up in an hour. latest political news you know where to go at cnn tony harris, at the top of the hour in the cnn news room where anything can happen. here's some people behind today's top stories. mr. obama drops in on troops in afghanistan to deliver holiday greetings. we are live in afghanistan. snow misery trapped for hour, and more coming down. we'll show you how people hit hard are coping with a crippling storm. one of the top stories you're
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tracking, the artist who had a camera, surgery implanted in his head. holiday season, visit with security troop, for security reason, undisclosed visit we found out about an hour ago. senior correspondent ed henry started reading the tea lives a little earlier than that. ed, what can we expect to unfold during this trip? >> well, tony, the president is going to address u.s. troops shortly. we're not exactly sure what time. the schedule has been changing on the fly. this is a surprise trip. president leaving andrews air force base 9:00 p.m. eastern time. reporters in the small group of the reporters who were there with the president were told to show up. it was all kept very secret. they had their bags and electronic devices initially taken away. so they wouldn't start sending out tweets or e-mails to
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everyone. they want to keep it as secure as possible. the reason the schedule is now changing on the ground is the fact there's been this heavy storm, winds around 65 miles per hour in ckabul, he wanted to go to meet with president karzai, going to be at the presidential palace. instead, the president had some sort of a phone call with president karzai to check in on the situation. obviously, the back drop here -- there's construction behind us, i apologize for that. here at the white house. but the bottom line, the backdrop for all of this, the president has a big, big year-end review coming. from some top national security agent. pre ent issed in about a week to get an idea of the situation on the ground. this obviously gives the commander in chief a chance, second trip to afghanistan to actually see all of that first hand. number one and number two, we're told the president wants to
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thank the men and women serving, in harm's way, serving far from their holidays, thanksgiving just passed. christmas and hanukkah coming. some of these folks have been on four tours of duty, between iraq and afghanistan. away from their families. several holiday seasons in a row, not just one, tony. >> senior white house correspondent ed henry. we'll be speaking with knick robertson shortly. but here at home, the jobless rate up to 9.8% in november. 39,000 new jobs added, are short of what experts predicted. the cnn money team is here to go over these disappointing numbers. there you see the manner, chief, business correspondent, ali velshi next to me in atlanta. christine romans in new york. let me start with you, you're here, doggone it. let me start with you. are you disappointed with these numbers. what do they tell you?
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how long of a road are we on here. is there any short-term fission, or is this about a strategy? >> good questions. first i'm disappointed. i, and a lot of other people thought the number is about 150,000 jobs. in october we created 175,000 jobs. you don't make trends out of a month. but the fact is we wanted something more sustained. we have to have more jobs than all of that created to keep thins going. we looked like we were off to a promising start and we fell back. how long will it last? here's an interesting fact. businesses in america, you and i talk about it for a month. stockpiling money. they've got money. all sorts of people tell you why they're not deploying, expand g expanding, not hiring people. some say because it's about taxes and health care and stuff like that. i think it comes down to this. it's about demand. when people start shopping for stuff and you can't make that stuff fast enough or can't store it fast enough to sell it, you
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will hire people. >> christine, do you agree with that? >> i absolutely agree. that's the key that we can't really haven't been able to unlock here. that's what is at the base of all of the discussions about what the fed is doing, how well the stimulus works. whether we tighten our belt with the fiscal recommendation, everything goes back to tax cuts for the wealthiest american, tax cuts for the middle class, whether you extend unemployment benefit the. all of those big discussions come down to the very bottom line. our people is demand to come back for companies so they can start hiring. even if it comes back they might not hire in the beginning anyway. they're still scarred and nervous. all comes back to that and not unable to lock that yet. >> chicken and egg here, if you had job, you'd have more demand. and if you have more, you have more jobs. >> ali, we're hearing all of this noise on capitol hill, we have to focus on job, what do we
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do? what is that republicans can do with democrats, what is it they can do to better focus on jobs in the way we haven't been focusing to this point. >> that's a good question. best thing we can do is heed the message that you need to stop fighting and stop being dug in on their side of this. bottom line, we all agree we don't want government creating jobs. we had 11 months of creating jobs. that part is good. what do you do? one free demand and second one try an not make it burdensome to do it. that's what the republicans are doing. >> we made money as cheap as we can make money for them. >> what else do we do? you know, that's -- if you're a republican, you have a different idea than if you're a democrat, if you're a economist -- >> make the case if you're republican that continuing to cut taxes, will help.
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>> let me make this other case. in the interim. until we know what turns the switch. you need to be spending a bunch of money to get things going again. that's not something politically that happens. try to get through extension of unemployment benefits. we know, according to the cbo. every dollar was checked. $1.60 or $1.90 of stimulus in the economy. there are some economists that say, you need to have the fed doing something and need to have congress spending more money. >> i got more chance of growing hair than we have getting another stimulus. >> i know, so there's politic, economics, and no one really knows what that thing is that's going to be that sparks the economy for jobs, and -- >> it's confidence. we know it's not in this report. we don't see the confidence in this report that's for sure. >> we have to go back to date night. saturday night, go out.
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spend money. >> christine, ali, as always, see you at the top of the hour. >> that's goetz it nic robe robertson, he's in kabul, afghanistan. the president is there on the ground, had hoped to meet face to face with afghan president hamid karzai. there's a lot for these two men to talk about. they might not meet face-to-face. might be a phone conversation, but there's a lot on the table for these two men to talk about. am i right? >> you're absolutely right. today was the day, if president obama was going to meet with president karzai and get in through a bad day when wiki leaks dumps a lot of dirt at president karzai's feet, there was no sign of the presidential palace. dust storm stopped him from meeting president karzai. hundreds of yard of red carpet
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laid out. candles floating on the small lakes, and american flag, afghan flags. you wouldn't believe there's a disconnect between the two leaders. tony. >> the president's strategy, as we know brought troop levels to $100,000 is under review this month. what factors are the president's security team looking at as part this review. >> one of the things they're looking at is the success of the surge of kandahar. one of the most dangerous areas until recently. security is improving. they look at that and say hey, is this surge looking, they're going to dig deeper and look at some afghan leaders. like the police chief. police chiefs a former war lord.
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that doesn't cut the ice down there with the mayor of the city or governor, they are both surprised at this appointee. an residents the same of kandahar. you've got improvement of security. u.s. troops help deliver that. can the afghans match that? that's the kind of answers that president obama's national security advisers are going to be looking for. listening to the force commanders down there right now. tony. >> senior international correspondent nic robertson joining us from kabul, afghanistan. that's still the live picture. correct? from where we expect the president to make remarks. we just can't give you a fix on the time. but you see everyone gathered. you would expect that the statements will come shortly. we'll continue to watch that shot and monitor that location, as soon as the president makes his appearance into that haul, we will take you there live. you know if a snowstorm paralyzes buffalo new york, it's got to be a big one, right? we're back with that story in a
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moment. first, random moment in 90 seconds. you. you can save up to half off that sale when you name your own price on priceline. but this one's a me. it's only pretending to be a deal. here, bid $79. got it. wow! you win this time good twin! there's no disguising the real deal. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 if anything, it was a little too much. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 but the moment they had my money? nothing. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no phone calls, no feedback, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no "here's how your money's doing." tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i mean what about a little sign that you're still interested? tdd# 1-800-345-2550 come on, surprise me! tdd# 1-800-345-2550 [ male announcer ] a go-to person to help you get started. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 regular detailed analysis of your portfolio. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 for a whole lot of extras at no extra charge, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck. tdd# 1-800-345-2550
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okay. random moment of the day goes prowling for cougars. >> i think your show ought to be -- they're not listening. >> so a cub, reporter in miami, caught in a tasty cougar sandwich, yeah.
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this is a day of the office for this young man. covering the first cougar convention. that's where a ladies with a few miles -- i can't read this. ladies with a few miles on them. who wrote this? these laid dismingled with newer models of men. theet got to be a terry white script. >> their vitality and flexibility? >> yes, many. did i say that? yes, a few, i'm sorry. >> i am, i am a cougar. >> i always had a crush on my mom's friends, teacher, all of that good stuff. >> eww. >> cougars and cubs, are setting sail for miami today heading for the bahamas on a three-day cruise. you know what that means. that means more random moments may be ahead for this crew. yeah.
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okay. president obama making a surprise trip to afghanistan to visit with troops, ahead a christmas holiday season. the president expected at bagram air force base.
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this particular hall here at the base. auditorium. momentarily to speak to the assembled military personnel. when the president begins his remarks, we'll take you to afghanistan live here in the cnn news room. buffalo new york is no stranger to heavy snow, but this is a bit much for early december. look at this. storm, blowing in from lake eerie. that's snow machine, that lake-effect snow machine really churning. dumping several feet of snow on the region. drifts six feet high in some places and more snow is literally op the way. we'll get the cameras on that in a moment. a lot of folks stuck for up to 20 hours in their vehicles as the snow shut down major highways. this storm is weird in another way. it has been snowing and thund aring at the same time, and the snow, still coming down, our ireporters are sending us great picks and videos. frank rodriguez, works in an office that backs up to the
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interstate highway in buffalo. he's with us on the phone now. frank, tell us more about when you look out your office window, what are you seeing? are you seeing a row of cars stuck in all of the snow? >> yeah, basically. from the time i had come into the office early in the morning, there was -- i was basically looking right at the same semis the entire day. they weren't moving a single inch. and they were basically, completely -- the throughway was done. they are at a complete standstill. >> have you been able to get in and out of the office? >> actually, i spent the majority of the morning cleaning out our parking lot, because my car was snowed in. so, luckily, one of my co-workers was able to give me a ride both in and out of the office, so -- >> frank, tell us about this -- this scene of looking out your window, and you're seeing folks who are stranded, right, can't
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get anywhere in all of this snow. actually climbing the fence. that separates your office, and the interstate. and what are they doing? >> well, it was interesting, because the first group of people that we saw, were trucker, there were guys in t-shirts that look completely red, looked like they from frost bitten, whatever. what happened, i went outside and said you're more than welcome to come into our office and warm up. i know you only have a t-shirt on. they were solely interested in fining food. the guy told me he was stranded for 16 hours. what i did, i pointed him where he can find some food. across the street there's a convenience store. so, if he went, and got what he needed and throughout the day, people were climbing the fence, and, you know, people were falling over. people were really struggling. so what we did was -- actually,
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one of my co-worker, he's the guy that actually went out in 2 1/2 feet of snow and set up two ladders so people could get over that fence and not have to struggle and get caught on it. people were, you know, able to get over it, and, you know, get bags of food, and beverages and bring them back to their car to hold them over for the time being. >> good for you and your co-worker for doing that and helping those folks out. frank it's good to talk you to and the best of luck in awful this snow in buffalo. good talking to you. >> thanks very much. >> if you were with us, you heard buffalo college student sam mcmann talking to us on his cell phone about being stuck for 20 hours on the new york state flew w throughway, he made it out. hitching a ride and leaving his car. everything is okay, but now has to find a way to get his car towed. it's an ordeal, he won't forget.
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careen, this phenomenon of snow, the thunder -- >> this is crazy. most people never in their life get to experience it. in atlanta, several years ago, i was in thundersnow. it really gets your attention. i want to show you these before we get to the video. here's snowfall totals. these are two-day totals. buffalo, 39 inches. so nearly 3 1/2 inches of snow for buffalo. now, i want to set this up. wivb. television station in buffalo. tony, you've already seen this, but still, it looks pretty amazing. all right, a reporter is interviewing a person who obviously been through this whole ordeal with the snowfall. they're interviewing him, thundersnow, and the reaction is very intense. so let's go ahead and show it to you. >> this situation, and everything. >> ah! >> oh, man! >> sounds like a rocket.
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it's crazy. it really is. and you can see all of this -- the trucks and car, just buried under this snowfall. well, buffalo, they are tough there. they can deal with a couple feet of snowfall. this came down, over two days. feet of snow falling. that snow machine is not getting turned off at least any time soon. let go ahead and show you what's going on right now. yesterday, the temperature, right around 32 degree, water temperature is key to this. water temperature in lake erie and ontario, right around the low to mid 40s there. pocket thes of it, right around 50 degree, so that's relatively warm water. picks up that moisture, dumps it onshore and right now, the majority of that snow is falling just to the south of buffalo. we've got a live tower cam out of wkwb. no, we don't. but if you can see it, it's gray, overcast. it looks dreary and miserable and it looks like that's not going to change. tony.
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they are looking at still that snow machine, continuing over the next several days. wasn't that thundersnow -- >> yeah, because you've got to worry. you think maybe it's a bomb or something going off, initially, right? >> yes. >> you're not expecting to hear a clap of thunder. >> not at all. >> and you've got feet of snow. >> it's crazy. >> a woman in florida, lucky to be alive after the suv she was riding in wrecks and stars to burn. really dra the maic dash cam rescue video here. one of the stories we're tracking cross country. because of one word,
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imagination and reality have merged. because of one word, a new generation-- a fifth generation-- of fighter aircraft has been born. because of one word, america's air dominance for the next forty years is assured. that one word... is how.
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cnn is taking on a special education system in a special way. in this special, you're not focusing on the teachers. so much conversation is focused on teachers, but you're going into hopes, and you're helping parents set a better environment for their kids. where they can do some work. >> very often, we blame parents for not supporting the children. but too often, parents don't know what they should do. and we think, because someone has a certain education level, or because they live in a certain community that they should know. woe give too many people too much credit for what they should kno know. >> we're trying to figure this
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out. we want to see how they can make their home over to improve their children's education. >> what did you see? were there things they need to do immediately to create a better environment for their kids? >> most parents can use a little structure in your home, meaning bedtime, study place, just routine. and the family wanted some better understanding how they could establish those. it isn't what you do, it's how you do it. >>s it a a different role for you. you're a principle, working in this intimate way with families. actually, the families were excited. in my real life this is what i do. i actually am one. what i am, i spent the lying
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share of my time dealing with adults trying deal with their children. >> that's special. let's tee is up. get an opportunity to watch this weekend. it's education makeover. correct? tomorrow at 2:30 right here on cnn. >> yes. >> steve, appreciate it so much. did you want to make another point? >> with an original theme song by thorell williams. >> seriously? good to see you. let's head cross country now for stories our affiliates are offering. first off, boca raton, take a look, this suv, caught inside. try s tries tries to get out. but can't. he fires two shots and pulls the woman out. it took a bomb squad to free
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fugi, the jack russell terrier, he somehow managed to wedge himself between a pile of rocks at the beach. fugi's owner grateful for the assist. police have cracked the christmas tree caper. this brainy surveillance video shows an suv on the main street and someone picks it up and plops it on the roof. police said a couple of kids did it.
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more than 1.5 million american children are home schooled and the numbers growing, especially among
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minorities in the "what matters" segment. fredricka whitfield looks at two family, keeping the learning at home. >> i think african-americans are teaching home schooling because they are seeing the failure of our traditional school system. >> joyce has been home schools for nearly 20 years. she started after her oldest son's gpa fell two points. >> he was sent home one day, and told us that we needed to meet with the counselor at his school. we decided at that point, that her options that she had given us, to retain them, in that same grade level is transfer him to another failing school. neither of those choices we wanted to do. we decided we wanted to start teaching him ourselves. >> burgess teaches their younger daughter as well asser students in indiana. since 1999, percentage of
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children home schooled in the u.s. has gone up 74%. burgess' priority has remained the same. creating a diverse curriculum for the students. the thing that's missing is african-american perspective. very important teaching about heroes, like frederick douglas, kond leez kand lee kocondoleezza rice. >> we saw one, two african-american family, we asked what concerns you most about being an african-american family who home schools. one of the things that came up is our resources in our curriculum.
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in 22 u.s. states, canada and africa. the leek family has been home schooling their family for lee years. >> we considered home schooling because georgia was not ranked quite high compared to other states as far as school was concerned. then the school that constant was zoned to go through. we didn't want her to attend a school that was in danger of losing accreditation. private school was not an option. so vanessa teaches their four kids. you have 45 seconds to complete this drill. on your mark, get set, go. >> we value different things and we felt like investing in our children for the next generation was important.
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that they can impact the economy and the world in a good way. >> next week we'll hear more from the leaks as well as child psychologist about the home schooling trend and effects. read more stories, pick up the latest issue of essence magazine right now. ♪ ♪
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president of the united states surprise visit with troops ahead of christmas. president meeting with ambassador paul ike leikenberry and general petraeus. the president visiting the hospital at bagram air force base where he meets with eight patients, three civilian contracts and award purple hearts. at some point, we believe the 1:00 p.m. eastern hour the president will speak to assembled military personnel. when that begins we'll bring it to you at the cnn news room. bring presidential commissions for the trillion dollar debt slashing plan.
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draws bipartisan support. it needed support of 18 members, only received 11. here's the napes of those saying no. representative bachus, represent sieve january shackcowski of "now. andrew stern. representative dave camp. representative jeb hensserling. we asked folks what they are willing to do to cut the deficit. >> people make more than 250,000, people who hire and fire. if we tax people making over 250 thousand, that will trickle downstream. >> we need to take care of middle class. those making over 250,000 can find places to put money that somebody less than that may not know, and they can afford to support us a little bit more right now. >> my personal preference would
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be, let go with the budget. and for us to start finding ways to get out of war. >> i believe in the military. i support them. they said they need it, they definitely need it it. >> republicans and white house are trying to cut a deal today to stop the tax hike that is coming in 29 days. that's when bush era tax rates expire. i talked to dana bash that framed the deal that seems to be taking shape. >> i'm told by democratic and republican sources to extend what's in the works for all income levels. one source said the goose is cooked on that. the larger question particularly coming from democrat, that believe that's a big concession, what are they going to get for that. they have a whole long list -- wish list, if you will,
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unemployment benefits that is front and center. they want to extend those, i'm told, maybe as long as 13 months. also, to do some of the tax credits that maybe don't have that much of a spotlight on them that are also expiring at the end of the year, make or take tax credit. things like that the many dids are really pushing to get into this, what they hope is a larger package that would be part of this deal. >> u.s. is demanding the release of an american contractor held in cuba for a year now. we will get an update from havana.
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one year ago today. cuba jailed american contract alan gross, accusing him of
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being a spy. he hasn't been charged with anything. yesterday spokesman urged cuba once again to free gross. >> he repeatedly called on the government of cuba to immediately and unconditionally release mr. gross who has been held all this time without charge. we will continue to use all available channels to urge the cushen government to show humanitarian compassion and put an end to mr. gross's long and unjustable ordeal. >> cnn's shasta darlington, live from havana, who is alan gross and what is this all about? >> it depends who you ask. the state department said he was trying to help local jewish communities connect to the internet. cuba said he was fine. saying he was distributing
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illegal satellite equipment and there's a bit of both. it's not authorized, it's illegal. on top of that. it has as a stated goal, regime change. that's also illegal in cuba. what we're fining, alan gross got caught between these war in governments. may not be aware of risks he's taking but at this point he's turned into a stumbling block between relations between u.s. and cuba, on the other hand, washington said you can't take it forward until alan gross is released. on the other hand, his wife saying he's been in jail for the year, lost 90 pounds. his daughter is suffering from breast cancer, can't see her. he's been allowed to visit him. at this point, cuban officials are saying there's still not a trial date, tony. >> charge them. first. >> okay, chas that. this place is one piece obviously of u.s. cuban relationship.
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more generally speaking, where do things stand now? >> if you think back almost two years ago. looks like things are on the mend. one of the first things barack obama did, was lift travel restrictions on cuban americans. as recently as last year said more measuring follow if cuba released its political prisoners and opened up economy. this year, they started to do just that in july, he began his biggest release of more than a decade. also going to reshape the economy. they open it up to private enterprise. we haven't seen any new measures from washington despite these changes. it's because of domestic politics, as we know, politics gained more control. taking over politics next year and in power, they said it's hard for either the president or
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congress to take any more measures. on top of that this alan gross case is a big ob stagle. >> cnn's shasta darlington from havana. one senator calls out another on "don't ask, don't tell." we bring in wolf blitzer after the break. ♪ i'm gonna get my hair cut ♪ even if i have to cut it myself ♪ ♪ but it makes me out of breath ♪ ♪ when you say ♪ ♪ love is a game -♪ a game for two -[ ring ] ♪ love is a game i want to play with you ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing the dell streak 5 pocket tablet exclusively at and best buy. for adults, stelara® helps control moderate or severe plaque psoriasis with 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. in a medical study, 7 out of 10 stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin at 12 weeks.
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the president in afghanistan. wolf blitzer steps out of the "situation room" for a live updetective from the political desk in washington. wolf, great to see you as always. let's start with the president in afghanistan. that has to be topping the political ticker. >> it's obviously a huge development whenever the president goes to the war zone. this is the second time he's been to afghanistan as president of the united states. here's what is worrying -- worririsome to me, tony and i'm sure it is to you and a lot of our viewers as well. nine years into this war, the president of the united states, despite all of the blood and
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treasure, despite the enormous ability to stabilize, still can't fly to the capital of kabul with announcement in advance that he wants to meet with the president of afghanistan, hamid karzai. has to be top secret. so dangerous for air force one to fly into afghanistan with any advance warning. same with iraq by the way. the president can't tell us, you know what, we're going to go to iraq or afghanistan, there's all sorts of questions about the state of this war effort that's been going on for year after year after year. the president can't go there without doing it in top secret. a point of concern for me and viewers aas well. we're standing by to hear from him. i'm sure the president is frustrated. apparently not going to meet face to face with hamid karzai.
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because of weather related issue, we could have spoken on the phone with him. they could have had a secure line. didn't have to fly to afghanistan to speak with them on the phone. i'm sure that's a source of frustration as well. let's hope within the next year a president can go to afghanistan without having to worry about the security issue, and that they could let us know in advance that he's going. >> let's talk a little about the key issue, right now here in washington, jobs, jobs, jobs. obviously, the economic numbers, employment numbers, going up. 9.6% to 9.8% p. were very discouraging today. certainly discourt anning to the people looking for jobs and there are 15 million unemployed americans right now. doesn't even speak, tony, to all
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of those millions of americans who settle for lesser job, they're underemployed. a woman say making $80,000 a year, now loses the job now struggling with the job making 35,000, $40,000 a year. they have a job, they're grateful they have a job. not the job they used to have. but they're working at a lot less money and there are a lot of people unfortunately in that situation right now. we're aall over this. >> love it, love it. great to see you. thank you, sir. next political update coming.
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time for the help desk. joining me, dana r dana rosotto. glad you're here. first question comes from chris, who said i'm 58. wheat the best strategy to retire when i'm 65. i have a regular 401(k). and asked my tax accountant about a r. o.t.h. he said people don't neat a r.o. r.o.t.h. is he right? >> you're right. if you have a r. o. t.h. it makes most when you're in a tax bracket. we have massive federal deficits. many economists believe interest rates go up. does it have sense to have an i.r.a. look at the personal tax situation. is the tax rate going to be
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lower. who knows what will happen with our taxes. good idea, head your bets. withdraw money from iraq, tax free. put a portion of retirement savings, in iraq, then don't have to worry about it. >> it helps you out moving forward. >> next question from pam. writes i'm in the process of updating my credit report. some longer than ten years. those could be purged. specifically credit card accounts. is this correct? >> it is correct. that information with last up to ten years. depends whether it's positive or negative information. if it's positive about those credit card accounts. don't worry about it, you want it to be there. in fact, even after you paid the account off, it can still exist on the account for seven, up to ten years or so. if it's negative information, of course that's what you need to be concerned about. negative information can stay on your report for seven years. from the date of the occurrence. if it's a bankruptcy, like chapter 7 bankruptcy, that can
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last for ten years after the date of filing. any negative information that is outdated, inaccurate or can't be veri verified. can be deleted from the credit cord for the fair credit reporting act. ask the credit bureau to delete it. >> that's what you have to do. make insurer' checking on it. if you want a question you want answered. send us an e-mail at cnn help desk at ♪ i hate suburbia and the bourgeoi-sie ♪ ♪ but i really love my bank ♪ i hate-- didn't quite catch that last bit. i said i really love my bank. right... is there a problem ? it's not really raging, man. uh, we were hoping for more raging ?
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if you're clicking on it. here is what is happening now. the new home of wikileaks files. a cold war bunker that's scribed as fit for a james bond movie. amazon dumped the site from its servers, hosting wikileaks from
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a cave near stockholm. according to reports from forbes, ap and norwegian news site. vg net. here's the head line. new york presser installs camera in head. one of the most popular stories on today. >> they make the incision, lift the skin and they drop them, one by one, in exact location after making a hole. that they come out of the hole and base stays underneath the skin between the skin and the skull. >> the professor said the camera is taking snapshots every minute of his every day activities for a year. why? why? well, it seems it's for an art project commissioned by a museum in doha qatar that opens neck year.
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